IRC log of #maemo-devel for Sunday, 2010-01-17

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_Lucretia_is there a doc somewhere outlining how developers who want to sell apps can do this based on the fact that maemo is mostly gpl? thanks.00:59
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jebba_Lucretia_: i dont think there is a doc, but what specific concerns do you have? Are you doing a non-free app? Or a free app?01:00
_Lucretia_nothing atm01:01
_Lucretia_I'm looking into it01:01
jebbayou can sell GPL apps, that's not prohibited.01:01
_Lucretia_well, from what I know, if I make an app that links with gpl code I have to distribute my code, so I cannot see how this would work on ovi01:01
SpeedEvilyou simply sell the app as normal.01:02
SpeedEvilAnd include in the app links to source.01:02
jebba_Lucretia_: ya, if you link to GPL code or use GPL code, you have to make your code under GPL as well.01:02
SpeedEvilint he package01:02
SpeedEvilGPL != LGPL tho01:02
jebba_Lucretia_: you should just do GPL software  :)01:02
SpeedEvilIf you are just making an app with gnu libraries to run on maemo - you will not - usually - have to make it GPL.01:03
_Lucretia_and what's to stop another guy coming, taking the code, compiling and selling elsewhere?01:03
jebbawell, they would have to provide the code as well.01:04
SpeedEvilFor example - you can link your commercial app against glibc - and sell it without problems.01:04
SpeedEvilYou cannot slightly modify mplayer, and sell it without distributing it as GPL though.01:04
_Lucretia_so do all these apps for maemo come with source then?01:04
jebba_Lucretia_: and have tons of info about this. What they say applies 100% to maemo stuff.01:04
SpeedEvilSome do, some don't.01:04
_Lucretia_have to be careful with what I link with then01:05
jebbaor just make your app GPL  :)01:05
* _Lucretia_ played with an n900 today and it actually impressed01:05
jebbaya, is nice. But lots of closed stuff.01:05
SpeedEvilIn short - if you are writing your own code, and just linking against LGPL libraries - you do not need to release any code. If you incorporate any GPL code - you pretty much always have to release it as GPL.01:05
_Lucretia_jebba: would like to get out of my job at some point :D01:05
_Lucretia_SpeedEvil: aye, just wondered if there were any caveats wrt maemo01:06
SpeedEvilLGPL is GPL for libraries - it's specifically designed to allow this.01:06
_Lucretia_SpeedEvil: yup01:06
SpeedEvilNot really - maemo is pretty much a desktop OS.01:06
SpeedEvilTo restate - if you can sell your program without releasing source legally on debian or ubuntu, you can sell it on maemo.01:07
_Lucretia_thanks guys01:07
_Lucretia_thought as much01:07
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DocScrutinizeryou can sell open source though aiui. GPL doen't void copyright01:47
SpeedEvilGPL and copyright are seperate, and merely because I've violated the GPL doesn't mean tehre is no copyright in my work.01:49
SpeedEvilSo - for example - if I sell a slightly modified mplayer - I am in breach of the GPL - however you cannot simply redistribute my work.01:49
DocScrutinizerand if I GPLd a own work with some alien parts, I still keep full copyright aiui. It's not legal to simply modify the app name and branding and then sell it for anybody. Especially when he/she is claiming it's his own work01:54
DocScrutinizeralso see RHEL, SLES etc01:55
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jebbaDocScrutinizer, huh?  I can download (for example), audacity, rename it "jebbas rad audio editor: JRAE" and then sell it just like that (as long as i distribute the code).01:58
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_Lucretia_hmm, the gui installer no longer exists?02:08
_Lucretia_actually, doesn't exist02:11
SpeedEvilit's broken02:12
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SpeedEvilNormal service will be resumed - when it's not.02:12
jebba_Lucretia_:  you can use this mirror for now:
_Lucretia_jebba: erm, to install the sdk on peecee?02:13
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_Lucretia_ah ha!02:13
jebba_Lucretia_: ya, but you'll have to do a custom sources.list for the installer and use the -a option (iirc).02:13
_Lucretia_what happened to the offical stuff? just down?02:14
jebbaThings are much more painful when services don't work  :(    Unfortunately that's pretty much been the norm.02:14
_Lucretia_well, that don't bode well02:15
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_Lucretia_jebba: do I just use __url= ?03:21
_Lucretia_cos it doesnt work03:26
_Lucretia_nope, doesnt work03:30
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woglinde_re jebba03:38
_Lucretia_oh did you go somewhere?03:41
_Lucretia_jebba:  __url= is failing to work here03:41
_Lucretia_I'm missing something i know03:41
jebbamy net conneciton here is quite crap.03:43
jebba_Lucretia_: what you trying to do? Install SDK or on your N900. Cuz it's working for sure for others because I have 100Mbit pegged right now....03:43
_Lucretia_install on pc03:44
jebba is wrong. You need:03:49
_Lucretia_do i need to pass new sources.lst files to that script?03:51
_Lucretia_balls: E: Downloaded armel rootstrap file failed integrity test.03:53
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_Lucretia_your md5sums are wrong maybe?03:59
_Lucretia_I've just downloaded the archive and md5'd it, it's different to yours04:00
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Orkutjust wondering... #maemo channel locked?04:31
Orkutsecond question (not really devel related...) how do I connect with a n900 to a wpa protected wifi network without wpa_supplicant?04:31
SpeedEviluse the shiny network setup wizard?04:32
smpsOrkut, i do that from network setup04:32
OrkutSpeedEvil, thanks, but thats exactly what I don't want to do...04:32
smpsOrkut, setting -> internet connections04:32
OrkutI need to run some tests and do it in console04:32
SpeedEvilOrkut: k04:33
smpswhats problem then ?04:33
Orkutsmps, I need to do it in console...04:33
Orkutthere's no special problem, actually, besides the fact that I can't understand how to pair to a network without wpa_supplicant...04:34
Orkutwhat does maemo use?04:34
SpeedEvilI think it's built into the GUI program04:34
SpeedEvilor I may have misunderstood my stracings04:34
OrkutSpeedEvil ... OH!04:34
SpeedEvilOr forgotten stuff04:34
OrkutSpeedEvil, that's SUPER BAD ;)04:34
SpeedEvilI recall it's eitehr built in - or there is no simple command line client04:35
OrkutSpeedEvil, is there a way to start a specific IAP via command line?04:35
Orkut(I'll make things clearer... I am trying a simple script that has to start the connection, do something, close the connection, do something else, then finally start it again...)04:36
SpeedEvilOrkut: I haven't found one.04:37
SpeedEvilThough admittedly I only spent a few mins looking.04:37
SpeedEvilI was wanting to bring up 3g and phone so I could use a socks proxy on the phone over wifi to hit the 3g internet04:38
OrkutSpeedEvil, could you pont me to the src of the "shiny little console program?"04:38
villageryou'd probably have to send a message to icd via dbus04:38
SpeedEvilthere isn't one04:38
Orkutis it nokia proprietary?04:39
SpeedEvilIIRC wlancontd04:40
SpeedEvilbut I don't know about that04:40
Orkut(I also need to understand WHY this thing decides that I can't have 2 connections at the same time... like gprs and wifi...)04:41
OrkutI'll try to give it a look...04:41
SpeedEvilcd /etc;grep -i -r wlan .04:41
SpeedEvillooks interesting04:42
Orkutlooks messy ;)04:43
villagerthere can only be one default route! one route to rule 'em all...04:46
Orkutvillager, I disagree.04:46
Orkutand, besides, who said a connection has to setup a default route?04:46
Orkut(oh, btw, I currently have 2 default routes on my n900) ;)04:47
villager2 default routes rarely makes both the actual default... only one of them is used by default...04:48
villagerI think icd only cares about what your current route to the internet it, it doesn't really stop you from configuring interfaces manually04:48
smpsOrkut, have you installed iputils ?04:48
Orkutvillager, and here we are at my point...04:48
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Orkutsuppose I have gprs0 up and running,04:49
jebba2 *default* routes?  What's your  output of `route -n` look like Orkut?04:49
OrkutI need to start wlan004:49
Orkut(jebba, hold on)04:49
Orkutwlan0 is in WPA04:49
Orkuthow do I connecto to wifi without loosing gprs0 ?04:49
SpeedEvila default route to 10.0.0.* and a default route with a lower prio to the rest makes sense.04:50
villagerpresumably a future icd will allow multiple connections, in order to support mms04:50
OrkutI'll show you in a second the 2 routes...04:50
jebbawtf are you on about?  How are you doing these lower prio default routes?04:50
jebbausing BGP on your N900?  ;)04:51
smpsjebba, it is possible04:51
Orkutjebba, it all comes from a different thing, actually04:51
smpsjebba, you have to maintain different route tables04:51
OrkutI'm kinda... hacking my telco ;)04:51
Orkuthold on04:51
jebbasmps: ya, but that's not *default route*.  Those are different routes to different networks.  `route -n` speaks louder than words...04:52
Orkutjebba, be patient...04:52
jebbaheh, this is a great hostname for a gateway:
Orkuthow do I take a screenshot of my n900?04:53
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Orkutif you want to see my route -n04:55
OrkutI need a screenshot thing ;)04:55
villagerOrkut: by the way, exactly why would you want to connect to wlan0 without losing gprs, assuming you could reach internet through both anyway? and to which of them should internet traffic go? I suspect nokia just didn't see much of a reason to make a complicated network setup that nobody's going to see the need for04:56
Orkutbecause (thanks wlancond) my wifi is now down ;)04:56
villagerOrkut: other than the mms thing, of course04:56
Orkutvillager, I suppose that's WAY beyond nokias business ;)04:56
Orkutone reason? no internet on wlan?04:56
Orkutlocal machines I need to control?04:57
Orkutor, tethering?04:57
Orkutor... need more?04:57
villagerOrkut: so you have wlan without internet? on wpa?04:57
Orkutcome on, that's a really *stupid* objection, if I may dare...04:57
villagerOrkut: what objection?04:58
villagerOrkut: not sure what you mean04:58
Orkutvillager, that my setup would be pointless...04:58
smpsOrkut, i think screenshot is ctrl+shit+p04:58
villagerOrkut: who said that?04:58
Orkutif you don't mind, I find it important for me... even thou nokia doesn't care04:58
Orkutsmps, where is it saved?04:58
villagerOrkut: you're saying nokia think your setup is pointless, and that it is an objection?04:59
smpsshould be somewhere in ~/MyDocs/04:59
villagerOrkut: and you didn't answer my question, you have a wlan without internet, on wpa?04:59
Orkutvillager, yes, one wlan is with no gw, and has wpa04:59
Orkutwith a cert, even...05:00
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villagerOrkut: I guess nokia figured someone might build an app for such specialized setups then, it probably wasn't a primary design goal of theirs before the first rollout in any case...05:02
Orkutthat's fine05:03
villagerOrkut: though I still don't understand what you mean by objection, since nokia hasn't stopped anyone05:03
Orkutbut I still think it could be done05:03
Orkutvillager, your objection, not nokias...05:03
villagerOrkut: me? now I'm really confused05:03
Orkutvillager, you were kinda saying it was a pointless setup I was trying... (if I understood correctly)05:04
villagerOrkut: I can't recall saying that05:04
smpsOrkut, /home/user/MyDocs/.images/Screenshots05:05
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Orkuthave the screenshot, if you want, I can upload it somewhere05:06
smpsyes do it05:07
villagerOrkut: I do my tethering with usbnet or bluetooth, beyond that is specialized stuff that may as well be done with specialized tools, I said nokia may have seen no reason to put that on a consumer device by default, but I've never said that setup itself is pointless or anything, I've dealt with many networks05:08
Orkutther u go05:09
Orkuttell me when u're done, so I delete the vhost...05:10
Orkutand, now, let's get back to the point...05:10
Orkutsuppose I want to share my gprs0 over wlan05:10
Orkutwould this be so complicated?05:10
OrkutI mean, would it be so crazy?05:10
villagerI think the pc-connectivity guys are trying to build apps for that05:10
Orkut(it IS darn complicated with n900) ;)05:10
Orkutvillager, yes, they are...05:11
Orkutbut I am thinking of other stuff...05:11
Orkutmy setup is kinda ... particular... I know what I need it for ;)05:11
OrkutI was just wondering if there was a tool to pair with a wpa wifi...05:11
Orkutand it looks like there's not ...05:12
villagerprobably not yet... someone has to develop something05:12
smpsOrkut, there is no iptables nat modules either05:12
smpsOrkut, nor iptables05:13
Orkutsmps, I know05:13
Orkutbut there's ssh05:13
Orkutand that's more than enough05:13
smpsoh hehehe05:13
smpstunnel ?05:13
Orkutsmps, of course05:13
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Orkutas you can see from the screenshot, I'm not really scared about tunnels ;)05:13
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smpsOrkut, there are wifi tools in extras-devel repo if i recall it correctly05:14
Orkutsmps, installed them all05:14
Orkutno wpasupplicant05:14
smpsOrkut, why would you use wpa with wireless if your going to use ssh tunnel ?05:14
Orkutcome on guys, I know my needs ;)05:15
Orkutwhy do you keep objecting I should do something that I need to do??05:15
Orkutplease ;)05:15
smpsyou could setup wifi connection with those (without wpa) tools and forget about gui :D05:15
smpsi dont know better solution right now05:15
Orkutsmps, I wish I could05:15
smpsor compile wpa_supp yourself05:16
Orkutsmps, that's a good point...05:16
Orkutcompile wpa...05:16
OrkutI really thought it was already there05:16
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OrkutI was really surprised to now find it...05:16
Orkutdidn't understand the fact that wpa is handled by wlancond05:17
Orkutand, besides, I am ok with the "shiny panel" ...05:17
Orkutthe only thing that bothers me05:17
Orkutis the fact that it disconnects my gprs0 !!05:18
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Orkutso, either one, I have to start manually05:18
Orkutand ... gprs0 seems almost impossible to turn up from console...05:18
Orkutso I was looking at wlan005:18
Orkutwhich actually comes up easily, but with no wpa :(05:19
villagerhmm, you can't turn gprs on from the console? interesting05:19
Orkutvillager, ifconfig gprs0 up throws an error05:19
Orkutit doesn't find the i-face05:19
Orkut(a module unloaded?)05:19
villagernever tried, but assumed it would be possible05:19
villageroh well05:19
OrkutNokia-N900-42-11:/etc# ifconfig gprs0 up05:20
Orkutifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device05:20
villagerbut a future icd would have to support some kind of multiple connections in order to support mms properly, so perhaps that will also solve your problem05:21
villagerjust didn't happen at rollout time05:21
villagerthat's also why no mms05:21
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Orkutvillager, what drives me nuts is that I see absolutely NO REASON to limit at 1 connection a time...05:22
jebbapong Orkut  :) back05:22
villagerOrkut: there's no reason, especially when needed by mms... they just didn't have time for it, obviously05:22
Orkutvillager, no time for what?05:22
villagerOrkut: multiple connections05:23
Orkutwhats the point of multiple connections?05:23
Orkutwhat difference does it make?05:23
Orkutthe kernel is able to handle them since 1.005:23
villagerOrkut: it solves the mms problem, and apparently, solves yours05:23
Orkutthere must be something I'm missing...05:23
Orkutthere's no need to limit 1 connection... actually, it takes longer (in code terms) to switch oter connections off05:24
Orkutso, if they did so... they had a reason for it05:24
villagerand perhaps shorter in design terms05:24
Orkutand I am missing that reason...05:25
Orkutvillager, u run linux?05:25
villageryes of course05:25
Orkutvillager, if you run ifconfig eth0:0
Orkutdoes it change a bit of your kernel?05:25
Orkutthere you go, 2 connections... nothing has changed05:26
Orkutso, why bother to switch other connections off?05:26
Orkutimho, there's something else ...05:26
Orkutit's not a routing problem05:26
Orkutit's not a kernel problem05:26
villagerto avoid routing conflicts, irate users, and to keep the interface simple?05:27
smpsOrkut, power saving ?05:27
villagerand to reduce development time because of such concerns05:27
Orkutvillager, that could be....05:27
villagereasier to shut the interfaces down than to design a ui for multiple connections, even if they could be made to work05:27
Orkutsmps, ah! power! yes... my batteries drain in 6hrs...05:27
smpsmine in 8hrs05:27
Orkutvillager, imho, no ... but that's way beyond me...05:28
smpsdepends what i do05:28
villagerwhich in the mms case doesn't work because the primary gprs and mms routing can conflict and needs to be kept in separate routing tables, ifconfig gprs:0 won't do05:28
Orkutsmps, I think the battery/power thing need a mAJOR rewrite05:28
Orkutnot switching an iface05:28
smpsi think it wont happen soon05:29
smpsand i think this battery is too small05:29
Orkutsmps, unfortunately...05:29
Orkutsmps, ok, I'm a maemo noob... but... to me, it looks like this little thing scores 3 over 1005:29
Orkutcould be MUCH MUCH MUCH better05:30
Orkutbut I am happy anyway ;)05:30
villagerI'm sure nokia is working on it, they need mms support sooner or later... they just couldn't do it in time for the rollout, and are probably taking the time to get it right... but until then, one connection at a time, unless you use third-party apps to configure stuff I guess05:30
Orkutand I also feel like it's been developed by people ho never used a cell phone ;)05:30
smpsOrkut, hows gps working for you ?05:31
Orkutsmps, still never used05:31
SpeedEvilGPRS multiple connections is not as simple as ethernet05:31
Orkut(and probably never will... )05:31
SpeedEvilethernet is simple - the packets are all constructed in RAM - and simply handed off to the ethernet device.05:31
OrkutSpeedEvil, but why switch the wifi when starting gprs?05:32
jebbaOrkut: sry, my connection dropped.  What was your `route -n` ?05:32
SpeedEvilGPRS - there is a ppp stream - to have two simultaneous ones - you have to have a seperate multiplexing protocol05:32
SpeedEvilOrkut: because that's the usual use-case, it saves power, and it keeps things simple05:32
OrkutSpeedEvil, fine, how do I turn it on myself? ;) ;)05:33
Orkutwho cares the battery and user friendlyness ;)05:33
SpeedEvilOrkut: I'm not even sure it's in-kernel, or even written.05:34
SpeedEvilthe multiplexer that is05:34
OrkutSpeedEvil, do u think gprs0 drains battery more or less than wifi?05:35
jebbaOrkut: that's just sending all traffic (e.g. default route) to
Orkutjebba, nope05:35
Orkutjebba, gprs0 as well05:35
Orkutthat's what comes out in vodafone-it05:36
SpeedEvilOrkut: much more if at all active.05:36
SpeedEvilOrkut: Assuming a powersaving wlan05:36
SpeedEvilOrkut: I get >30h battery life with a shell active doing while true; do sleep 60;cat somefile;done05:36
SpeedEvilover ssh05:37
OrkutSpeedEvil, I don't know... my N95 was connected all the time over gprs005:37
Orkutbut battery only suffered from wlan05:37
Orkutgprs0 was almost transaprent in terms of battery drains...05:38
SpeedEvilI hope to have some good power measurements next week05:38
OrkutI assume the gsm radio is "almost on" all the time in any case05:38
SpeedEvilA hell of a lot of this stuff depends on consultation at the early stages happening between HW and SW devs05:38
SpeedEvilit's not.05:38
Orkutif you use gprs or not...05:38
SpeedEvilIt's powersaving extremely, and the radio hardware is only powered up for minimal periods.05:39
OrkutSpeedEvil, u're probably right... I dont know05:39
Orkutspeaking as a user... I always had gprs on... and barely noticed it05:39
SpeedEvilAnyway - numbers come next week sometime.05:39
jebbaOrkut: in that route -n, you only have gprs active. There's no wlan005:40
Orkutjebba, how about the last line?05:40
Orkutjebba, the good question is: are 2 default routes working?05:41
Orkutjebba, you can have them... absolutely... but, to make them work... you need some tweaks...05:42
jebbaOrkut: uh you have pointing to  Basically everything you have will go out the
Orkutgprs0 routes have no gateway05:45
Orkut(at least, with vodafone italy)05:45
Orkutboth routes are working, trust me05:45
Orkutthe point is the IP the packets are built with...05:45
Orkutit may happen that you route a packet with 1 ip on the wrong iface05:45
Orkut(but there comes iproute2 in hand...)05:46
Orkut(or an application level stuff... ie with sip)05:46
Orkutsip is a messy protocol ;)05:46
Orkutanyway, I still have my problem ;)05:48
OrkutI think I'll post on maemo.org05:49
Orkutif someone has a clue...05:49
jebbaOrkut: ok, so it's going out gprs0 and what else exactly?   Try putting `tcpdump -i wlan0` or somesuch05:51
jebbaOrkut: how can something "go" to, btw? Can you ping  ;)05:51
Orkutjebba, do you think I'm making a fool of you?05:53
Orkutso, please, trust me ;)05:54
Orkutwith vodafone italy, you get a gprs0 connection05:54
Orkutwith default gw
Orkutand that's a valid routing table05:54
Orkutbelieve it or not ;)05:54
jebbait looks like all traffic is going out that gprs0 connection.05:54
Orkutand, no, you can't ping of course05:54
Orkutit looks, but it's now05:55
Orkutin a normal kernel05:55
Orkutif you have 2 default routes05:55
Orkutthe traffic is "balanced" between both05:55
Orkutbut the point is how the packed is built05:55
jebbaOrkut: are you saying it's going out wlan0? As that doesnt appear in your routing table.05:55
Orkutas in the payload you might end up having a wrong src address05:55
Orkutno, at that moment, it was going out from gprs0 and tun005:56
Orkut(that's the only way to have 2 interfaces active in maemo!!)05:56
Orkutif I could have wlan0 as well, I could make even 3 default routes!!05:56
Orkutthe number of default routes is not a concern...05:57
Orkutthe point is in how the packet is built05:57
Orkutif it goes via tun0, the src MUST be
jebbayou can have 2 interfaces active in maemo (e.g. gprs0 and wlan0)05:58
OrkutBUT (you're right in this) the kernel is not smart enough to do it always, if u lack iproute205:58
Orkutjebba: HOW05:58
Orkut(at least, how with wpa ;)05:58
jebbanote, it needs the custom kernel for the NAT part, but not for actually bringing up two interfaces.05:58
Orkutgreat, I need wpa ;(05:58
Orkutjebba, all perfect... i need wpa thou :(05:59
jebbawhy not use WPA?  I just do open networks, but this could be done with WPA too.05:59
Orkutjebba, how do I pair with no wpa supplicnt?05:59
Orkutthat's exaclty my problem :(06:00
Orkutjebba, btw, I noticed your page earlier today ;)06:00
Orkutnice job ;)06:00
jebbaah, wpa supplicant cli is missing? haven't needed it meself. I do connect to wpa crap via the gui tho06:01
Orkutjebba, if you use the gui, the gprs0 goes off :/06:02
jebbaseen that part06:03
jebbaand no wpa_supplicant CLI. Well, that needs to be built than. That isn't hard is it?06:03
Orkutno no... I'm afraid it will break something else06:04
jebbareally? if it's just sitting there not running. hmm06:04
Orkutif the wpa is handles somewhere else, I was just afraid to break some other points06:04
Orkutjebba, no idea...
Orkutthat was just the point of my post...06:05
jebbai'll build the old etch one06:05
Orkuthaving wpa_supplicant (assuming it will not break anything else) would solve my problem06:07
smpswhere do they keep kernel image ?06:11
jebba smps it gets flashed somewhere majickal06:12
smpshmm thats interesting06:13
Orkutsmps... looks like they didnt find space in 32GB ;)06:13
Orkutsmps, apparently it resides with the bootloader...06:14
smpsthey have "partiton" on mtd device only for kernel06:17
goodwillis linux kernel considered tainted since it has nokia binaries?06:19
goodwillon n90006:19
goodwilljebba: do yo have a screenie of a n900 booting with one of your kernels?06:20
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jebbagoodwill: kernel isnt tainted06:22
goodwilljebba: nice ... thanks .. :)06:23
Orkutjebba, where are your kernels06:23
jebbanone for PR1.1 yet:
goodwilljebba: I thought linking binary non gpl components against linux kernel is consedered tainiting?06:23
smpsmtd0 is boot loader06:23
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Orkutfound them...06:24
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smpskernel seems to be on mtd306:26
DocScrutinizer51jebba: what's different in your kernel?06:26
Orkutjebba, can I just use your modules, instead of the whole kernel?06:26
jebbagoodwill: they arent06:29
jebbaOrkut: i did modules too, but many dont work (e.g. NAT) because other bits are missing06:29
Orkutjebba, yup, reading the logs...06:30
Orkutbut I can't find the directory with the kernels...06:31
smpsOrkut, on device ?06:32
jebba       Orkut kernels there06:32
Orkutno, on jebba's page06:33
Orkutthanks ;)06:33
jebbaif you are looking for the .debs06:33
jebbathough note again, not for PR1.1 yet, due to upstream bug06:33
jebba(plz vote for bug: )06:33
povbot`Bug 7972: Kernel in PR1.1 build-depends on fiasco-gen which is nowhere to be found06:33
DocScrutinizer51~dict fiasko06:34
DocScrutinizer51you know what I mean06:35
DocScrutinizer51~dict fiasco06:35
DocScrutinizer51aah we got no bot here06:36
jebbawhat kinda wifi card this thing got in there again? wl0404040 foo? what is that?06:36
Orkutjebba, I'll vote, if bugzilla sends me the password ;)06:37
jebbamailserver down i think06:38
jebbajust looking at what wpasupplicant foo is needed to support it.  wext?  wl12xx06:40
smpsthats something from TI06:40
DocScrutinizer51I thought even airodump was working on N900@so it should be wellknown06:41
jebbasmps: i'm editing this:
Orkutjebba, your kernel supports dm-crypt?06:41
OrkutI was thinking of truecrypt, but dm-crypt would be nice as well...06:42
jebbaOrkut: yes, dmcrypt06:45
jebbaworks too :)06:45
DocScrutinizer51jebba: you poked some of the nokia guys about gen-fiasco?06:46
jebbaDocScrutinizer51: Stskeeps is gonna.  other than that bug report, that's it. Vote for it :)06:48
jebbagah, wpasupplicant is building smart card stuff even thoguh it shouldnt06:48
smpsjebba, you should read this06:48
Orkutjebba, thank you for your effort...06:53
OrkutI'll check you page later tomorrow...06:53
Orkutgotta sleep now06:54
Orkut(6am) ;)06:54
Orkutwould be nice if you took a little time to reply to the post when done... maybe someone will need it too ;)06:54
Orkutthank you so far!!!06:54
jebbasleep well06:55
jebbaCONFIG_DRIVER_NL80211  needed? hmm.06:56
DocScrutinizer51night Orkut06:56
jebbai'm kinda out of date on this stuff. I'm building wpasupplicant without NL8021106:57
jebbaok, wpasupplicant_0.6.9-4 in my repo:
jebbaIf someone that actually knows how to use it could give it a test, that woudl be cool  :)07:00
smpsjebba, it wont work on device07:03
smpsjebba, this is i386 binary07:03
jebba1 minute...07:04
jebbathx for noticing  ;)07:05
jebba  libqt4-dev: Depends: libqt4-webkit but it is not going to be installed07:06
jebbanonono. fine on i386 ar07:06
jebba(the dep)07:06
jebbashit. non-free software strikes again.07:08
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jebbai think that webkit is in non-free which i dont mirror and i dont have it installed=screwed07:09
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jebbabut i did have it installed in x86 already. Gar. Anyway, when the admins get things working again....i'll fix it.  I can't count how many times I have been thwarted by non-free software and crappy servers since working on this project.07:09
jebbaactually, i think i'm wrong about which package it is07:10
smpsi should go to sleep07:10
jebbalibgles2   those are the ones that are screwing me (further down dependency list=07:10
jebbame too, off to bed. Another project dropped on the floor! yee haw.07:11
smpsgood night07:11
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_Lucretia_jebba: do you have a webcache or proxy on your site?12:51
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fluxjebba, dpkg-repack could be useful, but it's not packaged either :)13:27
_Lucretia_anyone else having md5sum probs with jebba's mirror?13:31
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VINCENT_does anyone know if there is a lib52a audio codec available14:42
VINCENT_hmm odd i have this video and sound doesn't work with kmplayer but it does in the default player14:45
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niekt0hmm, how were fiasco images generated before PR1.1?15:06
niekt0or, anyone tryied to downgrade already?;)15:07
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sleCan someone please help me with making this example: installable with an icon ?17:24
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jeremiahsle: Hi!18:05
jeremiah^^ That is a good resource18:06
jeremiahIn short you want to make sure you have your icon in the control file as a base64 object18:06
jeremiahand then you need to instruct dpkg where you want your icon installed18:07
jeremiahNote that the Maemo server farm is a little sickly.18:07
jeremiahSo you might not even reach the web site - let alone the autobuilder18:07
slethank you jeremiah, i can reach the site18:08
sleisnt the icon in the controll file just for the application manager ?18:09
slehow do i instruct dpgk to do that ? I have tried the discription on that wiki page a couple of times, but I dont think i get it right :/18:12
slefrom what i understand the most important thing is to get the *.desktop file into /usr/share/applications/hildon/18:13
sleam i right ?18:13
jeremiahsle: Yeah18:38
jeremiahThat is important if you want the app to show up in the app selection screens18:38
jeremiahIf you want it to show up in HAM, you want the icon in your contorl file.18:38
sleokay, I have tried alot of things, but i just cannot get the .desktop file to be moved into /usr/share/applications/hildon/ when i run dpgk18:42
sledo i need a shitload of things to be just right for that to happend ? Iam getting pretty frustrated right now..18:43
slonopotamussle, it's debian packaging... :)18:44
slewell.. I am new to that :P18:46
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jeremiahsle: I was helping someone esle with this the other day - I wonder if the autobuilder is broken.19:27
jeremiahsle: I will have to look into this to see why it is not happening, I'll do some test packaging myself and see if I can create an incantation that works19:27
slejeremiah: great, thank you, that will be great :)19:30
jeremiahSure thing! I realize this is frustrating, hopefully we can make the process more clear. :)19:36
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slebasicly, my problem is following these steps: and then trying to apply this: to get an icon in the app selection screen19:49
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ruskiehmm nice been playing music on the n900 for the last 8 hours on battery and still have 20% of the battery20:04
SpeedEvil1ruskie: I was surprised how well it coped with large unamplified speakers.20:05
SpeedEvil14 ohms.20:05
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ruskieSpeedEvil, well I never really did get such decent time20:10
goodwillI'd say battery time has improved with PR1.120:11
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goodwillI got a day and a half of decent usage out of it this week20:11
ruskieyeah it did20:16
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chezgihello, can i use GSM modem of N900 to dial someone and send some data? where can i find AT-commands for that?20:33
smpschezgi, google "nokia at commands"20:35
chezgismps: thank you, what is dev name of N900's  modem.20:36
smpsdont know20:37
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SpeedEvilchezgi: many providers don't support that.20:42
SpeedEvilchezgi: most providers if they do support it require it to be enabled on the account, and will charge more for it.20:43
SpeedEvilAnd it will not be enabled usually.20:43
SpeedEvilAt least - this is the case in the UK.20:43
chezgiSpeedEvil: ok20:45
chezgiSpeedEvil: if it is supported then how can i use it?20:45
SpeedEvilI have no idea if tehre is an API to use it20:46
SpeedEvilthe above suggests it's very patchy.20:46
chezgiSpeedEvil: it must be done like othere serial GSM modems that only writes AT-commands to /dev/modem?20:47
SpeedEvilI haven't seen anything that directly communicates with the modem20:47
smpsSpeedEvil, i think he wants just to send at command to phone20:48
chezgiSpeedEvil: my question is: can i use N900 to do this?20:48
chezgismps: no  i am inside of N900.20:48
smpsSpeedEvil, like on other nokia phones where you could connect your usb cable to phone and send it commands over serial link / usb (ttyACMx)20:48
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smpschezgi, maybe this could help20:51
SpeedEvilNo - CSD is a seperate phone protocol - that goes over the GSM network.20:51
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ruskiehmm 12h and counting and all the time playing music21:42
ruskieI'm actually impressed21:42
ruskiethis is lasting longer than any of my PMPs21:43
ruskieand those are all screenless at that21:43
ruskiecan't imagine what the battery life will be like with a mugen double power battery21:44
fluxfor me the battery life has apparently increased after the upgraded shortcutd (and disabling proximityd) and the pr1.121:49
fluxbut it's still easy to waste power by using the screen a lot21:49
ruskiescreens are power hungry21:51
fluxyes. so, for that reason, I'll still seriously consider the mugen power, once it comes available21:52
ruskieI'll most likely buy it21:52
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fluxstill nothing ;-)
ruskiethey did say february 201021:53
ruskieaccording to the emails that showed up in the threads21:53
ruskiegah can't figure out why apt would consider a dummy pkg to be different to the one installed... even though both have exactly the same name and version21:58
ruskienot to the one installed... to the one available in the repos21:59
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villagerruskie: what do you mean by considering it different22:11
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ruskievillager, well I have for example a dummy: adobe-flashplayer at version "3.0"22:12
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ruskieand installed version is exactly the same name and same version22:12
ruskieif I install the dummy one using dpkg -i22:12
ruskieit will install it22:12
ruskiebut the moment I do an apt-get dist-upgrade22:13
ruskieit will try to replace it with the one that was removed22:13
villagerhmm yeah, I sometimes get that with locally built packages on my desktop pc22:13
ruskiehaven't yet figured a way to tell it use the dummy one in the repo22:13
villagerI usually deal with it by marking the package as held, but never tried to find out how it knows22:14
ruskiein this case I'm trying to have a ton of dummy pkgs for maemo so that I can remove things I don't want22:14
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villagerlooks like apt has code to create a version hash by looking at such things as dependency fields and Installed-Size22:25
villagermight be how it insists on reinstalling22:25
ruskieIntalled size certainly differs22:26
ruskiedependncy fields don't22:26
ruskieI'll try using the same installed size22:26
ruskiejust for the kick of it22:26
fluxruskie, are you trying to avoid upgrading the package or what?22:27
ruskietrying to make it so I can remove stuff I don't need without removing mp-fremantle-generic-mp22:28
ruskieso generating dummy pkgs for all it's dependencies22:28
ruskiethat way I could do apt-get install adobe-flashplayer (which would be the dummy one)22:28
ruskieand it would remove the normal one and install the dummy one22:29
ruskiethat way mp-fremantle would still think it's the same22:29
ruskiebut it wouldn't have anything installed22:29
ruskiehmm finnaly a low battery alert22:31
ruskiethough lshal is claiming battery is at 022:31
ruskieit seems like the % isn't updated a lot22:32
ruskieI kept getting the same numbers over and over22:32
ruskieand then a drop for ~1022:32
ruskieand so on until it hits 022:34
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ruskieyay 13 hours22:59
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