IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-05-30

bennypr0fanewindows always said that when i plug in the n900 - everything used to work normally though. it's recognized as mass storage00:00
LiraNunabrendans, there's sort-weight, but I don't know what it means (it's a number)00:00
thunderfestI'll walk you through it if you want00:00
bennypr0fanei have a linux live cd00:00
bennypr0fanePuppy i think00:00
thunderfestwhich one00:00
johnxbennypr0fane, well, in this case the N900 isn't acting like a mass-storage device, so windows treats it differently00:00
brendansLiraNuna, yeah, I think it may be that it controls the sorting in the update screen (i.e. if you tap the orange exclamation mark)00:00
bennypr0faneor ubuntu00:00
brendansLiraNuna, so that SSU is on the top, for example00:00
bennypr0fanei wouldn't know how to get back here on Linuy though00:01
lcukfrals, yes she was singing about a big arse00:01
LiraNunahow do I take a screenshot?00:01
thunderfestyeah slap in that ubuntu cd and we'll get you reflashed in time00:01
fralslcuk: :D00:01
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lcuki wasnt listening at the time00:01
jophishjust had to reflash my n900. things suck at the moment.00:01
thunderfestxchat is a nice and easy to use linux irc client00:01
jophishreliving the nightmare before bash and catorise00:02
jophishand hundreds of other tweaks00:02
johnxso once you boot ubuntu, use the ubuntu software center thing to install xchat, get back here and we'll run you through the rest00:02
lcukfrals, voting for Armenia00:02
lcukshe has the best chest in the competition00:02
LiraNunahow do I take a screenshot?00:02
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johnxLiraNuna, on the N900?00:03
bennypr0fanexchat? will it let me install anything when i'm running ubuntu from a cd?00:03
johnxLiraNuna, first google result for maemo screenshot:
LiraNunaI know there's a shortcut, but I don't know it00:03
fralslcuk: lol00:04
LiraNunaI tried ctrl+shift+P already00:04
fralslcuk: germany was best imo00:04
fralsanyways afk now, gnight all :)00:04
lcukgermany was best song00:04
johnxLiraNuna, and you looked in the images/screenshots dir afterwards?00:04
LiraNunayeah nothing00:04
johnxthen you're SOL I guess00:04
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thunderfestbennypr0fane yes you will be able to install programs while running the live cd00:05
LiraNunaoh, it's .images00:05
johnxLiraNuna, order matters. has to be shift then ctrl then p00:05
pupnik Screenshot-20100529-230453.png00:05
pupnikworks here00:05
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LiraNunait's dot images, not images00:06
bennypr0faneok, thanks a lot you guys, see back here in few00:06
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LiraNunamy app manager's "All" ->
LiraNunaand there's no config for sorting, either ->
johnxkeen. when did it start doing that?00:09
LiraNunaafter PR1.2 OTA00:09
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brendansI've been trying to look through the ham source, to see if there's a gconf setting or something, LiraNuna00:10
LiraNunadoes anyone else get the same thing?00:11
brendansno, but I reflashed00:11
LiraNunahow does it look for you?00:11
LiraNunaI'm also missing version on the side00:11
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LiraNunadoes anyone else experience it?00:14
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LiraNunaI know there has been updates to the app manager, and everyone said it's better now - but for me it looks worse00:15
lcukLiraNuna, have you rebooted since you saw this effect?00:15
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LiraNunalcuk, yes, many times00:15
lcukthats rly bizarre00:15
LiraNunain fact, let me reboot once more00:15
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LiraNunacan anyone screenshot their app manager?00:15
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brendansLiraNuna, mine's identical except for theme and sorting differences (and the catalogues, of course)00:17
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brendanssame elements, placement, etc.00:17
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brendansI think that would be controlled by
LiraNunaso they removed version on the right side?00:18
LiraNunaI remember a version displayed on the right side00:18
lcukLiraNuna, disable all your repositories and refresh and reenable them?00:20
lcukdo other lists also come up wrong?00:20
LiraNunalet's try00:20
LiraNunalcuk, yes00:20
MohammadAGLaptop HDD has a bad sector :(00:21
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LiraNunathis is what I see in the ened00:22
LiraNunabut reversed00:22
LiraNunalcuk, tried that, no go00:24
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LiraNunasame output00:24
LiraNunaafk for a while00:24
lcukso outside of HAM you get inverted lists?00:24
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TheFaioliOT: In johnx's link, what's the widget making up the list?00:25
pupniki would install catorise00:25
brendansif anyone else is looking at the source, I'm trying to find make_install_apps_package_list... seems like that's what's actually rendering the list that's been reversed00:26
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TheFaiolisomething tells me I should be looking in package-info-cell-renderer.c      ... duh.00:28
lcuklol TheFaioli was just about to say that :p00:28
mc_teoanyone watching the eurovision00:29
mc_teoireland ftw00:30
jophishapplication manager needs to be able to install things many at a time00:30
johnxyeah. it also needs a command line interface. and that interface should be called apt-get. and it should get ported to debian.00:30
thunderfestyeah bulk installing is the feature I would most like to see in the next revision of the app manager00:30
brendansI've been working on the same path, TheFaioli... I think eventually you're going to find yourself at, looking at "make_global_package_list"00:31
brendansMy best guess is that it's something to do with the new live search functionailty00:31
TheFaioliHmmm... yeah...00:32
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mc_teodoes microb have an refresh shortcut00:32
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brendansLiraNuna, if you're around, what happens if you do a live search in the application list? Is it still sorted in reverse?00:33
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jophishWhere are the sms records kept?00:35
cure`uh, was the way to search for apps in the application manager changed from 1.1 to 1.2?00:37
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lcukyes just enter a category (or all) and start typing00:38
thunderfestis there a way to search by description and name?00:39
lcuksearch is on name and description00:39
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lcuktyping "ren" brings back results including:   xplanet:planetary body renderere00:39
thunderfestword...well last night I was trying to install MGutenberg and I typed in ebook but got no results00:40
cutiyarmaemo support Nokia n73?00:40
cure`ah ok, thx lcuk00:41
cure`would be cool if that "start to type" approach to search was used in more apps00:41
pupnikor less00:41
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johnxjophish, did you find them yet?00:42
johnxmaybe /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db00:44
johnxwhich is a sqlite3 db00:44
jophishjohnx, I hadn't looked actually ;)00:46
jophishif they are easy to graft into a new flash, then great00:46
jophishotherwise no bother00:46
johnxjust use the backup tool, then the restore tool :)00:46
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johnxonly reason to go poking around in the .db is if you wanted to ... go poking around in the db :)00:46
lcukcure`, most gtk lists support it around the os now00:47
johnxmy favorite typeahead find implementation is in omweather though00:47
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bennypr0fane_johnx, thunderfest u still here?00:58
bennypr0fane_oh great00:59
bennypr0fane_took me a while, ubuntu seems to dislike my pc00:59
bennypr0fane_so i guess i'll need to download the linux flasher?01:00
johnxget the ubuntu package here:
bennypr0fane_i'm on ubuntu 8.04 now, 9.10 didn't start the gui....01:01
bennypr0fane_will this work?01:01
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johnxone sec01:02
johnxgave you the wrong download link01:02
thunderfestI'm here01:02
johnxthat's the right download link01:03
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bennypr0fane_debian based or not debian based?01:06
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johnxdebian based01:07
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Xenon|XZdoes the enhanced kernel actually make a diff on battery life?01:10
bennypr0fane_i installed the flasher, but now i don't know how to start it01:10
thunderfestits command line only01:10
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bennypr0fane_oh, so terminal?01:11
Xenon|XZsorry kernel-power-settings aswel obviously01:11
thunderfestyeah click applications->accessories->terminal01:11
johnxsudo flasher-3.5 --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset01:12
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: no, I had beer instead. What do you mean mc.desktop? Is it possible to open multiple mc instances?01:13
thunderfestjohnx what do those flags do?01:13
nikki93What's 'meego'?01:13
johnxthunderfest, he's stuck in a reboot loop. this should prevent the watchdog from rebooting the device01:14
jophishIs there a way to disable the camera app starting when opening the lens cover01:14
jophishI use the lens cover more to start the flashlight01:14
johnxit might let him get far enough into the desktop to backup his stuff, or if he's lucky far enough to replace the package he removed that caused this01:14
SpeedEvilI plan on trying to split off the LEDs into their own LED driver01:15
SpeedEvilAnd having the camera driver use this.01:15
SpeedEvilWith the aid of this, and two drilled holes, you won't need to open up.01:15
thunderfestnikki93: meego is another mobile OS  made through a partnership between nokia and will be on the n920 (and other new devices ) instead of maemo01:15
jaskawont that accelerate dust gathering on lens?01:15
jaskaunless you put something transparent there01:16
nikki93thunderfest: It any good?01:16
thunderfestits not really out yet01:16
johnxjaska, a clear piece of scotch tape should prevent that01:16
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nikki93thunderfest: But gimme an opinion.01:16
TheFaioliI thought the Meego 1.0 was released for N900?01:17
thunderfestidk I have not used it at all01:17
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TheFaiolinikki93: v1.0 probably has it's share of issues. I'd wait for youtube vids to surface.01:18
thunderfestI thought the meego 1.0 release was just a developer release and just barely get you to a terminal01:18
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brendansmy understanding is that the meego mobile device UI hasn't been created yet, just the netbook version01:19
brendansbut the n900 is a devel device for the mobile UI01:20
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thunderfestyeah thats right I think...but the mobile UI is going to be designed for capacitance based multi-touch screens not the single touch resistive screen of the n900 so when the mobile version of meego does official come out  there will no official support for the n900 ...even though that is what they are testing on right now01:22
thunderfestbut it should be fairly easy to port applications between meego and maemo01:23
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tybolltStskeeps: will meego guarantee the same UI in every device type or can UI differ wildly depending on type of device?01:27
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thunderfestrumors have said both I'm not sure anyone is sure about that right now01:29
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MohammadAGbah, I have to actually change gparted's source to add a damn parameter01:31
bennypr0fane_so sorry, but could I have that command again? ubuntu crashed when i plugged in the n900 the first time, i had to reboot and reinstall....01:33
MohammadAGwhich command?01:33
MohammadAG<johnx> sudo flasher-3.5 --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset <-- this one?01:33
Proteoussudo make me sammich01:33
ProteousI was close01:33
bennypr0fane_yes, thanks01:33
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MohammadAGwow, didn't think this would actually work01:35
Proteouspeeing on his toes to kill the atheletes foot01:35
Proteousman, I am in a strange mood01:35
ProteousI think I need more coffee01:36
MohammadAGindeed, I suggest /part :P01:36
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bennypr0fane_it's doing something! flasher recognized the device!01:37
bennypr0fane_it's telling me the fw-version01:37
bennypr0fane_now how do i get the new one on there?01:38
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MohammadAGfirst of all, why did you go into R&D mode?01:38
thunderfesthe's stuck in a reboot loop01:39
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johnxbennypr0fane_, I actually gave you the command to to try and get it to boot. you might want to just unplug it, and see if it starts up01:39
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MohammadAGoh, that makes sense then01:39
MohammadAGI thought you wanted to reflash01:39
bennypr0fane_in fact, i do01:40
bennypr0fane_after i get it back up and running01:40
* thunderfest is getting some more coffee brb01:40
bennypr0fane_i downloaded pr 1.201:40
johnxbennypr0fane_, do you have stuff you need to backup before you reflash?01:40
bennypr0fane_hey thunderfest, how do you make your coffee?01:41
bennypr0fane_johnx i made 2 backups01:41
johnxah, well you didn't need that r&d mode stuff I guess :)01:41
bennypr0fane_one on n900 and one on the pc with nokia pc suite01:41
bennypr0fane_my phone is back!01:42
* MohammadAG wonders why the SW watchdog was rebooting it01:42
johnxhe removed libqt4-phonon01:43
bennypr0fane_SW watchdog?01:43
thunderfestin a coffee pot01:43
MohammadAGthe one you just killed with that command01:43
thunderfestyeah if you already made you backups you can just reflash01:44
bennypr0fane_i removed liqt4-phonon,  that went wrong, I tried to reboot, got caught in a loop01:44
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thunderfestsudo flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> -f -R01:45
bennypr0fane_with an italian espresso can, with filters, or with a tabs machine?01:45
johnxbennypr0fane_, are you on 1.1 right now or 1.2?01:45
johnxyou need to flash the emmc as well then01:45
johnxgo download both01:46
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thunderfest italian espresso can, with wife was a  barista for a few years01:46
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bennypr0fane_i have: RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin and RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin01:47
bennypr0fane_these the right files?01:47
MohammadAGYou only NEED to flash the 2nd one01:47
MohammadAGthe 1st one will clear the eMMC01:48
MohammadAG(32GB eMMC)01:48
johnxMohammadAG, even going 1.1 to 1.2?01:48
thunderfestyeah you only need to do the second one01:48
bennypr0fane_oops, i don't want that i guess01:48
MohammadAGjohnsq, no need to reflash the eMMC01:48
odin_flash "RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin" first without the -R to reboot01:48
johnxI stand corrected :)01:48
MohammadAGflasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R01:48
MohammadAGodin_, why...01:49
MohammadAGthe -R isn't needed when reflashing the eMMC, which he doesn't want01:49
MohammadAGto do01:49
MohammadAGdamn enter key01:49
thunderfestbennypr0fane listen to what MohammadAG is saying01:49
odin_ok I misunderstood, if you are not doing EMMC as well you can use -R to reboot (or just unplug when you know its done)01:49
bennypr0fane_if i do that, everything's gone right? pictures, documents....01:50
MohammadAGif you reflash the eMMC yes01:50
bennypr0fane_i mean, if i reflas the eMMC01:50
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MohammadAGbennypr0fane_, yes, the whole 32GB flash will be erased01:50
bennypr0fane_no, defintiely don't want that.01:50
MohammadAGwhich has MyDocs (Nokia N900 in File Manager), /opt, and swap01:50
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MohammadAGthen the command I typed should be enough01:51
MohammadAGoh wait01:51
MohammadAGflasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f --disable-rd-mode -R01:51
MohammadAGyou shouldn't stay in RD mode01:51
bennypr0fane_so this means: undo what i did first, than flash, than reboot?01:52
thunderfestif you use this command --> flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f --disable-rd-mode -R   it should just reflash the firmware and leave your files alone01:52
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MohammadAGbennypr0fane_, nope, just run the command and reboot the device when it says device not found01:52
MohammadAG(hold down the power button with the USB cable connected)01:52
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bennypr0fane_but how does flasher find the image?01:53
thunderfestno hes on an ubuntu live cd01:53
MohammadAGoh, cool01:53
MohammadAGcopy the image into /home/ubuntu01:53
MohammadAGthen run the command01:53
MohammadAGworst OS install in my life, Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, from 12 PM till 1 AM01:54
MohammadAG(I should blame CHKDSK for 7 of those hours)01:54
thunderfestthe image file needs to be in the directory where your terminal is at .... by default the terminal starts in /home/ubuntu01:54
SpeedEvilcould be worse01:54
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MohammadAGwell, Windows still boots up01:55
MohammadAGthat means I didn't f up gparted by editing the source01:55
thunderfestyou can check if it is there with the command "ls" (list) and you can change directories with the command "cd" (change directory)01:56
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MohammadAGnow if only someone explained those basic commands to me three years ago...01:57
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thunderfestso if the firmware image is on your desktop you can get to it in the terminal by typing cd ~/Desktop01:58
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thunderfestthen typing ls you should see it listed01:58
MohammadAGLinux is case sensitive, as everything should be01:58
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thunderfestthen your flasher can see it01:58
MohammadAGtook me a day to find that on my own three years ago01:58
bennypr0fane_i moved the image to home/ubuntu01:59
MohammadAGWindows boots up01:59
MohammadAGand... Ubuntu doesn't (GRR)01:59
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bennypr0fane_is there a way to copy and paste commands into the terminal?01:59
MohammadAGctrl c to copy from here02:00
johnxedit -> paste02:00
MohammadAGctrl+shift+v to paste02:00
bennypr0fane_ah, it's the shift i was missing!02:00
thunderfestor shift + Insert02:00
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MohammadAGbennypr0fane_, it's cause CTRL ^C has a function on its own02:01
MohammadAGI wouldn't do it while reflashing (I did it once but it was after I actually flashed the bootloader part)02:01
bennypr0fane_do i need the n900 power off or on for flashing?02:02
thunderfestyeah do not hit CTRL + anything while it is reflashing02:02
MohammadAGwith the USB cable connected power down02:02
MohammadAGit should power on and kick into flashing mode on its own02:02
johnxMohammadAG, it took me months to get my isa pnp modem and isa pnp soundcard to work at the same time in linux. looking back I was somewhat masochistic ...02:02
MohammadAGyay gdm doesn't start02:02
MohammadAGRight now I'm not sure if it's my GFX card that's f'd up or Ubuntu02:03
thunderfestMohammadAG: did your windows install overwrite your master boot record and not grub is not loading. .is that why you cannot get ubuntu to boot?02:03
thunderfestoh your getting past grub02:04
MohammadAGthunderfest, Ubuntu 'boots', but X crashes02:04
MohammadAGgoing into failsafeX02:04
thunderfestah what kind of card do you have02:04
thunderfestvideo card that is02:04
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MohammadAG852/855 chipset I think02:04
thunderfesthrm those are usually fairly well supported02:05
MohammadAGout with the new, in with the old I guess02:05
* MohammadAG removes nouveau02:05
thunderfestcan you get to a terminal and check the contents of the /etc/X11 directory?02:06
MohammadAGgot into failsafeX and gdm started02:06
MohammadAGremoving nouveau02:06
MohammadAGwasn't the whole xorg.conf thing dumped in Ubuntu 10.04?02:06
johnxit's used if present02:06
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johnxa lot of times, the easiest fix is to move it out of the way02:07
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bennypr0fane_it's saying usb device not found again02:07
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MohammadAGpop out the battery02:07
MohammadAGconnect the cable02:07
MohammadAGkeep the command running02:07
MohammadAGthen insert the battery02:08
bennypr0fane_do i need to push u while plugging it in?02:08
MohammadAGif you remove the battery no02:08
thunderfestbennypr0fane you could just unplug it make sure it is powered all the way down and try holding down u and pluging it back in before you try removing hte battery02:09
MohammadAGor that, but 10.04 broke that too :)02:09
bennypr0fane_there's a an application called f-spot launching itself whenever i plug in02:09
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MohammadAGare you sure you're holding u?02:10
MohammadAGf-spot only launches if a Mass Storage device is connected02:10
thunderfestubuntu thinks it a camera then02:10
MohammadAGparticularly one with photos02:10
thunderfestif you powered it down while connected it might not of shut all the way off02:10
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bennypr0fane_it makes a lot of u's in the terminal or chat, am i doing it wrong?02:11
MohammadAGu on the N900, not the PC02:11
ShapeshifterI just filed a bug for "my location" in the status area for IM. it doesn't update after a while. anyone got this?
povbot`Bug 10415: "My location" in chat status hangs and doesn't get updated02:11
thunderfestso unplug it start it all the up and then all the way down again unpluged .. then hold down the u key and plug it back in02:11
bennypr0fane_hold the button with the phone switched off? that's weird...02:12
thunderfestwhile the terminal is saying waiting for device or whaterver it says02:12
ShapeshifterAnd does someone know how I can restart the messaging thing?02:12
thunderfestyeah hold down u with the device off and plug it in02:12
brendansMohammadAG, what did you upgrade from?02:13
MohammadAGbrendans, 9.1002:14
brendansA few versions ago there were changes to the way that non-standard resolutions were handled, and I remember that the 8xx series was handled differently from the 9xx series02:14
brendansah, probably not that then02:14
brendans(i.e. 915resolution)02:15
MohammadAGdpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0143' for reading: Stale NFS file handle02:15
MohammadAG <-- huh02:15
brendans... :|02:15
MohammadAGrm: cannot remove `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0143': Stale NFS file handle02:15
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brendansis your /var on a remote server?02:16
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thunderfestNFS is network file system02:16
bennypr0fane_it says error claiming usb device, operation not permitted02:16
MohammadAGno, to both questions02:16
bennypr0fane_already said so the first time....02:16
MohammadAGbennypr0fane_, sudo...02:16
MohammadAGsudo flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f --disable-rd-mode -R02:17
brendansMohammadAG, not sure what's wrong on your system... is this on the system, or a live CD?02:18
thunderfestadding sudo tells your command to run with a higher set of permissions (root)02:18
johnxMohammadAG, check dmesg | tail02:18
brendansI feel like unionfs has some NFS mechanics in it in the newer versions... could be related to the union on a ubuntu live cd's /02:18
MohammadAGbut this is a chroot02:19
MohammadAGfsck'ing it02:19
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk1p1: recovering journal02:19
brendansoh, shoot, I thought this was a desktop system; I must have missed the beginning02:19
MohammadAGnope, I'm working on two systems02:20
MohammadAG3 actually :P02:20
thunderfestbennypr0fane how is it going?02:20
zashDoes the xmpp-muc client do anything about history control?02:21
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MohammadAGwhat's vesa?02:21
luke-jrMohammadAG: aka VGA02:22
thunderfestthe standard linux video driver02:22
brendansstandard software driver02:22
luke-jractually, I think Vesa was a step up from VGA02:22
brendansi.e. no hardware acceleration02:22
MohammadAGit works using that in xorg.conf02:22
MohammadAGany ideas what the intel driver is called?02:23
luke-jryeah, VGA is 640x480 and VESA is 800x60002:23
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MohammadAGrunning @ 1024x768 here02:23
brendans"intel" I believe02:23
luke-jrWikipedia says they've issued numerous standards since the original 800x60002:23
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johnxVGA is a video mode, VESA incorporates a ton of video standards02:24
luke-jrsomeone needs to standardize OpenVG and OpenGL acceleration ;)02:24
Ceriand|desktop1Hi all, I just upgraded my n900 and the Converstions app doesn't save the history any more?02:24
MohammadAGand what's MESA? (I remember helping someone compile it)02:24
Ceriand|desktop1any ideas?02:24
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luke-jrMohammadAG: Mesa is basically OpenGL for Linux02:24
MohammadAGCeriand|desktop, there's a thread about it on tmo02:24
luke-jrincluding bits of hw accel for various cards02:24
Ceriand|desktopMohammadAG: link?02:24
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MohammadAGyou'll need to delete the new file I think02:24
MohammadAGCeriand|desktop, search :P02:24
brendansmy wife just yelled, "The dishwasher is leaking!"02:25
MohammadAGsec I'll see if Firefox's awesome bar has it02:25
Ceriand|desktopMohammadAG: already tried02:25
Ceriand|desktopdidn't find anything relevant02:25
MohammadAGCeriand|desktop, you didn't try hard enough
Ceriand|desktopMohammadAG: thx :)02:26
MohammadAGnp :)02:26
MohammadAGI think my lappy needs some repairs02:26
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MohammadAGit keeps dropping wifi for 2 seconds02:26
MohammadAGdoesn't cause anything major, but I hate it when the LED blinks02:27
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Maceri want true su8w bt keyboard support02:28
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johnxbrendans, dishwasher fail?02:31
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brendansI think there was dish soap on something, not sure... lots of foam02:31
brendansOne of the ones with a mysteriously unmarked dial (I may or may not have found "Drain")02:32
wazdwow, dell's tablet looks pretty descent02:32
wazdit doesn't even have appleish look :)02:33
johnxwazd, did you see engadget stab it with a pen?02:33
wazdjohnx: yeah :)02:33
johnxyeah, that looked awful, but I was suitably impressed02:33
brendansis this the XT2?02:34
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wazdjohnx: my first pda's touchscreen died after one summer of playing Snails :D02:34
wazdjohnx: that's WM Worms clone :)02:34
brendansor the Streak?02:34
johnxbrendans, streak02:34
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wazdthough it's a heluva spade :)02:35
brendansah, k02:35
wazdeven HD2 will look small near that monster :)02:36
brendansseems like the screen is about the size of the n800 body?02:36
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wazdbrendans: something like that02:37
wazdI hope there once will be a capacitive touchscreen with same accuracy as resistive02:38
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wazdthat would be the end of resistive era :)02:38
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* SpeedEvil is mind-boggled by the insanity of end-users caring.02:39
brendansI'll admit, I kind of like the n900's resistive LCD... sunlight readable, and it works with anything you touch it with02:39
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wazdbrendans: well, first of all sun readibility has nothing to do with touchscreen type :)02:39
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brendansno, I mean LCD vs. AMOLED02:39
wazdbrendans: ah, yeah, n900's LCD is superb02:40
brendansbut I see the two decisions (resistive, LCD) as coming from the same design philosophy02:40
wazdbrendans: it's even better than e6302:40
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brendanswazd: i.e. there should never be a normal use situation where you can't use the device because of silly reasons (gloves, sunlight)02:41
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wazdbrendans: AMOLED is overrated02:41
wazdbrendans: I compared Nexus One next to n900 - nothing really that special02:41
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wazdbrendans: slightly brighter, that's all02:42
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wazdbrendans: though it's more energy eficcent02:42
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brendanswazd: yeah, I guess my concern is that if you don't have a transflective screen, there are a lot of situations where it can't be used02:42
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wazdbrendans: well, looks like Super-AMOLED fixes the situation a bit02:43
brendanswazd: oh?02:43
wazdbrendans: but still nothing close to transflective02:43
wazdbrendans: well, it's even more brighter, that's why it's more readable on the sunlight02:44
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zashN9xx with pixel qi yet?02:44
brendansah, k02:44
johnxzash, I wish02:44
zashwho doesn't?02:44
wazdzash: who knows02:44
brendanszash: I feel like that's the endpoint of what we were just talking about02:45
johnxare we ranting about what features we want? good. I want something in the Zaurus SL-5500 form factor02:45
wazdzash: pixel Qi + that fancy resistive multitouch tech + my secret weapon = death to all handhelds :)02:45
brendanssomething e-ink like on one end of the spectrum, and some kind of LED matrix on the other...02:45
brendansor both02:45
luke-jrjohnx: lame02:45
luke-jrC760 form ftw02:45
johnxluke-jr, one handed text entry. nuff said02:46
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brendans'nuff said02:47
wazdjohnx: keyboard is fancy, but trackball? :D02:47
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bennypr0fane_the flasher got stuck and my keyboard went dead. somehow the phone is still alive02:47
johnxbrendans, hey, where'd you dig up the picture of me?02:47
johnxbennypr0fane_, what did it say when it got stuck?02:47
brendanslol, third hit on a google image search for "wearable computing"02:47
luke-jrbtw, who here has a Pandora already?02:48
johnxluke-jr, mine is in the mail :)02:48
luke-jrjohnx: to me?02:48
bennypr0fane_it said: "sending cmt-algo image (507kB)"02:48
johnxluke-jr, to my parents house I think02:48
johnxor maybe somewhere in east asia02:49
johnxI'm a little unclear02:49
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Macerim watching west wing again02:49
Macerlove this show02:49
wazdsquare icons, matrix, total iPhone ripoff02:50
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johnxwazd, and that button in the bottom center? yup. definitely a rip02:50
johnxeven has the multiple desktop thing going on02:50
wazdjohnx: I tell ya02:50
wazdjohnx: home button!02:50
Maceriphones have multiple icons?02:51
SpeedEvilI just pasted in another channel02:51
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* GeneralAntilles sighs at all of the capacitive bullshit coming out of Nokia.02:51
bennypr0fane_it finished sending xloader img, secondary img, flashing bootloader, sending cmt-2nd img and got stuck while sending cmt-algo02:51
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johnxwow. lucky lucky02:51
luke-jrspeaking of which, is Pandora capacitive or resistive?02:52
johnxI guess bullshit would have a certain capacitance...hadn't really thought about it02:52
johnxwonder if you could use it as an iphone stylus02:52
Macerisnt pandora vaporware?02:52
johnxMacer, yes. the pandora is the most elaborate vaporware scam ever02:53
luke-jrMacer: no, it shipped02:53
Macerluke-jr: liar02:53
johnxthey even sent some people real devices just to keep people believing02:53
luke-jrMacer: johnx has a tracking code ;)02:53
johnxnope. sending out real devices is part of the scam02:53
bennypr0fane_does anyone have an explanation for this? should i keep trying?02:53
* Macer is reminded of the touchbook02:53
Macera piece of me dies02:53
luke-jralso, as predicted, it sounds like there's no shortage ;)02:54
johnxluke-jr, actually. I got a sent notification, but not tracking info02:54
luke-jrnoticed a number of "I just ordered and I'm #10xx"02:54
brendansslightly random: I wish openmosix still worked with 2.6... I could offload work from my phone to my beagleboard wirelessly02:54
luke-jrso if they're doing 4000, plenty of time to buy02:54
luke-jrmaybe the price will drop soon :p02:54
johnxbennypr0fane_, uhm. if it died out once I'm a little worried about telling you to try again02:54
johnxdo you have another computer you could flash from?02:54
johnxand just use the nokia gui flasher?02:55
bennypr0fane_not right here02:55
MohammadAGwell, gdm starts correctly using vesa02:55
Macerhm. isnt a pandora using the same ti hw as this n900?02:55
luke-jrMacer: no02:55
MohammadAGexcept for those compiz effects :(02:55
brendanssimilar, I think02:55
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johnxMacer, virtually the same02:55
bennypr0fane_but no computer with linux, however02:55
luke-jrthey're both OMAP3, but IIRC Pandora's is slightly better02:55
wazd#IPv6 on the Nokia #N900 and #Facebook02:55
brendansI think it's on the 3530 and the n900 is the 343002:55
wazd#fuck #you #, #twitter02:55
johnxbennypr0fane_, if your phone is booting again, you shouldn't need anything special02:56
bennypr0fane_i might try again on windows with nokia software updater02:56
Macerah.. awesome02:56
johnxyeah. I'm worried that it's something about the USB hardware on your desktop though02:56
brendansat this point, they've probably go the same 720 MHz chips the new rev beagleboards have though02:56
Macerso is the next ota update going to actually be over the air?02:56
johnxdo you think you might have done anything to upset it during the flash? touched the USB cable? kicked the computer?02:56
Macerthey were calling 1.2 ota haha02:56
luke-jrOMAP3430 - 600 MHz ARM Cortex A8 + PowerVR SGX 530 GPU + 430MHz C64x+ DSP + ISP (Image Signal Processor)02:56
luke-jrOMAP3530 - 720 MHz ARM Cortex A8 + PowerVR SGX530 GPU + 520 MHz C64x+ DSP + ISP (Image Signal Processor)02:56
bennypr0fane_no, i kept all nice and quiet02:57
brendansluke-jr: yeah, but only in the newer revs of the 3530... the earlier ones were at 500 or 600 MHz IIRC02:57
johnxluke-jr, IIRC, also a difference in the packaging of the chip02:57
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bennypr0fane_the wierd thing was that not only did the flasher get stuck, but the key board stopped responding02:57
brendanse.g. beagleboard.org02:57
johnxbrendans, was it a change or just a re-rating?02:57
Macerluke-jr: cant you just oc the 3430?02:57
bennypr0fane_mouse was still working02:57
luke-jrMacer: OC is stupid02:58
johnxbennypr0fane_, USB keyboard?02:58
Macerdidnt work for you?02:58
brendansjohnx: not sure on that aspect of it. I have a C4 beagleboard and it runs at 720 MHz, but I think the C3 was 600 MHz02:58
johnxyeah, I wouldn't reflash your N900 from that computer02:58
johnxsomething is up02:58
Macerive been running at 1GHz02:58
luke-jrMacer: fail02:59
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Macernot really.. maybe in 2 years when the cpu melts02:59
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johnxbennypr0fane_, you had problems in windows. you have problems in linux. if your flash had died out 3 seconds earlier your N900 would have been bricked probably. why risk it?02:59
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brendansjohnx: but my impression is that it was an upstream supplier thing... that may just be that they bought in to a higher quality bin02:59
Macerbut by then i will be getting an n91002:59
wazdGAN900: "Providing both resistive and capacitive options for their customers is  precluded neither by cost, technology, nor software requirements." Are you sure bout that? :)03:00
bennypr0fane_right. so i better get it to a service station, huh?03:00
* GeneralAntilles is feeding trolls on Talk.03:00
GeneralAntilleswazd, i.e., shipping two devices.03:00
johnxbrendans, yeah. for some reason I was under the impression that they retroactively re-rated the chips, but I couldn't tell you why I think that :)03:00
johnxbennypr0fane_, or just reflash with a different computer03:00
SpeedEviljohnx: do you feel it in your DNA?03:00
* tybollt is trying out meego but the installer says the 10GB partition I made for it is insufficient... hrrm :S03:00
SpeedEvil(rearrange the letters to make a popular contract)03:00
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bennypr0fane_johnx regardless of the os?03:00
wazdGeneralAntilles: they should order two types of touchscreens and two assembly lines for that03:00
GeneralAntillesSo, open source projects Nokia pushes: BlueZ, Mozilla, GTK, Qt, kernel, ConMan, oFono, Telepathy, GStreamer, … ?03:00
johnxSpeedEvil, my sysadmin sense is tingling03:01
brendansjohnx: could be, I don't have any special info on it03:01
GeneralAntilleswazd, they already make both types of devices.03:01
johnxbrendans, me neither :)03:01
wazdGeneralAntilles: and 2 types of software too03:01
johnxbennypr0fane_, yes03:01
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: kernel03:01
wazdGeneralAntilles: but not two types of one device03:01
wazdGeneralAntilles: that's different03:01
brendansjohnx: either way, it doesn't really make a ton of difference, there's a safe operating range, and it just produces more heat and uses more power at 720 MHz, I suspect03:01
luke-jrMacer: 1 GHz, it'll probably fry in a few monhts03:01
GeneralAntilleswazd, yeah, but it means they wont be jettisoning large swaths of their market.03:01
Macerluke-jr: maybe03:02
Maceri will see03:02
SpeedEvilThe n900 back should just slide off03:02
wazdGeneralAntilles: the main reason IMO is marketing. Capacitive = cool now03:02
bennypr0fane_huh, so i guess i sort of lucked out...03:02
GeneralAntilleswazd, if MeeGo is really going to be the flagship platform, then they can certainly afford to ship at least two devices.03:02
SpeedEviland leave you with a slim phone03:02
Maceri can buy a new one ;)03:02
GeneralAntilleswazd, I agree 100%.03:02
shinkamuimacer: second that03:02
* shinkamui runs at 250-900mhz03:02
bennypr0fane_thanks for your help johnx, MohammadAG and everyone03:02
wazdGeneralAntilles: and you won't prove anything to engadget or something03:02
SpeedEvilBarring unexpected riches - I'm keeping my n900 for some years.03:02
johnxbennypr0fane_, good luck03:02
tybolltwazd: ,capacitive,pinch zoom,03:02
bennypr0fane_and good night ;-)03:03
wazdGeneralAntilles: brainwashing has done it's job very well03:03
brendanswazd: I think it's easier (possible?) to do multitouch with capacitive, isn't it?03:03
wazdbrendans: today it's equal03:03
GeneralAntilleswazd, I have a couple of righteous emails from Ziegler in my inbox to prove that. ;)03:03
brendanswazd: k03:03
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GeneralAntillesNo more open source projects?03:03
brendanswazd: nice03:04
wazdbrendans: now the only advantage of cap. ts is durability03:04
brendansbecause it works under glass/ceramic, I suppose03:04
wazdbrendans: you can't make glass resistive ts for example03:05
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luke-jrglass can crack..03:05
GeneralAntilleswazd, hehe.03:05
brendanswazd: makes sense03:05
GeneralAntilleswazd, you don't know how many cracked-screen iPhones I've seen.03:05
wazdluke-jr: see gorilla glass demo :D03:05
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johnxGeneralAntilles, haven't seen any at work, but maybe people just take care of them03:06
wazdGeneralAntilles: well, you can crack resistive ts with ease too :)03:06
GeneralAntilleswazd, true enough.03:06
wazdGeneralAntilles: but glass ts is still more scratch proof and stuff03:06
luke-jrwazd: screen protector03:07
SpeedEvilI want SAW with diamond glass coated face.03:07
luke-jrmy C760 still has its original screen protector03:07
wazdluke-jr: well, you can use steel plate to cover it if you like :)03:07
luke-jrhonestly, though, that's because I can't figure out hwo to remove it :)03:07
lcuknot diamond afaik, it was ruby or something wasnt it SpeedEvil - they shot crossbow at it03:07
brendanswazd: that made me think of the phrase, "But does it blend?"03:08
luke-jrare we talking about diamond-covered ts now?03:08
brendanslcuk: corundum (ruby) is pretty hard... also much easier/cheaper to make than synthetic diamond; could very well be03:09
luke-jrI suppose paired with diamond case, that would be pretty durable03:09
luke-jris synthetic diamond expensive?03:09
wazdceramic would be more than enough03:09
wazdwith sapphiere glass03:09
luke-jrbrendans: can ruby be non-red? :p03:09
SpeedEvilluke-jr: yes03:09
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Well - no03:10
lcukshotting monitor with crossbow ->
wazdboth materials almost impossible to scratch03:10
lcukshooting too03:10
brendansruby and sapphire are both the same mineral, just different chemical inclusions03:10
SpeedEvilluke-jr: But the fundamental materlial is identical for sapphire - blue, corundum - clear - and ruby - red03:10
luke-jri c03:10
luke-jrhow do all these things react to fingerprints?03:10
SpeedEvilluke-jr: They burn off the prints from fingers that touch them.03:11
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lcukthey have nano ridges that silently chop off the fingertips03:11
* GeneralAntilles would to see Nokia above Google in the LF membership page.03:11
wazd <- ceramic case, sapphiere glass, droolworthy :)03:12
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SpeedEvilI have some sapphire boule.03:13
brendansfor those interested, minor geology digression:
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wazddamn, someday I'll buy rado...03:15
wazd... or steal :)03:15
GeneralAntillesiPhone 4G may be 960 x 640 IPS03:18
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wazdGeneralAntilles: overkill :)03:18
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wazdGeneralAntilles: still, that toshiba g800 had higher dpi I think03:19
brendansI think the high dpi will end up being more useful a few years from now if this 3D fad brings autostereoscopic displays03:21
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wazdno, iPhone's is slightly higher :)03:21
wazd329 vs 31303:21
brendansthe cheapest / easiest ways to do that involve halving the horizontal resolution for each eye...03:21
SpeedEvilMany people cannot see autostereograms.03:22
SpeedEvilMe, for example.03:22
brendansSpeedEvil: Yeah, I'm not really all that sure I like the trend even if that wasn't an issue, but it's unlikely that everything is going to move that way03:23
wazdanyway, Quisda pwns all with insane 1280x600 4" 353 DPI screen03:23
wazdjapaneese are crazy03:23
tybolltOk guys lets petition03:24
tybolltOk guys lets petition  to have nokia install a "Meeeegooooo" start screen like SEGA had on the megadrives some years ago =)03:24
wazdThe 1280 x 1024 pixels display of QCM-330 measures 4 inches. The phone  also features HSDPA, Wi-Fi, accelerometer and a 3MP camera. The handset  has a home key which suggests that it might run Android – but we can’t  confirm this yet.03:24
wazd409 DPI03:24
SpeedEvilwazd: ...03:24
SpeedEvilThat's taking the fucking piss.03:25
SpeedEvilI want a 1280*1024 12" display03:25
SpeedEvilas it'd be a boost on my current DU03:25
brendansmy old laptop had a 1400x1050 12" display (wacom based tablet PC too)03:25
wazdSpeedEvil: in japan they have quad full HD in their 9" netbooks :D03:25
luke-jrnetbooks are stupid03:25
SpeedEvilI want a decent small laptop03:26
brendansSpeedEvil: terrible contrast though, particularly with a big chunk of plastic in front for the pen to work on03:26
SpeedEvilI currently have an x60s - thinkpad 12" - and other than the 1024*768 screen, it's damn near perfect03:26
lcukwazd at that dpi on a 12inch monitor it would be awesome03:26
lcukbut i doubt graphics cards can drive them properly still03:26
SpeedEvillcuk: I doubt it03:27
lcuknot normal level ones03:27
SpeedEvillcuk: You really can't see much beyond maybe 200dpi03:27
SpeedEvilOr at least - the returns are very sharply dropping off - at 'normal' viewing distances03:27
lcuksure, but the 96 or whatever on most large format displays03:27
SpeedEvilyeah - 96 is silly03:27
luke-jrI'm pretty sure mine is like 11003:27
lcukits ok if its distance from you03:27
lcukbut for a 12" slate or something03:27
* lcuk likes to lie on bed and draw stuff03:28
SpeedEvillcuk: yeah03:28
wazdthey have 4" phone with higher resolution than 9" iPad03:28
wazdI need a drink03:28
luke-jrX says it's 96x96 DPI03:28
brendanslcuk: yeah, I used mine for notetaking a lot too...03:28
luke-jrso either I recall wrong, or my X is misconfigured :(03:28
* SpeedEvil blends an ipad, and adds coke.03:28
lcukif you lie to x standard apps fail03:28
* SpeedEvil passes wazd his drink.03:29
lcukno luke-jr you arent recalling wrong03:29
brendansX always says it's 96x96 though; strange things happen if you correct it03:29
SpeedEvilerr - no03:29
lcukits just people designing for number of dots rather than dpi03:29
SpeedEvilscreen #0:03:29
SpeedEvil  print screen:    no03:29
SpeedEvil  dimensions:    1024x768 pixels (246x185 millimeters)03:29
SpeedEvil  resolution:    106x105 dots per inch03:29
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brendansI stand corrected03:30
luke-jrmine used to report right03:30
lcukSpeedEvil, at n900 scale the differences become apparantly03:30
pigeondoes mymenu work with 1.2?03:30
SpeedEvilIf you paypal me $2, I will even get out of bed, and measure it to see if that's right03:30
* lcuk gives up03:30
luke-jrI think I have 21" widescreen monitor03:30
luke-jranyone care to do the math?03:30
lcukare widescreen monitors cheaper for the companies to make03:30
SpeedEvillcuk: I'm unsure I can tell the diffference between 800*480 and 640*400 though.03:30
SpeedEvillcuk: On text03:30
lcukSpeedEvil, sure03:30
SpeedEvillcuk: reportedly, yes.03:30
lcukbut between 96 and 215 or 23503:31
SpeedEvillcuk: the price is set by the minimum dimension of the screen03:31
SpeedEvillcuk: the price of the fabrication line that is03:31
luke-jrlcuk: widescreen is easier for humans IMO03:31
luke-jronce you get to a certain height03:31
luke-jreasier to look left/right than up/down03:31
SpeedEvilI want 4:303:31
SpeedEvilI have a 20" 4:3 monitor.03:31
SpeedEvilIt is not tall enough03:31
lcukyeah but a lot of the widescreens have < pixels than average was heading03:32
wazdluke-jr: yeah, I tried to use my 21.5" LCD in portrait mode03:32
lcuklol luke-jr i have a stack of screens03:32
wazdluke-jr: that's weird :D03:32
SpeedEvilTo get to the equivalent of - say - a 24" 4:3 monitor - you need a _stupidly_ wide display03:32
lcukbig monitor sat ontop of laptop screen03:32
SpeedEvilAlso - widescreen fails in portrait mode.03:32
wazdSpeedEvil: not quite03:32
lcukit doesnt fail03:32
luke-jrhm, my ruler says it's 20" diagonal03:33
lcukdepending on task it works well03:33
luke-jrso 99 DPI03:33
wazdSpeedEvil: PDF reading / layout creating is cool03:33
SpeedEvilI actually want something like a 28" 1:1 monitor03:33
brendansit's particularly bad when you're working with software that's designed for old workstations (often 1600x1200)03:33
SpeedEvilSo I can watch a widescreen movie in the bottom, full width, and have some usable display area left03:33
brendansbig, multi-level vertical menus, etc.03:33
lcukjeees 1600*1200 was the bizniz before all these wide jobbies hit03:33
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lcukwe havent actually increased max res a whole lot in last few years have we03:34
lcukits like cpus getting slower now03:34
SpeedEvilAnd DPI not at all03:34
brendanslcuk: yeah, you can still get decent ones last I checked; I've got a Dell 20" IPS in my office that runs 1600x120003:34
brendans2007FP or something like that03:34
SpeedEvilbrendans: >20" in 4:3 is basically unavailable though03:35
SpeedEvilWhich is annoying03:35
lcukwell my 23" is 1920*108003:35
SpeedEviland the remaining lines are dying.03:35
lcukbut i would still prefer 16*1203:35
brendansSpeedEvil: yeah, it's tough at >20", and they aren't cheap03:35
lcuk!! ahhh that would explain the widescreen fetish03:36
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lcukmerging the assembly lines with regular tvs03:36
brendanseven the 20" ones aren't cheap (though they usually are decent panels at least)03:36
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, at a glance I probably can't.03:36
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, but I can when I'm reading for a couple of hours.03:37
arachnisti have a 22" S-PVA 1920x1200 at home03:37
arachnistquite a nice screen, but it was quite expensive03:37
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SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: At some point you just can't tell when AA is on or off03:37
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: that's probably where the limit kicks in03:38
arachnistbrendans: yes, we know.03:38
wazdarachnist: now you can tell me where you live and when you're not at home :P03:38
brendansarachnist: lol, fair enough03:38
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, and that's a good place to be.03:38
arachnistbrendans: and i'd also like to have a >200ppi >22" screen03:38
lcukyou would have to find a mechanism to deliver 3gazzilion pixels per frame03:38
arachnistwazd: not home... right now03:39
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: Sure - But going higher than that doesn't buy you much03:39
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brendanspart of me wonders if this move towards auxiliary displays is going to slow things down again (e.g. pico projectors, etc.) since it's going to mean graphics hardware tied up in other tasks03:41
brendansassuming it's not a clone, of course03:41
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sobczykhi, how to get korean virtual keyboard, and more options to switch language?03:46
luke-jrKorean is cool03:47
sobczykthere are only 2 options for language switching is there a way to add more?03:47
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Termanagood morning03:51
microlithonly asian language really supported at the moment is chinese03:51
sobczykmicrolith: is there an input method for chinese?03:52
microlithsobczyk: iirc, there's a free one in the repositories and there's one only available on HK edition N900s03:52
luke-jrjohnx: [19:50:04] <JayFoxRox> luke-jr: with the game controls being a keyboard / mouse on kernel level and not a joystick like you'd expect, this is anything but a gaming device - also with rubbish shoulder buttons and rather bad nubs[19:50:04] <JayFoxRox> luke-jr: with the game controls being a keyboard / mouse on kernel level and not a joystick like you'd expect, this is anything but a gaming device - also with rubbish shoulder03:53
luke-jrbuttons and rather bad nubs03:53
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unohu62greetings all03:54
johnxluke-jr, ok03:54
johnxlater all03:55
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SpeedEvilHas anyone had problems installing gnuplot?04:04
SpeedEvilAdding `diversion of /opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnuplot to /opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnuplot-nox by gnuplot-x11'04:04
SpeedEvildpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnuplot-nox' with04:04
SpeedEvil  different file `/opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnuplot', not allowed04:04
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pigeondoh, i wish there's a way to undo a merge contact04:12
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unohu62hello everyone04:26
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* pigeon grrs at no new ovi store... :(04:30
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cehtehpigeon: restore contacts from backup :P04:31
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pigeoncehteh: too late ;)04:32
pigeoni also wish it would ask me to choose which avatar to use for a contact merge04:33
Chikuwhat is the password for sdk meamo's user login ?04:33
unohu62I have a n N800 running Diablo what are my choices to get a more current environment running on it?04:34
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Termanaunohu62, you can wait for MeeGo on n8x0 to be ready?04:34
cehtehor hell freezing over04:35
sobczykare there any examples of hildon input method? (working source code) ?04:35
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unohu62anybody running meego on it now?04:35
Termanaunohu62, or some people are using Gentoo on n8x0. You could run Ubuntu or Debian.04:35
cehtehyeah debian .. or how about mer?04:35
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unohu62is mer being depreciated in favour of meego?04:36
Termanacehteh, personally, I wouldn't recommend Mer. Its a great project etc. - but I could never get mine to connect to the internet. So... maybe just me, but not useful for others if it can't04:36
TermanaMind you, I was trying with Bluetooth04:36
cehtehi never tried, and i only have a n90004:36
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Termanaunohu62, yes - Mer efforts are now going into MeeGo04:37
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cehtehconsidering the memory and resource limitations you prolly happy to have an old rusty distro on the n8x004:37
Termanacehteh, I think you'll find MeeGo will run fine on n8x0, even with its "memory and resource limitations"04:38
unohu62what runs the best on the N800 now?04:38
cehtehwell and n8x0 still needs the fucked up nokia kernel or?04:38
Termanacehteh, or... no? Several people including luke-jr and myself have made an effort to get a working .33 kernel04:39
cehtehand got it working?04:39
Termanacehteh, mostly yes04:39
cehtehasi saied i dont have the device04:39
Chikuok just than dman azerty and qwerty keyboard04:40
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luke-jrTermana: mostly no -.-04:48
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Chikuis it possible to run fremantle in VM ?04:54
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ChikuI want to test apps before to install into n90004:55
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Chikuto check how an application looks like04:55
LiraNuna<Termana> cehteh, or... no? Several people including luke-jr and myself have made an effort to get a working .33 kernel04:56
LiraNunawhat doesn't work?04:56
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luke-jrLiraNuna: GPS, at least04:58
TermanaLiraNuna, well, power management is a little shotty, and GPS is not there04:58
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luke-jrLiraNuna: and what does "work" is far from suitable for mainline merging04:58
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LiraNunaI see04:59
luke-jrbecause some people *cough* Termana *cough* can't bother to use git properly04:59
LiraNunawill GPS "ever" work?04:59
Termana*rolls eyes*04:59
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Termanaluke-jr, I'm working on it, I'm working on it :P04:59
luke-jrLiraNuna: unlikely unless Nokia releases some code04:59
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LiraNunai.e, are there efforts to RE/aquire kernel?04:59
luke-jrLiraNuna: Stskeeps has NDA'd code. No idea how much time he will spend on it.05:00
luke-jrI imagine he'll get it "working" to the extent it did with the Diablo kernel05:00
LiraNunaoh wow05:00
LiraNunain Stskeeps we trust05:00
luke-jrbut debugging all the glitches it had even then are probably not going to happen05:00
luke-jrunless Nokia actually releases the code05:01
luke-jror I manage to reverse engineer enough of it05:01
luke-jrand someone reimplements it05:01
TermanaIs GPS really that big of a deal anyway? :P05:01
luke-jrcurrently, I am hand decompiling a function that both parses the GPS packet and sets lat/lon internally05:01
luke-jrTermana: GPS is pretty much why I bought a N81005:01
luke-jrwell, not the ONLY reason, but a KEY one05:02
LiraNunais the GPS chip on N8x0 the same as N900's?05:02
luke-jror at least, if it is, it's interfaced differently05:03
luke-jrN900's GPS is connected to the modem05:03
luke-jrN810 has no modem, so the GPS is connected to the system05:03
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luke-jrin the N810, the system does all the GPS calculations05:03
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Termanaluke-jr, why not just use the .21 kernel for your purposes then? Your only running Gentoo anyway...05:04
luke-jrthe changelog hints at some HyPE library05:04
luke-jrbut I can't find anything on Google05:04
luke-jrTermana: "only"05:04
luke-jrTermana: because 128 MB RAM is too little for KDE05:04
luke-jr2.6.33 has ramzswap05:04
luke-jralso, cx3110x doesn't support PPI05:04
luke-jrp54spi does05:04
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luke-jrp54spi also lets me run kismet while I'm connected to my AP05:04
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LiraNunacx3110x is?05:04
luke-jrcx3110x is the blob wifi driver in Diablo05:05
LiraNunap54spi is the OSS one05:05
luke-jrp54spi is the mainline implementation included in 2.6.3305:05
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LiraNunahow does p54spi performs in terms of power management?05:05
luke-jrno clue05:06
skynetshi i want to replace the digitizer on my n900. found one on ebay05:06
luke-jrmy N810 won't charge its battery05:06
luke-jrunless I boot Maemo05:06
skynetsis it easy to do?05:06
luke-jrskynets: the what?05:06
LiraNunathere was a forum thread about that05:06
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LiraNunaluke-jr, the touch screen layer05:07
skynetsits scratched05:07
luke-jrfor only 7 times that, you could get a new Pandora! :p05:08
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LiraNunapandora has no 3G05:08
luke-jr3G is useless to me05:08
LiraNunait's the main reason I got N90005:08
luke-jreven if I could afford the ridiculous prices, they don't have coverage where I am05:08
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TermanaAlso, luke-jr owns an iPad05:09
luke-jrTermana: liar05:09
LiraNunafirst I got N810WE because it was promised that SF will get WiMAX in 200905:09
luke-jrTermana: now you need to buy me one to make it true05:09
skynetspandora needs a slim card slot otherwise its just another useless game console that takes space in my pockets05:09
LiraNunaso I now got both N810WE and N90005:09
Termanaluke-jr, are you saying you WANT one? :P05:09
luke-jrskynets: slim card?05:09
luke-jrTermana: I'll take anything for free. won't run Apple s/w tho05:09
skynetspandora is a failure05:09
skynetsit wont be released by 201105:09
luke-jrskynets: it's already shipping05:10
luke-jrjohnx's Pandora is in the mail05:10
skynetswhen where how?05:10
Termanaluke-jr, there is no Linux running on the iPad :P yet anyhow05:10
luke-jrTermana: so maybe I'll be the first05:10
Termanaluke-jr, right, just after I get the iPad in the mail05:10
luke-jrTermana: I'd gladly take a WePad instead05:11
luke-jryou can call your lie a typo05:11
Termanaluke-jr, I thought you weren't a fan of Android05:11
luke-jrwon't run its shipped OS either05:11
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luke-jrno matter what I get, it's pretty inevitable I'll put Gentoo on it XD05:12
Termanaluke-jr, can you imagine that situation. People surrounding you having Android on theirs and people having their iPad05:12
Termanaand you say "I'm running Gentoo"05:12
* Termana bird sounds05:12
luke-jrpeer pressure scares me away05:12
Termana*bird sounds* *05:12
cehtehheh .. if you want to be l33t intall nixos05:13
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luke-jrI don't05:13
luke-jrI know how to use Gentoo05:13
Termanaluke-jr is secretly a BSD fan05:13
cehtehhaha .. how about hurd on the n8x0?05:14
luke-jrcehteh: as if05:14
TermanaRichard Stallman will turn over in his grave! (err... when he gets there)05:14
* LiraNuna confused05:14
luke-jrStallman won't care in his grave05:14
TermanaBSD is rather lack luster in the ARM support department05:14
derfCompared to x86, pretty much everything is.05:15
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TermanaWhich is too bad, I really would like to have BSD running just for shits and giggles05:15
LiraNunaluke-jr, in .33, everything is functional? (aside of GPS)05:16
LiraNunabluetooth, sound?05:16
luke-jrLiraNuna: doubt it05:16
luke-jrnot sound05:16
luke-jrp54spi has some bugs still05:16
cehtehyou can be happy when it doesnt fry the cpu05:16
luke-jrno clue on Bluetooth05:17
luke-jrI don't use BT05:17
TermanaLiraNuna, bluetooth works... that was my nice hackish job - you only have a single bluetooth address for every n8x0 out there using .3305:17
skynetshow can you support maemo and hate android... sounds like you're too biased :P05:17
luke-jrTermana: can you set it from userspace?05:17
luke-jrskynets: I hate Maemo too05:17
Termanaluke-jr, I don't think so. I never got it to load the firmware properly and left my address hardcoded05:18
cehtehhey put android on the n8x0 .. that will be slow like molasses and shocking to the nokianigans05:18
luke-jrcehteh: #NITdroid05:18
Termanacehteh, n8x0 does run Android, and it runs fine, not slow.05:19
TermanaThe nerve of preassumptions :\05:19
cehtehhehe ok05:20
skynetsshould i order this05:20
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cehtehdo you need it?05:21
skynetsno but the scratches are so annoying05:22
cehtehno screen protector?05:22
skynetsive learnt my lesson05:22
skynetsdidnt know the screen was so cheap05:23
cehtehresistive screen must have a plastic front to sense pressure05:23
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skynetsim gonna change the digitizer, the whole body and sell it for 500 bucks05:24
skynetsget rid of that shit05:24
skynetsim not going back to nokia again05:24
cehtehwho will pay 500$ for a used one?05:24
skynets500 cdn05:24
skynetsthey dont sell them here05:24
skynetshope it happens before the iphone comes out05:24
cehtehhow much is that in euro?05:24
cehtehin europe its overpriced and still you get it for 480Eur05:25
luke-jr387 euro05:25
lpotteri've had mine for many months and dont have scratches05:25
skynets386.6378 EUR05:25
cehtehdepends how you handle it05:25
skynetsits not just that05:26
skynetsthe OS had bad support in general. its pretty much a nerd phone.05:26
cehtehmine is almost always in a protective case and has a screen protector since i unpacked it05:26
skynetsnokia figured out that the community could support the phone05:26
cehtehwell .. you should have known that before you ordered it05:26
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lpotterman, i just throw mine around since it isnt really mine :)05:27
skynetscehteh, you're right, but their ads showed different phone05:27
luke-jrskynets: which we can't, since Nokia won't open it05:27
cehtehwell nokia forgot/doesnt support that well enough05:27
luke-jrNokia seems good at false advertising :/05:27
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Termanaluke-jr, out of interest which are you a fan of - resistive or capacitive?05:27
skynetscehteh check this05:28
cehtehiphone ads dont show that you have to kiss steve jobs ass, wipe it after that, cant exchange the batteries and getting locked into a expensive contract05:28
skynetsit's what i thought it was05:28
cehtehnever trust ads05:28
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skynetscehteh i trusted nokia... owned a n95.05:28
skynetsat the time it was the shit05:28
cehtehwell i am moderately happy with the n90005:28
cehtehso far for me the only alternative would be not to have such a toy05:29
skynetscehteh have you seen the droid shadow05:29
skynetsleaked specs05:29
cehtehi dont want droid05:29
luke-jrI wish companies just stuck to hardware05:30
cehtehi want some native os where i can easily port existing apps too05:30
luke-jrthen other companies could buy the hardware and write software05:30
luke-jrand brand the final product05:30
cehtehluke-jr: ack! ... and open the specs05:30
luke-jrcehteh: obviously05:30
skynetsandroid has a bright future05:30
skynetscool to be part of it05:30
luke-jrAndroid sucks05:30
cehtehskynets: i dont care about future05:30
luke-jrskynets: Android was just kicked out of Linux basically05:30
cehtehwhat does it give to me?05:30
cehtehi want something what i can use for what i like *now*05:31
luke-jrcehteh: that's what Android is05:31
skynetswhat do you like05:31
luke-jrhacks to make it work *now*05:31
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luke-jrskynets: I don't like anything. I use Gentoo.05:31
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cehtehno emacs on android :)05:32
luke-jrwith KDE05:32
skynetsgentoo... if i was into that i would still bed a virgin :P05:32
luke-jrI'm married w/ 4 kids05:32
skynetsmarriage with an os doesnt count :/05:33
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skynetsluke-jr, good for you05:33
Termanaluke-jr, Android drivers just got kicked out of mainline, but now its going the other way05:33
Termanaluke-jr, wakelocks got in as well (they are called suspend blockers now)05:34
skynetsluke-jr, what do u think of ubuntu05:34
luke-jr2.6.34 appears to have merged USB, MMC, and Menelaus for N8x005:34
luke-jrskynets: GNOME sucks05:34
skynetscant you install kde05:35
luke-jrthen it's called Kubuntu05:35
TermanaAlso skynets can use normal Linux apps on Android if he buys a Droid Shadow anyway05:35
TermanaLittle something called chroot05:35
skynetsi wonder who will buy my n90005:36
skynetswith the iphone coming soon05:36
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TermanaYou can run Debian alongside Android by chrooting into Debian on your SD card05:37
luke-jriPhone sucks more05:37
cehtehi think there is no much overlap in potential customers05:37
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cehteheven if the n900 would have turned out utterly crap i would never consider a iphone and all people i know who have n900 think the same05:38
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TermanaThe iPhone runs a unix base. You can also run Linux on the 2G and 3G05:38
LiraNuna+1 for iphone is crap05:38
TermanaJust sayin05:38
cehtehyou should rather fear the next nokia meego device, but nothing really seen yet05:39
psycho_oreosiphone doesn't run a unix base, it runs a hybrid base05:39
LiraNunawhy should I fear something I'm likely to buy?05:39
skynetsive learnt 1 thing... never buy a product when it just comes out05:39
luke-jrTermana: there's nothing unix about iPhone05:39
skynetsespecially phones05:39
cehtehthe iphone hardware is not that great compared to the n900 in features05:39
LiraNunaskynets, so pre-ordering games is bad? :D05:40
luke-jrpre-ordering is stupid05:40
skynetsexcept starcraft05:40
Termanaluke-jr, you poor linux brainwashed soul.05:40
psycho_oreosand there's nothing good about buying a hardware with the founder being agnostic in its approaches to its `app marketplace' and `leaked iphone'05:40
luke-jrTermana: you're just brainwashed by the "OS X is FreeBSD" myth05:40
skynetslike the pandora for example05:40
skynetsppl have been waiting for months :P05:41
skynetspromised so many times05:41
TermanaI'm not saying I'm in favour of the iPhone05:41
skynetstheyre still not shipped05:41
TermanaThough I do like some of the games that are iPhone exclusive05:41
skynetsyou jump in the boat and can't get out05:41
luke-jrskynets: but they ARE shipped05:41
* LiraNuna would love it if he could run maemo on a Motorola Droid05:42
skynetsluke-jr, i checked and it's not confirmed yet :P maybe for some ppl but most haven't even been built yet (based on the status in the site)05:42
skynetsLiraNuna, wtf lol05:42
TermanaLiraNuna, you COULD, potentially.05:42
LiraNunaI know05:43
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LiraNunaI think the Droid has better hardware design05:43
TermanaBy why bother really, I mean the Droid is just like the n900 :P05:43
LiraNunaespecially the keyboard05:43
LiraNunaI don't like the N900's keyboard much05:43
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LiraNunathe N810's keyboard was perfect05:44
arachnistthe droid/milestone has a shitty keyboard05:45
TermanaThe Droid 2 is coming with the same kind of keyboard as the n90005:45
LiraNunaTermana, I've noticed :\05:45
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microlithTermana: you won't be able to get the droid 2 without agreeing to a 2 year contract though05:46
luke-jrif you're going to have it 2 years, why not05:47
Termanamicrolith, I won't be able to get the Droid 2 anyway - I'm not in the US. We dumped normal EV-DO in Australia05:47
microlithTermana: well, whatever they call the GSM version05:47
Termanamicrolith, if there is a GSM version, they will probably lock it down in the same fashion as the Milestone05:48
microlithTermana: thusly why I don't really give a damn about motorola hardware05:48
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arachnistwas the motorola milestone really locked down?05:50
arachnistit had some features, at least the european version, that the droid lacked (at least initially), like multitouch05:51
microlithit was, I think an update that disabled the lockout05:51
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microlithall non-Milestone/Droid devices are locked down hard though05:51
Termanaarachnist, yes, in contrast to the Droid, they used the OMAP3's TPM to sign everything05:51
Termanaexcept the system partition05:51
TermanaThat means, no changing the kernel for instance, which is possible on the Droid05:52
TermanaThis locked out overclockers, until they found a sneaky way to make a kernel module do their dirty work for them05:52
luke-jrway to violate the GPL05:53
Termanaarachnist, but as microlith said, mostly all other device are locked down too. The Nexus One is the exception to the rule since you can unlock its bootloader05:54
microlithluke-jr: only if it's GPLv305:54
Termanaluke-jr, the kernel is still on GPL205:54
luke-jrmicrolith: nope05:54
luke-jrGPLv2 is even stricter than GPLv3 in that area05:54
microlithit's TIVOization05:54
luke-jrGPLv3 just adds an exception for unnecessary keys05:54
microlithwhich is why the GPLv305:54
luke-jrwith GPLv2, the keys are ALWAYS considered source code05:54
microlithif that was true they'd have had a case for years05:54
luke-jrthey do05:55
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luke-jrLinux developers just refuse to sue05:55
microlithoh right, the FSF can't sue05:55
Termanaluke-jr, I think you'll find GPLv2 was found unenforceable in regards to Tivoisation, which is why GPLv3 came around05:55
microlithsince if anyone did people would flock away from linux05:55
luke-jrTermana: I'm not aware of it going to any courts05:55
microlithI suppose that's a big part of why there's no GNU in Android05:55
luke-jranyone know where 2.6.35 is being put together?05:56
luke-jror does that not even start until 2.6.34 is released?05:56
microlithit doesn't start until .34 is released05:56
microlithare you not on LKML?05:56
luke-jrI hope not05:56
luke-jrtoo spammy05:56
microliththat's what filters are for!05:56
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Termanamicrolith, theres no GNU is Android because they wanted to have the whole thing licensed under the Apache license in order to allow proprietary code05:57
TermanaAlso .34 has been released already05:57
luke-jrTermana: minus the kernel?05:57
Termanaluke-jr, right, minus the kernel.05:57
luke-jrTermana: what?? it's not tagged in Linus' tree05:57
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Termanaluke-jr, do you need a mential institution?05:58
TermanaLook in the tags05:58
Termana"13 days agov2.6.34Linux 2.6.34tag | commit | shortlog | log"05:58
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Termana.35 work has already started05:59
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* luke-jr stabs git05:59
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luke-jr'git tag' needs to become aware of version sorting05:59
luke-jras in, put RCs *before* the final06:00
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Chikuno search applicaiton with PR1.2?06:06
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LiraNunawill N900 get a new kernel update?06:11
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SwedeMikewith PR1.2 it replaced my installed kernel anyway.06:12
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LiraNunait's still .28, right?06:13
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LiraNunathere are patches in linux-omap for .33 rx-5106:13
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LiraNunafrom Nov however06:13
microlithI suppose once the next N900 meego release comes, you could probably plug in the .33 kernel from that06:14
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TermanaLiraNuna, There probably will be no other kernel updates for the n900, in terms of newer releases06:16
TermanaThe MeeGo kernel will be incompatible06:16
microlithhow so?06:16
Termanaand so will all mainline kernels that will contain RX 51 code06:16
Termanamicrolith, theres something in the .28 OMAP kernel that got dropped and MeeGo doesn't need it, so no work is put in to get it back06:17
LiraNunaTermana, why does the N900 need it?06:17
TermanaLiraNuna, I believe the code tells Maemo about the boot state, I can't remember exactly but I can look it up if you want06:18
LiraNunaso, what does the meego N900 release use?06:18
LiraNunaI know it got released recently06:18
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LiraNunahaven't tried it myself, though so I don't know how complete it is06:18
jacekowskihow you can make kernel incompatible?06:19
luke-jrMaemo requires non-standard interfaces06:19
TermanaRight so the code in particular is the boot tag code I believe06:19
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Termanaand the OMAP Bootreason code06:20
luke-jrIIRC the mainliners said to use kernel options or board file stuff to replace it06:20
luke-jrboot tags, that is06:20
microlithTermana: hmm, glad they had that in back in december >.>06:21
luke-jrwhich doesn't really help unless Nokia promises that all N8x0 always have the same boot tag info :p06:21
jacekowskiluke-jr: non-standard interfaces?06:22
jacekowskiluke-jr: any details on that06:22
luke-jrjacekowski: /proc/bootreason, etc06:23
jacekowskithat can be emulated06:23
jacekowskiin userland06:23
luke-jrTermana: FWIW tho, I wrote an app to decode /proc/atags including OMAP Boot Tags ;)06:23
jacekowskiugly hack with ld_preload but it can be done06:23
luke-jrjacekowski: except that all this stuff runs before your rootfs06:23
luke-jrand can't be rebuild to work with normal libc06:24
luke-jrjust updated with 2.6.34 and 2.6.35-so-far FWIW06:24
jacekowskiwell, klibc is almost standard libc06:24
TermanaEither way, I don't think Maemo will boot/work properly without the kernel code there. There is always the possibility it might work, luckily there is no harm in trying.06:24
luke-jr2.6.35 added TMP105 implementation... anyone want to do the board side? :P06:25
jacekowskiluke-jr: hmm, it's staticaly linked isn't it?06:27
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luke-jrjacekowski: no06:27
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jacekowskithen it can be done really easily06:28
jacekowskiand worst case scenario just hack whatever uses anything non standard and hardcode some values06:29
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luke-jrbut you forget I hate Maemo and therefore have no interest in any of this06:32
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jacekowskiwhat about meego on n900?06:35
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jacekowskiis there any UK distributor of beagle board?06:44
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jacekowskiideally in london06:49
jacekowskiand ideally open today06:49
jacekowski( i'll be in london today )06:49
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sobczykI've downloaded vmware images, lauched in virtualbox. I wanted to use ESbox but after selecting workspace, epty popup appears with no text or buttons, how to fix it?07:28
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jacekowskihave you noticed what you said07:29
jacekowskivmware images in virtualbox07:29
jacekowskiuse latest virtualbox07:30
sobczykif there is a section in README concerning additions for virtualbox then it's officialy supported07:30
jacekowskinot really07:30
sobczykGuestAddition installer should be used only for VirtualBox virtual images07:31
jacekowskiuse latest version07:31
sobczykthen what is the line for if it's not to be used in vbox?07:31
undrwaterhas anyone here touched the aava mobile phone?07:31
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jaemSo, the Qt SDK works, but I guess someone forgot to remove some code XD
jaemLook at the bottom of the dialog.08:01
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sobczykok I updated virtualbox to 3.2 and not even ubuntu doesn't boot08:21
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ZogG_N900yo yo yo maemiggers )09:01
ZogG_N900do i need to set fn+backspace as tab somewhere or it's outofbox?09:02
ZogG_N900sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't  =(09:03
ZogG_N900frals, you have your own bugtracker or should i report to garage?09:05
ZogG_N900everybody still sleeping ?)09:06
TermanaZogG_N900, firstly, we are not your maemiggers, and that sounds very racist.09:07
TermanaSecondly, "yo yo yo", stop trying to sound ethnic09:07
TermanaThirdly, you'll probably need to set it09:07
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ZogG_N900meh. why is there always some srs guy in here )09:07
TermanaAnd thats the peter, yes I swear thats the peter09:08
Termanathats the peter panda dance09:08
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TermanaZogG_N900, *COUGH* either way, your ON your n900, why not TRY it?09:09
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ZogG_N900termana i don't think words you can hear in almost everymovie and on tv shows are racist. as well the meaning of original is black. and any word is racist if you want to hear person09:10
Termanastill, I doubt we regard ourselves as your "maemiggers" :\ :P09:11
ZogG_N900it was joooooooke09:11
ZogG_N900and tab is not working (09:13
TermanaZogG_N900, you think? :P But anyway, you didn't answer my question - why not just TRY it, since your on your n900 anyway09:13
Termanascrap the last bit09:13
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TermanaZogG_N900, your only wanting it for xchat right?09:13
ZogG_N900not only09:14
ZogG_N900the problem it works09:15
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Termanathats generally not a problem, thats normally a good thing09:16
ZogG_N900and than i reboot and it doesn't09:16
ZogG_N900so i need to catch the right boot of phone it would work09:17
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Termanasay what now?09:17
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ZogG_N900termana i boot device it works09:24
ZogG_N900it would work till reboot09:24
ZogG_N900like it doesn't break in the middle that's what i mean09:25
TermanaZogG_N900, are you trying to say: on some boots it works on others it doesnt?09:25
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ZogG_N900termana exactly09:25
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ZogG_N900as well some boots virtual keyboard doesn't work but happens once a .... very long time09:32
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wall[e]i don't like it but just for now09:51
wall[e]i wish recaller don't blink when pressing :)09:52
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pupnikwould be good for lo-color graphics wall[e]09:55
pupnike.g. 8-bit, where few colors are available09:55
pupnikever do game graphics?09:56
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K0JIbKAHi all ;)10:00
wall[e]pupnik: yes10:03
wall[e]pupnik: i have been working in a game company hehe10:04
pupnikit shows.  your stuff pops to the eye. :)10:04
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TriztAny way to use desktop command execution widget to see the current cpu frequency?10:05
wall[e]better focus on completing my theme10:05
K0JIbKAPlease, tell me at your experience what is the average price of N900 in your region(name it) . Secondly is it reasonable to pay for the subject 380$, or it's a kind of joke?10:07
ColdFyreisn't that comparing apples to oranges?10:08
pupnikK0JIbKA: 450 euro in germany10:09
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pupnikColdFyre: do the devices compete in the same market10:10
K0JIbKApupnik: count one10:10
TriztK0JIbKA; 5995SEK sweden10:10
ColdFyrewell yes but each has a different target audience10:10
TriztK0JIbKA; just go to the different nokia shops online and you get prices there10:11
wall[e]n900 was built to lure foss dev to build nokia free apps :)10:12
pupnikColdFyre: i thinl maemo wants to target more than a few linux users10:12
K0JIbKATrizt: I'm going to save on purchase, delivery might rise the expense though10:12
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Triztokey, try to get in touch with someone who works at the Chinese factory, they may be able to slip one to you for  2 -3 months sallery10:13
K0JIbKATrizt: :)10:13
K0JIbKAAny experience in that?10:14
Triztnot sure if they get as lousy pay as those working with apple products10:14
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TriztK0JIbKA; no, I don't have. Keep in mind that warranties may work quite differently in different countries too10:15
wall[e]$614 in bangkok10:16
K0JIbKA Here in Russia they charge from 350 to 850 USD a piece10:16
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TriztK0JIbKA; I think that 350 will be difficult to beat, specially if i's a unlocked one10:17
swc|666K0JIbKA, oddly, i paid 850 for my first one, then 350 for my second one10:17
K0JIbKADepends on what part of China man comes from maybe10:18
K0JIbKAswc|666:where's that?10:19
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swc|666K0JIbKA, the first one i got from an amazon dealer; rthe second one from someone i know10:19
infobotswc|666 meant: K0JIbKA, the first one i got from an amazon dealer; the second one from someone i know10:20
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K0JIbKAMeans Amazon is a waste, is it?10:21
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swc|666K0JIbKA, yeah, but at the time .. I *had* to have it10:21
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swc|666and everywhere else was out of stock10:21
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K0JIbKAIt's a long time for need to change my good old N800 to a new set:/10:22
swc|666haha yeah10:23
* Trizt bought from Nokia, who said it would be delivered before Christmas (confirmed by Nokia staff), delivered after Christmas, they knew how to ruin a Christmas10:23
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mc_teocan i make and receive skype video calls yet?10:24
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swc|666ya nokia screwed a lot of people10:24
Triztmc_teo; to make your contact has to enable video chat in their client.10:25
wall[e]anyone know if underlying mail checking system for modest is a script or binary? I want a simple hack to make each account use different refreshing time.10:25
spectre-i've tried making but haven't successfully done it yet10:25
spectre-n900 to n90010:25
spectre-but thats due to my bad link10:25
K0JIbKATrizt: 5995SEK - what's the rate for$?10:25
spectre-(i think)10:25
spectre-anyone successfully done it?10:25
TriztK0JIbKA; hadd to sue my n900 to find that out, 760.0710:26
mc_teowell want about using the cam for other things, like msn?10:26
Triztjust write a new msn plugin10:26
Triztthink there is already 3-4 of those10:27
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ZogG_N900mohammadag hey10:45
ZogG_N900not here (10:45
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auenfhmm, PR1.2 freed ~15mb on rootfs10:45
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Termanagood morning DocScrutinizer10:58
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mc_teohow can i open rar files on n900?11:10
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Appiahunrar mc_teo11:12
AppiahI've seen some application/plugins for that in the filemanager too11:12
Appiahcheck the app manager11:12
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mc_teosure i might as well get 7zip11:14
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Appiahthats what I did11:15
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mc_teoAppiah: does 7zip support rar?11:22
mc_teoim getting errors here11:23
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mc_teoim getting loads of errors11:25
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DocScrutinizerwall[e]: binary, I bet11:29
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DocScrutinizerwall[e]: modest, the winner of golden lemon on N90011:30
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DocScrutinizerwall[e]: honestly, if you want anything more than the absolute basics, you're better off with a webmailer11:32
RST38hClaws works11:33
RST38hBut I am seriously torn between Modest and Tracker on the subject of the golden lemon11:34
mc_teowhen trying to extract a .rar file using 7zip, i get an error unsupported format11:34
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: oh yeah, forgot tracker11:35
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Termanamc_teo, use unrar package, not that hard. - Termana, Sent From My Computer11:35
DocScrutinizerbut tracker isn't conceived as a genuine app11:36
mc_teoactually the error is "unsupported method"11:36
mc_teoTermana: i would of done that, but i didnt want too apps that do the exact same thing11:36
TermanaIf its that troublesome, just uninstall unrar when your finished with it11:37
DocScrutinizermc_teo: try mc11:39
DocScrutinizermc_teo: dunno if it needs unrar or other binary to handle rar files11:39
DocScrutinizeron PC it works like a charm11:40
DocScrutinizermc_teo: probably if it wouldn't allow to run mc, I'd never bought the N900 ;-)11:41
DocScrutinizerforget hildon file manager, it's incredible crap11:41
DocScrutinizermc_teo: I'd had tested it for you, but alas I have no .rar on my N900 ;-)11:42
mc_teoyeah its working now11:43
mc_teowhen installing 7zip, it mentioned something about a 7zip-rar package11:43
mc_teoprobably needs that to extracr rar11:43
DocScrutinizercouldn't bother less11:44
DocScrutinizerthe gag of the year, form this channel "I zipped it, as I don't know if you can handle .tar.gz files"11:45
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pupnikwell .tgz at least11:47
DocScrutinizerstill choking from laughing each time I think of it11:47
DocScrutinizerwho would want tmo to *handle* .tgz ??11:47
pupnikaccept as attachment to post11:48
* DocScrutinizer shrugs11:48
DocScrutinizerhave fun :-P11:48
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DocScrutinizersomebody told you there's no basic inherent concept of 'file.extensions' in unix?11:49
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DocScrutinizerwell, some mime types base on extensions, and tar tries to guess the format from them, but that's about it11:51
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muelliDocScrutinizer: yes. And that's good.11:55
DocScrutinizerbtw tmo knows .tar11:57
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pupniki wonder why it takes zip but not tgz DocScrutinizer12:00
pupnikclearly not a "no binaries" policy12:00
DocScrutinizerwritten by redmond zombies?12:00
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delor1do I use the same configuration for testing and devel repository after 1.2?12:03
DocScrutinizerwell, I'd prefer a *.tgz.tar to a .zip all days, given the fact tmo knows .tar at least, and also that (un)tar doesn't *need* the extensions12:03
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pupnikyes delor112:03
DocScrutinizerdelor1: alas yes. (was the worst decision of the last 3 months, at least in my opinion)12:04
DocScrutinizerallegedly it was too much effort to clone these as well, for the incompatible 1.2 packages' versions12:05
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wall[e]DocScrutinizer, hehe thanks. I am thinking if getting php working on the system for webmail make any sense.12:06
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ZogG_N900mohammadag, here?12:09
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SpeedEvilWell - modest is at least open-source so you can fix it.12:10
SpeedEvilI notice nobody stepping up to the plate.12:11
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* timeless looks for the app downloader dev12:11
timelessspeedevil: hey,i posted a patch for modest :)12:11
SpeedEvilWell - few people.12:12
SpeedEvilI'm slowly getting to the point I'm likely to put out patches for stuff in the next few months.12:12
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DocScrutinizermoin SpeedEvil12:16
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ShapeshifterI'm somewhat confused regarding the pyside packages on maemo5. It seems like there's pyside-qt4 with for example pyside-qt4-gui, which is 0.2.3 and depends on boost, and this seems to be the default. The only packages I found having something to do with shiboken are libpyside0 and libpyside0.3 but it seems like these only contain some "core" stuff?12:17
ShapeshifterAt the same time there's the python-pyside metapackge which depends on all the pyside-qt4-* >=0.3.0 packages but the individual packages still depend on boost and are 0.2.312:17
DocScrutinizerooh, boost AND shiboken. Now that will yield an overwhelming amount of power12:18
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DocScrutinizerin twinkle there's one reference to libboost-regex, and so I once tried to compile it. Turned out the friggin boost package needed some GB of disk storage to build12:21
DocScrutinizernot really a surprise, given the goal to 'implement the better c++ successor'12:22
DocScrutinizerwho needs qt or c++, we got boost XP12:22
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wall[e]wonder if such interface is good for phone device12:26
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wall[e](pop up with transparency like vkb)12:28
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SpeedEvilInteresting concept12:30
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wall[e]know one client has that implemented12:32
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timelessqt provides widgets12:33
timelesswhich no one wants to use ;)12:33
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SpeedEvilThe thread display could be usefully - in that example - be overlaid vertically onto the message list12:35
* wall[e] nods.12:35
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wall[e]may be on the left with pull-in interface12:42
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wall[e]looks like crop circle, uk will love them.12:42
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fralsfrals@saviour:~:$ ./fmms_stats.py12:54
fralsTotal: 277349 downloads12:54
fralsMinimum: 134 (2010-01-08 00:00:00)12:54
fralsMaximum: 10341 (2010-05-27 00:00:00)12:54
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CorsacI still didn't even try it :/12:55
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Corsacfrals: hmmh, would it be possible to add fMMS stuff to the sharing services?12:56
Corsacha, it's already available, in “services” :)12:57
fralsyeah :)12:58
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ZogG_N900MohammadAG, hey called orange12:59
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MohammadAGZogG_N900, what'd they say?12:59
ZogG_N900they fixed it13:00
MohammadAGfor all N900s?13:00
FauxFaux"We're useless cunts and you can't have more than gprs or to buy any extras 'cos our shop is broken"?13:00
ZogG_N900nope it not n900 problem13:00
MohammadAGit is, they detect that it's an N900 and send it to an online album13:01
MohammadAGif frals is right they do it by reading the IMEI13:01
fralsthey ignore the useragent at least ;)13:01
MohammadAGwell they send it to an online album on the N86 so I'm not sure what's f'd up there :P13:02
MohammadAGZogG_N900, so does it work now?13:02
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DocScrutinizermoo mr m13:04
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ZogG_N900MohammadAG, yes )13:04
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MohammadAGmoo Dr DocScrutinizer13:05
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, they have option or to send to phone or to site. asked to turn it to phone13:05
SpeedEvilfrals: it's a pity that the stats widget doesn't let you break down extras-devel and extras downloads13:05
SpeedEvil(well - also testing)13:05
MohammadAGZogG_N900, yay, so now I can receive their MMS spam again13:06
DocScrutinizerstats widget?13:06
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: well - the download counter13:06
ZogG_N900frals, last fmms delete 3g connection on hovac mode13:06
* MohammadAG wonders what an inode is13:07
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: wikipedia is your friend13:07
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, full context13:07
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, nah, we had a fight last week13:07
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: It's like an ipad, but more one-dimensional.13:07
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fralsSpeedEvil: yeah13:08
MohammadAGSetting filetype for entry '..' in ??? (316714) to 2.13:08
MohammadAGDirectory inode 164310, block 1, offset 0: directory corrupted13:08
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: inodes are filesystem metadata entries13:08
fralsZogG_N900: yes, havoc mode hides the connection fmms uses13:08
DocScrutinizerno, nuke ;-P13:08
MohammadAGguess I'm f'd13:08
MohammadAGFailed to optimize directory ??? (11): EXT2 directory corruptedIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmap #4292274151 for in-use block map13:08
MohammadAGIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmap #4292274151 for block bitmap for /dev/mmcblk1p113:08
MohammadAGWarning... fsck.ext3 for device /dev/mmcblk1p1 exited with signal 11.13:08
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: they hold data on files and directoried13:08
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I would restart it13:09
MohammadAGthe fsck? did that13:09
fluxmohammadag, get in contact with the author?13:09
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MohammadAGit's not showing any errors - yet13:09
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MohammadAGflux, author?13:09
fluxmohammadag, the author of e2fsck13:09
BCMMi'm thinking of installing mobilehotspot because my ADSL is having a stupid day - anything i should know about when installing a custom kernel?13:10
MohammadAGUmm,, why?13:10
BCMMe.g. will later updates clobber it?13:10
fluxif the fsck is segfaulting, due to a bug13:10
DocScrutinizerfsck.ext3 SIG11 ?? :-o13:10
valdynBCMM: it just works, normally13:10
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MohammadAGPass 3A: Optimizing directories13:11
MohammadAGFailed to optimize directory ??? (11): EXT2 directory corruptedIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmap #4292274151 for in-use block map13:11
MohammadAGIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmap #4292274151 for block bitmap for /dev/mmcblk1p113:11
MohammadAGWarning... fsck.ext3 for device /dev/mmcblk1p1 exited with signal 11.13:11
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valdynMohammadAG: you hit y to salvage?13:11
SpeedEvilThat is probably a worthwhile bug report13:11
ZogG_N900frals, so i don't have internet connection at all when it's in hovac? mode13:11
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MohammadAGvaldyn, I hit enter for everything, so yeah13:11
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MohammadAGrestarted it with -a13:12
valdynid restore a backup13:12
BCMMwow, 3g is a bit faster than my wired internet right now13:12
MohammadAGI don't have a backup lol13:12
fralserr, it should let your normal internet connection be when in havoc unless youve used the mms access point for surfing13:12
valdynafter reformatting..13:12
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: that's fsck scary13:12
BCMMand this is the end of the building that only has 3g reception on good days...13:12
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk1p1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.13:12
MohammadAG(i.e., without -a or -p options)13:12
DocScrutinizeras fsck is the fsckng best tested tool on unix - at least supposed to13:13
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, format c:13:13
valdynMohammadAG: so make a backup now, it should be able to get all directories that aren't fucked13:13
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, is it mounted?13:13
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: make an image very first13:13
MohammadAGZogG_N900, on linux? seriously?13:13
DocScrutinizerremount ro13:13
valdynZogG_N900: no13:13
valdynMohammadAG: mkfs.ext3 is the command in this case13:13
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, sure? check mount13:13
MohammadAGIt warns me if it's mounted13:14
ZogG_N900valdyn, no what?13:14
MohammadAGvaldyn, I'm not formatting it13:14
valdynMohammadAG: yes, im just saying13:14
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, check for bad blocks13:14
MohammadAGit has bad blocks apparently13:14
valdynMohammadAG: how yould you know that it has bad blocks?13:14
ZogG_N900mkfs.ext2 is better13:14
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk1p1: Duplicate or bad block in use!13:15
ZogG_N900it's flash - no?13:15
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MohammadAGPass 3A: Optimizing directories13:15
MohammadAGFailed to optimize directory ??? (11): EXT2 directory corruptedIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmap #4292274151 for in-use block map13:15
MohammadAGIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmap #4292274151 for block bitmap for /dev/mmcblk1p113:15
MohammadAGSegmentation fault13:15
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: if you want to recover data, make an IMAGE first, as all tries to fix it can actually play more havoc on it13:15
valdynMohammadAG: that does not mean that the block is bad13:15
fralsfuckin hell what have you done MohammadAG :D13:15
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, there's something like NFS stale file system or sth13:16
SpeedEvilfrals: He broke his wookie.13:16
MohammadAGStale NFS file handle13:16
DocScrutinizereeew, know that13:16
DocScrutinizerthat's ext3's common way to tell you the file type of an inode is fscked up13:16
DocScrutinizerusually fsck.ext3 should fix it13:17
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, is it microsd?13:17
ZogG_N900why do u use ext3?13:17
DocScrutinizerwhy not?13:17
ZogG_N900it will kill it faster13:17
MohammadAGcause I need it?13:17
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DocScrutinizerwho gives a shit?13:17
ZogG_N900do you need journaling13:18
MohammadAG/home's still working and it's ext3 afaik :)13:18
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ZogG_N900use ext213:18
MohammadAGo/ lcuk13:19
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ZogG_N900lcuk, nice vhost13:19
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MohammadAGZogG_N900, I might look into the qemu stuff and just format the whole partition13:19
MohammadAG(ext4 here I come :P)13:19
ZogG_N900are you insane13:20
MohammadAGsometimes, yes :P13:20
ZogG_N900use zfs13:21
ZogG_N900anyway there are some fs for flash in linux or ext213:21
Psihow do i recalibrate my accelerometers, after pr1.2 update one axis is 45deg out13:21
MohammadAGisn't that controlled by HW?13:22
MohammadAG(or i2c related - whatever that is)13:22
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: man fsck.ext3, check -b ck d v option13:23
* MohammadAG wants progress bars for rm, mv, and cp13:23
Psidunno, just noticed that my bubble level app says its level at 45deg now :(13:23
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: also I suggest to try and use fsck on a different architecture13:23
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ZogG_N900i want places or dual view in filemanager13:24
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ZogG_N900psi check what it uses to get level13:25
ZogG_N900and check if you can reset13:25
DocScrutinizerPsi: plural?? there's only one afaik13:25
Psiapp is just called level v1.013:25
Psicopyright 2009 offscreen technologies13:26
Psialso games that use the accel are 45deg out too13:26
ZogG_N900Psi, check the code13:26
MohammadAGit's closed source13:26
SpeedEvilPsi: reboot13:26
* Psi tries SpeedEvils idea13:26
SpeedEvilPsi: It's been reported that the acellerometer, or its code can get wedged13:27
MohammadAG<DocScrutinizer> MohammadAG: also I suggest to try and use fsck on a different architecture <-- that might be helpful actually13:27
DocScrutinizerI wouldn't call that an idea ;-P13:27
Psiheh, it quite often fixes problems tho :)13:27
ZogG_N900so does qt nokia sdk is only for c++?13:27
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: huh?13:28
DocScrutinizeraaah, I always miss the one line of new text, appended to the 700 lines of quote :-/13:29
ZogG_N900and can i emulate program on it or i still need pr1.2 sdk13:29
Psiok, reboot hasnt fixed issue, still way out13:30
Psilooks more like 35deg than 4513:30
* DocScrutinizer51 suggests liqacceltest (or similar name)13:32
SpeedEvilwatch -n 1 cat /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord13:32
SpeedEvilx/y/z - they should be about in the range +-1000, and change as you move the phone13:32
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* Psi tries13:33
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: brilliant13:34
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Psiflat on desk i get -468 -54 -93613:34
ZogG_N900where is this program. i would check it13:34
MohammadAGI hate it when the indexer runs...13:34
DocScrutinizer51first is off by 40013:34
ZogG_N900psi maybe desk is not straight13:34
SpeedEvilMaybe you have a nearby black hole.13:35
DocScrutinizer51ZogG_N900: stop telling nonsense13:35
Psiheh, i doubt its 100% level but thats not really important for this test13:35
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/media/mmc1# cat /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord13:35
MohammadAG0 -18 -102613:35
MohammadAG flat on desk13:35
SpeedEvilDo you notice any hard-x-rays, and an acretion disk in your vicinity?13:35
* Psi checks13:35
DocScrutinizer51Psi: shut down the device completely, remove bat13:35
Psii would switch off the ZPM powering my PC, but then i couldnt tell you if it fixed the issue13:36
PsiDocScrutinizer51: good idea13:36
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* DocScrutinizer51 tries to recall how to reset the lis30213:36
MohammadAGI wouldn't call that an idea13:36
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: exactly13:37
Psiagain with the hate on the word 'idea'13:37
MohammadAGdamn tracker13:37
Psiwhat do you have against it13:38
DocScrutinizer51I might come up with another potentially hazardous I2Cset cmd to recalibrate LIS302 :-)13:38
* MohammadAG hides13:38
Psibattery is out13:38
DocScrutinizer51that's what I call an idea13:38
ZogG_N900DocScrutinizer, it was obiviously joke13:39
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Psii find it funny that the n900 runs for longer than my openmoko, especially considering the n900 has a smaller battery and is actually running all that time and not in suspend13:40
DocScrutinizer51a poor joke, as the vector sum is off for our planet13:40
DocScrutinizer51Psi: depends. I've seen 140h standby on FR13:41
Psii only have gta0113:41
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pupnikPsi5 was a fun game13:41
Psiimagine how awesome i find the n900 tho :)13:42
DocScrutinizer51that one will never get to decent standby time13:42
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DocScrutinizer51Psi: you updated the modem?13:42
Psiyeah, gsm is latest firmware13:43
Psiunless moko11 is really new13:44
fralsso err13:44
fralsthis translation mumbojumbo, whats the prefered way of shipping translations to your app?13:44
DocScrutinizer51ask timeless13:44
fralsi imagine separate packages for each language is not encouraged?13:44
SpeedEvilPsi: the CPU in the n900 isn't in some ways 'running' most of the time13:45
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SpeedEvilPsi: The clock gating and enabling means that most of the time, most of the chip is shut down13:45
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DocScrutinizer51it seems N900 come with even inuktitut for all apps13:45
ZogG_N900i get 36 18 -1040 )13:45
ZogG_N900psi is this program in extras?13:46
DocScrutinizer51ZogG_N900: so YOUR table is not level13:46
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: the bias of thelis302dl can be quite bad13:47
SpeedEvilI want to know how to properly enable taps13:47
DocScrutinizer51but not 400+13:47
ZogG_N900DocScrutinizer, it's not but my friend have option in his phone13:47
PsiZogG_N900: the level one, i think it may have been on the ovi store13:47
ZogG_N900there is also angle meter13:49
n900-dkthere is also levelball13:49
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: it's all n lis302 ds13:49
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no, it's not13:49
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: if you bang the phone, you see /proc/interrupts incrementing13:49
DocScrutinizer51enabling taps? sure13:49
SpeedEvilso the kernel driver does something13:49
DocScrutinizer51na not ooh13:50
DocScrutinizer51quite normal13:50
DocScrutinizer51the gmeter is supposed to work in highpass filter mode13:50
DocScrutinizer51so every g change will trigger an IRQ13:50
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, does a USB extender slow transfer speeds?13:51
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: tap and doubletap detection is a lis302 hw function though13:52
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes - I know13:53
PsiDocScrutinizer51: that fixed it, now its 18 0 -93613:53
Psiso looks like cure for out of cal accel is hard reset13:54
DocScrutinizer51Psi: got severe miscalibration I guess13:54
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Psithanks for ya help13:54
MohammadAGit still isn't an idea13:55
DocScrutinizer51it's a SOP13:55
MohammadAGSon Of a Patriot?13:55
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DocScrutinizer51standard operation procedure13:55
MohammadAGrunning fsck13:56
DocScrutinizer51or starfleet operation protocol13:56
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DocScrutinizer51eject the warp core !!13:56
jaskajettison warp core13:56
DocScrutinizer51k my backtranslation sucks13:57
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wall[e]another render14:03
wall[e]still don't like it14:03
wall[e]give up and go building the theme14:03
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pupnikwall[e]: what is that for14:08
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MohammadAGPass 3A: Optimizing directories14:10
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MohammadAGPass 4: Checking reference counts14:10
MohammadAGInode 2 ref count is 5, should be 7.  Fix<y>? yes14:10
MohammadAGit didn't segfault on my PC14:10
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SpeedEvilsegfaulting is a bug, and should be reported as such14:10
SpeedEvilIt should never segfault14:11
MohammadAGUmm, what would the steps to reproduce be14:11
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nikki93What's the best way to get n900 communicating with arduino?14:12
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Filesystem image that causes it to segfault14:13
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, I don't have an image...14:13
SpeedEvilnikki93: what do you mean by best14:13
nikki93SpeedEvil: low latency communication.14:13
SpeedEvilOr e2fsdump14:13
nikki93SpeedEvil: Low data loss14:13
SpeedEvilnikki93: Bluetooth serial port14:13
SpeedEvilsomething like that14:14
RST38hBehold the mighty VAX booting VMS, Satan's favorite operating system!14:14
wall[e]pupnik: for recaller widget app14:14
SpeedEvilThough you want to make sure it's a standard serial port profile, and you can just pair it with the n900 - you only want one of coruse14:15
nikki93SpeedEvil: I see.14:15
wall[e]pupnik: must split into 2 files and put them over the default icon though14:15
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SpeedEvilThat probably isn't suitable14:15
pupnikwall[e]: looks like a game to me14:15
wall[e]i couldn't stand its default icon, didn't like this one but at least i feel a bit better.14:15
wall[e]pupnik: I am working in a game company (again) :D14:16
SpeedEvil looks more like it14:16
wall[e]my n900 theme i am working on really make it like alien device14:16
wall[e]will build another one based on hal-9000 interface14:16
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sobczykI'm trying to lauch ESbox in virtual machine and it always displays empty popup box. I have newest virtualbox (3.2) updated the ubuntu guest (9.10) but this still does not help14:20
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ZogG_N900my bat is low (14:23
pupnikvery blank dialog sobczyk.  i usually just ssh into the vm14:24
crashanddieZogG_N900: you need to swing just before you think it's too late.14:24
pupnikwork from the shell14:24
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crashanddieZogG_N900: also always think under the ball -- that is unless there's top spin14:24
ZogG_N900crashanddie, i have usb cabel and laptop here )14:25
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crashanddieZogG_N900: oh sorry, wrong kind of "bat"14:25
sobczykpupnik: but there aren't any buttons, so what's for the dialog14:25
ZogG_N900haha people are already angry at me at forum )14:25
crashanddiewall[e]: what company?14:25
ZogG_N900crashanddie, no. u was talking about the right one14:26
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ZogG_N900tmo goes warez )14:26
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pupnikno it doesnt14:27
sobczykI don't get the point of releasing buggy VM for development...14:27
crashanddiesobczyk: it's not really buggy14:27
crashanddiesobczyk: it's just a test to see if you are a True Coder14:28
crashanddieonly people worthy of the True Coder clan are allowed to develop for Maemo.14:28
sobczykI can always use python so this isn't true :P14:29
TermanaDocScrutinizer51, ping14:29
cure`i backed upped my phone, reflashed with 1.2+emmc, installed all apps, restored backed up calender and conversation shit, only to find out my phone contacts are gone, didn't export them earlier14:31
cure`./cry :(14:31
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ZogG_N900cure maybe u have them on simcard or old phone?14:32
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crashanddiesobczyk: I never said python made you strong enough to be a True Coder.14:32
cure`nope, this is my first mobile phone actually14:32
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cure`harsh lesson14:32
crashanddieyour forst mobile is a 500 pound piece of kit?14:33
crashanddiehow old are you?14:33
cure`does it matter? i never felt like getting a mobile phone before :P14:33
wall[e]crashanddie: a small thai company, never do large game, just some small java and iphone14:33
wall[e]and nds14:33
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pupnikwall[e]: you ship me some of that soy sauce in a can in case my gf doesnt14:34
sobczykok, installing xulrunner 1.8 helped14:35
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wall[e]pupnik: hehe, don't like fish sauce?14:35
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pupnikdunno, it is a thai company. best i ever tried.14:35
wall[e]golden mountain?14:35
DocScrutinizerTermana: pong14:36
TermanaDocScrutinizer, quick pm?14:36
DocScrutinizergo ahead14:36
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* wall[e] spent 3h/day in kitchen :S14:36
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pupniklost the name wall[e] - ill get back to you14:38
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pupnikrecaller looks good to me.  it would fit in chrono trigger future world also.  wall[e]14:44
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martin900Hi! Did anyone tried to restore ~./bookmarks/MyBookmarks.xml  from Backup?15:03
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TomaszDzaheerm, ping15:04
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zaluciusHi, anyone here?15:27
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SpeedEvilwe all died due to exploding n900s.15:27
asj__SpeedEvil: sssh15:27
zaluciushehe, ok..15:27
zaluciusspeaking of exploding n900's...15:28
asj__zalucius: we're all busy watching Eurovision reruns of Belarus15:28
tristanexploding n900s?15:28
* SpeedEvil ponders adding 'n900explode' to the repo.15:28
* pigeon is still waiting for the new ovi store... :(15:28
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zaluciusMine just got bricked :o( cannot flash it..15:28
SpeedEviltake the battery out - unplug USB15:28
tristanbummer. howd that happen?15:29
asj__zalucius: it's very hard to truely brick an n90015:29
SpeedEvilstart flasher - wait till it says 'no such device - waiting'15:29
SpeedEvilplug USB in - put battery in15:29
SpeedEvilsee what happens15:29
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SpeedEvilasj: no it's not.15:29
zaluciusI have tried the flashing command thingy.. but it cant find the device15:29
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SpeedEvilasj: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtd0 or something15:29
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asj__SpeedEvil: cold flash it then15:29
zaluciustried to unplug it, pulled out battery and still no response.15:30
zaluciuscold flash?15:30
SpeedEvilasj: that wipes the bootloader.15:30
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asj__SpeedEvil: you don't need nolo to flash15:30
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SpeedEvilzalucius: your battery may be dead. Plug it into the charger for half an hour15:30
SpeedEvilasj; yes you do.15:30
jaskaa finn must have named that bootloader15:30
asj__SpeedEvil: <grin>15:30
jaskaive always chuckled at it, even with previous device15:31
zaluciusbattery is almost fully charged.15:31
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SpeedEvilasj: the bootloader is as I understand it absolutely required to flash.15:31
zaluciusso.. cold flashing. is that the flasher with -c as paramter?15:31
asj__SpeedEvil: yes, but you can load nolo through flasher15:32
SpeedEvilasj: The only other place that could have flashing information is the ROM on the OMAP chip. and that doesn't know how to setup the USB hardware.15:32
SpeedEvilasj: not if nolo is not present.15:32
zaluciusnolo? im totally new at this15:32
SpeedEvilzalucius: Sorry - we're having a tangential conversation that's not directly helpful.15:33
asj__zalucius: yes cold flash is -c15:33
SpeedEvilzalucius: Why do you think that the battery is full?15:33
zaluciusbattery was full when I began ...15:33
zaluciusand its plugged to the USB now, and LED often is Green15:34
asj__zalucius: sounds like the device has booted15:34
zaluciusthe computer can identify the device, but the flasher cannot find it15:34
SpeedEvilLED being green means it's booted and is running the OS15:34
ZogG_N900haha. wars at tmo r started15:35
SpeedEvilAnd BME is lighting the light green.15:35
SpeedEvilThere is - as I understand it - no other way it will be green.15:35
asj__zalucius: unplug it, remove the battery for at least 10 seconds, then follow the instructions15:35
zaluciusok. brb.. :o)15:35
asj__zalucius: even I agree with SpeedEvil ;)15:35
ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, battery 100 would do it?15:35
SpeedEvilZogG_N900: no.15:36
SpeedEvilZogG_N900: BME - in concert with MCE turns the light green.15:36
ZogG_N900but it's more clever to do with bme15:36
SpeedEvilZogG_N900: There is no lower-level stuff that will make the light green. (in the default install.15:36
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SpeedEvilSo green means it's booted linux - though may be in the act_dead state where it looks off.15:37
zaluciusahh, now something new is happening... looks like it works.. yay!15:37
SpeedEvilasj: what would enable it to be flashed if nolo wasn't present?15:37
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shikamarudoes someone here use ukeyboard ?15:37
asj__SpeedEvil: the omap has some usb access on cold powerup I understand it15:37
ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, i dunno. i think you are right. but you can do it other way too15:38
shikamaruthere’s something I don’t figure out15:38
SpeedEvilasj: but it is not using the twl4030 USB phy. It needs to know how to setup the 1707 - and it can't.15:38
ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, do you mean full battery green?15:38
SpeedEvilZogG: yes15:38
shikamaruI can’t get the dvorak layout on the onscreen keyboard15:38
shikamaruthough the layout is set for the integrated keyboard15:39
zaluciusso... now the flasher says "CMT flashed succesfully", do I load the eMMC now?15:39
shikamarudo I have to change my language to have it available ?15:39
SpeedEvilZogG: there is nothing in the low-level hardware that makes the LED go green. It can only be controlled by software. There is no kernel driver that makes it green. It is only BME telling MCE to make it green - well - to show the 'charged' LED pattern - that makes it green.15:39
shikamaru(to en_GB that is)15:39
ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, and blue?15:40
SpeedEvilZogG: so unless you've been screwing with it - any other colour than yellow - means linux is booted.15:40
ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, as the led pattern app15:40
SpeedEvilAnd maybe red.15:40
SpeedEvilI vaguely remember some error conditions can cause red.15:40
ZogG_N900i saw red once15:40
ZogG_N900for less than sec15:40
ZogG_N900when taking usb out15:41
SpeedEvilI think it means 'charger voltage out of spec'15:41
ZogG_N900but still u can make script changing led to colour right?15:41
asj__SpeedEvil: <shrug> dunno I'm tired and it's bed time15:41
ZogG_N900turning it on i mean15:42
SpeedEvilZogG: Once it's booted the kernel - then any scripts or whatever that the kernel runs can do whatever they want to the LED.15:42
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ZogG_N900so u can grep battery in lshal right?15:42
ZogG_N900u can make if 100 than red colour15:43
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ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, but u r right that it's better to use bme15:43
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ZogG_N900is anyone here using qt sdk or maemo sdk?15:44
SpeedEvilBME will interfere in setting LED colours if you don't kill it15:44
SpeedEvilit will automatically reset them quite often15:44
SpeedEvilIt's not hard to setup custom patterns and use them with BME15:45
ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, i don't see need and don't think it's safety to play with it15:45
asj__ZogG_N900: qt yes15:45
ZogG_N900asj__, have few questions15:45
asj__ZogG_N900: be quick15:45
SpeedEvilZogG_N900: then15:45
ZogG_N900asj__, is it only for c++ ?15:45
asj__ZogG_N900: I beleive there is PyQt, but I only do c++15:46
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ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, as i said i don't need it and  think it's unsafety15:46
ZogG_N900asj__, and do we have maemo emulator or it's only in maemo sdk?15:46
ZogG_N900i just can't get it on 64bit so have only qt sdk15:47
asj__ZogG_N900: can't answer that one15:47
ZogG_N900have several ideas for simple apps. the best way to learn little bit )15:47
zaluciusoh joy! its alive again :o) Thanks alot for the help.15:47
ZogG_N900zalucius, alive linux system is boring15:48
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zaluciusZogG_N900, I prefer my system to be alive :o)15:48
shikamaruhmm seems like rebooting the phone in english does not change the on-screen keyboard15:49
* shikamaru wonders why :915:49
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ZogG_N900shikamaru, u have options in settings?15:50
shikamarufound it !15:50
shikamaruactually it’s not the language of the phone you have to change !15:50
shikamarubut the language of the dictionary15:50
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shikamaruthere’s a English USA (dvorak)15:51
SpeedEvilZogG: how is stopping BME safer?15:51
shikamaruonce you choose it, the on-screen keyboard changes too in ukeyboard15:51
ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, why would i stop it?15:51
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ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, as i said i don't to touch it (kill change or whatever)15:51
ZogG_N900shikamaru, there are several options15:52
ZogG_N900hw keyboard. 2 virtual. 2 dictionary for them15:53
SpeedEvilIf you don't stop it - BME will interrrupt your setting of the LEDs at random times15:53
shikamaruI see, sorry for the noise then15:54
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ZogG_N900i don't really care about colours untill they are not pink15:54
ZogG_N900shikamaru, it's okay to ask question15:55
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ZogG_N900SpeedEvil, how does fmms do the led if it does btw?15:55
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SpeedEvilthrough BME as I understand it15:56
SpeedEvilMCE, not BME15:57
SpeedEvilfor the last several lines15:57
ZogG_N900so u send to mce to send to bme?15:57
SpeedEvilno - BME has nothing to do with the LEDs15:58
ZogG_N900btw what is mce stand for. as i know only what is bme15:58
SpeedEvilother than it uses mce to show various notifications to the uer15:58
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ZogG_N900oh. so u meant mce all the last times15:58
fralsfmms activates the led via hildonsvnotificationdaemon15:58
SpeedEvilZogG: yes - sorry15:58
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Dassuno sorries will cure the disease of the fallen!15:59
ZogG_N900what does mce stand for.15:59
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MohammadAGMode Control Entry I think15:59
ZogG_N900dassu u mistyped ur nickname15:59
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infobotMCE = Machine Check Exception16:00
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DocScrutinizermce = mode control entity (though it think of it as machine control entity)16:01
lcukmorning maemo \o16:01
DocScrutinizerlo lcuk16:01
ZogG_N900noon* )16:01
ZogG_N900lcuk, are u from australia or china?16:02
lcukneither, its just morning in irc16:02
* lcuk has been packing for holiday16:02
DocScrutinizerZogG_N900: bme sends a dbus cmd to mce, to light up yellow flashing, or green (or red) indicator LED16:02
fralsmornin lcuk o/16:02
DocScrutinizersee wiki "LED patterns"16:02
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ZogG_N900frals, so u didn't answer about connection. do hovac mode erase connection at all?16:03
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fralsi did answer ;)16:03
MohammadAGmornin lcuk16:03
fralshavoc mode hides the mms connection from the ui16:03
lcukTHIS IS HAVOK!16:04
lcukerrr SPARTA16:04
fralsand if you have somehow managed to get fmms to use your normal connection as a source of the settings its going to hide that connection ;)16:04
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Is there a hardware red - I vaguely recall it16:04
ZogG_N900frals, what about not mms. the regular 3G?16:04
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slonopotamuslcuk: :D16:04
fralslcuk: broke 10k downloads in a day \o/16:04
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DocScrutinizeronly hardwired indicator is yellow/amber16:04
ZogG_N900frals, doesn't it create new apn for mms?16:05
lcukyeah frals i saw :D congrationaltions16:05
DocScrutinizerfor emergency recover charging16:05
MohammadAGit does16:05
fralsZogG_N900: it does, unless you've had a really old version of fmms installed16:05
MohammadAGhe deserves a trout16:05
MohammadAG~trout frals16:05
* infobot slaps frals around a bit with a large trout!16:05
frals~whale MohammadAG16:05
ZogG_N900frals, new from extras.16:05
fralsZogG_N900: and you never had fmms installed before?16:05
ZogG_N900frals, had. never used16:06
ZogG_N900frals, anyway i don't care to delete it16:06
ZogG_N900i mean for reset)16:06
ZogG_N900to delete and install again16:07
ZogG_N900it sounds bad as i see it now )))16:07
ZogG_N900frals, is there any data on /home or / that is kept even after uninstall?16:08
fralsdo gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/fmms and reinstall16:08
ZogG_N900wanna try fresh installation16:08
fralsall messages are kept in /home/user/.fmms/16:08
fralsbut the gconf line removes all settings16:08
ZogG_N900and the problem is prob in settings and not .fmms folder?16:09
ZogG_N900okay. lemme check. thanks16:10
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ZogG_N900frals, had 1.1.1 now16:11
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ZogG_N900frals, what is sharing-fmms?16:13
fralsshare via service plugin16:13
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ZogG_N900frals, now i turned while was on 3G. and turned it on. now current connection is mms(disconnect mms) and there is internet 3G as well )16:17
jacekowskii just disconnected my phone from charger16:17
jacekowskiand i have one bar left16:18
ZogG_N900jacekowski, and it's still charging16:18
ZogG_N900tesla ghost16:18
MohammadAGjacekowski, the "WTF" part made me think you lost the port...16:18
jacekowskii connected it back16:19
jacekowskiand it's charging again16:19
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wall[e]pupnik: I guess I just can't stand its color16:19
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jacekowskiis there a warranty on battery?16:20
jacekowskiand how long is it?16:20
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BCMMMobile HotSpot works really well16:23
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BCMMreception is weird in this room though16:23
ZogG_N900frals, ok. works fine16:24
BCMMwithin the same 20cm^3 space, i will get either 2G, 3G, or 3.516:24
fralsnp :)16:24
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: you are sure it charged before when on USB?16:24
jacekowskiwell, i had green light16:24
ZogG_N900btw does fmms supports video?16:24
jacekowskiand it seems to have problem with my wifi16:25
jacekowskisince upgrade16:25
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: now that's actually bad. Either your battery cell is EOL, or BME gone haywire16:25
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ZogG_N900BCMM, wierd. i have sometimes 3G to 3.5G16:25
ZogG_N900but not 2G to 3.5G16:26
jacekowskiby problem i mean it detects one maybe 2 networks16:26
jacekowskibut hmm16:26
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jacekowskithat might be because i changed it to G only at the same time16:26
DocScrutinizerBCMM: 3G<->3.5 is absolutely normal, as it shows 3.5 only when data is transferred (and some time after)16:27
BCMMDocScrutinizer: a battery life thing?16:27
DocScrutinizerBCMM: eeh16:27
BCMMDocScrutinizer: also, this is true even when transfering data, and seems to be dependant on the angle of the phone...16:27
DocScrutinizersorry, my comment about battery was a reply to jacekowski "well, i had green light"16:28
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lcukBCMM, sure orientation could effect signal16:29
lcukjust like if you have your back turned to someone you may not know they are waving frantically at you16:30
BCMMto avoid the endless trial and error, any idea which end of the device ought to point towards teh mast?16:31
lcuki dunno BCMM16:31
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jacekowski  well16:32
jacekowskithat's od16:32
jacekowskibattery "charged" in 14 minutes16:32
BCMMis there synergy for maemo yet?16:34
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jacekowskii've restarted my phone16:36
jacekowskiand it's charged16:36
lcukhmmm slashdot, New Ebola Drug 100 Percent Effective In Monkeys.   giving monkeys ebola would be 100% effective!16:36
lcukjacekowski, what was the last burst that flattened it16:37
jacekowskii mean it's charged16:37
jacekowskiand phone is reporting almost 1200mAh charge16:37
jacekowskiinstead of 016:37
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lcukplanetary alignment?16:39
ShapeshifterBCMM: you can use x2x16:39
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ShapeshifterBCMM: but I always had trouble getting a consistent visible mouse pointer16:39
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Shapeshifterit would randomly disappear, or not disappear when I wanted it to16:39
BCMMno to bothered about that, mainly just want to use my computer's keyboard16:39
BCMM(and it be snappier than vnc)16:39
ShapeshifterBCMM: that is possible without trouble.16:40
ShapeshifterBCMM: only thing is that the screen still dims when you don't use the n900 keyboard or touchscreen, so you need to script it that it doesn't dim anymore16:40
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BCMMi already have the screen stay lit when charging anyway16:40
lcukShapeshifter, theres a setting to keep display lit whilst charging :)16:41
lcukor qwertys simple backlight doofer also has a lock backlight option16:41
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lcukhey noidea`16:44
lcuknoobmonk3y, even16:44
lcuksorry noidea` i had noidea`16:44
noobmonk3yw000p w000p16:44
noobmonk3yready for your hols?16:44
lcukand my python marathon yesterday worked :)16:44
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lcuki managed to use it to scan all my mails, grab the information i needed, collate it and tie it up and generate a (rather ugly but functional) report of state of play with certain things16:45
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lcuknoobmonk3y, it would be what i would normally use vb for16:47
noobmonk3yahhhhh :P - while the rest of us get a secretary to do it ;)16:47
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lcukwell i tried that, i sent spec for what was needed a while ago ;)16:47
noobmonk3ylol ... cindy crawford not wanting to help?16:47
lcukthere was a fistfight at the door between her and tracy :(16:48
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lcukthankfully i recorded it and managed to steer them towards the handy mudpool16:48
noobmonk3ywow healthcheck had 3k dloads this weekend - random!16:49
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FIQdejavu sans mono says it's already installed16:59
FIQbut i'm unable to choose it16:59
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noobmonk3ylcuk - need your brains :)16:59
mazer_you'd still complain.16:59
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noobmonk3y/proc/net/dev - i'm assuming networky things are in there? - is there a specific folder / file for wireless / 3g data etc?17:00
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lcukuse the source noobmonk3y17:00
mazer_just the configured interfaces.17:00
noobmonk3yuse the source?! lol!17:00
lcuktheres desktop widgets which read specific bits17:00
noobmonk3yoh lol!17:00
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mazer_noobmonk3y: cat /proc/net/dev17:01
noobmonk3ylol mazer i'm putty'd into it having a butchers17:01
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mazer_I don't want to understand what that means17:02
noobmonk3ybutchers = look at17:02
lcukhe said he doesnt want to17:03
noobmonk3ygotta love the english langiage :P17:03
lcukthe knowledge might actually push something useful out17:03
* frals throws a whale at noobmonk3y and runs off17:03
* noobmonk3y giggles17:03
* noobmonk3y pets the whale, puts it in a fish bowl and calls it frank17:03
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mazer_iphone user?17:03
noobmonk3ywho?! lol17:03
lcukdamnmmmmmm my mail scanner is a bit self referential, sending a mail with the results of the scan in it effects the results of the next run o_O17:04
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mazer_lcuk: try else.17:05
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mazer_or try except else finally, instead of while, or whatever you're doing.17:06
lcukmazer_, its not an else condition, its scanning all my mails for certain things, but then when i tell people about what those certain things are ..17:06
BCMMhow does one get teh keyboard mapping right when using x2x?17:06
lcukill have to put a safeword in the report17:06
BCMMi'm finding that 2 types w and so on17:06
fralslcuk: you are taking reading pron-spam to new heights17:06
BCMMalso, how are you supposed to connect to the n900's X server? i'm forwarding the connection with ssh17:06
fdvhi. I fscked up an upgrade and more or less bricked my n900. There's no way to get terminal access to the bootloader or something through USB, is there?17:07
lcukfrals, surprisingly my mail account is very clean17:07
mazer_fdv: it's trivial to flash this device.17:07
lcukonly used for work related stuff and not one iota of spam anywhere17:07
fdvmazer_: but then I'll loose contacts etc, right?17:07
mazer_fdv: not as far as I know17:07
lcukBACKUP, reflash, RESTORE17:07
mazer_lcuk: he cannot backup/restore.17:08
lcukon device backup stores data on the eMMC which is same place as all your photos etc17:08
fdvlcuk, mazer_: I've copied everything I could17:08
lcukwell the upgrade DOES say in big bold letters17:08
lcukback yo stuff up17:08
lcukit even opens the backup app17:08
mazer_fdv: then go and flash it; preferrably with pr1.217:08
fdvlcuk: for one thing, I've been unable to use the GUI upgrading thingie for a long time, I've been using apt. secondly, I'm just asking what's possible :)17:09
fdvmazer_: thanks17:09
lcukfdv sure, but backing up before an upgrade is the most logical thing17:09
lcukthe gui tool for doing it is painless :)17:10
fdvlcuk: depends what, I guess, and it doesn't really matter *now* what would have been sensible ;)17:10
lcuksure, spilt milk cant go on cornflakes17:10
Termanalcuk, it can if you spill it ON the cornflakes17:11
* Termana hasn't followed the conversation :P17:11
fdvlcuk: I can't quite recall exactly how, but after adding some repos or installing some packages through apt or whatever, I couldn't use the GUI updater-thingie anymore17:12
fdvI can't say I've gone out of my way to be on the safe side either, unfortunately :)17:12
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pupnikthrow cornflakes on floor and grind into milk17:16
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lcukpupnik, novel17:19
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petteridoes anyone know if there are other nokia phones with jabber voice/video support than n900?17:51
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MohammadAGWell all symbian phones should support Jabber17:53
MohammadAGusing Nimbuzz17:53
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petterithanks. I will do some research about this nimbuzz17:55
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joppu jesus christ, what's up with these people?18:04
madduckis there aptitude for maemo?18:05
MohammadAGhe's been complaining/flaming a lot recently18:05
madducknot in any repo apparently. :(18:05
joppuI'd better stop arguing with him in that case :)18:06
MohammadAGand it's not compiled for armel18:06
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MohammadAGjoppu, I've stopped arguing, if someone disagrees let him, I don't give a crap and he shuts up :)18:06
pupnikjoppu: dont feed ze trools18:08
jacekowskiwhy some people want flash 10?18:09
jacekowskiwhat's in flash 10?18:09
petteriit has hardware acceleration18:10
petterivideos and stuff should work much faster18:10
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ShadowJKAlthough adobe announced there would be no hw accel in linux version18:11
ShadowJKpresumably that includes maemo/meego18:11
joppulol android18:11
joppu(it's not really linux)18:11
petteriShadowJK: i though linux alraedy has?18:11
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jacekowskilinux hardware acceleration is very limited18:12
MohammadAG<joppu> lol android18:12
MohammadAGandroid doesn't have HW accel.18:12
MohammadAGeven with the flash 10 beta18:12
ShadowJKwell it does use hw for fullscreen scaling on linux18:13
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ping18:13
ShadowJKbut I don't think it uses any hw decode accel for video18:13
jacekowskinot really18:13
jacekowskithat hw accel is disabled in most cases18:13
jacekowskianything else using 3d hardware ( compositing ) will make flash disable hw accel18:14
ShadowJKwell my computer would not have the power to do it in software, so :)18:14
joppu...Consumers can try the prerelease of Flash Player 10.1 to preview hardware acceleration of video on supported Windows PCs, x86-based netbooks, and Android 2.2 supported device...18:14
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jacekowskiwell, i don't have flash at all18:15
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: hard to develop a general plugin with hw decoder, if you don't have a standard abi to access the DSP18:16
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: windows has what? some foocarpbar1018:16
ShadowJKthere's more than one standard abi :D18:16
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* timeless looks for a helpful soul18:17
jacekowskiwell, it's not a standard then18:17
DocScrutinizerdon't see this panning out with gles18:17
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timelesswindows has directx18:17
timelesswhich while not quite direct access to a dsp isn't entirely useless either18:18
DocScrutinizerthat's it directcrap1018:18
* timeless crosses docs off the helpful candidates list18:18
* timeless looks for a helpful soul18:18
DocScrutinizeryeah, but we don't have anything similar on N900 DSP18:18
ShadowJKthere was vaapi which was comittee-designed and generally useless, then nvidia released their drivers using vdpau api, at which point intel hired someone to make drivers for, iirc, poulsbo for vaapi.. and then ati came out with their own (does it even do anything yet?), and now vaapi is gaining wrappers around everything else18:18
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ShadowJKgles is useless for video18:19
Mace_N900oh hell yeah18:19
Mace_N900settlers ii clone18:19
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Mace_N900i have to try that out18:19
pupnikhow finished is it18:19
Mace_N900sure would love starcraft18:19
ShadowJKWell, gstreamer on n900... and I think the n900 codecs use openmax api?18:19
Mace_N900pupnik, i am installing it now18:20
Mace_N900i will see in a bit but am installing over 3g so might take a while18:20
timelessshadowjk: will you be my helpful soul?18:20
Mace_N900command and conquer would be even better than starcraft18:21
timelesswasn't c&c dos based?18:21
timelessit should probably work in dosemu18:21
ShadowJKtimeless, you always ask that type of questions without first giving any hints as to what it's about... but sure18:21
DocScrutinizerhehe, that's why I didn't answer18:21
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joppubut N900 DSP supports h.264 and Flash 10.1 uses h.264 so only problem would be the implemention, right?18:22
DocScrutinizerand of course just because I got no soul, so how could I be a helping one18:22
timelessh264 is not monolythic18:22
timelessit's profiled or stepped18:22
timelessthe dsp supports a useless baseline profile18:23
timelesswhich no one uses18:23
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ShadowJKjoppu: well, flash wants the video back into cpu, in rgb form. I dont know the capabilities of the codec, but right now (unless the people who write it were braindead) it basically decodes straight to a yuv buffer and the dss thingy converts and scales in hw18:23
joppuyeah, I know bout the profiles and all but that N900 oly supports baseline...18:23
timelessneedless to say the flash team wasn't impressed by the dsp delivery18:24
timelessthey weere promised "h264"18:24
ShadowJKYoutube uses h264 baseline (encoded by x264) for 360p and 480p18:24
timelessand got something useless18:24
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timelessplus iirc it wasn't the greatest of deliverables18:25
ShadowJKLuckily though h26rr streams actually have signaling that says what profile they are, so one could switch to software decode instead of hw18:25
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* timeless chuckles18:26
timelessi'm currently watching a product where switching from hardware to software is fatal18:26
ShadowJKnot that you can do much more than 512x384 in software reliably... and less than that with flash bloat on top18:26
timelessi'm not saying i'm a fan of flash18:27
timelessbut they do a lot with what they're given18:27
timelesswhich is often junk at best18:27
joppuso I heard WebM quality/efficiency is somewhere between DIVX/h.26418:27
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timelessis that a problem?18:28
fdvehm.. can anybody tell me which is the FISCO image for n900 (is it the "Latest Maemo 5 Global release" (unless you're in other places)), and do I understand it correctly that the "Vanilla version of the eMMC content" should be unnecessary?18:28
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joppuit's actually pretty good for "open source" project18:28
pupnikjoppu comparisons i have seen based on filesize put it on par with h.26418:28
ShadowJKjoppu: well no, visually it's somewhere between divx and h264, at given rate. Computationally heavier than h26418:28
timelessfdv: there are two unrelated pieces18:29
timelessthe rootfs and the eMMC18:29
timelessbut come w/ variants18:29
infobottimeless meant: both come w/ variants18:29
* timeless walks up stairs18:29
IkarusShadowJK: it's above both if you actually want dark colours to look right....18:29
fdvtimeless: what is the eMMC actually anyway?18:29
timeless(w/ a coat over an arm...)18:29
fdv(or anybody else)18:30
fdvor, what's on it?18:30
Trizttimeless; did you get hold of someone with pr1.1.1 to test your English localization?18:30
timelessfdv: a bigger slower piece of mass storage18:30
timelesstrizt: nope18:30
timelessstill hoping18:30
fdvtimeless: but the root fs contains all that's needed to boot up, right?18:30
timelessfdv: clasically the os lived on rootfs18:31
fdvthe eMMC is mostly the MyDocs vfat partition, then?18:31
timelessw/ 1.2 the os moves part of itself to the emmc during first boot18:31
lcukfdv, yes technically, but there is a 2gb extension /opt area which the OS now stretches into giving more free space on the rootfs18:32
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fdvlcuk: I think that might have been what I hosed trying to upgrade18:32
lcukand that free space combined with the /opt partition allows oodles of apps to be installed18:32
fdvshould I technically be able to just flash the rootfs and get things back up?18:33
timeless_mbpfdv: so, it's important to understand that your question isn't "simple" :)18:33
fdvtimeless_mbp: alas, few are :)18:33
joppufdv: worked for me18:33
pupnikwhich / subdirs are now magically extended lcuk?  what do i search to learn about that trick?18:33
lcukfdv, sure, on first boot, the OS does what it can to clean the /opt area only and get it ready.  then you can just restore the backup  you took before starting and be back where you wanted to be18:34
fdvor should have taken :)18:34
lcukrootfs flash image contains an /opt folder18:34
lcukon first boot, the first boot script runs ...18:34
lcukwhich will first check and clear /home/opt18:34
lcukthen copy the contents of the rootfs /opt18:34
lcukand then delete rootfs /top and make a hardlink18:35
lcukthereby allowing the system components on the flashed image a way to be optified18:35
pupniklcuk: my /home still has an opt dir18:35
lcukso, expect each maemo update to actually consume less of rootfs18:35
lcukpupnik, it should have18:36
lcuk^ rootfs /opt18:36
pupnik/home/opt              2064208   1364660    594692  70% /opt18:36
pupnikthat right?18:36
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lcukwhy wouldnt it be?18:37
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* Trizt thinking about repartition his phone, more to /home and less for ~/MyDocs18:38
FIQhow to turn off autorepeat?18:38
pupnikbecause i just upgraded to 1.2 with apt-get :)18:38
FIQturn on*18:38
FIQin pr1.218:38
lcukpupnik, apt-get still has to go through the same installations18:38
FIQwhen that's replaced by "goto fn key"18:38
pupnikwow, holding a key gives the symbol!18:38
lcukif everything is fine and you booted then cool18:38
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FIQyeah, i hate it18:39
* lcuk likes it now18:39
FIQ@ pupnik18:39
jaskai just dont like it happening with space -> @18:39
FIQhow to turn off the damn thing18:39
pupnikfiq lets find out18:39
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lcukFIQ, theres a gconf setting18:40
lcuklemme find it..18:40
FIQty :D18:40
pupnikbrowser is still broken, not accepting text input into input fields18:41
pupnikthat has been a persistent bug18:42
MohammadAG.. that's never happened to me18:42
MohammadAGlcuk, start backspacing :P18:42
lcukfiq pupnik
povbot`Bug 5421: keys when long pressed should give the blue symbol/number18:42
FIQ<pupnik> browser is still broken, not accepting text input into input fields18:42
FIQthat happens sometimes18:42
lcukMohammadAG, ?18:42
FIQty lcuk18:42
MohammadAGexpected a you're special thingy18:43
pupniknice lcuk ty18:43
lcuki can never be as special as you18:43
timeless_mbppupnik: did you reboot after your aptget upgrade?18:43
* lcuk guesses not yet18:43
lcukthat key thing we should have in the control panel18:44
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pupniktimeless_mbp: yes.  sorry to report this.  i just saw it in with screen zoomed-in18:46
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pupniklcuk: yes!!!18:46
DocScrutinizer(<lcuk> lemme find it..) then add to please, when you found it18:46
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lcukDocScrutinizer, i found it18:47
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timeless_mbppupnik: *shrug*, wfm and most people18:47
timeless_mbpand note that apt-get is not a supported upgrade path18:47
timeless_mbpso you'll need to do a diff against a normal system and find out what's broken18:47
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smackpotatowhere is the plugin directory for opera m on the 81018:48
pupnikto re-enable autorepeat gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/inputmethod/ext_kb_repeat_enabled --type boolean true18:48
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smackpotatoi tried find i didnt find should i create18:49
FIQwhat's up with the slide to unlock thing?18:49
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FIQseems as just a feature they added in when they were bored18:49
FIQbecause, it's easily dodgeable and doesn't seem to really have a purpose18:50
DocScrutinizeryou're kidding18:50
pupnikavoiding unlocking by pocket pressure18:50
FIQbut you need to press the powerkey anyway18:50
FIQand that's enough imo18:50
smackpotatoyou can pasword protect the lock18:51
FIQjust touching the screen doesn't do anything18:51
DocScrutinizergot no power button18:51
lcukDocScrutinizer, done :)18:51
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: :-))18:51
lcukformatting is a bit wonky cos i dont know wiki language18:51
lcukbut it is in place18:51
smackpotatoanyone try opera for the n80018:51
smackpotatoit rocks but doesnt seem to suport plugins18:52
DocScrutinizerFIQ: if N900 wouldn't unlock on slider-open, I'd not even install N900fly to document the new unbeatable record18:53
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* RST38h found an insecure soul to torture18:54
Corsacplease report insecure souls to soul-sec first18:55
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* RST38h notices how semi-adhoc Opera virtual keyboard absolutely rules in comparison to the carefully-thought-out-by-the-nokia-ux-specialists Maemo virtual keyboard19:01
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SpeedEvilI am unsure.19:02
SpeedEvilThe buttons on the opera are too small for me19:02
RST38hthey are ok really19:03
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RST38hif they are too small for you, you can by one of those wriststraps with stylus-like thingies19:03
SpeedEvilyeah - I liked the v1.1.1 vkbd19:04
SpeedEvilI would also like a fullscreen graffiti - or even xstroke vkbd19:04
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fdvlcuk, timeless_mbp, mazer_, joppu: thanks, worked like a charm and no important data lost19:07
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fdvI've even made a backup now :)19:07
pupnikcongrats on maemo-optify-boottime lcuk19:07
pupnikit is heroic :)19:07
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lcukthanks pupnik, its not heroic, it was a group effeort and involved lots of team members19:08
pupnikoh ok19:08
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pupnikyeah one person could hardly test all the changes19:08
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lcukyeah and we got input from community too19:09
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pupnikcan we ignore optifying .debs now?19:09
lcukthats still important but it looks like the default is simpler to apply now from what i know19:10
lcukand since pretty much everyone has gone over the hump its just matter of fact to optify19:10
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lcukthe boottime patch does allow system packages to be optified now tho :)19:10
lcukso i anticapte a flash from next update to end up occupying even less rootfs19:11
lcukpupnik, it all started cos i needed to optify liqbase ;)19:13
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laurihey guys, a little spam for you:
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fralswtb ban on lauri19:16
* frals tries to throw a whale in DocScrutinizers direction19:16
GAN900 /me can't forget mwkn today19:16
fralshehe GAN90019:17
lcuksure you can GAN90019:18
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GAN900This issue is going to be from scratch end-to-end19:20
* Arkenoi noticed that free root space after pr1.2 update is just almost the same you get with script19:20
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Arkenoialmost no advantage19:20
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GAN900What does "Older tweets are temporarily unavailable." mean?19:20
fralsGAN900: means youre fucked ;)19:21
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GAN900frals, apparently.19:21
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fralsusually shows instead of the fail whale19:21
* GAN900 is going to have to collect all of the stories by hand.19:21
* Stskeeps plays with tmos ignore function19:21
GAN900Hey, if anybody has any interesting Talk threads, want to go ahead and @mwkn them on twitter for me?19:22
DocScrutinizer51lcuk: huh? highlight?19:22
fralsGAN900: it usually works an hour later or so19:22
lcukask frals19:22
fralsDocScrutinizer: ban lauri19:22
frals <lauri> hey guys, a little spam for you: [spam url stripped]19:22
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GAN900Does the total downloads number include -testing and -devel or not?19:23
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fralsdoes afaik19:23
fralsty DocScrutinizer5119:24
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VanadisJust wrote an E-Mail about the loose USB Connection to Nokia Switzerland19:26
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jattlooks like the upgrade frees rootfs space too19:27
jattit grew from 40 to 7019:28
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MohammadAGtechnically rootfs is the same, but stuff was moved out of it :)19:30
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DocScrutinizer51alas in a way that is suboptimal at best19:31
infobotmethinks optification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs19:31
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* MohammadAG wonders if infobot would say what FUBAR means (he knows what it means btw)19:32
MohammadAG~dict FUBAR19:32
infobotDictionary 'FUBAR' (1 of 3): Fouled / Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition / Repair (telecommunication-slang, Usenet, IRC).19:32
DocScrutinizer51~wtf fubar19:32
infobotFUBAR: fucked up beyond all recognition19:32
MohammadAGcool command lol19:32
MohammadAG~wtf wtf19:32
infobotWTF: {what,where,who,why} the fuck19:32
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MohammadAGshouldn't this be a family channel? :P19:32
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: see 'man wtf'19:33
jattmy n900 has a MyDocs/Mac OS directory, is this default?19:33
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GAN900Anybody happen to have a link to a nice article with a summary of the big changes in Qt4.6?19:34
MohammadAGwikipedia maybe? (not being sarcastic)19:35
MohammadAGor that19:35
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jattlooks empty to me it has images, videos dirs but my mp3 are stored in MyDocs/.sounds19:36
jattwhy is it called mac os, where is this directory used?19:36
GAN900bogie11, something more approachable for people who aren't actually going to be coding in it?19:37
GAN900Mac OS19:37
DocScrutinizer51damn, I always forget to give reason string to kickban :-/19:37
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MohammadAGjatt, it's needed for Macs afaik19:38
bogie11GAN900: that new features section is quite generic19:38
* ZogG home \o/19:38
MohammadAGnot sure if it can be deleted, but it's not on my device19:38
ZogGMohammadAG you can delete it and i have it also =)19:38
MohammadAGAll devices have it19:39
* GAN900 was hoping to avoid having to do the summarizing himself.19:39
jatti see. somehow it got created and I haven,19:39
jattt used a mac in my life19:39
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MohammadAGjatt, it's there by default19:40
ZogGjatt you have it by default?19:40
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MohammadAGjatt, it's there by default19:41
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GAN900bogie11, thanks.19:42
bogie11GAN900: hopefully that helps19:42
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ZogGI request marijuana growing application !!!!!!!!!!119:46
SpeedEvilI pondered selling growboxes on ebay.19:47
SpeedEvilWith odour neutraliser - just stick it in a wardrobe, and 4 months later off goes the timer.19:47
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pupnikfire hazard. get sued. lol19:48
TermanaKesha's love is my drug19:51
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cure`anyone happen to know how to restart the media daemon?19:51
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cure`google won't help me19:51
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ZogGHydroponics Grow Box System Light Cabinet 90w LED UFO ! — 1,999 $19:53
ZogGsay w00t19:53
* Stskeeps yawns19:54
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bogie11Drugs are bad  m'kay...19:56
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jacekowskibogie11: only bad drugs are bad19:59
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MOUDHey all20:01
MOUDHow can I set up my PS3 controller to work with n900?20:03
korhojoawith the sixaxis package20:03
korhojoathen use a computer to assign the controller to your n900 mac20:03
korhojoait's all in the guide20:03
MOUDcould you please link the guide?20:03
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ZogGkorhojoa, is custom kernel needed btw?20:06
MohammadAGLOL WTF20:06
MOUDty :)20:06
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jacekowskiyou are checking mounted file system20:07
korhojoaZogG: not sure, i think it just loads a module, so no20:07
ZogGMohammadAG, are you bonehead?20:07
MohammadAGjacekowski, nope :)20:07
MohammadAGZogG, ^ answers it20:07
ZogGso it's bug20:07
jacekowskiyou are denying facts20:07
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jacekowskibesides, e2fsck?20:09
jacekowskiaren't you trying to run it on ecxt3?420:09
RST38hfsck fsck fsck20:10
korhojoawell fsck.20:10
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# fsck.ext3 /dev/mmcblk1p120:10
MohammadAGe2fsck 1.41.3.maemo0 (12-Oct-2008)20:10
jacekowskicat /proc/mounts20:10
MohammadAGjacekowski, it was an fsck.ext320:10
MohammadAGnot mounted20:10
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MohammadAGotherwise it would bi*** about it before I start20:10
RST38hdo you do this manually, or with a special script?20:11
cure`anyone happen to know how to restart the media codecs daemon?20:11
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jacekowskicure`: reboot20:11
RST38hsave the effort, we all know what you mean20:11
cure`can do it manually too jacekowski20:11
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jacekowskiapp manager can't search anymore20:15
fralslive filter intstead20:15
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infobotfrals meant: live filter instead20:15
MohammadAGIs there any damn way to answer yes to all20:16
SpeedEviljacekowski: type in it20:16
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MohammadAGPass 3A: Optimizing directories20:19
MohammadAGFailed to optimize directory ??? (163535): EXT2 directory corrupted20:19
MohammadAGSegmentation fault20:19
MohammadAGwhy does ext3 say ext2 though20:20
threshbecause ext3 is ext220:20
SpeedEvilext3 is really ext220:20
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jacekowskiwith journal20:20
jacekowskiso cleanly unmounted ext3 == ext220:20
SpeedEvilI would - if I could - build ext2tools with debug symbols, hit that puppy with gdb, and send a backtrace, and dumpe2fs output with it to the e2tools bugtracker20:21
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jacekowskiare we going to get decent ovi store for n900?20:24
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MohammadAG<jacekowski> so cleanly unmounted ext3 == ext220:28
MohammadAGit's unmounted...20:28
MohammadAGfsmohammad@mohammad-i5:~$ sudo fsck /dev/sda520:29
MohammadAG[sudo] password for mohammad:20:29
MohammadAGfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.220:29
MohammadAGe2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)20:29
MohammadAG/dev/sda5 is mounted.20:29
MohammadAGWARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***20:29
MohammadAGcause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.20:29
MohammadAGDo you really want to continue (y/n)?20:29
Stskeepswtf are you doing20:29
jacekowskipress y20:30
ZogGMohammadAG, i made a small quiz for you (sorry that i'm late was on phone) ­—
MohammadAG<jacekowski> press y20:30
MohammadAGthat's like telling me to rm -rf root20:30
jacekowskitry it20:30
jacekowskinobody has done any research20:30
MohammadAG<jacekowski> nobody has done any research20:31
MohammadAGI can't take all the credit, you do it, I'll post the results on tmo and linux.org20:31
ZogGMohammadAG, do you have guaranty ?20:31
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MohammadAGZogG, slightly wrong, since it always ends at one points20:33
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MohammadAGand that's not how flow charts work :P20:33
ZogGMohammadAG, it's not20:33
lcukZogG, replace bonehead with "special"20:34
ZogGMohammadAG, my chart works as i told it !!!20:34
MohammadAGthen I'm in a loop right now20:34
MohammadAGlcuk, screw you :P20:34
ZogGlcuk, have you heard that MohammadAG won a canada citizenship?20:35
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MohammadAGand.. You have been awarded a donation funds of  $1,350,000 usd.Contact Mr Simons Regiado with the following information.20:35
MohammadAGhotmail blocks legit mail20:35
MohammadAGand keeps that crap in my inbox20:35
MohammadAGI'm switching to gmail20:35
korhojoasomeone still uses hotmail?20:36
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jacekowskionly special people20:36
LantiziaHey even after reading as much as I could find I'm still confused about Maemo/Mer/Moblin/MeeGo20:36
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korhojoaah. well. "Have a very special day, for a very special boy."20:36
LantiziaHarmatton is Maemo 5+1 right?20:37
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MohammadAGjacekowski, f you :P20:37
jacekowskif you too20:37
korhojoawow, that's so nice20:37
ZogGLantizia there is also Goblin20:38
MohammadAGjacekowski, aww, I was jk...20:38
Lantiziaanyone know what I'm on about?20:38
ZogGopensuse based on moblin =)20:38
MohammadAGOpenSUSE sucks20:38
* MohammadAG waits for someone to reply20:38
ZogGso ubuntu20:38
LantiziaWell.. Harmatton is Maemo 5+1 am I right?20:38
korhojoahaha, just looked at the quiz. win :D20:38
ZogGLantizia it's only code name20:38
korhojoaMohammadAG: now what?20:38
LantiziaBut Harmatton is no longer branded Maemo 6 and instead MeeGo20:38
ZogGLantizia yes and no20:39
crashanddieMohammadAG: gmail also has that crap come through20:39
LantiziaSo will the Nokia release of MeeGo be debian based as it's the existing Maemo 5+1 Harmatton work?20:39
* MohammadAG shuts down all email accounts20:39
ZogGLantizia, meego is platform, hartmatton is meego + nokia UX for handsets20:39
ZogGMohammadAG use yahoo =))))20:39
ZogGStskeeps harmatata20:39
LantiziaRight so how can Harmatton be rebranded MeeGo as I'm reading20:39
ZogGakuna matata20:39
Lantiziasurely thet is in conflict20:39
MohammadAGZogG, err...20:39
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LantiziaIn short what I'm asking is... is Maemo 5 (that which we run on our N900's) the last of the Debian breed?20:40
Stskeepsno, harmattan is deb based too20:40
MohammadAGkind of20:40
Stskeepslast i saw20:40
ZogGLantizia as i understand, and probably i'm wrong as always, it'a like mint is ubuntu based linux harmattan is meego based or something like that =)20:41
Lantiziastskeeps - but that is now MeeGo I rea20:41
StskeepsLantizia: it's all magic branding.20:41
ZogGStskeeps are you sure it's deb based?20:41
StskeepsZogG: damn sure.20:41
StskeepsLantizia: meego is (actually) a open source system from, using rpms20:41
Lantizianone of you really know do you? :P20:42
spectre-such sellouts20:42
ZogGLantizia, go #meego =)20:42
StskeepsLantizia: i do know20:42
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LantiziaZogG this isn't about MeeGo... it is about Maemo20:42
spectre-apt is the best package management system in existence20:42
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LantiziaPeople were working on the Maemo 5 successor... known as Harmatton long before MeeGo20:42
ZogGLantizia, there is no maemo only maemo 520:42
spectre-and they ditch it because intel wanted them to20:42
StskeepsLantizia: right20:42
LantiziaSo Maemo 5+1 must be deb based20:42
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MohammadAGStskeeps, oh, so MeeGo is what I should hate, Maemo is what I should like :P20:43
LantiziaUnless they're scrapping that work entirely20:43
ZogGMohammadAG, you have to hate fsck20:43
spectre-maemo = good20:43
Stskeepssilly people20:43
mazer_I don't know what the hype around meego is about20:43
* Stskeeps goes get a glass of wine20:43
Lantiziamazer_ me either20:43
lcuktechnically - the code is not rpm or deb or installshield based.20:43
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MohammadAGStskeeps, silly eh?20:44
LantiziaLook I just want to know if Maemo 5 is the last of the .deb based distros for my phone!20:44
mazer_and I can't be fussed to port llvm to maemo this month.20:44
lcukcode is based on library linking and instructions20:44
MohammadAGlcuk, right, so the packaging system can theoretically be changed20:44
StskeepsLantizia: if you count official spport, yes20:44
lcukand the delivery mechanism is largely another matter20:44
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LantiziaStskeeps...ok so what is going to happen to the work on the next .deb based distro Maemo 6 (Harmatton) ?20:44
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ZogGLantizia, anyway most meego programs should work on maemo as they are QT, anyway you can make deb rpm or other packages20:44
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ZogGLantizia, the point is it's QT and arm based =)20:45
StskeepsLantizia: goes on a next device. and there's a project to do a simple port of this to n900, in community.20:45
LantiziaZogG: so was my Zaurus - but they didn't make it good20:45
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ZogGwho did it bad?20:45
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mazer_lcuk: is Python your only source of programming knowledge?20:45
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rdorschCan I subscribe to a tmo thread?20:46
lcukmazer_, i hope not, im fully atuned to c and c++ and lots of OO languages, why do you ask?20:46
ZogGlcuk, do you use Qt SDK or maemo SDK?20:46
LantiziaZogG: my point is Qt/ARM based phones/pda's are old - theres nothing exciting about that... it's been done to death.  The nice thing with the N900 was it has REAL full blown APT and .deb support20:46
lcuki wrote liqbase from the ground up in native c20:46
ZogGrdorsch, i think so20:46
lcukZogG, i have to work with many languages20:46
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ZogGlcuk, i'm interested if i can use python in QT SDK20:46
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ZogGi found ony C++ there20:47
ToJa92[rdorsch]: On the top, press thread tools and then subscribe to thread20:47
ToJa92On the top of the thread*20:47
lcukZogG, thats because pyqt or pyside or whatever its called now sits ontop and is technically something else20:47
MohammadAGZogG, you don't need an SDK for python20:47
ZogGLantizia, so you still have it, just take rpm package and prot it to deb.20:47
lcukas all python stuff does20:47
LantiziaZogG you mean the other way around20:47
ZogGMohammadAG, i need SDK for GUI20:47
MohammadAGyou can write it from scratch, that is, if you're hardcore20:48
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lcukMohammadAG, need == dislikes writing layout code in code20:48
lcukwhich i totally understand20:48
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lcuktho cant you use the layouts saved and load dynamically at runtime20:48
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lcukso you can use the designer20:48
LantiziaSo again... what is going to happen to the existing work that went in to Maemo 6/Harmatton before the Nokia/Intel announcement?20:48
ZogGLantizia, it's like i have source based linux you have deb based and MohammadAG have whatever something, but source is the same source. you just make different packages20:49
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LantiziaI know the Qt work will go in to Meego20:49
* haltdef shakes Lantizia20:49
LantiziaBut what about the existing base created for Maemo 6 that was .deb based20:49
MohammadAGlcuk, I know20:49
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ZogGlcuk i'm noob - i want to learn =)20:49
mazer_lcuk: how long have you been coding c/c++/python20:49
ZogGlcuk, liked glade cause i could add an object and jump straight to code, for example i add button and than i add code to it20:50
MohammadAG50 years ago, since before he was born20:50
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lcukmazer_, i got heavily into c(and asm) on my amiga in the 90s, then put it down for 10 years whilst i was doing visual basic job20:50
lcukthen picked up c again in liqbase20:50
ZogGLantizia, they even now port symbian apps easily to maemo apps and back =)20:50
LantiziaI don't fucking care20:50
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LantiziaI don't want RPM's20:50
lcukLantizia, what does it matter to a developer20:51
ZogGif you stay with maemo5 you will get deb20:51
lcukpress button, get packages20:51
jaskapackaging rpms is more painful :)20:51
Lantiziaand what about unfinished maemo6 ?20:51
mazer_lcuk: you dropped c/asm for vb?20:51
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lcukmazer_, yeah :) but i never stopped thinking about it20:51
fralslcuk: when all i need to get a package is press a button ill be happy man ;)20:51
ZogGLantizia, i want any package as i get programs smoothly working on my system and they are easily installed (no dependies problems and so on)20:51
lcukfrals its all i do to get a package :)20:51
mazer_fair enough.20:51
lcukand it will just be a template when i need rpm20:52
ZogGfrals, same here, as it's phone, though desktop is little bit different20:52
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LantiziaZogG... RPM based package management doesn't exactly have a good history of resolving dependancies correctly20:52
lcukmazer_, principles of making applications fast are the same in vb as they are in assembly20:52
LantiziaAPT is king with that20:52
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lcukall programming is just lego blocks20:52
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MohammadAGand it takes ages to do a simple install20:52
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lcukto make it faster you have to use less blocks20:53
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LantiziaI'm guessing there won't be any non-destructive upgrade path from Maemo 5 to MeeGo20:53
ZogGLantizia, don't think so, it would be probably some community hack20:54
ZogGand it wouldn't be smooth, as you would liek to get meego before it would be ready20:54
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LantiziaZogG at least it's coming for the N90020:54
ZogGi'm looking forward for dual boot20:54
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Lantiziathey even turned down dual package management on MeeGo20:54
fralslcuk: fwiw i almost got it down to one command to package, but it wasnt as painless as i hoped :P20:54
Lantiziathe bastards20:54
ZogGLantizia, the question how end-user finished it would be20:54
mazer_lcuk: I wouldn't know about vb principles.20:55
LantiziaI'm still pissed off about the whole announcement and it's months later20:55
lcukmazer_, meh a set of functions that call other functions that call other functions, the language isnt important20:55
LantiziaI didn't buy thing thing for the one thing I loved about it ... TO GET AXED20:55
lcukLantizia, its a community project20:55
Lantizias/thing thing/this thing20:55
ZogGLantizia, agreed20:55
Lantizialcuk - what is?20:55
mazer_lcuk: how do you use vb on freebsd?20:55
lcukSHOW that it can work20:55
lcukassert yourself and dont sit back expecting someone else to do it all for oyu20:55
lcuk#something like the dual packaging20:56
ZogGi think if even the support would be as it is, we should still get the clear image what's going on, but only rumors =)20:56
lcukmazer_, not what i mean20:56
mazer_lcuk: what do you mean?20:56
mazer_ZogG: you're an iphone user.20:57
lcukyou said how do i use vb on freebsd - i never needed to but if microsoft want to build the library for it it would work20:57
LantiziaI loved the Zaurus because it had a loose connection to Debian and the ipkg's worked similarly.... I bought the N900 because it basically was debian with full blown APT support... in both cases either the hardware or the OS got axed20:57
mazer_lcuk: thanks for playing.20:57
LantiziaWhen it comes to embedded systems and the OS they're often based on... Debian is king20:57
LantiziaWhy the fuck are we following intel on this for their failed product?20:58
Stskeepsfeel free to make your own.20:58
mazer_Lantizia: because everyone else does.20:58
TriztIf I had knew it been debian, I would have thought a bit longer20:58
ZogGmazer_ no, why?20:58
mazer_Lantizia: Are you sure that N900 has "full blown apt support"20:58
Lantiziamazer_ like who! name me a successful moblin device!20:58
LantiziaDoc: i know that exists, not my point20:59
ZogGLantizia i say go gentoo20:59
mazer_I agree with zogg.20:59
ZogGi think portage is most easy thing and orginized thing to use20:59
* RST38h moos at Stskeeps, feebly20:59
LantiziaAre Nokia at least releasing all the proprietary stuff in Maemo 5 so people can make their own?20:59
TriztMmm a Gentoo phone...20:59
Stskeepsmoo RST38h20:59
LantiziaI noticed (before this too got axed) Mer had the phone support20:59
Stskeepswe didn't20:59
ZogGTrizt you can use rpm on gentoo too =)21:00
TriztZogG; I know21:00
luke-jrZogG: then it wouldn't be Gentoo21:00
ZogGStskeeps you are Mer dev right?21:00
mazer_zogg: portage is useless.21:00
LantiziaMer is dead21:00
luke-jrZogG: do you run Gentoo?21:00
lcukLantizia, mers lead said that its been closed.  but since mer is open source technically someone could continue where he left off21:00
StskeepsZogG: mer's dead21:00
ZogGmazer_ useless? why?21:00
DocScrutinizerLantizia: no that proprietary stuff will find an open counterpart in meego21:00
ZogGluke-jr yes21:00
LantiziaMoblin was a failure and is dead21:00
lcukthats right isnt it Stskeeps21:00
ZogGStskeeps, i know21:00
luke-jrZogG: N8x0 or N900?21:00
LantiziaMaemo is dead by Nokia's lazyness21:00
RST38hMoblin is now known as Meego21:00
ZogGluke-jr, no i use it on desktop, lol21:01
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: says who?21:01
GAN900Lantizia, er, yeah.21:01
mazer_zogg: several reasons, such as having the whole repository hard-masked.21:01
RST38hSo, not sure what you mean by "dead"21:01
GAN900Revisionist much?21:01
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: last I checked, MeeGo was still going to be proprietary21:01
ZogGmazer_ hard masked? say what?21:01
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: me?21:01
luke-jrZogG: o boring21:01
LantiziaDocScrutinizer: so why not just release what was in maemo 5 as open source so people can continue that build themselves if they don't want meego?21:01
lcukLantizia, pr1.2 was released just this week21:01
mazer_zogg: I guess you don't run gentoo.21:01
luke-jrLantizia: cost21:01
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ZogGmazer_ i do, unstable21:01
lcukand go look on gitorious, im sure theres modifications made since21:01
mazer_zogg: see paludis.21:01
TriztZogG; so you too have rpm on your Gentoo? I don't really use it for installing, just testing and building some rpms21:01
Stskeepsexcellent, luke-jr joined the discussion21:01
Lantizialuke-jr: whats cost?21:01
* Stskeeps grabs his popcorn21:01
ZogGmazer_ but any way stable debian is not the same?21:01
Lantizialcuk: of what?21:01
mazer_zogg: see paludis.21:01
lcukmaemo code21:01
luke-jrLantizia: cost of having the code looked over for third party IP, etc21:01
lcukand maemo update21:01
DocScrutinizerLantizia: because it's closed for some good reasons (3rd party IP etc)21:01
Stskeepslcuk: yes, it's all in OBS21:02
luke-jrLantizia: getting it cleared by legal21:02
ZogGTrizt never tried, i just say that it can work on gentoo too21:02
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: s/good/bad/21:02
ZogGmazer_ paludis is crap21:02
mazer_zogg: why?21:02
lcukand therefore Mer - the debian based open project for Nokia devices and beyond is not dead21:02
lcukits merely resting21:02
Stskeepsand it was ubuntu based21:02
ZogGbecause i ♥ portage21:02
luke-jrPaludis doesn't work sanely, at least on ARM21:02
ZogGi find it easy21:02
mazer_zogg: you're stupid.21:02
mazer_luke-jr: how so?21:02
Lantizialcuk - ummm the web page says... IT IS DEAD21:02
ZogGmazer_, i love you too21:02
StskeepsLantizia: it is, but anyone can fork or continue it if they want21:03
lcukLantizia, the web page can say what it likes, but its open source21:03
luke-jrmazer_: no clue, I couldn't get it to work21:03
lcukto kill a closed source project would mean its death21:03
luke-jrmazer_: IIRC the Paludis devs just blamed GCC or some nonsense21:03
lcukbut in open source thats simply not true21:03
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luke-jrlcuk: Maemo was never open source21:03
ZogGmazer_, what is so bad in portage?21:03
mazer_luke-jr: ah.21:03
lcukwe are discussing mer21:03
luke-jrMer could never be, in its NIT support21:03
ZogGluke-jr that's the problem from the begining21:03
mazer_zogg: have you ever looked at their code?21:03
TriztZogG; the freedom ;)21:03
ZogGmazer_ nope, i'm user, not dev.21:04
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mazer_zogg: go away.21:04
ZogGmazer_ i like how it's orginized21:04
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luke-jrif someone wanted to continue/fork Mer, they would need to get Stskeeps to get them the ability to distribute the blobware21:04
mazer_zogg: you can probably get apt formatted in a similar fashion21:04
DocScrutinizerLantizia: to filter out some of your arguments, please realize Stskeeps is maintainer of mer as well as "initiator" of meego21:04
mazer_with color coded combinations.21:04
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Stskeepsluke-jr: we never distributed blobs, so no problems there21:05
ZogGmazer_ i don't like when you don't have flags and you have several repos for stable and unstable21:05
luke-jrStskeeps: nor had something working21:05
Stskeepsluke-jr: point21:05
* lcuk carries on hacking on maemo and enjoying it21:05
Stskeepsluke-jr: initfs hacks are cool though21:05
LantiziaStskeeps: what would you say the odds are... of a community developed debian based distro that uses the front end and libraries (e.g. for phone support) from MeeGo ?21:05
mazer_lcuk: what does hacking mean to you?21:05
Triztmazer_; and all the bad hacks you have to do if you want some other functions than the maintiners of the distro21:06
* DocScrutinizer yawns21:06
mazer_Trizt: what does hacking mean to you?21:06
DocScrutinizeranybody else to ban?21:06
StskeepsLantizia: as in people actually spending time on it? not good odds21:06
ZogGDocScrutinizer ya ya das ist fantastish21:06
ZogGDocScrutinizer ban me =)21:06
Triztmazer_; how do you get SeaMonkey 2 with qt toolbox in debian?21:06
lcukStskeeps, to be fair *any* f the open source stuff has low odds21:06
LantiziaStskeeps: do you know is android uses gtk+ ?21:06
lcukbut yet, here we all are21:06
StskeepsLantizia: it doesn't21:06
ZogGDocScrutinizer, don't forget the reason this time21:07
mazer_Trizt: by doing hideous things.21:07
LantiziaStskeeps: so it's entirely it's own thing?21:07
StskeepsLantizia: right21:07
* DocScrutinizer yawns again21:07
lcukLantizia, complete front end21:07
mazer_DocScrutinizer: are you tired?21:07
StskeepsLantizia: no xorg, even21:07
ZogGi think i know this guy21:07
DocScrutinizermazer_: yes, somewhat. Of filtering this noise21:07
LantiziaI may see if Angstrom release for N90021:07
ZogGhe is russian right?21:07
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mazer_DocScrutinizer: which noise?21:08
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ZogGluke-jr as i get microSD i would check android and maybe gentoo21:08
luke-jrZogG: Gentoo requires at least 4 GB21:08
luke-jrI'd suggest at least 821:08
ZogGcan i flash maemo ing on MMC btw?21:08
jaskaah, speaking of sd cards, any idea how fast the sd controller goes on n900?21:08
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ZogGif i get gentoo and have dual boot can i use maemo from MMC ?21:08
* DocScrutinizer sets S/N squelch up a 6dB ticks21:08
jaskaas in is it worth jack to get class 10 cards etc21:08
ZogGluke-jr, i got 8 GiBs21:09
lcukDocScrutinizer, your SWR meter goin crazy?21:09
nocturnalthe left arrow key on my n900 stopped working after the last 1.2 firmware flash. also the dot key goes left instead of a dot so what i really lost was the ability to type dots. anyone recognize this issue?21:09
luke-jrZogG: Gentoo must be on external MMC obviously :p21:09
nocturnali tried re-flashing, used the global .bin file21:10
jaskawrong keyboard layout?21:10
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nocturnalfor a swedish phone21:10
jaskaits choosable21:10
lcuknocturnal, ? which region are you in and did you alter your keymap ?21:10
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nocturnali've checked that21:10
nocturnalthe on screen keyboard works fine21:10
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: that's not fair highlighting me :-P21:10
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lcuknocturnal, try changing language in settings?21:11
nocturnali have swedish as primary and danish as secondary just as always, i've tried english as secondary21:11
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nocturnalcan you unset secondary completely?21:11
lcukmy .fi device needs it after a reflash21:11
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: do you thing my own noise TX spams the RX due to mismatch spoiling SWR?21:11
luke-jrStskeeps: btw, did you see I updated
nocturnalok i'll check language settings again21:11
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Stskeepsluke-jr: you happen to have a 2.6.33 TSC2301 laying about btw?21:11
DocScrutinizerthink even21:11
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luke-jrStskeeps: nope21:11
lcukyes DocScrutinizer21:11
Stskeepsluke-jr: thanks21:12
luke-jrStskeeps: I did look yesterday all over21:12
DocScrutinizer/mode #mameo +q DocScrutinizer21:12
luke-jrcouldn't find any21:12
Stskeepsluke-jr: i have a link .. sec21:12
nocturnaloh wtf, i never noticed this hardware keyboard layout setting, it was set to English, Nederlands wtf21:12
nocturnalthanks for the help21:12
johnsqluke-jr: nice work21:12
luke-jrthe TSC2005 implementation that will probably go into 2.6.35 was for N90021:12
Stskeepsyeah, i should be reusable for n8x0 thoug21:12
luke-jrjohnsq: ?21:12
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johnsqluke-jr: elinux page21:13
Stskeepsluke-jr: has a n800.diff.gz containing one21:13
luke-jrStskeeps: also, TMP105 is apparently just another LM75 clone21:13
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luke-jrStskeeps: that's useless for mainlining :P21:13
Stskeepsa n800.diff.gz? admittedly21:13
Stskeepsluke-jr: same guy also had DSP forward ported21:13
ZogGwhat is bootloader used in maemo?21:14
luke-jrwhat does DSP actually need from the kernel?21:14
luke-jrZogG: NOLO; proprietary21:14
Stskeepsluke-jr: dsplink or something21:14
Stskeepsor dspbridge, i forget21:14
ZogGluke-jr can i change it to something else?21:14
luke-jrStskeeps: does it require board support, or just a generic driver?21:14
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luke-jrZogG: not afaik21:14
RST38hok, could someone recommend the most kosher way of listening to N900 keyboard, globally?21:14
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CorsacRST38h: put your ear near the back side?21:15
ZogGCorsac lol21:15
ZogGRST38h, what do you mean?21:15
ZogGoh luke-jr it's you there =)21:15
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luke-jrZogG: ??21:16
ZogGluke-jr on gentoo on n8*021:16
ZogGyou and marat21:16
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ZogGthere  was other guy porting gentoo to PPC21:16
ZogGold PPC21:16
luke-jrGentoo's worked on PPC for a long time21:16
ZogGthere was guy i talked to, who made the port i think21:17
DocAvalancheRST38h: cat /dev/input/keypad ?21:17
ZogGluke-jr if you want to port gentoo to n900 it would be from scratch or you can use n8*0 port?21:18
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luke-jrZogG: no clue21:19
luke-jrZogG: don't care unless someone sends me one, either21:19
johnsqZogG: porting any distribution is no problem, you still have no applications.21:19
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ZogGsys-kernel/n900-sources =)21:20
ZogGon overlay =)21:20
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DocAvalancheRST38bis: was that what you asked for?21:25
SpeedEvilIs it quite thick, and does green stuff come out of it when it gets hot?21:25
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felipechmm, my wifi seems to stop working after the screen blanks21:25
DocAvalancheSpeedEvil: that's an oops indeed :-P21:25
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felipecthen I have to reconnect... is anyone having the same problem on PR1.2?21:26
* DocScrutinizer wonders what SpeedEvil is talking about. Heaggis?21:27
ZogGfelipec do you have any extra apps?21:27
ZogGautodisconnect or disconectidle21:27
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: solder21:27
ZogGSpeedEvil buffalor soldier21:27
felipecZogG: no21:27
ZogGfelipec wierd =)21:27
Stskeepsfelipec: i'm having some odd new PSM like issues, yeah21:28
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: seems you're talking about that kind of solder you could use to etch PCBs21:28
Stskeepsfelipec: on a wifi router that normally works fine with PSM21:28
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: heard you could also solder aluminium to grey steel sinter with it21:30
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felipecStskeeps: PSM?21:31
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DocScrutinizeror scare the oil in gulf of Mexico back under the earth21:31
infobotsomebody said wifi-psm was
infobotThey Call it PMS because mad-cow disease was already taken21:33
LantiziaAm I supposed to be able to get 1.2 ota?21:33
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LantiziaIt just keeps telling me to use the Nokia PC Suite... which is impossible as I don't use windows21:33
DocScrutinizerLantizia: 1) see topic21:34
infobotit has been said that flashing is
DocScrutinizerLantizia: 2) you don't need windows to use flasher tool21:34
LantiziaI don't want to flash it21:34
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LantiziaI want it to fucking upgrade21:34
DocScrutinizerLantizia: 3) see topic21:34
lcukit will try to OTA but sometimes isnt possible21:34
ZogGLantizia flash it21:34
LantiziaNo way!21:34
LantiziaIt's not long back I put the last update on via flashing21:35
LantiziaI have to repartition the thing every time21:35
DocScrutinizer~ubuntu Lantizia21:35
* infobot lovingly explains to Lantizia in a way that causes Lantizia to weep with gratitude that Lantizia must read the fine, friendly manual21:35
microlithLantizia: you repartitioned your device?21:35
microlithwell no wonder it won't work21:35
LantiziaIt works just fine21:35
lcuksure it does21:35
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Lantiziayes it does21:35
LantiziaI give /home more space for optified packages21:35
lcukbut once you go root, technically you are unsupportable, how does nokia or anyone know what you have done21:35
LantiziaMyDocs gets 16gb21:35
tuliobaarspeople! hey! is there any way to tell peolple about my nit blog? to divulgate21:36
DocScrutinizermessing with partitions frequently renders OTA nonfunct21:36
lcukyou can try some methods and if you find a decent way to upgrade then post about it on the wiki21:36
lcukbut dont cry because we cant automagically know everything you did21:36
Stskeepstuliobaars: ask to be included to maemo planet21:37
Stskeepser, planet21:37
LantiziaUmm I re-arranged some paritions... but whoop21:37
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Lantiziathere is nothing more to it21:37
LantiziaIf anything there is more room available for an upgrade21:37
lcukobviously there is21:37
tuliobaarswaht's maemo palnet?21:37
Stskeepstuliobaars: planet.maemo.org21:37
Lantizialcuk: your a dick21:37
lcukelse it would let you21:37
ZogGtuliobaars give me url21:37
lcukLantizia, sure :)21:37
Lantiziawhen I say it's been repartitioned - theres nothing more else to tell21:37
tuliobaarsohh, and how can I do that?21:37
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Lantiziait works and it has been working for months21:37
microlithLantizia: Nokia's updates expect a certain layout, if you wander outside that you're on your own21:37
RST38bisDoc: guess so, thanks21:38
lcukthats probably not the reason tbh21:38
Lantiziathis is stupid, so much for an open distribution21:38
lcukthis is open21:38, and it doens nave an english version (i'm working in one) and a good domain name21:38
ZogGLantizia most people couldn't upgrade, so they tried NSU and still couldn't do it, so they flashed, just go straight to flash21:38
lcukyou did what you wanted21:38
lcuknow help diagnose why it went wrong21:38
Stskeepstuliobaars: twitter or i gues21:38
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LantiziaZogG: I have to install my the apps and re-enable all the extra repos'a and it'll take forevereeeeerrr21:39
lcukthat sounds quite open to me Lantizia21:39
lcukLantizia, the backup tool does all that for you21:39
tuliobaarsis there any way to contact the webbmasters?21:39
Lantizianot the apps it doesn't21:39
lcukbut you dont listen to us or read anything21:39
ZogGLantizia repos would be ever, apps would take some time21:39
Lantizialcuk your a complete retard21:39
microlithLantizia: if you're going to wander in here and start insulting people, I see no reason anyone should help you21:40
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sx0n|homeLantizia: watch your language pls21:40
ZogGLantizia but as lcuk backup would do it automagicly, juts fix etra-dev repo beforem it woudl addd -1.2 in the end21:40
Lantiziain english?21:40
DocScrutinizerLantizia: to me your bitching starts to sound quite like trolling21:40
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ZogGLantizia it does. you restore and it would redownload and reinstall them21:40
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ZogGLantizia anyway if you think you are smarter, don't ask us )21:42
DocScrutinizerLantizia: and the next insult will earn you a kick21:43
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LantiziaYes, I have been saving up21:44
ZogGDocScrutinizer you just promise =(((21:45
MohammadAGnope, he delivers too21:45
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MohammadAGtold ya21:45
*** DocScrutinizer sets mode: -v ZogG21:45
LantiziaThat wasn't an insult21:45
MohammadAGcalling someone a retard is an insult21:45
LantiziaOh sure that is21:45
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LantiziaI still stand by it however, for completely failing to see my point21:46
lcukand its the first time ive been called a dick in a while.21:46
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microlithI'm guessing the Application Manager will log messages regarding a failed on-device upgrade?21:46
ZogGDocScrutinizer oh, i feel nacked21:46
MohammadAGLantizia, to be honest I would've glined you, alas, it's not my server21:47
DocScrutinizerLantizia: consider your 'point' maybe is so fuzzy nobody can see it21:47
* Stskeeps wonders why we had +v's in the first place, excepting infobot21:47
ZogGlcuk, so what? i'm called dick everyday and even from friends, i take as compliment =) it's nice to be special21:47
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: we hadn't21:47
LantiziaI'm just angry that the N900 doesn't have the freedom it was touted it would have21:47
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LantiziaAt the end of the day it is still a device under the thumb of Nokia, just as bad as an iPhone21:48
lcukLantizia, what freedom dont you have?  you changed it as you like21:48
microlithLantizia: completely false21:48
microlithnow then21:48
microlithapplication manager logs21:48
lcuktheOTA upgrade using the normal path doesnt like it, try using some other mathods you might know21:48
xDaReaperxhmm more arguments going on about the N900 ?21:48
LantiziaIt's not false, they refuse to give 100% of the code away -  a major part, the phone part - they won't give up21:48
LantiziaSo now we are forced to go MeeGo21:48
fralsStskeeps: real ircd's allow devoice even if the user didnt have +v ;)21:48
microlithLantizia: that isn't anywhere near as closed as the iPhone21:49
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Stskeepsfrals: shush, i knew that21:49
microlithLantizia: now do you want to solve your problem or give us shit over nokia's decisions?21:49
LantiziaFor an update we are forced to use the Nokia PC Suite... which forces the use of Windows... so instead we have to resort to a total reflash21:49
DocScrutinizerI'm reeeeealy tempted...21:49
MohammadAGdoes MeeGo even have the phone part open source?21:49
microlithMohammadAG: oFono, iirc21:49
StskeepsLantizia: did you read the pages docscrutinizer pointed to? it explains reasons for the error you're experieincing21:49
fralserr, pc suite reflashes the device doesnt it?21:49
LantiziaMohammed - apparently21:49
xDaReaperxI bought the N900 , but i did not get the Nokia PC suit kit with it21:49
StskeepsMohammadAG: sure, we're slowly but firmly getting there.21:49
Lantiziafrals - I think it updates it21:49
fralsjust in a user friendly gui21:49
StskeepsMohammadAG: ofono plugins, etc21:49
xDaReaperxso now when i connect the USB cable , i can't connect using PC suit mode21:49
* MohammadAG stands corrected then21:50
DocScrutinizerLantizia: and I TOLD YA you DO  NOT NEED windows to use flasher tool21:50
DocScrutinizerso STFU21:50
infobothmm... flashing is
* microlith doesn't even have Nokia PC Suite21:50
LantiziaDocS: I KNOW that ... I don't care about reflashing21:50
lcukmicrolith, just a mo, theres a menu item for it but i cant remember where the file is stored or if it will even retain the info you need21:50
LantiziaI said updating... there is a freaking difference21:50
MohammadAGLantizia, if you f up the system it won't upgrade21:50
xDaReaperxwell so PC suit isn't necessary ?21:50
LantiziaYou accuse me of not reding, well I accuse you back21:50
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MohammadAGparticularly following the dpkg -i --force-all 'advice' that was given on the forums21:50
fralsLantizia: im quite certain that the pc suite "upgrade" is a reflash21:51
lcukLantizia, as a console master, have you tried apt and seeing what problems it gives21:51
MohammadAGxDaReaperx, not at all21:51
lcukand seeing what the reason is21:51
LantiziaMy system isn't f-cked up21:51
lcukinstead of whining21:51
MohammadAGfrals, it is21:51
microlithfrals: he's repartitioned his device21:51
Lantiziait works just fine21:51
Stskeepschances are he just has a gles1 app and running into that problem.21:51
lcukyeah Stskeeps21:51
MohammadAGthat too21:51
Stskeepsgo read the topic21:51
lcukor rootfs space21:51
DocScrutinizerkanso if you dan't care about flashing, then why the hell are you bitching about nokia suite?21:51
fralsi would expect someone who repartitioned his device to be able to do apt-get dist-upgrade and read the bloody error21:52
xDaReaperxWell when i connect the USB cable , and when i choose mass storage mode , at times my mobile charges automatically , but at times it says insufficient power to charge and i'm not able to transfer files form my Memory card to my N900 it fails to transfer and give some x... error code21:52
MohammadAGStskeeps, just wondering, is the libgles package back in -devel?21:52
LantiziaWhen I say repartitioned... I mean properly... as in completely fdisk'd21:52
DocScrutinizerLantizia: if you dan't care about flashing, then why the hell are you bitching about nokia suite?21:52
StskeepsMohammadAG: no clue, i believe jeremiah still has his last day tommorow, ask him :P21:52
LantiziaNo silly sudo partitions mounted from files21:52
MohammadAGInsufficient power means the PC isn't supplying enough power21:52
LantiziaDocS: because that appears to be the only way to upgrade rather than reflash21:52
MohammadAGor you f'd up bme (talking from experience :P)21:52
fralsthe advantage irc has over real life is there is a sufficiently good way of completly ignoring someone <321:53
xDaReaperxi never did anything , my PC is running on power saver ... maybe thats the reason ?21:53
xDaReaperxits a Laptop21:53
* MohammadAG types /ignore frals ALL21:53
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MohammadAGDisconnect all other USB devices21:53
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MohammadAGnot sure if power saver limits USB power21:53
MohammadAGI've never used it when I had windows21:53
xDaReaperxhmm , okay21:54
xDaReaperxwell i need to transfer videos from my old phone's memory card to my N90021:54
xDaReaperxso i'm doing it this way21:54
* DocScrutinizer sighs and heads away. ping me if you need a kickban21:54
MohammadAGswitch to high performance and check if it works21:54
xDaReaperxbut it dosent help21:54
pupnikhow about an alarm if n900 uses more than 300 ma for a minute straight21:54
xDaReaperxokay i'll try21:54
pupnikor 25021:54
MohammadAGor 121:54
Lantiziais there a compass or a decibal metre for the n900?21:55
MohammadAGOh wait, that's what the breathing light's for :P21:55
Lantiziai couldn't find either on the repo's21:55
MohammadAGdecibel meter?21:55
xDaReaperxwell can the N900 charge from one USB cable and at the same time transfer huge files ?21:55
Lantiziayeah that :)21:55
MohammadAGarecord -vvv /dev/null21:55
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MohammadAGxDaReaperx, it can here21:55
Lantiziaand that tells you in dB does it?21:55
xDaReaperxhmm okay21:55
MohammadAGnot sure21:55
Lantiziagive answers, not guesses21:56
MohammadAGgo try it yourself...21:56
Lantiziawhen giving guesses, say that they are a guess21:56
Lantiziainstead of pissing people of21:56
xDaReaperxwell does your N900 use up 130 -140 MB OF RAM always ?21:56
xDaReaperxeven when no app is running21:56
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MohammadAGsigh, a troll's a troll21:56
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xDaReaperxdoes it ?21:58
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DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: probably yes21:58
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: there's a lot of stuff preloaded21:58
xDaReaperxwhy is the OS eating up so much RAM ?21:58
xDaReaperxhow many apps in total can it run ?21:59
DocScrutinizerbrowser, phoneapps21:59
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xDaReaperxi thoguht it had a total of 1 GB RAM21:59
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xDaReaperxas said on the Nokia's site21:59
StskeepsxDaReaperx: 256mb ram, 768mb swap21:59
DocScrutinizer256 ram21:59
Stskeepswhich, technically, is RAM..21:59
xDaReaperxhmm whats swap ?21:59
StskeepsxDaReaperx: virtual memory21:59
xDaReaperxoh so dosent that add up and work together ?21:59
Stskeepsit does add up21:59
xDaReaperxoh okay21:59
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xDaReaperxanyways after updating to PR 1.2 everything was running so slow22:00
Stskeepsprobably the thumbnailer going nuts22:00
Stskeepsand rethumbnailing things22:00
xDaReaperxafter rebooting 4-5 times it became alright22:00
xDaReaperxwell i bought it 2 days back only22:00
DocScrutinizerwill take 3 h to finish, then everything is fine again :-)22:00
Stskeepsgot a lot of media? :P22:00
lcukxDaReaperx, tracker reindexing media22:00
MohammadAGyeah, the thumbnailer is a bit bit**y22:00
MohammadAGthat too22:00
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lcukit wouldv gotten faster without the reboots ;)22:00
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xDaReaperxwell hmm anyways thats fixed now22:01
xDaReaperxi had no media on it when i updated22:01
xDaReaperxtotally new22:01
lcuktotally new device comes with a load of media22:01
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xDaReaperxwell i dunno i had only 2 videos pre added and few pics22:01
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lcukand the music22:01
DocScrutinizerand indexer is a greedy pile of BS22:02
xDaReaperxwell i dunno a lot about linux22:02
xDaReaperxso whats an indexer ? lol22:02
lcukit um indexes stuff22:02
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DocScrutinizerit's like desktop search, or the spotlight thing in apple22:02
xDaReaperxwell if i sudo gainroot can i install java ?22:02
luke-jrindexer = stupid22:03
luke-jrshould be built into the filesystem <.<22:03
xDaReaperxoh hmm okay22:03
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xDaReaperxcause i saw elsewhere , that someone did so22:03
xDaReaperxi dunno why22:03
DocScrutinizershould be nuked completely22:03
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xDaReaperxso guys what are the things that need improvement on maemo platform ?22:04
xDaReaperxaccording to you22:04
lcuknahh it has its uses22:04
luke-jrMaemo is dead22:04
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Stskeepsmore open source22:04
DocScrutinizerlcuk: not the ones it is abused for in maemo22:04
Stskeepsie, 97%, not 43%22:04
pupniki keep hitting OL now instead olf O22:04
luke-jrStskeeps: 100% -.-22:04
Stskeepsluke-jr: i believe in 100% in terms of a portable system, on hw side, not so much22:04
luke-jractually, I'd be ok with 10% as long as that 10% were the essentials22:05
Stskeepsbut we all know we have different views :)22:05
xDaReaperxwhat all i can do when i gain root access ?22:05
luke-jrbut then I guess it wouldn't be Maemo I care about22:05
luke-jrsince i'd trash the other 90%22:05
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: all22:06
xDaReaperxat times i notice that my WLAN disconnects automatically22:07
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: you're *root* when you are root. this is unix. check linux/unix essentials22:07
xDaReaperxon my N90022:07
xDaReaperxthats kind of weird22:07
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pupnikdepends on the wlan ap22:08
xDaReaperxhmm the router is near to me22:08
xDaReaperxits i think having a strong signal strenght22:08
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tuliobaarshow can i put a notice on planet maemo?22:08
Stskeepsthere's a mail you can write to22:08
lcuktuliobaars, on planet theres a frame on the right with a link to submit your blog22:08
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lcuk"Aggregate your blog"22:09
DocScrutinizerxrchange the power saving mode for your N900 wifi22:10
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: ^^^22:10
xDaReaperxhmm how do i do that?22:10
xDaReaperxkind of new to the device as i said22:11
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fralssettings -> internet connections -> one of the wlan ones -> settings -> go through the wizard until you get to 'advanced', then the 3rd tab lets you change power save mode22:11
DocScrutinizersettings - connections -pick one -edit - on end click additional_settings button or what it's called22:11
xDaReaperxOkay ty i'll go through it now22:12
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lcukStskeeps, how much will meego handset be open source?22:12
Stskeepslcuk: as far as i know, fully, if it comes from meego.com22:13
xDaReaperxokay i've set it to On(intermediate) for now22:13
Stskeepslcuk: with exception of artwork/logo stuff and trademark compliance22:13
ZogGlcuk, but still you'll have closed drivers for devices =0)22:14
lcukso is the expection of the 1.1 or whatever to have all its app open source?22:14
lcukapps ^22:14
ZogGlcuk, don't think so22:14
ZogGopensource system ~= opensource apps22:14
ZogGthey would prob have meego store wth different apps22:14
DocScrutinizerLantizia: after you've read the wiki and made up your mind not to troll or insult people, feel free to query any of the chanops to -q you - - - next week22:14
lcukZogG, sure, but thats one of hte big things Stskeeps just said he was against22:14
ZogGlcuk, which one? store or drivers?22:15
lcuk<Stskeeps> more open source22:15
lcuk<Stskeeps> ie, 97%, not 43%22:15
ZogGlcuk, i think it's about system not apps22:15
ZogGas apss not the part of the system22:16
lcukis the 97% expected22:16
lcuksure ZogG its easy to do that22:16
ZogGi mean file manager and everyday apps22:16
ZogGnot the cool studd apss and games22:16
lcukeveryday apps on a phone are phone and mediaplayer22:16
SpeedEvilIt depends.22:16
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ZogGit's not phone22:16
lcukwhats not?22:16
SpeedEvilYou need enough of the system open, to allow most apps to function well within the open space.22:17
ZogGlcuk, i think you'll have basic opensource apps for every handset function, but still you would want to change half with more cool apps22:17
meceheey! What's the latest panic?22:17
SpeedEvilFor most apps - i don't see major problems with maemo 522:17
SpeedEvilFor replacing core functionality - BME - dialer - camera - there are issues22:17
ZogGlcuk, look at that that all free apss in droid would be open and all not would be closed22:18
lcukissues with camera?22:18
SpeedEvillcuk: yes22:18
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xDaReaperxyeah the camera needs more functions22:18
MOUDHey again22:18
xDaReaperxi loved the N73's functions for the camera22:18
ZogGlcuk, i'm dyslexic and it'a hard to explain for me22:18
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SpeedEvillcuk: It's not open-source - which means that any tweaks have to be forced on it.22:18
lcukyeah ZogG you arent making it clear22:18
ZogGis there ability of n900 to make HD videos?22:18
SpeedEvillcuk: Or completely reimplemented.22:19
lcukSpeedEvil, and im not talking about now22:19
lcukthats hwy im asking about meego22:19
SpeedEvilmissed that22:19
lcukand stskeeps assertion of 97%22:19
ZogGlcuk, you know android has a lot of free official free apps, right? now think that meego would have similuar opensource apps22:19
lcukhe says principle thing is lack of open source on maemo, yet will meego be more open22:19
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Stskeepsthen again, who listens to me anymore22:20
ZogGlcuk, meego but not application. maybe 3rd party basic apps22:20
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ZogGStskeeps, i am, explain how it would work22:20
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ZogGmy turtle is going crazy22:21
lcukno ZogG you are using a false analogy because the apps people use on android often are closed afaik22:21
Stskeepsthe platform, ie, core, UX'es and reference applications, would be open source, with some exceptions on artwork and logo/trademark stuff.22:21
Stskeepshardware adaptations may include blobs22:21
lcukisnt therewasnt there a big hoo haa about distributing google apps22:21
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lcukso Stskeeps do you anticipate a working reference dialer for instance22:22
DocScrutinizer(blobs) though aiui it's a nice-to-have to get rid of then as much as possible22:22
ZogGlcuk okay, as i see it, most not freeware apps would be closed22:22
lcukcapable of being forked (whatever graphical issues ensue) and used as basis for a new project22:22
Stskeepslcuk: without specific knowledge, yes, but people could write it on their own with ofono apis22:23
lcuksure Stskeeps22:23
ZogGlcuk most free apps would be opensource, except maybe games22:23
lcukpeople can write a new camera app using gstreamer and v4l now22:23
ZogGlcuk Stskeeps that's what i said, just didn't know the words — UX'es and reference applications =)22:24
DocScrutinizerlcuk: people can even write a new dialer, using e.g pnatd, aiui22:24
Stskeepsideally people would help write reference apps, which would turn into included apps..22:24
lcuksure DocScrutinizer22:24
ZogGpeople can make new phone =)22:24
lcukStskeeps, with the handset UX being already somewhere between 0.0 and 1.1 (since its release is soonish) isnt it a bit late for that stage22:25
DocScrutinizerZogG: yes, they can22:25
Stskeepslcuk: 1.1 isn't close, afaik22:25
Stskeeps1.1 is october22:25
lcukthats close :)22:25
lcukvery close22:25
Stskeepsi might be wrong, but they're fucking around with the version numbers so i don't know anymore22:25
ZogGit's not for me22:25
ZogGi might die =)22:25
DocScrutinizerZogG: and you can't expect everything contributed to a open system is a FOSS app. Everybody is free to contribute closed apps22:25
lcukyeah sure22:25
pupnikhey timeless_mbp hilighting in browser feels faster now22:26
ZogGDocScrutinizer that's what i said22:26
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pupnikin fact.. it is working well :)22:26
DocScrutinizerZogG: so what. If you don't like the closed app, write an open one22:26
timeless_mbppupnik: did you get the keyboard working?22:26
lcukZogG, but closed apps in the core cause problems, look at the lengths having to be gone to with just camera app here with our maemo22:26
ZogGDocScrutinizer, there would people that would write apps only for profit and if you pay for app you expect it to be better than free analog so these devs have to make it better22:26
pupnikit "always" works.  just that one page22:27
ZogGlcuk not in the core, they can be integrated but not included22:27
timeless_mbpwhich one page?22:27
lcukZogG, /me knows lots about integration22:27
ZogGlcuk, like ubuntu, it has only open drivers but that you addd repo and add nvidia drivers22:28
ZogG± ZogG22:28
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ZogGlcuk, i think mostly we are talking about the same thing but don't full y understand eachother22:29
ZogG~hug lcuk22:30
* infobot gets a running start and tackle-hugs lcuk 22:30
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xDaReaperxno anti viruses for maemo?22:33
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ZogGxDaReaperx not yrt22:34
jacekowskito stop viruses22:34
xDaReaperxincase of malware attacks and that ^^22:34
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jacekowskifirefox has a lot of holes22:35
jacekowskiand can be exploited22:35
xDaReaperxisn't it firefox 3.522:35
xDaReaperxin real?22:35
ZogGyou can try to port linux antiviruces22:35
lcukxDaReaperx, by default to get an app on your device, a user has to signup for extras upload rights, create the app, put it in devel, put it to testing, get it past an angry group of barking enthusiasts and can be pulled at any time22:35
lcukor use ovi22:36
jacekowskilcuk: so, firefox can be exploited from remote22:36
ZogG<lcuk> or use ovi | hahaha22:36
jacekowskilcuk: probably all browsers on maemo can be exploited22:36
pupnik"angry group of barking enthusiasts" :)22:36
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ZogGmy turtle is going crazy22:37
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lcukpupnik, testing squad are cool :D22:37
lcukits for a damned good reason22:37
jacekowskiflash can be exploited22:37
ZogGjacekowski that's why we don't get 10.122:37
lcukjacekowski, anything can, but try running virus.exe or any of the normal shell code here22:38
lcukarm != x8622:38
luke-jrI'm licensing everything of mine under the strict open-source license22:38
jacekowskithere is lot of arm shellcodes22:38
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luke-jrif you want to copy it, you have to agree to open every piece of code you ever write22:38
xDaReaperxthats a good idea22:39
* DocScrutinizer wonders how much of an exploit a vulnerability in browser actually would create - given the fact the user user can't even start a ping22:40
Stskeepsdepends if he has gainroot installed or not22:40
Stskeeps / rootsh22:40
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: enough to steal all user data22:40
luke-jrthe user can't install gainroot? ;)22:40
xDaReaperxwait u can ping on maemo ?22:40
DocScrutinizerwhich is insane the way it is set up by default22:40
ZogGlcuk anything you can advice me to read to start coding on c++ on QT?22:41
luke-jrZogG: C++ or Qt. Pick one.22:41
xDaReaperxhmm asks on ping : are you root ?22:41
lcukZogG, sure, search google for qt22:41
lcukxDaReaperx, yeah they had to lock ping down!22:41
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ZogGluke-jr isn't its C++ i write code while developing QT ? |c++ or python or whatever22:42
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luke-jrZogG: Qt is its own language22:42
xDaReaperxactually i am able to ping after sudo gainroot22:42
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: surprise surprise22:42
lcukxDaReaperx, yeah thats what root does22:42
luke-jrZogG: it is compatible with C++, so you can mix the two, but it's just silly to do that unless you're porting an old C++ app22:42
xDaReaperxhmm okay22:42
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-30 21:07:07] <DocScrutinizer> xDaReaperx: you're *root* when you are root. this is unix. check linux/unix essentials22:42
xDaReaperxthats cool22:42
xDaReaperxyeah you were right22:42
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ZogGluke-jr so i can write QT without knowledge of C++ ?22:43
xDaReaperxwhat about telnet ?22:43
xDaReaperxis it possible ?22:43
luke-jrZogG: sure22:43
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ZogGluke-jr, thanks22:43
luke-jrxDaReaperx: telnet is obsolete22:43
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: sure22:43
ZogGlucent, i thought in different way =)22:43
xDaReaperxhmm oaky22:43
xDaReaperxokay *22:44
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: yep, but *possible*22:44
johnsqZogG: most c++ developer write c++ without using it features.22:44
ZogGwhat about attacks over bluetooth or wifi?22:44
DocScrutinizerthough probably a sane persn would prefer ssh for normal purposes22:44
ZogGjohnsq you mean QT features?22:44
johnsqZogG: no c++.22:44
ZogGjohnsq, sounds wierd =)22:45
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xDaReaperxhmm yeah it is possible to dns poison using wifi22:45
xDaReaperxso it leads you to phishing sites22:46
luke-jronly if your DNS setup is crap22:46
* n900-dk hates Tom Dooley... Why can't people listen to normal music22:46
xDaReaperxwell maybe , or maybe if you have a crappy firewall22:46
xDaReaperxi wonder if maemo has a firewall lol22:46
goodwillI am trying to install cpp on N900 itself ... but even though I have the repository added correctly it is unable to locate the package.22:46
goodwillThe package itself is in the repository22:47
goodwillanyone know why?22:47
luke-jrgoodwill: cpp? really?22:47
ZogGi just wanna try to write widget for xmms2 for maemo22:47
luke-jrdo you know what cpp is?22:47
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: still I got telnet installed on my n900 as my router has no other fullsize configuration interface22:47
goodwillluke-jr: c++ ?22:47
luke-jrgoodwill: no22:47
ZogGluke-jr see plus plus?22:47
luke-jrgoodwill: C PreProcessor22:47
luke-jrthe C++ compiler is called G++22:48
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: also comes handy to check pop3/whatever servers on the lowest level22:48
goodwillluke-jr: one way or another is that I need for gcc compilation on the phone22:48
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: socat22:48
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: valid point22:49
luke-jrtelnet isn't the lowest level22:49
DocScrutinizeralas the cmdline options are mindboggling22:49
luke-jrit's just a different level22:49
goodwillluke-jr: any ideas why I can not apt-get from the repo?22:49
luke-jrsocat stdio TCP:remotehost:port22:49
luke-jrgoodwill: the repo probably doesn't have it22:49
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: thanks :-))22:50
goodwillluke-jr: I check the server itself ... it does ...22:50
xDaReaperxhey is there any command to reboot the phone ?22:50
luke-jrgoodwill: the server might, but the server has multiple repos22:50
luke-jrxDaReaperx: reboot22:50
luke-jrxDaReaperx: also, it's not a phone22:50
goodwillluke-jr: I am able to pull other bits fromt eh repo ...22:50
xDaReaperxyeah internet tablet22:50
xDaReaperxor so lol22:50
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goodwillluke-jr: I am able to manually download and install the package ... I just find its odd that its not part of the repo22:52
DocScrutinizeractually replacing the somewhat braindead config'd sudo by a osso-su would make up a nice little project22:52
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DocScrutinizerthe kind of X-su that pops up a requester to ask for the root pwd22:53
luke-jrsu is obsolete22:53
luke-jrjust configure sudo right22:53
DocScrutinizerand which requester will it rise to get he passwd?22:54
xDaReaperxwell does the n900 most of the time run at 250 MHZ ?22:54
luke-jrI would think 0 Hz22:55
TomaszDzaheerm, ping22:55
xDaReaperxanyways of finding out the frequency it runs at ?22:55
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: OMAP has a zero-clock feature22:56
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DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: powertop is nice for that22:56
xDaReaperxhmmm okay22:56
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xDaReaperx# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state22:58
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: every other app would probably read out whatever /sys/* while the own process keeps the CPU busy, so results aren't worth much22:58
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xDaReaperxHmmm okay22:59
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DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: or that :-)23:00
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xDaReaperxis it OMAP 3530 ?23:01
xDaReaperxor something lower23:01
goodwilldoes anyone know what is the difference between: cpp-4.2_4.2.1-4maemo13+0m5_armel.deb  and cpp-4.2_4.2.1-4maemo9+0m5_armel.deb23:01
goodwillone is 13 and the other is 923:01
goodwillis that supposed to be versioning?23:02
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx:  ;-)23:02
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xDaReaperxhmm okay OMAP343023:03
lcukgoodwill, that is versioning23:03
fralshow would you say23:03
fralsWould you like me to terminate your current connection and connect to the correct one for fetching the MMS?23:03
fralsin correct english?23:03
goodwilllcuk: and I am assuming 13 is the latest?23:03
lcukthat would be logical23:04
fralstimeless_mbp: ping23:04
lcukbtw goodwill its trivial to "apt-get install build-essential" if you really want23:04
lcukdefault flash has enough space by default23:04
goodwilllcuk: says no such package23:05
fralstimeless_mbp: "Would you like me to terminate your current connection and connect to the correct one for fetching the MMS?" in correct english, please :)23:05
timeless_mbpplease hold23:05
goodwilllcuk: I can not see to find an easy way to set up gcc and make and there up on the phone23:05
xDaReaperxwhat does cat /proc/mem actually do ?23:05
lcukthen goodwill which repositories have you got, the maemo sdk and maemo tools repositories are the only additional ones i get23:05
timeless_mbpTo retrieve the MMS your activate connection will need to be dropped. Switch connection?23:05
lcukadd those 2 repositories and the command is simple23:06
Stskeeps'your activate connection'?23:06
timeless_mbpsome commas are probably required23:06
goodwilllcuk: is maemo sdk repo safe to install on the device itself?23:06
timeless_mbpTo retrieve the MMS your active connection will need to changed. Switch connection?23:06
timeless_mbpStskeeps: thanks23:06
timeless_mbpi still think there's a comma required23:06
jacekowskigoodwill: phone will not explode23:07
goodwilljacekowski: well that good to hear23:07
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lcukgoodwill, its a repository of software used to create the software on your phone23:07
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fralstimeless_mbp: ty23:07
jacekowskidevelopment version of it23:07
goodwilllcuk: I was just wondering about that warning: "These repositories are meant to be used with apt-get only within the SDK environment."23:07
* frals is trying to sort out transifex23:08
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: /proc/mem is killing your device most probably whenever you dare to touch it23:08
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: well, not device, just system23:08
xDaReaperxoh okay23:08
xDaReaperxso this will increase CPU usage ?23:08
DocScrutinizerit will probably cause a kernel panic23:08
goodwilllcuk: would you be kind enough to give the exact "deb" line to add the sdk repos?23:08
lcukgoodwill, you are the one trying to add compiler to the device23:09
goodwilllcuk: yes23:09
xDaReaperxoh ok23:09
lcukthe repository informaiton is around and you have it23:09
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vdvhi all23:10
vdvwho knows is there any channel devoted to maemo5 and n900?23:11
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goodwillah there we go23:12
goodwilllcuk: got it ... thanks for all your help23:12
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fralsneed more help; "%dMB file size limit on attachments, please select another file." "Please make sure your settings are correct"23:13
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fralsand "Invalid attachment"23:14
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fralstimeless_mbp: ^ if you have time :)23:17
goodwillbuild-essentials ate up like 30mb on rootfs23:17
lcukonly 30mb23:17
timeless_mbpplease hold23:17
* GAN900 hates those ugly Mappero buttons.23:17
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* Corsac would really like maep to be able to drop a pin23:18
timeless_mbpfrals: wait23:18
timeless_mbpplease explain the limit23:18
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timeless_mbpis it a per file limit or a per message limit?23:18
fralsper file limit, it shows up when a user attempts to select a file thats over X23:18
timeless_mbpAttachment is too large (limit is %d MB)23:19
timeless_mbpPlease check your settings23:19
timeless_mbpwhat made the attachment invalid?23:19
timeless_mbpdo you only support certain file types?23:20
timeless_mbpwhich types?23:20
fralsor rather, its a general catch-all message when something fucked up with attaching the file to the message23:21
timeless_mbpCouldn't attach file.23:21
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LiraNuna* GAN900 hates those ugly Mappero buttons.23:21
LiraNunaI thought I'm the only one23:22
fralsty :)23:22
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goodwillpkg-config does not know about calendar-backend23:26
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GAN900Anybody want to give me a list of notable application releases or updates from the past week?23:28
GAN900Minus fMMS and Mappero.23:29
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GAN900jgombos strikes again!23:29
fralsGAN900: i think witter added rotation support today23:30
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felipecStskeeps: I disabled PSM completely23:34
felipecthe network still disconnects23:34
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quittedoes maemo run on top of x?23:35
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felipecI'm wondering if it's related to usbnetwork23:35
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astruasdhis it possible to install python on my maemo? I did not found python on the list of possible packages to install...23:38
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lcukastruasdh, python on its own isnt really a user level app23:39
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lcukbut sure, python is available, try something like healthcheck which is written in pyqt23:39
lcukor fmms which is pygtk23:39
lcukor hermes23:39
lcukor one of many apps23:40
MohammadAGSetting up sudo (1.6.8p12-4osso22+0m5) ...23:40
MohammadAGUpdating sudoers23:40
MohammadAG/usr/sbin/update-sudoers: line 45: /usr/sbin/visudo: No such file or directory23:40
MohammadAG/etc/sudoers.d/01sudo changes break sudoers23:40
MohammadAGdpkg: error processing sudo (--configure):23:40
MohammadAG subprocess post-installation script returned error23:40
MohammadAGany suggestions?23:40
lcukyou busted it again23:41
astruasdhlcuk, ya, I asked it because I wrote some python apps that I wanna run on my nokia n90023:41
MohammadAGlcuk, sadly23:41
lcukastruasdh, so package them up, add python as dependency and all is good with the world23:41
TomaszDheh, didn't know there was Garnet VM for the N90023:42
TomaszDvery nice23:42
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MohammadAGoh crap23:43
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astruasdhlcuk, ya, but the problem is that the "python" interpreter is not installed...23:43
MohammadAGI forced the unmount of /23:43
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MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5:~$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda5 /23:44
MohammadAGmount: special device /dev/sda5 does not exist23:44
MohammadAGAm I fooked?23:44
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Chiku-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        58404 Apr 17  2009 visudo23:44
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MOUD Is it worth to overclock the phone to play games? like GBA or PSX maybe?23:44
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lcukastruasdh, sure so either use the command line or install something that requires python23:45
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MOUDwhy not?23:45
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astruasdhlcuk, ahhh got it! the apt-get front-end does not show me all available, just more high level apps... is it? is it possible to apt-cache search python, for examle?23:47
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lcukastruasdh, sure it is23:47
astruasdhtyvm! :)23:48
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goodwillcan some who has scratchbox running run this: "pkg-config calendar-backend --libs" and tell me if they get any output23:54
* GAN900 is working himself up to mouth-foam levels summarizing the past week.23:55
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