IRC log of #maemo-devel for Saturday, 2010-01-02

fdvhahumm.. for a gtk.TouchSelector (python), does anybody know if there is a way to sort of bind it to the keyboard when it has focus so that one can 'home in' on the right entry / entries by typing the first characters?01:09
fdvlike with the contacts on n90001:10
fdvfound something. HildonLiveSearch01:21
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Miniscalopesomeone know how add libraries to a meamo project with esbox?01:45
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svanheulengood evening06:09
svanheulenis there a package to get gcc on the n900?06:12
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lcukif only svan had stuck around07:07
lcuki was just gonna tell him, such a shame07:07
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hrw|gonewhere I can fine sources of gtk+ 2:2.14.7-1maemo15 (or newer)?08:13
villageryou should probably download them with apt-get source08:21
hrw|gonevillager: no, maemo12 is last released08:23
villagerwhere did you get maemo15 binaries from then?08:24
villagerif it's a repository, you should be able to get the sources from the same repo08:25
hrw|goneI do not have binaries too08:26
hrw|gonehildon-desktop git head req maemo1508:26
hrw|goneand it got rid of 'More...' button in applist08:26
villagerget it from the same repo as hildon-desktop then08:28
hrw|gonevillager: I built it by hand08:28
hrw|goneh-d I mean08:28
villagerexactly, so get it from same repo08:28
hrw|gonegitorious does not have gtk+08:29
hrw|goneah.. so gtk+ is svn...08:29
villagerhmm, hildon-desktop is in that svn, have they forked it or something then?08:32
hrw|goneor it was old one08:33
* hrw|gone -> off08:33
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lardmanoo, never realised this channel existed, obviously not just user proof ;)12:32
lardmanhmm, fair enough12:35
pH5heh. me neither until 10min ago. good morning.12:35
lardmanthanks hrw|gone for mentioning if on maemo-developers :)12:35
Stskeepshrw|gone: it'll hopefully move away from stage soon just fwiw12:41
fdvhm. I'm getting glib errors when I quit a simple python app with only a hildon.AppMenu, but only on scratchbox, not on target.12:46
fdvwonder if this is due to different debug settings or different memory management12:47
Stskeepswarnings or errors?12:47
fdverrors, I think12:48
fdvhave to verify12:48
fdviirc, it was in glib_free or something12:48
fdvI'll check it out asap12:49
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fdvStskeeps: 'critical's13:19
fdvthat's a script that produces the errors as well13:19
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jeremiahhi there alekseiko17:38
jeremiahooops, he gone17:38
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Stskeepsheh, hackers are coming20:09
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hrwbtw... does someone know which version of hildon-desktop is in fw1.1?21:18
Stskeepspr1.1 and a good guess would be
hrw2.2.120-4 ;(21:42
jebbaany git folks?  Like I see this commit on gitorious:
jebbabut i clone that tree but don't see that commit anywhere in the logs21:46
hrwcheck branches21:46
jebbai did21:46
jebbaeven did this somewhat silly, but checks all:21:47
jebbafor i in `git branch -a | grep origin` ; do echo $i ; git checkout $i 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ;  git show 06b7c22af0c49db1ed487617eb797d9fdd6bf38a ; echo ; done21:47
jebba(checked master too)21:48
jebbaalso did the same thing simply trying to find nokia.c21:48
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ruskiejebba, tried: git log | grep "06b7c22af0c49db1ed487617eb797d9fdd6bf38a"22:38
* ruskie tries to clone and find it22:40
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lcukyou have many branches on that git23:33
lcuksee the list on the right ;)23:33
ruskieI wonder if this got removed or renamed actually23:34
lcukyou shouldnt have to do massive unpacking like that23:34
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jebbalcuk: ya, i see all those branches. That's what I checked above. with the silly script, no?23:45
jebbai checked for nokia.c and for the 06b7c22af0c49db1ed487617eb797d9fdd6bf38a commit in every branch and it's not there, AFAICT.  But i'm no git expert for certain.23:46
idrauhm I was wondering if there is any phone app on the n900 that uses the webcam23:51
idraskype seems not, nor sip, nor gtalk23:51
idrais it a dev related issue? or is it just me ?23:51

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