IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2012-09-04

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spencerare there key commands to meego? so i can get through it faster01:48
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spencerhey whats up03:35
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c0rnelhello all13:32
c0rnelis there a way to install meego sdk on fedora 17?13:32
c0rnelx64, actually13:32
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thiagoc0rnel: do you mean the meego SDK or the harmattan SDK?13:41
c0rnelthiago, meego sdk. meanwhile, a nice guy from #fedora pointed to me there are rpms available in repos, i'm trying those, now13:43
* thiago has them installed on his Fedora 1713:43
c0rnelthe thing is i have to choose now the package that gives me the x86 xcompiler :)13:43
thiagobut it was F15 when I installed13:43
c0rneloh, i see13:44
c0rnelthat was an option too: install in f14 then yum upgrade to f17, but i am trying to avoid this :)13:44
thiagoI'm not sure there's a cross-compiler package13:45
c0rnelthiago, on f14 x64, installing th .run (?) file, gave me the x86 gcc13:46
thiagowhat .run file?13:46
c0rnellet me search for the exact file name13:47
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c0rnelthiago, this one:
c0rnel(ok, it was not called .run)13:49
thiagoah, ok13:49
thiagoit's been over a year, I didn't remember we had executables13:49
c0rnelthiago, do you have x86_64 fedora?13:53
thiagoc0rnel: yes13:53
c0rneli have a meego-sdk.repo that points to f14, is there a f15 or newer repo?13:57
thiagono, there isn't13:57
c0rnelthank you13:58
* c0rnel wonders what to do now13:58
c0rnelthiago, should i install packages from here?
thiagoc0rnel: I only have the meego-tools repository.13:59
c0rnelthiago, can you fpaste the .repo file please?14:01
c0rnelthank you very much14:01
c0rneli didn't had this repo14:03
c0rneli wanna install meego-1.2-sdk-i586-gcc.i386 or *bootstrap* but it requires meego-1.2-sdk-i586-binutils, which is missing14:10
c0rneli have to revert to chroot, which means, no qt creator :)14:12
c0rnelthiago, do you have any ideas about how can i install tese things on f17 x64? (other than yum upgrade :))14:16
c0rnelor: can i replace the 1.2 sdk with some tizen sdk?14:18
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thiagoc0rnel: no14:26
thiagocompile from source14:26
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c0rnelok, thank you14:44
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c0rnelthiago, do you have a link to the sdk source?14:47
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spencerhey is meego ok for video editing21:54
spenceri'd like to install a video editing program is there one natively available or is it going to be a weird thing to install21:55
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