IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2011-07-06

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MySpaezwho here used cordia?00:01
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griMySpaez: the people at #cordia I assume00:07
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seifhey guys00:54
seifwhere is quim gil00:54
MySpaezWhy seif?00:56
sofarsomewhere in scandinavia00:56
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seifMySpaez, i still did not get an answer from Nokia about
berndhsseif: that seems to be the normal procedure00:57
seifberndhs, ok and how long does it tkae00:58
seifits been like this for 2 weeks00:58
berndhsi have no idea00:58
seifi was accepted for the n950 thingie00:58
seifbut this is the last thing i am waiting for to go through00:58
sofarsend an e-mail... people can be busy00:58
berndhsthey haven't even started ignoring me yet00:58
MohammadAGseif, be patient00:59
MohammadAGalso, check apparently emails aren't being sent out properly, so see the bottom of that page01:00
MySpaezseif what qualified you for a n950???01:00
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seifMySpaez, my work on zeitgeist01:01
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seifporting it to Maemo and MeeGo01:02
seifand rewriting my gt kapplicaiton to qt using qt-mobility01:02
seifi dont have a premium profile MohammadAG01:02
seifoh wait01:02
seifi do01:02
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MohammadAGseif, obviously you do, you signed up for it in step 4 (iirc) of the email01:03
seifMohammadAG, actually i did not do that01:04
seifi already applied before that01:04
MohammadAGif it says Launchpad program, wait for the email w/ the subject "A Nokia N950 is waiting for you", if not, keep waiting till you're accepted01:04
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seifand what is01:05
seifCONGRATULATIONS! You have been tentatively accepted in the MeeGo community N950 developer device program.01:05
seifWe have assumed that you will use this Nokia N950 to01:05
MohammadAGthe email I mentioned above01:05
MohammadAGI assume you followed the steps in it, and replied back to it01:05
seifyes i did01:05
MohammadAGthen wait for the second email after your launchpad account is accepted01:06
seifah ok01:06
seifMohammadAG, thanks01:06
* w00t shakes a fist at Jaffa and thp again01:06
MohammadAG should be the URL in the second email01:06
MySpaezinteresting project seif01:07
MohammadAGit won't work till you're accepted FYI01:07
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seifMohammadAG, in step 2 i got "You have an existing contact, please disassociate from developer account page before creating a new account." when i clicked on
seifso i skipped it01:07
seifthen i went to01:07
seifstep 301:07
MySpaezhow much does a dev n950 cost?01:07
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seifwhere it told me There is an existing membership application already for this program. The applicant will be notified by e-mail once the membership application has been reviewed.01:08
SpeedEvilMySpaez: you can't buy them.01:08
MohammadAGMySpaez, it's a developer device01:08
GeneralAntillesw00t, also: X-Fade and andre__, apparently.01:08
MohammadAGseif, then you have to wait01:08
GeneralAntillesw00t, we'll need to start executing some hit and run raids soon.01:08
seifis it because i created the application before i got the first mail01:08
seifwas it wrong or is it ok?01:09
seifMohammadAG, ^01:09
MohammadAGit's fine01:09
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GeneralAntillesseif, only 4 people actually have devices01:09
w00tGeneralAntilles: dammit01:09
GeneralAntillesand only a few dozen more have LaunchPad accounts confirmed.01:10
GeneralAntillesseif, so, relax. Wait.01:10
seifah ok01:11
seifGeneralAntilles, thanks01:11
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w00tpatience makes the world go round, etc01:13
dyrvereand time is money?01:13
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berndhsand you can expect to live about 700,000 hours01:14
MySpaezi have a nice tablet so ..01:14
dyrvereso 80 years, that's way to long :)01:14
MySpaezit is very short01:15
berndhsyeah, 80 years is not a lot of time01:16
thpw00t: why so fist-shaking?01:17
dyrvereoh well, they are working on that particular bug anyway so. fingers crossed it happens in your life-time? :D01:17
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berndhsif is doesn't happen in *my* lifetime, you guys are on your own01:18
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w00tthp: there is a lack of n950 in my life *g*01:21
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thpcould be worse.01:22
berndhs yeah could be raining01:23
dyrverecould be raining cats.01:23
Myrttilet's not go compete how things could be worse, shall we01:24
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Myrttiit always tends to end up someone depressing the whole channel :->01:24
javispedroJaffa, the only one who said that "impatience is one of the virtues of the programmer" is also the one who got his device earlier.01:24
javispedroso, learn the zen from the master.01:25
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GeneralAntillesthp, yeah, javispedro could also have one.01:29
javispedroamazon shipped!01:29
javispedrooh wait, wrong channel.01:29
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SpeedEvilRemember - when shipping amazons, put some holes in the top of the box so they can breath in the post.01:33
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dyrverehm, can I find SDL in meego 1.2?01:37
javispedrodyrvere: harmattan or meego?01:37
dyrvereno idea what harmattan is, but meego 1.2 for netbooks.01:38
javispedromy image of meego 1.2 for netbooks ships with SDL because it includes some SDL game, frozenbubble iirc.01:38
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javispedroso yes.01:39
dyrverestrange, not listed as installed packages in the package manager.01:39
javispedrodyrvere: zypper search SDL-deve01:39
javispedrozypper search SDL-devel01:40
dyrverethanks I'll try that01:40
javispedroyou can try frozen bubble, it should be in the applications list =)01:40
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dyrvereOn the other hand, is there a nice game-repository you could recommend?01:41
* javispedro is atm testing Palm's Multitouch enabled SDL 1.2 in meego netbooks on the ideapad...01:41
javispedrodyrvere: no idea about a community one, but you might try intel's www.appup.com01:43
javispedro(no idea if it works for meego already)01:43
MySpaezcan it run maemo games?01:45
javispedromeego for netbooks? not without some work..01:47
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* alterego held an N950 today02:08
w00tI take it that means you liked it : p02:12
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TermanaCosmoHill, not such a good one for you?02:30
CosmoHillhayfever sucks02:31
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dyrverehayfever eh?
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CosmoHillnight night03:35
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TheBootroohi !09:43
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TheBootroowaht do you think about that :   ?09:43
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lcukTheBootroo, neat10:36
lcukmorning iekku10:36
iekkulcuk, good morning10:37
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JaffaMorning, all11:01
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lcukmorning Jaffa11:33
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lcukJaffa, does attitude have a meego rpm package?11:36
lcukmorning javispedro11:37
lcukStskeeps, the wayland tutorial,
lcukshould it be using wget or "zypper -ar" ?11:40
Stskeepslcuk: dunno, didnt write that one - we are working on a cleaned up version11:41
lcukStskeeps, do you have a link?11:42
Stskeepsnot at hand, at my dads so11:43
lcukahh cool, did the n810 build you started ever build fully?11:43
Stskeepsactually yes11:44
vvaltonelcuk, cool, I'll have to try that, was contemplating of writing a tv interface wayland shell, did pop into mind to use meego as the test base11:45
Jaffalcuk: Not yet; I need to work out how to create one11:47
Stskeepslcuk: having some fs issues on the machine though11:47
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lcukJaffa, was the harmattan package just a tweak with the maemo one?11:48
lcukor did you use the same one?11:48
lcukStskeeps, oh nice11:48
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* lcuk spends some time reading
* Stskeeps glances at omap dss overlays11:50
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Stskeepsseems like a cheap way to do basic uis11:52
lcukwhat is dss?11:52
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lcukahh display subsystem11:53
Stskeepsit would be a nice way to do compositor, simply overlaying wayland buffers11:54
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Jaffalcuk: My Qt SDK got Harmattan support and I added it to the project. Having looked at the differences, the debian/ packaging should mostly be compatible between Fremantle & Harmattan11:55
Jaffalcuk: I don't have a MeeGo SDK on that machine, nor fully worked out how to merge them into a single IDE.11:55
lcukJaffa, which IDE do you use?11:55
JaffaIf I did, Qt Creator would help (again), and mud2 would fill in the gaps11:55
Jaffalcuk: Qt Creator. I'm trying to walk the "proper" path this time.11:55
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javispedrostskeeps: for a few windows only.11:57
lcukJaffa, cool, I think you can add the sis packaging and have your attitude on n8 as well?11:57
Stskeepsjavispedro: true, but for most purposes you just need a status bar11:57
Jaffalcuk: Yeah, did you see the SIS link?11:57
lcukno, where?11:57
Jaffalcuk: Had to use the Remote Compiler, but it works well on N8 and C711:57
Stskeepsjavispedro: for simple task view you can resort to raster composition11:57
lcukJaffa, !! great stuff11:57
javispedrostskeeps: i know I sound repetitive, but you are now describing webos 1 ;)11:58
Jaffalcuk: The cross-platformey stuff for non-UX conformant apps is very nice (modulo some rough edges, of course)11:58
Stskeepsjavispedro: i occasionally wonder if webos has the right idea11:58
javispedrofrom what I gather from some source code dumps their original target was sgx-less (maybe mbx though), so they planned accordingly11:59
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javispedroso basically clients render to /dev/fb1 (a dss overlay) or to a shm segment if they receive a unfocus event12:01
RST38hMeego developers' strong desire to keep Meego off platforms that do not have 3D hw is somewhat troubling12:01
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StskeepsRST38h: supposedly llvmpipe would be compliant12:01
Stskeepsas its about providing the gles/egl api12:01
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RST38hStskeeps: I.e. it will compile llvm code into native main cpu code? =)12:02
StskeepsRST38h: as in mesa llvmpipe12:02
RST38hBut isn't llvm in gles only limited to GLES2 renderers?12:02
vvaltonedoesn't wayland depend on GLES also12:02
Stskeepsvvaltone: technically no, but it does help12:02
StskeepsRST38h: probably, but gles2 is only thing sane enough to do for :P12:03
* javispedro was surprised to find that meegonetbook 1.2 already did gles212:03
vvaltoneyou mean, technically you can use anything to draw, but practically it might be gles ;P12:03
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Stskeepsjavispedro: heh, intel found out their gles2 stack didnt work at all at some point12:03
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javispedroit did render my old "red triangle" demo12:03
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RST38hStskeeps: I am using GLES1, looks way saner to me =)12:04
RST38hStskeeps: Ah how sudden and surprising :)12:04
vvaltonejavispedro, which graphics chip did it have? powervr or intel?-)12:04
javispedrorst38h: powervr is the last manufacturer that does not entirely do gles1 in sw (or using gles2, slow)12:04
javispedrovvaltone: ideapad, gma 315012:05
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vvaltoneoh, the S10-3t?12:05
RST38hSo, you suggest I drop GLES1 from my Android stuff and move to GLES2? =)12:05
javispedrothough, it might have been sw rasterizer for all I know, a single triangle is not much demanding...12:05
vvaltonedoesn't android have GLES2 also12:06
javispedrorst38h: if you are using it for rendering, scaling, etc. maybe it does not matter. but test a gles1 game under adreno and cry.12:06
javispedro*rendering 2d12:07
vvaltoneyes, those lazy platform developers ;P12:07
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RST38hjavispedro: I am currently wondering whether my handcoded ARM scaler is actually better than GLES performance wise12:08
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javispedroit probably is for the usual ratios12:09
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ssvbRST38h: how fast is your scaler?12:31
RST38hSufficiently fast.12:32
ssvbthat's not a good answer :) color format and the number of pixels per second it can handle when doing ~1x scaling is very interesting12:32
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ssvbbecause this can be directly compared to memcpy throughput12:33
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RST38hWell, I know that 1) it is sufficiently fast for me and 2) it can't really be made much faster using current ARM assembler12:33
ssvbis it bilinear or nearest or something else?12:34
vvaltonessvb, well, then you can just optimize it to 1x operation and get memcpy performance ;P12:34
vvaltonewhich wouldn't be useful atall12:34
ssvbvvaltone: not to 1x but to something like 1.01x12:34
ssvbvvaltone: and this obviously can't be replaced by memcpy12:35
ssvbvvaltone: but its performance can be compared to memcpy because the amount of data read/written is almost the same12:35
vvaltoneif it's less than 100 pixels, you could replace 1.01x :P12:36
vvaltoneor 50 pixels if you care about rounding12:37
vvaltonebut, yes, I get the point12:37
RST38hAnyways, when doing scaling with GLES, you still need to copy the bitmap12:37
RST38hWhen you load it as a texture12:37
vvaltoneyou mean you'd scale it bigger into memory?12:38
ssvbRST38h: in any case, nearest scaling can use full memory bandwidth, NEON optimized bilinear scaling for 32bpp color format can use more than 60% of memory bandwidth on the device with the fastest memory that I have12:38
vvaltoneas opposed to using realtime scaling?12:38
RST38hSo, for moderate scaling factors (i.e. <=x2) it may be faster to do it in the CPU12:38
RST38hssvb: Doing 32bpp color on these devices is not a good idea anyway12:39
RST38hWith both the host and the guest platforms using 16bpp in my case =)12:40
wazdhi all :)12:40
vvaltoneye gods.. something still uses 16bit? :P12:40
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ssvbRST38h: bilinear scaling is slower with 16bpp when compared to 32bpp and is quite far from reaching memory bandwidth limit12:41
ssvbRST38h: but nearest scaling is still blazingly fast :)12:41
RST38hWell, depends on how you do it12:42
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ssvbRST38h: this way -
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vvaltonessvb, why simd?12:44
ssvbRST38h: needs ~2 cycles per pixel on ARM Cortex-A812:44
vvaltonessvb, because the neon code in pixman is unreadable?-)12:44
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vvaltoneor doesn't nearest exist12:44
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RST38hWell needs way more pixels actually12:44
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RST38hnot pixels, cpu cycles12:45
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ssvbRST38h: what do you mean?12:45
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RST38hBut, fortunately, memory is much slower than the CPU12:45
RST38hWell, to do bilinear, the way I understand it, you need to 1) uncompress both pixels to 32bits, 2) add, shift, mask and 3) compress back to 16bits12:46
ssvbRST38h: for nearest it is 4 instructions per pixel, which perfectly dual issue (plus some loop and prefetch overhead, so it's a bit more than 2 cycles)12:47
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RST38hNearest sucks, unfortunately12:48
RST38hAt least horizontally. Vertically, I just repeat the same scanline or skip a scanline, does not matter much12:48
ssvbRST38h: yes, it is done this way, so 16bpp scaling is currently ~2x slower than 32bpp for bilinear12:49
ssvbRST38h: there are some ways to improve it though12:49
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nialahello meego12:49
RST38hI will waste more time generating 32bpp image though :)12:49
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ssvbRST38h: 32bpp bilinear scaling needs ~10 cycles per pixel in pixman now12:55
RST38hMore or less the same here with 16bpp12:55
RST38hAnd mind you I do not color-merge every pixel12:55
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lcukif I have a file with multiple lines and top line with a format "*(*)*"  what is the shell script needed to return the "(*)" part only?13:02
lcuk(debian changelog if curious)13:02
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thiagoyou want a shell script that loads data from a file and extracts stuff inside parentheses?13:07
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ssvbRST38h: well, maybe I'll try to improve 16bpp->16bpp bilinear scaling performance in the next few days, let's see how it works13:07
lcukthiago, yeah13:08
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RST38hssvb: Do notice that I am not doing the general scaling13:09
RST38hssvb: Instead, I do several scaling algorithms for fixed src/dst ratios13:09
RST38hWhich hardcode the pixel order and also hardcode spots where I do the bilinear stuff13:10
RST38hIf you are doing the general case, your mileage may vary, a lot13:10
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ssvbgeneral case can be also fast13:10
RST38hBTW, I have also got a set of 32bpp algoithms for the same purpose, using plain ARM9/ARM11 instruction set13:11
RST38hFor cases when the target hw runs in 32bpp13:11
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ssvbI'm a bit less interested in ARM9/ARM11, or even NEON-crippled Cortex-A9 :)13:13
RST38hWell, I have seen the pipeline leading to NEON in A8, and I am not very enthusiastic about NEON13:13
ssvbNEON is working quite well in A813:14
* javispedro is neither, for simple scaling at least.13:14
RST38hssvb: Once  A8 reads a NEON instruction, the results will only be available after at least 11 clocks, I think13:15
RST38hssvb: So, when coding in assembler, you have to be real careful scheduling these13:16
ssvbRST38h: it's ~20 cycles before the results are available back to ARM pipeline13:16
RST38h11 to reach the NEON + some to execute it13:16
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RST38hWhich definitely ISN'T good if you are mixing NEON and ARM code13:17
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ssvbRST38h: but for NEON pipeline alone the latencies between generating some result with a NEON instruction and using this result with another NEON instruction are reasonable13:18
RST38hIf you do something completely in NEON, issuing long streams of NEON instructions is fine, yes13:18
RST38hAnd that is how people optimize for NEON13:18
ssvbRST38h: mixing *independent* ARM and NEON code is actually good13:18
RST38hBut last time I checked, I can't do my scaling stuff solely on NEON, need to use both13:18
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RST38hAlso, do notice that even ARM11 has some NEON-like instrutions (saturation etc) in its instruction set13:19
RST38hIt is quite possible that these are sufficient to do simple 32bpp scaling (I know that they were useless for my 16bpp stuff though)13:20
X-Fadethp: ping?13:20
ssvbyes, I know, armv6 instructions can be also used to speed up bilinear scaling, but to a much smaller extent than NEON13:20
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RST38hNeon should really rule on media processing though, video etc13:21
RST38hWhere the whole pipeline can run on it13:21
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hiemanshu_anyone else got an email yet? /me is still waiting13:46
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RST38hvasvlad: Here?13:48
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lcukin qt, which widget is used to add the default menu items onscreen in symbian etc?14:00
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thpX-Fade: python-feedparser is not available on the obs?14:36
thp(harmattan obs)14:36
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thppython-feedparser is available in the nokia repos, though14:36
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X-Fadethp: Yes, it doesn't pull those repositories in. Need to think about those a bit more :)14:40
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harryFhi, is there a way to check out the openssl *.spec files ( without registering in OBS?15:09
dm8tbrharryF: you mean like
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harryFdm8tbr: I can click on all of the links to download all files, I was just wondering whether there's a more elegant solution15:11
harryFdm8tbr: e.g. osc co openssl -> done15:11
rzrlike dget for rpm ?15:11
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harryFis there a direct anonymous access to the git server where those *.spec files are checked in?15:12
Stskeepsnot a git server15:12
Stskeepsits comparable to svn but not svn15:13
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harryFStskeeps: ok, thanks for the info. Any clue how to just tell osc to checkout those (20-ish) files without requiring an account on
dm8tbrdoes the server export SRPM? would that be in there?15:14
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harryFdm8tbr: I don't think it's in the SRPM15:15
harryFok, seems there's no easy solution. I'll download the raw html, and use wget to get all links :)15:15
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dm8tbrharryF: if you have a COBS account it should be possible somehow15:16
harryFdm8tbr: the server doesn't let me register :/15:16
harryFdm8tbr: ah, thanks :)15:17
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thpX-Fade: ok, but at least the problem is known? :)15:38
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X-Fadethp: Yeah, I requested the debs to import.15:38
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X-Fadethp: You could add the lib to your package, if you really want to :)15:38
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lcukbergie, ping, did you ever find out how to do mirror mode on the ideapad?15:40
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vitnaknow anyone if is possible to disable swipe in harmanattan full screen application?16:02
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X-Fadevitna: Yes.16:03
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javispedroI wish you could see more "latest updates" in OBS16:16
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CaCO3Hi X-Fade16:26
lcukvery quiet today16:27
CaCO3I am looking to get a OBS account16:27
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captainiglooi would like to create meego packages, I read some doc on meego wiki, and i was wondering if the only solution is to get a OBS account when you don't want to use meego sdk ?16:28
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lcukcaptainigloo, which device are you working on?16:29
captainigloolcuk: ideapad S10-3t and n95016:30
bergielcuk: AFAIK it isn't possible. There is a bug against meego netbook on that16:30
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bergie(display mirroring that is)16:30
lcukbergie, yeah I filed a duplicate bug and earlier resolved dupe of the one you made16:30
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MeeGoBotBug 10346 nor, Low, ---,, NEW, No option for display mirroring with external screens16:31
lcukcaptainigloo, since you are aiming for both devices obs is indeed the simplest method16:31
lcukbergie, it would be good to find a way to actually make that work16:31
captainigloolcuk: ok so i have to ask there for an OBS account ?16:31
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lcukmirrored mode would allow demos on bigger screen16:32
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lcukX-Fade, lbt ^^16:32
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captainigloolbt: thanks16:34
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lbtso captainigloo just ping when you've read that and have the info16:37
CaCO3Hi lbt16:38
CaCO3I would like to requestz a an OBS account16:38
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lcukbergie, have you managed to use mirrored display on any meego device?16:38
lcukie exopc16:39
alteregoCaCO3: do you have a ID?16:39
captainigloolbt : request for an OBS account, accountname captianigloo16:39
lbtCaCO3: so I just need the info requested16:39
bergielcuk: haven't tried on exo16:40
lbtcaptainigloo: done ... OSS only OK16:40
CaCO3you mean the login name?16:40
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CaCO3=> CaCO316:40
captainigloolbt: OSS ?16:40
captainiglooOpen source sofrware ?16:41
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captainigloolbt: thanks :) And yes it's for opensource software :) I don't know any other kind of software ;)16:42
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lbtCaCO3: done17:01
CaCO3thank you very much!17:02
gandhijeehey can i get meego 1.2 for the tablet?17:03
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pebcakwhat happened to the snapshot images?17:12
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gandhijeehey, does anyone know how to get the wetab to actually boot from USB?  i've been trying the whole push the pwr button for 1 second and putting the finger over the soft button17:53
gandhijeebut it doesn't seem to be working for me17:53
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aissengandhijee: isn't there a menu on the top-right of the screen ?17:54
gandhijeeaissen: thats on the exoPC's17:54
aissengandhijee: ok.17:55
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lcukin qt, which widget is used to add the default menu items onscreen in symbian etc?18:11
thiagolcuk: better ask in #qt-symbian18:12
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alteregothiago: I met cpscotti last night in London :)18:13
alteregolcuk: you would have loved it last night, free beer, free pizza, then free bar :D18:13
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* thiago tries to place the nickname to someone he met18:13
thiagoalterego: sorry, doesn't ring a bell. Who's that?18:14
lcukalterego yeah it sounds great, did you get any input about appup for your apps though18:14
lcuk( I guess that was its intention)18:15
alteregoNeah, I'm not really interested in app up until we have some mobile hardware using it.18:15
alteregothiago: he worked on the snow boarding app for N8?18:15
thiagoalterego: no, still doesn't ring a bell18:16
alteregoOh well18:16
cpscottialterego, yes.. it was really epic18:16
cpscottiI'm afraid of getting used to that..18:16
cpscottiIt's like working at google, but way better18:17
alteregoI need to start going to more of these :D18:17
cpscottiwithout java, Google+ or android18:17
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cpscottithiago, join us in the next one somewhere :D18:19
gandhijeedoes anyone know the root passwd for the wetab os? or is it randomly generated at install?18:20
thiagocpscotti: when you guys are in Oslo, I'll join18:21
cpscottioh cool!!18:22
cpscottiEpic Troll?18:22
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pebcakgandhijee sudo -s18:26
pebcakand the  password you choose at the start18:27
pebcakthen change root password with passwd18:27
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lcukalterego, who else do we know that was at the appup event?19:25
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luisthey im having problems mirroring meego 1.2 using rsync… i was told this rsync repo exists… can anyone help?
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lcukluist, odd19:28
lcukhiya Noobmonk3y19:28
luistlcuk: uh??19:28
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Noobmonk3yhey hey!19:30
Jaffalcuk: 4 of my colleagues, including my brother, were at the London AppUp event yesterday evening19:30
* Noobmonk3y still tapping foot waiting for nokia developer to magi'macally tell me i have an n950 waiting :P19:30
alteregolcuk: ash was there, vgrade, Jaffas brother19:30
* alterego chuckles19:31
alteregoNoobmonk3y: probably not until tomorrow now ;)19:31
alteregoI've not even had launchpad acceptance :(19:31
berndhsthere might be free beer tomorrow too19:31
Noobmonk3yalterego, agreed - but my launchpad membership went through at 01:00 UK time, so the minions are working all hours, hehehe19:31
GAN900alterego, they thing you took the one from the meetup. :P *g*19:31
Noobmonk3yalterego, have you logged in and out of nokia dev? didnt work for me until i did that19:32
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alteregoNoobmonk3y: I don't even have a launchpad entry in "My PRograms" or whatever.19:34
alteregoNoobmonk3y: it's positive they're working all day and night though :)19:35
GAN900"No programs!"19:35
alteregoGAN900: that's what mine says :P19:35
Noobmonk3yhehe good luck alterego  :) :)19:36
alteregoGAN900: I touched one last night19:36
alteregoI did my first swipe!19:36
alteregoHad to tweet that ..19:37
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Jaffaalterego: Not your own, though?19:40
JaffaApparently there wasn't a PNG guy at last night's...19:40
alteregoNo, was very civilised19:40
GAN900Jaffa, how big is the eMMC?19:40
alteregoI think I could have answered a lot of the questions better than the presenter though ..19:40
JaffaGAN900: 16GB19:41
Jaffaalterego: Yeah, that's what Rob said19:41
JaffaGAN900: About 7GB is taken up for rootfs & /home19:41
JaffaGAN900: Leaving about 9GB for FAT MyDocs19:41
GAN900Not much19:41
fiferboyJaffa: What does the "G" stand for?19:41
Jaffafiferboy: Awesome19:41
alteregoJaffa: I kept thinking of shouting the answers, but didn't want to seem rude ;)19:42
Jaffaalterego: So, have you got a *second* ExoPC, or did you miss it in SF? (ISTR you missed it, actually)19:42
Jaffaalterego: :-)19:42
alterego"No Programs"19:42
GAN900No programs!19:42
alteregoNo, I got an Exo in SF19:42
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alteregoI went as someone else, who was ill,19:43
Jaffaalterego: Ah, to pass on the Exo to him?19:43
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alteregoI've actually got three sitting in my flat right now19:43
JaffaAny of them charged?19:43
alteregoMy one and two from last night that I'm looking after :D19:43
alteregoMine is charged.19:43
alteregoBut I think there's a slight hardware fault with it.19:44
alteregoGonna need to take it apart, think the wifi PCI card has come a bit loose.19:44
fiferboyalterego: That would void your war... never mind :)19:44
luisthey im having problems mirroring meego 1.2 using rsync… i was told this rsync repo exists… can anyone help?
alteregoDon't think my gf appreciates the living room looking like an Intel warehouse though ;)19:45
SpeedEvilalterego: Could be worse. You could have got her a bunny suit.19:45
alteregoNeed to get them to their prospective owners asap19:45
alteregoAlso, added maps to Columbus
fiferboyalterego: What do you use for your map view in QML?19:47
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alteregofiferboy: QtMobility Location API19:47
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fiferboyalterego: How easy/good/flexible is it?19:48
alteregofiferboy: I'll let you know when I hit some problems ;)19:49
alteregoAt the moment I'm trying to make it pannable19:49
alteregoBut it doesn't seem like it wants to move as it's all embedded inside a list view.19:49
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* fiferboy points GAN900 toward the QtMobility Location API19:49
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alteregoThink I might need to come up with a UX redesign to work better with, say, Harmattan swipe UI19:50
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alteregoAh, think I've got it working.19:50
fiferboyalterego: Columbus is pure QML?19:50
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alteregofiferboy: no19:51
alteregofiferboy: it was originall Qt/C++19:51
alteregoI'm porting the custom QWidget based UX to QML at the moment to make it more portable, as the UX depends on qt-maemo519:51
alteregoThat's the original UX19:51
fiferboyalterego: So is your goal to keep the original UI available in the source and add in QML for systems where it makes sense?19:53
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fiferboyOr will there be a total conversion to QML at some point19:56
alteregoThe UX is a layer on top of the core library19:58
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alteregoThe UIs will basically be "plugins" ..19:58
alteregoBut I don't see myself maintaining the non QML UX19:58
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fiferboyalterego: That is a pretty good way of doing it for a larger application19:59
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fiferboyalterego: But the QML interface you are making is pure QML, no components?20:02
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alteregoPure QML yes.20:03
alteregoI don't want to have to wrestle with dependencies on other peoples widgets and I've always tried to keep Columbus looking like a self-encapsulated environment.20:04
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fiferboyIt works well for your application; very nice look20:05
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alteregoThanks :)20:07
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alteregoThink I might use tapping to move about the map, rather than scrolling20:12
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fiferboyalterego: Do you think the swipe interface could interfere with panning?20:14
alteregoNot the Harmattan swiping.20:14
alteregoBut I have swipe for changing views.20:15
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fiferboyalterego: What about two fingered swipes for view changes and 1 finger panning?20:15
alteregoNot a bad idea.20:15
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alteregoNot sure how to do multitouch though ;)20:16
fiferboyYeah, I don't know how QML/Qt handles that20:16
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fiferboyIf you could detect whether the platform detects it you could use that, and use tap scrolling if it can't20:17
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luisthey im having problems mirroring meego 1.2 using rsync… i was told this rsync repo exists… can anyone help?
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w00tluist: there is no '1.2' in, which is probably related20:21
luistw00t: any idea where i can get a rsync mirror for 1.2?20:22
* khertan didn't understand why qemu is so slow with qtcreator20:23
fiferboykhertan: On Linux?20:23
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fiferboyApparently a "know issue"20:24
fiferboyBut Windows is (allegely) faster :)20:24
khertanah ... If it s a know issue ...20:24
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khertanhum ... trying to promote windows again ?20:24
fiferboyI couldn't say if it is faster, as I have wiped it from all my systems20:25
fiferboyqemu isn't bad if you don't want to actually /interact/ with your program20:25
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khertanfiferboy, and if you do not want to wait while you launch it20:33
khertanas it s a python qml mix ... i ll probably got a better dev environment trying to install harmattan qml components on my n90020:34
luistcan anyone help me find an rsync server for meego 1.2 releases and updates?20:36
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w00tkhertan: there are packages for ubuntu in a FN PPA somewhere, might be worth a try20:53
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fiferboyw00t: I never quite understood what the packages for Ubuntu actually were21:04
fiferboyw00t: Qt Components for Ubuntu? Or Harmattan components installable in Ubuntu?21:04
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khertanw00t, fiferboy, this component wasn't pure qml ?21:14
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fiferboykhertan: The components library creates system style "widgets" in QML (AFAICT)21:16
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khertanit s not only a lib21:23
khertanit s not only qml file21:23
khertanthere is a lib also21:23
khertanso clearly not something that will be available on all target21:23
khertani should stay on pure qml21:23
khertanand do everything myself21:23
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captainiglooi'm trying to build a package with obs, but when i added a source file (http link to a tar.gz) I get this error : service daemon error: connect to Connection refused21:48
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captainiglooi'm doing something wrong ? or it's an OBS problem ?21:49
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fiferboykhertan: I suppose the advantage of components is that it will look like the system (if it supports components)22:11
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thiagothat's the idea22:11
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fiferboythiago: Harmattan and Symbian are supported currently, but Maemo 5 and desktop are coming?22:16
fiferboyWhat about plain old MeeGo?22:16
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thiagofiferboy: no one is working on Maemo522:20
thiagothe Harmattan components were supposed to work on plain MeeGo but don't22:20
thiagoso instead use the meego-ux-components22:20
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thiagountil we come up with a combined solution22:21
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lcukthiago, which are the simplest set to use?22:22
lcuk(evening fiferboy and thiago btw)22:22
fiferboyHi lcuk22:22
fiferboyThe Harmattan components are easy enough to use, and I haven't done QML before22:23
fiferboyHaven't tried the meego-ux-components (yet)22:23
lcukfiferboy, do you have database APIs available?22:23
lcukor have you not gotten that into it yet?22:23
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khertanthiago, hum ... harmattan component will not be available for Maemo ?22:24
fiferboylcuk: I haven't looked into database with components22:24
fiferboyMy plan is to keep the database work in the C++ backend and use delegates in the QML interface22:25
lcukreasonable enough22:25
fiferboyI haven't looked at combining a QML frontend with a C++ backend yet, though22:26
npmhas anybody gotten developer launchpad response from Nokia (Re N950's)?22:26
lcuki was trying out a few app ideas over the weekend22:26
fiferboyI read about that a while back, before I actually tried out QML22:26
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vilvohi, who can create accounts to
MSvBGood question, I wish I knew.23:00
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vilvotimoph: ping23:01
timophvilvo: yo23:02
timophvilvo: X-Fade or lbt23:02
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vilvoX-Fade , lbt: what's needed for a account? other than "Come and say hello at #meego running on Freenode."23:03
vilvothere I said it23:03
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vilvotimoph: how's life?23:04
timophafaik it's just a sanity check that you're using c.obs to build open source stuff23:04
timophvilvo: not bad, on vacation and waiting for my n950 :p23:05
vilvosounds good then23:05
timophdunno if you've been following what goes on in MeeGo QA (tools) lately23:06
vilvoto be honest, not really23:06
lbtvilvo: you need to beg23:06
vilvoplease brief me23:06
lbt& plead23:07
timophyou haven't missed much. there's a bit of lack of direction23:07
GeneralAntilleslbt, beg whom? Please tell me?23:07
lbtand tell me your account on meego.com23:07
berndhsflower or beer have been suggested23:07
vilvodear, generous mr.lbt would you be the kindest bofh of and grant me an account there?23:07
lbtwhy sure...23:07
lbtMSvB: you too?23:08
lbtOSS development and I need your account23:08
vilvodid I wrote bofh? might have been subconcious23:08
lbtI guessed vilvo wouldn't have the imagination to have a different nick/account :)23:08
MSvBlbt: Um, yes please.23:08
vilvogood guess lbt23:09
lbtMSvB: so.... account .. MSvB ?23:09
timophvilvo: but yeah there was one "big" thing - I gave up on pressuring devs to run their tests in unhacked env and introduced a hack to eat-device that enables root access to X and session bus23:11
MSvBThanks to lbt for administrating the MeeGo OBS accounts.23:11
MSvBIt will be nice to experiment in there.23:12
lbtMSvB: np... have fun23:12
timophnah. he just wants to make people humble in front of him :p23:12
nidowhen I type 'sudo gainroot'; should it ask for a password (meego 1.2 'summer ed.' on an n900?23:13
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lbttimoph: what stat is OTS in at the moment?23:13
timophnido: type su23:13
lbtin particular "installable"23:13
timophnido: password is meego23:13
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lbtcan I do "apt-get install ots-webui" or something ?23:13
nidomeego is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.23:13
timophlbt: not yet. We need to package a few things before that can happen23:14
nid0so thats where my nick went :<23:14
timophworking on it(tm)23:14
nidonid0: nice to meet you23:14
lbttimoph: OK23:14
timophlbt: but that's one of our short term targets - "make ots installation and setup easy"23:15
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mcfrisktimoph, do you happen to know about ots worker setups with Intel & Atom boards?23:21
nidotimoph: sorry for misreading you. it is working23:22
vilvotimoph: sorry to hear that but I'm happy to see that people are interested in ots here at #meego23:22
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timophmcfrisk: haven't tried that in some time but should work. OTS really doesn't care about the used HW. it's just need to be setup so that it can install the sw and connect to it via ssh23:22
lbtvilvo: yep, mcfrisk and I want to get it deployed internally23:24
mcfriskyes, I know, but setting up the worker is in my mind the biggest deal. At least it was a bit of a fight in maemo...23:25
vilvothat would be some time ago23:25
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timophmcfrisk: it's getting easier23:26
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mcfriskgood, I think I'll be looking into the ots and worker setups this week, now that lbt saved me from img..23:28
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timophactually the intel board setup isn't that well decumented. you might want to check
timophfor the automated installation bit23:28
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lbttimoph: I know you're on hol - but any names for people who may know about OTS would be useful23:30
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lbtas in setting up the Intel boards and suchlike23:30
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timophjwang is the tool lead from intel's side23:30
* vilvo dodges23:30
timophhaha :)23:30
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lbtmcfrisk: did you see him blink ?23:31
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timophyou can bug timakima too23:31
mcfrisklbt: yes, saw that. It's in my notes already.23:31
timophbut anyway easiest way would be to shout in #meego-qa during working hours23:32
lbtbut these *are* working hours?23:33
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mcfriskyes, I'm there lurking.23:33
timophmaybe for you and me but for normal people23:33
mcfrisklbt: normal people don't work 20h a day but maybe we have obs & img up in the morning :)23:34
lbtimger is being a pita23:34
lbtapparently "it builds" is good enough for QA23:34
timoph"it compiles" - "ship it"23:35
lbtmcfrisk: OBS works though23:35
mcfriskkernel compiles?23:35
vilvowhoa, fcam builds on meego on ce without anything23:36
vilvodare I try the drivers23:36
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Stskeepswell, worth a try23:36
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lbtmcfrisk: kernel-adaptation-intel-automotive-
timophvilvo: about the MeeGo N900 CE. You see QA tools work in it. kyranto wrote the package manager..23:37
vilvothanks Stskeeps et al. for great work with ce23:37
lbtmcfrisk: yeah...23:37
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vilvouh, too early "g++: Internal error: Killed (program cc1plus)"23:38
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javispedroout of memory?23:39
vilvomight be but I need to get some sleep now23:42
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Stskeepsobs build or ?23:44
vilvoon n90023:45
timophbit surprised that no one has packaged fcam yet23:47
Stskeepsit is complex as kernel side is a bit different23:47
Stskeepsbut maybe drivers can work23:47
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