IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2010-03-29

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CosmoHillanyone here good with audio equipment?01:29
lbthow good?01:30
CosmoHillwell I need a cable for a subwoofer01:31
fishieis the ui going to be changed at all for the next release? i heard its coming out the end of this month, we are running out of days01:31
CosmoHillbut I want a good cable cos a bad one will just make a constant rumble01:31
lbtin what setting?01:31
CosmoHillfishie: I think meego is using the moblin UI for 1.0 but will have a new UI for 1.101:32
CosmoHilloh sorry, house, my bedroom01:32
lbtwhat amp?01:32
CosmoHillCambridge Audio 340R01:32
lbtanything over £1/m is wasted money :)01:33
lbtQED79 or equivalent is fine01:33
lbtobviously crappy bellwire isn't a good idea01:33
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CosmoHillthe sub is active and takes a RCA lead01:36
lbtIn that case you need an RCA cable :)01:37
lbtLike I have for my Rel Stratus01:37
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lbtcpc/farnell are excellent01:47
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CosmoHillhmm, £60 subwoofer lead o.o01:48
CosmoHillthere's a £90 one too01:49
CosmoHillthat's worrying as the sub is £100 :o01:49
CosmoHill ?01:52
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CosmoHilllbt: how fast are cpc postage?02:12
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CosmoHillnight night03:41
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privatehuffis the moblin project dead ?  (in leiu of meego)06:03
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GAN900privatehuff, not dead06:46
GAN900more renamed06:46
GAN900Since MeeGo is way more Moblin than it is Maemo.06:46
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paranoid_pedlaris there a possibility of meego becoming a distro for desktops or laptops?09:26
Stskeepswell, netbooks are a target09:27
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lbt900rwg thoughts anyone10:16
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polaclbt900, planning on presenting rwg to tsg this wednesday?10:25
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lbtpolac: that's the idea :)10:57
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slaineugh, need coffee10:59
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polaclbt, Good! waiting is killing me. At least something is happening. :)11:04
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lbtI've been prodding people to provide feedback - qgil had some arguments that the RWG is a part of the CWG. I disagree and I'd like to make sure we address his points11:09
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thiagoplease be clear if you're talking about the DEB repository only, or the RPM one, or both11:14
thiagoand whether you mean the core MeeGo or just the open source "Extras"11:14
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lbtthiago: is that at me?11:17
lbtdid you read the ml posts?11:17
lbtand the wiki page?11:17
thiagoML yes, wiki no11:17
lbt100% rpm... nothing to do with Deb11:17
RST38ha separate deb repo has been jeremiah's proposal11:18
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lbtindeed - and there would be assistance and support as there would be to any community members/projects11:19
lbtbut I expect they would track the RWG and it's unlikely indeed to mention debs anywhere11:19
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lbtthiago: ping me with questions/comments - this has to be finalised today for a wed meeting11:24
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Tm_Tqgil is not online, hmph12:15
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thiagowork day12:19
* Tm_T huggles thiago instead12:21
slaineThis is the week12:21
thiagoyes, it's the Easter week12:21
slaineHope everyones excited12:22
slaineYeah, nail'em up friday and Zombie sunday12:22
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Tm_Tslaine: for incoming april 1st ?12:22
slaineDay 1 is March 31st12:22
Stskeepsday one being april first would be comical ;)12:22
Stskeeps"yes, we decided to go with android"12:23
Tm_TStskeeps: no need to curse |;12:23
Tm_Tthat a-word always reminds me of one dead phone...12:24
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timelesshello from stockholm (kista)12:30
Stskeepshow's the weather?12:31
timelessit was very foggy on Saturday, it's sunny now, and there are nice windows in the office here :)12:31
timelessoh, and instead of having a really stupid floorplan, they have a sensible one12:31
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Stskeepsit is possible to actually navigate sanely there?12:32
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timelesstwo desks side by side, with two desks facing them... repeated in rows and columns12:32
timelessin this office? yeah, in the city? kinda12:32
timelessarg. i can't find any qt people :(12:33
thiagoyeah, we hide12:33
timelessok, tag, you're it.12:33
timelessi see code that looks like this:12:33
timeless                    QApplication::postEvent(this, new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Enter, 0));12:33
* thiago points out the existence of #qt and #qt-labs12:33
timelessCoverity complains about the fact that the QKeyEvent created there doesn't get deleted anywhere12:34
timelessalready asked in #qt12:34
thiagothe event loop deletes it12:34
timelessso, probably coverity found the idiotic STUB implementations which do not12:34
* timeless grumbles12:35
Summelitimeless: that code works on s60 phones at least12:35
thiagono, it's probably that coverity can't follow the event queue12:35
thiagodeletion happens in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThread*)12:35
SummeliI should put my Qt code to github too, I also had some issues with postevent's, but I can't remember the case12:36
thiagoqcoreapplication.cpp:1361 or thereabouts12:36
timelessthiago: coverity is supposed to be able to recognize whether a variable escapes12:36
* thiago recommends gitorious for various reasons12:36
thiagoforemost among them that it's hosted in Oslo, so it's very fast for me :-)12:37
timelessthis is a case where coverity found a bogus stub impl12:37
timelessis dui open enough that it can be found in gitorious?12:37
thiagodui is on gitorious12:37
Stskeepsyeah, it's on qt.gitorious.org12:37
thiagoright next to its "competitor"12:37
timelessnothing competes with dead code12:38
timelesswhy bother?12:38
thiagojust more dead code12:38
timelessstskeeps: so how do i find a file in it?12:38
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thiagoas in "I don't know where this file is, search it for me" or "let me browse the tree" ?12:39
timelessi don't want to have to figure out which stupid repository is hiding this stupid file12:39
timelessand if you don't think it's stupid, well, see pastebin :)12:39
timelessas i said, coverity is good at finding crappy stubs12:40
timelesswe have this idiotic approach to unit testing12:40
timelesswhere people are encouraged to write crappy stubs for everything12:40
timelesswhich makes coverity incredibly noisy12:40
timelessbecause why shouldn't it follow a path from real code into a stub?12:40
timelessseems perfectly reasonable to me :/12:41
thiagothe link you're looking for is:
timeless(i.e. coverity's logic is logical, the management approach is insane)12:41
timelessthanks :)12:41
timelessnow everyone can poke their eyes out :)12:42
thiagothose function-hijacking... they are bound to break12:42
thiagoQt is often compiled with -Bsymbolic-functions12:42
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thiagotimeless: I lost my appetite...12:43
timelessi think i tried to warn you12:43
thiagoor is it daylight savings....12:43
timelesswell, since i flew from HEL to ARN on Friday and the time zones moved around on Sun12:44
timelessi'm not sure i really noticed :)12:44
w00t_timeless: I can probably accept .mht, sorry, I had to run off the other day12:45
timelesssorry, i'm ok12:48
timelesswell, if i ignore a headache12:48
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timelesssomeone a few rows away is playing some piano/classical? music12:48
* timeless doesn't think the headache is related12:48
Stskeepsprobably flu12:49
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timelessstskeeps: yeah, quite likely, i'm still taking medicine for it :(12:51
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timelessthiago: how familiar are you w/ gcc's optimization support?13:03
timeless(actually, this question is really for anyone)13:03
thiagothen make the question :-)13:03
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timelesswill the compiler recognize that the last green block is unreachable if MOZ_GFX_OPTIMIZE_MOBILE is defined13:03
timeless(and by recognizing it, manage to drop that blob)13:04
thiagohinting isn't always true13:04
thiagoit's only true if that function returns FcResultMatch13:04
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th00rylbt: i know i'm lagging behind, just writing everything :D will have it done by this evening.13:08
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timelessthiago: i'm interested in the case where MOZ_GFX_OPTIMIZE_MOBILE is defined13:40
timelessif it's defined, then the block you're reading won't be compiled13:41
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* thiago misread it then13:45
thiagoright, then the compiler optimises out dead code13:46
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jeremiah_lbt: ping18:32
jeremiah_lbt: I would like to set up my own OBS - do you have any docs?18:32
jeremiah_The site is kinda lacking :/18:32
X-Fadejeremiah_: No kidding ;)18:32
RST38hmoo jeremiah18:32
X-Fadejeremiah_: installed openSUSE 11.2 already?18:33
Stskeepsif not, that's a start :P18:34
X-FadeSeems quite hard to do without it.18:34
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jeremiah_X-Fade: Ick. I hope I don't have to18:35
Stskeepsyou do18:35
jeremiah_So much for no vendor lock-in18:35
Stskeepsi mean, technically it can run without, but the guides are for opensuse18:35
Stskeepsconsidering that you can build debian -and- rpm systems on there, it is a bit opposite vendor lock in18:35
Stskeepsthey probably just need people packaging it up for debian18:35
leinirjeremiah_: if you want, please do try it without - and while you're at it, i'd suggest you write a non-distribution-specific guide so others can follow your example ;)18:35
jeremiah_Only the lock in is with the build system itself :P18:36
jeremiah_leinir: Sure. I'm stupid enough to try. :)18:36
jeremiah_Can someone point me to relevant docs?18:36
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jeremiah_Hard to negotiate the site.18:36
leinirHey, this is open source - you got an itch? Scratch it! ;)18:36
jeremiah_I'm itchy all over.18:36
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jeremiah_Feel like I fell in poison ivy18:37
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jeremiah_Guess it is time to drop into #opensuse-buildservice18:38
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jeremiah_Hmm, Gitorious looks down.18:51
jeremiah_That's interesting.18:51
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lbtjeremiah_: ping me in an hour...  I have cut'n'paste for you19:18
lbtdo  minimal server only 11.2 install on a VM19:18
lbtor google "OBS appliance"19:18
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th0br0lbt_:  ping20:11
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th0br0lbt_: i'm just wondering if there is much that we need anyway after (i guess you?) updated the wiki page so niceley...20:13
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th0br0well yeah, i just read your mail now. good work lbt_ and sorry for not being around to help...20:48
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svscvscHi, I have a query regarding maemo, moblin / meego - do you have root access to the device as standard?21:00
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thiagosvscvsc: you have root access to Maemo devices21:02
thiagothere are currently no MeeGo devices. When they ship, we'll see.21:02
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trumeeguys, will meego access camera via gstreamer like maemo?21:02
svscvscI see. To me that makes maemo the platform that can win between iPhone / Android21:02
rsalvetitrumee: probabbly, generally they request to have the v4l2 implemented by the hardware vendor21:03
rsalvetithen they can use gstreamer normally to access the camera, take pictures and so on21:03
thiagosvscvsc: root access is *usually* not part of the win criteria21:03
rsalvetimaemo 5 is using the camerabin, so I think that they will work on a similar solution at the future21:03
trumeersalveti: great. so what is the role of qt-mobility project?21:03
svscvscthiago, but it connotes a lot of flexibility that will allow the platform to thrive and adapt and basically meet more peoples needs more of the time21:04
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rsalvetitrumee: thiago can say more about it, but I believe that it's just an abstraction layer on top of different components21:04
thiagosvscvsc: sorry, but no21:04
svscvscThe open philosophy, it's my phone. If I want an encrypted contact book, I could get it on maemo, but not on android / iPhone as you cannot tinker with the contact list apps21:04
thiagosvscvsc: the goal of the project is to have flexibility and be very, very open21:04
thiagosvscvsc: unlike those other two platforms21:04
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thiagosvscvsc: but that doesn't mean all devices need to have root access21:04
svscvscthiago, that is what I just said...21:05
trumeethiago: what will change once qt-mobility is ready for maemo5/621:05
rsalvetitrumee: so in the end I would say that qt-mobility will use gstreamer to access the camera device21:05
svscvscsvscvsc, I mean, having root access, as a philosophy, being able to change the contact list app for instance, that is what I mean21:05
rsalvetibut, they could use the v4l2 directly, so I not 100% sure about it21:05
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trumeethiago: will qt-mobility support N900?21:06
thiagotrumee: nothing will change21:06
svscvscIs anyone here working for Nokia?21:06
thiagoqt-mobility will probably support Harmattan first21:06
rsalvetia lot of people :-)21:06
thiagoFremantle soon thereafter21:06
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rsalvetithiago: but how about the camera devices?21:06
w00t_svscvsc: fairly good guess that there are, yes ;)21:06
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thiagorsalveti: I have no idea about them21:06
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thiagothe Camera API is being implemented as part of the Multimedia module21:07
rsalvetiI think they will keep using gstreamer, but I not that sure about it21:07
thiagothat doesn't mean it will stay there. That doesn't mean it needs to be gstreamer either.21:07
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rsalvetithey could use v4l2 with OMX directly, but I guess that this is a lot of work21:07
w00t_making assumptions about the underlying technology is bad anyway21:07
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rsalvetiyeah, but needs to be flexible in a way the hardware vendors can implement different multimedia support easily21:08
svscvscI have one final, kinda big question (since I am still grokking the sites) - the development kit - is it all native, or is there a Java layer on top of this, exposing things like accellerometer / camera / other features (and you can develop in this, or natice)21:08
trumeethiago: is there any way to access the camera for a qt app in N900 presently?21:08
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thiagotrumee: the Camera API is not ready21:08
thiagotrumee: you can access via non-Qt API21:08
RST38hno java afaik21:08
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Stskeepsevening DawnFoster21:08
trumeethiago: ah! ok21:08
rsalvetiyeah, at the moment you can use the gstreamer or v4l2 directly21:08
rsalvetineed to go, meeting :-(21:09
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trumeethiago: is there any example of a qt app accessing camera via a non-qt api?21:10
thiagotrumee: I have no clue21:10
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thiagoprobably not21:10
svscvscI am confused, isn't qt just a windowing toolkit?21:10
svscvscbuttons, scrollers, components, events et al?21:11
lpotternope. its more than that21:11
w00t_svscvsc: no, it's an application development framework21:11
svscvscah. I see21:11
thiagothe UI part of Qt is, pardon the pun, the most visible part21:11
w00t_ <- wander around that21:11
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trumeeso a qt app cannot use a camera at all then. too bad.21:11
thiagobut there's a lot more21:11
thiagotrumee: 20:08 < thiago> trumee: you can access via non-Qt API21:12
svscvsctrumee, but can't a qt app just make the call to get the data, and paint it onto a panel?21:12
thiagotrumee: from "you can access" you concluded that "you cannot access", how?21:12
svscvscor am I being naive here21:12
trumeethiago: well couldnt find example of any code21:12
w00t_trumee: just because it has not been done does not mean it isn't possible21:13
w00t_it simply means that nobody has done it21:13
thiagotrumee: ok, so from "no one has done it before" you concluded "it cannot be done" ?21:13
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trumeethiago: yes :)21:13
thiagothat's a bit defeatist21:13
thiagoyou don't get anything without some effort. So put some brainpower into it.21:14
svscvscthiago, where is the source code for the non-qt stuff?21:14
svscvsci.e. where would the 'native' (or non-qt... what do we call 'non-qt'?) code for camera access be?21:15
trumeeis it possible to write code for the camera using the SDK but which uses the desktop webcam. The intention is not to use the N900 for development.21:15
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thiagosvscvsc: s/native/platform-specific/21:15
svscvscah. ah. ouch21:15
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svscvscHow much platform specific work do android phones go through? I think they are all pretty standardized right?21:15
jeremiah_lbt: You rock my world.21:16
jeremiah_But it's been two hours and you're not here21:16
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thiagosvscvsc: they are entirely platform-specific21:16
thiagosvscvsc: as in "Android-specific"21:17
thiagoAndroid has very, very little that is cross-platform, even to other Linux-based devices21:17
svscvscI thought you mean 'platform specific' meaning hardware-specific21:17
thiagono, I meant software platform21:17
w00t_thiago is (afaik) mostly a software guy - so he's biased :P21:17
svscvscRight. OK. So, where is the 'platform' code for meego / maemo - or whichever the person is asking about the camera for :-)21:17
thiagoAndroid vs standard Linux vs other platforms (Solaris, Windows, Mac, Symbian, whatever)21:17
svscvscAndroid == kernel + VM + APIs, quite a nice layer IMHO21:18
w00t_ <- I presume this is related, as far as Maemo is concerned21:19
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svscvscSo, which is the base /linux/ being used for meego? Or is it just a kernel version plus a few low level libs / daemons ?21:19
w00t_MeeGo will probably prefer QtMobility, or alternatively, whatever specific interfaces vendors have21:19
Stskeepssvscvsc: meego itself21:19
w00t_svscvsc: MeeGo is the base21:20
svscvsc... so what is meego? is it a linux kernel + userspace derrivative of linux?21:20
aukemeego is a full linux stack21:20
svscvscah ok, so you are saying it is its own distro, I get it21:20
* w00t_ would say: a Linux distribution for mobile devices21:21
aukeseveral (confusing) ways of describing what it is :)21:21
svscvscok. Nice. So, where are the sources for meego (or whichever flavor has video access)21:21
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w00t_they aren't yet available, first code release is this week21:21
trumeew00t_: can that camera C api be called from within qt?21:21
svscvscAnd, those video drivers need to be added for each available hardware camera?21:21
w00t_trumee: given that Qt is a C++ library, and C++ is a subset of C, yes21:22
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svscvscso when XYZ company makes a 1 petapixel mobile phone camera, they'll add a driver for it that gets loaded into meego, and exposed through a standard mechnism?21:22
aukesvscvsc: what camera drivers are you interested in?21:22
svscvscauke, none in specifics, just getting an idea how far alone the concept of having augmented reality apps in a meego store is :-)21:22
aukeif said camera driver gets merged into the linux kernel, it's all that is really needed21:22
svscvscright, gotcha21:23
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w00t_also, s/sub/super/21:23
trumeeunfortunately, i have used qt only. it will be helpfull if somebody can point to using gstreamer code like above in a qt app.21:24
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svscvscThanks for the code release info w00t_ . I guess the code will support any camera drivers that exist, and the code forms the platform APIs that are exposed to meego developers?21:25
svscvsctrumee, not knowing the code or specifics, it looks like you want to retreive frame data, and display it onto a paintable area (creating your own video display) this of course has no acceleration.21:25
aukehardware drivers ideally will all be merged in the linux kernel, and meego will build on the standard kernel API's21:25
w00t_it may be a bit early to be expecting camera stuff to be mature right now be.. what auke said21:25
aukeso, V4L, etc21:25
auke"ideally" :)21:26
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w00t_auke: you type too quickly21:26
svscvscI see. So you could also just code directly into V4L?21:26
svscvsc(on a side note, is anyone here based on Berlin right now?)21:26
svscvscs/on/in - hey, my MacBook was pre-13"Pro and doesn't have backlit keyboard, and my office is dark! :-)21:27
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w00t_trumee: may be relevant, I really don't know :)21:28
aukeyou can probably use gstreamer to grab video frames, though V4L, yes21:29
aukethat would be a nicely layered design21:29
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trumeew00t_: thanks21:29
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svscvscauke, I've developed some security systems that process video frames, graph changes, store millions of HD frames a day across servers, it worked well, was written in Java, exposed all the camera information through http to reduce any native code issues and platform issues across the other clients21:30
aukesure, sounds like it was an interesting project :)21:31
svscvscI watched the TED talk which showed the photosynth / GPS / streetview matching 'demo', a live mobile video broadcast that gets remapped to the static image21:32
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svscvscIt was something I've been wanting to do for a while, using either google data sets, or some others (there are other companies doing street mapping data). Imagine a video call that zooms in on the globe to the person you are talking to, and allows them to use a shared local context when talking to you21:33
svscvscLike, pointing the phone, giving you directions to where they exactly are. Seems a natural API for sharing how to get here info.21:33
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* lbt looks around at the hive of activity leading up to day 1....23:25
* CosmoHill falls out of bed23:26
lbtor we could talk about hifi23:26
lbtdoes meego use pulseaudio...23:26
lbtcan we install jack ?23:27
lbttouch screen mixing desks!23:27
CosmoHilloo, i have a little idea of what you're talking about23:27
lbtgoogle is your friend23:27
Stskeepslbt: a cluster of jogglers for mixing23:28
lbtI was just eyeing mine23:28
Stskeepsthe capacitive screen might come in handy23:28
lbtactually that interface is almost touchable as-os23:29
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CosmoHilllbt: we've not got a cable yet23:32
CosmoHillso we're gonna have to go out tomorrow and get one :)23:32
lbtshoulda ordered one - cpc ship fast23:33
lbtand miles better than Richer Sounds23:33
CosmoHillpostage is 1/2 the price of the cable23:35
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CosmoHill£10 cable, £5 postage23:35
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th0br0lbt: good night :P23:40
lbtnight th0br0 - seen the updates to the page23:40
th0br0lbt: sure.23:40
lbtand I put it on the proposals23:40
lbtwe're getting a little argument in the ml23:40
th0br0yeah, i read that...23:41
th0br0although i don't really see qgil's point23:41
lbtno, me neither... by that arg "there can be only one"23:41
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* lbt wasn't sure if qgil has the throat to pull that off ;)23:41
lbtwas going to prod DawnFoster again...23:42
DawnFosterhi lbt :)23:42
lbthey there :)23:42
lbtCRWG proposal and debates on the ml...23:43
lbtTero said my email was long and confusing :(23:44
lbthe's finnish though :)23:44
Stskeepsverbosity is a curse sometimes23:44
th0br0I found it explanative.23:45
DawnFosterI'm still trying to figure out the WGs in general.23:45
lbtthe finns never use 3 words when 17 is a bare minimum for comprehension!23:45
DawnFostermy preference is to push as much of the work into the main projects the way we did with localization23:45
lbtI think the argument here depends on whether meego has a 'supported' core23:46
DawnFosteruntil we get a little more clarity on the overall meego project structure, I'm not sure how the individual WGs fit in23:46
CosmoHillhey people23:46
DawnFosterdefine 'supported core'?23:46
th0br0but why is qgil always ripping those threads apart... thunderbird mostly makes his messages new posts...23:47
lbtand I think it has to have that - ie packages where Meego takes responsibility for the maintainer23:47
lbtand finds a new one if the maintainer goes MIA23:47
lbtand defining 'supported' is indeed important23:47
lbtI assume that some packages *won't* be in Meego23:48
lbtthese are "unsupported" :)23:48
* Stskeeps liked his own 'company' analogy23:48
th0br0defining 'supported' is more or less up to the TSG imho. there's only so much that the community can do on its own "behind the scenes"...23:48
lbtyep... but whatever they decide23:48
lbtwe're on the other side of the line (at least with RWG hats on)23:49
DawnFosterThat's exactly why I want to see the project stucture before we make too many assumptions about what is / is not supported23:49
lbtwe've seen it though23:49
lbtit's moblin23:49
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CosmoHilldammit, i search for "RCA cable" and got four vacuum cleaners!23:49
lbtor so close as makes no difference23:50
Stskeepslbt: like what? :P23:50
th0br0true more or less23:50
lbtgive or take 50%23:50
DawnFosterI'm going to try to get all of this into the TSG agenda for Wednesday23:50
lbtso long as they read the wiki and probably that thread23:50
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Stskeepsi just hope with day one that things start running more smoothly :P23:51
lbtDawnFoster: if you don't mind my asking, what's your background? do you have a profile anywhere?23:51
th0br0wasn't day one supposed to be today or sth like that?23:51
DawnFosterlbt - put a link to the thread in the wiki, and I'll do what I can to make sure they read the wiki proposals :)23:51
lbtcrack the whip on them!23:51
DawnFosterlbt sure:
Stskeepsth0br0: hopefully not23:51
* Stskeeps is relaxing way too much then23:51
th0br0Stskeeps: no idea, i can't remember really23:52
DawnFosteri've done everything from unix sys admin to marketing, but lately focused on community management23:52
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lbtit just helps to know what area you understand - I can't tell if you have that glazed look I so often see ;)23:52
Stskeepsth0br0: a good guess would be 31st23:52
lbtth0br0: a better guess would be 23:59 on 31st at GMT+1323:53
Stskeepsah, a longer deadline23:53
Stskeepsi'm in23:53
th0br000:00 on 1st at GMT+1323:53
th0br0But then, given that it'll be april fool's day...23:53
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lbtth0br0: I use tbird - but you're right the thread is pooched23:56
th0br0i use tbird too23:56
th0br0that is, if tbird == the bird with the thunder.23:57
Stskeepsit'll be interesting to see if the merit thing will work for employees too, as in, to gain access/commits you'll need to have merit as well23:57
th0br0it's a shame that it makes such blunders.23:57
th0br0Stskeeps: likely not...23:57
Stskeepsthere will probably be some funny situations :P23:57
th0br0and it's most often the actualy employees's packages that are in a horrible condition ;)23:57
Stskeepsi see it as a bit of a problem if people can 'jump the line' because of the people in charge of a WG/team is in same company, but that's just me :)23:59
Robot101Stskeeps: we're always careful in Collabora to hold each other to the same standards we do outsiders23:59
* Stskeeps nods23:59

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