IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2010-06-05

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luke-jrI want a santambyte HD plz00:05
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lmouraHexaByte, I'm working on it. Somehow python2.5 was updated in extras but not python2.5-minimal00:12
HexaBytelmoura: so i should just wait for an available update?00:12
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lmouraHexaByte, you can enable the extras-testing repo00:13
HexaBytedo i dare? :-)00:13
lmouraI wonder why extras promoted python2.5 but not python2.5-minimal00:14
HexaByteis distribution still "Distribution: fremantle" or 1.2 and instructions on that site are obsolete?00:14
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lmouraHexaByte, AFAIR it's still fremantle00:15
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HexaBytegoing to test it00:17
HexaBytenot too eager to do it, 'cause i have no backup with OSX00:18
HexaByteno nokia suite here, correct?00:18
lmouraHexaByte, hum?00:19
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HexaBytelmoura: is there a Nokia PC Suite for Mac/OSX?00:19
lmouraoh, I have no idea00:20
MohammadAG51use the built in backup app00:20
HexaByteMohammadAG51: works with OSX?00:20
MohammadAG51it's on the N900 itself00:20
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HexaBytelol, ah i see. it creates a file locally which i can then transfer to my macbook00:22
HexaByteand later do it the other way around00:22
mece~seen achipa00:23
infobotachipa <~chatzilla@Maemo/community/council/achipa> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3d 8h 37m 26s ago, saying: 'tybollt: MeeGo is input agnostic. The speficic UXes might not be.'.00:23
mece~seen Khertan00:23
infobotkhertan is currently on #maemo (4h 58m 3s) #meego (4h 58m 3s), last said: '182d ... qwerty12 didn't come anymore on #maemo'.00:23
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meceKhertan, ping00:23
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HexaBytetnx all for info00:27
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crashanddiemece: it's 20 to midnight, he's probably sleeping00:38
meceooh well.00:39
GAN900crashanddie, why aren't you?00:39
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crashanddiebecause I'm waiting for my gf to come back from work?00:40
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infobotaw, gee, thunderfest00:49
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meceso anyone know why my QAbstractKineticScroller is super mega sensitive?00:50
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, = me btw00:56
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MohammadAG51i'm just the stupid part of his head00:56
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* ENTERANICK [W2I=000:u:0:000:]00:59
jacekowskii hate wifi00:59
jacekowskiand there is something seriously wrong with my n900's wifi00:59
SpeedEvilHave you tried dipping your n900 in marmalade, and then having a hungry bear lick it clean?01:00
SpeedEvilThis can solve wifi problems for some users.01:00
meceI thought it was honey01:00
asj_SpeedEvil: women in bikinis do a better job01:00
meceasj_, yeah, but they don't fix the wifi problem!01:01
meceI'm pretty sure it's honey + bear.01:01
asj_mece: if you have a said women licking your phone, do you care????01:01
meceasj_, well yeah, but that wasn't the issue :P01:01
MohammadAG51he'd buy another one and keep the old one01:01
meceerr no..01:01
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ShadowJKugh, videos that N900 makes look horrible when viewed with anything except N900..01:07
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* GAN900 wonders why battery usage shoots up at the end of the day.01:09
ShadowJKGAN900, as measured by what?01:09
jacekowskihmm, it's not bme/watchdog rebooting device01:10
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jacekowskiwhen bme dies01:10
opdf2is it safe to power off phone while updating an application? it froze while updating Extras Decoders update01:10
MohammadAG51check /etc/event.replace.d/bme jacekowski01:10
jacekowskii know01:10
crashanddieopdf2: decoders takes heaps of time01:10
jacekowskii noticed that01:11
crashanddieopdf2: seriously, it can take like 20 minutes if you have other stuff running01:11
opdf2crashanddie:  thanks i was getting worried01:11
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jacekowskibut before that i spent a lot of time trying to find out how bme is talking to watchdog01:11
crashanddieopdf2: don't worry about it freezing up, I had the same. Just put it down on the table and come back in a while. Yes, things might break if you interrupt the install01:11
ShadowJKit's talking dbus and voodoo to all sorts of stuff..01:11
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opdf2crashanddie:  okay cool01:11
jacekowskinot that bad01:12
thunderfestopdf2, yeah I powered mine off while install extras decoders when I power it back on no media files would work at all01:12
jacekowskiand it's not voodoo01:12
opdf2thunderfest:  how did you fix that?01:12
jacekowskibesides, i'll need somebody who isn't afraid of bricking his phone01:13
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GAN900SpeedEvil, nothing consistent nor precise.01:14
GAN900SpeedEvil, just that it feels noticeably warm towards the end of the day01:14
crashanddieGAN900: that's because of the blonde you peep around 4PM01:14
* SpeedEvil wishes for another couple of hours a day.01:14
GAN900and the battery meter goes from "half" to red bar within a few hours.01:14
GAN900Me too.01:15
Dantonicspeaking of battery usage... has anyone noticed this, if looking at the graph with battery eye, when you take the N900 off charge after it is full, and at idle, the battery charge drops at a faster rate when coming down from 100% to about 85-90% then settles at a more acceptable idle discharge rate.01:15
* MohammadAG51 hands jacekowski a mirror01:15
MohammadAG51you found your guy01:15
GAN9001500mAh would've been about perfect.01:15
opdf2thunderfest:  how long did it take you to install Extra Decoders after reflash?01:15
MohammadAG51assuming host mode works01:16
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SpeedEvilDantonic: Depending on where batteryeye is getting its charge information, this may be inaccurate01:16
MohammadAG51is a 1080p practically possible?01:16
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MohammadAG511080p DVI adapter01:17
ShadowJKThe battery meter is somewhat non-linear.. and the older (more worn) your battery gets, the more ninlinear the meter will get01:17
jacekowskiMohammadAG51: it's uncompressed01:17
SpeedEvilShadowJK: The charge meter chip I have found surprisingly accurate - once it's learned.01:17
MohammadAG51got it01:17
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, yes but maemo doesn't use the charge meter chip01:17
jacekowskiit's still uncompressed01:17
DantonicSpeedEvil, I think it gets it from the "percentage" value, as if you would check it from the terminal01:17
jacekowskiUSB can do at most 480Mbit/s01:18
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, it uses its own voodoo01:18
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: 926 935 935 945 948  - on successive cycles.01:19
SpeedEvilShadowJK: I know01:19
jacekowski1024x760 would require 600MBits of raw bandwidth01:19
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ShadowJKGAN900 was staring at the maemo battery meter, so that's why I said it's nonlinear.01:19
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thunderfestopdf2, I have not tried to reinstall Extra Decoders since I reflashed01:19
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SpeedEvilAlso - to get warm needs around a watt - IME. This will drain the bat in 4h01:20
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jacekowski800x480 would require 292Mbit/s of raw bandwidth01:20
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jacekowskiso usb could push it01:20
crashanddietheoretical USB could push it01:20
jacekowskibut question is where it would push it01:20
SpeedEvilAlso - displaylink01:21
SpeedEvilit doesn't work that way01:21
MohammadAG51that too01:21
* ZogG high5 MohammadAG51 01:21
crashanddiebut considering that USB is divided over a number of busses, and the host has the query each device in order to know if there's data, the overhead of USB quickly kills any hope to get to 480 Mbit01:21
ZogGhmmm sometimes xorg is eating cpu like crazy01:22
ZogGeven gets to 60%01:22
jacekowskiany device capable of recieving 300MBIt/s of data would be more than capable of decoding that video from compressed source01:22
ZogGis there bug submitted already? anyone has any idea, as the bug search on bugzilla is kinda wierd for me01:22
jacekowskithat's not a bug01:23
jacekowskidoes it stay at that high usage for long period of time?01:23
jacekowskiand 201:23
jacekowskido you have lot of windows open01:23
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jacekowskiand lot of widgets01:23
jacekowskixrestop would help01:23
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anairdacan anyone help me with some questions related to nokia n900 udds usage with the latest firmware update?01:27
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ZogGjacekowski not al ot of windows01:28
astruasdhplease, guys. I installed easy-chroot and I'm running commands of my debian image with quserchroot. How can I umount this image that was mounted by quserchroot?01:29
ZogGand it is bug, as it jumps from 30-60 and everything works slow (even if i have one window) as well how does several programs can cause Xorg to load that much but not application itself as its's not rendered by xorg when it;s inimized?01:29
ZogGastruasdh run mount01:30
ZogGfrom root01:30
SpeedEvilyes, apps can cause X load when invisible01:30
ZogGyou will see all mount you have01:30
SpeedEvilstrace any active apps01:30
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ZogGthat you can use umount blahblah01:30
astruasdhZogG ya... but is there a command to umount all mounted?01:30
astruasdhZogG because the easy-chroot "mount -bind"'s many places01:31
ZogGSpeedEvil still i didn't have much apps running01:31
ZogGastruasdh umount01:31
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hjjghi everybody01:31
ZogGastruasdh umount /dev/blahblah or umount /home/anydir01:31
jacekowskiumount only umounts mounts from /etc/fstab with -a01:31
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astruasdhZogG ya, but I have to umount 7 dirs all the time?01:31
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astruasdhZogG I saw qumount, but it is not working properly01:31
jacekowskiastruasdh: why do you want to umount them?01:31
astruasdhjacekowski to power down my n900 safely01:32
tremnite all, sweet dreams01:32
ZogGastruasdh you can use grep to make the trcik01:32
SpeedEvilastruasdh: they auto-unmount01:32
jacekowskiastruasdh: just power it down01:32
jacekowskiastruasdh: it will umount it01:32
MohammadAG51umount -l / doesn't end nice01:32
ZogGnot sure how but you can check the mount list for some search filters and run umount on them01:32
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jacekowskiastruasdh: init umounts based on /proc/mounts01:32
astruasdhSpeedEvil hmmm even if when the n900 is shutted down when the battery ends?01:33
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SpeedEvilastruasdh: yes01:33
jacekowskiastruasdh: and syncs before that01:33
SpeedEvilastruasdh: that's done cleanly01:33
SpeedEvilastruasdh: unless you've stopped BME01:33
astruasdhso I dont have to umount01:33
MohammadAG51the battery isn't empty when it's "empty"01:33
SpeedEvilastruasdh: There is lots of power really left when the battery is empty01:33
SpeedEvilaround 5%01:33
jacekowski5% isn't a lot01:33
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MohammadAG51it lasted me an hour01:33
MohammadAG51with bme off01:33
MohammadAG51and 3G connected (yes, really)01:34
astruasdhso I have nothing to worry about01:34
astruasdhquserchroot is all I need01:34
jacekowskihmm, i think i'll have to think about patching that as well01:34
astruasdhthank you :)01:34
MohammadAG51jacekowski, why01:34
MohammadAG51it's a safety measure01:34
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: Must have been idle01:35
astruasdhis it possible to use zoom under easy-debian's apps?01:35
jacekowskito get more juice out of battery01:35
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opdf2eh fuck Extra Decoders has been updating for more than 30 minutes01:35
MohammadAG51that's like saying overclock users' N900s to make them run faster01:35
MohammadAG51and that's not optional01:35
jacekowskiwell, that's just killing battery01:35
jacekowskiwhich in my case is almost dead anyways01:36
MohammadAG51the modem dies first01:36
MohammadAG51(sim crossed out icon)01:36
jacekowskii'm just thinking about moving that limit little bit lower01:36
SpeedEvilit's relatively little. About 10 mins active01:37
SpeedEviland maybe 2-3 with the modem able to work01:37
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astruasdhI made my own debian image with debootstrap and I'm running apps. But the symbol's virtual keyboard (-> + Sym) does not appear when I have some debian's app focused. Is there some trick to make the virtual symbol's keyboard to appear in this scenario?01:38
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anairdahey guys, did anyone tried the udds request after latest nokia n900 firmare update which supposelly corrects this bug?01:38
MohammadAG51which works01:39
mecewow.. apparently QAbstractKineticScroller is borked on QPlainTextEdit!01:39
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MohammadAG51ironically when you get a reply it goes into landscape mode01:39
meceworks perfectly on QTextEdit.01:40
anairdayeah unstructured supp service data.... my bad... but it seems that it doesnt01:40
anairdaor i am a totally freak01:40
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anairdai mean if i call the *#60# for divice imei address works01:42
anairdaother like setting the voicemail timing doesnt01:42
anairdaget the same old: "service code unsupported"01:43
meceok... I think qlister is ready to be promoted.01:43
MohammadAG51anairda, it's *#06#01:43
MohammadAG51and that works since 1.101:43
anairdayeah but nothing changed since then01:43
MohammadAG51and you don't call it, it's not a ussd function, it's just a sw call01:43
astruasdhusing the maemo's default browser I can zoom in and out. This same zoom in/out can be used on iceweasel from easy-debian ?01:44
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MohammadAG51i can make ussd widgets here01:44
MohammadAG51astruasdh, no01:44
solrizewoah, nokia drops n900 price by almost $200... new model coming soon?01:44
anairdabut they said will be embeded in the latest firmware update01:44
mecesolrize, wha?01:44
MohammadAG51still a wallet breaker around here :P01:44
MohammadAG51anairda, and they did01:44
astruasdhMohammadAG51> ty :) can I use the symbol's virtual keyboard (-> + Sym) on the iceweasel?01:45
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MohammadAG51astruasdh, most probably not :)01:45
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MohammadAG51unless qole adds it somehow01:45
astruasdhgot it01:45
MohammadAG51if he does plan to do that it won't be easy01:45
astruasdhty! :) so I will need to solve my problem with language settings01:45
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MohammadAG51astruasdh, or remp keys :)01:46
astruasdhMohammadAG51 what is remp keys?01:46
mc_teowhy does flash need to be updated?01:47
MohammadAG51on my N900, check the wiki astruasdh01:47
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astruasdhMohammadAG51 got it... remap keys... is it?01:47
mc_teoi get an error, saying flash needs to be updated01:47
MohammadAG51mc_teo, where?01:48
mc_teowhen i view a flash video01:48
MohammadAG51flash got upgraded to 10 then01:49
Viliny__crashanddie: you here?01:49
mc_teosaid i need to update flash, turn on javascript, or add googleapis to whitelist01:49
crashanddieViliny__: aye01:49
Viliny__got a simple math problem if aren't doing anything important :)01:50
mc_teoMohammadAG51: how should i update it then?01:50
DocScrutinizer51cna anybody with 1.2 please check if *#100#, *100#, *31#<telnr> andm #31#<telnr> work?01:50
Viliny__doc hold on ill try01:50
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BugBlueDocScrutinizer51: for me it works..01:50
DocScrutinizer51all 4?01:50
BugBlueat least some USSD codes worked01:50
BugBlueI did not test them all01:50
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, imll check01:51
MohammadAG51#x# yes01:51
DocScrutinizer51I bet *some* do actually work01:51
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MohammadAG51*xx# works01:51
mc_teoMohammadAG51: how should i update it then?01:51
BugBlue*#100# doesn't work for me, my operator doesn't support it01:52
DocScrutinizer51but I doubt Nokia did a complete clean implementation ;-P01:52
MohammadAG51mc_teo, flash 10 isn't coming01:52
DocScrutinizer51BugBlue: doesn't matter01:52
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MohammadAG51BugBlue, but it was requested01:52
DocScrutinizer51then it'll read "not done" os sth liie that01:52
mc_teo*#100# is my networks balance checkup01:52
MohammadAG51*00# is roaming crap01:53
BugBluemy operator doesn't do a lot of USSD codes, they have a website you've have to have flash installed for of course etc...01:53
mc_teo*#100# works for me01:53
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DocScrutinizer51*31#NR will send the own number to far end on a call01:54
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: how you can make partial implementation of these codes?01:54
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, somehow i doubt it works in call01:54
DocScrutinizer51I can - it's easy01:54
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, it works in call, just call a new number01:56
jacekowskihmmm, how to verify that i really have 5V on usb01:56
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DocScrutinizer51max madness? '#31#+4199999w*p33'; from contacts01:56
jacekowskiwithout a meter01:56
MohammadAG51jacekowski, use something that requires 5V?01:56
crashanddieViliny__: I'm half asleep but sure. Still waiting for your equation though.01:56
MohammadAG51flash stick + led should do01:57
jacekowskiwell, i don't have other parts of it01:57
* crashanddie rolls a fag01:57
* crashanddie throws some tobacco at lcuk01:57
jacekowskii'm just hacking bme01:57
crashanddieomfg, lcuk isn't in the channel/01:57
mc_teo#31#number just blocks your number from sending01:57
MohammadAG51lcuk's away01:57
crashanddie~seen lcuk01:57
infobotlcuk <~user@Maemo/community/contributor/lcuk> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3d 22h 32m 31s ago, saying: 'gnite'.01:57
MohammadAG51he pops in sometimes01:57
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MohammadAG51~seen lcukn90001:57
infobotlcukn900 <~lcuk@> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 22h 22m 49s ago, saying: '\o night'.01:57
DocScrutinizer51mc_teo: if it really does that's fine01:58
jacekowskicrashanddie: that's end of the world01:58
MohammadAG512 hours left then01:58
jacekowskihmm, i'm just wondering01:58
* crashanddie goes into anaphylactic shock.01:58
jacekowskiif he's still in the UK01:58
jacekowskiwhat sort of holiday is it01:58
MohammadAG51ZogG, any ideas where i can get a bh-505 in il? and don't say import, i have less than 14 days01:58
mc_teoDocScrutinizer: well i didnt try it, but thats been used in ireland for years to block number sending01:59
jacekowskiMohammadAG51: il as illinois or something else?01:59
DocScrutinizer51mc_teo: yesyes but that's not the topic here01:59
crashanddieisn't the bh505 like ridiculously bad?01:59
crashanddiejacekowski: think the guys who have been kicking the arabs' collective ass for the past 2000 years02:00
DocScrutinizer51mc_teo: the question is: has this bug been fixed for good in 1.2?02:00
jacekowskicrashanddie: israel02:01
ZogGMohammadAG51 no, if you would buy it than you would have it by now, and why 14 days, are you gonna explode? =)02:01
jacekowskicrashanddie: but they were kicking they butts for last 100 years02:01
jacekowskithere was no israel before then02:01
MohammadAG51nah, off for the holidays02:01
jacekowskiand besides, i've read that almost everybody there have polish ancestors02:02
MohammadAG51jacekowski, and you are?02:02
jacekowskiwell, polish02:02
MohammadAG51living in?02:03
crashanddiejacekowski: whether it's called zion or medinat yisra'el (or dawlat isra'il for MohammadAG51) doesn't really matter, does it?02:03
mc_teoDocScrutinizer: that was a bug? i thought it just didnt like my network provider02:03
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jacekowskiMohammadAG51: so, is it true or some bs?02:04
crashanddiejacekowski: more likely to be the other way around02:04
MohammadAG51what is?02:04
jacekowskithat almost everybody living in israel has polish ancestors02:05
opdf2Extras Decoders froze during update so I took the battery out. I turned on the phone and it resumed the update while on the Nokia screen02:05
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DocScrutinizer51mc_teo: why do you think I'm asking somebody with 1.2 to test all that?02:05
crashanddiejacekowski: it's a very big generalisation, and a bad one at that. You might want to look up zionism, the first aliyah and the second aliyah.02:06
jacekowskiat the moment i'm reading BME code02:07
DocScrutinizer51especially the p and w and , operators I bet aren't yet supported02:07
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crashanddiejacekowski: between the first and second world war, two further aliyahs happened, which brought another 100k jews to the area, second world war is covered under the 5th aliyah, but we all know it wasn't anything religious, and just a "oh shit, they're cooking people if I stay here"02:08
jacekowskiyeah, something like that02:08
Viliny__crashanddie: i pmed you02:08
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DocScrutinizer51where p = wait for connect, w= wait for silence, and , = pause for 0.5(?)s02:08
jacekowskibut the thing is that apparently after 2nd world war half of people there were speaking polish02:09
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MohammadAG51<jacekowski> that almost everybody living in israel has polish ancestors02:10
MohammadAG51the fsck if i know lol02:10
MohammadAG51i don't xD02:10
* ZogG mp> [1280x544 avc1 23.976fps]02:10
jacekowskiMohammadAG51: were you adopted?02:10
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jacekowskithat was stupid comment02:11
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MohammadAG51jacekowski, no02:11
jacekowskihow do you know02:12
jacekowskithat reminds me02:12
jacekowskicouple years ago i asked my parents if i were adopted02:12
jacekowskiand they never denied it02:12
MohammadAG51what made you ask that q02:12
jacekowskii've got no idea02:13
jacekowskii remember that i told that to my younger sister later on02:13
jacekowskiand she started do cry02:13
jacekowskiwell, i've told here that she was adopted02:13
astruasdhMohammadAG51 worked perfectly! ty!02:15
mc_teoso any ideas how i could update flash02:18
MohammadAG51<jacekowski> well, i've told here that she was adopted02:20
MohammadAG51i wouldn't have done that02:21
MohammadAG51at least until she's +18yo02:21
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jacekowskiwell, she wasn't adopted02:21
jacekowskii just said it because i could02:22
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MohammadAG51that's... not a smart thing to do02:22
jacekowski( i have much longer history of antisocial behaviour )02:22
MohammadAG51how old are you anyways02:22
jacekowski20 at the moment02:22
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crashanddiewhat brother/sister didn't tell each other they were adopted?02:25
MohammadAG51heh, opposite of what i expected02:25
crashanddieI mean, seriously.02:25
crashanddiejacekowski: btw, the "at the moment" shows how childish you really are :)02:26
crashanddieMost kids stop saying that around age 10-1202:26
konfootsk tsk02:26
jacekowskior that means i'll be 21 in couple minutes02:26
jacekowskiwell, in 30 days02:26
crashanddiein a couple months, will you say 20 and 3/4?02:27
MohammadAG51no, he'll say 20 and 5/402:27
jacekowskii'm not that childish02:27
* MohammadAG51 estimates crashanddie's age02:27
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jacekowskiMohammadAG51: is 51 your age or year you were born?02:28
WolfieThis is totally off topic, but could I bother someone with Internet Explorer at their disposal? No other channel seems to be alive at this time of the day02:28
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MohammadAG51jacekowski, neither02:28
*** crashanddie sets mode: +b *!*user@unaffiliated/mcteo/x-95173502:28
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Wolfiei'd need to get a website quickly IE-checked02:28
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jacekowskiWolfie: what exploit you want me to try02:28
MohammadAG51what was it?02:28
Wolfiewell, rather a widget02:28
crashanddieMohammadAG51: checks your browser history and sends it to the guy02:29
MohammadAG51how is that even useful...02:29
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: could you check if *#62* etc works with 1.2? Also **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#. See - thanks :-)02:29
crashanddieyeah, using some javascript thing that was demonstrated on slashdot some time ago02:29
jacekowskicrashanddie: it doesn't work very well02:29
crashanddieMohammadAG51: "have you been on naughty websites lately???"02:29
Wolfiejacekowski: exploit?02:29
jacekowskicrashanddie: it said that i've not visited any porn sites recently02:29
MohammadAG51crashanddie, hmm, private browsing ftw02:29
crashanddiejacekowski: doesn't work on safari in private mode, anyway02:29
jacekowskiWolfie: i'm not sure if you know02:30
crashanddieanyway, refering websites are forbidden02:30
jacekowskiWolfie: but ie has long history of security flaws02:30
jacekowskiWolfie: and let you browse internet from your computer02:30
Wolfiejacekowski: i'm just interested in how it renders stuff, and interprets the javascript ;)02:30
jacekowskiWolfie: and your computer from the internet02:30
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, it does02:31
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jacekowskiWolfie: go on02:31
jacekowskiWolfie: link02:31
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DocScrutinizerand you get reasonable answer in a popup window?02:31
mc_teothat wasnt very nice02:31
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jacekowskimc_teo: we don't watch porn here you pervert02:31
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crashanddietypo fail02:31
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MohammadAG51indeed, i'd correct it if i were you02:32
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* crashanddie rolls a fag02:33
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infobotwell, flashing is
MohammadAG51crashanddie, (BH-505) not sure, but I'm not buying the BH-905, it's a bit expensive02:37
crashanddiewoah, dude that's some lag02:38
crashanddiebullet time response?02:38
MohammadAG51nah, just forgot about it02:39
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jacekowskii just restarted my phone again02:41
MohammadAG51+b = ban02:41
MohammadAG51where are images for app start ups stored?02:41
jacekowskihmm, not restarted, just killed02:41
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astruasdhthe character c can be '+c. I found just "ccedilla"... what is the name of the ' that can be combined with c to result in ç ?02:44
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crashanddieastruasdh: cedilla02:45
DocScrutinizerno, the last char was shown as c-cedillia here, but '+a is accute02:46
DocScrutinizera-acute here02:46
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crashanddieeh? Are we talking about c with hook under it or about an a with an accent on it?02:48
astruasdhDocScrutinizer thank you... I wanna use ' to be both, acute and cedilla. is it possible?02:50
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comet_SpeedEvil please tell me you dont use irc through tor?02:52
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DocScrutinizerastruasdh: nope03:00
DocScrutinizercomet_: you bet he does :-D03:03
Andy80anyone of you uses QtCreator?03:06
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astruasdhis the phone application that n900 uses to make phone calls open-source?03:06
ali12341not last time i checked03:06
astruasdhhmmm at lease is there some documentation about the api to make phone calls?03:07
konfooandy: yes, started to03:08
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caoticCan anyone tell me the path of the 'N900' directory  ?03:12
Andy80konfoo: do you know how to use Git from QtCreator?03:12
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konfooandy: nope havent done any revision control through it, sorry03:17
konfooandy: doing any qtscript?03:17
astruasdhdo u know the library responsible for the phone calls?03:18
Andy80konfoo: no... working to a qt/c++ project, just started....03:18
konfooandy: compared to xcode/eclipse(android) i'm liking the ide, a lot03:19
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ptlHi... I've finally made something that put my device in a reboot loop, although it was a simple script for loading the battery module for titan's kernel03:24
ptlhow can I get out of the reboot loop sort of reflashing?03:24
ptlI've just copied the 'welcome' script to a script that does a modprobe, then put it in /usr/local/bin, then symbolic-linked it to /etc/event.d03:25
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ptlI've put the device in RD mode03:28
ptlhow do I reboot now?03:28
jacekowskii need some help03:28
ptlhey jacekowski03:28
ptlhow's it going?03:29
jacekowskifrom somebody who has working wifi at home and03:29
MohammadAG51ptl, why did you put it into R&D mode03:29
jacekowskissh on phone03:29
* MohammadAG51 has that03:29
ptlMohammadAG51: I am checking if I can do anything to remove that event.d script03:29
ptlMohammadAG51: can't R&D mode help me on that?03:29
ptlI've disabled the watchdogs.03:29
jacekowskihmm, nvm03:29
jacekowskii forgot03:29
ptlhow can I choose the boot mode?03:29
jacekowskii can do it without wifi03:29
MohammadAG51flasher-3.5 -R03:29
ptlit says 'boot mode: normal'03:29
ptlyep, I did that03:30
ptlbut it is in the reboot loop again :/03:30
MohammadAG51that's always normal03:30
ptlIs there anything that can be done?03:30
ptlsort of reflashing.03:30
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Macerhow do i use f keya in temrm?03:31
Maceru want to use mc03:31
Macerfunction keys03:32
Maceri want :)03:32
asj_ptl: you could turn on the serial console and see why...unfortunatly you don't have a serial port03:32
MohammadAG51there is a serial port03:32
ptlAnd I can't use USB as a serial port, right?03:32
MohammadAG51next to the battery pins03:32
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asj_MohammadAG51: heh, only if they sold the mfg jigs ;)03:33
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SpeedEvilcomet_: I don't use IRC through tor.03:33
SpeedEvilasj: they do03:33
Macerthere is no way to do it?03:33
SpeedEvilasj_: To nokia approved service centres.03:33
Macerxterm doesnt have very many options03:33
ptlSo, no options to me, people?03:33
SpeedEvilasj_: I haven't investigated how to become one, as I suspect it may be hard to do free.03:33
Maceri remember being able to add macros to the bar03:33
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: naah03:33
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, aren't they generic?03:33
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: _way_ back, I was running a tor exit node.03:34
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: no03:34
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: for a few days.03:34
asj_SpeedEvil: I bet it varies per country, I'm guessing in India it might be easier than say AU or USA03:34
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: this got me blacklisted on freenode.03:34
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: After I stopped, lilo gave me a tor/* mask - as it was apparantly the easiest way to curcumvent the block that was due to an old list of exit nodes.03:35
asj_SpeedEvil: that was a long time ago03:35
Maceri need to find out how to add fn keys to xterm03:35
Macerthere has to be a way to do it03:35
Macermake it work like ctrl does03:35
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: haha nice03:35
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SpeedEvilasj: a moderately long time ago. Hence the appearance of Lilo in the story.03:35
Macerwhere it locks down and you can just hit numbers :(03:36
SpeedEvilMacer: there was a post on tmo03:36
Macerknow where?03:36
asj_SpeedEvil: I'm trying to remember when he died, must have been 04-05?03:36
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SpeedEvilI think 0703:36
MacerSpeedEvil: i will look when i get home03:36
asj_SpeedEvil: ah my bad03:36
Maceri am out now03:37
Macerah well. ok. thanks03:37
SpeedEvil06 even.03:37
SpeedEvil macer03:37
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, so it doesn't follow specs?03:37
SpeedEvilLook at quoles post03:37
SpeedEvilhowever you spell it...03:38
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: ?03:38
MohammadAG51i.e if i can get you what it uses, you can't get it from some site?03:38
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: It is a nonstandard box, that's connected to the nonstandard pads. You certainly can make something that will connect to those pads if you have the right gear.03:39
SpeedEvilI hope to be doing more hardware and software hacking, including exposing what the pads are soon.03:39
SpeedEvilIt is not a standard JTAG wiggler forec03:40
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DocScrutinizer51testpads? you tried to figure what they are? fsckng Nokia EE erased them from schem :-/03:43
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MohammadAG51 03:47:32 up  2:41, load average: 14.98, 10.39, 4.8403:48
MohammadAG51happens in seconds ^03:48
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astruasdhis media player supposed to play a wma internet radio?03:53
MohammadAG51Isn't that Windows Media Audio03:53
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astruasdhMohammadAG51 I really dont know the acronym :( it is just a link with the file ending in .wma03:54
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astruasdhMohammadAG51 probably is this wma that u told03:54
MohammadAG51never used wma, but i have a feeling it's not supported03:55
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MohammadAG51astruasdh, wma works here03:56
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astruasdhMohammadAG51 should I download an specific app for that?03:56
MohammadAG51he left :/03:57
MohammadAG51o/ lcukn90003:57
lcukn900heya moh03:57
MohammadAG51crashanddie was looking for you03:57
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lcukn900crashanddie ping03:59
opdf2I'm getting "bus error" when trying to run erminig. Any help?04:00
MohammadAG51he left04:00
lcukn900ahh well will catch him later04:00
astruasdhis there some option in the internet radio tool to remove a link, or I need to edit some conf. file manually?04:01
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lcukn900what have i missed then04:02
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* lcukn900 ponders04:07
b-man|n900hey lcukn90004:08
lcukn900heya bman04:08
lcukn900you are in #liqbase too :p04:08
lcukn900i need to do something with the maps04:09
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lcukn900whats best turn by turn directions on 900 nowadays04:10
lcukn900tracy misses todd from the 810 and we cant get license authenticated atm04:10
SwedeMikelcukn900: is there anything else than the built in ovi maps?04:10
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lcukn900yes but ive not tested them04:11
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lcukn900but i need to try something04:11
lcukn900if mapping and routing could be done on amiga it should be viable on 900 rlyrlyrly well04:12
* SpeedEvil stabs his internets.04:12
lcukn900damn my lighters are empty04:12
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SwedeMikenext time I am on an windows device I'll use map downloader, would be nice to have more complete maps actually on the device to speed up things04:14
SwedeMikeotoh I tend to not use the map thing so much, since it uses enormous amounts of cpu (and thus power hungry)04:15
lcukn900moh did i hear right that by stripping the usb code from the driver that hostmode without cable alteration is working?04:15
ScifiAnyone facing a problem with Nokia Messaging these days? The automatic sync is asking for password each time and doesn't actually sync anything.04:15
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lcukn900i need to look at osm maps or the data format used by ovi maps04:16
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SpeedEvillcukn900: not quite04:17
SpeedEvillcukn900: it's a bt more involved than that04:17
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SpeedEvillcukn900: But it's in progress.04:18
SpeedEvillcukn900: The ideal is to get it to the stage where you need a F-F adaptor and the stock cable, and it 'just works'.04:18
lcukn900soeedevil cool ok will read up when i get properly online04:18
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lcukn900yeah sure04:18
lcukn900like it was on 810 etc04:19
Termanagood morning04:19
MohammadAG51lcukn900, it worked for me, no one could reproduce it04:19
SpeedEvilDid 810 supply power - I forget.04:19
SpeedEvilWell - I don't.04:20
SpeedEvilI never knew, as I diddn't have one.04:20
lcukn900speedevil it did otg, so 100ma04:21
lcukn900just enough to power some keyboards etc04:21
SpeedEviln900 is twice as good!04:21
lcukn900amusingly my keyboard worked until i chorded a group of keys and took the drain over 10004:22
lcukn900n900 is more than twice as good anyway04:23
lcukn900moh you are proving once again you are special04:23
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lcukn900holy crap 1740 emails04:24
lcukn900its only been 5 days04:24
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b-man|n900i get that much in a year xD04:25
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opdf2Do I need to reflash because I'm gettin Bus error04:25
lcukn900opdf2 explain more04:26
opdf2ran erminig from xterm, than it says "Bus error"04:27
opdf2yesterday it was working fine, no erminig updates04:27
ptlHow do I open/read osso-abook databases?04:27
lcukn900tried rebooting?04:27
lcukn900ptl from where and what purpose?04:28
opdf2yeah and un/reinstall04:28
lcukn900if its just to be nosey offline they are sqlite04:28
ptllcukn900: from my ubuntu laptop, it seems I have some corrupted addressbook records and I'd like to rescue just 2 contacts.04:28
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ptlI've copied .osso-abook to a temp directory.04:29
ptlno clue?04:30
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lcukn900opdf2 someone else experienced it in tmo today04:30
lcukn900did it just get updated?04:30
SpeedEvilAnyone having problems logging into
lcukn900ie could it be a fault of dev version04:30
ptllcukn900: sqlite? it seems berkeley db04:31
lcukn900im sure someone aid sqlite04:31
ptladdressbook.db:      Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)04:31
lcukn900maybe then lol perhaps im thinking of different db04:32
* lcukn900 ponders it being the sms database04:33
MohammadAG51<lcukn900> moh you are proving once again you are special04:33
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SpeedEvilThe SMS db is sql04:34
lcukn900eventlogger one yeah04:34
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MohammadAG51If only i could set all entries in it as read04:35
lcukn900cant you?04:37
MohammadAG51not with the convos app04:38
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SpeedEvilIs down for anyone else?04:38
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MohammadAG51down for me too04:39
SpeedEvilURL is too long.04:39
SpeedEvilAnd yes, I should.04:40
ScifiAnyone facing a problem with Nokia Messaging these days? The automatic sync is asking for password each time and doesn't actually sync anything04:40
MohammadAG51my bad04:40
MohammadAG51Scifi, worksforme04:41
SpeedEvilIt doesn't do https04:41
ScifiMohammadAG51: Thx,  is there any log to check what is the error with Nokia Messaging?04:41
MohammadAG51not sure how to check it though04:41
ScifiSorry what is camel? is that an app?04:42
MohammadAG51you can get a camel log, it's related to the email app, how, i'm not sure04:42
MohammadAG51search for a bug on bugs.maemo.org04:42
MohammadAG51it will prolly have camel in it04:43
Scifiok will do. Thx04:43
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MohammadAG51 might help04:45
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SpeedEvilOh no!04:51
lcukn900crap wrong chan04:52
MohammadAG51maybe i2c borked it :P04:52
MohammadAG51lcukn900, it happens :P04:52
lcukn900yeah indeed on here anywa04:53
MohammadAG51how do i shut up the birds outside04:53
njsf_MohammadAG51: BB gun ?04:53
MohammadAG51any silenced versions?04:54
njsf_hmmm sound was part of the effect to silence them, so I guess not :D04:54
MohammadAG51at 5AM?04:54
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: angrybirds?04:55
* MohammadAG51 gets the piglets04:55
SpeedEvilI suggest an array of properly phased microwave sources04:55
MohammadAG51i wonder if the stock headphones are comfy to sleep with04:56
SpeedEvilThat are properly phased to create a peak of power on top of the bird, causing it to burst into (largely silent) flame.04:56
MohammadAG51probably not04:56
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lcukn900gnite #maemo04:59
MohammadAG51gnite lcukn90004:59
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GAN900The mwkn/SSU visibility thread is still leaving me scratching my head.05:04
* MohammadAG51 gets a huge knife05:04
MohammadAG51can get rid of the head part, if you want05:05
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astruasdhi installed audacious (a mp3 player) in a debian image with easy-chroot. What I need to change to make the sound work? maybe some alsa conf, I dunno...05:12
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MohammadAG51afaik debian chroot apps don't work05:13
astruasdhMohammadAG51 it is working for me... I'm using atm openoffice, iceweasel and xchat... the audacious opened, but there is no sound05:14
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MohammadAG51missed the sound part05:14
MohammadAG51afaik sound in* debian chroot apps doesn't work05:14
DocScrutinizer51debian chroot xchat???05:15
MohammadAG51sorry, it's 5AM :)05:15
MohammadAG51why the heck not05:15
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MohammadAG51i'm off05:15
MohammadAG51for the night, or the morning05:15
MohammadAG51Night :)05:16
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG51: do something useful, build the plugins for xchat :-D05:16
MohammadAG51what plugins?05:16
MohammadAG51gotta go :P05:17
* MohammadAG51 leaves xchat running05:17
DocScrutinizer51python for example05:17
astruasdhDocScrutinizer ya... with debootstrap i created the armel debian's image, and then chrooted and apt-get install xchat05:17
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, nuke IL if i'm not here in 6 hours05:17
MohammadAG51Night o/05:17
DocScrutinizer51why nuke?05:18
MohammadAG51emergency siren05:18
MohammadAG51should wake me up05:18
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MohammadAG51Night :P05:18
DocScrutinizer51I want py plugins for xchat!!! baaah05:19
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DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG51: night05:20
DocScrutinizer51xchat help says python interpreter usually comes by default with xchat. screwit05:22
DocScrutinizer51I refuse explicitly to learn perl for coding a xchat script05:24
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astruasdhI'm installing a lxde desktop in a easy-chroot image. is there some specific configuration that I should care about?05:36
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astruasdhwhat does easy-debian icon do to start the lxde?05:59
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Dassuastruasdh: Launches everything necessary for the lxde in the debian chroot06:03
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astruasdhDassu ya... but /tmp was -bind in the chroot environment... so a startx will not help. do u know the trick?06:05
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Dassuastruasdh: what do you mean by "bind" ?06:10
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luke-jrDassu: mount --bind06:29
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astruasdhgrrr I'll break my n900! hehe I am being defeated by lxde106:31
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PavelEver since I upgraded to PR1.2, CTRL-SHIFT-I to turn on reflow mode in the browser doesn't work. Has anyone else experienced this?06:43
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astruasdhhoorraayyyy worked with xnest06:51
ham5works not on all websites06:51
ham5"If you change the Text Size in the browser options to Large it will always automatically reflow the text. Personally, I think this should be a separate option no matter what the text size. "06:52
astruasdhwhat is the easy-debian's magic to be able to play music?06:57
astruasdhtype_t hmmm I'm using chroot in a custom debian image, and there is no way to play some music!06:59
astruasdhtype_t do u know what is the trick?06:59
konfoowoo zeemote in hand!06:59
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SwedeMikeastruasdh: install mplayer or some other command line player?07:00
Pavelham5: When I press SHIFT+CTRL+I, it brings up the location bar. Though, it just toggled after the latest attempt... Weird.07:01
astruasdhSwedeMike hmmm not really. I installed audacious07:02
astruasdhI'm installing mplayer now07:02
SwedeMikeastruasdh: that's what I use normally on my desktop, but it wasn't evident from your question what you were after.07:02
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: don't nuke anything if I'm *not* here in 6 hours :-P07:04
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: I know that will be hard for you, but at least try not to nuke too much07:04
Pavelham5: I wonder if someone could write a browser plugin that changes the text font size from a keyboard shortcut or gesture.07:05
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SwedeMikePavel: that would be really nice, I often feel I want to change the font size but it's too much of a hassle07:05
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PavelI mean, CTRL+= and CTRL+- in Firefox and others don't zoom in or out, they just change the baseline font size.07:07
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asj_lol, wife is calling every place around trying to find an ipad in stock, women07:12
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astruasdhSwedeMike I think the chroot is not being able to access the audio... mplayer cried about many things... one of them was about the /dev/dsp that does not exist07:13
asj_astruasdh: /dev/dsp has to exist in the chrooted environment, but even in that case, pulseaudio has it open and it couldn;t talk to it anyways07:14
SwedeMikeastruasdh: sounds about right, sounds like you need to use pulse or something else that doesnt need file directly07:14
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astruasdhhmmm what should I do? install some pulse apps in the chrooted debian?07:15
asj_nope totatly the wong path07:16
astruasdhwhat do u suggest me?07:16
asj_read up  chroot07:18
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astruasdheverything is working fine... lxde with xnest, openoffice, xchat, iceweasel. The only trouble is the sound!07:19
astruasdhthe problem is not /dev, because this dir is -bind'ed07:23
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Ro9u3orhello im trying to install kismet on my n900 can anyone help me08:10
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astruasdhhow can I play a music inside a debian image (easy-chrooted)?09:20
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jacekowskihmm, it looks like BME is using smbus to talk to whatever it is talking to11:35
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Gadgetoid_iMacChocolate bread on the go, whee!11:37
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xim_anyone get evopedia working with a dump?  I cant get the evopedia program to select the dump directory, after I extract the dump, and navigate to the folder in evopedia, it just looks inside the folder for some file it isnt finding11:47
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SpeedEvilxim_: strace?12:10
xim_SpeedEvil, ??12:12
SpeedEvilto work out the file12:12
xim_its more like an interface problem, like when you have a "choose a directory" dialog, and you click the directory and rather than choosing it it just goes into it, and theres no explicit "select" button12:14
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xim_evopedia settings are done through a web interface12:14
xim_not than any file is really missing, i just cant get it to select the directory rather than navigating inside it12:16
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ShapeshifterBummer. It seems to be impossible to generate "every x <interval>" events using the python libalarm bindings. e.g. every 4 minutes.12:20
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SpeedEvilxim_: you could find out which file it wants, and put it there I meant12:36
SpeedEvilhowever - you have reported a bug?12:36
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valdynxim_: the button showing the directory is the "select" button12:42
moo---_is there a "ringtone" api of any kind to set ringtones?12:45
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SpeedEvilI vaguely recall that this can be done through dbus.12:45
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SpeedEvilOr was it gconf.12:45
SpeedEvilOn reflection, please ignore me, I am quite ignorant on this aspect of the device.12:46
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lcukquite satisfying to make my own desktop background with pure blue sky and rolling hills :)13:05
opdf2is "Bus error" related to python dependency problem?13:07
BCMMis the phone app open source?13:07
lcukopdf2, stull having problems?13:07
opdf2yeah I cant figure it out13:08
lcukdid you see the postings online about your app problem and bus error?13:08
opdf2yeah but the author hasn't replied13:08
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lcukwhat app is it13:09
opdf2maybe something is wrong with my python-dbus13:09
opdf2the app is erminig13:09
lcukthats possible13:09
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lcukopdf2, file a bug
lcukauthor does seem to respond better than reading a thread13:12
opdf2Looks like I will file a bug if I can't find anything else13:13
lcukwell its something thats been identified by more than just you, when did it start?13:13
lcukafter updating anything? (his app, pr1.2? something else)?13:13
opdf2I OTA 1.2 and erminig was working fine until today13:14
opdf2I must have updated another app13:15
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opdf2which screwed with erminig13:15
lcukso it was working after you OTA pr1.2?13:15
lcukor its not worked since13:15
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petteriafter pr1.2 sometimes after boot my n900 seems to be really slow, as it would not have enough memory. Reboot seems to fix the problem. Anyone else have this problem?13:16
opdf2lcuk:  It was working after I ota 1.213:17
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lcukgood to hear, then i suggest you file a bug13:20
lbt  timeline doesn't mention the 1.2 SDK13:21
lcukheya lbt13:22
* lbt thought I should do something with the new SDK13:22
opdf2hmm just noticed somethin. tried to sudo gainroot and it says "Enable RD mode if you want to break your device"13:27
opdf2I've never gotten this message b4 with gainroot13:27
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Triztopdf2; did you flash pr1.2?13:28
lcuklbt, like what13:28
opdf2Trizt:  yeah OTA13:28
lcukTrizt, he OTAd but that doesnt explain lack of gainrooting, opdf2 reinstall rootsh13:29
lcukRST38h, haye13:29
opdf2lcuk:  okay13:29
Triztopdf2; okey OTA shouldn't unistall anything, I second lcuk13:29
opdf2hmm I guess it was uninstalled when I OTA13:30
SpeedEvilIs there a list of what daemons do/13:34
SpeedEvilWhat's ohmd?13:34
RST38hmoo, lcuk13:34
ZogGOTA srewed up , flashing ftw13:34
RST38hThe Cyrillic Keyboard Layout Switch Finally Defeated!!!13:34
RST38hThanks to a new guy on the block, too13:34
ZogGRST38h do you use cyrillic on hw?13:35
RST38hZogG: As of today, I do.13:35
ZogGi don't13:35
* Trizt wish there was some good menu for maemo13:35
RST38hZogG: That is because you cannot =)13:35
ZogGonly on vkrbd13:35
lbtlcuk: well, upgrade sbox  to start with ;)13:35
ZogGRST38h, why can't i?13:35
lbtI'm on Diablo I think....13:35
RST38hWell, try13:35
lcuklbt seems like a reasonable thing lol13:35
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lcuktho i used diablo for ages to build13:36
RST38hYou have got a device with all four arrow keys in place, right?13:36
lcukinfact i had chinook afaik13:36
fralswelcome back lcuk o/13:36
lcukhiya frals, ty13:36
RST38hlcuk: Do not tell me you are no longer building on the native hw... =)13:36
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ZogGRST38h, it remapps my english keyboard and i dont like it, as well as there are no place on hw keybrd it remap arrows to letters =(13:36
lcukRST38h, that was before i started13:36
lcukbut why shouldnt i tell you :p13:36
opdf2okay looks like it has to do something with dbus,
lcukim thinking about it more than ever now theres space on pr1.2 ;)13:37
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lcukbuild-essential fits nicely13:37
fralshow much does it take?13:37
lcuktoo much lol13:37
fralswould be nice if i could package on device without having to start virtualbox13:37
SpeedEvilSilly lcuk.13:37
lcuki wanted to optify them but its in the sdk13:38
SpeedEvilPut it in a chroot!13:38
lcukim going to SpeedEvil13:38
lcukbut it has to be deployable easily13:38
fralsalso, never, ever import gtk in python if its a app/plugin that should be always on13:38
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lcukand i was hoping to use natural stuff so same install works cross platform13:38
fralsright lcuk once you made it easy to deploy send me the deployment files so i can use em ;)13:39
SpeedEvilIs there a clean and sane way to do this though.13:39
SpeedEvilFor example - any random libraries you need to install while compiling won't be optified13:39
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lcukwell thats where the optify-boottime idea initially came from, i wanted include folder to be optified wholesale13:40
lcukas well as liqbase lol13:40
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lcuksomeone said the footprint for build-essential was 30mb13:41
lcukbuild-dep for liqbase is small and light13:41
RST38hZogG: Basically, that has been worked around13:41
lcukand compile time for the smallish apps people want is about 10 seconds total13:41
lcuk~2seconds per module13:41
SpeedEvilEven the kernel is quite managable13:41
SpeedEvil3 hours only13:41
RST38hZogG: Check this out: bug #250113:41
povbot`Bug Hardware keyboard doesn't switch Input language when pressing Ctrl+Space13:42
lcukyeah well i dont need such heavyweight things13:42
RST38hZogG: The workaround is given near the end13:42
SpeedEvillcuk: you don't use the kernel?13:42
* RST38h out13:42
SpeedEvillcuk: You've written liqkernel?13:42
lcukdont need to build it on device13:42
alteregoHrm, I need to draw an icon for my app now :(13:42
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ZogGRST38h didn't know, anyway i don't have letters on keyboard (i have us versiion) and as i said it mess the setting as russian version different from usa13:43
lcukalterego, if yo uaren't an artist just do what you can and request input during testing phase13:43
alteregolcuk: I'm not bad, I'm just not in the mood?13:43
lcukyou tell me13:43
alteregoOh, yeah, that wasn't a question ;)13:44
lcukmy shoulders and back are lobster red o_O13:44
alteregoI'm just going to make it a montage of icons that are already available on the device ^.^13:45
lcukwhats the app13:45
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alteregoMedia IM status updater13:46
lcukso shares your playlist with all your microblogs?13:46
lcukand IM thingies?13:46
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alteregoWell, it just updates your telepathy presence message for a set of configured accounts to the track you're listening to on the N90013:51
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alteregolcuk: I thought you already saw these:
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fralswhat theme is that?13:53
* frals is considering changing from default13:53
alteregoWhy do does every one keep asking me about that theme :P13:54
fralstis looks good? ;)13:54
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ShadowJKanyone noticed new "Enter code to remove operator lock" in 1.2 Settings titlebar menu?13:56
arachnist - imagine that for a phone keyboard :)13:57
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ShadowJKI guess that means it's possible to operatorlock n900 these days :(13:57
lcukShadowJK, would need to be double jointed to do capital letters ;)13:57
lcukarachnist even13:58
opdf2yeah there's something wrong with my D-Bus bindings. Is there a way to fix that13:58
lcukopdf2, sounds like you are having a bit of a package collapse13:58
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lcukyou might be better with backup reflash restore13:58
lcukrather than playing whackamole13:58
opdf2I know what caused it, pysafe. It has some weird dependency issues13:59
opdf2That is the last update I did13:59
lcukso its pynotsosafe13:59
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lcukis it in full extras?13:59
arachnistbtw, how does one change the icon order in pr1.2?14:00
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arachnist(in the "menu")14:00
opdf2lcuk:  no devel14:00
lcukjust saw14:01
lcukmmm why doesnt maemo packages interface list the changelog for apps14:01
lcukit would be a useful addition14:01
fralsit does?14:02
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ZogGlcuk have asked for that in brainstorm 2010 packages =)14:05
fralsor are you meaning something else?14:06
ZogGarachnist just touch the screen for a long time and you get it14:06
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lcukfrals, o_O indeed, i was looking here
ZogGfrals it would be nice to have in app manager as well14:06
lcukand no changes14:07
ZogGlcuk haha, there is nothing in maegirls changes, it's all the same once a month =)))14:07
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ZogGfrals i assume you have russian translation14:07
lcuklol ZogG14:08
fralslcuk: probably because everything is in the .diff, should probably report a bug about it14:08
ZogGfrals i don't think everyone even comment changes for themselfs14:08
fralsZogG: no,
ZogGfrals orly? and hebrew(though that one would be harder for me)14:09
lcukZogG, for debian, the version number which is essential to be increased is part and parcel of the change file14:09
lcukso would should even empty change entries14:09
fralsthe ones i have is listed on the link, feel free to add missing ones14:09
lcukwell spotted frals14:09
lcukyou are on a roll today lol14:10
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arachnistZogG: thanks14:12
loufoque_is there a way to run android applications on maemo?14:12
SpeedEvilloufoque: no public way14:14
SpeedEvilIn that some people have shown it running -  but they have not published howtos14:14
arachnisti wonder if their "java vm" would compile cleanly with other libc than their (android) bastardized one14:15
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fralsbaaah changing theme just changed all my backgrounds as well14:17
Shapeshifterfrals: yeah that's incredibly annoying14:17
fralscouldve atleast asked :(14:17
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Shapeshifterand the damn background picker also doesn't remember the folder you picked the last one from14:18
ZogGfrals, is headers (first one is like title? ) or it's metadata of msg?14:18
Shapeshifterso either you put them into their image folder, or you have to browse to your folder every time14:18
fralsZogG: 'message headers' so yeah, metadata of message14:18
muellihm Shapeshifter. Have you filed a bug? Or better: Fixed the issue? Sounds easy enough to fix anyway :-)14:18
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fralsthank god for live search in the filechooser14:19
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Shapeshiftermuelli: huh, it's nokia closed source stuff. and nah, I don't care too much so I'd file a bug.14:20
muelliShapeshifter: you're sure it's closed source?14:20
ZogGfrals almost done, though not sure ho to translate Havoc in less than 10 symbols =-)14:21
Shapeshiftermuelli: no ^^14:21
fralsah, backgrounds restored \o/14:21
Shapeshiftermuelli: actually it might be open.14:21
muelliShapeshifter: you'd be surprised: Very little is proprietary. That was one reason for me to get the N900 in first place :-)14:21
opdf2wow I can't even backup lol14:21
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Shapeshiftermuelli: all the apps are. contacts, calendar, even modest if I'm not mistaken14:22
Shapeshifterimage viewer!14:22
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Shapeshifterwhich totally misses a billion features14:22
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muellinope. All that is open.14:22
Shapeshiftermuelli: huh14:22
ZogGfrals as the one word i can think about havoc in russian more than 10 letters i would say "strick" in russian14:23
Shapeshiftermuelli: where's the source for image viewer?14:23
lcukShapeshifter, modest is very open14:23
lcukyou are right about the calendar and image viewer tho :( but thats not to say it cannot be replaced14:23
fralsZogG: havoc/chaos, i think if there is no good short russian word you can leave it as havoc14:23
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fralsis modest ui open?14:23
MohammadAG51afaik yes14:24
ZogGfrals, i can use the straight translation but would do not that much sense14:24
alteregolcuk: was it you that showed me that simple cp plugin?14:24
MohammadAG51someone add a hildon request portrait mode flag in there14:24
ZogGfrals i would use chaos =)14:24
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lcukMohammadAG51, make a bug against it, submit a patch and lets get it tested14:25
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lcuktho i think hrw did already potentially14:25
lcuki saw him with a portrait mailer14:25
MohammadAG51lcuk, idk C :)14:25
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lcukfrals you and burchr doing portrait KB might be nice14:25
lcukfor such things14:25
ZogGfrals, i would use Lawlessness =)))14:26
fralslcuk: heh14:26
fralsZogG: if theres a short russian word for that, sounds good14:26
RST38hok, time to reboot14:26
lcukMohammadAG51, why should that stop you!14:26
alteregolcuk: well, if it was, this is my take on it:
fralsMohammadAG51: 6 months ago i didnt know python :p14:26
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lcukalterego, mmm dunno14:26
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MohammadAG51frals, err, really?14:26
lcukfrals :P some would say you still dont ;)14:26
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fralslcuk: :D14:27
lcukpennywell farm was cool14:27
lcukmini pigs14:27
lcukmini bacon butties14:27
MohammadAG51wrong channel?14:27
lcuknahh that was last night14:27
fralslcuk: hehe, bet you were drooling :P14:28
lcukit impressed tracy and the kids greatly14:28
* MohammadAG51 gets confused
ShapeshifterMohammadAG51: :D14:29
Shapeshifterthat is brilliant14:29
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ZogGfrals done it, but is it the last one, as there are things missing ( as resize to, settings, reply and so on)14:29
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fralsrest of words are already on device14:30
infobotfrals meant: rest of strings are already on device14:30
lcukfrals MohammadAG51 ^14:30
ZogGfrals do you want me to email?14:31
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ZogGor dcc here?14:31
fralsZogG: just upload it to transifex site14:31
fralsis easiest14:31
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ZogGdo i need regestarion?14:31
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ZogGdamn =)14:32
MohammadAG51lol lcuk14:32
lcukZogG, you need registration14:33
MohammadAG51WakeOnLAN's useful, if only it worked remotely14:34
alteregoHrm .. user/Multimedia or user/Communication ...14:35
MohammadAG51for what?14:35
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alteregoFor my mafw telepathy status updater14:35
ZogGfrals, check it out14:35
MohammadAG51alterego, i was coding it in python :D14:36
ZogGstill it needs to be tested, maybe someone can improve it, but for now vetter than nothing =)14:36
* MohammadAG51 rm -rf's his progress14:36
alteregoMohammadAG51: mine is in python :P14:36
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* MohammadAG51 fsck's the drive and rm -rf's it again14:36
MohammadAG51alterego, multimedia14:37
alteregoI'm preparing it for extras now :)14:37
alteregoMohammadAG51: okay, multimedia it is then.14:37
alteregoHrm ..14:37
MohammadAG51i can haz a test build?14:37
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alteregoI dunno, now you've said that, I'm kinda more inclined to put it in comms :P14:37
MohammadAG5130 minutes is a bit far away14:37
fralsZogG: cant see it on transifex yet14:37
MohammadAG51k, user/hidden14:37
alteregoMohammadAG51: I'll give you my deb once I've finished :P14:38
ZogGalterego, i hope for announce on forum as well14:38
ZogGfrals i sent it already14:38
alteregoZogG: yup, planning too.14:38
libbenwhen will we be able to run meego stable on our n900?14:38
alteregolibben: #meego14:38
libbenhavent checked the maemo/meego sites on a good while14:38
MohammadAG51alterego, using a ♫ ?14:38
alteregoMohammadAG51: ?14:38
MohammadAG51ascii icon14:38
ZogGfrals maybe i did something wrong, wanna me to reup it?14:38
MohammadAG51are you using it in the app?14:39
fralsZogG: seems something went wrong, try again or email it to me at fmms@frals.se14:39
MohammadAG51my app was showing ♫ Song - Artist ♫14:39
ZogGi would prefer to use ☭14:39
alteregoI've just made an icon, that I'm using for the control-panel applet icon, and for the maemo debian control icon attribute.14:39
MohammadAG51doesn't show on the N900 :)14:39
MohammadAG51alterego, i meant for the status itself14:39
opdf2so everytime I try to backup, it says Backup error.14:40
alteregoMohammadAG51: same here:
ZogGfrals, should i use send or send for reviews?14:40
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ZogGfrals, oh, found the problem =))) You are only allowed to upload PO files (*.po)!14:41
MohammadAG51alterego, isn't that a bit longer than a plain  ♫ Song - Artist ♫ :)14:41
fralsZogG: name the file ru.po14:41
alteregoMohammadAG51: sure, but it's customisable :P14:41
alteregoAnd it advertises how awesome the N900 is ^.^14:41
MohammadAG51alterego, open source?14:41
alteregoMohammadAG51: of course.14:41
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ZogGYou are only allowed to upload PO files (*.po)! =))14:42
MohammadAG51<alterego> MohammadAG51: sure, but it's customisable :P that answered it :)14:42
alteregoThat's the config UI14:42
MohammadAG51alterego, didn't see the 2nd screenie14:42
fralsZogG: the file you are uploading should be called ru.po as well14:42
MohammadAG51alterego, yeah just saw it :)14:42
MohammadAG51alterego, what theme is that btw14:43
alteregoHahah, carbon14:43
alteregoI think, in the announce on t.m.o I plan on doing, I'm going to just say "P.S. The theme I'm using is carbon" :D14:43
ZogGfrals finally =)))))14:44
MohammadAG51alterego, another thing, msn (haze) has been down since yesterday, any problems on your side?14:44
MohammadAG51facebook chat shows network error too14:45
alteregoI've not been able to log into ovi, facebook or msn :/14:45
fralsZogG: thanks :)14:45
alteregoAnd skype is screwy too ..14:45
MohammadAG51skype, ovi and gtalk are the only ones working here14:46
MohammadAG51msn just keeps signing in, facebook shows network error14:46
alteregoI'll reset my internet connection, sometimes if I've been logged in to long it screws the network.14:47
alteregoActually, they've all logged in fine now O_O14:48
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MohammadAG51alterego, using haze?14:49
ZogGso is it possible to integrate swype or something liek that to N900?14:52
alteregoMohammadAG51: I had to delete the account and recreate it a couple of days ago.14:52
alteregoBut that was only because it looked like the port number had got corrupted.14:52
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MohammadAG51rebooting both the N900 and the router14:55
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SpeedEvilIs there a nice simple guide to pushing a trivial app to extras-devel? For example - say it's a 500 line C app, with a .c, .h and makefile.14:56
lcukyou need a package14:57
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lcukyou could upload a 10 line c file if it has the package14:57
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: are you there?14:59
FlavioFerreiraBRsomeone like soccer ?14:59
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so there is no full list what chip id's are used in n900?14:59
jacekowskior maybe somebody knows what's under 0x5515:00
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SpeedEvilI vaguely recall that's gaia.15:01
SpeedEvilwhat are you looking at?15:01
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SpeedEvilneeds fleshing out15:02
FlavioFerreiraBRexists a new application of World Cup , for maemo15:02
SpeedEvilBME pokes GAIA ADCs at least, and the battery charger.15:03
jacekowskiBME opens i2c bus 2 times once for 0x6b which is a battery charger15:03
jacekowskiand once for 0x5515:03
SpeedEvilI vaguely recall 55 being Gaia15:03
FlavioFerreiraBRIt will alert you on any goal that happens at World Cup15:03
FlavioFerreiraBRits a Widget15:03
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FlavioFerreiraBRi found the video at youtube15:05
RST38hERROR: object '/usr/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.15:06
RST38hError -8 while loading /bin/bash15:06
RST38hWTF this time?15:06
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RST38h fakeroot debian/rules clean15:09
RST38h: No such file or directory15:09
RST38h'.  Stop. No rule to make target `15:09
RST38hdpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 215:09
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jacekowskiThe TWL4030 (to be precise the TWL5030B, see [1] aka TPS65950)15:10
jacekowskiif that's a gaia15:10
jacekowskithen I2C module embeds four slave hard-coded addresses (ID1 = 48h, ID2 = 49h, ID3 = 4Ah, and ID4 =15:11
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jacekowskiBME is talking to that using kernel driver15:11
mgedminRST38h, MS-DOS line endings in debian/rules?15:12
jacekowskimgedmin: i saw that lot times15:12
RST38hmgedmin: just edited 'em all in PICO, no msdos line endings15:12
jacekowskimgedmin: but it works regardless of endings15:12
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RST38hthe original package was built with MADDE, I am using SB2. No idea if it affects anything15:13
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alteregoDoes the builder have qmake by default? Or am I going to have to add it to my build deps?15:16
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jacekowskifound it15:25
jacekowskiit's bq270015:25
jacekowskicharge meter15:25
MohammadAGHILDON_PORTRAIT_MODE_SUPPORT tells the system that your application can be rotated, so it won't prevent any other application from rotating.15:26
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MohammadAGan example would've been better...15:26
MohammadAGany C apps that support rotation?15:26
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jacekowskitype that in google15:27
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humehi...should I not be able to du Skype video calls with the latest meamo version? upgraded yesterday, but when I try, it tells me that video calls are not allowed..?15:30
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jacekowskii would suspec that you have to be connected over wifi15:33
jacekowskibut i never tried it myself15:33
MohammadAGworks over 3G15:34
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fralsMohammadAG: you are after something like
MohammadAGthanks frals :D15:36
RST38hanyways, how do I debug a failing dpkg-buildpackage???15:36
loufoque_frals: how do you use the phone with one hand?15:36
loufoque_s/the phone/the N900/15:37
infobotloufoque_ meant: frals: how do you use the N900 with one hand?15:37
fralsloufoque_: ??15:37
humeMohammadAG, ok..should work? I'm on 3G.15:37
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fralsMohammadAG: np, should probably replace 2nd argument with just HILDON_PORTRAIT_MODE_SUPPORT instead of the if15:37
fralsloufoque: yes?15:37
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loufoque_frals: what is that15:38
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fralsportrait keyboard, hopefully15:38
MohammadAGhume, I don't see why it shouldn't :)15:38
loufoque_frals: and how can you use it with one hand?15:39
fralsloufoque: how do you normally use a portrait keyboard with one hand?15:39
frals-> with one hand! ;)15:40
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fralsSpeedEvil: I've figured out how to get a rough estimate of install base... depend on a dummy package, count downloads of dummy package ;o15:41
loufoque_is it like the iphone's keyboard?15:41
fralsits like a normal keypad so far15:41
fralsfeel free to submit patches etc for qwerty15:41
MohammadAGisn't the iPhone's screen wider than the N900's?15:41
loufoque_don't know, don't have an iphone15:42
opdf2i fubared my pyqt binding, is my only option to reflash?15:42
loufoque_opdf2: reinstall15:43
alteregoShould I install my icons directly into rootfs or symlink from opt :)15:44
BCMMMohammadAG: same resolution, iirc15:44
BCMM(i mean, same pixels)15:44
alteregoThat was a question ..15:44
MohammadAGBCMM, nope, the iPhone's res is 480x272 afaik15:45
valdyn480-by-320-pixel resolution at 163 ppi15:45
MohammadAGalterego, /usr/share/pixmaps15:45
MohammadAG272's the PSP then :)15:45
BCMMMohammadAG: oh, wikipedia says 320 × 48015:46
valdynIm just quoting apple, they may be lying ;)15:46
BCMMMohammadAG: but that's tiny15:46
BCMMsomebody got it confused with an ipod15:46
jacekowskiwell, i have some screenshots i made on iphone15:46
jacekowskiand it's 320x48015:47
BCMMwow, that's kinda low15:47
haltdefmy PDA from 2003 was VGA, I lol'd so hard when the iphone came out with such a shit res :P15:47
loufoque_what is the dpi setting for maemo?15:47
jacekowskiBCMM: well, it's like with comparing dick sizes15:48
jacekowskiBCMM: there are other variables as well15:48
BCMMi know15:48
BCMMi keep forgetting the n900 isn't 16:915:48
BCMM(sorry, not related)15:48
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jacekowskimost people can't notice a difference between n900 resolution and iphone res15:49
BCMMactually, the n900 is insanely hi-res15:49
BCMM(in terms of dpi)15:49
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jacekowskicapacitive touch screen would be nice thing15:49
BCMMscreenshots always look weird on a desktop15:50
haltdefstylus ftw15:50
jacekowskicapacitive touchscreen with stylus support15:50
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BCMMheh, i think i could fit four n900s (not just the screen) on top of an n900 screenshot on my monitor15:52
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valdyn260 dpi does that15:52
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jacekowskii'm trying to draw what bme is really doing15:55
jacekowskiand well, it's doing fuck all15:55
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RST38hOh yesssss15:57
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RST38hBuilding theme now!15:58
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MohammadAG<BCMM> actually, the n900 is insanely hi-res16:07
MohammadAGand the iPhone 4G is an overkill16:08
SpeedEvilfrals: That'd seem to work, yes.16:08
BCMMis that the totally-accidentally-leaked one?16:08
SpeedEvilfrals: I think the numbers work for ~20K though16:08
SpeedEvilfrals: Also - not quite - reflash16:08
alteregoMohammadAG: uploaded .deb to:
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fralsyeah, but a better estimate at least :)16:08
alteregoYou need python-telepathy, python-dbus, pyside-qt4-core and pyside-qt4-gui16:08
MohammadAGBCMM, it was confirmed afaik16:08
RST38h"Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is seeking a patent on a system that would let people make purchases with a nod, a smile or even a raise of the eyebrow."16:09
* SpeedEvil stabs patents.16:09
BCMM"Amazon CEO whatever is seeking a patent on everything ever"16:09
RST38hclass action lawsuit waiting to happen16:09
MohammadAGalterego, downloaded16:09
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SwedeMikeN900 is really high-res, but not overkill. I don't know what the DPI is, but DPI of regular desktop screens are too low, would like 150-200DPI screen on desktop/laptop.16:09
MohammadAGalterego, I'm pretty sure I have them from some other app16:09
alteregoMohammadAG: now I've just got to find my key to upload to extras ;)16:09
SpeedEvilSwedeMike: ~35016:09
SpeedEvilSwedeMike: 140dpi+ would be good16:10
SpeedEvilyou can get 140dpi on few laptops16:10
MohammadAGalterego, you don't need a key, just a garage account with an invite16:10
SpeedEvilno desktops16:10
BCMMSwedeMike: probably because too many people are using programs that wouldn't scale16:10
alteregoMohammadAG: I've already got access, just forgotten how to do it.16:10
BCMMSwedeMike: i'd like a really, really hi-res desktop monitor though, KDE scales brilliantly16:10
MohammadAGalterego, easiest way would be
alteregoMohammadAG: let me know how it goes, to configure it, go to Settings->general->Media IM Status Updater16:10
MohammadAGfrals, too slow :P16:10
SwedeMikeBCMM: I want to stab myself in the face every time I see people running 1024x768 on a 1366 screen. people just don't have good eyes.16:11
fralswas stuck with focus in vm so had to click first :(16:11
SwedeMikeBCMM: I'd like 20" 2560x1600 screen.16:11
lcukBCMM, biggest problem with super high resolution is that graphics cards and pixel pumping wont support so many16:11
SwedeMikeor perhaps 22"16:11
SwedeMike2560x1600 is well supported on higher gfx cards, so no problem there.16:11
SpeedEvilI want 12" 1400*1050 for my laptop.16:12
BCMMSwedeMike: i know what would be nice: a moniter that is, like hte n900, about twice the DPI of a typical screen, such that one could run legacy stuff (dual boot windows) at precisely double-size16:12
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BCMMwith no scaling artifacts16:12
SwedeMikeSpeedEvil: 1680x1050 on my 12.1" would be really nice.16:12
MohammadAGalterego, is there an album option too? (not that I'd use it, just wondering)16:12
SpeedEvilOh - and 4:3.16:12
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SwedeMikeSpeedEvil: well, 4:3 isn't really coming back I think, people want smaller laptops it seems16:13
alteregoMohammadAG: no, I was thinking of adding other options, but I think I'll just wait for feedback.16:13
BCMMSwedeMike: there you go, and 1280x800 wouldn't be at all shabby for legacy things16:13
SwedeMikeBCMM: absolutely.16:13
lcukSwedeMike, at what sorts of framerates and how expensive is the kit to do it16:13
SwedeMikebut newer OS should scale well, vista/win7, newer linux etc, they all scale well.16:13
MohammadAGalterego, I can't hit the save button for some reason16:14
BCMMon linux, you could almost trivially have a compositing window manage scale up by 2x stuff on a list of legacy low-res things16:14
SwedeMikelcuk: any mid to high range gfx card will do 2560x1600, there are 30" monitors with it since a long time.16:14
alteregoMohammadAG: :(16:14
alteregoErm ...16:14
SwedeMikeyou need dual channel dvi though, but that's standard on any nvidia 8800, gtx260 etc16:14
SwedeMikeI just tihnk the 30" screens are way too bulky.16:15
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MohammadAGalterego, bah, it doesn't support ASCIIs16:15
SwedeMikebut I really like the resolution16:15
ham5gpu: G80 [GeForce 8800 GTS] 320Mb nVidia module v256.29 -xserver v1.7.7- @ 2560 x 102416:15
MohammadAGOh well16:15
lcukwhats gaming like at that resolution16:15
BCMMSwedeMike: KDE is pretty great for scalling; most stuff is either in SVG or is text16:15
alteregoMohammadAG: ?16:15
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MohammadAGalterego, as I said before, ♫ :)16:15
SwedeMikelcuk: plenty of people doing it already, if you want 60fps you need to get a 500USD gfx card though16:15
alteregoWhat do you mean by "ASCII"'s?16:15
SwedeMikelcuk: but there are plenty of people doing that already as of several years16:16
alteregoMohammadAG: if you've got a problem with it, just say: P16:16
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* RST38h proudly notes that he has never had any 3D hardware to brag about16:18
* SpeedEvil points at the GPU in the n900.16:18
RST38hYou call *that* a GPU?16:18
SpeedEvilYes :)16:18
SpeedEvilGiven that one of my main graphical tests is 'will it play nethack at 60fps'.16:19
RST38hNext, you are going to brag about your Nintendo DS...16:19
jaskanethack at 60fps? must be quite the monster player to do 60 moves per second :)16:19
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lcukSpeedEvil, 60fps?16:20
SpeedEvil(more realistically, 5 tops)16:20
RST38hHe is probably running a bot there.16:20
SpeedEvilThe best players go _really_ slowly16:20
SpeedEvilMarvin is insane.16:20
RST38hdamn, these themes build forever...16:20
pupnik_RST38h: we ndeed ascii robotron16:20
RST38hBest players save a lot and backup their saves16:20
IkarusNAO  ftw :)16:20
SpeedEvilI think his best streak of ascensions is 12 in a row.16:20
SpeedEvilWith no saving16:21
lcukdoes the lcd do 60fps?16:21
Ikarusalso, nethack on the N900 is a bit of a pain16:21
RST38hpupnik: Funny, I got to work with a Robotron, model 1750 I think16:21
lcukor even graphics hw16:21
Ikaruslcuk: the graphics HW is capable of it16:21
jaskaor predicting prng state16:21
jaskaaltho those nethack play servers have better rngs nowadays i think16:21
SpeedEviljaska: Nope. is a public server anyone can telnet to and play16:21
pupnik_if you have workable suggestions for improving ui, please speak16:21
RST38hpupnik: Pravetz was actually somewhat  better (Pravetz8 being a shrunk down Apple][ clone, Pravetz16 a honest copy of PC XT)16:22
SpeedEvilpupnik_: more exploding helicopters.16:22
RST38hImproving what UI?16:22
pupnik_nehack ui16:22
lcukIkarus, on xvideo yuv i see ~57fps16:22
RST38hAh that... Well, you kinda can't improve it any more =)16:23
jaskai wonder what have i done wrong, still 79 columns in osso-xterm even after i disable the scroll"bar" and borders in libvte16:23
pupnik_i think it simply requires learningm as all std roguelikes16:23
lcukbut not usually 60 or more16:23
RST38hSome speedy dynamic menu system would probably help16:23
RST38hGiven how cramped N900 keyboard is16:23
jaskabrain-machine interface16:23
SpeedEvilAnd click to travel.16:23
RST38hjaska: with neural feedback16:23
RST38hclick to travel is already there16:24
IkarusI'd love a port of xnethack to the N90016:24
RST38h(in the one I built, anyway)16:24
IkarusI can barely play it text mode16:24
SpeedEvilRST38h: Are you talking of vultures eye?16:24
RST38hIkarus: Vulture's Eye is in the repos16:24
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RST38hSpeedEvil; Of course16:24
SpeedEvilI found vultures eye less playable than the keyboard one16:24
IkarusRST38h: it sucks16:24
IkarusRST38h: xnethack is clean 2D tiled16:24
RST38hSpeedEvil: Well, dunno. I never really played Nethack in text mode. Only Angband and ZAngband.16:25
Ikarusnot an ugly sort-of 3D hack on top of the text implementation16:25
RST38hTo me, Nethack kinda sucks anyway, as you cannot kill Bill Gates and the Finnish Prime Minister there16:25
smokuvultures eye is unplayable16:25
pupnik_another game that could be ported to opengl es without too much work is Secret Maryo World16:25
jaskaooh, kill finnish prime minister.. which of the sucky ones?16:25
jaskawe've had a lot of crummy ones16:25
jaskaincluding the current moron16:26
pupnik_smoku: i played it for a while16:26
jaskaand wasnt bill gates bull gates16:26
jaskain some angband variant16:26
RST38hsmoku: worksforme16:27
RST38hjaska: Ahtisaari I think16:27
RST38hjaska: They replaced Farmer Maggot (from original Angband) with Marti Ahtisaari16:28
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jaskamartti was a president16:28
smokupupnik_: and had fun?  for me it was a constant struggle with the interface...16:28
jaskanot a prime minister16:28
RST38hjaska: It was Bill Gates all right, don't let the "u" fool you ;)16:28
jaskaoh, i was hoping for an esko aho -monster16:28
RST38hjaska: Well, as far as killing goes, the distinction is almost irrelevant =)16:28
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pupnik_smoku: roguelikes in general must be learned16:29
jaskaroguelikes are an acquired taste.16:29
pupnik_smoku: but there is a simple console roguelike called "powder" that builds fine16:30
smokupupnik_: Diablo is instant fun without learning ;P16:30
pupnik_but not as much fun, for some, as having many commands available16:30
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smokupupnik_: so, there are exceptions.  and I have a lot of fun playing ADOM and tried Falcons Eye and it was unplayable. so I'm with Ikarus, that in this case plain 2D interface is better with coming up with isometric thingy with gui that reqyures keyboard16:33
* SpeedEvil places a small dark blue e in the channel.16:34
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RST38hDiablo is not exactly a roguelike16:40
RST38htoo dynamic, too fast16:40
jaskanot very dynamic, just simplified16:40
RST38hSome people like that, but not most of the traditional roguelike players16:40
pupnik_the question of projecting an isometric display is orthogonal to the choice of command set or input ui generally16:41
pupnik_just not relevant16:42
* RST38h played Vulture's multiple times. It is pretty playable, although maybe not as much fun as a text mode version16:42
smokuit is relevant to "is unplayable" thread.  it's one of the factors that breaks this version16:42
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pupnik_ok i dont understand how/why the isometric display hinders playability16:43
RST38hHydroCarbon-Theme built!16:43
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arachnistthere used to be a gui for nethack/slash'em that was completly top-view 2d16:44
pupnik_yep for 77016:44
arachnistnot only for 77016:44
arachnisti used to play that version on my pc16:44
SpeedEvilpupnik_: For nethack at least - you absolutely need to be able to see projectilerange + a bit.16:44
SpeedEvilOtherwise there are way too many 'ooops - you died' moments.16:45
SpeedEvil(that are not related to the game mechanics)16:45
arachnistSpeedEvil: unless you play slashem and your class is a monk. then projectilerange doesn't matter as you only kick and punch, most of the time16:46
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SpeedEvilWell - yes.16:46
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SpeedEvilI was more meaning the other guy.16:47
SpeedEvil /girl/elf/centaur16:47
pupnik_good point re. view range SpeedEvil16:47
pupnik_i prefer 2d tiles usually16:47
lcukdidnt gta solve 2d tiling viewrange :D16:50
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MohammadAGGrand Theft Auto?16:53
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ali1234there is a great 2d graphical interface for angband written in tk16:55
RST38hKeyword: Tk. AVOID.16:56
ali1234unfortunately it is not maintained and nearly impossible to compile due to using a build system manager written by the same guy, also no longer maintained, and written in tk too16:56
ali1234yeah crappy language, but the UI is miles better than vulture's16:56
lcukMohammadAG, yes16:56
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ali1234and yeah it uses 2d view, not iso16:56
RST38hAs I said: Tk. AVOID.16:58
ali1234this coming from the guy who won't use any software that doesn't compile for DOS...16:58
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RST38hWill Tk compile for DOS?16:59
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ali1234i doubt it16:59
ali1234being able to compile software for DOS usually means the software is crippled beyond all usability anyway16:59
RST38hThat is a common mistake.17:00
RST38hOMG I broke it17:00
ali1234yes, keeping around support for 30 years old OS usually is a mistake :)17:00
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pupnik_any of you up for trying "powder"?17:01
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pupnik_maybe grab the pc version to see if it seems worth it17:02
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ali1234seems worth it... nice graphics, already ported to linux, and designed for handhelds...17:04
MohammadAGfrals, statusmenu-fmms?17:04
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fralsMohammadAG: whats unclear? ;p17:06
MohammadAGfrals, just saw in the cauldron build *heads to*17:06
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loufoque_do you need to launch the FM boost application for it to take effect? Or is it a permanent setting?17:15
MohammadAGit resets at each reboot afaik17:16
Appiahafter turning on the fm transmitter17:16
Appiahalso after plugging in/plugigng out charger17:17
Appiahthink its only after reboot on PR1.217:17
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loufoque_I can't see any change in audio quality after I launch it17:19
SpeedEvilnot the inherent limitations section17:20
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hcm_MohammadAG: could you join the hostmode channel please, I have some questions..17:29
MohammadAGDAMN XCHAT!17:29
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pupnik_gronmayer doesnt help me find alsa-utils for n81017:35
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ham5n900 have ir?17:49
mgedminCIR, I think it's called (Consumer IR, or something like that)17:50
MohammadAGNot IrDA complaint though17:50
mgedminit doesn't have full IrDA17:50
mgedminit can emulate a remote control17:50
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ham5no clue what that is but ok17:50
MohammadAGit can't receive IR17:50
mgedminbut the application for it is horribly and user-hostile, so good luck with that17:50
smokupupnik_: :)17:52
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dr34mhi. short question does anybody know where the xchat is standard installed to? i cant find the thing.. wanted to put fish in the plugin dir. thx18:21
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b0unc3dr34m, dpkg -L xchat18:24
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* Cabletwitch pokes frals and checks for life18:25
CabletwitchI guess not18:26
* MohammadAG gets a trout out his pocket and puts it next to frals18:26
* Cabletwitch slaps frals with the trout18:26
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CabletwitchAnyone else notice with auto-caps that it does exactly that regardless of wether or not you want one?18:28
CabletwitchIts done that when I was filling out the fmms settings, and if those are case sensitive, then thats a bugger.18:29
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CabletwitchAlso, who do I have to torture to get auto-caps working in xchat?18:30
mhmhsame with witter, i realised yesterday.. took me a a fgew minutes to realise it capilized the input fields in the account settings :)18:30
CabletwitchBribery and/or seduction are also possible.18:30
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crashanddieMohammadAG: did mc_teo come back yesterday?18:30
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MohammadAGWhen I was online? no18:31
MohammadAG~seen mc_teo18:31
infobotmc_teo <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 16h 2s ago, saying: 'that wasnt very nice'.18:31
jacekowski01:31 -!- mc_teo was kicked from #maemo by crashanddie [ban evasino]18:31
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jacekowskiand that's last thing18:32
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jacekowskifinish him18:32
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crashanddieI should probably clear all the bans18:33
crashanddienew slate18:33
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b0unc3anyone knows if it's possible to switch the desktops through dbus (or something similar)  ?18:33
jacekowskicrashanddie: no forgivnes18:33
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jacekowskicrashanddie: they should rot i hell forever18:34
MohammadAGyeah, ban jacekowski and don't forgive him18:34
BCMMavailable apps that use the IR are indeed a bit confusing18:34
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MohammadAGnow kick!18:34
BCMMare there not existing LIRC transmission frontends that could be ported?18:34
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MohammadAGI'll do it myself18:34
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MohammadAGgrr, expected a +o :P18:34
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BCMMalso, we need a really simple app that basically behaves like a tvbegone18:35
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pupnik_cool smoku18:35
pupnik_what do you think18:35
pupnik_i havent made any changes18:35
smokupupnik_: nice game.
pupnik_cool. new?18:35
MohammadAGsmoku, how's that PS3 emulator going? :P18:36
pupnik_oh very new18:36
MohammadAGI know it requires Qt14.7.2, which is part of PR1.418:36
MohammadAGbut I hear it's awesome18:36
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MohammadAGlol it just got imported, nice timing smoku18:37
CabletwitchDamnit, when I rule the worl, there WILL be improved mobile coverage18:37
jacekowski01:31 -!- mode/#maemo [+b mc_teo!*@*] by crashanddie18:37
smokuMohammadAG: I'm working on the maemo-games-launcher plugin now18:37
jacekowskii'm starting to hate that right click paste18:38
MohammadAGjacekowski, tbh you deserved a kick with that :P18:38
smokuMohammadAG: (poerted from my uae4all plugin ;-)18:38
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jacekowskiyeah, i', a bad boy18:38
jacekowskispank me18:38
MohammadAGsmoku, it should launch PS3 and Xbox games right? :)18:38
MohammadAG(on that topic, I got a PM asking when we should expect a PS3 emulator - and the guy was serious)18:39
smokuMohammadAG: oh. you asked about PS3 emulator18:39
MohammadAGsmoku, yeah, the one which needs PR1.418:39
smokuMohammadAG: current PCs do not have enough processing power to emulate PS3 at a decent speed18:40
* MohammadAG facepalms18:40
MohammadAGinfobot, sarcasm18:40
infobotOh a sarcasm detector, that's a *really* useful invention!18:40
smokuMohammadAG: it's hard to emulate PS2.  maybe in a few years18:40
MohammadAGsmoku, you clearly need one :P18:40
jacekowskismoku: do you have mathematical proof of that?18:40
jacekowskiwell, i could belive that PC might not have18:41
jacekowskibut n900 is a superior device18:41
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pupnik_we still dont have synched audio playback between tablets, right?18:41
smokuMohammadAG: need one what?18:42
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MohammadAGsmoku, <infobot> Oh a sarcasm detector, that's a *really* useful invention!18:42
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alteregoMohammadAG: so, how are you finding it then?18:44
alteregoMohammadAG: think it's ready for a product page and announce thread? :D18:44
MohammadAGalterego, still experimenting with it, but you saved me a lot of work :P18:44
MohammadAGalterego, why not!18:44
alteregoI've been using it myself the past couple of days.18:44
alteregoTook me a day to write it.18:45
MohammadAGnot a lot tbh18:45
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MohammadAGhmm, does anyone know how to use the non-hildon GTK theme?18:45
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smokuMohammadAG: lousy joke detector could be more useful ;P18:46
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MohammadAGi.e this
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alteregoMohammadAG: are you doing: app ?18:48
MohammadAGalterego, that uses the hildon theme, which I don't want18:48
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alteregoOh, right18:49
MohammadAGthe only way I found to use the non-hildon theme was to use sudo, and that's not the best method18:49
MohammadAGplus the app segfaults when run as sudo18:49
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smokuMohammadAG: you may look what env is setting and change/unset these18:53
MohammadAGalready found that :P18:53
MohammadAG GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/ubuntu xarchiver18:53
MohammadAG(or any directory that doesn't have valid rc files)18:53
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alteregoRight, it's in extras-devel, I've created a tmo thread now to create a product page ..18:57
MohammadAGproduct page?18:57
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MohammadAGLoad average: 9.11 (LOL) 3.09 1.1918:59
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alteregoMohammadAG: yeah, under
alteregoNot sure how I do it though :D19:01
alteregoIt's changed since the last time ..19:01
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MohammadAGalterego, sign in and use the top bar?19:04
MohammadAGbut it's in -devel19:04
alteregoMohammadAG: yeah, just figured that out ;)19:04
MohammadAGalterego, me too xD19:05
MohammadAGfrals, there doesn't seem to be a 10 day quarantine anymore19:05
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alteregoCan only seem to create one for OS2007 O_O19:09
MohammadAGalterego, it's in -devel19:10
alteregoWill that stop me making a product page?19:10
lcukred dwarf new series o_O :D19:11
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MohammadAGNOTE: Please do not link to applications in Extras-devel! End-users should not be exposed to Extras-dev19:11
lcukpotentially an exam to get access to extras-devel o_O19:12
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lcukthat would be amusing19:12
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alterego"if my msn would work it would be a great apbut i thin that the developers should put there energy in things that almost for most users dont work like IM "19:13
alterego"the developers" wtf ?!19:13
loufoque_MSN didn't work some time ago for me19:15
loufoque_I don't think if it's the PR1.2 update or enabling an extras repository that fixed it19:15
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loufoque_(talking about pecan there)19:15
alteregoIt's been flakey for me, but if I disconnect/reconnect to the internet it starts working again.19:15
alteregoI'm using haze19:15
Macerjustified is a pretty good19:15
loufoque_s/I don't think/I don't know/19:16
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loufoque_butterfly is probably the best, why is it only in devel?19:16
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alteregoI can't say I've actually noticed any difference between pecan and haze.19:17
loufoque_oh it's in testing actually19:17
loufoque_buttefly probably kills the battery like crazy though19:18
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: BME seems to be resetting that charger timer much more often than every 28z19:19
* MohammadAG pings DocScrutinizer ^19:20
DocScrutinizerdare! buger19:20
jacekowskiit looks more like 10s19:20
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jacekowski BME seems to be resetting that charger timer19:20
jacekowski                    much more often than every 28z19:20
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DocScrutinizerno problem, bme loves to play busy19:21
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jacekowskiwell, i did RTFM and it looks that timer might be as low as 12s19:22
DocScrutinizerthe watchdog timer in bq24150 is defined as 32 seconds. Of course every reset period time <32s is ok, it's just eating more cpu cycles, more power, and more logfile space ;-P19:22
jacekowskipage 619:24
jacekowskilast row19:24
jacekowskiminimal 32s19:24
jacekowskiminimal 12s19:24
jacekowskitypical 32s19:24
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Lazy^hello, i'm unable to upgrade to 1.2. updatemanager says that i need to use pc-suite and apt-get dist-upgrade says that i dont have enough space @ /var/apt/cache....19:35
ham5clear out your cache then19:35
muelliLazy^: eh. yes. Maybe it's because you don't have enough space ;-)19:36
ham5just packages youve updated in the past... dont need em.... rm them19:36
muellithe wiki describes a method to make apt-get use a different directory as the cache for the debs.19:36
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BCMMLazy^: make enough free space to do the upgrade, or use a PC19:36
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BCMMLazy^: there is almost certainly a version for your platform19:36
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alteregoMohammadAG: how goes your USB host UI?19:40
ham5usb port on the n900?19:41
dr34ma way to compile smth directly on the n900 ?  make doesnt work19:41
lcukdoes for me19:41
jacekowskithat's weird19:41
jacekowski0xbef1491d:     0x0119:41
jacekowski0xbef148fa:     0x004d19:41
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jacekowski0xbef1491d:     0x0119:42
jacekowski0xbef148fa:     0x004f19:42
jacekowski0xbef148bd:     0x0119:42
jacekowski0xbef1489a:     0x004e19:42
lcukLazy^, morally agaisnt backup/reflash/restore?19:42
alteregodr34m: is it a program someone else wrote? Or are you planning on writing one yourself?19:42
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: take a look at that19:42
dr34msomebody else .. actually its the fish module for xchat .. the precompiled versions i have wont work ofc19:42
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: that's what bme was writing to charger chip19:42
lcukdr34m, that may be a little harder then, the size of lots of application build dependencies beomes prohibatively high19:43
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lcukinstall scratchbox or download one of the vmware images19:44
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so bme is enabling boost mode for very short period of time19:44
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FredrIQcan i get rid of the "warning, program doesn't come from nokia!!11"?19:44
alteregoFredrIQ: you find it that annoying? Well, you could install everything from the commandline instead :)19:45
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FredrIQi often do19:45
FredrIQthe exception is when i got the update msg19:46
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: I don't exactly decode that gibberish, sorry19:46
jacekowski0x01 - register address19:46
FredrIQbut well, i can use bash for that as well. :)19:46
FredrIQjust wondered19:46
jacekowski2nd number is what BME has wrote to that address19:47
jacekowski(that happened after i unplugged cable from computer)19:48
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: (p6) duh, good finding. Yes you're right19:48
FredrIQdpkg: error processing mksh (--remove):19:48
FredrIQsubprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 12719:48
FredrIQi don't really know when and why i installed mksh, but i've tried to get rid of it several times19:49
FredrIQwhy does it fail?19:49
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jacekowskiit looks like bme might have some code to support host mode already there19:49
jacekowskiso it might be just matter of talking to bme to enable power part of it19:50
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SpeedEvilBME just constantly resets the charger mode19:51
SpeedEvilit does not ever enable hostmode19:51
IkarusSpeedEvil: indeed, BME so far as I can tell functions as a battery/charge/power monitor and watchdog19:52
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Ikarusand because that involves the USB bus on a N900 we get into a fight with it19:52
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: well, i just saw it switching charger to boost mode19:52
SpeedEvilUnder what conditions?19:53
FredrIQNone of the files in the deb (checked with dpkg -L mksh) seems to exists, but mksh think it's installed19:53
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i've disconnected usb cable from computer19:53
SpeedEvilFor it to be doing that is an extremely serious bug.19:53
FredrIQHow can i get rid of that?19:53
SpeedEvilI've never seen it touch boost mode.19:54
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: and bme switched charger to low Z boost mode19:54
b-man|laptophas anyone worked on reverse engineering bme?19:54
jacekowskiand then high Z19:54
jacekowskiand then back to charger mode19:54
b-man|laptopSpeedEvil: who?19:54
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: if you have gdb installed on your phone i can give you gdb commands that print whatever bme is doing to charger19:55
SpeedEvilI don't recall a high and low z boost mode.19:56
jacekowskijust start that19:56
SpeedEvilAh - right19:57
jacekowskiand just after cable is unplugged it sends 0x004d then 0x004f and then 0x004e to register 0x0119:57
IkarusSpeedEvil: there is a single boost mode on the charger chip from the docs I read and a boost on the TWL4030 lacks a capacitor to use it and it only supplies 100mA (the charger IC one provides 200mA19:58
jacekowskiand you have about 10-15s between attach and cont19:59
jacekowskiotherwise bme will go berserk and think that battery is dead19:59
jacekowskiand will shut down your phone19:59
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: jacekowski: refer to table219:59
jacekowskiif it's paused for too long19:59
Ikarusjacekowski: BME shuts down the machine in ALOT of conditions :)19:59
jacekowskitable 6 in my datasheet19:59
SpeedEvilHigh impedence mode is not related to boost19:59
SpeedEvil(in bq24150)20:00
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: when I say table2, page 20 then I mean that20:00
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil:  yes it is20:00
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: see table2, p2020:01
DocScrutinizerTable 2. Operation Mode Summary20:01
SpeedEvilHigh Z mode can make it ignore boost bit - mask it - but there is no 'high Z boost mode'20:02
DocScrutinizerno, of course there's not20:02
DocScrutinizerhonestly, that's all very exciting for jrbme, but useless for h-e-n20:03
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DocScrutinizerexcept maybe to explain non-reproducability and why it makes a diff whether you shut down bme prior to echo-foo or after20:04
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: it is very important20:06
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: and very useless20:06
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: because it means has code to enable boost mode20:06
DocScrutinizerso what?20:06
DocScrutinizerhow could we exploit that fact, or learn from it? what?20:07
jacekowskiwell it means it might have all code required to do host mode20:07
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Ikarusno it doesn't20:07
Ikarusjacekowski: it has some stubs20:07
jacekowskiIkarus: how do you know?20:07
Ikarusoriginally Nokia planned to include hostmode20:07
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: bme is maximum unrelated to hostmode20:07
jacekowskiwell, it's related to power managment20:07
DocScrutinizeras in "hostmode doesn't care about bme"20:08
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Ikarusbut the TWL4030 didn't handle charging, so they switched to a external PHY the 1701A, which doesn't handle host mode, they took some short tries at it20:08
Ikarusbut because of USB licensing demands just slapped on a USB B plug and stopped20:08
jacekowskifact is that bme has code to enable power to usb port20:08
DocScrutinizerthat's exactly what I elaborated about several times :-D20:08
DocScrutinizerhow could we exploit that fact, or learn from it? what?20:09
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: ^^^20:09
alteregojacekowski: could be from N8x0 days?20:09
jacekowskiso it might not be necessary to stop bme for host mode20:09
Ikarusjacekowski: we actually expect that20:10
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: maybe, if you tell us the magic incantation to bme, to make it constantly enable boost20:10
jacekowskiyes, but nobody knows how to do it20:10
Ikarusjacekowski: but that doesn't have anything to do with initially getting USB host mode to work20:10
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jacekowskiat least not yet20:10
Ikarusjacekowski: the BME is ONLY involved with power20:10
Ikaruswhich really is a secondary issue20:10
DocScrutinizerIkarus: exactly20:10
Ikarusjacekowski: the reason people are mucking with it so far is that having power on vbus helps crashing the OTG statemachine20:11
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: acctualy i think i have that magic incantation20:11
DocScrutinizerand we got a reliable way to enable VBUS for arbitrary periods of time, so a null-issue20:11
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: that would be highly convenient, for later use. Please enlighten us20:12
jacekowskiwell, have was overstated20:12
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: see, for now we are happy with "stop bme; do_i2c_foo__enable-boost"20:13
jacekowskibut it would be nice to have bme do it20:13
DocScrutinizerand we'll continue to use that method until we sorted out ALL issues with host_mode, as that method is easy and well understood20:14
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: yes, exactly20:14
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: that's why I said20:14
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: that would be highly convenient, for later use. Please enlighten us20:14
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DocScrutinizerhcm_: see above!! maybe bme interferes with what we're doing during the echo-madness, by pulsing VBUS?20:15
DocScrutinizerthis could relate to the 32s timer which jacekowski found is rather unprecisely speced as "12..32s"20:16
hcm_DocScrutinizer: today I won't try any further… I hope titan will reply to my mail, then I can start to really understand what sarahs kernel does..20:17
DocScrutinizerhcm_: some of the echo cmds might change state of 1707 chrg_det, which in turn might cause this watchdog timer kick in at random mment while echo madness continues20:17
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MohammadAG51Quick Q, does anyone have problems with osso-xterm?20:35
MohammadAG51whenever i close x terminal Memory usage rises to 50+20:35
MohammadAG51free RAM becomes about 3MB20:35
MohammadAG51load becomes 10.00+20:35
MohammadAG51and the device hangs for 5 minutes20:36
MohammadAG51(prolly because of swapping)20:36
MohammadAG51even mce doesn't detect the power button20:36
MohammadAG51tried reinstall osso-xterm and busybox20:36
MohammadAG51i'd purge busybox but...20:36
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MohammadAG51/apps/osso/xterm in gconf20:40
MohammadAG51what's the default value for scrollback?20:40
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infobothmm... mohammadag is special20:40
* MohammadAG51 facesmacks20:40
DocScrutinizerdefsult are a few 10020:41
MohammadAG51i raised it to 90000000 last week for hostmode :/20:41
MohammadAG51that solved it...20:42
DocScrutinizerI bet20:42
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MohammadAG51explains why the clock was showing 10:30 when it was 13:3020:42
cehtehanyone of you knows if compcache works in any of the community kernels . .and if, which one20:42
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nidOmeh speaking of clocks, my device isnt obeying operator time like it should :<20:47
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nidOand seems to be maintaining it's time really *really* badly20:47
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Dima202cool 111,111,111*111,111,111=1234567898765432120:50
nidOworks with any length of 1's too20:50
Dima202I never knew that20:52
MohammadAG51you're not special20:53
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, docscrutinizer is jOERG, a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko20:53
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astruasdhplease, guys. I have a custom debian image "easy-chrooted". Everything works, but the audio, works. What is the trick to allow the audio to work inside the chroot? Do I need to install alsa, some pule library, etc ?20:56
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Dima202are there alternative servers to knots2?21:01
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MohammadAG51RST38h, bored?21:03
RST38htired rather21:04
* MohammadAG51 backspaces his request21:04
* alterego tries to think of an application to write.21:04
MohammadAG51port nautilus or gparted21:05
* MohammadAG51 wonders if gparted would show /dev/mtd021:06
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muellihm. reads that an upgrade from Maemo5-beta-SDK is not advised. How do I know whether I have the beta SDK?21:07
astruasdhis it possible to edit the initramfs? I'm wondering if it is possible to encrypt the root fs21:07
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alteregoI kinda wanted to port the ubuntu usb live disk creator. :)21:10
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* RST38h is modifying the Carbon theme21:11
DocScrutinizerRST38h: could you point me into right direction on how to make a python script run as a xchat-N900 loaded script?21:11
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, press F1 :P21:12
RST38hDocS: I think the answer is "you cannot" at the moment21:12
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: idi... :-P21:12
RST38hDocS: The reason being that I disabled Python support. Enabling Python support makes XChat depend on Python21:12
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, RTFM21:12
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: stfu21:13
MohammadAG51RST38h, err, so?21:13
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, you're not supposed to teach 16 yos such words21:13
cehtehi once had the problem that some scripting language module (i think it was python) caused servered resource/cpu useage on my laptop21:13
DocScrutinizerRST38h: so I could recompile/build it with python, and everything fine?21:13
cehtehdunno if thats fixed meanwhile21:13
RST38hMohammad: So, if I enable Python support, everyone will have to install Python just to use XChat21:13
MohammadAG51yes DocScrutinizer :)21:13
MohammadAG51RST38h, i can't see the problem with that :)21:14
RST38hDocS: More or less, as long as you are ok with what Python does to your mount table21:14
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: It already does that21:14
MohammadAG51RST38h, I still don't see the problem :)21:14
DocScrutinizerthere's more than one pkg using python21:14
MohammadAG51most users already have python21:14
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cehtehyou can make an extra package for xchat-python support?21:15
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* cehteh didnt even install the extra locales 21:15
DocScrutinizercehteh: well I thought so.21:15
* RST38h does not have Python. Will install it once someone fixes the major fuckup that the current Python installation method is21:15
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cehtehits just a .so21:15
DocScrutinizerRST38h: aiui the python interpreter is a plugin for xchat?21:15
opdf2hmm anyone know why checking settings in the backup app would causes a Backup error? If I don't enable my settings to get backed up, the backup runs fine.21:15
DocScrutinizerwell, or a .so21:16
cehtehDocScrutinizer: but see above, i think you dont really want it resource-wise21:16
* MohammadAG51 sshs into his scratchbox dir21:16
RST38hcehteh: Possible. I have not looked into it deeply enough21:16
cehtehthat was also a reason i made native modules in C21:16
DocScrutinizercehteh: I already *have* python21:16
cehtehDocScrutinizer: what i saied that the xchat-python integration wastes a lot resources21:16
DocScrutinizercehteh: depends21:17
cehtehevery message xchat receives/sends is routed through that module and at least there was some big overhead with that21:17
cehtehmaybe its fixed i never looked at it again21:17
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DocScrutinizerif the resources aka python are already there on your system, then the xchat implemeation overhead should be rather lightweight21:17
cehtehit was not, i think thats a implementation problem of the module21:18
DocScrutinizerI can live with that21:18
DocScrutinizerxchat isn't excatly a cpu hog21:18
cehtehbut thats long ago and i am not absolutely sure if it was python (i disabled all other scripting langauges which fixed it)21:18
DocScrutinizerand it won't become one with python plugin21:18
MohammadAG51so.. what's easier21:18
MohammadAG511. add xchat support21:19
MohammadAG511. add python* support21:19
cehtehwell on my laptop it did excessive wakeups .. not exactly cpu hog but no deeper sleep21:19
MohammadAG512. make someone learn C21:19
MohammadAG51i'd say 121:19
cehtehMohammadAG: DocScrutinizer knows C :)21:19
DocScrutinizerbut I don't want to use it for xchat "scripts"21:19
cehtehwell and i opt for making the pyhton module and any other xchat plugin rather optional, this includes mine too, i just send it to RST38h because i am not packager21:20
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, you want a python enabled package? :)21:20
MohammadAG51               --disable-python21:20
DocScrutinizeras those scripts I plan to implement in python are more like "config" rather than "lib"21:20
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cehtehlike the xchat-extra-locales package .. why not xchat-python xchat-perl xchat-foo and so on21:21
MohammadAG51RST38h, does the spell checker cause problems?21:21
DocScrutinizercehteh: ++21:21
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cehteh(well, that puts the work on RST38h as packager :])21:22
cehtehso i dont care21:22
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skynetsim running win7 x6421:25
skynetstrying to update maemo manually21:25
skynetsinstalled virtual xp21:25
skynetssuitable usb device not found waiting21:26
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FIQi get wall of warnings on installing man, is this normal?21:26
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FIQabout symlink problems21:26
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skynetsthis is annoying21:26
MohammadAG51FIQ, man-db-n900?21:27
MohammadAG51if it's dangling symlinks ignore them21:27
FIQyeah, that21:27
MohammadAG51too lazy to fix them, they don't cause issues though :P21:27
FIQjust wondered, as there were a LOTS of those warnings21:28
skynetsMohammadAG51, i checked on the forums and xp mode doesnt even detect the phone after installing flasher in it21:28
MohammadAG51FIQ, i didn't have them in the older version of the pages but... oh well21:28
MohammadAG51i'll fix them tonight21:29
MohammadAG51FIQ, you shouldn't use apt-get! :P21:29
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FIQi don't think maemo has yum/pacman. :)21:30
skynetsit has assholes too21:30
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penguinbaitanyone know where I file a bug report for diablo community SSU?21:31
MohammadAG51skynets, any problems?21:31
skynetsyeah the n900 is a problem21:32
skynetsim gonna throw it to the wall21:32
skynetssometimes "general failure" when i need the phone the most21:32
skynetsi need to reflash it with win7 x6421:33
skynetschecked out the forums21:33
skynetsnot concrete solution aside from the ubuntu live cd21:33
skynetstried installing virtual pc mode21:33
MohammadAG51i'd get a Damn Small Linux disc21:34
skynetsreinstalled drivers21:34
MohammadAG51about 30MBs21:34
skynetsim guessing its text based21:34
MohammadAG51it has a GUI afaik21:34
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FIQi think it run LXDE21:34
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FIQper default21:35
skynetscool thanks ill at that21:35
MohammadAG51oh, thought it was XFCE421:35
skynetslook into*21:35
MohammadAG51equally as light I guess21:35
FIQwell, i'm not completly sure21:35
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MohammadAG51neither am I21:35
skynetsso no windows 7 x64 solution21:35
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crashanddiefluxbox ftw21:35
MohammadAG51blame MS21:35
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skynetswhy cant nokia support its phones properly21:35
MohammadAG51blame MS21:35
skynetsyeah but other phones work fine on win x6421:36
MohammadAG51Flasher works on ubuntu x6421:36
pekujadoes anybody know of 3D engines with OpenGL ES 2 support?21:36
crashanddieskynets: what does it say on the box?21:36
crashanddieskynets: requirements? As I recall, it says XP or Vista 32bit21:36
FIQtested "man ls" just to test if man worked21:36
MohammadAG51well, other phones don't have a flasher-3.5 app21:36
skynetsthe same as on win 7...21:36
skynetssuitable usb device not found waiting21:36
FIQpager: applet not found21:36
FIQman: kommandot avslutade med status 256: pager -s21:36
skynetsbtw on win 7 the driver " Nokia N900 (update device)" cant be installed21:37
RST38hMohammad: Spell checker will coredump XChat when attaching to the text input widget21:37
opdf2If I reflash, is emmc reflash necessary?21:37
FIQtranslated: "man: the command terminated with status 256: pager -s"21:37
crashanddieopdf2: nope21:37
skynetswindows tries to install it everytime21:37
skynetsand always fails21:37
MohammadAG51skynets, try the troubleshooting section21:37
RST38hMohammad: This appears to be caused by Nokia utterly breaking the text input widget21:37
opdf2crashanddie:  ty21:37
MohammadAG51RST38h, what's libtool21:37
skynetsMohammadAG51, where21:37
MohammadAG51infobot, flasher21:37
infoboti guess flasher is
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skynetsi did21:38
skynetsbut thaqnks anyays21:38
MohammadAG51RST38h, /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=execute /usr/bin/glib-genmarshal  --header --body marshallers.list > marshallers.h21:38
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MohammadAG51skynets, then get a 32 bit OS :J21:38
FIQany thoughts?21:38
skynetsif i throw the n900 on the wall will it survive21:38
FIQif you're lucky21:39
GregoryRasputinThrow it extra hard21:39
FIQit will break21:39
skynetsi need a reason to get rid of this21:39
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FIQbut it's not _that_ bad quality21:39
FIQskynets, wash it!21:39
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skynetsyeah ill make a video21:40
MohammadAG51skynets, dump your OS21:40
skynets"N900 water test"21:40
FIQ... :P21:40
skynetsN900 waterproof test21:40
skynetsput it on youtube21:40
skynetsMohammadAG51, yeah i guess21:41
skynetsalright thanks guys, btw check out Unthinkable with samuel l jackson. great movie! MohammadAG51 i'm sure ull like it too :D21:41
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* MohammadAG51 wonders why you think that21:43
MohammadAG51RST38h, are there any missing build-depends?21:43
RST38hMohammad: libtool is another crappy autotool21:43
DocScrutinizerFIQ: maybe mandb pkg needs a decent less?21:43
MohammadAG51less? it's already packaged21:44
DocScrutinizerRST38h: oh yeah21:44
FIQ-bash: less: command not found21:44
MohammadAG51FIQ, install it21:44
MohammadAG51apt-get install less21:44
FIQbut it seemed to come with man21:44
MohammadAG51RST38h, the build fails21:44
FIQless is installing now anyway21:45
MohammadAG51even the clean source (from devel) fails to build21:45
opdf2should I take out sim during reflash?21:45
DocScrutinizerlibtool gave me shitloads of headache21:45
FIQbut why isn't it a dependicy?21:45
MohammadAG51opdf2, no reason to do that21:45
MohammadAG51FIQ, didn't know it was needed :)21:45
DocScrutinizerFIQ: maybe because messybox has a lesser less21:45
opdf2MohammadAG51:  k ty21:45
MohammadAG51that too21:45
MohammadAG51it's the sdk man-db, just altered a bit21:46
MohammadAG51i guess coreutils has less installed21:46
DocScrutinizerprolly not21:46
DocScrutinizerless is an separate pkg afaik21:46
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MohammadAG51Missing filename ("less --help" for help)21:46
MohammadAG51in the sdk it's installed21:46
MohammadAG51nokia took it out of depends...21:47
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DocScrutinizerwhatever, you need to set $PAGER correctly, then man will work21:47
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Terje_What's wrong with "more"?21:47
wall[e]can't page up back?21:48
DocScrutinizermessybox has a less linked to more, which in turn is messybox's brainfucked version of a pager21:48
MohammadAG51man works without fixing that21:48
MohammadAG51i guess the less package removes that link?21:48
DocScrutinizerTerje_: more as of busybox can't scroll back or search for strings or anything21:49
Terje_wall, then read well and try to remember.21:49
DocScrutinizerit's more retarded than msdos3.1's more21:49
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DocScrutinizerand that's even ok, as messybox never was intended to be used as an interactive shell, and more is the mother of all interactive commands21:50
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Terje_DocScrutinizer, well, if all you want to do is read a manpage, more could be enough. If you want to search a manpage, I guess it's easier to just google the man page up with N900's browser.21:52
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DocScrutinizerTerje_: It's been me who provided a nice alias for 'man' to invoke microb with the proper manpage. But as manpages tend to be needed when you got *problems* with your system, I'd rather refrain from relying on a connectivity-dependent man command21:54
* FIQ changed his default shell to bash a while ago21:55
IkarusDocScrutinizer: agreed21:55
DocScrutinizerFIQ: and that's basically what makes man cmd fail for you ;-P21:55
FIQbut it works now. :)21:56
Terje_DocScrutinizer, didn't know of such an alias, but sounds like a good idea. :-)21:56
DocScrutinizernice :-)21:56
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FIQbrought some adventages like a better PS1, commands actually did work somewhat as they use to do on a computer and i could use sudo the normal way21:56
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MohammadAG51RST38h, got scratchbox installed?22:00
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SpeedEvilWell - no reason you can't cache all the mans22:03
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pupnik_what is real memory consumption of an idling n900 (roughly/min)?22:05
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pupnik_say i have a game that needs 128MB.22:06
luke-jrmemory isn't per-minute22:07
dannym... except when there is a leak somewhere O_o22:07
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dannymI think pupnik means absolute free memory over time :)22:10
dannympupnik_: or do you? :)22:10
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astruasdhIn a chrooted debian image, I installed audacious pulse plugin and it worked. But the sound is stopping much often. Is there something to do?22:11
LiraNunapupnik_, mine shows ~90MB of mem and less than 30MB swapped22:12
* ShadowJK is pretty much always at 128M swap or more22:12
FIQTotal:      1031964       375460       65650422:13
muellihm. what's the most recent SDK rootstrap tarball for scratchbox?22:14
DocScrutinizerwho's wiki.maemo.or tech maintainer? (admin)22:15
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arachnisti tend to have more than one device capable of connecting to the internet and displaying a webpage reasonably around me22:16
xDaReaperxis the meego officially released for the n900?22:16
arachnistxDaReaperx: not yet22:16
IkarusxDaReaperx: commercial supported, never22:16
arachnistxDaReaperx: and there's #meego for those questions22:17
lbtDocScrutinizer: X-Fade22:17
xDaReaperxwhen will be released then?22:17
IkarusxDaReaperx: ask Intel and/or Nokia22:17
xDaReaperxintel is working too ? awesome22:17
ShadowJKI think "never" for comercial release22:17
DocScrutinizerlbt: thanks. Is search in wiki known to be borked? are there plans to fix that?22:17
IkarusxDaReaperx: Meego is Maemo + Moblin22:17
xDaReaperxhmm ok22:18
lbtDocScrutinizer: not known to be broken AFAIK22:18
xDaReaperxit will be free right?22:18
lbtDocScrutinizer: bug?22:19
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: why doesn't wiki search yield any hits?22:19
DocScrutinizersure, that's why I ask for the maintainer :-)22:19
DocScrutinizerlbt: ^^^22:19
lcukDocScrutinizer, show me one manual contribution that should exist22:19
DocScrutinizerlcuk: err what?22:20
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lcukok i found22:20
lbtlcuk: I searched for lbt...22:20
DocScrutinizerlcuk: clicking there to 'contrib' -> bug22:21
DocScrutinizerlcuk: I used
lcuksure DocScrutinizer - was just showing both sides of it22:22
DocScrutinizerneither speedevil nor joerg_rw 'contrib' works as supposed22:22
DocScrutinizer'contribs' actually22:22
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lcukalso if you get a result list22:24
lcukthen requery22:25
DocScrutinizerI'd maybe open a ticket, if I knew where and which category22:25
lcukthe original list returns, does that indicate the page download redownloaded, or the submit was cancelled22:25
DocScrutinizerlcuk: you lost me22:25
DocScrutinizerfirst of all I never get a result list22:26
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lcukDocScrutinizer, change the tickbox for "Show contributions of new accounts only"22:26
lcukand get the list of results22:26
DocScrutinizerduh, now it worked22:26
lcukthen change it back to speedevil and submit again22:26
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DocScrutinizeraah, no. that's been your suggestion22:27
lcukand in the component on the resulting bug page, select wiki22:28
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astruasdhuhulll finally!22:29
LiraNunaso apparently Sprint's 4G is WiMAX22:32
LiraNunais it operating on the same freq as the N810WE?22:32
smokuwhich GFX backend should I choose for my port - SDL or plain GTK+ ?22:34
luke-jrsmoku: Qt22:34
smokuare there any advantages of any?22:35
luke-jrsmoku: Qt is ideal22:35
luke-jrGTK is ugly, slow, and sucks in general22:35
luke-jrLiraNuna: according to it was *designed* for Sprint's WiMAX22:35
luke-jrno idea if that's the same WiMAX they offer as "4G" now22:36
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LiraNunaI know Nokia stopped supporting N810WE now, but I still have the device22:36
DocScrutinizerlcuk: maybe I lst my brain :-/ ""To file this bug, you must first choose a component. If necessary, just guess.  Please press Back and try again."" -> back -> no field to select component??22:37
luke-jrobviously it won't failover to 3G if there's no 4G22:37
LiraNunaluke-jr, sadly22:37
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luke-jrLiraNuna: I'm not certain that anyone is actively working on N810WE support long-term either22:37
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LiraNunaluke-jr, I know22:37
LiraNunaat least I got N90022:38
lcukDocScrutinizer, you mustv, because ive got a big fat combobox here22:38
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: my bad. only seen the "Product" label22:38
xDaReaperxwhy is the area under the battery icon become unclickable in portait mode ?22:39
xDaReaperxits a bug i think22:39
luke-jrLiraNuna: supposedly he got it to work22:39
lcukDocScrutinizer, *nod* but in general, its not easy to navigate bugtracker, in general a much more streamlined mechanism would be best22:39
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LiraNunaoh nice22:39
DocScrutinizerbug #1057322:40
povbot`Bug wiki search fails to yield any hits22:40
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smokuaw crap... why am I waisting my time with you?22:41
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derfHe clearly didn't waste any time learning how to spell.22:42
xDaReaperxHEY there is another bug i found , the email widget when enabled , the configuration icon thingy is unclickable22:42
derfAlso, think of all that time he saves not hitting the shift key.22:43
muellihm. apt-get upgrade within the SDK complains about packets not being authenticated. But apt-get update worked flawlessly, i.e. it didn't complain about missing keys or anything. any hints as to how to fix that?22:43
Mece_So I pushed Qlister to testing.22:43
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Mece_if you feel like testing and voting, it's here:
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lcukDocScrutinizer, voted for it22:45
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: on history page the user name is linked to
DocScrutinizeraction=edit seems quite insane22:48
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DocScrutinizer would be more what I'd expect to get when hitting the name22:50
DocScrutinizer(without the &action=edit part)22:50
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lcukDocScrutinizer, indeed22:51
lcukpost it as an additional on the bug perhaps?22:51
lcukor a totally new bug22:51
DocScrutinizerI really can't be bothered to open even another ticket for that ;-P22:51
DocScrutinizeraddition (footnote) might be appropriate22:52
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lcukDocScrutinizer, hopefully if theres a change required on the same page they can be dealt with together if required22:56
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DocScrutinizer a new ticket also should have pleased my karma, but I actually don't care22:57
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lcukwe confirmed today that tracy is officially the better photographer22:59
lcukwe both had n900s on holiday and for some reason all mine came out blurry and hers were nice and sharp22:59
DocScrutinizerwhoever that is22:59
derfMrs. lcuk.22:59
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lcuki wanted to blame it on tech but with same hardware theres just no competition23:00
DocScrutinizerbetter handling of pre-shoot autofocus?23:00
b-man|laptop :)23:01
alteregoI've been extremely happy with images I've taken :)23:01
MohammadAG51how do i kill the damn browser23:01
GregoryRasputinMen naturaly have shaky hands - due to masturbation - thus resulting in a flawed image23:01
MohammadAG51nvm it worked23:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: with a javelin23:01
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, yeah that worked23:01
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keesjthe sound stopped going to my headphone when plugged in. it happen after i enabled the fm transmitter while the headphone was connected. is there a fix for this? reboot doesn't help23:02
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lcukkeesj, o_O23:02
keesjbut kernel does show events that the headphone is plugged23:02
xDaReaperxhmm you can't FM transmit and hear to the song right ?23:02
DocScrutinizerkeesj: fmtx and headphones are mutually exclusive23:02
* SpeedEvil adds to the bug. 'I agree I should be credited with all edits on the wiki, this should do wonders for my karma'.23:03
lcukkeesj, battery pop?23:03
lcukSpeedEvil, you should be credited with nurturing a well read page anyway :)23:03
lcukediting percentage vs views of the page :D23:04
keesji will try a battery pop. in only powered down23:04
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, unless you use an external FMTX, in which case one is a subset of the other23:04
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: yes, captain obvious :-D23:05
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luke-jr[15:02:55] <DocScrutinizer> keesj: fmtx and headphones are mutually exclusive23:06
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: WHY?23:06
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: fmtx must shut down when cable is attached, to meet max tx power regulations23:07
lcukluke-jr, power output regulations and inteference i heard23:07
DocScrutinizeraiui the system tries to enforce this23:07
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: so a headphone would "accidentally" become an antenna?23:07
luke-jropen code, so I can bypass it when I form my own country?23:08
keesjbattery pop did not help.23:08
luke-jranyone use it for "pirate radio"?23:08
luke-jrballs is a person?23:09
DocScrutinizerwith a max output of maybe uW it could get hard to reach a wider audience23:09
lcukno its a reaction to keesjs post23:09
luke-jrso just strong enough to be illegal, and not strong enough to be useful? :/23:10
luke-jroh well23:10
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: exactly23:10
lcukits totally useful in the car23:10
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luke-jrguess that's a good defense for Nokia ;)23:10
luke-jr"sure, they could remove the restriction, but *there'd be no point*"23:10
luke-jrlcuk: sure, but that's legal :)23:10
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lcukcan you tx and rx at same time?23:11
DocScrutinizerI did23:11
luke-jron different channels?23:11
luke-jror you received what you transmitted?23:11
DocScrutinizerthough rx allegedly does NOT work WITHOUT headphones23:11
lcukkeesj, do the headphones still work?23:12
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: #223:12
lcukand does it stop normal speaker volume when you plug in23:12
luke-jrmeh, kinda useless exercise then23:12
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: confirmed the TX is working23:12
* luke-jr wonders why software-defined radio isn't implemented more23:12
keesjlcuk: I do get kernel messages when it's unplugged and plugged and the sound stops when it gets unplugged23:12
DocScrutinizertoo power greedy23:13
opdf2Does the N900 turn off once emmc is done flashing?23:13
SpeedEvilFMTX does not need to shut down when stuff is connected.23:13
MohammadAG51opdf2, it should stay in flashing mode23:13
lcukopdf2, depends on the setting you passed to flasher23:13
opdf2-R i have23:13
lcuk-R reboots afaik23:13
SpeedEvilFMTX needs to reduce power when USB (host or computer) or headset/composite cable is plugged23:13
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: even for the DSP?23:13
DocScrutinizeropdf2: depending on the -R parameter it either reboots or stays in flashing mode until batery empty23:13
SpeedEvil -23:14
povbot`Bug 6792: FM radio transmitter does not play while USB cord is connected23:14
opdf2So can I unplug USB now, yellow light steady blinking23:14
keesjWhat happend is that I did have the headphone connected. and i did pop a message that I first needed to remove the headphone but that's all23:14
opdf2I flashed FIASCO, no reboot, then emmc23:14
lcukif the flasher says its done yeah23:14
opdf2okay yes it says it is done, then NOKIA white screen then it is off23:14
lcukopdf2, where did you store your backup?23:14
opdf2so I can turn it on23:14
opdf2I copied to my hard driove23:14
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's basically correct, but hard to evaluate how to do it right23:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no, it's quite easy.23:15
berniehello, I'm a newbie... what's cool for hackers on the N900?23:15
keesjand headphone still works (on a differenet pc).23:15
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Rent an emissions chamber. Quantify the maximum emissions from headset. Set limit appropriately.23:15
jacekowskibernie: if you want to be really cool, buy beagle board23:15
SpeedEvilRepeat for USB charger and computer.23:15
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you can't exactly tell how high's the gain of a random attached cable23:16
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Sure. But you can reasonably say on the GUI 'Do not use other than nokia ...23:16
keesjlcuk: also the sounds keeps playing on the speakers so it is probably more a audiopath issue.23:16
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SpeedEvilAt least from a regulatory compliance POV23:16
yrrolhas anyone tried installing truecrypt5+ on their n8x0?23:16
MohammadAG51wouldn't a car charger also do the same?23:16
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: for sure they don't care about such kinky usecase (for headset at least)23:17
MohammadAG51i.e boost the signal23:17
jacekowskiyrrol: too slow23:17
berniejacekowski: I've already got one :)23:17
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: yes23:17
yrroljacekowski, what is?23:17
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: exactly23:17
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: see my last comment on
povbot`Bug 6792: FM radio transmitter does not play while USB cord is connected23:17
lcukkeesj, :S i dunno23:17
yrroltruecrypt 4.3a works pretty well23:17
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: not dealing with all plugged in cables the same way is a bug.23:17
ShadowJKOh hey, anyone looked into modifying the fmtx driver in the kernel, to support automatic findfreefrequency stuff that the chip supports?23:17
yrrolgood enough23:17
keesjI hope it's not a gconf configuuration because that's the kind of thing I will never find23:18
Stskeepsthen he joined college and discovered girls23:18
SpeedEvilShadowJK: I vaguely recall it's in there. But it's not implemnted in the middleware23:18
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, iirc I didn't find it in the driver23:18
jacekowskiShadowJK: what that would do?23:18
SpeedEvilShadowJK: K23:18
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lcuklol Stskeeps23:18
SpeedEviljacekowski: the FM TX can rapidly asses frequencies to see if they are free23:19
ShadowJKjacekowski, the chip can scan all frequencies and automatically pick the one that has least noise23:19
bernieafter 2 days I'm already bored with the stability of Maemo 5... can I track a development release?23:19
ShadowJKjacekowski, thanks to the RDS, your car radio would automatically follow23:19
jacekowskiit would be nice thing to have23:19
ShadowJKas long as your radio receiver supports RDS, of course23:19
SpeedEvilShadowJK: you'd need to turn off the transmitter for that time of course23:19
jacekowskiwell, it's i2c connected23:19
SpeedEvilwhile scanning23:20
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: exactly23:20
keesjwhat should happen if I plug the headphone after enabling the fm-transmitter :p23:21
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: so it's vastly useless feature during operation23:21
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, SpeedEvil haha
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Appiahoh my23:22
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yrrolcould messing with the file mess up a (n8x0) device? (linking to a newer for instance)23:22
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MohammadAG51I'm a smartass23:22
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer; no, it's not23:23
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: user starts 'enable FM tx' application23:23
DrGrovHello hello23:23
DocScrutinizerthat's not "during"23:23
DrGrovWhat is the big news this beautiful Saturday? :)23:23
keesjon my device the FM keeps transmitting23:23
SpeedEvilApp presents the normal freq selection dialog - with a greyed 'show free frequency' box.23:24
jacekowskion mine it just works23:24
SpeedEvilDuring this time it's scanning. Box ungreys when it's found free channels.23:24
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: perfect, implement it :-D23:24
DrGrovhi MohammadAG5123:24
DrGrovMohammadAG51: Did you see a problem with the screen lock freezing up from time to time due to the PR 1.2 update?23:25
ShadowJKMohammadAG, I hope that guy electrocutes himself :D23:25
MohammadAG51ShadowJK, what guy, that's how I charge :D23:25
ShadowJKMohammadAG, *facepalm* :)23:25
jacekowskiShadowJK: that's how i use my laptop while driving23:26
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jacekowskiShadowJK: except i have bigger inverter23:26
MohammadAG51ShadowJK, actually, the shock isn't all that bad23:26
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: It doesn't interest me much, I would need a small amount of cash.23:26
ShadowJKis that 120V?23:26
MohammadAG51i removed the charger and touched the metal part23:26
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ack23:26
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, small = 1?23:26
SpeedEvilSmall = $150 or so.23:27
jacekowskii would recommend finding a job23:27
jacekowskiand stopping to live off taxpayers money23:27
MohammadAG51or putting up a donations button23:27
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: curse you, you're spoiling the devel market ;-P23:27
jacekowskithat still would be living off taxpayers money23:27
astruasdhwhere can I find some example of telepathy for handling calls?23:27
MohammadAG51there's 500+ of us here23:27
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: forget it23:28
xim_anyone get evopedia working with a dump?  I cant get the evopedia program to select the dump directory, after I extract the dump, and navigate to the folder in evopedia, it just looks inside the folder for some file it isnt finding23:28
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, I was just stating the obvious23:28
xim_not than any file is really missing, i just cant get it to select the directory rather than navigating inside it23:29
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: never worked for any project I've seen doing that23:29
DrGrovAnything new cool app for the N900?23:29
SpeedEviljacekowski: I have perhaps an hour or two a day that I'm actually functional and productive.23:29
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, doing what23:29
DrGrovI was eagerly looking for the "LED pattern" or something similar program23:29
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: donation button23:29
SpeedEviljacekowski: Which makes job problematic.23:30
lcukbernie, there isnt a dev release at present23:30
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, well, if someone appreciates your work then...23:30
DocScrutinizerDrGrov: to do what?23:30
lcukwhere specifically are you having problems23:30
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: no23:30
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, I'm just saying...23:30
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: to change the LED pattern on missed calls and missed SMS, charging etc.23:30
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DocScrutinizerDrGrov: easy23:31
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: I saw it on a Youtube video, not sure though where to find it and if it is stable23:31
DocScrutinizerjust edit mce.ini23:31
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: oh, it is easy? :)23:31
SpeedEvilerr - not that one23:31
DrGrovI hate to have the blue light blinking when I have both missed calls and SMS23:31
DrGrovPrefer to have different ones23:31
SpeedEvilthat one23:31
MohammadAG51edit mce.ini23:31
DrGrovthanks SpeedEvil23:32
DrGrovMohammadAG: ok, i will edit mce.ini. gotta get gainroot first23:32
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SpeedEvilThe LED pattern editor is quite nice though.23:32
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SpeedEvilAlso - everyone! Please test stuff in extras-testing!
SpeedEvilthumb it up or down if it works, does not use too much power, or doesn't have one of the blockers at
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MohammadAG51you get karma for testing!23:36
* MohammadAG51 hides23:36
alteregoDo you think karma even matters anymore? :P23:37
MohammadAG51just ask DocScrutinizer23:37
* MohammadAG51 runs23:37
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: oh btw, did I mention alarmed now does presets in the command execution? I wrote it a while ago and totally forgot that it's in the latest version :)23:39
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: I'm also quite pleased with the way the setting/choosing of presets is done. it's very straight forward.23:40
MohammadAG51alterego, in all seriousness, it's an effective method of showing how much you've contributed23:40
alteregoMohammadAG51: yeah, I know :P23:41
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: you want to tell me you adopted my suggestions and like them?23:41
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: well presets are no doubt a good idea :)23:42
FIQ libsdl-mixeroggwav1.2-dev: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not installable23:42
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: oh, even the CLI is supposed to support them now.23:43
DocScrutinizer(karma) no it's not really23:43
Shapeshifternew options and all23:43
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: mh?23:43
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: great :-)23:43
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: funny thing is I anticipated that maybe a week or 2 ago, when I told somebody here "use alarmed, it does all you need (execute scripts etc), it even has a cron like cli interface"23:45
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: I just improved the list layout. No more sideways scrolling and stuff. building the package now.23:46
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, no?23:47
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: no. There's reports of fsckng karma whore noobs thumbing down apps just for rising their karma. Also somebody adding a lot of noise to tmo shouln't get a karma reward for that23:48
walzii need some information and help23:49
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, well you have to tie your accounts for that to happen, i doubt noobs do that23:49
walzihow can i install python2.5-minimal on my n900?23:50
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: no idea. just saying karma is a rather fuzzy meter for any quality that matters23:50
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MohammadAG51cya DocScrutinizer23:52
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satmdanyone tried to export gps via bluetooth yet?23:53
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satmdI've not been much successful on the web23:54
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luke-jrsatmd: check OpenMoko's wiki23:55
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