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vgrade | chouchoune, just use ctrl-alt-f2 to open up vt2 | 00:02 |
vgrade | you can also press tab on initial boot screen and add 3 to command line to boot to command line | 00:03 |
chouchoune | ok | 00:03 |
vgrade | then uxlaunch from vt2 | 00:03 |
chouchoune | ok | 00:04 |
chouchoune | got it thanks | 00:05 |
vgrade | it look like some sort of power management kicking in | 00:05 |
matrixx | sounds nicely like 60 secs timeout :/ | 00:08 |
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chouchoune | if you don't do anything, it doesn't blank ;) | 00:09 |
matrixx | I also noticed it's related in action you do | 00:10 |
matrixx | or do not | 00:10 |
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Robot101 | .wg mockillo | 00:14 |
Robot101 | fail | 00:14 |
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berndhs | yeah CosmoHill, getting chilly here too, its October | 00:18 |
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chouchoune | mmmhhh, it looks like ir fails when I go to settings | 00:25 |
chouchoune | ok when I close an app | 00:25 |
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npm_ | doesn't bode well for Tizen: (from Meegotv): "Q: Narm, is there privacy controls to prevent rogue JavaScript from accessing private data."A: Dominique, not that he's seen. Designed for closed system. Access to scripts and code inside the box is limited by physical security." | 00:38 |
thiago | who is Narm? | 00:39 |
npm_ | http://lists.meego.com/pipermail/meego-tv/2011-September/000099.html | 00:39 |
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npm_ | oops wrong month. | 00:41 |
npm_ | for some reason october isn't available in meego-tv archives | 00:41 |
npm_ | but that was from the most recent meeting minutes | 00:41 |
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lbt | ulf^: ping | 00:42 |
chouchoune | npm: october has begun yesterday | 00:42 |
npm | thiago: oh here it is http://lists.meego.com/pipermail/meego-tv/2011-September/000103.html | 00:42 |
lbt | ulf^: we're getting rpc timeouts for the remote OBS link | 00:42 |
npm | also, anybody from meego-tv have this whitepaper "Dilip Kenchammana: Qt with HTML5 layer... Dilip has provided a white paper via e-mail. Discussion postponed to next meeting." | 00:43 |
npm | thiago: know anything about that whitepaper? | 00:44 |
thiago | no | 00:44 |
thiago | just contact dilip | 00:44 |
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npm | got his address? | 00:45 |
thiago | dilip.kenchammana@nokia.com | 00:45 |
npm | thanks | 00:45 |
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npm | so i guess tizen is a pipe-dream right now, and then when they get to building it and find out it works like crap and has major security flaws, they'll waste a few years not fixing bugs so it becomes a death-by-thousand-cuts-OS (ala meego) and then move on to the next trend? | 00:48 |
npm | seems like the same mistakes are being made all over again. | 00:48 |
thiago | that's impossible to tell right now | 00:48 |
npm | thinking that big slow companies will be able to invent something brand new from whole cloth | 00:49 |
npm | and have it go from zero to success in a year or two... is not very realistic | 00:50 |
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npm | as opposed to taking the best of stuff that works (e.g. other distros and their UX's e.g. gnome3 or latest kde) | 00:51 |
npm | and then refining and productizing that | 00:51 |
thiago | the existing UXs are not suitable for the types of devices MeeGo or Tizen targets | 00:51 |
lbt | which existing UXes? | 00:52 |
thiago | lbt: npm was talking about the UXes in other distros | 00:53 |
npm | isn't there now a public version of Maemo's UX? Aren't there spins on various distros targeting mobility? | 00:53 |
lbt | OK - the ones in MeeGo have seemed to be useful | 00:53 |
lbt | but not presented (AFAICT) in a way to ease the load of adapting them to a specific device | 00:53 |
npm | well useful but upsteam moved on to the gnome shell instead of netbook -ux | 00:54 |
npm | and i always thought the tablet-UX was a bad idea anyways | 00:54 |
npm | and a how hard can it be to implement the "swipe" UX on a difft device (other than getting sued for patent violation) | 00:54 |
npm | thiago, this seems suitable: http://vizzzion.org/blog/2011/04/plasma-active-a-desirable-user-experience-encompassing-the-device-spectrum/ | 00:57 |
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thiago | no distro is shipping that yet | 00:58 |
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npm | well it's getting closer to release so it's just a matter of time: http://vizzzion.org/blog/2011/09/plasma-active-crunching-towards-one/ | 01:01 |
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npm | looks like it's OpenGLES ready http://vizzzion.org/blog/2011/08/plasma-active-on-opengl-es/ | 01:02 |
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vgrade | npm, plasma has potential on tablet | 01:15 |
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npm | yep | 01:23 |
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TSCHAKeee | what is MeeGo Plasma? | 01:33 |
vgrade | TSCHAKeee hi | 01:33 |
TSCHAKeee | Hi vgrade | 01:33 |
vgrade | http://www.meegoexperts.com/2011/08/video-demo-contour-running-plasma-active-meego-desktop-summit/ | 01:34 |
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vgrade | TSCHAKeee, hows things | 01:35 |
vgrade | bit of a news shocker | 01:35 |
TSCHAKeee | eh, good.. a little swamped with work, so both LinuxMCE and my other projects have had to be on hold for just a bit... | 01:35 |
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TSCHAKeee | regarding MeeGo? I didn't know anything beforehand, but I strongly suspected it was going to happen. | 01:36 |
TSCHAKeee | Some day, corporations are going to learn that you can't grow communities in test tubes. | 01:36 |
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npm | why should they? they keep rewarding themselves for making mistakes... | 02:09 |
CosmoHill | If The Joker was a real person, he'd be 71 | 02:09 |
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CosmoHill | cyas | 02:26 |
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DavidTalmage | Hi. Is this a place where I can get help with the SDK? I have a compilation issue that I think is the SDK's fault. | 06:10 |
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iekku | morning | 06:24 |
Sazpaimon_ | any crosstool-ng users? | 06:24 |
Sazpaimon_ | I cant get this toolchain to build | 06:24 |
Sazpaimon_ | http://pastebin.com/5wZAVUvK I get this during linking of eglibc | 06:25 |
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iekku | i think there's also #meego-sdk, not sure... hope someone comes soon to help | 06:28 |
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DavidTalmage | jekku thanks | 06:39 |
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Stskeeps | Mer is back! - http://lists.meego.com/pipermail/meego-dev/2011-October/484215.html ([MeeGo-dev] MeeGo Reconstructed - a plan of action and direction for MeeGo) | 09:03 |
iekku | !!! | 09:03 |
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Texrat | hola | 09:47 |
w00t | o/ Texrat | 09:47 |
Texrat | \o w00t | 09:47 |
Texrat | say w00t how close are you to London? | 09:47 |
w00t | I'm not, anymore | 09:48 |
w00t | moved to norway a few months ago | 09:48 |
Texrat | ah, bummer | 09:48 |
w00t | (finally) | 09:48 |
Texrat | was hoping we could hang when I come in a few weeks from now | 09:48 |
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w00t | :) | 09:52 |
w00t | what you doing in london? | 09:52 |
Stskeeps | exile? | 09:52 |
Stskeeps | :P | 09:52 |
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Myrtti | too bad Huntingdon is quite far | 09:58 |
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Texrat | oops sorry w00t. I'm going to Nokia World, hence London | 10:09 |
Texrat | hi Myrtti! | 10:10 |
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Myrtti | Texrat: ohai | 10:11 |
Texrat | :D | 10:12 |
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Nimesh_Accenture | anyone from the meego policy framework in this room? | 11:19 |
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andre__ | Nimesh_Accenture, don't know, but if you have specific questions it's easier to just ask them and wait for an answer. that's how IRC works... | 11:37 |
Nimesh_Accenture | does libresource expose a DBUS interface ? I'm asking this because say I'm running Ubuntu , Chrooted on Meego then I would need these DBUS API's to interact with the policy framework. | 11:38 |
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Nimesh_Accenture | does libresource expose a DBUS interface ? I'm asking this because say I'm running Ubuntu , Chrooted on Meego then I would need these DBUS API's to interact with the policy framework. | 12:40 |
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Nimesh_Accenture | does libresource expose a DBUS interface ? I'm asking this because say I'm running Ubuntu , Chrooted on Meego then I would need these DBUS API's to interact with the policy framework. | 15:28 |
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Nimesh_Accenture | does libresource expose a DBUS interface ? I'm asking this because say I'm running Ubuntu , Chrooted on Meego then I would need these DBUS API's to interact with the policy framework. | 17:47 |
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imili | I have problem in configuration GMA5000 on meego , I installed packages from repor but when I wanna to startx I got "Module emgd not found." | 20:03 |
imili | and while I have /usr/lib/dri/emgd_dri.so it's not in loaded modules | 20:05 |
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imili | btw, I read http://wiki.meego.com/User:Vgrade#GMA500_Future_on_Meego for that issue | 20:06 |
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vgrade | imili, EMGD drivers are part of MeeGo releases just make sure you have included the emgd-bin package and use a kernel with matched kernel driver. Stock IVI kernels have these | 20:21 |
vgrade | kernel-adaptation-automotive | 20:21 |
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imili | vgrade: so the only key is installing kernel-adaptation-automotive ? | 20:23 |
imili | I already install emgd-bin from repo | 20:23 |
vgrade | yes you have to match the userspace drivers with the right kernel | 20:26 |
vgrade | check the meego-commits mailing list archives, you will see that emgd-bin and automotive kernel commits go hand in hang | 20:26 |
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imili | vgrade: there is only kernel-adaptation-intel-automotive is the one ? | 20:39 |
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vgrade | sounds like the one | 21:00 |
vgrade | did you check the commits ml | 21:00 |
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imili | ` | 21:00 |
vgrade | imili, http://lists.meego.com/pipermail/meego-commits/2011-September/thread.html | 21:01 |
* imili says sorry ! | 21:01 | |
vgrade | you can see the emgd-bin and kernel | 21:01 |
vgrade | np | 21:01 |
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vgrade | so if you get a matched kernel and userspace from the repos you should be good to go | 21:02 |
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augustl | does alien dalvik exist? Need Google's two factor authentication app on my N9.. | 21:23 |
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augustl | all I can find are news posts about how it's going to be available | 21:23 |
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augustl | and http://www.myriadgroup.com/Device-Manufacturers/Android-solutions/Alien-Dalvik.aspx, with no useful info whatsoever :) | 21:27 |
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imili | vgrade: so, it seems it's not working :) it's hanged after I selec new kernel | 21:36 |
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augustl | anyone here familiar with custom certificate intsallation on the N9? When clicking the "install" button it takes me to "Certicicat settings" where I can toggle what the cert can authorize (web, email, ...) but no buttons other than a back button | 22:57 |
augustl | and doing that doesn't actually install it | 22:57 |
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lbt_hel | Jaffa: ping | 23:08 |
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