IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2010-11-22

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sivanglcuk: interesting idea, why not just use a dictionary and speed search through it while typing, only instead of showing remaining possible words, dim the letters that no longer take part00:02
sivanglcuk: I think there's something like this for samsung devices00:02
sivanglcuk: At least I had it in a very old amsung phone, also I think some symbians have it00:03
sivanglcuk: ofcourse make sure you can press them but require more time on "press" for them to work to allow easy fast typing00:03
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sivanglcuk: completely disabling other letters is annoying when the guess failed00:06
sivanglcuk: speaking out of experience with similar magic on other platforms.00:07
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oshinsony seems to be developing their own gnu/linux based tablet OS too.00:22
CosmoHilldoes it have rootkits?00:23
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oshinno idea, but they use gnustep toolkit00:23
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berndhsoshin: they should give up and be assimilated00:24
oshinvery early state, but they are doing it.00:24
CosmoHillwow, gnustep, cool00:24
oshininteresting choice00:25
slainegnustep, is that still going00:25
oshinwhich looks almost like a suicide to me.00:25
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oshinstill going.00:25
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oshinapple won't be happy.00:26
oshinor they did, enemy committing suicide.00:26
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slaineI'd say Sony are hoping to leverage the wealth of iOS developers out there00:27
slaineclever move actually00:27
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slainehopefully they've actually hired some of the GNUStep folks00:27
oshinthey have multi-touch code in their branch.00:28
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oshinprobably done by some gs dev00:28
andybleadenoshin, i still cant do a touchpad 100% let alone multi touch ..does that mean fingers and thumbs ;)00:29
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andybleadenok who here still has moblin themed meego ie with all the old look and feel of moblin or have you all still fallen for meego?00:32
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berndhsandybleaden: nobody has fallen, everyone here has risen above such lowly concerns :)00:37
andybleadenberndhs, does that mean you still have moblin settings then :P00:38
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berndhsme? I ssh into my meego machine from my fedora xfce00:38
andybleadenberndhs, I still cannot warm to meego UI .linked as it is to moblin00:38
andybleadenberndhs,sounds complicated.does that mean you are not really in meego then.just there virtually?00:39
lcuksivang, nobody suggested completely disabling, merely making the most used easier to click00:39
lcukand please add your comments remarks and things to the page00:39
lcukits there for all of us to work out00:39
berndhsandybleaden: actually both, it is sometimes just more convenient to use ssh00:40
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andybleadenberndhs, never got round to doing that yet.closest I got was a live usb and maybe that is the best I can do00:41
andybleadenberndhs, i always wanted to get ssh to work but could not sort it from work - proxy 'issues'00:42
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berndhsandybleaden: I ssh into a machine that sits a few inches away00:42
berndhsberndhs: sometimes over my ipv6 tunnel across 1/2 the continent :)00:43
andybleadenberndhs, did you try moblin before that then?.why do you ssh then..if so close.or is it because you just 'can'00:43
berndhsandybleaden: sometimes its more convenient to do things from a bigger display, when I do stuff on meego and fedora at the same time00:44
prometoyshi, where I can find more repositories for meego? extras seems not be available anymore00:44
andybleadenberndhs, so for numpties like me that means you have a desktop with fedora on it and you log in to a meego set up on a netbook?00:44
berndhsandybleaden: right00:44
andybleadenberndhs, ah I see00:44
andybleadenberndhs, nifty00:44
andybleadenberndhs, maybe I should try that and stop effing with my netbook...that has had a weekly change in OS for the past year00:45
berndhsandybleaden: depends on what you want to do with it00:46
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andybleadenberndhs, could do with being able to ssh in and out of my desktop will wait00:48
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julienfjust published a quick post about the MeeGo install on the Lenovo Ideapad:
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timeless_mbpjulienf: i want instructions for doing dualboot :)01:07
timeless_mbpi wonder if i could use backup if my usb stick was formatted exfat or ntfs :)01:08
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julienftimeless_mbp: so you're more of a chicken than a pig? ;)01:10
julienfI decided to go full MeeGo and build it up to a usable machine, but not sure if that's gonna work out..01:11
julienfcould try to put OSX on it ;)01:11
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WIImandear god why do that OSX is nearly as virus prone as windows01:23
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oshincoz windows get better? or you mean trojan?01:27
CosmoHillI'm immune,  everyone loves powerPC01:27
oshinwon't survice script01:28
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oshinbeen trying to boot my emac with a thumbdrive01:28
oshindvd drive was broken01:28
oshinah thanks01:29
WIImanmost virus hit mac os as well as windowa as they desided to hit bit widows and mac os01:29
oshinlike breaking an existing exploit?01:30
abstract3dfor programming apps for MeeGO, i will have to use C++ & QT for GUI right?01:30
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jonnorabstract3d: Qt is the official toolkit for Meego, yes.01:31
oshingtk+ will work right?01:31
oshinand i am porting gnustep01:31
abstract3dis there any recomendation for IDE?01:31
jonnorSeveral other toolkits are currently part of the core as well, including gtk+ and clutter.01:31
jonnorabstract3d: QtCreator is the official IDE.01:31
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WIImanQT is a good tool kit if gtk and be not added but gtk apps be remade by qt format that would be cool01:33
jonnorSorry, clutter is _not_ part of the core.01:33
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WIImani usualy prefer a pure qt based os or pure gtk based os as i like things clean and pure based on on format01:34
oshinand less memory usage.01:34
oshinbut it isn't that much01:35
WIImanmeego is taking the right steps in the qt directinon01:35
WIImanjust need a biger repo01:35
WIImanmore apps and games for entertainment pupeses01:36
thpWIIman: i prefer apps that work. if k3b is the best burning app and gimp is the best image editing app, why not use them?01:36
jonnorGood applications are good applications. Toolkit used is of secondary concern.01:36
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WIImani agree that some apps have there place in the os so if balnsed and clean suport for both qt and gtk that is fine just a cut down on dependancies01:37
timeless_mbpthp: i prefer usable apps :)01:37
* oshin prefers 70% usability but free software.01:39
WIImanmay be adding a repo or so from say opensuse or fedora01:39
WIImanis there is compatability01:40
thptimeless_mbp: well working is a prerequisite. after that, having usable apps is even better :p01:41
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WIImanconsidering meego well suports the graphics cards in netbooks and other devices adding some decent games to the repos would be good01:42
zr0is meego going to have the connectivity integration on the level of maemo 5?01:43
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lcukzr0, I think with enough people working hard meego will raise the bar a few notches.01:44
zr0to me, that's the biggest innovation maemo brought to the smartphone market01:45
jonnorWIIman: please note that the core repositories are intentionally very slim. Community repos and applications stores will provide such things you are looking for, eventually.01:45
WIImanmaybe meego could advertise on distrowatch shashdot and the register as a way to get there message out01:45
zr0the skype, sip, gtalk integration is fantastic01:45
jonnorI cannot phantom anyone wanting to regress in this area. On the contrary ;)01:46
WIImani doubt im alone wanting some fun games and other apps available most of us that use out  devices like to play once and a wile and sometimes more often :)01:48
lcukzr0, indeed :)01:48
* lcuk takes his bloaty feeling body to bed01:48
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CosmoHillyou spent 8 hours out of bed today lcuk01:52
lcukyeah, and it was hard work being so lazy :P01:52
CosmoHillI've been productive and perplexed by prime numbers01:53
* WIIman is disabled its always hard finding things to do with the time awake lol01:53
CosmoHillwhy did I read that as "liam"01:53
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CosmoHillI'm off to sleep now, cyas01:58
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lcuk_ideactrl + r does not work02:07
lcuk_ideaor is it super+r02:08
WIImanniether here02:08
WIImancheck keyboard setting in settings go to keyboard shortcuts02:11
WIImansee if its enabled02:11
lcuk_ideaWIIman: its more widespread I think02:11
lcuk_ideajust a thought about the handling of that super button02:11
lcuk_ideaas it happens now,  once you have pressed it, you then have to move to the screen to use the mouse02:12
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WIImanyou can add the shortcut there and assine it it may do the trick02:13
lcuk_idea[super] + type "term" for instance should do some filtering and offer me terminal, or typing "gary" should have me left with contact.   etc ..02:13
lcuk_ideathe disconnect and inability to use the keyboard once that menu up is glaring02:14
WIImanwhat menu ?02:15
lcuk_ideathe main meego handset drop down02:15
lcuk_ideathe one that pops down from the top when you mouse to the roof or press the [super] key02:15
WIImani use touch pad or superkey to get the menu bar and pull down the menu i need02:16
WIImanno kb shortcuts02:16
lcuk_ideaWIIman: once you press the [super] key, you cannot use the keyboard then until you are done02:16
lcuk_ideaeven something as simple as using numbers to open the associated menu ;)02:16
jonnorlcuk_idea: please check that these bugs are filed, or file if not02:17
lcuk_ideaand drastic simple things like pressing escape again once you know what time it is ;)02:17
lcuk_ideajonnor: i am defining the structure for the bug02:17
lcuk_ideaand how to describe it02:17
jonnorlcuk_idea: good, good02:18
lcuk_idea[super] + "m" (media) change music and back to original task without ever actually needing to reach as far as the top of the screen.  all in one motion with your arm02:20
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WIImanhmm i quess so lol never tryed to use key wile menu bar was down02:26
WIImansuperkey works to close it so i never though the other keys wouldnt02:26
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* WIIman rarely uses keys to navigte menus touchpad with meego netbook interfase give near touchscreen power to navigation02:29
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lcuk_ideaWIIman: do you have a wii?02:30
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mortenmj_hm. every time i try to resolve a dependency *that* package depends on five others, that aren't in meego02:30
WIImanyes i do02:30
mortenmj_any particular reason why we don't have gconf2 in our repositories?02:30
lcuk_idearemember the first day you got it and you would jump around playing wii sports?02:30
lcuk_ideathen a few weeks later, you would lie on the couch and just twitch the mote to get the same effect..02:31
WIImanstill play the wii sports bowlling and boxing lol02:31
ali1234weeks? try 5 minutes02:31
WIImanbetter wii comming out next year02:32
lcuk_ideawell, sat with keyboard on my knee and the screen a defined distance away (in laptop mode..) its easy to hit a key sequence if you are actually typing at the time02:32
WIImanmore like xbox 360 but with better controls02:32
lcuk_ideathe wii defines a genre already02:33
* lcuk_idea likes the wii02:33
ali1234seriously though the netbook ux needs to be more touchscreen friendly02:33
WIImani love the wii selling curent one to save for new upgraded one02:33
lcuk_ideait needs several changes02:34
WIImanit will be 299 dollers02:34
lcuk_ideabut i am wanting to see how well the handset ux will sit on it02:34
ali1234i tried it the other day02:34
ali1234it's much worse02:35
ali1234it doesn't even fill the screen... it's locked to 800x48002:35
lcuk_ideabug filed ? that shouldnt happen, i know it has config options for other dimensions02:36
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* lcuk_idea must sleep anyway my bloaty feeling is getting worse 02:36
lcuk_ideagnite chaps \o02:36
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lcuk_ideabtw WIIman i probably wouldn't have noticed the key thing if the meego menu bar was at the bottom of the touchscreen ;)02:49
WIImanyeh i dont have a touch screen so no way to test that02:49
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WIImanat some time i may get a touch screen but atm im very happy with my net book02:50
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WIImanless i can get a freebe or loaner to test it i dont see spending money on a tablet atm02:51
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WIImani would love to atend a conferance but i cant drive and tansportation is limeted for me do to income constrantes02:55
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mortenmj_WIIman: apply for sponsorship03:14
WIImanhow do aply for sponcership03:15
WIImanmeego is agreat progect i want to get involved03:16
WIImanthat why i set up my twitter acount03:16
mortenmj_WIIman: next conference is in may. no need to think about it until much closer to that time03:18
WIImanyeh still a wile off yet03:27
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floridapengseems no one's here03:38
* javispedro is trying to get the ideapad accelerometer to work03:41
floridapenghi,anyone is there?03:42
floridapengno body?03:43
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floridapengwho am I ? /n Im no body.03:44
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WIImanim here was just on the phone with my children03:48
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floridapengaha, WIIman. i've got a question with meego platform. Could you help me with it?03:51
WIImani can try03:51
WIImanwhats question03:52
* WIIman waits patiantly03:53
floridapenglast week i tried to set up the meego sdk1.1 env, but it doesn't work.03:53
WIImanim not runing sdk atm , how is it not working ? errors ?03:54
floridapengit seems that the sdk 1.1 doesn't include some libs.03:54
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WIImanhave you tryed pulling thoses libs from pkg manager ?03:55
floridapengwhen i build some apps with the sdk, it always present some errors like undefined refrence to **03:55
WIImanim i little suprizesd that its missing libs as its a devl platform03:56
floridapengyeah i have tried03:56
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berndhsfloridapeng: undefined reference doesn't necessarily mean missing libgs03:57
WIImani wish i knew im not usedd to devl ing for qt i just build apps from source when i need them src rpm mostly03:57
WIImanfollowing a guide lol03:58
berndhsundefined reference just means that the linker hasn't found some symbols03:58
WIImanare you building as user or root ?03:58
floridapeng i've tried to include the libs myself.  But the packages cannot be compiled.03:59
WIImanyou should build as user and install as root03:59
floridapengyou mean install the sdk as root ?03:59
WIImanany time you compile you build the app as user so it has the right permitions but install as root wont let you install app as user because the system04:00
floridapengi think there's no diffrence with the user athuentation.04:00
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WIImanie ./configure and make are done as user and make install are done as root04:01
WIImansudo in meegos case04:02
floridapengmake cannot work well.04:02
WIImanim not sure about sdk but thats the way you build any ather app04:02
berndhsfloridapeng: what's wrong with "make" ?04:02
WIImanthe commands are abit diferant for src rpms though04:03
WIImanmake has been used for eons04:03
berndhsif make is broken, you're pretty much dead04:03
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floridapengi download the package qt mobility to include some libs by myself.04:03
floridapengbut when I make the the package source , i pops out errors04:04
WIImanthe libs have to be the right version to sys correctly with what you building04:05
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floridapengthey are all the new version.04:05
berndhsfloridapeng: dont' look at dozens of errors, only look at the first 1 or 204:05
berndhsfloridapeng: after the first 1 or 2 error messages, the rest gets confused04:06
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floridapengberndhs:  yeah, i just did like this.04:07
berndhsfloridapeng: can you paste the first 1 or 2 of thsoe "undefine reference" errors in ?04:07
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WIImanremember every app has dependancies those HAVE to be installed before thee app itself is instaled04:08
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WIImanie the build wont work04:08
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berndhsthe reference problems are not always external references04:09
WIImani can tcode but i have build enough apps to  how the prosess gos04:09
floridapengberndhs: undefined reference to `QLocalSocket::isValid() const'04:09
berndhslook at the file for that project04:10
WIImanxchat for example built fine for but i got all the deps first04:11
berndhsis should mention QT += ... network ... somewhere04:11
berndhsor, see in the SDK if you have QtNetwork installed, it should normally be there04:11
WIImanyeh i dont know the sdk version i mentioned earlier just what i know about building an app hope the other can help sorry i cant04:12
floridapengit's  just a source package from the
floridapengwhen i try ./configure and make , the error is like this.04:13
berndhsQLocalSocket is from QtNetwork04:13
berndhsapparently you do have QtNetwork, otherwise if would fail earlier in the compile04:14
floridapengyou mean the source pkg doesn't include the lib?04:14
berndhsno, why would it ?04:14
berndhsthe source package for A doesn't include lib B04:15
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floridapengso i should include QT += ... network ...  at the .pro?04:16
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berndhssee what it looks like first04:16
berndhsit should be in there already04:17
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berndhsmy network will go down in the next 2 or 3 hours, unannounced04:19
berndhsits sunday night, the ISP's hamster gets tired and they lose power04:19
WIImaneach source should come with a readme and a install file most of what you need to know about installing from the source should be there regardless of platform04:20
berndhsyes good advice, if there is a file README, go read it04:21
WIImanshould be in the unpacked tar folder04:22
WIImanif not in the root of that folder then in src04:22
WIImanbased on past experiance any way04:22
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mortenmj_all my stuff builds. awesome!04:41
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mortenmj_berndhs: were you at the conference?04:42
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berndhsno, i was admiring the video feed of the movie stars04:42
mortenmj_just wondering. met a bernd there04:42
berndhsits a common name04:43
mortenmj_it is04:43
berndhsso i have plausible deniability04:43
mortenmj_berndhs: do you know who i'd talk to to get my packages into meego-core?04:43
berndhsnot really04:43
berndhsin the abstract, you can use bugzilla04:44
berndhscomplain that its not there, and tell them that you have it04:44
berndhsand why they need it04:44
test34Which carrier can you use with the N900 in the USA?04:45
test34I think t-mobile04:45
mortenmj_berndhs: i represent the team behind these packages, so that sounds strangely self-serving04:46
mortenmj_well, i represent the team behind two of them, and the other two we have as dependencies04:46
berndhswell, it they really need your SlicedBread package, you have to tell them04:46
mortenmj_oh they need it. it's just that cool04:47
berndhshow would they know ?04:47
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berndhsyou could fake it, have your wife's second cousin complain that its missing, but that's not real nice04:48
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csw_ocubeis there anybody who have experience porting meego on arm11(arm v6,s3c6410)05:01
WIImannice meegoturned off my netbook screen and ported it to my monitor05:06
WIImanits nice and big for mee to see lol05:07
berndhsyeah nice big buttons05:08
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WIImanyep :)05:11
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WIImanneet the menu changed to dropdown lists lol05:12
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WIImanfor apps05:13
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WIImaneven changes the way it handles zones05:14
WIImanthis realy is cool05:17
WIImani have yet to use a UI this fun05:17
berndhsi dont like that you can't minimize windows05:18
berndhsand if you do manage to minimize them, I don't know how you get them back from the UI05:19
WIImani just use alt tab and zones to move between apps05:19
WIImanvery fluid05:20
berndhsi like my apps to show the parts that are relevant only, and hide the rest05:20
WIImanmouse to top of screen zone tap app and im there05:20
berndhsi'm sure the equivalent works fine, I just haven't found it :)05:21
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WIImanwith the ui i feel like i own my screen05:22
WIImanim realy good at making it work05:23
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WIImanit natral to me05:23
berndhsits just different, I don't know the philosophy behind it05:24
berndhswhat belongs in which zone and why05:24
WIImani move things between zones allthe time05:24
berndhsbut the main challenge is how to organize the gui05:24
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berndhswhat function belongs on which part05:24
WIImandrang and drop to organize only takes seconds05:24
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berndhsi prefer command line for some things :)05:25
WIImancli is awesome too05:25
berndhsif I know exactly what I want, why waste time dragging stuff around05:25
WIImanwhen not in external screen i go to apps start typing a word it gets the thing i want and i run it its fast and powerfull if used right05:26
berndhswith the phones it seems weird that all the new UXs need 2 hands to operate a device that fits into 105:27
WIImani dont know any thhing about toucch screens just the netbook ui05:27
berndhsi challange anyone to do a 2-finger gesture while holding the phone in the same hand05:28
WIImani havent got on the touchscreen band waggon yet05:28
* WIIman likes his kb to much05:28
berndhsthe touch stuff has potential, but i think it would need some really good ideas on using gestures to get back the precision lost with fat greasy fingers05:29
WIImantouchpad isnt bad once you get it down05:29
WIImanbetter thaan a mouse at times05:29
berndhstouchpad is awful for precise stuff05:29
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test34any touch screens have some kind of dimple for touch typing?05:30
berndhsah, brilliant idea05:30
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berndhswarp the touch screen for a more tactile on-screen keyboard05:30
berndhsdynamic braille even05:31
test34that might distort the image?05:32
berndhsif your fingers are on top of the image it doesn't matter that its distorted05:32
WIImannice the search feature is still in apps lol even with the dropdown menus realy nic quick acces to apps05:32
test34berndhs, that makes sense05:33
WIImaneven external screen use is great05:33
berndhsi'm writing a piece of toy code05:34
WIImanand top screen menu is always showing with no interfering with typing05:34
berndhsand getting confused because the copyright/license header is not in the file05:34
WIImani never seen a ui change with what moniter it was hooked up to05:35
berndhsyeah how does it know ?05:35
berndhsin Qt normally the application doesn't know that05:35
WIImannot sure lol i just pluged it in05:36
berndhsI should file a bug, some app knows and mine can't know, its not fair05:36
WIImanan intelligent ui thats novle05:36
WIImansome things are like on the netbook screen but other arnt05:37
WIImanrealy needt05:37
WIImani know this ui was used in moblin but was it this smart in moblin ?05:38
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marnanelWhat's wrong with the world, succinctly described by MeeGo:
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berndhsmarnanel: yeah, Bertholt Brecht said the same thing05:57
berndhswhen the government said it lost confidence in the people05:58
berndhsBrecht said to dissolve the people and elect a new one05:58
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WIImanyou mean the peapole lost confidence in the government05:58
berndhsno, other way around05:58
berndhsthe government was complaining that the people were no good05:59
WIImanthe people are the government we lost confidance in ourselves06:00
berndhsdepends on the country :)06:00
WIImanim in the us06:00
berndhsthis was in east germany in the days or real existing socialism06:00
berndhswhere the sun was always shining and the government was always right06:01
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Dimpy_anyone can help me in account acreation in
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berndhsDimpy_: that's the core corporate one, you have to be real special for that06:04
berndhsperhaps you want
berndhsor perhaps you are real special :)06:04
berndhsask here when people are awake in Europe, that's your best bet06:05
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Dimpy_thanks for the information.06:06
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WIImanim looking at the meego velvet ui on a touchscreen it  look awesome06:10
Dimpy_can you tell me whom shall I contact for I need a place where I can build test package rpms which is open for use by anyone?06:10
berndhstry lbt06:10
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Dimpy_what is that?06:12
berndhsits the nick of the person who does a lot of the build system stuff06:12
berndhsi dont know if he's on now, but its 4 in the morning there, so it could be risky :)06:13
Dimpy_ohh ok I will wait.06:15
Dimpy_anyways thanks a lot.06:15
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wuyongbhello world08:25
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yctvHi am using qtcreator for meego .. and it doesnt seem to have phonon:videoplayer in it. anyone tried to use the video player in meego apps?08:32
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JaffaMorning, all09:38
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lbtDimpy_: I need your username ... and it'd be nice to know what you're planning on doing?10:10
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Dimpy_yes sure it is dadhikar, i got the access in build.meego.com10:18
Dimpy_I am the maintainer for meego handset sanity automation asset.10:19
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lbtDimpy_: great ... do you want to use the community OBS too or are you just working on core?10:21
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Dimpy_I got access to on core and i am using the same.10:22
Dimpy_can you tell me is there any guidelines available for using the same?10:23
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timeless_mbpJaffa: have you looked at my current slide task recently?10:34
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: Not since, err, Saturday.10:42
timeless_mbpJaffa: please consider this an invitation to look again10:42
timeless_mbpit's changed quite a bit :)10:42
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prometoysHi, I have a question about MSSF: is Trusted Execution Environment (TrEE) a concrete product/chip or a concept?11:19
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Jaffaprometoys: IIRC, it's an ARM feature11:20
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prometoys@Jaffa thanks...11:25
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friesoftI'm a Qt developer and would like to request access to the community obs if possible - do I need to take any further steps?11:52
friesoft(and in the future also MTF/Qml dev)11:52
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Stskeeps-> lbt11:53
lbtfriesoft: we need your account11:53
odin_have you signed up for account, I think he is copying the authentication details (so there is left conflict resolution to do to merge accounts infos)11:53 (via openid)11:53
lbtodin_: almost... we have shared ldap :)11:54
odin_can you do my account please "dlmiles"11:54
lbtI just need to add users to the community group11:54
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lbtfriesoft: just the account name, not email11:54
friesoftlbt: "friesoft" it should be11:55
lbtX-Fade: want to enable a couple of OBS users11:55
X-Fadelbt: Did you setup the script? :)11:55
lbtldap1 /usr/local/bin/add_to_obs.sh11:55
lbtfollowed by a username11:55
X-Fadelbt: Ok, then I can handle that ;)11:55
lbtit doesn't validate the username (yet ;) )11:55
friesoftlbt: yep it's "friesoft" (had to check as I usually sign in via the email)11:56
lbtcool - I'm no longer a single point of failure11:56
Jaffalbt: unless the script is incomprehensible to X-Fade ;-)11:56
X-FadeJaffa: Oi!11:57
lbtit's a nice little ldif script ...11:57
odin_is bugzilla due to be hooked upto ldap?  I think I have same username different passwords on that11:57
lbtodin_: it is11:58
lbtdon't know when yet11:58
Jaffalbt: "Nice" *and* "ldif", eh?11:59
JaffaX-Fade: No slight intended, honest ;-)11:59
odin_lbt, can you do my account please "dlmiles">cbuild ?11:59
lbtyou should see the rough one11:59
X-FadeJaffa: Sure :)11:59
X-Fadeodin_: Done.12:00
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lbtodin_: I'm letting X-Fade do them both ... he's probably ssh'ing in...12:00
lbt1 done12:00
X-Fadefriesoft: done too.12:00
friesoftX-Fade: thanks :) will try12:01
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friesoftX-Fade: YES I'm in :) thanks a lot12:01
lbtX-Fade: I guess this should go on our obs-process page12:01
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X-Fadelbt: Yeah, I guess a nice form or email alias would be needed though.12:02
lbtemail alias is easiest I think - username and a few words on what you plan to do (as a captcha essentially)12:03
smokuin previous OBS version there was a link "Go to Repository" on project page12:03
smokuI cannot find it in current OBS12:03
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X-Fadesmoku: In the repository tab of your project.12:04
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smokuoh. two step proces.. thanks X-Fade12:04
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X-Fadesmoku: Yes, it is not that obvious.12:05
X-Fadesmoku: But should work too :)12:05
smokuX-Fade, this host I wanted to find ;-)12:06
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X-Fadesmoku: community obs is *, where * is what the core obs has too.12:06
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arfolllbt, how do I fixe the baseurl in the *.repo files? Mine are still showing :-(12:08
lbtarfoll: you don't... we need to do that ... thanks for reminding us12:08
lcukmorning \o12:09
arfolllbt, ok i'll be more patient12:09
arfollalso is there any documentation on the BOSS process?12:09
lbtarfoll: ... note there are some links within that page... also the source... it needs more intro docs too12:10
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arfolllbt, ok i'll dig my teeth into that12:10
lbtarfoll: are you using it already or just interested?12:10
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arfolllbt, I haven't even read about it :-) I will if it fits my need12:11
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lbtheh ... feel free to ask arfoll12:11
copyleftlbt, X-Fade: I can login to community obs by MeeGo account now. Thanks ;)12:12
lbtFord_Prefect: community OBS ?12:12
arfolllbt, oh I will, don't you worry!12:12
Ford_Prefectlbt: yes12:12
arfolllbt, I do have a simple question, if I want to make my XBMC package as one single RPM - for example inclusion the intel appup store how would you recommend I go about it?12:12
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lbtwe need your username and a "what are you doing" ....12:13
lbtarfoll: you said simple?12:13
lbttype "make" :)12:13
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arfolllbt, well ok maybe that was premature12:13
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lbtso really that's a compliance question ?12:13
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arfolllbt, no I just want to know your opinion on the best way to transform a bunch of rpms and make a single big rpm12:14
* lbt is a debian guy :)12:14
arfolli'll worry about compliance with their rules later (i'm not even sure i'll put it on there)12:14
smokuI've just built my meego image using packages from community OBS.  thanks for the good work guys :)12:15
arfolli'm not even sure they have meego rules up yet anyways12:15
lbtbut why a monolithic?12:15
lbtFord_Prefect: ??12:15
arfolllbt, because submission needs to be one single RPM12:15
lbtah... intel rules... OK12:15
lbtthere is no easy answer12:15
lbtyou need to meld all the specs of any non-core deps12:15
arfolllbt, but would you recommend making a binary rpm or one spec file that compiles all the deps in order?12:16
arfollcan I even do the second, since i'd have to `make install` one part before compiling another12:17
lbthonestly no clue without thinking about it12:17
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Bostikwwwhat? "submission needs to be one single RPM"  <-- where does that come from, and in what context?12:18
Bostikbecause it sounds rather silly12:18
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Ford_Prefectlbt: I'm trying to get familiar with OBS because eventually I I'll be helping out with core OBS. My user name on is arunsr.12:20
lbtdone Ford_Prefect :)12:21
Ford_PrefectThanks! :)12:21
lcukFord_Prefect, ontop of OBS, your knowledge of rpm and spec files should increase too!12:24
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Ford_PrefectRight. It looks pretty similar to ebuilds from Gentoo, since the broad principles are the same.12:24
Ford_PrefectBut of course, the devil is in the syn^H^H^Hdetails :)12:25
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Ford_Prefectlbt: so when this is set up, I login at with my user/pass, right?12:31
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lbtyes... (now should work)12:31
Ford_Prefect"Authentication failed12:32
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lbtwhen did you make a account ?12:32
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lbt<30mins ?12:33
Ford_Prefect~25 atm12:33
lbtwait until the next hour12:33
lbt11am in UK12:33
nialamorning :-|12:33
lbtnew accounts + pw changes sync on the hour12:33
lbtniala: morning... cheer up12:33
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arfolllbt, ok I'll have a go at trying to write a script to generate an ugly big monolythic RPM, I think that'll be the easiest way12:34
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X-Fadearfoll: I'd not want that app on my device if they encourage ugly practices like that.12:35
X-FadeThat is just wrong :)12:36
arfollX-Fade, what you don't want a 50MB rpm package?12:36
X-FadeAnd have the possibility of having the same lib in my device 20 times? :)12:36
Termanalbt, when did that start happening? Because I can't login to the community OBS with my account - or is that only for new accounts?12:36
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arfollX-Fade, it's the windows way....12:37
X-FadeTermana: We need to enable your account.12:37
X-Fadearfoll: Let's not compare with windows ;)12:37
arfollI think the problem is they are expecting either tiny apps or really self contained apps using only libs availabe in core12:37
X-FadeYeah, for simple apps that will do.12:38
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TermanaX-Fade, ah - could you guys do so then please? username is Termana12:38
X-FadeTermana: Sure.12:38
arfollboxee is on the app store but not for moblin...12:38
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X-FadeTermana: Try now.12:39
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TermanaX-Fade, works thanks :)12:40
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luisthey guys... i installed my meego app in a new version of meego (1.1) and the text now is terrible... seems theres no anti-aliasing.. what could it be wrong?12:46
Stskeepsnetbook or handset?12:46
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nialaluist change droid google font is horrible12:50
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prometoysdoes anybody know if MSSFv2 will still support an "open mode"?12:50
nialaand why there is google-font  google-browser ?? is commercial ?12:50
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nialameego-goole thats the real name of meego12:51
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lcukGAN900, ping, did you add some tags, I cant see them if you did12:54
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timeless_mbphow do i find a photo i took?12:55
timeless_mbp(no, i don't remember what year, no i don't remember what city/country)12:55
timeless_mbpi remember it was green and outside a library, and i didn't tag it12:56
lcukon your own flickr timeline?12:56
lcukor local12:56
timeless_mbpit could be on one of 5 local memory sticks12:57
timeless_mbpor on my mac12:57
timeless_mbpor uploaded to a server :)12:57
timeless_mbp(not flickr)12:57
Ford_PrefectIs there a way to look at the source packages for stuff that you see on meego-commits?12:57
Ford_PrefectPackages in Trunk:Testing, for example12:57
thiagotimeless_mbp: I once read an article on how this will be remembered as the dark ages of information12:57
thiagolots of information produced without being catalogued12:58
timeless_mbpthiago: sounds about right12:58
thiagono tagging, no semantic detection12:58
thiagowe seem to be emerging from it though12:58
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timeless_mbpok, it was warsaw 200913:00
timeless_mbpi don't seem to have geotagged it13:01
timeless_mbpwhich more or less sucks13:01
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: <- this place?13:03
Stskeeps(scroll down for panorama)13:03
timeless_mbpamazing what a terrible description of a place will get me :)13:03
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Stskeepsnot terribly many tourist-y green places in warsaw13:04
lcukthiago, tagging and semantic detection:  how on earth did we cope before?13:04
* lcuk has boxes with real photos13:04
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: yeah, i know13:06
timeless_mbpi was pretty sure the words i used to describe it would more or less properly identify my place13:06
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luistniala: so could that problem be related to font or u just hate google for some reason?13:07
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luisthey guys... i installed my meego app in a new version of meego (1.1) and the text now is terrible... seems theres no anti-aliasing.. what could it be wrong?13:11
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: is what i wanted to find13:13
timeless_mbpbadly stitched, i know13:13
timeless_mbpbut it's just so people understand what i'm thinking about13:13
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Ford_Prefectlbt: I still get an "Authentication failed"13:15
timeless_mbpoh and the originals are ~1mb apiece13:15
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lbtFord_Prefect: try again ... and ping here as you press return so I can pause the log13:16
Ford_Prefectlbt: now13:17
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lcukideapad: it seems to idle at 1000mhz13:18
lcukis this right?!13:18
timeless_mbplcuk: mine seems to hibernate13:19
lcuksure after a while13:19
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lcukbut I can only see it running at 1000 or 166713:20
lbtFord_Prefect: arunsr  ?13:20
Ford_Prefectlbt: yes13:21
timeless_mbpStskeeps: art is now integrated into :)13:24
timeless_mbp(no ponies)13:24
timeless_mbphrm, i have a seamaid13:25
timeless_mbpnot quite a pony13:25
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lbtFord_Prefect: that's not in our export... we'll have to wait for the US to wake up13:27
Ford_Prefectlbt: ah, okay13:27
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lbtzigbee: lets talk here13:40
lbtzigbee: you're not a native speaker ?13:40
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lbtI see you've done a lot of porting of apps :) Nice13:40
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zigbeeafter adding first package "plpa" (htop needs it for built), where i can see/download rpm?13:41
zigbeei am from russia13:41
zigbeei want to say, i can't see my home here:
adeusdid you publish it?13:42
lbtX-Fade: ^^^13:42
arfollzigbee, i have htop built for x86/armv7 in home:arfoll:utils13:42
lbthe did13:42
zigbeei know, htop is just example for me to understand how to work with OBS13:43
X-Fadezigbee: Did you actually build something?13:43
X-Fadezigbee: It only publishes when there is actually something to publish.13:43
zigbeeyes, plpa built success13:43
lbthold on13:44
lbtit is rebuilding now13:44
lbtyou may have re-triggered it13:44
lbtwatch it here
arfolllbt, it must never have got built in the first place otherwise it would be in the repo13:44
lbt(click on the blue "building" link)13:45
lbtarfoll: prolly ... but there's a tiny race13:45
zigbeewow :)13:45
arfollzigbee, I dont understand the dep for htop, I don't build plpa13:45
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zigbeestrange, in fedora htop depends on plpa13:46
arfollzigbee, you need to do an osc add plpa/* and osc commit to make sure your sources are in there13:46
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zigbeemay be that dependency is optional13:46
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arfollI think it's to do with some of the patches fedora had for htop, I removed all of them. My spec is really dirty though I need to clean it up13:47
Jaffalbt: Is there a wiki page which describes building a package ( and getting started with OBS?13:47
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lbtbest I've seen :(13:48
Jaffalbt: and/or ?13:48
lbtthat's good - not seen it (my fault for not drilling in)13:49
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X-FadeLet's just say that is an area people can contribute to..13:49
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JaffaX-Fade: Indeed.13:54
zigbeethanks for help!13:54
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lbtX-Fade: and we still have hostname issues ... the .repo file is wrong13:55
* zigbee gone to read manuals and wiki13:55
X-Fadelbt: Yes, we might need to do some sed magic.13:56
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zinitannoying not being able to play with the ideapad at work when there's nothing to do.... company policy not to use private laptops at work....13:57
lcuk_ideatimoph: do you have link/wiki page for your repo please.13:57
zinitwould be nice if someone would make a list of the repos that works13:58
zinitthere are many listed various places that doesnt work13:58
zinitanyone here checked up on 3G cards yet? and if so, does it work in meego?14:00
luisthey guys... i installed my meego app in a new version of meego (1.1) and the text now is terrible... seems theres no anti-aliasing.. what could it be wrong?14:00
zinitsounds like you got a screwed driver14:00
lbtzinit: we really want to discourage 'lists of repos'14:00
zinitor need to check your config14:00
lbt*huge* pain in the maemo community from that14:00
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lbthence the community OBS allowing ppa-like functionality (until we get more team/extras sorted)14:01
Mekdoesn't obs in a way encourage people having them own repos?14:01
zinitwould make it easier if there was a list of "official" repos that works14:01
lbtMek: yes... but all on as part of a community14:01
timophlcuk_idea: I posted it in the forums14:01
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lbtforums? of what do you speak ?14:02
lbtthose things that *STILL* don't have an email bridge !!!14:02
lcukof course timoph and you are on the highly Thanks! list too
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timophoh. haven't noticed that you can sort the threads that way14:03
timophbut it would be a good idea to collect repo links to some wiki page14:04
CosmoHillhelo people14:04
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lbttimoph: can we have a wiki page for ITP14:06
lbterr, intent to package/port14:06
lbtkinda like a namespace registration page14:06
lbtcould also have link to the repo/ppa that hosts it14:07
* CosmoHill might make mpi for meego14:07
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CosmoHilllbt: nice to see the OBS url up ^.^14:09
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arfolllbt, what is the community obs running on? it only has one worker?14:10
X-Fadearfoll: It will have more soon.14:11
CosmoHill'extras" would be things people might like but won't be shipped by default14:11
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arfollX-Fade, is it going to have some dedicated armv7 workers too?14:11
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X-Fadearfoll: Why would that need to setup?14:12
arfollX-Fade, just wondering it would be cool to have some fast armv7 pandaboards14:12
X-Fadearfoll: Crossbuild is so much faster anyway.14:12
X-FadeAnd until we have armv7 servers with multiple GBs of RAM, we can't use them anyway.14:13
arfollah yeah that's true14:13
X-FadeWould be cool though ;) Just not practicle.14:13
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arfollbuilding my first packages for amrv7 and i understood the slight perf problems...14:14
lbtdedicated arm is not for us... but there are people doing that with OBS :)14:15
* niala another hard disk broken with brtfs an ssd and an 3"14:15
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Martijn_hi there14:19
Martijn_ive got a question14:19
Martijn_when will meego be available to NAND install on the N900?14:20
Stskeepsnever, we used to have it like that, but meego's too fat14:20
Martijn_because when i try i get the usb_bulk_write error14:20
Martijn_that sux14:20
lcukwho was looking at the multitouch stuff on the ideapad14:20
Martijn_so the only way is to use an SDHC card?14:20
Ford_PrefectThere is the chroot14:21
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Martijn_hmmm... well, i'll try the multi boot way with an external card14:22
Martijn_i guess that does work?14:22
lcukMartijn_, down dark corridors and in test labs people have used the internal emmc to put meego on, but its highly non standard and has double impact in both recoverability and reuse14:22
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Martijn_hmmz. ok, tnx for the answers :)14:24
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lolloohellooo0oo MeeGo fans14:30
x_OHi, how to gain access to is this public resource?14:31
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CosmoHilllbt: maybe tonight or tomorrow I'll try and build MPI on the cobs and write down how I did it so I can teach others14:31
lolloox_O : what is that!14:31
lollooneeds username and pass14:32
x_Oits test link instance14:32
CosmoHillI'd guess it's not public then14:32
Stskeepsx_O: ask on meego-qa mailing list14:32
x_Owe are intereset i QA process for meego,14:32
x_OStskeeps, ok14:32
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TrackerDPPhello all14:49
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nialasomeone is using evolution? Can I choose the keyboard shortcuts?14:54
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andre__niala: keyboard shortcuts like...?15:01
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RST38hwazd: hey15:03
RST38hwazd: are you back? =)15:03
nialalike next unread.15:03
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andre__niala: that shortcut is . on the desktop. don't know, did you try?15:03
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nialayes and need 2 finger is to much for me :)15:06
andre__for a dot you need two fingers? what hardware are you on?15:06
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fcrozatandre__: french keyboard :)15:06
X-Fadeandre__: azerty does that :)15:06
nialayes fr keyboard15:07
fcrozatsame for [ or for digits15:07
X-FadeI'd just set it to qwerty and not look at the keys, but that is just me ;)15:07
nialathank you guy for understand me :)15:07
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sivangluck: ah , okay15:10
sivangluck: good15:10
* sivang fetches for the page again15:12
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lcuktimeless_mbp, spellchecking observation:  my badge is one example :P15:18
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lcukmultitouch is funky o_O15:25
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lcukbut I can see how it passes boobie test and potentially how other devices dont15:25
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sivangluck: where's the page btw?15:35
sivangluck: the wiki is playing tricks on me today15:35
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lcuksivang, which page15:41
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sivanglcuk: proper vkeyboard planning15:42
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lcuksivang, pages:15:44
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lcukthe predictive one is a proposal/starting point for something discussed at the conf15:45
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lcukmarnanel has started it off in fine fashion and discussion is ongoing15:45
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sivanglcuk: thanks15:47
lcukI was looking at the mouse input point stream last night15:50
aruizhas anyone had any luck trying to poweron an ARM run for the meego handset release?15:50
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lcukand whilst the cursor in x11 is only a single cursor, the reported positions are coming in interleaved15:50
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lcukthat was a 2 finger gesture from right to left15:51
aruizI keep getting this error:
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GAN900Inspiron Duo actually looks nice.15:52
lcukaruiz, did you check if that file exists?15:52
lcukGAN900, did you by chance tag any photos15:52
lcuki cant find out how to tag them myself and noticed tim tagged some last night15:52
aruizlcuk: well, obviously it doesn't, where do I get it?15:52
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lcukaruiz, thats a maemo image if i am not mistaken15:53
aruizlcuk: does that mean that there's no ARM image for meego handset atm?15:54
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GAN900lcuk, only my own.15:54
GAN900lcuk, haven't done enough people yet.15:54
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lcukaruiz, since you have jumped in at a strange point, not sure which instructions you are following or if you are trying to get madde to emulate meego image15:55
lcukbut there are certainly instructions for configuring madde with meego :)15:55
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aruizlcuk: well, I'm trying to boot the handset release with x86, but it hangs at the SYSLINUX stage15:56
aruizthat's the instructions I am following15:56
aruizI was wondering if the ARM release would have the same problem15:56
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aruizlcuk: creating the target works, is the runtime bit that fails15:58
lcukwell aruiz since that page does not mention running the command you showed failing15:58
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lcukand instead points you towards meego images
lcukinstead of maemo ones15:59
lcukI think you need to carefully reread the docs15:59
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RST38hThe End Is Coming! Run For Your Lives?16:02
tybolltRST38h: ?16:02
aruizlcuk: I did, the problem is, apparently there's no installable runtime for meego 1.1 handset in ARM16:02
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berndhsRST38h: again ?16:03
RST38hAh, a close examination of the nice pie graph they have got in there indicates that it is ADVERTISING IMPRESSIONS16:03
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RST38hBased on that, the authors make a conclusion that the Android will dominate. Interesting logic.16:04
sx0nAndroids has taken the control,... i still wonder how they manager get the symbian down to 2%16:04
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RST38hsx0n: Read the text carefully.16:04
tybolltsx0n: what RST38h says...16:04
berndhsimpressions, that's they number of times the ad has been loaded into a browser, right ?16:04
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tybolltsx0n: advert impressions...16:05
RST38hberndhs: yes16:05
Ford_Prefectin the US only16:05
tybolltso all it says is... "nokia does a pisspoor job at adevertising in the US" which... is not news :)16:05
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Ford_PrefectI read advertising impressions as impressions on mobile ads from devices running foo OS.16:06
dm8tbrtybollt: which for me would be rather an argument for nokia and against android... eye of the beholder and all16:06
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sx0nyeah. but hey.. meego is at least coming, it's good thing. i would rather live in meego world than android world. That would end like in that tom hanks movie.16:06
Ford_Prefect(which the footnote text does bear out)16:06
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sx0nhm. bruce willis actually.16:07
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Ford_PrefectAndroid will kill the terrorists after walking over broken glass and cussing till it's blue?16:10
zinitkillin leads to paperwork and messy cleanups... better to undermine and discredit them:)16:11
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timeless_mbplcuk: yeah16:26
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timeless_mbpwe're here?16:27
lollooguys how do I get to MeeGo repos?16:27
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timeless_mbpc:\program files\lenovo\lenovo screen rotation\screenrotationsettings.exe16:28
timeless_mbppath on the ideapad16:28
javispedroI have a kernel input driver outputting raw accelerometer values already
javispedroranges are ~ 400...720 , and jitter is ~ 616:29
lcukmultitouch input is comging through x11 but its interleaved with normal commands and the mouse driver already filters it to be single16:29
javispedroso it can be stabilized IMO16:29
timeless_mbpjavispedro: anyway, did you try running that app?16:29
andre__lolloo, ?16:29
javispedrotimeless_mbp: yes, it sucks as you said -- too sensitive16:29
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jonnorjavispedro: the Ideapad has an accelerometer?16:30
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lolloohi andre__16:30
javispedrobtw use the driver at your own risk =) (obvious reasons: no official docs...)16:30
jonnorNice, I did not spot that when prodding about. I guess it was due to the lack of a kernel driver16:30
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rhalffwhere does the poulsbo psb driver come from ?16:31
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lcuktimeless_mbp, javispedro happily the ideapad passes boobie test :)16:32
rhalffI want to use it in gentoo, but can't find where it originates ? is it a ubuntu made driver ?16:32
lcukon windows at least :P16:32
javispedrolcuk: on windows the touchscreen only recognized up to two finger too?16:32
javispedro*fingers though16:32
lcukbut when you open paint16:32
lcukand draw a pair of boobies they remain as circles16:32
javispedrothe boobies test lol16:32
lcukother lesser hardware (normally the large format MT all in ones..) fail16:33
tybollttimeless_mbp: what's w/ these ideapads? conference atendees are being handed ideapads? :)16:33
rhalffyeah multitouch opens up a whole new spectrum of new ideas for online p0rn, or wasn't that the subject ? :p16:33
javispedrolcuk: I wonder if the two fingers limitation comes from the hw or the windows driver?16:33
aruizrhalff: hah16:33
lcukjavispedro, its the same on x1116:33
timeless_mbptybollt: yes16:33
javispedrowell, I guess two fingers is better than one =)16:34
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timeless_mbptybollt: unless nokia/intel paid your way16:34
lcuki was doing some checks with 1/2/3/4 fingers16:34
timeless_mbpin which case you might not have gotten one16:34
lcukand the screen itself only appears to offer 216:34
tybollttimeless_mbp: How are _you_ coping (thinking of the latter part of your nickname ;)?16:34
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lcuktybollt, timeless_mbp has an ideapad also16:34
timeless_mbptybollt: it's timeless_w7ip16:34
timeless_mbpit's been on for a bit16:34
timeless_mbpbut it likes going to sleep16:35
javispedrolcuk: yes, it seems to do a good job on the "boobies test" :)16:35
lcukhe is just being a heathen and using substandard tech16:35
tybolltlcuk: :D16:35
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timeless_mbplcuk: wise men study their competition16:35
lcukwiser men write reports on it too16:35
timeless_mbplcuk: i'm going to file bugs about stuff16:35
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rhalff@random_questions: does the emgd driver work in meego with vaapi ?16:35
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timeless_mbplcuk: have you looked at my slides?16:36
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tybolltlcuk: which ideapad is it that is being passed around, I mean, what model?16:36
tybollt :)16:36
javispedrothe one without wimax or 316:36
timeless_mbpoh yeah lcuk got it right16:36
* timeless_mbp was reading it upside down16:36
lcukits got a sim slot tho16:36
timeless_mbplcuk: where?16:37
lcukdoes that have a driver to read the contents from?16:37
timeless_mbpi saw a card reader driver16:37
timeless_mbpbut couldn't find a slot16:37
lcukunder the battery16:37
odin_under the battery16:37
lcuknormal place for a sim :P16:37
jonnorlcuk: is there actually hardware in there?16:37
GAN900Jaffa, damn, yesterday was Sunday, wasn't it?16:37
timeless_mbpthere is a driver for a card reader16:37
javispedrolcuk: do not try and fit anything inside it, there's no hardware behind it16:37
timeless_mbpi've seen that16:37
timeless_mbpjavispedro: really?16:37
timeless_mbpthen why is there a card reader driver installed in w7?16:37
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: sd card, maybe?16:37
lcukwhat good is a slot in the backside if you cant push things into it16:38
jonnortimeless_mbp: for the sd card slot on the front?16:38
javispedrotimeless_mbp: sd/ms/mmc card reader iirc16:38
timeless_mbpjonnor: ah, i didn't spot that slot16:38
timeless_mbpthanks :)16:38
lcukdo the contacts on n900 get pushed to its sim?16:38
lcukor are they just stored in the database16:38
timeless_mbplcuk: not normally16:39
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timeless_mbpyou can try to move stuff into the sim if you want16:39
timeless_mbpbut sim support for contact fields is awful16:39
timeless_mbpso you don't get happy round trips16:39
lcukok will have to get syncing working then16:39
timeless_mbpthe UI is in the menu16:39
javispedrofrom what I gather from some other s10 users you can actually fit a 3g modem on a pciexpress slot that sits near the sim slot16:39
lcukyeah I understand16:39
lcukbare bones16:39
timeless_mbplcuk: in the menu, tap Groups16:40
lbtcsw_ocube: here is fine :)16:40
lcukhow do I reconnect webchat without closing the window and reentering details?16:40
timeless_mbpin there is "SIM card contacts"16:40
lcukthanks timeless_mbp16:40
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timeless_mbpwell, unless you're using Nokia Fingrish16:40
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timeless_mbpin which case, good luck16:40
jonnorlcuk: /reconnect ?16:40
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timeless_mbp(or just upgrade...)16:40
lcukta, will try it16:40
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JaffaGAN900: It was Sunday yesterday, yes ;-)16:40
javispedrothere's also a socket for what seemingly is tv-in on the chassis =)16:40
tybollttimeless_mbp: has the GUI come lots further on the netbook side of things than on the handheld?16:40
timeless_mbptybollt: um16:41
Jaffatybollt: Well, you can do some stuff.16:41
javispedroclearly, the lenovo guys reuse the same chassis for all s10-3t models16:41
timeless_mbpyou're asking someone who has w7starter running on his lap16:41
javispedrotimeless_mbp: ditch starter btw, the onboard keyboard is awful16:41
timeless_mbpjavispedro: it mostly works16:41
javispedrotimeless_mbp: the pro one is much, much better (you can use the tabletpc edition one)16:41
timeless_mbpthe thing that bothers me about starter is that i can't use snipping tool!16:41
tybolltJaffa: the n900 demo was ... not much use when I tried it... basically ... is the netbook GUI... further evolved than that?16:41
timeless_mbpjavispedro: how much is the upgrade cost to pro?16:42
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javispedrotimeless_mbp: -$20 from full price16:42
javispedrotimeless_mbp: so, a lot.16:42
* javispedro has MSDNAA :)16:42
timeless_mbpum, **** you16:42
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timeless_mbpjavispedro: have you looked at my current slide set?16:43
javispedroI was at your session16:43
javispedroexcellent one btw, one of the best imo16:43
tybollttimeless_mbp: URL?16:43
tybolltwoiw that was instant :D16:44
javispedroah, not THAT session :)16:44
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timeless_mbpnote that this slide set is really not done16:46
andybleadenhi.anyone been able to get the gnome-appearance-settings to actually change things.cannot seem to make any difference here at all16:46
timeless_mbpit wants feedback and editing16:46
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timeless_mbpoh, and suggestions for art are welcome16:46
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timeless_mbpbut don't ask for a pony, that's already covered by slide 43 :)16:46
tybolltPINK pony!16:47
timeless_mbperr 4216:47
GAN900Jaffa, yeah, I'm going to blame that on jetlag or something.16:47
* timeless_mbp moves a slide16:47
andybleadenlooking to try to change the theme and cursor16:47
GAN900Jaffa, issue creation went OK, I guess?16:47
javispedrowell, gtg16:47
JaffaGAN900: Sounds sensible ;-)16:47
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JaffaGAN900: I cut 100 wonderful articles due to lack of time to edit them</sarcasm>16:47
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Jaffatybollt: Well, yeah - it's almost usable as a netbook OS if you can live with the weirdities.16:48
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timeless_mbptybollt: slide 42 currently has a pinkish merwooman16:48
GAN900Jaffa, well, I owe you next week, I guess. ;)16:48
infobottimeless_mbp meant: tybollt: slide 42 currently has a pinkish merwoman16:48
tybollttimeless_mbp: I'm stairing at it now and it is terribly red, I'm afraid :)16:49
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timeless_mbptybollt: that's the background16:49
tybolltfair enough :)16:49
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tybolltanyway you should censor the boobies16:49
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tybolltyou don't want to upset the PC movement ;)16:50
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timeless_mbpshe won't stick around forever16:51
tybolltgdansk > warsaw, but yeah ;)16:51
lcukthat warsaw coat of arms mermaid, is it stskeeps wife?  since he is the merman :P16:51
tybolltthis is getting freaky16:52
* RST38h likes Polish criminal police uniforms way better16:52
timeless_mbptybollt: that's just to silence the requests for ponies16:53
mortenmjtrying to use the meego compliance tools. i'm unable to install via zypper from within my image (claims it's already installed, but when i try "zypper info" it says there's no such package) and when i try to access the OBS to download it myself i'm told to log in. any ideas?16:53
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timeless_mbpRST38h: url or it didn't happen :)16:53
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RST38ha moment16:53
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GAN900Lenovo is much better with Ubuntu.16:55
timeless_mbpGAN900: than?16:56
GAN900Although Unity sucks.16:56
andybleadenGAN900, I don't know. Meego is working fine and dandy on my Lenovo S10-216:57
GAN900I actually wouldn't mind using the thing if there screen weren't so terrible.16:57
sivanglcuk: notes added. Note that word completion is in Maemo and is learning text your type on the go, maybe we can base some work on that one.16:57
andybleadenGAN900, Agree about Unity...really did not work on this netbook16:57
GAN900Aside from the ACPI irritations it WORKS fine16:57
GAN900I just don't LIKE it.16:58
lcuksivang, \o/ awesome16:58
lcuklink again16:58
sivanglcuk: you mean to maemo's completion?16:58
sivangor ours?16:58
andybleadenGAN900, that was why I kept going back and hacking moblin16:58
lcukGAN900, thats good, now explain in careful terms where its wrong and together we might make it beeter :)16:58
lcuksivang, i mean back to the page you just edited16:58
GAN900lcuk, doubt it.16:58
sivanglcuk: see 3 lines up16:58
GAN900Issues seems rather fundamental.16:59
lcukroger sivang \o16:59
sivanghey GAN900 :)16:59
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lcukGAN900, you have only seen one installation, consider it a base camp16:59
RST38hShit, can't find the link, got eaten by the Internet most likely16:59
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andybleadenGAN900, Mine is more how I like it now tho (bought moblin stuff across)16:59
lcukandybleaden, have you gotten involved in the ITP stuff timoph and lbt are starting17:00
lcukif you can already port packages and bring them then making a few available will be good17:00
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andybleadenlcuk, what is that then?17:01
lcukta david \o17:01
andybleadenlcuk, oh ok will look at that then17:01
lbtcsw_ocube: asking here is fine :)17:01
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lcukhm lbt, perhaps we could do with some explanation and links to how to actually add repos and stuff17:02
lcuklemme see if I can dig up some of that from the forum link17:02
lcuk(which would also be good to link to17:02
lbtcsw_ocube: by which I mean not /msg17:02
andybleaden lcuk when I said hacking I meant breaking! :) I cannot write apps though. I just hacked into the Moblin live image for themes and stuff17:03
timeless_mbplcuk: do you do BT stuff?17:03
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lcuktimeless_mbp, ?17:03
timeless_mbpwindows has a way to support autoconfiguring WiFi using a USB stick and some magic file17:03
lcukBT as in british Telecom, or BT as in bluetooth17:03
timeless_mbpthe latter17:03
timeless_mbpit'd be kinda cool if meego could support that17:04
timeless_mbpin a couple of forms:17:04
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lcuktimeless_mbp, with my very first ISP installation in windows (circa 2000), there was a magic file also17:04
timeless_mbp1. if you stick in a usb stick w/ that magic file, it should be able to offer to auto configure wifi17:04
timeless_mbplcuk: did it work? :)17:04
lcukyes :)17:04
lcukgot me online :)17:04
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lbtcsw_ocube: ?17:04
GAN900lcuk, one installation of what? A MeeGo UX?17:05
lcukGAN900, yes the first dedicated meego installation for many17:05
tybollt16:04 < timeless_mbp> 1. if you stick in a usb stick w/ that magic file, it should be able to offer to auto  configure wifi17:06
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tybolltwhat the hell does that have to do w/ BT? :-S17:06
GAN900lcuk, well, I'm not commenting on anything but the Netbook UX.17:06
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tybolltGAN900: Is it any good?17:06
* tybollt has a Sony Vaio P at home sitting around unused due to EPIC poulsbo fail... would it benefit from having meego on it at this point?17:07
timeless_mbptybollt: oh, it'd be nice if we could somehow do it for bt too17:07
timeless_mbpi guess17:07
tybollttimeless_mbp: aaah, well yeah sure17:07
dm8tbr\o/ MeeGo unlike *buntu offers the timezone UTC in the install wizzard! <317:08
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lcukit seems that sshd isnt available/running on my ideapad17:10
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Jaffadm8tbr: Hmm, that reminds me - I wonder if anyone's raised the equivalent of yet for MeeGo.17:15
povbotBug 303: Clock should allow configurable 12h/24h display17:15
_MeeGoBot_Bug maj, High, 1.0, abockover, VERI FIXED, Media player(banshee) crash after launch17:15
slaineandybleaden: curious as to what you brought over from Moblin ?17:15
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andybleadenOh..i could not break it any more17:16
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andybleadenoh ..he left17:16
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JaffaAnyone know how to determine "BUILD IMAGE", or what we installed at the conf. was?17:21
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JaffaAnyway, bug 10310 raised17:23
_MeeGoBot_Bug nor, Undecided, ---, tf, NEW, Configuration setting for 12/24h not respected in toolbar clock17:23
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odin_Jaffa,  netbook-ia32-x86_64-20101110124 ?17:24
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nialaimage at conf was a "special" image ?17:25
lcukniala, on tablets-dev17:25
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lcukit was noted it was only there because it was built outside the normal daily/weekly17:26
lcukand integration will occur asap17:26
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nialaahh ok thanks17:26
Jaffaodin_: Thanks. How did you work that out?!17:27
Myrttiis there even a way of telling it the week starts from Monday?17:27
odin_have USB stick plugged in, and did "file -sL /dev/sdc1" on it17:27
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odin_it is the ISO label17:28
dm8tbrmeh, seems virtualbox and meego1.1 netbook image don't like each other. at least the instructions don't seem to work. GUI keeps crashing until init throttles it17:28
Jaffaodin_: Ah, I gave my USB stick back cos I'm a good boy ;-)17:28
odin_we were meant to hand them back ?  opps....17:29
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lcukjaffa, I went back and requested a stick and was given one without a red stripe on it17:30
odin_what does red stripe mean (mine does not have one either) ?17:30
Jaffaodin_: Broadcom drivers, IIRC17:31
lcukthe red stripe version includes binary drivers17:31
Jaffalcuk: Ah, cool17:31
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lcukthe nice lady at the desk explained why I couldnt have one of those but that I was ok to have the open one17:31
Bostikokay, I have a rough (= it builds into packages, but some modules had to be skipped) QtMobility 1.1 spec-file, along with the associated patches; how should I proceed to make them useful for those who actually work on the meego-side packaging?17:31
lcukBostik, firstly, test them17:32
lcukdo you have obs link/branches17:32
lcukso people can try17:32
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Bostikprivate obs at the moment17:32
lcukonce its known they are fine, they should be offered as a merge request to the gitorious I assume17:32
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BostikI know painfully well that as they are now, they are still incomplete17:33
Bostikthis was something we needed for our own project17:33
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lcukBostik, I know you have said17:35
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lcukBostik, perhaps #qt-mobility would be a good place to ask :)17:36
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Bostikah, of course :)17:37
* lcuk is on another version of that channel and mentioned your hacking initially, but now you may have something potential it might be an idea to follow with them17:37
lcukand see if a merge request for that portion would be acceptible17:37
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luisthey guys... i installed my meego app in a new version of meego (1.1) and the dynamic text now is terrible... seems theres no anti-aliasing now.. what could it be wrong?18:28
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notmartluist: could be related to
mortenmjany of you used the meego compliance tools? it tells me "WARNING:root:rpm: Error format intermedia data, skip!"18:33
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luistnotmart: thanks18:36
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lcukhello WIIman \o19:12
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WIImanhow are you today19:14
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lcukWIIman, I am ok19:18
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nuovodnahi, the weekly images of meego here are installable in native way to N900 ?19:19
pupnikty nuovodna19:19
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sivangwho's taking care of meego's python btw?19:20
andre__nuovodna, that image worked for me, yes19:21
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nuovodnathanks andre__19:21
sivangandre__: using mSD?19:21
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mtamenihi all19:22
andre__sivang, yes19:22
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lizardosivang: on the Qt API aspect, the PySide team19:22
sivangandre__: right, I was concerned what "native" in nuovodna's message ment.19:22
nuovodnayep sivang19:22
nuovodnanative not in msd19:22
sivangnuovodna: oh19:22
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ymbsivang the notes of the Python BoF are
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sivangymb: thanks19:25
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sivangwhat is the meego system-config apps?19:27
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timeless_mbpandre: so, i'm going through art trying to choose an icon for a "downstream distribution"19:28
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timeless_mbpchoices include:19:28
nuovodnaI have installed multiboot-power-kernel but no kernel appears on boot menu...anyone knows how to recovery a working boot?19:28
* timeless_mbp can't quite decide19:28
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andre__timeless_mbp, "icon"? these all are not icons19:29
andre__way too noisy19:29
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timeless_mbpandre__: slide 3019:29
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lcukymb, at a guess, the previous 29 pages will give context19:30
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* lcuk was going to ask ymb what the weather was like19:30
timeless_mbplcuk: i'm taking votes :)19:30
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lcukmorning NooBmonk3y19:31
NooBmonk3yone or tother19:32
ymblcuk, it's cold (-7), with lots of snow. But so far the cold has not lasted long enough to freeze the sea19:32
sivanghey nuovodna19:32
sivangerr, NooBmonk3y19:32
NooBmonk3ylcuk, healthcheck has swipey goodness!19:32
NooBmonk3ylol hey sivang19:32
sivangymb: Helsinki, Finland? :)19:32
lcukooh NooBmonk3y19:32
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NooBmonk3ynot slidey swipe, but if you swipe left it goes to the next screen, or if you swipe right it goes back etc :)19:33
lcukymb, yeah it will tkae a considerable spell to get that far, would like to go for a walk on it this time19:33
lcukNooBmonk3y, niiiiice19:33
* qgil is back after some rest - now I do feel like 1.2 :)19:33
NooBmonk3ylol ;)19:34
lcukhey qgil \o19:34
qgilhi lcuk19:34
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timeless_mbpqgil: geoping19:34
qgiltimeless_mbp: mOUNTAIN vIEW PONG19:34
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timeless_mbpheh, ok19:34
timeless_mbpi thought i heard your voice on a call this morning (HEL local time)19:35
qgiltimeless_mbp: I'm not in cacophony yet19:35
qgiltimeless_mbp: maybe in a few decades19:35
NooBmonk3ylcuk, :)19:36
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RST38hmoo qgil19:36
lcuk:D NooBmonk3y your graphic looks like HHGTG style!!!19:37
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lcukall we need now is the voice!19:37
NooBmonk3yhehehe ;) - lol19:37
timeless_mbpNooBmonk3y: the text on the bottom left is cropped in 'move' and 'bac'19:38
lcukspeaking of which, qgil was talking to ummmm miniature developer who I forgot his irc nick for, and remarked voice instrucitons on moves would be awesome!19:38
lcukbecause he was trying to teach one of the other devs playing for real19:38
timeless_mbpNooBmonk3y: and s/system and information checker/system information checker/19:38
NooBmonk3ytimeless_mbp, yup :P lol just moved the image sorry19:38
NooBmonk3ywas working earlier, but in midst play19:38
timeless_mbpNooBmonk3y: i don't mind, as long as you take feedback19:39
NooBmonk3ynot a prob at all :)19:39
timeless_mbpNooBmonk3y: my slides @meego conf failed because of a GDocs => PPT export :(19:39
NooBmonk3yany feedback is good feedback ;)19:39
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NooBmonk3ylol lcuk19:39
timeless_mbpI had used spaces for word wrapping around an image19:39
timeless_mbpand the PowerPoint fonts apparently had different widths19:39
NooBmonk3yqgil, and his cccccraaaaazzzzy ideas ;)19:39
timeless_mbpso the spaces were insufficient to trigger wrapping and the text went behind the graphics (more or less)19:40
NooBmonk3yawwww lol19:40
lcukgit was mikhas getting enthusiastic explaining how the moves should go19:40
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qgilchess is a silent game - maybe for IVI UX while you are in long boring trips  ;)19:40
lcukin the end, I think both players just ended up just playing his game :P19:40
NooBmonk3yvery true19:41
NooBmonk3yhmmm secret healthcheck voice command "Bacon" lol19:41
timeless_mbpqgil: it's important for the "Easy" difficulty of chess to not be HARD19:41
lcukmmmm bacon19:41
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: ;)19:41
timeless_mbp... and chess doesn't have to be silent19:41
Bostikbattle chess with some inappropriate sound effects would be fun19:41
lcuktimeless_mbp, faster cpus make that more difficult than you think!19:41
timeless_mbplcuk: ...19:41
* lcuk giggles19:42
timeless_mbplcuk: the turbo button wasn't needed post 198619:43
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timeless_mbpwe're in... 201019:43
timeless_mbpso we're talking about... nearly 25 years19:43
inzBostik, I always tried to win battle chess with a knight. =)19:44
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timeless_mbpqgil: oh, and chessmaster 3000 and older weren't silent :)19:44
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Bostikinz: the best I remember was a rook literally eating the queen19:44
timeless_mbpheck, i don't think Chess for my Atari 400 was silent19:44
inzBostik, that was fun too =)19:45
timeless_mbpinz: hey, you near @HEL?19:45
inzBostik, the knight sliced king's robe open19:45
Bostikaaaaahhh, you're right19:45
timeless_mbpHP7p1 should be in theaters19:45
inztimeless, nah, safely @home19:45
Bostikthe embarrassed look on king's face19:45
* timeless_mbp can't remember where that is19:45
aloisiojr@all did somebody have problems with lcd backlight on the ideapad?19:46
WIImanwoot sdl built :) i need it for zsnes19:46
inztimeless, small town near Tampere19:46
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sivangnuovodna: "native" install should probably be avoided until bug #2260 is fixed.19:48
_MeeGoBot_Bug cri, High, ---, ilkka.koskinen, REOP, N900 Battery charging support19:48
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qgildid anybody take a clear picture of the Unconference shcedule - more readable than ?19:49
nuovodnathanks sivang :)19:49
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sivangnuovodna: np :)19:50
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timeless_mbpqgil: hey, that's before i stuck my sticky up19:50
sivangtimeless_mbp: you came rather late in the sticking process ;)19:50
mtamenihi all, i want to build a lib for meego... i'm going to package it in rpm an then look for obs stuff... is it the right procedure?19:50
timeless_mbpyeah well19:50
timeless_mbpit was up before i spoke!19:50
sivanghey qgil19:51
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qgilhi sivang19:51
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WIImanwow NASM was in add remove i thought i was going to have to build it lol19:54
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NooBmonk3ylol good pic quim19:57
WIImanif ican get zsnes to see the ncurses stuff ill have a build lol19:58
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marnaneltimeless_mbp: btw, may be an interesting prototype to play with20:00
Stskeeps'lo auke20:00
* auke is NOT at work20:00
timeless_mbpmarnanel: thanks20:00
X-Fadeauke: Well, we aren't either ;)20:00
timeless_mbpmarnanel: can you teach it to guess the first letter of subsequent words?20:01
lcukqgil, I got a clear straight on shot with ymb and the barcamp guy standing on either side :)
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lcukhopefully the writing is easier to read, I used it as a map whilst walking round so its not unusable20:01
marnaneltimeless_mbp: certainly; I didn't put that in because I thought it would get annoying, but it was a specific exclusion, so easy to take out again20:01
Stskeepsauke: i have my feet up at my desk, i'm not working either ;)20:01
lcuktho ymb looks like an alien ghost just meterialising20:02
timeless_mbpmarnanel: it's better to have everything in and decide to turn things off20:02
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timeless_mbpwas what i typed20:02
qgillcuk: OMG! is that thing at the top right of your picture an unknown MeeGo prototype leaked accidentally???20:02
timeless_mbpn.b. not really as prefs, more you try something, see if things work, and decide not to ship certain bits if they're too awkward20:02
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lcukqgil, oh crap20:03
lcuklemme take photo down and reedit it20:04
timeless_mbpmarnanel: oh, and um... you need to offer punctuation20:04
timeless_mbpmarnanel: for now, please add:20:04
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marnaneltimeless_mbp: it's not supposed to be an entire working solution yet!20:05
timeless_mbp[tab] [caps] [shift] <- left side20:05
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timeless_mbp["["] ["]"] <- right side top row20:05
timeless_mbp[;] ['] <- right side middle row20:06
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timeless_mbp[,] [.] < right side third row20:06
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timeless_mbphrm, [/] on that third row too20:06
lcuktimeless_mbp, wiki20:06
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timeless_mbplcuk: etoomuchoverhead20:06
lcukjust c&p and clean silly lines for now :P20:07
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lcukdoing it20:08
timeless_mbpmarnanel: hey, can i get you to mock up some other stuff too? :)20:08
timeless_mbp(like a calendar that works the way the w7 one works...)20:09
timeless_mbpoh, fwiw, things not shown in the calendar pictures i have...20:10
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NooBmonk3ylcuk, thinking about a different way of displaying info in healthcheck, what do you think of something like this? (I'm sure you will get the gyst!)
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lcukhold on, fighting with wiki20:10
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timeless_mbpif you drag/swipe left/right over the central area, it starts progressing in the appropriate direction20:10
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timeless_mbplcuk: see? :)20:11
timeless_mbpNooBmonk3y: you need a DEG mark for temp20:11
timeless_mbpand traditionally the C should be uppercase20:11
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timeless_mbpalso "charge" isn't a wonderful word20:11
timeless_mbpfurther, 33c isn't helpful20:11
timeless_mbpa user needs to know what the valid range is for it20:11
timeless_mbpis 33c high, low, average, unsafe?20:12
* lcuk thinks irc to wiki copy/paste would be very useful :)20:12
lcukfwiw "* " is needed before each line20:13
timeless_mbplcuk: logging into the wiki is EWAYTOOHARD20:13
timeless_mbpthe login link takes me to the wrong page20:13
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timeless_mbpNooBmonk3y: i think '33c' would probably be interpreted as '33 cups' :)20:14
sivangtimeless_mbp: yes, wiki login is annoying20:14
* NooBmonk3y thinks he will refrain from asking advice in here lol - was more asking for the look not the content, but thank you :)20:14
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timeless_mbpok, how the &*#$% do i tell wiki i'm logged in?20:14 thinks i'm logged in20:14
sivangtimeless_mbp: it randomly EWORKSFORME20:15
lcuki found out I am logged in and will not logout again20:15
lcukI can never remember my password20:15
sivanglcuk: right, the trick is to save them cookies not! :-D20:15
lcuksivang, mmmm bacon flavour cookies20:15
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sivanglcuk: yummy20:16
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timeless_mbplcuk: sorry, i'm going to boycott the wiki today20:16
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timeless_mbpsince it doesn't like me :)20:16
sivangtimeless_mbp: try tomorrow, it might like you better ;P20:17
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lcukbuy it flowers20:17
lcukit might forgive you20:17
sivangtimeless_mbp: it should have a feeding option like infobot has20:17
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lcuktimeless_mbp, marnanel likes writing sonnets20:18
lcukperhaps you could sing one at it20:18
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sivanglcuk: could be good in the bandcamp BOF in next conference.20:20
lcuksivang, ++20:20
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hhartzriot: ping20:42
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hhartzriot: did you resolve your respawn + meego-power-ico issue?20:42
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hhartzany netbook guys around?20:44
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riothhartz: no. But my android emulator works fine.20:47
hhartzriot: hah :)20:47
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lcukNooBmonk3y, i never considered battery temp before20:51
CosmoHillif it's not on fire, don't worry about it20:51
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hhartznobody else seen the "INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled 5 minutes" issue? (in my case, rebooting or doing the firstlogin hack doesn't seem to take..)20:52
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lcukNooBmonk3y, but when I think of battery I see this:
w00thhartz: a long long long time ago yes20:55
w00tI don't remember how I fixed it, tho20:55
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hhartzhm, I just build libmeegotouch and Qt, so re/installing has a significant cost :)20:55
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rhkfinAnyone have an idea why for example from July looks way much more finished than 1.1 or 1.1.80 I tried on N900....20:56
Stskeepsrhkfin: grab the 'demo' image from
rhkfinStskeeps: ah, ok, thanks. How does it relate to the trunk..?20:58
w00thhartz: does X start if you run it yourself?20:59
rhkfinOr is the thing that Nokia has lots of unreleased code and this was a part of that?20:59
Stskeepsrhkfin: 1.1 + new SGX drivers, which dramatically improves the experience20:59
hhartzw00t: yeah, I can drop to console and startx, then try to run the firstboot script - but it didn't help20:59
rhkfinStskeeps: ok..20:59
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w00thhartz: mm. nothing of note in logs?21:00
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mortenmjany of you guys used the app_compliance tool_21:03
lcukStskeeps, any word yet on when those patches will end up integrated?21:03
hhartzw00t: no, nothing as far as I can see21:04
w00thhartz: :-/21:04
* lcuk enjoyed talking to the aava guy in the rain outside the brewery21:04
w00tI guess there is the mailing list, apart from that...21:04
w00tI wish I could remember what I did21:04
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lcukhow do I reduce the cpu speed down from 1000mhz?21:08
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TrackerDPPhello all !21:11
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zinitanyone got a link to a good repo where I can find essential tools like wget, vlc, ftp, vim.... the one I saw on the forumthread (a russian I think). doesnt have those.. and is lacking dependencies from vlc21:33
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andyrosswget and vim are in core (and of course wget or curl or various browsers make good ftp clients).   Don't think anyone has packaged vlc.21:36
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lcuk:) thanks Stskeeps22:05
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sivanganybody has handy that blog post about enabling handset like gesture and touch on the betbook?22:18
infobotsivang meant: anybody has handy that blog post about enabling handset like gesture and touch on the netbook?22:19
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Jaffasivang: ?22:21
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GAN900Viewing angle is too poor.22:23
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sivangJaffa: thank you, this is exactly it.22:24
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zinitweird issue here... trying to install the sdk, but it claims some dependency is not there... some toolkit dependency for meego-sdk-ia3222:36
zinitgetting an incredible amount of dependency problems when trying to install basic tools that should be on the repos...22:37
zinit(and are there according to the install manual for the sdk...)22:37
lbtCan I use the SDK on my AMD desktop ?22:38
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Stskeepslbt: afaik, but not the intel qemu's22:39
lbtthanks; I'll starts a download :)22:40
zinitI'm trying to install under meego.22:41
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lcuklbt, and if not, please file bugs22:42
zinitwhen I installed the sdk the first time it all worked, but after the reinstall I did last wednesday, now I got some serious dependency issues whenever I try to install anything..22:42
zinitquite strange..22:43
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lcukzinit, the sdk images were reduced in volume and a number of packages were removed afaik22:43
zinitlcuk: that could explain it... dependencies missing all over the place here now22:43
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lcukwhat like?22:43
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zinittrying to install vlc and there are missing dependencies, and several other programs22:44
* lcuk had to install more to get libmeegotouch building in it22:44
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zinitI see the programs are there, but I cant install since dependencies are not there22:44
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* lcuk is thankful that sketches brought from high resolution digitizing tablet still render properly on ideapad22:46
lcukeven if they cant be drawn there22:46
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lcukif I got a resistive cover ontop of the screen on the ideapad, would the capacitive still work through it?22:47
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Myrttiwork goddammit22:48
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lcukali1234, aww22:49
smokuBTW, if you want to get RMB on your ideapad see
lcuknice :)22:50
lcuki just learnt how to make it drag something22:51
lcukbut its only a single stroke22:51
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ali1234what about left clicking?22:57
lcukali1234, left click is a tap anyway22:57
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ali1234yeah but how to make the left corner button work?22:58
ali1234same way?22:58
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lcukbut if you send down, up (tap), down, drag, up22:58
lcukthe drag part is a line22:58
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lcukso you can do scrollbars etc22:58
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lcukyou can use the trackpad for scrollbars22:58
lcukif you do tap drag22:59
lcuklike a double click action22:59
lcukbut instead of lifting mouse button on second click, drag finger22:59
ali1234you can just use the edge... like on all laptops ever...22:59
lcukwhat about sideways22:59
ali1234bottom edge usually22:59
rob_wso , someone link me those horrible poulsbo drivers or the word in that ..22:59
timeless_mbpDawnFoster: so, i've tried to clarify my slides23:00
lcukand thanks, i never knew it did that :P23:00
timeless_mbp(there are now more holes in the slides, but..)23:00
rob_wi am a lucky winner having a pouslbo platform to get to fly23:00
ali1234oh i get it, you're talking about tap and drag23:01
ali1234that only works if you move the mouse over the scrollbar23:01
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smokuali1234, same way just use LBCornerButton=123:10
smoku"synclient -l" for all options23:11
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prometoyshow I can connect to a ieee8021x protected wifi with meego?23:37
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lbtmmm /usr/lib/madde/linux-i686/cache/   lsb? /var for caches23:44
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prometoysI resized a btrfs fs with btrfsctl (decreased 20GB) but how I can resize the partition?23:57
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