IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2011-03-22

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lcukhi DawnFoster MeeGoExperts \o00:12
MeeGoExpertsHI !!!!!!!00:12
MeeGoExpertsHow goes it ?00:12
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lcukMeeGoExperts, tired today, stinker of a headache earlier00:14
vgradelcuk, too much Guiness at the meetup00:14
* andre__ hands over a beer to lcuk against the headache00:14
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lcukvgrade, nahh it was sleeping with window closed00:15
MeeGoExpertsGuiness, you don't know what guiness is (Dublin) …… ahhhh00:15
lcuki only had a couple of pints00:15
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lcukwhat is the cool fruit chopping game on n8?00:15
MeeGoExpertsfruit ninja00:15
* lcuk likes it00:16
MeeGoExpertsnever played it00:16
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lcuktis simple and effective :)00:16
lcukvgrade, which devices do you have which are directly wall mountable?00:17
vgradeMeeGoExperts, you guys need better cameras or some stage lighting,
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nicky`so is meego going to die00:20
vgradelcuk, you would need some sort of mounting for the vega tablet, Joggler forget it unless you want to take a couple of bricks out00:21
lcukvgrade, joggler is ok for a mantlepiece00:22
MeeGoExperts@vgrade, yeah just saw a bit of that video …. shocking … Lol00:22
MeeGoExperts@nicky, Not if i've got anything to do with it :-)00:22
vgradelcuk, best bet would be a large lcd mounted on wall with tiny pandaboard behind00:22
vgradeMeeGoExperts, I blame the cameraman!00:22
berndhsyou can try to hide from the NSA liek that, but it won't work00:23
MeeGoExpertsNo cameraman was fine as he was seriously good looking :-)00:23
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vgradeMeeGoExperts, you get my C4100 doc?00:25
MeeGoExpertsDid I forget to reply ? Sorry. Sent on :-)00:25
lcukvgrade, hmm I wonder whether one of the allinone multitouch pcs would have the TV mounting brackets00:25
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* lcuk still wonders how to ensure handset on handsets is fully catered for00:30
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* timeless_w7ip sighs00:32
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timeless_w7ipgit is annoyin00:32
timeless_w7ipwhy do people insist on not having a default/master?00:32
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, which repositories have you found where they don't?00:33
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timeless_w7iplcuk: um... working on that00:33
lcukand was this what I mentioned earlier?00:33
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lcukerrr few days ago00:33
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lcukabout integrating from side branches00:33
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vgradeMeeGoExperts, care to copy me in?00:33
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, so which branch is it using?00:37
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timeless_w7ipi don't think it has any named branches..00:38
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lcukthat is special00:38
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* timeless_w7ip tries to figure it out00:41
lcuktimeless_w7ip, what is the repostitory url00:42
timeless_w7ipi'm having trouble figuring that out actually00:42
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timeless_w7ipmy guess is that it's
timeless_w7ipsince that'd be about right00:44
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timeless_w7ipit would be possible for me to check out with the extra directory, but i'm asserting that doing so is a huge waste of effort00:45
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timeless_w7ipit makes updating much more expensive since i have to do recursive hunts for repos00:45
lcuktimeless_w7ip, heh00:46
lcukthe master branch of that was last updated by linux torvalds ;)00:47
timeless_w7ipconsider that there are 300+ roots in that tree00:47
timeless_w7ipand that it's likely there are dozens upon dozens of directories00:47
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timeless_w7ipso hunting recursively for roots would be tantamount to suicide00:47
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lcukand Len Brown, Ingo Molnar, Eric Anholt are time travellers00:48
timeless_w7ipyeah there are a bunch of time travellers00:49
timeless_w7ipi actually sent a patch to hg to support time travellers00:49
lcukbut both branches appear to have data00:49
lcukand files00:49
lcukso how come mxr has blank contents?00:49
timeless_w7ipi did a force update on all roots trying to get it to pick master's00:50
timeless_w7ipwhich doesn't work if there isn't a master00:50
* lcuk wonders how to cure the master problem00:51
lcukit would seem it is a bit harder than a 20 man quest in WoW00:51
timeless_w7ipi think something fell over wrt that root, the hgrc was missing00:51
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, well it is a git repository so a hgrc would not be expected?00:52
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timeless_w7iplcuk: upstream is a git repository00:53
timeless_w7ipdealing w/ git directly is too complicated for my tiny exhausted little mind00:53
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lcuk:( timeless_w7ip00:56
lcuk:O slashdot given mod points again00:56
lcukLiquidCoooled (634315) Prefs00:56
lcukKarma: Excellent00:56
lcuk5 moderator points00:56
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* lcuk has not had mod points in a while00:56
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CosmoHillwhat are mod points?00:58
lcuktimeless_w7ip, i other places where repository grouping occurs, being able to specify the repo as well a branch (or even a tag) to use is possible00:58
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lcukvgrade, would have to be logged in to see it00:59
lcukCosmoHill, can moderate the discussion00:59
timeless_w7iplcuk: in land we had people who maintained pull scripts01:00
lcukCosmoHill, wisdom of the crowds usually works, give a number of the community ability to adjust the rank and category of comments01:00
timeless_w7ipi do *not* have any faith that &anyone* would do such a thing in meego01:00
lcukthen overall you can allow decent signal to noise by the excellent subsystem using those moderations :)01:00
lcuktimeless_w7ip, I would like to see if it is usable already01:01
lcukthe meego forum has "Thanks" ability01:01
lcukso if we had a way to see threads with just highly thanked posts01:02
lcukwe could see whether signal/noise improves using that01:02
lcukor if sheeple just vote randomness up01:02
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timeless_w7ip:( for some reason this bond film wasn't recorded from the start01:03
* timeless_w7ip suspects the DVR decided to go loopy by 1hr01:03
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lcukspeaking of DVRs, I have stuff to watch also \o ttyl01:04
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gabrbeddvgrade: nice!  What tablet is that?01:17
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lcukvgrade, cool :P myclock is much simpler
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CosmoHilllcuk: you're leading the way for a truly personalised GUI01:25
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lcukCosmoHill, :) well once released it will stop being "myclock" and become yourclock instead01:26
lcukits a good feeling to say "have you seen myclock"01:26
lcuktho sometimes ladies blush if they mishear you01:27
CosmoHillI did have to re-read what you said initalluy01:27
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w00t_(lcuk knows this from experience, from using liqbase as a chatup line in the past)01:29
lcukw00t_, even I blushed at the meego conf when revdkathy wanted me to write liqballs app01:29
w00t_are they chocolate salty liqballs?01:30
* CosmoHill blinks01:30
w00t_oh come on..01:30
w00t_if you don't know that reference i will dispair01:30
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lcukw00t_, I did once facepalm whilst making the first scrollbar01:32
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lcukbut otherwise, no try not to consider the naming style01:32
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lcukCosmoHill, "users interface" and "personal computing" :P01:41
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CosmoHillif swearing was a user interface I'd be a pro01:41
CosmoHillthe ammount of rude hand gestures I make a matlab...01:42
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lcuklol CosmoHill I have heard lardman|gone cursing at matlab01:42
lcukthough yesterday at the mMMM @mja_fin said he works with it all the time and didn't curse01:43
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CosmoHillthe biggest problem I have with matlab is that when I get stuck that's it, nothing I can do. I need the lecturer01:44
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lcukCosmoHill, what about other people on your course?01:44
CosmoHillsimon is fine, I'm a swearing ball of anger / second best in class and everyone asks me or the lecturer01:45
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CosmoHillI am very pleased that the assignment is basically put the tutorials together in one package with GUI01:48
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lcukCosmoHill, did you have to write the tutorials too?01:49
CosmoHillyou mean like a report or something to go with the programming?01:49
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* lcuk remembers having to wreate a whole suite of documentation and guides and putting them into big hive01:49
CosmoHillyeah he wants us to explain what each function does, it's input and output01:50
CosmoHillsimon (bring the prick that he is) kindly reminded us that we finish in 20 days01:51
lcukDawnFoster, at the MOSI next week there is a beerfest01:51
lcuk( )01:52
lcukCampaign for real ale are putting it on!01:52
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CosmoHillmy dad's a member of that IIRC01:52
DawnFosterI don't even drink beer (I just offer to buy it for people) :)01:53
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lcukDawnFoster, lol01:54
DawnFosterlcuk: I continue to taste beer that friends / family claim is delicious and still can't find one I like01:55
lcukDawnFoster, choose bars that sell cocktails01:55
lcuktasting is good01:55
DawnFosterlcuk: ha! you found my strategy :)01:55
lcukI have started doing that01:55
lcukbut people shout when I wander over to their table01:56
* CosmoHill sticks with cider01:56
DawnFostercocktails or wine are more my speed01:56
lcukjust blend in more: drink wine from a pint glass.01:56
CosmoHilltastes better when a lecturer paid for it01:56
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gabrbeddmmmmmm..... beer.02:07
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RhymeswAtalking about beer look at
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RhymeswASorry if this is off topic02:19
CosmoHillI think the topic around here is a bit loose02:20
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lcukRhymeswA, beer is never off topic, though we do have #meego-bar for more :P02:20
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lcukbut anyway -> cyas later02:21
CosmoHillin one channel I run you can go off topic within reason but you must help someone if they request it02:21
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CosmoHillnight lcuk02:21
lcukCosmoHill, sensible02:21
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lcuknothing is offtopic unless you get pulled02:21
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RhymeswAthanks ... interested in your takes in meego-bar on the beer-madness02:27
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gabrbeddmmmmm.... bacon.02:32
berndhsbacon is better with beer02:34
TSCHAKeeepancetta :D02:35
berndhsalso better with beer02:36
RhymeswAbut what kind of beer??02:36
berndhsdepends on the weather02:36
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CosmoHillI had so much bacon in my BLC my lettice fell out02:36
berndhslettuce can be dangerous, bacteria, radiactive waste and all that02:37
RhymeswAnah, IPA all the time02:37
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: BLC == Bacon, Lettuce, and... Chocolate ?02:40
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vgradegabrbedd, Advent Vega02:51
TSCHAKeeedo we have hardware accelleration yet?02:52
TSCHAKeeedo we have hardware accelleration yet?02:52
TSCHAKeeedo we have hardware accelleration yet?02:52
* TSCHAKeee hugs vgrade just kidding.02:52
gabrbeddvgrade: Thanks!02:53
vgradeTSCHAKeee, no02:53
vgradeTSCHAKeee, no02:53
TSCHAKeeei know02:53
vgradeTSCHAKeee, no02:53
TSCHAKeeefrom what i see for the ce4100, i don't exactly see X support02:54
TSCHAKeeethat will make things interesting02:54
TSCHAKeeeorbiter can of course run on directFB (which they provide)02:54
vgradereally, not that as well02:55
TSCHAKeeebut i will need to probably write a new video player specifically for the sodaville02:55
TSCHAKeeean interesting challenge to be sure02:55
vgradebtw, that picture of the vega does have accelerated gfx :)02:55
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, no word from anyone from nVidia02:57
TSCHAKeeei guess we have to be paying customers02:57
vgradeTSCHAKeee, they seem to be busy on Android and Chromium02:58
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TSCHAKeeei really don't want android and linux to be synonymous.02:59
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, indeed, I spend a couple of days wondering why I has to run all networking as root until I discovered CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID kernel option.03:00
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TSCHAKeeevgrade: :(03:02
vgradeTSCHAKeee, I'm working on my first app port03:02
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TSCHAKeeewhat is it?03:02
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vgradeExamples of QML which you can interactively edit03:03
vgradeMy first OBS app.  Sorted compile and linker issues and now onto install permission issues03:04
TSCHAKeeei am seriously considering making orbiter a collection of loosely bound QML apps03:05
vgradeI hope to run the result on N900, Joggler, Vega to prove the 'write once run anywhere' statement03:06
* TSCHAKeee has been staring at the joggler ever since the photo screen saver started running03:06
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, Playground might be a good template03:07
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TSCHAKeeevgrade: does the kernel adaptation joggler work with the latest builds (everything seems to have shifted up to 2.6.37)05:06
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TSCHAKeeeyou know, it'd be cool as hell05:15
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TSCHAKeeeif we knew what the hell everybody was working on in OBS05:15
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rdesfoI'm unable to create an account at bugs.meego.com05:31
rdesfoI get a message that says "ACCESS DENIED \n  You are not authorized to access this page."05:32
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gabrbeddrdesfo: file a bug05:33
gabrbeddrdesfo: just kidding....05:33
rdesfogabrbedd: thats funny05:34
gabrbeddrdesfo: seriously... I guess post something to the meego-packaging ML about it.05:34
gabrbeddrdesfo: FWIW, I get the same thing if I try to create a new acct.05:35
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rdesfois there a way to add more web accounts right now all I see is and tweeter05:38
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gabrbeddrdesfo: on handset?  Hrm... I can't even make *those* work without a USB keyboard.05:42
rdesfomeego netbook05:43
rdesfoidk?  is that like sdk?  does it still need to be developed?05:44
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gabrbeddidk == i don't know.05:45
rdesfooh ok... np05:46
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gabrbeddgood morning!05:55
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paulyhi quick question im in usa i want to buy some kinda tablet but the wetab isnt in usa? any ideas06:07
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timophAFAIK you can order it from amazon.de06:18
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paulyin the us?06:20
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pauly453.9 euros = 645.3096 US dollars lol forget that06:22
gabrbeddpauly: what are you wanting the tablet for?06:25
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gabrbeddpauly: Lots of guys have been using the Lenovo S10-3t which is a convertable netbook/tablet.  Only caveat is the unsupported broadcom wifi card on many of them.06:28
gabrbeddpauly: The internal intel guys have been using the ExoPC lately, or so I've heard from the likes of DawnFoster06:28
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gabrbeddpauly: And there's the ii-View M1Touch, which I've been developing on.  The only caveat there is the touchscreen driver (which has been submitted to the devs for the 1.2 release)06:29
gabrbeddpauly: Those are all x86 options, btw.  If you're looking for an ARM-based tablet... I won't be much help on that one. :-)06:31
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Sagebtw, how long meego releases are supported? 1 year after the original release?06:55
Stskeepssomething like that06:55
Sageor is that extended with every update release for another x months, ie., 1.0.1, 1.0.2 etc.?06:56
Stskeepsdoubt it is extended06:56
SageJust wondering as the 1.0 will meet the 1 year marker in couple of months.06:57
Sageand is there a process for community/vendors if they want to provide updates for these old releases? or does this mean that they need to setup their own obs to do that?06:59
* TSCHAKeee was able to do a feasibility test with our OpenGL UI (V2) in MeeGo on the Joggler.. the key here is that the display is a combination of OpenGL and window compositing providing the entire display. To date, the only other driver besides Intel EMGD to do this CORRECTLY is the NVIDIA Binary driver. ;)
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StskeepsSage: i suppose there is nothing stopping anyone from providing updates07:00
timophwho actually decides when a MeeGo release is not supported anymore?07:06
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SageTSG maybe?07:09
timophcould be07:12
SageThe devices where MeeGo is used are usually used more than 1 year and when the device is released it is most probably using a bit old release already. I just wonder how many of the vendors will actually update to newer meego release during the device life cycle.07:12
Stskeepswhen it runs out of resourcing prolly07:14
timophyep. unless the upgrading is made easy vendors most likely aren't too keen on doing it07:15
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timophfrom an end user point of view I would for example expect netbooks to be easy to upgrade but currently it's far from that. If there would be such a mechanism for netbooks I can't see why it wouldn't work for handsets as well07:19
timophand there really should be some easy way to upgrade MeeGo07:20
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Sageis 1.1 upgradable to 1.2 btw? I recall seeing bug about that at some point.07:20
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Stskeepsthink the sad thing is that noone automatically tests07:21
Sagebug 920507:21
_MeeeGoBot_Bug enh, High, 1.1.0, anas.nashif, NEW, Cannot Update from 1.0 to 1.107:21
* timoph voted07:25
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timophhmmh. automating upgrade test shouldn't be that hard. basically automatically install release n, tell it to upgrade to version n+1, check that the system works by running all the tests. Requires work and would be a long test but IMO doable07:30
wuyongba quick question: how to submit my modified sorce code ? or how to check if I am authorized to do that ?07:31
timophto where? obs?07:31
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Stskeepswuyongb: contribution guidelines =
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timophStskeeps: wuyongb is one of the guys executing tests on n90007:33
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Stskeepsstill, or request a obs account07:36
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wuyongbstskeeps : yes , I explained what I am going to do , to request a obs account , yesterday07:37
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wuyongbstskeeps : how to request account ?07:50
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Stskeepswuyongb: thought i gave the url yesterday :)07:52
timophwuyongb: while waiting for the account me or Kaadlajk could update your test package in obs so the test can be run07:53
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TSCHAKeeecan Qt Quick stuff run under Android via the Qt port?07:54
wuyongbstskeeps : yes, I have followed the instructions there, now already checked out packages and checked in locally. so how can i submit my changes ?07:55
Stskeepswuyongb: osc submitreq07:55
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: think i saw demos07:55
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timophwuyongb: osc ci07:57
timophah. nevermind you already did that :)07:57
timophbtwm the check-in is not a local operation. it pushes your changes into obs07:58
wuyongbtimoph : thanks07:58
wuyongbtimoph and stskeeps : thanks. and my request id is 1508007:58
wuyongbstskeeps : how can I check the status of my request ?07:59
Sagewuyongb: if you have email address sert you will get mail08:00
Sagewhen the request is accepted or declined08:00
wuyongbsage : if my request is a high priority one, how can I make to be checked soon to get accepted ?08:02
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Sagewell i guess you could sent mail to meego-packaging or to person that handles request for your target project08:04
timophwuyongb: ping Kaadlajk. he takes care of those packages08:04
wuyongbthanks. I will08:04
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timophwuyongb: btw, you didn't update the changelog, etc. only the tar ball08:09
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wuyongbtimoph : no, only the tar ball. is that right ?08:12
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timophwuyongb: no it's not. see (and I'd guess you should change the version number as well)08:16
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Sagewuyongb: you should not change the content of the tar ball witout changing the name/version. and if you are not the upstream maintainer you should not change the version.08:24
Sageso the best way would be that you would add a patch to the ppackage that does your changes  to the current tarball08:25
Sageso the upstream maintainer could take the patch to the upstream and next official version08:26
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wuyongbsage and timoph : so how can I cancel my request ?08:32
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timophwuyongb: IIRC it's osc request revoke [id]08:35
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wuyongbtimoph : now I need you help to update test package as you saied.08:37
wuyongbtimoph : your email ?08:38
timophwuyongb: please talk with Kaadlajk with that since I'm out of office today08:38
wuyongbtimoph : ok .thanks08:38
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* timeless_w7ip sighs10:55
timeless_w7iplcuk: ping10:55
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timeless_w7ipok, halp10:56
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iekkuargh, I hate putty10:57
timeless_w7ipQt creator is also creative about spelling contacts10:57
iekkunot really, need to install some other sw, not used to use irc on the win laptop10:58
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timeless_w7ipiekku: mirc is the standard, i'm using Comic Chat 2.510:59
timeless_w7ipsane people would probably grab chatzilla-xulrunner10:59
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iekkui usually use terminal11:00
* timeless_w7ip cries11:02
timeless_w7ipnote to self: slap the idiots who write ontologies11:02
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iekkunow i'm running putty tray, better11:02
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timeless_w7ipiekku: so, how's the bug triage going? (and where is it going?)11:12
iekkutimeless_w7ip, curently no tirages ongoing11:14
iekkutimeless_w7ip, triages even11:14
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timeless_w7ipoh, heh11:32
timeless_w7ipthere's a in addition to a meego.gitorious.org11:32
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timeless_w7iphow confusing11:32
* timeless_w7ip wonders if there's anything meego related in it11:33
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mdfe_X-Fade: do you have time to take a look on a the broken arm build issue (
_MeeeGoBot_Bug 14693 nor, Undecided, ---, maemo, NEW, speedrpm fails to build chroot properly in chroot OBS builds outside build.meego.com11:37
X-Fademdfe_: Yes, we're checking it out.11:37
parttimeless_w7ip: yes, there si11:38
parttimeless_w7ip: s/si/is/11:38
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matrixxany idea why gives me 403 (forbidden) ?11:39
timeless_w7ipmatrixx: sounds friendly :)11:40
matrixxwondering just is it only me or for everyone :]11:40
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timeless_w7ipit's not just you11:41
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timeless_w7ipmatrixx: what do you need from it?11:41
X-Fadematrixx: will check it out.11:41
matrixxtimeless_w7ip: just checking on MNotification class of libmeegotouch11:41
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matrixxX-Fade: great11:42
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timeless_w7ipmatrixx: you can try
timeless_w7ipis the documentation source..11:43
matrixxtimeless_w7ip: never mind, I have the source code, was just too lazy to check from there11:43
timeless_w7ipmatrixx: aww11:43
timeless_w7ipit's hypertext... hypertext is your friend11:44
matrixxyeah, I like hypertext, thanks :)11:44
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* timeless_w7ip is trying to get people to use mxr11:44
timeless_w7ipbe an early adopter!11:44
matrixxI will!11:44
X-Fadematrixx: fixed11:45
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matrixxX-Fade: thanks11:46
matrixxworks perfectly now :)11:47
matrixxtimeless_w7ip: mxr seems also very nice :)11:47
* timeless_w7ip disagrees w/ perfectly11:47
timeless_w7ipwhere's ?11:47
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timeless_w7ipmatrixx: anyway, if you have any problems/questions/concerns about mxr, please let me know :)11:50
timeless_w7ipideally it should be able to answer many questions for you11:50
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* timeless_w7ip wonders if the doxygen paths on apidocs are reliable11:52
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matrixxtimeless_w7ip: thanks, I will11:53
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* timeless_w7ip ponders12:02
timeless_w7ipit's taking about an hour to do an identifier index for meego, and closer to 80mins to do a freetext index for the same (if i have my numbers right)12:03
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thiagofor those who had asked to see a video of the Qt+QML clone of xbmc:
timeless_w7ipthiago: hey, so, do you guys have people who pay attn to :)12:23
* timeless_w7ip wants to use it to file bugs about Qt Creator12:23
thiagonot from Qt, no12:23
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thiagowe have our own bugtracker for that12:23
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thiagowe don't pay attention to distro's bugtrackers12:23
* timeless_w7ip nods12:23
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timeless_w7ipdo you reasonably expect the maintainers to send you their bugs/patches?12:24
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timeless_w7ipok :)12:24
thiagonot submitted = doesn't exist from our point of view12:24
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* thiago walked over the list of patches on top of Qt once with the Kubuntu maintainers12:24
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thiagoscary stuff12:24
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andretimeless_w7ip: if you want creator bugs to be fixed, file them at
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thiagothat said, most of the patches that MeeGo applies on top of Qt come from us anyway12:25
_MeeeGoBot_Bug 14795 nor, Undecided, ---, maurice.kalinowski, NEW, contacts is misspelled in qt-creator addressbook-sdk.qdoc12:25
thiagoit's fixes backported from the next release12:25
timeless_w7ipandre: i don't want bugs fixed, i want people to get into the habit of talking to upstream :)12:25
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thiagomaurice is upstream12:26
timeless_w7ipif we get in the habit of doing it now, maybe thiago won't run into the problem he ran into w/ kubuntu12:26
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andretimeless_w7ip: I am upstream.12:26
* thiago tried to upgrade to gcc 4.5 yesterday for ARM and got a bunch of errors from qatomic_armv6.h12:26
thiagogoogling for the error shows gcc developers discussing it12:26
* timeless_w7ip is on the shore tossing breadcrumbs in to see where they go12:27
timeless_w7ipthiago: ain't gcc fun?12:27
timeless_w7ipare you looking forward to llvm? :)12:27
thiagobut right now, I can't compile QtGui with -Werror12:27
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timeless_w7ipthe fact that GCC doesn't test against major projects is rather unfortunate12:28
timeless_w7ip"we have a test suite, it doesn't cover the real world, we don't care"12:28
timeless_w7ip"web browsers, operating systems, compilers, toolkits, -- not important"12:28
lbtjeremiah: ping12:28
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* timeless_w7ip wonders where qt-creator hides its .ts files12:29
andretimeless_w7ip: assigning spelling mistakes to maurice personally does not look like a sensible thing to do. in practice, for one line changes like that, speak up on #qt-creator or such and it will be fixed immediately. creating a bugreport for that is a complete waste of resources.12:30
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jeremiahlbt: pont12:42
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jeremiahor pong even12:43
lbtheh .... at some point I want to get a vendor ecosystem going12:43
lbtto drive MeeGo to be more oriented towards their real customers12:43
jeremiahlbt: This is really crucial12:43
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jeremiahYes, I am most interested.12:43
jeremiahlbt: Not least because in GENIVI there is going to be a reliance (hopefully) on this type of solution12:44
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lbtBTW seen
jeremiahThat means that a number of large companies will want an open OBS that is a clone of the "original" OBS12:44
* jeremiah reads lbt's link12:44
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lbtjeremiah: yep ...and that's what I'm bitching about here12:45
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jeremiahlbt: Yeah. Obvisously Novell is going to want to go after that business12:45
jeremiahBut LF has promised that the OBS will remain open12:45
jeremiahSo we have to make sure they keep that promise12:46
jeremiahAnd that means good documentation, a team to report issues to, etc.12:46
lbtI'm not worried about open at the license level - that'll happen12:46
lbtI'm worried about operational open-ness12:46
jeremiahYeah, exactlhy.12:46
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jeremiahpart of it is the ad hoc style we're in currently, but part of it is institutional inertia12:47
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jeremiahRight now there are a lot of "operational open-ness" issues. Like who builds the package patterns, who decides core, compliance, TSG make up, etc.12:48
pan1nxWho can create / from whom should I ask access to I am pan1nx on Thanks!12:48
jeremiahpan1nx: Did you file a bug in the MeeGo bug tracking system?12:49
jeremiahThat is the first step12:49
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pan1nxIs there a faster way? Thanks jeremiah...12:49
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jeremiahpan1nx: Not at this point I am sorry to say.12:50
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jeremiahpan1nx: You may want to follow up with an email to one of the lists, perhaps meego-dev if I'm not mistaken.12:50
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lbtpan1nx: do you have commit rights to a core package?12:50
lbtif you just want to build OSS apps etc you want the community OBS12:51
jeremiahYeah, that is what I'd suggest too12:51
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pan1nxI got the answer! Thank you guys...12:52
pan1nxOk. Thanks.12:53
jeremiah(that URL was for general consumption.)12:53
pan1nxis this right place:
pan1nxfor the record...12:56
jeremiahpan1nx: That is for the community OBS12:57
jeremiahpan1nx: Not for the "core" OBS12:57
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pan1nxThanks jeremiah, I go for OSS for now :)12:58
jeremiahpan1nx: w00t!12:58
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lbtpan1nx: yep... that's right12:59
pan1nxlbt, I emailed you already...12:59
lbtnot arrived yet...13:00
lbtgreylisting can delay it an hour... account?13:00
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pan1nxworks... lbt, thanks13:05
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* timeless_w7ip realizes that andre != andre__13:46
timeless_w7ipi know you probably tried to warn me13:46
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timeless_w7ipbut it didn't work!13:46
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akiniemilbt: ping13:48
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lbtakiniemi: pong13:53
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akiniemilbt: I need access to community OBS, my username is akiniemi13:54
akiniemiI'm working on the N900 DE13:55
lbtakiniemi: sure ..13:55
* lbt stabs Stskeeps for the big list...13:55
lbtactually akiniemi ... you can probably help Stskeeps out here... it would save us time to just get a list of usernames for the DE people13:56
lbtmaybe you can find a way to help him make the list?13:56
Stskeepsif people would be patient and wait for my talk ;)13:58
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akiniemilbt: makes sense, though I don't have such a list myself14:04
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lbtStskeeps: heh ...14:04
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timeless_w7ipcool, Qt Creator is so stable, even a monkey can crash it!14:14
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* timeless_w7ip suspects a cat could crash it too14:14
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, how did it break?14:19
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timeless_w7ipwell, it crashed14:20
timeless_w7ipi didn't ask the debugger how it crashed14:20
timeless_w7ipNokia-Qt is stupid and doesn't offer pdb's14:20
timeless_w7ipand they hide the option to build pdb's in a deep dark corner of a closet in an unused guest bedroom14:21
lcukmeh unstable IDE is part of life14:21
lcukI have heard developers up and down the ages curse as the IDE crashes14:21
almorelleHi, one short question: I want to try meego on my n900 on microSD, do I need to back up anything from my phone? Many thanks :)14:21
timeless_w7iplcuk: usually you have to at least open a project to crash an ide14:21
timeless_w7ipi didn't get that far14:21
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lcukalmorelle, backing up is something you should do anyway :) but no, the normal instructions for n900 installation are non destructive and once you reboot out of meego your main phone and eMMC contents are lal the same14:22
lcukhahahaha timeless_w7ip14:22
almorellelcuk, sure ;) Thank you very much !14:23
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timeless_w7ippsr wins!14:24
timeless_w7iplcuk: do you have opera handy?14:24
lcukno, but there is a ballet performance on in the kitchen.14:25
timeless_w7ipsouds good, broadcast w/ your n900? k thx14:25
infobottimeless_w7ip meant: sounds good, broadcast w/ your n900? k thx14:25
almorellehave a nice day :)14:25
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lcukno, it is on lukes phone14:26
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, why do you ask?14:26
lcukothers might have it14:26
timeless_w7ipthe easiest way to watch this is w/ opera or msie14:27
lcukdon't have either14:27
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timeless_w7ipyou were more likely to have opera14:27
* lcuk uses firefox 14:27
* timeless_w7ip nods14:27
timeless_w7ipi don't *use* opera14:27
timeless_w7ipbut it seems that i do have it14:28
* timeless_w7ip wonders if it's out of date14:28
lcuktimeless_w7ip, the other lesser browsers do not have flashblock :)14:28
* lcuk smiles everytime that nobble is visible because I helped fix it :)14:28
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lcuktimoph, USB networking with n900 and ideapad15:18
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lcukdo you know if it works well?15:18
timoph't tested that lately15:19
lcuktimoph, only thinking of travelling and the ad-hoc networking issue15:20
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lcukso if it works, can just plug in and the big meego device and n900 can work together :)15:21
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timophthey should work15:21
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timophI thought you meant ssh'ing into netbook image using usbnet :)15:22
* timoph break. bbl15:23
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, ...16:27
lcukyour walk through is special - nice way of presenting bug actually16:27
lcukhave you put it somewhere where real qt qt-creator people can see it?16:27
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timeless_w7ipthey claim it isn't applicable to 2.1/2.216:31
* timeless_w7ip shrugs16:31
timeless_w7iplcuk: that's from <psr.exe>16:31
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timeless_w7ipit dates to vista iirc16:32
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andrelcuk: I claim I cannot apply the manually extracted screenshots to either 2.1 nor 2.2, and "staying as close as possible" does not lead to a crash16:32
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andrelcuk: in any case, is the place to report such stuff, preferably in an easily inspectable way. and a stack trace would be nice.16:33
* timeless_w7ip claims nokia shouldn't expect stack traces if it isn't willing to provide pdb's16:34
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timeless_w7ipand yes, it's my dumb employer16:34
timeless_w7ipbut we're not that stupid in the Maemo side of things, we collect core dumps and pair them to symbols to get stack traces automatically16:34
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andretimeless_w7ip: I _am_ not Nokia. I work there. _I_ expect a stack trace, _Nokia_ probably doesn't16:35
timeless_w7ipyou have my sympathies16:35
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timeless_w7ipbut i've been involved w/ major projects for over a decade, and in projects where crashing is expected, collecting crash reports is part of the project and is managed appropriately16:36
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lcukandre, What happens if you send the stack trace to Mr Elop?16:37
lcukperhaps he (like yourself) will be personally interested in it!16:37
timeless_w7ipand for groups which try to offer themselves as a platform, it's a good idea to provide the necessary bits, which includes symbols (especially for projects which are open source where there's nothing to hide)16:37
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andrelcuk: seems unrelated.16:37
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timeless_w7iplcuk: his priority is wp716:38
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timeless_w7ipand i'm 99% certain wp7 includes enough symbol info for the os to get work done16:38
timeless_w7ipwindows certainly does16:38
lbtmutter.... so I'm doing tests on usenames ... pick a "random won't be used one".... turns out we have a "froggy" ... ah well16:38
andrelcuk: the point is: if you want the thing fixed, make it easy to reproduce. or at least known. #1 is using the right bugtracker16:38
timeless_w7ipand there's no reason for ms not to do so for wp716:38
milianwhere can I get mad-developer for meego-handset-ia32-qemu-1.1.2-runtime ?16:38
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timeless_w7ipandre: i don't really care if the things gets fixed16:38
andrelcuk: creating bug reports like is a complete waste of time.16:39
_MeeeGoBot_Bug 14795 nor, Undecided, ---, maurice.kalinowski, NEW, contacts is misspelled in qt-creator addressbook-sdk.qdoc16:39
timeless_w7ipbut i do want people to be aware that their toolchain is significantly inferrior to the competition16:39
jonwilWindows Phone 7 debugging is completly different to regular windows because its all .NET16:39
jonwilso symbols and symbol tables are done differently16:39
lcukandre, why a waste of time?16:39
andrelcuk: that's 20 seconds work to fix on short notice on #qt-creator16:39
lcuksince the bug is occuring on the meego sdk16:39
jonwilAlthough I have no doubt that Microsoft does have internal servers with symbols for publicly released builds of WP716:39
lcukandre, not everyone uses irc16:40
lcukinfact, most do not.16:40
andrelcuk: then on and you guys obviously do.16:40
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* timeless_w7ip coughs16:40
timeless_w7ip99.99% of us do not16:40
lcukandre, why not just add yourselves to CC on bugs?16:40
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timeless_w7ipheck, even the maemo people generally filed bugs in maemo bug trackers16:40
timeless_w7ipand expected someone else to migrate them across16:41
andretimeless_w7ip: "Reported:  2011-03-22 02:30 PDT by timeless "16:41
lcukyou can be assigned default person on the bugtracker16:41
lcukand if it turns out to be a general problem it can be mirrored wherever else you need16:41
timeless_w7iplcuk: andre indicated that maurice (the assignee) is a Qt person16:41
lcukbut users around meego have a meego user account16:41
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lcukahh so, this noise is not required16:42
* lcuk shuts up16:42
vgrade-nexusDo both these procedures enable me to package a Qt application for building on community OBS ,, or do I need bits from both?16:43
andretimeless_w7ip: still wrongly assigned.16:43
timeless_w7ipso fix the assignee16:43
timeless_w7ipif you want a different default assignee, file a bug16:43
timeless_w7ipwe'll change it16:43
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andretimeless_w7ip: that bug is fixed. I won't create a meego account to re-assign a fixed bug.16:44
* lcuk puts hand up ginergly16:44
X-Fadevgrade-nexus: Why don't you try it out and report if there are problems? That gives us a good way to validate the docs?16:44
lcukandre, but you just asked others to do the same for oyu16:44
infobotlcuk meant: andre, but you just asked others to do the same for you16:44
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andrelcuk: alright. maybe we should settle one question first. are you (as in 'meego') interested in getting creator bugs fixed, or are you happy enough with a bugtracker that acts as /dev/null?16:46
* lcuk has an account at :)16:46
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andrelcuk: just drop a notic on #qt-creator, you don't need an account for that16:46
vgrade-nexusX-Fade, I can report the more manual procedure is OK to package the simple sample application.  I'm stuggling to package a more complex Qt app due to my inexperiance with rpm.16:46
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lcukandre, I am all for fixes - it is principle reason why we are software engineers16:47
X-Fadevgrade-nexus: Did you create the qt app in Qt Creator?16:47
timeless_w7ipandre: the reason i'm filing bugs in meego is that i want to set up a pipeline between MeeGo's bug tracker and the other ones16:47
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timeless_w7ipso that when others come to meego and file bugs, their bugs will not end up in /dev/null16:47
timeless_w7ipbecause we'll have a working process for sending them to where they belong16:47
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timeless_w7ippart of this also involves showing people how to use the tools available at, which includes the mxr indexes which were included in that bug report16:48
andrelcuk: ok, good. then the problem is to find a simple way to coordinate the processes.16:48
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lcukyes, we can either keep telling people they need to jump further to file bugs now and in the future, or you can setup assignee to interact between meego users and qt directly?16:49
andrelcuk: my position is that trivial stuff like fixing a spelling mistake does not need a "process"16:49
* timeless_w7ip notes that it took nokia's symbian team 8 months to integrate "simple stuff" like "spelling" fixes16:51
lcukandre, :) I have seen timeless discuss "trivial" things for a long time - it matters in a deep way.  Try to imagine if your entire user interface was hand written and carefully done - spelling and grammar mistakes glare out.16:51
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vgrade-nexusX-Fade: I'm sure it was. QtQuickPlayground.  I started with the  more manual procedure as I'd not noticed what looks like the easy method.  My only question withe the shorter method was 'does it produce a spec file I can use with COBS'16:52
lcukit is just one level of care that we should be striving to achieve.16:52
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andrelcuk: I am about to setup an account there. but I won't be part of any process that requires a one page bug report to fix a typo16:52
X-Fadevgrade-nexus: Afaik packaging can be done automatically in Qt Creator?16:52
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lcukandre, sure thing - let the bugs be low priority and at some point an interested person will hopefully offer patches16:54
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lcukthere is no real mechanism in any OS/app to notify trivial bugs n a different way.16:55
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lcukandre, if the bugs are tagged correctly, having an intern run around and fixup these things would be good (like summer students)16:56
vgrade-nexusX-Fade: Cool, so then I can use the same spec file on COBS?16:57
lcukthey are not intended to take highly important developer time away16:57
X-Fadevgrade-nexus: There is nothing special about the spec.16:57
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andrelcuk: I am looking through maurice's bugs on right now.16:57
berndhslcuk: and the intern learns valuable skills, like proper spelling :P16:57
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lcukand also the layout of the app :) ie valuable lessons :)16:57
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vgrade-nexusX-fade, thanks, I'll update the wiki with any observations16:58
X-Fadevgrade-nexus: You can also check spec files from other Qt apps to see what they are doing.16:59
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vgrade-nexusX-Fade, yes, I tried that and that got me this far with the manual procedure,
vgrade-nexusX-Fade: ie managed to get the app to compile and link but fell down installing it to the correct place17:02
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X-Fadevgrade-nexus: Did you specify that yaml file somewhere?17:04
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lcukvgrade-nexus, another question for your skillset:17:07
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lcukthe ideapad has pretty poor backlighting/contrast ratio17:08
lcukwhich meego device currently offers the closest to Nokia CBD type real clear black displays17:08
lcukbecause with the clock displayed on a mostly black screen there is still lots of light seeping through the ideapad17:08
vgrade-nexusX-Fade: woops, yes I reomved that file from the OBS but not from the spec, rebuilding17:09
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vgrade-nexuslcuk, let me do a comparison when I'm next in MeeGo control17:09
vgrade-nexuslcuk, I will guess the joggler17:10
* lbt wants his joggler to run 1.2 rc17:11
lcukvgrade-nexus, really?17:11
lcukthat is the oldest of the devices17:11
lcukit seems odd for it to potentially have the better screen17:11
lcukor is that just a component sourcing decision made by the O2 Joggler people?17:12
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vgrade-nexuslcuk, thats just my recollection, i'll check tonight17:22
lcukvgrade-nexus, is there a joggler image available online?  I will have a peek myself with mine17:23
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vgrade-nexuslbt, lcuk, a bit old but still good,
_MeeeGoBot_Bug nor, Undecided, ---, tero.kojo, NEED, Meego community ftp server or similar needed17:25
lbtvgrade-nexus: yes - I've used that17:25
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lbtI want to have an up-to-date one with the latest EMGD/xorg pairing17:26
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TSCHAKeeethe kernel also has to match17:28
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* lcuk wonders if XV works on the joggler, as on the n900 it is sad panda (bug 13084 has fun screenshot from me within)17:33
_MeeeGoBot_Bug maj, Medium, ---, carsten, ASSI, [n900] Horizontal tearing with xvimagesink17:33
lcukooh lbt, you are displayed on that screenshot too!17:34
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DawnFosterthe meego events meeting starts in an hour in #meego-meeting (reminder):
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vgrade-nexusX-Fade: getting closer,
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DawnFostermeego events meeting starting in about 3 minutes in #meego-meeting
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wmarone-n900hmm, perhaps I should register...19:03
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timeless_w7ipdneary: ping me when you have time?19:22
timeless_w7ipsp3000: dinner plans?19:23
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dnearytimeless_w7ip, Sure19:25
dnearyIt'll be tomorrow19:25
dnearyAre you US based now?19:25
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lcukoh, slides, I forgot19:31
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timeless_w7ipdneary: nope, i'm still in Finland19:34
timeless_w7ipbut don't worry about time zones19:34
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bfrogdoes meego run on some base distribution like debian?19:34
CosmoHillbfrog: no19:34
slonopotamus_meego IS distribution19:35
CosmoHillMeeGo is a distribution built from the ground up19:35
bfrogwhat about the interface then, is that something that can be used seperately?19:35
lcukthen the better question is: can I run debian inside meego ;)19:35
timeless_w7ipUI is built aroud Qt/QML in general in theory19:35
CosmoHillthe MeeGo UX is available on some other distobutions19:35
lcuklike we can run debian inside maemo19:35
timeless_w7ipso since Qt is theoretically portable19:35
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timeless_w7ipand since QML is built on that19:35
timeless_w7ipin theory it's portable19:35
timeless_w7ipmore or less19:35
CosmoHilllcuk: this sounds like a question for the FAQ19:36
bfrogI mean basically I'm interesting in developing an device with a touch screen interface thats pretty customized, but meego seems like a nice building block to build on (the ux portion especially)19:36
bfrognetwork config, some basic app launching and task switchin, etc19:36
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bfrogis meego (the distro) pretty easy to customize? like make some additional packages for, custom kernel, etc?19:39
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CosmoHillI'd image if you knew what you are doing you could deploy custom packages and create your own image19:40
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lcukbfrog, like any distro, you can take the entire thing and expand on it19:40
CosmoHillI believe there is an issue with the branding being part of the packages, IE the theme is built into the software packages and is not a seperate package you can easily replace19:41
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lcuklol: Job Title: C# Developer / Analyst19:46
lcukLocation:  Manchester19:46
lcukType:      Contract/Interim19:46
lcukSalary:    £1 p/day19:46
lcukoh crap, wrong chan19:46
CosmoHillif you worked for a year you'd be able to buy 3 litres of petrol19:47
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lcukCosmoHill, it was meant for my channel, amused me that the salary was that19:47
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CosmoHillmy channel is full of hugs, freaks out new commers19:47
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thiagolcuk: £1 p/day seems a bit too low19:48
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lcukyeah, most of them coming past me are offered at current rates, that one jumped out19:49
CosmoHillI read that as 1p per day, therefore it's already 100 times better19:49
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* lcuk might phone them and see what the real salary is19:49
lbtit's very common lcuk19:50
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lcukCosmoHill, well, the email subject was "C# Developer / Analyst - 1 p/day"19:50
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lcuklbt, not with the filter I have from the job site19:50
* lcuk has been monitoring filters for the last ~5 years19:51
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sp3000timeless_w7ip: yeah, I was thinking of poking into verkkokauppa for some bits19:52
sp3000I got sucked into someone's crash analysis issues19:52
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timeless_w7ipsp3000: right, i could meet up w/ you after verkokauppa19:54
timeless_w7ipor i could head over there too and grab a sweet on my way19:54
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sp3000meh, think I'm done with that bit for the day, it seems to have some magical context to it that people can probably shed light on tomorrow20:02
lcuktimoph, we should discuss a travel companion app for meego tours and ways to make it work simply and to alow input of important details about travelling and keeping all paperwork together20:02
timeless_w7ipsp3000: so fud?20:03
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lcuktimoph, if written carefully can then be expanded beyond this usecase and be usable for other more general journey planning20:03
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timophlcuk: let's get back to this. I'm currently in a train and the networking suck20:04
timophI'll be home in about 1h20:04
lcuktimoph, :) this is why an app to input stuff beforehand and keep it with you is important ;)20:04
* lcuk dislikes reliance on internet whilst on the go20:04
CosmoHilllcuk: I should show you my phone with it's new casing, quickly before it falls apart20:05
lcukyes, you should!20:06
* timoph arriving to tampere. bbl20:06
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sp3000timeless_w7ip: heading ooo now20:07
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timeless_w7ipsp3000: which direction?20:10
CosmoHilldamn firefox20:12
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timeless_w7ipcosmohill: did you see ?20:17
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CosmoHillI have now20:17
* CosmoHill eeps and takes his laptop off power saving mode20:17
CosmoHillI know Oceania is a real place but it still sounds like it's from a fantasy book20:18
CosmoHillwow, the germans really love firefox20:19
timeless_w7iponly 2,172 downloads of ff4 in Helsinki :(20:20
CosmoHill965 people have downloaded it in my county20:20
Bostiksee how many are from Tampere as well20:20
timeless_w7ipto do that i'd have to figure out what "region" tampere is in20:20
timeless_w7ip958 Tampere, Western Finland20:21
* CosmoHill makes it 966 people20:21
CosmoHillokay okay, 965 and a half20:21
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, I saw a similar thing about inventions over the years :) was most informative20:22
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CosmoHillbugger me20:22
lcukfirefox is awesome :)20:22
CosmoHillit actually tells you what towns too20:22
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CosmoHillmy home town has the 2nd highest downloads in the county :D20:22
timeless_w7ipin Peru i think it did a neighborhood20:22
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CosmoHillwait what20:24
CosmoHilleither I've downloaded the wrong one or they've dropped powerPC support20:25
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timeless_w7ipthe latter20:25
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CosmoHillcould have told me that before I downloaded20:26
CosmoHill(mozilla, not you)20:26
* CosmoHill wants is download uncounted now20:26
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BostikI'll wait happily for ff4 to show up in sid/experimental20:27
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sp3000timeless_w7ip: ook, exiting store20:28
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CosmoHillwow that's depressing and creepy20:38
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CosmoHillit's 6:40pm, it's dark and there is an ice cream van outside20:39
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DawnFostersounds like time for ice cream20:42
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* CosmoHill wonders why pushing his USB bluetooth adapter upwards reduces the interference with the sound card20:44
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timophlcuk: I think we should create a wiki page for collecting the ideas around the meetup tour thingie21:15
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lcuktimoph, ok, but first we need to work out who is going to the MM occuring on the International Space Station!21:17
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lcuktimoph, there are certainly lots of meego meetup activities - but not sure where on the wiki they are currently organised21:19
lcukfor the different places and details etc21:19
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lcukthe touring would naturally be done as an extension of that (since needing to know the locations would be important)21:20
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DawnFosterbtw, most are listed here:
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lcuk:D DawnFoster21:21
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DawnFosterI like to just randomly drop links into irc to prove that I'm still here :)21:22
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DawnFosterPortland is lovely21:22
* lcuk thinks DawnFoster has been replaced by a shell script21:23
StskeepsDawnFoster: think you've successfully managed to establish a presence that makes people think you're actually around all the time :P21:23
Stskeeps(or at least in waking hours)\21:23
lbtwaking hours only .... pafff21:23
DawnFosterjust keeping you on your toes :)21:24
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lcukDawnFoster, we did not have the prerequisite 4 people at our mMMM this weekend21:24
lcukhowever the bar does have delicious bacon sandwiches21:24
DawnFosterFor the record, I am not a shell script (as far as you know)21:24
lcukand plenty of people were peeking at our screens21:25
Stskeepsperl then?21:25
* Stskeeps ducks21:25
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lcukStskeeps, DawnFoster is much more refined - a carefully crafted COBOL interface.21:26
DawnFoster*rather be a perl script*21:26
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gabrbeddDawnFoster is a string of perls21:27
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lcukthere we go Stskeeps ;) saved you from getting hit21:27
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lcukson wants me to put my clock app on android21:32
* lcuk sighed heavily21:33
lcukhe is after some htc thingy21:33
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timakimalcuk: desire z? :)21:35
* lcuk giggles at @migueldeicaza who asked me to tell him when I came up with innovative apps21:36
lcuktimakima, I don't know which21:36
timakimai just bought one couple of weeks ago21:37
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* lcuk wonders whether migueldeicaza has seen liqbase before now :)21:41
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CosmoHilllcuk: btw did you see the new phone casing?21:42
lcukno, you posted it?21:42
* lcuk ate dinner21:42
CosmoHillI set off your highlight and swore at firefox21:43
lcukahhh CosmoHill - sidetracked by firefox shiny21:43
CosmoHillfirefox told me to sod off / by a new mac21:43
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lcukthat is nicer - but lacks the asthetic of tape21:44
CosmoHillbottom of the case and top row of keys are coming off already21:44
lcukyou are an abuser21:45
lcuktreat phoens with care!21:46
CosmoHillit's a chinese knock off21:46
infobotlcuk meant: treat phones with care!21:46
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lcukCosmoHill, why not an original?21:46
CosmoHillduno, mate found it for £421:47
lcukwow, you just doubled the price of your phone! :P21:47
lcukthe state that bashed in one was lol21:47
lcukCosmoHill, what sensors does that phone have?21:48
CosmoHillI think it has an ambient light sensor on the front21:48
CosmoHillhopefully not pain21:48
lcukaccelerometer? gps? camera? compass? moisture? pressure? temperature?21:49
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CosmoHillgps, 5MP main  camera and VGA front camera21:50
lcukcan you take a pic with the main camera?21:51
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CosmoHillthink that's orginal21:53
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CosmoHilldo I get geek points for having to recompile my anti-virus for every update?21:57
lcuktimoph, :D21:57
lcukI have just added a bit about Birmingham meetup21:57
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lcukCosmoHill, those are good clear shots!21:58
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lcukthe sensor is great in decent light!21:58
lcukwhere is rst38h?22:00
lcukhmm he normally has something to say about camera sensors22:00
CosmoHill << not so good22:00
CosmoHilllcuk: the biggest problem I have with my phone's camera is that I also own a DSLR22:01
lcukcan your dslr also make phone calls?22:01
CosmoHillI mean my phone is great for when I'm out and about I wanna take a pic of something cool22:01
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CosmoHilllcuk: I quickly took this as it was driving off22:04
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* CosmoHill only uploads the good ones22:06
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frakhas anyone succeed in having nvidia display driver working ? (meego 1.1.3 netbook)22:07
lcukCosmoHill, :) be open source about your photos!22:07
lcukgood/bad/indifferent - get them up22:07
CosmoHilllcuk: I've just removed that one cos it has my town written on the side of it22:08
lcukCosmoHill, your town is proudly displayed via your IP address anyway22:08
CosmoHilloh btw my phone does have geo tagging, if I'd of used it the fire engine would be back at the station before I could take a picture22:08
CosmoHilllcuk: only to geeks22:08
lcukCosmoHill, and nice ladies in website adverts22:08
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CosmoHilllol, I forget that there are adverts on the web22:09
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CosmoHillfrak: you might want to look on the forums, I've not heard anyone mention nvidia in here in a while22:10
lcukCosmoHill, anonymity online is hard22:10
frakCosmoHill: ok, thx22:10
CosmoHillthankfully the internet is full of idiots, just read any youtube video comment22:10
lcukis the vega tablet nvidia?22:10
lcukCosmoHill, youtube comments are not all bad22:10
CosmoHillit's like panning a sewage works for a small speckle of gold22:11
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lcukCosmoHill, sewage works have automatic filters for that kind of stuff22:12
lcukand it is rewarding too!22:12
* CosmoHill just found a virus on his memory stick22:12
lcukif you held it in your hands that is not unlikely :P22:13
lcukCosmoHill, which virus?22:13
lcukis it a W32_ variant?22:14
CosmoHillI have E:/USBS/open.exe22:14
CosmoHillsome kinda trogent22:14
josuasumisoikeus päättyy tässä22:15
CosmoHillwindows can't see the USBS directory and mac can't delete it22:15
CosmoHillaparantly it was created when the laptop found the virus22:16
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lcukCosmoHill, o_O22:20
lcukDSC0000252 has picture of a train22:20
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CosmoHillwhat server was it on?22:21
CosmoHilllcuk: yeah, it's my electric train set22:21
johdwhat is a virus?22:21
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lcukjohd, it is an application to cleanout your windows PC and ensure that the network is running well22:22
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CosmoHilljohd: something you get when you sleep around / share a USB stick22:22
lcukby performing numerous tests on bandwidth22:22
CosmoHilllcuk: I had one that did that on my server :(22:22
johdahh, now I remember22:22
CosmoHillone of the few times where having 300Mb/s wifi and 100Mb/s wired would have helped22:23
lcukhow is wifi faster than wired?22:24
lcukthat is like a break in the time/space continuum22:24
* lcuk watches the [unnamedtown].mov movie22:25
CosmoHillno idea why there is a market place for it, on that's right, most people aren't that techy22:25
lcukestablished in 1218!22:25
* lcuk will visit WH Smith, H&M, Tie Rack and O2 :P22:26
CosmoHilllcuk: this is why anonymity on the internet isn't very high22:26
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lcukCosmoHill, I remember [censoredtown] 123 :O22:30
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lbtkmem russian roulette: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/kmem bs=1 count=1 seek=$RANDOM22:36
CosmoHillkernel memory?22:36
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lbtthere's a chance it might not do anything bad22:37
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lcuklbt or not noticed until a long time after22:38
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lbtit's a drinking game ... you take it in turns on your N900 and the first one to crash .... wins22:39
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dm8tbrare you allowed to stress the device inbetween turns? to reach better 'excution coverage' ;)22:40
lbtcosts you a round22:40
* CosmoHill wonders what would happen if you use $USER22:40
CosmoHillwould JJ fair better than Alexander?22:41
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timeless_xchatso, mIRGGI isn't very useful on the n823:00
timeless_xchatit doesn't expect devices not to have a keyboard / keypad ...23:00
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timeless_xchatlcuk : it's the beginning of bug ping pong23:14
lcukwhich bug?23:14
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timeless_xchati should start a pool to see how many volleys this bug will get23:14
timeless_xchatsorry, walking up stairs atm23:15
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lcuktimeless_xchat, the one about qt-creator?23:17
timeless_xchatquery: reporter contains timeless and assignee changed in the last 1d23:17
lcuk<lcuk> where is rst38h?23:17
lcuk<lcuk> hmm he normally has something to say about camera sensors23:17
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lcukoh cripes, migueldeicaza thinks liqbase "looks like ass"23:21
CosmoHilldid you draw an ass?23:22
lcukno, I showed him a screenshot of liqbase running on n900 and ideapad23:22
lcukafter he was talking about patents and irrelevant software23:22
w00t_"you're supposed to comment on the software, not your reflection"23:24
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* w00t_ is friendly, honest23:24
lcukno woot, he actually said: "@lcuk Just because it looks like ass, does not make it not infringe  "23:24
w00t_yes, i saw23:25
* lcuk replied with honesty:23:25
lcukThe only patent it will infringe upon is a piece of paper on my wall. Other people can draw better than me. @migueldeicaza Oh,it's GPL btw23:25
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lcukat least I am getting style advice from another OS leader :)23:25
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lcukI should really add gnome to list of contributors *grin* ;)  (actually real, I use gnome icon)23:26
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* lcuk updated to include "looks like ass" and gnome stuff :)23:29
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* CosmoHill needs to update his backup stratagy23:35
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ali1234lcuk: miguel said liqbase looks like ass?23:42
ali1234reading scrollback... lulz23:43
lcukyeah ali1234 :D23:44
lcukI wonder what he will make of my giant clock23:44
ali1234i misread that23:44
* lcuk ran it fullscreen on the big monitor earlier23:44
CosmoHillali1234: everyone does23:45
lcukthat is half the fun ali1234 :)23:45
CosmoHillit's as if it was intentional...23:45
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lcukCosmoHill, :O23:46
javispedrowhere is that conversation?23:46
* lcuk originally called it mywatch - but it works on more so is a clock :)23:46
lcukjavispedro, twitter23:46
lcukbetween @lcuk and @migueldeicaza23:46
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ali1234how are you supposed to follow a conversation on twitter?23:47
* javispedro is trying to discover exactly that, too23:47
lcukali1234, someone might be helpful and dig the related things from both side and paste here23:48
javispedroso far failing..23:48
lcukI started to before but I am going showering23:48
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javispedrolcuk: did the entire thing happen today?23:48
ali1234lcuk: looks like you started it alright :)23:49
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RST38hevening, javispedro23:51
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javispedrohiya RST38h23:51
RST38hyou cannot follow conversation in twitter, otherwise, they would call it irc.23:51
CosmoHillI thought twitter was just people's internal thoughts23:52
ali1234lcuk: you know, for someone who spends so much time drawing, "other people can draw better than me" isn't really that great an excuse...23:52
javispedroin fact from my short experience with twitter it does seem IRC.23:52
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javispedroit looks like a IRC where you can spam multiple channels at once (via hashtags).23:52
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TronicRST38h: IRC message length is also around 460 characters but for both systems there are tools that can automatically split long messages into multiple posts.23:53
timeless_w7iplcuk: probably bug 1479223:54
_MeeeGoBot_Bug nor, Undecided, ---, ossama.othman, NEW, contacts is misspelled in the contacts-sync README23:54
timeless_w7iplcuk / et al, i think we need a "welcome to bugzilla, here is how to use it to deal w/ a bug"23:55
RST38hjavispedro: Twitter is IRC where everyone has got his own channel!23:55
timeless_w7ipbecause people don't seem to understand how to <assign> a bug to themselves or how to resolve a bug as <fixed> :(23:55
ali1234here is how the convo might have looked if it took place on a sensible messaging system:
lcukali1234, :) but I cannot draw well, I make notes23:56
lcukonce I have note I try to code them to make then line up properly :)23:57
lcukit took me a long time to actually be careful and neat enough to get handwriting just right.23:58
ali1234also the idea of "drawing" the UI of a tool and then having the computer make it work isn't new, in fact it is probably quite heavily patented23:59
lcuktimeless_w7ip, that bug23:59
lcukit is marked fixed23:59
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lcukali1234, so find it23:59
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* lcuk will not do the leg work23:59
lcukeverything from hello world up is23:59

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