IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2011-06-16

Venemohey lcuk00:00
lcukyou have the rpm info and .spec file inside your package in an understandable manner00:00
Venemothanks :)00:00
lcukminor thing I bet, when you pull the version00:00
lcukthe spec file remains at 1.22 or whatever?00:00
lcukyou run the script create-spm.sh00:01
VenemoI update the .spec file (along with the debian/changelog file) when I decide to bump the app version00:01
lcukit extracts version number from git00:01
Venemothen I run the shell script to simplify my life00:01
lcukbased on git tag stuff00:01
lcukand makes a .tar.gz as required for rpmbuild00:01
Venemooh yeah, after bumping the version number, I indeed make a git tag too00:01
lcukright, but could you use sed00:01
lcukto use that same version number00:01
lcukin the newly copied .spec file00:02
Venemoindeed... I haven't thought of that yet00:02
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lcukit was just noticing the version number inside the spec00:02
lcukvery nice little workflow helper anyway :)00:02
lcukand because it is in with your code, it is understandable too00:02
* lcuk smiles00:02
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Venemohey, bumping version numbers is hard work00:03
VenemoI could make a script that would update the version number 1) in the .pro file 2) in the util.h file 3) in the debian/changelog file 4) in the .spec file00:03
lcukVenemo, and also writing the changelog entries00:03
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lcukVenemo, the wince package info looks complex00:06
Venemolcuk, that is a project file generated by Visual Studio00:07
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Venemoand I haven't tested it since 1.0.x :S (not having a Windows+VS2008 install right now)00:07
VenemoI will probably fix it when my GF lends me her omnia II again00:07
Venemobut I'm afraid that QGV will perform extremely badly on it anyway00:08
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Venemolcuk, this is usually not the "standard" way of doing RPM though00:14
lcukno, the standard way is to keep packaging and development distinct00:15
lcukbut it lets the process be seen00:15
lcukand understood in context00:15
Venemothe packaging info is usually kept in the distros' VCS00:15
Venemobut usually the packager and the developer are different persons00:15
Venemosince I package my own app, I invented this little shortcut for myself00:15
lcukbut packaging requires meta info that the original developer usually sorts out?00:15
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Venemopackaging requires some metadata (app name, description, etc), and a way to build the app.00:16
lcukVenemo, yes - in a way .tar.gz: ./configure; make; sudo make install would be best of all00:17
Venemothe standard way of rpm packaging works very effectively when you package something that wasn't created by yourself00:17
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lcukie an upstream only distro00:17
Venemousually the package's build part also uses those commands lcuk :)00:17
Venemoand this is a _LOT_ easier to do than deb00:18
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lcukbut that requires having a group of people actively scanning the multiverse and being fluent in packaging00:18
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Venemoit is basically the mechanism, "hey, I found a cool app! I want to get it into my favourite distro!" - so you download their tarball and make a spec and submit it for review00:19
lcukI see timoph and lbt and a couple of others who can just "meh; here you go" when given a new app00:19
lcukbut they have real other tasks to be doing00:19
lcukVenemo, talent scouts00:19
Venemowhat do you mean?00:19
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lcukpeople who go and seek the apps00:19
user0Hello there!00:20
Venemowell, I usually more like stumble upon them rather than seek them00:20
Venemohello user0, what's up? :)00:20
user0how are you geeks doing today?00:20
Venemowe are doing fine00:20
* lcuk is notably not a geek00:20
user0not much00:20
user0just sent my n900 back to the shop00:20
* Venemo notes that lcuk is definitely a geek00:20
lcukVenemo, :O how00:21
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user0lcuk : it was a complement not an insult :)00:21
Venemoindeed :)00:21
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lcukwell then ok :P00:21
lcuki have to get back to choosing what to hacktivate this weekend00:22
user0did i express how useless the rescue initrd was ?00:23
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user0i still didnt get what the usb networking function's for if theres no telnetd or sshd00:23
user0its like you can get ping replies from the device , but you cant access it remotely00:25
user0was a major was of time, ended up sending it back for them to deal with the problem00:25
user0it, as in the device...00:26
lcuksounds reasonable00:26
lcukI have not tried the rescue initrd00:26
lcukthankfully my machines have been mostly stable00:26
lcukand if not a flash has put them back00:26
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user0btw someone needs to add to the wiki page that you need rd mode enabled for the rescue initrd to work00:28
user0else the device will keep restarting and the screen lights will be off00:28
lcukuser0, since you know the wiki page (because you read it) and know the issue00:30
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lcukplease edit it yourself to get the wording correct00:30
user0i'd need an account00:30
user0cant be worth the time :P00:31
user0 + it doesnt even work correctly , so removing the wiki page may even be a better option!00:31
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Venemouser0, yeah, I did need to get my device to R&D mode when I used the rescue initrd00:37
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user0-damn connection00:37
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user0-Venemo : same here00:38
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lcukquestion about brightness from rm_you00:39
lcuk<rm_work> i never got HAL support functioning00:39
lcuk<rm_work> does Meego use HAL?00:39
lcuk<rm_work> or DSME still00:39
lcukfor operating the screen brightness00:39
lcukStskeeps, perhaps you may have spotted?00:39
lcuk(asking you because you helped with brightness nobble on n8x0 days)00:39
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aukelcuk: meego doesn't use hal00:53
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npmwhat do i use in place of define Q_WS_MAEMO_5 for meego?06:20
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iekkumorning even06:22
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npmdecides the answer must be Q_WS_X1106:22
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berndhsevening iekku06:30
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timophis this encrypto guy some failing script06:32
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berndhslooks like it06:33
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sofarif he starts doing that again I'll drop him on the ban list for a few days07:06
sofarthere's plenty of people dcing here, but every minute makes this channel unusable... so07:06
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DocScrutinizermhm, good to have chanlog. Guess he's on a wireless connection07:55
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iekkuhi, extra CORE bug triage starting in the #meego-bugs08:06
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Jay_BEEQ: wrt meego 1.2 builds, what's the difference between the and 1.2.80 builds?08:38
Stskeeps1.2.80 is what becomes 1.308:38
Stskeeps1.2.0.90 is what becomes 1.2.108:38
Jay_BEEahh, thanks08:38
Stskeeps1.2.80 is kind of the wild west atm ;)08:39
sofarMeeGoBot: buildnumbers?08:39
MeeGoBotsofar: Sorry, I've no idea what 'buildnumbers' might be.08:39
Jay_BEEwild west... hehe08:39
Stskeepsinfobot: buildnumbers?08:39
sofarMeeGoBot: buildnumbers is is what becomes 1.2.1, 1.2.80.x is what becomes 1.308:39
MeeGoBotsofar: ok08:39
sofarinfobot: ask meegobot what buildnumbers is08:39
sofaruseless bots...08:40
StskeepsMeeGoBot: buildnumbers?08:40
MeeGoBotStskeeps: I seem to recall that buildnumbers is is what becomes 1.2.1, 1.2.80.x is what becomes 1.308:40
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bkalingawhich is the MeeGo tablet available in the market that supports MeeGo1.209:53
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Jaffabkalinga: The WeTab in Germany runs a MeeGo 1.1-based OS; and they're moving it up to MeeGo 1.2-based09:57
bkalingacan i buy that in India09:59
bkalingaany MeeGo supported handheld device other than Nokia N900? is there in the Market10:00
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lbt_nurwhere can we see a summary of 1.2.1 vs 1.2.0 planned changes?10:01
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Stskeepslbt_nur: bugzilla, possibly for core10:02
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Stskeepslbt_nur: tablet ux is a reference ux so they kinda just add stuff atm10:02
vgradeMeeGo meeting tonight, Dusseldorf,
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Stskeepslbt_nur: any specific use case?10:03
lbt_nurta Stskeeps; we'll mainly be interested in the lower/middleware10:03
lbt_nurI had understood 1.2.1 to be a "tablet release"10:03
Stskeepsthere's release plans on wiki too10:03
Stskeepsright, well, not exclusively, i think10:03
lbt_nuryeah... but they're schedules rather than feature plans10:04
lbt_nurkey issues are that 1.2.0 is not doing the fastboot stuff10:04
lbt_nurand we're looking for a stable base10:04
Stskeepsfastboot? you mean systemd?10:04
lbt_nursorry ... brainfade10:04
Stskeepswell, that's a 1.3 thing10:04
Stskeepsand very invasive :)10:04
sofarthere's no way you can do systemd in a 1.2 branch10:05
sofarit's like weeks of work for just the base10:05
lbt_nursofar: safer to ask10:05
Stskeepsbut auke's right - 1.2 is in a feature freeze/only bug fixes go in10:05
Stskeepseven on 1.2.110:05
Stskeepsfor core/ivi10:05
sofarwe're going to have to almost entirely redo the tablet UX way of starting things in the future10:05
lbt_nur*nod* ... that's useful10:05
sofarfor 1.3/1.4+10:05
lbt_nurrobtaylor: ping10:05
Stskeepsi already quite like 1.3 for doing stuff, systemd really simplifies a lot of activities10:06
sofar1.2 is frozen for features entirely, basically10:06
lbt_nuragreed but we want a stable base10:06
Stskeepswhich 1.2 technically is :P10:06
sofarwe now need to get all the 1.2 tablet ux changes back in 1.310:06
sofar1.3 will be stable in several months, lol ;)10:07
lbt_nurStskeeps: yes ... so when we're building on top we don't expect to see regressions appear due to api changes10:08
Stskeepslbt_nur: :nod:10:08
* lbt_nur wonders about kernel plans for 1.2.110:08
Stskeepssame as 1.2, probably10:09
Stskeepsadaptation kernel policy is fairly relaxed10:09
lbt_nurOK - thanks - these are not iss10:10
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lbt_nurues I've been tracking up to now :)10:10
vvaltoneyou mean you want linux 3.0 in your meego because it has a bigger major version number? :P10:10
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lbt_nurvvaltone: of course10:11
Stskeepshigher is ok, lesser is problematic10:11
sofarlbt_nur: who's 'we' ?10:11
lbt_nursofar: I'm working with some nice guys at Teleca as well for a while10:12
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lbt_nurwe're planning the integration processes10:12
lbt_nurand it helps to know how dynamic the baseline is10:12
Stskeepssystemd on top of 1.2 wouldn't be compliant, at least, personally if i was doing it, i would develop stack on top of 1.2 while maintaining a branch on top of 1.310:14
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Stskeeps1.2 for the sake you can develop apps and middleware with ease, 1.3 for platform level things10:14
sofar1.2 compliance isn't done yet, is it?10:15
sofarbut yeah, most likely compliance will list chkconfig as requirement, lol10:15
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Stskeepsit isn't, but a major core difference from what's released in 1.2 would just screw up the landscape :)10:15
* sofar goes to bed10:16
Stskeepsnite sofar10:16
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Stskeepslbt_nur: someone messed up immensely somewhere if ABI/API changes in the compliance set got in, at least - or even in the wider set10:18
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Stskeepsinto 1.2 or 1.2.110:18
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lbt_nurStskeeps: in general I'd expect feature changes to open the door to some level of api change - agreed that significant breakage wouldn't be expected10:20
Stskeepslbt_nur: generally new features don't make it in, except the stuff about EDS10:20
lbt_nurtracking 1.3 would probably introduce api changes10:20
Stskeepsyes, it would10:20
Stskeepsbut so it should :P10:20
lbt_nur*nod* ... so I misunderstood the comments about 1.2.1 at the conference10:21
lbt_nurprobably because I didn't care too much at the time :)10:21
Stskeepsthere was a long discussion on meego-releases@10:21
Stskeepsthat explains it quite well, along with the wiki page10:21
lbt_nurOK -I'll take a look at the archives10:21
Stskeepsit's not just a schedule, explains stuff too10:22
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lbt_nurI was looking for feature plans - having understood 1.2.1 to have certain new features for the tablet area10:25
Stskeepsit does, but that's in the tablet space10:25
Stskeepsie, stuff not part of core10:25
Stskeepsso just in the 'reference ux'10:26
Stskeeps1.2 didn't officially have a tablet release :)10:26
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lbt_nurit would be good to see - to be able to say "these are the features - please verify they will not impact plans"10:27
lbt_nurbut... meeting now.... bbiab10:27
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slnHi all, I have 1 git repo and several different qt apps in it, each in own subfolder. Is it possible to create 1 yaml for generating several packages without intermediate Makefile in root of my repo?10:42
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bkalingaNot able to start qt assistant10:52
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bkalingait seems my qt assistant is broken in my set up11:26
bkalingahow can i patch it up11:26
bkalingaCould not load translation file assistant_en_IN in directory /usr/share/qt4/translations11:27
bkalingaCould not load translation file qt_en_IN in directory /usr/share/qt4/translations.11:27
bkalingaError reading collection file '/home/kalinga/.local/share/data/Trolltech/Assistant/qthelpcollection_4.7.2.qhc': Cannot load sqlite database driver!.11:27
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robtaylorlbt_nur: pong12:33
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lbt_nurhey robtaylor12:57
lbt_nurI was just asking questions about baselines and 1.2.1 and 1.2.0 earlier12:57
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lbt_nursome of the discussions should be releavant12:57
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ali1234has anyone seen problems with the ideapad battery and wifi?14:57
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ali1234last time i reinstalled meego, after it was done the ideapad turned off and wouldn't turn on again using only battery14:57
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ali1234i booted up meego on ac and it said the battery was at 0% and not charging14:58
ali1234after i powered off, unplugged, and replugged the battery it worked fine14:58
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ali1234but my wifi has not worked since14:58
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ali1234actually the wifi works and is detected but appears as permanently disabled in the meego ui15:00
slaineali1234: You might have to go into the BIOS and rest to defaults15:00
slaineI had a similar wifi problem not long after meegoconf dublin15:01
ali1234ok, i'll try it15:01
ali1234slaine: that worked, thanks15:02
ali1234btw, i am still fighting against uncompilable packages15:03
MeeGoBotBug 14307 nor, Medium, ---, kai.chai, RESO WORKSFORME, kernel build with rpmbuild fails during prep15:04
ali1234despite being marked "works for me" this package still cannot be compiled with rpmbuild on a real meego install15:04
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ali1234i'm thinking about a way to automate the test15:04
ali1234something like:15:04
ali12341. record the list of installed packages15:04
ali12342. zypper si <package>15:05
ali12343. rpmbuild <package>15:05
ali12344. remove any packages not in the list stored at 115:05
slaineDon't forget to get the <package> build deps15:05
ali1234zypper si installs build deps15:05
slaineah ok15:05
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ali1234there's -d and -D for only deps and only package, respectively15:06
ali1234oh it might be the other way around15:06
ali1234anyway point is, after rpmbuild i want to remove any deps that zypper si installed15:06
ali1234otherwise i won't catch rpms with missing deps15:06
lcukthe battery thing15:07
lcukI have encountered it once15:07
ali1234battery and wifi thing almost certainly related15:07
lcukand when I booted up wifi was off too15:07
ali1234corrupt bios settings will do that15:07
lcukit only cured after I went into bios, reset to default and saved15:07
ali1234yeah, already been there, done that :)15:08
lcukdo not think it is meego related15:08
ali1234probably not, no15:08
ali1234i mean if anything it would be a kernel bug15:08
ali1234something to do with power down15:09
ali1234but more likely it's a bios bug15:09
lcukali1234, thankfully ideapad on default bios is ok15:09
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lcukfor a while on other computers i had a load of settings ticked and changed15:09
lcukand would dislike having to setup again after reset to default15:10
* lcuk really likes ideapad15:10
ali1234i like it too15:10
ali1234the only thing i don't like is the weight15:10
lcukbut it is too big to do everything and n900 has better writing input :)15:10
ali1234it's too heavy to use as a tablet :(15:10
ali1234i can't stand to use the n900 any more15:11
lcukI have a 20" allinone desktop monitor/pc (packard bell onetwo)15:11
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ali1234the resistive touchscreen is just horrible to use15:11
lcukTHAT is too heavy for tablet use15:11
lcukali1234, I write on my n900 every day15:11
lcukit is dreamy15:11
ali1234i use my c7 if i want to use something like that15:11
ali1234resistive screens just need to go away15:11
lcukbest most accurate touch sensor for resistive I have ever had15:11
ali1234that's not saying much15:11
lcukali1234, depends on utility I suppose15:11
lcukI like to write on it15:12
ali1234with resistive you have to press so hard that accuracy goes out the window15:12
lcukstylus point is sharp15:12
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lcukand does not require much pressure :)15:12
lcuklike pencil drawing15:12
ali1234i don't use a stylus15:12
lcukand you are expecting it to work as a capacitive15:12
ali1234i find hand writing uncomfortable and annoying15:12
lcukI use my resistive screen as intended15:12
ali1234but we've been here before15:12
* lcuk sees people with styluses and plectrums all over15:13
lcukyes ali123415:13
lcukand then as now: a dual mode screen with best from capacitive and also accuracy of resistive would be good15:13
lcukso that I can still accurately write15:14
* lcuk looks at noteslate15:14
ali1234well, there's that device that has exactly that15:14
ali1234with special capacitive stylus15:14
ali1234i think it's a HTC?15:14
lcukcapacitive stylus does not make up for accuracy15:14
ali1234yes it does15:14
lcukit is like writing with a crayon15:14
lcukfat and imprecise15:14
lcukor writing with a paintbrush15:15
RST38hShould try electrically charged needles15:15
* lcuk prefers a quill or fountain pen15:15
RST38hPreferably glowing in the dark with the St Elmo fire15:15
lcukRST38h, a variable sword15:16
ali1234htc flyer15:17
lcukVariable Sword - An ultra-thin wire of molecular monofilament, made rigid and protected by a stasis field, forming a nearly invisible (and extremely sharp) blade. The wire can be extended to varying lengths (hence the name) and has a glowing red ball to mark the end of the blade.15:18
RST38htoo complex15:18
berndhsclay tablets are still the way to go15:18
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lcukberndhs, heh15:19
lcukmy ideapad is the size and wight of a clay tablet :P15:19
* lcuk has written some rules for house with it :O15:20
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berndhsyeah but if you bake it, does the writing become permanent?15:20
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lcukberndhs, probably15:21
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berndhshow about a white background and dry erase markers ?15:22
lcukberndhs, works for me15:23
lcukmy x41 had a pen stylus15:23
lcukwhich worked well15:23
lcukbut i cannot afford another one just yet15:23
lcukand I would want dual mode because capacitive at 10" is nice15:23
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jbossage ping19:20
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npmIMHO, the  meego tablet "ondemand" cpu throttling really makes it sluggish... including just scrolling panels around19:20
npmas soon as i turn it to performance mode, everything works nice19:20
jboswhy is in core group some kde mobile packages?19:20
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jbosand kde maintainer has no idea where and what they are?!19:21
npmseems like the ondemand throttling on the CPU needs to be made more responsive19:21
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jbosi dont think it was intended for vcore vertical19:33
BlueAidananyone using meego on dell's inspiron duo?19:33
BlueAidanthe touchscreen isn't working for me19:33
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: what version of meego are you using?19:36
BlueAidantried the 1.2 image19:36
BlueAidanfwiw, it seems like ubuntu 11.04 is having issues with it too... most posts online say you have to add a quirk bit to the kernel boot line19:37
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: there's more than one 1.2 image... try installing the kernel-adaptation-pinetrail kernel.19:38
BlueAidanxorg mentions egalax in the logfile on ubuntu.19:39
BlueAidanok, I'll give that a shot19:39
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BlueAidanthis seems to be related:
BlueAidanI'll give that image a go later this week though19:40
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: Looks like that won't solve it.19:43
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: look in your Xorg file.  Is the touchscreen being associated with the 'mtev' driver?19:44
gabrbeddBlueAidan: If not... that's probably the problem.19:44
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BlueAidanI don't have the meego image handy; just ubuntu 11.04. and I left the power cord at work. ;)19:44
gabrbeddBlueAidan: Might take some tweaking of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d file19:44
BlueAidanwish the dock would get here19:44
gabrbeddBlueAidan: My bet is that the kernel driver in kernel-adaptation-pinetrail is good... and that it's an X11 config issue.19:45
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Sagejbos: pong20:28
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* CosmoHill cackles as a £3500 license lands in his inbox20:34
maligorI could send you one too, how do you want to pay it?20:35
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* CosmoHill hands maligor a lcuk 20:37
CosmoHillslave labour okay?20:37
maligorlcuky me20:37
* lcuk runs away20:38
lcukCosmoHill, the weather outside my house:
CosmoHillthat is sweet20:40
lcukCosmoHill, it is amusing20:41
lcukand grows each time I tag something as weather20:41
CosmoHillcould be a cool screen saver20:41
lcuki have a similar fish tank too20:41
CosmoHilloo, the screen saver is the current weather in your location?20:41
lcukwith all my drawn fish sketches20:42
lcukbut some of them swim backwards :S20:42
lcukCosmoHill, not right now20:42
lcukbut it is a piece of liq*20:42
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sofarlcuk: lol20:45
blindfishwow, just find out the browser can select text now, works pretty nice20:46
lcukincase you thought I was joking
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CosmoHillit's just an image going from left to right when it should be the other way around20:46
CosmoHillon a side note your website is on a good server20:47
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lcukCosmoHill, not images, vector sketches20:47
lcukbut yes somebody (tracy) drew hers backwards20:47
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Sagewow, the installation problem has been solved.21:19
* Sage is going to test the latest tablet snapshot on exopc21:19
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jedixwhat installation problem?21:20
alteregoSage: let me know how well it works :)21:20
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Sagebug 1855721:21
MeeGoBotBug cri, High, ---, chengwei.yang, RELE FIXED, Installation freezes during live image copy21:21
Sagejedix: ^21:21
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jedixthat would indeed be a problem.21:22
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Sagecan't login two accounts if the username is same but the type is different (facebook, gmail, jabber ...) ;D21:27
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alteregocwap .. How do you close meego ux apps?21:30
Stskeepsalterego: blue button backspace on n90021:30
lcuksage uppy downy, saw the wiki flicker a minute ago21:31
alteregoAh, thanks :)21:31
timophxournal works in ce21:31
timophjust needed to install libgnomecanvas first21:31
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lcuktimoph, :D21:33
* timoph is drawing smily faces with it21:33
lcuktimoph, some smiley motivation:
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lcuka whole gallery of them :D21:35
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StskeepsOBS seems to be flickering a bit too21:36
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lcuktimoph, are these test apps being put towards the meego apps stuff?21:37
lcukie will they be available once we have a downloader app for folks21:37
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timophcurrently they're just in my home project21:37
lcukand as for xournal, did you use hte maemo version or native gtk original?21:37
lcuktimoph, your home is an awesome place for apps :)21:38
timophcan't remember :)21:38
lcukaraujo, yes they are on a rollercoaster21:38
araujolcuk, what did you do this time?21:39
lcukwasn't me!21:39
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alteregolcuk: I'm still laking a decent idea for this weekend :/21:42
alteregolcuk: I hope they give out freebies too :P21:42
lcuki am still lacking a contacts import :P21:42
Sagewhat is the username for the facebook chat in the tablet ux image? Is it the email or realname or something else?21:42
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alteregoI'm doing it now! :P21:43
alteregoHey Texrat21:43
lcukoh shit, its Texrat21:43
timophTexrat: o/21:43
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Texratand I don't want to know what alterego is doing21:43
lcuknow we know why the servers are down21:43
timophlcuk: hide!21:43
Texratprobably TMI21:43
lcukand put the gambling tables and hookers away21:43
alteregoTexrat: How's life without a phone?21:43
lcukerr actually, lets just move the gambling21:43
TexratI came here for fun dammit21:43
Texratlol alterego21:43
TexratI'm going nuts thinking there may be a job offer on it :D21:44
Stskeeps'lo Texrat21:44
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Texrathey keepsie21:44
timophbtw, was there some easy way to take screenshots in ce?21:44
alteregoTexrat: my phone call today went really well I think :)21:44
timophor do we need a screenshot app? :p21:45
alteregotimoph: I'm working on that too ..21:45
Texratawesome alterego21:45
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timophalterego: cool21:45
TexratI hate doing it that way, but better than nothing!21:45
lcuk      As meego (ssh meego@
lcuk      export DISPLAY=:0 && gst-launch-0.10 ximagesrc num-buffers=1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! pngenc ! filesink location=screenshot_`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.png21:45
lcuk      In computer:21:45
lcuk      scp meego@ ~/Desktop21:45
* Texrat kicks lcuk21:45
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timophlcuk: thanks21:45
alteregolcuk: you stole my script! :P21:45
alteregoThough mine auto uploads to a remote server :P21:45
lcukalterego, I made the script handily reachable when people ask21:45
* lcuk still thinks proper screenshot should be universal keycombo21:46
TexratI am on a boring server move conference for work21:46
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Texratneeded a diversion21:46
* phunguy agrees with lcuk21:47
lcukTexrat, mrs Rat not around to check for messageds21:47
Texratlcuk she can't understand my E7121:47
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* alterego wonders who "@SuedeMutant" is21:47
lcukTexrat, how do I add some followers21:48
Texratlcuk in twitter?21:48
lcukon twitter, it is hovering near 40021:48
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Texratlcuk there are several techniques... share interesting news for one21:48
Texratalso retweet a lot21:49
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Texratand address high profile twitterers by name.  If they reply, you get a lot of attention21:49
Texratheck I now have a few famous people following my account21:49
Texratnot even sure why!21:49
lcukheh yeah all normal stuff21:50
lcuki keep getting ux folks mostly21:50
Texratif someone with a lot of followers retweets or replies to you, odds are you will pick up several followers21:50
Texratlcuk you need to broaden the scope of what you share21:50
lcuki did21:50
lcuki just twittered about wanting cleaning elves21:51
TexratI do sports, social issues, arts and film, etc21:51
lcuk:D arts is good indeed21:51
lcuklots of new folks when I got guided tour around #IntelRemastered :D21:51
Texratanyway you asked, and that's it in a nutshell21:51
TexratI don't make a special effort21:51
* lcuk knows and thanks21:51
TexratI pick up TONS of followers during conferences21:51
lcukconversation is important everywhere21:51
Texrattweeting ongoing stuff21:51
lcuki picked up a metric boat load in February21:52
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lcukTexrat, would you wear sandles with or without socks?21:53
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lcuksandalssandals even21:53
TexratI never wear sandals with socks21:54
Texrathell I rarely wear tennis shoes with socks21:54
lcuktimoph, now, imagine you are autograph hunting21:54
lcuka bunch of celebs are walking past21:55
lcukyou have to get 5 autographs from each as they walk past21:55
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timophyeah. that's the tool for it :)21:56
lcukactually that is a cool app "autograph maker"21:56
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lcuktimoph, at 2009 summit I gave device to a bunch of people and asked them to draw flowers21:57
lcukthey are now (a little delayed) tagged and grouped correctly lol21:57
* SpeedEvil has only 10 people following him.21:57
lcukSpeedEvil, what is your twitter account21:58
SpeedEvilIt is a hidden account though, which cannot be traced back to me.21:58
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fiferboylcuk: I'm about to break 40 followers!21:58
Texratyou go fiferboy21:58
lcuklets have a twitter fest then --->
alteregoI have 2721:59
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alteregoI'm sure I don't say anything _that_ interesting anyway.21:59
Texratsurrounded by amateurs :P21:59
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alteregoI've had my twitter account for about 1 month21:59
lcuktracy used to block people who she did not know21:59
alteregoI'd say 5 a week isn't bad :D21:59
fiferboyTexrat: What is your follower count?22:00
Texratat some point the follower list takes on a life of its own22:00
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lcukyeah Texrat22:00
Texratfiferboy 797 last I checked22:00
fiferboyTexrat: :O22:00
lcukyou make bloggy posts and stuff too22:00
* lcuk should also make a weblog22:00
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Texratyeah but conferences pull in the most new people that stick22:00
lcukbut I tend to waffle in here22:00
Texratwhile I tweeted during #MeeGoConf they were adding up like crazy22:01
Texratso that's another tool: hastags22:01
fiferboyThat is where I added about half my followers :/22:01
Texratif you include hashtags, a lot of people browsing those tags will see you22:02
Texratthey otherwise would not22:02
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Texratalso participate in trending topic discussions22:02
alteregoBasically, whore your self out lcuk :P22:02
Texratif you post some outrage by [insert government here] you will get followers too :D22:02
Texratyeah what alterego said.  wait--22:03
sofarmove along to #meego-bar folks :P22:03
alteregoOh nice, there's some really cool info in ~/.oscrc22:04
alteregoI'd like: 'extra-pkgs = *.rpm' :D22:04
lcuk     <<<<< bonus points to guess just what this is22:04
Texratlcuk I'm guessing a grid22:05
lcukwhat is the data though ;)22:05
alteregoIS it grid computing?22:05
Texratgrid data22:05
Texratlcuk I am not sure it's loading right for me22:06
Texratso broken grid22:06
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lcukTexrat, it is rather large22:06
fiferboyIt is rather WIDE, anyway22:06
Texratzoom is my friend22:06
lcukit is actually a snapshot from a running app22:07
alteregoLooks like it's a representation of your activity.22:07
lcukthe app takes over 2 minutes from clicking to viewing22:07
Texratlcuk I see "smile", "hello"... tag cloud?22:07
alteregoYour liqbase history.22:07
lcukyes alterego every sketch/photo/screenshot/tag done in a grid based on days.  I can click on any cell to view the data it represents22:07
alteregoIndexed by month and subject22:07
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alteregoAh, month :)22:08
alteregoHow does that fit on your N900 :P22:08
lcukalterego, that is the big daddy machine, it would happily run on the n900 I just never copied all the data over22:08
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alterego"big daddy machine" :P22:09
Texraton N900 you kinetic scroll until your finger falls off22:09
lcukalterego, yes the one containing all the data22:09
lcukTexrat, it does on the big device too :P22:09
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Texratpico projectors for the win22:09
* lcuk finds a pico projector with 32768*992 resolution22:10
lcuksuper ultra awesome mega wide screen :D22:10
TexratJulien Fourgeaud created a pico projector rig that let's people play Angry Birds on the side of buildings22:10
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lcukTexrat, pah, angry virds22:10
timophoh. that reminds me22:10
Texratwell any game lcuk22:10
lcukonedotzero had that side of building thing ages ago :P22:10
alteregolcuk: you just need 51 pico projectors and 51 N900's to drive them22:11
alteregoThat would be the grid :P22:11
Texratlol alterego22:11
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alteregoLets round it to 50 and you can still do a little scrolling :P22:11
Texratcrowdsourcing at its finest22:11
alteregoOh scht22:12
timophTechical university guys played tetris on a building's windows22:12
alteregoMy girlfriend is coming back from Berlin tonight.22:12
* alterego completely forgot :D22:12
Texratlucky you alterego22:12
Texraton the other hand I would like to SEND my wife22:12
lcukalterego, so a system to mesh together the outputs from various devices and run them in concert with each other22:12
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Texratoh crap we have lcuk thinking now22:13
lcukalterego, if you had contaacts importing in meego you would not have forgotten22:13
TexratI remmeber starting that in Amsterdam22:13
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lcukTexrat, :)22:13
alteregolcuk: I'm still working on it :P22:13
lcukwell I made that work22:13
alteregolcuk: just trying to get your script included in the package.22:13
lcukTexrat, ^^22:13
Texratthere we were, about 6 guys huddled under my umbrella outside an Amsterdam bar, lcuk demoing liq-stuff...22:14
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Texrathis brain finally absorbs so many ideas he can't stand it, and runs off to his hotel room to code22:14
* lcuk guesses tomorrow will be similar22:14
lcukerr saturday22:14
alteregoLets hope22:14
alteregoI still don't have an idea.22:14
lcuki already have a whole set of thoughts22:14
Texratyou usually do!22:15
* lcuk prepared for things22:15
Texratfeh, preparation is an idea KILLER22:15
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Texratstay loose22:15
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lcukTexrat, last few weeks I have been able to organise all my sketches into groups of tags :)22:15
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Texratdammit we need another Amsterdam22:16
lcukreally peaceful to actually tag and group in a whole sequence, its like playing a game22:16
TexratDublin and SF okay, but...22:16
Ronksuwhen was amsterdam?22:16
lcukin amsterdam as now, I need extra hands22:16
TexratMaemo Summit22:16
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Texratyeah lcuk but the level of creativity we had...22:17
Texratit was magic22:17
lcuki know, I have the notes22:17
timophI remember that because I didn't go because I decided to spend the money to preorder my n900...22:17
lcuki had already gone out the night before and done stuff22:17
NGE01I install meego 1.2-de on n900 I stitch the second time because it was not stitched from the first. I do on wiki? In what the problem can be?22:17
* Texrat slaps timoph22:17
alteregoI tried to go but I ended up in Iceland22:17
alteregoGo figure ..22:17
lcukyes, mums go to iceland.22:17
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* timoph deserved that22:18
* Texrat feels bad now about slapping timoph22:18
lcuktimoph, hang on22:18
Stskeepsi hope by god we won't get any preorder threads on tmo this time around22:18
Texratwe need to start our own company that requires frequent global get-togethers22:18
lcukpr1.2 thread was/is the most awesome thread on tmo22:19
Texratlol stskeeps22:19
TexratChuck Norris!!!!!!22:19
lcukit was the only time I believe we had people writing on body parts22:19
Stskeeps(i still read tmo, but i don't participate)22:19
Stskeeps(login erased, etc)22:19
lcukStskeeps, cheat22:19
Texratfigured as much stskeeps22:19
Texratafter council term I may bail22:19
* w00t_QtCS doesn't really go there22:20
lcukTexrat, :) did you know, alterego is making a little app to import all the maemo contacts details22:20
Texratmy personal council goal was to get serious dialog going about just moving to meego, abut getting backlash on that22:20
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* alterego registers Stskeeps on tmo22:20
alteregoAnd let the fun begin!22:20
lcukso that when you bootup meego everyone you know is there22:20
TexratI plan to act as abill_uk's campaign manager and get him on next council22:21
Texratalong with danramos22:21
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lcukzehjotkah Cosimo22:21
lcuk@lcuk finally I found a wallpaper with the right resolution for my screen! ;)22:21
StskeepsTexrat: that did solve qole's trolling indeed (apologies qole, you know i mean this in jest)22:21
timophthere's going to be a council after this one?22:21
Texratwho knows timoph22:22
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Stskeepstimoph: it'll be like those weird exile governments22:22
Texratstskeeps which qole trolling?22:22
StskeepsTexrat: as in, he was much more calm after having been on council ;)22:22
lcukmightytonka Craig Tonks22:22
lcuk@lcuk Holy Crap. That crashed my phone22:22
timophTexrat: I somewhat know the guy22:22
Texratit does sober one up22:23
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Texratnow i gotta really watch my mouth being on meego community office...22:23
Texratand of course qole took THAT and ran with it22:24
Stskeepswhat, you have to watch your mouth while being in a nominated role? :(22:24
Texratstskeeps you know people read *OFFICIAL* shit into that22:24
TexratI already caught crap for things I said while on council22:24
Stskeepspeople nowadays think information from coffee beans is official22:24
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Stskeeps"oh that ink blot looks like a N9"22:25
Texrathell even as a moderator, ie, "moderators aren't supposed to participate in threads!"22:25
gabrbeddTexrat: "When words are many, transgression is unavoidable." - the bible22:25
* Texrat thwacks gabrbedd for daring to dispense wisdom here22:25
* gabrbedd shields up!22:25
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lcukTexrat, understandable really22:26
lcukfor mainstream commenting I have this on my wall:22:26
* Texrat diverts full power to forward torpedoes22:26
StskeepsTexrat: time to get a alternative identity, like my abill_uk, just to spout crap22:26
Texrato what?22:27
timophlcuk: I need to print that :D22:27
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Texratthe best alternate IDs argue with each other... we had a tmo guy do that a few years ago.  It was classic22:27
alteregoMy alterego is now Stskeeps,22:27
lcuktimoph, I did :) :
alteregoFor some reason it's free on maemo.org22:27
* gabrbedd prepares countermeasures22:27
Texratmy alterego is now alterego22:28
* Texrat depoys counter-countermeasures22:28
alteregoWe can't have two alteregoes that would just be confusing.22:28
Texratyour point being?22:28
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gabrbedd(or is that daBoys)22:29
berndhsMcCoys ?22:29
Texratapparently I fail at counter-countermeasures, and surrender to gabrbedd22:29
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berndhsHatfields ?22:29
* gabrbedd sends a suicide away-team to negotiate terms of surrender22:29
Texratsee we need this much fun at forum.meego.com22:30
* Texrat notices high number of red shirts in gabrbedd's away team22:30
lcukapple bashing22:30
gabrbeddaway team: self-distruct on my mark.22:30
lcukgreat for a few followers22:30
infobotgabrbedd meant: away team: self-destruct on my mark.22:30
gabrbeddaway team: Engage!22:30
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vldcnstphaser out of power22:31
* Texrat figures if gabrbedd's way team can't spell destruct then they can't do it, either22:31
gabrbeddTexrat: Darn it!  I told them to take their little blue pills.22:31
lcukwhat is a way team?22:31
* Texrat realizes gabrbedd's red-shirted away team is all Pakleds22:31
berndhsa way team is like a road team22:31
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* gabrbedd charts a course for the Getworkdone System22:32
Texratgabbrbed's away team:
TSCHAKeee <-- that, is so wrong...22:34
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: but so realisic22:34
TSCHAKeeeyuh huh.22:34
Texratsafe for work?22:35
NGE01I install meego 1.2-de on n900 I stitch the second time because it was not stitched from the first. I do on In what the problem can be?22:35
berndhsgnu info is better than encryption sometimes22:35
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timophlcuk: I already have this printed next to my work desk ->
gabrbeddTexrat: :-)22:35
gabrbeddTexrat: yes, xkcd is usually SFW.22:36
lcukhas xkcd ever been nsfw?22:36
lcukthat would cause havok22:37
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lcuksince 99% of folks reading it are sysadmins22:37
Texratlcuk that never stops them22:37
Texratat TI the sysadmins had all the porn and caused all the viruses22:37
lcukthat sounds more like jealousy :P22:38
lcukits ermmm offline cache22:38
Texratman I can't believe how quiet the meego mailing lists have been22:38
lcukincase the internet breaks22:38
Texrata few months ago I couldn't keep up with them22:38
lcukwe need to energise them with new stuff22:39
lcuk"meego on Nintendo Wii"22:39
gabrbeddlcuk: Well, xkcd is SFW... but often NSFMK22:39
Texratmeego on supercomputers22:39
lcukwhich back in the day it was considered a hackable target22:40
berndhswhat's a good channel for help with httpd ? I broke mine22:40
TexratNot Safe For My Kids22:40
TexratNot safe For My Kitchen22:40 down for everyone?22:40
lcuk* is having a tantrum tonight22:40
lcukup and down22:40
TexratNo Soup For Mad Kittens22:41
berndhsandyross: no the site is up from here22:41
lcukand it ony gets worse as everybody asks everybody else "is * donw22:41
* Ronksu has been pondering about meego powered public bicycle system22:41
StskeepsRonksu: +122:41
timophandyross: works for me22:41
lcukRonksu, for real?22:41
gabrbeddandyross: works for me22:41
Ronksulcuk: well, for about one and half commutes of thinking so far22:41
lcukyou mean the bike hire station computers or on the bikes themsevles?22:41
StskeepsRonksu: you could mount a freerunner to each of them. noone in their right mind would steal it.22:42
TexratWorks For Me: the ultimate geek insult22:42
lcukStskeeps, is there a system that you actually like?22:42
Texrat"It must be you because it WORKS FOR ME"22:42
Ronksuwould be nice to have a small display that would point out stuff close to you, and whatever one could think to push there22:42
andyrossYup, back up for me too.  I checked from work, home and -- I swear it went away! :)22:42
Stskeepslcuk: hw wise i'm quite fond of nook color22:42
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gabrbeddTexrat: Not an insult... an implied request for more info.22:43
Texratgabrbedd, trust me on this22:43
Texratyou just have to use it appropriately22:43
lcukStskeeps, what makes it stand out22:43
Texratdrop a "works for me" into a heated bug debate22:43
Ronksunpm: sweet22:44
Texratthen stand back and watch the fur fly22:44
Stskeepslcuk: nice, simplistic, minimal, boots from microsd22:44
npmwhere does one ask questions about the Intel App-UP store rules, and also contest rules22:44
Texratat appup :D22:44
Stskeepsnpm: app up forums?22:44
lcukStskeeps, so what do you have running on it/22:44
npmon irc?22:44
Stskeepslcuk: right now, mostly browser and ebook reader, but once qt5 serves my bidding, that and my n900 becomes wayland+meego experimentation area22:45
npmi guess at the app-up preso they mentioned #meego-sdk but thart doesn't seem right22:45
lcuknpm, you mean the accelerator program?
lcukwhich offers funding etc22:45
* lcuk can still not find out how much to sign away things22:45
Texratdamn you lcuk for being so specific22:45
npmno i meant if i'm making an app, and i plan to publish on app-up store, or entrer in contest...22:46
lcukTexrat, he mentioned competition and contest stuff too22:46
npmis it against rules for it to enable "inappropriate content for minors"22:46
Texratkidding you lcuk22:46
npmor is there some special section for such apps.22:46
Texratyou made me look like an amateur22:46
lcuknay dir22:46
lcukyou showed him the correct link22:47
Texrathyperlink posting competitions: geeks only need apply22:47
lcuknay sir*22:47
TexratI'll see your link and raise a redirect22:47
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npm which i only found by searching for pornographie (in french , not english)22:50
npm18+ not allowed... well that anwers that..22:51
npmguess i can't include xtube with cutetube-qml port to tablet ux22:51
timophso no porn from appup. that just leaves the rest of the internet for distributing porn22:52
* CosmoHill blinks, then takes notes22:52
npmguess it has to pass the weiner test :-)22:52
gabrbedddo the folks in europe know about the Sen. Weiner?22:54
npmprobably, i'm sure all the newspapers are laughing at the US for being such prudes.22:54
npmcompare to berluscone for example22:55
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TexratI can't believe Weiner actually resigned.  Political correctness has run amuck22:55
Texratsending pics out is not a reisgnable offense22:55
Texratif that's a word22:56
gabrbeddnpm: Reminds me of a line in the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels... "Making love to a beautiful woman? Yes, that is French.  Getting caught?  That is American."22:56
npmpics of one's underwear... ooh!22:56
Texratbut still: between him and his wife22:56
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Texratthis was not a real issue22:56
Texratwe have congressman pullign all kinds of worse stunts22:57
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Texratlol gabrbedd22:57
gabrbeddTexrat: Senators acting like 13-year-old boys with cellphones -- yeah, I have a problem with that.22:57
npmwell that's the real deal.. it's a distraction. we're not talking about the republican whorehouse they setup in washington ( )22:58
Texratgabrbedd having a problem with it is one thing-- it just doesn't warrant the current level of outrage22:58
Texratmedia overkill22:58
Texratand overreaction IMO by Weiner. what a wimp22:58
Texratlol npm-- exactly22:59
Texratdistraction is exactly what it is22:59
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gabrbeddTexrat: He's a Democrat -- so that's redundant.23:01
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gabrbeddI haven't been following it close... but weren't some of them... UNWELCOME?23:01
gabrbeddYou've Got Text!23:01
npmfor example, several billions $$ were simply LOST in Iraq and Afghanistan... were not talkin about that
Texratright npm23:01
lcukoh dear Texrat23:02
lcukthe pic I posted - loads of people are telling me its crashing their iphones23:02
npmand that's on top of the hundreds of millions of cash that diseappeared... money that was earmarked for "bribes"23:02
lcukworks great on opera on n900 :D23:02
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TexratI can't access while at work lcuk23:02
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lcukTexrat, the fun of something not working on their precious iphones :P23:02
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lcukI am hearing complaints from folks :$23:03
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timophlooks like you found a critical bug23:08
Texrattimoph somehow I'm not sure twitter will be sympathetic to lcuk :D23:08
Texrattwitter to lcuk: "WTF???? *banned*"23:09
timophthey should be. he's testing their app :D23:09
TexratSTRESS testing!23:09
Texratthey'll assume he's a @lulzsec wannabee23:10
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lcukhey I just posted a photo23:10
lcukI didn't know there were so many apps available23:11
lcukerr crapps23:11
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lcukit crashes ipads too23:12
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lcukoh deary me23:13
SpeedEvilwhat is this image/23:13
lcukit is just a grid of the sketches made in liqbase23:14
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Texratlcuk: Apple ecosystem wrecker23:14
SpeedEvilAn image?23:14
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lcukyou don't often hear of apples crashing :)23:15
lcukand my little sketches cannot be that powerful ;)23:16
timoph this23:16
SpeedEvilI will give you a fiver if you exploit the buffer overflow to install meego on all of the devices.23:16
SpeedEvilThen we simply spam the pic23:16
Texratthen lcuk really WILL be compared with lulzsec!23:18
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gabrbeddlcuk: I opened your image with gimp... and it says "Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution': Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."23:21
lcukgabrbedd, eep23:21
gabrbeddlcuk: Plus, when converted to a BMP it's 96MB.23:21
lcukwell it does take over 2 minutes to generate23:22
gabrbeddlcuk: Which is what most software will do internally.23:22
SpeedEvillcuk: I opened it in firefox, and my system stalled for some moments23:22
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SpeedEvilThough is better now.23:22
lcukgabrbedd, opens fine on opera on n90023:22
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Texratwell, the N900 is magical23:23
gabrbeddlcuk: I take it bak... it opened fine on my lenny box.  I didn't understand what I was seeing.  Needed to zoom WAAAAAAAAY in.23:24
timophlcuk: microb doesn't show it23:24
timophit says that the image is not shown since it contains errors23:24
gabrbeddlcuk: So maybe that's part of the problem... some people see a black stripe (zoomed out) and think "huh?"23:24
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timophbut at least it doesn't crash23:25
lcukgabrbedd, possibly but various people are telling me it crashed iphone ipad ipod etc23:25
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SpeedEvillcuk: Buffer overflows are such fun23:26
gabrbeddlcuk: maybe OOM?23:26
SpeedEvillcuk: macs?23:26
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lcukgabrbedd, IDK23:27
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lcukI didn't notice that it was quite so large when I made it23:27
lcukI assigned a widget per column and was running the live app23:27
lcukwidth ^23:27
lcukand that scrolls and pans like a boss23:27
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Texratlcuk maybe you can scale the cells down?23:29
lcukTexrat, oh for sure, it makes not as much sense because I was trying to read and review them23:29
lcukI can group same data by week instead of by day23:29
lcukwhich is better :)23:29
lcukwas just rough prototype to see if an overview would help me organise stuff23:30
lcukTexrat, I did want to see just when I am most active writing stuff or taking pictures23:31
lcukTexrat, I used to have to draw grids and reports like this from massive datasets in a tax firm23:32
* lcuk changes it to monthly :)23:33
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* timoph goes to sleep o/23:36
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gabrbeddtimoph: night night23:42
lcuk\o timoph23:44
lcukRST38h, ACK23:44
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alteregoDoes anyone know of a reference  somewhere of the rpmbuild environment variables?23:50
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gabrbeddalterego: environment variables?  Or pre-defined macros?23:55
gabrbeddalterego: The best ref. I know of for rpmbuild is the 'Maximum RPM' manual.23:55
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alteregoPredefined macros _and_ environment variables :)23:55
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gabrbeddalterego: If you don't know where the Maximum RPM is... google 'max rpm' and it should be the first hit.23:56
gabrbeddalterego: If not in there, I typically have to get lucky with a forum post... or muck around inside /usr/lib/rpm/macros.23:57
gabrbeddalterego: There's some /etc/rpm* and ~/.rpm* files/folders that can affect things, too.23:57
alteregoThanks :)23:58
gabrbeddalterego: The only env. variables that I know it honors are CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and CXXFLAGS.23:58
gabrbeddalterego: If you set those on the CLI at run-time... it'll override the system flags.23:58
gabrbeddthat is... unless the .spec file was set up to (incorrectly) override them.23:59

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