After getting my presentation out of the way, I was finally able to relax and really enjoy LinuxTag. I hadn't realised quite how stressed I was about the talk. I'm really happy now that I agreed to come.
Watched an amazing demo in the LinuxMCE booth. I always though it was some kind of a media center app for watching movies, but it turns out to be a complete home automation system where you can control the lights, security cameras and, of course, multimedia, with a large variety of devices (remote controls, mobile phones, VoIP hardware phones, Nokia Internet tablets). Still, I'd have to get a house first.
After the conference I went out for a beer (or, rather, a cup of Earl Grey) in the city with Gary "lcuk" Birkett and Malgorzata Ciesielska, who is doing her PhD on Nokia/Maemo community organisation/collaboration. Had a really nice evening.