IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2010-06-27

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DrGrovWill there be any chance of getting MeeGo for the N900 later on?00:13
TSCHAKeeewe have answered this question a lot00:13
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DrGrovI have not seen any answers, perhaps that is why I ask.00:13
DrGrovCurious to know what is the situation00:14
TSCHAKeeeDrGrov: there will be a community release. It will not be commercially supported by Nokia, but will have the necessary closed code so that all peripherals will at least have a chance of working over time.00:14
TSCHAKeeeplease state it exactly like this, to anyone else who asks00:14
TSCHAKeeeso we don't get any more, "OMG! NO MEEGO FOR N900?!!?! WHAAA? SKY IS FALLING!!!!"00:15
DrGrovTSCHAKeee: sure, will do. I was mainly a bit curious to know what is the situation. I got all the time in the world to wait for it, once it is ready it will be out there so I do not need any more information.00:16
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* GAN900 wishes Nokia would quit with the foot shooting00:17
DrGrovTSCHAKeee: gotta ask one small additional question. Will MeeGo provide phone capability as well or just working as a tablet?00:18
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DrGrovTSCHAKeee: too much people been jumping around with various theories what I have been reading so that is why I like to ask here to get a good answer and more importantly a correct answer.00:19
TSCHAKeeeDrGrov: the handset UX provides ofono, and nokia is providing a driver for the modem on the phone.00:19
DrGrovTSCHAKeee: so I can expect normal phone calls to work ?00:19
TSCHAKeeeat some point, yes.00:19
DrGrovTSCHAKeee: thanks for the clear shortcut yet comprehensive answers :)'00:20
TSCHAKeeeyou're welcome.00:20
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CosmoHillbrik: what kinda modules do you do?00:59
brikvarious C# ones mostly01:00
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brikthis year I had languages and compilers, software engineering, distributed systems, final year project, and mobile devices01:01
CosmoHillI've done, MSSQL and MySQL, flash, two web things (they say they're different but they're really not)01:01
CosmoHillprogramming and stuff01:01
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brikwe've not had much SQL, but that's because that lecturer was shit01:01
brikwe did databases without learning SQL01:02
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CosmoHillsounds as dull as doing databases01:02
CosmoHillonly without the pain of not getting it working01:02
brikfor mobile devices we made a client for uni's made up twitter/facebook thing01:03
CosmoHillfirst week we go on MySQL we're told that the server has been taken down for a new hard drive01:03
brikhaha yeah01:03
brikwe had one coursework for that, and we had to solve database tasks *on paper* and hand in, how useless is that01:04
brikhaha :P01:04
CosmoHillthere is one lecturer I get As from01:04
CosmoHilleven tho I have no idea what Iam doing01:04
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briknice ;p01:05
tmztbrik: relational calculus?01:05
brikyes we had that evilness01:05
brikwe had 1 lecture on relational calculus, then 1 lecture on SQL (out of 20ish), and the whole exam was on those two01:06
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brikCosmoHill: do you get letter grades there then?01:07
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CosmoHillwell mostly but overall it's numbers01:08
CosmoHillA = 1 etc01:08
brikA = 70%+?01:08
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DrGrovHello everyone01:08
brikis it difficult to get As there?01:09
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DrGrovWould it be possible to download MeeGo for notebooks on a USB drive and test it on a desktop computer?01:09
DrGrovGot my desktop computer connected to my TV01:09
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CosmoHillDrGrov: as long as you have an intel graphics card (not GMA500) and SSSE3 support on your processor you can use what you wanyt01:10
AardDrGrov: depends on how similar to the netbooks your hardware is01:10
w00t_DrGrov: provided you have intel graphics (or the drivers for your card and the knowledge/skill to put them into meego), and a modern CPU, meego should run ok on a lot of hardware01:10
DrGrovActually the problem I might encounter is that I have a nVidia graphics card01:10
w00t_DrGrov: the SDK chroot should run on other stuff (nvidia cards etc) too01:10
DrGrovMy specs are 2 dual core AMD Opteron 64 model 280 @ 2.4 GHz each. 8GB DDR1 400Mhz ECC ram01:11
AardDrGrov: vesa driver is included, you should be able to get a (slow and lowres) X running with that01:11
DrGrovAard: that is mainly what I just need. Want to get a overview of MeeGo myself, not just through videos.01:12
lcukcpu bound graphics?01:12
Aardif you have a spare usb stick just dd the iso image to it and try if it boots01:12
lcukie nice fast dualcore 2.4ghz should chump through things nicely01:13
DrGrovlcuk: i do have 2 dual cores, not just one ;)01:13
DrGrovAard: can I put the image on a memory card which I insert into my memory card reader via USB?01:14
AardDrGrov: only if your card reader emulates usb mass storage01:14
DrGrovAard: how do you mean emulates usb mass storage? give me some example so I can say if it does. Have never tried before, that is why I am a bit lost with this lol01:15
Aardif it shows up as ordinary usb mass storage it should be working. just give it a try, if you're unsure (same procedure, dd the image to the memory card)01:15
DrGrovYeah, I put the image to the memory card01:16
DrGrovYeah, the memory card in Ubuntu that I use is shown as a 2GB file system01:16
Aard2gb? which image are you using?01:16
DrGrovAard: no, I am downloading the 800MB image01:17
DrGrovBut the memory card I insert shows up as a 2GB file system01:17
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tmztAard: iso?01:17
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AardI'd go for the live cd image for a first test, smaller to download and does not take as long to write to the card01:18
DrGrovI am downloading that one, the live image01:18
DrGrovthis one,
Aardoh, ok, I should up. didn't realize the netbook image is actually that big, I'm only working with the handset parts :)01:19
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DrGrovAard: no problem :)01:20
DrGrovAard: I have it almost downloaded now. So how should I then write it to the memory card?01:20
DrGrov6 minutes left of downloading01:21
Aardas I said, dd01:21
Aardmake sure there's no data on the memory card you need, and as your system apparently automounted the card you need to unmount it first01:21
Aarddd if=path/to/your/image of=/path/to/devicenode bs=1M01:22
DrGrovok, i will unmount the card first then01:23
DrGrovdevicenode would be then /media/name_of_usb_memory_card01:23
CosmoHillcan I laught at people who log onto IRC as "root" or "Administrator"?01:23
DrGrovpath to memory card that is01:24
Aardno, devicenode will be /dev/something, most likely /dev/sdsomething01:24
Aard(be careful that it's really the correct device node, and not one of your systems disks...)01:24
DrGrovthe memory card reader is mounted as /media/01:25
Aardthen do `mount' and write down the device name for that mountpoint01:25
DrGrovyes, will do. so I unmount it then first before I do dd?01:26
Aardyes. find out the device node before unmounting, will make things easier01:26
Aarddd will destroy the contents on the card, having a filesystem on a card mounted while a new one is created is not a wise idea, therefore the unmount01:27
DrGrovit is this where it mounts the file system of the media card, /media/E0FD-1813/01:28
DrGrovnow i unmounted that usb memory card01:28
DrGrovthe download is finished01:28
Aardthat's the mountpoint, the device name starts with /dev01:28
DrGrovi have no idea how to find the dev01:28
Aardas said, you should type mount while the card is still mounted. from the list you can easily pick out the device name01:29
DrGrov/dev/sdf1 on /media/E0FD-1813 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,flush)01:30
DrGrovso it is /dev/sdf101:30
DrGrovok, so now time to unmount and then dd01:30
Aardwill take considerable time, and you won't see the progress.01:31
DrGrovi just normally unmount the memory card from my desktop, right?01:32
AardI don't care how you do it, as long as it's unmounted ;)01:32
DrGrovyes, it is not shown on mount anymore01:32
DrGrovdd time then01:32
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DrGrovdoes not work01:35
Aarderror message?01:35
DrGrovno, i forget sudo :)01:37
DrGrovso here it is, /dev$ sudo dd if=/home/deathstar/Desktop/meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img of=/dev/sdf1 bs=1M01:37
DrGrovand the output was following, 776+0 records in01:37
DrGrov776+0 records out01:37
DrGrov813694976 bytes (814 MB) copied, 2.30676 s, 353 MB/s01:37
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DrGrovso it is finished already01:37
DrGrovCosmoHill: that is correct yes?01:37
Aardwhat kind of card are you using that you can throw over 800mb in such a short time? :001:38
DrGrovi have a bit of a faster hard drive ;)01:38
Aardhard drive does not matter, the write speed to flash cards does01:39
DrGrovshould i mount it now to see that it actually is there?01:39
DrGrovi have no idea actually but it goes fast01:39
DrGrovi try to plug in the memory card now to see what has happened there01:40
DrGrovapparently nothing01:40
DrGrovit seems like it is completely empty01:40
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Aardwait, I've just seen something. you need to write to /dev/sdf instead of /dev/sdf1 (sdf1 would be the partition, you need the device)01:41
DrGrovah ok, so no 1 after there. roger, trying again01:41
Aardthough the time is fishy for flash cards01:41
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DrGrovsudo dd if=/home/deathstar/Desktop/meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img of=/dev/sdf bs=1M01:42
DrGrov[sudo] password for deathstar:01:42
DrGrov776+0 records in01:42
DrGrov776+0 records out01:42
DrGrov813694976 bytes (814 MB) copied, 2.16611 s, 376 MB/s01:42
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Aardyou said it's hooked up by usb?01:42
CosmoHillDrGrov: yes01:43
CosmoHillDrGrov: damn that was fast01:43
DrGrovCosmoHill: yes, that is fast01:43
DrGroveven that was approximately 20 MB even faster01:43
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DrGrovit is still empty01:44
DrGrovmy memory card is still empty01:44
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CosmoHillthat begs the question01:44
CosmoHillwhat did you just copy meego to01:44
DrGrovi tried to dd the image to my memory card01:45
Aardthe 2s is even unrealistic for harddisk to harddisk copy, let alone writing to a flash card01:46
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DrGrovthe 2GB flash card I tried to dd to is empty01:46
Aardcan it be mounted?01:47
DrGrovi mount it but it is empty01:47
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Aardcan you add "strace -s 255" in between the sudo and dd and pastebin the output?01:49
DrGrovi just gave up, i give it a new go tomorrow.01:51
DrGrovmy brain has stopped functioning properly this time of night, 2 AM here :)01:51
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DrGrovi was hoping it would work the first time without any misfortune01:51
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Aardah, same timezone01:52
DrGrovi jsut hope i did not do any major damage with that /dev thing01:52
AardI strongly suspect you don't have anything but ram in your box where you can write that amount of data in 2 seconds01:53
DrGrovno damage in the /dev things then?01:55
Aardquite unlikely01:56
CosmoHillDrGrov: what I do is unplug the memory card01:56
CosmoHilllook at /dev/sd*01:56
CosmoHillplug it back in and see what one has appeared01:56
DrGrovnothing has appeared01:57
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Aardanyway, might be a nice idea to go to bed while it's still somewhat dark ;)02:00
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CosmoHillever wondered what happens to people who insult England?02:03
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tremnite all, sweet dreams02:36
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CosmoHillyou too02:36
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GAN900Does MeeGo work on the Booklet at all?03:55
w00t_doesn't it have poulsbro gfx?03:58
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pierissimois there tschakeee ?04:57
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pierissimoyou are very unpleasant!!04:59
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pierissimoi remember this discussion
TSCHAKeeepierissimo: well um.. fuck you too. :)05:00
pierissimosuck my big dick ;)05:00
pierissimoand try not to be always stuck to the PC, kind of a nerd05:01
pierissimobye ;)05:01
GAN900Sadly I don't have ops here.05:01
pierissimoGAN900 just to have a laugh05:02
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* TSCHAKeee shakes head.05:02
TSCHAKeeewhat a dick.05:02
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amjadok today is D day, trying to install meego 1.0 on my emachine netbook with atom n450,  :)05:27
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GAN900Interesting comment about MeeGo on the Android remote install article on /.05:35
TSCHAKeeean interesting comment on slashdot?05:37
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GAN900Just that it's the only mobile platform that isn't inherently evil05:38
TSCHAKeeewe don't exactly know yet :P05:38
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GAN900Maemo isn't inherently evil05:43
GAN900So MeeGo can't be too much worse05:43
GAN900Although I don't love the security framework.05:43
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tmztawesome, so I got the usb image to boot with qemu using a new seabios, but only if I leave off -hda05:45
tmztnow I've got to figure out how to attach an empty hard drive image without affecting the boot order05:46
TSCHAKeeewhat IS seabios anyway?05:52
TSCHAKeeeI see it usually named in conjunction with CoreBoot05:52
tmztit's the successor of the old bochs bios rewritten to be compilable with just gcc05:53
tmztand greatly enhanced05:53
tmztyeah, I'm trying that next (with qemu)05:53
tmztI wanted to see if the normal netbook image would work so I don't have to download one of the zip files of meego05:54
tmztbut it's very slow05:54
tmzthmm, no framebuffer support05:54
tmztneed to try -vga std next05:54
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tmztso the trick was to use -drive file=x.img instead of -hda x.img by the way05:55
* TSCHAKeee wants to use CoreBoot someday05:56
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mintis it possible to install the meego gui over my existing distro?06:13
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minti have tried about 10 times all different ways and STILL cannot get meego to boot06:14
mintas far as i get is the grub screen now. occasionally randomly i get a boot menu. otherwise i only get the graphical background06:15
mintand somehow behind that all meego IS booting because my hdd is at work AND my sound clicks and initializes06:15
TSCHAKeeemint: did you follow the hardware requirements?06:16
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mintthats my next question06:16
* TSCHAKeee facepalms06:16
TSCHAKeeenobody reads.06:16
mintim on a dv6700 with an 8400m. (core2)06:16
minti did read06:16
minti assumed my pc was too good and wouldnt have any problems06:17
* TSCHAKeee thwaps mint upside the head06:17
TSCHAKeeemint: Atom Nxxx CPUs, with Intel GPU.06:17
TSCHAKeeemint: that is what MeeGo is designed for.06:17
mintwell people told me, in this channel, yesterday,  anything x86 compatible is fine06:18
mintand said given my hardware i should have no problems06:18
mintso false information06:19
mintok thank you06:19
w00t_TSCHAKeee: actually, core2 should be fine06:19
TSCHAKeeew00t_: it is most likely his GPU06:19
TSCHAKeee20 bucks it is ATI or NVIDIA06:19
TSCHAKeeewhich will not work OOTB06:19
w00t_right, my point was more directed to the "atom CPUs with intel GPU" -- indicating that nothing else was usable :)06:20
mintok. i was hoping to boot to a terminal and install my nvidia drivers. would it be worth me attempting to get that far. then chucking on proper video drivers and booting x06:20
w00t_mint: you can of course try it, if you want06:21
TSCHAKeeeyou could try.06:21
w00t_a few people on the ML have done pretty much that in the past06:21
mintok so if it has booted correctly, wheather i get a picture or not, i should be able to ctrl-alt-f1. then kill x and install drivers?06:22
mintbecause atm i cant even do that06:22
w00t_tbh.. I don't know. I haven't had to do much meego hacking in the past few weeks.. but I'd presume so, yeah06:23
w00t_btw: you shouldn't be *getting* a grub screen06:23
w00t_meego doesn't use it06:23
w00t_so i'd presume something is screwed with the bootloader install06:23
mintbut it does boot06:24
mintim sure it does i hear my sound card click, my laptop sound lights change color and my hdd works for about 15 seconds06:24
w00t_not sure what to suggest there06:24
mintyou know what06:24
mintim probably mad trying to installl meego on my laptop anyway06:25
mintthanks guys06:25
w00t_not so mad .. really :)06:25
w00t_chroot is probably the easier route to go though06:25
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kkb110can I install meego on N900?12:26
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Robot101kkb110: if you want no UI, or features, like calling - yes - there's a meego core image which has just an xterm12:29
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kkb110Robot101: oh.. it's too sad that there is no completely working meego on N900 D:12:29
Robot101kkb110: no meego handset UI has been released publically yet12:30
Robot101kkb110: the reference UI has been delayed12:30
kkb110I see. thank you12:30
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JaffaMorning, all13:35
amjad1morning jaffa13:35
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kkb110afternoon all13:43
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amjad1afternoon kkb11013:47
amjad1looks like i am here for greeting every one :)13:48
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kkb110good, maybe that can be your second job, greeting every person in this channel :) (don't forget to say goodbye)13:49
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Abhijeethi w00t14:36
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CosmoHillsweets + hot car + 3 years = mess14:51
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damian_-_lol someone should have told me moblin is in the ubuntu repo's18:51
CosmoHillyou mean the ubuntu moblin remix?18:51
damian_-_umm well actually im using mint isadora. which uses the latest ubuntu repo's and sure enough there is a moblin session and associates programs in the repos18:52
* CosmoHill smiles and nods18:54
damian_-_loli wiped mymint and spent 2 days trying to install meego18:55
damian_-_wish i had of known it was as easy as that18:55
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john1can anyone please help me out, I have a toshiba nb305 and i just installed meego on it, everythinglooks amazing but it freezes unless i touch the touchpad19:09
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john1has anyone encountered the same thing?19:10
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* AstralStorm wants meego on n81022:10
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thiago_homerebuild it for OMAP222:12
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w00t_thiago_home: I think the ARM builds are actually ok, least, there's people playing with it on n8x022:48
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tremnite all, sweet dreams23:57
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