IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2007-01-12

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trenkasdk contains libbluetooth1 when on device it is libbluetooth200:16
parttrenka: please file a bug00:21
koensounds like bug 750 strikes again00:21
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myrenis there FUSE support?00:23
myrenthat'd be righteous00:23
suihkulokkimyren: there is a fuse project in garage00:23
jhelibbluetooth1 and libbluetooth2 can actually coexist (as they use different .so filenames), but the -dev packages cant00:23
jheso if you want to run stuff compiled both against the old and new version you can have both installed on your device00:24
trenkasure, but it looks like -dev rootstrap is a bit incorrect, if I took the right one00:25
parttrenka: which one?00:25
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trenkaHmmm, I checked, should be ok.00:26
trenkaLooks that my fault00:26
partthe repo doesn't have libbluetooth1 for maemo3.000:26
frameratelibbluetooth1 is the reason why maemo mapper doesn't work on the N800 :(00:27
trenkaframerate: I've just rebuilt it for myself :)00:27
jheI think you can just take the armel package for libbluetooth1 from an old repo and maemo mapper should be happy with it00:27
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partjust recompile, what's the big deal?00:28
trenkajhe: imho, it's better to recompile00:28
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frameratetrenka you got meamo mapper working on the N800?00:29
jhetrenka: could be, though the risk is quite small since libbluetooth has very few dependencies (basicly just libc)00:29
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framerateI tried a few things and had bad luck..00:29
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trenkaframerate: entering URI00:32
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jhetrenka: ah, you mean recompile maemo mapper (and not libbluetooth1), yes, that's the best option if you have an environment set up to do the compiling (I was thinking of people without scratchbox)00:33
frameratecan you email me a working libbt1 and mapper? I'd like to try it but don't have sdk installed yet :(00:33
trenkaframerate: email please00:34
frameratemapper was one of the reasons I bought the platform, very eager to try it out00:34 will suffice00:34
frameratedoh.. should not have put the @ symbol, forgot these are chatlogged heh00:35
* framerate is trusting to think people wont' send him N800 bricking .deb's...00:35
jhesomebody could just try to install before installing maemo mapper (haven't tried it myself)00:35
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trenkaframerate: check it00:36
framerateggot it00:36
frameratedang I don't have libsqlite0 installed and no wifi (VPN here)00:37
framerateBut this is working on your N800 if I install it @ home?00:37
framerateYou should contact gnuite, he seemed to be having a hard time with the dependencies, but he doesn't have a N800 yet00:38
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framerateinstalled manually.. dang no luck00:42
frameratethere we go.. got it to load. thanks trenka00:46
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trenkayou are welcome00:51
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frameratewhere can I find more info on the URI stuff? Like what exactly: is doing?01:00
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framerateI'm well versed in web programming, so I understand the format, but what is mt? n,v,etc variables stand for? Do we even need to care? hah01:02
trenkacheck source of the page. I do not know, what are they for01:03 might have some info on those...01:04
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frameratethanks guys, I'm gonna go try to find some wifi to play with this, see how it works :)01:06
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pigeonand see if this helps?
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|tbb| it seems there is also a navkit available for the n801:51
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|tbb|is the n8 heavier as the n770?01:53
Milhouseslightly heavier01:54
|tbb|milhouse do u own one?01:55
Milhouseyes, both01:55
|tbb|i have ordered mine today?01:56
|tbb|-? +!01:56
|tbb|will u sell ur n770?01:56
Milhouseplusses and minuses - look at ITT, it's plastered with 'em :)01:57
koenapparently the n770 and n800 are "ultra-sized desktops"01:57
koenaccording to the carkit propaganda^H^H^H^H^H FAQ01:57
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Milhouseminus for me are the top buttons (a little awkward) and the loss of the cover "standby" functionality (not the cover itself, I just want a quick way to disable the screen and shut down wireless as if the cover had been put on)01:57
|tbb|Milhouse do u own the navkit?01:58
Milhousepluses - a lot snappier, more memory, 2x SD slots, better audio, better screen...01:58
Milhousenavkit - no01:58
Milhousedon't have a car :)01:58
Milhouseand it's a bit over the top for pedestrian use!01:58
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|tbb|better screen? i was thinking it is the same01:59
RotundMilhouse, any other minuses?01:59
Milhousetbb - no sparkely effect as you get on the 77001:59
RotundDo you mean when you "click"?02:00
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Milhouserotund - the incompatability issues, but hopefully they'll be sorted. and the webcam is rubbish in low light, hopefully firmware updates will fix that. SDHC support would be nice for 4GB+ cards.02:00
|tbb|sparkely means what?02:00
myreni'm pretty worried about SDHC support02:00
Milhouserotund - no, look at the screen and you'll see the overlay produces a shimmering/sparkely effect which renders whites more of a pink02:01
myrenflash is getting dirt cheap02:01
koenthe glimmer from the ts layer02:01
myrenno SDHC support puts a serious cramp on any long term usability propsects02:01
Milhousei'm sure it will come eventually02:01
koenremember kids, 640kB is enough for *everyone*02:01
RotundI definitely want the SDHC.  I'm most intrigued by the support for an IT2007-like update for the 770.  I hope they do it.02:02
Milhouseoh, Adobe Flash needs improving - youtube is just about watchable but not really... hopefully better optimisation will fix the poor performance02:02
danielser, you should be able to rebuild the kernel as-is with the sdhc patches, without breaking any abi02:02
Milhousehmm... any idea why Nokia didn't do that for us? ;)02:02
koenMilhouse: that will probably involve making a seperate youtube viewer02:02
koenMilhouse: and lauching mplayer of gstreamer to decode the video02:03
Milhousethe N800 flash player is almost there - just slow02:03
Milhouseeither that's a fundamental issue with flash (needs more horsepower) or it needs optimising (i've no idea which it is)02:03
* koen bets on "fundamental issue with flash"02:04
RotundMilhouse, you mean why no SDHC?02:04
Milhouseyes - daniels suggested the sdhc patches are already available02:04
|tbb|milhouse have u set the quality to lower while watching youtube vidz?02:04
Milhousetbb: yes, lowest quality and a 1mb cache - didn't help that much02:04
RotundI heard that they didn't seem to think about it.  They tested it at CES.02:04
RotundThat'll probably be fixed in the next OS update.  It's only been out for... what 3 days.  They're all in Vegas02:05
danielsRotund: er, the developers are all in helsinki, except that half of them are preparing for a 31 hour helsinki -> london -> singapore -> sydney flight of despair to lca.02:06
Rotundno navkit for US?02:06
danielsnot that i'm procrastinating packing or anything ...02:06
|tbb|could u look at with the n800 and tell me it works02:06
Rotundthey going to lca?  awesome02:06
|tbb|i hope the navkit which i have bought allready will work on the n800 too02:08
Milhousetbb: - not looking good02:10
|tbb|do u have minimo browser installed?02:11
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Milhousetbb: no02:12
Milhousetbb: it took a long time, but it looks like it's happening02:13
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|tbb|with minimo it runs on the 77002:13
Milhousetook ages to download the final item, now opera is showing the players and the message/chat windows02:13
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Milhouseit's very very slow in opera02:14
Milhousei wouldn't like to risk money on this... :)02:14
|tbb|how about the sound?02:16
Milhousejust noticed i had a kismet_client process consuming 75% CPU, let me try again02:16
Milhousesound - dunno i'm listening to The Clash streaming via Media Streamer...02:16
|tbb|quality volume ...02:17
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Milhouseperformance is not surprisingly better now02:18
Milhousestopped the clash now and i hear noises when hands are played02:18
Milhousenp :)02:19
|tbb|i was meaning how about the sound of the device02:19
Milhouseoh - very good02:20 seems ok on the n80002:20
Milhouseif you zoom out to 80% you can fit the whole table on the screen02:20
Milhousei'm watching the same game on my desktop/firefox as i am on the n800 and the n800 is a couple of seconds behind the desktop, that could be due to the ajax polling (assuming it uses polling)02:21
|tbb|is the sound louder on the highest level as on the n77002:21
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Milhousealso on the n800 you only see the player who is playing his hand whereas on the desktop i see all players in the game02:22
shackanWelcome to Scratchbox, the cross-compilation toolkit!02:22
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Milhouseone problem with on n800 - you dont get to see the cards being played, guess that's a bug02:23
Milhouseor limitation of opera02:23
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|tbb|mil if u hear music at highest level, is it much louder and clearer as on the n77002:24
Milhouseabout the same i'd say, but in stereo02:25
shackanis there a way to see hildon UIs from the SDK ?02:27
Milhousethe n800 battery estimate is pretty crazy - i've been using it heavily a couple of hours, says 1 hour left but still 4 green bars. hmm, which one do i believe, eh?02:29
|tbb|i was wondering that there is no picture capture programm or video recorder functionallity on the n80002:29
|tbb|the bars sucked on my n770 also02:30
|tbb|i can have 4 bars then doing a reboot and after reboot i only got 2 bars left02:31
Milhousetbb - i get exactly that, i bet if i reboot the n800 now it will come up on 1 bar and "low battery" alerts within a few minutes02:31
Milhousenot really good enough tbh - batter meter is a waste of time under most circumstances02:31
|tbb|ive heard that the applets r resizable now, is this correct02:33
Milhousetbb: yes, but not all. So far, RSS, Google Search and Speed Contacts02:34
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|tbb|very nice, i wonder why not all of the applets02:35
|tbb|i would like to see applets with transparent effect02:35
|tbb|that would rock02:36
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|tbb|any idea why this isnt implemented yet02:41
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shackanthis simulator is awesome02:45
Milhousetbb: transparency? don't know, but the Plankton theme on Sardine appears to have some sort of alpha-blending going on02:45
shackannot quite the real thing, but still..02:45
Milhouseisn't that the point of simulators?02:45
|tbb|sardine is the latest os update for the 770 ?02:48
Milhouseit's a future development of the hildon framework02:49
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|tbb|gn8 all03:00
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shackancan I access files outside of the simulated chroot?03:01
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Milhousehow do we enter bugs into bugzilla for mediaplayer on n800? bugzilla isn't n800 aware, and the only application listed is maemopad03:18
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Milhousebug #940 raised to make bugzilla N800 aware. sigh.03:21
MilhouseJust noticed the N800 has gone up £10 in the Nokia Shop since I ordered mine for £269 on Sunday03:22
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Disconnectanyone look at a weechat port yet?03:46
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gpdwhat about WiiChat -- using accelerometer to type in mid-air by drawing letters?03:50
hubMilhouse: at least you can order one03:51
Milhouse@hub: :(03:52
Milhousehub - where are you that you can't order one?03:52
Milhousedid nokia sell the 770 direct in canada?03:53
Milhousethat's not good03:54
Milhousenokia are a worlwide organisation03:54
hubno biggie03:55
Milhouseit is if you can't get one03:55
Milhouseplanning a trip to the US any time soon?03:55
danielsnokia are a worldwide organisation, but nokia direct is not.03:57
danielsremember that the product was only _announced_ about 72 hours ago, so i'm sure availability will improve over time.03:57
Milhousedaniels - i assumed availability of the 770/N800 was so limited nokia direct were the only other option03:58
Milhousenever saw a 770 onsale in a bricks & mortar store in the UK03:58
hubdaniels: n770 has been released what. over a year ago?03:58
hubdaniels: and here, bupkiss03:58
Milhousedaniels - they've been shipping for almost a week, ask any droid in CompUSA ;)03:58
hubbut again no biggie03:58
danielsand the 770 was the first internet tablet nokia has ever made.03:59
danielsyou don't go out making five million of something you've never tried before03:59
Milhousedaniels: but if nokia want to sell any, they need to make them available03:59
danielsMilhouse: ... you don't say.03:59
Milhouseyep, i do say - now do you see the problem?04:00
danielsMilhouse: the mechanics of dealing with production for these kinds of things are incredibly complex, and it's not a one-phone-call-to-make-ten-times-more scenario.04:00
Milhouseno stock == no sales. 770's in the UK stores? none. nokia direct is the only option. If nokia direct don't have them, you're stuffed.04:00
danielsas i said, it was only announced 72 hours ago.  iphone won't be available _at all_ until july, yet people aren't ragging them for availability.04:01
Milhousei'm talking about the 77004:01
danielsgive it some time before you make judgements.  initial runs are never enormous.04:01
Milhousehow much time, couple of years maybe?04:01
danielsyes, and the 770 was the very first internet tablet nokia ever made.  so judging what's going to happen for the n800, based on the 770, is a poor idea.04:01
danielssigh.  g'night.04:01
hubwhat is that map application Nokia was demoing at CES?04:06
danielsnavicore, sells with the n800 navigation kit.  essentially the same as runs on symbian.04:08
hubdoes it include a GPS?04:09
danielsi believe it includes a 2gb mmc card with navicore and maps for most of europe and north america, the car mount kit, and a nokia ld-3w gps (which you can buy separately).  but don't quote me on that.04:10
hubworks over bt for the GPS?04:12
* hub google it04:12
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Disconnectdoes navicore+maps sell separately?04:18
hubdaniels: hey, that ETA is convenient at least04:22
danielshub: yeah, the gps is bluetooth04:24
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jtokashcan the n800 and 770 use more than one BT device at the same time?  If so, how many?04:33
jtokashIs 3 possible?  Keyboard, cellphone/data, gps?04:34
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Disconnectjtokash: 770 has done it, i don't see why the 800 wouldn't04:37
jtokashcool, thanks04:39
jtokashJust taking that into account as I think about keyboards04:39
jtokashI have the stowaway but it's too big04:39
jtokashI'm thinking about, maybe, the freedom mini04:40
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metajackjtokash: got a url for the freedom mini?  i am thinking about getting a small bt keyboard to use with it05:06
metajacki have a few apple wireless ones, but they are rather large :)05:06
jtokashsearch on google for reviews05:10
jtokashpeople generally seem to think it's too thick05:10
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metajackis it chorded? i don't get it05:12
metajackthe mini duo looks a little more like what i was thinking05:13
metajackah, with a bigger picture frmo the review sites it makes sense now05:15
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kwaHi everyone. Wanting to tinker around with the built in feed reader for the 770, I started browsing the svn repositories at assuming that it would be there. Since I haven't found it there, am I wrong in assuming that most of the applications included with the 770 are non-free?05:37
kwaI'm pretty tired from work, so I could just be confused.05:37
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inzkwa, rss reader source can be found from:
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kwainz: Ah! Thank you.06:49
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gpdhah - my DESKTOP nvidia drivers are broken - so i am using my n800 to search ubuntuforums for fixes :) yay for tablets!07:04
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inzkwa, don't thank me, thank koen =)07:11
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kwaOf course, thank you koen!07:12
inzOtherwise you'd need to d/l all the sources as one big file ( )07:13
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kwaah, ok thanks for pointing that out.07:16
kwaI appoligize for the being lazy ;-)07:16
inzkwa, there's really no links to either url07:17
inzkwa, the former can be found from maemo-developers list and the latter from "directory contents" page07:17
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gpdi just noticed that if you ssh into somewhere in the osso-terminal and use the keyboard to type a password -- then it remembers it and will appear at random when you typ the first letters of the pw later07:26
gpdpwless keys i guess07:27
Disconnectthats exciting07:29
* gpd generates keys on n80007:30
gpdi suspect most people would be caught out by that though07:31
gpdi guess the terminal should detect that a password is being entered and stop recording new words07:32
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bmidgleyit would be a little better with spaces in your passwords07:32
bmidgleybut the pieces would all be there in the dictionary07:33
gpdhmm... ash seems to ignore /etc/hosts for dns lookups ???07:41
gpddoes that mean that i can't block ads using /etc/host either?07:47
gpdgoogle seems to show other people using /etc/hosts on 770 -- odd07:48
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* gpd watches the tumbleweeds08:01
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gpdso there doesn't seem to be a webserver port for maemo - too heavy?08:07
dieguitogpd: python has an example of 20 lines for a web server or something like that08:11
inzgpd, I tried to do that, but didn't really find out how08:12
inzgdp, err, I tried to make the terminal to ignore the pw, that is08:12
gpdi am surprised - it is normally page 1 slashdot -- 'this page served from nokia 770'08:12
gpd[or used to be]08:12
inzgpd, didn't find anything in libvte that would change when "password" mode is enabled08:13
gpdinz: so do you just use pwless keys? or any other method?08:13
gpdinz: and are you finding that /etc/hosts doesn't get read by ssh etc?08:13
inzgpd, I mostly ignore the problem =)08:14
gpdkthanks :)08:14
inzgpd, haven't really fiddled with hosts, I usually flash the device once a week or so08:14
gpdi suppose i can use use .ssh/config instead - but seems wrong to ignore /etc/hosts -- even OSX follows that!08:15
inzgpd, there's khttpd for it2006 listed at
gpdvery nice -- next on the list is php -- which is less likely08:16
tigerti just keep the text suggesting stuff off in the kbd08:18
gpdtigert: does that stop recording - or stop display?08:18
tigertit probably might still save them, though08:18
tigertdoesnt display at least08:18
gpdtigert: would you expect /etc/hosts to work?08:20
tigerti  find the too clever stuff annoying since it rarely gets stuff right. especially shell commands - though i mostly just use the thumb keyboard for ssh into my shell and irssi08:20
tigert /etc/hosts to work with what?08:21
gpd192. beasty.midvale.local beasty08:21
gpdssh beasty08:21
gpdssh: beasty: Name or service not known08:21
tigertwhats on your resolv.conf?08:21
tigertbut run a bind on your local lan and set dhcp correctly :)08:22
tigertso there is some local caching named?08:22
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inzyeah, 770/n800 use dnsmasq08:23
gpdi just connected to my router -- which works fine with th rest of my machines08:23
gpdin any case -- if you explicitly set something in /etc/hosts it should read this as last resort - no?08:25
tigertwasnt there something you could put to resolv.conf? i remember something like "order hosts, bind" or such from years ago?08:25
inz/etc/hosts should be read first08:25
tigertbut most of the stuff on the device is just standard linux software. it should work. maybe there is some option turned off or something?08:26
tigertbut then again, if one uses hostnames in a lan, setting up a named relay with local zone is not a bad idea.08:28
tigertspeeds up networking nicely too when it caches yor lookups locally08:28
keesjgpd, what happens if you ssh to  beasty.midvale.local08:29
gpdssh: beasty.midvale.local: Name or service not known08:30
gpd/etc/hosts doesn't have to be tabs or anything odd like that?08:30
keesjis you connection up?08:31
gpdyes - i am typing this from the desktop ;)08:31
gpd~ $ ssh
gpdLinux beasty 2.6.17-10-386 #2 Tue Dec 5 22:26:18 UTC 2006 i68608:31
gpdhold the phone08:32
keesjyour typing in the right terminal?08:33
keesjor did you tweak you PS?08:33
gpdno -- the /etc/hosts was 'poorly written' :(08:33
* gpd cowers in shame08:33
gpd22:21  gpd> beasty.midvale.local beasty08:34
keesjvi often messes up on display08:34
gpd^ spot the errors...08:34
keesjip wrong?08:35
gpd192. =>
inz"oops" =)08:35
inzis that ipv4.208:35
gpdi think this indicates that 5 days with little sleep is taking effect... /me wanders off08:36
JaffaMorning, all08:37
tigertit works for me.08:37
tigertgpd :)08:37
inzmeh, should try to fix my vte package for n80008:37
Jaffainz: (re terminal and passwords) I guess you'd have to patch libvte to send a new message/callback to the app when echo is turned off (assuming you actually get that character code still coming through these days)08:37
tigertinz, it doesnt work?08:38
inzthe b0rkedness is annoying08:38
tigertin what sense?08:38
inztigert, thumb kb launching doesn't work08:39
tigertit doesnt? how am i doing this then?08:39
inzexcept via "rocker key"08:39
tigertno, it works fine here08:39
tigertwith thumb press08:39
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inzwell, it doesn't work for me08:39
tigertthe only issue i have is wenever i visi the browser08:40
inzand the vkb sometimes thinks that only alphanumerics are allowed08:40
tigertand type an url, the term also shows the url on next keyboard invocation08:41
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tigertinz, i think that is a bug in the kbd. seen it a few times rarely08:41
tigertthe space-or-punctuation-not-wrking issue08:42
inzit must be sth w/ my vte08:42
inzw/ vte works nicely08:42
tigertthis is n80008:42
* Jaffa heads off workwards.08:43
tigertand your package for xterm08:43
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inzwith 770 the same source works, but with n800 there are issues08:43
tigert~ $ dpkg -l | grep vte08:44
tigertii  libvte-common                                  0.12.1-1mh9bora4  Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - comm08:44
tigertii  libvte4                                        0.12.1-1mh9bora4  Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - runt08:44
inztigert, try to open and close the vkb menu, if i do that, the space gets disabled08:45
tigert  vkb or thumbkbd?08:45
tigertbut i only use the thumb keyboard whenever i can.08:46
inzand when i tap the terminal widget it gets enabled again08:46
tigert the disablation of space is temporary though08:46
inzbut it's annoying nevertheless08:48
tigertbut i can invke the thumb kbd with thumb press just fine08:48
tigertis the version the same?08:49
inzthe thumb press works for me everywhere else08:49
inzand also with tha vte08:49
inzyeah, same version08:50
tigertis your "required pressure" set to minimum?08:50
inzand, as i said, it works everywhere else08:53
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keesjhow is gmail on the n800?09:48
keesjon the 770 i ended up using the "Basic" html version09:48
WillySillyI dont use the basic html of gmail on the 77009:52
metajackgmail works great on n80009:53
metajackno complaints at all09:53
metajackgoogle reader seems to work as well, although it's a little awkward09:53
metajackand google calendar seems to function as well, but there is at least one small bug09:53
inzyeah, gmail seems to work pretty well09:54
* metajack sleeps09:54
WhizI should propably /part as that n800 is getting more interesting day by day.. I really should just cut my visa in pieces or something..09:57
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dieguitoWhiz: haha09:59
WhizYou should just all say that the n800 is hoax, full of crap and the screen will broke very easily as it doesnt have a proper shield as the n770 had :)09:59
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inzn800 is a hoax and full of crap10:01
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Whizthanks :) Now I can start dreaming of OQO2 :)10:04
WhizAnd that is ok as my Visa's monthly limit is lower than the price of that :)10:04
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inzoqo2 is a hoax and full of crap10:08
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Whizhmm.. thanks10:15
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c0ffeeanother piece of information slipped10:42
c0ffeethe selection process is not yet over10:42
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jonekgood morning10:57
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roope  that's quite accurate :D11:05
Jaffac0ffee: or, you could read it another way: it is over, but they haven't been able to announce that yet.11:08
Jaffac0ffee: although I suspect the first meaning was meant11:08
tigert_"phone" indeed11:10
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c0ffeeJaffa, let's be true and replace suspect with hope :)11:11
Guardianmorning all11:15
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dwdc0ffee: Where was this?11:17
c0ffeemailing list11:18
dwdc0ffee: MDK's post?11:19
c0ffeeif MDK is jacub pavelek11:20
koenmdk is M..... D...... K.......11:20
c0ffeeMr. Devesh Kothari? :)11:20
c0ffeeno, jacub pavelek said he doesn't like the way the developer program is going11:21
koen"Another thing is the developer program. I'm not too happy with it myself11:21
koenand I agree we should have at least posted the deadline after which the11:21
koennotifications are sent. I still hope we will at least announce that the11:21
koenselection is over."11:21
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JaffaIt's the "that". If it were "when"... but non-native English speaker so I'll not be swayed one way or the other.11:24
dwdOh, yes, I see it now.11:24
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dwdJaffa: Yes. Does look like the selection is over from that. "that", and not using the subjunctive, is indeed rather confusing.11:25
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c0ffeeand should have posted looks like past as well11:26
Guardianplease, how could i have more details on the meaning of the keys, when creating a .vkb file: how are the alpha,numeric,hexa,tele,special,dead,whitespace keys used ?11:26
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c0ffeesomebody working on the maemo website?11:29
JaffaGuardian: seen?
c0ffeei've put a set of patches for forrest 0.7 in the wiki11:29
inzguardian, input widgets can choose to only get alpha, numeric, hex etc11:29
c0ffeenow i have to hurry to work11:30
c0ffeeso I'm there before lunch11:30
partc0ffee: it's all going to move to midgard11:30
c0ffeeanyway, got to go11:33
Guardianjaffa: yep that's why i asked :)11:33
JaffaGuardian: just checkin' ;-)11:34
Guardianinz: what about tele and special ?11:34
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Jaffa"tele" will be for telephone numbers, I expect: numerics and maybe + and ' '11:34
AD-N770good morning11:35
inzguard, of tele i dunno, it may be for inputting telephone numbers11:36
inzguard, special is special characters11:36
inzwriting is way too slow, even w/ thumb kb11:36
Guardiani'm also curious about "multiple"11:37
Guardianis it using "multiple" keys that tabs are achieved11:37
Guardianfor example on the thumb keyboard: you have a tab for "ABC" another for "1!+" etc11:37
inzno idea11:39
inzit could also be like the '.,-' button in thumb kb11:39
Guardiani would say '.,-' is a sliding key11:40
Guardian"it has more than one label in a key. The last slided label would be committed"11:40
tigertsounds like the multitap key yeah11:41
AD-N770Just my opinion of N800: I think that the new device have a sexy hardware (ARMv6 + VFP)11:41
tigertAD-N770: its a lot snappier in use11:41
AD-N770but compared to N770 I would like to have an screen cover11:41
tigertI personally like the form factor of the 770 more in pocket use11:41
tigertbut the N800 is okay in that sense too11:41
tigertand I never used the screen cover on the 77011:42
AD-N770I ever use it11:42
tigertif you keep it in its own pocket, not with your keys and other sharp metal objects,11:42
tigertthe screen should be fine11:42
tigertits meant for poking at anyway11:42
AD-N770and the form of buttons for fullscreen/+/-/power dosen't like to me on the N80011:42
AD-N770as I said, just my opinion11:43
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tigertbut that is interesting, I wonder if it would be easy to add ctrl-key for example11:43
tigertto the vkbd11:43
tigertand esc11:43
tigertfor vi :)11:43
dwdtigert: I thought twirly-arrow was escape anyway?11:45
AD-N770tigert I use to carry the N770 in a bag with keys, phone, a portable hard drive and something more :)11:45
tigertdwd: oh maybe yeah11:45
tigertAD-N770: yes. keep it in your butt pocket :)11:45
tigertwhen walking11:45
dwdAlthough making the menu/home keys be shift/ctrl when the vkb is shown would be very funky.11:45
osfamerondoes N(770|800) plug into external hard drives ?11:45
tigertosfameron: not out of the box11:46
AD-N770no osfameron as I know11:46
tigertyou can hack it though, but it needs a powered usb hub11:46
dwdosfameron: It's 770|N800.11:46
tigertosfameron: the usb port can work in "host" mode, so it is possible, but it cannot naturally give out enough power for a harddisk11:46
dwdA powered drive would also work, I think. (I have one. Hmmmm)11:46
osfameronlike an ipod for e xample?11:47
tigertbut I havent tried it - the wiki has some info11:47
dwdosfameron: Ah. That might work too.11:47
osfameronpowered hub would be fine for home, but it'd be nice to have something portable11:47
* dwd wonders about using a 770 and an external drive to an N800.11:48
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stanl3ygood morning all11:48
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* jtra would like to have home, end, pgup, pgdn key and ctrl modifier on vkb11:49
seebsHey, um, total stupid newbie question:  Where would I find documentation on the webcam hardware/driver/etc. for the N800?11:50
keesjctrl and esc would be nice11:50
Jaffatigert: can the N800's USB port go into unpowered host mode? There's some question about that on the ITT forums.11:51
jtraI use the 'back' hardware key as esc, that works well11:51
AD-N770seebs you can use gstreamer11:51
AD-N770to use webcam in your software11:51
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seebsI am a little confused by scratchbox setup.  The maemo setup script insists that I ought to have a scratchbox environment set up, but obviously, there's no rootstrap for me to use until I've installed maemo.11:53
seebsSo I assume I should set up an environment without a rootstrap, then run the maemo installer, then re-run sb-menu to pick the newly installed stuff?11:53
Guardiani found the tutorial to be pretty clear11:55
AD-N770no seebs If you use the scripts everythink is installed11:56
seebsHmm.  Maybe I'm reading the wrong thing; there's both maemo and scratchbox instructions.11:56
partseebs: install scratchbox first, then use the installer11:56
AD-N770seebs: gst-launch-0.10  v4lsrc ! xvimagesink should work on the N80011:56
seebsOkay.  If I run "" without my user account set up for scratchbox, it gives warnings and errors, which I was distrustful of.  I will attempt to do it cleanly and see what happens.11:57
seebsAD, thanks.11:57
seebsAll I really care about is the ability to extract a single frame of video in any recognizeable format, the rest is window-dressing.  :)11:58
seebs # /scratchbox/run_me_first.sh12:08
seebsDo you want to use sudo mode? [yes/no] (no):12:08
seebsGive the name of the scratchbox group (sbox):12:08
seebsThe group 'sbox' does not seem to exist!12:08
seebsWould you like me to create the group 'sbox' for you? [yes/no] (yes):12:08
seebsCreating group "sbox"...12:08
seebsStopping Scratchbox: umount, mount: none already mounted or /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc busy12:08
seebsmount: according to mtab, none is already mounted on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc12:08
seebsStarting Scratchbox: binfmt_misc, mount.12:08
seebsThere is indeed a "binfmt_misc" already; why is this grounds to stop Scratchbox?12:08
suihkulokkiit's just restarting it12:09
seebsOh, okay.12:09
seebsDoh!  Now that I read the script, it's obvious.12:09
seebsI must have a caffeine deficiency.12:10
tigertyea, just first time startup12:12
seebsOkay, I'm installed and I've added my user, relogged, now running the maemo script.12:12
seebsMan, this is SOOO much nicer than old-school cross-compiling.12:13
seebs+ /scratchbox/tools/bin/sb-conf setup SDK_ARMEL --force --compiler=cs2005q3.2-glibc-arm --devkits=perl:debian:doctools:cputransp --cputransp=qemu-arm-0.8.1-sb212:22
seebsYou dont have active target in scratchbox chroot.12:22
seebsPlease create one by running "sb-menu" before continuing12:22
seebsI assume I can just ignore that.12:22
c0ffeeerrors are to be ignored12:24
c0ffee(until you can't ignore them any longer)12:24
seebsI think that's what threw me off before.12:24
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AD-N770please, someone with a N800 could give me a valid MAC address in order to download the firmware at
AD-N770the prototype MAC address isn't recognized :)12:36
X-Fadetigert: there?12:37
seebsSure, hang on a sec.12:37
seebs host nokia800 { hardware ethernet 00:19:4f:d4:e7:93; }12:38
seebsOne of the few definite advantages of a DHCP server configured to only respond to recognized hosts.  :)12:38
AD-N770thanks seebs12:39
c0ffeehum nice12:39
c0ffeeyou know that the channel is logged automatically and published on the net meanwhile :)12:39
X-Fadetigert: About the planet page on test.maemo. What are the plans there?12:40
X-Fadetigert: Style etc?12:40
tigertneeds work :)12:40
tigertfeel free to suggest something12:40
tigertit needs to show the articles too though12:40
tigertnot just headlines12:40
tigertbut talk to ferenc about that12:41
seebsI am not aware of anything prohibiting me from telling people the MAC address of a piece of hardware I own.12:41
tigertI dont have admin rights on the site12:41
X-Fadetigert: yeah, first 2 or 3 paragraphs..12:41
tigertX-Fade: yeah12:41
c0ffeesure, no offense :)12:41
X-Fadetigert: I have been fixing a lot of problems in html lately, but the sync server is borked..12:41
seebsBut yeah, I just assume anything on any IRC channel is public.  After the number of times I've seen people react poorly to discovering that something they POSTED ON THE !#@$@ INTERNET became public knowledge, I'm probably immune to the delusion of internet privacy.12:42
tigertX-Fade: right12:42
tigertX-Fade: still? duh.12:42
X-Fadetigert: Yeah, still.. Or again, I don't know.12:42
seebsDoubtless, someone will some day realize that my brilliant "research" on the N800 consisted of hanging out in an IRC channel where smart people told me everything I needed to know.12:42
tigertX-Fade: I think "again" then12:43
seebsI suppose, strictly speaking, crediting the channel in the article is probably working against my reputation for omniscience.12:43
X-Fadetigert: That really slows my activitities down a bit :(12:43
tigertseebs: just say "maemo developer and user community"12:43
tigertX-Fade: ferenc knows a lot more about the serverside12:43
X-Fadetigert: Yeah, he knows about it. I'm sure we're going to work it out ;)12:44
seebsMy thinking is that referring to the "freenode #maemo channel" will help readers more than just handwaving and saying there's something somewhere.12:44
tigertX-Fade: thanks for help on this btw12:44
X-Fadetigert: I just wanted your take on the layout for the planet. If you wanted some certain styling?12:44
tigertseebs: yeah12:44
tigertX-Fade: well, as long as it looks nice12:44
X-Fadetigert: planet.gnome style ;)12:45
tigertI dont want to be a style dictator here, I did the site basic design12:45
tigertbut planet gnome bubbles style could be nice12:45
tigertwe cannot snatch the design as-is though12:45
tigertbut we can do something similar12:45
tigertI can provide some graphics if you want12:45
X-Fadetigert: I'm not sure how to incorporate it in the current layout..12:45
tigertbut I moderately suck at CSS :(12:45
tigertas you can see from all the breakage12:45
X-Fadetigert: I'll do the css..12:45
X-Fadetigert: But you are the inkscape master :)12:46
tigertbut you can for example draw something very simple12:46
tigertand I can redo the pixels12:46
tigerthackergotchis should be there12:46
tigertit is one of the best inventions in planet gnome12:46
tigertsince it makes you know people by face12:46
X-Fadetigert: Do you think you can make some kind of maemo styled bubble?12:46
tigertlet me try12:47
X-FadeLet me check if I can find the source for the planet page :)12:47
X-FadeHmm, nope. Isn't in svn. I'll mail to the list.12:50
tigertmail it to my nick at gmail12:50
tigertsince I cannot access work mail today12:50
tigertworking remote today due to a move in the office12:50
X-FadeI'll CC you then..12:50
JaffaI think the planet.gnome style bubbles are tacky and space wasting, but that might just be me.12:51
JaffaThe current planet.maemo layout isn't too bad (although a bit old-skool)12:52
X-FadeJaffa: You can always just subscribe to the feed ;)12:52
JaffaX-Fade: ...although not on an N80012:52
JaffaAlthough, you could make it a bit feed-like: make the articles collapsible, and remember which have been collapsed by a user in a cookie (all can be done in JS so no server side support needed)12:53
JaffaWould make it a bit more usable as then you can collapse everything you've read12:53
JaffaX-Fade: people are saying it crashes it - I suggested they file a bug12:53
* Jaffa has no N800 to verify, though.12:53
X-FadeJaffa: Me neither. Can't confirm it :)12:54
JaffaActually, a planet enhancement which would be good is a maximum size for images. I've no idea how you'd do it, though.12:54
seebsWhat do you want confirmed?12:55
X-FadeJaffa: You can javascript that.12:55
seebsMy N800 is currently serving as a valuable surface for pulling dust from the air until I finish learning Debian package management.  I could test something.12:55
JaffaX-Fade: walk the DOM for IMG elements and check the size, scaling maintaining the aspect ratio if necessary. Yeah, that should work.12:55
X-FadeJaffa: Well maximum pixel size. Bytesize, I don't know..12:55
seebsBTW, this product marks a milestone in consumer product development; it's a portable gizmo with an LCD screen that, so far as I can tell, comes with a good screen protector already on it.12:56
X-Fadeseebs: I still have the original protection film on my 1.5 year old nokia phone too ;)12:57
JaffaX-Fade: yeah, I meant pixel size - byte size is annoying but not much can be done there.12:57
JaffaX-Fade: it's just atm there're some large images on planet.maemo which could do with being scaled, but you can't dictate to people what to put in their blog.12:57
JaffaX-Fade: the JavaScrcipt could also register an onclick handler to scale them back up. Oooh, that could be switch.12:58
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seebsI don't think I've ever had a product come with a screen protector you could actually leave on it and use the product before.  I've had the loose plastic that's protective but ugly, but never a good one.13:00
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tigertI think the bubbles are good in planet gnome13:03
tigertthe original design was a LOT larger13:03
tigertthis steven-garrity goodness is a lot nicer13:03
tigertI think steven did it13:03
tigertbut the idea of associating a bubble of talk with a speaking head is good13:04
tigertas long as its not too large13:04
tigertI can try to make the bubble a bit smaller thouhg13:04
X-Fadetigert: Give it a plankton like look? :)13:07
X-FadeWith the title in the 'statusbar' :)13:08
X-Fadetigert: You should have my mail btw.13:08
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tigertyea, got it13:09
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seebsHmm.  The hello world applet doesn't seem to build on the new 3.0 build environment; config.sub has been linked to something in /scratchbox/.../libtool, which is missing.13:13
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seebsLooks like it just needs to be relinked.13:16
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* Jaffa shrugs - although the implementation is nice - I really dislike the planet.gnome theme: it just looks cheesy and gimmicky. Not my call, though ;-)13:17
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dieguitoJaffa: this one is pretty neat:
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seebsHmm.  Can anyone suggest why the hello-world package would be rejected by my N800 as "incompatible"?  My one guess is that the architecture should be "armel" instead of "arm".13:31
AD-N770seebs yes, should be armel :)13:32
seebsSo, the package comes with a debian/control file which says "architecture any".  dpkg-buildpackage creates a package in which it says "arm".13:33
koensurprisingly 'armel' is incompatible with 'arm'13:33
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seebsIf I change debian/control to say "armel", dpkg-buildpackage refuses, because it thinks it's building for arm, not armel.13:33
tigertseebs: you have an arm rootstrap?13:33
seebs"sbox-SDK_ARMEL" makes me think armel is correct.13:33
tigertand environment in scratchbox?13:33
seebsThe rootstrap I unpacked was the maemo SDK_ARMEL one.  I thought.13:34
seebsI have a bunch of scratchbox-devkit files for i386, which makes sense because that's the host environment.  I'm not sure where it's getting the idea that the target is arm, rather than armel.13:36
dwdseebs: I like your C IAQ.13:36
seebsWell, wait, cs2005q3.2-glibc-arm... Should that be -armel?13:36
seebsdwd, thanks!13:37
seebsYou would not BELIEVE how many people have corrected it.13:37
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lindi-seebs: strace -o s -f -s4096 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot && grep arm s   to figure out where 'arm' comes from? ;)13:37
seebsOne guy made it up through Section 7 correcting tons of errors.  Even worse, he was wrong more often than the IAQ was.13:37
seebsThat might be overkill. :)13:37
dwdseebs: Section 7 is, I'd have thought, a sufficient giveaway. :-)13:38
seebsStill, better than nothing.13:38
seebsIt was amazing.  In at least one case, he pointed out that a particularly wrong answer would have been better as a humorous non-answer like one of the others, so he clearly knew there were jokes in the document!13:38
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lindi-seebs: dpkg-architecture seems to print it13:39
seebs[sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~/0.4] > dpkg-architecture13:40
seebsWell, that's it, sure enough.  Now how do I change that, I wonder!13:40
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suihkulokkiseebs: try recreating the target13:42
dieguitohmm, silly question: I have this gnome app and I use its ./ but it says I'm missing macros (right after printing: Checking for forbidden M4 macros...), why's that13:42
Jaffadieguito: that seems an almost-as-nice-as-p.g.o implementation of the same, hideous idea ;-)13:43
dieguitoah you don't like the bubble idea13:44
JaffaNope :)13:46
JaffaI think it wastes space and changes the point of the site from an aggregation site to one of a conversation between people who know each other.13:47
* Jaffa doesn't mind too much: I can always usercontent.css or Greasemonkey it away ;-)13:47
koenJaffa: in case of pgo it is quite try13:49
seebs[sbox-N800: ~] > dpkg-architecture13:50
seebsunable to get login information for username "seebs" at /scratchbox/devkits/debian-sarge/lib/dpkg/ line 59.13:50
seebsThat's sorta discouraging.13:50
tigertid seebs13:50
tigerttry that?13:50
seebs[sbox-N800: ~] > id13:51
seebsuid=1000 gid=100 groups=16,33(www-data),41(gnats),100,100013:51
seebs[sbox-N800: ~] > id seebs13:51
seebsid: seebs: No such user13:51
tigertdid you copy the etc etc stuff13:51
tigertcat /etc/passwd ?13:51
tigertdoes it exist?13:51
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seebsYes, and I'm not in it.  Hmm.13:51
seebsIt looks very much like the /etc/passwd for the N800; "user" is uid 29999, gid 29999.13:52
tigertin sb-menu13:52
tigertInstall -> select your target ->13:52
tigertdo NOT install libc,13:52
tigertbut install /etc, devkits and fakeroot13:52
tigertafaik its like that13:53
seebsThat fixed that, I think.13:53
tigertI think the docs said to not install c-library as the rootstrap provides one you need13:53
tigertso I think you missed that step in the installation13:53
tigertnow the arch should wrok too?13:53
seebs... But I still get "arm" rather than "armel" from dpkg-architecture.13:53
tigertwhat did you choose as your cpu-transp method?13:54
seebsNo, DEB_BUILD_ARCH=i386, DEB_HOST_ARCH=arm.13:54
tigerti386 target13:54
seebsqemu-arm-0.8.1-sb2.  I don't have a qemu-armel.13:55
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seebsMaybe I should?13:55
tigertI dont either13:55
suihkulokkiseebs: did you select debian-sarge devkit? You should not select it for armel development.13:55
tigertwhat did the docs say?13:55
seebsI bet I did select debian-sarge.  That's probably it.13:55
suihkulokkithis is becoming very much a faq..13:56
seebsYeah, I guess it is.13:56
seebsWell, my article will warn people.13:56
tigertI just build under qemu :)13:56
tigertbut thats silly and slow13:56
tigertbut I dont do much compiling, mostly just the theme-tool stuff13:56
tigertwhich is fast anyway13:56
seebsVICTORY!  Thanks.13:57
Jaffakoen: true, that may be colouring my feelings on the concept - it leaves you feeling very excluded as a casual reader. Something which pmo doesn't suffer from.13:59
jtraseebs: are you seebs of C IAQ fame?14:00
tigertJaffa: the point of planet gnome IS conversation between people who know each other14:00
seebsjtra:  Yup.14:00
tigertof course it is also aggregation site14:00
seebsIt turns out I am not the only seebs, though.  There's a seebs who runs a Sega collectors web site.14:00
tigertbut the heads make also new people "know" those who blog there by face14:00
seebsIronically, I'm active in some video game stuff, so there's actual potential for confusion.14:00
jtraseebs: ah, nice to meet you - it has inspired me to do IAQ for common lisp few years ago :-)14:01
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qgil[OT] Relocation - Day 2. All our home sweet home is almost [1] packed in boxes and it's being loaded in a big truck. Sigh. Sun and nearly 20 degrees in the outside. The neighbours coming and wishing us good luck even if we were plain foreigners just 2 years ago. I'm enjoying once more the views from the roof of our house in the top of a cliff - | At the same time I'm14:02
qgil[1] The last object left out of the box is the access point, resisting as a captain of the ship, connected to the adsl line and allowing me to send you these lines...14:02
seebsAnd really, I'm not NORMALLY this stupid.14:03
tigert".. the same time I'm[clipped the rest]"14:03
jtraseebs: here
tigertqgil: welcome :)14:03
tigertthe snow has stayed so far14:03
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tigertbut its just 2cm14:04
seebsI love the short bus one.14:04
qgiltigert: thanks, this way we can get used progressively until the 1,50m  :)14:04
jtraseebs: yeah, but for most of the questions and answers it requires to know common lisp well14:07
seebsPart of the fun of the IAQ is that many of the most obviously stupid answers are technically exactly correct, they're just phrased in a way that makes them sound stupid.14:07
seebsHey, another newbie question:  What's "osso", apart from "a common enough word that Google isn't helping me as much as I'd like"?14:08
dwdseebs: I did, eventually, notice that.14:08
Jaffatigert: I guess I don't see the value of pMo readers knowing the bloggers by face. Again, it's just my *very* humble opinion and I'm sure you'll get it looking lovely even if I don't think I like the concept ;-)14:09
dwdseebs: It's a layer around dbus which does Magical Things, mostly to do with making your app behave like a Maemo app.14:09
tigertJaffa: it comes obvious when you visit something like GUADEC14:09
dwdseebs: As opposed to merely looking like one, which Hildon does.14:09
jtraseebs: most of the questions are technically correct yet totally useless and unhelpful in mine IAQ14:09
tigert"OH, YOU are the guy who was blogging about..."14:09
Jaffatigert: Yeah, and that's useful for pGo, but pMo?14:10
tigertJaffa: it helps a lot to recognize newcomers who have been blogging actively14:10
seebsSo, osso is maemo-specific, then?14:10
tigertJaffa: well, it helps also if people meet in person somewhere14:10
Jaffatigert: indeed :)14:10
tigertJaffa: we dont have conferences on maemo currently, but people do visit guadecs etc14:10
tigertstill, it makes stuff more personal imho14:11
dwdseebs: Yes.14:11
Jaffatigert: perhaps if instead of speech bubbles it was just an avatar with the headline to the side and the text wrapping/underneath it wouldn't be so bad. The "speech bubbles" concept just seems really tacky, and the heads take up too much room.14:11
tigert"osso" is the dept at nokia doing maemo stuff and the internet tablet14:11
tigertthe name "osso" is on a lot of code too, but it is kinda silly14:12
Jaffatigert: it'd help if fewer geeks looked like and more like
dwdseebs: osso provides some simple dbus wrappings, including the context stuff, without which your app doesn't get into the taskbar and also gets killed shortly after launch.14:12
tigertJaffa: hehehe14:12
dwdseebs: Or shortly after lunch, if you mistype.14:12
tigertnot EVERYONE looks like stallman there14:13
seebsOkay.  Is there a good home page for dbus, so I can read up on it?  <-- trying to learn the whole Maemo thing very quickly.14:13
seebsAs an example of C-iaq madness which is actually correct:14:13
seebsA:      You have to use a loop.  For instance, the following code reads14:13
seebs        the numbers zero through 99 into the array a.14:13
seebs                for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)14:13
seebs                        a[i] = (scanf, ("%d", i));14:13
seebs        Make sure to include <stdio.h>, or this may not work.14:13
tigertseebs: a lot of the technologies in maemo are from GNOME desktop14:13
tigertalso freedesktop.org14:13
dwdseebs: dbus isn't a Maemo thing, you can find stuff about it at freedesktop.org14:13
guerbyanyone tried openssh or dropbear on N800 yet? no mention on
tigertI think dbus page is in freedesktop.org14:13
seebsThat does, in fact, do exactly what I said it does, it initializes a[x] to x for x in [0,99]14:14
seebsdwd, thanks.14:14
tigertguerby: I pulled ssh from maemo repository for mistral into N800 and it worked okay14:14
tigertI think14:14
seebsguerby:  I think I got dropbear working, but there's no root/rootme anymore, so it's not as useful as I hoped it would be.14:14
jtraseebs: yeah, I remember this and know how it works14:14
seebsI'll probably load it again just so I can scp packages over for testing.14:14
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dwdseebs: Yes, that one is pretty evil.14:15
* tigert wonders what the cannabis leaf is doing on the hackers page :D14:15
guerbytigert, seebs thanks. I'll be waiting a bit more before messing up OS2006/OS2007 repositories, I don't know what is Nokia proposal to handle this community wise14:15
tigertseebs: there is root/rootme14:15
Jaffatigert: not a lot: it was going to do something but, ya know, it, erm, got.... distracted.... Ooh, a shiny.14:15
partyeah, "sudo gainroot" still works if you havbe R&D mode on14:16
tigertJaffa: :)14:16
tigertssh root@localhost works if you dont have R&D mode14:16
tigertand please change your root password when you install ssh14:16
tigertas its open14:16
seebsHmm.  That's odd, it didn't let me in.  I had to do R&D mode.14:16
seebsMaybe I did it wrong in some way.14:16
tigertseebs: maybe your hosts was broken at that time?14:17
dwdseebs: Does becomeroot work on N800?14:17
seebsDunno.  sudo gainroot does if you're in R&D mode.14:17
seebsI don't recall a becomeroot.14:17
tigertssh root@localhost worked on openssh just fine14:17
dwdseebs: The 770 has a package somewhere called becomeroot, which stick stuff in sudoers, allowing you to "sudo su" without a password.14:18
ferulotigert: I got yesterday the python-camera aplication working14:18
tigertthe device has standard OS2007 from the sales package even14:18
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tigertferulo: woot14:19
seebsCool.  Didn't think of that, but it seems like it ought to be easy enough to do.  I was thinking of making a package with a setuid shell.  :)14:19
tigertferulo: your own code?14:19
ferulowith a record-stop button14:19
tigertferulo: neat14:19
seebsI once did a plugin for Safari which executed arbitrary shell commands; the pitch was that it provided compatibility with IE.14:19
ferulosure it's 30 lines of python14:19
tigertferulo: I wonder how hard it would be to install a flumotion slave on it14:19
tigertand control it from desktop14:19
tigertferulo: imagine a bunch of N800's as webcam farm14:20
ferulohumm, maybe flumotion is overkilling14:20
ferulowe could use farsight rtp thing for streaming14:20
seebsHeh.  You guys are way ahead of me; I'm trying to figure out all the maemo development stuff so I can write a tiny little webcam app that just uploads the camera frame every ten seconds or so.14:20
tigertseebs: yea, we are trying to do the same14:20
tigertneed to work together :)14:20
tigertseebs: the gstreamer framework worked nicely14:21
ferulodamm! I left the laptop on the office, so I don't have the code here right now :(14:21
tigertit seems just that the device misses encoding plugins for gst14:22
feruloyeah, and gst-python is cool14:22
tigertferulo: neat14:22
feruloneed to figure out the signal/key/event when the camera is rotated14:22
tigertI think I need to get my tablet replaced, the camera switch is clearly misplaced or broken14:23
tigertmaybe I need to open it and have a look14:23
tigertperhaps there's just some wire loose or such14:23
qgilseebs: maybe someone answered already but osso = OSSO Team = Open Source Software Operations team at Nokia. Hasn't got a website for its own as team but something can be found at
seebsThanks, that helps a lot.14:23
tigertferulo: maybe theres a dbus signal? :)14:23
seebsARGH.  Most annoying thing about being a writer; random strangers write with questions like "What is the most recent version of UNIX?"14:23
ferulooh even x event, I don't now14:24
tigertseebs: haha14:24
tigertseebs: "I have Linux 6.0"14:24
tigert(this being a SUSE user)14:24
tigertyears ago14:24
tigert"But I got version 7, it must be newer!"14:24
tigertX-Fade: around?14:25
ferulodaniels: ping14:25
seebsI know nothing about gstreamer, never even heard of it until today.  I don't do much Linux video stuff.  :)14:26
seebsAhh, but it looks like gstreamer is already installed on the N800, so all I have to do is write code which links against it.  Whee!14:27
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feruloseebs: use python14:29
feruloit's easier14:29
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gpdseebs: how did you fix your arm -> armel problem? i had the same thing14:33
tigertseebs: yeah14:33
tigertgpd: dont use the debian-sarge devkit14:33
tigertjust "debian" I think14:33
gpdwhere is that big again? in the setup of the target - or before?14:33
AD-N770seebs: take a look at my tuner tool for the Nokia 77014:33
AD-N770I learnt gstreamer enough to write the app in a week14:34
AD-N770ssebs: was a self learning project for gstreamer with the following goals:14:35
seebsIt's during setup of the target.14:35
AD-N7701) learnig how to write a gstreamer plugin14:35
gpdso i should remove my targets in sb-menu and start again - ok14:35
seebsMy plan is to dive in now, read up on it until my head hurts, go do something else for a few hours, and try to come back and write a first draft that either displays the video stream or uploads snapshots.14:35
AD-N7702) learn how to write an small C app to construct the  media pipeline14:35
seebsI'll just modify the hello-world app rather than learning all the fidgety stuff for maemo/osso/gtk, if I can.14:36
tigertsomeone should write a nice camera app14:36
tigertlike, so that you can take photos with exif and all14:36
tigertI can help with the ui if someone is interested14:36
tigertand additionally it could push them as a webcam periodically14:36
tigertits just vga cam, but still14:36
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seebsWell, if all goes well, I'll have a minimalist webcam app with a "take picture" button by Monday or so.14:37
tigertkeep fer and me in the loop14:37
qgiltigert: when doing that interface you should add a x,y,z coordinates in a corner, showing the info taken from the geolocated GPS, in a Terminator-view fashion14:37
seebsI should definitely install dropbear, the virtual keyboard makes me die.14:37
tigertqgil: yeah :)14:37
tigertoh yeah14:38
AD-N770I can give some help but currently I'm a bit busy with other projects14:38
tigertthis should definitely use geoclue so it'd be the first geolocation aware camera app14:38
tigertAD-N770: its always good to have someone around to ask, thanks14:38
qgiltigert: mmm first? don't think so14:38
AD-N770seebs openssh works fine for me14:38
keesjseebs, better then dropbear I like synergy14:39
seebsOkay, I could do that too.14:39
tigertqgil: on gnome14:39
tigertlinux / oss14:39
seebsI just need SOMETHING that'll let me log in to the box.14:39
AD-N770try the red pill trick and install it from bora repositories14:39
qgiltigert: then yes  :)14:39
tigertseebs: apt-get install ssh?14:39
tigertseebs: that doesnt work?14:39
seebsHuh.  Didn't think to try it.14:39
AD-N770seebs are u root in the n800 ?14:40
seebsAnd no, apt-get doesn't work, it says resource temporarily unavailable for dpkg/lock.  Maybe I should close the installer.14:40
AD-N770do you have the bora repository at /etc/apt/source.list14:40
AD-N770yes you should14:41
tigertseebs: you need to close the installer yeah14:41
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ferulobtw tigert, python on N800 is really faster than 77014:41
tigertseebs: but it is using the same repositories14:41
seebsHmm, no ssh package found.14:41
tigertferulo: its available now?14:41
tigertferulo: cool14:41
AD-N770try apt-cache search ssh14:41
ferulonot sure... it's not on the SDK... it is supposed to be released on extras/garage soon14:41
ferulobut I found packages :)14:41
tigertferulo: ok14:41
seebsHmm.  I have no /etc/apt/source.list at all, it seems.14:42
seebsOh, sources.list, plural.14:43
seebsNo bora repository.  Hmm.14:43
AD-N770seebs add deb bora free non-free extras14:43
AD-N770to sources.list14:43
AD-N770after apt-get update14:44
AD-N770after apt-get install ssh14:44
AD-N770or if you prefer try the red pill trick with maemo installer14:45
Jaffakeesj: Synergy must do something to enable the mouse pointer? I wonder if a Bluetooth mouse (even if we need a userland driver) is possible.14:45
seebsUh-oh.  I have no ed.  So I just started vi... But I have no escape, either.  @#$.  <-- failure to think ahead.14:45
keesjJaffa, I opera shows the pointer sometimes (and I used neko )14:45
jtraseebs: hardware key with curved back arrow is ESC14:46
AD-N770seebs echo "deb bora free non-free extras" >> /etc/apt/sources.list14:47
seebsExcellent.  :)14:47
seebsI also added a #maemo comment line in the same format in the hopes that it'll make application manager love me.14:48
dwdseebs: This in scratchbox? I usualy use emacs from outside of it. /scratchbox/users/dwd/ ... in my case.14:48
keesjbut  a port of the gtk front-end would be welcome14:48
seebsNo, not in scratchbox, on the actual gizmo.14:48
tigertseebs: sources.list is also used by application installer, so you can add repositories by either that or via text editor14:48
ferulomarketing differences: <-- they show a computer with Scandisk :)  <-- they show a linux kernel book and :)14:48
seebsThis thing really does seem to have made the shift from "it runs Linux, but it's a little crippled" to "this is a pretty viable computer".14:49
seebsThe Zauruses and the 770 always felt cramped.14:49
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seebsHmm.  I have in sources.list, but I still seem to get no ssh or openssh from apt-get.  Hmm.14:50
AD-N770seebs apt-get update14:51
seebsDoh!  I did that, but I didn't spell "free" correctly.14:51
seebsYou know, working in computers is probably the best way to stay humble.14:52
AD-N770I'll be back in 30min see u later14:52
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dwdseebs: I have humbleness thrust upon me. My local LUG has people like Alan Cox, and I work somewhere where I'm below average in RFCs authored.14:55
seebsHeh.  I've never actually done an RFC.  :)14:56
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dwdseebs: I've only done one. My immediate boss has over 10, the boss of the company has over 40.14:56
seebsWoot!  openssh up, and passwords fixed.14:57
seebsYou were right, it does start out as root/rootme.14:57
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seebsOh, the pain.14:57
seebsI've been hanging out on a PS3 forum because I'm doing a project with PS3 Linux.14:57
dwdHas Jaffa asked his traditional daily question yet?14:58
seebsJohn Carmack said the Cell was hard to program for, so now there's hundreds of posts from non-programmers explaining that Carmack is old and slow and lazy.14:58
Fatalforums are teh lose14:58
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seebsSee, if he were a REAL man, he'd love the Cell, and he wouldn't "complain" that it's hard to program for.14:58
seebsMy favorite so far is the guy who made fun of me for thinking that floating point math is useful for 3D gaming.14:58
feruloI remember Carmack writing code for the g200 glx project!14:59
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dwdseebs: Carmack might well find things difficult because his goals are rather higher. Minor mortals merely like to get stuff to work, rather than work perfectly first time fully optimized.14:59
seebsSee, if I had the knowledge that comes from being a THIRD YEAR computer science major, I'd totally understand that 3D games use VERTEX and LINEAR ALGEBRA operations.  Not floating point.14:59
gpdok - i should have my scratchbox running correctly now - need to find the vpnc source deb and get compiling15:00
seebsOh, I love Cell to bits, but there's no denying it's a cast-iron bitch to get things done on.  Very very powerful, but you can't just write code and expect it to work well.15:00
seebsHe never said you couldn't program it, he just said it was more work to target than other systems, but the fanboys can't accept that this could be true.15:00
dwdseebs: Forgive me for thinking that vertex and linear algebra both used floating point.15:00
seebsSo you have all these people talking about how lame and derivative his work is, like UT2K7, which was dull.15:01
seebsAnd yes, I know he didn't write that.15:01
seebsI sent one of these threads to a game developer I know with a warning that he had better not read it if he had to pee.15:01
gpd <- can't find pool or dists in there?15:01
seebsSee, the comp sci guy found out that there's cell-based blade servers, so he was arguing that the main use of Cell will be in "server applications" rather than games.15:02
seebsI'm sure even the most casual user sees how helpful vector floating point math will be for a web server.15:02
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dwdseebs: Well... It could potentially be useful in anti-spam. But that's the only common server application of floating point, and that's only on the weirder cutting edge.15:05
seebsIt's amusing, anyway.  Delightful watching people who know nothing about computers explain what programming is like.15:05
dwdseebs: It's a nice thing about 770-land, actually. The majority of people tend to be old fogies.15:06
gpdok -- found debian stable vpnc source package and compiled -- time to test :)15:08
dwdActually, I'd hazard a guess that those Cell-based blades might be pretty nifty in a rendering farm. I'd forgotten about rendering farms.15:08
seebsOh, yeah, rendering farms are great, but I tend not to think of them as a "server" app, really; in a way, they're just clients for a scenery server.15:09
tigertX-Fade: sent you a mockup15:09
gpdvpnc depends on iproute; however: <- ;(15:10
dwdgpd: Hmmm, yes, but that shoudl compile easily, I'd have thought.15:11
X-Fadetigert: I like it ;)15:12
gpdUnmet build dependencies: libatm1-dev | atm-dev libdb4.2-dev | libdb-dev | libdb2-dev | libdb3-dev lynx15:13
gpdoh dear -- this is turning into a goose chase15:13
gpdthose are just build-deps - can i just install on the dev machine?15:14
X-Fadetigert: How about adding a drop shadow to the bubble? Like on the menu bar?15:15
gpdseemingly not... /me scratches head15:15
sp3000you'd install build deps to the build env15:16
sp3000unless I'm missing something subtle here :)15:17
koenapt-get build-deps <foo> doesn't work?15:17
gpdin the sbox-SDK_ARMEL (sorry very newbie here)15:17
Guardianshould i use the install script if i already have various targets inside my apophis setup ? (mistral,scirocco)15:18
Guardiani guess not :)15:18
gpdkoen: sp3000 apt-get build-dep iproute --> done -> still no build ?15:21
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gpdi think i need to RTFM the scratchbox manual15:22
tigertX-Fade: ack, it has, but I think I forgot to move it a bit15:22
X-Fadetigert: I don't see it in svn yet?15:23
dwdgpd: I think you can fiddle so you're building an iproute without ATM support.15:23
X-FadeOk ;)15:23
gpddwd - i think i'm just not installing the build-dep stuff in the right place15:23
dwdgpd: Yeah, but there's no point in building ATM support into a 770/N800 iproute deb anyway. :-)15:24
X-FadeI only have to work about 30 hours this weekend, so I think can make the mockup html+css page this weeekend... easily :)15:24
gpddwd: hmm - maybe i should try and find the vpnc source package instead of this vanilla debian one15:25
gpd <- i am failing to get past that url to find the src packages however15:25
dwdgpd: I suspect it'd still need /sbin/ip and friends.15:26
gpd <- no mention of iproute there ?15:26
Jaffadwd: nope, I've been too busy and figured someone would've mentioned it.15:26
Jaffadwd: feel free to share my burden15:26
dwdJaffa: Okay. :-)15:26
dwdSo... The traditional question of the day - anyone got a developer discount yet?15:27
seebsDidn't try.  Someone will probably pay me for an article on it, so it'd be sorta cheating to try to get a discount.15:27
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tigertafaik its not decided yet15:28
tigertbut I dont know when, ask carlos15:28
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dwdtigert: That almost counts as information. Careful, you'll set a precedent.15:28
framerate|afkgnuite said on a forum post he "head" he was getting one, but it wasn't official15:28
seebsHmm.  So, gstreamer pretty much requires me to write a plugin to accomplish something like "get the most recent frame from this source" or anything similar, yes?15:29
tigertdwd: I dont know details15:29
tigertso whatever I might spew is not anything relevant15:29
tigertseebs: construct a pipeline15:30
seebsHmm.  I should grab the plugins-good set and see if any of those apply to my situation.15:31
tigertseebs: apt-get install gstreamer-tools15:31
tigertand plugins-good15:31
tigertand then try15:31
gpd <- this is my best guess - but nothing15:31
tigertgst-launch-0.10  v4l2src ! xvimagesink15:32
tigerttry that15:32
sKaBoyseebs, no, you can use "v4l2src ! fakesink", put a probe on fakesink sink and get the latest frame when you want. Read the application development manual :)15:32
seebsDoh!  Thanks.  I was looking at the plugin manuals, not the app manual.  Doh!15:33
sKaBoynp :) good reading! it's cool to use gstreamer! You can also look at how totem-gstreamer does screenshot if you want to copy some code :) Or the totem-gstreamer thumbnailer.. there a lot of gst examples!15:34
k-sdoes your n800 flickers? At least much more than 770?15:34
gpdk-s: mine flickers when dimmed - not otherwise15:34
gpdk-s: more like pulsing15:35
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seebsHaven't seen any flickering or pulsing on mine.15:35
seebsExcept the LED, which I'm going to turn off because I'm sick of having it flash at me for no obvious reason.15:35
gpdhmm.  no vpnc source deb in that scriptkiller repository according to apt either15:38
AD-N770I'm back15:38
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tigertseebs, the led patterns are defined in a config file15:42
tigertmce.ini in /etc/mce iirc15:42
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Guardianwhich repo should i use to install libhildon-input-method-framework-header-sdk-2.0 package ?15:58
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seebsThe gstreamer docs have me stumped on one tiny little detail.  I can figure out how to pass things from one source to another, and all.16:01
seebsWhat I can't figure out is how to, say, extract a particular frame as actual data in any format.16:01
seebsI think this means it's about time to go get some pancakes.  Everything is easier after pancakes.16:02
gpdany ideas if tightvncserver can serve the current running X desktop?16:02
gpdit seems to want to create a new one on :116:02
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seebsBTW, one other dumb newbie question:  How does one extract the SD card from the "removable" slot?16:03
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seebsMost of my SD devices, either you push it and it springs out, or you pull the exposed edge; this one's nicely embedded, but doesn't seem to have a spring.16:04
gpdpulling not working?16:04
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seebsCan't grip it, not enough exposed edge.16:04
seebsI could try pliers, but any time you have a $400 piece of electronics and you get out pliers, the credit card company weeps tears of blood.16:04
mgedmingpd: IIRC tightvnc can't, but there are at least three other vnc servers that can16:05
alumpmy mini/micro sd adapter has been left behind twice now, it's nice to try get it out16:05
seebsOff for pancakes, back later.16:05
gpdseebs: hmm -- i agree looks nasty16:05
mgedmingpd: vino, x11vnc, rfb16:05
gpdmgedmin: thanks - good to know - will try another16:06
gpdmgedmin: any preference?16:06
mgedminvino, because it's integrated with GNOME desktop that I use16:06
mgedminenabling it is a checkbox away16:07
mgedminand it can pop up a dialog asking for confirmation when somebody wants to connect16:07
gpdok - switching to gnome :)16:07
mgedminso you know when you're being spied upon :)16:07
mgedminI do not think vino requires gnome to be running16:07
Guardianwhich repo should i use to install libhildon-input-method-framework-header-sdk-2.0 package ? i'm trying to use the sample input method plugin tutorial16:08
Guardianlibhildon-input-method-header-sdk-dev and libhildon-input-method-framework-header-sdk-dev packages.16:09
gpdmgedmin: working! :) very cool16:10
gpdactually... some problems -- seems not to be refreshing16:13
gpdie. windows that have been closed still appear16:14
JaffaWoohoo! mud's built an AM-compatible deb file (complete with icon) from an automake-based tarball.16:15
keesjJaffa, nice , what is AM-compatible?16:16
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Jaffakeesj: Application Manager, i.e. Section starts "user/" - it's configurable, but defaults to on.16:18
Jaffai.e. this is the configuration:
Jaffa...which builds the deb installed here:
gpdhmm. tried x11vnc server and get similar problems with refreshing - implying that it is the viewer not the server16:19
keesjJaffa, how to you want to handle patches?16:20
Jaffakeesj: for mud itself or the packages it builds?16:21
keesjthe packages.16:22
keesjbut thinking of it perhaps it just should not do that. perhaps it is better to create a different tool for creating a tar that will build16:23
Jaffakeesj: it looks for a patch in `packages/patch/<pkgname>.patch`16:23
keesjand how will that work with different versions?16:23
keesj(I ask those question because its the kind of problem I had while trying the same)16:24
keesjI just looks a little to clean to me :) I would really like that the tools really is usable by anybody16:25
keesjjust allowing pre/post scripts might be enough16:25
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Guardianso on one has a clue about my dependency pb ? anyone ever tried to follow the tutorial ?
Jaffakeesj: as the package moves forward and the patch drifts it'll have to be regenerated. However, given the package version is usually in ththe filename of the upstream tarball there is stuff to change anyway16:28
Jaffakeesj: indeed, I'm hoping to make it as flexible as possible. pre/post scripts might work.16:29
dragornJaffa: my build desktop blew up, but you should know I'm installing scratchbox on another server just to get hercules built. :P16:29
Jaffadragorn: excellent :)16:29
keesjand the different mud would be in once cvs?16:29
gpdanyone know if there might be an option on the vncserver that might help with screen refreshing / repainting problems?16:31
* _matthias_ is sad16:32
lle2daniels: first debian package has been built using sb2 courtesy of Valtteri Rahkonen16:32
_matthias_first i don't know how to afford a new 800 and i've lost the 770 desk stand called dt-7 obviously16:32
danielslle2: nice one!16:33
_matthias_in my summer holidays16:33
lle2sb2 doesn't really work yet, but it will soon16:33
_matthias_since then it does not make fun using my bt keyboard anymore16:33
_matthias_... does anyone know where to get a new dt-7?16:33
danielslle2: rocking16:33
danielslle2: presumably it'll be completely done and ready to take over the world by the time i get back16:33
lle2daniels: I think I can fit the whole maemo3.0-with-sb2 howto in less than 15 lines16:34
lle2including five lines devoted to building sb2 itself16:34
Jaffakeesj: exactly.16:35
dragornJaffa: Hmm, 'course, scratchbox seems to hate my current host install, so who knows when I'll get around to figuring that one out16:35
gpdok -- looks like it was beryl related -- with metacity all is well in vncland :D16:35
Jaffadragorn: ah, if only you could run scratchbox in MVS ;-)16:35
dragornJaffa: oh, in theory, I could run linux390 in hercules then run scratchbox in there :P16:36
danielslle2: bah, just use autotools ;)16:36
keesjlle2, I have started trying to understand sb2, (buildt it)16:37
lle2daniels: but I do! I use autoconf16:37
lle2daniels: but yeah, I /could/ fit sb2 building instructions on one line16:37
danielslle2: i thought sb2 was using your own build system which resembled gar16:38
lle2daniels: it DOES NOT RESEMBLE GAR!!16:38
danielsand was using autoconf but didn't use it to, y'know, generate the makefiles, or anything16:38
danielslle2: heh, okay16:38
lle2I'll positively kill the next person who claims that16:38
koenJaffa: btw, your MUD thingie is starting to look a lot like OpenEmbedded :)16:38
daniels/t #maemo ask lle2 about GAR16:38
lle2daniels: it's using configure to figure out the existence of a large number of functions, but that's about all16:39
lle2rest of llbuild is pure make16:39
danielslle2: yeah, i've seen it16:40
lle2daniels: after I rewrote it?16:40
keesjkoen, what is this openembeded thing you keep talking about ?16:40
lle2daniels: it doesn't call make recursively anymore16:40
danielslle2: whenever you posted it to maemo-developers16:40
danielslle2: ah, non-recursive is admirable16:40
lle2daniels: it's _much_ simpler and more functional now16:40
Jaffakoen: true16:40
Jaffakoen: I don't need any of the crosscompile stuff, since Scratchbox can provide that, though.16:41
tzzhas anyone had the RSS reader crash on the planet RSS feed?  I've had to remove the cache directory twice now.16:42
tzzwith a 77016:42
tzzI think it's a single post that's triggering it, the problem started on Monday16:43
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Jaffatzz: check if there's a bug on, if not save off the current RSS feed and attach it to a new issue16:43
tzzI will, just checking if anyone else has had the problem16:43
Jaffatzz: yeah, I've heard of it before:
JaffaThere's no attachment there so providing some additional information to that (fairly useless) bug report would help.16:44
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Jaffai.e. the RSS is changing continually, unless the RSS which is causing the problem is attached to the bug report, when someone comes to it in 3 weeks the problem may not be reproducible.16:45
Jaffaflorian_kc: lo16:45
kaatistzz, there's a lot of images on current page. maybe too much for the rss reader..16:45
lle2keesj: sb2 is like sb1 but without the chroot and the /scratchbox hierarchy, it does some interesting things with your file access16:45
lle2keesj: not entirely reliable yet, but progress seems to be about 100x faster than I thought still in early december16:46
keesjbut it still requires the toolchains from sb116:46
Jaffakaatis: does the OS 2007 RSS reader handle images, then? I didn't think the 770 one did.16:47
keesjso where will those end up16:47
lle2keesj: at the moment partly yes, but that'll get fixed16:47
lle2keesj: I'm aiming at sb2 being able to use any cross-compiler16:47
lle2keesj: or any compiler in general, doesn't need to be cross16:47
lle2keesj: it would simply figure it out by itself, it's not too hard to implement16:48
kaatisJaffa, don't know16:48
keesjlle2, I have seen mostly the bright side of sb1 , and one of those where that everybody had the same stuff and problems16:48
lle2keesj: currently you still need to edit sb2.config by hand but that'll change16:48
tzzI added the data to bug 93916:49
lle2keesj: that's true, but it's a real bitch to maintain16:49
keesjI can imagine,16:49
dragornmy problem with scratchbox right now is I seem to have gotten my system upgraded beyond the point that it wants to compile cleanly :P16:49
lle2keesj: you could still simulate the same with sb2 by using chroots with a specific version of debian/ubuntu/gentoo/redhat/slackware in it16:49
tzzkaatis: the bug started earlier, on Monday I think, before that entry with lots of images came up16:50
lle2keesj: but I think the ability to simply use your host distro is enough to more than offset the loss of single unified environment16:51
dragornlle2: Have you talked to the openwrt guys, btw?  If you're looking at building a more genericized scratchbox system, they might definitely be interested.  I was pimping scratchbox to mike the last time I was out there and he was pretty interested in it, they might have some energy to spare to help.  (or they might not, who knows)16:51
lle2dragorn: no, I've not talked to them, probably I should16:52
dragornlle2: buildroot2 is pretty sane as a crossbuild system, but lacks all the runtime emulation and debugging scratchbox does16:52
dragornlle2: I work w/ mike baker (openwrt founder) if you want me to connect you two at some point16:52
Takooo, new upload queues!16:53
lle2dragorn: that would be nice, I'll probably want to clean up sb2 a little bit more, there are some structural issues to resolve, but after that. shouldn't take more than this weekend16:53
dragornlle2: Sure.  Ping me some other time.  He's out until next week anyhow16:54
keesjlle2, I also had a great laugh when reading all the stuff you can do as "ordinary user"   . I sure did not feel like an ordinary user when doing the git clone
lle2keesj: "ordinary" and "normal" are all relative ;P16:55
keesjbut that is the same feeling sb1 gave me . look I am a real developer now16:56
dragornperhaps the word is "unprivileged" ?16:56
lle2yeah, that would be it16:56
lle2I would *never* use sb2 as root16:57
lle2that's just asking for your entire system to be blown to pieces16:57
lle2after all you're going to be running things like ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install16:57
dragornlle2: which dynlinking are you looking to do on qemu?16:58
lle2so doing that as root in sb2 without the protection of the chroot of sb1 is crazy16:58
lle2dragorn: the qemu binary itself needs to be dynamically linked so that the preloaded can do it's magic16:59
dragornlle2: 'k...  um, mine is, on gentoo :)16:59
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lle2dragorn: yeah, I'm on gentoo as well but my cross-compiler is too new for gentoo's qemu17:00
dragornlle2: I had to build it under gcc-3.4.6, but, it's dynlinked.17:00
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dragornlle2: Everything I found said it can't be built under gcc4 so I just built gcc346 and compiled it there.  Ugly solution, but it'll do the trick17:00
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lle2dragorn: yup, but it won't help you when your arm-linuc-gcc spits out instructions your qemu-arm doesn't handle17:01
florian_kcjpetersen_: I made a new libmimedir package that includes your patch.17:01
dragornlle2: I'm missing part of the equation then, I'll just agree since I'm not following ;P  I didn't spend a whole lot of time on it, I needed it working for other things at the time.17:02
jpetersen_florian_kc: thanks17:02
lle2dragorn: the goal is to use the qemu that's available on the host system17:02
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lle2dragorn: there's no desire to bundle qemu with sb217:02
gpdflorian_kc: did you see my other import problem?17:02
dragornlle2: Ah, so you don't want to have to use the compiler trick and force the host to mess around17:03
lle2dragorn: but unfortunately gentoo's qemu isn't working for me, totally unrelated to sb217:03
lle2dragorn: I still want to play the sb2 path mapping games with qemu, but it doesn't need to know it's happening17:03
gpdflorian_kc: when importing google mail basic.ics:  Error reading calendar file syntax error (missing parameter name)17:04
dragornlle2: Is the "not working" the gcc4/gcc3 problem?17:04
lle2dragorn: no17:04
dragornlle2: Ah17:04
florian_kcgpd: that might be the same17:04
gpdflorian_kc: that was after installing jpetersen_'s patched version17:05
lle2beer time! ->17:05
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florian_kcgpd: oh, that's nasty...17:06
gpdflorian_kc: can i be of help in diagnosing?17:06
gpdflorian_kc: someone had google subscribe working on n800 - but mine fails - i probably have some fancy date stuff going on17:07
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florian_kcgpd: sure... unluckily error reporting of libmimedir is quite bad. but if you manage to identify a single event that causes this problem and attach the ics with it to a bugreport that would be really nice17:08
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gpdalso - minor display issues - the month dropdown looks weird, and the SMTWTF buttons don't fit on the screen in the add event weekly recurrence17:08
tzzJaffa: mud-builder looks really nice.17:09
Jaffatzz: thanks :)17:10
gpdflorian_kc: btw. absolutely fantastic suite -- i love it17:10
Jaffatzz: Obviously once the framework's a bit more stable and featureful the aim is to get a) more people submitting new packages; b) other people to assist with the build/upload cycle.17:10
tzzJaffa: let me know when it's ready for beta, I first heard about it with your e-mail today17:11
Jaffatzz: you could play with it now if you don't mind breakage. I'm hoping by the end of the weekend it'll be more stable, featureful and - most importantly - documented.17:12
tzzJaffa: I'd like to use it to package Emacs, that's going to be my first N800 package17:12
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TakJaffa: so at what point are you going to aim it at the main debian source repo? ;-)17:12
florian_kcgpd: right... for some reason some widgets look broken in maemo, we have one bug report about such an issue open since 1.017:13
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JaffaTak: that's where <fetch type="debian" /> comes from by default. But I've no desire to cross-compile Debian as a whole in Scratchbox.17:13
tzzJaffa: right now I'm trying to reduce the number of unnecessary files in the distro, but it's a LOT of small files so it's a bit difficult.  The info manuals, for example, are not really needed IMO.17:13
florian_kcgpd: thanks!17:13
Jaffatzz: no, agreed.17:13
Jaffatzz: stripping down packages makes sense, e.g. no man pages (by default)17:14
gpdflorian_kc: what are your thoughts on some kind of 'subscribe/sync' to a remote vcard file?17:14
keesjand having keywords like in portage gentoo sounds good to me :)17:15
keesjwebcam debug doc17:15
keesjBut I am one of those guys who never created his onw linux distro so I don't really know what it takes17:16
tzzJaffa: I see MUD on garage, I'll play with it.17:16
florian_kcgpd: thoughts... yes: a useful sync tool using OpenSync17:16
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Jaffatzz: ah yeah, did I snip out the URL from my email today? How poor advertising on my part.17:16
tzzJaffa: btw, you should put the on garage too17:17
* Jaffa thinks garage might be overkill for a single Perl script17:17
tzzJaffa: I made some patches for better usability but they are against an old version17:17
Jaffatzz: ah, send them anyway and I'll try and merge them17:17
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tzzJaffa: the big one for me was putting results in a 770 subdirectory17:21
tzzmkdir "770";17:21
tzz$outFile = "770/$inFile" unless defined $outFile;17:21
tzzsorry that was supposed to be one line.17:21
stanl3yiam a newbie to maemo and n770 stuff, but looking for a omap platform i found you guys17:22
gpdflorian_kc: opensync looks great - thanks (sorry very new tableteer)17:22
stanl3ymy question now is, does the scratchbox emulate the complete cpu including the dsp?17:22
tzzJaffa: the rest I added was for my own use, now that I look at it...  Probably not too many people will find it useful.17:23
Jaffatzz: yeah, that's not something I want though ;-) Need to come up with a way of having it as an option. Maybe it's time to introduce a ~/.770-encoderc specifying options like that so you don't have to specify it on the command line each time.17:23
||cwi have a bash script I user for encoding, don't recall where i for it17:24
||cwgo tit17:24
* ||cw gives up on the typing17:24
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tzzJaffa: yes, you should definitely make the script a garage app.  I'd like to add a web interface to it, so in an Apache environment you can checkmark a bunch of videos and then Ajaxically you'll see when their conversion is ready17:24
tzzgo tit! ;)17:24
jose__hi all17:24
jose__i am new to maemo, i just installed the 3.0 sdk to start playing with it... i am getting an error installing ssh17:25
jose__Setting up ssh (3.8p1-3osso7) ...17:26
jose__/scratchbox/tools/bin/chgrp: changing group of `/usr/bin/ssh-agent': Operation not permitted17:26
florian_kcgpd: well... in a perfect world you wouldn't ever get in touch with it as long you don't start developein :-)17:26
Jaffatzz: it'd make sense from a taxonomy point of view to change Media Converter to support the Java app and the Perl script (there was once talk of this many moons ago), given that Media Converter tends to pick up ideas from 770-encode anyway ;-)17:26
tzzJaffa: yes, for stuff like the rc file and whatnot, you'll get better collaboration with VCS than by doing your own version releases.17:26
Jaffatzz: or I just stick 770-encode in my own Subversion server17:27
||cwah, it's the intereactive one from here , modified to git rid to 2-pass, i didn't see the point when it's going to be shrunk and re-streached so much anyway17:27
gpdflorian_kc: i'm not sure i even know what the perfect world looks like with calendar / contacts / email syncing bewteen multiple machines -- google things it is all on their site - but when offline that doesn't help.  i suppose we should just expect to be online /all the time/ ;)17:28
tzzJaffa: that's fine, but you still need a desktop.  With a server setup, you can request the video conversion from the 770 and when it's ready you just click on the link17:28
tzzJaffa: talking about Media Converter here17:28
Jaffa||cw: I didn't like the interactive angle - I mean, asking for the aspect ratio? I hate telling computers things they already know or could work out.17:28
Jaffatzz: oh yeah, I meant reuse the garage project, as konttori_ already put mediaconverter under a subdirectory17:28
florian_kcgpd: :-)17:28
||cwJaffa: mplayer cna't work that out so well from wmv's17:28
stanl3ydid anyone here use omaps dsp in development?17:29
||cwi think17:29
Jaffa||cw: it can if it assumes square pixels17:29
tzzJaffa: regarding SVN: sure, but I thought the point of garage was to keep all the stuff in one place, easy to find, etc.  So keeping it on garage, wherever you like, is great by me.17:29
Jaffatzz: true. I'll have a think over the weekend.17:29
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* Jaffa wants to try out the best presets for an N800, assuming he gets a developer code (<fx:fingers crossed="still"/>)17:30
tzzJaffa: about the web conversions: this can be very nice when you can distinguish between 770 and N800 clients, and keep the videos generated for each one separate.  Basically you'd have a profile, like the TVersity client profiles, and it would Just Work for everyone.17:30
||cwhm, how did i work that out in my ruby dvd encoder...17:30
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||cwah, i used lsdvd's output17:31
tzzferenc: are you bulgarian?17:33
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tzzferenc: I see the .bg origin :)17:34
Jaffatzz: VidConvert ( source code might interest you: - but it's not quite what you want.17:34
tzzJaffa: yes, I looked at VidConvert, I have in mind something a lot more interactive, all the work done in the background and live progress bars for each file convrsion you've requested.17:35
ferenctzz: no, i am Hungarian. just moved to BG for a while.17:36
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tzzferenc: got it.  I was born in BG, so I was just curious.17:37
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Takferenc: it's great having multiple upload queues now!17:38
ferencTak: i'm glad you like it. did you test any of them already?17:38
Takno, I haven't gotten a chance yet17:39
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Jaffatzz: that'd be very cool.17:45
JaffaHmm, I've just realised: I hope Google ranking will be a metric on the developer device programme - a search for "maemo software" puts me top ;-)17:46
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qgilJaffa: gosh! you discovered the s3kr3t system!17:47
dwdJaffa: I'm the top one for "maemo email" (off, anyway)17:47
dwdJaffa: I feel I ought to say nyah-nyah-ne-nyah-nyah!17:48
Takhmm, I see a different result17:48
TakI also see I don't show up in the results :-(17:48
framerate|afkI get the app catalog first in the results17:49
dwdI assumed he meant aside from
framerate|afkwell he didn't say :)17:49
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tkoqgil, funny, we finished packing today as well. I was thinking of making a joke of sorts about iphone announced, osso packing up and closing down but that might be sending the wrong signals.. :)17:51
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qgiltko: i like your sense of humor17:53
Jaffadwd: I didn't, but I didn't use quotes around my search term.17:53
dwdJaffa: Nor me. If I use quotes around my name, though, I have at least the first 100 hits on Google, which is rather alarming.17:53
Jaffai.e. (for framerate|afk / Tak's benefit then)17:54
Takah, I searched with the quotes17:54
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Jaffadwd: Hmm, my name with quotes return 40,200 results all of which are me-related, I think. Scary.17:55
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qgiltko: so big is my new desk that you needed to find a new place?17:56
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tkoqgil, I never thought it that way, but you're probably right :)17:57
tkowe should have now at least one quarter of a wing more space, that probably fits your table17:58
* qgil 's access point is about to be disconnected - good bye Andalucía, hello Uusimaa!17:58
qgilbye guys, see/read you on Monday17:59
dwdJaffa: I get 37,400. But link 132 isn't me, so maybe it's lying. :-)17:59
tkoyou're just in time, it's getting colder around here :)17:59
feruloqgil: see you!17:59
ferulotko: my weather applet says -918:00
feruloso I'm not going shopping18:00
qgilthanks for encouraging! bye noe18:00
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Jaffadwd: heh :)18:03
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sp3000and to think I considered gaim on desktop slightly confusing18:42
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||cwwtf was that18:47
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Takis there a gpilot port?18:54
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tigert-9 is not cold18:55
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nokHi, is there a way to lock the display and not have it turn on if someone touches it (only turn on by buttons) on the N800?18:56
hubclose the lib?18:56
* hub runs18:56
nokor does anyone know to to make it go into sleep mode?18:58
tkogive it a pillow?18:58
noktried that.18:58
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hubsome sedative?18:59
Takpower button?18:59
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kkpaulis there anybody out there who can tell me waht has happened to all the links referring to dropbear?19:11
kkpauleven the author of dropbear said that he doesn´t know what happened to all those linkt to the maemo port of dropbear19:12
Guardianare there examples of xml file for vkb definition somewhere ?19:14
tkoferenc, oh, how's the new application catalog? does it have all the content, is it ready to replace the wiki page?19:14
Guardianthere are such things as <key alpha="ALPHA" size="2"> that seems rather strange to me19:14
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Guardianalpha="ALPHA" ???19:14
tkoGuardian, didn't mohammad post a link to documentation?19:15
Guardiani'm reading
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Guardianwhich is the only documentation about it i'm aware of19:15
Guardianalso, it is not clearly explained whether or not HILDON_VKB_LAYOUT_NORMAL layout correspond to fullscreen view (not THUMB) and HILDON_VKB_LAYOUT_SMALL corresponds to windowed view19:17
Guardiani'm just guessing here19:18
tkoah, that's just some xml-dialect for boolean attributes .. some use attr="true" or attr="1" and others use attr="ATTR" or something like that19:18
kkpaulGuardian or tko, may I butt in for a second?19:18
Guardianit seems that in the xml file you define <keysizes> with absolute pixel size but when you switch between fullscreen and windowed view, the same layout gets resized19:19
Guardiankkpaul: don't know about the links19:19
kkpaulk, thanks! I wont ask any further then :)19:20
tkoGuardian, there's only two modes I know of, fullscreen aka thumb, and normal19:20
tkokkpaul, if it's about the wiki, see the history?19:20
Guardiantko: however, i just verified with maemopad, when you switch to fullscreen view, the normal keyboard is resized to fullscreen19:21
Guardianwell, when switching to fullscreen keys are enlarged a bit19:21
tkoGuardian, the app goes fullscreen or the keyboard?19:21
Guardianthe app19:21
tkothe keyboard is in normal mode19:21
kkpaultko, its more about if anybody got the dropbear packages for maemo. I searched through all the wikis. from to and so on :)19:21
Guardianwhen the app switches to fullscreen, then the keys are a bit larger (to fit the whole width)19:22
tkoGuardian, the keyboard has two modes that have nothing to do with the application mode19:22
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tkoGuardian, you can use the thumb keyboard with normal screen app, and also the normal keyboard with full screen app .. they're independent19:22
Guardianhowever, in the xml file, keysizes are not expressed in terms of percentages, so i wanted to know if those absolute sizes correspond to the im displayed along with an app in windowed mode19:22
mgedminthe vkb xml documentation is very incomplete19:23
Guardianok so i'm talking about normal mode19:23
mgedminmy experiments show that if you define three keys in a single row, the virtual kb will stretch those keys so they occupy the whole row19:23
Guardianthe xml is <keyboard layout="NORMAL" ...> etc19:23
oleavrhi, does anyone know if it's possible to enable USB-networking on the N800 with the latest production image? (the latest developer rootfs is quite broken)19:23
mgedminI think the sizes are used to determine relative sizes19:23
Guardianinside this markup you refer to keysizes which have absolute pixel sizes (or it seems to so)19:24
Guardianseems to be pixel sizes19:24
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Guardianso, if this normal keyboard gets rescaled when the application switches to fullscreen, does it mean that the sizes in the xml correspond to windowed mode, or the contrary ?19:25
mgedminGuardian: I think the sizes are relative to each other and do not correspond to any real units19:25
mgedminas I mentioned, if I made a row with just two keys, both took 50% of the horizontal space of the key section19:26
mgedminwhen I made a row with three keys, they all took 33% each19:26
Guardianok so it's gtk layout management19:26
mgedmindespite both rows using the same size19:26
mgedmincould be19:26
tkothe normal layout might force the allocation to be rectangular19:27
Guardianso ... this <keysizes> markup is of no use19:27
mgedminyou can specify relative sizes with it19:27
Guardianor are used only for the thumb keyboard ?19:27
mgedminno, they are used for both types19:27
tkoGuardian, compare the size for Z and X in the example screenshot19:27
Guardianmgedmin: did you succeded in compiling the example given in the tutorial ? i can't manage to satisfy the dependencies on the 2 hildon libs :(19:27
mgedminGuardian: I didn't try19:28
Guardiantko: yeah right about Z and X, i did not notice that :)19:28
mgedmintko: any chance of Nokia publishing the XML sources for the default set of .vkb files?19:28
tkobut in the end I think the sizes are used relatively anyway, at least horizontally19:29
Guardianah fuck i have to go :( too bad was an interresting discussion19:29
Guardiantko: would you know how to get the libhildon-input-method-header-sdk-dev and libhildon-input-method-framework-header-sdk-dev packages. ???19:29
tkomgedmin, hard to see why not, but then again... :)19:29
tkoGuardian, you mean they're not installed?19:30
Guardianno they're not19:30
Guardiannot on my i386 rootstrap19:31
tkofirst pkgconfig, now this.. gah19:31
mgedminthe documentation mentions multiple keys and modifier keys, but they are not documented in any more detail19:31
Guardiani decompressed the example, launched autoreconf then configure and it complains about the packages19:31
Guardiani tried to get them with apt without success19:31
mgedminhaving a real ctrl key in the vkb would be very useful with xterm19:31
Takhell yes19:31
jtraand also pgup, pgdn, end and home, which are hard to do with escape sequences19:32
Guardianindeed the .xml files corresponding to the .vkb for each locale would help a lot19:32
Guardianand more details on the key types19:32
Guardianthx for the help, got to go :/19:33
jtrabut that xml doc is not very helpful for those19:33
tkoI think the problem with documentation is that the people reviewing the documents aren't trying to is for anything practical, so it would help if you commented on the docs, even if it is a bit late :-/19:33
ferenctko: in my opinion the new app catalog is ready. i would appreciate if people started using it and reported problems.19:33
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tkoferenc, so it has all the apps from the wiki imported?19:33
ferenctko: we imported the apps a month ago.19:34
tkooh cool. then we should definitely discourage updates to the wiki19:34
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tkoand get it visible in planet and other outlets19:35
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ferenctko: would be nice. somebody at office thought that it is not ready, because we had some IR rendering issues.19:36
ferencbut those are also fixed now..19:37
AD-N770I try to flash with bora a N800 prototype19:37
AD-N770this is the command that I use19:37
AD-N770./flasher -F RX-34_2007SE_2.2006.51-6_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R19:37
AD-N770sorry flasher-319:37
AD-N770but I'm getting an strange error19:38
AD-N770USB device found found at bus 005, device address 03719:38
AD-N770Found device RX-34, hardware revision 090219:38
AD-N770NOLO version 1.1.019:38
AD-N770Version of 'sw-release': RX-34_2007SE_0.2006.47-9_EX_MR019:38
AD-N770To flash the bootloader, you have to supply the X-Loader image19:38
trenkamaemo sdk are cool guys19:38
AD-N770do you know what I'm doing wrong ?19:38
trenkathe flasher has a version not more then 0.x.x19:38
tkoferenc, ugh, the search is always global? I can't search for 'completed' games for 2006 ?19:38
trenkathey call it 3.19:38
tkoAD-N770, you have a prototype?19:39
AD-N770I've flasher v0.8.5 (Sep 13 2006) and flasher v0.8.7 (Oct 17 2006)19:39
AD-N770tko at work19:40
AD-N770I've one19:40
tkoAD-N770, I recall in some cases the flasher wants you to provide the hw revision or something, -h RX-34:<four digit code, probably 0902 in your case> I think19:41
sp3000ad-n770, sounds like it's not finding a hwrev matching xloader img in the file19:41
trenkaAD-N770: you are cool guy too19:41
tkoAD-N770, oh, and the public images might lack support for prototypes19:41
ferenctko: the Keyword is looked up in the description of the application. if you type in game there, then you will not get all the games from the game cetegory :(19:41
tkoAD-N770, there's a different image for 'legacy' devices19:41
trenkathis is not a discussion for this channel19:41
ferenctko: which is strange, but that's it19:42
tkoferenc, slightly awkward19:42
c0ffeehoi ferenc19:42
ferencwell, something which we could add, i agree19:42
c0ffeei'll send you the patches tommorow19:42
tkoyeah, nothing major anyhow19:43
trenkaferenc: you could not19:43
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tkotrenka, yes we can fix the application catalog search19:44
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ferenctrenka: we can fix anything :)19:44
trenkaseems I missed the point19:44
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tkowrong discussion :)19:45
ferencc0ffee: cool! i'll be waiting for them.19:45
trenkaferenc: anything? try to publish nolo sources19:45
* tko wants screenshots! :-919:46
ferenctrenka: OK, you got me. i have no influence on that. pity.19:46
ferenctko: screenshots of what? N800?19:46
suihkulokkitrenka: you are not at beer?19:47
suihkulokki.o( NOLO sources are EMBARASSING to publish )19:47
tkonah, arguing for opening the sources is always simple. just show how opening the code will bring significant cost savings :)19:47
tkoferenc, screenshots of the applications in the app catalog browse list19:47
trenkasuihkulokki: I'm already at home and flaming :)19:47
ferenctko: ahh yes, i remember now. easy to fix. :)19:47
ferenctko: but i will forget again unless you add it to the feature requests19:48
suihkulokkitrenka: ok :) howabut tomorrow then?19:48
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tkoferenc, ok, looking at the application catalog at the moment, how would I find the place to file requests? (guess I need to file another request about making filing requests easier?) :)19:49
trenkasuihkulokki: I like the idea now, would be fine to talk tomorrow ;)19:50
ferenctko: hmm. you did not read the manual, right? we have a garage project :)19:50
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trenkasuihkulokki: Goog news from Lennert anyway19:51
ferenctko: i know.. who reads manuals anyway :)19:51
tkoferenc, just imagine I'm tired, lazy and drunk, and think whether that's something I'd be interested in doing19:51
trenkaferenc: honestly, I read19:51
suihkulokkitrenka: yes. very nice news =)19:52
ferenctko: ok, no probs, you are excused :)19:52
ferenctko: what happened today after packing?19:52
tkoso from the catalog I get to the manual where I can possibly find the garage project or better, a link to the project, and then find the request tracker, ...19:53
ferenctko: yes, exactly.19:53
tkoferenc, beer and home19:53
ferenctko: great finish of the hard week ;)19:53
tkorather weird day, really19:54
tkogabriel said it was the first time he left work while it wasn't yet dark :)19:54
tzzsomeone was asking just now on comp.emacs about a port to the 770.  I told them it was planned by me, but I may need help from someone here making sure it works on the 770, since I will only have the N800 to test (just sold my 770), and the older Scratchbox doesn't work on my system.19:55
* trenka keeping silent19:55
tzzactually I assumed that Scratchbox 1.x won't work for developing with Maemo 2.x, is that true?19:56
ferenctzz: tell me where is it, i will give it a shot and try emacs on 77019:56
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trenkatzz: do not worry, they are binary compatible19:57
parttzz: it does work19:57
sp3000what irc client do people prefer on their it?19:57
trenkaferenc: you are emacs user?19:57
sp3000irssi is kinda killing me19:57
tzzoh great then, I can build the Maemo 2.x version of Emacs myself :)19:57
ferenctzz: no, it is not true. we will have a 2.x release which will offer Sbox 1.x, just like bora does it today19:58
sp3000what with stuck in dumb mode and crashing when I change settings :D19:58
parttzz: you can have 2.x and 3.x in the same scratchbox installation19:58
sp3000also, don' tell anyone, but,19:58
ferenctrenka: well, xemacs... i like it a lot, but i'm far being a lisp guru19:58
sp3000I like guis19:59
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trenkaferenc: anyway you are not a debian developer. All debian developers around about to hate me20:00
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parttrenka: why is that?20:01
AD-N770It's enough for me today20:01
sp3000ok, um, so if I say /win ct^: uh, what was my prev line?20:01
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AD-N770see u in monday20:01
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trenkapart: I use emacs20:01
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ferencAD-N770: have a good one,20:01
trenkathey use vim20:01
tzzpart: to install the Maemo 2.x stuff inside Scratchbox 1.x, I just run the install script?  Will it overwrite my existing SDK_* targets?20:02
sp3000also, editing lines in dumb mode is teh fun.20:02
obraDo folks generally actually turn their tablets all the way off when they're pocketing them?20:04
mgedminI don't20:04
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mgedminit takes too long to power off and especially to power on20:04
mgedminway too long20:04
obraI need to figure out the right balance between "actually sync mail now and then" and "actually have enough battery to use it"20:05
gpdi find it a little annoying - first offline -- then lock keys...20:05
framerate|afkobra: I just lock my screen20:05
framerate|afkI leave it in online mode o.O20:05
gpdonline mode wastes battery :(20:05
gpdor so i am told20:06
framerate|afkI still get a good 6 hours on one charge, which meets my expectations20:06
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gpdtrying to connect to a friends bluetooth phone --  i have paired with it - but don't see it in the connections list?20:06
obraif it was usb- chargable, that would totally be sufficient ;)20:06
gpdi don't have to have a driver for it i hope?20:06
obrabut having to carry around a charger is kind of a pita20:06
framerateOh if anyone was around yesterday when I couldn't get it to dial up wap.cingular on my blackberry pearl, I tried on my sony ericcson and it worked first time20:06
framerateso it's a blackberry issue, or issue's with my provisioning on my plan (sony is my girlfriends, same account)20:07
parttrenka: emacs is included in debian, lots of people use it, even developers20:07
mgedminI bought an extra charger and keep one at home and one at work20:08
mgedminwell, I actually bought several chargers20:08
mgedminbecause the one that came with my 770 broke20:08
parttzz: not sure on the current 2.x sdk on sbox 1, I can check on Monday20:08
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volframerate: i tried to associate with a blackberry too and it didnt work20:13
voli am trying the new pulse application that allows you to tether to a blackberry using bt20:13
frameratevol: new pulse application?20:15
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volits a blackberry app that allows you to use normal blackberry data account to tether over bluetooth20:15
frameratevol: Hmm. Does it install ON the blackberry? or a maemo app? I can use my blackberry on my laptop (found a script)20:16
volit installs on the blackberry20:16
framerateYou trying now? Let me know if you have success20:17
volto add tethering to my account it would be an extra $30/mo but with this tool it just tunnels to a proxy server20:17
framerateyeah I called cingular and they told me the 74.95 plan, which sucks20:18
volyea thats rediculous, i already have the unlimited data plan, it doesnt make sense to get charged more20:18
volit works on the laptop, but the 770 does not see the "standard modem" the app shows up as through bluetooth20:19
voli pair it with the 770 and it gives me a message saying the 770 cannot use any of the services on the blackberry and doesnt let me pair at all20:20
volI have a bb 8700c20:20
frameratehmm. I pair it with my 8100 (pearl) and it dials, just says "remote server error"20:21
hubwhat is "thetered" ?20:21
hubI mean "tethered"20:22
volhub: using the blackberry as bluetooth modem for the 77020:22
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volis there an extra package required to utilize modems over bluetooth?20:25
framerateNo, mine worked right out of the box20:26
volframerate: you might want to look into this app too because it doesnt actually use it as a modem, it emulates a modem for the laptop or other device and just vpns to a proxy server and lets you get out to the internet from there.  So to cingular it looks like regular blackberry data traffic20:27
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gpdhmm -- i'm trying to use a motorla - got it to start 'packet data' on the phone - but it says authentication failed -- it is set to use verizon... do i have to setup all this manual crap? dial up number etc?20:29
gpdvol - was that yeah to me?20:30
volgpd: yea, im not sure of the info cause ive never used verizon but you usually have to provide a # and login/pass to use it20:30
gpdcrap - well he doesn't know any of that inifo - so i guess we are screwed20:31
volyou could probably just google it20:32
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voli found the cingular info on a discussion list20:32
gpdany particular keywords that spring to mind -- verizon bluetooth nokia 770 password dialup... would be my guess20:33
gpdVerizon Wireless intentionally cripples Bluetooth DUN on the Motorola e815, and possibly others. <-- oh dear20:34
volyea verizon is nice like that20:38
gpdtried ##DIALUP (or the numbers that make dialup) but still no joy... dials -- says 14.4 data on the pohone - then connection failed -- user and pass must still be wrong :(20:40
* gpd orders iPhone20:41
* gpd runs20:41
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|tbb|hi all20:43
* tko kicks gpd 20:44
|tbb|anyone good at perl20:44
tkothe interpreter?20:44
tzzI know Perl20:44
tkoI know to avoid perl20:45
tzzI know to avoid language wars :P20:45
framerategpd: they probably cripple it. Verizon is NOT the provider to have to have "hackable" dialup20:45
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tzztbb: so do you have a Perl question?20:48
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|tbb|how can i execute a program from perl not using system cmd20:49
MDKthere is one extremally advanced feature of N800 I recently noticed20:49
MDKwhen you setup an alarm, it will always ring through the speakers20:49
MDKeven if you have headphones conntected ;)20:49
tzzwhy wouldn't you use system()?  Do you need a pipe or something?20:50
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MDKinz: what's the correct way of installing maemo-hackers terminal on bora now? I used to have a custom libvte compiled...20:52
MDKis this still needed?20:52
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|tbb|tzz have u notized the pm?20:52
voldoes anyone know if bluetooth DUN has been updated in sardine/herring?20:53
tzzno, I haven't seen a PM.  I use ERC on Emacs, maybe it doesn't support it.20:53
DisconnectMDK: there is a new version that works w/o the custom libvte20:55
|tbb|tzz any idea?20:57
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gpd <-- exactly the phone he has pictured :(21:02
|tbb|tzz the comman runs and the program starts the only problem is that the path of the bitmaps doesnt work, ithink thats because i started it with the system cmd21:03
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tzztbb: I understand.  Use the full version of system() as I said in my pbot message:  system("wine", "pis.exe", "/product:Personal Germany Alps" ...and so on...)21:04
tzztbb: when you say system("wine pis.exe /product:Personal Germany Alps") that's really 5 arguments as far as Perl is concerned.21:04
tzztbb: I have to go so good luck with it :)21:05
|tbb|i think it works now21:06
|tbb|anyone using navkit?21:07
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suihkulokkisystem() sends the command to /bin/sh -c21:08
|tbb|i was thinking many ppl here using the navkit :/21:10
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Takomg, I totally need to put DON'T PANIC on my 770 cover21:14
gpdTak++ :D - i had that on my dad't psion 1 thing21:14
trenkapart: sorry to back to that topic (about emacs), not here, in Finland :)21:14
gpdfound this page:
gpdbut still no authentication with verizon -- must be crippled21:16
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gpdTak: in addition to the logo - you need wikipedia on there syncing daily -- or even the BBC HHGG wiki thingy21:17
gpdthey also have all the flash games of the HHGG adventure stuff on their site --21:18
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Takyeah, it would need wikipedia to merit the phrase21:24
gpdnokia should release an 'ubergeek' version with the Nokia hands replaced with Large Friendly Letters21:25
metajackgroupchat in the im app doens't seem to work very well21:26
metajacki just got a white screen and then i couldn't use any of my chats21:26
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metajack(other apps worked fine though)21:26
mgedminhm, a boot screen with "DON'T PANIC" in large friendly letters would be just the thing when my 770 spontaneously reboots21:27
* shapr grins21:30
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|tbb|i have written a perl script which converts kismet logged data (gps) to a suitable format which  can be imported to navicore , it parts the data into open networks and closed :)21:35
dwdmetajack: I've never got groupchat (As in Jabber MUC) working on the 770 either.21:38
metajacksort of unfortunate since i use MUC _a lot_21:42
dwdmetajack: I use it for work quite a bit.21:42
gpd|tbb|: sounds genius: any idea if Garmin eTrex USB would be compatible in any way with 800?21:42
metajackdwd: you could try the chesspark client. it doesn't seem to work on the n800, but it works on opera on the wii21:42
metajackit has groupchat support and you can use it with any jabber account, even if it was built for chess :)21:42
dwdmetajack: Oh, I could use gaim, I think.21:42
dwdmetajack: It's just that having gaim solely for MUC seems a bit silly.21:43
metajackyeah.  i asked on the dev list (but no one answered yet) if there is some way to hook into the IM functionality21:43
metajackwould be nice to be able to just fix that app21:43
* dwd ponders looking at the Telepathy XMPP provider and hacking MUC in.21:43
metajacknot having the contacts be sortable is annoying :)21:44
metajacki have to page through like 3 pages of offline people to see who is online21:44
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dwdmetajack: There's a smartgroup for online contacts, though.21:45
metajackdwd: ah, didn't know about that.21:45
dwdmetajack: And you can also sort by presence.21:47
metajackah, i supposed i haven't explored enough yet21:49
metajacki just got it a few days ago :)21:49
|tbb|is it possible to cache the allready readed mails so i dont have to be onlin anytime?21:49
shaprI want to find a picture of the onscreen thumb-board, what keywords should I use in google images?21:50
mgedminthe ones that work :)21:51
dwdA lot of the N800 PR pictures have that showing.21:51
mgedminI would try nokia 770 thumb keyboard21:51
shaprToo easy -
gpdjezus -- turns out this phone is an E815 and there is a whole world of pain associated with DUN and bluetooth -- using the cable is ok it seems.  You can flash the thing but that is HACK -- is the place for info.  Shame as it is EVDO and we have EVDO signal :(21:52
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shaprSeems like the smart approach is to check to see if your phone is linux compatible before you buy it :-)21:52
s-ndh-cwhat are some must have apps for the 770?21:53
mgedminI don't think linux compatibility is the problem here; rather verizon crippling the bluetooth support on the phone21:53
gpdshapr: nothing to do with Linux -- it is Verizon cripling the DATA over Bluetooth --21:53
shaprs-ndh-c: maemo-mapper, xterm, vi, ssh21:53
shaprgpd: Oh21:53
Disconnects-ndh-c: xchat21:53
Takssh, xterm21:53
inzMDK, Disconnect seems to have answered, but from bora repository it should work21:53
|tbb|kismet gpsd21:53
mgedmins-ndh-c: FBReader21:53
s-ndh-cwhat is maemo-mapper?21:53
shaprgpd: I had an unlimited data option with Cingular, but at 1200 baud it wasn't worth $20/month21:53
* Disconnect is on tmob, loves it for data21:54
gpdEVDO is 2mb/s i think - so would be /quite/ tasty21:54
s-ndh-cis it possible to use hid devices with the 770 like a usbkeyboard?21:54
mgedmins-ndh-c: gps navigation/map viewer that can use google maps21:54
shaprI wonder if upgrading my phone would help...21:54
* shapr calls Cingular21:54
|tbb|i have written a perl script which converts kismet logged data (gps) to a suitable format which  can be imported to navicore , it parts the data into open networks and closed :)  no1 has answered :/21:54
s-ndh-cmgedmin: sounds cool21:54
shapr|tbb|: I'd use it.21:55
Disconnects-ndh-c: usb host needs (mild) hardware hacking21:55
gpd|tbb|: i answered -- but with a question Oo21:55
s-ndh-cDisconnect: ok will google for that21:55
shapr|tbb|: I don't have a GPS widget, but I'd like to be able to get geoip from open APs.21:55
Disconnects-ndh-c: 800 and 770 use the same methods btw21:56
gpdI have a Garmin eTrex Legend C - but no idea if it is compatible -- and looking that up now would lead me into distraction #32 :)21:56
|tbb|where to post somthing like that on internettablet forum?21:56
framerateshapr: what's the problem with Cingular?21:56
shaprs-ndh-c: If you just bought a 770, send it back and get an N800 :-)21:56
shaprframerate: My data speed was a trickle21:56
|tbb|is it possible to upload files there?21:56
gpd|tbb|: how about maemowiki?21:57
framerateif it's EDGE that's probably normal :(21:57
shaprframerate: Birmingham, AL doesn't have UMTS yet, it's only available in Portland, Atlanta and a few other major markets.21:57
MDKinz: yeah, thanks. Works.21:57
framerateshapr: I have a blackberry through them and apparently it won't dialup from the 800 at all, although I can dialup thorugh my laptop..21:57
framerateand  the iPhone being EDGE only as well, Cingular is on a roll to piss off the geeks21:58
s-ndh-cshapr: i have it for 9 month or so21:58
shaprframerate: So I should probably wait until HSDPA is available for Birmingham.21:58
s-ndh-cbut i never used it before21:58
shaprs-ndh-c: Oh, ok. I've had mine for a year.21:58
shaprs-ndh-c: Oh no! I used mine ALL THE TIME!21:58
shaprer "use"21:58
shaprI put a bunch of stickers on the hardcover and they're nearly worn off.21:58
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Disconnects-ndh-c: got it a year ago and didn't use it till now? thats kinda silly given that the new one is out now :)21:58
shaprs-ndh-c: It's worth learning how to use, it's a great tool for me.21:59
* Disconnect is gonna turn the 770 into a car nav/music/web system21:59
s-ndh-cusb keyboard would be very cool21:59
shaprI keep my todo list with gpe-todo, I grab directions with, I talk to my girlfriend with google talk...21:59
s-ndh-cshapr: how does that work?21:59
shaprs-ndh-c: Which?22:00
s-ndh-ci didnt see any micro on the headphones22:00
mgedminthe microphone is built into the tablet itself22:00
shaprThere's a mic hole next to the power hole.22:00
Disconnects-ndh-c: micro on the 770 (that thing that looks like a reset hole)22:00
Disconnectdon't stab the mic with a pin :)22:00
shaprDon't push a paperclip in there!22:00
mgedminthe little hole next to the charger slot22:00
|tbb|is it allowed to put files from navicore to public download?22:00
framerate|tbb|: probably not, but I wish it were.. I already have BT GPS and they're gonna make me buy the whole package :(22:01
shaprframerate: I wish Cingular would give me a GSM bluetooth widget that works like the GPS bluetooth widgets. It would be cheap, I could use my 770 as the front end, and I'd be encouraged to upgrade when UMTS is available.22:02
|tbb|bad what nav software u use?22:02
shaprHm, maybe I should start making GSM bluetooth widgets...22:02
s-ndh-cshapr: does google maps have maps for other countrys than US too?22:02
s-ndh-chm i should look at that maybe22:03
mgedmins-ndh-c: yes, but they don't have street maps for all the countries in the world, sadly22:03
TakI was browsing google maps all over europe and australia the other day22:03
s-ndh-cmgedmin: iam from germany, maybe they have some maps from there22:04
s-ndh-cwill have a look22:04
Disconnectsomeone needs to fix maemo-mapper for bora. (yeah, it could be me, if nobody does it soon i will)22:04
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TakI'm sure gnuite will once he gets an 80022:05
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keesjDisconnect, but also with the new gps api22:05
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s-ndh-cis coding stuff for maemo easy?22:05
framerateDisconnect: someone did, kinda22:06
s-ndh-ccompared to pure gtk c/c++ for desktop computers22:06
Disconnects-ndh-c: its basically a modified gtk22:06
|tbb|how does the plugin tool called which let u easily connect to a gps module?22:06
Disconnectand some gtk apps work work out of the box22:06
framerateI cant' remember who, but someone yesterday recompiled it and I got it working on my N80022:06
framerateI can email it to you if you'd like22:07
s-ndh-cDisconnect: yeah it looks like that, hildonapp and hildonwindow seem to be somekind of subclass or modification of gtkapp and gtkwindow22:07
Disconnectcool yah (dc.disconnect gmail) that'd rule :)22:07
s-ndh-cis the new tablet thing much better?22:08
dwds-ndh-c: That's basically it. Most apps need the menus changing, and in general, a desktop UI isn't quite right on the device.22:08
s-ndh-cmaybe i will buy it too, if begin to like the 77022:08
framerateDisconnect: should be sent22:09
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Disconnectrock, thanks :)22:09
Disconnectjust ooc does the gps functionality work?22:09
s-ndh-cbut first i have to figure out how to become root22:09
Disconnects-ndh-c: becomeroot package is simple and easy22:10
framerateYep, I used it last night :)22:10
Disconnectyah it works on 800 too22:10
framerateI think I needed an sql library that wasn't in the repo, but I googled for it and got it and it worked22:10
Disconnectframerate: yah i'm installing it now22:11
Disconnectsqlite db22:11
ntrsIs there an app on the N800 that can dial up through a cell phone and connect to a remote modem?22:11
framerateI wish I knew who it was yesterday who recompiled it :(22:11
Disconnectntrs: not afaik but minicom (or whatever) could prolly be ported22:11
framerateI'd love to give him credit, and pass the info on to gnuite22:11
ntrsyes, like minicom22:11
keesjthe default look and feel of the 770 already starts to feel "old" . The only reason for that i that i have been staring at n800 pictures for to long22:11
ntrsSo minicom is currently not available?22:12
ntrsCan somebody please port it?22:12
dragornit's a terminal app, ought to be relatively simple to compile if you download sandbox22:12
Disconnectntrs: it shouldn't be hard to build. or try unpacking the debian-arm deb and copying the bin over, that works remarkably well sometimes22:13
|tbb|is it possible to use the n800 default them on a n770?22:13
||cwoh dear $deity why22:14
ntrsDisconnect, ok, do you know what is the device that I should use?22:14
Disconnectntrs: /dev/rfcomm0 probably22:14
ntrsIt says "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libncurses5 (>= 5.4-1)"22:15
ntrsAre those two already on the n800?22:16
||cw770 has a lot of things going for it, but an atractive and usefull theme is not one of them22:16
TakI will agree with that22:16
TakI was talking with a friend about the n800 - he was basically wetting himself over it, and was literally planning to buy two22:17
Takhe went to his local compusa and used one for a while22:17
Takthe experience totally turned him off (for three reasons)22:17
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Tak1) he didn't like the ui22:18
Tak2) he reported that every app took 5-10s to open22:18
Tak3) he reported that the handwriting recog was unusable, even after he tried to customize it22:18
keesjI do agree with all these points22:19
||cwI cna't just hand someone my 770 have expect them to do anything usefull with it.  I have to train them on what the 3 icons on the left do first22:19
|tbb|4) it wont cook coffee, cause no coffee machine is integrated:)22:20
metajackdo you have to configure the n800 to use either hte keyboard or the recognition, or is there a way to pull up one or the other?22:20
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obraI found the handwriting recognition to suck. but the on-screen impressivley good.22:21
Disconnect||cw: re themes, aqua isn't bad22:21
keesjbut I must say that the feature I want the most is skype22:21
obrakeesj: have you played with the gizmo client?22:21
Disconnectmetajack: if I understand you correctly, yes, you can switch between them on the fly22:22
keesjobra, yes a lot22:22
||cwi got gizmo to work once.  then never again22:22
Takthe onscreen kb is great for me, particularly the thumbboard22:22
metajackDisconnect: how? :)22:22
||cwI still have a 24 cent credit22:22
|tbb|keejs is it faster as on the 770?22:22
Disconnectmetajack: the menu (bottom-left) and input method22:22
* pahartik does not understand why persons deliberately get tangled to closed protocols22:22
Disconnectselect keyboard or handwriting22:22
keesj|tbb|, I don't know22:22
obrapahartik: because the implementors do a really fantastic job with the user experience.22:23
|tbb|what do u own?22:23
obrapahartik: it's not ideologically pure. but sometimes practicality trumps ;)22:23
keesj|tbb|, I own a 77022:23
pahartikobra: damn that22:23
Disconnectpahartik: used a cellphone recently? (or anything with a bios?) ooh, and don't forget those evil internet routers with all their closed source...  if you are out here communicating with the world, you too are using "closed" protocols, devices, etc. some people set their acceptability standards differently than you. deal with it.22:24
keesjI like the look of gizmo it was a bit slow22:24
obrapahartik: I build opensource for a living. You're preaching to the choir ;) But in the end, "works" matters.22:24
keesjI't really an application that I have to start etc.22:24
|tbb|i hope it will be faster on the n822:25
pahartikDisconnect: yes, I use GPRS for uplink... :)22:25
Disconnectpahartik: its closed, chances are very, very good your phone (or at a minimum the radio/phone portions) are closed, all but maybe 1 or 2 of the devices between you and the irc server are closed......22:26
keesjI don't follow the conversation any more22:26
keesjit is about skype or gizmo?22:27
obrakeesj: I'm going to presume he's talking about skype, since Gizmo is all SIP ;)22:27
obrahas anyone had luck installing telomer on an n800?22:27
pahartikDisconnect: and I have not directly used anything with "BIOS" recently, but I have probably used many things with closed firmware22:28
TakI think the difference is that we don't have a choice where our packets get routed22:28
pahartikDisconnect: ...including partially closed Nokia 77022:28
obrapahartik: what's the bootloader on your PC?22:28
obraer. below the bootloader22:29
obraactually. there's no way anyone is going to convince the other in this coversation.22:29
Disconnectpahartik: your pc runs without a bios? thats quite a trick. (ditto for your tv, any settop boxes, your radios, etc)22:29
obra"how about that lovely local sports team?"22:29
Disconnectpahartik: unless you've got something productive to say about running skype on the tablet, leave it alone. random "oh no you are teh dumba55 for using closed evil!" is just stupid22:30
pahartikobra: this one I am typing at... OpenFirmware and "yaboot"... others: OpenFirmware and "silo", OpenFirmware with "quik", SRM with "aboot"... RedBoot...22:30
obrapahartik: I'm impressed22:31
Disconnectpahartik: what about the video bios? hdd firmware? monitor firmware (ESP on lcds but its in crts too) .... your phone22:31
Disconnectif true, thats progress, but you still "deliberately get tangled to closed protocols"22:32
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pahartikDisconnect: SIP is not closed, XMPP is not closed, H.323 is not closed... AFAIK22:33
pahartikDisconnect: it was not supposed to be... flaming(?)22:34
Disconnectok.. then what did it add to the conversation other than elitist "your a dummy" BS?22:35
keesjBut I guess skype will be a real problem once released. because people will try to run it on any device22:36
pahartikDisconnect: I think my point was to increase awareness of less closed alternatives22:38
* Disconnect looks around.. anyone here that hasn't heard of jabber before? or google talk? etc?22:38
Takcan we just call it a misunderstanding and let it go?22:38
Disconnectpahartik: you didn't mention less closed alternatives, you mentioned how you were (presumably) cooler than anyone who was using closed protos22:38
Disconnectand ftr maemo-mapper on n800 works with gps :) but it uses its built-in gps stuff22:39
s-ndh-chow am i supposed to get my wlan key into the 770?22:42
pahartikDisconnect: I am unemployed and not too productive... but at least I can pretend to be "cool" on IRC networks22:43
Disconnects-ndh-c: just select the network and it should prompt22:43
s-ndh-cDisconnect: yeah, but seem to fail at entering it without tipos into the device22:43
s-ndh-ci seem to have entered a wrong key 3 times now22:44
Disconnectthats possible too :)22:44
s-ndh-ctry no.422:45
keesjperhaps first write it on the notepad and then copy paste it?22:46
s-ndh-chm thats a good idea22:47
keesjplug it into a pc and copy a file containing the key22:47
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s-ndh-cif i get displayed a red questionmark on the globe icon does that mean something bad?23:05
s-ndh-ci got a popup saying iam conncted to my app using link local ip address23:05
TakOMG you got the red questionmark!23:05
s-ndh-cbut i cant access anything on the internet23:06
* Jaffa 's had a genius thought to make patch management in mud-builder easier (given what keesj was saying earlier): Subversion. Add `mud unpack <package>' which unpacks the original tarball, creates a temporary subversion repository from it, and then checks it out, applying any patch over the top and allowing you to svn diff to get a new patch, or svn revert. Bingo.23:06
kenderJaffa, ;D23:06
JaffaMaybe even a `mud mkpatch <package>' for the final step to make it even easier.23:07
Taks-ndh-c: link-local basically means you didn't get a good connection23:08
keesjthat does not require svn just diff (like debian doen) but the idea it alright23:09
s-ndh-cthe app is two rooms next to me23:09
Jaffakeesj: I'm thinking of revert in particular.23:10
s-ndh-ci have 94% link strength with my builtin intel 11mbit wlan in my laptop23:10
keesjit's about having a well described workflow with the different steps and a nice structure23:10
Jaffakeesj: indeed, a simple wrapper around diff may be sufficient23:10
s-ndh-cwow it works23:11
s-ndh-cthe key has been wrong23:11
Jaffakeesj: That was my original thought, but then I thought about all the different commands I'd want to add: revert, diff, add (not all new files should be included in the diff) and then realised - hang on, that's svn23:11
keesjOk! , like when you have to run autogen or similar?23:12
Jaffakeesj: exactly. And so you don't have to faff around with `make clean' or `make distclean' or "doh, this package doesn't have either, ok I'll find . -type f -name '*.o' -exec rm {} \;" etc.23:13
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Disconnectok am i just dumb or is there no good way to import poi into maemo mapper?23:15
tzzJaffa, I like that idea with the temporary package for mud23:15
keesj1 unpack 2 in svn 3 (edit)  4 (run mud create patch level1)   5 run autogen  6 edit 7 (mud pcreate patch 2) something like that?23:16
tzzjaffa: there isn't much good stuff out there to replace Makefiles anyhow, just ant and scons IIRC23:16
Jaffakeesj: something like that. I'll have a play (maybe this evening when Mrs Jaffa's in bed) and try a few workflows out.23:17
JaffaSimple. Memorable. Reliable. Those are the keywords :)23:17
JaffaAh, you've met Mrs Jaffa? Oh no, it was another keyword :)23:17
JaffaNot Mrs Jaffa, mud ;-)23:18
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tzzI'm playing with the N800 right now.  Fast, screen feels weird (too new maybe).  I miss the cover already.23:19
* Jaffa 's confused so goes to have a nice cup of tea and a sit down and see if Day 5 of 24 is any repetitive.23:19
CraHandoes anyone know if there's a way to press return on the finger keyboard to execute a command in the terminal?23:19
Jaffas/any /any less /23:19
JaffaCraHan: there's a backwards L "enter" key below the minimise keyboard and above delete23:19
CraHanyes, but that key doesn't execute the command23:20
keesjCraHan, you can even enter multiple command and only after that press the "send" key23:20
CraHanlike the enter key on the regular keyboard does23:20
CraHansend key?23:20
JaffaCraHan: you sure? I'm sure it does on my 770 using inz's version of the Terminal app23:20
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keesjthe thing on the "top right"23:21
CraHanjaffa yeah htat's the one I'm using23:21
CraHanthe patched version with font selection support23:21
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tbbhow to add something to maemowiki?23:21
CraHanin my case pressing enter goes to the next line23:21
Jaffatbb: Just go to - and then add links in from an appropriate place23:22
JaffaCraHan: and it hasn't been executed in the background when you shrink the keyboard back down?23:22
tzzdoes video work with Google Talk on the N800?23:23
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CraHanlemme check23:23
Disconnecttzz: it should. send me your talk id and we can test it23:23
CraHanwhen I press the hide key, the input is in the commandline, but hasn't been executed23:23
DisconnectCraHan: it worked for me23:24
CraHanhang on23:24
CraHanyes indeed23:24
CraHanthat's it23:24
CraHankeyboard stays visible, but the command was executed23:24
CraHanhow stupid of me23:24
CraHansorry to bother you with this quite evident thingy :)23:24
tzzhmm the camera looks awful in low light23:26
Disconnectyah it does23:26
tzzthe image from the camera I mean :)23:26
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tzzdisconnect: try (I sent you a /msg but don't know if it works in ERC)23:27
Disconnectah i'm dumb, used cuz i wasn't paying attention23:28
Disconnectand yah i got the msg23:28
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tzzdisconnect: ok, thanks.  Someone earlier said they sent me a PM and I didn't get it in ERC, so I'm kind of wary of that.23:31
Takfreenode autoblocks PMs from people that aren't identified23:31
gpdso is LAMP on the tablet silly or very silly?23:31
Disconnectgpd: could be quite useful actually23:31
gpdDisconnect: what is most limiting factor in the porting?23:32
Disconnectgpd: on the 770, i'd say memory and browser capabilities.23:32
Disconnecton the 800, meh, dunno. seems like it can do anything but thats cuz i'm comparing it to the 770 ;)23:32
Disconnecttzz: you get my pm?23:32
keesjI would say the A and M , I don't see apache and mysql running on such a device23:32
gpdI ran LAMP on a virtual server with 64M - quiet easy23:33
Disconnectgpd: with a gui already running?23:33
Disconnect770 starts somewhat memory-starved just at the desktop23:33
gpdno - but 800 has 256 - which is quite reasonable23:33
tzzdisconnect: no PM here :(23:33
Disconnect128 not 25623:33
tzzoh I see tak's message23:33
keesjopenwrt has nice php packages23:33
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Disconnecttzz: dc.disconnect gmail try calling me instead23:34
gpdlighttpd with cut down sql might work23:34
* Disconnect is mad at openwrt right now. openvpn is too big if you do any updates. and ipkg fails to do anything sane on out-of-space (at least it didn't trash the status file this time)23:34
gpdare there any problems with the ARMEL chip with any of LAMP stuff?23:35
Disconnectgpd: if you drop mysql in favor of sqlite or some such it'll be a lot easier to fit23:35
Disconnectgpd: performance, but i can't imagine trying to run hotmail on a tablet, so it should be ok23:35
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keesjDisconnect, I only use midge but i am quite happy.23:37
tzzdisconnect: doesn't work23:37
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Disconnectit won't add you to the contacts list23:38
tzzweird, oh well, thanks for trying23:39
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Disconnectsays you are offline23:40
keesjDisconnect, back to "Simple". if there is a well described workflow, don't you think that it would be simple?23:40
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Disconnectkeesj: was referring to Jaffa calling Mrs Jaffa 'simple' :)23:40
Disconnectok so it worked but not well :)23:43
* Disconnect probably needs a faster uplink for proper video23:44
Disconnectalthough it looked like i got either passable video or passable audio, never both23:44
tzzdisconnect: either my uplink was bad or yours, but initially it worked all right.  I got the invitation eventually, and when I accepted it things clicked.23:45
tzzdisconnect: the video went bad after about 10 seconds on my end.23:45
guerbyhmm, I set an alarm this morning on my N800, pushed "cancel" after a while, and now I'm in the clock application and on-off toggles the press "d-pad" but when I press d-pad it doesn't work, anyone sharing this?23:45
Disconnectthats about when the audio went bad on mine23:45
VeggenN800 has troubles also?23:46
tzzdisconnect: I'm on FIOS, 2 mbps uplink, so probably it wasn't my end23:46
DisconnectVeggen: no, its absolutely perfect :)23:46
tigerthey. everything has bugs23:46
Veggentigert: sure.23:46
tigertfile them if you find23:46
* Disconnect has fios in his yard, but its not hooked up yet (parts of hte neighborhood are on, but not my part)23:46
Veggentigert: my 770 is on service with the WSOD.23:47
Disconnectcablemodem still here23:47
tigertVeggen: yea, 770s had those screen issues23:47
tigertI luckily encountered none23:48
VeggenMy N800 has apparently passed through Arnheim, Holland 20 hours ago.23:48
guerbyok battery removal on its way23:48
Disconnectstill no webcam/photo app? I'm disappointed23:49
tzzhmm, my favorites playlist didn't make it with the backups.  I'll have to recopy it from the MMC card.  Otherwise the migration was smooth as silk.  I just need my xterm, evince, and mplayer fix now :)23:49
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* Disconnect should go to the bar where there is decent bandwidth23:49
Takhmm - I guess mplayer can't consume the webcam stream yet?23:49
DisconnectTak: good point, it probably can.23:49
tigertDisconnect: I think there will be a project soon23:49
Takonce it does, automatic webcam -> photo app23:49
tigertone can do it easily with python + gst23:50
tigerttry this23:50
tigertapt-get install gstreamer-tools23:50
tigertgst-launch-0.10  v4l2src ! xvimagesink23:50
Takah, if it's v4l2, mplayer can (in theory) consume it23:50
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tigertbut you can do it a lot nicer with gstreamer23:52
tigertI think we can have a nice community camera hack23:52
tigertit can even use geoclue / gpsd to get exif coords :)23:52
tigertand optionally upload stuff to a server23:52
tigertits a good idea23:52
tigertand not hard to do23:52
Takactually, if the mono port reaches semi-maturity, it could be plugged into f-spot and turtle23:53
||cwdoes Nokia market maemo and the garage and such at all?23:54
Disconnecttigert: as expected, that worked (although without orientation fixing)23:55
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||cwactualy, gstreamer and mplayer use a lot of the same libs and codecs23:55
Disconnectany info on the battery effects of enabling the camera?23:55
||cwexcept mplayer is less modular and thus feels easier to use23:55
tigertDisconnect: yeah23:56
* Disconnect isn't looking for mw/h or anything, but a vague "it'll die in minutes instead of hours" or whatnot :) 23:56
keesjthats a quite negative way to say it23:56
tigertDisconnect: the orientation signal is somewhere, I think dbus or such23:56
Disconnectjust ooc is it only a rotation sensor or will it handle portrait/landscape also?23:57
tigertbut I am looking forward in helping with the UI and awesome artwork for a camera app23:57
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tigertI would love a camera software that did EXIF writing too, and set the gps /geoclue coordinates23:57
tigertonto image exif23:57
tigertand other fun things23:57
tigertstuff like whitebalance presets etc shouldnt be hard to do23:58
tigertof course its a very crappy camera (just 640x480 afaik)23:58
tigertbut it would still be fun23:58
tigertvery small files too23:58
Disconnectmaybe a 'portrait' mode that takes 3-5 pics and despeckles them23:58
tigertfer was looking onto the gimp iwarp plugin23:58
tigertwe could do pretty easily a "photobooth" like thing23:59
Disconnectsince its about 50% noise right now... :)23:59
tigertwith some fun warp effects23:59
tigertmost cheap cameras have bad noise on low light23:59
tigertits not THAt bad on good light23:59
Disconnectdepends on your definition of good light i guess - its fairly bright in here and its total junk23:59
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