IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2011-07-13

Elleothe current album art gets rather pixelated at that size00:00
Andy80Elleo: yeah I noticed, but it's not available on their stream:
Elleoah, pity00:00
Andy80Jaffa: no it's a free streaming radio: http://somafm.com00:00
berndhsthe problems people have, bad video on their audio channels,...00:00
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Andy80Elleo: the next thing I need to implement is a better managing of that channels.xml :( at the moment it's loaded automatically using a XmlListModel, but... what if I want to cache it? what if I want to cache at least images?00:02
Andy80probably I will have to implement a custom ListModel, but for the moment I just wanted to have a working version in little time00:02
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JaffaInstalling now00:05
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Andy80Jaffa: you will be the third user :) (me included :P )00:06
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lbt ?00:08
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ali1234hmm that's interesting... if you boot live image, connect to wifi, then install meego in a terminal with installer-shell, then the installed image comes up with wifi already configured and working :)00:12
ali1234it no longer seems to ask for user details either00:13
ali1234that's not so good00:14
ali1234since ssh is enabled by default, and the root password is "meego"00:14
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aukeopenssh-server is installed in testing images by default00:17
aukeit needs to be removed for final images00:17
aukethat should fix that issue00:17
aukeit doesn't actually start sshd, it uses socket activation00:18
aukebut, still listens obviously :)00:18
ali1234that would explain why it takes so damn long to connect first time00:18
ali1234that's systemd, yeah?00:18
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aukeyup, it will be slow on first connect after boot00:18
ali1234i remember reading about that stuff00:18
ali1234seems like a good idea anyway00:18
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ali1234i guess it's making the host key that takes time00:19
aukeno, that's already made on firstboot00:19
aukeas a one-time service00:19
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auke   * Tue Jul 12 2011 - <Chengwei Yang <>> - 0.600:21
auke- Add a patch to expand extended partition to get enough free space to install00:21
auke- Add a patch to let user decide whether install bootloader or not (BMC#12816)00:21
aukeI think our new installer-shell maintainer is doing great :)00:21
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ali1234well i just posted 2 more bugs for 'em00:23
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javispedroauke: congrats!00:27
* javispedro can now finally install meego again =)00:27
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aukeali1234: bug numbers?00:37
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auke#21013 #2101700:39
the-bossauke: Error: "21013" is not a valid command.00:39
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ali1234yeah, that's the ones00:42
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Andy80lbt: you are the one to contact to have OBS account activated?01:04
lbtI need your meego username01:06
Andy80lbt: ok... my username is "andreagrandi" and I'll use the repository to publish the CuteSoma application01:06
lbtand "hi" ... didn't recognise the nick01:07
Andy80lbt: thanks, I'm in :) I'll start with this then I'll do some tests.01:07
lbtI really must improve that01:08
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ElleoAndy80: that thread I showed you earlier has instruction on how to enable the harmattan build01:10
Andy80the wiki? uhm... yes some thing don't match with the actual website01:11
Andy80Elleo: cool :)01:11
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Andy80Elleo: how did you create your mypkg_1.0.0.tar.gz, mypkg_1.0.0.dsc, mypkg_1.0.0.debian.tar.gz ecc... files? I only have the .deb generated by QtCreator01:24
ElleoAndy80: dpkg-buildpackage01:24
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Elleoand I don't have a separate .debian.tar.gz because my packaging stuff is just in my normal source tree anyway01:25
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Andy80dpkg-buildecc... executed in which directory exactly?01:26
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ElleoAndy80: the directory above debian/01:28
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ElleoI suspect you'll have to arrange things so that the debian dir is in the top-level of your source tree (iirc you have it in a qtc_packaging directory at the moment), either by actually moving it there or by having a .debian.tar.gz file that unpacks it there01:29
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ElleoI could be wrong though, obs might be smart enough to find it in other places01:29
Andy80no no wait.... explain better01:30
Andy80I cannot understand in this way :\01:30
Andy80we would need a clear example01:30
ElleoAndy80: <-- this is the top level of the librefm tar.gz01:30
Elleoand directly within there is the debian folder01:31
Elleothat's the sort of layout you'll need01:31
Elleoyou can either acheive that by actually laying your source tree out like that, or by sticking the debian stuff in a separate .debian.tar.gz01:31
Elleowhich obs will then automatically unpack into it for you01:31
Elleobut you may have to change the paths in your current setup if it's all under qtc_packaging/debian/ or whatever it was in your setup01:32
Andy80if we need a different directory structure, why QtCreator use a wrong one?01:32
Andy80it's non sense....01:32
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Elleodunno, I used the harmattan package skeleton creation thting01:32
Elleowhich put everything in a more usable place01:32
Andy80Elleo: anyway... let's suppose I don't want to move files right now... you told me I can package the .tar.gz by myself, right?01:33
Elleoyou can do01:34
Elleoit's just a tar.gz containing your source tree01:34
Elleothen you have another containing your debian directory01:34
Elleothen you create a .dsc file that describes the package and the tar balls01:34
Elleopersonally I'd do stuff with dpkg-buildpackage though01:34
Elleothen you can be more certain that it'll build okay before uploading to obs01:35
Andy80first thing: which directory are you talking about? I've two: CuteSoma/ and CuteSoma-build-harmattan/01:35
Elleopresumably cutesoma-build-harmattan is just an out of tree build directory01:35
Elleoall that matters is the source code and the debian control files01:35
Elleowhich I'd assume are in cutesoma01:35
Elleobear in mind that when you upload it to obs you're going to be waiting for a while before it actually builds and gets back to you with problems01:36
Elleoso anything you can test locally first will make the whole process quicker01:36
Andy80CuteSoma contains qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan01:36
Andy80the thing I want to test right now is OBS system itself :)01:37
Elleoyeah, but if your upload isn't in the right layout it's going to fail01:37
Andy80yes... like old maemo building service I suppose...01:38
Andy80so.... qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan which is inside CuteSoma/ is not the thing I want....01:38
Elleoyes, you want that01:38
Elleobut you want it to be moved to $TOP_LEVEL/debian/01:39
Elleoyou could possibly just symlink it I guess, dunno if that's work01:39
Elleo(you'd have to make sure it was a relative link though)01:39
Andy80I've no /debian/ folder inside CuteSoma/01:39
ElleoAndy80: no, that's your qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan at the moment01:40
Elleoyou need to move it to debian/01:40
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Elleoas that's where all the debian tools expect it to be01:40
Andy80ah okok wait...01:40
Andy80I symlink then..01:40
Andy80andrea@ubuntu:~/Documents/sviluppo/CuteSoma$ ln -s qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/ debian01:41
Elleodunno if it'll work, but it's worth a try01:41
Elleothen try doing dpkg-buildpackage and see if it's happy01:41
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Andy80nope.... it says:
ElleoAndy80: you should be doing the build inside scratchbox01:43
Andy80but it looks like a deps problem...01:43
Elleootherwise you won't have all the relevant deps01:43
Andy80I don't have it yet01:43
Andy80when I installed ubuntu 11.04 I didn't re-install it01:43
Elleoyou might be able to get the relevant deps for ubuntu01:44
Elleoyou'll need at least build-essential and libqt4-dev01:44
Elleobut I don't know if there's any meego specific stuff you might be linking against01:44
Andy80I think I have it.... maybe it's better if I installa Scratchbox01:44
Elleoyeah, especially since without scratchbox you won't be able to build armel packages easily01:45
Elleoalthough I guess that doesn't matter so much if you're going to be using OBS in the end01:45
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Andy80mmm... cannot find harmattan sdk with google.... strange it's not in the first page :P01:45
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Elleono worries01:47
Andy80incredible.... (OT) I sent a feedback note to the Google Music service and they replied to me :) not a pre-packaged message... a real anwser :P01:51
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aukeit said "lolwhut mp3?" ?01:58
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* CosmoHill wonders why Firefox 3.6.19 which just came out says "copyright 2010"01:59
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npmBecause it's ancient version. 5.0 is 2011's03:13
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* npm uses
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npmgooglecode groans over 44Mb checkin ( )03:23
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berndhsI noticed people stopped saying "good <insert time of day>"03:34
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npmqtzhibit running on exopc:
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npmrendering the following data:
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zx2c4there's no netcat on the n95004:10
zx2c4what to do!04:10
zx2c4im trying to get pulseaudio's cli04:10
ali1234install it?04:11
zx2c4from where04:11
zx2c4apt-get install netcat or nc or telnet etc04:12
zx2c4none of that work04:12
zx2c4is there some extra repo i can add to apt?04:12
ali1234no idea04:12
ali1234can you just drop in a static binary?04:12
berndhsbuild from source04:12
zx2c4yea i guess i can cross compile on my system04:12
zx2c4big pain in the ass04:12
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zx2c4the n900 there's those giant community repos04:13
ali1234there's a couple here if you don't want to compile:
zx2c4anyone know about how n950s firewallw orks?04:13
ali1234oh wait that's something else04:13
berndhssend me a n950 and i find out and tell you all about it :)04:14
ali1234but maybe you can use it instead04:14
ali1234heh, me too04:14
zx2c4sure! what's your address04:15
zx2c4got it04:24
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berndhsthe 1.2-oss repo still has yum04:59
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zx2c4what happened with that05:36
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zx2c4curl -s|sed -n 's/.*folder\.gif.*href=\"\([^"]*\)\">.*/\1/gp'|while read repo; do curl -s "$repo/"|sed -n 's/.*folder\.gif.*href=\"\([^"]*\)\">.*/\1/gp'|while read sub; do curl -s "$repo/$sub" | sed -n 's/.*folder\.gif.*href=\"\([^"]*\)\">.*/\1/gp'|tr -d '/'; done; done06:04
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berndhsanother 20 minutes, no reason to panic06:40
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iekkuberndhs, from tomorrow morning i will be on vacation for 3,5 weeks, so not here to tell when to go to sleep :P06:41
iekkuor if i am, it's way too late :D06:42
berndhsthat could be a problem, thanks for the heads-up :)06:42
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dm8tbrgood moaning07:08
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zx2c4good morning07:20
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bkalingai wanted  use valkyrie; front end for valgrind in meego09:11
bkalingabut while configuring it ,getting some Qt dependency error.09:11
bkalingaanyone able to use any memcheck  frontend to find out memleaks in meego?09:12
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iekkutime for Handset UX Bug Triage @ #meego-meeting10:01
zx2c4thanks iekku10:01
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TheBootroohello i have received my N95010:06
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Stskeepsi haven't yet :(10:06
TheBootroobut i can't enable Wifi mode for SDK connection10:06
iekkuTheBootroo, nice!10:06
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TheBootrooin the sdk connection app10:07
TheBootrooi can't edit settings for the wifi mide10:07
StskeepsTheBootroo: best to ask on the forums10:07
TheBootrooso the ip is which is bad IMO10:07
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TheBootrooStskeeps: is there any IRC channel10:07
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zx2c4TheBootroo: why not just use usb?10:12
TheBootroozx2c4: i don't have linux at work and usb rndis driver for win7 doesnt exist10:12
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zx2c4TheBootroo: aaa gotcha10:16
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zx2c4let me try getting wlan woring on mine. one second10:16
zx2c4you're right thebootroo10:17
zx2c4the edit settings button does nothing10:17
zx2c4TheBootroo: i have it working10:19
zx2c4just have it connect to your wireless network10:19
zx2c4with the correct IP address in dhcp10:19
zx2c4and it works fine10:19
zx2c4it has to be connected to th einternet first10:20
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TheBootrooi was thinking the button create a ad hoc connection but not10:20
zx2c4all the SDK app does is display your IP address (either your wlan ip or your usb ip)10:20
zx2c4and then sets a random password10:20
zx2c4and displays it10:20
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zx2c4TheBootroo: what are youd oin with your N950? im trying to find new places to investigate on it10:21
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TheBootrooi'm trying to connect in root shh to start hacking on harmattan a little10:22
TheBootroo(installing home made qt apps, tweak themes css;..)10:23
zx2c4ssh developer@ipaddress10:24
zx2c4password written on screen10:24
zx2c4# devel-su10:24
the-bosszx2c4: Error: "devel-su" is not a valid command.10:24
zx2c4password is rootme10:24
zx2c4the-boss: you dont have devel su are you kidding?10:24
the-bosszx2c4: Error: "you" is not a valid command.10:24
zx2c4oh. ahahahah okay10:25
zx2c4it just executes things10:25
zx2c4thats funny10:25
zx2c4the-boss: ls10:25
the-bosszx2c4: Error: "ls" is not a valid command.10:25
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zx2c4ohh its an irc bot10:25
zx2c4my bad10:25
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zx2c4yea so sorry for the clutter TheBootroo -- in summary: 1. ssh developer@ip.address with the password on the screen. 2. devel-su to get root with the password rootme10:25
TheBootrooso i cant connect directly in root mode ?10:27
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JaffaMorning, all10:33
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kavachahi, I am having an issue with 'mic-image-creator'10:36
kavachasudo mic-image-creator -c tablet-ia32-qemu.ks --mainrepo oss10:36
kavachaError: failed to create image : Failed to build transaction : syncevolution-buteo- requires
kavachathe .ks file is from10:36
kavachaany ideas ?10:37
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Stskeeps1.2.80 is 1.3, a lot of invasive work going on there10:37
TheBootroowhere can i get rndis driver for win 7 and N950 ?10:38
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dm8tbrTheBootroo: such questions better asked on #harmattan I guess10:39
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SageanaZ: FYI:
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zx2c4hey can someone help me using mad11:21
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zx2c4im trying to build qjson for my n95011:21
lcukmorning Khertan_w \o11:22
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Khertan_wmorning lcuk11:27
lbtmorning all11:28
Stskeepsmorn lbt11:28
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X-Fademorning all11:30
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kavachahow can I find the base repository in OBS11:31
kavachaI can see that dbus is in Base: Trunk Trunk:Testing11:31
kavachabut where is the devel branch ?11:32
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kavachavvaltone: Thanks11:35
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vvaltonethe dbus package there looks a bit weak for 'devel' :P11:36
vvaltoneancient version, no patches11:36
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lcukX-Fade, lbt, Stskeeps \o11:39
lbthey lcuk11:39
lbtmorning Stskeeps11:39
lbtand X-Fade11:39
lbtwow, life in here today ... party!11:40
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vvaltonebut I guess that's the same dbus that's everywhere else too11:41
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Sagekavacha: when you do osc branch Trunk:Testing dbus it should automatically branch from the right devel project if there is one.11:50
kavachathanks Sage!11:51
vvaltonekavacha, wanting to update it to 1.4.12?11:51
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Sageif it doesn't branch it from right devel project then the devel maintainer needs to submit a devel change request for the package11:52
Sagealso should be noted that all packages do not have devel projects11:53
zx2c4d  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }   DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.167" (uid=29999 pid=4350 comm="/opt/LocationTracker/bin/LocationTracker ") interface="" member="configSession" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="" (uid=29999 pid=848 comm="/usr/bin/positioningd "))11:56
zx2c4DBus error:11:56
zx2c4Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.167" (uid=29999 pid=4350 comm="/opt/LocationTracker/bin/LocationTracker ") interface="" member="configSession" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="" (uid=29999 pid=848 comm="/usr/bin/positioningd "))11:56
zx2c4why can't i get QtMobility's location services to work11:56
zx2c4on my n95011:56
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lbtpastie please zx2c411:57
MSM1All hail the great wall of error11:57
* MSM1 bows11:57
lbtzx2c4: was thinking you should pastie the error ... but random code is fine too11:58
kavachaSage: thanks, I had noticed some were missing11:58
zx2c4lbt any help?11:59
kavachaSage: is there a way to see from Trunk: ... where the devel branch actually is11:59
kavachae.g. if i did not know that a package is in base11:59
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kavachafrom the devel:base/dbus 'source files' I can see that it links up to trunk12:00
kavachabut how about the other way ?12:00
zx2c4lbt ?!?12:02
kavachavvaltone: no, but is there a plan to do that ?12:03
djszapizx2c4 lbt is busy file a bugreport :)12:03
vvaltonekavacha, that's not something I know, I have packages of it tho12:03
lbtzx2c4: Set permissions? and reload dbus?12:04
lbteg group membership12:05
zx2c4lbt: I'm just deploying this as normal from qt creator12:05
zx2c4lbt: and it looks like aegis manifest is correct12:05
lbtOver to someone else then ... sorry12:05
djszapizx2c4: aegis is always correct ;) What are you doing ?12:06
zx2c4djszapi nothing crazy. i just wrote the code in my pastebin and then i hit deploy in qtcreator12:08
zx2c4but im getting those dbus errors12:08
kavachazx2c4: harmattan ??12:08
zx2c4kavacha: yes.12:08
kavachazx2c4: you need to install the package so that the manifest is installed correctly12:08
djszapizx2c4: n950 ?12:09
kavachacan you paste the manifest ?12:09
zx2c4kavacha: mad/qtcreator does not do this automatically12:09
zx2c4djszapi: yes12:09
zx2c4kavacha: sure. one second12:09
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Stskeepslbt: can .spec files take attributes from OBS package it's in?12:10
Stskeepslet's say if i wanted to use Domain or something12:11
djszapizx2c4: isn't there already a trazx2c4: it is a different tracker than what the image ships right ?12:11
djszapiok again :) zx2c4: it is a different tracker than what the image ships right ?12:11
zx2c4djszapi: yes. im writing my own little thing12:11
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zx2c4WELL THIS IS INTERESTING. kavacha djszapi when it runs from qtcreator i get the dbus errors. when i load it as the developer user over ssh there's no problem12:13
zx2c4......... hmmm12:13
Jaffalbt: Going to add "JFDI" comments to ?12:13
lbtyeah "best time to discuss if we really want these features"12:14
lbterr, no. JFDI12:14
kavachazx2c4: is there a /etc/dbus-1/*.conf file associated with your application ?12:14
JaffaIt's so *not* that time, given it was one of the requirements for selecting this forum s/w in the first place ;-)12:14
kavachazx2c4: either in the session or system dirs?12:15
zx2c4kavacha: no. why shold there be?12:15
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zx2c4im not making a daemon12:15
zx2c4this is just connecting to the normal location service via dbus via qtmobility12:16
Stskeepsyou prolly need aegis credentials/declare them12:19
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kavachazx2c4: what is the path that the instance of qtcreator launched runs as ?12:20
seifcan some1 help me with the following error when trying to run
kavachabecause if it is not "/opt/LocationTracker/bin/LocationTracker" it will probably fail12:21
zx2c4/home/developer $ ps aux|grep LocationTracker12:21
zx2c4 3016 user     sh -c /usr/lib/mad-developer/devrootsh chmod a+x /opt/LocationTracker/bin/LocationTracker; :; test -f /etc/profile && source /etc/profile; test -f /home/user/.profile && source /home/user/.profile; test -f ~/.profile && source ~/.profile;   gdbserver :10000 /opt/LocationTracker/bin/LocationTracker12:21
zx2c4 3027 user     gdbserver :10000 /opt/LocationTracker/bin/LocationTracker12:21
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zx2c4kavacha: oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh THATS INTERESTING. if i run it with out debugging, then it works12:22
zx2c4*something is happening when its run through gdbserver *12:22
Stskeepsheh, damn aegis12:23
Stskeepslardman: mbarcode is in qt and uses gst as backend?12:23
seifkavacha, was what you posted related to what i asked12:23
seifzx2c4, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah12:24
zx2c4seif so far ive found that if you run it WITHOUT gdbserver, then it works12:24
seifzx2c4, ok can some1 catch me up on what i am missing12:24
seifhow do i run it without gdbserver12:24
zx2c4seif: i'd guess that in your case, it has to do with a lack of a manifest for the program12:24
seifwhat do u mean by manifest12:25
zx2c4seif: i dunno how to do this with python or scripts12:25
zx2c4google around for aegis manifest12:25
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zx2c4seif: its funny though... i have almost the same.excct.code, but in C+++12:25
kavachazx2c4: the manifest is attached to the package not the code12:26
zx2c4kavacha: aaa okay. i dunno much about it. you're better off heling seif12:26
zx2c4kavacha: what do you make of the fact that it breaks with gdbserver but works standalone?12:26
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kavachazx2c4: interesting :)12:28
kavachawhat happens if you run 'gdb myapp'12:28
kavachaand then just 'run'12:28
zx2c4kavacha: one second12:28
zx2c4kavacha: no dice!12:29
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zx2c4well, we've found a bug evidently12:29
zx2c4unless this is some big general thing where aegis permissions have to be relaxed for debugging to work12:29
seifKhertan_w, kavacha what if i dont want to "package" my app ?12:31
kavachaseif: then no joy using credential protected resources12:32
lardmanStskeeps: yes12:32
seifoh boy12:32
seifkavacha, i have no clue of packaging12:32
seifbut its a qt application12:32
seifcan the sdk do it for me12:32
lardmanStskeeps: why do you ask?12:32
lardmanStskeeps: I'm told by someone who has a device that it runs with only some minor mods12:33
Stskeepslardman: pondering a funny use for it in n900CE12:33
lardmanStskeeps: fire away12:33
lardmanOnce I get my broadband back I'm planning an overhaul of the whole code structure, so now's the time to add features if needed12:34
Stskeepslardman: well, just wondering how dificult it would be to move onto meego instead12:34
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lardmanStskeeps: I seem to remember lcuk saying that he'd run it on the N900 with Meego12:35
Stskeepshmm, ok12:35
Stskeepsbut ideally i'd like to use mbarcode within a qml setting/declarative12:36
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lardmanThere are other questions about how it should be used - for example it would be nice to add barcode search as a feature to the camera app (like the face recognition), which would save needing to open a separate app12:36
Stskeepshow cpu intensive is it?12:36
lardmanvery when decoding12:36
lardmanbut if the recognition could be done reasonably cheaply, and then only single frame decoding used, that would make life far easier12:37
seifKhertan_w, it says: "Use Aegis version 3.23 or later, and set the following in the project config file:12:37
seifwhich config file are they taling about12:37
lardmanatm it scans something like 10fps so hits 100% cpu usage afair to try to extract barcodes if they are present.12:37
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lardmanbut if time were not a problem the accuracy could be far better and therefore it would only spike the cpu12:38
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lardmanStskeeps: Other people have also asked for the app to be broken up into a decoder part (without video grabbing stuff), a widget that does video + decoding; I guess this is what you're thinking of with the qml stuff?12:40
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kavachazx2c4: can you try and run 'accli -p PID -I' where PID is the pid of the process started by running /opt... without gdb12:48
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kavachazx2c4: then try the same where pid is the pid of the application being traced by gdb12:49
lcuklardman, not managed to get mbarcode onto meego12:49
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Stskeepzlcuk: do you have a video of the thing where you synchronise in liqbase between two n900s using camera?12:50
lcukdo you mean in the invar stuff?12:51
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lcukwith the recognition dots?12:51
Sagekavacha: <- it is shown like this in webui at least12:51
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Stskeepzlcuk: yeah12:51
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lcuki am trying to build a mic2 image based on the netbook 1.212:52
lcukbut it will not download adobe nor flash stuff12:53
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lcukStskeepz, once I build an image for netbook, is the process the same for ARM builds too?12:55
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lcukor do they need to be done inside qemu?12:55
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lardmanlcuk: ah ok13:00
lardmanlcuk: once my N950 arrives I'll try the latest N900CE build and see if I can get it up and running13:00
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Sagelardman: You mean N900CE build on N900 or N950?13:05
lardmanon the N900 ;)13:05
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lardmanSage: don't worry, I did realise the difference :)13:05
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Sagelardman: well, mainly asked because we have the n950ce images almost there as well.13:06
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lardmanoh right, cool13:06
* lardman does not look forward to sorting out Meego build process13:07
lardmanthat is the main reason I've not bothered so far, fear of obs13:07
lardmanobsphobia, I wonder if that actually means something....13:07
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* lardman goes to grab a coffee with Holly, bbiab13:08
lcuklardman, apply that logic to build systems ;)13:08
lcuklardman, but it is right, once you get started it is easier13:10
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lcuktake for example now in a console window: I have an image building :D13:10
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wazderm, ping? :)13:14
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Jaffalardman: Building stuff in OBS for Harmattan seems quite straightforward. Your has been fleshed out a bit, and there's if you're using Qt Creator13:18
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wazdHave you seen my bit bout Nokia Russia? :)13:22
wazdNokia's sending N950's  with courier directly to Nokia Russia to avoid russian customs :P13:23
wazdSeriously, I'm embarrased13:24
leinirHehe, judging by what people in Russia tell me about how that stuff works (or, well, doesn't as the case seems to be), i can't say i'm surprised13:24
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wazdI totally understand the reasons for these actions but really, that's horrible13:25
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wazdReally have nothing but facepalm for this13:26
leinirYes, yes it is... What /really/ disturbs me is that Russia is in such a horrible state that Nokia finds themselves needing to do so...13:26
wazdAccording to Mr. Medvedev everything's pretty cool :P13:26
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vvaltonewazd, are you implying that Nokia Russia might get bricks if they didn't?13:27
wazdvvaltone: absolutely13:27
wazdvvaltone: they did it before and doing it now13:28
wazdvvaltone: actually flour is the new brick :D13:28
vvaltoneah.. bricks are too expensive?13:28
wazdyou can finetune weight of the parcell13:28
vvaltoneoh.. true13:28
wazdso it will be impossible to sue customs13:29
vvaltoneundoubtedly nokia decided to send flour in phone boxes13:29
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vvaltoneand attempt to blame the pristine russian customs for it13:30
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wazdvvaltone: yep13:30
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Stskeepzwazd: so they're going to send them with courier to russia and suddenly it ends up at eldar's place? :P13:30
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SpeedEvilu/me googles 'bribes officer' 'russian customs'13:31
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Summelilardman: at least qt apps were easy to build with qtsdk & madde13:31
wazdStskeepz: I guess they are all assigned and counted so it will be hard to perform such a trick :)13:31
SummeliI got antsnes running on my n950 in about two hours or so13:32
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wazdConnection reset by beer :P13:35
iekkummm, beer13:36
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lardmanJaffa: cool13:38
lardmanSummeli: unfortunately it's not just a Qt app though, it requires some support libraries13:38
Summelilardman: I compiled the snes9x stuff with qt's pro-file as static lib, and then linked into that13:39
Summelithen just add those support libs to the actual executable13:39
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SummeliI have to write my own makefiles for gpsp, but the madde seems to be working, so that shouldn't take too much time13:40
lardmanI don't want static linking though13:40
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lardmananyway I'll sort it out once I have the device in front of me13:40
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zx2c4comin along....13:41
kavachazx2c4: can you try and run 'accli -p PID -I' where PID is the pid of the process started by running /opt... without gdb13:42
zx2c4kavacha: it works without gdb. with gdb it fails13:43
kavachazx2c4: then try the same where pid is the pid of the application being traced by gdb13:43
zx2c4sleep time for now13:44
zx2c4almost 7am here!13:44
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kavachaanybody like to provide some advice on wiorking with OBS13:45
kavachaI have my git repo13:45
kavachaand there is a package in OBS13:45
kavachahow can I build my git branch against OBS13:46
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zx2c4kavacha: have any luck getting community meego on the 950?13:59
Stskeepzplease wait until we have a ready image, as you might damage your device else :)14:00
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zx2c4Stskeepz: who is "we" and how can I get my hands wet with getting involved in helping the process and where can i start reading about how all the meego processes work?14:00
Stskeepzzx2c4: #meego-arm is a good place14:00
Stskeepzand we being the people making the hw adaptation14:00
zx2c4Stskeepz: but who is that -- community members? or nokia employees? is there a designated team, or is it just people with the know-how loosely connected14:01
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Stskeepzzx2c4: well, we're a community project (ie, unsupported, you can't call nokia care) but we're a group of people doing it, some/most of us paid to do so (and because we think it's fun)14:02
StskeepzYour order has been sent on 13.7.2011. Please see the order information below.14:02
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zx2c4Stskeepz: are tehre documents on how the devices work that I can read?14:02
Stskeepzzx2c4: not sure if there's so much info on n950 yet14:03
luistcan anyone copy the files inside /etc/zypp/repos.d/ for me?14:03
luistor at least the oss repo14:03
zx2c4Stskeepz: shucks. how come? people havent written it or nokia hasnt released?14:03
zx2c4[sorry i have tons of questions]14:03
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lcukStskeepz, what were you pondering about the invar?14:05
Stskeepzlcuk: i'll elaborate a bit when i have the right things in place :)14:05
* Stskeepz waits on his n8x0 kernel build14:06
lcuki have first meego usbimg created simply14:07
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Stskeepzsupposedly there is cpufreq/dvfs support for n8x0 now in modern kernels14:07
Stskeepzthat could revive the poor things14:07
lcukthese instructions are not quite right though14:07
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lcukmine is revived already14:07
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luistcan anyone copy the content of the oss repo from /etc/zypp/repos.d in meego 1.2.0 please?14:12
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lcukluist, i was just reading the .ks file for 1.2 netbook14:12
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lcukinside there is the list of repositories I believe14:12
Stskeepslcuk: it was through accelerometer or camera dots, btw?14:13
lcukaccelerometer is not accurate enough14:13
lcukthat works if you put 9 devices together14:13
luistlcuk: true but i dont need only the url.. i need mostly the right gpg key tag14:13
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tcs-meegoHi! I have NVidia ION on Zotac Zbox running superbly using HDMI with Meego netbook build14:44
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tcs-meegoon the other hand, i am grappling with Open GL ES 2 for meego IVI.. and Qt Open GL for the same box14:44
tcs-meegowould anyone here know what to do for those... i was wondering if I should try finding and for the NVIDIA ion..any help would be appreciated14:45
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seifhey guys15:23
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seifwhat is the UI toolkit used on n95015:23
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seifis it qt or hildon15:23
seifor something else15:23
Stskeepsnot hildon, thank god15:24
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thiagoQt, MTF and QML15:24
seifMTF ?15:26
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seifah ok15:26
seifthiago, because i wrote an app in qt but it does not look very native in there15:27
thiagousing QWidget?15:27
seifthiago, i think so15:28
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thiagothen that was your mistake15:29
thiagowe tried really hard to make it look native, but QWidget is just too limited15:29
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seifthiago, so porting to MTF seems like the only solution huh15:31
thiagoor to QML (Components)15:31
seifi wrote it in pyside15:31
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lcukthiago, how does qt look native on other oses then?15:41
Stskeepsstyles, but they didn't manage to get it stable enough on harmattan15:41
thiagolcuk: limited OSs15:42
lcukfair enough15:42
lcukhow do non-qt apps look on it?15:42
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thiagoas ugly or uglier15:43
thiagothe plainqt style at least gets the colours right15:43
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lcuki suppose for games and stuff (SDL) it won't matter15:43
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vvaltoneI thought MTF was more or less obsolete?15:48
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thiagovvaltone: it is15:52
vvaltonethere is that rather broken mtf theming for qt too, but that never worked in a way you'd want to show off to anyone15:53
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thiagothat's the plainqt style15:54
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djszapiHi! Does anybody have this "osc" tool installed ? I need some help about libxml2 on Harmattan. The OBS webinterface cannot really do anything with for one reason.16:08
djszapi* with libxml216:08
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thiagodjszapi: what does OBS have to do with Harmattan?16:10
djszapithiago: there is a harmattan target.16:11
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meego-beginnerhi guys. I am trying to run an application using openglgraphicssytem. The application is not launched and the error shown is this libEGL fatal: DRI2: failed to authenticate. I am using meego from chroot. Any one faced similar issue before??16:29
meego-beginnermy os is ubuntu 10.1016:30
lcukberndhs, you re making a us spin!16:30
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berndhslcuk: not just US, world-wide :)16:32
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lcukberndhs, one thing about yacht interface is less internet reliance I gather16:33
djszapiX-Fade do you have any idea for this libxml2-dev issue ?16:33
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berndhslcuk: yes the off-vehicle net is not as reliable16:33
lcukdjszapi, X-Fade gave you a suggestion yesterday16:33
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MeeGoBotBug 20971 cri, Undecided, ---, maemo, ASSI, libxml2 dependency installation does not work on Harmattan target16:34
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djszapilcuk: yes, I already answered that.16:34
lcukyou said you had no time to try it.16:34
djszapistill stick by.16:34
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djszapiand I do not really see how it would help with anything.16:34
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lcukhiya CosmoHill16:38
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lcukdjszapi, the debian.tar.gz file in your package is not a .tar.gz?16:41
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rafael2kpeople, what graphical browsers does exist for meego?16:43
djszapilcuk: your mean ?16:43
Stskeepsfennec, meego ux browser, helium , ..16:43
rafael2kgreat, fennec! greeeat!16:43
djszapiI hope rekonq will be ported :p16:43
* thiago hopes grob is opensourced16:44
rafael2kis meego ux browser webkit based?16:44
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lcukdjszapi, i don't know, but it is not a .tar.gz but a .tar file16:44
lcuki was just going to try and see what the build-depends were cnfigured to16:44
rafael2kdoes harmattan comes with flash support?16:45
thiagothe tablet ux is webkit based (chromium-based)16:45
thiagorafael2k: yes16:45
rafael2k; )16:45
djszapilcuk: which one ?16:45
lcukthe one relating to your bug 2079116:45
rafael2kthiago: can it be copied to meego CE and in some way work?16:45
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, christophe.dumez, RELE FIXED, Organizer/KCal-EDS: QOrganizerManager::items(QDateTime, QDateTime) does not behave correctly for rec16:45
djszapiwell the flash support is very pure16:45
lcukerrr bug 2097116:45
MeeGoBotBug cri, Undecided, ---, maemo, ASSI, libxml2 dependency installation does not work on Harmattan target16:46
djszapiand the N950 devices do not contain it for example.16:46
djszapiuse html5 where you can.16:46
thiagorafael2k: sure16:46
rafael2kthiago: great16:46
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thiagorafael2k: oh, wait you meant harmattan16:46
rafael2k<- still waiting for my N95016:46
thiagorafael2k: I'm mixing conversations16:46
thiagorafael2k: it depends on whether grob is made opensource16:46
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rafael2kthiago: what grob is?16:46
thiagothe flash plugin for ARM might have licensing restrictions16:46
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rafael2kthiago: but from a techinical point of view, can it works in meego CE?16:47
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thiagorafael2k: the harmattan browser16:47
djszapithiago: why is the license matter for Nokia ? It did not matter in other cases either ?16:47
thiagorafael2k: yes16:47
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thiagodjszapi: it doesn't matter for Nokia16:47
djszapiI mean cannot they get some certificate ?16:47
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thiagodjszapi: Nokia obviously negotiated and got a license that suits it.16:47
djszapias they do with other things, like the hotspot app16:48
rafael2kthiago: thanks16:48
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djszapithiago: what was the exclusively reason to not use the flash as it happens on N900 ?16:52
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djszapialso, some mediaplayer might be embedded, I am not sure, instead of a flash.16:53
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thiagodjszapi: huh?16:57
djszapithiago: I thought there was some flash solution also on the N900.16:57
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djszapiAlso, you can embed mediaplayer into the browser, if you do not have flash. I might be wrong though.16:57
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thiagodjszapi: Fremantle has flash16:58
djszapiyep, what was the reason why Nokia did not go that way as with fremantle ?16:59
thiagook, I don't get what you mean, let's start over16:59
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thiagoFremantle has flash support, Harmattan has flash support.16:59
djszapithiago: I do not have flash support on N95017:00
djszapi(which is harmattan) At least, by default as they shipped it.17:00
thiagotest the full Product Release N9 when it's out17:00
thiagoHarmattan has flash17:00
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ShadowJKThere was some speculation that "flash supported" meant "fennec supports plugins" :)17:02
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thiagoit's not Fennec on Harmattan17:04
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ShadowJKiirc it went "no flash support" -> "built in browser for optimized mobile browsing experience, fennec available which supports flash"17:05
thiagothat's Fremantle17:06
andre__djszapi, default browser on N950 opens flash videos in a new window. works for me.17:06
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djszapiandre__: which image ? week 22 ?17:07
thiagoHarmattan has Grob, which is a QtWebKit/Webkit2-based browser17:07
ShadowJKand now builtin browser does flash?17:07
ShadowJKandre__, what about live streams?17:07
andre__djszapi, I'm on week 27 here17:07
djszapiandre__: that is not what was given out17:07
djszapiwe got week 2217:08
andre__ShadowJK, somebody pass a live stream17:08
andre__djszapi, correct.17:08
andre__djszapi, so it's been fixed in the meantime.17:08
djszapiit does not work here with week 22. Make sure you did not enter a page which does not handle html5 in the background somehow17:08
djszapi* does handle17:08
rafael2khow about gnash?17:08
andre__djszapi, I tried youtube.17:08
andre__rafael2k, context?17:09
Stskeeps doesn't list flash17:09
djszapiandre__: when can we get a new update (image) for N950 ?17:09
andre__djszapi, why do you ask me?17:09
djszapiI still need to use N9 until that happens, week 22 is really unmature ;-)17:09
djszapiandree__: ok you do not know either.17:10
andre__djszapi, I'm not the person uploading images to some server17:10
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rafael2kandre__: gnash could be a good bet for flash on N900/N95017:10
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ShadowJKSo maybe the flash support is really a browser script tailored for youtube which digs out the .flv video and passes it to media player or something17:10
djszapithiago: yes, it is.17:10
thiagoShadowJK: maybe it's HTML5 video17:11
andre__rafael2k: shrug. but didn't I write already that flash works for me a few minutes ago?17:11
ShadowJKthiago, hm!17:11
janishadowjk: or maybe just html5 in case of youtube ?  ;)17:11
djszapiandre__: we tried that time to embed a media player into the browser17:11
djszapibut we did not investigate too mcuh17:11
* jonwil wonders why the switch to a webkit based browser in Harmattan17:11
ShadowJKdjszapi, even if you embed video player in browser, it wont play youtube :P17:11
djszapiwell, you tube has html517:12
* jonwil suspects its because webkit blows the pants off gecko in the mobile space :P17:12
janidunno, but recent changes in the youtube's mobile interface are quite frigin excellent when it comes to yoube experience on n9..17:12
ShadowJKjonwil, maybe they couldn't make gecko/firefox stop its focus stealing behaviour, killing the vkb :P17:12
andre__ShadowJK, hah, bingo: "Flash must be installed for you to view this video". so flash isn't supported...17:13
jonwilanyone here know anything about the specs for GSM/UMTS or where to get them from?17:13
andre__maybe youtube uses automatically html5 or whatever. shrug (I don't have much clue about this)17:13
jonwilSpecifically any specs that exist for Cell Broadcast SMS17:13
RzRmaybe there are some webproxy that convert flv on the fly too17:13
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Stskeepsjonwil: CBS is the one with the location /text broadcast isn't it?17:13
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jonwilcell broadcast SMS yes17:14
Stskeepsjonwil: ofono must have it, i got those in CE17:14
jonwilYeah ofono has support17:14
jonwilI am using the ofono code as a reference17:14
ShadowJKRzR, the challenge is in getting the flv in the first place, youtube is constantly sabotaging youtube players :)17:14
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RzRbtw provide direct links17:14
jonwilthe problem I have is that the ofono code for cell broadcast is complex and undocumented17:15
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jonwilI need some actual documentation on how the hell its supposed to be parsed17:15
jonwiland what all the numbers mean17:15
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jonwilmaybe the 3gpp site has some usefull info17:16
jonwilafter all, they are the standards body for the GSM standard and its successors17:16
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ShadowJKhehe, only baseline profile for 720p h26417:18
ShadowJKor simple profile mpeg4 (xvid-family)17:18
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ShadowJKbut mpeg4 ASP ("full xvid") and h264 main profile (I think x264 defaults use features that aren't main)17:19
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rafael2kpeople, is it possible to make vaapi works in the N900 or N950?17:25
Stskeepsno dice on vaapi, it's more like openmax on ARM17:26
jonwilbah, no sign of any usefull specs for smscb on the 3gpp site17:27
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jonwilEverything talks about the radio interface17:28
jonwiland not how the actual data is encoded17:28
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* CosmoHill hacks his way through the CLFS book17:54
djszapilcuk: Could you checkout the harmattan target properly with osc ?17:57
djszapiDid you try to run this command ? osc build --no-verify MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan armv7el17:57
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* CosmoHill really should run "make validate" before "git push"18:07
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VenemoI can't login to with my N950 - SSL handshake failed.18:12
* thiago checks18:12
StskeepsVenemo: time set correctly?18:12
Venemoi simply entered and then clicked on login18:13
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster18:13
VenemoStskeeps, yes, it's maybe incorrect a minute18:13
DawnFosterhey CosmoHill18:13
CosmoHillffs, bbc iplayer keeps stopping18:13
thiagoVenemo: no reply18:13
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StskeepsVenemo: file a bug about it, might have been an oversight18:13
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Stskeepslog in works fine for me18:14
Stskeepson chrome, linux18:14
Venemofile a bug against what? or harmattan?18:14
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thiagowhat's the exact website you're trying to use SSL on?18:15
Stskeepswell, if it reproduces constantly, there might be an odd ssl issue - we use some kind of multiple-ssl-hosts-per-ip thing18:15
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Venemothiago, "" -> I click login18:15
Stskeepsthiago: probably https://meego.com18:15
VenemoStskeeps, that doesn't work either18:16
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* thiago is getting an SSL handshake error too18:18
CosmoHillmaybe it's left handed18:19
thiagoSSLv3 is rejected18:19
thiagoTLSv1 works18:19
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X-Fadethiago: Yeah TLS-SNI.18:21
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thiagoSNI doesn't seem required for meego.com18:21
thiagothe default cert is returned with CN=meego.com18:21
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X-FadeAh, yeah. I thought it didn't work on other meego subdomains. But the main site doesn't use SNI.18:22
thiagoQt 4.7 doesn't have SNI support, so Harmattan doesn't have it either.18:22
X-FadeWe reserved an ip for it.18:22
thiago4.8 has it18:22
X-FadeBut the main website just uses a regular cert?18:23
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thiagowell, the non-SNI certificate has, so it works18:24
X-Fadebut it doesn't work on my N95018:24
* Jaffa *assumes* it works in later images (e.g. the N9s kicking about)...18:24
JaffaIf not... doh18:25
thiagoThe Qt 4.7 securesocket example doesn't work either18:25
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thiagoI don't get why though...18:27
thiagofirst of all, the default behaviour of QSslSocket is to enable all protocols, including TLSv1; second, the HTTP code should try TLSv1 first18:27
JaffaFWIW, login is the only one I've had problems with18:28
thiagoit's a Qt bug18:28
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thiagoQt 5.0 works, so I assume 4.8 works too18:31
JaffaIs the same bug demonstrated in Qt 4.7.x on Fremantle/desktop?18:32
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thiagoJaffa: I'm testing on the desktop, yes18:34
X-FadeI think https handling in that browser is a bit broken anyway.18:35
X-FadeIt complains about too.18:35
thiagoX-Fade: my desktop's openssl command also complains about maemo.org18:35
X-FadeWell, there it can't verify the cert. Which is weird as it is a verisign one.18:35
X-FadeIt's called intermediate certificate and exists for quite a while ;)18:36
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JaffaX-Fade: Could've expired again :-p18:36
thiago    Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)18:36
X-Fadethiago: Yes, then your lib doesn't use the intermediate cert.18:37
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thiagotry this please: openssl s_client -connect -CApath /etc/pki/tls/rootcerts18:38
thiagoreplace the last path with wherever your distro places the root certs18:38
JaffaGet a 21 verify error on Ubuntu 11.04 (/usr/share/ca-certificates)18:40
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thiagoI can't do anything if OpenSSL can't verify this chain18:41
Jaffathiago: But that's, not meego.com18:41
thiagofor the one, I don't get what's wrong, but 4.8 has it fixed18:42 works on Harmattan browser, so what "anything" do you need to do there?18:42
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tremhi all, I'm lokking for meego kernel, and more especially the support of ce4100/4200, do you know if there is a "public" repository with such kernel ?19:00
CosmoHilltrem: you could try on the community obs,
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tremCosmoHill: thanks, I'm going to looking for the kernel19:03
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Stskeepstrem: meego-tv@ has discussion on it19:03
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tomeutrem: maybe one of the kernel-adaptation-* kernels in ?19:05
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tremtomeu: that's the repo of src.rpm, do you know a repo for the kernel sources ?19:10
tomeuthe .spec file doesn't tell?19:10
tomeuit should19:10
tomeuplus any patches that are applied at packaging19:10
tomeuor at least they do in fedora19:11
tremI look19:11
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tremtomeu: thanks, seems to use the vanilla kernel with only one patches19:19
tremso meego don't work on ce4100 support19:19
tremI suppose that meego wait this support from intel19:19
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Stskeepstrem: read meego-tv, there is a discussion about it19:24
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tremStskeeps: yep, just found it, and it seems to have some legal issue ....19:25
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* andyross would like qt a lot better if it didn't take 45 minutes to build...19:50
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CosmoHillandyross: what kinda computer?19:51
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andyrossArrandale laptop.  Clearly I should be able to do better, but this is what I have available at the moment.19:51
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andyrossTo be fair though: patches to Qt have the advantage of being testable on my laptop directly without jiggering a bunch of stuff on a MeeGo image.  So that's something.19:52
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CosmoHillat uni we're failing to use ANSYS19:53
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CosmoHillbut it's taking a very long time to fail and we have no way to measure the progress of any work19:53
berndhsCosmoHill: i feel sorry for you poor folks19:54
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andyrossCosmoHill: and that's failing to you to prepare for the real world ... how?19:54
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CosmoHillberndhs: I arrived this morning and opened the room to a heat wave. Some idiot has put the air con on 26C with the cluster running in the room19:54
andyrossTo first approximation, a career in software development consists of taking a long time to do tasks that can't be meaningfully measured.19:55
berndhs26 is not that bad19:55
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CosmoHillhighest it would good, it annoys me that cold people put on the hottest settings and hot people put it on the coldest19:56
andyrossElectronics don't need cold like IT people think they do.  Wasn't there a google paper out there pointing out that they run their datacenters at 90F or something?19:56
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CosmoHillin that case the AC should be off, not hottest settings19:59
CosmoHillyou're also assuming that my computers aren't crap19:59
berndhsi dont know why my meego netbook wants to be in Finnland, it's not any nicer there than here19:59
berndhsand I don't know why "x" is respawning too fast, although I agree that it should be disabled if it does20:01
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* CosmoHill likes using cmd instead of ctrl on macs20:14
CosmoHillmakes it a lot easier to copy and paste20:14
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berndhstake a photograph, print it, scan into ocr20:15
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CosmoHillit's a well know IT fact that printers are evil20:19
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henafrom hell20:20
CosmoHillwindows can print in seconds but my mac bursts into flames when printing to the same printer20:20
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MadCaruretorDo any phones/tablets currently have meego?20:52
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lcukMadCaruretor, builds of handset/tablet are available for various devices, there is active n900-ce, there are people working towards n950-ce (or Nokia-ce|MeeGo-ce even)20:54
thiagothe WeTab has it and the Acer M500 has been announced20:54
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lcukthiago, which meego devices do you use?20:57
thiagoright now? none20:59
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* thiago has a MeeGo netbook at home in Oslo and that's all20:59
MadCaruretorNokia should make a meego tablet20:59
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seifhey guys21:03
seifso meego-touch21:04
seifdoes it have python bindings for the harmattan21:04
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seifso what is the best way to use meego-touch21:05
seifc++ ?21:05
seifthere is no way to use qml + python and have the same results21:06
leinirThe best way to use meego-touch is to not use meego-touch ;)21:07
leinirit's been deprecated in meego for over a year now21:08
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thiagonot yet a year21:09
thiagoit was in october21:09
leinirReally? Hmm... well, for ages anyway ;)21:10
lcukthiago, travelling season again?21:13
thiagolcuk: no, just vacation21:14
lcukthiago, where are you holidaying then?21:15
thiagomy parents', in Brazil21:16
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* CosmoHill shakes his fist at computers with keypads that disable num-lock by default21:21
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lcukCosmoHill, happened on one of my computers for ages22:06
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lcukdid I see the meego bugzilla components have been open sourced somewhere?22:36
lcukor rather its configurations etc22:36
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berndhshey I can run the tablet UX on my decrepit laptop :)23:18
berndhseven looks good23:18
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tremnite all, sweet dreams23:59

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