IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2010-08-03

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GAN900Platform fragmentation is so much fun.00:04
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thiagolcuk: the UIs are being designed for 800x480 on handsets00:09
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thiagoI have no idea what the other segments use00:09
thiagonetbooks seem to do fine on 1024x60000:09
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lcukthiago, what about 800*480 or even future above sized?  arent apps for handheld meant to work on netbook etc?  qt deploy anywhere?00:14
thiagoQt doesn't stop developers from doing stupid things00:14
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thiagoI'm not saying they are doing stupid things, though. But I also don't know if anyone has ever tested outside 800x480 or similar resolutions.00:15
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threezerodeploy anywhere doesn't mean that you should deploy everywhere00:15
threezerowithout proper modifications00:15
lcukthreezero, but artificially not making use of standard qt features00:15
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lcukdesktop qt apps are usually written to handle a grab bar00:15
lcukdynamic resizing?00:16
lcukerrr desktop apps00:16
thiagodesktop Widget-based apps use layouts, yes00:16
thiagohandset apps are using libmeegotouch00:16
thiagothe layout system there is different00:16
threezerolibmeegotouch apps have a defined screen size00:17
w00t_I think libmt's window size is actually hardcoded too (at least right now)00:17
w00t_I haven't looked at that for a long while though so I may be wrong00:17
threezerow00t_, it's configurable by the theme iirc00:17
lcukwhat about using same apps on symbian qt deployments?00:18
lcukthey have lower resolution screens dont they?00:18
lcukie n97 etc00:18
threezerodepends, does symbian have libmt?00:18
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lcukit has qt00:18
lcukso i keep hearing00:18
w00t_symbian is a bit of a special case00:18
w00t_i.e. it usually requires (a lot of) workarounds for libraries and stuff to work, and work well on there00:19
w00t_I don't know if anyone has done that to libmt yet00:19
lcukthats in the qt framework though?00:19
w00t_yes, but it isn't just a case of "do it here and it's done"00:19
thiagolibmeegotouch won't run on Symbian00:19
w00t_(an author can write one book, but that doesn't make it a trilogy)00:19
thiagoso to make cross-platform apps, you mustn't use libmeegotouch00:19
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w00t_thiago: I don't think there's any real technical barrier to that though, apart from "hasn't been done", no?00:20
threezeroif you want to make a good cross-platform app, you'll keep the core logic separate from the UI00:20
thiagow00t_: well, the use of contextkit is one00:20
thiagothe use of autotools to build is another00:20
lcukis gravity written in qt?00:20
w00t_it doesn't use autotools00:20
w00t_it uses qmake with a configure script to set up some bits and pieces00:20
mikhasthreezero, that does not scale if your app is mostly UI00:21
threezerothen do a UI in libmt, and one for symbian using whatever it uses, and one in vanilla qt for netbook00:21
mikhasyeah right ...00:21
w00t_lcuk: no00:21
mikhassounds nice in theory =p00:21
lcukreasonable enough :P00:21
threezeromikhas, then you may want to use something like qml or qt-web runtime to do you app00:21
w00t_mikhas: evening :)00:21
threezeroqwrt seems like the only sane way to write a pure cross platform app00:22
lcukjust regular simple, baseline html :P00:22
mikhassince I am just back from GUADEC the right answer is of course that I write all my apps in HTML5 + JavaScript, of course - *that's* "cross-platform" =p00:22
thiagow00t_: contextkit does, I think00:23
mikhasthreezero, I wouldnt say "sane" - for example, Wt (–_Web_toolkit) felt quite sane00:23
w00t_Qt on its own will work, for the time being, I think(/hope?) QML becomes more capable00:23
w00t_thiago: ah, didn't think of dependencies00:23
mikhasyou'd code in C++, and Wt generates your app using HTML + JS00:24
thiagoanyway, we in Qt DF think Qt Quick is the solution00:24
lcukheh mikhas00:24
thiagowe're making that cross-platform00:24
thiagoit runs just fine on Symbian and on MeeGo00:24
threezeroQt Quick == qtml?00:24
mikhasQt Quick is the whole QML stack, threezero00:24
w00t_thiago: so long as "cross platform" doesn't just mean "builds and runs", because I think that's such a cop-out, and is my current beef with it :p00:25
mikhassimulator, tools, and whatnot00:25
w00t_(as in, I'd like to see it make effort to fit in where it's running too)00:25
w00t_(where applicable..)00:25
lcukspeaking of fitting in - you cant really "theme" an iphone can you?00:26
lcukie everything looks solidly the same as it has on every device00:26
mikhaseven QML abstraction will leak once you realize that different devices require different user interaction00:26
threezerolcuk, on every device meaning "the only" device?00:26
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lcukthreezero, i mean every instance of an iphone00:26
thiagothat's why you'd make different QML files for (very) different devices00:26
mikhasand depending on how sophisticated your UI is, you end up with a lot of QML to maintain00:27
lcukwith maemo and meego i gather, no 2 devices will look the same00:27
mikhasthat's what I call leaky00:27
lcuki constantly see screenshots of apps with a totally different face because of some theme or other00:27
mikhasit's the same crossplatform story I get if I only use enough ifdefs00:27
mikhasanyway, I hope Qt Quick lives up to its promises00:28
mikhas(no, seriously)00:28
lcukin other news:00:28
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lcukthe sun has unleashed a coronal mass ejection towards Earth00:28
mikhaseight minutes to shutdown the servers!00:29
lcuksod the servers, i just washed my hair00:29
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mdavisonHey all00:34
mdavison i've got a question about meego specifications00:35
mdavisonis anyone here who can help me with that?00:35
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mdavisonim looking for something similar to what Moblin has00:38
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mdavisonits a doc called Moblin_v2_Compliance_Spec_v1.9.0.pdf00:38
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mdavisonis there anything of that sort available for MeeGo?00:39
aukeif there's anything then it's on the wiki00:39
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aukeI don't think there is yet though, but I don't know for sure, sorry00:39
mdavisoni looked up at the wiki but i couldnt get any00:40
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mdavisonauke:  actually I'm intrested in software packages and their versions00:40
threezeromdavison, post the question to the meego-dev mailing list00:40
aukeagreed, best place to discuss this is the meego mailinglist00:41
threezeromdavison, if you just want packages, that's a bit easier00:41
aukethe -community list also works, I bet00:41
threezerobut it depends on your target (netbook, handset, foo)00:41
mdavisonthreezero: a friend of mine posted the question on meego-packaging mailing list in the morning00:41
aukewhat topic?00:41
mdavison[meego-packaging] MeeGo Specifications 00:42
mdavisonhere's the link00:42
mdavisonwe decided to look at IRC as our last resort00:42
mdavisonthreezero: auke, we are actually trying to support MeeGo on our development system00:43
mdavisonas a target operating system. our development system is a derivative of OpenEmbedded00:43
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mdavisonthats why we are interested in the packages and their appropriate version00:43
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mdavisonwe'd appreciate any help in this regard00:44
threezerothere is a package list that gets published with the download images00:44
threezeroiirc, it has the package versions in them00:44
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mdavisonthreezero: thanks00:45
threezerofor example:
mdavisonthreezero: thats really helpful00:46
mdavisonany idea of a formal document? Or perhaps any plans for a formal compliance document?00:46
mdavisonor perhaps its a bit too early for it?00:47
threezerono idea.00:47
threezeroit may be too early for one00:47
mdavisonyea it seems that way00:47
aukemdavison: I think there will be one eventually, just nothing yet00:47
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mdavisonauke: threezero, thanks so much for the help00:48
mdavisonwe really appreciate it00:48
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aukemdavison: I pinged some people behind the scenes about something official, perhaps they'll get to it :)00:54
DawnFosterI can say that the compliance doc is a big priority for us right now, and there are a few people working to get something published.00:55
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DawnFosterI'm hoping to have a discussion about compliance in the TSG meeting on Wednesday, but I'm still working with Imad / Valtteri to finalize an agenda, so no promises. If so, it would be an update for discussion and not something final.00:56
lbtoh hey DawnFoster wb00:56
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DawnFosterhi guys00:56
aukeDawnFoster: ha! thanks for replying00:57
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mdavisonauke: thats great00:57
tremnite all, sweet dreams00:57
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mdavisonIt'll actually help if we have some firm documented stuff00:58
mdavisonthanks again00:58
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mdavison3.00 AM -> Time to sleep :) .. see ya all tomorrow .. bye00:58
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lcukUlfHofemeier, \o01:02
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UlfHofemeierHi Dawn01:27
DawnFosterUlfHofemeier: hey! how's it going? Haven't heard from you in a while.01:27
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UlfHofemeierDawnFoster: Very good. Thanks for asking. How are things with you?01:29
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DawnFosterUlfHofemeier: good, thanks!01:31
UlfHofemeierDawnFoster: -> query01:31
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vgradeIVI UX up on O2 Joggler (GMA500),
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CosmoHillvgrade: oooo02:53
vgradeI love this kickstart stuff02:54
vgradeMakes it really easy to mix and match stuff02:54
vgradetook more time to write the image than to create a .ks02:55
chriadamvgrade: vnice, framerate seems fantastic, not seeing any jitters or skips02:55
vgradeall this on old intel hw02:55
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chriadamvgrade: the close button in the lower left appears to not pick up touch events, sometimes.. hardware issue?02:57
* CosmoHill gives vgrade a cookie for his work02:59
chriadambut yeah, totally impressive, nice work03:00
vgradenight CosmoHIll03:00
vgradeearly start tomorrow with the meeting03:00
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CosmoHillhmm infobot has gone03:01
CosmoHillI've been having problems with my bots leaving too03:01
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vgradechriadam, not sure as its difficult to prod when your looking through camera03:02
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Macer1.0.1 huh? :)07:16
Macerhow is the n900 dev going?07:16
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DawnFosterJust a quick reminder that the community office meeting is in about 30 minutes: for anyone wanting to attend.07:28
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rohitawasthihi..I am new at developing programs for other thn computer07:49
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Jisongany one here?08:49
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ali_zhi all, I get black screen while run 'startmeego' in the meego-netbook-sdk env.08:50
ali_zhow could i do?08:50
JisongI working for meego handset08:50
JisongStskeeps: what you interest in?08:51
ali_zJisong: thanks,08:51
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StskeepsJisong: i work on nokia n900 hardware adaptation team, using meego handset software on there08:52
JisongStskeeps: so, you are a nokia employee?08:53
Stskeepsno, i'm a sub-sub-contractor, but practically i'm from, but working on meego08:53
JisongStskeeps: complicate...08:54
JisongStskeeps: you come from US?08:54
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StskeepsJisong: poland08:54
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JisongStskeeps: I want to join to the meego touch project, but i knew nothing about the open source style.08:55
Jisonghave you already join to some project in meego ?08:56
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StskeepsJisong: best way is to try and submit patches, see their reactions, if there's some materials you're missing, ask for them08:56
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ChildOfGodali_z: what graphics shipset do you have?08:57
ali_zChildOfGod: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)08:57
JisongStskeeps: I have tried to contact with admin of the meego touch project, and told him my suggestion about naming convension and other things, but it seems no react from him...08:58
StskeepsJisong: admins on gitorious usually have nothing to deal with it :/08:58
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JisongStskeeps: uh.... what should I do for my suggestion08:59
ali_zChildOfGod: I could get meego-handset-sdk normally several days ago, and now it is still working.09:00
JisongStskeeps: my suggestion related to so many source code lines. I can't patch it by myself...09:01
StskeepsJisong: mailing list, i think09:01
ChildOfGodali_z: intel should work09:01
JisongStskeeps: Yeah, I did that... but, still no responce...09:01
ChildOfGodkindly paste me the output of /var/log/syslog on your host system (not the chroot)09:01
ChildOfGodali_z: ^09:01
ChildOfGoduse pastebin09:01
ali_zChildOfGod: but i could only see the background at first, and then it could not show the whole desktop but a black screen09:02
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Jisongali_z: one of my collegue has same problem. I update qt to 4.7.0 then problem occured.09:03
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ChildOfGoddid you check the md5sum of the sdk you downloaded?09:06
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ali_zJisong: I use the meego-netbook-sdk, and the qt version is 'qt-4.7.0~prerelease-6.2.i586'09:07
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ali_zJisong: should i update to which version?09:07
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ali_zChildOfGod: how to use pastebin?09:08
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Jisongali_z: No, I think update may cause problem...09:08
ali_zJisong: oh, sorry to misunderstanding.09:09
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ali_zJisong: then should i downgrade the qt package?09:09
Jisongali_z: Ha, it's ok, my english is tragic...09:10
Jisongali_z: I have no idea, but you should show your boot log.09:10
ChildOfGodali_z: sorry, wait09:11
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ali_zJisong: i will when i learned how to use pastebin, and thank you09:12
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ali_zChildOfGod: thanks , now i am trying09:12
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ali_zChildOfGod: i am sorry, there is no /var/log/syslog on my host system09:13
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ali_zChildOfGod: could i use 'dmesg' to get some logs?09:14
ChildOfGodya sure09:14
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ali_zoh, it is too big to paste, i should spit it to several small parts09:16
ali_zChildOfGod: should i paste all of the 'dmesg' log?09:17
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ChildOfGodonly the stuff that comes after you run the sdk09:17
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ali_zChildOfGod: oh, then i clear the messages first and re-run the command09:18
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ChildOfGodali_z: yes you could do that09:19
ChildOfGodali_z: or do tail -f /var/log/messages09:19
ChildOfGodand paste me what comes there09:20
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ChildOfGodi suspect mutter is crashing for you09:20
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ali_zChildOfGod:   the log info while i run startmeego-debug, and i saw that the contents of /var/log/messages is like that09:25
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ali_zChildOfGod: the contents of /var/log/meesages is too large and the tail of it should be not enough09:28
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ChildOfGodya thats ok09:28
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ChildOfGodi cant see anything wrong in particular. mutter does not seem to crash ali_z09:29
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ali_zChildOfGod: oh, but i could not see the normally destkop of meego09:34
ali_zChildOfGod: the log info from /var/log/messages:
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ali_zChildOfGod: what is the meaning of "NOTE: Not using GLX TFP!" from mutter-warning?09:43
ChildOfGodali_z: whatever it is, it doesnt matter because i get it too and it runs fine here :)09:43
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ali_zChildOfGod: oh, it's strange for me, and thank you for you help, i'll redo everything and have a try again.09:44
ChildOfGodya do that.09:45
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haichenI neeed help!10:08
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haichendoes anybody know about release.gpg and release in Maemo?10:09
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JaffaMorning, all10:14
kryptonis there a unique key of device which we can read in MeeGo ?10:14
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Stskeepsmorn lbt10:26
TermanaN900hey lbt10:26
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lbtgood morning10:26
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Phazorxbah... anyone EVER tried to make linux bootable with BCD?12:42
Phazorxis that even feasible?12:42
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nuovodnaany news on the first phone nokia with meego??12:45
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toggles_wanyone have video ?16:21
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Stskeepstoggles_w: vgrade has a video of it running on his joggler16:24
toggles_wStskeeps: linky? ;-)16:24
luisthey guys... i made a custom list/repository for garage, and it has many applications... after loading some of them, it gives me a dbus limit exceed error and stops resolving the applications... how can i prevent that?16:25
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toggles_wStskeeps: grazie!16:26
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zimmerlevgrade: ping16:27
zimmerlevgrade: just saw your email abot the psb, someone tested it?16:27
zimmerlebtw, i had some progress on it some weeks ago, you can check it out at:
Stskeepszimmerle: you're aware we're using emgd right? :P16:28
zimmerleemgd? no, what is emgd? :P16:29
Stskeepszimmerle: continuation of iegd but for xorg 1.8 (meego 1.0 point of reference)16:29
zimmerlelet me check it out :P16:30
zimmerlebtw, i am building a image to test on psb16:30
zimmerlei see16:31
Stskeepsit is hardly licensing kosher (yes, still a closed xorg driver and closed libs) but it works quite well16:31
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zimmerle3d is working well ?16:33
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Stskeepszimmerle: i have full handset ux on there flawlessly (fennec excepted)16:34
Stskeepsso i'd think it works well enough16:34
zimmerleJust downloading the packges16:34
* zimmerle on the phone, back in minutes16:35
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arfolldoes anyone know when the community OBS will be open?16:46
leinirA totally grabbed out of my own back-side guess would be sometime before the convention ;)16:47
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cmoatotomaybe you can help me17:01
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cmoatotoI work on the moblin-dalston applet (for power & volume management)17:01
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cmoatotoand I'm looking for the dev on the meego power management (the little battery on the right in the meego's toolbar17:02
cmoatotobut I can find it on gitorious...17:03
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cmoatotoDo you know where I can find the sources, to see what they (you) did from moblin?17:04
cmoatoto*(I meant "I CAN'T find it on gitorious")17:05
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TermanaI think MeeGo should be based on GNU's kernel instead of the Linux kernel. I HURD it was good17:55
StskeepsDawnFoster: random question, why did noone react to the open letter thing if this was a problem?17:57
DawnFosterstskeeps: I'm not sure.17:57
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StskeepsDawnFoster: because then i'd like to point to what resolves to and our 'non-oss' category :/17:58
Stskeepsso figuring out what exactly the policy is is probably a good idea17:59
DawnFosterStskeeps: I think that lbt's post to the mailing list was very long and the real issue was buried17:59
StskeepsDawnFoster: not entirely disagreeing on that point17:59
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DawnFosterStskeeps: I think people missed the core of what he was asking18:00
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lbtThe purpose of this letter is to ask the MeeGo community18:00
StskeepsDawnFoster: but anyway, resolves to OSUOSL and hosts closed source software, so we have a bigger problem if this is the agreement.18:00
lbtfor their permission to bring Maemo build targets (currently Fremantle18:00
lbteventually Harmattan, Diablo, Chinook?) to the MeeGo Community OBS18:00
lbt"We want to build Nokia SW on MeeGo" ... how is that buried?18:01
DawnFosterStskeeps: I agree that we haven't figured that out yet.18:01
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DawnFosterlbt: the email was very long18:02
lbtit was in the first paragraph18:02
StskeepsDawnFoster: sorry, didn't mean to appear hostile, not my intention.. i guess the center core is that we're missing out on the possibility for bringing in maemo developers on to meego this way18:02
DawnFosterlbt: I'm just speculating18:02
lbtanyhow... now you know... have a longer read :)18:03
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lbtIt's a horrible position to be in18:03
lbtyou know I'm a rabid card-carrying FSF member  (really, I am)18:03
lbtbut I think we need to be pragmatic18:03
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DawnFosterThe balance between open / proprietary isn't always clean, and it's hard to figure out where to draw the line.18:04
lbt*nod*.... we want to support the maemo community18:04
lbtand *THAT* is the crux18:04
DawnFosterlbt: I agree18:04
DawnFosterlbt: but we need to make sure that we do it in the right way18:05
Stskeepslbt: is there any problem in keeping OBS and a OBS link to make it possible to build apps?18:05
lbtwe will also have other real world issues going fwd ... but they can wait for a bar18:05
DawnFosterif we make exceptions for Nokia, do we make exceptions for every device manufacturer?18:05
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lbtsee the email :)18:05
lbtpara 5 or 618:05
lbtI put hours of thought into writing and re-writing (and condensing) it18:06
StskeepsDawnFoster: we also have a problem with forum software choice now then, as mike shaver originally said it wasn't a problem..18:07
Stskeepsas long as umbrella project was os18:07
Stskeeps(Re: [Meego-community] (URGENT) Meego Forum Software Choice )18:07
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DawnFosterStskeeps: that's a different issue18:08
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StskeepsDawnFoster: no, not really,
DawnFosterStskeeps: like I said, this is one of those gray areas18:10
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StskeepsDawnFoster: either way.. getting a clear statement is probably the basis of these discussions18:10
DawnFosterStskeeps: I gave my opinion of which side of the gray area it falls in bugzilla18:10
DawnFosterStskeeps: someone may decide I'm wrong :)18:10
StskeepsDawnFoster: :nod: and i might be wrong too18:10
lbtthis is why I wrote an open letter for discussion...18:11
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StskeepsDawnFoster: from a entirely practical point of view, we have a problem in how to merge these two communities and continuation of app developers on to meego, we have to find a way to deal with it :P18:12
DawnFosterSo rather than debate amongst ourselves, who owns making this decision? Probably Arjan from an overall technical project architecture and someone from the Linux Foundation (maybe Ibrahim)18:12
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DawnFosteror maybe Mark Skarpness from a compliance perspective18:13
Stskeepsokay, so, stepping back - we're speaking of maemo closed bins, which is needed to build apps for maemo18:13
Stskeepsthey have nothing to deal with meego app building or inclusion into the meego software18:13
DawnFosterStskeeps: application development is critical to the success of MeeGo, and I agree that we can't lose application developers18:13
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DawnFosterwe just need to make sure that we get everyone together working on MeeGo (not Maemo / Moblin)18:14
Stskeepsyes, and being able to build for the two is a key issue18:14
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lbtFrom Nokia PoV we have Harmattan as the first MeeGo-esque target too18:15
StskeepsDawnFoster: another (big) issue is the whole issue with harmattan..18:15
StskeepsDawnFoster: okay.. so, a practical suggestion: would you be able to make a writeup presenting this topic so we can get the topic discussed properly?18:17
Stskeepsbecause i think the discussion needs to be taken properly this time around so we can put it in the ground or on wheels18:17
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Stskeepsand preferably agreed on either by CO or TSG so it's stone set18:18
DawnFosterStskeeps: I disagree18:18
thiagothe one after Harmattan is *really* MeeGo18:18
thiagoI've been talking to the team who is organising themselves to do it18:18
DawnFosterStskeeps: this is outside of the scope of the community office18:19
timelessthiago: hey, you're the Qt person, right?18:19
thiagothey will take MeeGo 1.0.80 snapshots now and try to bolt the Nokia apps on top18:19
timelessa colleague is running into Qt pain and is looking for help18:19
* slonopotamus yawns. same talk again and again... just publish closed stuff in a country where it isn't against law and ftw.18:19
StskeepsDawnFoster: okay18:19
thiagotimeless: no, I'm a Qt person. Not "the one" :-)18:19
DawnFosterStskeeps: TSG is only for escalations and big decisions that can't be made lower in the project18:19
timelessthiago: you'll do ;-b)18:19
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DawnFosterStskeeps: someone should take it to Arjan, Mark and Ibrahim first18:19
DawnFosterI'm not the right person to do that18:19
thiagothese people are also investigating the delta (versions, patches) between Harmattan and MeeGo 1.118:19
thiagoincluding the multitouch driver18:20
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w00t_thiago: sounds fun18:20
StskeepsDawnFoster: i'll make a 10 liner writeup on the issue and get the conversation starte18:20
timelessthiago: basically, we're having trouble figuring out what is responsible for ensuring that dead keys get partially eaten by the QtXIM bridge before they arrive at the application's event handler18:20
thiagotimeless: someone inserted an event filter and they're getting deadkeys?18:21
timelessi don't think they've inserted anything18:21
StskeepsDawnFoster: would you like to review before it's passed around?18:21
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timelessi think for some reason the normal Qt filtering isn't being triggered18:21
thiagoif they just have keyEvent handlers, they shouldn't be getting deadkeys18:21
timeless.. so they get too much of the deadkeys18:21
thiagobut I have seen cases where it doesn't work18:21
DawnFosterStskeeps: I'd be happy to take a look if you want my opinion on it18:21
timelessthiago: anyway, the code is mozilla's Qt widget stack18:22
thiagoit happens once in a while in KDE apps, but doing Alt+Tab out and back solves the problem18:22
StskeepsDawnFoster: gladly - i do respect your opinion and most often agree with it :P18:22
thiagoit happens consistently on Qt Creator when opening tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp18:22
timelessthis is consistent, the app (Fennec-Qt) *always* gets Press+Release18:22
thiagotimeless: of the deadkeys?18:22
timelessi think they're expecting not to get the Press for the deadkey18:22
timelessthiago: yep18:22
timeless(and any other key)18:22
DawnFosterStskeeps: half the fun of working on an open source project is that we get to argue with people until we finally find something we can all agree to :)18:22
thiagotimeless: so if you press dead_acute, you get ´ printed?18:22
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timelessthiago: um, lemme make a call18:23
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timelessi think the key we're using is ^/umlaut/tilde18:24
TSCHAKeeeit makes me respect the IETF process all the more, "rough consensus, working code." :P18:24
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timelessi guess the natural character is umlaut, which i don't think is normally represented18:25
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timelessthiago: anyway, i'll try to get him to poke you tomorrow18:27
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timelessyou're @troll central, right? are you generally around by 9a local time?18:28
* timeless just wants to make a connection, not sit as a middleman 18:28
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CosmoHillwrong button18:30
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thiagoask him to go to #qt or #qt-labs18:31
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timelessfunny use of a vacation =b18:31
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StskeepsDawnFoster: mail sent to you and quim - thanks in advance for comments and suggestions19:02
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Stskeepscool, the handset and netbook qemu sdk images are out20:45
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CosmoHill  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND20:52
CosmoHill 6813 root      30  10  3676  504  428 R 79.2  0.1   0:45.63 rm20:52
CosmoHill 2053 root      15  -5     0    0    0 R 16.5  0.0  12:10.45 kmirrord20:52
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slaineevening all22:04
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th0br0evening slaine22:12
DawnFosterhi slaine22:13
slaineevening th0br0, long time no type22:13
slaineHey DawnFoster, welcome back22:13
slainedid you have a good vacation ?22:13
th0br0indeed, the past few weeks have been horrible in terms of work-load for me22:13
th0br0wb DawnFoster22:13
slaineth0br0: snap22:13
slainehella busy22:13
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slaineit's 20:13 here and I'm still working22:13
DawnFosterslaine, thanks! I had a really nice, relaxing location - I ignored work and email for 6 days :)22:13
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DawnFosteroops location = vacation22:14
slaineDawnFoster: awe, sounds like bliss22:14
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DawnFosterslaine: it was nice - visited with family, rode enormous fast roller coasters22:14
slainestop, I'm turning green22:15
slainewith jealousy, not imagined motion sickness ;)22:15
slaineWhen will Intel release cloning technology22:16
DawnFosterI was just wondering which one :) We went here, btw:
DawnFosterwe're working on it22:16
slaineI've so much stuff to do and so many "projects" I'm never going to get time to start22:16
slainecedarpoint, I've heard of it (all good things)22:16
DawnFosterit's one of the top roller coaster parks in the world - conveniently located 1.5 hours away from where I grew up22:17
slainehandy alright22:17
DawnFosterI know the feeling - too many projects & not enough time.22:18
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slaineawe well, coffee will help some of them to fruition, bbs22:18
DawnFosterI have some personal tech projects that I am deliberately neglecting until summer is over.22:18
DawnFosterI was pretty burned out already when I started working at Intel, so I needed a little down time22:18
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ScottishDuckDawnFoster: Could you send me a sandy bridge CPU and LGA2011 motherboard22:19
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ScottishDuckthanks in advance22:19
DawnFosterScottishDuck: nice try :)22:19
DawnFosterI haven't even been able to get my hands on one of those aava platforms (my request was denied) :)22:20
slaineDawnFoster: the shame22:20
ScottishDuckYou could send me a Rockwell CPU then22:20
DawnFosterI'll keep asking - someday I'll get one22:20
slaine"Dream weaver, I believe in you...."22:21
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slaineyeah right22:21
ScottishDuckI think those aava handsets are devilishly expensive22:21
Kaadlajkcurrent aava images dont work anyway :)22:22
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Kaadlajkor atleast you need keyboard22:22
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DawnFosterI've seen it working, but I wouldn't call it end use ready :)22:23
Kaadlajkyeah the image released on handset day 1 worked22:23
* Stskeeps has started making a kitchen UX based on handset UX for him and his wife (joggler based)22:23
Stskeepsnice free time project22:23
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th0br0haha Stskeeps22:27
th0br0nice idea.22:27
th0br0and hello22:27
TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: I need to get you on a LinuxMCE installation. ;)22:28
MyrttiStskeeps: you're going to port a recipe app to it?22:28
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StskeepsMyrtti: we have recipes in onenote so we were thinking of exporting to html22:29
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Stskeepsas a start22:29
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: once you can view tv series like boxee does, i'm in22:29
Myrttiright. I've got Gourmet on my desktop and had the whatever app it was on N80022:29
* TSCHAKeee has our current Orbiter ported over to the Joggler for now.22:29
Myrttigoddammit, hiccups22:30
TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: it's on the list to redo the entire media browser... but it is worth noting we're the only whole house solution that exists.22:30
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: yeah, i like whole house but with a wife that cares about power consumption..22:30
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TSCHAKeee(the ultra high end solutions like Crestron and AMX don't even come close)22:30
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Stskeepsi really wouldn't mind power management that didn't only deal with cpus and battery life.. but seeing the entire house in context22:32
ScottishDuckI wonder how Intel intends to make 16nm CPUs in 201322:32
ScottishDuckbecause I'm pretty sure it's impossible with silicon22:32
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vgradezimmerle, hi, just seen your page on the psb netbook build22:41
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zimmerlevgrade: hi there :P23:31
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zimmerlevgrade: i not tested yours yet23:31
zimmerlevgrade: the image is built23:31
* zimmerle is trying to find my usb stick :P23:32
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