IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2010-11-16

* CosmoHill wants one of his regulars blow off steam00:00
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djszapiit worked on maemo earlir (other device than N900): ifconfig usb0 up and then ssh root@, why does it not work now from the host ?00:02
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djszapissh root@, sorry00:03
* CosmoHill puts on his "got root" hat00:03
djszapissh root@
djszapissh: connect to host port 22: No route to host00:03
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miherossh serveris not installed on default into maemo00:09
djszapibad joke ?00:10
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alsihadanyone know the "official" name for intel n10/ich7 chipset and stuff?00:14
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alsihadhow are those called on intels driver download page?00:15
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nialahello Stskeeps00:28
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djszapi Stskeeps: do you have any idea what do I do wrong ?
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CosmoHillholy crap AMD joined MeeGo00:41
Stskeepsgood guess would be to actually shut down the device and take out usb, start flasher, plug in00:41
nialaCosmoHill: amd joined meego ?00:42
berndhscosmohill: does AMD know about this?00:43
CosmoHillI'd hope so, they annoced it00:43
berndhswell, you never know who is smoking what these days00:44
Stskeepspress release and all00:44
berndhswould be nice though, to have MeeGo on non SSSE machines00:44
CosmoHillsomewhere it says AMD work on MeeGo00:46
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CosmoHillI can't find it on the AMD or MeeGo website00:46
wmaroneand non-intel graphic, ATI, at least ;)00:46
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djszapiStskeep: that did not help, same msg.00:49
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djszapiit is somehow a shame ssh server is not shipped by default.00:49
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wmaronemost people won't need it00:49
djszapihow can they test their application, like QML on the device then with no usb network ?00:50
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djszapiI think I have never seen a person around me who did not require ssh server00:51
wmaronedjszapi: for a mobile OS, do you really think it is necessary for every handset, tablet, and netbook to advertise remote logon services?00:52
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djszapifor hackers ? for sure!00:53
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djszapiand also for non-hackers, if I would like to read a pdf as a simple user, I should upload it with scp over ssh protocol that I cannot do.00:55
djszapiand plenty of other data communication between the host and the device. I think this is a bare minimum, if I buy an expensive device.00:55
wmaronedjszapi: neither of those require ssh. if you have the authority over the device you can install it yourself00:55
djszapiwith no internet connection ?00:55
djszapihow ?00:56
* wmarone wonders why people buy deviecs intended for internet connectivity and suddenly have none00:56
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djszapiN900 != internet tablet...00:57
djszapibut I would wonder if I said news for you...00:58
wmaroneno, but it has wifi and 3G data support and was designed around having it00:58
djszapino, not really.00:58
wmaronethat you've found yourself in a position where you suddenly need to ssh into a device that has been freshly reset but have no internet connection (and didn't bring along the .debs you might need for anything) is outside the scope of, well, mos tthings00:59
djszapibut if it is the fact, it is pretty silly design. There are a couple of people with wired internet connection for sure...00:59
wmaronesilly to not include a possible attack vector that can be enabled by those that need it?01:00
djszapino idea what you are talking about.01:00
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djszapipossible attack vector ?:)))) made my day.01:00
wmaroneare you saying that openssh hasn't had any flaws in it?01:01
djszapiyou will experience new things about harmattan in the future I think so, when it will be released, I am pretty sure.01:01
wmaronewhat does this have to do with harmattan?01:01
wmaroneI thought this was about MeeGo not including sshd by default01:01
djszapiyou were obviously wrong01:02
wmaroneI don't know, this is #meego after all01:02
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djszapiit is about a platform usability, I do not have wireless internet connection, because the people from whom I rent the lodging decided so.01:02
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djszapiand this very simple situation makes my _expensive_ phone useless.01:03
wmaroneplatform usability for corner cases is not reasonable to plan for01:03
wmaronehowever, you should have thought ahead and brought an SD card01:03
berndhsshould have though ahead and installed sshd01:03
djszapiwith no wireless internet connection ? again: how ?01:04
wmarone"hold on guys, our usability experts are wrong cause someone might want to do the unsupported thing and install sshd without any network access"01:04
djszapiI have got an SD card, but no idea how that helps for me now...01:04
wmaronedjszapi: installed it before you were left without wireless access, or go download the .deb files with your wired connection and transfer them using the sd card01:04
wmaroneyou... did install the rootsh package, right?01:05
djszapiagain: how ?01:05
djszapi'installed it before you were left without wireless access' - no idea what you are talking about, I have never had wireless access here, so there was nothing to leave.01:06
wmaronewell I didn't know that01:07
djszapi'go download the .deb files with your wired connection and transfer them using the sd card' -> I do not understand this step because I have never used sd card earlier that way, so any hint is welcome.01:07
Termanadjszapi, if you're trying to still use flasher and still getting the message you were getting - completely shut it down, remove the back cover and battery, wait 10 seconds, put the battery back in, cover back on and try flashing (I assume you know the PROPER flashing procedure?)01:07
djszapiyou just should have said that then, if you do not know something.01:07
wmaronedjszapi: I was under the impression that at some point you -had- wireless connectivity01:07
djszapiTermana: happened, did not help01:07
djszapiTermana: sure I can follow a 'tutorial'.01:08
djszapicopy paste works here.01:08
NooBmonk3ylcuk, ping01:08
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djszapito be honest, I would like to try my QML application out on this new device, but it seems it is a hard task, dunno why...01:09
Termanadjszapi, I was asking if you knew. All you need to do is have it off, hold U and then plug the USB cord in (making sure you've run flasher command beforehand)01:09
djszapi01:07 < djszapi> Termana: happened, did not help01:09
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wmaronedjszapi: see if you can get started here:
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Termanadjszapi, do it like this then - take out the battery, plug USB in, start flasher, hold U and put battery in (while still holding U and still having the cord in already)01:12
djszapiTermana: really does not work01:12
Termanadjszapi, have you tried doing it as I just described rather than the normal procedure?01:13
TermanaWtf - what do you mean why? I don't know - maybe because you want to use flasher and you're having trouble doing it the normal way?01:14
* Stskeeps curses hotel wifi01:14
djszapiy = yes01:15
TermanaOh. right01:15
djszapi( like in command line )01:15
TermanaAnd it still gives you that message?01:15
TermanaStrange. The message is suppose to only come on when the device is already on and in PC Suite Mode01:15
djszapiI always said it is strange...01:16
djszapiokay, something happened, it does not boot any longer...01:19
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djszapiso why does not it boot after your recommendation ? :)01:20
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djszapiifconfig n90001:31
djszapin900: error fetching interface information: Device not found01:31
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djszapiany idea ?01:48
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npmi installed the sshd package and this additional thingie from the control panel that turns it on/off on my n900 -- go to the application installer02:49
npmbut i'm still awaiting my microsdhc card so's i can dual boot02:50
npmof course, i'd prefer a wired ethernet connection myself, but given the size and space available for extra ports... i guess it's an understandable tradeoff ...02:51
npm^^^ djszapi02:52
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npmwill this help?
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thebootroois there any meego handset dev here ?03:11
thebootrooi'm trying to build my own connection UI for connman in plain Qt using the libconnman-qt found on MeeGo Handset UX03:12
thebootrooi've dl it and compiled fine, but i don't know how to use its functions in my project since it's not yet document AFAIK03:13
thebootrooi've tried to #include "networklistmodel.h"  and then new NetworkListModel(this); and after that affect this model to a list view but it creates a segfault03:14
thebootrooany idea here ?03:14
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pupnik   just that03:16
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thebootroopupnik: it's for me ?03:16
nialathebootroo: it's more a qt problem no?03:17
thebootroobecause its not a bug (at least i believe)03:17
nialamaybe try #qt03:17
thebootrooit's just i don't know how to use the function provided by the libconnman-qt, which is developped by MeeGo dev tem03:17
thebootrooit's not a Qt problem03:18
thebootrooi know Qt quite well03:18
thebootrooit's just that as far i don't found any documentation for this newly written lib i can't use it so i'm lookin here to find the developpers of the lib03:19
nialathebootroo: ok sorry misunderstand03:20
thebootroono pb03:20
thebootroowut ?03:23
mikeleib_lunchthebootroo: wuz yer connman-qt problem?03:23
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* mikeleib reads backlog03:25
mikeleibthebootroo: libconnman-qt isn't documented, true03:26
thebootroothe problem is that i'm trying to build my own UI for connecting internet trought ConnMan, in plain Qt, and i don't know how to use the DBus proxy (libconnman-qt is rougly a QDbusProxy) wirtten by the Intel guys03:26
mikeleibI wrote libconnman-qt03:26
mikeleibit's 1:30am where I am and I need to get some sleep.03:27
thebootroowut ?03:27
thebootrooYOU are the guy ?03:27
mikeleibbut, you should have a good example in meegotouchcp-connman03:27
thebootrooyes i've already looked at it03:27
thebootrooit's in MTF not plain Qt so i can't really discern if the weird function that i see is here because of normal libconnman behavior or just because of meego touch framework03:28
mikeleibthere's a version that's being de-MTFed03:29
thebootroowhere ?03:29
mikeleiband I'm not doing that part.  hold on..03:29
thebootrooyou mean the lib or the UX ?03:29
mikeleibthe lib03:30
thebootroocause the lib i try to use is already the splitted one03:30
mikeleibthere's another UX for another MeeGo vertical in development03:30
mikeleibaha.. I think the new maintainer must have borked it03:30
thebootrooand i'm trying to build another ux for it03:30
thebootrooand i'm using the de-MTFed lib of course cause all my projects are only pure plain qt03:31
mikeleibthe idea of NetworkListModel is to sort of make it easy to make lists out of it03:31
mikeleibso, It should be easy to hook up a listview to it.  MTF uses a strict MVC, but using delegates, it should be possible03:31
mikeleibhowever, segfaulting is not desireable.  That's bad03:31
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mikeleibI think the guy who's doing the rework has gone home.03:32
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thebootrooso from you why can't i just declarate and instance my model and affect it to my QListVIew ?03:32
mikeleibwell, you should be able to.  I've never tried usign it with QWidgets before.  The old lib was too tightly associated with MTF03:33
thebootrooand for exmaple if i don't affect it to the listview and i just try to call 'availableTechnologies' it returns nothing but it prints a lot of lines of debug, just lik if it was initializing just now03:33
mikeleibthe splitted one should make it easy and possible.03:33
nialamikeleib: you are in dublin ?03:34
mikeleiband tired03:34
thebootroolucky one03:34
thebootrooi would really have luved to be there03:34
mikeleibperhaps next tiem?03:34
thebootrooas a N900 owner, and MeeGo follower and Qt developper03:34
thebootrooyes i hope03:34
thebootrooSAn Fransisco03:35
niala:) how was the beer ?03:35
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mikeleibthebootroo: the debug output is also likely my fault.  I had to use a ton of tracing and debuging b/c of the way duicontrolpanel hosted the plugins03:35
thebootrooyes i do that too in my projects03:35
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tripzerothebootroo, ping03:36
mikeleibtag!  you're it tripzero03:36
mikeleibtripzero: is the maintainer of the split lib03:36
mikeleibif you see borkage file it and assign to him ;)03:36
thebootroopeople here are really active03:36
thebootrootripzero: pong !03:36
mikeleibtripzero: keep me in the loop.  I can possibly fix something borked from here if I get moments03:37
* mikeleib goes tosleeps for reals03:37
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thebootrooso good night mike03:37
nialagnight mikeleib03:37
thebootrootripzero: i'm trying to use your lib in a plain qt project03:37
tripzerooh, cool03:37
thebootroolibconnman-qt, forked version from the gitorious03:37
thebootroobut i can't03:38
thebootrooand that is less cool03:38
tripzerocan't? use it/03:38
thebootrooi don't have any doc03:38
thebootrooand my trials are failing03:38
thebootroofor example,03:38
thebootrooas i saw the networklistmodel is a child of QAbstractListmodel, i put a QListView in a qt window and tried to create a new networklistmodel and myListView->setModel(thenetmodel) and there -----> SEGFAULT03:39
tripzeroi've never tried it in a plain qt applicatino03:40
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thebootrooand if i don't setmodel and just try to call some getters like 'defaultTechnology' or 'connectedTehcnologies' it return nohting but a few qdebug lines03:40
thebootrooif you want since i am a qt dev and i really really really need this lib workin, i can help you in testing and fixing03:41
thebootroobut only on the plainQt side03:42
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tripzerocan you post your code somewhere?03:42
tripzeroi will give it a try and see if I can make it work with plain-qt03:43
tripzeroit know it works with qml03:43
thebootrooso first, i had an error for moc in the sources, with an undefined reference to stateToString(), so i had to write it before i could acheive the compilation03:43
tripzerohowever, right now I've got to run.03:43
tripzeroahh, that's not good03:44
thebootrooso i wrote a basical switch/return method03:44
thebootrooQString NetworkItemModel::stateTypeToString()03:44
thebootroo    switch (m_state)03:44
thebootroo    {03:44
thebootroo        case STATE_NONE:03:44
thebootroo            return tr("None");03:44
thebootroo            break;03:44
thebootroo        case STATE_IDLE:03:44
thebootroo            return tr("Idle");03:44
thebootroo            break;03:44
thebootroo        case STATE_FAILURE:03:44
thebootroo            return tr("Failure");03:44
thebootroo            break;03:44
thebootroo        case STATE_ASSOCIATION:03:44
thebootroo            return tr("Associating");03:45
thebootroo            break;03:45
thebootroo        case STATE_CONFIGURATION:03:45
thebootroo            return tr("Configuration");03:45
thebootroo            break;03:45
thebootroo        case STATE_READY:03:45
thebootroo            return tr("Ready");03:45
thebootroo            break;03:45
thebootroo        case STATE_LOGIN:03:45
thebootroo            return tr("Login");03:45
thebootroo            break;03:45
tripzeroactually, i don't think I'm even using stateToString()...03:45
thebootroo        case STATE_ONLINE:03:45
thebootroo            return tr("Online");03:45
thebootroo            break;03:45
thebootroo        case STATE_DISCONNECT:03:45
thebootroo            return tr("Disconnect");03:45
tripzerowonder how it even compiles at all03:45
thebootroo            break;03:45
thebootroo        case STATE_LAST:03:45
thebootroo            return tr("Last");03:45
thebootroo            break;03:45
thebootroo    }03:45
thebootrooand then it compiled fine03:45
thebootrooafter that when i tried to use the lib, it doesnt worked but i saw a few debug lines from the lib and in these line i saw my wifi, my ip, my router so i think the lib is working03:45
tripzerojust doesn't work with a ListView03:46
thebootroothe method is declared in header but not implemented in .cpp03:46
tripzerookay, will you be around tomorrow?03:46
thebootroo#include "networklistmodel.h"03:46
thebootrooi'm in france03:46
thebootrooso at 10:00 AM GMT+2 i would be here03:47
thebootroomaybe before03:47
thebootroobut quite sure at 1003:47
tripzeroi've got to go now, but I'll be back tomorrow.  if you find any other issues in the meantime, shoot me a message here and i'll pick it up tomorrow morning03:47
thebootroono problem03:48
thebootrooan thank a lot for your interest03:48
thebootroogood night03:48
tripzerogood night03:48
nialagood night03:48
nialathebootroo: t'es français alors?03:49
thebootrooben si je suis francais03:49
thebootrootoi aussi lol03:49
nialaand it's late03:49
thebootroomais normalement ca se voit pas car je speak pas trop mal english03:49
thebootroonot for me03:50
thebootroomy real workin day is the NIGHT03:50
nialawell i note if i need a translator03:50
thebootroomy greatest creations went during other people are quietly sleepin'03:50
nialalol and mine when I sleep :)03:51
thebootroodo you know about my project  ??  (the website is in your/our language  ;-) )03:51
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thebootroomy last program almost finished (at least barely usable) is a Text Processor (in Qt, what else huh ? :D)03:53
thebootroosome cute screenies there around too :-)03:53
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nialathebootroo: you reinvent the wheel03:56
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thebootrooi'm trying to give it a different shape03:57
nialavery very nice screenshot03:57
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thebootroobecause i think the computing is taking dust and to make it better we have to make it different03:57
thebootrooi have a full desktop environment with a lot of apps working on the same concept03:58
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thebootroothe desktop itself :
nialaall in Qt ?03:59
thebootroowhat else ?03:59
thebootrooof course03:59
thebootroothe music player :
pupniktres bien04:00
thebootrooand many of the most importants progs are not even posted on my website (mail agent, im client, rss reader, package manager, fileborwser ...)04:00
thebootroopupnik: je sais qu'on est tous francais ici mais faut parler anglais pour que les autres puissent comprendre si ils veulent04:00
nialameego should look at your work04:01
thebootrooniala: why ?04:01
thebootrooyou know04:01
thebootroomy work was there really BEFORE meego04:01
pupnikanglais est la lingua franca04:01
thebootrooand meego is already taking a lot of my ideas (full stack and plugin based OS)04:02
thebootrooand even the MTF04:02
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thebootrooan entire app in a GraphicsView ----> my Idea since a discovered the graphics view and its wonders in qt404:02
nialataskbar very similar and meego needs more qtapplication04:02
thebootroothe 'taskbar' can look a little like meego netbook one, but in facts04:03
thebootrooits quite different04:03
thebootroohere apps are really merged in the desktop04:03
thebootrooand there is no more desktop04:03
thebootroothere is a menu app, a gadgets board app, a status panel app....04:04
thebootrooall the apps are in tabs04:04
pupnikyour dream n9-01 is quite ambitious :)04:04
thebootroono more windows, no more menus, no more combo box....04:04
thebootroooh you know it too04:04
thebootrooyes i'm a dreamer 4ever04:04
pupnikno more windows?04:05
thebootroobut it would be possible04:05
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: yeah, with a 12" screen, or builtin magnifying glass :-)04:05
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thebootroono more windows04:05
thebootroojust tabds04:05
pupnikisn't a tab just a window with less options?04:06
pupnikyeah DocScrutinizer04:06
thebootroorougly but not exactly04:06
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thebootrooif you want a live demo just go on skype and i can share my screen and do a private KeyNote like i already did for some membres of #qt-fr04:06
pupniki'm too unimportant04:07
nialasometimes it is convenient to have multiple windows on same screen. copy/paste read copy compare etc04:07
thebootroomy skype ID is (i will not beleive it)   TheBootroo04:07
thebootrooniala: not if the clipboard system is entierely rethinked04:07
thebootroothe problem with most of 'inovative' project is that they keep a very big part of inheritance of the past which is blockin them to go forward and really really forward04:08
nialathebootroo: ok agree if that not add 2 clic04:08
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thebootrooi'm taking the opposite principle, i'm rethinking the whole system and coding it part by part and keeping in mine the future adds04:09
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thebootroohum, just noticed i was not connected on skype04:09
nialameego have  an applet copy/paste did you try this?04:10
nialaarf no skype account04:10
nialayou are a big community ?04:10
thebootrooi didn't tried the meego netbook becasue i ahve a nvidia graphics, and nope the handset flavour cause my n900 is at nokia's repairing (usb port syndrome)04:10
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thebootroono i'm barely the only developer04:11
niala!!! you never sleep ?04:11
lcukthebootroo, "live demo sharing using skype"   hmmm since you are using open source, where is the git repository with your open source?04:11
thebootrooand i have about 20 regular folowers, and about 200 potential customers for the final product04:11
pupnikjust google his nick04:12
thebootroolcuk: my sources are not exportable ATM cause of many personal info hardcoded in the sources04:12
lcukno ta, slow vnc04:12
thebootrooniala: i sleep 10x less than majority of people04:12
lcukthebootroo, hmm i shall have to remember that excuse04:12
thebootroonot an excuse, reality04:13
thebootroofor exampe04:13
lcukhow can you expect collaboation and sharing and communal improvement if its hidden away04:13
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lcuktheres no way (no matter how awesome you are) that you can create whole OS that suits everyone with it closed04:13
thebootrooi want the whole system use an account manager, so since the manage is not yet created, i've my gmail authentications hardcoded in the mail client04:13
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thebootroolcuk: the most i'm expect is not devlopping but mainly brainstorming and critisism04:14
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nialalcuk: +104:14
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lcuki do the same04:14 for that tho :)04:15
thebootroobecause i've already a tons of idea not even wrote anywhere and a dont want the development going in a wrong way04:15
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lcukthebootroo, herding cats04:15
thebootrooso since the rules would not have been grouped in a big docuement, not source availability04:16
lcukthey arent going the wrong way, just because it may not be the same as your way04:16
thebootroothis project is not a trial for me04:16
lcukthebootroo, if its open it does not mean you have to implmeent what they come up with04:16
* niala think he do with many difficulty a simple freebox tv command04:17
lcukbut it will allow you to see other ideas you wouldnt have imagined :)04:17
thebootroois the accomplishement of a long relfexion, an a dream too, so i have very precise ideas of how it MUST go so, i need time to have a strong base able to receive open contribtuions04:17
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* lcuk had a long conversation tonight with the developer of penpen :)04:17
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* lcuk enjoyed it muchly04:17
thebootroolcuk: the Brainstrom section of my website is for this aim04:17
lcukit was great seeing the 2 alternatives for very similar packages04:17
thebootrooi'm just doing like most open source project : a first private developpement period and then , a first code drop and community implication04:18
lcukthe hacking room here at the meego conf is amazingly productive :)04:18
thebootrooi never doubt about that04:18
lcukthebootroo, you went beyond that when you created a suite of applications ;)04:19
thebootroobut for my project its a little early, but the first drop is approaching, (maybe beginnng of 2011)04:19
lcukooooh awesome04:19
thebootrooyes i did but the code and specs are not ready to be shared04:19
* lcuk is on tenterhooks04:19
thebootroobut i can already post screens and do live demos since we cant see the passwords and fullpaths stored in my Qt code (i know its ugly and BAAAAD)04:20
thebootrooif you have a skype account you can benefit a first view of the system to understand better why its so inovative for me04:21
lcuknot relaly, i just mark you with /ignore soon since this is #meego and specifically a linux foundation OPEN project and the developers and guys here are working towards open innovation04:21
thebootroowut ?04:22
lcuk#meego - everything here is completely open, didn't you know thats what the channel you are on?04:22
thebootrooit's an open project too, just it's not yet public04:22
thebootrooyes i do04:22
thebootroobut i just followed the discussio04:22
thebootroowhich is gone from a part of meego lib taht i'm trying to use in the project04:23
Termanathebootroo, you're links are down04:23
lcuksure, i will help you, i know lots about libmeegotouch and its associated things04:23
thebootrooTermana: which on ?04:23
Termanathebootroo, and
lcukgimme the git url and I will submit a patch fxing your problem04:24
thebootroolcuk: i'm trying to use the libconnman-qt in a plainQt project04:24
thebootrooand a simple thing as creating a new networkListModel and setModel with it on a QListView is giving a SEGFAULT04:25
lcukif you cant let us run your code, then follow the normal bug filing practices and submit a testcase highlighting the problem04:25
thebootrooTermana: i tried the links and they are workin04:25
* lcuk sleeps and ignores the noise04:25
thebootroolcuk: ok i see u r one of these 'show me the code' fanatics, well so04:26
thebootroojust to prove i'm not against the fact of showin the code when its clean :04:27
thebootroo#include "networklistmodel.h"04:27
thebootroo#include "MainWindow.h"04:27
thebootrooMainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)04:27
thebootroo    setupUi(this);04:27
thebootroo    NetworkListModel * theNetworksModel = new NetworkListModel(this);04:27
thebootroo    listView->setModel(theNetworksModel);04:27
thebootrooDEBUG: The program has unexpectedly finished.04:27
thebootrooso what04:27
thebootroovery little code04:27
thebootrooand big bug04:27
Termanathebootroo, strange it keeps timing out for me04:27
thebootrooTermana: weird yes04:28 says it's up04:28
thebootrooyes its up, suer04:28
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nialathebootroo: use a site like  to paste better than the channel04:32
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nialag night all04:33
nialabonne nuit04:33
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thebootroobonne nuit a toi04:34
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pupnikla cigale et la fourmi04:55
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thebootrooLa Cigale,  ayant chanté tout l'été04:56
thebootrooSe trouva fort dépourvue quand la bise fut venue04:56
thebootroobla bla bla04:57
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pupnikit is till a good lesson thebootroo ~ especially in modern times04:58
thebootrooyes it is04:58
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bernieboot hangs waiting for the mmc device to show up on N900. what could that mean?06:24
berniethe sdcard works in maemo06:24
timophback cover on?06:25
bernietimoph: yes (although I see no sensors)06:28
bernieI just tried the 1.1 kernel with no success06:28
timophthe sensor reads the small magnet behind the stand06:30
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timophI'll try to install that 1.1.80 image06:31
timoph(after I get it downloaded using this laggy hotel wifi)06:32
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bernietimoph: thanks a lot06:42
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bernietimoph: I can see files in the image when I mount it on the n900 or on my laptop06:42
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djszapiifconfig n900 -> n900: error fetching interface information: Device not found06:52
djszapiany idea ?06:52
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cuckoohelloifconfig usb0 ?07:00
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timophbernie: the build might be broken. dunno yet. currently dd'ing the image07:09
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timophbernie: the image works for me07:25
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bef0rduh.. didn't know there was a live stream07:44
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* timoph needs a magnet or a tool to get one from the n900's back cover08:04
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Stskeepstimoph: knife!08:18
timophdon't have one :(08:18
Stskeepsbreakfast should have:P08:19
timophI'm thinking that the hotel's shop should have some souvenier fridge magnets08:19
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Stskeepssouvenir magnets maybe08:21
Stskeepsmorn johnx08:21
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timophI tried pulling the magnet using the pin in my meego greeter badge but it just bent :)08:22
bef0rdwon't that damage the cover detector thing?08:23
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timophit will08:23
bef0rdboo :P08:24
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timophbef0rd: if you're at the conference come to 1872 suite at 8.45 and see why I'm doing that08:28
timophwe're showing automated installation setups (not on the official program)08:29
Stskeepsdon't rely on wifi ;)08:30
tkeisalaStskeeps: we did not manage to have TV working on this schedule08:32
Stskeepstkeisala: k08:32
tkeisalaTV out I mean08:32
Stskeepstkeisala: we found a workaround involving an expensive tv camera08:32
tkeisalahehe =)08:33
* Stskeeps wonders when breakfast opens08:33
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TermanaGood morning conference-awakeners08:46
TermanaRemember to send me some breakfast in the mail and I won't have you all assassinated08:46
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WIImangot moblin instead of meego forgetting about the change over08:59
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WIImanits nice thought09:00
WIImanseems dell suports it09:00
timophStskeeps: it was already open09:00
chriadamhow's the conference been so far?  productive and useful, I hope?09:01
timophand their knives were too thick :)09:01
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timophI've liked it so far09:01
timophgood sessions, friendly people, etc.09:02
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chriadamI haven't yet had a chance to watch the live feed; I might get a chance to see some it tonight, with luck.09:02
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lolloois live feed live now?09:25
timophsessions haven't started yet09:26
lolloosorry but am excited09:26
timophstill 1.5h to go09:26
lollooanyone you know at the conference?09:29
lolloomaybe when we see him we say hi09:30
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WIImanus it worth the upgrade from moblin to meego  ?09:49
copyleftHi, is there a kernel module packaging guideline of MeeGo?09:50
araujoWIIman, moblin is no more ... now it is meego09:50
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araujo(hopefully that answers your question :P)09:50
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WIImanso the move from moblin to meego  on my netbook would be good09:53
pupnik   North american internet disruption09:55
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lolloois Stskeeps going to present in the confernce?10:23
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lollooI heard he will be talking about the future of N900?10:23
lollooStskeeps is amazing dude with N900.10:24
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Myrttihealthy hobbies. I read about Alan Turing and Great Women of World History until three10:28
Myrttijoy and surprise the stream hasn't started yet10:28
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lolloonot yet, after 3P min will start10:29
lollooawesome, I get to see Stskeeps.10:29
lolloo3p= 30*10:30
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GAN900Myrtti, 090010:38
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RST38hMoo, all10:41
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TermanaDesireMorning Myrtti GAN900 and RST38h10:51
WIImanwhere doese moblin mount /dev/sdb1 ? i need to know for dd when meego is done downloading10:51
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WIImanit just lists as /media/disk10:51
WIImandont want to hit my hd though10:51
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MyrttiWIIman: would fdisk -l tell more?10:52
WIImanill try that thanks10:52
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GAN900Termana, howdy.10:56
TermanaStreams on10:56
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TermanaThey keep cutting it for some reason10:57
WIImanno fdisk installed no cfdisk cant find these app in installer no gparted10:58
Myrttisurely it wasn't this quiet yesterday?!10:58
MyrttiWIIman: "mount"?10:58
TermanaMyrtti, it was at the start10:58
TermanaMyrtti, it was only after a couple of sessions everyone started flooding in10:58
Termana(I think)10:58
nialamorning :)10:58
WIImanit mounts as /media/disk as it looks10:58
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GAN900Everybody's trying to get a netbook10:59
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WIImanlol i have one its nice10:59
GAN900Joke's on them, though, since you only get one if you're leaving today.10:59
WIImangot mine  through att11:01
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TermanaGAN900, which is a rather strange requirement seeing as most probably wanted to stay for tomorrow11:01
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TermanaGAN900, what session are you in?11:01
lcukn900gan900 no, you only get one if you are in qoles terms a true bastard lol11:02
GAN900Termana, marketing11:02
odinmronan talk on ecosystem11:02
GAN900lcukn900, and only qole is capable of that.11:03
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Saviqgeez guys can you stop complainin'? you're freakin' getting it for free...11:05
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Saviqand it's not a requirement, just a way to avoid people that have to leave tonight not getting one11:06
TermanaSaviq, I can damn well complain about anything I want, I'm not getting anything for free :P11:06
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TermanaStream choppy and not working for anyone else?11:08
lollooit's fine here11:09
aparnaaudio is smooth. video is a bit choppy11:09
GAN900Saviq, not complaining. . . .11:09
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Saviqoh nice... 1.2MBps downstream... seems the network's still quite empty11:10
MyrttiTermana: works brill11:10
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WIImandamn moblin keeps dropping connection11:11
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WIImanat least it reconnects on its own11:11
SaviqWIIman: happening to me on MeeGo, too... what hw?11:12
SaviqEeePC here11:12
MyrttiRonan needs to breathe11:12
Myrttihe sounds like he doesn't breath11:12
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lollooI wish I can see slides again11:16
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aparnayeah having slides wud be good especially for the number comparison he was giving between android community/meego community11:18
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Myrtticould someone tell him to repeat the questions?11:19
TermanaMyrtti, you have tha powah11:20
* Chani sulks11:20
Chanii lost my deodorant. darnit. and it was a really good one11:20
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TermanaYES - the first person to say they need a microphone :P11:20
* WIIman listens to pandpra wile he downloads meego11:21
Chanido they have good aluminum-free deodorant in ireland? 'cause i couldn't find any in berlin, i only had that one bottle i brought with me11:21
MyrttiTermana: how?11:21
TermanaMyrtti, he repeated someone's question. Now he's not doing it11:22
Chanihmm. i suppose the fastest way to find out is to go to the shops :)11:22
* Chani heads out11:22
RST38hSo, anything new and exciting announced at the conference?11:22
SaviqChani: could you've left it at the room?11:23
TermanaRST38h, that another conference will be in May?11:23
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aparnayes another conference in San Francisco 23-25th may11:25
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GAN900RST38h, no.11:28
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* Myrtti despairs11:30
Myrttifor the LOVE OF GOD could someone tell him to repeat the questions11:30
araujoQuestion: Evidently Qt is the main development platform, what about applications written in other languages/technologies?, what are the challenges or solutions in this regard, for example, we would have some kind of "Meego Porting" project to make available these applications?11:30
araujocan somebody proxy it? :)11:30
TermanaMyrtti, araujo: No one in here is in that session11:31
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lcukn900araujo \o hey that is related to the talk i submitted.11:31
araujolcukn900, where are you now?11:31
lcukn900watching rohan11:31
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araujolcukn900, ask him now11:32
lcukn900araujo see the gnome people, they have a 50k bounty for porting hildon11:33
lcukn900i already know the answer11:33
javispedroi wish i knew if anyone is taking it11:33
Termanalcukn900, can you asks him to not use the knowledge he gained by getting a degree in question avoiding and dodging11:33
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TermanaJUST SAYING11:33
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araujolcukn900, well, I was wondering if we in *meego* would have something specially for that11:34
lcukn900? termana11:34
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Termanalcukn900, nothing it's ok11:34
alterego50k for porting hildon to MeeGo?11:34
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javispedroto make hildon&gtk apps work under meego [handset iirc]11:35
alteregoIs anyone actually working on it?11:35
alteregoI'll look into it ...11:35
alterego(I need cash) :D11:35
alteregoBasically, integration into the compositor no doubt.11:35
javispedrocompositor people expect the app to everyting by its own11:36
alteregoAh, good point.11:36
* alterego ponders ...11:36
alteregoI think I will look into it. I've almost finished my current app.11:36
javispedroi don't know if anyones taking it either11:37
Saviqso, anyone know what the issue is with running the handset SDK on suse?11:37
GAN900javispedro, last night they were saying nobody has stepped up so far.11:37
javispedroi think theyre looking for companies, plans, schedules...11:37
javispedrostuff that sounds chinese to me atm :)11:37
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alteregoWho, the gnome foundation?11:37
javispedrothe original ad is on their blog, google for it11:37
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alteregoYou have to bid to do it?11:40
alteregoSo I can't just do it and get cash? :D11:41
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javispedroyou'd wish11:42
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javispedroimho it is way more easier than 50k11:43
javispedroi hope no one listens :)11:43
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javispedropossibly technically harder would be getting this to work with all kind of apps and not only gtk11:44
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alteregoI'm thinking, cairo opengl backend used to render in an opengl context11:44
javispedroor use clutter-gtk11:44
alteregoextra widgets for rendering the application title and close,switcher buttons11:44
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alteregoAnd theming.11:44
alteregoYeah, could do, I just think cairo would lose a layer of complexitty with not having to deal with clutter.11:45
javispedroare you around the conf?11:45
alteregoIt also leaves the possibility of people actually using clutter in their apps, unlike maemo11:45
alteregoIn England, couldn't make it :(11:46
Termanalooks like I just got back in time :p11:46
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alteregojavispedro: are there hackers working on it at the conference?11:51
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Saviq"working at the conference" ;) funny ;)11:51
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oliweri thought the goal of meego was to ditch gtk and only focus on Qt ?11:52
crashanddiethat's hardly a goal11:53
alteregooliwer: no, it's not a goal :P:11:53
crashanddieit's one of the steps11:53
Saviqoliwer: and it's not meego that pays the money11:53
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alteregoIt's absolutely not a step!11:53
nialawhat time is it in dublin ?11:53
alteregoQt was a choice, there's no exclusivity on toolkit, it's just the native platform.11:54
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nialaarff I mlate11:54
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oliweri'm interested in meego IVI, and using two big toolkits on what is supposed to be an embedded device (with low resources) is annoying11:55
thiago_homeniala: is that irish?11:55
thiago_homeoliwer: which ones? X and Qt?11:55
alteregooliwer: don't then :P11:55
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alteregoHaving gtk/hildon on device just adds compatibility.11:55
oliwernavit is in gtk and is mandatory11:55
Saviqjust port navit to Qt/QML, you'll get rid of gtk if that's a problem11:56
thiago_homeivi devices are quite powerful11:56
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thiago_homethey are not battery-powered...11:56
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javispedroalterego: I was at least11:57
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javispedromy gsoc was about input methods11:57
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javispedroand that works... of course I can only test under real compositor ;)11:57
javispedroreal wm, not mcompositor I mean11:57
RST38hheya javispedro11:58
javispedros/real/desktop (lets be p.c.)11:58
javispedroheya rst11:58
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lardmanAh, Mr Neary12:00
lardmanmorning all12:00
nialamorning lar12:01
* GAN900 rolls eyes at Dave's Obama slide.12:01
lardmanHave I missed anything exciting this morning?12:01
tybolltGAN900: url, bitte12:01
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lolloohope not12:01
GAN900tybollt, no such thing.12:01
nialahe has a slide? pease  Spielberg if he has a slide show us :)12:01
crashanddieGAN900, stream doesn't show the slides12:02
crashanddiedid he show Obama when talking about the cookie licker?12:02
nialayesterday cameraman move the camera on slide12:02
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Myrttiniala: only when there was coding on the screen12:03
nialahello DawnFoster nice first day? a lot of people ?12:03
nialaMyrtti: ok12:03
RST38hHeh, unusual to see DawnFoster online at this time :)12:03
DawnFosterniala: we had about 1000 people on the first day - awesome response :)12:03
alteregoGAN900: spoke to Quim? ;)12:04
GAN900crashanddie, leadership.12:04
GAN900alterego, he's been unavailable.12:04
nialawoaouw nice to hear12:04
alteregoWhat's on at the conf today?12:04
DawnFosterRST38h: I get to be on European time this week - it's a whole different set of people!12:04
lardmanGAN900: he's presenting atm isn't he?12:04
lardmanin another session12:04
crashanddieGAN900, you know how to manhandle a camera, go move it12:04
GAN900alterego, clearly you should ask DawnFoster though. ;)12:04
GAN900crashanddie, it's still intimidating.12:05
RST38hDawnFoster: exactly =)12:05
crashanddieGAN900, stop being a wuss :P12:05
alteregoGAN900: I would, but I know what she'd say :P12:05
DawnFosteralterego: I missed the question :)12:05
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nialawhy presenter have not meegoshirt ?  :(12:05
alteregoDawnFoster: is it okay for GAN900 to pick up my doggy bag as I couldn't make it to the conf ...12:06
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sx0nsome community anti-patterns might apply meego architecture board12:06
alteregoDawnFoster: I wanna t-shirt :(12:06
DawnFosteralterego: unfortunately, no.12:06
nialahello CosmoHill12:06
alteregoGAN900: told you :P12:06
CosmoHillsalut niala et DawnFoster12:06
* javispedro thinks dave is doing great12:06
DawnFosteralterego: ha! We're actually short on boxes, since we have more people than expected.12:07
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* CosmoHill tunes into the live stream12:07
alteregoDawnFoster: urgh :(12:07
lardmanjavispedro:  would be nice to see the slides though to keep track of the poinrts12:07
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DawnFosterDave is doing great12:07
* alterego sips on some steaming hot coffee12:07
DawnFoster*back to listening to Dave* :)12:07
nialaDawnFoster: there is more individual user/devel or more company in public ?12:07
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Mecehmpf stream doesn't work on my phone :/12:08
CosmoHilloh hey, it's 4:312:08
nialaCosmoHill: you want 3d 16/9  ?  :)12:09
javispedrolardman: save for the pointy ones (eg the cur one) the rest are mostly eyecatching pictures ;)12:09
lardmanah ok12:09
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JucatoI wanted to see the pic on the "headless chicken" slide :)12:10
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crashanddieDawnFoster, will the talks be posted somewhere for viewing/download later on?12:10
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pohlyTo those at the conference: my greetings to Dave (I'm not there) and please tell him that despite the challenge that he quoted me on, I think SyncEvolution did well as an open and welcoming project. Or so I hope ;-)12:11
nialacrashanddie: for sure12:11
DawnFostercrashanddie: all the talks are being recorded & will be posted12:11
crashanddieDawnFoster, excellent. Thanks.12:12
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niala:p do not top post!!12:14
Jucatohehehe "not to top post" :)12:14
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CosmoHillwhat film is he talking about?12:14
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CosmoHilldammit, I swap computers just has he's about to end12:17
nialaCosmoHill: don't know he must have slide12:17
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CosmoHilloh wow a star trek reference12:17
nialaI wait t-pool so12:17
alteregoAt a geek conference? That's so cliche :P12:17
WIImangot dd going :)12:17
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nialaclap clap clap12:17
Jucatoelevator music?12:18
lardmannice one dneary :)12:18
WIImansoon meego will be ready12:18
Jucatooh none yet :)12:18
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WIImangod it was abig download12:18
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CosmoHillis that slaine asking the question?12:18
nialaJucato: I need elevator music i m laking12:18
WIImanit done time for reboot12:19
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CosmoHillhmm, broken record is pretty much what our devs to with newbies12:19
Myrtti"our devs"?12:20
CosmoHillmore like IRC regulars12:20
CosmoHillpeople with great experience with LFS and / or reading12:20
crashanddieoh, a Finn12:21
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CosmoHillasking the question?12:21
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MyrttiCosmoHill: I suspect it might be inherited from the older projects12:21
Myrttiwhat was the book, by whom?12:21
CosmoHillthe LFS book12:22
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CosmoHillthe problem we have is that people skip parts and then screw up and get lost12:22
Myrttiah, karl fogel12:22
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JucatoProducing Open Source Software12:22
Jucatook that doesn't sound nice :)12:22
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araujothat one is good12:22
Jucatoniala: there should be elevator music by now :(12:23
nialaJucato: ahhhhh :)12:23
Jucatooh there!12:23
TermanaJucato, you're just watching the stream for the elevator music aren't you?12:23
CosmoHilloh it's gone again12:23
Myrttiaw, no Finnish translation12:23
JucatoTermana: yes!!12:23
CosmoHillmy stream just stopped12:23
Jucatomine too12:24
lardmannot something I'd usually want, but it's a shame the video feed isn't lower res, so I can also see the code I'm supposed to be writing12:24
Jucatothe stream took a coffee stream break :)12:24
TermanaYeah, its a 20 minute coffee break12:24
araujothey don't want us to enjoy elevator music12:24
nialanice music to do some housework12:24
Termana"The MeeGo Conference Soundtrack"12:24
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nialamaybe we can take this elevator music as official jingle for meego :)12:24
lardmanstartup tune :)12:25
Jucatothey should release a MeeGo OST CD :)12:25
Jucatoone full CD of looped MeeGo elevator music!12:25
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Jucatowith bonus content, the video shown during Doug Fisher's keynote!12:25
CosmoHilla limited edition grove-locked 7" vinyl12:26
TermanaJucato, they could make a CD called ELEVATOR MUSIC and it could have one of those stickers on the front saying "As heard on the MeeGo Conference Live Stream!"12:26
* araujo *weirdly* for some reason feels like in the 70's with that music12:26
TermanaAll the tweens would buy it!12:26
araujoand the weird part is that I am not that old12:26
lolloothe feed stopped at my end!12:26
lardmanmight be the pastel colours of the stage bg ;)12:26
nialaand the poster behind presenter for a child room12:27
lardmanhmm, next talk looks interesting12:27
Jucatoniala: oooh good idea :)12:27
Jucatoyeah I'm actually waiting for the next talk :)12:27
Jucatobefore I realized it was Dave Neary who was talking. then I listened in :)12:27
lollooaren't we all12:27
lardman4.30pm looks good too12:27
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nialayes lardman i hope somme news app for n900 or some new project12:27
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TermanaAlso if you want to make any donations to the Linux Foundation for this event, just write a cheque out to C. ASH and send it my way!12:28
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Jucato(Ash Ketchum ...)12:28
lardmanlooks like there's no live streaming tomorrow, according to the programme12:28
lardmanwhich is a shame12:28
alteregoWhat version of glib is installed under MeeGo currently?12:29
lardmanlighting talks would be good to see, etc12:29
alteregoIs there a package list I can get?12:29
Jucatothey're too fast too make sense of remotely :)12:29
lardmanJucato: well if we could see the slides too ;)12:29
TermanaFor anyone interested I've got someone to do an audio recording of the MeeGo ARM BoF that will happen tomorrow12:29
Jucatolardman: you mean like how we see the slides right now? :)12:29
lardmanwell I was hoping the AV guys might read this and realise...12:30
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lardmanalso, live roving cam in the unconference sessions would be good :)12:30
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TermanaStreams back12:30
Termanaor not12:30
TermanaIt's back12:31
nialamusic actually12:31
alteregobef0rd: thanks :)12:31
CosmoHillyes it's back :)12:31
nialaand 3 guy12:31
CosmoHillI was wondering if it was broken and I was missing something12:31
TermanaCarsten is having trouble setting up the projector by the hand gestures12:31
bef0rdalterego, that's for 1.1, you can also get the .packages for other images though12:31
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CosmoHillTermana: we had that yesterday12:32
CosmoHillthe computer connected to the display couldn't play our video or run 2007 powerpoint files12:32
nialaTermana: he is on meego for presentation? :p12:32
lardmanCosmoHill: I made the mistake of turning up to the first Maemo conf with ppt files, doh12:32
Termananiala, yes, he's one of the four presenters for the next one on the live stream12:32
Termanahim, Sage, Harri and someone else I think12:33
CosmoHillwe can't use my laptop either because it's DVI and I don't have the adapter on me12:33
Jucatojust 3 of them12:33
Jucatohim/stskeeps, marko/sage, and harri12:33
CosmoHilllardman: if I turned up to anything I'd have my powerbook on me :)12:34
lolloowhich one is Stskeeps?12:34
lardmanCosmoHill: I was travelling light having done a whistlestop tour of Berlin beforehand iirc12:34
Termanalolloo, the guy stuffing somethign in his pocket12:34
lardmanactually that was probably a different one, I forget12:34
nialaoh they look at us12:35
lollooI didn't get it12:35
CosmoHillhmm, I'm used to carrying my powerbook about in my backpack on the way to uni12:35
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CosmoHillI can see how fast the sun is moving as it's now lighting up the right on my screen instead of the left12:35
CosmoHillthey've all fled12:37
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TermanaAV guy is having some fun12:37
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lardmanOoo, we're getting a sneak preview12:37
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CosmoHillthat's cool, the camera dude showed us his meego device12:38
lolloothats my phone12:38
nialaCosmoHill: great astrophysic researcher of sunspot :)12:38
lardmanCan someone go and ask the cameraman now to make sure he pans across to the slides12:38
TermanaSomeone has their head in front of the camera12:38
lardmanor I guess Carsten will stream video from an N900 rather than slides12:38
CosmoHilland now for an intermission *n900 demo*12:38
CosmoHillcan't the camera be raised?12:39
TermanaCan you not notice the big arse camera behind yous?12:39
Jucatodamn I missed seeing the camera dude's meego device. now all I'm seeing are heads ...12:39
Jucatoor a part of a head now :)12:39
CosmoHillit should have two red lights on it for effect12:39
lardmanlaser beams?12:40
Termanalardman, build in on the N900 and exclusively usable from MeeGo12:41
Jucatoand now introducing our next speaker, the Laptop12:41
CosmoHillI was thinking on the camera, so you turn arround and it looks like a demon is staring at you12:42
lardmanyep, that and the hidden digital compass12:42
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CosmoHillcan someone with a meego device go up to the camera and hold it up?12:42
TermanaCosmoHill, Nokia Exec accidently holds up an N912:43
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CosmoHillor a non nokia phone :o12:43
Jucatowould have been shocking if he/she accidentally held up an iPhone :)12:43
CosmoHill"isn't that an LG Cookie?"12:43
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CosmoHillokay the sun is now totally off my monitor12:44
Jucatois the time on the live streaming page correct?12:44
CosmoHillhold on12:44
TermanaJucato, nope12:44
Jucatobecause if yes, it's 1 hour before the next talk >.<12:44
TermanaIt's 10:4412:44
CosmoHillit's 6mins behind12:45
Jucatocool. I'm 8 hours, 1 minute ahead12:45
TermanaThat time counter has been playing up all the time12:45
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CosmoHillTue Nov 16 10:46:00 UTC 201012:46
CosmoHillthere you go :)12:46
nyezkucan i ask some question12:46
CosmoHillof course12:46
TermanaI'm not sure how they are pulling the time on it - obviously whoever did it was drinking at the time12:46
Jucatocoffee probably :)12:46
nialaTermana: drink what in dublin ?12:46
CosmoHillIrish tea?12:47
nyezkui installed meego on my netbook12:47
Jucato(Irish Cream or something)12:47
TermanaYou had to be a little tipsy to make a time counter that can't display the right time12:47
nialairish cofee  ouch!12:47
nyezkuhow to activate wifi :D12:47
mikeleibhave wifi with opensource drivers12:48
CosmoHillfyi don't press pause, I just did and I had to refresh the page to get the stream working again12:48
nyezkui boot meego via usb drive12:48
CosmoHillis your wifi card supported by meego?12:48
Jucatoaw it's running late >.<12:48
CosmoHillthere should be a switch somewhere under settings to turn the wifi on or off12:49
nyezkuim using lenovo s10-212:49
nialanyezku: maybe your wifi card is not supported12:49
CosmoHillor you could try pressing the wifi button on your laptop12:49
nyezkui have switched it on12:49
CosmoHilltry off and on again12:49
mikeleiblenovo s10 has a broadcom wifi chipset that isn't supported12:49
nyezkuhmm should i add more driver ?12:49
mikeleibno open source driver12:49
nyezkui did it but still can't find network12:49
lolloowhich one is Stskeeps?12:50
mikeleibthere are guides out there to get a binary driver for the broadcom, but there's no working open source driver12:50
stephgon the right12:50
nyezkuis there any problem with the usb flash drive ?12:50
stephgharri on the left12:50
stephgsage in the middle12:50
nyezkui boot meego via usb12:50
CosmoHillthe three ghosts of the Nokia N90012:50
* mikeleib heads to another talk12:51
CosmoHillnyezku: fyi there is a presentation going on now so we might be quiet12:51
nyezkuoh ok12:52
Myrttitell me when Harri's done with his part12:52
nyezkui question pls help: how to gain root access of my hardisk ?12:52
CosmoHillwhat do you mean root access?12:52
nyezkuit asked password to authenticed12:52
JucatoMyrtti: lol why? :)12:52
CosmoHilltry "meego"12:52
MyrttiJucato: my brain refuses to listen, I know it's important stuff but I just can't12:53
accessnnnnghghgh, could the camera guys please show the slides12:53
CosmoHillthere are two users, "root" and "meego". Both use "meego" as a password12:53
JucatoMyrtti: hahah! I thought so. I alt+tabbed already :)12:53
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CosmoHillI have him on another computer12:54
CosmoHillunless the camera moves I don't need to look up12:54
alteregoWhy doesn't pkg-config work in madde?12:54
nyezkucool thanks i'll try12:54
nyezkuim newbie in linux12:55
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odinminject some life info it man .... feels like N900 is dying in here ...12:57
CosmoHillwe had a presentation a bit like this yesterday12:57
Jucatothe Python one?12:57
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CosmoHilloh no, at university12:57
odinmbut isn't the N900 the coolest handset from nokia in many years....12:57
JucatoI think he didn't have his coffee break :)12:58
CosmoHill3310 fyi12:58
JucatoNokia 3310?12:58
CosmoHillwhen I got a phone I thought it was rubbish so I got a 3310 because everyone had one12:59
CosmoHilltom broke the screen when he sat on it12:59
CosmoHillhe's a big guy12:59
odinmthe N900 developments must take a lot out of its' engineers12:59
odinmi think they all deserve free red bull13:00
CosmoHillI just get the weird feeling that the camera is very slowly zooming in13:00
JucatoI have the weird feeling that my head is slowly going down -_-13:00
JucatoMyrtti: he's done13:00
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CosmoHillJucato: that's fine for me cos that's where my laptop is13:00
lardmanouch, am getting some moire effects with that shirt :)13:01
CosmoHillsame here13:01
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JucatoOMG shoot his fashion adviser or whatever! :)13:01
lardmanjust problematic on video13:02
CosmoHillwhen we went on a school trip we were told by the studio not to wear stripped clothing13:02
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lardmanAV guy, pan for your life!13:02
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MyrttiJucato: brill, thanks13:02
lolloowhat is it?13:02
lollooslides pleeeaaaaase13:02
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CosmoHilloh he's died13:02
Jucatolol show off!13:02
lardmanwhat did he say was in the repo?13:02
CosmoHillhe's low on battery13:03
CosmoHillthat explains why the AV guy zoomed in eariler13:03
lardmanah busy indicator still doesn't line up :)13:04
nyezkuis there any method to update facebook via irc ?13:04
nyezkuis there any method to update facebook via irc ?13:04
CosmoHillno idea13:04
CosmoHilllardman: !! ENTER < lol13:04
Termananyezku, don't repeat yourself please13:04
Termananyezku, don't repeat yourself please13:04
Myrttigreat job in showing phone numbers ;-)13:04
CosmoHillquickly get that number13:04
lardmanNow we all know Harri's personal phone # too :)13:04
Myrttinyezku: with bitlbee13:05
nyezkuMyrtti : what's that13:05
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lardmanWhy is app startup so slow?13:05
Jucatoshit I forgot how low the live streaming sound was13:05
JucatoI just got blasted by a system notification >.<13:06
Myrttinyezku: IRC to Instant Messaging gateway, technically an IRC server that connects to multiple Instant Messaging gateways13:06
accesslardman: lots of debug code?13:06
CosmoHillwait, you can't charge the n900 via meego can you?13:06
nyezkuhas anyone try jolicloud13:06
lardmanaccess: and perhaps no helper app to pre-load shared libs?13:06
MeceCosmoHill, yea you can13:06
Myrttiwell, looks like the netbook would be about £450 through a corporate discount programme13:06
CosmoHillooo, since when?13:06
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TermanaCosmoHill, you can - but the battery indicator doesn't show how much battery you have left13:07
CosmoHillah okay13:07
Tiliwhat is the link for live stream?13:07
CosmoHilllol AV pointed at the wrong guy13:07
MyrttiTili: it's also in the topic :-)13:07
lolloois that stskeeps?13:07
lardmanvolume up AV guys13:08
Tilii don't see whole url on my client13:08
CosmoHilleep my amp is at -34dB13:08
CosmoHillif my AV updates now I won't be able to hear anything afterwards13:08
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CosmoHillholy poop that is Stskeeps13:10
lardmancool, that's good news13:10
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lardmanAV stuff developed on N900 Meego13:10
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CosmoHillI'm just waiting for him to say "as you can clearly see from this slide..."13:11
Jucatohe did say something like that earlier13:11
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lardmanplease someone in the audience kick the AV guy and ask him to up the volume13:12
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Jucatoit's over? O.o13:14
Jucatorootbeer float13:14
lollooint is old time13:15
nyezkuhey guys13:15
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nyezkuhas anyone try jolicloud ?13:15
alsihadhow about the neo freerunner? i have one of those lying around13:15
stephgwoo namecheck :)13:15
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WIImangot megoo installed and no network drops yey13:17
CosmoHillwhat's the IRC names of the first two guys?13:18
lardmanCosmoHill: there is at least one advantage of running Windows 7:
CosmoHillwait I am running windows 7 :)13:19
lardmanlol x213:19
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lardmanright click volume icon in systray13:19
lardmanCould someone ask about the app startup slowness and what the cause is?13:19
CosmoHillwow, it doesn't even fill a quarter of volume bar13:20
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CosmoHilllcukn900: <lardman> Could someone ask about the app startup slowness and what the cause is?13:20
CosmoHilllol, handwarmer. that;'s like my 6220c when charging13:21
lardmanah ok, so the prestarting is going to be part of that then13:22
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CosmoHillI wonder, would meego work on the $100 laptop13:23
Jucatoheheh lardman did you hear your name? :)13:23
lardmanI did :)13:24
lardmanthanks lcukn90013:24
CosmoHillthanks lcukn900, now ask the AV guys to turn the volume up13:24
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Jucatooh that was lcuk? hehe13:24
nialaCosmoHill: ah my sound is good13:24
CosmoHillit's good, but I have it damn loud13:24
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fralshave to use the stream in my virtual ie, it shows 1sec of video and no sound in ff4 on my ubuntu :<13:25
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TermanaAnyone want to ask about plans to further do power management beyond kernel power management (eg. screen lock etc.)13:26
TermanaYou know what, I am going to kick the shit out something :P13:26
CosmoHilllcukn900: quickly, wave at the camera!13:27
TermanaThis happened yesterday as well :p Was about to ask a question and the session ended13:27
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CosmoHill"so what do you think...hey come back here I'm not finished with you yet!"13:28
alsihadthat's what you get for not going to the conference ;) (and no ideapad)13:28
Termanaalsihad, don't rub it in :p13:29
lcukn900lol cosmohill13:29
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sx0none suit spotted on camera13:29
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CosmoHillwait did I just miss lcukn900 waving at the camera13:30
* araujo saw lcukn900 is with w00t_ there13:30
nialais the guy at table on irc ?13:30
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CosmoHillis that a meego laptop in the bottom left?13:30
MyrttiCosmoHill: could be13:31
lardmando a CSI and zoom in and take a look :)13:31
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nialahey man shake your body if you are on irc :)13:31
bef0rdlooks like netbook ux13:31
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CosmoHilllardman: he's got a dead pixel13:31
sx0nit can't be. *sunglasses* it is not ircing.... !!!YYEEEA13:31
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Termanastream cut?13:31
CosmoHillyeah same here13:31
WIImani realy like the zones thing13:32
CosmoHillsx0n: I acidently did that to someone in reallife13:32
Myrttidamnit, I forgot what I was doing13:32
sx0ngood time to have cup of coffee.13:33
sx0nCosmoHill, did that someone notice it? :)13:33
CosmoHillhope so13:34
CosmoHillMyrtti: procrastinating?13:34
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MyrttiCosmoHill: no, I had a thought, I opened a new tab in my browser and... forgot13:34
CosmoHilli hate it when that happens13:35
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nialastarts again13:36
CosmoHillyou know what, I think that guy in the bottom left is on facebook13:36
CosmoHillhe's got a touch screen too13:36
CosmoHillis that TSCHAK?13:37
nialaggrrr I must  wake up of my sofa for fullscreen13:37
CosmoHillI'm on full screen but now I'm at my desk it's kinda pixelated, from my bed it's nice cos you can't see the pixelations13:37
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* CosmoHill sees a friend join, says hi, sees them leave and think very bad words13:38
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CosmoHillhey timeless_mbp13:38
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timeless_mbphow do i get an n900 to show me a boot menu?13:38
lardmanpan to the slides AV guy13:38
timeless_mbpthis n900 isn't booting MeeGo properly13:38
timeless_mbpalternatively, if someone wants to walk up to the front and help me get it to boot13:39
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CosmoHillon the way to timeless_mbp, cos someone tell the AV guy to pan13:39
timeless_mbpCosmoHill: i'm @Qt desk by front13:39
Mecetimeless_mbp, did you install uboot-pr1.3?13:39
timeless_mbpMece: not my n900 :)13:40
lardmantimeless_mbp: I've heard the AV guy in the main room knows how to fix that problem13:40
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lardmanand while you're there ask him to do some panning13:40
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* lardman summons his imagination to visualise the graphs13:41
GAN900Wee, TI marketing talk.13:41
GAN900They're getting higher.13:41
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lardmanGAN900: ask him about IVA13:41
CosmoHillI wonder if the slides are online13:41
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javispedroGAN900: You should've gone to wazd's ;)13:41
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GAN900javispedro, still could.13:41
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GAN900CosmoHill, probably not yet, but probably later.13:42
lardmanin fact, ask him about SmartReflex13:42
CosmoHillbut the stream won't be avaiable later >.<13:42
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nialabecause they don't want we see his win7 powerpoint13:43
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* timeless_mbp pokes CosmoHill 13:43
lardmanGAN900: quick, describe!13:43
CosmoHillI'm not at the conference btw13:44
GAN900Bullet points!13:44
CosmoHillniala: but Office 2010 is so nice :)13:44
GAN900timeless_mbp, where are you hiding, I missed your talk yesterday.13:44
lardmanoh, it's true what they say about it being more exciting to not see everything then13:44
timeless_mbp@Qt desk by front13:45
GAN900Flashing empty battery animation!13:45
CosmoHill<jermary clarkson>POWER!!!!</jermary clarkson>13:46
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lardmanmy word he even said it himself13:46
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lardmantell us more, give us docs13:46
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CosmoHillif that guy keeps walking forward we might get to see the slides13:47
GAN900OMAP arch overview.13:47
Tilisome slides would be nice indeed.13:47
lardmanthese are on the Ti website13:48
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GAN900pie chart of TI optimizations.13:49
alsihad<homer> hmmm, pie </homer>13:50
MyrttiI thought that was weebl13:50
javispedro "kuler requires adobe flash 10" :(13:51
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CosmoHillhey slaine13:51
GAN900blah blah blah slide13:51
CosmoHillI do wonder why linux websites use flash13:51
slaineCosmoHill: hey, how did you're presentation go ?13:52
alsihadbecause apple hates flash and linux ppl hate apple13:52
timeless_mbpCosmoHill: are you coming?13:52
timeless_mbpthis n900 is unhappy :)13:52
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slaineThis OBS talk seems to be all about rpm's and not obs13:53
CosmoHilltimeless_mbp: no, I'm in england13:53
CosmoHillalso I don't have a n90013:54
snowpongAny device announcements on meegoconf yet? Tablets? Netbooks? Phones?13:54
CosmoHillsnowpong: AMD made an annocement13:54
CosmoHilli think it's on engage13:54
timeless_mbpit made /.13:54
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CosmoHillslaine: it went, I didn't have a anxiety attack and our presentation didn't suck13:55
snowpongCosmoHill: yeah, but that wasn't a consumer device, just that they'll support MeeGo?13:55
sivangre all13:55
CosmoHillduno I missed it13:55
slainesnowpong: yes, that's all13:55
sivangalterego: you here?13:56
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slainewill have interesting side affects for the x86 build (AMD devices don't have ssse3)13:56
CosmoHillI can see there being 3 releases13:57
alteregosivang: indeed13:57
CosmoHillatom with SSSE3, x86 without SSSE3 and AMD with there non-intel compatable optimisation13:57
nialayes what about atom sse3 accerelation if meego is only x86 ?13:57
sivangalterego: What room, session?13:57
lardmanmore omap3 info released?13:57
alteregosivang: oh, not in dublin ;)13:57
lardmanor just omap413:57
sivangalterego: ah right :/13:57
alteregoSorry :(13:58
CosmoHillI'd like to see benchmarks of 32bit SSSE3, 32bit non-SSSE3 and 64bit non-SSSE313:58
lardmanno, ask about SmartReflex and see if there are any docs13:59
lardmanhmm, everyone seems a bit shy, need some ringers placed in the audience to ask questions to get them warmed up14:00
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CosmoHillslaine: we each did our bit but we were told that they couldn't see how the sections joint together neatly14:00
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CosmoHilllardman: you want someone to start asking a question before he's finished asking if anyone wants to ask a question14:00
lardmanI know14:01
CosmoHill"are there" "yes, several"14:01
lardmanoh right14:02
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lardmanon the usual Ti doc page I guess?14:02
CosmoHillodd question, are there any moderators about or are they all having lunch?14:02
javispedrolunch? dammit14:03
lardmanprobably all in Dublin14:03
CosmoHill < cool picture14:03
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* CosmoHill goes and programs a process ring..again14:08
CosmoHillwould someone mind shouting 5 mins before the presentions resume so I can boot my desktop?14:09
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CosmoHillmerci niala14:10
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lardmantalk at 1pm on "Power Consumption" would be interesting to see14:12
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CosmoHillif I go offline, It means I've accidentally fork bombed myself14:31
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CosmoHillif I have   ulimit(30) that will limit my program and it's children to 30 processes, right?14:45
CosmoHillstephg: thank you very much, you just saved my laptop from crashing14:46
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lardmananyone else with a stream yet?14:53
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CosmoHilloh crap, thanks lardman14:54
* CosmoHill boots his desktop14:54
CosmoHillwithin an hour I've done a large amount of work14:55
lardmanthis is your 5 minute warning14:55
CosmoHillit's like recursive forking :/14:55
nialaCosmoHill: shutdown - r now14:55
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CosmoHillgood timing, my podcast just ended14:57
nialaI m afraid my screen is like 'ring' the movie14:58
nialai will be hypnotized14:58
odinmafternoon sessions starting14:58
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lardmananyone got video?15:00
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snowponghas there been any announcement on binary compatibility promises around meego releases?15:01
nialaonly 12h at dublin right ?15:02
nialano 1315:03
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Stskeepssnowpong: for arm we might have to break abi, which we have to do to get proper performance..15:03
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* Chani notes that the stores here do not have aluminum-free deodorant15:04
aparnais the live streaming working?15:04
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JaffaChani: Does it affect your circuitry? ;-)15:05
JaffaChani: I've got some in my room from a few different countries, but it might smell a little manly (well, I hope it does)15:06
MyrttiBody Shop White Musk ♥15:06
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JaffaStill freezing in President's Terrace. Deodorant isn't going to be needed...15:06
lardmanStskeeps: how much of a performance boost do you get by passing floats in the correct registers then?15:06
snowpongStskeeps: break abi once and then "done", or again and again?15:07
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lardmanhey Jaffa can you go and ask the AV guy to start the stream going?15:07
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Jucatoam I late?15:07
Jucatooh no streaming yet15:07
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CosmoHillyay it's back15:08
lardmanah, there we go15:08
lardmanthanks Jaffa if that was you15:08
Jaffalardman: No, wasn't me.15:09
lardmanok :)15:09
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JaffaBut I'll take the credit ;-)15:09
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Stskeepssnowpong: hopefully its the last time we have to do it on arch level15:09
Stskeepssnowpong: its with a heavy heart but its now or never15:09
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lardmanStskeeps: severe GCC fiddling too then?15:10
Stskeepslardman: no, just --with-float-abi=hard or something15:10
lardmanoh ok, so not so bad then15:10
CosmoHillhey Stskeeps15:12
lardmanIs someone going to ask this chap about Ovi App store and paying for the pleasure to distribute through it?15:12
lardmanor rather needing to be a company15:12
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ColKilkennyovi is open for individuals as well15:14
lardmanhmm, ok thinga must have changed then, no worries15:14
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mikeleibthebootroo_: did you ever file abug for your crashers?15:15
alteregolardman: you still need to register one off for 50 euro15:15
alteregoBut that's it.15:15
ColKilkennyyeah, they made the change few months ago (or at least announced it)15:15
sx0ncurrently no.15:15
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lardmanalterego: ah ok, that's not too bad15:15
slainewhy does qt-creator look like shit on my meego install15:15
sx0nthey have some campaign going.15:16
slainefonts aren't aliased and look really jaggy15:16
Jucatostreaming went down?15:16
Jucatodamn :(15:16
lardmanalterego: not too bad unless you have free sw that is of course15:16
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alteregolardman: indeed ;)15:16
Jaffaalterego: I think it's 1EUR now15:16
alteregoJaffa: seriously?15:16
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alteregoWow, that's even better.15:17
* alterego registers.15:17
lardmanah ok so it's improved significantly, good good15:17
sx0nyep. that's amount that we pay about it. i don't know how long that lasts15:17
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luisbg-pihi everyone :)15:17
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luisbg-piI try to run the handset runtime for qemu but it crashed while loading (grey screen and when the screen is going to switch, it crashes)15:18
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CosmoHillmy Virtual Memory size is 61GB...15:19
lardmancome on AV guy, pan the camera15:20
GAN900Who's in the security talk?15:20
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Jucatocamachile developer?15:21
* mikeleib is in the security talk15:22
* Jucato is just watching the stream15:22
* timoph is listening Dawn15:22
Jucatoah "commercial" >.<15:22
luisbg-pican I watch the previous talks online, or they haven't been posted yet? usually it takes a few weeks15:22
alsihadre free software; flattr in ovi store?15:22
timophsome of the yesterdays talks were already online15:23
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GAN900Hooray Google15:24
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luisbg-pilardman, thanks!15:25
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CosmoHillis that lcukn900?15:26
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Myrttithe microphone!!!!!!1111115:27
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lardmancould someone go and ask the AV guy if he can pan across to the slides if there are any15:28
luisbg-pithe live streaming has problems with the deinterlacing15:28
lardmanyeah it's a bit jagged15:28
JucatoI miss the elevator music15:28
lardmanJucato: yeah, not so keen on the stuff with words :)15:29
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luisbg-piJucato, it's Dave Mathews Band right now15:29
luisbg-pilardman, btw, I was asking about previous talks, not the live stream. the talks that have been finished already aren't available yet as far as I see15:30
lardmansome are, on that page, click on the talk and it may have a vid embedded15:30
luisbg-piahhh, looked at the wrong on then :P15:30
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lardmanwho is this anyway, Counting Crows?15:32
luisbg-pilardman, Dave Mathews Band15:32
lardmanoh ok15:32
Myrttiweird music for such a stream15:32
Myrttiwant the elevator music back15:32
mikeleibthe streams have music?15:33
lardmaneducational for me at least ;)15:33
lardmanmikeleib: only inbetween sessions15:33
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JPohlmannThey had some post-rock stuff there yesterday. Could be a lot worse, really ;)15:33
nialaMyrtti: yes i vote for elevator music15:33
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* CosmoHill growls at his program15:35
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nialaI don't like very much this music15:37
nialasinger is tortured15:37
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Jucatoin response, they turned down the audio :)15:39
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Mecewhat's been interesting today on meegoconf?15:40
jnwiInteresting right now: someone at the next table is actually using a Vertu15:40
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Jucato"no elevator music", "don't wear thinly striped clothes on camera", "still no panning to show slides" would be the highlights so far15:41
sx0ncommunity anti-pattern presentation was interesting15:41
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Jucatoyeah too bad I only caught it near the end. Dave Neary was interesting15:41
JucatoI mean his talk :)15:41
Myrtti"volume is too low" "could you please repeat the question, or give the bloke a mic!"15:42
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lardmanah, X-Fade and lbt15:44
CosmoHillwho's who?15:44
lardmansame way I wrote it15:44
CosmoHilllbt is on the right?15:45
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* Myrtti swoos over the accent15:45
sx0naudience is getting wild...15:45
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Mecewho is this guy speaking?15:46
Myrttiafter hearing more or less broken English it's refreshing to hear lbt15:46
Meceoo nice15:46
MyrttiRonan's was nice15:46
CosmoHillyou just love his accent :p15:46
Mecewhere's he from?15:47
CosmoHillI get him confused with lcuk all the time :/15:47
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Meceis this lcuk?15:47
sx0nno beer stains on t-shirt..15:47
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MyrttiMece: lbt15:48
MeceMyrtti, ok.15:48
henababys is spamming15:48
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CosmoHillx-fade is on the left in the shirt, lbt is on the right in the meego t-shirt15:49
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npmwhat's the talk being given now? (confused about schedule/timezones/etc)15:49
StskeepsMyrtti: it does?15:49
Stskeepsnpm: community obs15:49
MyrttiStskeeps: didn't for me15:49
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GAN900sx0n, indeed.15:49
Stskeepshena: paste in private please15:49
GAN900CosmoHill, yes.15:50
henai closed the window already :/15:50
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CosmoHilljust noticed, lbt hasn't bothered to put the mic up his shirt15:50
Saviqoops, there's a 404 on ?15:50
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CosmoHillI don't think it's up yet15:51
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Saviq0well, it was supposed to be live right now ;15:51
CosmoHilliirc that domain wasn't even working last week15:51
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RevdKathyAm I here?15:55
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RevdKathyOh, that's good to know. Never used webchat15:56
MeceRevdKathy, Hi15:56
GAN900RevdKathy, it's horific.15:56
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RevdKathyScary, isn't it. That damned bear gets everywhere now.15:56
Saviqoh cbuild15:56 << working temp URL for the COBS15:56
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Saviqlol :)15:57
Mekworks perfectly15:57
CosmoHillbugger me15:57
CosmoHillit worked 5 mins ago when I tried it15:57
GAN900RevdKathy, it's horific.15:57
Saviqah ok15:57
Saviqan s15:57
GAN900No thanks.15:57
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CosmoHillMek: it worked 5 mins ago but now I have 404 too15:57
* GAN900 complains about the N900 keyboard again.15:57
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SaviqCosmoHill: https15:57
Mekit still works for me15:57
Mekwith https15:57
Meknot with http15:57
fralso/ RevdKathy15:58
Saviqthe redirect's probably not there15:58
CosmoHillah yes, thanks15:58
RevdKathyThat looks a little scary for me. I did my day's quota of stuff in terminal. I've run out of valium.15:58
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Saviqlbt_away: when you get of the stage, can you please enable my account on the community obs?15:58
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CosmoHilloo I like that, if nobody tests it it gets bumped to the super testers15:58
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npmQUESTION: What about piggybacking on top of rpmfusion (c.f. "meegolem")16:01
CosmoHillgood man lbt_away16:01
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npm( )16:02
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lardmanhmm, my N900 seems to be locked in portrait mode with meego16:06
lardmanoh no it's just moved back16:06
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Mecelardman, it sometimes needs a shake :)16:10
petterijust started watching the stream, who are speaking now?16:11
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lardmanX-Fade on LHS, LBT on RHS16:11
lardmanMece: how does one reboot - battery pull?16:12
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stephglardman, power button down for about 15 seconds16:12
stephglardman, or init 6 from an xterm/ssh session16:12
lardmanthanks stephg16:12
CosmoHilllbt looks zoned out16:12
CosmoHilloh he's back now16:13
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CosmoHilloo, someone from TI with a mac16:14
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sx0nthis is good session too imho16:16
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CosmoHillindeed, a lot more questions too16:17
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CosmoHillthe other sessions normally get silence when they ask for questions16:18
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Myrttiwhoa, when did it get that late16:19
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* npm goes to feed kid breakfast before school16:21
lassemonhi, anyone able to help me?: when trying to build rpm package for meego the rpm throws out bad exit status from /var/tmp/... (%build) and the last thing it tries to do is run qmake and it shows qmake Usage list16:22
nialaJucato: meego's music again16:22
lardmanyay, they've listened to us :)16:22
lardmanhow long does the ml take to send you a password reminder normally?16:22
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nialaon ?16:23
Myrttilardman: afaik it should be fairly instant16:23
lardmanyeah, just changing back my diogest settings for all the lists16:23
Jucatoniala: streaming stopped :(16:24
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MyrttiI don't understand why it stopped16:24
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lardmancoffee break now I think16:24
Jucato20 minute break16:24
Jucatotoo long to keep running :)16:24
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MyrttiI would've kept it16:25
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nialaJucato: financial crisis in world , economy of energy, we should sing16:26
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nialaThe Ring II16:30
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berndhsmaybe Ireland fell in the ocean again16:44
javispedrobreak time16:45
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berndhsschedule says next talk starts 15 mins ago :)16:46
CosmoHillI hear music16:46
berndhsi saw movement16:46
CosmoHillthis dude looks like young16:47
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Jucatoyeah young16:47
Jucatoand the music was freaky :)16:47
CosmoHillI was about to say, he looks fuzzy but then the camera focused16:47
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Jucatoyoung and fuzzy :)16:48
berndhsits the finnish diet, he is actually 78 years old16:48
CosmoHilllol, "lying on his sofa at home"16:48
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CosmoHillhey lbt, that was a good session16:49
CosmoHilland kudos for getting people to use the mic16:49
JucatoCosmoHill: that's Stskeeps' current job too16:49
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CosmoHillbeing young, fuzzy and programming from a sofa?16:49
GAN900It's tekojo.16:50
lardmanoops, missed the start16:50
Meceis the stream working for you?16:51
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lardmanI was on the phone, didn't realise it had started16:51
CosmoHillout of the creepy music and the fuzz tekojo emerged16:51
* CosmoHill offers biscuits16:52
Jucatonot working for me anymore. but understandable because my sis is home downloading stuff :)16:52
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* Jucato really can't get used to Finnish accent16:53
Mecei've got 0.2fps and no sound...16:53
GAN900Jucato, QoS16:53
CosmoHillhis english is very good16:53
berndhsits getting here ok, so problem is not at the source16:53
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* npm thinks quality and understandability of telecasting is great16:54
Meceyeah it has been really good, but i seem to be suffering from network problems here.16:56
CosmoHilloo, internal feedback system, nice16:56
berndhsabout 1/2 of these talks are without slide ?16:57
JPohlmannUnfortunately they are16:57
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Jucatonot "without slides". just not shown in the camera :)16:58
Jucatothe talks have slides I mean16:58
nialaberndhs: 100%16:58
berndhsthe way he talks you can't really tell if there are slides with it16:58
JPohlmannNah. Talks with hacking involved were panned between speaker and screen16:58
Myrttiwhich is why they're not shown ;-)16:58
JPohlmannSo it's not 100%16:58
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ColKilkenny#meego mentioned \o/16:59
berndhsall these presenters are movie star material, I know that, but seen slides would be nice too :)17:00
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* dm8tbr seconds berndhs 17:00
Meceberndhs, some more than other17:00
alsihadmore often than not, slides are just distracting, imho17:00
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alsihadshould only be used if you want to show code and fear the demo gods ;)17:01
berndhsyeah but these are great slides :)17:01
npmslides are best distributed by HTTP17:01
berndhsnpm: yes, before the talk17:01
alsihadspeaking of distractions...17:02
* alsihad turns of stream, gets back to work17:02
riothmhm. just installed the current netbook release in virtualbox, after install and accountsetup i get a black screen :/17:02
smokumost of the speakers use the slides as a cheat-sheet for the speach, so you do not loose much17:03
berndhsit still helps to see the structure of the talk17:03
Meceffs! my network seems fine. but I still can't get this crap to work! grr!17:03
Mecethis crap being the stream17:03
dm8tbrberndhs: IMHO somethign like that would be awesome in terms of video presentation -
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berndhsyes combined stuff like that17:04
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GAN900dm8tbr, pitch it on the lists.17:07
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smokuberndhs: for me it's a distraction. i just red the whole slide and waiting for the next ;)17:09
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berndhssmoku: then dont read the text :)17:11
smokucan't help it :D17:11
berndhsturn off the video17:11
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riotlive-booting doesn't work either. :((17:12
smokuyou mean close my eyes?17:12
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berndhsor look someplace else17:12
berndhsjust because there are slides doesnt mean you have to look17:13
smokui would asleep then probably ;) and snore17:13
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smokuthere are slides and i cannot stop myself from reading ahead17:14
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alsihadsmoku: look at your irc client. that surely won't distract you ;)17:15
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smokuthere were some good presentations wich used slides as visualisation aid for the speach17:15
lardmanthis working for anyone else?:
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alsihadi share this compulsive reading disorder. which is why i mostly avoid movies with subtitles17:16
CosmoHillahhh loud17:16
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berndhslardman: i see a list of mails17:16
lardmantry clicking a mail17:16
JPohlmannlardman: No, broken17:16
lardmanok, thanks17:17
berndhssample of 2 clicks says "Not Found"17:17
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lardmanI don't recommend getting up at 5.30am, I'm having troubles staying awake here17:26
CosmoHill"where the hell is the start menu?"17:26
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lardmanCosmoHill: in the middle at the bottom17:27
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RazurHello, I am wondering if that is possible to install MeeGo on Nokia n97?17:27
CosmoHillonly if you port it17:27
Razurokey thanks17:27
Razuri think thats the worst phone ever i had :\17:28
berndhsrazur: send it to me, i'll port meego :)17:28
riothmm. the xserver keeps restarting :(17:28
Razursure :P, i will try it myself maybe later17:28
lardmanberndhs: you know we'll hold you to that17:28
berndhsit could take me some time17:28
* lardman watchs mountains grow17:29
CosmoHillaren't N97s bricks?17:29
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Razuryeh a bit17:30
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Razurmeh at least i can install Qt for n9717:31
berndhsyou might need several of them to support 1 meego17:31
Razurso i will have fun killing it :D17:31
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pupnikwhat are the minimum resolution requirements for meego?17:31
CosmoHillthey look almost ready17:31
pupnikit's an interesting quesiton for lots of reasons17:32
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berndhspupnik: is there a minimum resolution, and if so, why ?17:34
smokupupnik: none. i have a meego installation running headless17:34
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pupnikberndhs: because resolution sets the upper bound of what you can display on a 2D screen17:34
berndhsyes but why would there be a minimum ?17:35
lardmanpupnik: the ui is not part of the core17:35
riotnope, even the mentioned solution to manually start firstboot doesn't fix it. I still get INIT-respawn-too-fast-errors17:35
CosmoHilloh wait, he can't see that17:36
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pupnikberndhs: because if there isn't, apps will be unreadable on some devices17:37
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berndhspupnik: that assumes that the core specifies how things are displayed17:37
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berndhspupnik: of *if* things are displayed17:37
pupnikis the core associated with a set of apps ?   (not yet! hahah)17:37
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pupnikbut i understand your point.  how would you apply the question to the handset-ux?17:39
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berndhsi can imaging handsets without displays17:40
rioti don't even get the netbook edition to display anything.17:41
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slaineHey folks, updated my broadcom wifi src rpm to match the latest upstream broadcom17:43
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riotonly output i get is "Process meego-power-ico (pid: FOO, ti=BAR, task=qux task.ti=baz)" + INIT-Respawn-Error after 9 X-Crashes.17:43
slainethey bumped the version and removed the version I was pulling down17:44
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lardmanlet me know what happens, I'm heading home, bbiab17:48
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npmback from dropping off kid at school... what talk are we on?17:51
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riotdamn. I want a debian-phone :(17:53
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* riot is sick of all these "phone-operatingsystems"...17:53
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berndhsriot: all coponents properly aged like good wine ?17:54
riotberndhs: i don't know what you're talking about. You probably neither.17:54
berndhsyeah that must be it17:55
alsihadberndhs: either that, or all components unstable like nitroglycerin (scnr)17:55
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riothm. Debian works on _all_ my machines. With quite very recent package-versions. Whereas all the mobile operating systems (except maemo4.... *sigh*) don't.17:56
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slaineyeah, debian's great17:56
rioti've seen too many of these "mobile distros" fly by and die. Debian has proven itself again and again over so much time.17:57
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slaineespecially on phones17:57
slaineoh wait...17:57
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berndhswell, debian hasn't died on any phones that I know of, I see the point17:58
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slainesaving battery for the sdk BoF, bbl18:03
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npmhow do people watch the live stream on a n900 running maemo? (the flashplayer doesn't seem to work in the webrowser)18:24
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npmand rtmp:// doesn't seem to be a stream18:25
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accessyou need to identify and add the stream id also18:26
accessno stream running atm though18:26
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npmaccess: got the "format" of the rtmp URI ?18:27
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accesssorry, no18:27
accesscan try to figure it out when the stream starts again18:28
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npmi would imagine kmplayer would be able to play it directly18:28
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lardmananyone else got video yet?18:30
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lardmananyone there in person? Has the talk started?18:34
lokeshwho can help me getting Meego running on my touchscreen laptop18:34
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lardmanah video, good18:34
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piratephloxyesterday I read on pcmag about the amd join to meego, and they were like, and LG builds the first MeeGo Phone, any updates on that? Since their article is from Feburary about it:,2817,2359918,00.asp18:35
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GAN900Lots of people in the Handset UX session expecting big things.18:35
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crashanddieGAN900, how is the tablet?18:35
lardmanlokesh: tried the meego wiki?18:36
lokeshyes.. the thing is I am using HP smart which comes with ATI graphics card18:37
lokeshI installed the ati-driver, then was able to see the Meego UI18:37
lardmanprobably not the best time now as everyone's watching live video of the Meego conf18:37
tripzerowho is doing the handset ux session?18:37
lokeshbut now the problem I have is my touchscreen doesnt work18:37
tripzerothere's a live video?18:37
lardmanthat will have a separate driver anyway18:37
lokeshwho has that driver18:38
lardmanno idea18:38
* npm still can't figure out rtmp url out of above for direct viewing w/o flash18:38
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npm(in case i need to move to a different room for a moment and want to watch on n900 :-) )18:38
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npmaccess ??18:39
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lardmanslides of any interest?18:40
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accessif they'd only show them yeah18:41
lardmanI was just wondering if he was showing anything of interest or not18:41
accessdon't know if the current guy is using any slides though?!18:41
lardmanhe keeps pressing a button18:42
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accessmm, someone should tell the camera guy18:43
npmaccess: rtmp:// works, but not on n900 (yet)18:43
npmbut it's nice watching in mplayer directly on my desktop :-)18:44
access    Stream #0.0: Video: vp6f, yuv420p, 720x576, 25 tbr, 1k tbn, 1k tbc18:44
access    Stream #0.1: Audio: mp3, 22050 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 64 kb/s18:44
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lardmanpupnik: this might be what you're asking about - handset profile to be established by 1.218:45
lardmanhmm, 512Mb RAM min18:46
accessnmp rtmpdump + ffplay works on my N90018:48
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lardmanah a data transfer standard18:51
Mek ?18:51
lardmanyeah sounds right from context18:51
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npmheh featurezilla18:53
* npm created issuezilla18:54
sabotageshould be called frankenzilla...18:54
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npmthat's what it was 10 years ago. pure sausage18:55
lardmanso where is this featurezilla? I can't seem to find it under bugs.meego.com18:56
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sabotagethat's why it's frankenzilla... it's all "integrated"18:57
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lardmanah ok, I just need to choose my search terms better18:57
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sabotagego to "search" and select "MeeGo Features" for the classification18:57
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lardmansomeone ask if it will support MMS ;)18:58
npm"MeeGo Featurezilla is essentially the same Bugzilla database we use for bugs, with a few tweaks to better fit requirement management"18:58
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npmwow 10 year old easter eggs still there "Zarro Boogs found." ( )18:59
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GAN900crashanddie, there aren't enough of them.19:02
GAN900crashanddie, they MAY be getting more tomorrow.19:02
* CosmoHill rages cos he's so close to finishing his program but is stuck19:02
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npm( is correct url )19:03
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lardmanask about MMS19:04
GAN900crashanddie, there aren't enough of them.19:04
GAN900crashanddie, they MAY be getting more tomorrow.19:04
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lardmanGAN900: fingers crossed19:05
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GAN900lardman, otherwise, apparently they're collecting mailing addresses.19:06
lardmanah, that's ok then19:06
GAN900logistical nightmare, though.19:07
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lardmanbut presumably there are some extra requirements per-app that Nokia have over and above the core19:08
lardmanso that they can differentiate19:08
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CosmoHillat last I can see the slides19:09
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CosmoHillif you're sat in the middle it must be like watching tenis cos you go from the slides to the presenter and back again19:09
lardmanlokesh: wait till tomorrow or thursday and you'll find lots more people here19:10
lardmanonce they return from the conf19:10
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lokeshlardman : thanks19:10
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lardmanwow, the talks keep going19:11
* lardman grabs a beer19:11
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CosmoHilllardman I think you tripped over a cable19:15
lardmanyeah seems that way19:16
lardmanor perhaps they all ran off to get beer19:16
stephgI wish I had beer :/19:16
lardmanstephg: why don't you?19:16
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stephgI'm in an office19:16
Tm_Tthey all will come back in a moment19:16
lardmanah, that's a mistake19:16
stephgactually there's a leaving do so I might be able to later19:17
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CosmoHillhell yeah!19:18
CosmoHillmy program freaking works!19:18
CosmoHillit's taken about 6 hours of work today19:18
CosmoHillmaybe closer to 7 hours19:18
alterego"Hello, world!" program? :P19:18
CosmoHillis that LBT, ah he's out of shot how19:18
CosmoHillhello people in the real world .o/19:19
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lardmanbetter docs19:20
lardmanfor example the contacts stuff in qtmobility19:20
lokeshhow to resolve this problem in SDK:19:21
lokeshFile './repodata/bc05a4f88292f5b6a4098fe2c2a26c8db4b4bbbcd78a394344df0e842c78a608-primary.xml.gz' not found on medium ''19:21
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stephglokesh, that path looks funny (but I know nothing about the SDK)19:21 is usually how the urls start there19:22
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stephgooh I lied19:22
stephgI don't know what I'm talking about19:22
lardmanget some beer!19:22
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berndhsthe beer on the conference tables looks really light, almost like water19:23
accessQ: (not really my area of expertise) are hardware DSPs and camera raw streams available through Qt APIs or will they be?19:23
lardmanwould you want them to be?19:23
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CosmoHillaccess: type QUESTION as it's easier to spot19:23
lardmanQt is supposed to abstract that away isbn't it?19:23
npmaccess: i have same question. answers some19:24
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accessor my colleague would like them :)19:24
npmneeds it for http://ytd-meego.googlecode.com19:25
CosmoHillI think the camera should focus on the person speaking19:25
lardmannpm: wrap a gstreamer pipeline in your own Qt widget>19:25
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accessseems like those official APIs only allow for a call to record a file, Iäd like to get a stream from the camera device and access to hw encoders19:26
lardmanin that case I think you have to write your own widget19:26
accessyeah, that's what we're doing at the moment… would just be nice to know if we'd get some extra abstraction or another method :)19:26
npmdoes anybody have sourcecode for a "video camera widget"19:26
* CosmoHill has done a process ring with pipes in 100 lines19:27
CosmoHillit only took a few weeks >.<19:27
npmaccess, lardman: any pointers to existing code to such widgetry?19:28
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lardmannpm: what's the hw?19:28
accessnot OSS that I know of, except for a gst chain, no Qt code though19:28
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lardmanJust open the v4l2 device directly perhaps19:29
lardmanlots of example code around for that19:29
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npmN900 is hardware. would work on meego too?19:29
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lardmanI don;t know whether they plan to keep gst19:30
lardmanor move to something else19:30
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lardmancertainly gst is a bit of pita19:30
npmthat's why i was confused by your gstreamer pipeline comment19:30
lardmansimply because that's a way of doing it19:30
npmseemed unportable19:30
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lardmanactually no it's not, but it depends on how much hw control you need19:31
lardmanI find it annoying from a docs point of view19:31
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lardmantake a look at mBarcode (maemo-barcode) in maemo Garage19:31
npmnot much. a working example that does minimal video capture and viewfinder19:31
lardmanfor a wrapped gst pipeline in a class19:31
CosmoHillI wonder if he has IRC on that laptop19:31
lardmanin that case you probably want to use camerabin19:31
* npm googles19:32
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lardmanTake a look at the FCamera source19:32
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lardmanI needed a more complex pipeline setup for mBarcode so didn't use that19:33
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slainewhat's the name of the Qt tool for adjusting the fonts/theme etc. ?19:33
stephglardman, you're the author of mbarcode?19:34
slaine(got disconnnected, not sure if that last question went through)19:34
Meceslaine, theme customizer?19:34
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lardmanslaine: yeah it did, I don't know19:34
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drcooperhow do i inctall ext4 kernel modules in meego19:34
npmlardman: thanks for fcamera pointer19:34
lardmannp, let me know how you get on19:34
slainenot sure, thought it was qt....19:35
drcooperhow do i inctall ext4 kernel modules in meego19:35
lardmanQt mobility contacts interface gives out cryptic error numbers rather than messages, is that a useful comment?19:35
CosmoHillI'd like the camera to zoom out and how the room19:36
lardmanThe room was quite dark, so we might not be able to see much19:36
slainedrcooper: there are none, you'd have to get the kernel source rpm and recompile with those enabled in the config19:36
stephgslaine, did I imagine I saw they were coming in one of the mailing lists?19:37
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drcooperwhere i can get rpms?19:37
stephgcan't remember where I saw it but I seem to remember that for some reason19:37
slainedrcooper: repo.meego.com19:37
slainestephg: possibly, not sure.19:37
drcooperslaine: so thats the default right19:37
lardmanAddress book tutorial is not great, assuming that's the contacts Qt mobility one19:38
drcooperslaine: do you know package names?19:38
stephgdrcooper, if you're building on the device itself zypper search kernel will help19:38
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slainenot too familiar with zypper yet, whats the equivilant of yum-downloader --source19:39
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alsihadwasn't there an effort to improve qt creator on netbook resolution?19:39
lardmanyes, it can be very hard to insert items into layouts, why not allow that to be done with a right click rather than dragging and dropping19:39
drcooperstephg: which package should i install19:39
slainealsihad: no idea, but it sucks atm19:39
alsihadi would like to see (better) support for unit testing/tdd19:40
lardmanI get the feeling no-one is listening to us on IRC19:40
drcooperstephg: kernel-netbook?19:40
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slainedrcooper: yes19:41
slaineassuming netbook target19:41
drcooperslaine: but that is installed by default...but no suport for ext419:41
slainethat's the binary package19:42
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lardmanhmm, he's just sidestepped the comment about qt mobility contacts19:42
slainedrcooper: you've clearly never built the kernel before19:42
drcooperslaine: nope..pls help19:42
slaineno offence, but getting ext43 support might be a little beyond you atm19:42
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drcooperslaine: try helping me pls19:43
slainedrcooper: try helping yourself and use google :)19:43
drcooperi googled19:43
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stephgslaine, we don't have dkms in meego do we19:43
slainewe've already pointed you in the right direction,19:43
stephgnot that that would help him here19:43
slainestephg: no19:44
alsihadfeatures for unit testing: create unit test for currently opened class (generate stubs for all public methods), switch between class/test (like impl/header), as an alternative to having a seperate project for tests, have another build config (release/debug/unittest) with defines and post build step to run all tests19:44
slainemeego hasn't got many modules compiled by default19:44
lardmanyay Quim19:44
stephgdrcooper, provided you're not using the new ext4 features you should be able to mount ext4 as ext3 anyways19:44
lardmanand may or may not work on the N90019:44
drcooperstephg: i have an ext4 ubuntu partition19:45
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lardman+1 for more docs comment19:45
lardmanand canned examples too19:46
alsihad... and a nice gui with a green bar, when all tests passed19:46
stephgif you're in meego right now, what happens if you try and mount it as "-t ext3" instead? does it fail or just complain19:46
lardmanbackends missing, which ones? And are these marked in the docs?19:46
stephgdrcooper, looks like default ubuntu ext4 partitions won't mount19:47
drcooperstephg: ya19:47
drcooperstephg: slaine when i tried to compile myself," make M=fs/ext4 " gives warning of symbol version dump. Could you help me from here? I had executed menuconfig successfully and added ext4 module to the list.19:50
slainewtf, there's no qtconfig in meego ???19:51
drcooperslaine: i used does it matter19:51
alsihadbreaking news: kitware joins meego, contributes cmake build system to qt ;)19:51
slainedrcooper: sorry, commenting about my own issue19:52
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slaineqtcreator looks like shit, wanted to set the qt font settings19:52
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lardmanwho's the guy presenting atm?19:53
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lardmanbetter and more mini examples!19:54
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lardmanwhat is the reason pray tell?19:54
lardmancome on, tell us the reason for the private class19:54
Mekbinary compatibility...19:55
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lardmanso that it can be interogated to check the version?19:55
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Mekno, so that changes can be made to that private class that don't affect the layout/size/whatever of the public class that people actually interact with19:56
nialaslaine: you mean monospace font in qtcreator ?19:56
Mekso basically hiding implementation details from users of the classes19:56
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lardmanMek: but hiding a subclass? Rather than just making methods private?19:56
Mekthis is mostly about data members; you can't add/remove/change datamembers in public classes without breaking binary compatibility19:57
lardmanok fair enough19:57
CosmoHilltimeless_mbp: put your arm up19:57
Mekfor non-virtual private methods it is purely a convention to not expose tehm19:57
* timeless_mbp is @hotel19:57
CosmoHilloh okay19:57
timeless_mbpCosmoHill: where are you?19:57
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lardmanstill, put your hand up, we're got you in our sights19:57
CosmoHillbut I'm watching the video stream19:57
timeless_mbpof what?19:58
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CosmoHillof the oh whaty was it called19:58
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CosmoHillbirds of a feather meeting19:58
CosmoHillthat/'s it19:58
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alsihadwas that the last one for today?19:58
lardmanno, one more I think19:58
CosmoHillwho the hell just  put a microphone stand there19:58
lardmanBoF - MeeGo Infrastructure19:59
accessmeego infrastructure bof coming up19:59
berndhs5 presenters19:59
CosmoHill"but only one will leave"19:59
alsihadthey present to the death?19:59
alsihadis it safe for the audience?19:59
lardmanno many in the audience, must have realised20:00
RST38hlardman: When do they wrap up for the day?20:00
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berndhsaudience saw the 50cal20:00
lardmanno, 6.40pm20:00
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lardmanberndhs: that's pointed at the hotel though20:00
berndhsyou only have one ?20:00
lardmanhard carrying through customs you know20:01
srikanth_rsthello guy any one know what all  audio and video formats are supported in meego hand sets20:01
berndhsand i guess teh old ira stocks are looked up good20:01
lardmanyeah, need a spade in that case20:01
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timeless_mbpsrikanth_rst: you mean the software stack that isn't sold today in any physical handset?20:02
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* timeless_mbp tries to imagine why that'd be useful20:02
stephgsrikanth_rst, a subset of all the patent unencumbered ones?20:02
lardmanactually is there a minimum set of required formats I wonder?20:02
stephg(not very helpful!)20:02
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CosmoHillI can see lbt again20:02
lardmanlet's guess that mp3 will be needed at least20:03
timeless_mbpsrikanth_rst: why?20:03
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srikanth_rstno i want know what formats meego supports ....when give public release20:04
lardmansrikanth_rst: I doubt it has been established yet20:04
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srikanth_rsti heard it will support only ogg only ?20:05
nialabird of feather is an english expression ? waht that mean ?20:05
accessguess the current panel can answer… if anyone is both on irc and there irl :)20:05
timeless_mbpniala: google?20:05
timeless_mbpsrikanth_rst: for software, the answer can change until the very last minute20:05
lardmanniala: it means similar20:05
stephgniala, "birds of a feather flock together"20:05
timeless_mbpwhich means asking about the future is kind of pointless20:05
lardmanor that20:05
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timeless_mbpnone of us are good at reading tea leaves20:05
nialayes and french translation is absurd20:05
stephgwell it's both innit20:05
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srikanth_rsttimeless_mbp: thanks20:06
lardmanI thought you wrote inuit there20:06
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lardmanok, so we're talking about extras for libs here20:07
timeless_mbpthe first hit is for a wikipedia article20:07
lardmandepend on a specific library and keep old libraries until nothing depends on them?20:08
lardmansend to lbt20:08
alsihaduuh, he said "agile"! can i get my unit testing stuff now? ;)20:08
nialatimeless_mbp: lol funny20:09
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timeless_mbpniala: learning to use google is important20:09
lardmanis that Jaffa?20:09
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timeless_mbplardman: which room is this, and when does it expire?20:10
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lardmanin the main room, finishes at 6.40pm20:10
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lardmantimeless_mbp: President's Terrace20:10
timeless_mbphrm, maybe i'll go back20:10
timeless_mbpit sounds like it's storming outside :(20:10
* stephg nearly beer time20:11
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Myrttioh my. I guess I've been a bit tired, I looked at the IRC channel for about ten minutes and didn't notice that none of the discussion went forward, clock on the statusbar was stagnant and timestamps were over an hour old20:14
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lardmanMyrtti: get a beer20:14
CosmoHillis that x-fade again?20:15
RST38hMyrtti: But, frankly, what difference does it make?20:15
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MyrttiRST38h: none to you, none to me, but it just shows and proves to atleast me that I'm really, really tired20:15
lardmanbe careful lbt, they just won't bother promoting20:17
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lardmanurgh, that sounds nasty, the package manager would have to be happy to remove unused libs20:19
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lardmansomeone get Jaffa a beer20:22
berndhsdo package managers know about Qt plugins required by Qt apps ?20:22
lardmanas long as your deps are correct20:22
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lardmanat least that's my thought20:23
berndhsyou have to specify that manually though, I think20:23
berndhsbuilding and doing ldd won't tell you20:23
lardmanyeah the packages have to say what they depend on, but that's not the rpm way is it20:25
berndhsi'm not sure. opensuse build complains if you specify too much manually20:25
lardmanI'm coming from the deb side20:26
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lardmanso I don;t know I'm afraid20:26
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lardmanI'm going to have to call it quits for the viewing, need to head to the shops and buy some food20:26
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lardmanenjoy the Guiness to all those in Dublin, see the rest of you later on :)20:27
berndhsI think it gets worse, an app could work in reduced capacity without a plugin20:27
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Jaffalardman|afk: Graham and I are doing loads of talking into the mic :-)20:32
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JaffaFeel like we're hogging it, but ho hum20:32
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* CosmoHill noms pizza20:33
CosmoHillI've been so productive I feel like it's wednesday20:33
tripzerommm... pizza20:34
berndhsi've been so productive I feel like its last friday20:35
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alsihadqtestlib has all the usual test stuff as well20:38
CosmoHillthis guy understands20:38
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alsihadbut afaik there is no easy way to have a suite of tests20:38
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alsihadi used this workaround in my app for that:
Jaffaalsihad: Yeah, JUnit is fantastic.20:39
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CosmoHillyay lbt20:40
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JaffaMakes me appreciate the experience of big enterprise frameworks.20:41
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timeless_mbpi hope i don't miss the bus20:56
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alsihadone of the guys mentioned they use cucumber. was he referring to this?
alsihadseems somewhat ruby specific to me :-?20:57
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timakimaalsihad: this was mentioned in qa-tools presentation at least21:03
timakimaif that's what you meant21:03
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alsihadmaybe, looks interesting. thx21:04
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timakimaalsihad: here's some video about testability driver too21:06
alsihadi have a (my first) qt app with some slightly complex control flow, that i find hard to test (because i'm not an agile tdd rockstar ;) so i'm always interested in improvements in that regard21:06
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timakimaalsihad: and here are other meego testing tools also, if you're interested21:08
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alsihadtimakima, thx, as soon as i find some time, i'll try to write a simple meego app that uses all this neat testing stuff :)21:21
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alsihadmeego netbook ux wont fit on a 4gb microsd, right?21:30
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Mekwhy not? the netbook image is 830MB...21:36
alsihadiirc, i've read some minimum space requirement > 4 gb. i'll try21:36
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alsihadhm, the sd card doesn't fit flush in my shiny new netbook. bummer21:38
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alsihadmight as well use a larger usb stick then21:38
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henai'm planning to build a meego ivi platform, but i don't seem to find the hardware specs page anywhere21:52
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jrayhawka/window 1722:00
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henaobviously if i build my own kernel my changes would not roll to main22:02
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alsihadweird, the keyboard doesn't work in meego22:15
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nialaalsihad: sad  lol22:16
alsihadbut it looks nice and the animations are very snappy :)22:17
nialahandset ?22:17
alsihadno, netbook22:17
alsihadon a samsung nf310 (which is quite awesome, btw)22:17
nialaah and no keyboard that's strange22:17
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alsihadi actually had a ideapad s10-3t before that, but ended up returning it22:18
alsihad(which doesn't mean i wouldn't like one to play with ;)22:18
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meegohi, I have intel atom hardware. I have already compiled my kernel for meego. But I dnt know how can I boot a kernel using terminal?22:49
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meegohi, I have intel atom hardware. I have already compiled my kernel for meego. But I dnt know how can I boot a kernel using terminal?22:49
henayou don't have to repeat22:49
meegoi m sorry22:50
henayou need qemu or something to boot from terminal22:50
henaand you need the userspace installed somewhere prior22:50
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meegoI think Qemu is emulator. I have the actual hardware.22:51
meegoI am looking for bootcommands for my hardware22:51
henawell, then you don't boot from terminal22:51
henayou need to setup your bootloader to access your kernel and init and root22:51
meegoCan you give some more information on how to do that?22:52
henagoogle for grub or lilo manuals22:52
henabut you need to have the meego userspace installed on a separate partition22:53
meegowhat is the meego user space?22:53
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meegoI never came across it ..22:53
meegoforgive me .. as I am new .. i have some silly doubts22:53
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henathe kernel is just the soul of the system, but doesn't do anything on it's own22:54
henait doesn't have any tools or software22:54
CosmoHillmeego: if you want to boot into termial press tab or something at boot and replace "quiet" with 322:55
meegoyes I know what kernel is .. .but ya .. I guess by user space you mean to say the tools like image creator , writer and other22:55
CosmoHillalso can you change your username, it's kind of misleading in this channel22:55
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meegoThanks CosmoHill22:56
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henaumm, i thought he wanted to boot from terminal22:56
meegoThanks Hena22:57
meegoAlso I have problem with my Image Creator ..22:57
meegoits the problem in debug.py22:57
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CosmoHillokay that's creepy, youtube have my average download speed from their servers over a 3 week period23:00
meegoWhat is the meego source code? .. I have downloaded the meego-core-ia32-madde-sysroot-1.1-fs23:01
meegobut it seems ike rootfs23:01
meegoHow can I get meego source code?23:01
meegoI don't want prebuilt images23:01
meegoI want source code as you see in Android or other OSs23:02
CosmoHillwould you mind changing your username to something else23:02
CosmoHillall the meego sources are avaiable in src.rpm format23:02
meegoCan you tell me how to download the sources and build them23:03
meegoI want source code as you see in Android or other OSs?23:03
meegoi will change my name23:04
CosmoHillthey are on http://repo.meego.com23:04
timophyou want to compile all the packages? o.O23:04
CosmoHillbest of luck to you23:06
timophwhy on earth?23:06
nialahey CosmoHill I think we a match tomorrow :)23:06
meegoits because .. I want to change something in it23:06
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CosmoHillI've concidered doing the same but for a non SSSE3 platform23:06
CosmoHillor maybe non-x8623:06
CosmoHillmorning Termana23:07
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nialameego: change your name please you can go to
meegoi m dng it for SSSE3 platform23:07
meegothanks everybody23:08
meegoi gtg23:08
CosmoHillbye bye23:08
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CosmoHillhe's doomed23:08
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timophto say the least23:08
TermanaCosmoHill, ha ha ha23:08
nialahe must be hurried23:09
CosmoHilli might be able to compile meego in 2 weeks flat out, if I knew what I was doing23:09
TermanaWhat - he's not considering compiling manually is he?23:10
CosmoHillmust be23:11
TermanaThat's *suppose* to be one of the uses for the community OBS :p23:11
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tybollt /nick meeto23:11
CosmoHillI think he's just heard of a new distro, and wanted to build it himself23:11
timophbtw, what's the community obs url?23:11
Termanatimoph, cbuild.meego.com23:12
tripzerow00t at!23:12
CosmoHillit will be at some point23:12
timophasked lbt_away for access to it but forgot the url :)23:12
nialaah not a valid certif https23:12
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timophhmmh. nobody building xchat for netbooks, I have that on my core obs home.. maybe I'll move that to cobs23:17
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henaah, pub was elected23:36
henabeen out too long23:38
CosmoHillthat explains the healthy tan23:38
henaanyways, still wonderin about the ivi hardware compliance23:39
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CosmoHillfyi there is a new version of adium out already23:50
henasorry for my lameness23:51
CosmoHillyou heard of Pidgin right?23:51
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TermanaAdium is the bastard version of Pidgin23:51
CosmoHillwell it's that for mac23:51
Termana(for OS X in other words)23:52
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CosmoHillsince most of the intel guys (and dawn) who I see in here use macs i thought they might like to know23:52
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henai don't believen in the devil23:52
CosmoHillyou might not believen but do you believe?23:52
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henai hate the forums :/23:53
CosmoHillthe meego one?23:53
henaall of them23:53
henathey're awkward touse23:53
lolloothan you have a problem my friend23:53
CosmoHillI hang out on an awesome forum23:54
lolloome too23:54
CosmoHillthe places I go to on the internet are every limited but very good23:54
henasearching, filtering, searcing, reading, waiting for pages to load23:54
CosmoHillthe one I hang out on isn't to busy23:55
henait's just so slow and painful and usually full of fud and crap23:55
lolloothat's crappy forums it seems23:55
CosmoHillslow, painful, full of crap? have you been on 4chan?23:55
lolloomeego forums are original23:55
henai prefer forums with relevant info23:56
lollooalso maemo talk23:56
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CosmoHillmaybe you're on the wrong forum23:56
henajust that i hate searching my answer from the millions of threads23:56
MyrttiThere's only one thing about the meego forums I don't quite get23:56
henawith thousands of fud and ego posts23:56
CosmoHillMyrtti: "everything"?23:56
hena"i don't know anything about this topic but i'll post anyways"23:56
lolloohena go moan somewhere else23:56
MyrttiI don't quite understand the point behind the Hong Kong funs-thread23:56
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Myrttilolloo: meh23:57
CosmoHillmythi: it's basically a chinese forum within a single thread23:57
MyrttiCosmoHill: by one person... with... stuff.23:57
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CosmoHillmaybe he's only one person...physically23:58
Myrttimy brain implodes when I try to make sense of it with Google Translate23:58
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