IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2011-02-14

dm8tbrjbos_bk: just a policy away :)00:00
jozefkhow about nokia and phones? are they planning to make some phone with maemo or meego after n900?00:00
jbos_bk(btw. when will be deadline for 1.2 Applications, and how can we manage to get our application in 1.2 release=00:00
mikhasjozefk, if no one uses the weeklies, we cant fix bugs ;-)00:00
jbos_bkjozefk, yes they say the work on one.... I think that is true.00:01
jozefkmikhas, I thought developers use weeklies :)00:01
dm8tbrjbos_bk: I think there was already a freeze, but I didn't pay attention. you can of course build _for_ 1.200:01
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lcukmikhas, you should be using the daily testing images at least00:01
mikhaswell, the way I "use" software while developing is very different from *you* using it00:02
jbos_bkthere was a 'core' freeze iirc last week00:02
mikhasthe deal goes like this: you report, devs fix, you test & verify (assuming "you" is an user of F/OSS)00:02
jozefkthere should be testers. developers, testers and users right?00:04
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jozefkif no users then nobody really need the OS00:04
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jbos_bklbt, ok so lets say i would be happy to contribute help in that direction (to get some first policy on the way) what are the relevant people, outlines, places to put those stuff, who makes the decision in the end to go with it00:04
mikhastesters = users00:05
jozefkyes but not for weeklies00:05
mikhasoh sure, even for that00:05
jbos_bkits a bit unclear for me right now. I think there is something like a base around so ...00:05
lbtjbos_bk: me, X-Fade and jaffa decide00:06
lbtfeel free to start putting stuff up in that Team page00:06
CosmoHillhas source forge changed their website?00:07
jbos_bkI suppose you do have already something in mind some outline some expectations on how it should finally be :)00:07
lbtmy blog post00:07
lbtthat's a kind of meta guideline thing for discussion00:08
jozefkok. :) i'm actually not the one then. :) I can report things from final releases. but I never use betas and RCs... and I know no OS is perfect. what makes you feel the OS is ready for final release?00:08
lbtTeam is actually a pretty simple area I think00:08
jozefkit can be a time schedule. but it's not always the reason00:09
lbtSurrounds is most complex and depends on MeeGo direction as per
jbos_bkwell i think this Team 'Project' Area is neither the less most important for Teams willing to contribute for Meego Baseline.00:09
lbtApps is also fairly easy based on app process and policy00:10
lbtyes, Teams could be a good place to push to core00:10
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lbtbut I personally would like to see *less* in core rather than more00:10
lbtand I'd like to see 'sign' Team release areas00:11
jbos_bkyes, well of course you need to basically allow teams to make up the decision for what meego type they deliver.00:11
jbos_bkso maybe a Team simply does not have the people to make there project perfect for netbook, handset and ivi00:12
lbtso other Team areas I expected were "KDE" and "Python"00:13
jbos_bkand of course what makes its quite more complicated is the fact that device vendors will bring in there own look'n'feel00:13
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lbtyour use of Team to support something which is more of an app/middleware (?) wasn't explicit00:14
lbtbut since LibreOffice *was* on my mind then this is not too far off00:14
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jonwilanyone here know who Tyson Key is?00:15
jbos_bkmhm i think its quite complicated to make the line between app for enduser and app for vendor00:15
jbos_bkso i wonder is this MeegoApps actually something for End Users00:16
lbtApps is an OSS app store00:16
lbtwhy isn't Peregrine 'just' in the OSS app store ?00:16
lbta) too big00:16
lbtb) has supporting libraries00:16
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jbos_bkso like my neighbor going in the store buy a meego device and download / install my application which i deliver through meego.com00:17
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lbthave you followed the 'compliance' debate?00:18
jbos_bk ?00:18
lbtOK - that's not 'compliance' but yes, that's "Apps"00:19
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lbtcompliance means that essentially your app must only link to libs in 'core'00:20
jbos_bkI see00:20
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lbtwhich I'd guess would be a royal PITA for peregrine00:20
lbtsince I'd expect a decently architected app to abstract out the libs etc and reuse open source code that may not be in meego00:21
jbos_bkmhm well depends on the libs in core :D00:21
lbtOK - *only* core?00:22
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jbos_bki think it should be fine with only core, since we kicked out meego touch, only use qml for ui and libqt4 telepathy (and some others) for the backend.00:23
lbtOK ... so maybe you are *just* an app ;)00:23
lbtin which case you may just need multiple maintainer support from the app store00:24
jbos_bkyea well, we fell like doing a sample ui to show, but everyone who like can make its own ui, its completely cut00:24
jbos_bkmhm what i wonder, how tide will this time obs be to an appstore00:25
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lbtthe process will be src->OBS->appstore ... QA managed by BOSS00:26
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jbos_bkarchitectural, it should be pretty flexible giving teams the ability to turn on delivery on a base of device hardware type00:26
Jaffalbt: streamlining MeeGo to be a target for vendors who want an OS base and a developer ecosystem sounds brilliant, btw. Exactly what Nokia wanted ;-)00:26
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lbtJaffa: I know... I was talking to one of the internal architects last week and telling him I was writing this00:27
lbt"about time" or similar00:27
jbos_bki see the biggest trouble in compatibility of the UI consistency... Like Nokia doing this, Intel doing that, Nomovok doing something else,...00:28
lbtjbos_bk: yes... you can support multiple targets from one src base if you like00:28
jbos_bkcan or must?00:28
lbt*nod* ... I don't seriously know what 'compliant' means00:28
lbtwe have to be able to slice/dice00:29
lbtso if you have peregrine-ivi peregrine-handheld00:29
jbos_bkyes. i as an application developer have the biggest doubt in creating an UI, for all meego devices, I fear that you need to make a new one for each and every00:30
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jbos_bkwell ivi of that vendor, ivi of the other vendor.00:30
lbtyup... and please don't expect to have app-ui depend on app-lib00:30
lbtsince that's not compliant00:31
* lbt thinks that is insane (for opensource) ... hence Surrounds00:32
sivanglbt: writing what?00:32
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lbtbut it's also very very hard to make work....00:32
lbtsivang: ?00:32
jbos_bkyep. So what I say is, as app dev you need to be able to not only make the cut on ivi, handset or netbook00:32
jbos_bkbut on much more granularity - on explicit device level, like Nokia Device 1, Intel Device XXXs, Intel Device YYYs,....00:33
lbtthat is what I expected too00:33
sivanglbt: trying to figure this up for community app development , reading the wiki page00:33
jbos_bksook :)00:33
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jbos_bkso this will / might happening on base of a website?00:34
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lbtjbos_bk: but I feel that the 'compliance' people thought that would all magically be "taken care of" by being compliant (and maybe it would - I am too infra-oriented to comment)00:34
lbtjbos_bk: well, clearly there is turmoil now00:35
lbtbut we were working on all of this00:35
lbtrecent Community Office meetings, nominations to TSG, App store dev is happening00:35
jbos_bkis there a need for device vendors to be compliant?00:35
jbos_bkto call it meego  - i mean00:35
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lbtyes but00:35
lbtyou can have a compliant device00:36
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lbtwith 'extra'00:36
lbtbut a compliant app can't rely on the 'extra'00:36
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jbos_bkis there an official list of what is compliant, and what is extra?00:36
lbtso typically vendor provides something to differentiate and you can't use it00:37
lbtsomewhere ... compliance spec00:37
jbos_bkiirc on maemo 5 the libqtmobility is extra00:37
jbos_bkwhich kind of sucks ;)00:37
lbthonestly this is possibly a bit in the air now00:37
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berndhsthe spec has been delayed many times00:38
JaffaBut it's also a question of what "compliant" gives. Although, if MeeGo transitions to providing an ecosystem-in-a-box, application compliance becomes *more* important?00:38
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sivangwhere is help needed to make 10k of community apps for meego? :)00:38
Jaffasivang: Devices running MeeGo that devs want to use, with no better alternative.00:39
jbos_bki expect that vendors might not want 'compliant' apps, but only there own store00:39
sivangJaffa: heh, okay :-)00:39
Jaffasivang: So, I won't write an app for MeeGo Netbook, cos I just use Ubuntu. But I will write an app for Maemo, cos an N900 is my best choice for a mobile phone.00:39
berndhsjbos_bk: some vendors probably yes, others probably no00:39
lbtjbos_bk: yep00:39
jbos_bkmhm i actually think that is the point to start of.00:40
lbtit depends if they want to go to that trouble00:40
Jaffajbos_bk: I suspect with where MeeGo wants to go, the fact that it can deliver x,000(,000) apps "out of the box" will be the attraction; allowing them to differentiate in the UI00:40
lbtNokia probably would extend00:40
jbos_bkvendors must feel a need to take the store in.00:40
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Jaffajbos_bk: See the reasons Elop cites in the "Burning Platform" and elsewhere for what's needed to be a successful mobile developer00:40
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Jaffajbos_bk: Who are these vendors?00:40
VenemoJaffa: you however may write an app "for netbooks" that runs on both Ubuntu and MeeGo netbook00:41
jbos_bkyea :)00:41
sivangJaffa: if we have so many apps, device vendors will stack like Rolling Stones women groupies00:41
berndhsmaking a store is an investment, so some vendors probably prefer to  use other's existing stores00:41
sivangJaffa: do you have a link ?00:41
sivangJaffa: what berndhs said, if we have the store infra already they just provide devices, install our software and we profit00:41
Jaffasivang: Erm, google "Burning Platform elop" and also "ecosystem elop"00:41
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lbt:) o/00:42
Jaffasivang: Exactly. An ecosystem in a box is what Nokia wanted, with differentiation opportunities. It will be what all mobile computing (don't know about IVI) vendors want.00:42
Jaffasivang: And it makes economic sense.00:42
Jaffasivang: Elop's conclusion was that Nokia couldn't wait to have MeeGo be that ecosystem (despite the advantages), and so chose Windows Phone to be his pre-made ecosystem.00:43
sivangJaffa: agreed, I already agreed with that, but why is that stopping us from creating ecosystem infra now with lbt and friends?00:43
sivang"If you build it, they will come"00:43
Jaffasivang: The value proposition of MeeGo *can* be: "You want to release a tablet, or a mobile phone, or a PDA? We've got the base of the OS for you, a development framework, a set of tools and a community of x,000(,000) apps ready to go"00:44
sivangthis is the bread and butter of any open source developer00:44
Jaffasivang: I didn't say it should stop us from creating that ecosystem now.00:44
sivangJaffa: okay, so we agree, sorry I was not follwoing :)00:44
Venemosivang: agreed00:44
lbtsivang: yes, but be realistic in your expectations00:44
sivanglbt: define reality since I jsut went though a vortex on Israeli train00:44
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jbos_bkcoming to that point, really i wonder if its isn't a good thing that nokia took a step back00:45
Jaffasivang: But it requires accepting that MeeGo is a) not a linux distro; b) not targetted at end-users directly and c) has modest deliverables and a focus on meeting the vendors & developers requirements.00:45
valianholtwill be the MeeGo 1.2 fully stable and usable public release?00:45
JaffaThe developers' requirements are being met by COBS, Qt SDK etc.00:45
JaffaVendors' requirements - less so.00:45
jbos_bkand if this is not in the end attracting other mobile vendors to take a look00:45
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sivangJaffa: okay, so besides working with Stskeeps on a platform hacking guide as we restarted those efforts ince yesterday, what else can I do to help the app developers?00:45
lbtjbos_bk: not really. Investment is needed. This looks like Nokia is 'droppping' MeeGo and will be used to demonstrate high risj00:46
Jaffajbos_bk: It'll be a hard sell. Board of $MOBILE_VENDOR will ask, quite rightly, "why should we get onto the MeeGo train when Nokia, one of the co-founders of the project, has decided it's only suitable for R&D projects?"00:46
sivangJaffa: I want developers! develoeprs! developers! and ready to invest much effort into it.00:46
Jaffajbos_bk: That perception is the single biggest problem facing MeeGo in the next two months.00:46
lbtsivang: mmm how many $million spare do you have?00:46
JaffaSome high profile shiny devices at MWC would help.00:46
Jaffasivang: The problem is that if MeeGo gets to that "ecosystem in a box" state, it'll do well. But getting there from here will be hard.00:47
sivanglbt: I have quite a large debt and I was recently laid off my job due to being away too much time in meego related events :)00:47
VenemoJaffa: Intel will have the shiny devices00:47
berndhshow certain are we that tehre are no other manucaturers working on products now ?00:47
VenemoJaffa: also there's the WeTab already00:47
Jaffasivang: App developers won't develop unless it's for their own purposes or own profit00:47
lbtsivang: well duh!00:47
sivangJaffa: meaning there must be a popular platform00:47
JaffaVenemo: Intel don't make consumer hardware. The WeTab is niche and will not be mass-market.00:47
jbos_bkyes, i think that there will be some on Meego's MWC00:47
Jaffasivang: Yup. Which Nokia was going to deliver :-/00:47
sivangthen we must make the platform popular00:48
VenemoJaffa: they don't make consumer hw right now, maybe. but they definitely have money to do so if they wanna00:48
sivanghow hard it can be?00:48
JaffaVenemo: And why would they want to?00:48
sivangI mean, it will be very hard now00:48
sivangbut can't we do it?00:48
JaffaBattery dying.00:48
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sivangnigh Jaffa !00:48
lbtnight Jaffa .... catch me tomorrow00:48
VenemoJaffa: because they want to make money?00:49
JaffaVenemo: Intel make money selling chips, chipsets & reference designs.00:49
JaffaVenemo: No need to make consumer hardware. Of course, you could say the same about Microsoft...00:49
jbos_bkyes. night sounds good here too. So I think we wont solve the trouble with the store, the ui and stuff just at once00:49
sivangintel could subcontract a company to be a handset mfcter00:49
VenemoJaffa: so what objections would they have against making money in other ways too?00:49
jbos_bkthat is stuff which needs time00:49
VenemoJaffa: anyway, they said they have something to show in MWC. let's wait for it.00:50
sivangcan't we appeal to the fact no roylaties are paid to use meego?00:50
valianholtI think Intel should buy Aava Mobile and start mass production00:50
Venemovalianholt: :)00:50
berndhsIntel would have to invest time and money to establish a consumer brand of some sort00:50
JaffaVenemo: Core competencies, not pissing off your customers, expertise, resources, ...00:50
sivangvalianholt: along this lines00:50
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* lbt wanders off o/00:50
sivangJaffa: there's lots of experience in this already, from maemo and meego00:50
VenemoJaffa: "Intel make money selling chips, chipsets & reference designs" -> yet they also develop lots of software00:50
sivangJaffa: intel just has to tap into the community00:50
valianholtMeeGo + Aava mobile not just for devs, but mass product, will be true open handset00:51
VenemoJaffa, sivang: anyway, what Intel and MeeGo needs is some hardware manufacturer actually making hardware for it, and also a great community00:51
valianholtsame as openmoko is, but 10 times better00:51
sivangVenemo: what is great community ?00:51
Venemosivang: for example, see Maemo community. or the Fedora community00:52
VenemoJaffa, sivang: if they (Intel or anyone) could promise a full MeeGo port for the N900 for example, they could get hold of the entire Maemo community00:52
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valianholtgreat community is already here I think, but being pissed off from Nokia decision - see many blogposts from devs00:52
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lbterm... that's being done00:52
Venemoyeah valianholt, and I agree00:53
lbtthe N900 reference port00:53
lbtand the pulling of Fremantle to the MeeGo OBS00:53
sivang, nokia and intel are still there ? ah bad it is 201000:53
* sivang needs to sleep00:53
berndhshow big is the Maemo community ? are there enough of them to call it mass-market ?00:53
Venemolbt: "reference port": afaik that's nowhere near working.00:53
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Venemoberndhs: no, but it's a start.00:53
lbtberndhs: no, not at all00:54
valianholtI think many Maemo guys moved to MeeGo, some migrated to QT, some are still developing in GTK+00:54
sivanglbt: I can personally walk into freescale offices and talk to them, it is quite close :-)00:54
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sivangso slick00:54
jbos_bkoky hey guys I need to find some sleep here too, I looking in here tomorrow and will have some ideas regarding a OBS Teamspace. - I think there are just 2 things for which this is for a) allow teams to provide more public a meego build with there own project in it, and b) to show others that 'they' are around.00:55
lbthe posted about the comparative investment00:55
lbtjbos_bk: yep ... objectives sound good00:55
jbos_bkeverything else can be solved later on00:55
lbtgrab some bullet point policy from my posts too00:55
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Venemolbt: nice article00:56
valianholtis there any way how can I contribute to MeeGo project? testing the OS, but rather in QEMU than on my N90000:56
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Venemovalianholt: plenty, yes00:56
valianholtI am quite good in finding bugs and reporting them (previous experience)00:56
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valianholtbut no programming knowledge, only deep unix knowledge00:57
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sivanglbt: he speaks wisely and I agree. this is a wakeup call00:58
Venemovalianholt: you can set up a MeeGo chroot and file bug reports, do testing, etc00:58
Venemovalianholt: check the wiki00:58
valianholtcool thx00:58
sivangvalianholt: you can aos get a uSD and test using it, I am just preapring myself one00:58
jbos_bkhey, so have no time now. but are you aware that is down?00:58
sivangvalianholt: micro sd card00:59
sivangvalianholt: that you can add to your N900 computer00:59
lbtjbos_bk: yeah the guy hosting it had a tantrum :(00:59
MeeGoBotBug 11422 is not accessible00:59
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sivanglbt: you make me use urban dict for that world00:59
valianholtseems good, so I can simply put into my Maemo 5 chroot and test directly on N90001:00
sivangYou are not authorized to access bug #11422.01:00
valianholtwith easy of ssh connection from my laptop01:00
valianholtease *01:00
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valianholtbecause I thought MeeGo needs more UI testong as well01:01
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valianholtseems not01:01
Venemovalianholt: they say that the preferred environment is Fedora, but I guess it should work in any other distro01:01
sivangvalianholt: micro sd card ??01:01
sivangsomething odd is happeing here01:02
Venemosivang: ?01:02
lbtjbos_bk: can you see #11422 now?01:02
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valianholtsivang: you mean MicroSD has to be tested in MeeGo env?01:03
sivangvalianholt: sorry no, I need to change my freenode password it seems :)01:04
Venemovalianholt: no, he means that you can install MeeGo on a MicroSD card and test it on your N90001:04
sivangVenemo: yes, what Venemo said01:04
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valianholtsivang: Venemo: ah this, I will follow wiki for sure01:04
lbtwhat does show for people ?01:04
sivangvalianholt: it is very cool that way since you can "dual boot" without harm01:05
sivangvalianholt: but make sure you read everything thoroughly01:05
valianholtsivang: ok thx01:05
sivanglbt: microsoft phone01:05
lbtsivang: ta01:05
Venemolbt: what the fuck? it redirects to M$ site01:05
sivanglbt: which I was still amazed a few minutes ago01:05
lbtthis is what happens when you get dipshit "community" people throwing a tantrum after you trust them to help you out01:05
lbtjebba in this case01:06
valianholtsivang: an off topic question, is the N900 still manufactured? my friend was interested because it is not anymore available in our local shops and it's not available on Nokia sites as well01:06
Venemolbt: what happened?01:06
Venemovalianholt: noone knows01:06
MeeGoBotBug 11422 nor, Undecided, ---, michael.r.shaver, ASSI, allocate vm at OSU for mxr.meego.com01:06
sivangvalianholt: I wish I knew :/01:06
sivangvalianholt: have no idea01:06
sivangvalianholt: but it does not matter at all to us01:06
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lbtapparently I didn't get my finger out quickly enough for him01:06
Venemovalianholt: anyway, it seems that N900s will be rare things soon, as there're many people wo like them01:07
valianholt:( I should possibly get another one - spare01:07
CosmoHilllbt: it says I should download IE8, DirectX and Office 2010, none of which work on mac01:07
sivangjebba, i recall the name from maemo01:07
Venemovalianholt: you should get one from ebay for a fairly low price though01:07
sivangalthough hasn't seen this nick in a while01:07
sivangvalianholt: what Venemo said :)01:07
sivangvalianholt: where are you from?01:07
CosmoHilllbt: is someone about to have their rights revolked?01:07
valianholtactually it has been from our local shop in Czech republic for like $42001:08
valianholtvery cheap01:08
lbtCosmoHill: yep01:08
valianholtnew, 2 years warranty01:08
valianholtunlike US 1 year01:08
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CosmoHilltbh I'm pretty indifferent to nokia and microsoft at the moment01:09
sivangwhat this this give you guys?01:09
sivangit brings me to go-mono01:09
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CosmoHillsivang: no, you must of clicked on the "install silverlight" thing in the corner01:10
dotblankpeople are scared of mono dev01:10
sivangI did01:10
dotblankbecause it could potentially turn01:10
CosmoHillsivang: ah, mine tried to start downloading01:10
valianholthmm, why N900 chroot install instructions contain ext3 FS creation instead of btrfs?01:11
valianholtshouldn't be MeeGo tested on btrfs?01:11
sivangI'm off to bed, finally01:11
sivangcheers all01:11
Dijitbtrfs is new. -- give it a while01:11
Dijitalso btrfs is kinda, a server thing01:11
Dijita lot of functions are lost on a mobile device01:11
Dijitperformance is also still better on btrfs01:12
javispedrovalianholt: not necessarily.01:12
javispedrovalianholt: the n900 stock kernel won't be able to read it either way....01:12
Dijitstill not better*01:12
Dijiton btrfs01:12
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valianholtI see01:12
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valianholtthx for info & talk, good night01:14
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Dijitgoodnight sir01:14
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dotblankIf its an mtd I thought you would ubifs01:16
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Dijitdotblank: got any information on ubifs01:18
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dotblankI mean what about it?01:22
dotblankits been in the linux kernel for awhile now01:22
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Dijitdoing some research into filesystems before01:23
DijitI've not come across it.01:24
DijitI just mean broad information01:24
dotblankwell the object of most flash based fs is trying to reduce reads/writes01:24
Dijitlike, features, benchmarks. and how it treats disks01:24
Dijitbut nilfs does that perfectly01:24
dotblankfrom what I can tell nilfs is ment to be used on regular disks01:27
dotblankubifs is meant for large NAND flash01:27
javispedroyou're not using ubifs on the n900 for anything other than the 256MiB rootfs.01:29
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javispedroubi works over the mtd layer, while mmc/sd are block devices.01:29
timelesslbt: ping01:30
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CosmoHillit's to late at night for me to work out how to remap a fish eye image into a rectangular image01:37
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jonwilanyone here have a compile setup that can compile ofono (and specifically test-sms.c)?02:28
jonwilI am looking to replace the test Cell Broadcast message in that file with one of my own and run it so that I can see what it decodes to02:28
jonwilbut I dont have a working compile setup for ofono02:28
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tulkuhi! I wanted to test meego touch, I could get the source and build it02:47
DijitI think the source is public02:47
tulkuhowever, I have an error running the demo app widgesgallery02:47
Dijitcheck gitorious02:48
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tulkuDijit, yes, I did clone the repo and compiled it :)02:48
Dijitwhat's the error?02:48
tulkuI also installed the theme02:48
DijitI think it's all working02:48
tulkuand I got the app running, but all I see is a black window with the following error:02:49
tulkuMRemoteThemeDaemon: Failed to connect to theme daemon (IPC)02:49
tulkuMThemeDaemon: Could not activate the theme: "base"02:49
tulkuand then tons of errors, I guess they all are because the theme is missing02:49
Dijitsounds like it02:50
tulkuI actually had a problem installing the theme... meegotouch installed in /usr/local02:50
tulkubut meegotouch-theme in /usr/share (no local)02:50
tulkuy then manually moved the files...02:50
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DijitI'm not a developer, but02:53
Dijitcan you try reinstalling?02:53
Dijit(the theme02:53
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tulkuyes, I did02:54
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tulkuOk, I found that I have to ran the ./mthemedaemon02:56
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tulkubut now I have a new error :)02:56
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tulkuI works!!!02:59
tulkuthanks :)02:59
Dijitnot sure what I did02:59
Dijitbut no problem xD02:59
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tulkuthe problem was that I have to manually run the theme server, and have the themes installed in usr/local, but the themes install in src03:06
tulkuusr, not src sorry03:06
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Elaine1i heard that abc_ has cancer and is terminal03:29
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MichaelWangwhat is up about meego today?03:42
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DijitMichaelWang: nothing really03:56
MichaelWangDijit: How about those companies who tend to get meego projects from Nokia? They will get nothing to do about meego right?03:58
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DijitMeego will live on no matter what happens04:00
Dijitit has corporate backing other than nokia04:00
Dijitsome companies are invested so much in meego's success.. that they will actively develop it, if nokia drops it,04:00
lofty306thought they alreaady did04:03
lofty306or did they just cancel the hardware at this point04:04
Dijitthey've not stopped anything04:05
Dijitso far it's all media hype04:05
Dijitthe developers are worried of course04:07
Dijiteveryone is worried04:07
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leinir*nods* Everybody who didn't actually watch the briefings are worried and flailing all over the place, and those who saw the very large lump of R&D budget with the word "MeeGo" on it are more... shall we say sensible about the whole thing :)04:08
leinirOh yeah, and of course there's all the "ohnoes, nokia am teh sux!11eleventyone" who have been all negative for ages anyway, and just bringing this one along for the ride :)04:09
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leinirIf it wasn't so sad, it's be kind of fun to watch all the flailing :)04:09
Dijithonestly, meego will live on.04:10
Dijitit's not a nokia thing anymore04:10
Dijitthey have almost no control over it now.04:10
lofty306its seperate  i know that04:10
Dijiteither they can make money on it..04:10
leinirIt never was a Nokia thing - the press thinks so, because they're incapable of understanding the whole cooperative effort thing of open source projects like this, but... yeah :)04:10
lofty306or go with that other compaany04:10
Dijitor they can try and drop it, and lose all they stuck in.04:10
leinirThe only thing Nokia are now not doing is actively productifying it :)04:10
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leinirbut seriously, Nokia wouldn't be going into an insane chancey deal like this wp7 thing without an out... and meego is that out :)04:11
* lofty306 *grins*04:11
lofty306or the CEO realy is nuts04:11
Dijithe knows business04:12
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Dijitthat's what a CEO should know04:12
Dijitopen source is for us nerds xD04:12
leinir*nods* Also a point - he couldn't do this sort of thing without support form the board :)04:13
Dijitthey can't comprehend it, just like we can't really comprehend business strategy04:13
leinirAs in /big/ support from them04:13
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lofty306ive been scramblling to find other devices in the us to play with04:14
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DijitI've not played with meego.04:19
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lofty306i have a bit04:24
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jonwilis anyone here set up to compile ofono or can help me compile ofono?09:15
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zmamaybe ask at #ofono?09:16
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pupnikjonwil: tried it on a laptop yet?09:17
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* jonwil doesnt have a laptop :)09:27
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dneary_Stskeeps, morn09:42
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vgradeaccording to bobduffy tweet, tablet ux will be 'Should be onsite for download shortly'10:09
Stskeepsyeah, but in what for.10:09
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ukasso when will wmc2011 open today?10:15
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ukaslocal time10:15
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jboshello there10:17
jukkaIntel MeeGo Tablet UX here:
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Stskeepsjukka: i'm waiting to see if it gets contributed to meego 1.2 or not personally10:18
jukkasame here10:18
pupnikwho is going to wmc 2011?10:18
jukkait has to be contributed..10:19
* dm8tbr wants to see that on his OMAP3 driven tablet :)10:19
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jukkaI guess we are going to see phone UX as well from Intel10:21
chouchouneit would be nice if they show a phone UX with the same ideas like Tablet UX10:21
chouchounefor coherence between phones and tablets10:22
Stskeepschouchoune: i'm more curious if it will build for ARM ;)10:22
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chouchouneyes, of course10:23
dm8tbryes, a) do we get sources b) will it build for !intel_sse310:24
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Stskeepsdm8tbr: if anything, i think it'll be easy to find volunteers to make it build on arm10:25
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chouchouneMeeGo 1.2 Tablet UX (pre-alpha - for developers)10:26
chouchounethat sounds like releasing code10:26
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Stskeepschouchoune: or a image build..10:26
chouchounepre-alpha, for developpers ?10:26
jukka_I hope we get that HW to MeeGo Summit FI10:26
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chouchouneI understand it as "for UX developpers"10:27
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Stskeepsjukka_: supposedly it works on conference laptops10:27
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slaineStskeeps: and that's probably where all the Netbook UX guys have been working for the last few months10:32
Stskeepsslaine: can't blame them..10:32
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slaineAs Jaffa pointed out though, it's yet more big reveal stuff10:34
slainehoped we'd passed that10:34
slaineI guess we never will10:34
sivanghi all10:34
slaineI imagine we'll get a Tablet UX Day 1 around the 1.2 release10:34
slainesivang: hey ho10:34
sivanghey slaine , what's news today?10:35
slaineMWC, and Intel's new Tablet UX that none of us knew about10:35
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* javispedro is watching the pre3 at mwc10:35
RST38hslaine: their previous tablet ui has been a mockup10:35
RST38his this one real?10:35
RST38hand moorning to you, javispedro10:36
javispedromorning gentleman10:36
khertan_morning javiF10:36
khertan_morning javispedro10:36
khertan_oups sorru10:36
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slaineRST38h: looks "more real"10:39
slainefollow the link10:39
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khertan_doesn't look useable10:40
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Hq`is the tablet UX image for S10-3t already available in public?10:41
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sivangslaine: so they did want to fix the tablet UX :)10:41
sivangslaine: and they did- is it open source?10:41
FryeLooks interesting10:41
* javispedro is watching pre3 at mwc10:42
chouchounesivang: it's not written and no code is available yet10:42
chouchounebut supposedly they will release it as open source10:42
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sivangat least they promote qt as appropriate as it seems:10:42
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slainesivang: it doesn't look to be released yet10:45
Stskeepsaround the corner though10:46
slaineI expect we'll get a Tablet UX Day1 like we did for the Handset UX. i.e. it'll be developed internally to a point, big press event and then we'll get to work on it10:46
slaineProbably targeted for 1.3 but Day 1 based on 1.210:47
slaineeducated guesses10:47
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javispedroso wheres this tablet ux?10:49
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sivangjavispedro: lol10:50
sivanghey achipa :)10:50
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achipahey sivang10:50
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sivangNICE :)10:52
Stskeepsisn't that an old article?10:52
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javispedroso far all I've seen here live is the metab again10:53
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FryeSubmitted by Bob Duffy on 13 Feb 2011 21:19:1810:54
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FryeDoes not necessarily say that it is not old though.10:54
FryeJust the submit date10:55
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chouchounejavispedro: you're in Barcelona ?10:59
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RST38hjavis: Will they rename it to Microsoft or to Elopsville now? =)11:01
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javispedrochochoune: yes11:07
javispedrorst38: hardly, even the nokia booth is still with qt,qt and qt11:07
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javispedromaybe next year11:08
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pupniknice illustrative story though sivang11:08
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arfolljavispedroi, msqt.org11:09
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* sivang checks mxr again11:12
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sivangjavispedro: http://mxr.meego.com11:13
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jboshi does someone have actually an ide how to get N900 with meego running, we have tons of issues with that11:18
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arvind_khadrihi, I needed help with qxmpp. Is anyone aware of it?11:21
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jbosyes Stskeeps, i rever to that11:25
jbosbut there are so many pitfalls11:26
Stskeepsok, so11:26
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Stskeepseasiest way, honestly: get pr1.3 for maemo. install uboot-pr1311:26
jboswe have two n90011:26
Stskeepswrite a SD card image with the meego n900 image (bunzip it)11:26
Stskeepsand put it in, reboot, keep back cover on11:26
jboshave dualboot, put the stuff on it, we can boot one11:26
dm8tbrand make sure the little magnet is not lost11:27
jbosbut not the other (mmc root fs error)11:27
dm8tbrjbos: check the magnet11:27
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dm8tbrit's under the kickstand11:27
jboswhich magnet?11:27
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dm8tbrcompare both units to see if it is missing11:27
jbosso next thing is that we have trouble in getting usb network working11:28
dm8tbrif yes, replace with a piece of fridge magnet or so ;)11:28
jbosour kernel / host identify the meego n900 MAC Adress as "incomplete"11:28
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jbossuse 11.211:28
jbosswitching to 11.3 as11:28
jbosworks, so we made this as bridge. but have trouble in keeping ssh alive when it comes to huge transfers11:29
dm8tbrdmesg output? (but then again I never used g_ether myself)11:29
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jbos(huge = ls on root11:30
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jbosso this pretty much sucks.. :) since we need to update to trunk11:32
Stskeepsjbos: just configure the usb net manuaally11:32
Stskeepswith ifconfig11:32
jbosare there ready made n900 trunk images for n90011:32
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jboswhere can we find that11:34
JaffaMorning, all11:34
Stskeepsjbos: repo.meego.com11:34
Venemo_N900morning guys11:35
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Venemo_N900what's up?11:35
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jbos ? just contain the repo11:35
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jbosbut no ready made images?11:36
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Stskeepsthere's weekly images11:36
dm8tbris this weeks ready yet? last week wasn't that great ;)11:36
jbosmhm so ?11:38
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jbosis it this?11:38
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dm8tbryeah that's last week's11:39
jbosokay thanks, is there a list / info when this gets updated?11:40
dm8tbrthere's a mailing list that get's this info11:40
dm8tbrI'd guess we'll get the next image tomorrow judging by the timestamps.11:41
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dm8tbryou can always build an image yourself using the kickstart file mic2 and the daily repo11:41
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* javispedro hears Nokia still sing the Qt tune at mwc12:21
javispedrothe "three year ecosystem" talk.... has just lost a lot of meaning...12:22
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Venemo_N900javispedro: what is 3 year ecosystem?12:24
chouchouneIntel's Tablet UX in a video :
CosmoHill360 days after announcing MeeGo they announced their partnership with MS12:24
CosmoHillwait a minute, 360 days, xbox 360, microsoft, bastards12:25
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Venemo_N900chouchoune: do we know if it's oss yet?12:26
CosmoHillkkkkkkkkkk: either your very very racist or you have a sticky key12:26
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vgrade-nexusfrom my contact at MWC, They are having problems uploading it. Have been on the case this morning. Red tape. #MeeGo #tablet12:26
chouchouneVenemo_N900: no, but Intel presents it as Meego tablet UX 1.212:27
av500chouchoune: omg, one can even fast forward video12:27
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Venemo_N900chouchoune: so it's closed? great!12:27
Stskeepsav500: yeah, that's new ;p12:28
chouchouneclosed ? I think they will release the code12:28
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chouchounebut let's wait until that12:28
Venemo_N900chouchoune: i hope so12:28
chouchounethey call it pre-alpha, developper release, for me that means that they release it for UX developpers12:29
chouchounebut let's see12:29
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jbosyea that would be awesome12:30
arfollVenemo_N900, so far they havent done a single closed UX12:30
arfolland they've said it works on the lenovo S10-3t :-)12:30
chouchouneand I don't see the point for Intel to release a closed UX12:30
chouchounefor Nokia it would have been relevant12:30
chouchounebut Intel wants manufactures to pick it up12:31
chouchouneso it has to be open12:31
Venemo_N900arfoll: yet noone's seen the code for tablet ux12:31
arfollVenemo_N900, want to bet a beer on it?12:31
Stskeepsa sdk installs, hmm..12:31
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Venemo_N900arfoll: no. I also hope they'll open it soon12:32
chouchouneI'm in for the bet, on the open source side ;)12:32
pupnik"I have offended God and mankind because my work didn't reach the quality it should have " - - Last words Leonardo da Vinci12:32
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arfolli'm sure on #microsoft someone would bet me a beer ;-)12:32
javispedroso wheres that UI I want to touch it!12:32
chouchounejavispedro: Meego booth I guess12:33
javispedrotheres 3 intel booths12:33
chouchouneMeego's Intel booth ;)12:33
chouchouneor maybe ExoPC as it's on an ExoPC ;)12:33
ukasso has mwc opened? i'm not finding anything about it on technology blogs :(12:34
chouchouneukas: yes, this morning12:34
jboscan you buy this exopc already`12:34
chouchouneNo idea12:34
chouchouneit works on WeTab12:34
chouchouneand you can buy Wetab12:34
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javispedronokia says they sell 14 phones per second =)12:35
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maybeArghand how many are returner per second?12:37
Stskeeps <- oh come on12:38
ukasso no news about meego-harmattan?12:38
CosmoHillwhat the12:39
arfollStskeeps, and an iso?12:39
Stskeepsarfoll: shouldn't matter too much12:39
JaffaStskeeps: More big reveal crap.12:40
JaffaStskeeps: MeeGo's only choice is "ecosystem in a box" and an openness USP.12:40
StskeepsJaffa: then again, the big reveal comes at a handy time12:40
vgrade-nexusand I'm at work too :(.  Joggler later12:41
av500Stskeeps: big reveal?12:41
av500nokia or intel?12:41
JaffaStskeeps: Perhaps, but also shows that Intel is becoming MeeGo's Google. Here's a code dump for the next release/future.12:41
* thiago has just had a flawless 40-minute international call on his nokia meego prototype12:41
Jaffathiago: The cancelled one or the one which actually should get released? ;-)12:41
av500thiago: while playing angry birds?12:41
thiagoav500: not playing angry birds, but skype chats and email syncing in the background12:42
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lbtJaffa: just a maemo thought.... do we bother putting Harmattan on the OBS or just redo the autobuilder12:51
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Jaffalbt: I suspect Nokia'll be reducing costs further. Having a more sane and reproducible infrastructure would be good.12:51
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sivangJaffa: do we have harmattan? isn't it a closed nokia product?12:52
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sivangStskeeps: has it become a shareware?12:53
lbtI know Tero and Niels are looking into it - just wanted to think about it from a maemo PoV too.12:53
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CosmoHillhey lardman12:53
lardmanhi CosmoHill12:54
lbtanyhow... not a very coherent thought.... maybe l8r12:54
gouris there anyone left believing there will be meego smart-phone available or let's better go to the webos shop?12:54
lbtgour: #meego-bar for chitchat12:54
lardmanwell apparently there will be something this year...12:54
sivangthiago: maemo already does this :) including angry birds12:54
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Stskeepsooh. qml based tablet ui12:54
lardmanlbt: do they serve drinks before 11?12:54
lbtlardman: yep ... follow the sun licensing hours12:55
Jaffalbt: Because #meego is so busy with functional chat? ;-p12:55
lbt'cos I can't be arsed with it :)12:55
maybeArghso i just download that iso and fire up virtualbox...?12:56
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lbtmr neary!12:56
gourlbt: i'v tried it, but do not consider it's topic for chitchat...maybe that's problem with meego12:56
lbtdneary_:  how do I get 'delete page' on the wiki12:56
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dneary_lbt, You ask me or anyone else who's a sysop, and if you've done good wiki work we add the permissions12:57
* lbt begs and pleads12:57
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niala1fais chier des travaux pas d eau chaude12:57
niala1oh sorry wrong win12:57
lbttimoph: hmph ... clearly *someone* needs to kill some pages12:58
timophyep :)12:58
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CosmoHilllbt: so we have a massive hit list but no assassins?13:00
lbtsounds like13:00
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CosmoHillwhy do people add them to the list instead of deleting them themselfs?13:00
lbtdelete is a special right13:01
timophregular user can't delete pages13:01
CosmoHilloh I see13:01
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CosmoHillI'm assuming you two can't?13:02
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av500just add the pages to german wikipedia, they will be deleted in no time....13:04
* timeless pokes lbt13:04
CosmoHilllbt: if you'd like I could hack my way through some when I have spare time13:05
MurmurORZTE (Chinese phone mfr) has expressed some early interest in Meego, but at this point purely very early R&D project.13:05
StskeepsMurmurOR: oh, didn't know that13:05
MurmurORRight from MWC news13:05
jonwilAll the ZTE phones I have seen have been junk13:06
CosmoHill"warning, copying folder "VISTA_SP1" may harm your computer, do you wish to continue?"13:06
* timeless pokes lbt13:07
sivangMurmurOR: very nice13:07
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MurmurORAt this time thought ZTE is 99,9% Android house, so it might not materialize anything.13:08
lbttimeless: hey13:09
lbtso jebba is a prick13:09
timelessi don't really care13:09
timelesshe made an investment and a contribution13:10
timelessyou guys made a promise months ago, @dublin13:10
lbtthen he had a tantrum because *I* didn't spend *MY* volunteer time on *HIS* issues13:10
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lbtsorry for not having unlimited bandwidth13:10
lbtnow please fix that redirect13:11
lbthe also gave us a 'deadline' of 8 weeks and had another tantrum after 1 week13:11
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timelessi have no control over it13:11
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lbtwell. This kind of shit shows why people have issues trusting 'community' members ....13:12
lbt(sorry for swearing)13:12
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CosmoHilltimeless: just let him vent13:12
Stskeepslbt: looks like a reason to remove dns record/mod it13:12
lbtkinda done last night13:13
lbtbut we are still working through basic issues like managing DNS effectively13:13
jrayhawkIs new hosting still needed, or is that already settled?13:13
lbtlet alone taking on more services13:13
timelessjrayhawk: are you volunteering?13:14
jrayhawkProbably. It might take me a bit to get *more* than 100 gigabytes ready, but I can probably get that much.13:15
lbtjrayhawk: won't happen13:15
lbthow can we take you up on it when this is what happened last time ?13:15
sivangfor crying out loud, a 500gb server in webtopia costs 25EU per month13:15
sivangwith almost unlimited bandwidth13:16
mikhassivang, that unlimited bandwidth will be throttled I am sure13:16
jrayhawkGosh, why does anybody bother trying to do anything when risk of failure exists?13:16
timelessjrayhawk: sadly 100gb is a bare minimum, that's what is used currently and it's fully used, preventing me from staging updates or anything13:16
sivangmikhas: better than nothing13:16
mikhasonce you reach a magic limit13:16
lbtsivang: sure... and without control I'm just glad a site doesn't redirect to goatse13:17
sivanglbt:  you control it if you pay it :)13:17
sivanganyway, /me fetches the link13:17
lbtalthough it might be preferable to microsoft13:17
jrayhawkHmm. I guess I could reshape that array and get another 500 gigs.13:17
lbtsivang: you know this and I know this ... but we have corporate overlord/sponsors who are not capable13:18
sivanglbt: I see. /me stops fetching the link13:18
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* timeless grumbles13:20
timelesswho scheduled a meeting for lunch?13:20
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lbttimeless: so mxr is a fairly huge resource hog with limited community demand. I *would* like to make it happen but it's low on the list.13:21
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timelesslbt: so, can you outline what's needed/missing?13:22
timelessi was under the impression @dublin that you had physical storage available13:22
timelessand some amount of bandwidth13:22
timelesscpu load and general runtime bandwidth are a function of general use, more users, more load13:24
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timelessalso, do you have an actual list in priority order of tasks and what's blocking them?13:26
lbttimeless: yes, we have physical storage.... do we have a backup strategy, capacity planning and the rest of it?13:26
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lbtwe're meeting in a week for a week to plan this out.... migrating all the main web services to OSU was our priority13:27
timelesswhere are they now?13:27
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lbtof course things are now even less clear13:27
lbtthey were at an ISP.. they're now mainly at OSU13:27
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timelessi'd personally be willing to delay the backup strategy for mxr. since it's generally easier to build from scratch13:28
dneary_lbt, Sorry - I changed windows straight after, didn't see a ping, didn't realise you'd replied13:28
dneary_lbt: Name prefixes are really useful :)13:28
lbtdneary_:  :)13:28
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dneary_lbt, No time right now, let me look at your contributions after lunch. What pages do you want to delete?13:28
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CosmoHilldneary_: a LOT of them13:30
dneary_CosmoHill, Yeah - the Die die die category is a good way to mark them13:31
dneary_I should sick the Sysops on that list13:31
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* lbt looks at dneary_ ... "let me look at your contributions after lunch" ..... OK....13:31
timelessdneary_: you could promote a couple of people to have delete privs ;-)13:32
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dneary_lbt, Specifically wiki stuff13:32
dneary_lbt, I am not questioning your contribution outside the wiki... but sysop has some power to damage stuff, so it's normal to ensure that the person is active in the wiki & understands how mediawiki works, etc13:33
lbtuh huh13:33
dneary_Just want to avoid any accidental irreversible bad stuff13:34
dneary_lbt, Is that an ironic uh huh?13:34
* lbt notes he has root to the server the wiki runs on13:34
lbtso yeah13:34
thiagoCosmoHill: do we have Wesley Crusher in that category?13:34
lbt(and I know)13:34
CosmoHillno idea13:34
dneary_lbt, is the list of sysops, by the way13:35
lbtmaemo ?13:35
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dneary_lbt, And don't take it badly, please... if you have root you could give yourself sysop privileges via the mysql client ;)13:35
dneary_lbt, Isn't that what we're talking abouot?13:35
lbtI'd never do that13:35
lbtno meego13:36
* lbt checks channel13:36
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dneary_Since giving sysop to people was something I talked about in meego this week13:36
timelesslbt: s/no meego/no, meego/13:36
CosmoHillyou people are confusing me13:36
dneary_So now I need to figure out what the meego process is (esp. since I came late to the MeeGo sysop party - I may have to clear it with other sysops)13:37
dneary_lbt, I would appreciate you running a mysql query for me on the meego wiki DB13:37
lbtOK ... I want to tidy up
dneary_lbt, Basically, I'd like to get a list of MeeGo sysops13:39
CosmoHilllbt: is there a similar page for the meego wiki?13:39
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dneary_mysql -h<host> -u<user> -p<passwd> mediawiki -e "select u.user_name,u.user_real_name from mw_user as u,mw_user_groups as g where u.user_id=g.ug_user and g.ug_group='sysop';"13:40
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CosmoHillmy advise would be to use -p and not -p <passwd>13:41
CosmoHillthat way it will ask you for your password instead of storying it in .bash_history13:41
dneary_I'm assuming that the wiki database is called the default "mediawiki" and that the table prefixes are the defauls "mw_"13:41
dneary_CosmoHill, Correct - I was short-handing13:41
timelessCosmoHill: and instead of showing it in `ps` :)13:42
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dneary_lbt, There is no way to get that list through the wiki, as far as I know13:43
CosmoHilltimeless: oh my13:43
timelessCosmoHill: on most platforms the ps table is public13:43
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timeless(exceptions include solaris zones)13:43
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dneary_lbt, I'll use you as a test case & set up a new lightweight process - document who the sysops are, and how you become one.13:45
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dneary_lbt, Sorry if this is inconvenient for you right now, but it'll be better for everyone longer term13:46
lbtno probs ... sensible approach13:46
lbtit's what I'm doing with the OBS13:46
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: are you trolling?13:54
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CosmoHillI see the DNS hasn't been fixed yet13:54
DocScrutinizernah, I'm not even here13:54
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: i think jebba just set back any trust in volunteers giving server space a year :)13:54
CosmoHillor at least not filtered down to openDNS13:54
CosmoHilljebba has cocked it up for the rest of us13:55
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javispedrosaw the tablet ux!14:05
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javispedroquite nice14:05
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CosmoHillwould there be some kind of background check, such as talking to member's of other communities where the candidate has worked / contributed14:05
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javispedrono commentsw about release dates or oss though14:05
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pekujais MeeGo usable on an N900 yet? I mean, is it usable as a phone?14:06
Stskeepsjavispedro: i'd say rather soon since license headers are in place14:06
Stskeepspekuja: yes, you can make phonecalls14:06
DocScrutinizerfor 4h14:06
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pekujayeah? horrible battery life?14:06
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pekujait installs into a dual-boot setup, right?14:07
Stskeepspekuja: you can set it up like that14:07
CosmoHillpekuja: yes, just turn it off and remove the MeeGo SD card14:07
Stskeepspekuja: needless to say, it's not a end-user product14:07
DocScrutinizerCosmoHill: uBoot menu doesn't work?14:08
CosmoHillno idea, the video I saw he just removed the card and booted meamo14:09
lcukCosmoHill, you could just ask his mum to write a letter.14:09
pekujaStskeeps: sure. some might argue that the default OS isn't either ;-D14:09
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pekujaStskeeps: j/k, but mostly I just mean that from the looks of it, MeeGo looks a lot more user friendly than Maemo14:16
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Jaffapekuja: Last time I used MeeGo Handset it was a lot less user friendly than Maemo 5, and that's excluding things like UI lag and random scroll events14:18
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pekujaright, ok14:19
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pekujaI'm mostly just judging it by screenshots, so I may be completely off base :-/14:20
pekujathat's why I need to get it installed, of course :-P14:20
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Dijitgood afternoon fellas14:42
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bergiedownloaded the tablet UX preview, seems interesting14:43
bergiethough I have to clear up my IdeaPad before trying it out14:43
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pexiZTE investing r&d for meego14:47
Dijit(imagine I know nothing)14:48
Dijit... in fact, don't imagine.14:48
pexibig chinese smartphone company14:49
pexi(well it has other products also)14:49
Jartzadecent phones with cheap pricetag14:49
pexipenetrated finnish smartphone sector last summer with cheap androids14:49
bergieI was to Verkkokauppa today, ZTE seems to be selling crazy cheap Android stuff14:49
Jartzathey do14:50
bergiewouldn't be too bad to have very cheap MeeGo phones out :-)14:50
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pexi(in finnish, sorry)14:50
Jartzazte blade is around 200e14:50
Jartzaand the android tablet was around 350e14:51
bergiehmm, Engadget doesn't seem convinced of the tablet UX yet:
Stskeepsbergie: "it's not ipad"?14:52
bergiethey say it isn't "even Android" ;-)14:53
bergiebut well, I have the ISO, have to try it on the IdeaPad later this week14:53
bergiemaybe for the MeeGo meetup on Wednesday14:53
smoinenbergie: we'll try to prepare one ideapad for tomorrow's Tampere meetup14:54
smoinenwith tablet ux14:54
bergielet me know how it goes14:54
smoinenwe will14:54
bergiethe problem is, since the hard drive on my laptop died, I'm using the ideapad for work14:55
bergieso I need to go and buy a new machine first ;-)14:55
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smoinenbergie: oh, ok :)14:55
bergiesmoinen: can you post to this thread once you've tried it?
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smoinenbergie: i'll try to remmber. kyb3R is working on installing it atm.14:57
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* ahiemstra is running intel's tablet ux on an ideapad15:01
ahiemstraand i must say, I'm quite impressed15:01
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alteregoahiemstra: cool, wish I had one :)15:03
bergieahiemstra: could you post something to a blog or the forum?15:03
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ahiemstrabergie: probably15:04
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ahiemstrawhat did you have in mind?15:04
lcukalterego, if I had means to send you one I would.15:04
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alteregolcuk: I hear it's got QML candy bars! :D15:05
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bergieahiemstra: would be nice to hear some real-world experiences and see more screenshots. Especially how it compares to the (now dead?) netbook UX15:06
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bergiealso, is it smart enough to use on-screen keyboard when the ideapad is in tablet mode, but hardware keyboard when in laptop mode15:06
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lcukbah, yesterdays handset ux image is not booting15:08
alteregobergie: now dead?15:08
ahiemstrait is really a tablet ux, so it will always show the virtual keyboard15:08
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Stskeepsahiemstra: it is using input method from meego handset, so that's flaggable15:08
ahiemstraalso, it seems to be lacking drivers for the standard intel gfx chip15:09
lcukahiemstra, even a real tablet UX should try to account for hw keyboards!15:09
bergieahiemstra: there are tablets with hardware keyboards, check out for example
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ahiemstrabergie: true15:10
lcukthe n810/n900 also15:10
ahiemstrait is meant to be a "developer preview" so I'm guessing its one of these things they haven't touched yet15:10
* lbt notes that he's even heard of <gasp> USB keyboards! </gasp>15:10
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bergielbt: they're also selling lots of bluetooth keyboard accessories for iPad15:11
lcuklbt, whats a "USB" and where is the ps/2 slot on my tablet?15:11
lbtyep .. another case15:11
lbtlcuk: heh ... I have that problem for real on desktop motherboards...15:12
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lcuki have a few converters here15:12
lcuki once had to daisy chain from the big DIN connector to PS/2 to inline remote control to keyboard15:12
Dijitconverters rarely work anymore15:13
Dijitall keyboards used to be compliant.. >_<15:13
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lbtwoo ... fixed my stupid kerberos problem15:13
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lcukDijit, it was not that they were compliant, it was that they were too heavy to carry back to the shop15:13
maelcumyou can get "real" converters that don't require hardware support from the keyboard.15:13
Dijitbut USB keyboards have to be polled by the CPU15:14
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Dijitso, they actually degrade performance (although I think it's so minimal you never notice)15:14
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maelcumi believe they don't. where do you have that information from?15:14
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lindi-at least they are polled over the USB bus15:15
Dijitstudying USB devices at university15:15
lcukhas anyone been testing handset on pinetrail images?15:15
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maelcumusb hardware surely has an interrupt to tell the cpu that something happened. only then does the cpu have to "poll" the keyboard.15:15
lcukI just booted one and got no further than X1115:15
* lcuk goes filing bugs15:15
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maelcumi can imagine the usb protocol working by polling. usb heavily relies on the host.15:15
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schoenemannhi, I'm trying to build a project using the MeeGo SDK with meego-core-armv7l-trunk target15:16
lindi-maelcum: yep that's for sure15:16
schoenemannis it possible to install additional libraries inside this target?15:16
schoenemannI need TelepathyQt4 to build my project15:16
lindi-Dijit: any idea how to find the function in linux that does the polling?15:16
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Dijitnot a clue15:18
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Dijitit'll be bundled in the HID stuff15:19
lcuk0 bugs filed against images from 2011021115:19
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lcukif the tablet ux thing is an ISO, how do you put it onto your ideapad?  Don't you need a CD/DVD for that?15:23
Stskeepslcuk: possibly you can just boot it15:23
RST38hYou do not put it onto your Ideapad15:23
RST38hYou put it onto a tablet.15:23
StskeepsRST38h: actually they list the lenovo as a target15:24
lcukdo they mostly have DVD drives now?15:24
RST38hStskeeps: =)15:24
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RST38hI would then try burning it to a CDROM and seeing what is there15:25
lcukI looked carefully all around my ideapad and I did not see a DVD or CD rom slot anywhere!15:25
av500make sure burning to CD does not violate the intel EULA15:25
lcukshould I file a bug?15:25
maybeArghcan't boot it in virtualbox, complains about something something intel 915 blah is needed15:25
pohlylcuk: the .iso should be the typical hybrid MeeGo image - copy onto an USB stick and boot from that.15:26
RST38hYou should start by finding a Windows PC with a CDROM and burning that .iso to a disk15:26
av500"Windows PC" :)15:27
lcukRST38h, how then do you boot from it? do you wave the CD infront of the camera or something?15:27
Dijitor, using dd..15:27
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Dijitdd if=<path to iso> of=<path to any usb stick big enough> bs=512k15:27
Dijit(as root ofc)15:28
RST38hlcuk: I do not know, depends on what is on that CD15:28
DijitI've not used a CD for any installation for a long time.15:28
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lcukpohly, indeed, however I thought ISO was specifically a disk image from optical media, if it is a standard one that can be used as Dijit said that is cool15:29
ahiemstralcuk: its an iso, but you can just put it on a usb stick to boot from15:30
DijitISO is binary disk format15:30
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Manuel_Hi-looking those like me who can take contact with one of the fastest Meego?15:31
pohlyI wouldn't do the dd as root, though. Much to risky to wipe out your hard disk by accident. Modern Linux desktops make USB sticks read/writable to the current user, so dd as normal user instead.15:31
Dijitnot at block level15:31
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Dijitthey mount the filesystem as the user.15:31
Dijitwell.. they make it available to the user15:32
Dijitbut to gain block level access you need to be root.15:32
schoenemanncan someone help me to install additional libraries (e.g. TelepathyQt4) inside a MeeGo target?15:32
ahiemstrapohly: you can't do dd as non-root15:32
Dijitjust make sure you know which disk is the target15:32
Manuel_!!!!!! Hi-looking those like me who can take contact with one of the fastest Meego?15:32
DijitManuel_: please restructure your sentence15:32
Dijitschoenemann: I'd love to help, but I don't know how to do that either15:33
lcukfor Netbook/Handset UXes for installation of images to USB keys15:33
Dijithave you asked almighty google?15:33
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lcukthere is a great piece of software called "image-writer"15:33
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lcukit checks specfic usb mounts and confirms and proceeds nicely15:34
lofty306for in windows to write the iso to a usb stick15:34
lcukits available here:
pohlyahiemstra: not true, I have done it. The GNOME desktop on Debian makes /dev/sdb writable for the current user.15:34
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ahiemstrapohly: on block level? I would consider that a security error tbh15:35
Dijitas would I. 0_o15:35
schoenemannDijit: yes. already asked google but I couldn't find an answer15:35
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pohlyahiemstra: why? I find it a useful default. Of course, real disks are not writable.15:36
Dijit"real" disks are USB disks too.15:36
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Dijitpohly: do you have gtk-recordmydesktop?15:37
pohlyExternal USB disks are also writable. SATA disks are not - that's what I mean with "real". I don't know how configurable this behavior is, but as I said, I find it useful.15:38
Dijitbecause if this is true.. then I'm going to be having words with meego's debian loving developers15:38
pohlyDijit: no.15:38
pohlyDijit: what does that have to do with MeeGo?15:38
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Dijitsec, I'm going to see if someone can do this;15:40
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Dijitpohly: you are mistaken15:42
Dijitdebian doesn't give block access to users15:42
pohlyDijit: well, my installation does.15:43
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pohlyI don't think I customized that myself.15:44
pupnikpohly: perhaps you mean /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdb2 etc15:44
pupnikor rather filesystems mounted on them15:44
pupnika desktop doesn't do anything with a block device15:44
Dijitpupnik: I just checked on aapi's debian machine15:44
Dijitno access to /dev/sdc or /dev/sdc115:44
pupnikyes, i think it was just a misunderstanding15:45
Dijitonly mounted filesystems- and only where they're mounted15:45
pohlypubnik: do you really think I don't know the difference between /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1? ;-} I've written enough of these .iso images to last me life time, and I'm not doing it as root here.15:45
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pupnikbrw-rw---- 1 root floppy 8, 16 Feb 13 20:24 /dev/sdb15:46
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jboshey guys, i try to use cmake on qtcreator15:47
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jboshow do i need to setup qtcreator to use cmake with my arm target and such?15:47
pohlypubnik: rw for group "floppy" does the trick. For fixed disks it is "disk". Not sure whether the default user is part of floppy, though. This might be a part that I changed for my account.15:47
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pupnikpohly: it appears users get added to group floppy by default, but not group 'disk'15:49
pupnikthis seems to be a reasonable default to me15:50
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Dijitheh, I love this laptop, but it hates linux16:05
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Dijitno fingerprint reader support, no display driver.16:06
robthomsQT work insofar as to bring Meego to market, but no porting efforts..16:06
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lcukrobthoms, ?16:08
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robthomslcuk, in a confcall.. mostly internal stuff, but that (unsurprising) snippet.16:09
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MeceI'm seeing pictures og an intel tablet and phone with meego headlines. what's been shown? (been away all day)16:20
Stskeepstablet ux16:20
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* RST38h Wonders whether that .sio image will boot on a core i7 laptop, from USB16:24
MeceStskeeps, checking a youtube widget atm. is the ux closed source?16:24
StskeepsMece: doesn't look like it but it's not in meego trunk yet16:25
StskeepsMece: license files on qml says apache license16:25
Meceit's a qml ui?16:26
MeceStskeeps, the panel view looks alot like my Tweed Suit app :)16:27
RST38hStskeeps: Engadget clowns already hate it :)16:27
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Meceis it a wetab they show it on?16:28
StskeepsRST38h: engadget hates a lot of things16:28
Dijit\quit bye16:28
javispedroIMHO it is way different from the flashy colorful demos16:28
Dijitwhy does that never work on freenode.16:28
javispedrothis one was clearly real though.16:28
MeceRST38h, it didn't look super smooth on the video, so I immediately figured ipadites would hate it.16:28
Dijit\quit ...16:29
RST38hWell, it is a pre-alpha16:29
javispedroMece: it was very snappy actually, but not flashy16:29
Mecedigit, try forwardslash? eh?16:29
RST38hAnd QML is not exactly the most efficient framework16:29
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Mecejavispedro, it looks very nice imo.16:29
javispedroI couldn't but feel it was like a unthemed gtk app =)16:29
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Mecejavispedro, some bits looked very unfinished.16:30
javispedroI also liked that it seems like the most useful one16:30
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javispedrofrom all the UIs I've seen on mwc...16:30
Venemo_N900any news?16:30
javispedrothe Android guys were also crazy showing the 3.0 tablet ui16:30
ahiemstraI've just tried it on an ideapad. and imo it is the most useful one16:31
Mecejavispedro, what do you mean?16:31
ahiemstrathere's certainly some unpolished bits16:31
Venemo_N900ahiemstra: so it's open now?16:31
javispedroMece: that it was mostly content, your content on the interface.16:31
Meceahiemstra, can anyone dl it? from where?16:31
ahiemstraVenemo_N900: no, but there's an iso available16:31
javispedronot crap, like a big, space wasting giant flashy clock like most of the other UIs16:31
Venemo_N900ahiemstra: mhm16:32
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pupnikwill that run under qemu?16:32
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Mecegaah, and it's qml? WANT!16:33
MeceI mean.. you can just edit anything on that thing strght away..16:33
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Dijitvery light too, I hear16:34
ahiemstrapohly: no clue, but unlikely16:34
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Meceso, why not use that on the phone? we could strip down some of the heaviest stuff16:35
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Meceby we I mean I or "one"16:35
ahfis that something intel released today?16:36
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* Mece has no idea, he has been on work business in estonia today16:36
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ahiemstraahf: sort of16:36
ahfahiemstra: cool16:36
ahiemstraits a "developer preview"16:36
ahfmy motivation today at work isn't uber high16:37
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* ahf will give it a spin16:37
ahfwhen i get home though. don't have any fancy pancy virtualization stuff here16:37
Meceahiemstra, the best kind of preview!16:37
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Creteilhi all16:38
MeceCreteil, o/16:38
ahiemstraahf: I don't know if it works on a vm16:39
Creteilsomeone know when I go to I was asked many time for login/passwd ?16:39
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ahiemstrait seems to be tied to specific cpu's16:39
CreteilI'm using iceape ...16:39
alteregoWhat invokes the playing of the ring tone in handset?16:40
Creteils/someone know when I go/someone know WHY when I go/16:40
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Meceahiemstra, well, understandable. can you take bits of something with apache license?16:45
ahiemstraI don't see why not?16:45
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chouchouneoh, too bad they released it on Valentines day : my girlfrient will never let me play with it tonight :(16:48
Meceahiemstra, Ok.16:48
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jboshey guys, so back on Meego N900 playing. Basically is there a real way to get a Arm Toolchain running?16:51
Stskeepsjbos: SDK has a toolchain16:51
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jboswe need stuff which ist basically compliant with Meego Compliance Spec16:51
jbosbut packages are missing von sysroot16:52
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jboslike qttelepathy16:52
Stskeepsthat is in compliance spec but supposed to be in meego api?16:52
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jbosmhm the thing is, we download Meego SDK16:53
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jbosinstall Arm Core Handset Target16:53
jbosset the qmake qt version16:54
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jbosso when we try compile it complains about missing telepathy16:55
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jbosso we wonder, can we install it in the Root - because spec from Tells that it is minimum compliance16:56
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jboshow is this supposed to work?16:56
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Stskeepsjbos: have you tried OBS yet?16:57
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jbosyes, but thats not a solution for me16:57
jboswe want to start and debug within qt creator16:57
hirabayashitaroYesterday we were talking about the possibility of running latest version of handset in virtualbox. It is supposed to work, but the fact is that i cannot mount the image because it is not an .iso. Any solution?16:57
Stskeepsjbos: you can also generate your own sysroot16:58
jbosok that sounds like a plan16:58
Stskeepsusing mic216:58
RST38hDevelopers! DEVELOPERS!16:59
jbosso but i cant install later on16:59
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jboslike taking trunk17:00
jbosand install what i need (and whats supposed to be there - regarding spec)17:00
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jbosis there a documentation about building own sysroot17:02
Stskeepsthe .ks'es are on repo.meego.com17:03
Hq`tablet ux feels pretty nice17:03
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Hq`but uh... is there no home button or some equivalent?17:03
StskeepsHq`: windows key17:03
Hq`yeah, but that's not very usable in tablet mode...17:04
Stskeepssend a patch :)17:04
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jbosok but tell me, whats the point in building own sysroot, should the default trunk (core) include everything that claims to be in core?17:04
Stskeepsso, afaik, current sysroot provides what is in meego API17:04
MeceHq`, seems they use the magical touch sensitive button on the tab demoed.17:04
arfollcan anyone tell me what the tablet UX is called in /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch?17:05
jbosmeego core compliance != meego API?17:05
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Stskeepsjbos: meego core compliance is what is required to be on a device17:05
Stskeepsmeego API = qt + qt mobility + opengl es 2.017:05
Hq`yeah I was suspecting that a separate hardware button is supposed to be used17:05
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MeceHq`, what device are you using?17:05
Hq`the s10-3t17:05
Hq`maybe it would be possible to make one of its hw buttons (around the screen) work for that purpose17:06
jbosmhm ok I dont get the cause why meego API is actually different to compliance - why are you doing it that way?17:06
Stskeepsjbos: ok. so17:06
Stskeepsjbos: there's two types of compliance17:06
MeceHq`, that one has some funky hw buttons on the screen. needs to be configured.17:06
Stskeepsapp compliance and device/OS compliance17:06
Stskeepsapp compliance is for applications17:07
Stskeepsdevice/OS is for the .. well, devices and OS17:07
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jbosI mean, in case i want attract devs to develop with me17:07
Hq`the sources aren't released yet, right?17:07
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StskeepsHq`: they're not in MeeGo Trunk yet, but you can read the qml17:08
StskeepsHq`: as US wakes up i'm expecting to see something17:08
jbosyou say that i need to provide them my own sysroot and they need to install this in order to work with me17:09
jbosthey can not simply use a default sysroot and start working?17:09
Stskeepsok, so17:10
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Stskeepsas far as i know, the new sdk for 1.2 is supposed to have all development headers in sysroot17:10
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jboswhere to get this? or do i need to wait till april17:11
Stskeepsi think it's in progress17:11
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Dijitthere is a euro on my desk...17:13
Dijitdid someone lose their euro_17:13
lcukI lost my CC in Europabank!17:14
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DijitI don't have a credit card on my desk17:14
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Mecedamn tunnel disconnected me and i didn't notice for a long time, lol17:19
abhijeetanyone faced same issue??17:20
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andre__abhijeet, yes, confirming. feel free to file a bug17:20
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slaineWonder can we go back to using the Moblin name now as well as Clutter/MX17:26
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lcukslaine, do any decent apps run on Moblin :P I thought everyone had already ported to MeeGo17:27
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slaineI'd comment what I really think but only upset people17:28
rmt2slaine, Well, I do prefer developing with Vala than C++... ;-)17:28
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Venemo_N900slaine: clutter/mx yes, moblin (name) no17:34
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Stskeepsmorning qgil - tablet UX launch today seems to help spirits a bit :)18:00
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TSCHAKeeeyes, indeed... a wise man named George Lucas once said, "Even Star Wars had its Christmas Special. This too, shall pass."18:02
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qgilhi Stskeeps - sursum corda!18:02
arfollTSCHAKeee, he also said he'd like to break all the copies with a baseball bat...18:02
TSCHAKeeearfoll: indeed he did. ;) I have one, and its' good entertainment, after being sufficiently plastered. ;)18:03
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: i'm fairly interested in when the MeeGo Components for QML gets put out in gitorious etc18:03
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: could be fun to make some apps with it18:03
TSCHAKeeearfoll: especially when the Rifftrax commentary is added. ;)18:03
TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: indeed :)18:03
arfollTSCHAKeee, i have to admit, i like star wars alot, but I wasn't even able to finish the whole thing. It's painfull18:03
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TSCHAKeeearfoll: like a train wreck in slooooow motion18:04
TSCHAKeeearfoll: but srsly, the Rifftrax commentary makes it awesome. ;)18:04
arfolluhm... i don't think I have the strength to watch it again18:04
TSCHAKeeewhoa uh18:06
TSCHAKeeesomebody swap the CSS for
TSCHAKeeenm, has valentines day CSS18:06
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StskeepsTSCHAKeee: haha18:07
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Stskeepsmorn DawnFoster18:07
DawnFostermorning Stskeeps18:07
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DawnFosteroops, afternoon for you18:07
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DawnFoster*need more tea*18:08
slaineEvening even DawnFoster18:08
DawnFosterStskeeps: btw, did you send me IRC stats for Jan already?18:08
DawnFosterhey slaine18:08
rzrTSCHAKeee: who play the wife on the pict ms or nokia ?
rzranyway the design is nice18:08
MeceDawnFoster, \o18:08
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lcukNOTE: having a dangly lanyard on personal N900 helps prevent flashing mistakes!18:11
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StskeepsDawnFoster: good question18:12
Stskeepslcuk: we don't want to know about your flashing mistakes!18:12
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VDVsxprobably the most asked question of the day :D18:14
VDVsxis there a tutorial to install meego tablet on the ideapad ? :)18:14
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TSCHAKeeeis it even dropped in yet?18:15
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TSCHAKeeealso, guys18:15
TSCHAKeeeI've asked in here18:15
TSCHAKeeeand i've asked in devel18:15
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TSCHAKeeei've had a package submitted and waiting in obs for 5 days18:15
TSCHAKeeei have more to do..but i really would like to get dependencies checked in, so i can actually build my software on OBS some day. ;)18:16
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: where did you submit to?18:16
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TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: meego core:current:extras18:16
TSCHAKeeeor something to that effect.18:17
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StskeepsTSCHAKeee: ok, so discuss with lbt - i think part of the problem is that there's no procedures whatsoever18:17
TSCHAKeeeI have at least 5 or 6 deps I know I need to put together and shove on there, before I even get to my Pluto package.18:17
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StskeepsDawnFoster: takes me 5 minutes, so i'll generate them mnow18:18
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jbosanyone can tell me how to install the new intel ux on a lenovo ideapad ?18:22
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DawnFosterStskeeps: sweet, thanks!18:29
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StskeepsDawnFoster: i'm not sure if you know, but is there any information on timeline for tablet ux to start being put into meego?18:30
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DawnFosterStskeeps: the honest answer is that I have no idea.18:31
Stskeepsalright - thanks for answering anyway :)18:31
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DawnFosterStskeeps: with all of the thrash last week, a bunch of plans changed & we need to re-plan a bunch of stuff18:31
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GAN900What a mess.18:34
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jboshow to get the new netbook ui on an ideapad?18:35
slaineDawnFoster: here's hoping that we'll get back on an even keel with a Tablet UX day 118:35
slainejbos: download the iso and boot from that18:36
jbosso from usb stick?18:36
jbosjust put it on it like the old one?18:36
slainejbos, it's an iso18:36
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jbossure but lenovo st10-3 has no dvd18:36
slaineso use an external one18:37
slaineOr try unetbootin and see if it makes a usable usb key from the iso18:37
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slaineonce we get a day 1 we'll have the .ks files and repo's an do will be able to make usb images18:37
DawnFosterI used a usb key to install the .iso on my lenovo18:38
jbosah cool dawn18:38
jbosso how did you do it18:38
DawnFostersame process as here:
StskeepsDawnFoster: nice, it works as usb boot too? cool18:38
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ahiemstrajbos: sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/usb_disk18:39
jbosawesome good18:39
ahiemstraby the way, anyone know the status of recent handset images?18:39
DawnFosterwe need to get a wiki page up with instructions for installing on ideapad / known issues / etc. since so many community members have those18:40
mwichmannthere is one, isn't there?18:42
TSCHAKeeei should have bought one18:42
TSCHAKeeei just got another eeePC18:42
mwichmann    could perhaps use some work18:43
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mwichmannTSCHAKeee: the s10-3t isn't really anything that special18:45
qgilhi DawnFoster & colleagues - sorry for being quite silent but I still need to figure out what is going on. Looking forward to the outcome of the Intel-Nokia meetings at MWC18:45
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dneary_hi qgil18:48
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DawnFosterhey qgil - no worries - you guys have enough going on right now & these things take time to sort out18:49
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Cosmo|Unilooked like a nice building19:00
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JaffaDawnFoster: Is that re-planning happening on meego-pm where possible?19:00
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DawnFosterJaffa: not sure where it's happening.19:01
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Cosmo|Unihey DawnFoster19:01
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DawnFosterJaffa: keep in mind that this is a really sensitive topic, since it probably involves people's jobs, layoffs at Nokia, etc.19:01
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DawnFosterJaffa: probably needs to be handled a little more delicately to start19:02
DawnFosterhey Cosmo|Uni19:02
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CosmoHillhow's the monday after?19:03
MyrttiI live few stone throws away from that place, go past it by bus almost daily19:03
JaffaDawnFoster: True19:03
DawnFosterCosmoHill: still trying to catch up on email, news, etc. :)19:03
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alteregoSurely, MeeGo doesn't care about what people are actually doing? If those that could possibly lose their jobs because of this disrupting news still want to be here and work for the platform, which I hope they do, then it shouldn't matter.19:03
Myrttiit was one ugly building once it was abandoned19:03
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Alison_ChaikenBefore joining Nokia, I always worked on Linux stuff for no pay.  While I enjoy getting paid, I can smoothly transition to being a pure volunteer if needed.    I will be at the May MeeGoCon for sure!19:07
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CosmoHillI was under the impression you worked for intel19:10
lbtme too19:10
* thiago will be too19:11
thiagoAlison_Chaiken: is Tom in BCN?19:11
federico2It's quite difficult to get jobs where you are paid (well) to develop FOSS projects that you (really) like19:11
alteregoMay MeeGo con ... cool, might have to try that one.19:11
Alison_Chaikenthiago, yes Tom and Chuck are in BCN.19:11
thiagoAlison_Chaiken: I need to talk to them19:11
thiagowell, to Tom mostly19:12
alteregofederico2: that's why most people like to fill their spare time with what they love :)19:12
federico2too bad :(19:12
Alison_Chaikenthiago, Ibrahim and I are in touch with Tom and Chuck.19:12
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CosmoHillI'm not to sure I'd want to do something I love as a job19:14
CosmoHillI mean it kinda takes the fun out of it when you're obligated to do it19:14
StskeepsCosmoHill: not really19:14
lbtCosmoHill: take it from me ... that's bollox19:14
timophwell I do19:14
alteregoAdmittedly, I do like variation, but meh you get that anyway :)19:15
CosmoHillawesome, you've made the world a less scary place for me now :)19:15
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lcuktimoph, were you born as a meegon or were you genetically altered sometime after?19:15
* gabrbedd things CosmoHill would be happier doing something he hates for 40 hours a week for the rest of his life.19:15
alteregoOccasionally I think, "Is programming really what I want to do" then I got a girlfriend and that made me realise that it's now the only time I can do it ;)19:16
lbtgabrbedd: 40hrs?19:16
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thiagoCosmoHill: that's what I thought would happen19:17
thiagoCosmoHill: but not true when I'm working for Qt19:17
CosmoHillI've just seen 6 kids go past on scooters O.o19:17
federico2CosmoHill, no offense but I think you said the craziest thing :)19:17
CosmoHillfederico2: you get used to that after a while19:18
gabrbeddlbt: range [32, 168)19:18
alteregoCosmoHill: happens nightly for me, I think they call them selves the "The Knee Nibblers"19:18
lbtgabrbedd: better19:18
federico2CosmoHill, and that the saddest :)19:18
CosmoHillI'm very hard to intentionally insult19:18
federico2that's good :)19:19
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CosmoHillthat and I know where all the swords are kept for when I do get offended19:19
lardmanCosmoHill: you realise you've thrown down a gauntlet there...? :)19:20
CosmoHillmore knocked off the counter than thrown19:20
* gabrbedd thinks CosmoHill is a M$ fanboi.19:21
* CosmoHill thinks ...19:22
CosmoHillwait is that a test?19:22
qgilContributing to community projects in your free time is great (and I have done it all my life) - providing you have non-free (paid) time too  :)19:22
gabrbeddCosmoHill: hee he...19:22
lardmanCosmoHill: quick, put that large leather glove back on the counter19:22
thiagoqgil: it's better when you're paid to contribute to projects :-)19:23
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CosmoHillhow does that work when they pay you to code or something19:23
CosmoHillis it done by hours spent or by lines of code?19:23
alteregoqgil: :)19:23
qgilthiago: I can't complain, I have managed almost always turning my hobbies into paid jobs19:23
StskeepsCosmoHill: usually hours/deliverables19:24
mikhasCosmoHill, usually measured by *removal* of lines of code =p19:24
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alteregoqgil: so how are you doing? Still trying to work things out? I hope you'll find youself continuing to do something you're obviously passionate about.19:24
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CosmoHillpassion is the best motivator19:24
velopepassion and a job together19:25
arfollCosmoHill, what uni do you go to?19:25
CosmoHillAnglia Ruskin19:25
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alteregoI am quite passionate about a lot of things, but then, I always end up being passionate about what I'm doing anyway19:25
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arfollnice, i'm not too far normally19:26
CosmoHillarfoll: from which campus?19:26
chouchouneCosmoHill: in my company, we just have to do "as if" we are coding lines at least ;)19:26
alteregoEven when I was working with C# .NET I still really enjoyed it, because I just love coding :)19:26
qgilalterego: - I'm basically in listening mode since a bunch of news and details have still to come19:26
arfollCosmoHill, live in cambridge, go to uni in canterbury (Kent)19:26
arfolltheres more than one anglia ruskin campus?19:26
* lbt was always passionate about the companies he worked for.... they eventually beat that out of me ;)19:26
* Jaffa finds his colleagues lack of passion is the biggest passion sap.19:26
alteregoqgil: understandably, wish you all the best whatever may or may not come out of the next few months :)19:26
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JaffaIt's hard to be passionate about your product when you end up shipping shit :-(19:27
CosmoHillarfoll: Cambridge and Chelmsford (where I am) and the main ones, there is also Peterbourh and Farmbrouh I think19:27
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Alison_Chaikenqgil and CosmoHill, the problem is that when you get paid to work on your passion, it hurts oh so much more when the corporate overlords decide against you.   It's no wonder big companies are filled with burnouts who dont give a damn.19:27
velopethe hardest thing may be to keep that passion up19:27
lbtAlison_Chaiken: I hear you19:27
arfollCosmoHill, so big... might see you at a meego meetup when i'm back in england then19:28
alteregoAlison_Chaiken: I understand, been there, yet I still pushed and pushed them, creating solutions unpaid, in my own time to impress "them" which eventually paid off.19:28
arfollif they still do them in cambridge19:28
CosmoHillthey crap on you too much you start thinking "whaty's the point of trying?"19:28
alteregoAlison_Chaiken: then I got the sack :)19:28
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qgilAlison_Chaiken: I prefer x100000 being passionate and get hurt from time to time than having a skin as thick as my boredom at work19:28
CosmoHillarfoll: that's what sh...yes they are big campuses19:28
Alison_Chaikenlbt, I made some contributions to the giant magnetoresistance in its first days and helped make HDD storage cost pennies per GB.  No one at a company can take that kind of thing away from you.  alterego, do great work and be proud.19:28
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CosmoHillI started in 2008 and since then two new buildings have been built19:29
dneary_Alison_Chaiken, Stormy Peters gave a presentation a few years ago called "would you do it again for free?"19:29
alteregoAlison_Chaiken: I do, or try to :)19:29
lbtAlison_Chaiken: I thank you for my 4Tb MythTV box :)19:29
dneary_Alison_Chaiken, The question was: you start off as a passionate volunteer, then you get hired, then you leave your job/get fired/whatever19:30
Alison_Chaikenlbt, good to thank me now before HDD disappear and kids don't know what they are!19:30
dneary_Would you go back to the passionate volunteerism that got you hired in the first place, or do you move in?19:30
lbtdneary_: hey, I'm still here!19:30
dneary_Hi lbt19:30
lbtalthough technically not been fired ... yet19:30
dneary_I didn't see any responses to my email19:30
CosmoHillAlison_Chaiken: I held up a 7" vinyl to my cousins and they just looked at me blankly19:30
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Alison_Chaikendneary, I'm all in for MeeGoCon, even though it conflicts with the amazingly awesome Maker Faire, which I have never missed a minute of!19:30
lbtdneary_: no rush ...19:30
CosmoHill"it's like a large DVD"19:30
alteregoWhere are the details of MeeGo Con?19:31
dneary_Alison_Chaiken, I didn't know you were a Maker Faire person19:31
slaineoh dear god let this conf call end19:31
CosmoHillthat reminds me, my copy of Monsters Inc is still in France19:31
Alison_ChaikenI'd like to think "passionate volunteerism" continues in parallel with paid work without interruption.19:31
pupnik_i still think the archos omap3640 tablets are great meego platforms19:31
CosmoHillfederico2: how's that for crazy19:31
Alison_Chaikendneary_, I have been an exhibitor at Maker Faire every year.  Except this year!19:31
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velopeIf I was forced to programming with Windows API, I may not have much passion. I would be like rolling a stones for living.19:32
pupnik_except maybe the 256MB ram19:32
Alison_ChaikenMy Dad emailed me that Microsoft's investment in Nokia must give me hope.   He hasn't quite grokked the open source thing.19:33
lardmanvelope: depends what you're coding19:33
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pupnik_you make great things happen, you touch other people, you make the world a better place...19:33
alteregovelope: in my experience MS tools are very good quality, they have a very good team. It's just not my passion to develop for them.19:33
alteregoThough I have19:33
lardmanvelope: and what language you're using, though yeah MFC is nasty19:33
alteregoAnd can't really complain.19:33
Alison_ChaikenHey velope, would you like frittes with that?19:33
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CosmoHillAlison_Chaiken: maybe from his point of view, one big company has annoused a partnership with your big company, therefore your job must be safe and might even get a pay rise19:33
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* lbt would still rather buy MS than Apple :)19:34
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lbthe rather likes his MS keyboard...19:34
Andy80probably it's a FAQ today, but.... has any of you been able to download and install the MeeGo 1.2 tablet image on Lenovo Ideapad? I downloaded it but someone told me it's a CD iso and I've to burn it on a cd, but... wtf?! Lenovo has no cd!19:34
* arfoll agrees with lbt19:34
RST38hwell. moo.19:34
Alison_ChaikenCosmoHill, that's what my Dad thinks.    I had some problems explaining to him why I belong to a club called "Hacker Dojo" as well.19:34
* slaine is an apple fanboi19:34
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StskeepsAndy80: write it to usb19:34
jausmusAndy80: dd it to a USB stick19:34
CosmoHillhey Andy8019:35
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lbtarfoll: it astonishes me how many 'OSS' people give money to the most oppressive system out there19:35
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Alison_Chaikenlbt, the wireless MS mouse was developed at HP Labs, another former failing employer, but I shouldn't dwell on that, or I will actually cry!19:35
CosmoHillI believe there may be something on the FAQ, if not I'll get it added19:35
lbtooh... HP labs.... I nearly worked there19:35
arfolllbt, i try to convince even family members about this very fact19:35
Andy80Stskeeps, jausmus I did it with: sudo dd bs=4096 if=meego-tablet-ia32-pinetrail.iso of=/dev/sde1, but when I try to boot from that USB nothing happens19:35
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CosmoHillslaine: I think apple are evil bastards19:35
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jausmustry of=/dev/sda19:35
lbtarfoll: it's like talking to crack addicts19:35
StskeepsAndy80: sde19:35
Stskeepsnot sde119:36
CosmoHillsure, I just typed that on a 2005 powerbook but that's not my point19:36
Andy80Stskeeps: ok, I try again thanks :)19:36
CosmoHilljausmus: as asmusing as jokes are, people get really pissed if you wipe their hard drives19:36
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jausmusCosmoHill: aww - take all my fun away! ;)19:36
Alison_ChaikenAndy80, I have pinetrail handset and netbook images running on WeTab and ExoPC, but they have problems. (Check  I'll go ahead and put tablet UX on.    Speaking of which, back to work!19:36
* jausmus misread his original cmdline :)19:36
arfolllbt, worst is when they run a VM with linux in it 24/7 because they're not too sure how to do anything else but open virtualbox...19:36
federico2CosmoHill, err... what do you mean?19:37
CosmoHillthat reminds me, one node failed because some weird 1" Molex to Molex cable broke19:37
CosmoHillfederico2: you said I said crazy things and I just said one of my DVD's is in france19:37
Andy80Alison_Chaiken: ok, let me check wiki.meego.com19:37
lbtAlison_Chaiken: mmm work.... get it whilst you can ;)19:37
CosmoHillso I was joking that I said another crazy thing19:37
* lbt -> work too ...... l8r all19:38
federico2oh no /o\ a DVD! In france! /o\19:38
CosmoHillfederico2: the crazy bit being I've never been to france19:38
arfollCosmoHill, you're better off that way19:38
TSCHAKeeewhere IS the tablet image?19:39
slaineTSCHAKeee: see link ^^^19:40
CosmoHilloh yeah you need to agree to the non-disclousure thingy19:40
slaineusing swype keyboard19:40
CosmoHillooo, I've heard of that19:40
slainethat won't be in the repo's19:40
CosmoHillseems like my kinda thing19:40
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TSCHAKeeedid they put the GMA500 drivers on the disc?19:41
Andy80Stskeeps: ok, at least it's booting now, let's wait :)19:41
slainedon't think its targeted at that kind of hardware19:42
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Stskeepsslaine: QML ran quite nicely on my joggler19:42
arfollit's listed as pinetrail which probably means it's for wetab/S10-3t like hardware19:42
slainearfoll: nod19:43
arfollaka Atom+NM1019:43
slaineStskeeps: great19:43
Stskeepsslaine: MTF broke the emgd completely though, but no surprises in that ;)19:43
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* Stskeeps writes tablet image to disk19:43
arfolli'm sure vgrade will quickly do his magic and get us tablet UX on joggler/EMGD once the repo's are up19:43
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TSCHAKeeearfoll: well I can do that too, once the files are up19:44
TSCHAKeeebut yeah, i was just hoping. ;)19:44
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Andy80ok... it runs....19:44
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Andy80well... are they serious :D ????!?!?!?19:44
TSCHAKeeewtf does it look like?19:44
Andy806 months working to this crappy stuf?!19:44
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Andy80it's not April 1st...19:44
StskeepsAndy80: oi, that's rude19:44
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Andy80Stskeeps: yes, I'm rude, I know... but what should I say?19:45
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Stskeepsand where do you get the 6 month figure from anyway :)19:45
Andy80probably more19:45
Andy80that's what scares me...19:45
arfollStskeeps, i think thats when intel showed the mockup at IDF of tablet on meego19:45
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TSCHAKeeeAndy80: do you honestly know what it takes to build a complete operating environment, with a UI from scratch these days, given expectations?19:46
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TSCHAKeeeit's astronomical.19:46
TSCHAKeeeso chill the fuck out.19:46
jausmusAndy80: patches welcome ;)19:46
Andy80I can't neother close the setting windows O__o19:47
DawnFosterand language, people!19:47
berndhsi dont think the 6 months were spend designing the shading of buttons :)19:47
arfolljausmus, where do we send the patches?19:47
jausmusAndy80: hit the home button19:47
* TSCHAKeee rolls eyes.19:47
Stskeepsarfoll: contribution guidelines probably still apply, but i'm unsure if there's a git up19:47
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jausmusarfoll: well, I'm sure the stock answer is to attach them to a bug on :)19:48
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arfolljausmus, and where is the code?19:48
Andy80sorry if I expected more from this release....19:48
gabrbeddAndy80: It's not a release, and the link calls it an "alpha preview"19:49
jausmusarfoll: not sure if I'm allowed to talk about that, but I've noticed that there is a certain inevitable openness about QML...19:49
Andy80ok, my mistake than... I did think a product was announced19:49
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arfolljausmus, :-), i'd quite like to add a feature that will require a little more open code than that19:50
Stskeepswell, at least dpi is not correct on s10-3t19:50
Andy80good question arfoll :)19:50
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Andy80where can we find the whole source code of this?19:50
* jausmus continues to push for more openness as well19:51
TSCHAKeeeif it's like every other MeeGo UX push19:51
Stskeepsjausmus: cool work on it, needs some polish but hopefully people can contribute that over time19:51
TSCHAKeeethe code drop will happen 'sometime soon'19:51
dm8tbrI'm sure there soon will be a market for javascript^wQML-obfuscators ;)19:51
jausmusactually, the majority of the core OS is standard MeeGo 1.2, and the majority of the UI is QML19:51
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jausmusthere's a few additional UI pieces that are compiled that you can't get to at the moment, but we're trying :)19:52
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arfolljausmus, can you ellaborate on majority of the core OS is standard? Is it not just a meego 1.1.90 snapshot?19:52
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sivangre all19:52
Stskeepsarfoll: that's what it looks like, after digging around in the fs19:52
Stskeepsit's fairly nicely architected19:52
sivangjausmus: what was released?19:53
jausmusreally, the the only pieces that aren't straight from are the top-most UI layers19:53
* sivang wonders what everybody are talking about19:53
Andy80jausmus: yes, it would be nice if the whole development was made in open space... not kept secret for months...19:53
sivangjausmus: Inte's tablet?19:53
arfolljausmus, ok cool - thanks for sharing19:53
Andy80in this way we (the community) cannot contribute during development19:53
* jausmus agrees wholeheartedly...19:53
jausmusbut I don't get to set policy ;)19:53
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arfollStskeeps, i will have to check it out tonight on my lenovo s10-3t, has anyone found a fix for dpi?19:53
Stskeepsarfoll: not sure19:54
Andy80we may not have all your (Intel/other partners) skills and experience, but someone could have good ideas19:54
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jausmusAndy80: again, I don't think you'd get any disagreement from any of us developers... :)19:55
gabrbeddHa!  Swype is kewl!19:55
Stskeepsjausmus: i'd like to applaud a job quite well done though, i've been poking around in the qml bits and initial impression of trying it out is that it performs quite well19:56
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jausmusStskeeps: thanks, it's nice to hear good feedback :)19:56
jausmusof course, I'm more than happy to hear negative feedback (about the code/UI itself) - always happy to work to improve the experience19:57
gabrbeddjausmus:  So, this is your baby?19:57
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Stskeepsjausmus: any bits you worked on, just to keep track?19:57
jausmusI'm one of the proud parents, but certainly not the only one ;)19:57
gabrbeddjausmus: (the tablet ux, that is)19:57
aukeThere's a whole team at Intel working on that19:58
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jausmusI own panels, the social networking infrastructure, the sharing infrastructure, and am involved in the common UI and infrastructure code19:58
gabrbeddjausmus, auke: Nice!  Is there a way to force the keyboard to pop up any time that I want it?19:59
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Stskeepsjausmus: cool20:00
jausmusgabrbedd: no way to force it to pop- up at any time - there's a way to force it to go away though :)20:00
jausmusat least, AFAIK20:00
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Stskeepsjausmus: i'm personally curious about MeeGo.Components in qml and what the story there will be :P20:00
Stskeepsas it'd be nice to make these kind of apps as well20:00
jausmusgabrbedd: do you have a case where it doesn't show up when it should?20:00
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Andy80jausmus: I promise I'll try to be more costructive with my critics in future, but.... try to understand me: I'm one of the thousand of people still angry for the recent Nokia decision, so it's quite difficoult for me to still trust MeeGo :\20:00
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jausmusAndy80: I understand :)20:01
jausmusAndy80: I still trust MeeGo - it's my job... ;)20:01
gabrbeddjausmus: Well, yes... whenever I port pure Xlib apps to MeeGo, and even some GTK+ apps, the keyboard doesn't always show up at the right time.20:01
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Stskeepsgabrbedd: for GTK+ there's a IM bridge, i think20:01
gabrbeddjausmus: And some workflows... I need tohave some manner of random keystroke.20:01
Stskeepsfor meego input method20:01
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jausmusgabrbedd: yeah, I think there's some infrastructure work to do to make the KB work properly across GTK apps - I'm not sure if we'll address pure Xlib apps - don't know what the plans are around that20:02
gabrbeddStskeeps: Yes, I'm aware of the IM bridge... but when working on an audio DAW... it's not as clear-cut when the keyboard should appear.20:02
jausmusgabrbedd: "some manner of random keystroke"? Can you give me an example of what you're trying to do?20:02
gabrbeddjausmus: Well, the easist workaround is to have a button that always allows the kb to pop up.20:03
sivangStskeeps: what is the product?20:03
VDVsxtablet ux works quite nice in the ideapad, in the video seemed to lack a bit :D good job20:03
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Andy80is it known, more or less, when this tablet UX will reach the 1.0 status?20:03
gabrbeddjausmus: Examples include Ardour, Energy XT, Renoise, etc.20:03
gabrbeddjausmus: While developing the Indamixx 2 using the Netbook UX... the "bridges" were never reliable enough for the apps we're using.20:05
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jausmusgabrbedd: file a bug? ;)20:05
gabrbeddjausmus: Hee hee...20:05
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gabrbeddjausmus: Well, that brings me to the next part....20:05
lbtjausmus: and it will work without the virt-kb when I have a BT or USB keyboard won't it ? :)20:05
jausmusideally, the infrastructure should be good enough that you would never need a way to force the KB to appear - it should always Just Work20:05
jausmusif it doesn't, it's a bug :)20:05
Stskeepssivang: intel tablet ux for ia3220:06
jausmuslbt: absolutely :)20:06
lbtjausmus: :)20:06
lbtincidentally, where are you planning on putting the code?20:06
gabrbeddjausmus: If I want to make a custom-rolled version of the Tablet UX... who should I contact about that?20:06
jausmusgabrbedd: That's a good question, the answer of which a lowly developer like I doesn't know :)20:06
TSCHAKeeegabrbedd: once the repo and the ks are out... you can do that yourself20:07
gabrbeddjausmus: I actually set out a week or two ago working on the Handset UX to doo... what you just did!20:07
TSCHAKeeegabrbedd: that's what our tools are for :P20:07
aukegabrbedd: I'd say - the mailing list for now.20:07
velopeAndy80:  are you also an another trojan horse, we have one already ;)20:07
jausmusgabrbedd: Sorry we stole your work ;)20:07
gabrbeddauke, jausmus: So, it *is* planned to release this publicly (gitorious, etc) ?20:08
gabrbeddjausmus:  No!  Thank you!  I'd rather work on the audio apps than reinventing the WM.20:08
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aukegabrbedd: I don't know the answer to that, sorry.20:08
jausmusgabrbedd: I'm not in a position that I'm allowed to answer that type of question :/20:09
Stskeepsgabrbedd: well, at least the QML files has apache license, so maybe one day20:09
timophdamn. I still haven't been able to download the tablet image. It just stops at some point and browser thinks it has the full file20:09
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gabrbeddjausmus: Is there any business agent I should contact?20:10
Stskeepsgabrbedd: i think there was something listed in the EULA20:10
Andy80velope: no, I'm not :) I'm an opensource entusiast, I manage a Linux user group since 2001 in my city and I like to develop free software. In particular I loved to develop with Qt for portable devices, but... now that I know that Symbian+MeeGo+Qt ecosystem is not the future of Nokia, I really don't know what to do...20:10
gabrbeddStskeeps: ok.20:10
gabrbeddStskeeps: thanks.20:10
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jausmusI'm not involved with the business side of things (thanksfully!) - I get to stay focused on the code, so I've no idea... Sorry :/20:10
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jausmusevidently, the caffeine hasn't hit my fingers yet... <sigh>20:11
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jausmusfeel free to message me directly in the meantime if you have any other questions I might be able to answer (emphasis on might) :)20:13
gabrbeddjausmus: Thanks, dude!20:13
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gabrbeddAnybody know how to switch apps in the Tablet UX ?20:14
Stskeepsgabrbedd: windows key20:14
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thiago_homethe tablet ux is made for tablets with a hardware key20:14
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gabrbeddStskeeps: Got it, thanks.20:14
RST38hhey vdvsx, long timeno see20:15
VDVsxRST38h, well, I was here 5mins ago :D20:15
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leinirwell, there's a couple of hardware keys on the ideapad as well... just not the one that the ux wants ;)20:15
vljthere is a new tablet image20:16
* VDVsx is installing tablet ux, after a try from usb drive20:16
vljcan I install it on a desktop computer ?20:16
CosmoHillvlj: does your desktop have a touch screen?20:16
vljas it is "pinetrail" named, and obviously is tablet optimised20:16
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gabrbeddleinir: I've tried to hot-rod those keys... but they continue to elude me. :-(20:16
vljCosmoHill, no, but maybe the mouse cursor can act as a finger ?20:17
leinirgabrbedd: damn...20:17
CosmoHillvlj: from a software point of view it should work20:17
CosmoHillbut kinda defeats the point20:17
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berndhsit sort of works on a laptop, you get some idea of what it does20:17
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vljand what kind of hardware does it need ?20:18
vljI mean : special gfx required ?20:18
berndhsand I say that after a good 3 minutes of experimentation20:18
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gabrbeddvlj: A netbook or tablet with Atom N450.20:18
Stskeepshi Ulf_20:18
Ulf_Hi Stskeeps20:18
gabrbeddvlj: Some others will work, but that's the most prevelent.20:18
Stskeepsooh. multitouch works20:19
vljgabrbedd, z520 + poulsbo ? :p20:19
gabrbeddAnybody know how to close an app on Tablet?20:20
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Andy80Stskeeps: yeah... I tried to zoom in-out a picture :P20:21
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gabrbeddFWIW, multitouch worked on the ideapad with the 1.1 Hanset Pineview build.20:22
lardmanlcuk: ping20:22
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vljgabrbedd, is the ui hardware accelerated ?20:23
Stskeepsqml's quite likely, yeah20:23
lardmantalking about Machester Science museum, i see the gadget show this evening is from there20:23
lardmanspelling as good as ever ;)20:23
gabrbeddvlj: Um, I just shut it down... but... probably.20:23
vljStskeeps, I thought qml was not20:23
lcukyes lardman I saw too :)20:23
lcukmade me smile20:23
Stskeepsvlj: sure it is20:24
Stskeepsvlj: you can switch modes20:24
lardmanlcuk: cool, just thought I'd let you know :)20:24
lcuklardman, Tracy and I went to Machester conference centre last week, theres a load of events up here this year :)20:24
vljbut by default tablet ux run with hardware acceleration ?20:24
lardmanlcuk: unfortunately Meego not amongst them20:25
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lcuklardman, really? did MeeGo just stop or something?20:25
lcukI was under the impression it was just getting started.20:25
* lardman hopes so20:25
VDVsxhumm, can I setup wifi network in the ideapad with the tablet ux ? :D20:26
StskeepsVDVsx: you may have to install broacom drivers20:26
vljdoes meego tablet run with xorg ?20:27
Stskeepsvlj: yes20:27
vljor wayland ?20:27
vljbut no source atm ?20:27
sivangVDVsx: yes, it needs prop. drivers :)20:27
sivangVDVsx: you should have taken the red usb stick at Dublin :p20:27
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gabrbeddvlj: Best I can tell, it's an adaption of the Handset UX for tablets.20:28
sivangVDVsx: or are you referring to the new intel meego ux in MWC?20:28
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Hq`image zooming seems to be quite laggy, don't think there's much hw acceleration going on20:28
* sivang is glad no community effort was put to create a tablet UX as this would have been duplication of efforts20:29
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lcukHq`, image zooming is slow?20:29
VDVsxsivang, tablet ux20:30
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* VDVsx tries cable20:30
sivangVDVsx: yep, where do I download it?20:30
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* sivang wants to finally read books on the ideapad20:30
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VDVsxactually wifi works after plug the cable the networks shown up, lol20:32
VDVsxsivang, link is somewhere above20:32
sivangyes, google says 'no' :)20:32
* sivang looks up20:32
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vljRST38h, you're working for nokia ? :p20:32
Hq`lcuk: yeah, I'm talking about pinch-zooming images on the tablet ux :)20:33
vljRST38h, you're working on meego-image-editor on your free time ?20:33
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RST38hvlj: No20:35
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sivanggabrbedd: thanks20:39
sivangfrankly I don't mind if this tablet UX is being released after and we make it better.20:40
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sivangso the start of it happend behind clsoed doors, lots of open source projects started this way and we can't be too picky right now :p20:40
sivangbut a note to the community could have been nice so nobody would go waste his time duplicating this effort, but well...20:41
Stskeepsi'm personally hoping they'll see the light and improve IVI and Handset UX.20:41
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sivangStskeeps: Intel?20:41
Stskeepsyeah, using this20:41
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lpotternokia has not stopped work on meego20:42
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sivanglpotter: true20:43
sivangStskeeps: I hope so action would start in IVI again. Things has been quite since friday20:44
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sivangStskeeps: I'm still waiting for Jeremiah's respnse from back then20:44
sivangStskeeps: I mean, ont he bug report20:44
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sivanglpotter: I do hope Nokia do stick to meego for the next linux os they'll release, some peopel think that even if they do, it won't be meego or close although it might share some of the plumbing.20:46
sivanglpotter: I mean, after the meego release in 201120:46
Myrtti"for the next linux os they'll release"20:47
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sivangMyrtti: linux based os :)20:48
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* gabrbedd thinks lpotter is a disruption.20:48
thiago_homesivang: the meego device nokia is scheduled to ship is using harmattan20:49
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thiago_homeso not quite meego20:49
sivangthiago_home: right, so at least not farther then harmattan ;)20:49
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vljhi ab20:50
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abhi vlj20:53
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RST38hmoo ab20:53
abRST38h, beh20:53
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thiago_homeqgil: ping21:21
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qgilthiago_home: pong21:22
valianholtanyone used WebOS and can say what is the Linux experience on it in comparison with Maemo?21:22
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Stskeepsvalianholt: probably a better question for #maemo or #webos-internals21:22
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hirabayashitaroany hint on how to use .bin handset meego image as .iso?21:31
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pupnik_bchunk - CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr21:35
pupnik_furiusisomount - An ISO, IMG, BIN, MDF and NRG image management utility21:35
pupnik_iat - Converts many CD-ROM image formats to iso966021:36
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pupnik_you might be able to mount it directly as well, hirabayashitaro21:38
hirabayashitaropupnik_: seems that vitualbox is not actually supporting bin images21:38
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pupnik_i have no idea why hirabayashitaro21:40
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pupnik_but i thought open-source images should be .iso anyway21:41
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Andy80do you know if it's possible to make wifi work with lastest MeeGo 1.2 image on Lenovo Ideapad? (I've a broadcom wifi card)21:43
lcukAndy80, how did you boot it?  it got as far as X11 cursor for me lol21:44
Andy80lcuk: I simply copied the image on a USB pen with this command: sudo dd bs=4096 if=meego-tablet-ia32-pinetrail.iso of=/dev/sde21:45
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timelessAndy80: w/ the original image you had to install the closed driver21:45
Andy80only the ethernet connection works21:45
timelessnot sure if they fixed that for 1.221:45
timelesslooks promising21:46
Andy80timeless: it's for 64bit21:46
Andy80a MeeGo package would be better ;)21:47
Andy80but I didn't find any application manager inside21:47
gabrbeddAndy80: It's been discussed on meego-dev.  Upstream in-kernel modules won't be ready for prime time in 1.2.  The package that David Graeves maintains is still needing a patch to adapt it to the 2.6.37 kernel.21:48
sivangtimeless:  I think we are now closer to a proper tablet UX compared to the windows that came ont he ideapad, some of the missing apps could be implemented as well :)21:48
pierceAndy80:  I ended up getting these drivers working
hirabayashitaroWell, I'll give up. No way of converting bin images whitout .cue with bchunk21:50
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pierceAndy80: brcm and b43 failed hard when I tried those routes, and even broadcom-wl was a huge pain.  I had to rewrite a few lines in their code, and recompile the meego kernel to get it working :-/21:51
Andy80I think I'll wait for an update then... I don't have time to try to build it myself21:52
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gabrbeddSorry... it's Glen Gray that maintains the package.21:52
piercerumor has it that brcm is going to start working for reals any day now21:52
pierceI get instant OOPs when I try it though right now21:52
blizzowWow what a shitty week, Nokia becomes Microsoft's butt-buddy and Peter Forsberg is retiring again.  :(21:52
Stskeepsblizzow: #meego-bar , that kind of talk is better over beer21:53
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vljab: I have a question ...21:54
vljis there a small gui tool to test the output of a quillfilter plugin ?21:54
vljab: thx... it needs some dependency besides qt ?21:56
abthere are few demo UIs there21:56
RST38hvlj: If you had a question about spacic, that is mine21:56
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RST38hAlthough I am not actively maintaining it, just donated the code21:57
vljspacic ?21:57
abvlj, nope, only quill libraries21:57
RST38hif you do notknow what it is, do not worry21:57
abthat our badly hidden gem :)21:57
lcukthere are lots of gems which need polishing ab :)21:57
ablcuk, that's right.21:57
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hirabayashitarof**k, it's becoming a match between e and my computer. Please teach me how to run handset image on virtualbox... It should be compliant with emulated standard architecture isn't it?22:01
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: handset requires gles/egl support and i'm not sure VBox supports that22:02
javispedronah, vbox does gl only via chromiumgl22:03
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gabrbeddActually, doesn't all meego require gles/egl for 1.2 ?22:03
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timelessStskeeps: vbox supports opengl222:04
timelessnot sure about gles22:04
lbthmm ... so how do you exit the settings in this new UX ?22:04
Stskeepslbt: windows button22:05
Stskeepsi think the idea is to use a switch button on the hw22:05
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lbtah... I had the screen in 'tablet' mode :)22:05
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hirabayashitaroanyway my problem is simpler. I cannot mount the image to start the virtual machine22:06
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javispedroon the demo hw they were using the proximity sensor as button =)22:06
Stskeepswasn't that a n900 trick?22:07
thiago_homejavispedro: so "jedi mind trick" to go back to the home screen?22:07
thiago_homejavispedro: "these are not the droids you're looking for"22:08
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Stskeepssomeone should use the webcam to recognise a vulcan salute as a gesture to close a window22:08
javispedroI think Androidekas actually mandate front buttons22:08
valianholthmm, interesting that WebOS IRC has actually a lot less people than MeeGo, probably much smaller community and people in interest22:09
RST38hStskeeps: why not use the accelerometer to recognize the beating-at-the-desk gesture?22:09
thiago_homealso smaller development team22:09
RST38hjavispedro: so how was the WebOS?22:09
javispedrodev event is tomorrow22:10
valianholtthis gives me a feeling, that if HP invests in WebOS, which is actually less liked than MeeGo, it's very sad that Nokia dropped MeeGo22:10
* javispedro knows that this will end in a "better move over to the #bar ;) "22:10
valianholteven without any marketing from Nokia, MeeGo already is very well known in the world22:11
sivangre again22:11
valianholtah ok sorry22:11
lpotternokia has not dropped meego22:11
valianholtI know22:11
sivanglpotter: put this in the topic :)22:11
RST38hjavispedro: We can just go to #maemo, it is more friendly there22:11
valianholtbut Nokia stated that will release 1 device and then long pause to decide what next22:11
valianholtwhat a semi-drop22:11
sivangjavispedro: politics are a large portion of the discussions there :)22:11
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pupnik_i wonder if someone has done facial gestures cursor control for handicapped people22:12
valianholtI agree that this is for bar, sorry again22:13
pupnik_oop same here22:13
sivangbtw, for anybody in interest to follow me on quality and open source stuff as well as architecting good web backend for mobile apps, follow me on twitter22:16
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forcerwonder if device will actualy be a phone..22:18
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valianholtdoes anybody know if Intel is going to have any event yet? (at MWC), they showed some device today, but very quickly, without detail22:25
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forcervalianholt: be patient, time will come22:26
valianholtforcer: and that means yes? :D22:26
forcervalianholt: I hope so :)22:27
valianholtforcer: :)22:27
valianholtactually, is there already a lot of MeeGo x86 software for handsets? (developed on Aava) or most of the software is ARM?22:28
valianholtanyhow, how difficult is the porting?22:28
Stskeepsif you build for meego api you're pretty guaranteed it22:29
Stskeepsll build for both22:29
valianholtgreat, so there are no worries that ARM handset repositories will be full and x86 lacking22:29
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Stskeepseverything is in one big trunk atm22:29
valianholtbecause I am really considering upcoming Aava22:30
RST38hAava is fordevelopers onlyAFAIK22:30
RST38hno consumer sales22:30
valianholtas I owned openmoko once, I like open phones, just from the idea22:30
valianholtI know22:30
valianholtbut how they restrict selling only to devs?22:30
valianholtI can register as developer right?22:30
Stskeepsby charging 2300 eur22:30
valianholtbut the price is too high, even if I want to be a dev, but studying or so, I can't afford it22:31
Stskeepswhich is why arm is attractive ;)22:32
valianholtopenmoko has also low volume of sales and is a lot cheaper (yes I consider even fact it's on old HW)22:32
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RST38hvalia: they restrict by charging you $1500+22:32
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hirabayashitaroCan please someone explain me what is part of meego project and what is created and maneged by the various companies adopting it?22:35
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hirabayashitaroI mean, if this is not fake and Intel is developing a pad environment, in which way it will be related to meego bug system & co.22:36
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: ok, so, meego is a platform where there exists reference user experiences for22:36
javispedrohey, the ui on that video is different that the one I saw.22:36
javispedro*from the one22:36
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Stskeepsjavispedro: i think after you customize it a bit it gets like that22:36
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: each of the components in the platform is maintained by someone22:37
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: intel's UX is technically a product built on top of meego.22:37
miherojavispedro: what video?22:37
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: but not part of meego, like handset UX is22:37
javispedromihero: see a few lines above.22:38
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miheroah, there. should prolly get glasses22:38
javispedroStskeeps: aren't you thinking that this tablet ux would make for a nice meegotouch-home? ;)22:39
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Stskeepsjavispedro: see my twitter for my thoughs22:39
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: fine, and how all is managed? I mean, what is part of Meego and what is built on it? Are there some reference applications such as media player or something or is simply a platform where anyone will develop his own ones?22:39
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: that's handled using the requirements process - there's reference applications22:40
Stskeepsbut in most cases people will build upon those reference apps or make their own22:40
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Stskeepshirabayashitaro: if it's not on, it's not part of meego releases ;)22:41
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hirabayashitaroStskeeps: I see. But I suppose there will be many additional software based on meego, and I'd like to understand how this part of the project will be managed22:42
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Stskeepshirabayashitaro: that's handled through the compliance process where you get told if you're allowed to use meego trademark22:42
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sivangjavispedro: and please retwit22:43
sivangjavispedro: :)22:43
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hirabayashitaroStskeeps: So probably in the future there will be many application that will be "approved" and distributed by some unified service, isn't it?22:43
javispedrosivang: still mostly a twitter non-user, sivang22:44
sivangjavispedro: so was I a minute a go22:44
sivangjavispedro: it is quite confusing what's going there, I don't like twitter so much22:44
sivangjavispedro: you know for a vi person...:-p22:44
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gabrbeddsivang: Are you saying that twitter now has a vim interface?22:46
javispedrosivang: but it is on short term TODO list to try it =)22:48
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sivanggabrbedd: I wish! so is meego wiki22:53
sivanggabrbedd: and facebook :)22:53
sivangjavispedro: yep, I figured Stskeeps's call is a good time to retry it22:53
sivangjavispedro: it is a problem when you become too much filled with Python Zen. (explicity is better than implicit)22:54
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tarantism_I'm trying to dual boot my N900 but it's failing with unable to find "boot.scr" - i'm following these instructions:
Stskeepstarantism_: ignore the boot.scr thing, it's uImage it needs to look after22:57
Stskeepsif you dont have uImage on partition 3, you're dong something wrong22:57
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tarantism_stskeeps: ok. Didn't see anything about uImage. I'll have a look for that.22:58
Venemoso... any news about that shiny tablet UX?22:59
VenemoI've watched a few videos and it's quite impressive22:59
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Stskeepsgrab it and try it out22:59
VenemoStskeeps: where to grab it?23:00
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: I read the specification, but I still have some boubts. But I suppose that the problem is that I'm not very well aware of how this kind of things works.23:00
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: takes some time to get around it all, yeah23:01
Venemothanks Stskeeps23:01
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: Something that I don't get is: 1_There will be something like a repository for supported packages?23:02
hirabayashitaro2_There will be some site providing applications like the one for maemo?23:02
VenemoStskeeps: any builds for ARM?23:02
Venemohirabayashitaro: yes. AppUp store for paid apps and community OBS for community apps23:03
StskeepsVenemo: no, it's not contributed to meego yet23:03
VenemoStskeeps: :(23:03
gabrbeddhirabayashitaro: #1
gabrbeddhirabayashitaro: #2
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gabrbeddStskeeps, Venemo: MeeGo support for AppUp is definately planned.23:07
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Venemogabrbedd: yes, that's what I said too :)23:08
gabrbeddBah!  I though Stskeeps was responding to your AppUp comment... sorry.23:08
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hirabayashitaroThanks. It's kinda clearer now23:09
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* jausmus sighs at uninformed media coverage of tablet... :(23:15
Stskeepsopen development is har23:15
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TSCHAKeeeyeah, ppl just don't understand23:16
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Stskeepsi think it's great, personally, can see a lot of potential in it, but it really needs to be in in order to not confuse people and to raise the motivation to base on top of meego :P23:17
Stskeepsbut that's not something you (jausmus) decides :P23:17
jausmusvery true :)23:17
Stskeepsbut hopefully we'll see more about this in the short term once dust settles23:17
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jausmusin the meantime, if you see anyone repeating what one review said about not being able to remove/reorder the panels, kindly point them in my direction so I can clear up the confusion? :)23:18
tarantism_Stskeeps: I'm doing something dumb but can't see it. I format the card using sudo mkfs.ext2 -L Meego /dev/mmcblk0p1 then write the image using sudo dd bs=4096 if=meego-handset-armv7l-n900-final-mod- of=/dev/mmcblk0p123:18
Stskeepsjausmus: you tap the button to turn them around and then manage panels, right23:18
Stskeepstarantism_: drop the p123:18
TSCHAKeeeall the stuff in appUp is for Windows 723:18
tarantism_f*** me that was quick23:19
Stskeepsmy personal worry is that we'll ship reference UX'es for 1.2 that suck, really :)23:19
jausmusStskeeps: for hiding the panel, it's right on the back of the panel - "Hide panel" - for moving, you just grab the "dot grid" icon on the top right of the panel, drag and drop (on the front of the panel)23:20
Stskeepsjausmus: :nod:23:20
hirabayashitaroLast question before going back to my study for tomorrow's exam: I opened an enhancement proposal for a feature about contacts in meego handset. If it will meant to be, It will be part of meego "core" or part of the external contacts managing application?23:20
GAN900Stskeeps, UI sells these days.23:20
GAN900iOS set the bar particularly high.23:20
StskeepsGAN900: yes, which is also why a horrible reference UX will make people not want to base on meego :P23:21
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Stskeepshirabayashitaro: you should aim for "core" feature, as to make it work on all contacts apps23:21
TSCHAKeeeour UI sucks so badly, I am having to rethink and rewrite the whole damned thing23:21
TSCHAKeee(our being LinuxMCE)23:21
GAN900Stskeeps, the tablet UX demo isn't particularly encouraging.23:21
GAN900TSCHAKeee, I agree. *g*23:21
StskeepsGAN900: ok, maybe it's just that i understand what it represents in terms of code and simplicity of actually getting to that UI23:22
TSCHAKeeeGAN900: I didn't write the damned thing. I'm just the one who has taken on the task of reinventing it.23:22
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GAN900TSCHAKeee, I'm sorry. :P23:22
StskeepsGAN900: and how to build a product on top of it23:22
jausmusGAN900: do you have particular concerns about the UI?23:22
TSCHAKeeeI do like the fact that the UI felt smooth on my pinetrail netbook23:23
TSCHAKeeethe only exception was inside the web browser23:23
sivangjausmus: where?23:23
GAN900jausmus, I have concerns about how it's going to be received by the OEMs, journalists and consumers who are going to play a big part in how much buy-in the platform gets.23:23
hirabayashitaroOps, It was not last... But this is. where is the place for feature suggest? I used bug system, but I suppose I did it wrong23:23
TSCHAKeeeGAN900: you're not..really..answering his question.23:23
TSCHAKeeeyou've deflected an opinion23:24
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: bug system, features23:24
TSCHAKeeewith a percieved opinion23:24
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TSCHAKeeeerm answered, i mean23:24
GAN900TSCHAKeee, don't have time to write up a blow-by-blow of where I think it needs improvement.23:25
jausmusIf there's something you don't like - let us know - I obviously can't guarantee any action on it, but you won't effect any change without at least saying what you want to change! :)23:25
TSCHAKeeeGAN900: do you have time to do ANYTHING besides talk shit? ;)23:25
GAN900Just generally airing my agreement with Stskeeps that I think it's important.23:25
GAN900TSCHAKeee, sadly, no. :(23:25
StskeepsGAN900: i'll quote you on that!23:25
GAN900Unless you count my small contributions to mwkn23:26
GAN900Which might be more shit.23:26
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hirabayashitaroStskeeps: so I did the right procedure opening a bug marked as enhancement, right?23:27
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Stskeepshirabayashitaro: sortof, if it was in the Core OS Features component23:28
hirabayashitaroIt was not, can I move it?23:29
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hirabayashitaroStskeeps: The problem is that there is no cantacts section in Core OS (maybe because cantacts are, as far as I know, managed by differend systemsdon netbood and handset)23:33
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: there's contacts middleware i think23:34
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Stskeepsyeah, netbook is always a bit of wtf..23:34
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: Nope, only voip e IM23:35
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Stskeepshirabayashitaro: hmm.23:35
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Venemohirabayashitaro: what's a 'cantact'?23:37
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hirabayashitaroVenemo: Is a 'contact'23:38
Venemook, sorry23:38
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hirabayashitaroVenemo: and is a typo :D23:39
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hirabayashitaromust reboot23:41
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tarantism_Stskeeps: Thanks - that fixed it - I know that I'm running a really old image but why is it _so_ slow?23:46
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tarantism_i'd really like to understand what it's doing with its half billion ops per second23:50
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CosmoHillsounds like one hell of an IRC channnel23:50
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lcuktarantism_, the usual, thinking about its hair and makeup, what to have for tea, whether the cute app in the corner saw it looking, shining screen, polishing buttons.23:51
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CosmoHilllcuk: I have one working node atm :o23:51
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tarantism_lcuk: this has perplexed me for years23:51
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lcuktarantism_, me too, thats why I resolved to avoid it where possible23:52
tarantism_I suspect that alot of it could be eliminated: especially the thinking about whether to have tea - just have tea!!23:52
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lcuktarantism_, lol23:53
lcukCosmoHill, :D you are awesome,  how easy now is it to add more?23:53
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CosmoHillI'm gonna do some quick testing and I need to sort out the IPs23:58
CosmoHillsome failed and never got an IP23:58
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CosmoHillso node 1 is node 2 is node 3 is etc23:58
CosmoHillswap 3 and 4 around23:59
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