IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2011-07-10

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vdvis it safe to uninstall U-boot? will maemo boot then correctly?00:45
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CosmoHillvdv: you'll need some sort of boot loader00:56
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derEwigeJudeisrael should be fucking nuked02:02
CosmoHillop, check please02:03
derEwigeJudewhere you from CosmoHill02:03
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derEwigeJudeyou dumb shit02:04
CosmoHillflattery will get you everywhere02:04
derEwigeJudedont you know the TSA is a zionist invention02:04
derEwigeJudefrom the evil Chertoff02:04
derEwigeJudegroping your granny02:04
derEwigeJudesuck it02:05
derEwigeJudesuck satanś cock02:05
CosmoHillyou seem to have mistaken me for a whore02:05
derEwigeJudemaybe you arent one02:05
derEwigeJudebut you give all indications of being a jew cock sucker02:06
derEwigeJudethe USA is in 6 jew wars right now02:06
DocScrutinizerpupnik, shut up!!!02:07
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Termanagood morning02:08
derEwigeJudeapparently pupnik was a great man02:11
derEwigeJudeOH NOES02:13
derEwigeJudeWHAT SHALL WE DO???02:14
derEwigeJudesuck more jew cock?02:14
derEwigeJudeslurp slurp slurp slurp slurp02:14
derEwigeJudeslurp slurp slurp slurp slurp02:14
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derEwigeJudefollow us politics MohammadAG02:15
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derEwigeJudehillary clinton said that israel was ín their rights to defend themselves02:15
MohammadAGgo to ##politics for that, not #meego02:15
derEwigeJudefrom the aid ships to gaza02:15
derEwigeJudethere is no border to extortion and murder02:15
derEwigeJudethe motherfuckers are all over you02:15
DocScrutinizer/msg chanserv access #meego list02:15
derEwigeJudeand that is why we promote free software02:15
MohammadAGyeah totally, cause it changes politics02:16
derEwigeJudepussy faggot docscrutinizer02:16
mquinderEwigeJude: that's quite enough02:16
MohammadAGmquin, ops here seem pretty active02:16
derEwigeJudemohammedag is a terrorist02:17
derEwigeJudecall in the drone strikes02:17
derEwigeJudewe decide who dies :D :D :D02:17
MohammadAGStskeeps, X-Fade DawnFoster, care to deal with this?02:17
derEwigeJudeiĺl be quiet02:18
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derEwigeJude(slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp)02:19
* CosmoHill pokes w00t 02:20
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* CosmoHill should be getting a Sony W995 in a few weeks02:24
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phl0x81sony + meego? wtf?02:26
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CosmoHillno no, just a sony02:30
CosmoHillI prefer candybar phones with the T9 keypad02:30
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CosmoHillI was saying to my mate that the kids of today can't text in class cos they all have touch screens02:32
CosmoHill(can't text under the desk that is)02:33
berndhspretty soon people who know how to type will be called geeks02:33
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CosmoHillthey actually teach kids how to type in schools now02:34
berndhsyeah but not for much longer :)02:34
CosmoHillI've had the book of faces for about two weeks now and nobody's commented on my use of grammar and full English02:35
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CosmoHillthen again I treat it as a very bloated email system at the back of some creepy room02:36
berndhsmaybe they figure you for a foreigner02:36
CosmoHillyou go in, check your email and leave as soon as possible02:36
CosmoHillI only have people I know in real life in my book...and chris02:36
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berndhsi dont think there's picture of my face anywhere, other than official documents02:41
CosmoHillmight be for the best02:42
berndhsyes have to be careful, I'm a stalking victim02:42
CosmoHillI only have one picture so people can see that it is me so they know they have the right guy02:43
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berndhspictures are also a good way to discrimintate by race, gender and age02:43
CosmoHillwithout looking at the staticis page02:44
CosmoHillthe only people I have on facebook are my friends02:45
CosmoHillif I know you but think you're a dick I'm not going to add you02:45
berndhswell, them and the facebook company02:45
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CosmoHilldo you wanna see what my page looks like?02:46
berndhsi'm not really all that curious :)02:46
CosmoHilljust get a blank bit of paper and write your name and stick a picture of yourself on it02:47
CosmoHillwhat's what it looks like02:47
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berndhsyes leave room for creativity02:47
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CosmoHillI also disabled my wall02:47
CosmoHillduno why it's called a wall, there's no bricks in it02:48
berndhswhat sit for ?02:48
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CosmoHillI duno but people get worked up about it02:48
berndhsi'm not much of a group guy02:49
CosmoHillone of my mates went "omg a girl wrote on X's wall" and I thought he actually meant wrote on his bedroom wall with felt tip pens02:49
derEwigeJudebut you are still open anused about the central banks02:49
CosmoHilloh I forgot you were here02:49
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derEwigeJudesorry girl02:50
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derEwigeJudefucking jews caused ww202:50
CosmoHillI think you may have that the wrong way around02:51
derEwigeJudeyou are one of the millions of cattle who havent researched things02:51
derEwigeJudeto discover the terrible truth02:51
derEwigeJudethe motherfucking jews are the satanic race02:52
derEwigeJudethat is fucking up world history02:52
berndhsah man, my reinstalled system gets a Kernel panic02:52
berndhsmore maintenance02:52
CosmoHillberndhs: but it's a reinstall, meaning if it worked the first time I should work now02:53
berndhsyes but its an old machine02:53
CosmoHillsay no more02:53
* CosmoHill has an idea02:53
CosmoHillI could create a shutdown script that dumps the uptime into a log file02:54
CosmoHillthat would allow me to figure out the average uptime for a computer / server02:54
berndhsmaybe its easier to grab it at boot time02:54
berndhsthat way you get crashes too02:55
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CosmoHilloh you were being serious02:55
CosmoHillin that case it maybe better to log the boot and shutdown dates to02:55
berndhslast log knows all that, doesnt it ?02:56
CosmoHillaparantly low02:58
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jacekowskimorning people03:00
CosmoHillhi jacekowski03:00
berndhsok i'll swap the starting position of my boot and swap partition, maybe that will help03:00
jacekowskii've heard that shit has got real here while ago03:00
CosmoHillanyone know how to remove a line with vim if it does NOT contain a word?03:01
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CosmoHillI was thinking more like a search03:01
berndhsread the sed man page, soemthing with ^ and $03:02
berndhsand white space in between03:02
CosmoHill87 boots since 2006 :)03:03
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CosmoHillI'm off to bed, night night03:08
berndhsgood night03:08
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dm8tbrmood groaning08:25
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npmemacs' M-x battery saves the day...09:16
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mikelimaHi all10:30
mikelimahi Stskeeps! I am trying to port my application to Harmattan... and I encountered some stumbling blocks. Or at least I have a few doubts.10:32
Stskeepsah, i can't help you there10:32
* Stskeeps only deals with meego.com10:33
mikelimaah, yes, all right.10:33
mikelimaIs meego-devel the right channel for this kind of questions?10:33
Stskeepsno, but i think the nokia developer forums would be a good place10:34
mikelimaright, thanks.10:34
Stskeeps(there are representatives from the platform SDK/harmattan team on there, fwiw)10:35
mikelimaStskeeps: by the way, sorry to see you leave talk.maemo.org10:35
Stskeepsit seems like it had the good effect of making the place productive again10:35
Stskeepsand causing less toxicity10:36
Stskeepsi still read the place but not contributing10:36
mikelimaright, I do not blame you, I only miss the good content! :)10:37
Stskeepshehe10:37 and #meego-arm for that :)10:38
mikelimayes, I have started following those too.10:38
mikelimaAlthough I am not that much into forums... Old fashioned mailing-list reader here :)10:38
Stskeepsmeego-handset@ is sometimes informative10:39
mikelimayes, I check the archives from time to time...10:39
mikelimaActually it is not that high volume I could subscribe too.10:39
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CosmoHillhey Stskeeps11:44
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dm8tbr hmmmm11:57
Termanammm patents. This can only be yummy.12:00
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dm8tbrI still wonder if it would make sense to have a mechanism to allow people to compile 'critical' packages themselves12:09
dm8tbrlike only serve an SRPM and have some nice frontend that turns that into an properly installed RPM on the device12:10
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CosmoHillyou mean like the tool that some distros have that allows them to compile and install a custom kernel via the distros package manager?12:20
dm8tbralong those lines, yeah12:21
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dm8tbrdistributing source code is less problematic in patent-land12:21
dm8tbrofc such things wouldn't fly with devices that have e.g. aegis, but there it's the OEM's responsibility to provide whichever codecs are needed12:22
dm8tbrand pay the licensing12:22
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* CosmoHill finds his Debian Linux 4.0 coaster12:52
dm8tbrI have plenty of *buntu coasters12:54
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dm8tbrevery time I go to some conference my old CDs/DVDs become coasters...12:54
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CosmoHillI used to sell Debian and Fedora DVDs12:56
CosmoHillbetween my DVD-RW drive and my printer I gave up12:57
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CosmoHillI tried making a nice Fedora 15 disc recently for me, now every time I handle it I end up with blue hands12:57
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* CosmoHill seems to have misplaced a motherboard13:01
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CosmoHillI used to wonder how people could use netbooks cos of the lack of optical drive. But my optical drive hasn't worked in many months and I get on just fine13:30
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dm8tbrI seldomly ever use optical drives any more. if I do I have the option of an slim USB drive13:37
CosmoHilldo you remember when video recorders (VHS) used to chew up tapes? that's what my DVD-RW drive does in my laptop13:39
AardCosmoHill: well, just don't put tapes into your dvd-rw drive...13:39
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* CosmoHill ponders turning his powerbook isn't a fancy juke box13:39
dm8tbrCosmoHill: have you tried inserting a 3.5in floppy or what? :D13:40
dm8tbr alternatively13:41
pebcakhaven't used a optical drive on my laptops since the first x-series thinkpad I bought ;)13:44
dm8tbrI only ever used the drive in the x-series docking bay a handfull of times13:45
Stskeepsonly for burning cds, personally13:49
CosmoHillhey Stskeeps13:50
CosmoHillyou might want to look at this morning's logs13:50
Stskeepsi saw it, can't do much about it until he comes back13:50
CosmoHillI'm assuming you guys were either asleep or enjoying your Saturday afternoon13:51
Stskeepsand banning isn't an option13:51
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CosmoHillthat would be punishing the masses13:52
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pebcakStskeeps it isn't?14:46
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lcukalterego, which app did you install on your n8?15:40
lcukand did you manage to install same thing on your c5?15:41
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alteregolcuk: not tried the C515:43
alteregoIt was just a QML hello world example from the SDK15:44
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alteregoOh, and the Dial widget QML example .15:44
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lcukalterego, why not columbus!15:45
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alteregoWorking on it ;)15:49
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BluesLeecan someone help out with Harmattan Platform SDK (scratchbox)?16:42
CosmoHilldm8tbr: the daily wtf has some really good writers16:42
dm8tbrCosmoHill: yep, and alex has some big fans in Finland *gnihihi*16:43
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Bostikjudging byy the amount salmiac he receives, plenty :)16:56
CosmoHilldm8tbr: so far I've learnt I should avoid admins called Tim16:58
dm8tbrand developers called Paula16:58
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CosmoHilland managers called Steve17:00
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berndhsdisk partitioning, another example how this industry sticks to stupid standards for a looong time17:15
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berndhswell, not stupid at the beginning, more ad-hoc, but 30 years later its stupid to keep doing it17:17
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CosmoHilldm8tbr: I'm starting to wonder if some of these people in these stories are the same17:21
CosmoHilljust read two stories in a row about Ryan17:22
berndhsfor the last time :
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dm8tbrCosmoHill: obligatory is also watching 'office space' and fill out a TPS report about it!17:31
* dm8tbr sends out a memo about the new cover sheet17:31
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* CosmoHill wonders if dm8tbr has any idea how distracting that website has been to him17:34
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dm8tbrCosmoHill: yep, it's inhibited my productivity a good deal too17:35
CosmoHillI was so close to finishing cleaning my room17:36
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* Stskeeps ponders idly if it is possible to extract qml imports in rpm like it is for python/perl17:37
Stskeepsie, Requires: qml(QtQuick) >= 1.0 automatic generation17:38
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javispedroStskeeps: aegis does it ;)17:46
javispedrowith regexps only17:47
Stskeepshm, interesting17:47
javispedrowell, a bit of logic to retrieve qml src from qrc, then does the regexps.17:47
javispedro*compiled qrc.17:47
Stskeepscould be good to have17:47
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javispedrothe code is on /usr/bin/aegis-manifest (perl script), grep for qml_match17:48
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* npm just got running locally in qtwebkit20:40
npmit was way too easy20:40
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npmnow to get QML to spew JSON at it...20:40
npmand i just made UI-making a lot easier20:41
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* npm looks for some complicated qt-based sparql source to feed it ? contacts? media?20:42
* IanWizard can't wait till october for 1.320:43
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IanWizardI've never actually gotten to play with a working meego.  When 1.3 hits, I'll port it over to my phone (waiting for CDMA).20:44
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IanWizardIt seems quiet in here.20:58
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StskeepsIanWizard: weekdays are usually better21:11
gabriel_Stskeeps: \o.21:12
* lbt just got back from an 'empeg' meet :)21:12
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gabriel_lbt: That reminds me... is your N9 also a LBT ?21:13
lbtempeg == ~1999 199Mhz ARM car stereo (running linux of course)21:13
lbtgabriel_: no N9 yet... N950 on the way!21:13
gabriel_only one color?21:14
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lbtbut the empeg team (ie the guys who did the HW design) are now looking for a replacement...21:14
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gabriel_replacement... for the empeg?  Too hard to buy parts these days?21:16
lbtgetting there21:16
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lbtthey used lots of reasonably low volume HW21:16
lbtso VFD display panel21:17
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lbtbut the electronics were industial level (temp/vibration proof), the chassis was stainless steel21:17
lbtso they last a treat21:17
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lbtthing is they know what they're doing at the HW level .. so they're thinking of doing opensource HW design and finding a way to get low-volume mfg setup (ie as low as 10s of unit runs)21:21
lbtanyhow if anything comes of it I'll say21:21
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gabriel_Sounds like fun.  With those volumes, though, makes more sense to do it as a DIY kit or something.21:22
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gabriel_well... "makes more sense" isn't really what I mean...21:23
IanWizardlbt, what / who are we talking about?21:23
gabriel_more like "might be worth considering"21:23
lbtgabriel_: it's likely actually21:23
gabriel_IanWizard: the empeg car stero system.  An ARM-based, linux-based thing.21:24
gabriel_from about 1999.21:24
IanWizardgabriel_, ok, thx.21:24
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Venemogood morning21:29
gabrbeddVenemo: howdy!21:30
gabrbeddMeeGo SDK question:  The installer failed for me on Ubuntu 11.04.... so does anyone know where the .raw image and madde .conf files get stored in /opt/meego ?21:31
Venemohey gabrbedd, how're you today? :)21:31
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gabrbeddVenemo: a little warm... but allright. (air conditioner out)21:34
gabrbeddVenemo: yourself?21:34
Venemogabrbedd: the weather's how, and I'm loaded with todos... but I'm well, thank you :)21:37
Stskeepslo gabrbedd21:39
lcukgabrbedd, Stskeeps, Venemo, lbt  \o21:44
Venemolcuk, o721:44
gabrbeddlcuk: hello!  getting much sleep these days?21:44
lcuknot really but it is good to be doing other stuff21:45
* SpeedEvil passes lcuk a pair of noise cancelling in-ear-phones.21:45
lcukSpeedEvil, the baby is peaceful21:45
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SpeedEvilSome are, some aren't.21:49
SpeedEvilPuts things into perspective though.21:49
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lcuklbt, the empeg stuff, is there scope to run meego on it?21:59
lcukor is the hardware they want not 3d21:59
SpeedEvilThe early stuff seems very unlikely21:59
SpeedEvilIt had something like 16M of RAM21:59
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lbtlcuk: yes, it seems possible ... the 3D thing may be the issue22:00
lcukfor full compliance maybe22:00
lcukbut if they use meego core + a 2d ux22:00
lbtI think it would be using MeeGo rather than being MeeGo22:01
lbtcertainly the issue may be where the App UI is displayed22:01
gabrbeddlbt: +122:02
lbtwe're thinking of  options including having no display and using a phone as a display device22:02
lcuklbt :)22:02
lbtalso specific DIN sized display with wifi or bluetooth22:02
lcuklike old car stereos - where you take the control panel in your pocket when you get out of the car22:02
lcukrequires a phone with good dock support22:03
lbtbut also having a BT control stalk22:03
gabrbeddSeems like MeeGo is a good option if they want a gooey front-end display.  Otherwise, yocto22:03
lcukie n900 usb placement would make it upside down22:03
lcukn8 would be feasible in landscape mode22:03
lbtthe device would simply be visual display only22:03
lbtmaybe no UI feedback22:04
lbtinstead having physical BT controls22:04
lbtgabrbedd: yeah - but I'd like it to work well on a device that *does* have 3D22:04
lcuklbt sensible - so this is for proper car stareo carputer placement?22:05
lcukreal buttons are indeed required then!22:05
lcukhow is the garden project coming on?22:06
gabrbeddwell guys, it's 96F here (35C) and my laptop is pretty warm... so I'm signing off...22:06
Stskeepshave fun22:06
gabrbeddHope y'all have a good evening or day or whatever your $(date) is. :-)22:06
Venemogabrbedd, my laptop is hotter22:07
lbtgabrbedd: go chill :)22:07
gabrbeddVenemo: :-)22:07
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Venemogabrbedd, when I'm running a game, it goes even hotter.22:07
Venemobut it works22:08
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JaffaEv'ning, all23:14
berndhsmiddle of the afternoon23:14
CosmoHilllate evening23:15
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CosmoHilldm8tbr: and I thought facebook was a black hole...23:32
dm8tbrCosmoHill: still reading? :D23:32
CosmoHillyeah :/23:32
dm8tbrCosmoHill: you should totally start a second tab for some variety with alex's blog about slamiak candy23:33
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CosmoHillnoooo. i need to finish my CV23:33
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* CosmoHill closes firefox and runs away23:37
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* dm8tbr takes a note to keep some salmiak in his backpack in case he ever meets CosmoHill 23:40
* CosmoHill wonders what salmiak is23:41
dm8tbrawesome finnish candy23:42
SpeedEvilSalmiak is to candy as traffic wardens are to strippers.23:43
w00tdelicious candy23:44
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sofarplenty of salmiak in dutch licorice23:50
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* dm8tbr suddely tempted to break open the bottle of salmiakkikossu that is stashed in the freezer23:51
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