IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-04-03

lbtqgil_: gravatar is used by a few other resources around meego iirc00:00
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qgil_wow 129 users have done something in the iki in the last 7 days:
lbt_Sky_: *nod* ... not that I like messing with linux boxes or anything...00:01
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HahI also like the stats for N900/ARM pages ;)00:10
qgil_lbt linked to wiki editors in the whoswho page
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aldenive been unable to get my mouse to work in x.. im starting to wonder if its x's fault00:10
aldenany ideas?00:10
th0br0 huh?00:11
DawnFosterinteresting use of the user page00:11
lbtpeople do use them as scratch areas00:12
lbtobviously :)00:12
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lcukDawnFoster, seems reasonable to me00:22
lcuksaves giving a page a title for drafts - its often a problem00:22
lcukyou give something a temp name whilst you write proposal and it ends up not suiting the final document00:22
DawnFosterI just said it was an interesting use :)00:23
DawnFosterI love seeing how people use things in ways that are different from what most people do.00:23
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_Sky_i'm just trying to compile mic2, i think i will make and maintain a package for archlinux after i get i working, the only problem is that the user package of yum is outdated and unmaintained, maybe i have to maintain it too. I hope not :)00:35
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* alden cant get mouse to work on meego :(00:38
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sykopomp_Sky_: an arch package?! <301:15
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tremnite all, sweet dreams01:55
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aldenyou go02:08
aldenmee go02:08
aldenbye all02:08
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chidwow, so may people, will meego support GMA5003:12
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_Sky_yeah chid, so many people and nothing happens :D04:22
chiduseless people ;P04:22
chidso many idlers04:22
_Sky_maybe all bouncers ;)04:23
_Sky_or maybe all european like me who should sleep now ^^04:24
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_Sky_oh great, MIC2 doesnt work in archlinux because someone wrote a masterpiece of python code which uses /usr/bin/du (linux disk usage utility) to get a size of a file ^^ , but in archlinux and i guess also in other distributions  du is in /bin/du , python also has also funktions to get filesizes, i wonder why they didn't use them instead. For now i will write an archlinux patch05:14
_Sky_hm, now i'm in the chroot env and i get this if i try to use yum: CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config Error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum.conf05:21
_Sky_but the file exists and is accessible, yum also works outside of the chroot env05:22
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_Sky_after searching in the deeps of yum i found out that it uses curl and curl could resolve the file:// url because i had a proxy set which hostname wasn't known in the chroot env :D07:03
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Stskeepsgood morning Hah (carsten here)10:05
HahYou seem to be restless in these forums as well ;)10:10
Stskeepsi'm a community person with a tiny bit of IRC addiction ;)10:11
HahCan see that .. have to go to crogery store .. talk with you later ..10:12
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odin_the "garage" page on the site, do those cartoons characters look vulgar to you ?11:03
odin_the left one is a boy, and the right/pink one is a girl = a family (far right) ?11:04
odin_yep those things that "stick out" are meant to be arms11:08
odin_who created them?   intel?  are they having a knock at ARMs ?  LOL11:09
lbtyou need to get out more11:09
odin_ah that must be it, too much staring at screen11:10
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witanybody there?11:24
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witwill there be anything like a central app store for MeeGo?11:35
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anttuanybody tried 3g usb modem connection?12:13
anttui got it working except nameserver address is not updated12:13
anttuusepeerdns is in place in ppp settings12:14
gaveenwit, it's too early to say exactly. But I don't think there'll be something central governed by a single company/entity. But App store sort of thing from the project is in the talks12:19
anttuok, i got it from messages: /var/run/ppp/resolv.conf was missing12:19
anttuafter creating the file 3g connection works including dns12:20
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thiagoanttu: connman is a DNS proxy12:25
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CrashdownHi, please can i install Meego to SmartQ5??12:40
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Crashdowndoes anybody have SmartQ5 ??12:42
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anttuthiago: can you tell me a bit more about dns+conman12:44
lbtCrashdown: Stskeeps does... however the SmartQs don't have 3D support - so don't expect most of the Meego UI to work12:45
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lbtCrashdown: yes, I have a Q712:47
lbtI'm sure it'll get Meego at some point...12:47
anttuthiago: anyway, the connection works fine after creating the ppp resolv file12:47
Crashdownlbt: i just try to install Mer, Android and Linux to Smartq 5 (multiboot)12:48
lbtcool - how far are you getting?12:48
Crashdowni install everything but nothing function12:49
Crashdowni dont know what to do12:49
CrashdownWhat is your operating system?12:50
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lbtheh it's not installed until it works :)12:51
Crashdowni must go to lunch.. wait a minute :-D12:52
Crashdownjust a soap, im here12:57
Crashdowndid you try multiboot?12:57
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Stskeepsman, meego-dev is turning more toxic than talk.maemo.org13:35
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VDVsxeheh, true, some people will start blaming meego for everything :D13:39
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gaveenStskeeps, I'm also partially responsible it seems. :) << "man, meego-dev is turning more toxic than"14:57
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JaffaAf'noon, all15:20
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stefaai downloaded the meego usb image and booted my netbook. It brings me to a loginprompt. and now ?16:17
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stefaacan I start X from the prompt after login ?16:18
stefaalogin as ?16:18
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koupsaastefaa hi login root or meego16:19
LuciusMareAnybody here tried meego on n900? What were your experiences?16:19
koupsaapass meego16:19
stefaayeah, it works . Thx !16:20
thiagoLuciusMare: it's a nice xterm16:20
LuciusMarethiago: ?16:22
LuciusMareNo GUI?16:22
koupsaaand a pretty logo a boot and logoff16:22
stefaaI was expecting a little bit more at this point. More like the Moblin was.16:23
stefaaThere is no working image yet ?16:24
thiagoLuciusMare: xterm is graphical16:25
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koupsaai see xfce and another package like that in 'yum search' but for now i only get a mouse for 2s. but i hope tomorrow or netx week i get an x16:26
koupsaathere is some pb dependancies with rpm xorg-server xorg-x11-common16:26
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stefaaWhat am I babling about ? It's a core-img. So i'm impatient ! Be back later. Bye.16:33
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LuciusMare_so, meego is opensource. How much? I know that maemo had a few of it's components closed...17:10
CosmoHillall of it17:11
CosmoHillbut vendors can include closed source things I think17:12
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CosmoHillso if you bought a nokia with meego it would have Ovi Maps which is closed source17:12
StskeepsCosmoHill: all of the shared platform stuff, yes17:12
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_Sky_I just finished the archlinux package of MIC2, its in the AUR and called "mic2" , it would be great if some archlinux users would test it and give me some feedback, thx17:24
Stskeeps_Sky_: great job!17:24
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* CosmoHill shakes his fist at his program17:39
inzdoes it shake back?17:40
CosmoHillnot it doesn't17:40
CosmoHilllike many other things it doesn't that it should17:40
_Sky_whats the program you are working at ?17:41
CosmoHillit's a text based RPG game17:41
_Sky_:D nethack17:42
CosmoHillI'm having some troubles with an association class17:42
CosmoHilleg player.setScore(10) works17:42
CosmoHillbut player->setScore(10) doesn't17:43
CosmoHillbut player->getScore() would work17:44
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_Sky_looks like a pointer issue, is 'player' always the same ? looks like its sometimes a pointer and somtimes not ^^17:47
aldenCosmoHill: hey17:47
CosmoHillhey alden17:47
aldenCosmoHill: managed to get X running on your .vdi last night17:47
CosmoHill_Sky_: erm, in main() player is a instance17:47
CosmoHillin game() player is a pointer to the player in main17:47
CosmoHillalden: awesome17:47
aldenCosmoHill: tho couldnt get mouse to work.. not sure if its a xorg.conf problem or vbox17:48
CosmoHillmaybe it's a bit of both17:48
aldeni tried everything in xorg.conf .. i feel its vbox.. i noticed theres this usb mouse option that i cant seem to enable17:49
CosmoHillyou might have to install the guest addons from virtualbox17:50
CosmoHillnot to sure that will work on meego tho17:50
aldenCosmoHill: but is that possible on meego?17:50
aldenCosmoHill: yeah17:50
CosmoHillI'd take a snapshot before attempting to install it17:50
aldenCosmoHill: anyway, getting X to run was surprisingly straightforward.. i just installed the xorg packages from meego repo and it worked..17:51
aldenthats encouraging17:51
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aldenCosmoHill: oh yeah i did17:51
CosmoHillwant to tell me how and I can add it to the readme?17:51
aldenCosmoHill: ofcourse.. would u like my vdi ?17:52
CosmoHillthat would be cool17:52
CosmoHillif you put it somewhere public i could grab it from the server17:52
CosmoHill(the server isn't mine but I have access and it's damn fast)17:52
aldenCosmoHill: i tried zypper install xorg-.... one by one .. then finally got restless and just did zypper install xorg-*17:52
CosmoHillthen reboot?17:53
aldenCosmoHill: the xorg package filesizes are surprisingly small.. largest was 1.5MB .. downloaded quickly17:53
aldenCosmoHill: cool, can i upload it to ur server?17:54
CosmoHillnot directly17:54
_Sky_you can test if you have  mouse/mice device in /dev , sometimes in /dev/input17:54
aldeni dont think it required a reboot.. i think i just went ahead and did startx17:54
aldenit worked with the built-in config.. tho couldnt get mouse to work17:55
alden_Sky_: tried and failed17:55
_Sky_no mouse device 'file' there ?17:55
alden_Sky_: theres /dev/input/mouse0 and /dev/input/mice17:55
_Sky_try to cat /dev/input/mice and move your mouse17:55
_Sky_if it works its not a vbox issue17:55
alden_Sky_: no, fail17:57
_Sky_you should see a lot of crap then if you move your mouse :D17:57
_Sky_no output ?17:57
CosmoHillalden: if you're vdi has X11 and it just a quick install I wouldn't bother17:58
CosmoHillmy problem is that it took two hours to upload my vdi17:58
alden_Sky_: wow thats pretty neat.. just tried it on ubuntu :D17:58
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CosmoHillcat /bin/cat :)17:58
aldenCosmoHill: ok.. dont forget to install framebuffer17:58
aldenCosmoHill: and ill give you my xorg.conf that worked17:59
aldenCosmoHill: whoa :D17:59
lcukCosmoHill, how big is it ?17:59
aldenso much ascii17:59
aldenlcuk: 223MB17:59
lcukthat might explain the upload time lol18:00
CosmoHillcompressing it gets down to 201MB :(18:00
_Sky_are you uploading a vdi ? you can also convert the usb image to vdi18:01
CosmoHillit;s a good thing I don't have to pay for bandwidth on the server :)18:01
CosmoHill_Sky_: this VDI works on virtualbox18:02
_Sky_mine too :)18:02
CosmoHillthe meego usbimg doens't18:02
_Sky_you have to fix the syslinux first in the usb image and then convert it to vdi:
CosmoHilli think that x86 meego should be made to support virtualbox too for testing and stuff18:02
CosmoHillI know, i have a link to it18:03
aldenyeah definately18:03
_Sky_ok nice18:03
aldenor any good virtual testing environment18:03
CosmoHillthe server has a 200Mb/s connection :D18:04
CosmoHillapparantly I've found the dream host easter egg18:05
_Sky_is Xephyr also included in the meego repo ? i can't find it , normally it should be part of xorg-server18:05
aldenCosmoHill: the dreamhost easter egg?18:06
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LuciusMareso, one can try out the meego with X by virtualizing it?18:11
_Sky_currently i use meego in a chroot environment and i try to install xephyr to start an window based xserver on top of my own X, but you can also use a qemu/virtualbox image of meego and start the X-Server inside18:14
aldenLuciusMare: with an ubuntu kernel, yeah18:14
_Sky_its not limited to ubuntu18:14
LuciusMarealden: on which side? :)18:14
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aldenLuciusMare: what do u mean?18:15
CosmoHillalden: how do I install the framebuffer that you said meego needs?18:15
CosmoHillLuciusMare if you'd like I have a vdi image of meego18:16
aldenCosmoHill: there's a package.. i forget the name.. one sec18:16
LuciusMareCosmoHill: maybe i would like, i dont know how to run it with the qemu :)18:16
CosmoHilli wonder if i could rsync a dvi file18:16
CosmoHillmy bad18:16
CosmoHillon mo18:16
_Sky_install VirtualBox, its faster than qemu :)18:17
LuciusMare_Sky_: performance or setting up? :)18:17
_Sky_both ;)18:18
CosmoHillyou did want x86 right? not ARM?18:18
LuciusMareCosmoHill: i want to see what is it like, so at the moment, i dont care :)18:18
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_Sky_there is not much to see, only a standard x-server if you get it working18:20
aldenCosmoHill:  also install xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.11.0-1.1.i586.rpm18:20
LuciusMareI thought that there is already the interface18:20
CosmoHillshouldn't zypper install xorg-* install that?18:20
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_Sky_meego is using yum, so the suggested way should be simply: yum install xorg-x11-drv-fbdev-0.4.1-1.2.i586.rpm18:21
aldenCosmoHill: yeah18:21
aldenCosmoHill: i installed it first before trying xorg-*18:22
CosmoHillah okay18:22
CosmoHill_Sky_: moblin use's yum, meego uses zypper18:22
lbtTSCHAKeee: ordered the Joggler BTW...18:23
_Sky_are you sure ? the meego image creator needs yum18:23
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* LuciusMare looks over at the whole maemo community18:23
LuciusMareI wonder how will it all end18:23
CosmoHillbut alden installed x11 using zypper18:23
TSCHAKeee lbt: thank you :)18:23
CosmoHilllbt: what is that18:24
* TSCHAKeee is in the middle of porting orbiter to the SmartQ V718:24
TSCHAKeeeall these ARM cores18:24
TSCHAKeeeand their little subtle differences grrr :P :)18:24
* lbt glances behind him at his smartQ718:24
CosmoHillI've given up on my program since I'm stuck18:24
TSCHAKeeelbt: the V7 is very different from the original 718:24
aldenyum's there too18:25
TSCHAKeeethey use a telechips 8900 SoC18:25
lbtAh... V7  I have a mere 718:25
TSCHAKeeewhich has some awesome power in it.. but there's a punchline18:25
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TSCHAKeeeTelechips won't release drivers for the Mali200 :(18:25
tmzt_sounds like it needs a rockbox port instead of linux :)18:25
TSCHAKeeeand the somebody who wrote a VLC driver for the video accellerator will not release code either. :(18:26
CosmoHillflash 10 with AS3, i can program that18:26
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_Sky_CosmoHill: How sure are you about zypper ? i can see nothing in the wiki about it, i can only find instructions for using yum:
TSCHAKeeelbt: i'm currently nfs mounting a copied chroot and compiling everything on unit. heheehe.18:28
CosmoHillhold on18:29
TSCHAKeee(did I mention that I ($#@%(#@%#@ hate automake/conf/break?) :P18:29
CosmoHillooo that does look nice18:32
RST38hautomake is optional18:33
RST38hNo reason to use it nowadays too, you are pretty much guaranteed same compiler and libs everywhere18:34
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_Sky_It seems that yet yum is the standard software for packages because its everywhere in the wiki, it is installed by default in the developer image and zypper is only installed in the usb image, but i can install it in my chroot env with yum install zypper ^^18:38
lbtas I understand it yum is pure python whereas zypper uses C ... so handling larger pkg lists will be better in zypper18:39
Terjelbt, uses or is totally?18:40
_Sky_yeah thats correct, zypper might be faster because yum is written in python18:40
lbtI was deliberately vague ... I dunno. But libzyp (?) is in C18:41
lbtapt-get source zypper should tell you18:41
lbtoh wait...18:41
RST38hBesides, upgrading Python will not kill zypper. I hope.18:42
RST38hAt least, on Centos when you upgrade Python, yum breaks.18:43
TerjeRST38h, sounds like bad design.18:44
TerjeAnything should be upgradeable.18:44
_Sky_zypper and libzyp seems to be made by novell18:44
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lbtTerje: yeah, that's C-ish18:44
RST38hTerje: Well, it is RedHat18:44
RST38hTerje: Can't expect good design from it, really18:45
lbt_Sky_: and yes it came from openSuse/Novell originally18:45
TerjeRST38h, does that cover anything from RedHat?18:45
Terjelbt, looks to be C++ mostly.18:46
RST38hTerje: Pretty much all the RedHat-derived Linuxes I had misfortune to use. Dunno about the rest.18:46
TerjeRST38h, that sucks, because we're supposed to be as upgradeable with RPM base as with .deb base.18:47
RST38hTerje: Won't be very upgradeable on the ARMEL18:48
RST38hTerje: As to x86, I do not care much about it18:48
TerjeRST38h, then there's some work to do.18:49
RST38hTerje: But, basically, you do not see many ARMEL .rpm packages floating around, so this .rpm compatibility is kinda lost there18:49
RST38hTerje: Same goes for .deb of course: just having a .deb is not enough, it has to run on the particular device18:49
_Sky_i dont think that yum will break when you update python, it looks like python will be developed in version 2.x and 3.x for a while , they won't cut off version 2.x that fast because almost everyone is still using 2.x because 3.0 has major changes and no backward compatibility18:50
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TerjeRST38h, I was thinking more about quality of packaging, not the packaging format or tool.18:50
RST38hTerje: In any case, RPM has nothing to do with any of my negative RedHat experiences.18:50
_Sky_you have the same risk of breaking something with C when you upgrade libpng or glibc or something else :)18:51
TerjeSky, all Debian based distributions survive upgrading glibc or even init.18:52
_Sky_I'm using Archlinux, its bleeding-egde, i know what i'm talking about ;)18:52
RST38hSky: In a well designed system (eg FreeBSD) all the tools required to run the system base are installed separately, at the versions that are known to work18:53
RST38hSky: And it keeps previous libc versions, for compatibility, as packages18:53
TerjeRST38h, I believe FreeBSD uses a lot of static linking. That's a killer in embedded environment.18:53
RST38hTerje: Not that I have seen that18:53
RST38hTerje: In fact, the absolutley minimal version fits on a floppy, so it should not be all that bad :)18:54
_Sky_in Archlinux you have always the newest packages of all, most packages are available a few hours or maybe 2 days after the release of a new version.18:55
TerjeRST38h, initial version doesn't matter. If you keep upgrading from one version to another and the disk space is wasted on old versions of libraries, you're at some point going to hit a brick wall.18:55
RST38hHow nice! Except that this made Redhat lose 1/3 of my dissertation once18:55
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RST38hLatest kernel, installed by some dumbo from RedHat Corporate Support18:55
RST38hDid not work very well with the NFS.18:56
RST38hTerje: It does not work this way18:56
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RST38hTerje: It is not gonna keep old library versions, only the ones needed to run the system you installed18:57
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RST38hTerje: When you actually *upgrade* to the next OS release, that basic set gets overwritten, afaik18:57
_Sky_Terje left 3min ago18:58
RST38hYou do not upgrade FreeBSD in parts18:58
RST38hah =)18:58
_Sky_i sometimes have the problem that my arch packages are too new :D but that mostly happens if i try to install binarys. But i try to not do that ^^19:00
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RST38hSky: I doubt that Archlinux is usable for any real work though...19:00
_Sky_Archlinux doesnt keep old packages or librays, everything is keept bleeding edge19:00
RST38hMostly for recompiling your kernel every night or something19:01
_Sky_no, that happens with gentoo19:01
_Sky_archlinux has precompiled binarys19:01
_Sky_except the user repository19:01
* RST38h facepalms at Linux silently19:02
_Sky_its simple, easy, fast, no modified packages as possible, no own gui tools or somethink like that, just pure linux :)19:02
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_Sky_But you need to be a geek and need to have time ;) , because there are updates every day and often you have to renew some configuration files, but the packagemanger(pacman) ist the best i have ever seen
RST38hWell, that excludes most people19:05
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_Sky_yes, i didn't say its a distribution for somebody who wants a linux that just works and has a nice preinstalled gui and gui configuration tools. But if somebody likes to be up-to-date and digg a bit deeper into linux and don't want to compile everythink like in gentoo, then its simply the best :)19:09
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RST38hnaah, the OS is a workhorse, you use it to do work, not for sexual gratification19:10
_Sky_but you can't use up-to-date packages with ubuntu or debian for example, either you use ppa's which are insecure/untrusted or you speed much time compiling it and its dependencys which can be very much because of other packages/librarys which are now also out of date19:14
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RST38hBut I do not need to, just need them to work most of the time.19:16
_Sky_and if something breaks you often find yourself in a maze of depencies and distribition tools and you don't have a clue where to start searching for the bug that now caused your x-server/dbus/hal/... not to work properly anymore and you fear to change some configuration files because they are often overwritten by other tools or just break something else19:17
_Sky_RST38h: didn't you ever want to try something out at the time you read that it was released and has a very cool new feature ?19:20
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RST38hSometimes, but I will usually wait for a binary package becoming available19:22
_Sky_for example, kde 4.4.2 and gnome 2.30  were recently released, how long do you have to wait to get them ?19:22
RST38hI am not interested in these19:23
_Sky_it was an example ;)19:23
RST38hBad example then19:23
_Sky_im not either, iam using openbox19:23
_Sky_*lxde with openbox19:23
RST38hWhen I really want to run something fresh, it is usually a standalone package, smallish19:24
RST38hlike some game, emulator, or an IDE19:24
RST38hat the very worst case, I can compile these. But if they do not compile, I am fine, do not need them for work19:24
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_Sky_i can understand that, but i for my part love to try out new things and see whats happening in the opensource world :)19:27
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_Sky_I don't want to wait until the next distribution release, the arch packages are mostly stable and tested enough, of course sometimes they aren't because of a very short testing time, but i like to fix/test things and i often learn more about linux or some programming languages when i do so :)19:31
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oj_hello all19:48
oj_has anyone here tried the meego preview on a netbook yet?19:48
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lbtTSCHAKeee: you may want to update
_Sky_I would suggest you to use CosmoHill's vdi (VirtualBox) image, you can get it here: , but you can also make it working with qemu at x86 with these instructions:
TSCHAKeeelbt: oh yeah, murcel will edit that. ;)19:59
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oj_nice! i was just downloading a vm of fedora to build that usbiso too20:06
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postmanPechkingood evening20:06
oj_thank you!20:07
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WhiteWolfhi guys20:09
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WhiteWolfanyone alive ?20:10
amjadsaturday people become zombies here :)20:10
WhiteWolfi have a question burning on my tung, and thought it might be best posted here :P20:11
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postmanPechkini am alive20:12
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WhiteWolftoday i stumbled across the fact, that maemo on the nokia n900 is more "open" than i thought, it even has a rootshell and so on... i wondered if meego would have those possibillities too on upcoming mobile phones20:14
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_Sky_i hope so, otherwise, build your own meego image for you phone if you miss something ;)20:18
WhiteWolfwould be nice to be able to use my phone to checkout my server at home via ssh ^^20:18
_Sky_openssh is already in the meego repository20:19
WhiteWolf(still use a creepy old samsung sgh-d600 and i'm looking for a new one now, should be linux-based)20:20
WhiteWolfand the n900 looks very promising20:20
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WhiteWolfwell, i hope the good old bash will make it into meego too :)20:21
_Sky_it's already there20:22
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WhiteWolfthats what i wanted to hear. thanks ;)20:22
_Sky_but meego is in a very early state20:22
WhiteWolfi know20:23
_Sky_there is no gui yet ;)20:23
WhiteWolfwho needs graphix xD20:23
_Sky_ would suggest you to try CosmoHill's vdi (VirtualBox) image, you can get it here:
WhiteWolfthanks :)20:24
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TSCHAKeeeholy fuck, this is painful21:15
TSCHAKeeenfs mount over wifi to an arm mid21:15
TSCHAKeeechroot even21:15
TSCHAKeeebut it is STILL BETTER21:16
TSCHAKeeethan beating the living crap out of autobreak to behave21:16
_Sky_is there any reason why Xephyr is not in the repository ?21:18
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_Sky_otherwise i'll try to make a package for it21:19
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thiagowhy do you need xephyr in the MeeGo repository?21:20
Stskeeps_Sky_: maybe in extra21:21
_Sky_because i use it with chroot on my pc and want a seperate X-Server for it with different resolutions21:21
w00t_doesn't scratchbox talk about running xephyr on the host?21:22
* w00t_ vaguely remembers something like that21:22
_Sky_oh yes, sorry my fault :D21:22
thiagoyou're explaining why you want Xephyr21:23
_Sky_you are right ;)21:23
thiagoyou're not explaining why you want Xephyr in MeeGo21:23
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thiagostart Xephyr from your outer distro21:23
_Sky_it was a bit ago since i used it the last time, so i mixed it up a little :)21:24
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_Sky_it works fine now, thanks for the hint ;)21:27
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_Sky_are there plans to make a modified xfce or something like that for meego or is it in the repo just for testing purposes ?21:30
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CosmoHill_Sky_: I can see everytime you recommend the VM cos it sets off my highlight :)22:04
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