MohammadAG | LOLOL @ warranty void screen | 00:01 |
MohammadAG | ok, it's funny and all, how do I get rid of it | 00:02 |
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MohammadAG | no seriously, I only loaded a kernel to RAM... | 00:02 |
jonni | that triggers openmode in pr1.2 | 00:02 |
MohammadAG | I loaded it to RAM! | 00:03 |
MohammadAG | I didn't flash it | 00:03 |
jonni | yep ram loading triggers openmode in pr1.2 :) | 00:03 |
jonni | it didnt in pr1.1 | 00:03 |
MohammadAG | oh ffs | 00:05 |
MohammadAG | how do I go to closed mode? | 00:05 |
MohammadAG | oh yay, nokia account logged out | 00:06 |
jonni | there exists a kludge way to fix malf without openmode, but unfortunately that howto is not avail to non-internals. | 00:06 |
MohammadAG | it's not exactly a full MALF | 00:06 |
MohammadAG | I could boot up | 00:07 |
mankeli | MohammadAG: sorry, i thought it would go back to closed mode on n950 since it's dev phone and all.. | 00:09 |
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mankeli | going back to closed mode involves reflashing rootfs | 00:09 |
mankeli | which means / and /home. /home/user/MyDocs remains intact | 00:10 |
MohammadAG | oh ffs | 00:14 |
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mankeli | jonni: what's the secret trick to fix malf without openmode? | 00:29 |
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MohammadAG | bluetooth toggle done | 00:55 |
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MohammadAG | what other toggles should I do? | 00:57 |
beford | nfc | 00:57 |
beford | wlan | 00:57 |
beford | mute | 00:58 |
beford | not sure about mute, the volume thing is right there | 00:58 |
MohammadAG | I can't figure out how to set wlan radio to off | 00:58 |
MohammadAG | was gonna saying that about mute :p | 00:58 |
mankeli | how about quick disconnect button? | 00:58 |
MohammadAG | flight toggle, it's there | 00:59 |
mankeli | well flight also switches gsm off doesn't it? | 01:00 |
deram | yes, and you can create wlan connections in flight mode | 01:04 |
mankeli | i mean a button, that basicly allows you to have 3g/wlan session and then switch it off with little fewer clicks than it's currently possible | 01:05 |
beford | | 01:06 |
beford | sp=28&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:66 | 01:06 |
beford | erm sorry | 01:06 |
beford | | 01:06 |
mankeli | hmm, orientation lock toggle might also work :) | 01:08 |
mankeli | and i wouldn't mind if there would be possibility to open status menu with power button. doublepress of that could then enable the lock | 01:08 |
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MohammadAG | that'd be a mod to mce and status menu | 01:11 |
MohammadAG | I'm just creating plugins for the menu | 01:11 |
beford | some toggles from ICS | 01:11 |
MohammadAG | Oooh, flashlight | 01:11 |
MohammadAG | I need some backend code for that... | 01:11 |
MohammadAG | GPS could also work | 01:12 |
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beford | thp's suggestion about symbian style toggle looks nice | 01:43 |
beford | it requires some work I suppose :P | 01:43 |
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antman8969 | jonni thanks for the tip from earlier! | 04:18 |
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Venemo_N950 | hm | 11:15 |
Venemo_N950 | ever since I upgraded to PR 1.2 final, the N950 is a lot less reliable and it's a little bit slower too | 11:16 |
Venemo_N950 | anyone else seen this issue? | 11:16 |
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RST38h | Venemo: and rss feeds are not working | 11:21 |
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xmlich02 | mankeli, by the way, how would you implement the orientation lock. Recently, i modified orientation dbus faker from javispedro, but it is not finished | 11:51 |
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mankeli | xmlich02: does that work? | 12:08 |
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xmlich02 | it is not fully functional. The problem is that some programs are connected to faker d-bus and it is necessary to restart them to use real device orientation again | 12:42 |
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jonni | xmlich02: there is global orientation lock in my BabyLock appliation. | 13:32 |
SpeedEvil | Neat. | 13:33 |
xmlich02 | how it works? | 13:38 |
jonni | uses similar kind of method that javis used | 13:46 |
jonni | (with fakeproperty) | 13:48 |
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ZogG_laptop | btw i need advice for settings | 15:40 |
ZogG_laptop | jonni would you advice to use qsettings? to keepp them in file? would it be easy to load them into qml after? or should i make config file and parse it myself? | 15:41 |
jonni | ZogG_laptop: personally I just use QSettings and property bind them from c++ to qml. | 15:44 |
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ZogG_laptop | jonni: and you keep them in file? | 15:44 |
jonni | yes, qsettings stores them into a file | 15:44 |
ZogG_laptop | jonni: manually or it has builtin functions to operate setting in files save\load and etc | 15:45 |
ZogG_laptop | or you just wwrite it like any data? | 15:45 |
ZogG_laptop | i just think it would be nice to have file with settings like setting1=blue; setting2=yellow e.g. but not sure if i need to parse it than in order to load and save | 15:46 |
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ZogG_laptop | jonni: noobie here =) | 15:47 |
jonni | ZogG_laptop: use setValue to write and value to read. | 15:49 |
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jonni | setSetting1 is the property binding to qml. | 15:50 |
jonni | etc, but just read the QSettings documentation, is really simple | 15:51 |
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ZogG_laptop | jonni: i will do, i just wonder in general how it works | 15:52 |
ZogG_laptop | jonni: the example you gave is to play with settings, my question is if it saves those to file or not? | 15:52 |
jonni | setValue writes to file automaticly | 15:53 |
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ZogG_laptop | oh nice =) | 15:54 |
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mankeli | MohammadAG: also: wakelock toggle | 16:00 |
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MohammadAG | wtf is QGraphicsWidget::size' does not have class type | 16:21 |
MohammadAG | mtogglewidget.cpp:37: error: '((MToggleWidget*)this)->QGraphicsWidget::size' does not have class type | 16:21 |
MohammadAG | nvm | 16:22 |
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ZogG_laptop | MohammadAG: found nice app for israel bike station for ios - opensource, if you have time/want to port =) | 16:36 |
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ibrakalifa | ee | 17:01 |
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ZogG_laptop | beford: sup | 17:04 |
beford | hey ZogG_laptop | 17:04 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: do you mind to try to make an account | 17:04 |
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ZogG_laptop | and it would be nice if you can restart after install to check if icon is not red and actually is icon | 17:05 |
beford | let me register on imgur | 17:05 |
ibrakalifa | hi all | 17:07 |
beford | hi ibrakalifa | 17:08 |
ibrakalifa | :) | 17:08 |
aquarius | has anyone written an easy-to-install doesn't-cost-money Find my N9 thing? I was hoping that there was a preyproject port for N9, but the forums suggest that there isn't (although people would like it :)) | 17:13 |
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ZogG_laptop | aquarius: i affraid to tell yoou, but life is unfair =) | 17:17 |
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* aquarius laughs | 17:18 | |
aquarius | I was debating throwing something together myself, but then it occurred to me that someone may have already done so. | 17:18 |
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aquarius | it comes with "track and protect", but their website confuses me; I don't seem to be able to sign up without downloading a client (which I don't need to do, since it's onthe N9 already), and I'm a bit loath to entrust my phone's security and my money to a firm I know nothing about | 17:19 |
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ZogG_laptop | i think prey is not fully opensource if it is at all, so no port is avilable | 17:19 |
ZogG_laptop | at least i haven't seen | 17:19 |
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jkt | hi there | 17:37 |
jkt | is there a standard icon for stuff like warning/error on N9? | 17:38 |
* jkt tried hard at the standard icon set and didn't find an ibvious match | 17:38 | |
MohammadAG | the fuck is base/meegotouch/call-ui/style/carmode-call-ui.css | 17:46 |
ZogG_laptop | MohammadAG: unfinished by nokia feature? | 17:49 |
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ZogG_laptop | beford: & | 17:49 |
ZogG_laptop | ? | 17:49 |
ZogG_laptop | anyone aware of any app that uses native share inside it? i want to add share option with native share for links in my app | 17:50 |
beford | got stuck thinking for a nice account name | 17:57 |
beford | restarting phone now | 17:59 |
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beford | imgur icon appears on account ZogG_laptop | 18:11 |
beford | ZogG_laptop, uhm | 18:15 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: added account? | 18:16 |
beford | yes | 18:16 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: if so i would give you gift for that | 18:16 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: do you want a gift? | 18:16 |
beford | where is it | 18:16 |
beford | xD | 18:16 |
beford | I uploaded a picture | 18:16 |
beford | but is not on my page | 18:16 |
beford | | 18:16 |
beford | is it supposed to be there? | 18:16 |
beford | or is that still missing | 18:16 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: account is not implented in app yet, but it's working =P | 18:16 |
faenil | guys why should std::getline block? | 18:17 |
faenil | I mean,it doesn't return | 18:17 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: remind me what feature you asked me to add? | 18:17 |
faenil | what are the possibilities? | 18:17 |
beford | share from built in menu ? | 18:17 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: wasn't it to share, or i'm mistaken? | 18:17 |
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MohammadAG | is there any flashlight code available? | 18:18 |
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ZogG_laptop | MohammadAG: not sure, but i see what you want to do =* | 18:18 |
MohammadAG | thp, I see you've attempted to use the flashlight once? | 18:20 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: you wanna try it? | 18:20 |
beford | sure! | 18:21 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: just a second | 18:21 |
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ZogG_laptop | beford: will upload in a sec, gf called. can't check on phone =) | 18:25 |
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thp | MohammadAG: yep, long time ago :) | 18:28 |
MohammadAG | thp, and did it ever work? :p | 18:28 |
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beford | Most likely flashlight application was using a unallowed capability and app was pulled from Ovi Store, as you would need incepted capas to get it working. | 18:33 |
Sazpaimon | i there a tool to extract qml/js code compiled into binaries? | 18:33 |
beford | | 18:33 |
Sazpaimon | or should I just use something like strings | 18:33 |
beford | maybe jonni / rainisto can give some hints | 18:33 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: ok, share is enabled, though just thought of it and me may talk about different shares =) | 18:36 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: redoanload it | 18:36 |
ZogG_laptop | redownload app and try to share the link | 18:38 |
denism | Sazpaimon: you can use LD_PRELOAD for some base Qt method, for example, and just write out resources. | 18:43 |
thp | MohammadAG: no. i then found that there's a flashlight app, and haven't investigated more since :p | 18:43 |
thp | MohammadAG: also, these days, the video mode in the camera app can be used as flashlight | 18:43 |
MohammadAG | thp, not useful for a toggle :p | 18:44 |
thp | ah! ;) that'd be cool! | 18:44 |
Sazpaimon | denism, you lost me | 18:44 |
thp | MohammadAG: have you contacted wazd for some belle-style switch artwork? | 18:44 |
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denism | Sazpaimon: might be, but it is exactly the answer to your question | 18:46 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: ? | 18:47 |
ZogG_laptop | tested it? | 18:47 |
beford | yes installed | 18:47 |
beford | not sure how to share | 18:47 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: you upload the image and than there is button share above, it would be active - press it | 18:48 |
beford | ah | 18:48 |
beford | only for uploaed images? | 18:48 |
beford | I though i could share from the gallery too | 18:48 |
ZogG_laptop | for now — yes | 18:48 |
beford | :P | 18:48 |
ZogG_laptop | not yet, not ,yet. it would be long road there i think | 18:48 |
ZogG_laptop | try it and tell if it's working | 18:49 |
beford | I think sharing from the gallery can be easy | 18:49 |
beford | just share a link to the imgur site | 18:49 |
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beford | sharing uploaded picture worked | 18:50 |
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ZogG_laptop | beford: to share from gallery i need to make my own plugin for that, which would upload thru app or transfer ui and it wouldn't work as anonymous as it wouldn't return url anywhere at least if you don't want to re-share it again to twitter or something | 18:54 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: good =) now i need to find out how i add via #imgrup in the text =) | 18:54 |
beford | i dont get what you mean ZogG_laptop | 18:54 |
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ZogG_laptop | beford: how does share works? you choose with what plugin to share and it uploads it there | 18:57 |
beford | uhm yea | 18:57 |
ZogG_laptop | right? | 18:57 |
beford | let me recheck | 18:58 |
ZogG_laptop | than if you anonymous ( not uploading to your account) it would upload on imgur, but share menu has no result returns, so you uploaded somewhere picture, how can you find it? | 18:58 |
ZogG_laptop | next thing i want to work is not only anonymous upload (account integration) and settings | 18:59 |
beford | | 19:00 |
beford | I mean | 19:00 |
beford | can't you just get a "link" from the gallery? | 19:00 |
beford | they are public, no? | 19:00 |
beford | no pic was uploaded to twitter ZogG_laptop | 19:01 |
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MohammadAG | thp, no, but I ripped something from SBSettings for now :p | 19:02 |
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ZogG_laptop | beford: i don't get you | 19:03 |
beford | lol | 19:03 |
ZogG_laptop | you mean to share from your own gallery? | 19:04 |
beford | no | 19:04 |
ZogG_laptop | or gallery in app? | 19:04 |
heymaster | 2012 Device Program .. So need to port app ? | 19:04 |
beford | from imgur gallery in app | 19:04 |
beford | yes | 19:04 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: oh, easy pizzy =) | 19:04 |
beford | from gallery in Harmattan system would be ok, but yes I know you need the plugin | 19:04 |
beford | that could be for the next version :P | 19:04 |
heymaster | just asking because I have Nokia 500 :) | 19:04 |
ZogG_laptop | you want to share pictures you browsed in app right? | 19:04 |
beford | yep | 19:04 |
ZogG_laptop | ok, all i need to find out how to make an share icon =) | 19:05 |
ZogG_laptop | or to get it somewhere =P | 19:05 |
beford | on the toolbar | 19:05 |
beford | there is a system icon alerady for that | 19:05 |
beford | already | 19:06 |
ZogG_laptop | i know but i need to know the path or something | 19:06 |
beford | icon-m-toolbar-share | 19:06 |
ZogG_laptop | or you think i should put it on toolbar itself? | 19:06 |
beford | ToolIcon { platformIconId: "toolbar-share" } | 19:06 |
beford | well there is enough space I believe | 19:06 |
beford | oh but you share the toolbar for all the app, right? | 19:07 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: the problem would be that i use same toolbar on all pages XP | 19:07 |
ZogG_laptop | X-P | 19:07 |
beford | yea I just checked | 19:07 |
beford | you will need to hide it or something :P | 19:07 |
beford | the path should be /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/icons/icon-m-toolbar-share.png | 19:07 |
ZogG_laptop | i thought to add it near reddit one | 19:07 |
MohammadAG | woo, flash toggle done | 19:09 |
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Venemo_N950 | hey | 19:10 |
beford | hi | 19:10 |
Venemo_N950 | if I reflash the N950, will it erase the emmc too? | 19:10 |
MohammadAG | thp, thoughts ? | 19:16 |
MohammadAG | Venemo_N950, one click flasher, yes, manual flashing, no | 19:17 |
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Venemo_N950 | one click :) | 19:17 |
Venemo_N950 | thx MohammadAG | 19:17 |
MohammadAG | it'll erase emmc | 19:17 |
ZogG_laptop | MohammadAG: do we need bluetooth twice? maybe set the bluetooth menu to setting menu? | 19:18 |
MohammadAG | ZogG_laptop, it's your status menu, do what the f you want to it ;) | 19:19 |
beford | bluetooth menu goes to settings for bluetooth, toggle will turn it off and on, | 19:19 |
MohammadAG | and install what you want | 19:19 |
MohammadAG | bluetooth-toggle_0.0.1_armel.deb flashlight-toggle_0.0.1_armel.deb flightmode-toggle_0.0.1_armel.deb libmt-toggles-dev_0.0.1_all.deb mt-toggles_0.0.1_armel.deb psm-toggle_0.0.1_armel.deb | 19:19 |
beford | is there any way to disable enable menu items MohammadAG ? | 19:19 |
MohammadAG | beford, remove the .desktop file | 19:20 |
MohammadAG | or move it | 19:20 |
beford | without uninstalling them :P | 19:20 |
MohammadAG | or rename it to .disabled | 19:20 |
beford | ok, a UI to manage that would be nice though | 19:20 |
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MohammadAG | feel free to start making toggles, I won't change the API | 19:32 |
MohammadAG | | 19:32 |
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ZogG_laptop | beford: added it there, but it's kinda ugly i think, as it's not same size as the reddit one | 19:37 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: you can redownload it now | 19:40 |
ZogG_laptop | beford: i would show you the pic but i have that annying bug when downloaded and added imgs are not shown in gallery =\ | 19:42 |
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MohammadAG | thp, flashlight code | 20:10 |
MohammadAG | I should probably free m_src at some point | 20:11 |
MohammadAG | or not | 20:14 |
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MohammadAG | ASSERT: "!isEmpty()" in file /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qlist.h, line 282 :/ | 21:48 |
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MohammadAG | pfft, was using an uninitialized int | 22:01 |
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thp | MohammadAG: wow, you're on a roll! :) | 22:20 |
thp | MohammadAG: the left padding is still wrong, though :p | 22:21 |
MohammadAG | lmao | 22:22 |
thp | is there a .svg with the squircle shape of the same size as these icons there? if so, i might try to create you some backdrop for a belle-style switch (so you just draw the backdrop and then the icon on top of it, and with an offset depending on the on/off state) | 22:23 |
MohammadAG | I'm not sure if that'll work with how the API works :/ | 22:24 |
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MohammadAG | here's how the image is set | 22:25 |
MohammadAG | | 22:25 |
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thp | MohammadAG: | 22:54 |
thp | MohammadAG: backgrounds here: and | 22:55 |
MohammadAG | oh, that'd actually work without breaking anything | 22:55 |
MohammadAG | thanks | 22:56 |
thp | the bg is just gimp'd out of a belle screenshot i found on the web, so maybe we need to ask someone to do a proper version of it | 22:56 |
thp | but for testing the concept this should work :p | 22:56 |
thp | bonus points for making the icon slide in an animated way and fading between the background images :p | 22:57 |
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Venemo | heya | 23:50 |
Venemo | so, does PR 1.2 final contains any actual improvements over PR 1.2 beta? | 23:51 |
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MohammadAG | it contains newer packages | 23:51 |
MohammadAG | and I don't recall the N950 got the final version | 23:51 |
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Venemo | yep | 23:52 |
Venemo | but one can replace the repo on the N950 with the repo for the N9 | 23:53 |
Venemo | thus, technically, you can get the newer packages | 23:53 |
Venemo | however, ever since I did that, the N950 became less reliable and noticably laggier. | 23:53 |
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