IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2010-02-10

anprgood evening :)00:00
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: crashanddie sleeping has meant my comment hasn't shown up yet.00:01
anprhey mece are you familiar with pidgin ?00:01
andre__GeneralAntilles, only found and
povbotBug 180040: was not found.00:01
povbotBug 322799: was not found.00:01
andre__povbot, you're stupid00:02
povbotandre__: Error: "you're" is not a valid command.00:02
meceanpr, on my desktop, yes.00:02
GeneralAntillesJaffa, yeah, moderated comments are irritating.00:02
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Short version: "using 'this affects me too' as a shortcut for voting seems like a fine idea to me"00:02
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, it's gotta be one click, though.00:02
anprso it brings all the info from programs like skype and etc ?00:02
GeneralAntillesNot sure how difficult it would be to change the voting setup for that.00:02
meceanpr, well the skype part is kinda pointless imo.00:02
andre__I should probably blog and just link to this post. quite wonderful.00:03
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meceanpr, it needs the real skype software running..00:03
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anprbut it works on n900, doesn't it ?00:03
GeneralAntillesandre__, get ready for commenters asking if you're going to send patches to upstream? :P00:04
zChrisThis might be a dumb question but is N900 strong enough to play xvids ?00:04
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andre__hmm? :-)00:04
andre__zChris, why not?00:04
GeneralAntilleszChris, depends on the resolution and bitrate.00:05
zChrisandre__: Well isit strong enough for 720p also? :)00:05
andre__zChris, do xvids have more weight than other videos? :-P00:05
GeneralAntilleszChris, short answer, though, yes.00:05
konfoo720p.. come on00:05
konfoothe screen isn't 720p00:05
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zChriskonfoo: i was more thinking on the tvout :)00:05
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konfoontsc/pal is not 720p00:05
Dantonichi anyone know if its possible to use mplayer instead of gstreamer in the default media player of the N900?00:05
Damion2tvout matches the 800x480 for pal at least00:05
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zChrisIm drawn between a hero or the n90000:06
zChrisa hero = htc hero :P00:06
konfooyoure not going to find anyone in marketing on this channel00:07
tripzerozChris, n900 is a more powerful device00:07
anprehm, wanna suffer from WM?00:07
mecezChris, well I guess it depends on what you want. It's like choosing between a machete  and a rocket launcher.00:07
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anprmaybe it mayb be more user friendly first... but i have bad feelings to it somehow..00:08
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Yeah, as a one-click shortcut; and more prominent; than voting.00:08
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Xisdibikmece:  more like a fly swatter, and a nuclear bomb :D00:09
konfoois it just me or does using exchange as a mail service seem to suck down battery life00:09
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mecekonfoo, I hear it does.00:10
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Xisdibikkonfoo: Having my MfE service set to always on, i get better battery life than i would with IMAP at 5/10 and maybe 15 minutes, but less than IMAP set at 30minute + intervals00:10
meceexchange = evil00:10
Xisdibikbut i get the benefit of getting my mail right away ;)00:10
konfooive been running gmail imap for a while but adding exchange has just hammered the battery life00:11
meceand I mean evil in a bad way, not the nice evil, like Christopher Walken.00:11
konfooeven with the shortest sync thresholds00:11
Xisdibikkonfoo: are you syncing with gmail or exchange?00:11
konfooboth (two accounts)00:11
Xisdibikwell thats probably why.. as its 2 mail accounts, more battery drain00:12
XisdibikI synced gmail through IMAP, and now through MfE,  so its still just one account00:12
GeneralAntillesJaffa, think it should be implemented as a patch to the voting system or as another system entirely?00:12
Xisdibikyours is using battery for IMAP. and for MfE, two different protocols afaik00:12
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konfooi didnt notice much hit with imap, was my point00:12
chun1Can I use my n900 as a webcam for my pc?00:12
konfoomfe seems to have impacted it exponentially00:12
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Xisdibikdunno,  my phone lasts 24 hours+, so its fine for me00:12
konfooanyway i'll just remove exchange. hell its only work email ;)00:13
Xisdibikyea who wants work at home :p00:13
konfooha exactly00:13
lcukGeneralAntilles, it should be the voting thing00:13
lcukno point in having 2 buttons which mean the same thing00:14
lcukpeople should only be voting for bugs if they experience em themselves anyway00:14
woglindehe luck00:14
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lcukand move that damned comment box to the bottom too00:14
JaffaGeneralAntilles: On top of the existing system.00:15
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woglindelcuk I think you was one row before me at the fosdem in the dsp talk00:15
lcukcripes, you saw me nearly fallin asleep then o_O00:16
* Jaffa beds00:16
woglindewhat was you doing at nite?00:16
Damion2chun1: I don't know of an app but I think it's technically possible to write that00:16
lcukwoglinde, someone did walk from behind whenthe talk was finished and i was just idling on flow00:16
lcukwoglinde, drinking00:17
lcukand actually a bit of work00:17
lcukand coding00:17
hrw|goneJaffa: please add dependency on perl to catorise00:17
lcukand socializing00:17
mikhaslol, lcuk - I saw you there, the talk *was* boring =)00:17
lcukwoglinde, why didnt you say hi00:17
woglindewasnt sure00:17
lcuk:D mikhas00:17
hrw|goneJaffa: as now perl+perl-modules are 'free to be removed' on my n90000:18
lcukthe talk was good00:18
Araneldid anyone notice rebooting on Web app? (not random reboot, only sometimes when using Web)00:18
lcuki made tonnes of notes to ask simon about00:18
woglindehm are you sure?00:18
lcuki like the principles of dsp00:18
Araneland is it possible to get log files of crash?00:18
woglindewas mostly about dead dspbridge00:18
woglindeonly new was syslink00:18
woglindeI asked Koen about it today00:18
lcukwoglinde, they couldv been talking about belgium truffles00:19
lcukfor all i know about dsps00:19
lcukso if you say it was old ill take your word over mine :D00:19
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lcukpupnik was next to me, i wonder if he did a 36000:20
* woglinde was only at 3 talks00:20
fralshmm, wonder if i should take some screens of my new fancy ui and post a blogpost00:20
lcukkarma whore :P00:20
* frals is quite pleased with what the ui designers came up with00:20
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mecefrals, ui for what?00:22
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mecefrals, :)00:23
mecefrals, please do00:23
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meceWhyyyyyy can't this stupid widget show up after a reboot? Grr Argh (mutant enemy)00:24
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hcarregaora viva00:25
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meceanpr, ... come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me... ?00:30
anprwould you mind to help to discuss about hero and n900 ?00:31
mecehero < N90000:31
mece'nuff said.00:31
anpryeah, but zChris wants facts00:31
tripzerotis true00:31
tripzerolook at the hardware specs00:31
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anpryeah, but everyday usage, apps, support and etc00:32
tripzeroif he wants a bazillion nearly useless apps, get a hero00:32
meceanpr, well int that case, let me quote myself: "mece: hero < N900"00:32
zChrisBiger companies behind hero apps though :S00:33
anprmece i would say myself hero <*n n90000:33
mecezChris, well, that changes things to this: N900 > Hero00:33
zChrismece: Funneh :P00:34
meceok seriously though, It's a completely different beast.00:34
tripzeroit all depends on what you want to do00:34
tripzeroif you want to have a more 'free' experience, get an n900 and hack away00:35
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tripzeroif you want to be trendy and locked down, get an android device00:35
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mecenaturally I'm speaking for myself.00:35
zChristripzero: locked down ?00:35
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tripzerozChris, android is more locked down than maemo is00:36
meceThis is what it boils down to for me: maemo makes android look like pong.00:36
tybollthow do I edit a number that is in the call log?00:36
mecea nice, shiny pong, but pong nevertheless.00:36
tybolltor is it indeed so retarded that I can't do anything about it?00:36
tripzerozChris, ie, try making an app that controls the phone on android.  You will find quickly android locks you out of a lot of functionality00:37
tlirthere used to be a topic describing how to connect 2 sip calls on maemo 8x0, anyone remembers that?00:37
zChristripzero: yeah but that dosent affect me that much which ones is abit more open than the other00:37
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tripzerozChris, if you want to be able to play, say xvid or ogg, or any other codec, it does matter00:38
zChristripzero: Hero cant play xvid or ogg?00:38
konfoohero is a joke in comparison. come on, i cant believe this conversation is going on00:38
mecezChris, well I guess either one would work fine. If you need MfE on a server that only allows provisional devices, then n900 is not for you :)00:38
mecekonfoo, hero seems like a nice phone. All shiny and thin...00:39
konfoo..and vapid00:39
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mecemy n900 is my laptop.00:39
mecedoes android have git?00:39
tripzerodoes android have ssh-server?00:40
zChristripzero: not that i use ogg00:41
redeemanmy laptop is my laptop00:41
tripzerodo you use xvid?00:41
tripzerowhat about flash?00:41
lcukdoes reggie ever come into irc?00:41
zChristripzero: yes. both of em00:41
tripzerothan you may want to double check if android supports them00:41
tripzeroi know it doesn't have flash support, at least not on the nexus00:41
zChrisit doesnt?00:42
SpeedEvilIs there an easy way to set from the command line the background image for a desktop?00:42
meceI was playing with my n900 and thought, damn, it would be nice to check out the project directly, and not have to scp it over. So I casually did apt-get install git, not thinking it would find it. Then it did, and my heart fluttered... <300:42
zChristripzero: hero support flash from what i know00:42
tripzerookay, i see that now00:42
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tripzeroi wonder why the nexus doesn't have it00:42
anprguys is it possible to categorise your apps by yourself ?00:42
mecezChris, really? That's pretty cool.00:42
anpri've downloaded categorise app00:42
zChrismece: how come?00:43
anprbut i didn't really liked it00:43
mecezChris, well flash is nice. I didn't know you could browse flash in hero.00:43
tripzerozChris, last time i heard, android's video playback sucks00:43
redeemanlol flash is not nice00:43
tripzeroand the ui has latency issues00:44
redeemanwhat's wrong with you?00:44
meceredeeman, ok no, it's not. but I do like to have the option, since the world (wide web) is a fracked up place.00:44
zChrisredeeman: I like flash when its used right00:44
tripzerozChris, finally, you should probably find a friend that has each and play around with them for a while.  see which one you like more00:44
redeemanzChris: theres no such thing00:44
zChristripzero: Ive tried the hero .. it didnt feel that good00:45
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konfooanyone coded/ported a ripper for ?00:45
mecezChris, do you use linux on your pc?00:45
zChrisredeeman: are you from c++newbs in qnet? :D00:45
zChrismece: No00:45
Arkenoiit is flash lite00:45
Arkenoimuch like symbian00:45
zChrisredeeman: ^^00:46
zChris <-- good use of flash imo. Awesome00:46
Arkenoiok for simple video but does not work with complicated apps00:46
meceArkenoi, ok so hero does _not_ support flash...00:46
redeemanzChris: its physically impossible to properly use flash00:46
redeemanit is an abomination that by all means should be treated as a plague00:46
ifreqzChris: diablo3 is cool site00:46
Arkenoifor most sites (besides games) flash lite is enough00:46
zChrisFlash 10 for Hero00:47
zChrisifreq: *Drools* BLizzard is very talented in design and graphics :)00:47
ifreqthats cool look00:47
tybollttripzero: you seriously saying andriod doesn't have sshd?00:48
ifreqyeah :) theyv got money into gfx too :)00:48
tripzerotybollt, does it?00:48
tybollttripzero: *jaw drop* if it doesnt ;)00:48
tripzerolemme confirm that...00:48
tripzeroi saw ssh client in the app store00:48
tripzerobut no sshd00:48
jebbait's not running a gnuish system, so i dont think there's bash and such, but i could be off here.00:49
ml-maemoAndroid's downside is the *nix userland being treated as an also-ran00:49
ifreqjebba: ill agree with you00:49
ifreqits more like iphone os in that way :P00:49
ml-maemoheavily favoring the Java sandbox00:49
tripzerotybollt, i'm told that it doesn't have sshd00:50
meceas I mentioned before, pong...00:50
konfoothere is sshd but its complete hackery to get it onto the device00:50
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zChrisAre you able to put N900 wlan in monitoring mode btw? And to use injections?00:50
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anprcan i categorise my apps without any specifig app ?00:51
woglindezChris monitor mode is posible00:51
woglindewith iw tools00:51
tybolltmece: git me yer pong buddy :)00:51
konfooinjections. lul00:51
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meceflash 10 is nice though. Is that out yet? I mean if you buy a hero, will it have flash 10 installed?00:51
crashanddietybollt: it's ~mece++00:51
konfoocome on man, its a handheld device. be realistic00:51
tybolltcrashanddie: the bots all hate me :S00:51
crashanddietybollt: he just doesn't listen to you00:52
* mece does not know what that ++ means00:52
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zChrismece: add 100:52
woglindekonfoo with the right chipset you can do all the fancy things00:52
meceoh, didn't know you could do that.00:52
mecethanks :)00:52
konfoowoglinde: right but you're wasting your time doing anything more than the basics i.e. youre not going to be brute-forcing using an n90000:53
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Corsachmhm, the media player sometimes mess with songs ordering00:53
Corsacwonder why00:53
woglindekonfoo but as I said with iw tools you can clone the dev and set it into monitor mode00:54
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woglindebut thats the only support iw tells00:54
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:54
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zChrisIve heard that the GPS with OVI maps (?) aint that good with the N90000:54
woglindezChris yes partly00:55
mecezChris, yeah, it's craptacular00:55
zChrisIsit the hardware or the software thats the problem ?00:55
konfoothe software00:56
mecezChris, soft.00:56
zChrisWho develops the software? Nokia themself?00:56
dotblankHello people.. I installed mplayer but it still plays divx/xvid files rather choppy. Is there a way to increase the performance I tried -framedrop but that really didn't do much00:56
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konfooreencode the source files00:56
dotblankkonfoo, :(00:56
konfoodownload lower resolution rips? :P00:56
dotblankits just divx.. nothing special..00:57
mecezChris, well yeah, but they seem to have given up on the N900 in the navigation area. There's some other company that's offering a navigation solution for much €€ though.00:57
konfoowhat resolution/codecs?00:57
dotblankmy palm troe played movies better then this did tho00:57
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zChrismece: :/00:57
woglindeand I am working on navit00:57
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dotblankh/o let me find it00:57
zChrisHTC hd 2 > N900 ?00:57
dotblankVIDEO:  [XVID]  592x240  12bpp  25.000 fps  908.0 kbps (110.8 kbyte/s)00:58
dotblankClip info:00:58
dotblank Software: VirtualDubMod (build 2540/release)00:58
dotblankOpening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family00:58
dotblankSelected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)00:58
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* mece is looking it up...01:07
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anprand it is ?01:08
konfoopatience young grasshopper01:08
dotblankSo I got the ps3 DS3 to work.. it is very very nice01:08
dotblankMuch better replacement for the wiimote01:09
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meceanpr, MyMenu01:09
jacekowskihow to import gadu-gadu buddy list on n900?01:09
mecejacekowski, is it not automagical when adding the account?01:10
anprmece is it in app manager ?01:11
mecejacekowski, does it connect (I'm just speculating here, since I don't even know what gadugadu is) :D01:11
fralsso err, what tag do i need to add so planet-maemo actually cuts my post above my image spam?01:11
meceanpr, perhaps..01:12
jacekowskiyes it does01:12
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meceanpr, It's in extras-testing01:13
AijseAny mac users have experience with N900? Like does iSync work well? with icallender? contacts? as a remote? thank in advance01:13
anprhuh, so i can not download it directly from my phone ?01:13
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meceanpr, well if you don't know what it means that it's in extras-testing then I don't think you should, no.01:13
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ShadikkaAijse: There's a testing-grade iSync plugin for the N90001:15
ShadikkaWorks quite well for me.01:15
meceanpr, go here: and read the red box first. Then the rest.01:15
AijseShadika, what did u manage to sync? calenders contacts ...?01:16
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dotblankIs there a way to create a virtual cd rom device so that when you plug it into an old pc (no usb boot support) it can load a selected iso image?01:18
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mecedotblank, you mean like the sdk on a live cd?01:19
tank-manmount with the loop option01:20
dotblankmece, sure why not.. or a system recovery disk.. the point is to have many isos and is user selectable01:20
SpeedEvilHe (or she) means a USB-cdrom driver01:20
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dotblankyea exactly01:20
SpeedEvilso the n900 acts like a cdrom01:20
dotblankUSB-cdrom driver01:20
SpeedEvilIn principle, it's 'just' another USB gadget driver.01:20
SpeedEvilI don't however know if it's been implemented.01:21
meceooh. I see.01:21
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SpeedEvilOr if it is - if the module is included in the kernel - prolly not.01:21
dotblankit would be like any virtual cdrom program.. allows you to mount and umount while it is plugged in01:21
SpeedEvilThough that could be fixed01:21
SpeedEvilthere is certainly no UI01:21
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dotblankCould just make a new entry in the options pop up when it is plugged in..01:22
dotblanklike Virtual CD-Rom01:22
dotblankthen you would use either something in settings to manage it or another app altogether01:22
fralsunrelated, but pretty badass
dotblankseems liek there was a patch to enable this functionality01:24
* mece just realized that frals är svensk! OMG!01:24
crashanddienot as impressive, but much funnier: <-- Thief robs arcade with cup of coffee01:24
fralsmece: the ".se" in my domain tipped you off? ;-)01:24
Aijse"alskar sverige!01:25
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mecefrals, quite.01:25
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SpeedEvilThe file_storage gadget driver seems to suport emulation of a CD from an image on a cursory reading01:25
crashanddieJag larde mig svenska01:25
dotblankis this path included in the gadget driver currently in the n900?01:26
SpeedEvildotblank: So it seems plausible.01:26
redeemanjävla svenskara01:26
SpeedEvildotblank: it's not a parch - it's part of the kernel01:26
fralshehe, swedish is the new world language i heard :rolleyes:01:26
SpeedEviloldpatch is old.01:26
dotblankSo what would it take to enable it01:26
crashanddienha, it's only that the chicks are hot so people get all the bonuses they can01:26
fralscrashanddie: good point01:27
* mece is a finn whose main language is swedish...01:27
dotblankWhat would be really cool is if you can burn CDs and it will save a .iso on your phone01:27
SpeedEvildotblank: building that module for the kernel, installing it, and adding a GUI to configure it01:27
crashanddie <-- swedish!01:28
SpeedEvildotblank: it won't be able to do that. you could add that funcitonality in in principle.01:28
meceSpeedEvil, isn't php Finnish...01:29
SpeedEvilmece: ?01:29
meceerr sorry wrong person..01:29
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* mece meant crashanddie, isn't php Finnish...01:30
SpeedEvilthe keys are right next to each other.01:30
crashanddiedanish if I remember correctly01:30
mececrashanddie, oh yes, right you are. I was confusing it with something else..01:32
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meceoh well. It's been swell, but the swelling's gone down. I'm out.01:37
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crashanddieanyone here posting on maemo planet?01:38
crashanddieif so, do you guys know why my feed doesn't provide any snippet of my post? It just shows the title and that's it01:39
fralsim aggregated01:39
fralsi got the opposite problem, it shows the whole post instead of cutting at the <more> mark :P01:39
crashanddiewhat <more> mark?01:40
crashanddieyou're supposed to have a <more> mark?01:40
fralsuh, wordpress got some <more> tag or such if you look at http://blog.frals.se01:40
fralsdont think so, as planet-maemo just ignores it.. :P01:40
crashanddiehmm... I'm using blogger01:41
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crashanddieknow of any aggregated blog that uses blogger?01:41
crashanddiefound one01:42
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, 1000 words is usually the cutoff01:43
GeneralAntillesbut the logic for doing snippets and cutoff seems very broken01:44
GeneralAntillesPatches welcome, I suppose.01:44
crashanddieI don't understand why it doesn't show *anything*01:44
* GeneralAntilles hasn't looked at the code.01:44
lcukthe planet feed processor shows whats in the rss doesnt it?  ie if the rss sends out 100 words then thats all you get?01:46
lcukslashdot throws out walls of text01:46
lcukplanet doesnt alter them!01:46
GeneralAntilleslcuk, does too.01:46
GeneralAntillesOr should01:46
* lcuk aggregates crashan<more>01:47
crashanddieI think I gave the wrong link to X-Fade yesterday01:48
crashanddieor well, he gave it to himself, tbh :P01:48
crashanddieX-Fade: not around anymore?01:48
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, what do you think? :P01:49
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: jaja01:51
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anprguys which brand of laptos do you prefer ( except apple ) ? :)02:00
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anpronly PCs ?02:00
fralsim happy with my dell, has served me great the last 2 years :P02:00
konfooon my second sony at home, works great02:00
luke-jranpr: actually, I'd go for one of those Loongson laptops probably02:01
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anprluke-jr what's that ?02:01
woglindemips cpu02:01
anprnever heard of those02:02
luke-jrLoongson is a MIPS CPU with acceleration for x86 emulation02:02
ml-maemoIt's china's first attempt at a homegrown CPU02:03
crashanddieanpr: apple :P02:03
poitsucool stuff luke-jr ty02:03
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lcukluke-jr :)02:05
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crashanddieanpr: I really like the Apple ones I have to say, latest gen of macbook pro's are very sturdy, well finished and you can get one for $100002:05
crashanddiewhich is hardly any monies these days02:05
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luke-jrcrashanddie: they're x86 crap02:06
ml-maemoI don't see anything regarding x86 execution though02:06
luke-jrand for $1000 I'd want something much smaller02:06
crashanddieluke-jr: smaller?02:06
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* lcuk beds02:06
crashanddielcuk: night mate02:06
lcukgnite seb02:06
luke-jrml-maemo: my bad, that laptop only has Loongson-202:07
crashanddielcuk: have time to look at one picture?02:07
luke-jrml-maemo: x86 accel is new with 302:07
luke-jrcrashanddie: pocket-sized02:07
crashanddieluke-jr: then you're not looking at laptops, numbnuts02:07
anprheh, but i am used to windows OS02:07
ml-maemoahh, those are the systems RMS likes02:07
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konfoorms. haha. sigh02:08
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ml-maemonothing special about MIPS though02:09
konfoothe only thing rms needs is a bath02:09
ml-maemonot terribly fast, either02:09
poitsunice pic crashanddie02:09
luke-jrml-maemo: compared to x86, it sure is02:09
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luke-jrah, Loongson-3 uses a lot more power :x02:10
crashanddiethanks poitsu02:10
luke-jrwell, relative I guess02:10
ml-maemoI'm sure a modern x86 chip at 1GHz would outperform the longsoon202:10
lcukindeed seb, its great.  did you/can you climb it?02:10
crashanddielcuk: I could, but I didn't02:11
luke-jrLoongson-2 was only 1.2 GHz single-core; Loongson-3 is 1 GHz quad-core02:11
lcukshame, if you return get the inverse shot back down02:11
luke-jrml-maemo: highly unlikely02:11
luke-jrml-maemo: x86 is terrible02:11
lcukuse n900 too!02:11
crashanddielcuk: it was a spyshot, just stopped on the side of the road02:11
poitsuunusually good contrast in the clouds02:11
crashanddiepoitsu: I "enhanced" the picture02:12
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poitsuah, gave the sky a bit of manual HDR ? :)02:12
poitsui've done that02:12
crashanddielemme dig up the original02:12
ml-maemoluke-jr: high end P3s/low end P4s ran at 1GHz too, so it's currently equal to 3 gens prior x86 tech02:13
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poitsuah thanks!02:13
luke-jrml-maemo: fail02:14
luke-jrml-maemo: 1 GHz x86 is like 200 MHz anything else02:14
lcukcrashanddie, thats even better02:14
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ml-maemoand the page you linked states just that02:14
lcukluke-jr, its not that much difference02:14
luke-jrlcuk: I'm exaggerating obviously :P02:15
lcukyes, and im sleepircing02:15
crashanddieluke-jr: how about you stop trolling about it02:15
poitsunite lcuk02:15
crashanddieluke-jr: I mean, seriously. x86 is here to stay, I'm not saying it's the best for mobile, but a laptop isn't exactly mobile. It's a compromise between reasonable performance and software availability and portability02:15
lcukgnite pupnik02:16
crashanddiewhereas with a new (or old, but unpopular) architecture you need to build a whole new framework, there are no available tools and it just sucks because it's not mature enouh02:16
luke-jrcrashanddie: no reason to use x86 when you can just pack a bunch of ARM/MIPS/etc in the same power/space02:17
infobotcrashanddie meant: whereas with a new (or old, but unpopular) architecture you need to build a whole new framework, there are no available tools and it just sucks because it's not mature enough02:17
luke-jrjust recompile everything02:17
crashanddieluke-jr: you're an idiot.02:17
crashanddieluke-jr: the world doesn't revolve around code that compiles seamlessly on every architecture in the world02:18
crashanddieand if you fail to understand that, what the fuck are you doing here?02:18
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ml-maemobuilding a mips kernel is a bitch02:18
luke-jrcrashanddie: all half-sane code compiles seamlessly on every architecture GCC supports02:18
luke-jrminus platform-specific stuff like kernels :)02:18
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openstandardsluke-jr, the only thing that offers is a better bios thats why RMS likes it02:19
luke-jropenstandards: from RMS's perspective, sure02:20
ml-maemoin any case, only real threat to x86 is ARM02:20
openstandardsx86 is much more compatible02:20
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luke-jropenstandards: compatible? just recompile everything02:21
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openstandardsluke-jr, you don't always have the source code to recompile02:21
luke-jropenstandards: I don't use what I don't have source for.02:21
crashanddieI don't believe x86 is under any threat02:21
* timeless_mbp frowns02:22
timeless_mbpwho pinged me?02:22
openstandardsand why would one recompile all the time rather pick up a distro i can use straight away02:22
crashanddieas much as LPARs aren't under threat from x8602:22
luke-jropenstandards: you recompile once, not all the time.02:22
poitsuit's still cool seeing the chinese making cpus02:22
crashanddierather than taiwaneese children?02:23
openstandardsluke-jr, seems to much hassle if you ask me and poitsu the chinese are trying to make a super computer....02:23
luke-jropenstandards: my system compiles everything anyway. there's no new hassle02:23
poitsu    Google considering entering agreement with NSA.  Petition them to not do it!02:23
timeless_mbpJaffa: fwiw, i generally get his nick name, unless it tab completes :/02:24
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* timeless_mbp goes to read
* timeless_mbp looks for sebastian02:29
konfoopoitsu: why02:29
* timeless_mbp pokes crashanddie 02:29
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: in that article, "out a few hundreds of . You’re wrong"02:30
timeless_mbpyou seem to be missing something before that period :(02:30
luke-jrtimeless_mbp: that article is totally screwed up02:30
timeless_mbpluke-jr: so...02:30
konfoothe aclu amuses me greatly02:30
crashanddietimeless_mbp: oh, stupid blogger didn't like my <insert currency here>02:30
timeless_mbpkonfoo: why?02:30
konfoosee re google/aclu deal02:31
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timeless_mbpis Marius Gedminas on irc?02:32
GeneralAntillespovbot, etc.02:32
povbotGeneralAntilles: Error: "etc." is not a valid command.02:32
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: yeah, but i don't see mgedmin in the channel02:33
crashanddietimeless_mbp: fixed02:33
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, he's offline, I suppose.02:33
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: please note that voting does mean in general 'spam me'02:33
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timeless_mbpso it's really just a matter of changing the ui for voting to be easier for normal users02:33
timeless_mbpbut please keep in mind that voting can either be boolean or weighted02:33
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timeless_mbp'me too' ui's only work for boolean02:33
timeless_mbpluke-jr: so... i see absolutely nothing wrong w/ the post02:35
timeless_mbpi do think you were actually one of the people i saw who posted an objectionable bug /somewhere/02:35
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timeless_mbpwhile i was reviewing that thread02:35
timeless_mbpi was meaning to verify that it was you02:35
timeless_mbp(don't ask me the url, or even which bug database, i'm fried)02:35
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jebbaanyone know what xorg.conf might need to see touchscreen? (outside of maemo)02:36
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ml-maemoand Micron just bought my employer... hmmmmmm02:38
poitsukonfoo: i really don't know where to begin answering your question.  perhaps you could google "warrantless wiretapping" while you still can02:38
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crashanddietimeless_mbp: I told luke-jr he was an idiot for being so narrow-minded, he didn't like it, which is probably why he doesn't like the article02:39
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luke-jrgrr, the comment is broken -.-02:44
luke-jr"Your request could not be processed. Please try again."02:44
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luke-jrthere, now it submitted02:47
luke-jrmeh, after approval-- wonder how censored the blog comments are02:47
luke-jrgrr, and their blog prevents me from going back to copy it for myself02:47
GeneralAntillesThe blog own rewrites all submitted comments, obviously.02:48
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luke-jrwho is "Sebastian"?02:48
rokaboutI'm trying to learn how to build apps to run on maemo 5 - anyone willing to answer a question? - I've built the qt tutorial address book app fine on my desktop and fine under the maemo 5 scratchbox - I can even run it there - I just can't enter text into it's fields - I suspect some sort of input method issue - perhaps even easily fixed by installing another package in scratchbox - Any ideas?02:48
GeneralAntillesOne evil bastard02:48
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: is he on IRC?02:48
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konfoopoitsu: yes lets just randomly associate everything02:48
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konfoomaybe google should get off the internet, being that it is built on a military network to start off with?02:49
poitsuyou should read up on the qwest story02:49
konfoowhich qwest story is this02:49
poitsuhow they refused the warrantless wiretaps02:50
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rokabouteverything I've read seems to indicate the qt widgets should somehow just do the right thing for the platform they were built on - i;m not trying to use hildonized versions - just plain qt02:50
crashanddieluke-jr: that's me02:50
luke-jrcrashanddie: in the event you don't allow my comment, please at least return the text to me?02:51
crashanddieluke-jr: interesting comment, though you said exactly what I said some people would say ;)02:51
rokabout(as far as I know) - my main guide has been
luke-jrcrashanddie: your argument against it is illogical though02:52
crashanddieluke-jr: nha, it's published, the only ones I don't publish are spam or "omfg lol a lot to read" and "stop using latin you fucker"02:52
luke-jrcrashanddie: just because someone gives a homeless guy a sandwich doesn't mean you suddenly didn't pay for the one you bought at the market02:52
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crashanddiethat's a terrible argument02:53
luke-jrmaybe I should have said that02:53
crashanddieluke-jr: my argument was that you can download maemo freely02:53
crashanddieluke-jr: you don't need to buy an N900 to get access to it02:53
luke-jrand that is irrelevant02:53
luke-jrand in fact, you can't02:53
crashanddieno it isn't02:53
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luke-jrcrashanddie: that's Maemo? or just select parts?02:54
crashanddieluke-jr: it's only using that that a chinese manufacturer released a non-nokia maemo device02:55
luke-jranyhow, even if someone *could* download Maemo freely, that doesn't change the fact that I paid for it.02:55
crashanddieI never said it did, but doesn't entitle you to yell at the community02:55
luke-jrcrashanddie: as someone else said, it's not really Maemo any more than Mer is02:55
jacekowskiyou didn't02:55
jacekowskimaemo is free02:55
jacekowskiyou paid for device that runs it02:56
luke-jrcrashanddie: I'll definitely concede that-- it's not the community's fault.02:56
jacekowski+ some device specific modifications02:56
luke-jrjacekowski: free != gratis02:56
luke-jrjacekowski: anyhow, *someone* paid for the development of it02:56
luke-jrthat cost was included in the devices02:56
crashanddiethat is my main problem; not so much the moaning, as I clarified in the comments, but the problem that with non-technical people comes a disruptiveness of sorts, regardless if it is in complaints, or ideology02:56
jacekowskiwell, lot of development was made on other platforms02:57
jacekowskiit's linux in the end02:57
luke-jrjacekowski: if it was really Linux in the end, it wouldn't be a problem nearly so much02:57
konfooi always thought dealdatabase had the right idea when it came to non technical users02:57
konfoothey created a subforum called 'the sewer'02:57
jacekowskiluke-jr: it's a linux02:57
konfooand banished any idiots and their posts to it02:57
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crashanddiekonfoo: the same idea has been bounced on tmo as well02:59
crashanddiekonfoo: the problem as far as I can tell it is that people are really anal about the whole "open" thingy02:59
crashanddiecausing a lot more trouble than good, imho02:59
konfoocrashanddie: all i can say is it helped. i spent a lot of time fielding useless messages for the tivo TY decoder in vlc02:59
crashanddiepeople want to be in charge, want to make decisions, even if they are utterly inept to do so02:59
jacekowskii don't really care if it's open free or whatever03:00
konfoooh nod, popularity contest amongst the inept03:00
jacekowskias long as it works03:00
* rokabout just wants to write some code03:00
jacekowskiinstall SDK and start writing03:00
luke-jrjacekowski: it's on some diverged branch of Linux 2.6.2103:01
crashanddieso in their opinion, everyone ought to be able to express their opinion, no matter how stupid or insulting it is03:01
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jacekowskisleep time03:01
jacekowskiluke-jr: well it's 2.6.2803:01
luke-jrjacekowski: N900 maybe03:01
konfoocrashanddie: development-specific threads should have zero tolerance03:01
rokaboutjacekowski: I did, followed the nice qt addressbook tutorial - text fields don't work in maemo 5 scratchbox :-(03:01
rokaboutI'm sure it's something simple...03:01
jacekowskiluke-jr: most parts of kernel are vanilia03:01
crashanddiekonfoo: try to explain that to anyone in Community03:01
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crashanddiekonfoo: last time I did I was hit on with clubs03:02
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rokaboutany ideas?03:02
luke-jrjacekowski: N8x0 is 2.6.21 and not practical to port to mainline03:02
jacekowskiluke-jr: and there is a lot of device specific drivers added03:02
konfoocrashanddie: hey i hear u - it's just extremely counterproductive to have to wade through for what in all intent purposes is sewage.. in order to find the 3 posts in a 200-post thread that actually are relevant to the topic03:02
jacekowskiluke-jr: but that would be all reall in terms of mods made to vanilia kernel03:03
jacekowskii'm going to sleep03:03
luke-jrjacekowski: and that's the key important things03:03
luke-jrthat hold N8x0 back from running (mainline/real) Linux03:03
jacekowskiIT IS REAL LINUX03:03
luke-jrno, it's a diverged branch03:04
luke-jrif it was real Linux, I could upgrade it to the latest version03:04
jacekowskithen do it03:04
jacekowskibut nobody merged drivers03:04
luke-jrI would need to port their 2.6.21 cruft03:04
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jacekowskibut for starters03:05
jacekowskiwhy would you need new kernel?03:05
luke-jrbecause nothing recent supports ancient stuff like 2.6.21 anymore03:05
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luke-jrbecause 2.6.32 includes ramzswap03:06
konfoodefine nothing?03:06
jacekowskieverything supports 2.6.2103:06
luke-jrdoes not run on 2.6.21 anymore03:06
jacekowskiudev on a phone?03:07
luke-jrit's not a phone03:07
luke-jrit's a handheld computer03:07
luke-jrI run KDE 4.3 too.03:07
jacekowskibesides, there is no difference between latest udev and udev supporting 2.6.2103:07
tripzeroiirc, kernels 2.6.28+ have fastboot patches that make booting faster03:07
luke-jrexplain that one03:07
luke-jrjacekowski: 2.6.21 has known exploits, too ;)03:08
luke-jrand again, ramzswap03:08
luke-jrext4 is useless on a handheld03:08
luke-jrramzswap is the big thing for me03:08
luke-jr128 MB RAM is far less useful than 196 MB RAM03:09
poitsumerging things upstream and customizing for user experience seem to be inherently conflicting goals03:09
poitsuwith these devices03:09
luke-jrpoitsu: what gives you that impression?03:09
jacekowskiramzswap is an ugly hack03:09
luke-jrjacekowski: if it were still an ugly hack, it wouldn't be in mainline03:09
luke-jrregardless, it works03:10
luke-jrand improves things03:10
jacekowskithey've added lot of ugly hacks into mainline03:10
jacekowskiOOM killer for example03:10
jacekowskior fuse03:10
luke-jrevery OS has an OOM killer03:10
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poitsuluke-jr: take for example hildon.  Would it have been practical for maemo and nokia to have worked that featureset into gtk in 2005-2006?03:10
luke-jrpoitsu: no clue, I couldn't care less about GTK03:10
jacekowskibut linux oom killer is really ugly03:10
jacekowskiand not really03:11
luke-jrpoitsu: and it's not like it has to be in mainline releases the day they ship03:11
jacekowskiwindows don't have oom killer03:11
GAN900poitsu, no, half the Hildon patches were deemed unacceptable anyway.03:11
GAN900Er, maemo-gtk03:11
jacekowskiwindows don't have overcommit support so there is no risk of running out of memory03:11
poitsuthe answer is "no"03:11
luke-jrGAN900: if Nokia worked with the GTK devs at the time they were writing it, they could have figured something out I'm sure03:11
jacekowskias it will not allocate more memory than it has03:11
poitsuluke-jr: you do have a unique view on many things03:12
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, they did, they didn't.03:12
jacekowskiand it's kernel developers fault that these drivers are not integrated into mainline03:12
luke-jrjacekowski: not exactly.03:13
jacekowskithey integrate all kinds of crap03:13
luke-jrjacekowski: one of the core busses (CBUS) will need to be completely rewritten for mainline03:13
luke-jrand many other things depend on that03:13
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jacekowskithey integrated barely working graphic acceleration03:13
jacekowskibecause there was nothing better03:13
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jacekowskisame goes for alsa03:13
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jacekowskiand progressed it in future03:14
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jacekowskibut it was already in mainline03:14
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luke-jrjacekowski: if Nokia wants to advertise running Linux, they should do the work to get support for the device into Linux.03:15
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jacekowskithey run linux03:15
GeneralAntillesMy contacts stream on Flickr is qgil, sjgadsby, timsamoff, pycage, and a more non-Maemo people with pictures of snow . . . and crashanddie with his hot weather.03:16
jacekowskiall user programs ( not userland ) are fully compatible03:16
jacekowskiyou can run any linux program as long as you compile it for arm03:16
jacekowskii would say thats enough to say it's running linux03:16
luke-jrjacekowski: Linux is what Linus (and those he delegates older versions to) release03:17
jacekowskiso then there is no linux at all03:17
jebbawoo hoo! I have fedora running with wifi and xorg on N900 now  :)03:17
poitsugot your X pointer worked out jebba ?03:17
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jacekowskievery single pretending to be linux distro runs non vanilia kernel03:17
jebbapoitsu: yes. Copied over HAL files03:18
luke-jrjacekowski: every single major Linux*-based* OS can run with a vanilla kernel03:18
redeemanjacekowski: there are plenty of distributiosn running kernels compiled from nonmodified sources from kernel.org03:18
poitsucongrats jebba ... youtube for the prize03:18
luke-jrjacekowski: regardless of how patched their branch is, it's not required03:18
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jacekowskiyou are wrong03:18
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jacekowskithere is at least one distro that's not going to run on vanilia kernel03:19
luke-jrif Fedora needs their own branch now, I don't care... my point still stands03:19
redeemanit doesn't03:19
redeemanyou can boot kernels03:19
redeemanand many do03:19
poitsuwhy does anyone care about what you care about luke-jr?  can you try to make your cares understandable to the rest of us?03:19
jacekowskiyou can run maemo using stock kernel03:19
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jacekowskiyou can run stock kernel on nokia device03:20
luke-jrjacekowski: nope03:20
poitsuyou keep saying "i don't care about that".  wow.03:20
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jacekowskihowever you will lack support for some devices03:20
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luke-jrpoitsu: these are real problems03:20
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jacekowskiand in my laptop at the moment - i need external modules for wifi, graphic and webcam, and sonypi management chip03:21
jebbajacekowski: you can't run stock kernel on N900. You don't even get touchscreen.03:21
jacekowskiso it "boots" stock kernel03:21
redeemanjacekowski: your laptop probably didn't say it runs linux03:21
luke-jrjacekowski: if so, your manuf shouldn't advertise supported by Linux03:21
jacekowskifind me one device that's fully supported by linux03:21
jebbajacekowski: i dont think it even boots stock kernel at all.03:21
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jacekowskiwith all it's featured already builtin03:22
jebbajacekowski: my thinkpad seems fine.03:22
luke-jrjacekowski: uh, my computer at least03:22
jacekowskijebba: it boots stock kernel03:22
redeemanmy laptop03:22
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jebbanot at the moment. booting fedora. but stock kernel works fine.03:22
luke-jrjacekowski: Gentoo's branch/fork of Linux is strictly bugfixes03:22
jacekowskiredeeman: what graphic card you've got03:22
redeemanjacekowski: R30003:22
luke-jrso I can say with confidence that vanilla would also run03:22
jebbai've frequently run stock kernels on my thinkpads + fedora.03:22
jacekowskiredeeman: there is no drivers in mainline for it03:23
redeemanjacekowski: that's not true03:23
jacekowskifully working drivers03:23
redeemanjacekowski: the DRM part is in the kernel and has been for years03:23
redeemanthe other stuff is obviously in mesa03:23
redeemanmy other laptop has intel G96503:24
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luke-jrjacekowski: except for bleeding edge, ATi cards are supported by mainline
luke-jrincluding 3D acceleration03:24
jacekowskiluke-jr: and udev not working on older kernels means only that linux API is really unstable03:25
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Aijse3D acceleration is very poor for not that new cards03:25
luke-jrjacekowski: nobody said it was stable.03:25
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luke-jrAijse: well, I have the best 3D accel for Linux :p03:26
jacekowskii'm going to sleep03:26
luke-jrRadeon X85003:26
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redeemanluke-jr: i have an X1800 or whatever its called, im not using it though03:26
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redeemanluke-jr: but in the latest stuff theres quite decent support on R60003:26
luke-jrredeeman: cool; I bet it doesn't support my PC :p03:27
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zerojayPackaging gurus... what should I use as a dependency if my package just requires Media Player and nothing else?03:33
crashanddieis the name of the package03:34
crashanddieversion 1.1 and above, i guess03:35
zerojayok, wasn't sure.03:35
crashanddiezerojay: dpkg -l | grep mediaplayer03:35
zerojayyeah, you got it.03:36
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SpeedEvil :) (worksafe)04:13
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ptlI just got my N900 and when I update the list of applications it says applications list partially updated, some catalogues unavailable, and in the details it says couldn't resolve for any internet connection I use.04:17
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ptlhow do I solve this?04:17
poitsuthat was a well written question04:18
GeneralAntillesptl, that repository could just be down.04:18
ptlbut it can't resolve the name, GeneralAntilles04:19
ptland I did a dns lookup here right now and it resolved04:19
RevAaronI've been toying with the idea of getting an N900... I pulled out my N800 out of the closest. Is the N900 a substantial improvement, software-wise? I remembered why I had stopped using the N800 in the first place- web browsing is painfully slow. People seem to review the N900 well, but that seems to be the case with the N800 as well- I'm having a hard time distinguishing between fact and wishful thinking with these reviews.04:19
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ptlRevAaron: try the emulator04:19
zerojayhmm... using py2deb.. and my package is entirely contained within the preinstall/preremove scripts.. no actual files are installed anywhere, just changes made to a database... but py2deb is bitching about there being no files defined in src. Something I'm doing wrong or should I just install a dummy file to make it happy?04:20
ptlRevAaron: I just got my N900 and it is quite fast04:20
GeneralAntillesN900 has best-in-class web browsing.04:20
poitsuweb browsing is a lot faster RevAaron04:20
RevAaronptl: very good idea! I hadn't even thought of that. :P04:20
doubleukayptl: can you try open up an xterm and run: host
SpeedEvilRevAaron: look on youtube04:20
SpeedEvilRevAaron: for example04:20
SpeedEvilit's not an emulator04:20
GeneralAntillesRevAaron, the N900 is worlds better than N800.04:20
doubleukayptl: and is dns resolution ok for other stuff? eg web browsing04:20
RevAaronSpeedEvil: I'll look a bit more. I'd found a lot of simpler demos, but nothing too demanding.04:20
SpeedEvilit's a development environment that is not intended to replicate the UI of the phone04:20
ptldoubleukay: yes04:20
ptlI'll try doing the command, hadn't thought of that.04:21
ptlI can't04:21
ptlI am in the middle of an update right now04:21
ptlI'll try it later... thanks04:21
doubleukaya firmware update?04:21
doubleukayhope yours doesn't crash and reboot 5 times like mine did! :)04:21
SpeedEvilRevAaron: there is also fennec - which is mobile firefox04:23
ptlupdating the "Maemo 5" package, so I guess it's yes04:23
RevAaronSpeedEvil: is that something different than the mozilla-based browser on the more recent firmware version for the N800?04:23
SpeedEvilRevAaron: yes.04:23
RevAaronSpeedEvil: browsing wasn't too bad during the Opera days, went downhill after the switch to firefox04:23
RevAaroner, mozilla.04:23
RevAaroni'll look into it! it's been a year or so since I played with the N800, I'm a bit out of the loop.04:24
doubleukayRevAaron: my 2c about the browsing. it's mostly awesome, but there are a few things left to desire. 1) links are hard to click especially if it's small things like page numbers (I come from a opera mini background where the cursor snaps to links). 2) flash ads really spoil the experience by slowing down the browser.04:24
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RevAarondoubleukay: yeah, I could see that, esp #2. I block flash by default on desktop Firefox- I can't imagine how super-slow it can get on the N900.04:25
RevAaronSpeedEvil: awesome, thanks!04:25
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zerojaydoubleukay: Install my adflashblock-css package. All flash is blocked by default until you click on them to activate them along with adblocking through CSS. :)04:25
doubleukayzerojay: hey thanks, which one is it?04:25
doubleukayI installed ABP but it doesn't seem to work :(04:25
zerojaydoubleukay: adflashblock-css, it's in extras-devel.04:25
doubleukayoh I haven't yet added that repo04:25
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zerojaydoubleukay: Yeah, it's going to replace my ABP package. It works without the guesswork.04:25
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RevAaronSpeedEvil: it says the N900 and N810 are supported- N800 too, just not listed?04:26
SpeedEvilRevAaron: don't know. doubt it.04:26
SpeedEvilFor example - - my desktop ff starts to render the first story in about 5s. Microb in about 16, and fennec in about 1404:27
SpeedEviland lynx on n900 in 0.104:27
RevAaronis fennec the same browser that comes built-in on the N900, or is it a derivative of the mozilla-based browser built-in on the N800?04:27
SpeedEvilmicrob is the built in browser.04:28
SpeedEvilI don't know about the n80004:28
* RevAaron goes to get his N800 and his wife's iPhone04:28
doubleukaySpeedEvil: hmm you know I just remembered something.. that I should enable pipelining in microb04:29
doubleukayI think that would improve performance a lot on the cell network04:29
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zerojayYou shouldn't ever fuck with pipelining.04:30
doubleukayhm why not?04:30
SpeedEvilThis was on wifi on a 326k dsl link04:30
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zerojaydoubleukay: Because it's basically giving a big middle finger to the webservers you're visiting by wasting more of their RAM and connections.04:30
doubleukayoh that isn't what pipelining is04:31
zerojayMax connections...04:31
RevAaronpipelining != max connections04:31
zerojayI know that.. but a lot of people just refer to it as pipelining.04:31
doubleukayah ok. no worries, I understand HTTP :)04:32
* SpeedEvil needs to finish his differential caching proxy server.04:33
doubleukayI believe there's some prior art you can follow..04:33
SpeedEvil /me wonders.04:33
SpeedEvildoubleukay: not really that I've seen.04:34
SpeedEvildoubleukay: you have what looks like a normal - say - 250M disk cache of http pages at the proxy side.04:34
SpeedEvilThis is replicated at the client side.04:34
SpeedEvilAny pages the client requests are served against diffs between the known state of the clients disk cache, and the page. The clients cache is then updated to keep them in sync04:35
SpeedEvilThe funky part is that may end up as a diff from - if that turns out to be the most similar page in the cache04:36
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SpeedEvilpreliminary studies seem to indicate it works.04:36
SpeedEvilI just need to code it04:36
doubleukayah ok. yup, I don't think I've seen that before.04:37
doubleukaywould you be doing an optimal search, or a fuzzy one?04:37
SpeedEvilAdded benefits happen if there is a lot of latency, and you know what the client will want.04:37
ptldoubleukay: host is not found, but with ping it returned the message "bad address ''"04:37
ptldoubleukay: however, ping resolved the address for
SpeedEvilFor example - if the client always wants css - then you don't bother waiting for the client to see the css url in the page, and fetch it.04:38
doubleukayptl: try the lookup against google dns - host
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doubleukay(seeing if we can learn more about your problem)04:40
ptldoubleukay: but there's no host utility04:40
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ptland I just cat'ed /etc/resolv.conf... it points to localhost, ?04:40
SpeedEvilit should04:41
SpeedEviltehre is a local resolver04:41
ptlthe local resolver must have a problem then04:41
doubleukaySpeedEvil: interesting project. do you have a blog I could follow?04:41
Kamuisince the reflash04:42
SpeedEvildoubleukay: yes - here.04:42
SpeedEvilI have a wlog04:42
Kamuigetting good battery life04:42
doubleukaySpeedEvil: haha ok04:42
RevAaronfor me on wifi, - desktop ff renders the first story after 3s, iPhone 3GS after 6s, N800 microb 18s, N800 fennec 14s.04:42
SpeedEvilthis is perhaps not interesting to many04:42
ptlI just saw that although there's no host utility, nslookup is there04:42
doubleukaygood progress.04:42
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ptland I resolved through the google DNS server ok04:43
ptlso it's indeed a problem in the local resolver04:43
doubleukayptl: but you could resolve other names with the local resolver couldn't you?04:43
Kamuitook me about 8 seconds in microb04:43
SpeedEvilptl: do you have dhcp/... or do you do the static thing04:43
Kamuito get slashdot04:43
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RevAaronKamui: more so, what is the speed difference between microb and firefox on the same device?04:44
Kamuifirst 3 stories and images popped up all at the same time seemingly04:44
RevAaronit does feel faster, that's for sure04:44
Kamuii dont bother with fennec04:44
SpeedEvilmicrob seems to render more completely04:44
GeneralAntillesMicroB is still faster than Fennec.04:44
Kamuitoo slow right now04:44
SpeedEvilmicrob is _not_ faster than fennec04:44
Kamuimicrob with flash on is faster than fennec with flash disabled04:44
RevAaronstill can't load engadget, though. heh. at least it doesn't choke on it, max out CPU, and freeze the window04:44
ptlhow do I reboot the n900?04:44
ptlSpeedEvil: dhcp04:44
Kamuias far as kinetic scrolling and responsiveness04:44
SpeedEvilptl: press power button, then 'switch off'04:45
ptlSpeedEvil: but I programmed dhcp on my router to point to certain DNS and in my laptop it works ok04:45
SpeedEvilThat is - time to load a page completely is faster on fennec.04:45
SpeedEvilfor me at least04:45
Kamui5 seconds on engadget04:45
SpeedEvilespeially when I kill microb04:45
Kamuiusing microb04:45
RevAaronKamui: what device?04:46
Kamuitill i can start reading04:46
RevAaronahhh, ok. sounds like a pretty big improvement, then04:46
doubleukayptl: try cat /var/run/dhcp-params.conf04:46
doubleukaymight be a maemo-specific file, I haven't seen it on other linux systems before04:47
Kamuiu guys talking about the NI8x0? i just assumed 900 when i heard microb...04:47
Kamuiprobably shouldnt have04:47
doubleukaythe third or the last entry seems to be the dns server04:47
SpeedEvilKamui: I guess it's a net congestion problem partially04:47
doubleukaycan you see what it's set to, and try running host for against it?04:47
SpeedEvilKamui: I see 12s till engadget text shows up04:47
SpeedEvilKamui: beyond 'download iphone app'04:48
RevAaronKamui: yeah, I was asking if the N900 was usable for web browsing or not. I was toying with the idea of getting an N900, but after taking my N800 out of the closet I remembered why it went into the closet- for web browsing it's really quite painful04:48
Kamuilet me see if the screencast util is working better04:48
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Kamuin900 is pretty damn good04:48
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doubleukaywith a good community too :)04:50
ptldoubleukay: there's no such file...04:50
doubleukayoh. hummm.04:51
doubleukayhow are you connected, over wifi or cell?04:51
RevAarondoubleukay: the 770, N800, and N810 had a good community too... but it's still a mostly unusable device, at least for the basics. still fun to dink aroudn on it, but no way my N800 plus a cell phone could do the job of an iPhone or Android phone for me. at least, at this point.04:51
ptlwifi now04:51
RevAarondoubleukay: but i don't mean to make it about that, don't want to start a flamewar or irc lamobattle04:52
* ShadowJK has an n900 and still uses both n800 and n810 :)04:53
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doubleukay<- had a netbook instead04:53
RevAaronShadowJK: I think my N800 is good for playing around with Squeak Smalltalk, but as an internet tablet it's pretty useless. I'll prolly go back and try out one of the older ROMs w/ Opera to see if it's how I remember it.04:54
* Kamui is a netbook04:54
GeneralAntillesRevAaron, pft.04:54
GeneralAntillesRevAaron, the 770, N800 and N810 are all plenty usable.04:54
GeneralAntillesI've carried one or another everyday since 2005.04:55
doubleukayptl: oh even better. /var/run/resolv.conf.{gprs,wlan0}04:55
RevAaronGeneralAntilles: for certain tasks I don't doubt. but it chugs for me now. maybe the iPhone has changed my level of expectation, or maybe the internet has gotten more complicated since I got my first maemo device in 2005. *shrug*04:55
doubleukaythere, that should get you moving forward troubleshooting your dns problem04:56
ptldoubleukay: there's only resolv.conf, with the contents "nameserver"04:56
ptlI tried /etc04:56
ptllet me see /var/run04:56
zerojayRevAaron: Most of the complicated internet shit doesn't even run on iphone.04:56
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SpeedEvilOver a faster net connection - from a pure first load time - microb and fennec are now mostly equal04:56
GeneralAntillesRevAaron, the N900 DESTROYS the iPhone for web browsing.04:57
RevAaronzerojay: well, there's no flash. but there's still a lot of CSS, images, and JavaScript. anything really whacky flash-wise doesn't get along with my N800 anyway, so I avoid it.04:57
RevAaronGeneralAntilles: I hope so! Waiting to play with a friend's N900 later this month.04:57
Kamuimaybe destroy is a bit strong04:57
doubleukayzerojay: yeah but then the interwebs rewrote itself for the iphone :P04:57
Kamuibut its certainly more robust04:57
GeneralAntillesKamui, it's not.04:58
ptldoubleukay: no such files either. How do I pipe? I am tryin to run ls -la /var/run | less04:58
Kamuiit is04:58
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Kamuigreat browser good flash support04:58
RevAaronreality distortion field coming into effect methinks04:58
Kamuibut not quite as smooth and render times are a little slower04:58
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Kamuiall in all n900s microb is definitely better04:58
doubleukayptl: press the /^ + Sym together to pull out the symbols on-screen keyboard04:58
crashanddietimeless_mbp & timeless: why the hell did you tip off Asa?04:59
timeless_mbpi use google alerts04:59
timeless_mbpyou don't think he doesn't?04:59
timeless_mbpi rarely talk to asa04:59
zerojaydoubleukay: You mean they all wrote their own little apps.04:59
crashanddieexcept my blog isn't indexed04:59
Kamuithe an@l sex association04:59
ptldoubleukay: thanks. hmm, the daemon is dnsmasq -- there is a on /var/run04:59
* Kamui is a joker in poor taste05:00
GeneralAntillesKamui, you're hallucinating.05:01
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: well, i didn't tip him off05:01
GeneralAntillesKamui, side-by-side 3GS to N900. N900 was faster.05:01
timeless_mbpisn't this irc channel indexed?05:01
zerojayIndeed, it is.05:01
ptldoubleukay: I can't change the /etc/resolv.conf file since I'm not root, isn't it?05:01
GeneralAntillesKamui, the only time iPHone is faster is when there's a lot of Flash content.05:02
GeneralAntillesKamui, and then for rather obvious reasons.05:02
zerojayPackaging geniuses... need help with post/preinstall scripts and py2deb if anyone is awake.05:03
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doubleukayptl: yeah. I installed that root shell package to gain root..05:03
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doubleukay.. which I'm not sure if you can05:04
ptldoubleukay: I found /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan0 -- it has the nameserver I configured for it ok05:04
KamuiGeneralAntilles: yes all valid and i completely agree05:04
ptland even google dns as secondary dns server05:04
Kamuimaking the n900 better for browsing on the whole, i just dont think it KILLS the 3gs browsing experiencce05:05
Kamuitotally subjective though05:05
ptlfound the problem!05:06
ptlmy primary dns server is not resolving
ptlhow lame!05:06
ptland it is my provider's main dns server05:06
crashanddieptl: OMG05:06
crashanddieptl: that's incredible!05:06
crashanddieptl: seriously05:06
crashanddieptl: wowq05:06
crashanddieptl: now stop using enter as punctuation!05:06
* RevAaron loves using enter as punctuation05:08
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RevAaronto each their own, I guess- but it always seemed very appropriate on IRC. I don't doubt it annoys the hell out of some, though. :P05:08
ptlcrashanddie: lol... ok, sorry. I was typing as I thought. Anyway, I've got a good irssi script that puts all lines in tandem in a single line, it's very nice05:09
ptl01:09 <Proteous> the | worst | is | people | who | only | put05:09
ptllike that05:09
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crashanddiecombo broken05:09
RevAaronProteous: that's enter as spacebar, not punctuation05:09
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ptlcrashanddie: it's called ''05:10
RevAaronexcept heh. I think that usually does belong on one line, kinda sorta per his example.05:10
RevAaronptl: does it do it inline as he did that? or did you run the script and it spat out the result to the channel just now?05:10
doubleukaymm yeah that is lame :) but anyway, hard to say if it's your isp's fault or nokia/akamai's.. or a path in between.. well at least you're all set now.05:10
ptlnow it went ok!05:10
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ptlthe application manager is working05:10
ptldoubleukay: thank you very much for helping me troubleshoot it.05:10
crashanddieptl: using webchat, can't connect to IRC through work network05:10
RevAaroncrashanddie: that's no excuse! that's why there is SSH and SOCKS. :)05:11
crashanddieRevAaron: I'm connected through webchat over ssh over vpn05:11
RevAaroncrashanddie: i'm connected through xchat over ssh05:11
crashanddieRevAaron: the bunker I'm in is in Australia and only allows VPN to my company's specific network, my VPN endpoint is in the US, my server is in my london office, and I don't have any servers in the worldwide web considering I live in a hotel05:12
crashanddieRevAaron: so yeah, that is an excuse05:13
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crashanddieI guess he was owned by his SSH05:13
ptlcrashanddie: that's a sad life, you want donations?05:13
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crashanddieptl: I work in a bunker, you really think I need money?05:14
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RevAaroncrashanddie: i'm connected through xchat over ssh... it's all about the ssh -D 999905:14
crashanddieI guess you didn't get my explanation previously05:14
crashanddieRevAaron: it's not about me connecting through webchat, it's about people sending out too much text. This isn't a democracy, and you don't get to tell me how to connect to the internet05:15
uhsfgoogle's chromium will use gentoo's portage? they should've chosen pacman05:15
* ShadowJK rents a server in holland05:15
ptlrent me an absinthe and we'll talk05:16
uhsfsry wrong chan05:16
crashanddieShadowJK: I'm thinking about getting a small VPS in France05:16
* ptl is an absinthe-lover in a country that doesn't allow real absinthe :(05:16
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crashanddieShadowJK: but quite frankly I'd rather have one in the UK, but I can't find anything worthwhile05:16
crashanddiein France, a VPS goes for about 10euros per month, with unlimited bandwidth and dedicated CPU05:16
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luke-jrcrashanddie: um, prove it05:17
crashanddieluke-jr: that statement?05:17
crashanddiesure, hang on05:17
RevAaroncrashanddie: no, I understood your complaint. I don't think anyone can really justify annoying lineage- though, that really isn't "too much text." if you'd rather avoid "too much text" IRC isn't for you.05:17
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RevAaroncrashanddie: I was simply trying to give you a hand, as you said that you're "you're using webchat, can't connect to IRC through work network" ... i simply offered you away around that, totally aside from whatever else was going on.05:18
crashanddieRevAaron: considering I'm already connected through VPN and SSH to get to this webchat, do you honestly believe I would be using webchat if I had an alternative?05:19
luke-jrcrashanddie: wow, not bad05:19
luke-jrtoo bad I don't know French :P05:19
ljpcrashanddie: maybe you actually like webchat ?? :)05:19
doubleukayahh, then atom servers.05:20
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RevAaroncrashanddie: ...well, I think that's what you're telling me- you are using webchat even though there is an alternative. if I'm following you. but obviously, what you're doing is working just fine for you. carry on.05:21
crashanddieand for double the price you get a dual core athlon 1.9 Ghz with 2GB of RAM05:21
crashanddieRevAaron: I think you have your vocabulary confused: whether technically feasable doesn't necessarily imply it is an alternative.05:22
RevAaroncrashanddie: I understand the words, but it doesn't add up. Like I said, if you're happy with what you're doing I've no interest in changing that. :)05:24
crashanddieRevAaron: an alternative (implying a viable alternative) would require me to have a server with VPN outside of my corporate network, which is not the case. Hence, there is no immediate or viable alternative, even though, and I fully agree with you, it is absolutely possible, technically speaking05:24
infobotcrashanddie meant: RevAaron: an alternative (implying a viable alternative) would require me to have a server with SSH outside of my corporate network, which is not the case. Hence, there is no immediate or viable alternative, even though, and I fully agree with you, it is ...05:24
RevAaronyup, I completely understand. like I said, let's move on...05:25
uhsfmugen power battery can be pre-ordered now at special price and shipping march 1st05:26
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uhsfmugen power battery for n900 seems kinda bulky and their picture is very noisy i can't see clearly but it seems to block the backside camera05:28
zerojayhard to tell, really.05:28
uhsfdoes anyone know how much improvement this battery could be over the nokia battery?05:29
zerojayConsidering the fact that it's not out yet, no.05:30
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doubleukay2400mAh vs 1350mAh, about 80% on paper?05:32
ptldownloading 90MB of updates for maemo now05:32
uhsfat least they could have give us a clue before before i order a 90$ item from their crappy website05:32
ptlnow that I solved the dns problem, everything is going ok...05:32
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doubleukaycaveat emptor.05:33
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fernando2khi, I asked earlier but wasn't here to see if anyone replied05:35
fernando2kwhat's the likelihood of this running on an N900?05:36
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SpeedEvilfernando2k: Zero.05:38
SpeedEvilno gnome05:38
ptlcan't it be hildonized?05:38
doubleukayfernando2k: lemme try installing it into the debian chroot..05:38
SpeedEvilOf course - you can run anything on a n900 - for some definitions.05:39
fernando2koh? doesn't it use er... gtk or something, which maemo has? (I'm kinda new at this lol)05:39
fernando2kbut yeah, if the GUI doesn't work, there's no point05:40
SpeedEvilmaybe ignore me - I'm tired.05:40
SpeedEviland am probably alseep.05:40
ptlfernando2k: you brazilian?05:40
fernando2kby birth, yes, but I live in the united states05:41
fernando2khow'd you guess? :P05:41
ptlyour name. I'm brazilian too and I live in a tree in Amazon. Or in Campinas, Sao Paulo, I guess.05:41
doubleukayfernando2k: it does seem to run -
fernando2kawesome! :o05:42
doubleukaybut I haven't used this program before, so I can't verify if it does what it's supposed to05:42
ptlwow... that was quite fast05:42
SpeedEvilWhat I was meaning above was it's for some things that do run - unacceptable performance wise due to other constraints.05:42
fernando2kindeed lol05:42
SpeedEvilFor example - if it pulls in 87M of libraries that are only used for the program - it may 'work' - but it will cause lots of stuff to swap out every time it's run05:43
fernando2kso, debian chroot eh? I'll look into that05:43
fernando2kah yeah05:43
doubleukaySpeedEvil: true that..05:43
ptldebian chroot? don't you use scratchbox for compiling this stuff, doubleukay ?05:43
doubleukayptl: I take the path of least resistance :)05:44
ptlyou've got a chrooted debian with ARM target? Or did you compile to x86 and ran itin the emulator?05:44
doubleukaythere's a easy-debian-chroot app05:44
ptlbut for ARM?05:44
fernando2koh, that's the thing that requires the debian image right? yeah, think I'll pass for now then :P05:45
fernando2kcan I try compiling from the source? does the N900 has make and all that fun stuff?05:46
ptlyes, it has, but you have to install from the repositories05:46
ptland you shouldn't really run unpackaged stuff05:46
fernando2kguess not, don't want to have to reflash it in case something goes wrong...05:47
doubleukaythe easy-debian-chroot is quite easy, but still.. not for the faint-hearted05:47
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doubleukayI hosed my 2GB /home partition when it installed into it (was supposed to install into the 30GB partition but it turned out that it wasn't mounted coz I plugged it into my computer)05:48
fernando2koh well, can I er, put up a maemo brainstorm item or whatnot to ask someone to "hildonize" it or something?05:48
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fernando2kbecause I really don't want a 2gb image just to run something I can do on the terminal, with just a little more effort :P05:48
doubleukayI'm still familiarizing myself with the community.. so I don't know what your next options are :)05:49
ptldo you help developing skills? it might not be so difficult to hildonize it yourself05:50
ptl*do you have05:50
fernando2knone, haha05:50
ptlI just got my N90005:50
ptlI'll try hildonizing a few apps by myself as soon as I get the grasp ofit05:51
ptlI have already read some tutorials05:51
SpeedEvilThere are also other tools05:51
SpeedEvilfor example - the commandline-desktop applet05:51
fernando2kI have an N800 and just got an N900, I kinda know maemo but kinda not at the same time :(05:51
fernando2kcommandline desktop? that sounds interesting05:51
SpeedEvilwhich lets you do desktop widgets in a couple of lines of shell that can react to presses05:51
SpeedEvilof course htey only do text output - but...05:52
doubleukayI love the idea of that, but I still haven't found myself a use case for it after a week05:52
fernando2kwhat's the name, I can't find it05:52
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ptlthe app should also be optified05:55
ptlbut I guess that it is easy to automate05:55
fernando2koh, yeah, what does that mean? I see that term used a lot on and related forums05:55
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fernando2kI even saw a comment on an ovi store app saying it wasn't "optified"05:56
fernando2kit... doesn't have anything to do with /opt right? that'd be too obvious05:56
SpeedEvilIt means that all the major files are in /opt - with only symlinks if that in /05:56
SpeedEvilthis means that / doesn't get full05:56
fernando2khaha, should have thought of it :P05:57
doubleukaydoes anyone know the historical reason behind splitting the root fs and /home ?05:57
crashanddiedoubleukay: speed05:57
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fernando2kwhat about the reason for having dots in front of the images documents etc folders? :P05:58
fernando2k(it's annoying to use those when I mount the N900 as mass storage on os x)05:58
doubleukayok I see that now. the block device is split into the OneNAND and eMMC areas.05:58
ptldoubleukay: yes, just google for unix filesystem hierarchy and you'l find the many reasons why it's this way :)05:59
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doubleukayI didn't think that the storage was heterogeneous since it's presented as one block device06:00
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fernando2koh, just saw the desktop command line widget06:04
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fernando2kI guess that could work with the update when tapped option...06:04
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DocScrutinizerno hdparm in repos :-/06:11
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jebbaDocScrutinizer i have one in the etch repo: ./h/hdparm/hdparm_6.9-2_armel.deb        no idea if it works06:14
jebbawould be surprised06:14
DocScrutinizerwell, I'll give it a try06:14
DocScrutinizerwhat's etch repo?06:14
DocScrutinizerI got your standard mirror repos06:15
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ShadowJKwtf would you do with hdparm on n900...06:19
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luke-jranyone here happen to know how much SoCs usually cost?06:19
luke-jrjust by themselves06:19
DocScrutinizerdigikey might help06:20
DocScrutinizeryou wo't find the top notch ones06:20
sulxShadowJK: its not the "what" but because "you can"06:20
zerojayAnyone with py2deb experience can help me out with getting pre/post install scripts working?06:20
doubleukayluke-jr: last one I saw was an arduino kit being sold for NZD80. comes with board, lcd, buncha sensors.06:21
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ShadowJKsulx, I didn't know memory cards did anything useful to the type of scsi/ata commands hdparm sends :P06:21
doubleukayunless I'm misunderstanding what a SoC is..06:21
luke-jrdoubleukay: I mean just the SoC; no board06:21
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: I'd like to see what hdparm -tT would prit06:21
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, I think you can source the OMAP3 for about $45.06:21
sulxShadowJK: maybe to test speed? which doesn't tell anything? =)06:21
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, for batches of 1000.06:21
GeneralAntilles(if I'm recalling correctly)06:22
jebbaDocScrutinizer the debian etch rebuild:
ShadowJKluke-jr, OMAP3530DCBB $32 each for orders of 1000. OMAP3530DCUS72 $50.05 for orders of 100006:23
GeneralAntillesDamn I'm a badass.06:23
DocScrutinizerjebba: thaks06:23
ShadowJKsulx, that speed is particulary useless for memory cards :)06:23
ShadowJKYou want iozone or bonnie06:23
luke-jrany idea what people usually do when they have a good idea that would be expensive to put into practice? :P06:23
ShadowJKluke-jr, usually? give up.06:24
sulxShadowJK: thats what I said...;)06:24
sulxnot clearly but still06:24
luke-jrI was hoping for "talk to _____; they'll buy the idea!" :p06:26
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ptl'updating Maemo 5'... why is my heart beating so fast?06:30
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ShadowJKoh the 72 at the end means 720MHz model06:31
luke-jrShadowJK: I was actually thinking the QSD8672 :P06:32
luke-jrbut I'll just assume they need to be somewhat competitive vs TI06:32
dracflamlocptl, you got it?06:32
ShadowJKand the D after the number means revision D06:33
* ShadowJK wonders what revision is in n90006:33
ptldracflamloc: sure06:33
ShadowJKuh, not that it's the same number even...06:33
DocScrutinizeryup, hdparm is't the tool for that type of storage06:33
dracflamlocweren't you the one who was waiting on your n900 to arrive?06:34
ptlit arrived today06:34
ptlI'm so happy06:34
ptlnow I am updating its OS to start installing apps06:34
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, ES3.x, I believe.06:34
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, ES2.x still had the NEON bug.06:35
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ptlfirst one will be bounce evolution06:35
ptlthen, duke nukem 3d06:35
dracflamlocHAIL TO THE KING, BABY06:35
ptlyou bet :P you know how do I map the accelerometer to dn3d keys?06:36
dracflamlocdunno, havent tried playing it yet06:36
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Sargun_Screendo we have skype with vid chat?06:38
Sargun_Screenor mms yet?06:38
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GeneralAntillesSee fMMS.06:38
ptlabout video chat06:39
Kamuimms is a bit weak atm06:39
ptlhas anyone been able to use 3G videoconference with the N900?06:39
Kamuivideo chat through xmpp works06:39
Sargun_ScreenKamui: what client?06:39
ShadowJKit doesn't have 3g videocalls06:39
Kamuinot through skype iirc06:39
ShadowJKand it doesn't have 3g videosharing or 3g picture sharing either06:39
KamuiSargun_Screen: built in06:39
doubleukaybtw is it just me, or is the front camera really noisy?06:40
ptlit does have, what else would be the secondary camera for?06:40
uhsfhow to switch to front camera?06:40
Kamui/dev/video0 is front06:40
Kamui1 is rear06:40
ShadowJKThere's no included software that uses the front webcam06:40
Kamuimirror or mplayer can be used06:41
ShadowJKunless that xmpp video chat does it06:41
Kamuiand conversations extra protocols for vid chat06:41
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uhsfthis is the kind of things that should rely on hardware only06:41
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Kamuixmpp works06:41
Kamuino 3g videocall in this version of the firmware06:41
Kamuiit would never be hardware only anyway06:42
uhsfswitching between cameras should be enabled by a switch button on the n900 and not require software06:42
Kamuifoolish notion06:42
luke-jruhsf: what if you want to use both?!06:42
Kamuiboth cameras are active always06:42
Kamuiyou can view both sources at the dame time06:42
Kamuiit wuld be dumb but can be done06:42
ShadowJKuhsf, that's extremely hard to implement :)06:42
ShadowJKit needs software support06:42
ifreqKamui: i read you cant use them at same time06:43
ifreqas they share same bus..06:43
Kamuiand a hardware switch to change cameras is foolish.06:43
Kamuicould be right iffreq06:43
Kamuiive never tried06:43
uhsfbut there is no software to enable it so it's useless anyway. better be hardware06:43
Kamuiassociate them with the normal vid 4 lin functionality06:43
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Kamuiuhsf: i told you how already06:44
ifreqand im not worried about front cameras quality, im quite sure its ment to run as postcard sized pic as inmost chat/voice chats06:44
Kamuinand i told you what apps use it now06:44
ifreqgn now ->06:44
ShadowJK[N900] <- Add something like N97 mini and you'll notice that N97 had video call listed but N900 does not :)06:44
luke-jrin a few generations, all our switches/buttons will be software definable :P06:44
ShadowJK(in the Multimedia section)06:45
SpeedEvilBoth cameras cannot be used at once06:45
uhsfand be broken on every update and need fixing06:45
luke-jrSpeedEvil: ?!06:45
SpeedEvil /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 - the cameras are connected to the same physical bus06:45
SpeedEvilone is turned off when the other is turned on. There is only one camera bus06:45
Kamuiifreq corrected me already06:46
DocScrutinizersame video iterface at SoC06:46
SpeedEvilah - mised that06:46
Kamuiits golden :)06:46
DocScrutinizerdamnnnn, some rubbish under my "n"06:46
ShadowJKit's pretty trivial for software to use the other camera anyway06:48
ShadowJKjust open /dev/video0 instead of /dev/video1.. or other way around ;)06:48
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ptlwhere do I download bounce evolution from?06:56
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ptlfound it07:01
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ptlthis is weird. I can't find duke3d. Where is it?07:25
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bkjoeHey got an n900 here, battery went flat and phone shutoff..after I got a wall charger to charge battery seperate from phone, it turns on, displays "NOKIA" screen, then the display scrambles with horizontal lines and that's about it..led stays on and lcd backlight stays on..appears dead at this point07:33
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bkjoeprepared to send it back tomorrow, anybody got anything I could try before that?07:34
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jebbathat part is totally closed. Who knows what's going on at those stages.07:36
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ptlhow do I do <ESC> in vi?07:38
ptlfound it07:38
sheepbatwhat was it?07:39
Proteousbkjoe: I would try flashing it07:41
bkjoeProteous: when I attach it to a PC (win7) I get constant device found/unrecognized errors07:43
Proteousshouldn't matter for flashing07:43
Proteousjust follow the instructions07:43
bkjoeusually the phone will get stuck in a reboot loop07:44
bkjoehmm a good link with the procedure?07:44
bkjoewould be appreciated07:45
Proteousdepends if you are running 32 or 64 bit windows07:46
bkjoe64bit on this laptop. Thanks. will check it and report what happens07:47
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ptlduke nukem 3D is saying "d" to both accelerometer right and accelerometer down, how should I tell it otherwise?07:59
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bkjoeslow ftp zzz08:11
RST38h"Please donÁ08:13
RST38h"Please dont rewrite softwares (that are) written in .NET"08:13
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* RST38h won't, no problem =)08:13
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villagerweird... why should someone writing something in .net prevent someone else from writing similar software on a decent platform, if the idea was good enough to deserve it?08:17
RST38h"People who know me also know that I think those anti-.NET people are disruptive ignorable people. I also actively and willingly ignore them (and they should know this). IÁ08:17
RST38hvillager: see above08:17
villagerwell, if he ignores them, then that's all good... by definition he won't try to stop anyone he's ignoring, so that shouldn't be a problem...08:19
* microlith throttles busybox08:21
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microlithde Icaza getting riled up again?08:22
villagerI'm pretty sure I'd by far prefer it if a .net programmer ignores the rest of the world better than if he does not, but he shouldn't stop the rest of the world from doing real work08:22
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RST38hmicrolith: No, the van Hoof guy whom we should all thank for Modest and Tracker08:23
* RST38h laughs diabolically08:24
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bkjoehrm...suitable device not found08:27
villagerI guess it's like those software patents... you can't make an improved version of anything just because someone else had the idea first08:27
bkjoemeanwhile the phone sits there with horizontal lines across the screen08:28
RST38hvillager: no, he just really loves .NET :)08:28
microlithI've got no problem with .NET, on windows at least08:28
microlithbut the complaints against mono are valid08:29
* RST38h treats .NET apps the same way he always treated VB apps08:29
RST38hI.e. removes them immediately08:29
microlithit's actually the least painful way to develop software on windows08:30
RST38hMore or less, yes08:30
RST38hSame as VB before it, actually08:30
microlithwell, before it the most painless way was Delphi :)08:30
RST38hNah, Delphi fails once you have to deal with COM08:31
villagerI've got problems with .net on windows, on my previous laptop the .net runtime thingy had serious issues and it was impossible to install the service pack, the installer for it always crashed08:31
villagerit's also a real mess in any case08:32
RST38hwell, .NET runtimee is messed up on at least one of my computers08:32
RST38hDunno if removing and reinstalling would fix it, never tried it08:32
WZhangit should actually.08:33
villagerI think I tried, but can't remember08:33
villagerif I didn't, it would have been because it was near impossible or something08:33
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RST38hOMG designers went nuts.08:37
GeneralAntillesRST38h, something new?08:38
RST38hGeneral: Check the opening page image08:38
GeneralAntillesRST38h, the laser penguins?08:38
GeneralAntillesThat's way old08:38
* RST38h has not been checking lately08:39
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GeneralAntillesLike, November old.08:39
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JaffaMorning, all08:51
Jaffahrw|gone: If Perl's removed, Catorise breaking will be the least of your problems ;-)08:51
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RST38hUptime 9 days. Device becomes sluggish. Reboot.09:04
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* RST38h is gonna disable POP3 account this time, to check if it causes the performance degradation at >6 days uptime09:05
RST38hmorning, konttori09:06
* thresh waves09:06
RST38hkonttori: since 51.1, the device becomes unlocked when you plug it into USB charger or just data09:06
RST38hkonttori: Apparently, someone shoddily patched the "device sometimes refuses to charge" bug this way =(09:07
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konttoriare you talking about the device lock (so, the 5 number entry), and then plugging to usb?09:07
konttoridevice lock has quite many issues.09:07
konttoritarget is to really fix those for the after pr1.2 release, but possibly some already for pr1.2.09:08
RST38hkonttori: I lock with the sliding switch. Then plug into USB charger (Nokia one). Device becomes unlocked.09:08
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RST38hkonttori: Pretty annoying, given that I leave it this way for a night, in a pouch, where it starts doing all kinds of things accidentally :)09:09
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RST38hAnyways bug #8151 and bug #889009:09
povbotBug Connecting powered USB cable always turns on screen09:09
povbotBug Device becomes unlocked when plugged into charger09:09
* RST38h ==> work09:09
sar3thdid anyone else notice, that the camera captures videos with 1000 fps, even though it does not really record that much frames?09:10
JoeBrainRun outta memory pretty quickly?09:11
sar3thno, trying to motion-track a video09:11
sar3thit tracks every single frame09:12
sar3thnow imagine the difference it takes to track 30fps footage and 1000fps footage >_>09:12
sar3thi wondere'd why it's slow as fuck, then i noticed the framerate09:12
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fragmentwhat's up with the gtk-update-icon-cache? it is an empty script.. how should I update the cache in postinst then?09:15
Stskeepsfragment: not used anymore09:16
fragmentStskeeps: what should be used instead? I'm installing my application and the icon is a placeholder, until I reboot09:16
Stskeepsfragment: report it as a bug09:17
sar3thfragment: i've noticed that behaviour with several other apps i installed (from ovi store, maemo exras, etc)09:17
fragmentStskeeps: so it should use the new icon instantly without calling anything in postinst?09:18
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Stskeepsfragment: it doesn't it seems and hence it's a bug09:21
fragmentStskeeps: ok thanks09:21
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Wolfiesar3th: wow! waiting for slo-mo video capture software to arrive, then! \o/ :)09:27
sar3thlol Wolfie09:27
Wolfieno, seriously though.09:27
sar3thi don't think it /really/ records at 1000fps09:28
Wolfiethat would be a great app, if the video quality is decent, and not some weird interpolated stuff09:28
Wolfieah, was afraid of that. Care to check? ;)09:28
sar3thlol np, will do09:28
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konttoriRST38h: oh, that lock, so, screen lock. That's a feature.09:29
sar3thokay, recorded a video with my hand moving quickly through the frame..checking now09:29
konttoriwhen you plugin to usb, it shows that do you want mass storage or pc suite09:30
konttoriand that needs to unlock the screen, then turn it on and show the choice.09:30
konttoriit's pretty obvious.09:30
konttoriwhat's your problem with that?09:30
konttorioh, when plugged to charger? that's not right.09:31
konttorilemme see.09:31
sar3thWolfie: okay, huge wtf09:31
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sar3thWolfie: this video now has 25fps09:31
Wolfiesar3th: o_O09:31
sar3thmy thought exactly09:32
Wolfiei think i'll leave you to it, then ;)09:32
sar3thyeah, i'll just re-recod the video i think09:33
Wolfiei wouldn't be surprised that if you manage to reproduce that 1000fps, you either get 33 black/scrambled frames between each recorded frame, or each 30fps frame consists of 33 overlaid striped frames09:33
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Wolfiedepends naturally when the CCD/CMOS flushes the image to some buffer09:34
sar3thhm dunno09:34
sar3thi just looked at all my recorded videos09:34
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sar3th3 of 4 have 1000 fpc09:34
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sar3thooh i hate this usb problem =_=09:39
konttoriRST38h: I have commented to internal and external version of the bug, but I fear it won't make it in time for pr1.2 release.09:39
sar3thWolfie: managed to get 1000fps again...09:39
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Wolfiesounds weird, such haphazard behavior.09:40
sar3thit seems like it's connected to the video's length, as my 25fps vid was /very/ short09:40
konttoriwe have too many internal bugs in the system software side, that are not fixed, and we are nearing the time to start freezing the pr1.2 release. (which, by the way, to anybody interested won't mean pr1.2 would come any time soon, just that we are not integrating bug fixes like these anymore - only more serious issues)09:40
Wolfiekonttori: sounds great09:41
konttorirelated to that, we integrated yesterday NEON optimizations to libjpeg, thanks to serge. Improves jpeg encode and decode 2x.09:41
* konttori is psyched out about that one.09:42
threshthat's cool09:42
threshnow 'photos' is pretty useless when you have thousands of those on a device09:42
Wolfiekonttori: what practical (user noticeable) benefits would that gain?09:42
Wolfiecamera and album software work faster?09:43
konttoriimage viewer speed improvements, thumbnailer speed improvements for sure, possibly also browser would be faster.09:43
konttoribut I wasn't able to confirm that does it use platform libjpeg or internal jpeg.09:43
Wolfieright. faster is always faster, nevertheless!09:44
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sar3thWolfie: it seems ALL videos >2s are at 1000fps09:46
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Wolfiesar3th: okay. Have you already had the chance to look at how those frames look like?09:47
Wolfiekonttori: since you're connected, can you comment on why n900 doesn't have built-in MMS-support? I mean, it just makes me wonder a bit, since fMMS seems to get stuff working pretty well pretty quickly, and that's an external project (i assume)09:49
Wolfie...or even hazard a guess?09:49
sar3thWolfie: in AE, it seems that one frame is captured, then repeated 207 times before the next frame is captured09:49
Wolfiehm, right09:50
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Wolfiewait, 207 times? that doesn't multiply to 1000 in any neat way...09:51
Wolfiethat'd be 4.83fps...09:51
Wolfieare the rest then interpolated? :o09:52
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LantiziaAny chance of working Ogg album art support any time soon?09:53
LantiziaBe that either respecting cover.jpg in the directory even if the directory isn't 100% mp3's... or just showing the album art in the Ogg Comments09:53
kulveLantizia: I'm quite busy for rest of the month. After that I'm hoping to get a new release with the all the patches I've got09:54
sar3thit seems the 207 frames were just random, i'll check with premiere to make sure09:54
Lantiziakulve: so which of those methods have been implemented in the patches?09:54
konttoriWolfie: original decision was to not to include MMS, and then later, it seemed like too big certificaton effort to take on - also, there wasn't enough pressure to have it.09:55
konttorilet's face it, the other sharing options are much more useful.09:55
kulveLantizia: See bug #7413:
povbotBug Cover art not shown for Ogg Vorbis files09:55
povbotBug 7413: Cover art not shown for Ogg Vorbis files09:55
konttorie.g. email sharing of an image - > you can send an image with quality that the other end can actually understand what the image portrays.09:55
Lantiziakulve: oh I've already seen that - I just want to know if the patches you have include both support for embedded and cover.jpg09:56
kulvekonttori: I've created a rough implementation for command line sharing plugin and a irssi script. Now I can share images to my www-server and get the URL with meta info to IRC :)09:56
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kulveLantizia: I think that talks about "non-embedded covers"09:57
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Lantiziakulve: sorry just noticed the newer John Steele Scott patch09:57
sar3thokay premiere is too stupid, it drops frames automatically09:58
sar3thmaybe it's just adobe's fault, their apps not properly supporting mp4 videos09:58
konttorikulve: ah, great. the fmms guy was waiting for the command line plugin to enable the MMS as sharing option.09:58
Lantiziakulve: so theoretically the cover art that songbird 1.4 can embded in my Ogg files... the Nokia media player will show? :) and time frame for these patches to go into some firmware?09:58
Wolfiekonttori: sure, i'm not exactly pining for MMS, but it seemed a bit weird. Although, now that you said it, I'd remember that fMMS doesn't follow the spec 100%, so that explains it09:58
konttorispec is immense.09:59
konttorikulve: great!09:59
kulvekonttori: but that's missing quite a lot error handling et.c09:59
kulvequite a lot of typos today again..09:59
konttorilol, so business as usual09:59
kulvepatches are of course welcome :)09:59
sar3thWolfie: you happen to know any other program i can check the videos with?10:00
Wolfiesar3th: on the phone? sorry, no10:00
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sar3thWolfie: nah, on windows or linux10:01
fralsX-Fade: problems with the repos? has 0.3.3 but repos still doesnt have it 12hrs later10:01
Wolfiesar3th: I'm not that knowledgeable with video, but have you checked the VLC movie editor? is it released already?10:02
Wolfiecan't remember the name...10:02
fralsWolfie: it follows the spec now... from what Ive gathered anyway, I might have overlooked something :P10:02
Wolfiefrals: nice!10:02
sar3thWolfie: i think it was released recently, i'll take a look :)10:02
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Wolfiefrals: I haven't installed it yet, but is it in such a shape that I (i.e. someone who knows nothing about how MMS works technically) could get it set up with little effort?10:03
sar3th"VLMC will be available very soon in a pre-release version for Linux, Windows and Mac, stay tuned !"10:03
fralsuh, little effort.. depends if you read the wikipage or not (and if your operator settings are there) I guess10:04
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fralsim biased as im the dev, most things regarding the application is little effort for me :D10:04
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Stskeepsachipa = atilla77 or how was it?10:07
achipaStskeeps: that's me10:08
Stskeepsachipa: what Qt version, out of curiousity?10:08
Stskeeps(i'm not really the one deciding what goes in and what does not, but still interested)10:08
achipa4.5.2 IIRC10:08
achipa(might have some 4.5.3 bits)10:08
achipa4.6 is not impossible either, but we're completely on our own with that so it might be a bigger bite10:09
achipaand if we have 4.5.x solved, updating to 4.6 can be tackled later10:09
Stskeepsi like the SD image idea, even though a 'grow' image could be interesting10:10
Stskeepsbut not sure if kernel allows for it10:10
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achipathe only question is if we can resize on the fly, reboot would be okay regardless of what the kernel can(not) do10:11
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Stskeepswell, you can always do a shutdown, "repartition/resize" at bootup10:12
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Stskeepsi've really lost track of how many active n8x0 developers there are these days10:13
Stskeepsthe "300" stunt really cut down in the amount of people10:13
achipaif talking about it on SSU level, I'd even consider the image to be mounted as /opt (hint)10:14
achipayeah, that was a win some, lose some10:14
achipawe'll see in two months how many ex-loaners will return to the fold :)10:15
Stskeepsprobably addicted at that point10:15
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Stskeeps"first one is free"10:15
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achipaI still like to run my Qt stuff on it, tho, mostly because of the bigger screen and extra buttons10:16
Stskeepsi can also help with some low level things now as well now, since i have serial access to my n810 now10:16
achipa(but technically that's a double addiction, to both N8x0 and N900 :) )10:16
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Stskeepseven though my primary contribution lately has been the whole GLES drivers SNAFU10:17
achipaapropos SNAFU, is it me or is extras slightly tilted ? (at least some packages)10:18
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achipaI have a very bad case of version mixitis across extras and extras-testing10:19
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achipawith some tracks of someone trying to clean the mess :)10:21
Stskeepsno idea, it's not my job :)10:21
* achipa goes back to poking Niels :)10:22
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achipaaaand yes, it's the exact issue I was suggesting a few months back - someone depending on my packages promoted to testing while I was also in testing quarantine so now half of my packages have one version, and half another....10:31
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sar3thWolfie: building vlmc on windows = pain :(10:32
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sar3that least using msvc10:32
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meceWoo! KDE plugs N900! :D
jacekowskiwhere does it say that it works on n900?10:43
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* Stskeeps dreamt last night he smashed up his n90010:45
Stskeepshorrid dream10:45
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meceStskeeps, but it's safe now..? right?10:46
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mecejacekowski, did you mean the kde thing? just look at the video on that page.10:47
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Stskeepsmece: seems so10:47
fralsStskeeps: he, i dreamt my brother borrowed mine and ruined the screen10:47
fralsthank god it was just a dream :p10:47
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libbenwhy do my phone tell me i dont have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archive?10:53
xtbecause it's full10:54
libbenwell duh =)10:54
libbenbut i have a clean phone10:54
libbeni have like 3 apps installed =)10:54
libbeni just installed supertux and went for wormux10:54
libbeni did apt-get clean10:54
xtwell..your phone disagrees10:54
fralswhat does df -h say?10:55
Stskeepslibben: you shouldn't use apt if you don't know how to divert it's cache10:55
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libbenim looking at that now10:55
meceapt temporarely downloads the whole thing there, so if you dl for example openarena with apt, it's not going to work unless you move apt-cache10:56
libbenyeah i know10:57
Stskeeps - My openness report, finally out10:57
libbeni taught apt-get clean would clear my cache folder10:57
mecelibben, well what did df -h say?10:59
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libbenmece: im not sure for what to look for in df -h cause the /var aint mapped. but the / har 52 mb free... and i need over 90 mb. so ill guess i need to clean house11:01
libbenbut why aint apt-get clean doing that?11:01
fralsgreat stuff Stskeeps :)11:02
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wazdMourning all11:05
Stskeepsmorn wazd11:06
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mecelibben, what do you need 90mb for?11:06
mecelibben I don't think it's possible to get 90 mb free rootfs11:07
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wazdStskeeps: sorry, missed your message yesterday, no, I don't have html yet :(11:07
Stskeepswazd: k - i sent it out now anyway, so we'll freshen it up when we have time11:07
Stskeepsit won't be the last openness report so11:08
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wazdAh, oke11:10
meceStskeeps, you tweet! Who knew?11:12
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wazdStskeeps: cure yourself!11:16
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hrwsomeone remember which automake/autoconf is used in maemo sdk?11:20
wazdMoaning hrw :)11:20
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RST38hmourning wazd hrw11:24
wazdRst38h: heya11:24
pekujawhat are you mourning? :-(11:25
mecepekuja, why so serious? ;)11:25
wazdRst38h: have you seen the news bout epic battleship: the movie?))11:26
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RST38hwazd: not yet, url? =)11:26
pekujamece: I'm mourning life :-(11:26
wazdrst38h: somewhere on the lenta.ru11:27
libbenmece: wormux needs over 70 mb i think11:27
wazdRst38h: I'm still waiting for Tic-tac-toe: the judgement day :D11:27
mecepekuja, perhas some robot-pirates-vs-dinosaur-riding-zombie-ninjas apocalypse will cheer you up: robot-pirates-vs-dinosaur-riding-zombie-ninjas apocalypse11:27
libbenthats why i cant use apt-get install with it11:27
libbengetting it from app manager instead11:27
mecelibben is it not optified?11:27
mecelibben,  just move apt cache folder to opt and symlink it.11:28
RST38hwazd: Not seeing it11:28
* Stskeeps waits for planet to pick up his blog pots11:28
* RST38h , personally, is waiting for Hyperion the movie =)11:28
* mece forgot to paste the link11:28
pekujamece: hmm, that's tough11:28
libbenmece: im taking it from app manager instead11:28
mecelibben, ok.11:29
wazdRst38h: I'm at the army dep now11:29
libbenim not that comfortable with symlinking and so on11:29
RST38h(all the time being aware that they will most likely ruin it anyway)11:29
RST38hwazd: *again*?11:29
libbenive done it before... but im not that kind of superuser.11:29
pekujaninjas are awesome, but I have to think zombification will make them weaker... but then they have dinosaurs11:29
wazdrst38h: yep, last time I hope :D11:29
mecepekuja, yeah, without dinosaurs the robot-pirates would have the upper hand11:30
RST38hwazd: well, actually, speaking of battleship the movie etc, there is Battle Royale and Battle Royale II. Don't you think these qualify into the genre? =)11:30
libbenbut ill take it that apt-get clean still cleans out the cache folder?11:30
mecelibben, yes it does.11:30
libbensomeone should write a deb file for getting apt-cache moved to opt instead11:31
wazdRst38h: maybe :)11:31
libbenso noobs just can hook it without being leet =)11:31
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wazdRst38h: and Universal want to moviefy Monopoly btw11:31
meceWTF? freeing up rootfs space suggests dist-upgrade. That's just very wrong!11:31
pekujawazd: who's going to play Shoe?11:32
wazdPekuja: shoe, hat, dog and a car are fighting each other to get control over the city11:33
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wazdNoire included :D11:33
* timeless_mbp grumbles11:34
timeless_mbpcan someone explain to me how to get a vpnc that supports ssl? :)11:34
mecebeen hearing a lot of grumbling from you lately timeless_mbp11:34
timeless_mbpmece: oh, i grumble semi regularly :)11:34
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* lupine_86 is wondering which video format and dimensions will get him acceptable watchability on the N90011:35
timeless_mbpbut you should use /me11:35
lupine_86my Hellsing MKVs just don't seem to play smoothly11:35
timeless_mbplupine_86: there's a project for that11:35
timeless_mbpsomething like video converter11:35
lupine_86well, ideally I'd not need to convert anything ;), but I appreciate the CPU is fairly limited11:35
mecelupine_86, scene xvid format works fine for me. dunno what they use though.11:36
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* lupine_86 has had to resort to mplayer since the various frontends have all ripped out support for subtitles(!) and alternative audio tracks(!!)11:36
jacekowskithat's more than enough to play pretty much everything11:36
jacekowskilupine_86: who needs subtitles?11:36
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lupine_86anyone who's using an alternative audio track in a language they don't understand11:36
timeless_mbpjacekowski: ....11:37
lupine_86plus, you know, the hard of hearing11:37
timeless_mbplupine_86: are you using tvout?11:37
lupine_86no, just on the main screen11:37
lupine_86I'd imagine it's the scaling that's killing performance11:37
mgedminwhich -vo?11:37
jacekowskilupine_86: scaling can be accelerated11:37
lupine_86I tried gl and gl2, but they weren't supported(!) so I went with x1111:38
* timeless_mbp pokes mgedmin 11:38
* mgedmin jumps11:38
jacekowskitry xv11:38
lupine_86maybe I'll try xv11:38
timeless_mbpmgedmin: i think i left something for you in the logs, did you see it?11:38
mgedminlupine_86, xv!11:38
jacekowskior null11:38
mgedmintimeless_mbp, lemmecheck11:38
jacekowskinull is really fast11:38
lupine_86why isn't gl2 supported, anyway? ;)11:38
* mgedmin stopped reading logs when the traffic became unmanageable11:38
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mgedminyep, I was offline at 3am in the morning11:39
mgedmintimeless_mbp, I see you looking for me, but not the reason why11:40
timeless_mbpyou left a comment on a blog11:40
mgedminthat's possible11:40
* timeless_mbp tries to figure out how to find the blog11:40
lupine_86xv seems better, but it still doesn't keep up11:40
mgedminlupine_86, what's the video resolution and format?11:41
timeless_mbpmgedmin: oh11:41
timeless_mbproughly just noting that 'voting' for a bug is a way to subscribe for it11:42
mgedminthe "me too" suggestion11:42
lupine_86matroska, 640x480, codec avc1, 24bpp 30fps11:42
mgedminI imagine someone might want to subscribe without voting (e.g. when they've already used up all their votes)11:42
lupine_86Selected video codec: [ffh264]11:43
* mgedmin sits back, curiosity satisfied11:43
* timeless_mbp nods11:44
pcfedoes someone have a fresh, not messed with N900 at hand? I'd like to know what "grep root /etc/passwd" gives on an as-shipped device11:44
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Stskeepspcfe: probably a hash of 'rootme'11:44
mgedminmore likely a ! in the password field11:44
meceno it's like ! or something.. wtf was it11:44
pcfestanojr: that is what I think but I would like a verification11:44
meceyes ! it is.11:44
timeless_mbpthe password should be in shadow iirc11:44
timeless_mbpor do we still not use shadow?11:45
pcfemece: ah excellent that answrs my question11:45
WZhangexactly, pw in shadow, user/shell in passwd11:45
mgedmintimeless_mbp, nope, no shadow11:45
mecepcfe, I'm really not sure though.11:45
pcfesec, it's just that bug I'm updatibng11:45
* timeless_mbp frowns11:45
mece! means no login, amIright?11:45
pcfehrmm, I'd really like to know if it's a hashed rootme (which I expect) or '!'11:45
pupnik_thanks stskeeps for the only interesting thing in scrollback11:45
timeless_mbpWZhang: except on embedded systems where the benefit of shadow is really minimal11:46
mgedminmece, correct, locked account11:46
mgedminpcfe, older maemo versions had hashed rootme; newer ones have a locked root account11:46
WZhangI have somewhere here some unopened N900, if you really need it i look later11:46
pcfemgedmin: so it's dev mode and or gainroot that changes it11:47
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mgedminpcfe, no, neither of those touches /etc/passwd11:47
mgedminopenssh-server postinst does11:47
pcfeWZhang: if mgedmin is sure, that's enough11:47
pcfemgedmin: good, meaning no NOK package does it, meaning getting 8856 fioxed looks improbable, ah well11:48
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mecehmm this one made me smile:
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pupnik_konttori: ssvbs libjpeg patch is nice, but the problem is desynched tracker info.  there must be a way to update filesystem media tracker in O(1) time when a file is written or deleted11:50
konttorisorry, what are you talking about?11:51
konttoriI mean, what case do you really mean?11:51
pupnik_catching up on scrolback: morning!11:51
pupnik_my photos app is not showing proper files11:52
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pupnik_it shows missing files and fails to how existing ones11:52
pupnik_and that should be solid and not need to slowly scan anything11:53
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Myrtti~seen dneary11:56
infobotdneary <~dneary@Maemo/community/docmaster/dneary> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 5d 17h 42m 17s ago, saying: 'Done'.11:56
* timeless_mbp cries11:57
* timeless_mbp has a fork somewhere and has no idea why11:57
sar3thwill i need the nokia binaries for compiling programs like gcc?11:57
sar3th(scratchbox question)11:58
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konttoripupnik_: hmm... sounds like a serious issue in tracker (or image viewer side)11:58
mecesar3th, I don't think so, unless the program you compile depends on some nokia libraries11:59
sar3thty mece :)11:59
mecesar3th, don't thank me until you've tried... I'm not quite sure, since I just installed the nok binaries right away.12:00
mecesar3th, but I think you only need them to test stuff, and not compiling.12:00
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* timeless_mbp is horribly confused :(12:06
* Myrtti cries, my teeth hurt so much I can't take a painkiller12:07
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* mgedmin hugs Myrtti12:12
Myrttithe irony is I just came from dentist12:13
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Antti_Alieni'm trying to get a full copy of the rootfs from my n900 so i could copy it back with the flasher tool12:16
wazdMyrtti: iou ame arom a enfist? :D12:16
Antti_Aliencould someone give some tips on that?12:16
* RST38h moos at Myrtti12:17
Antti_Aliencopying files and creating an ubifs image didn't work, and dd'ing works only randomly as there are files open for writing12:18
StskeepsAntti_Alien: has a post on making a ubifs image. my trick is rsync -aHx / to a ext3 partition, and copying /dev12:18
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timeless_mbpthere's also a flash specific dumper, which has been mentioned here before12:18
timeless_mbpbut personally i prefer rsync12:19
wazdRST38h: How can I install vulture's eye on n800 btw?) it's too huge12:19
WZhangdoesnt i load the files from a SD card?12:19
WZhangif not just install OS on SD card and boot from it12:20
RST38hwazd: link /opt to the card12:20
WZhang(or symlink the directory to a SD card)12:20
Antti_AlienStskeeps: i've followed those steps, but the problem is that i didn't get a full copy of the file system to create the image from :/12:20
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RST38hwazd: javispedro has done some work on Vulture's Maemo4 install, ask him for details12:20
Antti_Alienbut i could try again with rsync12:20
wazdRst38h: and in human language?)12:20
wazdRst38h: ah, ok12:21
WZhangRST38h: but better only to the internal card, and not the external12:21
StskeepsAntti_Alien: make sure your host PC doesn't mount the partition nodev,nosuid12:21
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LantiziaAlthough VNC over WiFi (view N900 on your PC) is great... it's a tad slow... is it possible to make an IP connection to the N900 over the USB on windows?12:25
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timeless_mbpLantizia: you just need to get a usb-networking driver for windows :)12:26
MiXu-Lantizia: Not in windows but you can set up a small linux virtual machine for that.12:26
timeless_mbpthey exist somewhere12:26
timeless_mbpMiXu-: not true12:26
WZhangShould not be to hard to make it for Windows too, i seen that on the Motorola V812:26
MiXu-timeless_mbp: Last time I checked I couldn't find one.12:26
MiXu-That was about 3 months ago12:27
sar3this it possible to take care of the usb1.1 bug in windows in another way than turning the device off before connecting?12:27
timeless_mbpsar3th: eh?12:27
Lantiziayou mean like that - but with windows?12:27
timeless_mbpLantizia: so. the problem is that windows doesn't come w/ usb networking drivers12:27
timeless_mbpunlike the n900, normal linux and os x12:27
sar3thtimeless_mbp: if i connect the n900 via usb to /my/ computer and select mass storage, it's recognized as a usb1.1 device12:28
timeless_mbpbut if you can find that driver, then yes12:28
sar3thtimeless_mbp: i've found somewhere on that you need to turn off the n900 before plugging in, then it'll work12:28
timeless_mbpsar3th: how many usb ports does your computer have?12:28
sar3thtimeless_mbp: 8 i think12:28
timeless_mbpare they all usb2?12:28
timeless_mbpsar3th: is there a bug in talking about this?12:29
* timeless_mbp certainly hasn't noticed such behavior12:29
MiXu-I think it's a windows bug12:29
* timeless_mbp hasn't really tried to copy large files12:29
sar3thi haven't checked on bugs.maemo12:29
MiXu-Changing to another usb port helps sometimes.12:29
mecehehe, f2thak brings teh lulz12:30
sar3thon another pc, it doesn't occur, mabye HAL fail?12:30
sar3thMiXu-: i tried that, unsuccessfully :(12:30
MiXu-try updating any drivers on the problem pc12:30
meceapparently he's "removed a kernel" :)12:30
pupnik_there must be a way to speed up apt-get to not take O(N) time on every download12:30
JaffaStskeeps: You know you've spelled "dependencies" wrong, right? ;-)12:30
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sar3thMiXu-: drivers are up to date12:31
X-Fadepupnik_: pdiff?12:31
timeless_mbpJaffa: did you see my first round of fixes? :)12:31
timeless_mbpoh fsck12:31
* timeless_mbp misses while trying to click a link12:31
pupnik_X-Fade: maybe, but i suspect it is rescanning the entire db locally12:31
X-Fadepupnik_: yeah, that is just a download thing.12:32
StskeepsJaffa: :P12:32
X-Fadepupnik_: apt database just doesn't seem to scale well.12:32
timeless_mbppupnik_: flat files are fun!12:35
timeless_mbpthey're terribly efficient when they're 10 lines long :)12:35
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MiXu-sar3th: Hmm. This may be a long shot, but are you using a Nokia cable or something else?12:37
pupnik_timeless_mbp: X-Fade - im googling a bit.  some ppl talk of using a mysql db instead...12:37
sar3thMiXu-: nokia cable12:37
sar3ththe one which was in the package12:37
MiXu-Ok, never mind then12:37
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sar3thi can't find the bug in bugzilla..will re-check my drivers now (last check was 1 week ago)12:38
pupnik_otoh the problem only really hits devices with -devel enabled atm12:38
MiXu-If you're using drivers from your mobo manufacturer, you could try drivers directly from your chipset manufacturer and vice versa.12:39
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sar3thMiXu-: i had bad experience with the drivers directly from the mobo manufacter (nForce chipset), so i always use the current ones from the chipset manufactor (nvidia), and it seems, they really HAVE released an update :O12:40
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sar3thhwy didn't i find them last wekk >_> they are from january..12:42
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* timeless_mbp tries to figure out
w00thave fun with that12:43
timeless_mbpspeaking of random usb stuff12:44
timeless_mbpthere's a new eMMC image coming12:44
timeless_mbpif someone actually cares about linux audio player support12:44
timeless_mbpcould they speak now?12:44
sar3thbbl, driver update now12:44
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mgedminwhat is this "linux audio player" support thing?12:47
mgedminplug in N900, have Rhythmbox/Banshee/whatever see it as an audio device?12:47
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MiXu-Are you saying it's actually required to reflash the emmc to get that support?12:51
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timeless_mbpmgedmin: yeah that thing12:55
timeless_mbpMiXu-: so...12:55
timeless_mbpone or more of those stupid apps has decided to "support" a file that explains how they should manage a usb mass storage volume12:55
timeless_mbpsadly none of them decided to document it12:55
zerojaytimeless_mbp: I do.12:56
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zerojayanyone awake that can help me with a problem I'm getting in my attempts to use pre/postinstall scripts from py2deb?12:57
timeless_mbpzerojay: anyway, did you see the final version of accesssec's patch series? :)12:58
dazotimeless_mbp:  I'm interested as well ... got a link to somewhere?12:59
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timeless_mbpdazo: to the nonexistent documentation?12:59
timeless_mbpsure google shows lots of people not finding it :)12:59
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dazotimeless_mbp:  to whatever is available .... even testable code :)12:59
dazotimeless_mbp:  you're sure it's not using the MTP protocol?13:00
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timeless_mbpdazo: i'm sure i'm talking about usb mass storage13:00
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zerojaytimeless_mbp: I have no idea who that is.13:02
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* timeless_mbp pokes dazo13:04
satmdis the n900 able to simulate a usb keyboard?13:05
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pupnik_i hope max_pty is increased in pr1.213:05
MiXu-satmd: Why would you want to do such a thing? :)13:06
fluxsatmd, that's a good question, hardware-wise I would imagine that's possible. however, why would you want to?-)13:06
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MiXu-Bluetooth keyboard for PS3 for example -> A good idea. But real usb keyboards cost like five euros. So why bother with the N900?13:08
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sar3thdiver update complete, cross your fingers MiXu- ^^13:10
mecewhat's the maemo 5 blogging program called again?13:10
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meceZerojay, yes, thank you.13:12
mecezerojay, is it good? Seems like a pretty cool application.13:12
zerojayIt is.13:13
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zerojayAnd the guy behind it has been working on it for quite a while now. Very open to fixing problems if you bring them up to him.13:15
pupnik_hmmm there is an apt213:15
Jaffakonttori: ping13:15
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* satmd pongs :p13:16
sar3thMiXu-: still same problem :(13:18
sar3thi removed it from the device manager to be sure13:18
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* Damion2 will check back in if I get connectivity whilst in singapore/NZ for the next month, see you.13:22
sar3thooh wait, i think it works now..13:22
sar3thno sure though13:23
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konttoriJaffa: pong13:25
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zerojaykonttori: Know anything about getting post/preinstall scripts to work from py2deb?13:26
* wazd now can leave his country13:26
* Stskeeps gets out the beer13:27
satmdMiXu-: I have a router running an encrypted root partition, and I could use this to enter the code13:27
satmdembedded headless machine that is13:28
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till-what about an bluetooth-usb stick and bluemaemo?13:29
satmdno bluetooth-support in the initrd13:29
satmdI think that' bloat the initrd too much13:29
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Jaffakonttori: We were wondering if you might want to push a fix for bug 8955 in PR 1.2 ;-)13:30
povbotBug Long application names (labels) in the menu are cut at the end13:30
till-but it may be simpler than to write an usb-keybd app13:30
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zerojayJaffa: Yes, please.13:30
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* zerojay boos.13:31
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OyvindraHi, is there any way to make the address bar on my N900 not pop up when I click links/go back?13:31
MiXu-satmd: I see. But still wouldn't it be easier to just get a real usb-keyboard? :)13:31
Jaffazerojay: Given hildon-desktop's open source, I suppose we could come up with a patch, but if it's WONTFIX from Nokia there's no guarantee it'd be merged13:31
satmddon't think so, I would have to hardcode the pin, too13:31
satmdMiXu-: true13:32
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satmdwell, I could to with minicom + serial, too13:32
satmdthat'd be even better13:32
Jaffazerojay: And konttori's hildon-desktop devs will know the code better ;-)13:32
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MiXu-Is there a way to set up an internet connection for scratchbox?13:32
zerojayJaffa: sure13:32
crashanddieMiXu-: sure13:32
hrwJaffa: if patch would exists then community can provide own packages13:33
crashanddieJaffa: I'll release a version this weekend13:33
Jaffahrw: indeed, but patch doesn't exist13:33
MiXu-No wait... It works out of the box :D13:33
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MiXu-something wrong with the apt then13:33
crashanddieJaffa: will be pretty basic but will have good foundations to build upon13:33
pupnikjebba is awesome.  a review of HAM / apt issues on fremantle:
Jaffacrashanddie: Cool stuff13:34
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pupnikthe long waits are from apt-worker13:34
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zerojayDamn it... I can't get these pre/postinstall scripts to run after packaging with py2deb. Nothing but errors with zero detail.13:34
pupnikha ha13:34
konttoriJaffa, what was the issue? my irc client restarted and I missed what you asked from me13:34
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hrwpupnik: is original13:40
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Jaffakonttori: Bug 895513:41
povbotBug Long application names (labels) in the menu are cut at the end13:41
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konttoriJaffa: there is no good wrapping in gtk either.13:43
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pupnikhrw yeah right.  sry.  fascinating the complexity!13:43
Jaffakonttori: Gtk+'s is good enough for App Mgr, though13:44
konttoriMy issue is that it's better to force for shorted app names for the grid.13:44
hrwkonttori: better or cheaper?13:45
pupnikhrw: as usual, i discover that there is no asy fix to this :)13:46
konttorianyway, it cannot be pushed to pr1.2 anymore, but after that, if you gus really want it in and can make a patch, we can integrate it (if it only triggers for the longer than 12 letters cases)13:46
konttorilooks better.13:46
konttorithe icon should be the primary source of information13:46
hrwhaving them shorter == one small fix in doc and no devtime. having them wordwrapped == devtime rather longer then doc update13:46
konttorisure, but also, long names in a grid make the grid look messy13:47
hrwPalmOS had that13:47
hrwbut no, PalmOS is not good comparison13:48
hrwas it had things in 199x which are not yet in maemo513:48
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* pupnik puts whine cap on hrw :)13:50
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hrwuf - after bumping automake/autoconf I got vala-native built. one more step to get OpenEmbedded building maemo5 compatible packages13:51
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hrwbad effect is that my stuff will need me to run repo instead of pushing to extras13:53
hrwbut I can live with it13:53
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pupnikdue to automake/autoconf version?13:53
hrwno, extras rebuild stuff with maemosdk and debian/rules packaging13:54
hrwand I do not want to push free stuff to non-free repo13:54
konttoriI would do that13:54
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konttorianyway, the name of the non-free is bad, but really, a repo like that is needed13:55
* WZhang is playing >>The Soundlovers<< - >>Surrender<<13:55
WZhangwhoops, sorry - wrong channel :P13:55
konttorianyway, now also deb installation works, so perhaps you could also use that to your advantage13:56
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pupnikwhats in a name?  capulet, montague, non-free...13:57
dazotimeless_mbp:  sorry, had to run out for a while14:01
pupniklol if maemo allows not-autobuilt...14:01
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* dazo finds the usb cable and plugs it in14:01
pupnikextras-untrusted :)14:02
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hrwpupnik: extras-maemosdksuxx14:02
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timeless_mbpkonttori: "contrib"?14:03
hrwso in the end we will finish with extras/contrib/USERNAME/14:03
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konttoritimeless_mbp: as the new name? well, "binary"?14:04
zerojayHow often are packages imported into extras-devel from autobuilder?14:05
timeless_mbp'free' and 'binary' don't really work14:05
timeless_mbpsurely the stuff in 'free' contains binaries that I, a user, can install?14:05
X-Fadezerojay: Instantly.14:05
timeless_mbpzerojay: successfully? :)14:05
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zerojaySeems like every 30 minutes.14:05
crashanddieme pokes X-Fade about karma updates14:05
hrwkonttori: closed != non-free14:06
X-Fadezerojay: No, there is 30 minutes cache on the repositories.14:06
tekojocrashanddie karma should be fixed now14:06
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crashanddietekojo: oh realy?14:06
hrwkonttori: Mauku was non-free but not closed14:06
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tekojojust takes a day to run14:06
X-Fadecrashanddie: Applied a fix an hour ago.14:06
crashanddieoh cool14:06
crashanddiewhat was the issue?14:06
X-FadeIndexed the same people all over ;)14:06
X-FadeInstead of moving on.14:07
* timeless_mbp still likes contrib14:07
timeless_mbpcontrib roughly means "foreign binary"14:07
konttorianyway, we cannot change the name anymore, so it was more academic anyway14:07
crashanddieX-Fade: so when will it be updated?14:08
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* timeless_mbp grumbles14:08
X-Fadecrashanddie: Indexes 1200 per hour, ordered by last-updated.14:09
X-FadeSo depends on where you are in that ordering.14:09
crashanddieso 24 hours for the whole community, me thinks14:09
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tekojocrashanddie 25 hours14:10
X-FadeYeah a bit more.14:10
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tekojothe count is over 30000 now14:10
VDVsxX-Fade, btw, this page: has a fix to only display 'fresh' apps with screenshots, but the front page doesn't have anymore(never had ?)14:10
crashanddiethat was close enough :P14:10
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X-FadeVDVsx: No idea, I didn't create that at least.14:11
crashanddieVDVsx: you know this by heart, what's the ratio of karma for ITT Thanks?14:11
VDVsxsrt(thanks)*8 IIRC14:12
VDVsxyup, is that :D14:12
crashanddiezerojay: I said by heart14:12
infobotit has been said that stupid is
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SpeedEvilAlso - why might bugs reported not track for karma.14:14
crashanddiegod karma is useless14:15
ruskienon-free - z-rejected ;) anything that for whatever reason cannot go into free ;)14:15
crashanddiehuman karma as well, for that matter14:15
VDVsxSpeedEvil, humm ?14:15
crashanddiejesus... this internet connection isn't even powerful enough to stream audio...14:15
SpeedEvilI was idly wondering why my karma had no contribution from the several bugs I've reported.14:15
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VDVsxSpeedEvil, karma is currently stuck14:16
VDVsxshould be fine tomorrow it seems14:16
crashanddieSpeedEvil: X-Fade just updated the script14:17
* timeless_mbp cries14:17
timeless_mbpxerces sucks14:17
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crashanddieSpeedEvil: it reads if ($username != SpeedEvil) // process karma14:17
crashanddieso I'm working on this massive project14:18
ruskieAccess denied: You need the privilege midgard:update. <-- wth14:18
crashanddiedatabase kids, fasten your seatbelt14:18
crashanddieto process 200 users, we're hitting not very far from 1.2 million queries14:18
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SpeedEvilVDVsx: naah - for >1 month now14:19
crashanddieSpeedEvil: yes, the fix has just been implemented14:19
crashanddieSpeedEvil: karma counter has been running in circles for months14:19
SpeedEvilHow many people are participating in the 360meter study? (invite only use-case study)14:21
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asj_SpeedEvil: I am, or was anyways14:22
mecefrals, ping?14:22
* SpeedEvil wonders how many got invites.14:22
asj_SpeedEvil: it's not all invite only14:23
SpeedEvilit's not?14:23
asj_SpeedEvil: I had to disable the repo a while back since it was timing out, you still have yours on?14:23
mecefrals, is fAPN (still) needed to get this fMMS thingamabob working?14:23
SpeedEvilasj_: repo? yes-download worked fine14:24
fralsif you need a separate APN for fetching MMS, yes ;)14:24
asj_SpeedEvil: ok14:24
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SpeedEvilasj_: currentlylogging everything I do (in an anonymised way)14:24
mecefrals, hmm.. do I? I don't know what an APN is :)14:24
fralsX-Fade: could you check why fMMS 0.3.3 isnt making it into the repos? it's listed at but still havent showed up on device14:24
crashanddieI need to find a cheap dedicated vps or rps in the UK, ideas anyone?14:25
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crashanddierequirements: unlimited bandwidth, and at least 20 gigs of HD14:25
mecefrals, apparently one was needed before, so I guess I need it.14:25
fralsmece: depends on your operator, if they got different details for internet and mms listed14:25
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Anidelhi there14:25
mecefrals, ah yes. I believe they do. Saunalahti...14:25
X-Fadefrals: Yes, I think I know what happened there :(14:25
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: why uk?14:26
fralsmece: then you need it - exact settings are on
crashanddieSpeedEvil: bbc iplayer :P14:26
mecefrals, great, thanks!14:26
fralsX-Fade: something I should do? :)14:26
tybolltcrashanddie: aka iFAIL :)14:26
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crashanddietybollt: aka iPwn on good shows and good quality14:27
X-Fadefrals: There was a nice bug in repo cleanup which moved the file to trash.14:27
X-Fadefrals: Will fix.14:27
timeless_mbpzerojay: any idea what means?14:27
fralsX-Fade: thanks :)14:27
tybolltcrashanddie: the reduced quality of HD ... you know.. it was even in /. :)14:27
X-Fadefrals: Well, the issue was fixed. Just need to put the files back in place.14:27
crashanddietybollt: sorry, but being human, top gear and merlin are enough to warrant it ;)14:27
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tybolltja, I like top gear too14:28
crashanddietybollt: oh, and spotify as well14:28
X-Fadefrals: Let me get a quick lunch and then I'll fix it for you.14:28
crashanddiebut yeah, you're right, I should probably go with the cheap dedicated CPU option... 10 quid per month ain't that bad for something hosted in france14:29
SpeedEvilAh. Silly me. bugzilla name is different to the rest of the maemo account. is there a way to tell it?14:29
fralsX-Fade: no rush :) thanks :)14:29
tybolltI ought to use that but ... meh... can't be arsed to =)14:29
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Anidelfrals read your tweet.. cool :)14:29
SpeedEvil(that bugzilla name = speedevil for the purposes of karma)14:29
* Anidel hungry... ttyl14:30
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hrwha! mdbus2 works on maemo5 now ;)14:33
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tybolltoh =)14:35
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threshevery byte counts!14:37
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thresh22k here, 22k there and we end up with tons of stuff on /14:37
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hrwblah blah blah14:39
hrwthats on my device not yours14:39
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hrwhi dneary14:42
dnearyhi hrw14:42
lingling92hello, anyone ever heard of the problem that you can't download from ovi-store?14:43
hrwdneary: fosdem needs to be longer as we did not finally had a time to talk14:43
dnearyVery true14:43
dnearyBut if it was longer, it wouldn't be FOSDEM14:43
hrwbut rather FOSDEC14:44
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cos^hm, is gpe todo installable from repository?14:52
cos^whines about gpe-summary dependency when i try to install14:53
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lingling92anyone ever heard of the problem that you can't download from ovi-store via wifi?14:59
X-Fadelingling92: Do you have a locked version?15:00
X-Fadelingling92: E.g. UK voda?15:00
X-FadeThen, no.15:00
X-Fadelingling92: Most recent firmware?15:01
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X-Fadelingling92: should work.15:04
lingling92yes, should but does not15:04
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roshenia_when media player will be more powerfull?15:05
timeless_mbproshenia_: eh?15:07
roshenia_media playes is so sux in my n90015:08
timeless_mbpDo you speak English?15:08
timeless_mbpcould you please try harder?15:08
hrwroshenia_: try alternatives ones: mediabox for example15:09
hrwtoo bad that Canola lacks maemo5 version15:09
mgedminactually, I'm interested too: are there any media players for the n900 that don't suck?15:09
roshenia_mediabox is better?15:09
timeless_mbpif you described an actual problem, people might be able to suggest something15:10
hrwroshenia_: no idea, try15:10
timeless_mbpbut saying "foo sux"15:10
timeless_mbpdoesn't help people divine *why* you think "foo sux"15:10
timeless_mbpand those suggest something which would not "sux" according to your secret definition of "sux"15:10
roshenia_timeless_mbp, for example: album\artist sort15:10
timeless_mbpthis is Music and not Videos?15:11
hrwvideos lacks any sorting/grouping15:11
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roshenia_yes. only music15:11
timeless_mbphrw: not technically true :)15:11
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hrwtimeless_mbp: ever put 140 episodes of 4 cartoons?15:12
timeless_mbphrw: it has two views, and thus has _some_15:13
timeless_mbpnot necessarily _useful_, but technically it satisfies 'any'15:13
* Stskeeps absolutely loves his ability to snapshot his n900, flash another rootfs, reflash his n900 back to normal15:13
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timeless_mbproshenia_: the ui designers felt that album\artist failed often enough that it wasn't worth offering15:14
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hrwtimeless_mbp: that 'some' is worse then none I think15:14
timeless_mbpthey're gone, so you can't complain to them15:14
timeless_mbphrw: =~ s/then/than/15:14
timeless_mbpEngland has overweight hedgehogs?15:15
pupnikI never saw a broken N810 on ebay15:15
lcukStskeeps, complete / snapshot?15:16
Stskeepslcuk: yeah15:16
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lcukwhat about /opt15:16
Stskeepsis on emmc15:16
lcukyeah but wont the replacement OS do things to it that might conflict15:17
Stskeepsthat is true, but currently it doesn't :P15:17
Stskeepsit is possible to back up /opt too15:17
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lcukshall talk to you more about this later,im a tad busy atm15:18
hrwStskeeps: you use mtd-utils or dd to make a dump of rootfs?15:18
Stskeepshrw: neither, rsync to ext3 and then ubifs that15:18
WZhangAny idea how i could change the keyboard layout for a external connected USB keyboard from english to german?15:19
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hrwlardman: maemo5-compat landed in OE - feel free to test/improve/complain15:22
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LantiziaHey, I've been told the 770 USB Network drivers for XP work for doing N900 - does anyone know if this is true or if there are better drivers for USB networking support?15:28
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hrwLantizia: there is one driver for all linux powered devices15:30
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WZhangback :)15:37
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X-Fadefrals: Should be fixed now.15:55
tybolltwhy is frals not a nookla employee yet?15:55
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* Arif thinks the battery icon looks lame15:57
Arifanyone know where I can find that battery indicator?15:59
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* cehteh would rather like some battery indicator which tells how far charging progressed 16:00
cehtehi dont care about the look16:00
Arifunplug it :p16:00
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cehtehwell some ETA would be nice too16:00
ArifI still want hte battery icon in that picture16:01
Arifit looks better than the standard one16:01
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cehtehand its possible by watching the voltage, not very accurate, but better than nothing16:01
ArifI think I found it16:02
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jacekowskicehteh: not really16:06
cehtehit is16:06
jacekowskimeasuring voltage is very inacurate16:06
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fluxjacekowski, how about measing the change in voltage?16:07
jacekowskionly way it would be measuring voltage and comparing it to known values measured in previous charge cycle16:07
cehtehthe volltage measureing actually must be quite accurated for the battery16:07
cehtehbut there are a lot influences which change the voltage ..16:08
fluxjacekowski, I was thinking rather like how much the battery voltage has changed in the last 30 minutes compared to the 30 minutes before that etc16:08
X-Fadecehteh: yes, but needs to be measured while not charging.16:08
fluxdoesn't it slow down the further you get?16:08
X-Fadecehteh: you need resting voltage.16:08
jacekowskiflux: no16:08
cehtehyou need to watch it, interpolate, find out how fast its charging and know the charge end point16:08
fluxx-fade, but that resting period doesn't need to be very long, does it?16:08
fluxjacekowski, oh, never mind then :)16:08
jacekowskiflux: there are 2 basic types of batteries used in phones16:08
jacekowskiold NiCd16:09
cehtehyes some daemon which watches it over time16:09
jacekowskiand new LiIon16:09
X-Fadeflux: No, you just need to turn the charge off and wait a very short time.16:09
X-Fadejacekowski: It is LiPo16:09
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cehtehyou can watch the charge voltage ... should siffoce16:09
fluxcehteh, one problem is that you also need to know how much you are consuming at the moment16:09
SpeedEvilThe battery voltage reported by hal is a very inacurate representation of the real voltage16:09
jacekowskiNiCD or acid batteries and couple other types are charged by directly applying constant voltage to them16:09
SpeedEviljacekowski: err - no, they are not16:09
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X-Fadecehteh: Internal resistance makes it measure a bit higher than the actual voltage is.16:10
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: they are16:10
X-Fadecehteh: And as you need to be very careful around 4.2v, you need to turn off charging to measure.16:10
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: you apply constant voltage to them with some reasonable current limit just in case16:10
SpeedEviljacekowski: NiCd is charged by a constant current until a negative delta-v condition, or temperature or time thresholds. Lead acid is charged by a constant current followed by a float charge phase.16:10
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cehtehi only need the end voltage from the last charging and the charge curve  then i can roughly match that to the current charge cycle16:11
SpeedEvilli-ion is more like lead-acid16:11
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jacekowskiwith LiPol are charged by constant current16:11
X-FadeThat is why the last few percent take most of the time to charge.16:11
SpeedEviljacekowski: no, it's not. It's a constant current, then a constant voltage phase.16:11
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X-Fadejacekowski: Until you reach 4.2 and then you go to CV phase.16:11
jacekowskiif you are in CV then battery is charged16:12
jacekowskiand that's not important for now16:12
SpeedEviland terminate charge when current reaches 1/20th or so of what it was in the entry to CV16:12
cehtehas soon you are at CV you can just tell "almost full" and done .. maybe measure how long this takes and run a stopwatch and interpolate that over charge cycles16:12
SpeedEvilif you're in CV your  battery is 70-90% charged - depending on battery lifetime16:12
infobotSpeedEvil meant: if you're in CV your  battery is 70-90% charged - depending on battery age16:12
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jacekowski15:13 < jacekowski> i've seen shitloads of different battery chargers and every single one had different charging voltage/current curve stating that this one is superior to other16:15
alteregoPhone call volume control is annoying :/16:15
jacekowski15:13 < jacekowski> but going back to determining battery charge level16:16
jacekowski15:14 < jacekowski> it would be possible by measuring current voltage and comparing it to voltage in previous charge cycle16:16
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X-Fadejacekowski: You need to log the charge and discharge curve.16:16
X-Fadejacekowski: Like the gnome battery meter does very nicely.16:17
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SpeedEvilthe underlying charge voltage rported is very inaccurate16:18
SpeedEvil lshal|awk '/voltage.current/{print ($3-3700)/5"%"}'16:18
jacekowskiyeah, but result is repeatable16:19
SpeedEvilIs not quite useless reporting of battery use.16:19
SpeedEviljacekowski: no, it's not.16:19
SpeedEviljacekowski: graph it, and you can see it's patent nonesense.16:19
SpeedEvilvoltage.current makes big jumps, and stays constant for long periods.16:19
jacekowskiwhere is | on n900 keyboard?16:20
SpeedEvilIt looks like stair-steps with irregular and nonsensical steps - not an actual measurement of the batteryby somemeans.16:20
SpeedEvilThere is presumably an underlying measurement - but it's obscured somewhat. The driver diddn't seem completly insane - I need to work out how to get it to emit a battery charge measurement.16:21
adeustop corner in extra symbols16:21
SpeedEvil(plot voltage.current against time as discharging when polled every 20s)16:22
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siriusnovaso when is PR 1.2 coming out16:27
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siriusnovawith Ovi Maps 3.016:27
siriusnovaand USSD Support16:27
Lantiziahrw: do you know what that driver is called or where to get it from?16:27
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hrwLantizia: I do not connect linux devices to ms windows16:28
Arifsiriusnova, I hear Nokia abandoned the N900 ;(16:28
siriusnovayeah they did16:28
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Robot101no they didn't, just be patient16:29
jacekowskiwell, that voltage seems to be stable on mine16:29
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jacekowskiArif: no they didn't16:29
SpeedEviljacekowski: it generally shouldn't be - if it's discharging.16:29
kalikianadon't feed the trolls16:29
Robot101new software needs a lot of testing before they can throw a switch and upgrade 1000s of units they sold16:29
* Arif hands everyone a sarcasm detector16:30
Myrttitrolldars seem to be broken16:30
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i mean i've got something reading that in loop and it shows value that's stable and every so often get's little bit smaller16:30
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jacekowskiRobot101: apple didn't care about that16:31
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RST38hWe'll murder them all amid laughter and merriment, except for the few we take home to experiment!16:31
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jacekowskiRobot101: they shipped thousands iphones with barely working 2.0 software16:31
libbenis there anyway to boost the radio transmitter signal?16:32
jacekowskiRobot101: and kept fixing it for next half year16:32
Myrttiand that makes them better than Nokia exactly how, jacekowski?16:32
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libbencant barely use the function as it is now16:32
Ariffmboost in extras?16:32
SpeedEviljacekowski: the problem is the jumps - at least when I graphed it - are nonphysical. There is something in there between the ADC and the  output that is processing the numbers - ad making it stable, but inaccurate.16:32
jacekowskiArif: that's different thing16:32
SpeedEvilThe FM transmitter is designed to only work to several meters at best.16:32
jacekowskilibben: get better radio16:33
SpeedEvilhas some links to performance tests done16:33
ArifI haven't tested mine yet16:33
SpeedEvilAt the legal limit in the UK - you get about a 4m range.16:33
libbenjacekowski: i got a pretty new one16:33
SpeedEvilIn the best case16:33
libbeni needed to stand like 50 cm from the antenna for it to really work16:33
SpeedEvil(and the UK has it already turned up to max)16:33
SpeedEvilThat's assuming it emits as much as legally possible when turned up to 11816:34
SpeedEvilIf you have picked a not empty channel - it's much under 4m16:34
libbeni dont think mine is set for that value =)16:34
libbeni need to stand like 50 cm from the antenna16:34
libbeni took a relative empty channel16:35
RST38hMinor ROTFL:
libbenwith no close neighbours16:35
RST38h(Warner finally meets an enemy they cannot sue =))16:35
SpeedEvillibben: the power is _tiny_ even best case. Any signal at all will pretty much kill your range.16:35
libbeneven if u get it to run at 118 ?16:35
libbeni saw a video of a guy that boasted it to 118, and he was like 2-3 meters away from the car where he tried it16:36
jacekowskilibben: because he had better radio16:36
hrw[SIGNAL] Phone.Net.cell_info_change ( 2, 41007, 32888749, 1, 260, 0, 0 )16:36
hrw[SIGNAL] Phone.Net.registration_status_change ( 0, 41007, 32888747, 1, 260, 0, 3 )16:36
libbenprobably =)16:36
SpeedEvilTo quote the BBC - However, the chosen maximum ERP of 50 nW is neither sufficiently small to avoid creating interference to broadcast reception nor sufficiently large to guarantee that such ‘Micro’ FM transmitters will actually work as intended in areas where Band II is utilised intensively, such as London16:36
hrw[SIGNAL] Phone.Net.operator_name_change ( 3, "Plus", "", 1, 260 )16:36
hrwnice ;)16:36
hrw[SIGNAL] Phone.Net.cell_info_change ( 2, 41007, 32888747, 1, 260, 0, 0 )16:36
libbenmy signal is not the best16:36
jacekowskilibben: some radios need much stronger signal16:36
SpeedEvil50nW is - as I understand it - the maximum of the hardware radio and coincidentally the UK legal limit16:37
libbenwell, should be easier to fix a line in cable =)16:37
SpeedEvil15nW is the limit in the states16:37
jacekowski50nW is like a nothing16:37
jacekowskicompared to 2W transmitter for GSM16:38
SpeedEvilThe 2W transmitter has a range of ~10km.16:38
Arifoh that'd be nice16:38
SpeedEvilIf you assume a similar radio - the square roots kick in.16:38
Arif10km from the N900 :D16:38
SpeedEvilno - the GSm radio16:38
* ShadowJK has been 20km from nearest tower with n900 and it has worked fine16:39
SpeedEvilthe resultant range would be about 1.5m16:39
jacekowskias far as i remember gsm have range of 15km with that 2W transmitter16:39
SpeedEvilwhich is about right16:39
WZhangWindows bluetooth stack is pretty crappy16:39
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SpeedEvilradio decays as the square root of distance. A thousand times as far - a million times as weak.16:40
siriusnovaAsus or Lenovo Thinkpad?16:40
tybolltsiriusnova: DO NOT get the thinkpad "SL" serier16:41
tybolltthose are not real thinkpads16:41
siriusnovaim going to get the Lenovo W51016:41
pupnikmy next will probably be X6116:42
pupniklagging saves money16:43
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siriusnovathe Lenovo W510 has a core i7-820QM and 16GB ram16:44
ifreqhow long battery lasts?16:45
siriusnovaquite long from what i read16:46
ifreqone hour?16:46
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siriusnovamore like 6-816:46
DocScrutinizer15 NANO watts whatts?16:48
SpeedEvilfmtx power16:48
SpeedEvillegality in the US16:48
ShapeshifterAre there any special things to be aware of or can I go the "debian" way to make jabber understand msn and icq and those, and use them using the builtin IM thingy?16:48
dracflamlocgood morning16:48
DocScrutinizeryou're sure noise in a wire at room temp doesn't violate that?16:48
Shapeshifteri.e. can I just install jabber-jit, jabber-msn and jabber-yahoo and edit the configs? will the maemo conversations app understand this?16:48
jacekowskiibm don't make thinkpads anymore16:49
Robot101Shapeshifter: just enable maemo-testing and choose "Extra protocols for Conversations and Contacts"16:49
Robot101Shapeshifter: then you can create accounts for all of these other protocols16:49
jacekowskiand going back to IM in n90016:49
jacekowskihow to import gadu-gadu contacts?16:49
Robot101there's already an IM framework (called Telepathy) in the N900, so you can just install these extra backends16:50
ShapeshifterRobot101: okay thanks16:50
Robot101jacekowski: if you do that, you should get gg too16:50
jacekowskii have gg16:50
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jacekowskii just don't know how to import my buddylist16:50
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's insane16:50
fralsX-Fade: cheers :)16:50
Robot101jacekowski: ? it should be on the server16:51
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: 15microW ok, 15 nano(1)W is ridiculous16:52
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jacekowskiRobot101: it is16:52
jacekowskiRobot101: but n900 isn't importing it16:52
Robot101so they should just appear in your contacts16:52
Robot101buh boh16:52
dnearyamigadave, Ping?16:52
Robot101must be a bug...16:52
corecodeoh wow the droid can play usb host?16:52
corecodeso sad.16:52
Robot101ask on #telepathy, see if someone has time to help you debug it?16:52
amigadavedneary: pong16:52
dnearyamigadave, You didn't like the Software page as a template for the Software category?16:52
dnearyI kind of thought it was OK - let us use the category page as a real portal16:53
amigadavedneary: well, the Software page included the Software category, which was included by the Software category :)16:53
dnearyAnd the added advantage of taking care of a bunch of orphans :)16:53
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: it's really not16:53
dnearySoftware os now an orphan16:53
amigadaveah, but that is cheating! :P16:53
amigadavei will fix up the orphans, do not worry :)16:53
dnearyI guess I could have taken Software out of the Software category16:53
ShapeshifterRobot101: do I need "pidgin extra protocols" or "pidgin protocols plugin for conversations and contacts" or both?16:54
dnearyLinks in category pages don't count for orphanage I'm afraid16:54
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: if you consider the impact. The range at which a 15uW transmitter messes reception of a signal at the borderline of coverage is really quite large.16:54
amigadavedneary: oh, it also appears that i need sysop rights to delete a page, unless you would like to clear the ‘Articles marked for deletion’ for me?16:54
dnearyI can... I thought I gave you wiki admin privileges16:54
amigadaveadmin, but not sysop16:55
dnearyI can't give you sysop privs16:55
amigadaveoh, ok16:55
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: has more details - but...16:55
dnearyShe dinnae have the powerrr cap'n16:55
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: damn, with 10 MILLI W WLAN I get a 30m maybe16:56
Robot101Shapeshifter: don't bother with those, just get the "Extra protocols..." and it will install what it needs16:56
jacekowskii get 15km with 100mW16:56
jacekowskiand directional antennas16:56
DocScrutinizerso with 10nW i see a 30cm I'd guess16:56
amigadavei like that Multimedia is a redirect that is in the Media category16:57
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: that's not linear16:57
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: directional ant is cheating16:57
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: and wifi uses different frequencies16:57
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: SQRT(10mW/10nW)*30m=30cm, no?16:58
DocScrutinizererr other way round16:59
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: SQRT(10mW/10nW)*30cm=30m16:59
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jacekowskiif youincrease power 4 times you only get 2x range16:59
DocScrutinizeroh yeah, you're right, it's more like 3cm then17:00
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: and to give you an analogy: with directional RF of 550nm I get a theoretical range of 1000km with 50mW17:02
ShapeshifterRobot101: okay thanks17:02
DocScrutinizermaybe even much more, depending on divergency of the laser17:03
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: so your figure with directional antenna is meaningless17:04
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* timeless_mbp can now publish17:06
* tybollt is eagerly awaiting gadgetoid's blogposts!17:07
timeless_mbpthe maemo5 localization files were approved for "opening"17:07
timeless_mbpwhatever that means :)17:07
hrwtimeless_mbp: sources for *-l10n-* packages?17:07
hrwgood, no need for reversing them17:08
timeless_mbpno ETA for actually seeing them in the repos17:08
timeless_mbpbut it should mean that i can start shipping w/ less concern17:08
DocScrutinizerso I finally may get my beloved tnan_fi_home on maemo5 as well ;-P17:08
timeless_mbptybollt / hrw : could i get you to try my package?17:08
hrwtimeless_mbp: get it on paper with proper stamps and signs17:08
hrwtimeless_mbp: en-gb it was?17:08
tybollttimeless_mbp: at your disposal sire.17:08
hrwtimeless_mbp: but what I have to check?17:09
tybolltand really17:09
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: in real world - 15nW gives you 4m - to a good reciever - on a clear channel17:09
* hrw monitors dbus on n900 with 3 tools now17:09
tybollt"try my package"... I have to try real hard for that not to sound like ... eww ;)17:09
tybolltanyway how?17:09
timeless_mbpi'll give instructions in the other channel17:10
timeless_mbpbut testing is basically anything/everything from the platform17:10
timeless_mbpa colleague and i recently discovered a bug in the official string selection that we believe was a 1.1 regression17:10
timeless_mbpit took us a couple of months to notice17:10
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: would you agree this to be the maximun interference range as well?17:10
timeless_mbp(it wasn't my fault, the app people neglected to inform the localization team about the new string, so no one had it!)17:10
hrwtimeless_mbp: my english is not british (nor american)17:11
tybollttimeless_mbp: not looking to place guilt - I prefer pragmatism - if it can be fix, let's do it :)17:11
timeless_mbphrw: well, you'll have to pick one :)17:11
timeless_mbptybollt: my package has a fix for it now :)17:11
jacekowskihrw: that's good17:11
timeless_mbpbut the point is that testing is really "whatever you can / might think to do"17:11
timeless_mbpbonus points for things that _i'm_ less likely to do17:12
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: the power at which you can interfere with a clearly reieved signal at the margins of coverage is some 50dB weaker than the power required to be clearly recieved17:12
hrwthat reminds me one thing17:12
tybollttimeless_mbp: sorry, don't know you well enough to tell what you may or may not do ;P17:12
hrw~curse rtcomm developers badly17:12
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, rtcomm developers badly !17:12
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: citation needed17:12
timeless_mbptybollt: fair enough :)17:12
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: see above pdf link17:12
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: for all I know the S/N margin for FM is as low as 6dB17:13
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: not if you want the audio to be nondisturbed.17:14
DocScrutinizercompared to AM where your 50dB figure may be correct17:14
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: 6dB won't cut it in that case.17:14
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: anyway - see the BBC PDF for cites of all these figures17:14
SpeedEvil also17:14
SpeedEvilBear in mind also that this is weak signal performance. The reciever is barely on the cliff of 'full quieting'.17:16
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dnearyamigadave, I was wrong, I did find the power17:23
dnearyamigadave, You haz sysops17:23
tybolltoh noes17:24
* tybollt hides17:24
amigadavedneary: muhuhaha17:25
amigadavei mean, thanks17:25
tybolltuh oh...17:25
dnearyamigadave, You're scaring me17:25
amigadavethere's an undo button for this thing, right? ;)17:26
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tybollt\o/ end of the world... run to the hills...17:26
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ok. anyway 250uW would have been much better than 15nW17:30
SpeedEvilAnd interfered over a very significant distance.17:30
cpasjustesomeone know how i can edit the partition scheme on maemo5 (n900) ? i mean i want to mount an microSD card as swap instead mmcblk0p3, but of course "/etc/fstab" is discared at boot (replaced). So where does the swap mount occur ?17:30
SpeedEvilcpasjuste: you can find out where fstab is made17:30
SpeedEvilgrep -r fstab /etc/*/817:31
tybolltare you folks plotting how to interfer w/ the neighbourinoes radio received at his breakfasttable or sommat? :)17:31
cpasjustegood idea :)17:31
cpasjustethanks speedevil17:31
cpasjustethis 32gb mmc is so so so slow17:31
cpasjustecool : /etc/event.d/rcS-late:    # Generate fstab and mount /home17:32
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SpeedEviltybollt: no - I'm attempting to point out why a powerful fmtx isn't always good.17:33
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Shapeshifterso for some reason i cant log in using the icq telepathy plugin. when i tap sign in, it takes a moment and then just shows the list again, and on my icq account it says "not logged in"17:34
Arifif I delete contacts from MSN Haze in the phoenbook will they be gone from my MSN too?17:35
Shapeshifterand whats the difference between msn and msn haze?17:36
Arifthat's also a good question :P17:36
* Arif just installed the protocol plugin too17:36
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tybolltSpeedEvil: s/good/legal/ mind you ;)17:37
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tybolltSpeedEvil: in .se any type of FM tx not licensed by the government was a criminal offence up until just a few years ago.17:38
SpeedEvilfrom the POV of someone trying to play mp3 on their radio - 250uW would be great.17:38
tybolltnow there are heavy restrictions as to how much your device is allowed to output17:38
SpeedEvilFrom the POV of someone in the next room listening to a FM station on the edge of its coverage - it would completely wipe it out17:38
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DocScrutinizeryeah, if the one listening to MP3 was so stupid to adjust his FM-TX next to the weak station17:41
tybolltfrom the POV my injecting "THIS IS GOD SPEAKING SEND ALL YOUR MONEY TO TYBOLLT!" into the old folks homes radios I guess 250uw might be a good start but not all the way there ;)17:42
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: and if there is no other 'free' frequency of lower power?17:44
SpeedEvilWhat right does the owner of the mp3 thingy have to override others listening choices?17:45
sandmanDoes Maemo have a package manager similar to Synaptic Packagemanager found in Ubuntu?17:45
tybolltyou mean like HAM?17:46
sandmanI saw some thread that is uses repositorys17:46
sandmanI don't know...17:46
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sandmani am a Linux dude trying to figure out Maemo..17:46
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: for all the innocent listeners to public radio broadcast that *might* be affected by this problem, it's of at least same concern to them when the rogue MP3 listening user just pumps up the volume17:47
sandmanIn Ubuntu i use synaptic to update and install programs17:47
DocScrutinizerwhich right he has to do _that_ either ?17:47
tybolltsandman: there's an "application manager" browse the menus17:48
tybolltDocScrutinizer: again, it is probably _illegal_ moral or not...17:48
sandmanok.. that uses repositorys?17:48
toggles_wsandman: apt-get works, the "preffered" user method is through the appmanager (more like ubuntu app manager than synaptic)17:48
tybolltsandman: yes, the app manager is basically a wrapper around apt w/ some spinkles and jelly on it17:49
sar3thlol cool17:49
DocScrutinizertybollt: it's obviously not illegal, judging by the "deviceA" "deviceB" mentioned in the whitepaper SpeedEvil quoted17:49
sar3thwhy is there dpkg installed then?17:49
tybolltdoc: missed that link, sorry :S17:50
SpeedEvilThere are existing laws on noise pollution17:50
sandmani'm pretty sure i'll end up using Maemo in a couple of weeks then ;)17:50
toggles_wsandman: eg.
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Antti_Alieni succesfully copied files from my n900, created a rootfs image and flashed it back17:50
tybolltsar3th: one does not exclude the other HOWEVER.... if you weant nookla support for your dev - use app manager...17:50
Antti_Alienbut the desktop got broken :O17:51
sar3thjust wondering17:51
tybolltSpeedEvil: that's what I'm hinting at here17:51
tybolltthe _law_17:51
sandmandpkg is to install .deb files much like .exe on windows17:51
tybolltmoral implications aside17:51
Antti_Aliennow there is only one virtual desktop and if i try to enable more, it just refuses to work17:51
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DocScrutinizertybollt: and I'm just saying laws are insane. Look at PLC blasting out at several 100mW over a whole AC installation of a building used as giant TX antenna. Wideband17:53
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DocScrutinizertybollt: and then they sweat it on 250uW for a narrowband FM-TX17:54
SpeedEvilA range of 300m for a personal FM TX is insane.17:55
SpeedEvilWhich is approximately what 250uW would give you17:55
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's not what the paper you linked to is suggesting17:56
SpeedEvilWith a 50nW transmitter - to a radio on an interference free channel - you get 8m range.17:57
tybolltI'll quote judge dredd on this one...17:57
SpeedEvilsqrt(250000/50)*8 =30017:58
gouverneur ?17:58
povbotBug 8972: history - UI back button differs from swipe from right17:58
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Shapeshifterwow enigma on the n900 is totally brilliant17:59
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sar3thgouverneur: i noticed that, it's here too17:59
Shapeshifterwhat a nice adaption17:59
sar3thShapeshifter: enigma??17:59
sar3ththe encryption device?17:59
gouverneursar3th: yeah a friend made me aware yesterday17:59
Shapeshiftersar3th: no an open source oxyd clone18:00
sar3thoh. okay18:00
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bigonhi is there any one time generator working on maemo?18:00
gouverneurSpeedEvil: what is the default TX?18:00
tybolltbigon: ? "one time generator"?18:01
bigononetime *password* generator18:01
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SpeedEvilgouverneur: 50nW or 15nW according to region setting I think18:01
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DocScrutinizerbigon: check OPIE18:02
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DocScrutinizeronetime passwords in everything18:03
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Shapeshifterdoes x-terminal obey .Xdefaults or where can i customize it?18:03
bigonDocScrutinizer: thx18:04
gouverneurShapeshifter: no or depends...18:05
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gouverneurShapeshifter: what are you looking for and which term?18:05
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Shapeshiftergouverneur: for the default ash, different bgcolor and such18:06
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gouverneurShapeshifter: for n900?18:06
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gouverneurShapeshifter: do you need the file? or where to change it?18:07
adalalany reason why msn haze plugin keeps reporting network error?18:07
ShapeshifterI guess its ash in busybox isnt it18:07
mgedminShapeshifter, osso-xterm is based on gnome-terminal and libvte, and doesn't use X resources for configuration18:07
mgedminit uses gconf instead18:07
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gouverneurmgedmin: what doesnt use gconf?18:07
mgedminis that a rhetorical question?  because many apps don't use gconf18:08
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Shapeshiftermh okay. are there any other terms? i think urxvt ist available yet?18:08
gouverneurwell apps...18:08
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mgedminI haven't heard about any other hildonized terminal emulators18:08
gouverneururxvt would be nice with urxvtd!18:08
tybolltmrxvt would be nice18:09
gouverneurand multiwindow desktop...18:09
tybollta tabbed terminal emulator would be _the_killer_app18:09
Shapeshifterill look into compiling urxvt for the n900. shouldnt be hard18:09
mgedmindunno, not a lot of screen space for tabs18:09
adalalhello? any help?18:09
Shapeshiftertybollt: screen18:09
jacekowskiweb browser isn't using tabs18:10
gouverneuradalal: no18:10
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gouverneuradalal: works here18:10
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Lumpio-adalal: Protip "hello? any help?" sounds extremely rude to many people.18:10
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tybolltShapeshifter: I keep saying this over and over, screen < mrxvt/tabbed terminals18:11
adalalLumpio-: i do understand that, but the last 3 days i've been asking for help, noone seems to be answering at all... just gets to me at times...18:11
gouverneurjacekowski: would be nice if...18:11
jacekowskias somebody said18:11
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adalalare there supposed to be advanced settings under the haze plugin, because my doens't have any.18:11
jacekowskithere isn't much space for tabs18:11
jacekowskiusing that app switcher thingy seems to be better idea18:12
jacekowskijust add some sort of grouping feature to it18:12
gouverneuradalal: no18:12
sandmanadalal: might have a .conf file somewhere.18:13
sandmanfor advanced settings18:13
* satmd found out that opensync on gentoo currently is more than a pita (mist 0.2x/0.3x api changes)18:13
Shapeshiftertybollt: matter of taste and usage patterns really18:14
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sar3thanyone tried to compile a gcc for the n900?18:21
tybolltShapeshifter: bingo18:22
tybolltsar3th: I'd love to see gcc, make and the whole enchilada - but doubt upstream supports that :)18:22
timeless_mbptybollt: very delayed pong, sorry18:22
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timeless_mbpsar3th: why?18:22
* ShadowJK contirbutes to the noise18:23
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RST38hmoo shadowjk, thresh18:23
sar3thtimeless_mbp: i'll be on vacation for a bit and i hoped to be able to devel ^^18:23
* thresh waves18:23
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WZhang anyone a idea?18:24
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alteregoI really like the Marina theme developed for Mer, the background isn't to my taste, but with a different background, the theme is realy nice :)18:24
sar3thWZhang: you seem to lack python, and it seems it can't be installed18:28
WZhangwell, python is installed - it seems to not find the packages it needs18:28
WZhangefl or something, they seem to be in the dev repositorys18:29
sar3thwell, i'm still a noob, sorry WZhang, i don't know :(18:29
WZhangi had that error before: - so i did that:
WZhangno more errors at update / upgrade now (after autoclean) but somehow it still does not work18:30
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tybolltspotify going down now?18:31
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ShadowJKtybollt, really?18:32
tybolltwarner is apparently breaking w/ spotify18:32
tybolltw/ warner out - who is to say that the others will stay?18:32
lizardoWZhang: it would help if you pasted the english version of the error :)    try :    "LC_ALL=C apt-get install bluemaemo"18:34
WZhanglizardo: already figured out and changed device language :P18:34
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tybolltShadowJK: a user yourself?18:35
ShadowJKtybollt, nope18:35
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timeless_mbpsar3th: i think you can install gcc from some repository18:35
timeless_mbpso i don't see why you'd go off and build it...18:35
WZhangyup, gcc is in the repos18:35
tybolltit is?blimey18:35
tybolltmust get then18:35
timeless_mbptybollt: sorry, my latency is bad :)18:36
ShadowJKtybollt, someone I know (computer illiterates) bought a computer the other day, and also a "setup service" where the store removed the bundled crapware and installed the software they wanted. THey asked for spotify but the store said it's illegal :D18:36
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sar3thtimeless_mbp: well, i want to kow how to build software and package it for the n90018:37
timeless_mbpapt-get install builddep something18:37
timeless_mbpor apt-get install build-essentail18:37
WZhang <- english now :P18:38
sar3thtimeless_mbp: on scratchbox?18:38
timeless_mbpare you installing stuff on your n900 or in a scratchbox?18:38
* timeless_mbp assumed n90018:38
sar3thi want to install stuff on my n900, but compile it using scratchbox18:39
sar3thand i want to dev on the n90018:39
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sar3thbut compiling Qt with the n900 is NOT what i think will be fast18:39
ScribbleJHere's an idea... the n900 is slow...18:39
sar3ththus, i want to make pre-built binaries for that18:39
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timeless_mbpsar3th: well, in theory you can install qt4-dev onto your n90018:40
timeless_mbpalthough i certainly wouldn't :)18:40
ScribbleJWhatever your problem is, maybe you could solve it by just mounting a disk from the n900 over the network within the scratchbox environment and compiling 'on' the n90018:40
sar3thScribbleJ: nice idea, but then i have to leave my n900 on my pc while it compiles, which i don't want to, as it should compile when i'm away ;)18:41
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MohammadAGhaving a problem with the qwerty assy18:45
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sar3thgtg, bbl19:14
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chxhi. is there any way to run Google Maps mobile on the N900?19:19
SpeedEvilyou mean the android thing?19:20
chxAndroid, S60...19:20
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RST38hchx: Yes. They have got a web app.19:21
chxyou mean the regular website...?19:21
Triztcan't you run that piece of software from VMware that allows you to run VMs?19:21
Arkenoichx: try latitude app19:21
RST38hArkenoi: it is not a lattitude app19:21
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RST38hArkenoi: It is Google Maps Mobile, with latitude being a function of the overall app19:22
ArkenoiRST38h, dos not matter, it does two things i need: latitude update and runs web app in proper mode.19:22
chx this?19:23
Arkenoii am almost satisfied with it, the only annoying things are that zoom is not handy and maps are not cached19:23
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Arkenoichx: i think yes19:24
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Arifanyone know how to keep MSN Messenger contacts on the PC but delete them from the phone?19:39
cehtehburn the phone?19:40
Arifsounds plausible :P19:40
* Arif throws a burning phone at cehteh19:40
* cehteh ducks19:40
SpeedEvilFound my light-meter.19:41
GeneralAntillesHow accurate is the one in the N900?19:42
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SpeedEvilI was going to do some tests on that19:42
jophishGeneralAntilles, 5MP I think19:42
SpeedEviland the cam performance19:42
mtdis it normal for mafw-dbus-wrapper to use ~15% cpu while playing music?19:42
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cehtehvaries with finger grease and dust on it :P19:42
cehtehmtd: yes19:42
SpeedEvilthe 5MP is a lie!19:42
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GeneralAntillesjophish, light sensor. :P19:42
cehtehSpeedEvil: huh?19:43
SpeedEvilcehteh: The lens is not large enough in diameter to resolve 5MP at optical wavelengths19:43
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GeneralAntillesMeaning you just get more noise, not more detail.19:43
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cehtehwhat has that to do with the diameter of the lens? .. i wont argue that the lens is not good enough, but diameter is hardly a problem19:44
mtdcehteh: ok19:44
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cehtehanyways they camera is quite good for a phone cam19:44
SpeedEvilcehteh: 1.22*wavelength / diameter gives you the resolving power of an optical system (in radians)19:44
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* Arif finds the LED flashlight app more useful than the camera itself19:45
cehtehyes but the wavelength ins in some hundedreds of nanometers scale for visible light19:45
SpeedEvilcehteh: the diameter of the lens - 1.8mm - divided by the field of view gives you a  number of resolvable pixels of some 2MP IIRC19:45
SpeedEvil1.22*500nm/1.8mm = a bit more than half a milliradian IIRC19:46
cehtehno doubt that the lens is too bad for 5mp .. but on the other hand noise and jpeg compression will do the rest ...19:46
cehtehwell mod your cam .. add slr objectives :)19:47
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cehtehso .. question: whats the pinout of the old nokia chargers? (the ones you plug into this adapter)19:47
SpeedEvilAt 1m - the flashlight brightness is ~15lux19:48
cehteh3.5mm has 3 contacts? the outer prolly just ground?19:48
cehtehthe flash has a quite broad flood angle ..19:48
ShadowJK2 contacts19:49
cehtehi see 3 from looking at it19:49
cehtehwell i dont know maybe just the connector at the adapter has three19:50
cehtehmiddle pin and 2 rings19:50
ShadowJKOh it's just 2 on the ground for added reliability19:50
SpeedEvilthe screen peaks at maybe 219:50
SpeedEvilwhich is more than I thought19:50
cehtehShadowJK: ah ok thanks .. you know about polarity?19:50
ShadowJKI would guess that center is positive19:51
ShadowJKbtw, the spec is available19:51
cehtehuhm where?19:51
cehtehand why has micro-usb 5 connectors and not 4 .. well thats resolvable :P19:52
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ShadowJK2mm.. 3.5mm can be many different things :/19:52
cehtehwell 2mm is ok for me too19:52
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GeneralAntillescehteh, 5th is for OTG.19:52
cehtehjust need one of them ... for the bike dynamo adapter19:53
cehtehGeneralAntilles: what does it carry?19:53
GeneralAntillesGrounded or floating19:53
GeneralAntillesDepends on the cable.19:53
WizzupWhere can I find the SDK for Maemo 5? (I need gcc,make,etc)19:53
GeneralAntillesWizzup, Google?19:54 click on development..19:54
ShadowJKgoogle first hit too eh19:54
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WizzupGeneralAntilles: hmm...I was browing repositories.maemo.org19:54
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cehteh300mV ripple from the charger.. duh crazy20:00
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Veggenmy n900 is my main phone, now, so it has a different SLA than the n810, which was just tablet ;)20:03
cehtehwith being a bit careful, not too much, try to avoid really new stuff or daemons20:04
GeneralAntillesTesting is GENERALLY reasonably safe.20:04
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cehtehprograms which are one-shot crash at worst ..20:04
lcukno GeneralAntilles testing specific packages whilst talking to developers and listening to friends is generally safe20:04
cehtehbut some bad daemon may drain battery20:04
lcukbut still not to be used lightly20:04
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ShadowJKWhat drains battery is not generally well understood by developers either :)20:05
lcukuse the ratings there to guage20:05
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lcukand add your remarks/feedback about testing criterea to help20:05
Veggenso higher karma means less likely to break?20:06
cehtehuhm this charger spec is crazy20:06
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ShadowJKcehteh, what about it? :)20:06
SpeedEvilcehteh: what charger spec20:06
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ShadowJKSpeedEvil: <ShadowJK>
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lcukveggen, higher votes mean more people have tested and confirmed different aspects of it20:07
cehtehShadowJK: i thought i could just add some rectifier, a cap and maybe a protecting zener diode and feed that to the charge adapter20:08
Veggenok, which in general means less likely to break ;)20:08
cehteh(from bike hub dynamo)20:08
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lcukVeggen, your testing run might be the first to find a break!20:08
SpeedEvilcehteh: why crazy?20:08
cehtehsee page 17 .. charger identification by voltage20:08
Veggenlcuk: oh sure. I understand the general risks about not-so-tested software.20:09
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ShadowJKcehteh, also note the current limits :)20:09
cehtehand there are some other no-go voltage/amperage areas20:09
lcukVeggen, sure, just trying to help you decide to break your SLA :)20:09
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ShadowJKThe reason for current limits is that the input power is fed directly to the battery mostly unfiltered, through a slow PWM (slow as in 1 hz)20:10
ShadowJKIf the current is too strong the battery can't take it20:10
SpeedEvilcehteh: for USB - you just apply 5V20:10
ShadowJKcehteh, in my experience with various devices with 3.5mm and 2mm ports, their own voltage measurement wasn't all that accurate with regard to the voltage and current windows :/20:11
cehtehSpeedEvil: since a hub dynamo is a quite dirty source i thought i could recycle the charger adapter from the package to give it some treatment (after simple rectification)20:11
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cehtehgetting 5V (and nothing else) from the dynamo wont be easy either20:12
cehteha linerar regulator has too much loss20:13
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cehtehand wont kick in when driving slowly20:13
SpeedEviluse one of the many energy harvester modules to feed a battery or very large cap20:13
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cehtehthen it takes ages to get to the working point20:14
cehteh(charging the cap)20:14
RST38hAnyone worked with sophia-sip client???20:14
RST38h(looks like it is sending a malformed invite)20:15
cehtehi posted the bumm E-Werk yesterday .. but its expensive, i thought i can try by myself20:15
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ShadowJKcehteh, in practice when voltage drops the phone will consume less.... at 3.5V it'll eat nothing20:16
ShadowJKbut hopefully still consider the charging documented20:16
ShadowJKbut hopefully still consider the charger connected20:16
SpeedEvilcehteh: you don't care if it takes time to start20:16
cehtehShadowJK: well a rectifier and cap isnt expensive .. i prolly just give it a try20:16
SpeedEvilcehteh: with a large 8V2 zener in parallel20:16
cehteh9.3V ...20:17
SpeedEvilyou don't want to go anywhere near 9.320:17
cehtehwell bikes have 6v protection already .. (in germany at least)20:17
ioeeehola, tengo un N900 que no le funciona el gps (no encuentra señal) hay que activar o instalar algo?20:18
cehtehjust thinking .. 6Vx1.44 ... the zener will barf20:18
timeless_mbpioeee: no20:18
timeless_mbppero nostoros no hablamos español20:18
SpeedEvilcehteh: not a large one20:18
cehteh(but the dynamo doesnt give a pure sine wave, and not to forget the loss on the rectifier)20:18
ioeeelo siento pero no hablo ingles20:19
SpeedEvilcehteh: the right way to do this is with a peak power tracker - but that's a bit complex20:19
cehtehSpeedEvil: with barf i mean heat the energy away while i rather want to use it20:19
timeless_mbpioeee: podria usar ?20:19
ioeeepor supuesto20:19
SpeedEvilcehteh: if there is more energy than the phone can handle - you need to store it in a battery or throw it away20:19
timeless_mbpioeee: bueno20:20
cehtehyeah or use it for the lighting20:20
SpeedEvilcehteh: wander over to ##electronics20:20
* SpeedEvil is afk20:20
timeless_mbpioeee: it can take perhaps 10 minutes standing outside in an open space on a clear day to get a lock20:20
timeless_mbp(gps lock)20:20
ioeeemust be hardware problem?20:20
timeless_mbp(standing still)20:20
cehtehwell i just try it sometime next .. no biking weather here anyways20:20
threshit is always a biking weather20:21
timeless_mbpif you haven't actually stood still for 10 minutes, outside in an open area (not in a major city with lots of tall buildings), on a day where there aren't clouds in the sky20:21
timeless_mbpthen you don't really know that it isn't working20:21
ioeeeI have tried on several occasions and in different places and nothing20:22
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* thresh rode five days ago at -15°C and it was alrite20:23
MohammadAGlooks ugly20:23
timeless_mbpioeee: do you have a SIM active in your n900?20:23
ioeeeyes, vodafone-es20:23
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ToiletOilfinally, finally, I've got the phone of my dreams20:23
ToiletOilI've waited for this day soooo long20:24
lcukToiletOil, cool, i always wanted a nokia 321020:24
ioeeetimeless_mbp,  is a problem?20:24
LinuxCodelcuk, address please20:24
timeless_mbptry opening settings, in the connectivity section you should see gps and location20:24
lcukLinuxCode, pardon20:24
timeless_mbp(it has a satellite dish icon)20:24
LinuxCodelcuk, i have one in my draw, if you are that keen lol20:24
timeless_mbpi have [x] GPS, GPS device = Internal GPS20:24
lcuklol and i bet the battery is still charged some years after you put it there20:25
timeless_mbp[x] Use A-GPS and Reverse-Geocoding20:25
lcukive got one wired up to my laser20:25
timeless_mbp(the spanish is obviously different)20:25
LinuxCodelcuk, of course20:25
lcukand its lasted for about 3 months20:25
* LinuxCode is always read for nuclear war20:25
ioeeeI have internal GPS activated and deactivated using wifi20:25
LinuxCodeeverything charged and ready...20:25
LinuxCodeToiletOil, so you got yourself a N900 huh ?20:26
* LinuxCode will also get one soon-ish20:26
LinuxCodeToiletOil, I understand your sentiment though20:26
LinuxCodeI am still very happy with my n81020:26
LinuxCodedespite it not having 3g/umts20:26
lcuktimeless, i noticed something in belgium, agps seemed to be happy given *any* connection, even the local adhoc one i have configured that gives it 0 information about location20:26
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LinuxCodelcuk, you went to fosdem amte ?20:27
timeless_mbplcuk: i really don't understand how the black magic for this stuff works20:27
lcuki didnt do emperical tests, but it stopped moaning about a connection and got a lock20:27
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lcukyeah LinuxCode20:27
timeless_mbplcuk: i think if it has a cache of data it can use it even if it doesn't have everything20:27
LinuxCodemeh I wish I had known20:27
LinuxCodethat would have been the 4th reason to go20:28
lcukyeah timeless20:28
LinuxCodeand Nokia was giving away 4 or so N900 as well20:28
lcukand having a dodgy connection sends it on a different pathway to having no connection20:28
lcukor at least thats my impression20:28
lcuklol LinuxCode judging by the amount of n900s on show all weekend i dont think there were many without them already20:29
lcukthey were everywhere20:29
LinuxCodelcuk, exactly20:29
LinuxCodemore chances to win one20:29
timeless_mbplcuk: photos?20:29
LinuxCodesee! its a secret ploy!20:30
LinuxCodefor me to have gotten one...20:30
LinuxCodeif I had gone ;-[20:30
lcuktimeless, photos of what, people with n900s?20:30
lcukthey were just all over20:30
timeless_mbpthis was fosdem?20:30
lcukmaybe its just me looking closer20:30
* timeless_mbp was sick in paris instead :/20:30
LinuxCodelets face it, its the only really cool 3g linux device out there20:31
lcukim glad i didnt drink much coke whilst there20:31
* LinuxCode looks20:31
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lcuki bet that machine has the lowest sales of any coke machine on the planet20:31
LinuxCodemenaquin piss or whatever its called20:31
GAN900Maemo is "on the way", eh?20:32
LinuxCodemanneken pis20:32
LinuxCodelcuk, think of the benefits20:32
LinuxCodeyou would always have a full bottle20:32
lcukLinuxCode, yeah but you dont normally have to do a handstand to get a drink20:34
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VDVsxGAN900, probably the Chinese version of maemo :D20:35
StskeepsMaemo-on-OMAP more likely, but only if they get omap-pm working20:36
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* ioeee se despide y cierra20:42
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ioeeetimeless_mbp, thanks, bye o/20:43
timeless_mbpioeee: good luck20:43
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sp3000so I'm too lazy to flash released sw20:58
sp3000does sip:foo@bar do anything interesting when given to the browser in urlbar and hit enter?20:58
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andre900sp3000: no?21:00
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andre900aief: what's that?21:17
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Xisdibik_n900he left21:18
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Shapeshifterhow can i change the date separator without changing the device language?21:21
Shapeshifteri want en_uk, but
redeemanshould  be reversed21:23
WizzupI'm confused... I just want gcc on my phone, and the sdk doesn't seem to be the answer21:24
uhsfwhat's your opinion about Google Buzz?21:24
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ptlwhat's Google Buzz?21:27
Shapeshifteri have a feeling microb is broken on my n900 it doesnt load any pages. net is working, i can browse using midori21:27
ptlShapeshifter: isn't it proxy configuration?21:28
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RST38hQuestion: Can I safely delete MyDocs/Trash-1000 folder?21:37
MiXu-Has anyone tried installing an SSH server and/or samba on N900?21:38
MohammadAGRST38h, assuming there isn't something you want, yes21:38
SpeedEvilssh server sure21:38
* MohammadAG deleted it21:38
SpeedEvilit's in extras IIRC21:38
SpeedEvilsamba no - rsync yes21:38
microlithMiXu-: not samba, but I installed the cifs kernel module21:39
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MiXu-SpeedEvil: Have you noticed a change in the battery consumption after installing it?21:39
RST38hMohammad: Goood =)21:39
MiXu-I'm being cautious about anything that has it's own daemon.21:40
SpeedEvilMiXu-: no, as I installed it minutes after poweron.21:40
SpeedEvilI can say that battery life is >1 day even with it on21:40
SpeedEvilI haven't seen it doing nasty things - requiring lots of wakeups say or CPU21:40
MiXu-ok, thanks21:41
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RST38hHeh... I have got ~/.opera dir21:42
RST38hWhat the hell?21:42
MiXu-Same question to microlith, have you noticed cifs draining the battery more than expected?21:42
Shapeshifterptlo: nope21:42
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Shapeshifterbtw, isnt there some way to switch tasks using the keyboard only? seems like ctrl+<- and then directional keys doesnt woek21:44
hrwShapeshifter: most of places in maemo ignore fact that you have keyboard in device21:44
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hrwyou cannot switch tasks, you cannot scroll lists21:45
hrwtoo often you cannot even scroll by typing first letter21:45
hrwbut we still use it ;D21:45
inzHmm, wonder if it's a good idea to add fb over XMPP onto tablet...21:47
inzWill flood my contact book probably =)21:47
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RST38hMhm...Quake3 is cool but unusable. Anyone figured a way to exit it? :)21:48
Stskeepscamera button?21:49
MohammadAGPower button + end current task21:49
RST38hcamera app pops up but does not let me press any other buttons21:49
threshclose it21:50
RST38hMohammad: power menu pops up but does not let me press any other buttons21:50
RST38hthresh: close what?21:50
threshcamera app :)21:50
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threshyou'll be switched to 'expose' menu or whatever it is21:50
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RST38hcannot: does not respond to buttons21:50
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* RST38h sshed in and killed -921:50
RST38hHardly an easy way to quit game though :)21:51
johnsqremove battery is quicker21:51
MohammadAGyou mean clicks?21:51
MohammadAGjohnsq, not a wise idea21:51
RST38hjohnsq: not here21:51
MohammadAGHolding the power button would switch the device off, and it seems better than removing the battery21:52
MohammadAGFAT32's a crap filesystem, and Windows users need it21:52
RST38hSSH rules21:53
tybolltusb users need it21:53
MiXu-I just hate the apps that people put to the repos and don't even bother to make it possible to exit :D21:53
RST38hNothing beats SSH for teeth removal through anal orifice21:53
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tybolltRST38h: =D21:53
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RST38hI am afraid Quake3 will have to go though, at least until someone deweirdifies it21:55
MohammadAGis it ioQuake3?21:55
MohammadAGcause that didn't work here21:55
* MohammadAG wonders if he should install this
pupniklcuk has cool networking for n900s that can be used for games21:56
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ptlwhere do I get angry birds?21:56
lcukthrow a stone into a tree21:56
ptlI was trying through application manager21:57
RST38hlcuk:That is kinda dangerous21:57
lcukRST38h, lots of practice21:57
ptlyeah, an alligator might fall from the tree and eat you.21:57
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RST38hlcuk: Considering that birdies like to take a shit on launch...21:57
lcuklongmoooooooooo btw, havent seen you in a bit21:57
RST38hlcuk: Had to work, sorry...21:57
lcukas we all do21:57
* lcuk has been vvvvvv busy21:58
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RST38hlcuk: + I just finished watching DrWho 2005-2007 and have not found a decent torrent for 2008-2009 yet21:58
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* RST38h has to admit it beats all US sf shows, except for Firefly, hands down21:59
tybolltI can't stand the fricken robot... it looks so amateur-ish21:59
RST38hfine with me22:00
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, way too British for me.22:00
tybolltdal or whatever it is called22:00
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RST38hGeneral: That is how I like it =)22:00
GeneralAntillesI mean, it's good, but it doesn't beat all US shows. :P22:00
lcukRST38h, im just watching 2005 atm22:00
lcukand i realised just how good tennant was22:00
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lcuki used to like eccleston22:01
lcukbut rose takes the series22:01
RST38hGeneral: Well it does not beat Firefly, but I see no other contender22:01
threshRST38h: try black books22:01
GeneralAntillesBattlestar Galactica?22:01
RST38hthresh: checking22:01
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GeneralAntillesFarscape (sort of, partially Australian)22:01
jacekowskiwhat is the address for extras-devel repository?22:01
RST38hGeneral: Generic Baywatch in Space =)22:01
lcukRST38h, agreed i general22:02
* thresh is a sheer fan of british comedies22:02
jacekowskisame as extras but with extras-devel in address instead?22:02
threshas well as beer and pubs22:02
RST38hGeneral: The usual good vs evil stuff, dumbed down politically correct himor22:02
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RST38hGeneral: Farscape is actually better at this22:03
RST38hGeneral: But still too prudish22:03
GeneralAntillesDr Who is just too GOOFY to ever take top slot for em.22:03
RST38hGOOFY is the word! =)22:04
lcukyou guys are all wrong, star wars ules them all, the way picard fights the evil daleks with his light sword22:04
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Dr Who is just too GOOFY to ever take top slot for me.22:04
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lcukits uk based GeneralAntilles22:04
lcukof course you wouldnt get it :p22:05
MohammadAGnice To make Facebook Chat available everywhere, we are using the technology Jabber (XMPP), an open messaging protocol supported by most instant messaging software, including iChat, Pidgin, Adium, Miranda and more.22:05
GeneralAntilleslcuk, it's true.22:05
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lcukGeneralAntilles, what scifi/fantasy stuff comes from your neck of the woods?22:06
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lcukand no, miami vice doesnt count (tho cool)22:07
* LinuxCode dislikes DR Who22:08
LinuxCodesolely because he is sick and tired of running into blocked roads22:08
LinuxCodebecause they are filming22:08
lcukyou live on proxima alpha 3 as well then, they were protesting about that for weeks?22:09
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LinuxCodeonce they needed extras for Dr who and offered passers by £300 or so for an hours work22:10
lcuknm, where do they do most filming?22:10
GeneralAntilleslcuk, Babylon 5, Farscape (sort of), Battlestar Galactica, Stark Trek, Futurama, Firefly, etc.22:10
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LinuxCodelcuk, they did loads around here in Cyncoed22:11
* lcuk is ignorant of drwho locations22:11
lcukahhh lc22:11
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LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, old or new battle star galactica ?22:11
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GeneralAntillesLinuxCode, both?22:11
lcukGeneralAntilles, :D b5 firefly ftw22:11
LinuxCodelcuk, they even did something at my old GPs surgery, as it had moved22:11
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, k22:11
* LinuxCode hates remakes22:11
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LinuxCodeif they really do an A-team remake based on Iraq, I will die22:12
LinuxCodeso stupid22:12
lcukof course it is, we know the a team were sent to afghanistan22:13
lcuklearn to history :p22:13
LinuxCodelcuk, Im just sick and tired of all this "US is the best"22:13
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LinuxCodethe old series had a degree of humility about them22:13
thorbjornHmm, something tells me the N900 could use awesome Google Buzz integration.22:13
LinuxCodei.e. "nobody likes to remember vietnam, etc..22:13
lcukmeh i kinda think its right, self motivation and confidence is to be commended22:13
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LinuxCodelcuk, not for a war which shouldnt have happened22:14
LinuxCodeI still want to see Blair on trial too22:14
LinuxCodeand I voted for him22:14
lcuknot that you ar eright22:14
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lcukthorbjorn, i disabled that stupid buzz thing22:14
fralswonder if its ok to get a thread locked and start a new one with the reason its 70 pages long and none is gonna bother reading it all22:14
ShadowJKSo I bought a dc-10 car charger...22:14
ShadowJKgood news: 1200mA output22:15
ScribbleJIs it a bad idea to mount my network folder (cifs) where the media player can see it and will (presumably) try to index/thumbnail the tons and tons of videos?22:15
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LinuxCodeScribbleJ, hehe22:15
LinuxCodehow much time have you got ?22:15
ShadowJKbad news: the "stylish addition to your car" means it has a fuckoff huge ring of blue led22:15
LinuxCodeand how much battery22:15
lcukfrals, like i said, we need a way to filter a tmo thread, and only show posts with "thanks"22:15
lcukthat would cut your 70 pages down to 1 post22:15
lcukgive or take ;)22:16
lcuki dont really care how scewed it would be, but its better to see the posts other members think are valuable22:16
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thorbjornlcuk: I wouldn't expect any different. :)22:18
Stskeeps~curse fbdev22:18
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, fbdev !22:18
thorbjornlcuk: But a lot of people will like it, and they would probably prefer a phone that integrates with it.22:19
* Arif YAWNS22:20
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lcukthorbjorn, its the linkages and connections it makes from your mailing list contacts22:20
* Arif yawns without caps lock too22:20
lcukyou are right tho thorbjorn22:21
lcuksome people will go gaga for it22:21
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thorbjornlcuk: I think it shows Google is in an excellent position to set up a monopoly in a few days if they get their technology right.22:21
lcuka monopoly of what?22:22
thorbjorn(ie. Google Wave wasn't really a success)22:22
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zashwhat is google wave good for?22:22
thorbjornA monopoly on the way people communicate I guess.22:22
Arifsomeone hack the conversations app to make the font bigger please :D22:22
zashsolutions on searh of problems :D22:22
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lcukhow can they be a monopoly if i can just use any other service?22:23
StskeepsArif: it's html, afaik22:23
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Stskeepsgo hack22:23
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thorbjornlcuk: I guess monopoly is a badly chosen word. :)22:23
Arifit's such a waste of screen to have a kind of big avatar on the left but itty bitty letters22:23
* lcuk nods ok22:23
lcukthats semantics22:23
thorbjornlcuk: But you know the way there are hundreds of services like Twitter, but none are even a fraction as popular.22:23
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lcukare they turning the google adverts into windows on buzz?22:23
lcukthorbjorn, of course22:24
lcukthats the same with many things22:24
thorbjornlcuk: Yes, and since Twitter is so popular, it is important to have a nice Twitter app for your phone, at least for many people.22:24
thorbjornlcuk: I expect the same for Google Buzz quite soon.22:25
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asj_what exactly is google buzz?22:26
lcuki heard its googles version of twitter?22:27
thorbjornlcuk: My thinking is just like, if Google Buzz gets popular, and their Nexus is the only phone that interfaces nicely with it, this would not be so good for Nokia.22:27
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thorbjornIt's like Twitter, but you can comment on other people's "tweets", which is a feature that Twitter basically lacks (you can only tweet back, without any connection to the original post).22:28
JaffaSurely the browser based one which works on the iPhone and Android will work on the N90022:28
thorbjornSo it's general usability is much better.22:28
thorbjornJaffa: And it will show a map of people's messages in your vicinity?22:29
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thorbjornits general*22:30
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Arkenoi there already is juick which is basically the same - microblogging service with handy comments and threading22:31
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lcukJaffa, thorbjorn is right about a dedicated client being good22:31
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Myrttithorbjorn: so it's like Jaiku or Qaiku, but years later and within gmail.22:32
thorbjornJaffa: Actually, Google Maps for S60 will.22:32
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* lcuk would prefer to see it services by conversations plugin22:32
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thorbjornMyrtti: Maybe. I've never heard about Jaiku or Qaiku or Juick, so those services must have been doing something wrong, unless this kind of service is indeed uninteresting. :)22:33
thorbjornlcuk: Yeah, that'd be cool.22:33
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Arifwhoever wrote the conversations plugins hasn't thought it out very well ;(22:33
thorbjornOr thought too long without checking practical functionality?22:34
* lcuk thinks conversations works v v well22:34
thorbjornNot that I know what's wrong with it though. What it does works for me too.22:34
Arifit works a bit too well22:34
lcuki sent a barrage of nearly 100 txt messages at eldest son the other day22:34
ArifI went to cleanup the contact list because MSN added like 200+ entries22:35
Arifand they disappeared from the desktop too!22:35
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Myrttithorbjorn: Buzz is somewhat based on the idea of a Finnish startup started in 2006 or so, later bought by Google, now available as open source. Qaiku is a technical inheritor or Jaiku legacy, with more features that Jaiku had. Jaiku had feed import, threaded conversations etc. Qaiku has language support far beyond Jaiku, and even Buzz. Some Maemo stuff is done on Qaiku.22:35
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lcukjaffa can hermees sync with gmail friends?22:36
lcukerrr contacts22:37
Myrttithorbjorn: Mauku on N900 even supports Qaiku22:37
Myrttiand originally it supported only Jaiku, twitter came later22:37
thorbjornMyrtti: Ok, neat stuff. So you mean this thing will already integrate with Google Buzz too?22:37
Myrttithorbjorn: I didn't say that :-/22:38
lcukif its based on the same tech then theres a decent chance it might, jaiku migrated to the google app engine didnt it22:38
lcukor at least be tweakable22:39
Myrttijaiku migrated to google app engine, but buzz doesn't use any of its code22:39
Myrttiqaiku is using midgard as background engine22:39
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thorbjornMyrtti: What do you mean with language support?22:39
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Myrttithorbjorn: I can tell Qaiku I know english, finnish and swedish, and when writing a message, telling what language it's written in. Only people that have told Qaiku they know that language can see it.22:40
thorbjornMyrtti: Ah, alright.22:40
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Myrttinifty way of filtering out messages you don't understand from people who are intresting and multilingual22:40
Shapeshifterdoes someone know a text editor besides vim that does syntax highlighting?22:41
Shapeshifterfor the n90022:41
Shapeshiftera la geany22:41
Shapeshifterlcuk: ah right thanks22:41
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* thresh officially hates delivery services in .ru22:45
threshthey fake and don't publish the tracking information so you cant screw them for not delivering the packages22:46
RST38hthresh: Black Books actually deserves watching, btw\22:46
threshyes, it's dreadful, but quite short22:46
johnsu01Shapeshifter: emacs :)22:47
threshthat's a direct quote from the series :)22:47
thorbjornMyrtti: It's another grudge with Twitter indeed, that it's impossible to follow a Russian since most his tweets will be, well, Russian.22:47
* RST38h wonders what thorbjorn expected22:47
* thresh tweets in english mostly22:48
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* SpeedEvil does not tweet.22:48
asj_there is no editor but vi ;)22:48
threshSpeedEvil: now you just being a luddite!22:48
thorbjornRST38h: I expect a feature like Qaiku, where I can say "only English from this guy please".22:48
lcukmy god, the most useful thing for that language code would be being able to blank txt spk from the view!22:49
Lumpio-I find the "microblog" format pretty much as interesting as IRC away messages22:49
thorbjornRST38h: Or a feature like PicasaWeb, which is "autotranslate please".22:49
Lumpio-"brb taking a leak"22:49
Lumpio-You should rather use that macroblog site that has a /minimum/ message length of 4000 characters or so22:49
* thresh only follows cool sports men tweets22:49
Arifbuilt in google translate on twitter? great idea!22:49
Lumpio-It would be a great idea if machine translation worked properly.22:49
* RST38h does not tweet, finding this activity humiliating22:49
lcuk"RT: @lumpio-toilet just flushed, mass 4kg, consistency..."22:50
* Arif isn't interesting enough to tweet ;(22:50
Lumpio-4kg? holy shit22:50
SpeedEvillcuk: I almost have that though.
RST38hlcuk: Now, THAT is a good use for twitter22:50
Lumpio-damn, slow22:50
asj_Lumpio-: gave birth22:50
SpeedEvillcuk: you can derive the quantities from that.22:50
RST38hlcuk: Of course, it should also make pictures22:50
MyrttiLumpio-: Qaiku has the 140char limit only on the start message, comments can be as long as needed22:50
SpeedEvillcuk: the spikes downward are exactly that event :)22:50
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Lumpio-Isn't that a bit... backwards, Myrtti?22:50
MyrttiLumpio-: no?22:50
lcukRST38h, for the ladies it wouldnt use the twitpic service22:51
Lumpio-At least AFAIK, blog posts tend to be longer than the comments they get22:51
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RST38hLumpio: Depends.22:51
lcukRST38h, should be relatively easy to create a twittering hack like that22:51
RST38hActually, making shortest blog post that will collect shitloads of comments is an art22:52
lcukthere was a bubble blowing machine at one of the barcamps22:52
lcukand other stuff similar22:52
Lumpio-"PS3 has no gaems"22:52
Lumpio-I won.22:52
threshSpeedEvil: what's the software you're using?22:52
RST38hlcuk: Frankly, it is the only use for twitter I can think about22:52
lcukditto for irc22:52
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RST38hlcuk: Naah, IRC is actually useful22:52
SpeedEvilthresh: gnuplot+awk22:52
MyrttiLumpio-: in Qaiku the idea in some places is to offer a "header" or "title" with the 140chars22:53
lcukRST38h, twitter is irc for web2.0 tho :p22:53
Lumpio-Then it makes sense22:53
RST38hlcuk: Communication tool. Twitter is just a stupid web site accepting 140-char messages22:53
threshand don't you have your scales connected to a computer? :o22:53
Lumpio-Sorry, I hadn't heard of Qaiku, just sounded like a twitter clone, I mean, with the same character limit and all22:53
* lcuk sees nothing wrong with char limit22:53
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Myrtti^ good example of the usage22:54
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lcukyour picture22:55
lcukhave you stopped eating?22:55
RST38hMyrtti: The topic ("Tapping the social web") makes the whole conversation pointless22:55
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MyrttiRST38h: that channel is for reporting seminars and conferences22:55
RST38hMyrtti: At best, we are seeing discussion of Twitter conducted via Twitter =)22:55
SpeedEvillcuk: not quite.22:55
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MyrttiRST38h: technical example, not context example ;-)22:56
SpeedEvillcuk: I started out at BMI >30 - 'obese' - and have gotten down to a much more reasonable weight. Around 800 calories down from static intake.22:56
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lcukgood on ya!  that chart is actually rly interesting22:57
jacekowskiwhere maemo stores contacts?22:57
SpeedEvilThe spikes show just how damn variable stuff is. And how much scales can lie if you don't do moving averages.22:57
lcukmoving averages?22:58
lcukthat makes me think of lorries and weighbridges22:58
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Lumpio-A moving average would be the average of the values surrounding the point in time22:59
SpeedEvil:) the green line is a 7 day moving average - of the 7 days centred on a date.22:59
Lumpio-It makes it easier to see long-term trends in data that has lots of short-term variation22:59
SpeedEvilAnnoyingly gnuplot can't do that - so I have it done in awk22:59
Lumpio-Maybe I should start charting stuff like that23:00
Lumpio-Although I'd probably despair over the first data point, heh23:00
Jaffalcuk: It's a feature request which's been raised. Unimplemented as yet.23:00
SpeedEvilI'm also working on hacking up scripts to integrate 'weightjinni' with
lcukjaffa, as thorbjorn said, with the new google service, it could be something people may request more of23:01
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SpeedEvilLumpio-:I'd recommend first using the above to accurately work out your calorie intake over a week. Then loo aat where the bulk is coming from and see if you can swap high calorie food you're eating because it's there for lower calorie food that you really like.23:03
lcukSpeedEvil, best luck with your targeti also estimate that if you continue at that rate, you will become lighter than air in just over 13months23:03
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SpeedEvillcuk: I initially was perplexed by the projected date for my target weightloss. Then I realised it was fitting to weight 0.23:04
Lumpio-SpeedEvil: But I already know where it's coming from.23:04
lcuktarget weightless23:04
Lumpio-Fast food is just so... effortless.23:04
SpeedEvilI was somewhat surprised when I did the numbers to find out how many of my daily calories were coming from milk.23:04
Lumpio-Weightlessness would probably be fun for a while, but for a lifetime? no thanks23:04
lcukdamn you!23:04
lcuk>> afk23:05
SpeedEvilTaking my coffee 20C hotter for example - as a stupid example - meant I actually taste it rather than glugging it down, and use less milk.23:05
SpeedEvilAlso - when you feel like a snack but you know you shouldn't - just play angrybirds for a bit.23:05
tybolltHave I come to the weightwatchers forum by accident? :-S23:06
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Lumpio-tybollt: This might be more on-topic than you'd think ;P23:07
Lumpio-Well, I can't talk for everyone though.23:07
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Toba_sending email from the n900 just says "failed" but does not offer an error message of any kind23:07
Lumpio-I can live without snacks. I just need to find a healthier source for my main meals23:07
Toba_is there some way I can configure the mail application to actually tell me what is wrong?23:07
SpeedEvilToba: I used strace23:08
SpeedEvilwhich is spectacularly the wrong way to do it.23:08
SpeedEvilBut worked.23:08
SpeedEvilSomehow it turned out that my hostname had gotten set to sixteen NULs which was upsetting modst.23:09
SpeedEvilalso pidgin23:09
Lumpio-The error message on N900 are a bit lackin indeed23:09
Lumpio-Is there no secret log file or something?23:09
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SpeedEvilnot that I've seen23:09
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Lumpio-I mean, like for example, apps tend to just die if you give them the wrong command line arguments23:10
Lumpio-No USAGE, no nothing23:10
Lumpio-No man page either23:10
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GeneralAntillesman is online. . . .23:10
SpeedEvilfor stuff like camera-ui?23:10
Toba_I'm just glad this is the only thing I've had trouble with23:10
Toba_but still23:10
Toba_just 'failed' really nokia?23:10
Lumpio-Well, osso-xterm would be nice for a start23:11
Toba_that is not a useful message23:11
Toba_that is hiding what is wrong23:11
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Lumpio-(The exact name, thatis (>IIRC))23:11
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jacekowskiis anybody using gadu-gadu on n900 or does anybody know how to import buddylist/contacts from it to n900 contacts?23:12
SpeedEvilDoes 'activating' a red bird do anything?23:13
jacekowskired bird?23:13
hexagoonDoes anyone know if it's ok to recompile a debian package and upload to maemo repos?23:13
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hexagoonjust adding a changelog entry noting the port23:14
Toba_I would hope so.23:14
GeneralAntilleshexagoon, not if you're planning on uploading it to non-free. :)23:14
Toba_hahaha what23:14
Toba_i think it goes the other way, GeneralAntilles ;)23:14
Lumpio-SpeedEvil: Don't think it does23:14
GeneralAntillesToba, if he's planning on "recompiling" then it sounds like he's doing it locally.23:14
GeneralAntillesWhich sounds like he's just planning on uploading a binary.23:15
GeneralAntillesWhich aint gonna work.23:15
Toba_I figure he means cross compiling...23:15
hexagoonGeneralAntilles: Well, sourcing the original package, repack it and upload to extras :P23:15
Toba_remember hexagoon it's an ARM chip23:15
GeneralAntillesToba, that doesn't mean anything different. :)23:15
GeneralAntillesToba_, if he's uploading it to Extras, it's going through the autobuilder which handles the compilation. :)23:16
Toba_I should shut up about things I don't know as much about as I thought I did.23:16
hexagoonToba_: =)23:16
hexagoonI'm a dev, just need to port some dependencies23:16
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hexagoonwell, i give it a go :)23:17
hexagoonif no-one disagrees ? ;)23:17
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pwnguinlooks like someoone hacked in USB OTG for droid23:19
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pwnguinwonder how hard it would be to duplicate that on n90023:20
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jacekowskidroid on n900?23:23
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SpeedEvilpwnguin: OTG is impossible - thjere is no pin got it. USB-host seems not to be impossible as so far discovered.23:28
SpeedEvilBut nobodies done it23:28
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Toba_how can I find if anyone has packaged pysqlite for fremantle?23:34
Toba_it doesn't seem to be in freemoe23:34
Toba_at least not in extras and devel23:34
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mk8hi guys, I have a problem with INotify on a devkit environment .... the testing C code compile on ARMEL and X86 but not on HOST environment ...23:36
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mk8anyone have a suggestion?23:36
fralsToba: the python sqlit3e module is builtin23:38
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hexagoonmk8: What's the host environment?23:40
mk8hexagoon: I need to have a devkit so I need to use host gcc e not the cross compiler ...23:41
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mk8so I try to define a new environment on the scratchbox that us gcc (host) instead gcc (cross) ...23:41
hexagoonmk8: what happens?23:42
mk8I also install maemo-sdk-debug, rootstrap and so on ... but I not able to compile a code that use INotify23:42
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hexagoonwhat happens when you try to compile ? :)23:43
mk8probably I make some mistake on the configuration of the environment....23:43
mk8hexagoon: I got this error:23:43
mk8/var/tmp/cc2TNRPk.o(.text+0x1b): In function `main':23:43
mk8: undefined reference to `inotify_init'23:43
mk8/var/tmp/cc2TNRPk.o(.text+0x4b): In function `main':23:43
mk8: undefined reference to `inotify_add_watch'23:43
mk8/var/tmp/cc2TNRPk.o(.text+0x1e6): In function `main':23:43
mk8sorry ... next time I will use pastebin23:43
hexagoondo you have the inotify lib?23:44
hexagoonand devlib?23:44
Arkenoiwhat is the "finger-friendly" link for buzz?23:44
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* v13 needs python packaging guidance/help23:45
mk8hexagoon: I not know .. I install the maemo-sdk-debug package in the HOST environment23:45
mk8to compile the C code I simply use "gcc inotify.c -o inotify.bin" ... on all the environment, I never specify any external lib23:46
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luke-jrmk8: you need to if it uses an external lib23:48
luke-jrwhen invoked as 'gcc', it by default links libc23:48
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luke-jrfor inotify tho, there are no libs..23:50
mk8right luke-jr, but inotify is in the kernel so I suppose that is resolved by libc23:50
luke-jrmk8: I don't think libc provides kernel interfaces23:50
luke-jrbut I don't know how they are resolved :|23:50
ShadowJKyou can syscall() kernel things glibc doesn't know about23:52
v13for some things, glibc provides just aliases against syscalls()23:54
mk8ShadowJK: the problem is more complex. I identify that an not able to compile code that use inotify ... but I need to compile a big crunch of code that I not write and use inotify ....23:55
v13you can always get the inotify code from glibc and add it to the code23:55
v13but make sure that inotify actually works on mameo's kernel first :)23:56
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mk8v13: the problem is that glib not compile because not find inotify interface23:56
luke-jrv13: good point :)23:56
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ArifI seem to be missing mplayer.conf23:56
v13mk8: you can always modify configure or to always succeed on that test23:56
Arifcan I just create it?23:56
mk8luke-jr , v13 , the problem is glib libray during the linking stage give me this error ....23:57
johnsu01why don't we have /etc/shells?23:57
ShadowJKarif: sure23:57
luke-jrmk8: ok, I don't use glib. :P23:58
ShadowJKor /home/user/.mplayer/config23:58
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mk8luke-jr: I suppose that is not possible for me ... :(23:58
luke-jrmk8: why?23:58
ArifI looked in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf23:58
mk8because the environment that I try to port use glib library23:59
luke-jrfail :P23:59
* Arif goes to look there too23:59

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