IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2007-01-18

dannymanyone can help me see why , doesn't load the ui from the xml file? :)00:00
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Molagican anyone help me to open one video through xterminal00:03
Molagiwith mplayer00:04
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zyxulyou guys need to create a gazpacho package for the n800/os200700:04
dannymMolagi: sure, what does happen?00:04
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Molagiwhat was the command for running mplayer through xterm00:04
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Molagii opened the app and it lags like hell00:05
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guru3wouldn't it just be 'mplayer' ?00:05
Molagiso running through xterm should make it faster00:05
revwhy would it?00:05
Molagibut why does it lag so much00:06
Molagicant even play the most poor quality vids00:06
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Molagianyone else had that problem?00:07
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dannymMolagi: maybe some other process is dragging it down, check "ps aux"00:07
dannymMolagi: no, I watch 25minute videos in high quality on the 77000:07
danielsMolagi: mplayer won't be useful unless it uses xv00:08
Molagihmm how do i enable xv00:08
* dannym wonders about the mplayer version00:08
Takhas the packaged mplayer been rebuilt to enable xv yet?00:08
Molagii downloaded the newest00:08
dannymwhich one? URL?00:09
Molagithat one00:09
Molagii only dowloaded that .deb one00:10
Molagishould i download something else?00:10
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Molagicouldnt download those others, they just opened and had some gibberish00:10
ssvbMolagi: an 'official' mplayer package which supports n800 will be probably available on this weekend00:11
Molagiill try that one you pasted00:11
ssvbMolagi: but boes mplayer_1.0rc1-maemo.7 at least show video properly (albeait slow)?00:12
Molagiit looks like watching videos from youtube00:12
Molagilots of twitching00:13
revMolagi: well, it only has a 250 MHz CPU... not the fastest on the planet.00:13
revMolagi: i've seen 1 GHz machines chug on various videos online00:14
revkoen: ?00:14
revkoen: maybe you mean 22000:14
revkoen: unless you mean the n80000:14
koennot for the n80000:14
revdoes he have an 800?00:14
revmy bad if so00:14
Molagiyeah but it couldnt even play that nokia n93 vid00:14
Molagiwhich you have there by default00:14
Molagiyeah i got n80000:15
revah, my bad!00:16
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|tbb|will the openssh from n7 work on the n8?00:21
Molagiwhat is a good video bitrate00:23
Molagithe max00:23
*** qgil changes topic to "Maemo is the application development platform for the Nokia Internet Tablets | Good questions deserve better answers | | irc logs at Search: | | New image: (Win users: | 2007ish release plans for the 770:"00:23
Molagi128 is pretty ugly00:24
nelsonAny news on the developer program since I've gotten back from Mumbai?00:24
Molagiand 400 seems to be too much00:24
qgilnelson: see new topic  :)00:24
qgilan update should arrive to maemo-developers now...00:24
|tbb|no1 knows?00:25
qgilone comment to the hardcore supporters of #maemo:00:26
dannymMolagi: VIDEO:  [DIVX]  320x192  24bpp  20.000 fps  119.3 kbps (14.6 kbyte/s) (for the 770) works great00:26
qgilwe want that those of you that here almost 24/7 providing very useful help and good mood receive a discount code as well00:26
Molagiwhat about n80000:26
shaprTak: Summary is btsco is in progress, A2DP may show up as a side-effect. So I'll stick with my ipod shuffle for the time being. It's too bad :-(00:27
shaprTak: I could always get off my butt and help bluez...00:27
shaprqgil: Too bad I'm only here somedays ;-)00:27
qgilhowever, it hasn't been easy to retrieve email addresses from nicknames and check dupes with mailing list contributors, project maintainers etc00:27
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shaprWell if I'm on the list, I have 100 euro right here!00:28
* shapr boings!00:28
* shapr grins00:28
Molagihmm ssvb00:28
Molagithat one you pasted, do you use it?00:28
qgilif you have a look at you will se that we plan a 2 wave approach00:28
shaprqgil: Registered nicknames will often give more info from /msg nickserv info <nickname>00:28
Molagiit chugs a little bit00:28
ssvbMolagi: no, I had no chance to test it on n800 yet00:29
qgilif you are missed in the first wave and you *definitely* think you are one of those regular #maemo supporters please get back to me linking your nickname to your email address + introduction00:29
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Molagiill try it again, now without the wlan00:30
ssvbMolagi: what kind of video do you try to watch?00:30
shaprI don't know if I count as a regular contributor or not.00:30
Molagihmm 400x240 and video bitrate 12800:30
shaprSure would be nice though :-)00:30
qgilshapr: wait till Monday 22nd, if you are not listed help us decide00:30
shaprok, sounds good to me.00:31
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qgilwe just want to avoid received thousends of requests (as it might well happen if we open the call too much - please understand this little detail)00:31
shaprYup, I understand.00:31
ssvbMolagi: it should be easy to handle, even with 400kbps bitrate (at least on nokia 770)00:31
Molagiyeah, im not sure whats wrong00:31
shaprI also understand that my own long term selfish desires will be best fulfilled if the most active contributors get N800s early on!00:31
shaprBecause my long term selfish desire is to get the best N800 software that a community can build.00:32
ssvbMolagi: do you try to stream it via wifi or play locally?00:32
qgilanyone at maemo-developers has received my post?00:32
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arnnnncan I install evince on nokia n800 yet ?00:33
ssvbMolagi: make sure that it uses xv for video output, also standard video mplayer probably should run as good as mplayer (or probably even better) for mpeg400:33
qgilhum, "service unavailable"? need to check...00:33
Molagissvb well i downloaded that mplayer you pasted00:34
tzzssvb: btw, thanks for all the work on mplayer, it's a great package00:34
arnnnnI tried installing evince on nokia n800 and I got error message 'application not compatible'00:34
ssvbMolagi: I guess standard n800 video player now uses ffmpeg running on ARM core for mpeg4 video00:35
arnnnnwhich one will make nokia n800 battery last longer? charge  it  frequently or  charge it only when it's empty ?00:35
Molagitzz you use that ssvb's package?00:36
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Molagiwith n800?00:36
qgilhum, apparently the maemo-developers is down?00:36
shaprrev: btw, STM is not completely free, have you ever used monads to encapsulate effects?00:36
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qgiltime to sleep then, I guess00:37
ssvbMolagi: if you run mplayer in terminal, it should display a lot of information about video and also the type of output driver that is used, it is very important that xv is used (it might fallback to some other driver for some reason)00:37
c0ffeeshapr, nothing new00:37
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Molagissvb hmm what command00:38
Molagiis it in terminal00:38
ssvbmplayer yourvideo.avi00:38
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ssvbor 'mplayer -vo xv yourvideo.avi' to force the use of xv00:39
shaprc0ffee: Did you see that bluetooth headset thread already?00:39
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c0ffeeshapr, is there a new one?00:40
c0ffeeshapr, or did i miss something?00:40
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Molagiill try that00:40
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|tbb|i wont install to many packages which are not tested, if i here some n800 went dead after installing something00:41
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c0ffeethe most interesting posts are from this Jochen guy00:43
c0ffeeand that happens to be me :)00:43
c0ffeenow do i get a discount code?00:44
* shapr grins00:44
c0ffeeor a bt headset capable firmware00:44
sxpertmplayer -playlist
c0ffeeor both00:44
shaprI'm glad the N800 is using a different bluetooth chip, the TI chip wasn't well know in the OSS community.00:45
c0ffeeit's used in a lot of handhelds00:45
c0ffeebut they all come with working windows driver00:45
c0ffeewhich makes it easier to add linux support00:45
c0ffeeyou can reverse engineer them00:45
c0ffeewith the maemo platform it's more difficult00:46
c0ffeeeither you already have a linux support, or there's nothing00:46
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shaprAnd BlueCore4 seems to have some support in bluez00:47
shaprSo I'm happier about that.00:47
|tbb|any1 able 2 port gpsd for os7?00:47
c0ffeebut it would be great to have preliminary bt headset support on the 77000:48
c0ffeei don't like this 'oh, we know how it works, the bluez guy knows how it works, we'll let you know when it's done, please don't ask' stuff00:48
shaprYeah, I don't like that either.00:48
shaprI feel pretty shut out.00:48
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shaprI want access to the code the way it is now, at least I can check for bugs, fix small bugs, and help in other ways.00:49
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c0ffeei can understand that it's not possible to disclose 3rd party stuff easily00:49
shaprMe too, but it still gets on my nerves.00:50
shaprI want to help!00:50
c0ffeeit's probably a lightrope walk between legal and not annoying the opensource comunity00:50
c0ffeei want a n800 for 100 euro00:51
shaprme too00:51
shaprBut I have a 770, so...00:51
shaprif someone is doing lots to improve the N800 code, they deserve one more than I do.00:51
Molagicant get this shit working, ill continue tomorrow00:51
shaprI have a great idea. Let's all sign NDAs, and then we can all work on the code, but not tell each other about it.00:52
c0ffeei'm too long in this opensource stuff for illusions of good will and higher ideals :)00:52
c0ffeeif i have a n800 i probably will fix stuff that annoys me00:52
shaprI've been doing open source for many years, but I still have higher ideals.00:52
c0ffeeif not, i'll probably stick to my 770 and fix stuff there00:52
Molagissvb should n800 be able to run 400x240 with 430 video bitrate?00:52
shaprOf course, I'm still poor too... even at age 35.00:53
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c0ffeeold phart :)00:53
ssvbMolagi: most likely it should00:53
Blackhold__I have build a N800 today :)00:53
Blackhold__but I'm trying to install osso-xterm00:53
c0ffeetime to sleep00:53
Blackhold__but says that needs a library00:53
shaprc0ffee: old and idealistic :-)00:53
Blackhold__but I cannot find it00:54
arnnnnwill someone make evince work for n800 please.., it's been tough reading pdf without bookmarks00:54
c0ffeemy computer related ideals are about coding style and elagance mainly00:54
shaprtried Haskell? :-)00:54
c0ffeeelegance even00:54
c0ffeeand scheme00:54
shaprHaskell is my kind of elegance.00:54
c0ffeeand brainfuck, whitespace, intercal00:55
c0ffeeand c(++) sharp java00:55
c0ffeeand various asm styles00:55
c0ffeebeen there, done that00:55
shaprHave you tried prototype languages like Self or Cecil? Or visual languages like Aardappel? Oh, I like purely functional stack based languages like Joy too00:55
c0ffeenot those, no :)00:56
c0ffeestack based, yes. visual too00:56
shaprLately I'm interested in efficient programming on the Nokia tablets, and I think it'd be spoken code that would display graphically.00:56
c0ffeei've also been forced to use "object Z/CSP"00:56
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shaprI think it would look like Aardappel, and you'd drag around branches and speak new code onto the selected spot.00:57
c0ffeethat's some high level formal specification language, which best "feature" is that it cannot be synthezied00:57
c0ffeemodula the spelling00:57
c0ffeethe wine was good btw00:57
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c0ffeeand now i sleep00:57
shaprc0ffee: When you come back, check out -
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lardman|homeDo the 770 and n800 have the same DSP chip?01:05
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Blackhold__please help with libxau001:07
lardman|homeDoes anyone have a copy of dmesg from the n800 (I'm interested to know what audio hw the DSP is connected to)01:07
Blackhold__where I can download for system of N800?01:08
Blackhold__lardman, how could you install osso-xterm to n800?01:08
lardman|homeBlackhold__: No idea, I don't have one I'm afraid01:09
lardman|homeBlackhold__: Have you looked on
lardman|homeMight be worth a look & search of the forums01:09
Blackhold__ok thnks01:10
s-ndh-cisnt xterm in the maemo repos?01:10
tigerttry the repository with "bora" as distro name01:10
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shaprlardman|home: nope01:10
tigertI think inz has one for bora too01:10
tigertie, swap mistral with bora01:10
shaprlardman|home: read
shaprIt doesn't say which chip, but it does say they have different chips.01:11
s-ndh-cstill trying to figure out howto build packages01:12
lardman|homeshapr: Yes, I saw that, not sure though. The Ti pages show both OMAPs as having TMS320C55x DSPs, which is why I wondered01:13
Blackhold__tigert yes, but it misses a lib that I cannot found :(01:14
Blackhold__the libxau001:14
Blackhold__for the 3.0 version01:14
Blackhold__what happens if I install debian repository library?01:14
s-ndh-ctry it?01:15
lardman|homeBlackhold__: you could just force the installation. I'm not sure why it has a dep on the X Authorisation protocol lib.01:15
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sp3000oh, wow, that xterm update01:20
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sp3000no more tilde on home key :D01:21
* sp3000 dances01:21
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tigertalso reboot once01:23
tigertit installs bitstream vera01:23
tigertmuch nicer than the courier01:23
sp3000yes )01:23
tigertbut hmm. I could install it. weird01:24
Blackhold__I'm installing the xterm at n800 ::)01:24
tigertask inz when he gets around tomorrow01:24
sp3000aaaaahhhh my eyes01:24
guerbyhmmm multiplayer SDL GPL game :
* tigert needs to sleep, later01:24
Blackhold__ooo :(01:24
Blackhold__problem opening the terminal01:24
guerbySuper Mario War is a Super Mario multiplayer game.01:25
guerbyThe goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible to win the game.01:25
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sp3000now if only I had a real grep01:25
sp3000-r eal especially :)01:26
Blackhold__I go to sleep01:28
lardman|homeNot got it working?01:28
Blackhold__tomorrow I'll try01:28
Blackhold__I have to go sleep01:28
lardman|homecool, night night01:28
Blackhold__tomorrow a server has to go work :(01:29
s-ndh-cstill dont understand how to build a package01:29
Blackhold__I'll dream with my new toon :)01:29
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lardman|homesp3000: Could you grep dmesg for occurances of aic23 please?01:30
lardman|homesp3000: I'm assuming you have an N80001:30
sp3000lardman|home: sorry, too long since boot, nothing interesting in dmesg atm01:32
lardman|homesp3000: If you try playing a song/video/etc. it will power up the codec, then it might appear01:33
sp3000lardman|home: not seeingg any aic w/ the media I have01:37
lardman|homesp3000: Not to worry, thanks for looking01:38
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Pioare there any free upnp servers that actually work with canola? :)01:56
tzzpio: gmediaserver works, fuppes is supposed to work01:59
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Pioi never had any luck with either01:59
tzzanyone using MUD yet?  I'm having issues...01:59
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tzzpio: it may be a problem with your network, does anything else detect the UPnP server?02:00
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Piobesides canola?02:00
Pioi dont have any other upnp clients02:00
tzzpio: do a google search, there are plenty.  Have you edited /etc/default/gmediaserver already?02:01
shaprThere's the nokia media player that's not canola.02:01
shaprIt's also a UPnP client.02:01
Piooh, interesting02:01
Pioi never did try that02:01
Piothe nokia player02:01
shaprI've gotten it to work with gmediaserver on my lan.02:01
tzzpio: /etc/default/gmediaserver is for Debian btw, your OS may be different02:02
Pioi think i messed with gmediaserver's config a little.. it was a week ago or so i played with that02:02
Pioyeah .. was trying on gentoo before..02:02
tzzshapr: it works, I've used it.  There was a bug in earlier releases that would limit the number of files to 30 or so.02:02
Pioare there certain edits you are known to have to make to make canola work with it?02:02
tzzpio: no, it just works.  Make sure it's running, your options should be --file-types=mp3,m4a,unknown,ogg,wma,wav,pls,m3u --friendly-name=heechee -v4 --output=/var/tmp/gmediaserver.log02:03
tzzpio: and make sure you give it a valid media directory (but it will tell you in the log if you don't)02:03
shaprPio: One caveat, I ran gmediaserver on 120gb of music files and it took a *long* time to read all those tags. I suggest starting with a smaller sample :-)02:03
s-ndh-cushare worked much better for me02:04
s-ndh-cthan gmediaserver02:04
Pioyeah i just put in in a directory with like 15 AVIs to test02:04
wasabi_I'd sure like a good VPN client for the n770/800...02:04
wasabi_WIth a UI.02:04
Pioushare didnt work for me at all either.. heh02:04
tzzshapr: heh yes, my mp3 stash is over 400 GB now, takes about 45 minutes to load on an old P4 :)02:04
Pioi think i was trying with the mistral canola, not scirocco like i have now.. *shrug* maybe thats a factor too02:04
tzzpio: it shouldn't matter, they've only released one version AFAIK02:05
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tzzso no one is using MUD yet.  I'll ping Jaffa when he comes around tomorrow...02:06
tzzgood night all02:06
* shapr waves02:06
s-ndh-cdamn, still dont managed to build a debian package02:08
s-ndh-ciam too stupid as it seems02:08
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s-ndh-cmaybe i just need to dig deeper into that, never done that before02:08
Piogmediaserver is just claims it has no files to serve when i select it's server instance in canola.. even though the logs clearly indicate it indexed a bunch of files02:08
s-ndh-cPio: i think the files first become availiable if all files have been indexed02:09
s-ndh-cmaybe you have to wait some minuites02:09
* lardman|home pokes the dsp the wrong way yet again causing another reboot02:10
Piothey have been02:10
Pioit definitely finished indexing02:10
lardman|homenight all02:14
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Piohmm looks like theres a newer libupnp out than what i was trying ushare before with, guess ill give it another go with the new libupnp02:19
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s-ndh-c_Xchat for maemo is cool02:27
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s-ndh-c_nn ppl.02:30
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Piowith ushare i can at least see the file listings but i cant access any of the files.. be they music, video, or picture02:34
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Piooh there.. got one of the videos to sort of play.. neat02:35
Piohmm music works seemingly too02:38
Piowell thats better than any other setup i've tried yet, cool02:38
Takthe tabs in my hildon labels seem strangely small02:40
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s-ndh-cPio: it only worked using ushare for me02:42
s-ndh-cgmediaserver doesnt seem to work for me02:42
Pioyeah.. me either02:42
Pioat all02:42
s-ndh-ci think ushare is better anyways02:43
s-ndh-cas it supports videos too02:43
s-ndh-cu think gmediaserver doesnt02:43
Pioushare is a little weird.. like sometimes it will seemingly get 'hung up' and take a long time to answer any new requests that get thrown at the server02:43
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Piomaybe thats just a bandwidth thing, like its saturated from the music stream, so the browsing is slower02:43
Pioi dunno02:43
s-ndh-chm worked well for me, only of my shares is empty, have to figure out why02:43
Piobut yeah pretty cool that it works at all02:44
Pioi think upgrading my libupnp helped a bit02:44
s-ndh-cbut i only tried to access ushare via media streamer, didnt install this canola thing02:45
s-ndh-ci think iam gona give canola a try, the video looks great02:46
Pioyeah its a nice interface02:46
Pioi'll have to try the media streamer, havent tried it yet heh02:46
s-ndh-cand i like that thumb input method, much easier than having to click on litle buttons with the stylus all the time02:47
s-ndh-cbut i guess the screen will look horrible after that, atleast if you have much fat on your fingers02:48
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Tybstarhey, is 1.2006.26-8 newer than 2.2006.39-14, as far as 770 images go?02:53
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sp3000bigger numbers, yeah02:54
Tybstarwait, so 2.2006.39-14 is newer?02:54
TybstarOK, thanks :02:54
sp3000yeah :)02:54
s-ndh-ci think 2.2006.39-14 is scirocco and the other one is mistral02:55
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s-ndh-cor better said its the image that is compatible to the scirocco sdk and the other one is to mistral02:57
sp3000"The version numbering of the software update e.g. 1.2006.26-8 follows the practice [release number].[OS Edition year].[week].[release candidate].",8461,770,00.html#tips02:58
Tybstarah, great02:58
Tybstarthat makes sense now. i'll just ignore the week and rel candidate and pay attention to release number and year.02:58
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Pioanyone have pet mencoder/transcode settings for encoding video for the nokia?03:18
Piomencoder $input -o $output -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp3:abitrate=96 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:autoaspect:vbitrate=500 -vf scale=288:160 -ffourcc DIVX -idx03:18
Pio^^ ripped that out of some script on the wiki03:18
Pioseems to work passably03:19
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TakI use
Piothat scaling looks smarter03:24
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Piohmm also cool03:28
* Pio gets03:28
djbclarkAfter reflashing my n800 a number of times I'm in a state where memory cards are not being recognized... anyone see that before/have any suggestions?03:31
danielsyou haven't left the usb connected?03:32
djbclarknope, alo tried both slots, rebooting, etc03:35
obradjbclark:do the memory cards work in other devices?03:36
djbclarkAlso tried a second card, verified cards are working in another device etc03:36
djbclarkIs it just me, or are these devices esp. easy to FUBAR?03:39
Takdo you have the power cable disconnected while rebooting?03:43
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djbclarkalso did the remove/reinsert battery thing03:49
djbclarkI guess I could always go manually set up the application manager to get osso-terminal again and see what is happening via dmesg if there isn't a better alternative.03:50
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* cesman posts his n800/mythtv experience to the mythtv mailing list03:58
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arnnnis it possible to reassign button for xpdf..?04:00
arnnnI want to go to the next page on 200% zoom full screen mode by using only 1 button hit if possible04:02
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shaprIf you mean xpdf on standard linux.04:07
shaprFor gv it's the f key04:07
arnnnI mean xpdf in nokia n800...04:08
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arnnnand can the auto dim setting be set to 'never'..?04:16
shaprI think 5min and 2min are the max settings.04:20
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arnnnI always have to knock the screen when it dims out while I'm reading a pdf slowly04:25
jtraanybody keen to test my new game for 770?
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jtrawell, now I'm going to sleep, but I will read responses after in the morning04:28
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jtokashAny word on the new version of Canola yet?04:35
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Tybstarohhhh, scorched earth for 770. i'm never putting this thing down again. ;)04:56
jacquesthat like risk?04:57
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jtokashanyone know the default root pass for the n800?05:05
jtokashsorry - it's the same as the 770's 'rootme'05:06
cesmannow, I won't have to ask when I need it later :)05:07
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Takanybody with an N800 got a minute to help me test?05:28
cesmansure if I can05:29
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Takcould you install xmaeme 0.7 and xmame-0.58.1-bora1 from ?05:30
cesmanI like the name05:31
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cesmangive me a few05:31
cesmanI have roms05:31
cesmanfor .107 and .8605:31
cesmanwhih should I try?05:32
cesmand\or do you just want me to install?05:32
Taktry some lightish-weight rom, if you would05:32
jacquesnot MK3?  ;-)05:33
Takmaybe mk3 if ms pacman passes :-P05:33
* jacques wants galaga8805:34
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cesmanxmame successfully installed05:37
Takxmaeme too?05:37
cesmanunable to install. Incompatible appliation package05:37
cesmanclicked on wrong link...05:38
cesmangood to go!05:38
Takok, there should be an entry for xmaeme in your Extras menu05:39
cesmanroms are on dvd05:39
cesmanwill take me a few to fine a light one...05:39
Takheh, that should work05:39
cesmanbtw:nice frontend!05:41
Takeh, it's not much, but it's better than xterm ;-)05:41
Takmaybe if they ever release the canola source I'll try to integrate there05:42
cesmanoh nice!05:45
cesmanwhere should I put the rom?05:45
cesmandoesn't matter?05:45
Takit looks by default in /media/mmc1/roms05:45
Takbut you can browse to it wherever05:46
cesmanloaded 194205:48
Takis it playable?  is the sound smooth?05:49
cesmanno sound05:49
cesmanvideo looks good and smooth!05:50
cesmanwhat are the keys?05:50
Takdoes n800 not have esd?05:50
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Takinsert coin: fullscreen,    p1 start: dpad center    button1:   esc    button2: menu05:51
Takzoom in to configure keys05:51
cesman-zoom is skip framerate05:52
Taktry +zoom05:52
cesmanfullscreen isn't doing anything05:52
cesman+ 'select position to load from'05:52
Takhm, something's goofy05:52
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Takif it's not seeing the custom keybindings, then esc should kill it05:55
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cesmanit does05:55
Takdoes ~/.xmame/cfg/default.cfg exist?05:55
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cesmanis default suppose to me a simple text file?06:00
cesmanif so, it is not06:01
Takno, it's packed binary :-(06:03
Takso what does n800 have for audio?  just sdl and gst?06:04
cesmanno know exactly06:05
cesmanI just got it a fwe days ago...06:05
cesmannever had a n77006:05
TakI see06:06
Takthanks for your time and patience06:06
cesmanyou're welcome06:07
cesmanand thank you06:08
* Tak is building a new package with sdl audio and a hopefull non-b0rk config file06:08
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ArrowHi all06:15
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ArrowDoes anyone know if the N800 SD slots support SDIO?06:16
ArrowTak hey06:16
Arrowcesman hi06:16
Tak-bora2 at garage if you're not tired of testing ;-)06:16
Taksorry, I don't know06:17
* Arrow hopes so...06:17
ArrowOh and I'm going to need a extra rear case cover to hack on :)06:17
Arrowguess I'll have to beg someone at Nikia for it :)06:18
cesmanshit, it is after 8 already...06:21
* cesman has an early morning06:21
* Arrow hopes cesman makes it06:21
* cesman starts to readt ready for the day ahead...06:22
TakI'm trying to test xmame configurations w/o a device06:25
* Arrow nods06:25
cesmanTak: I'll be up for at least another 1 hr and a half06:25
Takwell, -bora2 is up if you're up for it06:26
Takif not, that's totally ok06:26
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Arrowbora says MMC card support...hmmmm06:29
Arrowthat implys a full featured controller...which it shoud be anyway by default :)06:30
* Arrow looks at garage06:36
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klaatuSo does the n800 support 4GB SD cards? (trying to order a SD card for my new n800)06:37
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danielsklaatu: only non-sdhc ones06:38
* Arrow notes that partly answers his earlier SD interface question :)06:40
klaatuso a non-sdhc 4G card will work?06:49
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gpderr -- ya.  nice one gpd.  what news from tablet land?07:02
cesmanhey gpd07:05
* Arrow buys his at CompUSA Sat....07:05
Arrownice that they had the product on the shelf at announce :)07:06
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jtokasharrow, if you are able to get an extra rear case and can get more, let me konw07:10
jtokashI'd pay dozens of dollars for one07:10
jtokashmaybe just 2 dozen07:10
cesmancan I install a package w/ apt-get and have it ignore deps?07:12
Pioyou could repackage it though right?07:12
Piochange the dependencies07:12
cesmanyeah, suppose I can07:13
cesmanthanks for the idea07:13
* Arrow nods07:13
cesmannot like I have not done that before :)07:13
ArrowIt's nice you have that internal SD can usit as an interface and hack the back case ..07:14
Arrowuse it even07:15
cesmananyone know what repo flite is in?07:17
Arrowguess the 'right' thing to do is get add on hardware that is bluetooth enabled and network it that way07:17
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gpdcesman: what package do you want to install without deps?07:28
cesmanso I an have audio w/ maemo mapper07:31
cesmangot ti working07:37
cesmangpd: want to test?07:41
gpdsure -- what exactly?07:41
cesmanor anyone that wants flite07:41
gpddid you setup a scratchbox?07:42
gpdis flite required for kismet?07:42
cesmanI don't know07:42
cesmanflite will give you audio w/ maemo mapper07:42
gpdwhy would you want audio with maemo mapper?07:42
cesman"turn right"07:43
gpdah -- i see07:43
cesmanwell, whomever wants it...07:43
gpdnot played with directions as yet07:43
* gpd installs 07:44
gpdcesman: what next? setup some route in maemo mapper?07:46
cesmantest flite07:46
gpdhow / where / who / how?07:46
cesmanflite -t "open source rules"07:46
cesmanI should be able to test w/ friends gps tomorrow07:47
cesmanspeakign of which...07:47
* cesman needs to move away from keyboard...07:47
* gpd laughts out loud07:48
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cesmanI take it that works?07:49
gpdyes -- endless fun07:49
gpdany other 'voices' ?07:49
cesmanI don't know07:49
cesmanfirst go at it...07:49
cesmanjust wanted to share07:49
gpdabsolutely classic :)07:52
cesmanfunny, flite sounds almost like me when I say my girlfriends name07:56
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* gpd grumbles that maemo garage does not provide source debs for recompilation 08:06
gpdmaemochrom dependds python2.4 -- and will not install if python2.5 is installed08:06
klaatuI'm about to order a 4G SD card for my new n800 and I wanted to make sure that someone has actually gotten a 4gb card to work (non SDHC)08:08
gpdklaatu: you can check with the nokia people when they awake -- but i have heard several times what daniels told you - how do you know this card is non SDHC?08:09
klaatuTranscend sells two different cards, one 4GB SDHC and one that is not labeled as such08:10
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danielsgpd: there's no real way to check08:10
danielsgpd: if the packaging doesn't tell you, you just have to guess08:10
klaatuI looked over the datasheet and it didn't seem to be SDHC08:11 also has two categories --08:11
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gpdwow $42! for 4G!08:12
klaatuthe sdhc 4gb card is 4508:12
* gpd remembers paying $120 for 64Meg - back in the day08:12
klaatuI won't tell you how much I paid for 2x 60MB and 2x90MB drives for my BBS (what the hell is that) back in the stone age08:13
gpdyou're right -- that 64M SD card is actually only about 6/7 years old08:15
gpdnot so sure about the reviews on that card--- pros: price.08:16
gpdcons:  slow, corrupt data...08:16
jacquesisn't that always the way.08:16
klaatuthe 'ultra speed' 4GB card is $60+$508:19
* cesman recalls his first memory upgrade....08:20
cesman128k to 512k08:21
cesmanbig K that is...08:21
jacquesmy first machine had 5kB08:22
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klaatuso the faster card is only useful if the n800 can actually run the SD clock at 48mhz08:26
jacquesand if you intend to use it in a USB card reader I suppose08:27
klaatuI doubt I'll ever take the card out of the n80008:28
gpdklaatu: what do you plan to put on the card?08:29
klaatuaudio, video, a few network traces, nothing that would need to be fast (unless I want to swap to the card)08:31
klaatuI ordered the slower card, we'll see what happens08:33
gpdpresumably the 8G cards are a long way away...08:34
jacqueswill there ever be non-sdhc 8gB cards?08:34
* cesman has 2 2 gigs08:34
jacquesme too08:34
gpdso you threw away the HUGE 128 card that came with the n800?08:35
jacquesno, it's so cute, I made a keychain out of it08:35
jacques(not really)08:36
gpdhehe - nice one08:36
klaatuold dimms make greate keychains...08:36
klaatuthe n800 headphones are strange (the wire for one ear is shorter then the other)08:37
jacquesit's for your lower ear, duh.08:38
jacqueshmm, you're right, one is a *lot* longer than the other08:40
obraright. ti's designed to hang straight down on one side and then wrap to the other sides08:40
klaatuyeah, but it looks weird and I gues wire is very expensive...08:41
jacquesif you put the long wire behind your head it almost makes sense08:42
obraI presume that it's so the mic hangs close to your mouth08:42
obra"nokia has some experience with this" ;)08:42
obraWhat's the state of the art for maemo wifi stumblers?08:42
klaatuoh, I didn't notice that was a mic...08:42
obralook at the plug08:43
obraIt has too many rings08:43
jacqueswhat's the button for? do you have to press to talk?08:43
klaatuor answer?08:43
jacquesoh yeah :-)08:43
jacquesI got my N800 today and I thought the camera was the stylus08:44
jacquesboy was I surprised08:44
obrait's presumably "pickup" and also "mute"08:44
klaatuthe problem with the camera (other then quality) is that it doesn't point 'in' enough so if you look at the screen you aren't centered in the view08:50
tigertjaques: i think te user manual explains what the button does :)08:51
klaaturead the manual, never...08:51
tigerti think it disconnects call like on phones08:51
tigertand answers if you get one08:52
tigertbut i am not sure either ;)08:52
inzklaatu, i agree, it's definitely a design flaw09:00
inzklaatu, i wondered that the first time i popped out the camers09:01
jacqueswhat manual? I only got a quick start sheet09:01
inzacques, as pdf on the device09:02
jacquesah heh09:02
jacquesI guess I need to explore it more09:02
obraThe nethack port is terrifying09:22
keesjis that good or bad?09:22
keesjand what is fake about fakeroot?09:24
inzit fakes return values of getuid etc09:26
inzso that programs think they've been run as root, when they actually haven't09:27
keesjbut inside scratchbox fakeroot does not have many limitations right?09:27
keesjbut it is builtin into the deb packager09:27
inzwell, you can't really do chown root:root09:28
inzbut as the rootfs is user writable, you can write there09:29
obrakeesj: the nethack port will likely cost a friend her job if she ever sees it. perhaps also her singificant other.09:31
inzwell phrased09:32
keesjstill: because to much time was spent on it or because it is so awful?09:32
jacquesbecause it is so addictive09:32
jacquesa gigantic time sink to play09:33
keesjjacques, just wait for xmoto :)09:33
obrakeesj: because it's addictive ;)09:33
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keesjI will try it right away09:34
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inznnoooo... who will do the xmoto port, if you get addicted ;)09:35
keesjI have one month before I start my new job so I  need to do it now!09:41
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tigertinz: wiimote is bluetooth and there is a linux driver09:43
tigertthat would make a nice game controller for maemo games optionally, as they sell them separately...09:44
jacquesyeah, if only I could find one :-(09:44
keesjthat sounds great,09:44
tigertthey have the remotes on stock at our local computer store09:44
keesjthe n800 contain a motion sensor right?09:44
tigertwii's, no. but remotes yes09:44
* tigert doesnt know if the N800 has a motion sensor09:45
tigertbut now I need to drive to work, its extremely slippery out there and walking the dogs took ages09:45
keesjtigert, how cool would that be to play with multiple controllers09:45
tigertkeesj: :)09:48
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tigerterm, without the page anchor even09:49
keesjit looks like enough information to implement it without a real wii (only the remote)09:51
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tigertthere is an implementation too09:52
keesjwhat does such a remote cost?09:52
tigertI think it was 49 euros or something09:52
tigertnot bad for a 3-axis accelerometer with bluetooth09:53
keesjI am gonna get one right away09:53
keesjperhaps I must first finish the xmoto port :)09:55
tigertthe xmoto would work nicely with wiimote I think09:56
keesjI already see me using the thumkeyboard with that device09:56
tigertbut neverball would be the ultimate09:56
tigertanyway, off for a bit09:56
keesjthat would really be something!09:56
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keesjmy kid playing with the gizmo on the nokia
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|tbb|is it possible to send keys to application on a n800, like send keys under visual basic?10:17
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X-Fadetigert: Has everybody moved to the new office yet? :)10:18
keesj|tbb|, I guess you can do that on a X level10:20
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Guardianmorning all10:37
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JaffaMorning, all10:58
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AD-N770good morning11:15
keesjthere was a guy just before me who walked away with the last wii controller. "Sorry" that is what he said11:26
keesjI tried to explain to him that I needed the controller but that did not help11:27
Fatali guess he only bought it to hang over the fireplace instead of actually needing it? :)11:27
_matthias_keesj: I currently try to persuade my prof. to by a wii or at least one of those wii-remotes for "scientific purposes" ;)11:27
Jaffakeesj: thanks for the mud patches, I'll try and apply them over lunch11:28
keesjhe actually was just buying the last wii and he waited 6 week for that11:28
keesjJaffa, I have more coming but I need a bit more testing11:29
inz|tbb|, you can use the XTest extension to send fake key/pointer events11:29
keesjfor one project I need to run a bootstrap.sh11:30
keesj(because I will be checked-out from svn)11:31
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koenJaffa: I'm still no developer, and you?11:35
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Jaffakoen: nope11:42
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Jaffakeesj: maybe <fetch> should be able to have a <post-extract> command which runs for tarball and Subversion fetches (not that I've implemented the Subversion fetcher yet)11:44
keesjI think that the trick is to try to keep it simple11:47
keesjit very tempting to try to support mutiple versions11:47
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jtraanybody keen to test my new game for 770?
keesjbut if the packages are in separate directory we might as well use svn for that and help the user by telling him how to view the different versions11:48
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inzI find it a bit funny to release stuff under GPLv2 and not have the source easily available.11:52
keesjjtra, funny game, I tested it on the sdk11:56
keesjif i don't start the desktop first the load screen will not accept key input11:57
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keesjis there somebody working on making garage mail work again?11:59
keesjI tried to send an email to garage but I get this error message  <>: service unavailable. Command output: Message content11:59
keesj   rejected11:59
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Jaffakeesj: exactly what I get.12:03
JaffaI tried to email maemo-developers to highlight it, but that got rejected too.12:03
keesjbut apparently the mud mail worked because that is where I sen(t?) the patches12:05
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Jaffakeesj: yup, all very odd.12:09
koenMDK: are you planning on adding full screen navigation to nflick?12:10
keesjjtra, I just installed it on it 2006 2.2006.39.14 it works good, but I had python already installed. the startup is faster then i expected12:12
keesjmy ruby / wxwidgets demo started as fast as any java app on my desktop12:13
inzkeesj, did you use "reply to all" when you sent the patches?12:13
keesjno , typed the email from scratch12:14
jtrakeesj: I have it on 2006 2.2006.39-14 too12:14
inzkeesj, I just didn't find any mud related mail on the list from you12:15
osfameronhow do I get my N800 to play ogg files ?12:17
keesjinz it was on the mud-user mailing list
keesjinz are you subscribed to that list? perhaps you used a garage email or something like that?12:20
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floriangood morning12:26
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lardmanmorning florian12:27
Jaffakeesj: re build-time changed files (eg. config.guess) I'm thinking since we've got subversion there we can auto-revert any files which are changed by the build process.12:28
inzkeesj, ah, it was there, nevermind then =)12:30
Veggen(ogg files - hmm, anyone working on it? Should be somewhat easier now, not, but some work that has been done have to be duplicated?)12:31
lardmanVeggen: You talking about a dsp task to handle them?12:31
Veggeneh, doesn't the newer CPU have floating-point support?12:32
Veggen(I seem to have heard, but I'm not sure and haven't checked)12:32
lardmanAh, I see what you mean, don't worry, I was just asking12:32
lardmanYes, it has a vfp unit12:33
Veggen...which means porting ogg-stuff from the Linux desktop world is gonna be a lot easier.12:33
lardmanVeggen: There is already a fixed point implementation anyway - tremor12:34
Veggenon N800?12:34
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ignaciusdoes anybody know if there is some limitation on playing videos with the n800 as there was with the 770?12:37
wumpuswell, not apart from the processor speed12:39
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Veggenwell, the vfp and increased processor speead should make the n800 better suited?12:40
Veggen(than the 770)12:40
Veggenmuch better, even?12:41
wumpusyes I'm sure of that12:41
ignaciusi was talking about this:
wumpusthough it seems youtube videos are still at dia show speed :/12:45
ignaciusfor example: It can only decode videos where horizontal and vertical dimensions are multiples of 16.12:45
osfameronwoot!  my 2Gb card has arrived (in separate packae) so I can now start installing the kitchen sink and break my n800!12:45
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tigertwumpus, set flash to low quality and it speeds up a bit12:53
tigertstill a slideshow, but a bit faster12:54
wumpuswell every speedup is nice :)12:54
tigertits in the context menu12:58
Jaffatigert: ideally there should be a way of forcing Flash to default to "low quality" rather than "high quality"13:00
suihkulokkitigert: have you used sbox/maemo sdk on pc?13:00
suihkulokkiie. do you have usability opinions =)13:00
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tigertit kinda is complex, but well. it IS complex thing :)13:21
tigertApophis is much better13:21
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tigertie, sbox 113:21
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lardmanVeggen: Sorry, I was called away13:47
lardmanVeggen: havinf hw floating point should male things easier, though I don't know whether it'd be quicker to use floating point or the fixed point implementation13:48
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* lardman can't ty[e13:48
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a345tHow do i go into idle mode with my n800?13:49
a345tthere must be a way to suspend without power down the whole unit.13:50
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tigertdo nothing, in other words, idle? :)13:50
tigertset keylock to make it sleep in your pocket13:50
a345ti have the keylock. battery is empty after 4 hours :(13:51
cambbaa345t: but remember to wait for the timeout13:51
Veggencambba: how can you lower that timeout?13:51
Veggen...but I'd like to lower it only when locked :)13:51
a345tis it "lock touch screen and keys" or "lock device" ?13:52
cambbaVeggen: that would be a good feature, haven't seen that13:52
cambbaa345t: the first one13:52
Jaffaa345t: there's been discussion on ITT and maemo-dev about a utility to monitor certain key presses, or provide a home applet to power off radios and lock the screen.13:52
tigertdo you have 3rd party apps running?13:52
tigertlike the cpu applet maybe?13:52
a345tohh. i have the "autolock disabled" option enabled right now. Thats why. Thx all!13:54
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tigertthat shouldnt matter. you can engage the lock manually too14:02
tigertpress power + rocker center14:03
tigertit opens the same way14:04
|tbb|i alwwaays get the error msg : error while loading shared libraries: : cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory14:11
|tbb|btw if i start xchat for example14:11
Jaffa|tbb|: maybe, busy day though :-(14:14
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|tbb|som1 has successfully testet irssi on os7?14:50
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osfameroneeek!  OssoXterm doesn't find an ssh executable15:09
inzosfameron, you probably don't have ssh installed15:10
osfameroninz: that's what I was thinking :-)15:10
osfameronwhich repo can I get that from?15:10
osfameronI added the bora ones from the wiki repository page15:11
osfameroncan't see that kind of utility in the listing15:11
pikanapsuHas anyone successfully installed with maemo 2.1 installer?15:11
inzosfameron, dropbear from ApplicationCatalog2006 works at least15:11
osfameronI don't see a dropbear15:12
osfameronI'm looking at
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pikanapsu Is my N770 compatible with maemo2.1 it its version is 2.2006.39-1415:12
osfameronah, ApplicationCatalog2006, hang on15:12
pikanapsuif its..15:12
osfameronhmmm, the RSS reader crashes when I ask it to refresh a feed15:15
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osfamerondid anyone work out if oggplay worked for N800 ?15:16
osfameronis trying to install it a good idea?  (well, obviously it's a good idea... but as a newbie, do I need to be careful of anything in particular to avoid trashing things?)15:17
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osfameronah well, what do I care if  trash a new machine with no important data on it anyway :-)15:23
osfameronlooks like it does NOT work yet15:23
keesjand did it trash your machine?15:24
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osfameronit says it's installed.  I try to open it, it waits for a bit and then closes15:25
piknapsudid anyone answer my question.. i lost connection15:25
inzpiknapsu, no one answered, but yes15:26
X-Fadeosfameron: I thought you had to reboot first?15:26
osfameronX-Fade: reboot!  on linux?15:26
piknapsuanyone familiar with the maemo2.1 installer?15:26
osfameronI can give that a go I suppose.  It didnt tell me to15:26
piknapsuinz: compatible?:)15:27
inzpiknapsu, yes, 770 firmware version 2.xxxx is for scirocco/maemo2.115:27
inzpiknapsu, whereas firmware 1.xxxx is for mistral/maemo2.015:27
X-Fadeosfameron: Yeah, it was a half baked release. It needed to reload the server or something like that..15:28
keesjwhould something like this help people who want a remove control?
piknapsuinz: ok, thanks!15:29
piknapsui have one of both N770 :)15:29
osfameronX-Fade: cool, I'll try that now then.  thanks, I wouldn't have thought of doing it :-)15:29
piknapsui just installed maemo2.1 with installer.. and started xephyr but in the sbox enviroment start only flashes on screen and then close with error .. :(15:30
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osfameronX-Fade: nah, after reboot does the same.  "Says Ogg Player loading" for half a minute, then pops out again15:32
suihkulokkikeesj: really cool. someone would just have to RE their driver15:32
keesjperhaps there are also "ir over wifi" base stations15:32
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X-Fadeosfameron: Ah, i thought you used the plugin..15:33
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osfameronX-Fade: ah!  plugin is what I want really, to be able to use from the main media player15:34
osfameronwhere do I find that?  I must be searching wrong page15:34
JaffaBlimey, qgil's actually *communicated* on behalf of Maemo/Nokia about the developer device programme:
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X-FadeJaffa: He also hints that that mailinglist is broken :)15:42
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osfameronhrmpf: "unable to install gst-ogg-vorbis"15:44
osfameronis that where I need to reboot?15:45
osfameronah, it's in installed apps, so maybe15:45
X-Fadetigert: ping?15:46
osfameronbah, that doesn't work after reboot, I'll come back to it after work.  X-Fade thanks for the help!15:48
X-Fadeosfameron: did you dpkg -i it?15:49
koenJaffa: :)15:50
osfameronX-Fade: ah, no, when I downloaded it, it offered to install it throuhg the application manager15:50
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osfameronwhich I thought was the equivalent15:50
koenJaffa: it seems you are as shocked as I am :)15:50
keesjgreat news!15:53
JaffaX-Fade: this, we knew ;-)15:54
Jaffakoen: indeed. Fortunately I think I do quite well on their criteria (I hope)15:54
keesjI have this usb hub that can be connected to a power supply would that work on the 770?15:54
X-FadeJaffa: yeah, although some mails seem to go through..15:54
koenJaffa: fingers crossed :)15:54
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Jaffakoen: indeed :)15:56
piknapsucan't anyone confirm that Maemo2.1 installer should work without any special tweaks?15:56
keesjpiknapsu, it did not work out of the box for me , I made notes but lost them15:58
keesjthere where a few typos in the manual(perhaps that is fixed)15:58
keesjSo id did not work out of the box for me15:59
piknapsuwhat typos to you refer?16:00
piknapsudo you..16:00
keesjI don't rember it had to do with the sbox command and the unpacking of some packages16:01
piknapsui mean the installer program.. not the install manual )16:01
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zbenjaminhello @ all16:03
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zbenjaminis the source of the wlan status bar plugin available?16:06
zbenjaminsorry the internet connectivity plugin16:07
keesjpiknapsu, I am installing with the installer right now :)16:14
inzzben, the source for the plugin seems to be osso-connectivity-ui, which isn't available at at least16:15
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inzzben, nor in the big source ball16:15
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X-Fadeinz: Indeed, I have not been able to find that either..16:17
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zbenjamini need to know how to shutdown and open a wlan connection16:21
zbenjaminwithout the plugin in the status bar16:21
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Jaffakeesj: your mud-builder patches have been applied and the website *started* to be updated to allow easier documentation updates:
keesjwow php on the garage website?16:25
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X-Fadezbenjamin: Try this documentation:
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zbenjaminthx X-Fade16:27
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lardmanWas the maemo ml down before lunch (~2hrs ago)?16:32
koenlardman: see
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koenJaffa: what isn't clear is when the first and second wave take place16:36
koenJaffa: you can read the announcement both ways: 1st wave on monday or second wave on monday16:37
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lardmankoen: Thanks, saw that last night16:40
lardmanIt's on the maemo wiki too, sounds to me like 1st wave on Monday, 2nd wave later16:41
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lardmanYep, just had my message to maemo-developers spat back at me again16:47
lardmanWhat does this mean?: <>: service unavailable. Command output: Message content rejected16:47
lardmanService unavailable is fair enough, content rejected sounds ominous16:48
Jaffakoen: I agree with lardman - first wave Monday, second wave "later"16:48
X-FadeHmm OLPC now have python-launcher inspired by maemo-launcher ;)16:48
suihkulokkilardman: stop being such pottymouth!16:48
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Jaffalardman: I thought it might be overzealous spam filtering, but given it's affecting everyone I think it's just FUBAR16:48
JaffaX-Fade: cool :)16:48
Jaffakeesj: yeah, I thought it was worth a try. it worked, so figured that was the best way to get slightly dynamic content.16:49
lardmansuihkulokki: I was wondering if I slipped into swearing in my post about the DSP, but I checked and nothing too bad ;)16:49
koenJaffa: I didn't expect the first wave before monday judging from past nokia community 'deadlines'16:49
Jaffakoen: :-/16:49
keesjJaffa, at first the php did not look safe , but at closer look it's alright I guess :)16:50
JaffaHmm, python-launcher looks cool. Could probably do with that with pymaemo16:50
Jaffakeesj: trust me, it's safe :)16:50
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keesjJaffa is it not me who needs to thrust you :)16:50
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Jaffakeesj: oh yeah, from Ferenc's point of view, allowing PHP on garage websites is a ridiculously easy security hole to exploit (unless the vhost config is *very* smart); but for me, I'm happy :-)16:51
keesjJaffa, have you by any chance changed the mail setting :p16:51
Jaffakeesj: nah, it was broken before I did any PHP16:51
keesjSo no credits for that.16:52
||cwif they use suphp a lot of exploits would be limited to the project hosting the poor php code16:56
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McQueenhi, a domain that increasing in value day by day.  very interesting16:57
partvery spammy16:57
* Tybstar peers at McQueen 16:57
McQueennot spam16:57
suihkulokkiyes, irc spam16:57
McQueenist only interesting16:57
McQueenif you think that16:57
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McQueeni am sorry16:57
VeggenIt's spam.16:58
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c0ffeethere's nothing to see, please pass by!16:58
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Robot101someone using my name? :(17:00
Robot101I feel dirty17:00
Tybstarrobot: now we know what your side job is!17:01
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Guardianhmm i'm looking for a gtk2 pixmap engine documentation for nearly an hour now17:07
Guardianwithout much success17:07
tzzJaffa: see my e-mail about MUD suggestions.17:08
Guardiani found stuff for gtk 1.2 pixmap engine but not for gtk 217:08
Guardiananyone knows where i should look?17:08
keesjdid you look on maemo i perhaps it is gdk and not gtk?17:09
Guardianin maemo it's in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/libpixmap.so17:09
Guardianso i assume it's gtk17:09
X-FadeGuardian: the gtk2-engines package?17:10
koenGuardian: look for 'sapwood'17:10
koenGuardian: that should have maemo docs17:10
Guardiankoen: dedicated maemo engine ?17:10
koena evolution of the pixmap engine17:11
Guardianin fact i started playing with bg_pixmap in gtkrc files17:11
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Guardianbut i would have prefered something more like css, that allows you to specify a sub region of an image17:11
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Guardiani guess being able to pack all images used for widget theming in a single .png file would help lowering loading time17:12
Jaffatzz: ta :)17:15
Jaffatzz: TODO updated17:18
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tzzJaffa: I got Emacs to build, binary only is 32 MB (nothing pruned, this is everything).  I'll try installing it, since I have very little installed on my N800.  Will that be OK or will a 32 MB package likely cause problems?  I haven't seen a package bigger than 10 MB or so (Canola I think).17:20
|tbb|could it be that the 770 has a more scratch ressistent touchscreen-display as the 800 ??? my 800 is 2 days old and has more scratches as my 770 :-(17:20
tzztbb: yes, the N800 felt pretty sticky at first.  It feels OK now after a few days of use.17:21
glasssome residue lef on the screen that 'scratches'?17:21
koentzz: tried stripping the debug symbols?17:21
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osfamerontzz: yeah, mine was a bit sticky and bumpy at first17:22
X-Fade|tbb|: You did remove the protective film, right? :)17:22
osfameronis there canola for N800 yet?17:22
|tbb|there was none17:22
tzzosfameron: there will be, but not yet (heard from the authors)17:22
|tbb|oh wait17:23
keesjhelp , how do I redo in vim?17:23
X-Fade|tbb|: Look closer then.. It should still be on there..17:23
mgedminkeesj: ctrl+r17:23
|tbb|youre right ;)17:23
tzzkoen: I'm still working on the packaging, no fine tuning.  But the standard Emacs install is stripped and only contains binaries (where possible).17:24
X-Fade|tbb|: A free screen protector :)17:24
tzzkoen: so I would assume the symbols are stripped, yes.17:24
|tbb|did u remove it?17:24
X-FadeI don't have a N800 :(17:24
osfameron|tbb|: I removed mine, and it was still pretty sticky for a while17:25
Jaffatzz: I'm going to ensure that debian/rules is modified (by default) to strip binaries and not-install documentation. So the package as-is is fine, given the problems, it looks unlikely that anything'll be uploaded to extras any time soon. And the build system still needs some work.17:26
|tbb|there was a small thing on the left corner on the display i just removed that17:26
X-Fade|tbb|: There will be a case for N800 too. Not sure if that is an official Nokia version though.17:26
daveaitelhow beautiful is the N800!17:27
keesjJaffa, on a fresh sdk 2.1 install I get this  it looks like uuencode is missing17:28
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keesjshould I run apt-get update / dist-upgrade etc on a fresh sdk 2.1 install?17:30
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Jaffakeesj: ah, ta. I thought it was there as standard, but I'll make it more robust if it's not17:34
keesjthe nokia sdk installer had the same problem17:35
Jaffakeesj: right, checked in a fix so it shouldn't die in that case17:35
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tzzJaffa: that's fine, thanks for working on it.  If I have any free time I'll try to put together patches for some of the features I requested.  The package will be up soon (77MB installed according to the package manager!)17:37
keesjJaffa, I did a fresh checkout but still get the message17:37
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tzzJaffa: my first install failed, it requires libxpm4.  So I have to retry it...17:38
keesjDo I need to remove the crocodile deb repository from the sb install?17:40
Jaffatzz: hmm.17:41
Jaffakeesj: damn, OK I'll try and do a tested fix at some point :-/17:41
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t9k794Is it possible to compile any debian src package on the n800?  I would like to have php and mysql17:43
X-Fadet9k794: I think that is a tad abitious.17:44
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Jaffat9k782: gpd was playing with it the other day, you might also be interested in <plug> </plug>17:44
tzzt9k794: why, for the love of God, do people want to run mysql and PHP on a device like the N800?  That's like riding your dog to work.17:45
t9k782i do ride my dog to work :)17:46
t9k782is the n800 too slow?17:47
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tzzI tried to make an analogy, but here's the full explanation.17:47
tzzThe N800 has a slow processor, little disk space, and little memory.  It is a very specialized device.17:48
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t9k782i just want to write small script. educational purpose17:48
tzzA DB server has a good processor (usually multiple cores), LOTS of memory, and LOTS of disk space.17:48
lle2I had a db server with 96MB of memory once17:49
tzzSo either talk to a real DB server, or use sqlite.17:49
lle2it kicked some major butt back then17:49
tzzlle2: sure, but the N800 is not a dedicated server in any case.  Running the UI and apps leaves little room for background tasks.17:50
t9k782i saw that i could format the SD-card as RAM. how fast is that?17:50
lle2tzz: I know, not arguing with that point at all17:50
keesjpiknapsu, what kind of problems do you have?17:50
Disconnectt9k782: swap space, its just as fast (or slow) as normal card access17:50
Jaffat9k782: you can use a swap file on the SD card.17:50
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t9k782what is the benchmark on the SD-card? 0.1 ms random access time?17:52
tzzt9k\d+: also, PHP requires a webserver.  That is its own bunch of problems.  Having specced and installed many DB and web servers myself, I would just tell you that running MySQL+PHP on the N800 is a nice party trick but useless in the end.  Like riding your dog to work.  :)17:53
dottedmagtzz: well, I had a server iP233MMX/32M which succesfully served static files and some PHP (shame on me, I did PHP!) and had LA 0.0117:55
glassphp requires a webserver now?17:55
t9k782PHP does'nt require a webserver i can be run from shell.. php script.php17:55
Pierrephp has many SAPI17:55
t9k782php can be used instead of perl or python.17:56
lle2php seems to be the scripting language of choice for internet tablets..17:56
Pierrenot really17:56
keesjI can't get 2.1 sdk install to work either
Pierreit is good for web, but not designed for desktop apps (tablet incl.)17:56
dottedmagphp collects garbage at the end of script only. So PHP is anything but generic-purpose scripting language.17:57
Pierre(and I can say that I'm a PHP fan :)17:57
dottedmagespecially when the memory is tight.17:57
Pierredottedmag: exactly, even if they made a good work with phpgtk217:57
glassyou can't hint the gc to run even?17:57
dottedmagglass: no17:57
Pierre5.2 can17:57
dottedmagPierre: didn't know it17:58
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Pierredottedmag: you can disable the zend MM17:58
lle2there's been MUCH more php related talk on this channel than any other language, C included17:58
dottedmaglle2: it's easier to start writing some crap on PHP than on C17:58
keesjcrap yes!17:58
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shackanexactly :D17:58
dottedmaglle2: and this crap seems to work. until you run it on embedded :)17:59
Pierrelle2: really, I develop php (itself) and use it since years, I use it in shell for some admins task but it is really not a good destop language.17:59
Pierredottedmag: crap is not the word I would use to describe php.17:59
* mgedmin starts chanting: "python! python! ..."17:59
tzzmake sure you have libxpm4 installed beforehand!
koentzz: sounds like the emacs .deb is broken18:00
tzzit doesn't pop up the keyboard, so without a BT keyboard it's pretty useless.18:00
Pierreah, a propos xpm, have you already seen a xpm package without a X11 dep?18:00
koentzz: .debs have a Depends: field for a reason18:00
tzzand you have to run "emacs" from a command line, it doesn't go into Extras18:00
tzzkoen: it has a dependency.  If you download it directly, it will discover you need libxpm4 too late, and you have to download again.18:01
tzzso either save it, or pre-install libxpm4.18:01
lle2somebody should put instructions on how to run php + a webserver, it would be a real timesaver for a lot of people18:02
t9k782another question: how do i search the internet for n800 debs? can i install 770 debs also?18:02
dottedmaghmm... I think I've seen packaged lighttpd for maemo?18:02
Pierrelle2: install lighttpd+phpfcgi18:03
Pierredottedmag: :)18:03
lle2I think I'll replace Lua in scratchbox2 mapping rules with php, much bigger community it seems18:04
dottedmaglle2: use python then. also big community and much less brain-damageness in language.18:06
dottedmaglle2: or ruby. or perl. but not Personal HomePage :-/18:06
Pierredottedmag: that's getting annoying.18:07
Pierredottedmag: as technical arguments are valid, those are plain crap (being polite).18:07
lle2but I'm aiming at making sb2 highly popular, I'm hoping maybe people integrate sbox2 into their blogs18:07
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Pierredottedmag: the quality of an application/library depends on the developers not on the language. I see "crap" (as you said) in any language, and beautiful code too (even in cobol ;).18:08
lle2you could then cross-compile the entire blog comment section to your favority target cpu18:08
* Pierre hates languages FUD/extremist/haters18:09
osfameronthere are some nice PHP applications to be sure.  I hate programming in it, but some source (drupal for example) is mostly written by sane people18:09
lle2recursive ideologies are hard18:09
Jaffakoen: I think it's my fault as for some reason mud (or rather dh_make/dpkg-buildpackage) hasn't picked up the libxpm4 dependency18:10
Pierreideology has no place in programming, imho.18:10
osfameronPierre: "ideology" can be any system of ideas which back up certain useful received wisdoms18:11
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osfameron"testing is good"  "use version control"  "don't go live on Friday night at 7pm"18:11
dottedmagPierre: well. Just have a look at semantics of core functions. Most cool applications create abstraction layers which hide all this insanity. I might give concrete examples if you want.18:11
osfameronit's unthinking acceptance of an ideology, and being unpleassant to other people because of their's that is ott18:11
osfameron(though I slag off PHP sometimes too ;-))18:11
Pierreosfameron: that's principles (survival guide ;)18:11
dottedmagPierre: unfortunately PHP evolved but was not refactored.18:12
Pierredottedmag: yes, that's a choice (or the lack of possible other choices).18:12
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Pierredottedmag: For one, I like to drop all the old insane API in php, but other prefers BC. For example in ext/zip, when I rewrote it, I choose the middle way. I kept the old API for BC reasons and froze it but provided a nice and clean new API.18:13
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dottedmagPierre: and what about core structures, such as array (or hash? or set?)? will they ever be refactored?18:17
Pierredottedmag: refactored to what? Array are fine (the array functions need cleanup), spl provides some clean(er) alternative for OO users.18:19
dottedmagokay. But why don't old interface clearly marked as deprecated and only-for-backward-compatibility?18:20
PierreI'm happy with them as many other, why should we deprecate them only for the sake of OOness?18:20
dottedmagNot mentioning that OO is not necessary here, and just a set of functions with sound semantics is needed.18:21
Pierreif one does not like them, he can use spl18:21
Pierreor ArrayAccess18:21
Pierrebut I agree, it can be confusing to have many ways to achieve the same operation18:21
Pierredottedmag: but really, I have little interest to debate about old topics in why php is good/bad/evil/rocks. But I rather prefer to discuss evolutions, fun and new things/features. Or maemo needs as we are in #maemo :)18:23
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dottedmagPierre: I just wanted to slightly brake the 'let's rewrite everything to the PHP!' trend. PHP (like C++) requires mastership to use properly. And, unfortunately, it is too accessible for not-a-wizards.18:25
Pierredottedmag: true, that's both a quality and a default of PHP, it is too easy :/18:26
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wumpusmm didn't the n800 advertise skype support or is that to be downloaded seperately?18:39
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chxwumpus: sumemr18:40
chxit is expected in the summer18:41
wumpusok :d18:41
wumpuswould  be very cool18:41
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keesjand what about my problem? dpkg: 2 expected program(s) not found on PATH.18:44
keesjNB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.18:44
keesjE: Sub-process /scratchbox/devkits/debian/bin/dpkg returned an error code (218:44
keesjstart-stop-daemon and install-info where can I find these?18:44
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gpddoes anyone believe the google switch iphone killer ?18:49
keesjfound it18:51
glasshow can you kill something thats not established even..18:52
keesjOh, and there won't be any internal memory: everything will be served up over the network. Hopefully that'll be 3G then, unlike the iPhone18:52
dottedmagkeesj: url? :)18:53
glassit would suck if there weren't any internal memory18:53
glassunless it was just a web pad18:53
glassand if it were just a web pad then it would suck18:53
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tzzheh that would be hilarious if they actually launched such a crap product18:54
tzzbad reception?  Sure, everything will break.18:54
keesjthe screen looks like high res18:54
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tzzI want the new Nokia USB to 2mm jack charger!18:56
tzzjust announced according to Engadget18:56
glassglueing the converter to the old one not good enough for you?18:57
glassthe small jack breaks easily :<18:57
glassi've broken two chargers18:57
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||cwi've yet break mine, though I thought i would19:12
mgedminmine broke at the other end19:13
c0ffeei broke my charger once19:13
||cwtzz: I picked up a cell phone kit with both nokia plugs (interchangable, not at the same time) on a retractable usb cord, including a AC->usb and car 12v->usb for like $2019:14
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zyxulis it possible to connect the nokia 800 into a physical ethernet interface through usb under linux?19:16
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||cwzyxul: if you put it in host mode and have drivers for the device installed19:19
||cwand use a power injector19:19
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koenaccording to the mailinglist you can't put the n800 in host mode19:20
||cwwonder why they removed that19:20
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onion||cw: have you tried using the ac/12v->usb as a power injector ?19:21
||cwdon't see why it couldn't be used for that though19:22
gpd <-- that /sys dir no on N80019:24
osfameronyou can't?19:24
osfameronthat's a bit silly19:24
koengpd: for one the kernel option is disabled19:25
tzz||cw: thanks, I might try that.19:25
koengpd: but I was talking about hardware :)19:25
osfamerongah, the RSS reader is really buggy19:25
zyxul  --enable-usb-host-mode        Set the device into USB host mode19:25
zyxul  --disable-usb-host-mode       Set the device into USB peripheral mode19:25
osfameronare there publically accessible bug reports/lists for the Nokia supplied apps?19:25
zyxulthe flasher has those options19:25
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gpdkoen: can you update that page for N800 if you have reliable info :)19:26
c0ffeewith less a's19:26
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||cwheh, i do that all the time19:26
zyxulso it must be possible to make the device go into host mode19:26
zyxul||cw: when you say drivers for the device installed you mean the n800 device or the ethernet adaptor?19:27
koengpd: it's all in the mailinglist, no need to duplicate info19:27
||cwzyxul: the ethernet19:28
mgedminzyxul: someone from nokia said on the mailing list that the hardware on the N800 does not support usb host mode19:28
osfameronc0ffee: ta19:28
zyxulahh ok19:28
zyxulbut ||cw said he has done it19:28
||cwI don't have an n80019:29
||cwjust assumed it would be the same chip19:29
||cwseems like a usefull feature, so didn't expect they would remove it19:29
zyxulany idea how you access the ethernet card under the device?19:30
gpdkoen: the mailing list isn't exactly convenient - wiki is better imho19:30
||cwgpd: so why can't you edit the wiki?19:30
gpd||cw: because i do not have the information!19:31
gpdI assure you i would - and have edited the wiki - with informatin that i know to be true / useful19:31
s-ndh-cwhats working better for you? ushare or gmediaserver?19:33
s-ndh-cdidnt get mediastreamer working with gmediaserver19:33
gpd <- is that the final word on USB-OTG?19:33
s-ndh-cwith ushare it works well19:33
s-ndh-cbut mediastreamer doenst seem to support seeking19:33
s-ndh-cor maybe ushare doesnt not sure19:33
gpdAFAIK there is no USB-OTG in N800. The connector (HW) does not handle it19:34
gpdso no effort spent in the kernel either.19:34
gpdBr, -- jakub19:34
mgedminhm, I haven't received any mail from maemo lists since last night19:35
mgedminshould I look for mail problems, or are you all just very quiet?19:35
mgedminthe web archive ends at Wed Jan 17 13:39:15 EEST 200719:36
koenmgedmin: they are broken, see qgil's blogpost19:36
trenkagpd: you can try to write usb-host  support anyway I guess19:36
koentrenka: the driver is already in the kernel AFAIK19:37
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trenkakoen: for host? you sure?19:38
koensee the thread gpd linked19:39
gpdI presume Jakub is THE Jakub Pavelek -- ie Mr. Tablet.  Therefore this is the end of the story - and my dreams of digital SLR -> N800 ;(19:41
trenkaAh, yes, there is something19:42
keesjus-otg == usb-host?19:44
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keesjusb-otg == usb-host?19:45
gpdkeesj: plain english?19:45
trenkakeesj: no19:46
trenkausb-otg is a autodetection, who is a host19:46
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gpdtrenka: so... final word on USB host mode on N800?  yes/no/maybe?19:47
trenkagpd: what point of view? official Nokia?19:48
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gpdeither / both ?19:48
s-ndh-cis it a completely different usb controler?19:48
gpdOfficial = No, Unofficial = Maybe ?19:49
trenkaI do not have voice to say instead of Nokia, but guess, that officially "no"19:49
Molagianyone here got nethack on their tablet?19:50
s-ndh-cwould that make the device even more interessting?19:50
Molagicant figure how to load a game19:50
trenkaI did not look too deep, but guess, if somebody build a special kernel, the support is possible19:51
gpdtrenka: so you think the flasher modes are no longer correct for N800?19:51
trenkas-ndh-c: defferent of what? 770 ?19:51
s-ndh-ctrenka: i think they are only limiting itto peripheral mode by some driver option or something19:51
s-ndh-ctrenka: yeah19:51
trenkas-ndh-c: TUSB6010, as you can learn from the thread, is completly different19:52
tzzMolagi: nethack doesn't load games inside the game19:52
* mgedmin had a nethack clone on his s40 phone, and once lost about 6 hours of life and all battery charge by accident19:52
tzzMolagi: you start nethack and it will offer to load your save game19:52
tzzMolagi: you save in nethack when you exit19:52
Molagihmm doenst offer to me19:53
Molagii open and it only offers to start a new game19:53
Piosay no19:53
Molagichoose name19:53
Molagicharacter creation19:53
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tzzMolagi: look in /usr/lib/games or wherever the save game directory is.  You may not have it, so the save game function didn't work.  Talk to the maintainers.19:54
Piotheres a load game in the tools19:54
Pioin the menu thing19:54
Piomaybe get into a game then look there19:54
Pioi remember it was awkward, but i dont remember how i got it to work19:54
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tzzmaybe this was added recently, the Nethack I used for years never had a load/save inside the game.19:54
Pioanyone know if that nethack works with a keyboard?19:55
Pioi guess i could just make a terminal build if i wanted that19:55
Pioits frustrating to play nethack so slowly :)19:55
Molagiwhen i save the game it quits19:55
trenkagpd: but OTG support is definitly No :)19:56
tzzMolagi: see my earlier comments.  Save == exit in Nethack.19:56
Pioheh now i cant figure it out19:56
Molagiwhats the point in saving and exiting when you cant load19:56
tzzMolagi: it's a bug or you can't find the "Load" menu.  Talk to the maintainers, read the docs...19:57
gpd <- for my info19:57
Pioyou know, i think its based on your player name19:57
Pioif you save, then load and give the same player name, it loads the last saved game from that name19:57
Pioerr then start nethack, not then load19:58
Molagioh yeah19:58
Molagithe name thing works19:58
Pioyeah :)19:58
Pioi knew there was some trick to it, just couldnt remember19:58
Piohad to play with it for a sec19:59
tzzbtw, this helps too: export NETHACKOPTIONS=pushweapon,autoquiver,lit_corridor,showexp,!mail,showscore,time,!autopickup,number_pad,name:Molagi19:59
trenkagpd: otg requires a special connector, mini A/B, it is possible to plug A or B there, and 2 additional protocols -- for session and for host detection19:59
tzzsorry Molagi, it's been a while since I played, I shouldn't have confused you about the load/save stuff.19:59
Pioi like autopickup and pickup_types:$20:00
Molagiheh np20:00
Piofruit:bagel bite20:00
trenkagpd: it uses special ID line (D+,D-,VBus,Gnd,ID) for first A/B detection20:01
tzzPio: heh, I never play for gold.  Just kill everything in sight unless it's a major hassle, like priests or the quest master.  Oh yes.  I'm definitely not Lawful :)20:01
Piohey gold is useful, you can donate it for protection20:02
gpdtrenka: OTG looks to be just what i want -- ie plug into anything -- shame it is not supported -- but maybe there is still hope for camera->tablet using some other magic (i am well out of my depth)20:03
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Piowhat about izchak?20:03
trenkagpd: yes, it's cool20:03
Molagisomeone should do ultima games on tablets20:04
Molagilike ultima620:04
tzzI thought Star Control 3 was a nice port to the 77020:06
tzzor was it 2?  I forget.20:07
trenkarecently I got ipaq and WM200320:09
trenkathe first my mobile device was n770. I did not think it's very good. But after ipaq I love it20:09
mgedminI first saw an ipaq after I've used a palm for some time20:11
mgedminI was horrified20:11
trenkabut ipaq has some advantages. I'll skip PIM sync, but serial console with cradle is cool20:14
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guerbyany news on the devopper program coupon ?20:20
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s-ndh-cwhat is that junk that ushare and gmediaserver seem to serve on 911120:22
zuhguerby: yes,
guerbyzuh, thanks!20:23
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tzzI still think they should have given 3000 users small discounts (50 euro) instead of 500 developers large discounts (300 euro).20:24
tzzdevelopers follow the user base, not the other way around.20:25
mgedminnot open-source developers20:27
mgedminopen-source developers follow their fancy20:27
tzzI doubt that.20:28
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tzzmgedmin: what's your basis for that statement?20:30
c0ffeeown experience :)20:30
c0ffeeat least here20:30
mgedminlong-time immersion in the various communities (lurking in mailing lists, reading web)?20:32
guerbytzz, I think 500 should be near covering anyone who packaged or developped20:32
||cwOSS developers either are their own user base or have a userbase thrust on them because a company thinks it will cost less to extend an OSS app than to write their own from scratch20:34
tkoI agree. OSS developers do whatever they feel like doing and from somewhere users appear demanding stuff20:34
mgedminscratching own itches and all that20:34
tzzOK...  seems like a pretty one-dimensional argument to me, ignoring external factors such as available utilities, user community support and debugging, and OS support on modern hardware.  I don't see many people developing open-source for DOS anymore, for instance.  But let's assume you're right.  Will bribing developers to develop applications really work?  Wouldn't it be better to work with teams like INDT for applications like20:35
tzzCanola?  I would say the money is better spent there.20:35
mgedminhey, there are more open-source apps for linux than for windows, although windows has a larger userbase20:35
tzzguerby: my argument is not that 500 is not enough developers, it's that you're better off being nice to users who bought the 770.20:35
mgedminI think less-expensive tablets are more like a lottery, in hopes that a developer will think "I have a cool programmable device here, why don't I try to port something to it"20:36
guerbytzz, I'm a user, made some minor bug reports, and I don't think Nokia should give something to me. (I bought a N800 anyway :)20:36
tzzmgedmin: Windows is missing open-source support on principle (rightly so).  Even so, stuff like cygwin is very popular for those who have to use it.20:36
mgedminwindows is not a pleasant environment for most open-source developers20:37
revi know it isn't the same, but when discussing FOSS on windows, don't ignore the long and established shareware, freeware and PD scene that has been around DOS and Windows for many years20:37
mgedminwhich supports my thesis that OSS developers do not follow the user base20:37
tzzrev: I'm not :)20:38
guerbytzz, and I believe Nokia initiative is excellent (except for the timing, they should have get the launch and the coupon at the same time but it's minor)20:38
revOSS developers follow their own needs, pleasures and their own nose20:38
tzzI use Putty daily for instance...20:38
mgedminhey, we were talking about FOSS, not about closed crap that most shareware apps are20:38
revabove all20:38
revmgedmin: i know, but it's a part of the culture that factors in a discussion like this20:38
mgedminI am inclined to agree that shareware developers do follow the user base20:38
mgedminbut the culture is different20:38
revyou see FOSS dev's following the userbase when it comes to a big, established app- KDE or Firefox, for instance20:39
revbut those projects make up a tiny fraction of the number of FOSS projects, and a minority of FOSS developers20:39
tzzmgedmin: again, you're simplifying.  Why develop for Linux and not (fill in the blank open-source OS)?20:39
revfor the most part, FOSS developers follow their own desires, oftentimes at the expense of users who might end up using their app20:39
revbut you also see FOSS developers developing not specifically for Linux anymore20:40
tzzbigger community == better support in every way ==  faster development20:40
mgedmingood argument20:40
revtzz: most Windows users don't code for Windows20:40
mgedminpeople develop for linux because the developers use linux themselves20:40
mgedminthey use linux rather than some other OSS OS because it's the most popular of the OSS OSes20:40
mgedminso indirectly developers do follow the user base20:40
revbut instead they're using SDL and the like- i don't use linux on my primary machine, but i don't have any problem finding FOSS apps (i'm on OS X), and most of the apps i download i see binaries or instructions for building on Linux, *BSD, OS X and Windows20:41
tzzright.  The community around open source is what makes it viable.  Without it, we'd be back in 1988.20:41
reveven without using a specific environment like cygwin, or if cygwin or mingw is used, it is invisible20:41
mgedminbut I do not think 3000 more 770 users will entice a horde of developers to drop, say, BSD, and start writing software for maemo20:41
revi agree mgedmin20:41
tzzrev: you're right.  But when a developer has to write kernel-specific code, he usually does Linux first.20:41
reva 50 euro discount for 3000 people won't get many of those 3000 people to buy a 770/800 when they hadn't before20:42
revtzz: yeah, but how much is kernel-specific?20:42
revtzz: very little, these days20:42
tzzrev: that's not my point.20:42
koenmgedmin: osx has a lot of opensource apps that cost a few euros20:42
koenmgedmin: which is probably the comprise between shareware and full blown FOSS20:43
revtzz: but then what is your point?20:43
revkoen: xchat for windows is like that20:43
revkoen: it's shareware and FOSS20:43
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tzzERC> rev:20:43
tzzERC> rev: when a developer has to write kernel-specific code, he usually does Linux first.20:43
tzzsorry, ERC screwup.20:44
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jtratzz: ERC user, too? :-)20:44
tzzrev: maybe you're right that the discount, when spread out, won't matter too much.  But I'd rather make users happy than bribe open-source developers.20:45
tzzjtra: yes, I love it.20:45
revtzz: i agree with the sentiment to some extent, but i don't think the 3000 spead out discounts won't make much of a difference20:46
tzzlet me put it this way.  What if Microsoft offered $200 laptops to 500 key open-source developers?20:46
tzzRunning Vista, not compatible with Linux, etc.20:46
revtzz: i agree with your objection to the bribe. i don't quite see it that way, but i see it somewhere in between... i've not properly developed my thoughts on the matter, but see where you coming from and agree wit it to some extent20:46
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revat the same time, i've been part of a similar thing and it did help me and the project quite a bit20:47
revnot for the maemo, but Alan Kay (you heard of him? ;P ) bought me a zaurus once to assist in the Squeak Smalltalk PDA work I was doing20:48
revhe's helped some other active squeak developers as well20:48
revmind you, i think what Alan did is different than what Nokia is doing20:48
tzzso coming back to my parallel point.  Take the 150K euro and pay 5 guys for a year to port existing apps to Hildon.  Wouldn't that help us all more?20:48
revbecause he helped a small number of people with an established need for hardware and an established track record for producing code and helping the project20:49
revtzz: indeed, it might very well20:49
revtzz: like i said before, most people who would want or need a 770 or 800 would alredy5 have one ... i don't think nokia buying them an 800 will get them to port or dev anything for maemo any faster20:49
revtzz: but i do think hiring a small team for the same money WOULD result in that20:49
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wumpusdoes anyone know how to send the enter key in the maemo vncviewer?20:50
arnnnnis the gps for n800 or n770 only good for europe ?20:50
mgedminwumpus: doesn't the enter key on the virtual keyboard do that?20:51
arnnnncan it be used in us ?20:51
Pioyeah, enter key on the stylus keyboard worked for me20:51
mgedminarnnnn: gps works worldwide; I don't know about maps20:51
wumpusi can get this full screen keyboard and do an enter there, then confirm but it does not work for some reason20:51
arnnnnmgedmin, oh20:51
tkoI'm fairly sure there's quite a big difference in cost between giving out manufactured devices and hiring people20:51
wumpusit puts [000a] in my xchat20:51
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Pioyeah, weird20:52
arnnnnwhen will evince compatible for n800...?20:52
Piosome kind of unicode prob20:52
tkowith devices it's more like potential profit not made, but hiring people is a money sink :)20:52
mgedminI know that enter on the vkb is the same as the keypad enter on a keyboard20:52
arnnnnI need evince to access pdf bookmarks..20:52
mgedminmaybe it's an xchat bug?20:52
revtko: haha20:53
mgedminit doesn't trap KP_Enter and only looks at Enter?20:53
wumpusthat just works20:53
mgedminno, works with a usb keyboard here20:53
tzztko: yes.  But I'm not talking about hiring, only sponsoring.20:54
wumpusmm it's the same when vnc'ing to windows and trying to get an enter into internet explorer after typing an url20:54
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wumpusisn't it possible to get the small keyboard on the bottom of the screen in vncviewer?20:54
wumpusthe enter there works generally20:54
Pioyes it is20:54
arnnnnis it possible to hack n800 so its screen  'never dim out'?20:55
wumpusbut not in the big fullscreen keyboard20:55
Pioone of those icons on the bottom bar does it..20:55
Piolittle pencil writing on a peice of paper iirc20:55
wumpusthat gets the big one20:55
Pioreally? thats weird20:55
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p13hey guys20:56
tkoGLOVES - take a good, hard look at your first revision and just say to yourself, "gloves."20:56
etrunkoarnnnn: I hope I can build n800 compatible packages soon20:56
Pionormally i only ever get the thumb keyboard when i press the screen with a finger20:56
arnnnnetrunko, fyi I'm the guy who post recent comment on your site :)20:56
arnnnnetrunko, thank you in advance..20:56
Piowumpus, you are using a stylus right?20:57
etrunkoarnnnn: no problem man. sorry for taking so long20:57
p13does anyone experience opera crashing all the time when using a BT kb ?20:57
* Pio stumped. . no time to load up my vnc now to play with it, too.. busy20:57
wumpusi'm not trying to bash with my fingers on the screen :)20:57
p13ie. enter some text in a form, press enter ant poof20:57
p13i just use links now or minimo when i need graphics20:58
p13still "?'|@#? annoying though20:58
wumpusthis is with vncviewer 0.6 btw20:59
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p13has anyone here tried to roll their own rootfs based on something like familiar with GPE or qtopia and running it on a 770 ?21:05
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koenp13: yes, using http://www.openembedded.org21:07
tkowhy bother with inferior stuff?21:07
* tko hides21:07
p13tko, !!!21:07
koenp13: it isn't usefull, since nokia refuses to opensource their binary stuff21:07
p13seriously, just curious21:07
p13koen, *nod*21:08
p13what works, what doesn't ?21:08
p13imnsho the least they could do after pretty much telling us support and updates are over for 770 users is help us gain that information21:08
p13but their are probably IP issues as always21:08
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arnnnnis there any instruction of how to use the webcam on n800 ?21:15
p13shouldn't it launch something when you just push on it to make it pop out ?21:16
p13i remember reading that21:16
etrunkoarnnnn: ^^21:16
arnnnnetrunko, that's too ...21:17
arnnnnp13, I will try do that21:17
p13etrunko, something tells me he isn't coding for it21:17
arnnnnyea right..21:17
p13or maybe he is21:18
p13i'm confused21:18
arnnnnno I'm not coding...21:18
p13aha !21:18
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arnnnnis it possible to set n800 screen to 'never dim out' ?21:19
* p13 is thinking of welding his 20D to his 77021:19
etrunkowhen you pop the camera out the internet call app will be launched automatically21:19
p13juuust like the 80021:19
arnnnnwhen I read pdf , the screen always dim out before I finished21:19
wumpushmm my n800 now refuses to download the package repository from it just hangs while downloading :/21:19
wumpusDownloading 4Kb.. .then stops21:19
s-ndh-chow long did you wait?21:21
s-ndh-csometimes it seems to be very slow21:21
tkoarnnnn, dimming period can be configured from the display status bar plugin, and completely disabled with gconftool21:21
s-ndh-cmaybe abort and try again21:21
wumpusI wait as long as I can, but it cancels itself21:21
wumpusseems some timeout21:21
p13koen, could you upload an image somewhere of that openembedded environment ?  Something to flash onto my 770, assuming it'll run.21:22
wumpuscan I mirror the repository to some local server some way maybe?21:22
wumpusI mean, the list of packages :)21:22
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s-ndh-cwumpus: why not? you could mirror the whole repo21:22
s-ndh-ci dont think its that big21:22
wumpustrue, I can't imagine it being very big, let's see21:23
s-ndh-ci think there is debmirror to mirror debian package repositorys21:23
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wumpusI'll give it a try21:25
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arnnnntko, is gconf need to be installed first? or is it should be available already ?21:26
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p13hey, yet another probably out of place question21:27
p13is there anyway to overclock this thing ?21:27
p13like you can with pocket pcs with xscale cpus21:27
tkoarnnnn, gconftool or gconftool-2 is already installed21:27
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arnnnntko, how do I run it..?21:28
s-ndh-cwith xterm?21:29
arnnnnhow do I open xterm...?21:30
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tkoarnnnn, just see the display settings, the longest timeout period should be long enough21:31
arnnnntko, the longest timeout is what I have and it's not long enough for me..21:32
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arnnnnwhere can I get xterm for n800..? is works for n800 ?21:33
roopeA slow reader, eh. :)21:35
arnnnnroope, yes...21:35
s-ndh-carnnnn: try it, but i think in the internettablet os 2007 release there is another version of this installer thing, i think it will refuse to install packages made for the 2006 one21:36
s-ndh-catleast it was like that btw 2005 and 200621:36
wumpusarnnnn: the one from the repository works well21:37
roopeI agree, there should be some option of ... 5 minutes max is very arbitrary.21:37
wumpusi just installed it as well, at least that repo works here :)21:37
||cwit2005 and 6 had very different packaging layouts21:37
arnnnnwumpus, I will try that after work, thanks21:38
||cw2006 is more like a standard debian install, as is i expect 200721:38
s-ndh-cif you know what app does turn off the screen you could kill it and start using strace to see what file it writes to or whatever to dimout the screen21:38
s-ndh-cmaybe that would reveal the needed informations how it works behind the scenes21:39
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danielsum, it's almost exactly the same as itos2005 and 2006, which is just using a file in sysfs21:39
s-ndh-cdaniels: yeah i thought something like that21:39
|tbb|is it possible to send keystrokes to an running application on the n800 , and what do i have to do for doing that21:40
roopeFor instance if you play videos the screen doesn't dim at all, so use something similar.21:40
s-ndh-ci mean that it is only writting to some kernel interface21:40
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danielsit's not possible to fake keystrokes, since it's done by dsme (ugh) rather than the x server21:40
||cwyou look at maemo-mapper source and see how he did it21:41
|tbb|:/, i like the built in picture viewer, but why ever they have not built in a slideshow21:41
|tbb|i was thinking with keystroke sending i could fake it, is it possible to simulate hitting the curserbotton21:43
danielsno, because it's done by dsme essentialy running tail -f /dev/input/event*21:44
danielsrather than the x server21:44
|tbb|anyone else got this problem, starting osso term the "Space"  key isnt pushable be4 you touch at the xterm screen?21:47
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gpdcan anyone confirm the tested 07 report that vpnc works on n800? i am having issues21:47
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|tbb|the tail command just show me ==>/deev/input/event0 <==21:52
jtokashgpd - what kind of issues?  It installs and starts up for me, but I can't connect.  I haven't tried to connect with the 770, so I assume it's a configuration problem of some sort on my end.21:55
gpd/etc/vpnc/vpnc-script: /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script: 222: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable21:55
blub1I got some question, what exactly is the advances and disadvantiges of R and D mode?21:55
gpdapparently it is related to ash -- not bash21:55
gpdjtokash: it then sits there - but doesn't say 'started'21:56
c0ffeedid you use the patched vpnc or the stock debian one?21:57
gpdjtokash: which version did you install _ the one from scriptkiller failed for me - so i tried the debian - SVN one - but i couldn't build iproute - - so then i just compiled vanilla and am running that21:57
lardman|homeblub1: It allows you to use "sudo gainroot" and makes the on/off button more sensitive afaik21:57
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c0ffeethere's one on garage21:58
* gpd looks -- garage said no files last time i looked21:58
c0ffeeat least there's something in svn21:58
blub1thanks lardman21:58
gpdc0ffee: thanks - just looking for that :)21:59
lardman|homeblub1: np. It is probably also required for usb-host mode and lifeguard reset switch off. Ought to be in the wiki really22:00
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|tbb|i installed becomeroot, then i do sudo gainroot and changed the hostname to another one, after that exit and again sudo gainroot, i dont get root permissions if i dont try hardly typing sudo gainroot again again and again whats that22:00
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|tbb|btw after setting the hostname back to the name before, sudo gainroot works like charme22:01
blub1yeah I read the wiki one time..but it doesnt make sense at all for me...because one time in the wiki stays that its very riskfull to flash the nokia 770 and in another stood, it will be no confused me a little bit22:01
mgedmintbb with vertical bars around your nick, have you changed /etc/hosts to make sure your new hostname can be resolved?22:02
|tbb|no, so thats the problem? there is written the old name, but why it works anyway if i try it hard?22:04
|tbb|the sudo gainroot command?22:04
p13anyone here own an n800 ?22:05
gpdp13: yes22:05
p13gpd, did you own a 770 prior to it ?22:05
tko hah :)22:05
gpdp13: no22:05
p13tko, magical22:05
p13gpd, ah, i was looking for someone to relay their experiences to me22:05
p13as to how much faster it is22:05
tzzanyone know the Hildon stuff?  I have a quick question before I dive into the API docs.22:06
|tbb|i think much faster22:06
|tbb|but not for vid playing by now22:06
tzzp13: yes, 770 to N800 here.  Much faster.  Videos play slow with mplayer and fast with the "media player"22:07
p13tzz, i am thinking of upgrading22:07
p13BUT i don't like the new look22:07
p13although it's pretty unfair to pass judgement already22:07
p13i haven't seen one irl yet and pictures never do such a device justice22:08
tzzp13: the extra memory makes the N800 really good.  I don't like the screen exposed, but otherwise it looks fine to me.22:08
|tbb|ppls who see the machine says oh it looks nice but i also prefer the old outlook22:08
tzzexposed vs. the 770 lid, I mean22:08
p13tzz, i like the slide lide on my 770 very much22:08
|tbb|audio = superb22:08
tzzp13: so you'll need a case or velvet gloves.22:08
p13does the screen retain the "grainy" feel the 770 had ?22:08
tzzp13: the screen is just as nice as the 770.  It was sticky to the stylus the first 2 days, now it's fine.22:09
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p13people all went raving mad over the quality screen of the 77022:09
p13the resolution is mad but tbh i'm not all that impressed22:09
p13it's not evenly lit and it has a pretty high degree of discoloration22:09
p13and mine has a stuck pixel too22:09
tzzso my Hildon question is, can you add the pop-up keyboard to anything, or is it only for GTK widgets?  I want to add it to the Emacs buffers but haven't figured out how.22:10
p13i particularly dislike the grainy look22:10
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tzz...any pointer to docs would be welcome :)22:10
p13isn't the popup kb tied into the X input layer directly ?22:10
p13i should stfu though because i have no idea22:11
tkotzz, it works automagically for gtkentry and gtktextview only, is easy to use with gtk, for the rest there's some reverse engineered documentation in the wiki22:11
tzzp13: not for Emacs.  I think it uses custom widgets, not standard GTK (being older than GTK by a long shot)22:11
tzztko: thanks, I'll look at that.22:11
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p13tzz, i might go ahead and take the jump22:12
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p13and upgrade22:12
p13but not yet22:12
tzztko: which wiki?  the
p13on a sidenote (one that does not carry any realworld importance), i like the new theme/look of os200722:12
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p13tzz, is opera finally at a point where you could call it stable on os2007 ?22:15
tzztko: thanks!22:15
tzzp13: hasn't crashed on me yet, but I don't browse the web much.22:15
tzzp13: the RSS reader is less stable, for sure.22:15
p13tzz, the one in os2006 crashes on me constantly22:16
p13tzz, so i've heard22:16
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p13well, i live in belgium so chances are very slim i'll ever get to see one irl before buying one22:16
p13and that's a damn shame22:16
tzztko: exactly what I needed.  I'm off to play with Emacs X windows.  Gahh.22:18
tzzp13: the N800 is worth the money, IMHO.  The only thing it really lacks right now is snapshots/movies from the webcam, and I'm sure that's coming.  Good luck with it.22:19
gpdc0ffee: now i'm getting 'hash comparison failed: ... check group password!' - but I have the .pcf and used pcf2vpnc and it gives me a group password -- now lost22:19
blub1have someone a idea how i can install packets on the nokia 770 without the programm manager?22:20
p13blub1, apt-get22:20
p13tzz, i'll wait a little longer till there is a new revision of OS200722:20
blub1thx, but than I need w/lan connection or?22:20
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tzzblub1: you don't need a connection with the app manager, just install from file.  apt-get needs a network connection.22:21
pahartikblub1: "dpkg --install"22:21
gpdc0ffee: the weird thing is that the pcf2vpnc script runs the decrypt url twice and asks for yes twice - but first time says - done - second says ommitted.22:21
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keesjFinally I get more spam in my inbox then maemo mail for a change22:23
Molagiwhere can i download mencoder?22:23
s-ndh-ci where you download mplayer too?22:25
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sbaturzioWooohoooo! the N800 is arrived!22:26
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Molagii can only find that media convertor22:26
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s-ndh-cMolagi: mencoder is part of the mplayer project22:28
s-ndh-catleast that is my understanding22:28
s-ndh-cso go to mplayerhq website and download mencoder or install it via your systems package manager22:28
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bhimagood morning.22:29
bhima<whine> Jabber deals terribly with multiple concurrent connections. </whine>22:29
Molagicant find it22:30
Molagifrom mplayerhq22:30
Takit's part of the mplayer distribution22:31
Takthere's no separate download for mencoder22:31
|tbb|which text editor works with 0S7?22:31
tkobhima, jabber, or gaim? :)22:31
bhimatko: jabber. It seems that messages go to the last client that actually sent an outgoing message.22:32
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tkobhima, yes, I've heard gaim does that22:32
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bhimaIt's what the jabber servers do; iChat and the 770 both behave that way.22:33
tkowhen the sender is using gaim, I've heard22:33
bhimaThe senders in question weren't using GAIM...22:33
bhimaIf this sort of behaviour is remote client dependent, though, that seems terrible to me.22:34
Molagihmm i downloaded mplayer for windows and it doesnt work22:36
Molagiopens the cmd line and in one second it closes22:36
Taktry running from the command line22:37
lardman|homeMolagi: Because it's a command line app, you need to open a command window in the same dir as the executable, then run it22:37
lardman|homeMolagi: If you run it without any inputs it just prints out the help and exits22:38
Molagiwhats the command for running it from cmd22:38
lardman|homesame as the name of the exe, without the .exe bit if you don't want to include it22:40
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lardman|homeMolagi: Hmm, reading back, you want mencoder don't you. Should be in the same direcory but called mencoder of course22:46
guerbyopenvpn+liblzo1 works on N800, kewl22:47
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nelsonSo, Dewayne Hendricks was suggesting that he liked the iPhone for its wifi and didn't care that it was also a cellphone, so I pointed him at the N800.23:09
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wumpusI still can't get an enter into vncviewer, this is too strange23:15
wumpusheck even if there was a 'send key -> enter' I'd be happy..23:16
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wumpussuppose I need to set up a cross compiler anyway one of these days23:16
onionplaying with gst.. pretty sweet system23:20
onionmy desktop i playing a mod file and encoding it to mp3 and pushing it to the 77023:21
onionfun stuff23:21
keesjpiknapsu, the second install went a lot better apparently I did no have enough free disk space and the installer did not see that (sbin is nog longer empty and is all works fine)23:22
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onionthe dsp does not like me :)23:31
onioncrashed the mp3 decoder twice now23:31
Molagiim trying to access my files trough xterm and it says sh: mmc1/: Permission denied23:31
Molagiwhats the problem23:32
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pahartikMolagi: what kind of command are you trying to execute?23:33
Molagiis it wrong23:34
pahartikMolagi: yes, most probably23:34
Molagiim trying to find my movie23:34
pahartikMolagi: "ls -lh mmc1/"23:34
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Molagioh so my stuff is in mmc223:35
Molagiwhats the command for executing mplayer with -vo xv23:36
Molagiit couldnt find it when i just typed mplayer -vo xv lost36.avi23:36
Molagi"cant find lost36.avi"23:37
pahartikMolagi: "mplayer -vo xv" is correct23:37
tzztko: it seems that Emacs is using GTK windows, so I don't see why the Hildon behavior is not happening.  Maybe they do special behavior modifications.  I'll have to ask maemo-developers I guess.23:37
Molagiso whats a command for including the path for lost36.avi23:37
* bhima wonders if the local compusa has the N800 in yet...23:37
pahartikMolagi: just specify either relative or absolute path to file with content23:38
Molagiis it mplayer -vo xv /media/mmc2/lost36.avi23:39
pahartikMolagi: could be like that, for absolute path23:39
Molagiooh worked23:40
Molagistill chugs a bit even with the -vo23:40
pahartikMolagi: "mplayer -vo xv lost36.avi" would work if your "pwd" is already "/media/mmc2/" (for example you might have executed "cd /media/mmc2/" before)23:41
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Molagiam i the only one who has problems with mplayer on n80023:45
Molagithe video chugs23:45
pahartikMolagi: you are in middle of "learn basic Unix skills from scratch" -operation?23:46
Molagibought this n800 and learning how to use it ;D23:47
pahartikMolagi: well, good way to start23:47
ssvbMolagi: also try adding -nozoom option just in case23:49
||cwMolagi: what size framerate and bitrate?23:49
ssvbMolagi: we must be absolutely sure that it does not try doing *software* scaling23:49
Molagiwell my testvideo is 420x240 with 128 video bitrate23:49
Molagiwhere do i add the -nozoom23:50
ssvbto the command line23:50
Molagimplayer -vo -nozoom xv lost36.avi23:51
Molagilike that?23:51
ssvbno, 'mplayer -vo xv -nozoom lost36.avi'23:51
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ssvbyou can't split '-vo xv'23:51
Molagistill chugs23:52
Molagiits like warping23:52
danielsthat'll happen, probably.  video performance won't be stellar until the next firmware update (i.e. the one after 2006-51)23:53
Molagiso other people have that problem also?23:53
Molagiwarping video23:53
Molaginow it froze23:53
danielsfreezing shouldn't happen, though ;)23:54
Molagiworking again23:54
Molagishall see if it freezes again23:54
danielsbear in mind that if you're reading from the flash or memory card, that takes time too23:54
ssvbMolagi: I see, it can't be helped then, I just need to get that N800 device to debug mplayer on it :)23:55
Molagiok ;d23:55
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ssvbdaniels: mplayer on maemo uses some cache by default, so reading flash theoretically should not be a problem23:56
Molagithis video freezes like every one minute23:57
Molagiwell gotta stick to the media player before the new working versions of mplayer is released23:58

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