IRC log of #maemo-devel for Monday, 2010-01-18

DocScrutinizerruskie: bat percent is quite jumpy. I guess they just probe cell voltage and that drops considerably when you draw more current00:09
DocScrutinizeron my test I had something like 2h on a supposedly flat battery00:10
SpeedEvilbat percent measurement, and alleged battery volts is on crack.00:11
DocScrutinizeranyway I got some 20h of online via WLAN. Half of that was with quite low but active backlight most of the time. All the time with SIP and IRC00:12
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ruskieow yeah and this was with wifi on and even two ssh sessions00:40
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_Lucretia_ok, here for a bit. I'm still having trouble downloading correct archives from jebba's mirror :(02:22
_Lucretia_md5sum's not matching02:23
jebba_Lucretia_: such as?02:23
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jebba_Lucretia_: a good example would be to give the name/url of the file, and what your MD5SUM is and what you expect it to be.02:24
_Lucretia_ecksun: Downloaded armel rootstrap file failed integrity test.02:24
jebba_Lucretia_: and the MD5SUm of the file? cmon you can do it!02:25
_Lucretia_when I download it by hand, via wget and ff, the md5sum I get is: c1e50023892785b958c395663b212fa402:25
_Lucretia_I had to search the history02:25
jebbalemme check02:25
jebba_Lucretia_: and what should the md5sum be?02:25
_Lucretia_according to the file on your mirror called, it should be 1cccaa63e7ae4f8cb38a4ca4eeb94d0202:26
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jebba_Lucretia_: the MDSUMs on the server match your MD5SUM there, not what's in the MD5SUM file.02:28
_Lucretia_well, the script is failing at the md5sum part here02:28
_Lucretia_by the looks02:28
_Lucretia_or maybe not02:29
_Lucretia_hang, looking in the script02:29
_Lucretia_ah, gunzip -qt fails02:30
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jebba_Lucretia_: looks foo to me too.  Those tarballs are from Jan 13th (recent).   They are grabbed cruftily with wget since they aren't part of the repo and there is no rsync available from upstream. We'll just have to wait til things come back online to see WTF is up. The rootstraps I've been using are older.02:31
_Lucretia_any idea when they're gonna pull their fingers out?02:33
jebba_Lucretia_: this is the one i've been using:
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jebbapull their fingers out? havent heard that one (?)02:33
_Lucretia_thanks, that worked02:34
_Lucretia_jebba: "pull their fingers out of their arses"02:34
jebbaah heh02:34
jebbawell, it is the weekend afterall...02:34
_Lucretia_ah, you got an i386 one that works too?02:35
jebbaya, same spot.02:35
_Lucretia_jebba: from what I gather the site's been down for at least a month02:35 has had problems every single day since i got my fone around Dec 3 or so02:35
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_Lucretia__sorry, crashed03:27
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_Lucretia_jebba: ok, which sources.list files do I need?03:35
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_Lucretia_for the sdk install03:46
_Lucretia_cos the repo is down03:46
goodwillJaffa: been testing catrose 0.0.5 ... so far no other apps experience bug 811103:48
_Lucretia_ok, I have abunch of lines like this "deb fremantle/sdk free non-free" in the sources.list, to get it to work with your repo I change to ?03:48
jebba_Lucretia_: if i can get wiki to load, i'll paste up my sources.list sample there (my connection sucks, i think the wiki itself is ok)03:49
jebbaya, that will work (at a quick glance)03:49
jebba_Lucretia_: see:
_Lucretia_jebba: <- errors03:52
jebbagah, i want to edit one word from there     i cant wait til i got a good connectino03:52
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jebba_Lucretia_: check the sources.list i just put up03:54
_Lucretia_I just copied over the extras stuff03:54
_Lucretia_everything else is commented out03:54
jebba_Lucretia_: cuz you have :03:54
jebbaErr fremantle/sdk/non-free Packages03:54
jebbanot  etc03:54
jebbalook at my example i just put up03:55
_Lucretia_right try again03:55
_Lucretia_copied the whoe thing03:55
_Lucretia_keyring errors, nothing bad i asume03:56
_Lucretia_ <- failed03:56
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ruskievillager, thanks for the help yesterday09:09
ruskiemanaged to get it working now09:09
ruskiethat hint with installed size and depends helped... it seems that also provides and all the other lines matter09:09
hrwI wonder about one thing09:34
hrwcan I push into extras package which is update to official system one?09:34
hrwmodest 3.1.18-0m5.hrw109:34
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ruskiemp-fremantle-generic-mp will get removed09:42
ruskieit needs to have exactly the same version and Installed-size and Depends/Conflicts/etc... else it will be considered a completly different pkg and will either get replaced by the original one or will force removal of mp-fremantle-generic-mp09:43
ruskieor whatever it's name09:43
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hrwcan I say what I think of nokia Maemo policy?10:08
fralshrw: pretty sure you cant push a package to extras that overrides one of the default ones10:09
hrwfrals: ok, time for own repo then10:11
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hrwmp-fremantle-generic-mp will get update from me then too10:11
hrwI just do not want to wait half year before nokia will release simple fix10:12
hrwdpkg-deb: building package `modest' in `../modest_3.1.18+0m5.hrw1_armel.deb'.10:22
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goodwillso repository is back up I see10:32
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fluxalmost, it appears to me. the index files have issues according to my ham.10:36
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goodwillhrw: what fix did you apply?10:45
JaffaMorning, all10:59
goodwillJaffa: nitey nite11:01
Jaffagoodwill: cool (about bug 8111)11:04
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hrwgoodwill: bug #654111:20
hrwgoodwill: removed using i18n for Re: Fwd: strings11:23
hrwok, need to take care of other things. bye11:24
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ntrsHow do I get info/event when there is a missed call or SMS? What API?11:39
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_Lucretia_sdk back up13:35
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HukkaWhere can I get the current value for the system volume? It seems like phonon doesn't use it automatically, but I have to set the volume manually. It blasts on full power even with volume set to zero...14:31
ruskieHukka, it's supposedly the way something is initialized for pulse14:35
ruskieI get the same issue with xmms214:35
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_Lucretia_they still havent fixed those mime type errors in the sdk then15:33
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hrwmp-fremantle-generic-pr is sourceless package - right?15:34
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ruskieI think s15:42
ruskieI'm actually amazed how long it took for people to find out about passwords being stored in the clear15:43
hrwruskie: if something can be done wrong then maemo is place when it can be found?15:46
jebba_Lucretia_: hey, i downloaded the new SDK files and they have new MD5SUM file....15:46
_Lucretia_jebba: just installed from nokia15:47
jebbaanyway, so something was foo on the main repo, since they've changed that.15:48
_Lucretia_well, their servers (going from internet searches) were down since november!15:49
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jebba_Lucretia_: the prob with the SDK was probably what Tero Kojo is calling "last mile acceleration".15:53
jebbabut who knows really, since they put up a new MD5SUM file too (though didn't change timestamps)15:54
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jebba_Lucretia_: i posted to maemo-devel about the broken SDKs, thx for catching it  :)16:08
jebbahrw: yes, plz.  And maybe that meta package won't have to have OVI crap in it either....16:10
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hrwjebba: nope. because even when you remove them then system upgrade will grab them again16:23
jebbahrw: i thought it was grabbing them because the were listed in that meta package, but i havent looked closely16:25
hrwthey are listed in it's deps16:25
hrwmetapackage depends on exact versions used in fw drop16:25
ntrsHow do I get info/event when there is a missed call or SMS? What API?16:25
jebbaya, they are listed in the deps, and when the meta pacakge is rebuilt, drop those lines16:28
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hrwcan someone update git frontend on to give urls for cloning?16:39
hrwand make it work at all for cloning16:43
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jebba   _Lucretia_17:42
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KenYoungI received an invitation to become a maintainer of the maemo extras repository.   When I try to upload my ssh keys, the web form comes back with the message "this should not happen".   Has anyone seen that problem before, or does anyone know how I can proceed to upload a package if I can't upload ssh keys?17:50
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ntrs_Is someone interested in writing an app/service that will beep every x minutes if there is a missed call or an unread SMS? I will pay for your time and effort.17:52
jebbaKenYoung: file bug17:53
KenYoungjebba, I did.17:53
jebbayou need ssh key if you are going to upload with ssh keys17:53
jebbayou may be able to upload via web interface17:53
KenYoungjebba, I thought it might have been related to the server problems.   But I guess they're back up now, right?17:54
KenYoungI also emailed about the problem, but have received no response.17:55
jebbagarage@maemo is probably devnull.  The servers are back for now apparently. g2g17:56
KenYoungjebba, Thanks for your reply.17:57
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_Lucretia_jebba: is ovi bad then?18:03
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_Lucretia_nice to see in the api docs that the main page per lib states what that libs is for, not18:05
_Lucretia_I have a few Q's does n900 have an app (or something builtin) to manage/show internet usage?18:06
_Lucretia_Can maemo detect when your sim account has been topped up? is this hookable?18:07
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pH5_Lucretia_: there's a data counter at near the bottom of the phone settings dialog, is that what you're looking for? these values are also in gconf somewhere (gprs_rx/tx_bytes)18:25
pH5s/at near/near/18:25
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SpeedEvilShe's looking for the special SMS messages that are sent to indicate top-ups and remaining credit.18:41
SpeedEvilon pay-as-you-go phones18:41
ruskieI thought those were just plain old SMSes18:42
ruskieatleast that's what I remember from them18:42
SpeedEvilSome are, some aren't18:42
ruskieSpeedEvil, and she was looking for something to show internet usage as well ;)18:43
HukkaUrgh, what might be wrong when running sb-menu freezes18:45
HukkaThe python process seems to take around 20% of cpu, though18:45
hrwcan someone tell me where I will find instructions for 'one click install' files used in maemo?18:45
HukkaBut nothing happens18:45
Hukkahrw: I'm interested too, but was thinking about just checking an example from ovi store, or something like that18:46
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plr___jeremiah: I have solved my problems with upgrading the development environment.. I am ready to try the packaging challenge again :)19:06
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ntrs_So, is anyone interested in writing the app/service to server as a reminder for missed calls and messages for the N900?19:28
v13ntrs can you repeat what you asked for ?19:29
lcukv13 i forgot too, perhaps he could ask it again every 5 minutes19:30
v13I just joined :)19:30
v13and it looked like something I'm working on :)19:30
lcukwell thats kewl then19:31
ntrs_I am looking to hire someone to write an app/service for the N900 that will basically beep every x minutes when there is a missed call or SMS19:31
v13well.. I almost have something like that ready.. and you don't need to hire me :)19:31
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lcukv13 dont say that19:32
ntrs_Once the messages are read and missed calls are seen then it should stop beeping, ovbviously.19:32
v13but there is something that I'm looking for: How the **** can I play a system sound from python? I currently can only play .wav files with full path.19:32
ntrs_v13, well, then I will donate to you once it's ready.19:32
lcuk"its a tough challenge but i thin ki might be able to put it together for the right price"19:32
v13lcuk: that's proper wording too :)19:32
ntrs_what is a "right price" though?19:33
lcukyou specifically want the system sounds19:33
ntrs_lcuk, whatever sound, a beep will be sufficient, but if it's configurable even better.19:33
v13at this point yes. and all of them are .aac which the gstreamer and pygame don't seem to be able to play19:33
v13e.g. /usr/share/sounds/Message1.aac19:34
lcukv13 if noone answers here, ask in the -dev mailing list nicely19:34
v13well.. i'll try that too :)19:35
lcuki cant even dig up any info cos my fingers are freezig19:35
v13you're outside using n900 ?19:35
ntrs_I'll pay $100 as soon as there is a test version, with another $100 after it's done.19:35
lcukv13 in helsinki19:36
lcukjust come in from outside19:36
v13ntrs_ what i currently have is pure beta and surely cannot be used as-is.19:36
v13but be patient :)19:36
ntrs_v13, still, does the beta work somewhat without crashing or bricking the n900?"19:36
v13well.. I'm only using it as test19:37
v13but I'm going to use to myself for a while first19:37
v13so it will be ok19:37
ntrs_Ok, when the beta is in a usable state, show it to me and get the first $10019:37
v13well.. there is not exactly what you want but it can be easily programmed (in lets say 10 minutes)19:38
v13but you can test this one19:38
v13one moment19:38
lcuk"gentlemen, start your compilers"19:39
wirelessdreamermmm compiled python19:39
wirelessdreamer. . .19:39
SpeedEvilIn the current topic. I will pay $5 for a program that proves p=np19:40
wirelessdreamerhow's python been working out for you on the n900? I wanted to try and get pydance running on mine19:40
v13very good for me19:41
v13I'd say: \excellent19:41
v13w'out the \19:41
wirelessdreamerwhen I tried building against some python libs on the sdk I had python versioning issues19:42
v13ok.. you can get it from
v13I'm coding on the device directly :)19:42
v13get it at your device. tar -zxf it and run main.py19:42
ntrs_ok, so just run it manually?19:43
v13it will give simple notifications but you can program whatever you want19:43
v13however, the "missed calls" event is not yet ready :)19:43
v13I just finished the ringing and only tested it from VoIP.19:44
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v13so, i'll be busy for a while, finishing the missed call event19:45
ntrs_Ok, I'll be back in an hour.19:45
lcukSpeedEvil, ill do that, but you must pay me exactly pi euroes19:45
v13speedevil i can make that too, but it will take some time to finish19:46
v13speedevil you should pay before it finishes of course19:47
v13oh.. and it will in binary form only19:47
lcukn=1, p=np    p=1    therefore p=np19:48
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* SpeedEvil writes a cheque, for €π.19:50
lcukSpeedEvil, you have to write the amount in words (and "pi" wont do)19:51
v13works for p=0 too19:51
SpeedEvilThat is a limitation of the bank.19:51
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wirelessdreamerI have extras-dev and testing enabled, but I fring doesn't seem to be listed in the repo now, and It was a few weeks ago, anyone have it working on their handset20:26
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hrwwirelessdreamer: what for you need fring?20:54
wirelessdreamerI wanted to see if video calling with the 5mp camera was working20:54
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fralslcuk: whats this with you and doors i keep reading about everywhere?20:58
DocScrutinizerv13: wtf? the ToDo is rot1321:09
v13todo is in greek :O)21:10
v13worst :)21:10
v13in fact, it is not greek.. it is in greeklish21:10
v13greek written with latin characters21:10
v13not even greeks understand this easy :)21:11
DocScrutinizerv13: I hope you use dbus call instead of loading LED engines directly?21:11
v13i load engines directly21:11
v13so you have to remove the led plugin from mce :)21:11
v13because i don't know of a way to program the leds with dbus.21:11
v13only predefined sequences can be used from mce.ini. No?21:11
DocScrutinizerwell, you can't probably program them. Nevertheless you should find a dbus call to trigger any of the paterns defined in mce.ini21:12
v13there is one, but.. well.. it is very limited21:12
v13this has a nice gui :)21:12
v13without needing root21:13
DocScrutinizerif you need another pattern then you probably might add this to mce.ini21:13
v13why is this better ?21:13
DocScrutinizeras you won't break normal maemo LED notification21:13
v13anyway, since this is plugin-based, it is always possible to write an alarm plugin that uses dbus to trigger leds21:13
v13well.. i thought of that a bit..21:14
v13and i really want to break that21:14
v13that's the target :)21:14
DocScrutinizereither you break all normal notifications or you get kicked by MCE eventually21:14
v13indeed. i can't fight with mce21:14
v13it always wins21:14
v13e.g. when you tap the screen it resets the leds21:14
v13been there, done that, gone away :)21:14
DocScrutinizeralso does after 30min or so automatically, without any event21:15
v13well.. it is easy to write a plugin for that, so that can be user configurable21:15
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v13it is a matter off writting a start(), a stop() and the gui thing21:16
v13should be done in less than 30'21:16
v13as i said, this is not even beta21:16
v13or alpha21:16
v13it is work in progress..21:16
v13it doesn't even work :)21:16
v13well.. it does, but with problems21:17
v13which i'm fixing right now21:17
v13fighting with missed calls @#$@#&#%)*#$%"21:17
DocScrutinizerv13: anyway, interesting project21:17
v13after i finish the misse calls i'll add filters21:17
v13to have custom notifications per (let's say) phone number21:17
v13or message content21:18
DocScrutinizerduh, what? you're intercepting inbound calls? o.O21:18
v13and sms21:18
v13and ims21:18
DocScrutinizerthat's *exactly* what I planned to do21:18
v13well.. have a look at the code21:18
v13for now just look at events/ directory21:18
DocScrutinizerwe should join efforts. Got some maybe nice ideas21:18
v13there are the event plugins21:18
v13well.. if you can help with playing sounds or intercepting things in a nicer way, or handling addressbook...21:19
DocScrutinizeryou ever accessed the friggin addressbook?21:19
v13it would be really nice21:19
v13only directly from sqlite :)21:19
DocScrutinizerI failed to continue same point21:20
v13i'm fighting telepathy and i'm loosing... by far...21:20
v13my plan is like this: make this work and let someone else implement the addressbook thing :)21:20
DocScrutinizernah, I plan to have some integrated concept21:20
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DocScrutinizerbasically all that should be done by dialler app21:21
v13well.. we need a python class with documentation.21:21
DocScrutinizerbut that's closed :-(21:21
v13yeah... i can't wait21:21
v13i prefer writing it myself :)21:21
DocScrutinizerI'll study the code next days, and then ping you if I got any reasonable comments or additions21:22
v13i suggest you don't do that21:22
v13not a lot..21:22
v13because i'm changing it all the time21:23
v13but you can get the idea21:23
v13p.s. the vibrator needs some rights on a /sys file. look at the "perms" file21:23
v13hm.. i now understand why they call it vibra21:24
v13vibrator doesn't sound well :)21:24
DocScrutinizerI use the default mce defined vibra patterns via dbus-send in xchat, works like a charm21:28
v13well... i wanted to have a nice gui for that21:30
DocScrutinizerto do what?21:31
v13but as i said, it is a matter of some lines of code to have a different LED plugin that can be selected by user21:31
v13to select the color and the pattern21:31
v13did you try anotify ?21:31
DocScrutinizernot yet21:31
v13well.... try it :)21:31
v13it is harmless21:31
v13end it with ctrl-c21:31
v13run it with ./main.py21:32
v13run it as user21:32
v13you may want to first run the "perms" file to change permissions for the vibrator21:32
v13to have the led working, wither use it with the 'slide' event or disable led in mce.ini for a while21:33
v13I'm doing it all the time so I can assure you that it doesn't harm the device21:33
v13(but you can write a plugin to do that :-P)21:34
DocScrutinizer51JFYI: dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/mce/request string:PatternCommunicationIM21:44
v13yes.. there is a m.o. wiki entry that has those21:45
v13perhaps you added them :)21:45
DocScrutinizer51of course in python you probably would want to use generic dbus interface21:45
v13of course21:45
DocScrutinizer51(added) only very few of them. Jebba is the god of useful info ;-)21:46
v13again, i suggest you try anotify21:46
v13you'll see how easy it is to implement what you're saying21:46
DocScrutinizer51will do eventually21:46
v13and it is harmless.. you only need to ssh to the phone21:46
v13no root or other things.21:47
v13there is one thing i didn't ask.. you write python ?21:47
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DocScrutinizerI did looooong ago21:51
DocScrutinizerlike last millenium :-)21:51
v13so you do21:51
DocScrutinizerand only a small little project21:52
v13it's enough :P21:52
v13have a look at events/ev-slide.py21:52
v13ignore all comments and see how easy it is to write an event plugin21:52
v13hm.. no.. you want an alarm plugin21:52
DocScrutinizeryeah. that sounds tasty21:53
v13look at alarm/al-sysnotify.py21:53
v13ignore comments and the gui config thing21:53
v13it's 77 lines including spaces21:53
DocScrutinizera snap, eh?21:54
v13the 'notification' code is 5 lines :)21:54
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v13ok.. i finished the plugin that recognizes incoming calls.22:19
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v13DocScrutinizer: I'm willing to write the led plugin you asked-for, if you're going to try it once :)22:19
tanner_hi, how long does it take to get an invitation for uploading to extras*? my requests seems to be ignored22:21
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lcukfrals ping23:36
fralslcuk: pong23:36
woglindejo lcuk23:37
lcukhi woglinde23:37
* lcuk should put the heating on tonight23:38
lcukhaving the window open is rly bad for my temp23:38
fralslcuk: wow, quite an experience23:38
lcuknow you know why me and nokia ovi dont get on ;)23:39
* frals notes to self, beware of helsinki doors23:39
lcuktho now we are much better23:39
lcuki saw *the* door today23:39
lcuki even took pictures o_O23:39
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SpeedEvilheating? Wimp.23:53
* SpeedEvil wishes he had heating ATM.23:53
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