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Pio | anyone have experience with fceu? seems whenever I start fceu my display gets nuked and i have to restart.. | 00:59 |
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pixelmonkey | is the Nokia 770 USB port USB 1.1 or 2.0? Does anyone know? I'm finding it hard to find out online. | 01:30 |
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Jaffa | pixelmonkey: 1.1 | 01:40 |
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pixelmonkey | that decision is so strange to me... makes pushing files by wifi/scp almost faster | 01:48 |
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saabo | anyone home? | 07:22 |
saabo | how do i install minimo on os 2006? | 07:22 |
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saabo | how do i install minimo on os 2006? | 07:30 |
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saabo | <--- needs minimo help ... anyone woke? | 09:52 |
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dieguito | hi! | 09:58 |
dieguito | I have an application with a ./autogen.sh that says that the following is missing: AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2 AM_PATH_AUDIOFILE AC_MSG_ERROR AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS PKG_CHECK_EXISTS | 09:59 |
dieguito | it says that they are possibly undefined macros | 10:00 |
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timeless | ping world | 10:28 |
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timeless | anyone here know anything about nseries.com ? | 10:29 |
timeless | anyone alive? | 10:29 |
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* timeless sighs | 10:40 | |
timeless | the people who run nseries.com have absolutely no common sense | 10:41 |
Knirch | got to love all flash sites | 10:47 |
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AD-N770 | good morning | 11:12 |
keesj | hi AD-N770 | 11:12 |
Guardian | morning all | 11:13 |
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keesj | I still have a ptrdiff_t problem. it is a variable that can be used to store differences between pointers. older autogen/configure generated different test code | 12:23 |
keesj | now configure thinks ptrdiff_t is not defined and defines it as long | 12:24 |
inz | Use older autoconf/make? | 12:36 |
tko | missing an include? | 12:36 |
keesj | I don't really know | 12:39 |
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keesj | i don't know if this would be the right definition for the amrel platform | 12:42 |
keesj | O would say that it should be a int (32 bits) | 12:44 |
inz | long and int are mostly of the same size | 12:44 |
tko | except when they aren't | 12:45 |
tko | same with long, int and pointer | 12:45 |
tko | and IIRC data pointer vs. function pointer | 12:46 |
keesj | I't pretty funny to ask such questions on the c or c++ irc channel , people start talking about 7bit bytes etc | 12:46 |
tko | but who's counting | 12:46 |
keesj | but it works under SDK_PC :( | 12:48 |
AD-N770 | I need an idea to solve a GUI issue in maemo/hildon | 12:52 |
AD-N770 | I've a treeview and I want to implement a contextual menu | 12:52 |
AD-N770 | options on the menu depends on the row selected | 12:53 |
AD-N770 | I wrote the code following the sample at http://scentric.net/tutorial/sec-selections-context-menus.html | 12:53 |
AD-N770 | it works under sbox | 12:53 |
keesj | but it's not stylus friendly right? | 12:54 |
tko | just attach a mouse :) | 12:54 |
tko | see gtk_widget_tap_and_hold_setup | 12:54 |
tko | it's badly documented, though :-/ | 12:54 |
AD-N770 | I tried with tap_and_hold | 12:56 |
AD-N770 | but my problem is that I need to create options for the menu depending on the row selected | 12:56 |
AD-N770 | sorry for the delay I attended a phone call | 12:57 |
tko | you can do that in the callback | 12:57 |
keesj | AD-N770, I tried to solve this problem by requiring the user to drag an item | 12:57 |
AD-N770 | I can't understand keesj | 12:58 |
AD-N770 | keesj: your choice is bind popup menu on drag signal ? | 12:58 |
keesj | No , I was a bit more theoretical. My choice would be to let user draw a tree item to a help button if they want help | 12:59 |
keesj | and instead of a popup I would have different items on the right of the tree | 13:00 |
AD-N770 | I need to explain more my target i think | 13:01 |
AD-N770 | I'm improving the nethack game for the N770 | 13:01 |
AD-N770 | the idea is related to the inventory dialog | 13:02 |
keesj | AD-N770, no , not really it have wild ideas:) | 13:02 |
AD-N770 | the dialog show you your objects in a treeview | 13:02 |
AD-N770 | sometimes you want select an object | 13:03 |
AD-N770 | and perform an action with it | 13:03 |
AD-N770 | for example read an scroll of enchant weapon | 13:03 |
AD-N770 | in the current GUI you need to push the button for read action on the toolbar | 13:03 |
AD-N770 | and after select the scroll object | 13:04 |
keesj | perhaps like the mac then. where you need to use a button that is not on the mouse so show the menu? | 13:04 |
keesj | like "the windows" key on conventional M$ keyboard | 13:04 |
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AD-N770 | mmmmm, ok bind the popup menu to the menu key in the device is a solution too | 13:05 |
AD-N770 | but I would like do it with the stylus if is possible | 13:06 |
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keesj | AD this what I want do make http://cosy-home.garage.maemo.org/ | 13:08 |
keesj | you see the :google: text in green | 13:08 |
keesj | but there is also a green arrow that allows the link to be launched | 13:09 |
keesj | there could be a second to open links in a new window for example | 13:09 |
AD-N770 | I see | 13:09 |
AD-N770 | I'm going to think in that approach | 13:10 |
keesj | the nice thing about it is that is it really stylus friendly IMHO | 13:10 |
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AD-N770 | keesj: I think that you have given me the right idea :) | 13:11 |
keesj | good! | 13:13 |
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jtokash2 | anyone interested in trying a very alpha version of an lightweight front end to Google Reader? | 13:35 |
jtokash2 | readermini.com | 13:35 |
timeless | anyone here familiar w/ glib? | 13:35 |
timeless | i need to know how g_list_append works | 13:35 |
jtokash2 | wow, cosy is awesome! | 13:36 |
keesj | jtokash2, can we thrust you? | 13:37 |
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jtokash2 | yeah, that's one thing that sucks about the reader api | 13:38 |
jtokash2 | some other google products let the user do an authentication for you and then you get passed the key | 13:38 |
jtokash2 | reader's API doesn't do that, yet | 13:38 |
jtokash2 | you have to use the clientlogin system | 13:38 |
tko | timeless, it iterates to the end of list and appends the item | 13:39 |
tko | timeless, sort of, you know, like the function name implies | 13:39 |
jtokash2 | keesj, I'm not logging anything and if I ever do, I won't be logging passwords. | 13:39 |
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tko | jtokash2, and if you did, you wouldn't be doing anything evil with them etc. :) | 13:40 |
tko | timeless, http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/glib/glib/glist.c?view=annotate line 63 onward | 13:41 |
keesj | jtokash2, cosy needs a little love | 13:41 |
jtokash2 | yeah, like I said, it makes me unconfortable, too. I suggest using a test account. | 13:41 |
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pahartik | is "macromedia-flashplayer" package available in some repository? I cannot seem to find it in "http://repository.maemo.org/pool/maemo2.1/non-free/" | 13:53 |
jtokash2 | keesj, Ideally, reader will support this api soon. http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/AuthForWebApps.html | 13:54 |
jtokash2 | For now, though, it only supports this api http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/AuthForInstalledApps.html | 13:54 |
tko | pahartik, nope, only on device, just like the browser | 13:55 |
pahartik | tko: I do not see reason to ever want to run such useless proprietary code, but I am afraid to "dpkg --purge" it if I cannot satisfy dependencies otherwise and cannot get it back... ("osso-multimedia depends on macromedia-flashplayer (>= 0.37)" for whatever reason) | 13:58 |
tko | pahartik, osso-multimedia is a metapackage IIRC | 13:59 |
tko | removing metapackages won't make any difference as long as package upgrades aren't used | 14:00 |
pahartik | tko: "dpkg --listfiles osso-multimedia" confirms that | 14:00 |
keesj | how cool is it if you can ssh to your n770 and play music in order to find it! | 14:12 |
Knirch | :D | 14:12 |
tko | sounds like these old keyrings which beep when you whistle :) | 14:13 |
keesj | that would also be nice :) | 14:13 |
keesj | perhaps the next killer app , the first device that responds when you call it | 14:13 |
jobi | hi all | 14:14 |
jtokash2 | Regarding the google reader app. http://alpha.readermini.com/ will let you log in with x@gmail.com and a password of x. I switch those out for different values before I send them to the authentication server. | 14:15 |
jtokash2 | This version works well on the 770. | 14:15 |
jtokash2 | The reader account it is using is one that Ijust set up and plugged in my opml file. | 14:16 |
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keesj | jtokash2, works alright | 14:17 |
jtokash2 | Doesn't have all of the GR features (yet), but it's 100X faster. | 14:18 |
keesj | and you need to select the feeds on the real google reader? | 14:18 |
jtokash2 | at the moment, yes | 14:18 |
jtokash2 | I'm pretty sure that fn is exposed through the api, though, so I'll add that eventually. | 14:18 |
keesj | that orange is that my nokia uses a theme? | 14:19 |
jtokash2 | I chose orange for borders because it's the default 770 theme | 14:19 |
jtokash2 | I should probably use black | 14:19 |
jtokash2 | or make it a pref | 14:20 |
keesj | it works 4 me :) | 14:20 |
keesj | perhaps just creating border will make them the right color? | 14:20 |
jtokash2 | Didn't think about that. I'll try it | 14:20 |
keesj | why can't i move up and down the page with the stylus? | 14:21 |
keesj | i need to really touch the scrollbars | 14:21 |
pahartik | tko: it seems to have worked without side-effects | 14:21 |
jtokash2 | keesj, good catch. that's because the scrollbars are on the divs. The page itself doesn't scroll | 14:23 |
jtokash2 | I have to reset the scroll for the content pane when you click on a new feed. | 14:24 |
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* jtra 's mmc has broken filesystem :-( | 14:58 | |
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keesj | happy happy joy joy | 15:02 |
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jobi | tko: seen #919? | 15:29 |
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tko | I'm trying not to think about work until tuesday :) | 15:39 |
jobi | tko: ok sorry :) | 15:42 |
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X-Fade | jobi: About #910, I can't connect to my 770 when the problem occurs.. | 15:46 |
jobi | X-Fade: ok :( | 15:46 |
jobi | X-Fade: I just made an upgrade which went pretty smoothly | 15:46 |
X-Fade | Is there something I can do in dual-boot? chroot the filesytem and try something out? | 15:47 |
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jobi | X-Fade: can you kill the x server, chroot, launch X, then try to launch desktop? | 15:49 |
jobi | stop maemo-launcher also before chroot | 15:50 |
X-Fade | jobi: Ok, can you step me through it? | 15:50 |
X-Fade | ssh into the device and kill Xomap? | 15:50 |
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jobi | X-Fade: yes, or /etc/init.d/x-server.sh stop | 15:52 |
jobi | X-Fade: and /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher stop | 15:52 |
X-Fade | Hmm x-server stop killed my connection? :) | 15:54 |
jobi | oops | 15:57 |
jobi | X-Fade: do you use WLAN? maybe the connection dies with the connectivity UI :( | 15:58 |
X-Fade | Yeah, I used wlan.. | 15:58 |
jobi | you could try the chroot without stopping X but I'm not sure you'll be able to connect to the X server after chroot | 16:01 |
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X-Fade | jobi: Killing Xomap didn't kill my connection :) | 16:08 |
jobi | cool | 16:11 |
X-Fade | Nokia770-39:/# /etc/init.d/x-server.sh start | 16:12 |
X-Fade | dsmesock_connect: No such file or directory | 16:12 |
X-Fade | Hmm | 16:12 |
X-Fade | I had to mount proc, sysfs too.. | 16:12 |
X-Fade | But this one, I don't get ;) | 16:12 |
jobi | does /etc/init.d/mce restart works? | 16:13 |
X-Fade | Restarting Mode Controller Entity: mcedsmesock_connect: No such file or directory | 16:15 |
X-Fade | Hmm /dev/ looks suspiciously empty.. | 16:16 |
jobi | I think the missing socket it's complaining about is in /tmp | 16:18 |
X-Fade | I mounted /tmp also. No luck so far.. | 16:21 |
X-Fade | Hmm don't kill too much :) The device rebooted ;) | 16:27 |
jobi | you can start Xomap without using the script | 16:28 |
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Guard][an | is it possible to instal applications to mmc ? | 16:33 |
X-Fade | jobi: Ok, I have started Xomap.. | 16:34 |
jobi | can you try maemo-summoner /usr/bin/maemo_af_desktop.launch? | 16:35 |
X-Fade | jobi: http://rafb.net/p/ldouFO29.html | 16:36 |
jobi | hmm guess it's missing dbus connection too | 16:43 |
X-Fade | af-services should do that, right? | 16:47 |
jobi | X-Fade: yes, but I would expect it will try to use the dsme socket thing | 16:48 |
jobi | you can try to move /usr/sbin/dsmetool away so the startup scripts start the binaries directly | 16:49 |
jobi | like on scratchbox | 16:49 |
X-Fade | /etc/osso-af-init/real-af-services: Error, X server did not start | 16:53 |
X-Fade | Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.nokia.mce was not provided by any .service files | 16:53 |
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Guard][an | where is the maemo api documentation located ? i don't remember the svn url | 16:58 |
jobi | Guard][an: http://maemo.org/platform/docs/api-index.html | 17:00 |
jobi | X-Fade: once you have moved dsmetool, can you start mce and x-server via the scripts? | 17:01 |
Guard][an | i'm trying to understand why osso_initialize returns NULL now that i'm trying to recompile a very old app with herring | 17:01 |
tko | Guard][an, dbus isn't running and/or the environment variable isn't set? | 17:03 |
Guard][an | i'm not sure :( | 17:04 |
Guard][an | in fact i have an assert that fails on the context returned by osso_initialize | 17:04 |
X-Fade | jobi: mce does not start. It silently exits.. | 17:04 |
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Guard][an | does the "service name must start with com.nokia" still apply ? | 17:07 |
Guard][an | +rule | 17:07 |
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jobi | X-Fade: does the dbus session bus starts at least? | 17:12 |
X-Fade | No, It stopped with that .service message I posted. | 17:13 |
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X-Fade | But I can confirm that removing dmsetool doesn't get me further. I rebooted the device and tried to boot it that way.. | 17:15 |
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jobi | X-Fade: not sure if that's enough to get a syslog, but you could install sysklogd | 17:31 |
jobi | and remove the --quiet in /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher | 17:32 |
jobi | then maybe we would at least know what process crashes for you | 17:32 |
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X-Fade | jobi: Will try that :) | 17:39 |
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MDK | re | 17:49 |
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keesj | re | 18:07 |
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kender | hi | 18:31 |
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Guard][an | hmm is it possible to make a shared library (.so) out of a static library (.a) ? | 19:13 |
mgedmin | probably not | 19:13 |
Guard][an | that's what i thought, someone already told me that, but i fail to remember the reason :/ | 19:14 |
mgedmin | different compilation options | 19:14 |
mgedmin | shared libraries must be compiled as position-independent code | 19:15 |
Guard][an | ok | 19:15 |
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Guard][an | thank you | 19:24 |
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Pio | you guys use screen protectors on the 770? | 20:44 |
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Juhaz | nope | 20:58 |
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Pio | im having a hard time finding places with 2gb rs-mmc cards in stock | 21:29 |
Pio | any suggestions? | 21:29 |
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waite | pio, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820134119 | 22:16 |
Pio | ahh.. mmc mobile is the same as rs-mmc eh? | 22:17 |
Pio | no wonder | 22:17 |
waite | I think so. | 22:18 |
Pio | sure looks the same | 22:18 |
waite | not sure now let me investigate | 22:18 |
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waite | Yes MMCmobile is RSMMC compa | 22:23 |
waite | compat | 22:23 |
Pio | http://www.dmxp.co.uk/faqdesk_info.php/faqdesk_id/18 | 22:23 |
Pio | cool | 22:23 |
Pio | yeah thats what i gathered from googling too | 22:23 |
Pio | different but compatible | 22:23 |
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Pio | anyone know if theres packages available with smbfs modules, akin to the nfs-client-kernel-modules package? | 22:40 |
Pio | or perhaps pages with alternative kernels, or instructions on building your own kernels for your 770? | 22:40 |
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jtra | Pio: I have 2GB mmc mobile from Kingston - it works | 22:41 |
Pio | jtra, good to know, thanks | 22:42 |
Pio | think i'll order that guy | 22:42 |
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waite | mobileMMC card can operate at a lower voltage (1.8V) but still support running at 3V also | 22:49 |
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minra | goodday... the 770 still rules | 23:32 |
minra | was looking at a sony pda sized x86 pc for over 2000 dollars.... LOL... | 23:32 |
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minra | yeah, just crashing constantly with the bluetooth | 23:41 |
minra | totally hopeless for me to do anything about it | 23:41 |
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