IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2011-02-02

lcukhaving to multipress or guess because there are not enough buttons to fill the normal alphabet00:00
hirabayashitarolcuk: kimitake adapted some IME packages for maemo, so I suppose he can do something for meego also00:00
hirabayashitarothe problem in this sense is that there's no commercial interest in that area by the involved companies00:01
anidelthere will be.. China and India are very interesting markets now00:01
hirabayashitaroanidel: they are00:01
hirabayashitaroespecially on the handset side00:02
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anidellcuk,  weren't you going to be? :)00:02
lcukhirabayashitaro, i went reading00:02
lcukthen Venemo pinged me on another channel00:02
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lcukanidel *00:03
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anidelmeaning several reasons?00:03
berndhsanidel: i wish I could get one of those 2 billion people to work with me to provide for that market00:03
anidelprovide what?00:04
berndhsmake sure my applications work there00:04
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lcukhirabayashitaro, does your normal computer IME make you curse with strange guesses?00:04
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lcukis there a version of damnyouautocorrect for chinese because you missed a character? :D00:05
hirabayashitaro have a look under the graph00:06
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hirabayashitarolcuk: not really, I'm actually using Google IME (the open source version) which is in my opinion the best on linux today00:07
hirabayashitarolcuk: though anthy is not bad at all00:07
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hirabayashitaroHong kong, taiwan, korea are not something that could be ignored, I think00:08
wmaroneit would help if there was a hardware vendor from those areas interested in MeeGo, and willing to engage the community00:09
hirabayashitarowmarone: agree00:10
berndhsthere probably are some vendors tehre working on it as we speak, just not in public00:10
hirabayashitarowmarone: Japan is also a big market for mobile devices00:10
wmaronehirabayashitaro: oh I know, it's the country that gives us electronic dictionaries with ridiculous capabilities and the Sharp Zaurus00:11
wmaroneon top of being the single biggest consumer of cell phone games00:11
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* wmarone glances at his 7 year old Sharp eDictionary00:12
hirabayashitaroto answer Stskeeps who made me a question like an hour ago00:13
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: missing things are as far as I can see: 1_Something like a forum or community friendly discussion board intended to cover most of the aspects of the project00:15
wmaronehirabayashitaro: language specific, I assume?00:15
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: because mailing lists and bugttrackers are powerful tools, but a community of enthusiasts is sometimes scared of them00:15
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hirabayashitarowmarone: an english one should be good, language specific boards are supposed to born spontaneously00:16
wmaronebecause there is forum.meego.com00:16
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hirabayashitarowmarone: yes, but is quite poor, and there are only problem-solving related topics00:17
wmaroneso perhaps the forums could use some expansion and categorization00:18
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: 2_A more detailed description of the project compared to the official site, but less than the wiki which is very technical in approach00:19
hirabayashitarowmarone: I think it should.00:20
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hirabayashitaroStskeeps: (who is probably idle) 3_As I said a worldwide perspective. Programmers and fans are not only in Europe and America. Same for companies .00:23
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: I'll think about point 4 and 500:23
hirabayashitaroWell, I'm going. See you soon!00:25
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lcukhirabayashitaro, good night \o00:26
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hirabayashitarowmarone: はーい頑張ります00:27
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Alison_ChaikenI'm running meego-v1.1-netbooks on ExoPC with and without a USB mouse.    Touchscreen works well with handset image on this HW, so hid_egalax driver is okay.    With netbook image, it seems like either top launcher bar is working with touch and USB mouse, or rest of screen is working, but not both.   Anyone else seen this?00:35
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* pixelgeek thanks Alison_Chaiken for
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pixelgeekI've had some problems with the netbook image on the Lenovos, just trying to click near enough to the top bar to trigger it.01:48
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pixelgeekThe Windows key works nicely though to trigger it instead.01:48
Alison_Chaikenpixelgeek, I heard from Intel that ExoPC is easier to bring up than WeTab, which is why I switched (also, not using my own money!).01:49
pixelgeekYes - the ExoPC is much easier to work with.  No Ploploader required.01:49
Alison_ChaikenI'm finding that I get stuck in the top bar once I touch it.    Just been turning on verbose mode of udev, etc. and reading up on mousedev, evdev and suchlike.01:49
pixelgeekUnfortunately, MS is out of stock of them right now.01:50
Alison_ChaikenDidn't get WiFi working on WeTab, which didn't come with ath9k driver.   Didn't try hard though.01:50
Alison_Chaikenhid_egalax is statically compiled with handset image, but modprobing it with netbook should work, I would think.01:51
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vgradealterego, ping02:20
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CosmoHillI may have, MAY have broken someone's web server02:22
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CosmoHillor is it three times02:27
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berndhsCosmoHill: anybody you know ?02:27
CosmoHillyeah he's my friend02:28
CosmoHillI go to ban someone on the forum for spamming and the server crashes02:28
berndhslets hope he's stull your friend tomorrow :)02:28
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berndhswell, it was nice knowing you02:35
berndhsI hear that the next life is much better than this one02:35
CosmoHillI''ll probably still bark up the wrong trees02:36
CosmoHilloh it's crashed again02:37
berndhsmaybe its not you, maybe jsut periodical that coincides with the spamming frequency02:38
CosmoHillit was the one person I was trying to ban02:39
CosmoHillinfact I banned him about lunch time02:39
lcukvgrade, I have a pic here from one of the channels, for context which one because I cant seem to find it02:40
lcukdoh, its from twitter02:40
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lcukvgrade, is that your panda?02:43
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vgradelcuk, yup02:45
lcukis the kernel complex, I know spyro has one at home but not even taken it out of its box yet02:45
vgradelcuk, only had it a few days02:46
lcukerrr I mean, is configuration complex02:46
vgraderom loader is insane,02:46
lcukvgrade, I gather its similar to the beagle?02:46
vgradeit needs crazy CHS02:46
lcukmost systems do!02:47
vgradespent a day getting it to boot meego02:47
vgrademic2 is supposed to sort all that but I must have the wrong version or missing a patch02:47
vgradeanyway its sloooooooooooooooooow but good for the meeting I guess02:48
lcukwell thats what merge requests are for lol02:48
lcukheh, the N900 today was in similar state02:48
lcukit showed a great static screenshot of meego all day :P02:48
lcukthe x driver was a bit misconfigured I hear based on the MT patches02:49
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vgradedon't know about that, N900 config after I've updated the Joggler to latest02:50
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vgradedid you say you were thinking of making the meet tomorrow02:51
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vgradewmarone, hi02:52
vgrademy vega has taken a bit of a back seat as I prep for the cambridge meet02:53
wmaroneI'm debating on keeping the thing, aside from short bursts of work it mostly sits idle02:53
vgradethe good thing is that what you learn on one port you can utilise in another02:53
vgrademy son puts it to use most of the time02:54
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vgradeMeego Meeting When, Wednesday, February 2 · 7:30pm - 10:30pm, Where, Clowns, Cambridge 54 King Street10:12
vgradeHands on with N900's, O2 Joggler, Pandaboard, netbook10:12
vilvolbt: ping10:13
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andre__vgrade: looks like your forgot the country info ;-)10:16
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thiago_homehe said Cambridge10:20
thiago_homeI'm guessing it's the one in the UK10:20
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RST38hThere are at least two Cambridges10:21
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RST38hIt can be either.10:21
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vgradeUK, yes10:21
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lbtvilvo: pong10:29
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vilvolbt: I was looking at boss repo for but couldn't find10:43
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lbtvilvo: it's part of imger :
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vilvook, thanks10:56
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neopsiswhat do you think better, desktop with raid or raid server enclosure?11:05
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tudovio_Hello! Does anyone know what API's can be used to test the Supplementary services features on top of the Meego api's?11:18
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odin_vgrade, have fun at the meetup, unfortunately 5-aside footy night for me (ignoring the 1 hour 45 min drive each way for a moment) hope plenty attend :)11:42
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Extendshi all, How to install meego on vmware player or virtualbox, it is possible ?13:22
niala1Extends: yes it is, take a look at the wiki13:22
Extendshum, thanks, I will see it13:23
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niala1Extends: qemu is better, more speed13:24
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Extendshum, thanks for your advice13:25
niala1virtualbox is a bit sllow13:25
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niala1as i know, maybe it's changed now.13:27
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ExtendsI see it right now ; )13:33
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kvir4567   ;)13:33
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Stecchino400 remote error: connect to 443  timeout ???14:04
X-FadeStecchino: Works for me.14:05
lbtme too14:05
Stskeepssame here14:06
lbtClosed: WFM14:06
Stecchinoworks again. Temp glitch I guess14:06
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lbtStecchino: good14:06
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niala1meegotouch is not a part of meegocore ?14:12
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niala1api i mean14:13
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dneary_So - I just saw a reply on the forum saying that there's innuendo all over the internet (in the context of naming the pre-conference) and it made me remember a joke14:14
dneary_As they go it's tame...14:14
dneary_A woman walks into a bar, and orders a double entendre. So the barman gives her one.14:15
dneary_Boom boom!14:15
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X-Fadegonzo_: hi.15:15
gonzo_hi there15:15
X-FadeSo you can do two things. You can link your OBS to the MeeGo OBS or just import the MeeGo 1.0 repository.15:16
X-FadeThe community OBS just imports a published repository for now.15:16
gonzo_lets discuss in half an hour. My colleges are going for lunch...15:16
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gonzo_hello, I am back.15:41
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gonzo_The problem is that I did not find any documentation how to setup a project yet. Just how to clone one.15:47
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UmeaboyI've been googleing for Java when it comes to Meego, but can't find any.15:49
UmeaboyWhere can I find it?15:50
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gonzo_You can use the RPM based installer from Oracle. It works quite fine.15:51
andre__Umeaboy: the first two Google results are and
andre__which I think answer this.15:51
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UmeaboyIsn't wget installed as standard?15:55
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lcukVenemo, did you try installing puzzle-master on your meego n900 yet?16:22
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Venemolcuk, I don't have MeeGo on my N90016:25
lbtgonzo_: hi.... in a meeting ... bbiab16:26
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Venemolcuk, I will install it when someone can confirm for me that phone calls can work through the earpiece with MeeGo :P16:27
lcukVenemo, leave your phone number on a bug report then :P16:28
lcukwhen someone calls you from meego you know you can install it!16:28
Venemolol lcuk :P16:28
Venemolcuk, if you have a device in handy with MeeGo installed, could you test this for me?16:28
JartzaI should install MeeGo to my extra N90016:29
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Jartzaalthough, the earpiece of that phone is dead anyway :)16:29
lcukits installed and working on my ideapad, but I cannot get networking working on my n900 and so its stuck in the ITP for now16:29
Venemoanyway guys, I have to leave now.16:29
lcukie meego images on my n900 are what comes out of the image builder16:29
lcukcya later Venemo \o16:30
VenemoI'll be back a few hours later16:30
Venemolcuk, since the N900 is my primary phone, this kind of functionality is the bare minimum :)16:30
lcukVenemo, we each have our own priorities - make sure you are cc'ed/voted on the related bugs16:31
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Venemolcuk: I was considering getting myself some cheap Archos tablet for MeeGo, but didn't get to it yet.16:31
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Venemolcuk: I don't have the URLs for any related bugs.16:31
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lcukthen search, and if there isn't one - file it.16:32
lcukits your priority, so chase it :)16:32
JartzaI still haven't got an extra microsd-card to install meego16:33
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Venemolcuk: I'm not filing a bug against something I didn't test16:33
lcuklol, so install todays testing onto mmc and try16:34
toninikkanenjartza: $8 delivered :)
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Jartzatoninikkanen: yeah, I've just been lazy :)16:36
toninikkanenactually.. i'll order one myself now. :)16:36
Venemolcuk: my 2gb microSD wasn't enough, I don't have a 4GB one and don't want to buy one just for a simple test16:36
Venemolcuk: anyway, I'll test it on eMMC in sometime :)16:36
Venemolcuk: bb16:36
lcukroger, cya later Venemo \o16:37
Venemolcuk: I'll be back. :)16:37
lcuk* Venemo is now known as The Terminator16:37
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* lcuk puts head back down for a bit16:38
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pikluHello people16:38
pikluwhen is some phone coming with Meego?16:38
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toninikkanenwhat's the cheapest android tablet that has "good enough" quality HW (for porting MeeGo to and running on) ?16:41
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pikluDell Streak, I think that would be good for you16:42
pikluThey were recently running discounts16:42
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andre__piklu: a MeeGo phone comes when a company using MeeGo announces one :)16:44
toninikkanenno announces yet, so no way to know16:45
pikluandre_ : looking for some insider news, lol16:45
pikluI expect Nokia to roll one16:45
andre__and everybody will publish insider news in a public IRC channel, lol16:45
toninikkanenwell think of it this way, if someone had insider info and leaked it here, they would be fired yesterday :)16:45
piklunicknames only here, lol16:45
berndhsfor insider news about Nokia, go to a bar in Finnland and start buying them expensive drinks16:46
pikluI thought its a channel involved in MeeGo Development16:46
toninikkanenberndhs: that strategy would work so well it would be scary.16:46
andre__piklu: it is, MeeGo *SOFTWARE* development16:46
andre__hardware of vendors = not here16:46
pikluLike APPS on MEEGO16:46
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CosmoHillberndhs: I think I got it, if I don't touch the website it can't break. at least not in a way where I get blamed19:08
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lcuk[Tinycc-devel] i just can't get over how farging fast tcc is...     some simple benchmarks of tcc.  its a shame its x86 only20:30
thiago_homecompile times?20:30
thiago_homehow about execution times of the built code?20:30
javispedrolcuk: have you seen it compile the entire linux kernel in less than 30sec? :)20:31
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javispedroI remember there was a video (or was it a screenshot set?) where it booted to tcc in real mode compiling linux then chainloaded to the just compiled kernel20:31
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lcukthiago_home, check the thread, I ask the same thing20:32
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thiago_homecompilers running in real-mode?20:32
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thiago_homeI haven't seen those since my Clipper and Turbo Pascal days20:32
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lcukhmm the mail archive hasnt caught the latest message20:33
* lbt wants to see fastcgi for gcc20:33
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thiago_homefor automatic builds...hmm interesting20:34
thiago_homemy first C and C++ compiler already ran in protected mode20:34
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javispedro*sees source* hmm.. seems it runs in protected mode after all.20:36
lcukthiago_home, what did you output from your compilers?   asm or .o?20:36
thiago_homeat those times? .obj20:36
thiago_homewell, not the TP one20:37
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* lcuk still calls binaries .exe and shared libraries dlls ;)20:37
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thiago_homeclipper did produce .obj, but it was an interpreted language20:37
thiago_homeit generated code that called a library function to interpret a list of commands20:38
thiago_homethat's why there were Clipper decompilers back then20:38
thiago_homethe Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 compiler produced DOS real-mode and Windows 16-bit executables, but I didn't have the Windows SDK20:38
lcuklike PCODE from visual basic20:38
thiago_homeTurbo Pascal didn't produce .obj. Libraries produced .tpu, programs produced .exe directly.20:39
thiago_homethe Microsoft compiler, as all compilers back then, had different memory models, for pointer sizes20:39
lcuktheres a pascal compiler for maemo, I think the guy wrote an IDE too :)20:40
thiago_homenear pointers, far pointers, yielding several different memory models: tiny (.com, 16-bit pointers, 64kB max), small (.exe, 16-bit pointers, 64+64kB), compact, medium, large and huge20:40
lcukoh such fun x86 is20:41
thiago_hometoday's Linux executables are comparable to the Tiny model, except that pointers are 32-bit20:41
thiago_homeso they are limited to 4 GB of memory20:41
thiago_homeif we used 48-bit pointers supported by the architecture (large model), we could address a lot more memory20:42
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lcukthiago_home, thats for 64bit CPUs I gather?20:43
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lcukie, the Atom CPUs inside many netbooks are not 64bit yet and so would not be usable?20:44
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thiago_homelcuk: 32-bit ones20:50
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thiago_homeon 64-bit CPUs, pointers are 64-bit and the addressable memory depends only on the processor implementation20:50
lcukoh cool thiago_home20:50
thiago_homebtw, some Atom processors are 64-bit20:51
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lcukI know some are, its just most of the common ones last time I looked were still 32b20:51
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mkaranHi I am trying to build gst-plugins-base using the below command21:10
mkaranbuild --repository --arch i686 gst-plugins-base.spec21:10
CosmoHillyou mean rpmbuild ?21:10
mkaranI am getting below error:21:10
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CosmoHillcan you pastebin the error21:12
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mkaranplease find the error
CosmoHillls /usr/bin/python21:14
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DawnFosterWe're doing a MeeGo Workgroup day (or 2) at the LF Collab Summit in April21:16
DawnFosterFor agenda feedback / other ideas:
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StskeepsDawnFoster: thanks for getting my address book updated ;)21:17
DawnFosterStskeeps: :)21:17
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mkaran_Hi CosmHill:21:19
CosmoHillyou have a tail21:20
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mkaran_CosmoHill: please tell me the solution21:22
CosmoHillls /usr/bin/python21:23
mkaran_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2011-01-20 21:14 /usr/bin/python -> python2.621:24
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CosmoHillwhere is the file ?21:24
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mkaran_CosmoHill: gst-plugins-base-0.10.32/common/scangobj-merge.py21:26
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CosmoHillhmm, ../../common/ might take it into the BUILD directory21:26
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AparnaAre there any MeeGo compliance test cases available?21:30
mkaran_CosmpHill: Could you please tell me what I will do for this error21:30
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Alison_ChaikenBTW, DawnFoster, I did submit a BoF proposal to Embedded Linux Conference, which is 4 or 5 days after LFCS in the same venue.    I guess the audiences won't overlap so probably there's no duplication?21:31
StskeepsAparna: app or system?21:31
AparnaStskeeps: system21:32
StskeepsAparna: i -think- so, not so much on hardware adaptation side, but in terms of compliance packages21:32
StskeepsAparna: prod mwichmann or discuss on meego-dev on steps forward21:33
mwichmanntest cases?21:33
mwichmannthere are some basic test tools....21:33
DawnFosterAlison_Chaiken: great! (I'm not worried about duplication between the 2)21:33
Aparnamwichmann: yes i checked those tools21:34
mwichmannso you're looking for something else... details?21:34
Alison_ChaikenSince LFCS BoF will attract only invited conference attendees, I think there should be plenty of locals who will attend the ELC one.    Perhaps if the BoF I suggested is accepted, some of the more technical presenters at LFCS can talk again at ELC.21:35
Aparnamwichmann - are these tools complete. I was checking
Aparnamwichmann - If i run my system through this tool and get an OK am I done?21:36
mwichmannI'm not exactly sure how to answer that21:36
mwichmannah... I see21:36
mwichmannyou're done with a caveat21:36
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mwichmannbasically, with test result in hand you would be ready to apply to LF (if that's your aim)21:37
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mwichmannthe caveat is you're still on the hook for compatibility; if implementation runs something and you don't, that's considered a sign of not being fully compliant21:37
Aparnamwichmann: LF stands for? Sorry Im bad at abbreviations21:38
mwichmannso you'd be expected to address that21:38
mwichmannLinux Foundation (MeeGo trademark holder, you apply if you want to call your implementation meego)21:38
Aparnaah ok I understand21:38
Stskeepsmwichmann: out of curiousity, where do we have forms to start that process at?21:38
Stskeeps / description of it21:39
mwichmannhey, I thought we were supposed to file bugs for bdub :)21:39
Stskeepstrue :)21:39
mwichmannthere's a faq and some other docs in development, hopefully someone will start posting up soon21:39
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Stskeepsnow for the teaser: are meego reference device hardware adaptations automatically compliant? ;)21:39
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* mwichmann ducks and runs21:40
AparnaSo how will we be tested for for the implementation at LF. Are there test cases that are under development21:40
mwichmannI think you can consider current tests to be early versions, and early experiences will guide where they have to evolve21:41
mwichmannI'm not directly involved in the test part (at least not now)21:41
Aparnamwichmann - when you say current test cases, those are the ones that we run using the compliance tools?21:42
mwichmannyes, that's what I mean21:42
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Aparnaok thanks21:42
mwichmannnote that right now testing is existence-based, not functionally based21:42
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mwichmannthat is, since meego is defined by a set of required packages, the test is that you have those, at the right versions21:42
mwichmannnot that they work according to some behvioral standard21:43
Aparnahmm. So are we going to have some refinement which will take into consideration behavioral standard too21:44
mwichmannhey, I said I had ducked and run away :)21:44
mwichmannmy own answer to that is that it's hoped "use reference source" is good enough21:44
mwichmannif it isn't, behavioral tests (which is a really big bullet to bite) would be looked at21:45
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lbtare the compliance tests that LF runs 'open' ?22:12
* lbt has lag22:13
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Stskeepsi think they're supposed to be - i thought it was kinda self-test and pass results to LF?22:13
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kaushikOaktrail .ks config file???22:14
* lbt breathes deeply22:14
lbtlooks for coffee beans to chew22:15
* lardman has some chocolate covered ones he throws to lbt22:15
lbtmmmm .... thanks22:15
lardmancareful, especially at this time of night22:15
lbtmeh... just getting started...22:16
lbtreally :(22:16
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lardmanoh, not so good then22:16
lbtnot a productive day.... suppose I should stop irc-ing and go hit the python22:16
lardmanthey won't be happy22:17
lbtR ?22:17
lardmanReptiles ;)22:17
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lbtmmm sensuous snakes...22:18
Stskeepslbt: QML+pyside is a fun way to spend an evening22:18
lardmanquick, more caffeine for this man!22:18
lcuk3lbt, Nescafe have some great different blends of instant coffee22:19
lcuk3sigh @ internet22:19
lcuk3DawnFoster, the LFCS sessions - you did not add werewolf!22:19
DawnFosterlcuk3: We'll do that as a secret evening session after one of the parties :)22:19
Stskeepslcuk3: you should try the horrible things they claim is coffee here..22:19
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lbt.... bridge building.... for real cars22:20
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lcukwell lbt I was thinking something more meego related lol22:20
lardmanStskeeps: you're not in India are you?22:20
lardmanvery weak and very milky coffee22:20
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lcukcoffee should be strong and milky :D22:20
DawnFoster*wonders if lcuk is trying to clone himself on IRC. Which one is the real lcuk?* :)22:20
* CosmoHill has a 450MB auth.log file :/22:21
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lcukDawnFoster, heh22:22
* lcuk stands up22:22
lardmanthis isn't like Simon Says is it?22:22
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lcuklardman, it is if you say stuff22:24
CosmoHillmy cousin has a t-shirt that reads "Simon says: Let's get wasted"22:24
lcukshhh CosmoHill you cannot post that online22:24
lardmanI normally just say "let's go to the bar"22:24
lcuklbt might read it and he HAS to follow it22:24
CosmoHillthe funny thing is that he's not old enough to buy drink yet22:25
* lardman / simon says eat coffee beans22:25
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* lbt is halfway there on coffee beans ... dark chocolate covered ones22:25
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CosmoHillnow I want a hot chocolate22:25
lardmanCosmoHill: that's when you actually get wasted, once you're old enough you have built up a tolerance22:25
lbtlardman: as it happens I went to Whittards yesterday and got 3 packs :)22:25
* lardman continues with his glass of vino22:25
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lcukDawnFoster, will most people be carrying their meego devices with them?22:26
CosmoHillin all honestly I think he drinks more than I do22:26
lardmanlbt: don't tempt me, if I start eating those I'll never get to sleep at a reasonable hour! :)22:26
lcuksuggest something simple like give them a piece of logo to draw - then stack devices together22:26
lbtcrunchy and stick in your teeth .... but in a "ooh, that tastes nice" kinda way22:26
DawnFosterlcuk: carrying devices to the collab summit? (Or did I miss something)?22:26
lcukyes DawnFoster22:27
* lbt goes to work...22:27
lcukwill they have ideapads or other touchable meego devices22:27
* thiago_home hopes to be allowed to carry his meego device in public soon22:27
DawnFosterlcuk: I hope so. I usually have a MeeGo netbook at conferences22:27
DawnFosterlcuk: and I do my presentations from the netbook :)22:28
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thiago_homeDawnFoster: PDF?22:28
lcukI know you do DawnFoster, I meant the audience22:28
lcuk/participants in a collaborative session22:28
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DawnFosterthiago_home: open office usually22:28
CosmoHillI like the idea of the meego devices being carried around in secert and flashes to those who need to see them like some kinda ID22:28
lcukCosmoHill, I tried that at the meegoconf22:29
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lcuk(I did not have my badge on and the security guard was there lol)22:29
CosmoHilllike spys in files22:29
DawnFosterthiago_home: but oo is really wonky on meego - I'm hoping LibreOffice has their meego build soon.22:29
lardmanlcuk: he didn't like the trenchcoat?22:29
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CosmoHilllardman: a bad spy, searching his many pockets for the meego device22:30
lcuklardman, nahh he was fine with that, I think it was my stockings and high heels that threw him.22:30
CosmoHill"is that a windows 7 phone? he's working for the other side, get him!"22:30
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lardmanCosmoHill: no, has another connotation re flashing, which lcuk summed up quite nicely :D22:30
CosmoHill(PS welcome to my imagination)22:30
lcukwill bbiab \o22:31
mwichmannlbt, Stskeeps: the tests that exist are in git (meego-compliance-tools)22:31
mwichmannthere are no tools "that LF run" in the sense that it's a self-testing model, you run 'em yourself22:31
CosmoHillnow I have that image of lardman in my head only with a trenchcoat on over the top22:32
lardmannot me, lcuk !22:32
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* lardman curses os.popen22:33
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mwichmannand why does it need cursing? (any more than C popen(), that is)?22:38
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lardmanit's being used on nm, and nm is presumably only producing a stderr output as the binary in question is statically compiled22:40
lardmanso I'm cursing it as I need to replace it22:41
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lardmanso nothing too specific22:41
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thiago_homeisn't there a popen3?22:43
thiago_homeor was that a Perl thing?22:43
lardmanapparently deprecated now22:43
lardmanbut yes22:43
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mwichmannheck, there's even a popen4 afair22:44
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mwichmannwithout looking it up, I think the intent is to move people to subprocess22:45
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lardmanyes, though using the suggested import line results in something along the lines of NameError: global name 'Popen3' is not defined22:46
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lardmanwhat can I do to check whether there are any lines to return with f.readlines() without blocking?22:55
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RST38hlardman:peek() or feof()?22:56
lardmanit's stdout, is that likely to still work?22:57
RST38hstdin you mean?yes, peek() should work22:57
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lardmanno stdout of a file I've popened22:57
lardmanthat's confusing22:58
lardmananyway it's the output of nm22:58
RST38hit should work, try it22:58
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lardmanthis is Python btw22:58
RST38hshould work the same22:59
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lardmanI can't see it in the docs22:59
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RST38hlardman: use
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* lardman has a look at that one23:05
RST38hlardman: and no, I am not responsible for python "architects" making you do everything through the anal orifice23:05
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lardmanI've tried a "for line in file" and that seems to block too23:06
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lardmanand that should be the same as file.ext23:06
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* lardman gives up for the time being and starts writing something in C++23:07
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lardmanor even C23:07
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RST38hA sensible idea.23:08
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Alison_ChaikenI'm having trouble getting WiFi to connect on Atom with meego-handset-ia32-pinetrail-mtf-    ath3k is loaded, "iwlist scanning" shows channels, so HW is working.     Do I need to start connman by hand, or if I type "ifconfig mywifi up" at CLI, should connman start?    connman docs are a bit light!23:42
Alison_ChaikenI see "ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): link is not ready" in dmesg, BTW.23:43
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Venemohey guys23:58
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