IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2011-07-18

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vgradelcuk, \o, I'm looking at setOverrideCursor00:04
lcukgood stuff00:05
* lcuk just looking at calendar00:05
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berndhsvgrade: look at /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch, see if it has xopts=-nocursor00:22
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timelessgrr, getting behind on kernel imports sucks00:33
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vgradeberndhs, no xopts=00:49
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* timeless grumbles01:24
timelesslbt: ping01:25
timelessthe proxy for mxr is dead01:25
lbtyeah... we're doing maintenance01:25
lbtwhat proxy?01:25
timelessoutbound http01:25
timelessdns failed01:25
lainwir3dpoor him :-(01:26
timelesson the proxy01:26
lbtare you ssh'ed in ?01:26
timelesslainwir3d: poor me01:26
timelesslbt: yeah01:26
lbtok .. sec01:26
timelessi'm trying to get the update script to be more useful01:26
timelesswhich means coaxing it past the fact that it's really very very far behind01:26
* lbt would like a simple operator's guide with useful debug/diagnostic/logs etc01:26
lbt'look here, then here, this should be running, do this, check that happened'01:27
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timelessyeah, i think i need to write a cron which proves to itself that its world is happy01:27
timelessand when it fails, it complains in detail about what went wrong01:27
timelesswhat's really bad is that there's a long running import which should take about 12-16hours for the n900 kernel01:29
timelessand it's stuck spinning while presumably the world is dead01:29
timelessactually, no01:29
timelessthat's fine, because it already did its http traffic, it's just doing local processing :)01:30
lbtthere may be an internal proxy issue... looking into it01:30
timelessbut that still leaves me w/ the other stuff that wants to continue..01:30
timelessalso, from memory the proxy env for my ssh user and my cron user wasn't guaranteed to be the same01:30
timelessit'd be good if someone could ensure some level of consistency there..01:30
* timeless doesn't remember how any of that magic works01:31
timelessthere's a /etc/environment which i think i'm hoping is responsible for sanity01:32
timeless(should probably document that in case anyone is annoying enough to try to change the proxy host name (or related network topology) in the future)01:32
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timeless*.meego seems to be doing interesting stuff..01:51
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timelesslbt: are there any other exit points? :)02:04
lbtit's a dns issue ... we're working on it02:05
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lbttimeless: fixed02:22
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lbttimeless: pin03:08
lbtdid you just start mxr doing massive NW traffic ?03:09
timelessmore or less03:09
timelessif you mean just now03:09
lbtgrumble ... ssh seems to be almost dead03:10
lbtI suspect that's why03:10
timelesstop is working :)03:10
lbtyeah, can you suspend it for a while03:10
timelessit's supposed to do massive traffic in bursts between that and local data crunching03:10
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timelessnote that there are still two processes doing local cpu load03:11
lbtobs is still down and we're still working on it ... long session ... early hours of the am ... laggy ssh isn't fun :)03:11
timelessis it better?03:11
timeless 3141 timeless  20   0  930m 880m  44m R   99  5.4 167:09.92 hg03:11
timelessthat's the primary process atm...03:11
timeless(should be purely local work)03:12
timelessthat has around 23hours of work (current estimate)03:12
timelesswhich is why i want other tasks to run, i really don't want them to wait for it to finish :)03:12
timelessoh, ouch03:13
timeless             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached03:14
timelessMem:      16734036   16647136      86900          0     996132   1248222403:14
timeless-/+ buffers/cache:    3168780   1356525603:14
timelessSwap:      4194296          0    419429603:14
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timelesstop says it's using <1gb of ram03:15
* timeless wonders where the rest of the memory is (cache/buffers?)03:15
lbtis it still paused?03:16
lbtI really need ssh working properly03:16
lbtI'm having real problems with ssh being laggy03:18
timelessthe only thing i see on mxr that's doing work is the local hg which is just crunching03:18
timelessbut yeah, it feels laggy here too03:19
lbtOK - maybe something else03:19
timelessyeah, i don't think it's my fault, the bursts i was doing for git should generally be tiny03:19
lbtOK ... np then03:19
timelesscan i resume my minor git's? :)03:19
lbtI'll install some bmon/iptop at some point03:20
lbttiny ones ...03:20
timeless44 objects03:20
timelessmost of the repos are tiny and the requests/responses are tiny03:20
timelessit probably spends 50-1000x more time doing local work than network i/o03:21
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timelesslbt: so, i'm down to 3 annoying repositories :)04:26
lbtok .. well OBS is up04:26
lbtso ....04:26
timelesssleepy time?04:26
timelessi'll be on paris time on tuesday04:26
lbtoh yeah ...... 2:26am here04:26
lbtthat's closer :)04:27
timelessyeah, my body will think it's then when i arrive @8:30am04:27
lbtI'm annoyed 'cos I locked myself out of a physical host :(04:27
lbtbut anyhow... mxr04:27
timelessouch, how?04:27
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timelessso... i should be able to let those two or three finish04:28
timelessprobably by thursday04:28
lbtyes ... leaving them churning is fine04:28
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lbtFYI you have 4 cpus04:29
lbtso running 2-3 in parallel is OK04:29
lbtbed then o/04:32
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timelessit doesn't seem to work.. wonder why04:40
berndhstimeless: i'm seeing missing packages doing an image build, something looks fishy here too04:44
timelessagg, looks like my other repo was suffering from dns04:46
* timeless kicks it04:46
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timelessmuch better04:48
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timelessberndhs: in theory your services were fixed, if not, i'd file a bug and wait 8hrs05:04
timelessthe workers needed sleep05:04
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berndhsi'll look at it in the morning05:05
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berndhsi think changed their directory structure in the last few days, so week old soemthing.ks files don't necessarily work any more05:12
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timelessyay, estimates. 4 hours, 14 hours, and 28 hours06:01
timelessthe first two estimates seem headed in the right direction, the last one is more questionable06:01
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TSCHAKeeeif download.meego,com keeps changing their damned directory structures around06:23
TSCHAKeeehow in the #@(($@# am I supposed to keep kickstart files around so that I can keep building my images06:23
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TSCHAKeeeI have other projects I have to deal with too!06:23
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pethamswhere do i download release update?08:03
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antman8969has anyone had any luck with the obs ?08:04
pethamsanyone know how to get 1.2.01 update ?08:05
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dm8tbrpethams: I don't think there is such a thing08:09
pethamswell what does this say then...
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dm8tbrneither have it08:14
dm8tbrI just checked08:14
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* dm8tbr checked too08:14
Stskeepswhile confusing, is porlly the one08:14
dm8tbrI suspect it's an RPM only update08:14
Stskeepsnot entirely sure why they released IA only though08:15
Stskeepsbut probably because we didn't QA for arm08:16
dm8tbr<intel> who cares about ARM anyway!?</intel>08:16 not answering, well, that's a good start on the monday..08:17
dm8tbrthat might explain the missing CE images08:17
dm8tbrsomeone asked earlier08:17
Stskeepsnah, that's due to COBS maintaining running late08:18
dm8tbrI wonder what's the story behind not providing new images with
Stskeepsi think the meego-vendor interface in that regard isn't terribly defined08:19
Stskeepsthis is going to be a rough day, can already feel my allergy killing me08:20
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dm8tbrsomewhere on my todo list is 'understand meego' structure, but I guess then my nickname of Don Quixote de la MeeGo is really sealed...08:20
dm8tbrmy alergy is surpsisingly low profile this year. started 1-2months late and had to pop only one zyrtec so far08:21
Stskeepsi'm spending some time cleaning up meego categories to make the architecture more understandable (some edges missing), but really helps matters08:21
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Stskeepsthat should help in future to make meego more streamlined08:22
dm8tbryeah, saw that08:22
Stskeepsas i think we're a bit overboard with 1200 pkgs08:22
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Stskeepsbtw, what NFC stack did you use on your tieto demo?08:28
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slonopotamusStskeeps: Lua in build-essential? really?08:30
slonopotamuserr, in "base essentials"08:30
Stskeepsslonopotamus: rpm uses it, i think08:31
slonopotamusStskeeps: also, you have a cycle between base essentials and system libraries08:32
Stskeepsslonopotamus: there's a cycle in the bare essentials yeah, but as i said, edges arent correct08:34
jonwilhi stskeeps08:41
Stskeepslo jonwil08:41
jonwildon't forget you were going to respond to my mailing list posting :P08:42
Stskeepsdon't worry, it's in my tickler folder08:42
jonwilgreat :)08:43
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Stskeepsjust not very awake yet08:45
jonwilbear in mind they are just ideas from an outsider who has no idea of the political/legal/technical situation inside Nokia and in the MeeGo team08:45
Stskeepsi know, i was once in that position myself and sometimes i was quite accurate :P08:46
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jonwilso yeah even if we cant get the info needed to advance the now-dead Maemo Fremantle, at least we can ensure long-term continuation of the N900 with alternative operating systems08:50
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dm8tbrStskeeps: neither Qt nor MeeGo as both was not ready at that time08:52
dm8tbrStskeeps: if MeeGo is interested I can ask the people involved if they can/want to contribute something08:53
* slonopotamus yawns08:54
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Stskeepsdm8tbr: ok08:55
Termanajonwil, why bother with getting preinit relicensed when you've got uboot and therefore don't need bootmenu/multiboot and therefore don't need preinit?08:56
jonwiloh ok, I wasnt aware of the uboot situation08:56
jonwilI just remembered someone saying they needed preinit for alt os's08:56
Stskeepsit's really mostly stuff that exists in some form somewhere else08:57
Stskeepsdifficult to copyright shell scripts08:57
TermanaOh, well yeah. Doesn't seem necessary with uboot anyway.08:57
TermanaAFAIK NITdroid is still using preinit (?), but they are just crazy and need to stop.08:57
jonwilyeah NITdroid needs to move to a safe sane uboot setup08:58
jonwilthat way there wont be so many issues with people who install NITdroid and ruin their phones in the process08:58
jonwildoes the backupmenu stuff rely on preinit?09:00
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Termanajonwil, I think so09:05
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dm8tbrgood moaning Myrtti09:50
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arfollis public OBS still down? it looks like none of the workers want to work :-(10:19
X-Fadearfoll: Yeah, looking at it.10:19 obs is10:19
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Stskeepsat least blocking10:19
arfollX-Fade, thank you10:20
arfollyeah i noticed obs is down too, this not a good day for OBS!10:20
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javierI'm getting remote error: remote error  connect to 443  No route to host10:39
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Stskeepsyeah, it's down i think10:39
arfolljavier, OBS is MIA10:40
javierI see10:41
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Venemovery good news: -> "There is no optification needed in MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan."10:51
aparna_any idea on when is the last date for device program -
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Venemoaparna_, I don't see any date in there10:54
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arfollVenemo, Intel have been giving out lots of exopc with the appup conferences. I don't know if that program is still on10:57
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Venemoarfoll, it says "active", and I think it is still on10:58
arfolluhm does look like you can just apply. nice.11:00
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vgradeaparna_, Dawn mentions at the last community meeting (last week) that they were goign to start looking at the applications now11:14
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javierany ETA regarding
lbtwe're trying to find awake people12:04
lbtsadly Niels and I aren't trusted so nothing we can do ;)12:04
lbtI think it's what is screwing up the c.obs too12:05
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Venemoyou aren't trusted?12:08
Venemothen who is trusted?12:08
dm8tbrlbt: ah, all eggs in one timezone?12:08
Stskeepsshouldn't be12:08
* dm8tbr declares OBS b0rken until USofA wakes up12:09
ali1234this is exactly why i do not trust OBS12:11
ali1234just thought i would point that out12:11
dm8tbrThat's why I have snapshots on my internal OBS12:12
lbtali1234: another spot-on observation .... not12:13
arfolllbt, can we file a bug to trust you and neils on OBS?12:13
* jonwil wonders if anyone has any comments on his ideas post to the meego-handset mailing list12:15
Stskeepsjonwil: i do, but OBS being down makes me unable to answer accurately12:16
Stskeepsjonwil: so patience :)12:16
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jonwilwhat do you need obs for? :P12:16
Stskeepsjonwil: checking some things and sources i don't have locally12:16
jonwiloh ok12:17
jonwilso you mean the internal Nokia obs for the closed-bins and not the public obs with the binaries only. Got ya :)12:17
Stskeepspublic obs i need to look at some things too :P12:17
* jonwil mirrored all the "12:17
jonwil"source" files for the closed-bins from the public obs12:18
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jonwilmostly so I could play with them and see what libs they linked to etc12:18
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jonwilI suspect the answers to half my ideas are going to be "from a technical POV, that seems ok, we need to bump it to the legal guys though" :P12:20
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kg0wrhow does this trash " meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img " work in virtual machine vmplayer  ?12:35
kg0writs not ISO12:35
kg0wrvmplayer wants iso12:35
Isokg0wr, img & iso are the same shit, just rename the file.12:35
kg0wru ugkly nic12:35
Stskeepskg0wr: please behave or leave12:36
kg0wr"could not detect which os12:36
kg0wrnow wat ??12:36
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kg0wrfreebsd ?12:37
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Isokg0wr, what about another vm manager software ?12:37
kg0wrother -> other12:37
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kg0wralready this one has got 10 processes running in taskmgr and 3 virtual LANs nad lot o vhd and trash folders everywhere12:38
kg0wrdont want another12:38
kg0wrmeego is touch screen OS fr phones and netbook ?12:39
kg0wri dont want to read .12:39
kg0wri want to directly run in vmplayer and see12:40
Stskeepsyou have to read to understand12:40
Stskeepsand meego doesn't work in vmplayer as it uses 3d extensively12:40
timophdon't expect to be spoon fed all the info12:40
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kg0wrThe MeeGo project provides a Linux-based, open source software platform for the next generation of computing devices12:41
kg0wreww linux12:41
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kg0wri thought ' 3d extensively' future GUI windows like os12:41
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* timoph goes out for lunch12:42
ali1234heh. that could be the new marketing move in mobile phones12:42
ali1234don't ship the handset. just write articles about how great it is going to be forever12:43
kg0wrafter selecting 'linux os' in vmplayer theres 20 options but no 'meego12:43
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timophali1234: still doesn't do devices...12:43
lcukmorning \o12:43
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timoph..or ever will12:43
* timoph goes out for lunch (really this time)12:44
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lbtok .. so it's still rpc timeout12:49
lbtI guess it needs a restart12:49
Stskeepssome people say no route to host12:50
javieryes, still rpc timeout here12:50
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lbtFYI the scheduler has a multi-second timeout when it checks b.m.c ... and it does that for each project that has a remote link ... for each arch12:51
lbtso the loop iteration isn't short12:51
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lbtno route to host .. would be interested in that12:51
Stskeepsah, no route to host for me12:52
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javierremote error  connect to 443  Connection refused12:55
X-Fadeyeah, that is expected behavior.12:55
Stskeepssure? https is normally used12:56
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X-FadeStskeeps: We put it to on community obs, so the scheduler doesn't block on it.12:57
X-FadeAs it is now being a honey pot :)12:57
lbtso ... that looks like it may be working12:58
lbtwe clearly need a 'remote obs link is down ... bypass it'12:58
jonwilso any luck finding out why obs is down yet?13:02
jonwilor are you waiting for people with the needed permissions to fix it?13:03
X-FadeNo, it doesn't seem to update at all.13:04
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lbtjonwil: we're waiting.... just like any 'meego customers' would be. Out in the cold ... nice feeling eh? Aren't you glad you don't have a team of expensive coders sitting idle?13:07
* lbt is not impressed by how '' treats it's "customers"13:07
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timophaka facapalm marketing13:09
infobottimoph meant: aka facepalm marketing13:09
timophbut seriously are all obs maintainers in US?13:10
Stskeepsbut if it's a physical error then it might be problematic13:10
X-Fadeno, Anaz should be in europe afaik?13:10
timophah. so we need someone to wake up in oregon13:11
lbthmmm anaZ is online here...13:11
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dm8tbrlbt: meego it needs a dashboard. first thing on the top: "Is OBS down again"13:22
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lcukdm8tbr, irc is the dashboard13:24
lcukaraujo, bug 1861913:26
MeeGoBotBug maj, High, ---, x2rich, NEW, Virtual Keyboard does not appear for GTK+ apps (meegotouch-inputmethodbridges)13:26
lcukis that for netbook also13:26
lcuksince gedit and stuff are installed by default there13:27
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aparna_thanks venemo and vgrade13:38
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lcukso bug 13084 occurs on the n900-ce as well as also on the n950 harmattan14:10
MeeGoBotBug maj, Medium, ---, carsten, ASSI, [n900] Horizontal tearing with xvimagesink14:11
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* lcuk dds todays n900-ce and wonders how to make mcompositor and friends work like n950 14:55
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lcuktimoph, my n900 has one!14:56
lcukand timoph finding somebody as comfortable with real xorg compositing should make a simple upgrade practical14:57
lcukeven if it was as simple as swipe left/right to do alt-tab14:57
lcukI have prototyped it in liqbase and want to do it in netbook and handset14:57
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timophI just wasted 30 minutes in n9seconds :/14:58
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lcuktimoph, :(14:59
timophclever campaign I have to admit15:00
lcukit is well done15:00
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lcuklbt is it possible to clean a project from my workspace, I named it incorrectly and think it will be easier to make a new one15:22
lbtyep... 'delete'15:22
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lbtsee the 'Actions' dropdown?15:23
lcukbut since t/me looks15:23
lbtor you can use the commandline 'rdelete' from osc too15:23
lcukok cool, thanks didn't see it when I looked first time15:24
lbteasy to miss - the ui is learnt :)15:24
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* lcuk pops out the learning curve picture :P15:24
javierI have just commited one change and the obs webui and says it was commited 5 hours ago. Timezone confusion?15:26
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lcukjavier, flux capacitor component15:27
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* lcuk boots up n900-ce15:33
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ensonic_hi, this is probably a FAQ, but I can't find anything on the web, is it normal that I don't get a upgrade (1.1->1.2) offered on my netbook, any ideas how to upgrade it?15:40
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arfollc.obs was up and now :-(16:08
ensonic_are people really reinstalling things twice a year? is there no upgrade path16:08
arfollensonic_, unfortunately yes. theres a bug somewhere about it16:09
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ensonic_arfoll, I will search for the bug16:11
ensonic_would be good to point that out with the release notes, even though it is extremly embarrasing16:11
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djszapic-obs: authentication failed. Is it expected ?16:15
djszapi(while trying to log in)16:16
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lcukdjszapi, login not working apparantly, i think the weekend maint has been extended a bit ;)16:17
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djszapilcuk: it worked properly today. It stopped working few minutes ago.16:18
javierdjszapi: same issue here16:18
arfolldjszapi, experiencing the same pain, my build was nearly finished too16:18
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lcukX-Fade, lbt expected?16:18
lbtfrontend only16:19
lbtwe're taking advantage of core obs being down to do some more c.obs updates which we didn't have time for16:19
lbtshould be short outages only as we reboot VMs16:19
javieri'm getting 401 while using osc16:20
djszapijavier: yes that is the relevant http error code for this issue16:20
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lcukhas anybody booted up the n900-ce today?16:35
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ensonic_arfoll, bug updated and mail sent, wonder what's the reason for the missing upgrade path16:39
ensonic_has anyone tried to just change the repo urls and run a dist-upgrade?16:39
lcukensonic_, which bug?16:40
MeeGoBotBug 9205 enh, High, 1.1.0, anas.nashif, NEW, Cannot Update from 1.0 to 1.1, from 1.1 to 1.216:41
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lcukensonic_, hm16:44
ensonic_lcuk, yes?16:44
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lbtensonic_: AFAIU it's simply not a MeeGo feature. It is more likely to be one in the future when versions are less radically different16:48
timeless_xchatlbt: so, mxr's web ui claims it just finished updating all three. i'm incredibly skeptical, but...16:48
timeless_xchatalso, i don't think i took my ssh keys w/ me, so i can't check until next monday16:48 hasn't been doing much today16:49
timeless_xchatbut i do get better cron mails now16:49
timeless_xchatit tells me when the overly long running process started16:49
timeless_xchat- i initially assumed i'd never need to know, but...16:49
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rafael2kpeople, can meego ce be updated just like debian with something like "apt-get upgrade", in a way that if I install meego in my N900, I'll keep updating it just giving a "zypper upgrade"?16:51
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lcukensonic_, i tried the update route on n900-ce a few weeks ago with same sorts of complexity16:52
lcukupdating from one daily to another16:52
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lcukit is certainly a non-trivial thing to consider updating16:53
lcukbut should exist16:53
ensonic_lbt, how can it be not a distro feature, I think its only excusable in the really early phase16:53
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* lbt decides not to get into "MeeGo is not a distro" discussion :)16:54
* ensonic_ is fine with that16:54
lbtbut that's the answer IMHO16:54
lbtwe (the hackers) should create a distro on top of meego and make that upgradeable16:55
lcukMeeGo-CE :D16:55
lbtwhy yes lcuk ... I would start with contributing to CE  :)16:55
javierobs is up?16:55
lcukusable on netbooks, n900s n950s and everything in between!16:55
ensonic_but it simple does not make any sense to have a computer and not be able to upgrade it, given the fact that there won't be security fixes in the long-run16:55
Stskeepsjavier: yes finally16:55
lcuklbt, I do as much as I can :$16:55
javierexcellent :)16:55
* lcuk is not very good at the complex stuff16:56
ensonic_i'll probably try a manual upgrade16:56
lcukbut I try to pull things together where possible16:56
lbtensonic_: why don't you devise a system where you flash a device to 1.2 and then each time a daily is released, try to do an upgrade16:56
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ensonic_lbt, the repo-urls don't change for those?17:08
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arfollthere are still probelsm with the arm scheduler?17:17
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lcukwhat battery life do the exopc ish devices get?18:17
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dm8tbrlcuk: not overwhelming compared to the battery volume18:25
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lcukthis looks like an awesome simple way to render text18:30
lcukbravo to the team :D18:30
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pebcakhab heut vincent und robin im bowling geschlagen ;)18:46
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alnikolovlbt: ping18:52
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lbtalnikolov: pong18:54
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alnikolovlbt: hi. can you reset my (anikolov) password in the obs?18:55
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lbtno :)18:55
lbtit's your passwd - use that reset18:56
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alnikolovlbt: i see. tnx18:57
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TSCHAKeeedoes the N950 have skype?18:58
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rafael2kconsidering skype protocol has beeing reverse engineered, it's just a matter of writting the software for it19:05
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TSCHAKeeerafael2k: Nokia licensed it for their n900, was just a simple question.19:06
rafael2kTSCHAKeee: true19:06
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rafael2kbtw, is here19:20
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lcuk[MeeGo-dev] The road from bugs to patches to integration
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andyrosslcuk: could be that calculator just doesn't have anyone actively working on it.  If you have a account you can SR the fix, that's generally pretty visible.  But generally yeah: fixes to low-priority maintenance-mode stuff seem to move most smoothly if you yell loudly in public :)19:52
lcukandyross, "you can SR the fix"19:53
lcukthat specific thing is not documented19:53
timophit afaik19:54
StskeepsSRing? sure it is19:54
Stskeepsor have someone help upload a fix19:54
lcukie, given someone with c-obs, how to follow it and get the latest code19:54
lcukand make changes to SR back19:54
timophbut the process requires the patch to be sent upstream as well19:54
lcukwell the bug requires a single line fix bug 2009919:54
MeeGoBotBug nor, High, ---, marko.saukko, NEW, [CE] Calculator crashes after pressing any button and then "." .19:54
TSCHAKeeemy rating of the N950: _AWESOME_ :D :)19:54
lcukthe fix is outlined in comments19:54
lcuki even found the patch that caused it19:55
lcukhowever I haven't got a clue how to actually submit it ack19:55
timophso it's regression19:55
* timoph food19:55
lcuki felt so empowered by QML for the first time!19:55
leinirQML's pretty nifty stuff :)19:56
andyrossAh, it's N900-speciifc?  Yeah, that's unlikely to get the attention of the paid staff, unfortunately.  Does comment #7 imply that the issue is already fixed in MeeGo:1.2:oss and/or Trunk?19:56
Stskeepsn900 specific? really?19:57
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* andyross is just skimming the bug, no idea19:57
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Stskeepsshouldn't be, qml should be interpreted similarly, :) , but if it's a n900 specific problem then yes, it goes down to hardware adaptation19:58
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andyrosscomment 7 seems to imply that the QML code has diverged somehow, not that it's a C++ bug.  I think.20:00
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Stskeepslcuk: grab's meego-app-calculator rpm and see if it differs in behaviour20:01
Stskeepsand source20:02
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testkikAm a newbie to Linux (Gentoo); where can I go to find out how Meego relates to a Linux kernel; e.g. does it replace X?20:04
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lcukStskeeps, "grab" is a complex term for obs newbies20:06
Stskeepslcuk: and who said anything about obs20:06
Stskeepstestkik: meego's a linux distribution, a bunch of software uses the linux kernel20:06
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djszapi_X-Fade lbt: ping, Could you tell me a bit more about the RPC timeouts appearing on the Harmattan target of the c-obs with innocent packages ? We have really no clue how it can happen with one package, but not with others. There is no log available in those cases, thus it is really hard to detect what is up.20:13
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vgradeany tablet-ux guys around?20:24
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lcukStskeeps, reproduced on
lcukzypper remove meego-app-calculator20:27
vgradeI'm trying to get a mouse pointer to show. Any ideas.20:27
lcukwget that ^20:27
lcukrpm -i that ^20:27
lcukvgrade, on maemo it used to be the mouse pointer was a transparent png20:27
lcukis similar here?20:27
lbtdjszapi_: rpc timeouts are usually OBS internals20:28
lbtie the maemo OBS isn't responding20:28
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djszapi_lbt: what can I do from here, reporting a bug ?20:29
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lbtdjszapi_: at the moment we're waiting to do a couple of updates20:30
vgradelcuk, not sure, I've been looking and I can't figure out what turns off the cursor. X or the QtApplications20:31
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lcukrun something that is not a qapplication and you will find out20:33
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vgradelcuk, if I start Xorg I get a cursor after running glxgears.  If I run qtdemo then I get an arrow cursor inside the qtdemo window and the x cross cursor outside. If I start the tablet-ux I loose both cursors20:53
lcukthat sounds helpful20:54
lcukguessing it is tablet-ux thing20:54
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lcukbut finding out where might be more tricky, can you recall ever seeing cursor?20:54
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vgradelcuk, I think I'll look trying to bring up the ux step by step see what happens21:02
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lcuksounds complex vgrade21:02
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andyrossIn the tablet images, the X cursor is turned off by passing "-nocursor" on the Xorg command line from /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch.  Just comment that out and the default X cursor will pop back up21:17
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vgradeandyross, I don't have that in my uxlaunch config file21:18
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vgradeI'm wondering now that I have an old image21:18
andyrossChecking to make sure I remember the right spot.  Which image are you using?21:19
vgradeIf something was specifically added to xopts to remove the cursoe21:19
vgradeandyross, yes you are thinking of the right spot21:19
vgradeI will try a more recent image21:20
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lcuklardman|gone, fiferboy - i have a question and idea for an app21:20
lcukyou guys will know how feasible it is21:20
andyrossDunno.  I was doing this on current 1.2 images just last week and it worked fine.  There are clearly other ways to make it work,21:20
lcukwhen me and jake are out and about21:20
lcukwhenever he sees and aeroplane he points up and asks me what it is21:20
Stskeepsvgrade: .ks has a xopts thing?21:21
lbtlcuk: as long as the default "unrecognised profile is 'superman'"21:21
lcukcan I use my mobile to take a photo and then use database of silouettes and show info21:22
lcuklololol lbt21:22
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andyrossYeah, it's just a 'echo "xopts=-nocursor" >> /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch' in the kickstart file:
vgradeStskeeps, no xopts in the ks. Its a really old image.  I'll build something more recent21:23
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lcukStskeeps, where would I start a project wiki page for such an app?21:24
lcukjust  or in my own lcuk: page21:24
Stskeepsfor what?21:25
lbtlcuk: ITP21:25
lbtmaybe ITP/ITW/ITC21:25
ali1234google goggles does this already21:25
lcukto actually go through and make a proper app21:25
lbt(write and collaborate)21:25
lcukyeah well that was what I was thinking21:25
lcukits an appwhich would use a number of special skills21:25
ali1234of course if you try to take a picture of a plane in flight you will get a small blob about 3 pixels across and nothing is going to identify that21:25
lcukand have useful and fun things21:26
lcukali1234, stop being a moody pants21:26
lcukwe have n8 n9 and high res best in the industry cameras21:26
ali1234best mobile phone camera is still rubbish21:26
lbtof course you can't GPL it.... the TSA won't want their backdoor public21:26
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ali1234and even if you had a really good zoom lens it would be really difficult to keep the camera pointed at a moving object at such high zoom21:27
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lcuklbt, recognising superman should really be a job for International Rescue.  *grin*21:28
ali1234also, yeah, watch out for the spooks at your door21:28
lcukI only want to know the kind of plane it is!21:28
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lcuk"dad, whats that plane"21:28
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lcukme: "errr its an airbus"21:29
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lbt"Boeing 726"21:29
lbtlike he's going to argue....21:29
lbtAlfaRomeo 54621:29
ali1234istr some app that has all the flightpaths that can tell you not only what type of plane, but where it is going and what it is carrying :)21:29
lcukwell after he saw a jumbo cargo carrier at the airport he has been intruiged and knows I have been on many planes21:29
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ali1234based on where the plane is and the time of day21:29
lcukali1234, collaborative thingie, yeah I have heard of that21:30
lcukbased on the radio signals and stuff21:30
Stskeepsflightaware, etc..21:30
* lcuk does not want to overthink it21:30
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lcukand thought an app like fiferboy's bird spotting thing21:30
lbtterror plot : wait for a plane that's not on flight aware and then shoot it down21:30
lcukwith a catalog of common plane shapes21:30
ali1234that aproach is much easier than trying to write an image recognition algorithm that works off a tiny tiny image21:30
lcukwould make it good fun21:30
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lcukali1234, old school21:31
lcuklet him flip through a book21:31
lcukmy mum has a similar book about birds21:31
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* lcuk just trying to add use case and real funcionality to mobiles :)21:32
lbtlcuk: better idea ... give him a prolog goal oriented plane recognition guide21:32
lbthow many wings? swing/fixed/delta? how many engines?21:32
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* lcuk nods21:33
lcukpropellas or jets21:33
* lcuk smiles and will make a wiki page from this 21:33
lcuklike a game of guess who!21:33
lbtthat'd be more interactive ... and actually could be a framework21:33
lcukfor different kinds of things21:33
lbtapplicable to various knowledge bases with images...21:34
* lcuk nods21:34
lbtmake it OSM-like cloud data21:34
lcukwell I have a cloud of drawn sketches21:35
lcukjake just drew a rainbow after I showed him one :)21:35
lcuki will think of a way of creating question sets and storing the data21:35
ali1234it's called an expert system21:35
lbttry prolog21:36
lcuk<grin> Why not just use QML/js </grin>21:36
lbtalthough that could be well out of date21:36
lcuktechnically to know most of the common planes I can just check the airport since we live so close many of them come over21:37
lcukthose are the ones he asks about21:37
lcukthat he hears21:37
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ali1234a generic library for expert systems that presents the questions using a fancy QML interface... this is actually a very good idea21:42
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ali1234i don't know what qsparql is21:43
lbta name21:43
ali1234"QSparql is a Qt-like client library for accessing RDF stores."21:44
ali1234i still don't know what it is :(21:44
lcukali1234, i have been trying to get fiferboy to generalise his app for literally years :P21:45
ali1234what app is that?21:45
Stskeepsali1234: wikipedia rdf and sparql21:45
ali1234the file indexer?21:46
Stskeepslcuk: just an implementation..21:46
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ali1234RDF doesn't really look like a good fit for an expert system21:48
ali1234i mean it looks like you could shoe horn just about anything into it21:48
ali1234but that doesn't mean it is a good idea21:48
lcukali1234, now you are talking like a Tracker developer!21:48
ali1234well RDF and tracker go together21:49
ali1234an expert system is AI21:49
ali1234completely different21:49
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ali1234insert that old quote about any moderately complex system containing a half-assed implementation of common lisp here...21:50
lcukexpert system on steroids21:50
lcukas long as people answer21:50
lcukali1234, no, it will first gain mail sending capabilities first21:50
lcukand possible get an emacs port21:51
lbtPortability: CLIPS is written in C for portability and speed21:51
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ali1234i would probably go with that, cos i like python, and i especially like the python qt bindings21:56
ali1234dunno how well they work with QML though21:56
lcuklbt, can we not use BOSS for this task? :P21:56
lcuka shame21:57
lbtyou could do a flow-chart like thing but it's not dynamic enough21:57
* lcuk may just make a simple one 21:57
ali1234why is it a shame?21:57
lcukwith no real data21:57
ali1234why must everything do everything?21:57
lcukjust a way of asking questions and making decisions21:58
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lcukand then filling in answers21:58
lcukas obtained21:58
ali1234well yeah21:58
lcukas you said lbt, cloud based21:58
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ali1234there's no need for cloud21:58
dm8tbris there a flow-chart-wiki-thing? :D21:58
ali1234just wire your UI up to a premade expert system21:58
lcukthere is, i carry a different device21:58
lbtali1234: cloud is for sharing various ES datasets21:59
ali1234no no no21:59
lbtand like OSM ... editing them21:59
ali1234you sell the same app over and over with a different ES dataset21:59
ali1234"plane identifying app" "car identifying app" etc21:59
lcuklbt i have to sort out cloudifying and syncing datasets anyway21:59
ali123450c a time21:59
lcuklbt, pming you an image21:59
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* npm N950++22:02
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arfolllbt, I have two stuck builds for tinyxml in home:arfoll:opencpn i've triggered a rebuild but doesn't seem to be cancelling the current build22:04
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arfollcan you help?22:04
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arfollyes opencpn... is the name that troubling?22:04
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lbtarfoll: worker05 is dead22:08
arfolllbt, i didn't do it22:08
lbtnah ... hw raid controller driver is pants22:09
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lbtmegaraid_sas I think22:09
arfolli thought those lsi controllers where good...22:09
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berndhsthat might explain why mic-image-creator is having trouble finding things today22:10
lbtif by "good" you mean "guarantee about 6hours uptime" ,,,, wait, nope, they're still not good22:10
berndhsI was in the RAID business 20 years ago, its not easy22:11
arfollwell guess i got lucky with them then... but anyways so how do i tell OBS to retry building on another worker?22:11
arfolllbt, thank you! I'm guessing theres no way for me to do that?22:12
lbtno .. I kicked pub5 in the teeth though22:13
lbtecho b > /proc/sysrq-trigger22:13
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arfollouch. you're vicious22:14
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lbtsadly it's the only way to get them back22:14
lcukmmmm bacon22:15
arfollout of curiosity what raid controllers are good these days?22:15
* lbt wants 'md' + bcache22:15
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lbtuse an SSD to handle barrier writes and back off to an md raid1022:16
arfollwould be a nice setup...22:18
lbt*almost* there....22:18
* CosmoHill wonders if anyone has heard of New Hall School22:19
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maligorthe surface of jupiter must be quite slippery if it's bacon22:33
thiagohydrogen bacon22:34
lcukmen are from Mars, women are from venus, pigs are from jupiter :P22:34
maligorbut it brings about the important question, how large is jupiter in pigs22:35
lcukI think you can measure in horse heads then convert22:35
* lcuk gets the conversion wrong22:37
lcukmeasure it in rods22:37
lcukthen you can convert to hogs heads :P22:37
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arfollis there a good reason for MeeGo1.2 repos on c.obs to be called MeeGo_Trunk_standard? It keeps confusing me23:01
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arfolllbt, it looks c.obs is not pushing new builds to
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timeless_xchatlcuk: in a word: "painful" another is probably "underdocument"23:14
timeless_xchatfwiw, i think is mostly current23:14
timeless_xchatand in theory it should stay that way23:14
timeless_xchatmodulo someone borking connectivity / proxies / dns again...23:15
* timeless_xchat isn't pointing fingers or anything 23:15
* timeless_xchat doesn't think there's enough logging anywhere in the system to be able to do that...23:16
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seifhey guys23:16
seifare there any garage repos for harmattan23:17
seif(meego 1.2)23:17
timeless_xchatooh, interesting, some of the big repositories are still showing newer date modifieds23:18
timeless_xchati guess that means they're still churning23:18
timeless_xchatin that case, they probably have another day left23:18
* timeless_xchat is circling around YYZ23:18
timeless_xchat... in a ...23:18
timeless_xchat... bus23:18
timeless_xchatwhat would make something a garage repo?23:19
Elleoseif: various people have personal harmattan repos on OBS, there's no community repository yet (well, it exists but there's virtually nothing in it/no way of submitting to it yet)23:19
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Elleoseif: e.g. is mine, rzr has a fair amount of stuff too:
timeless_xchatmost things are either obs or obs-community23:19
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seifElleo, nice23:22
seifis there a way to search those23:23
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Elleoseif: not as far as I know, only generic obs package search which doesn't let you filter for repository types (so is mostly standard meego stuff)23:24
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Elleoseif: as far as I'm aware and should become the community repositories once is in place23:25
Elleoso hopefully things will get a bit simpler then23:25
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seifElleo, i am looking for geoclue :)23:31
Elleoseif: ah well a quick search of obs doesn't turn up much, so I suspect you'll end up having to build it yourself23:33
seifElleo, oh god :(23:33
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seifElleo, can i use the maemo packages :P23:33
Elleoheh, they might work23:33
seifok cool23:34
seiflet me try23:34
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Elleoif not you can probably just upload the .tar.gz and .dsc from the maemo packages to obs and have it rebuild against harmattan for you23:34
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seifElleo, how long does that take?23:35
Elleoseif: depends on how long the build queue is23:35
Elleoseif: <-- currently most hosts appear to be free23:35
Elleoso it should start building pretty quickly23:36
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seifElleo, so where do i start23:36
seifwhere do i create an accout or such23:37
Elleoseif: ah you need to prod lbt or X-Fade for an account if you don't have one already23:37
Elleoif you like I could see if I can get it to build myself23:38
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seifElleo, no i did not23:40
seifbut that would be awesome23:40
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Elleookay, I'll give it a go23:40
seifand i will write nice poems on my blog about it23:40
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seifElleo, ping me when done23:47
Elleoseif: okay, might take a while, there's a bunch of dependencies that aren't in harmattan, so I'll need to get those built first (libgps-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, ofono-dev, libsoup-gnome, etc.)23:49
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Sagelcuk: that calculator bug should be assigned to someone else.23:50
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lcukSage, agreed, but have not found correct person for the task23:56
* lcuk just trying to advance things23:56
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