IRC log of #maemo-devel for Friday, 2010-01-01

Docdwish i had an n90000:00
backseatgregdoes it work docd ?00:00
backseatgregthe repo ?00:01
Docdno, but i found this
Docdand it explicitly says how to add the browser00:01
Docdso i guess the emulator doesn't come with the basic apps00:01
backseatgregdo you plan to buy a n900 ?00:02
Docdyes, but it's too expensive now where i live (argentina)00:03
woglindehm jebba has one00:03
woglindeand he is from .ar00:03
Docdhe probably had ~1000 bucks lying around :p00:03
ruskieNZ,FI,AR,PL,US,NL,DE,SI,GB <-- hmm quite a collection... I'm especially suprised about the SI one00:04
woglinderuskie *g*00:04
ruskiewell I'm from SI so definately interesting to see someone else from around here00:05
woglindesi was?00:05
backseatgregDocd, that's the price in USD ?00:06
Docdyes, backseatgreg00:06
Docdand here we don't earn in USD00:06
backseatgregso expensive00:06
Docdso it's even more painful00:06
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Docdit's like two months salary00:07
backseatgregthat's crazy00:07
ruskiewell I'd call it a premium item in most economies00:07
Docdyeah :/00:07
Docdit is, of course00:07
Docdspecially here00:07
ruskie619 eur here... but then we got shafted a bit00:08
backseatgregI thought it was expensive in France but I was wrong00:08
ruskieshould have been 59900:08
ruskieatleast if one takes into account 500 eur pre-tax price00:08
ruskieand with 20% tax it comes to 59900:08
Docdthe thing is, it's not officially selling here00:08
backseatgreghere in France I think it's 659 when buying it without a new phone operator subscription00:08
Docdso all the phones are imported by small sneaky business00:09
jebbamercadolibre ftw.  but ya, expensive here00:09
Docdhow much did you paid it, jebba?00:09
Docdif you don't mind me asking :/00:10
Docdseems to be the average price00:10
ruskiebackseatgreg, yeah we are talking unbundled prices ;)00:10
ruskieI only found about a cellco bundling them like yesterday00:11
ruskieI posted on the forum in the subsidized cariers thread00:11
ruskienot really worth the 2 year contract00:11
backseatgregyup it depends00:11
ruskie429 is without any special contract... just general subsidy00:12
backseatgreggot a 1 year iphone contrat that finished just 2 weeks before the n900 came out00:12
ruskie329 is with the 55/77eur/month contract00:12
ruskieI still have the n95 on contract until May00:12
backseatgregso I stop that contrat and took a new one, so the phone is 110 euros only (after refunds which I haven't received on my bank account at the moment)00:12
ruskiewell no refunds here00:13
Docdif you get the n900 with a contract, is it still unlocked?00:13
backseatgregeven nokia 100euro refund ?00:13
backseatgregyes it is unlocked00:13
ruskiebackseatgreg, what nokia 100 eur refund?00:13
ruskieI bought it at the nokia shop here00:13
ruskiethere was no rebate/refund etc...00:13
backseatgregwhen I bought my n900 they gave me a paper, on that paper it was written that I had to register to ovi, print the confirmation email and send that to nokia to get a 100euro refund on the phone00:14
backseatgregand I had a 50 euro from the phone shop too00:14
backseatgregso I paid 259euros00:14
backseatgregand I should receive 15000:14
ruskiegave you a paper separately?00:15
ruskieor in the box?00:15
ruskieno such thing here00:15
ruskiebut then most people tend to stuff us into eastern europe00:15
backseatgregit's probably nokia france00:15
ruskieand we tend to get hardware that you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere else but maybe slovakia, chech republic and possibly poland00:16
backseatgregyou said you got it 1 month ago, here it cames out 3 weeks ago or something like that, and the first days it was only dozens of phones per days for all the country that were available, I was fighting to get one00:17
backseatgregand I think it's still hard to get one00:17
ruskieI got it december 3rd00:17
ruskieand I was constantly bugging the store00:17
ruskiethat was 2 days after they got them in the store00:18
backseatgreghehe same strategy for me :)00:18
ruskiebut most people around here tend to buy their cell phones with contracts00:18
backseatgregit's cheaper00:19
ruskieand consider... 2 mio people, 4 primary operators, 3 roaming operators00:19
backseatgregif you find a suitable contract00:19
ruskienot much room for freelance selling of mobile phones00:19
ruskieand iirc mobile penetration is 100+%00:20
backseatgregiirc ?00:20
ruskieif I recall correctly00:20
backseatgregwhat's iirc00:20
ruskieif I recall correctly00:20
backseatgreg*put the wine bottle back in the fridge*00:22
backseatgregdoes anyone know a good free php hosting provider ?00:27
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Docdbackseatgreg, do you know prgmr?00:58
Docdit's basically cheap vps00:59
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ruskiehny to those in EU01:14
ruskieand related timezones01:14
woglinderuskie jupp01:14
backseatgregDocd, no I didn't knew this one but I'm looking for a free one for temp website01:19
Docdoh, i see01:19
Docdfor free i think... was good01:20
Docdbut it's been a while01:20
backseatgregoh pretty cool01:22
backseatgregbut no mysql support if not premium :/01:22
ruskieso use sqlite? if it has it?01:23
backseatgregdoesn't seem to have any db01:24
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Docdso... how's 2010 doing over there?01:59
ruskiehmm anyone good with theming for the n900 ?02:00
ifreqnope.. but woud love to have star trek lcars like on my n770 =)02:01
ruskieall I actually want though is to modify the digital nature theme to have green highlights instead of orange ones02:02
ruskieI guess I'll try to modify it myself02:02
ruskieI'm not completly new to GTK themes02:02
ifreqyou can do it02:03
ifreqnation is depending on you02:03
ruskiewill just take time02:03
ifreqyou dont watch hollywood movies?02:03
ifreqanything they do its something considering whole world/nation.02:04
ruskieas amazing as it sounds.. no I don't02:05
ruskieI prefer books02:05
ruskiehmm in 2009 I spent quite a lot of cash on various gadgets and computer upgrades...02:06
ruskie300eur for the ebook reader, 620 for the n900, 250 for server and firewall upgrades to mini-itx, 160 for the desktop upgrade, 60eur fresh extended battery for the 701, various other bits and pieces02:07
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backseatgregbye everyone have a good first 2010 night02:38
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smurfy-philhi, happy new year :), i have a question about the autobuilder :) always get failed :(05:53
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idrahello I built an example package with Esbox (using the maemo 5 virt img as build environment)20:28
idrait installs fine using dpkg -i in the N900 but fails in red pill mode for the application manager20:28
idrait gives back the error: Incompatible application package20:28
idraany idea about it ?20:29
jebbaif you dpkg -i it and then run "apt-get check" is everything OK?20:31
idrajebba, let me try20:33
idrajebba, apt-get check doesn throw any error, just reads package lists and state information20:34
jebbacan you ls -l your .deb?  Is it armel ARCH?20:35
idrajebba, not only it installs but it also works :)20:35
idra(although I had to find out libhildonmm libs and co in extras-devel20:36
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idrais there a log file for the application manager?20:38
idraor something that tells you exactly what test is failing ?20:38
idrauhmm is it possible that app. manager refuses to install the package because I haven't included an icon ?20:40
jebbanot sure. i've suddenly got very distracted though. I just got fedora 12 running on N900  :=)20:40
jebbasry refocussing...20:40
idrajebba, wow that's great20:40
* idra fedora developer :)20:41
idraah another intresting thing is that app. manager also can't install my package once installed with dpkg -i20:41
idrait simply doesn't show up in the uninstall list20:42
jebbaidra: i just ran over to #fedora-arm btw20:42
jebbaneed to add Section: user/foo of some sort20:42
idrafoo is actually the name of my app :)20:43
idrajebba, do you know if there are packages to run maemo sdk on fedora 12 btw ?20:43
idraI had to convert and install the vmware images with ubuntu 8.10 in it ... and while a vm is handy it is annoying sometimes20:44
idralunch time, later20:45
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jebbairda check my pagfe for fedora x86_64 info20:53
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idrajebba, thanks, correctly setting the section did solve the problem22:16
idrajebba, and thanks for your f12 howto too22:17
jebbanp  :)22:18
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