IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2010-03-05

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inzthiago, oh wait, it shortened the day; we need anti-earthquakes!00:00
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thiago_homeI was going to change QDateTime to use floating point because of that00:00
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opdf2thiago_home:  is this n900+1 device 3G 1700 band compatible, like the n900? or is not enough known yet?00:01
ShadowJKnot known00:02
thiago_homethat I have no clue00:02
ShadowJKmostly "developer" kind of info that has leaked out ;)00:02
thiago_homeI have seen pictures of the first prototypes and they look real nice00:03
thiago_homebut are you going to trust me?00:03
* GeneralAntilles doesn't get why Nokia just does not care about community retention.00:04
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: you've got it wrong00:04
thiago_homeNokia does care00:04
lcuki thought people that had seen those devices were sealed inside a vault in the basement of the nrc00:04
pupnik_GeneralAntilles: the devices keep getting better.  Check your expectations.00:04
thiago_homeNokia can't seem to do it right, though00:04
GeneralAntillesIt's simple00:04
GeneralAntillesDon't abandon all of your existing customers with each new release00:04
thiago_homeand how would that be done?00:04
GeneralAntillesand don't poison your community with information vacuums.00:04
GeneralAntillesEasy, come out and say Harmattan will ship for the N900.00:05
thiago_homeor come out and say it won't?00:05
lcukthiago_home, based on prior experience with any sort of prototype, the only good looking prototype i ever heard of was "Eve" and she had to go eat an apple00:05
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, less good, but better than not saying anything.00:05
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: fair enough, it's a good point00:05
GeneralAntillesConsidering that any justification is going to be business or marketing based. . . .00:06
andliI guess Nokia want to sell support services for Qt........00:06
lcukGeneralAntilles, there is something much better now that people here can answer.   meego will be supported by n90000:06
GeneralAntilleslcuk, not anything new.00:06
GeneralAntilleslcuk, and doesn't help with Harmattan/N90000:06
lcukstop asking questions you know people cannot say00:06
GeneralAntillesHey, look, N900 will be a dev platform!00:06
GeneralAntillesI'm not asking any questions00:06
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GeneralAntillesI'm pointing out areas where Nokia seems to constantly fail.00:06
lcukyou are expecting statement from bods here00:07
lcukand making them feel uncomfortable00:07
GeneralAntillesI'm not expecting statements00:07
GeneralAntillesI just want people to understand what the issue is00:07
thiago_homeyou're also expecting that a company will reveal its plans before they are ready00:07
burchroh dear00:07
thiago_homeand tip the competition00:07
burchrwhat *have* I walked into00:07
GeneralAntillesOne of the costs of being open.00:07
thiago_homeI mean, Apple doesn't say *anything* about their products until release.00:07
GeneralAntillesThe FUD we've got right now is poisoning the community.00:07
andliwhat FUD00:08
GeneralAntillesApple also doesn't seem to have trouble supporting existing devices.00:08
lcuki thought this mornings news about meego was anti-fud00:08
andliI don't see any FUD00:08
thiago_homeyes, all of the other 2 devices00:08
tripzeroheh, 1st gen iphone00:08
thiago_homewhich are basically the same device00:08
lcukit was infact cherry coated lovelyness tbh and the best thing ive heard about meego00:08
andlilcuk: what news?00:08
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, hey, look, N900 and N900+1 are basically the same, too. ;)00:08
lcukmeego + n90000:08
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: do you know that for a fact?00:09
andlimeego is just a change of linux dist to moblin?00:09
andliwhat does n900 run for dist now?00:09
burchrlcuk: meego + n900 = love00:09
andlimaemo is just the UI?00:09
thiago_homeandli: the N900 runs Maemo 500:09
andlimaemo is debian based?00:09
ShadowJKmeego = maemo+moblin. Currently N900 runs Maemo 500:09
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lcukdebian based os00:09
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lcukburchr, wouldnt go that far :P you qt types are a bit meh :p00:10
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, I know that the justification I've heard several times is multitouch00:10
GeneralAntillesWhich is a marketing justification00:10
GeneralAntillesnot a technical one00:10
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: that's the *only* thing you've heard about the hardware00:10
andliwhat makes moblin good?00:10
* burchr stabs lcuk :P00:10
andliI work with a moblin based OS at work00:10
GeneralAntillesOMAP3, capacitive, WVGA00:10
pupnik_i say usa along with android, iphone and moblin can fall of the planet for all i care :)00:10
thiago_homeyou don't know what processor the thing will have, what kind of keyboard (or lack thereof), what resolution00:10
GeneralAntillesYes I do00:10
GeneralAntillesNothing in that lineup offers a technical justification00:11
ShadowJKunless they quietly  changed it :)00:11
burchrthen, perhaps, just perhaps, there's nothing stopping it happening00:11
burchrif someone wants to make it happen00:11
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tripzeroandroid 2.1 still doesn't run on the G100:12
ShadowJKburchr, it's usually all talk and no patches ;)00:12
thiago_homethere's also the fact that supporting the N900 means _supporting_ it00:12
thiago_homeit means committing resources00:12
tripzeroor, iirc any phone other than the nexus one for that metter00:12
andlisudo apt-get install root :)00:12
ShadowJKtripzero, many of the HTC devices are stuck on 1.5 and don't even have access to the store :)00:12
thiago_homeit's not a trivial decision to make, either way00:12
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andliI think it is said android phones miss the linux dist experience00:13
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thiago_homeAndroid is to a Linux system what the iPhone is to a BSD00:13
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, yeah, thus my wonderment at Nokia constantly abandoning its existing customers00:13
lcukyeah, at the moment maemo is fully inclusive to the various toolkits, android is but one00:14
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: yet Nokia devices sell like water00:14
andlithiago_home: well said00:14
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: you know, over a billion of them sold per year00:14
tripzeromicrosoft always tries to honor their "existing customers" and that's why windows is the wonderful mess that it is00:14
ShadowJKI realized today I still use Maemo4 almost as much as Maemo5... even it has had no update in 2 years or something, it's in a good state anyway00:14
Corsacthiago_home: so you have access to iPhones sources? mind sharing them?00:14
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thiago_homeCorsac: it's a Darwin kernel00:14
Corsacthiago_home: “iphone” nor “android” are only a kernel00:15
ShadowJKi thought they had stuck mach in there too somewhere00:15
thiago_homeCorsac: the other way around00:15
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, somewhere that doesn't help me as an existing customer.00:15
thiago_homeCorsac: iphone and android are the whole package00:15
lcuktripzero, MS has different things, i adore the fact i can run 20yo apps00:15
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: I know. And what I can tell you is that these problems don't escape Nokia's perception.00:15
Corsacthiago_home: is still don't understand what you meant00:16
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: so, it's not that Nokia doesn't care. It's just that Nokia consistently fails to do something about it.00:16
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, maybe they need to take the microsoft approach, make the new OS installable on almosy anything and let the customers discover for themselves they need to buy a new computer :)00:16
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, yet they seem completely incapable of doing anything about it00:16
lcuk(tripzero, go find install for visicalc)  oooh infact isnt it 30 years now!00:16
Corsacfor me “android” as well as “iphone (os)”, “bsd” and “linux systems” are complete os00:16
tripzeroShadowJK, that's also the reason why it takes 3-9 years to come up with an iteration of windows?00:16
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, oh well, my enthusiasm's sapped and I've been cheerleading for Maemo since the beginning.00:16
thiago_homeCorsac: I meant that Android runs Linux, but it's as close to a standard Linux distribution as the iPhone is close to a standard BSD system00:16
thiago_homeCorsac: meaning, not close at all00:16
GeneralAntillesNokia's loss I suppose.00:16
thiago_homeyes, Nokia's loss00:17
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GeneralAntillesHopefully the dinosaurs will eventually die off and the rest of us can move into the 21st century.00:18
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HydroxideGeneralAntilles: I feel similarly to how you feel, but at the same time I don't see a better option, which also frustrates me01:12
GeneralAntillesHydroxide, better option to?01:12
HydroxideGeneralAntilles: for my choice of phone OS - I don't see a better option out there than M*o despite nokia's changes01:13
GeneralAntillesHydroxide, oh, yeah, I know.01:14
GeneralAntillesWhich is why this is all so frustrating for me.01:14
GeneralAntillesIt'd be one thing if I could just to go another manufacturer and get what I want.01:14
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* Hydroxide nods01:14
GeneralAntillesBut nobody else offers what Nokia offers01:14
GeneralAntillesand soon enough Nokia wont even be offering anything that vaguely suits me.01:14
GeneralAntillesHopefully I can con another proto out of them and we'll go from there. ;)01:14
Hydroxidewe'll see. as much as I'm a Debian developer and quite proud of how well Debian works as a base for Maemo, I'm still going to give MeeGo a fair chance from a technical perspective - the bigger issue, as you said, is how they mistreat the community and don't communicate/involve us01:15
burchrnighty night, meego01:16
pupnik_maybe the value added by community to the bottom line is less than hoped01:16
GeneralAntillespupnik_, nah, I just don't think the dinosaurs running Nokia get it.01:17
GeneralAntillesThink about the gaps and itT have filled over the years01:17
GeneralAntillesBoth in support and software01:17
ShadowJKAs "community" myself, I'm pretty fed up with the constant whining by the "community" :P01:17
pupnik_i thought there were more people on the planet who would be productive tablet contributors01:18
ShadowJKI bet when N900+3 comes out with MeeGo, people will whine that MeeGo works poorly on N900, and then we can  go to the bugzilla and see that there are near-zero bugreports of the specific issues, and that everyone just whined about it but didn't care enough to even try it ;)01:19
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, :shrug:01:19
GeneralAntillesI hope my contributions have earned me some right to whine.01:20
pupnik_i dont think you were implied01:20
ShadowJKlol, no he wasn't implied01:21
Hydroxideconstructive criticism should always be welcomed from anyone. ad hominems or other pointless bleating should only be tolerated in small doses from people who have earned the right :)01:21
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jebbathe maemo bugzilla is actually quite good signal/noise.01:23
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ShadowJKjebba, they have a banhammer :)01:25
GeneralAntillesNot used with any frequency01:25
ShadowJKandre's standard reply is usually scary enough ;)01:25
aldenjust wondering, has the decision to use qt as meego's primary development toolkit been met with support or criticism from current moblin/maemo communities?01:25
jebbait's not used with any frequency??? There's nearly 10,000 reports in it.01:26
ShadowJKjebba, the banhammer01:26
GeneralAntillesalden, generally support01:26
GeneralAntillesAlthough there are always the diehard supports of whatever toolkit wasn't picked.01:27
aldensome of them being?01:27
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inzWewand Athena widgets!01:28
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inzWaht, how did I make that typo?01:28
inzs/Wewand/We want/01:28
javispedro.... but Motif is the only standardized one!01:29
ShadowJKsadly, I don't think any motif supporters came out of the closet01:30
pupnik_who remembers what daniel stone's "clean break" X11 successor was called?01:31
ShadowJK<luseremulation> iphone is so fluid it's like getting my head dunked into the toilet, why cant lienuix be like that maybe lenux should use NextStep too I herd there's GNUStep rite</luseremulation>01:31
ml-mobileno openstep?01:31
ShadowJKml-mobile, sorry :)01:31
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javispedropupnik_: Wayland? Y?01:32
* ShadowJK confesses to having used GNUStep stuff01:32
* javispedro has GNUstep dir on ~ for some unknown reason01:32
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GeneralAntillesShadowJK, fluid would be nice.01:33
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, but then we'd have to halve the resolution. ;)01:33
ShadowJKI don't really care01:33
pupnik_ty javispedro - interesting reading at least01:34
ml-mobileor overclock the graphics core01:34
* ml-mobile bolts a chunk of copper to his N90001:34
inzMobile solution01:34
ShadowJKI'd rather have gecko's and gtk's "omg, MUST HAVE FOCUS AND BE THE TOPMOST WINDOW NOW, SCREW WHATEVER THE USER IS DOING RIGHT NOW"-behaviour fixed before fluidity ;)01:34
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, at least it's better in Fremantle.01:36
GeneralAntillesDiablo just made me want to stab my eyes out.01:36
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ShadowJKin diablo it's even tamperproof!01:37
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tripzerodiablo is pre-freemantel right?01:37
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tripzeroi find fremantle pleasing to my eyes01:38
javispedrofreemantel sounds like some free food shop.01:38
ShadowJKin diablo the browser "tops itself"/steals focus approximately 3 times when you open a new window.. I wrote a LD_PRELOAD .so to kill XRaiseWindow(), but that only prevented one of the 3 focus stealing...01:39
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javispedroyou get used to it, eventually.01:40
GeneralAntillesI love it.01:40
pupnik_hey ShadowJK can you make new browser windows not take focus in fremantle?01:40
ShadowJKpupnik_, no idea01:40
GeneralAntillesI love how you have to wait to input text in new browser windows01:40
GeneralAntillesElse it just nukes whatever you've started typing01:40
javispedroit's not like if the other window would be responsible while the new spawned one is still loaded.01:40
ShadowJKpupnik_, I'm not annoyed by it in fremantle, because most often after you switch back to where you were, it doesn't steal focus 3 times..01:40
pupnik_it actually is javispedro01:40
ShadowJKpupnik_, only partially :)01:41
javispedroI never had such luck in Diablo :)01:41
pupnik_open a new thread in t.m.o and you can switch back to old one and still scroll01:41
pupnik_yes partially01:41
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ShadowJKBut the browser daemon part of it is busy loading/rendering/running_the_metric_tonne_of_jabascript and until that is mostly done, scrolling is about all that the browser frontend seems to have to offer :)01:42
javispedroon diablo that meant "everything hung",01:43
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javispedroon fremantle I can actually scroll, click on links. they focus, but the browser doesn't actually do anything.01:43
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ShadowJKjavispedro, well it's not like you notice it's hung when you're kept occupied trying to switch to the right window ;)01:44
javispedrountil the other page's ton of javascript is half done, then it opens 10 windows :)01:44
javispedroShadowJK: completely right :)01:44
* ShadowJK remembers a time when all linux desktop was like that, before window manager authors added "Prevent firefox focus stealing" tickboxes01:44
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pupnik_i should really disable javascript more often01:45
GeneralAntillesFingers crossed for a newer Gecko in PR1.201:46
javispedrowith hopefully fixed font rendering? :)01:46
ShadowJKwas something wrong with the font rendering?01:47
ShadowJKExcept the generic syndrome that fonts are smaller than what you ask for because the system lies about DPI?01:47
javispedroShadowJK: zoom until all the letter-spacing gets wrong.01:48
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, which means anything but 100%01:49
* ShadowJK also remembers someone japanese complaining that N900 renders kanji with chinese letters01:49
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, dunno, I doubt it.01:49
javispedroI cannot imagine why Engadget didn't notice and started bashing the font rendering. A good MacHead (no offense) wouldn't let such frontal attack on sacred typography rules fly!01:49
GeneralAntillesHas it been fixed upstream?01:49
ShadowJKbut that's part of a much bigger unicode problem...01:49
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, it makes zooming completely unusable.01:49
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GeneralAntillesI dunno how people can use zooming at all.01:49
ShadowJKnow that you mentioned it I can see it, but I hadn't seen it before.. :)01:50
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javispedroShadowJK: the first time I saw it was using TV-out.01:50
javispedrobefore that I did not notice it either.01:50
ShadowJKBut then again, before N900 I was using putty with a 6 pixel font on my S60 phone... I'm used to reading garbage01:50
* GeneralAntilles is a long-time MacHead01:51
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GeneralAntillesFont rendering is a big sticking point for me. ;)01:51
ShadowJKoh and when I upgrade my OS, all the xterms usually go back to using antialised text and my eyes feel like someone stabbed them with a salted rusty dull knife01:52
javispedroyes, that is an usual symptom :)01:52
GeneralAntillesI manage to get Monaco to work for the first few weeks after a flash then it goes to shit.01:53
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pupnik_i also like the crisp un-AA fonts02:00
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jaybhumilhi how do u get bills in this website for the clan in diablo 202:15
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Stskeepsthe whole orange getting into meego thing just confirms we'll need something like my vendor social contract..08:18
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, you wont get it.08:20
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, between the security framework stuff and the operator stuff we've already seen with Maemo 5.08:21
GeneralAntillesI don't see it happening.08:21
GeneralAntillesWe need it, but it wont happen.08:21
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: well, my ideas are a bit more low-level - and admittedly, it's only enforcable through a community agreeing not to bother with non-complying vendors08:22
GeneralAntillesWhich is basically irrelevant. ;)08:22
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ShadowJKLet's hope that lists/forums become somewhat tolerant of discussions regarding devices by friendly vendors08:33
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tekojoShadowJK personal opinion would be that MeeGo devices should have a place there08:37
tekojobut as said, just a personal opinion, no-one has really discussed that yet, as there are no devices.08:38
ShadowJKon a technical level making meego as useful and functional as possible will reduce the need for vendors to munge it08:39
ShadowJKbut then there's the crippling out of pure malice that goes on too :-)08:39
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, ha!08:40
* Stskeeps 's rather impressed to see qgil up at 5:40 and cleaning up N900 FUD08:40
GeneralAntillesIt's all about getting the last cent out of your customer.08:40
GeneralAntillesDoesn't matter how useful or functional something is08:40
GeneralAntillesthat's the end goal.08:40
tekojoStskeeps that's why he has an N900 on him08:40
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, same old noise.08:40
Stskeepsi wonder if we'll start seeing N900 rehab programmes in rehab institutions..08:41
tekojoGeneralAntilles that's really oversimplifying a lot08:41
GeneralAntillestekojo, which?08:42
GeneralAntillesFor operator-customized firmwares?08:42
* GeneralAntilles has never seen one that INCREASES functionality.08:42
tekojothe goal for any company is to make a profit, that can be done in a variety of ways, but profit it has to be according to the rules08:42
tekojoOh, operator firmware, they are an interesting phenomenon08:43
GeneralAntillestekojo, the only thing operator customization serves to do is decrease functionality (the upsell and nickel'n'dime services) and funnel money towards the operator.08:43
GeneralAntillesOperators are going to hurt MeeGo08:43
tekojothey really do try to make a profit08:43
GeneralAntillesand Nokia and Intel are apparently going to let them do it.08:43
tekojoOperators just play with the same rules as everyone else in MeeGo08:43
tekojoIt's all open08:43
GeneralAntillestekojo, pfft08:43
ShadowJKhey, even Saunalahti in .fi are trying to sabotage the N900 by regulary sending operator settings for the WAP gateway (which doesn't work with N900) :-D08:44
tekojoif they contribute I'm all for it08:44
GeneralAntillesThe user-facing front-end can be anything08:44
GeneralAntillesThe security framework means they can lock you into whatever.08:44
GeneralAntillesIt's GPLv2 for some reason.08:44
Stskeepsright, GPL was mentioned, time to go brew coffee08:44
tekojoGeneralAntilles, then don't buy from an operator?08:44
tekojoThat's what I do and that's what my wife does...08:45
GeneralAntillestekojo, that doesn't help the hordes of uninformed consumers out there08:45
tekojoInfrom the consumers then?08:45
GeneralAntillesWhat do they get when they buy a MeeGo-branded device that doesn't work?08:45
GeneralAntillesYeah, something I'd love to see Nokia do.08:45
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, amusingly I've seen an "educational" video made by Nokia USA about this issue :)08:46
GeneralAntillesInstead they're just keeping the status quo rolling.08:46
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, I haven't, and there's the problem.08:46
* tekojo has a gut feeling that this is again some peculiar difference in the US - Europe operator market08:46
GeneralAntilles(if anybody wants to try blaming Nokia's failure as a company in the US on operators, they haven't had to deal with Nokia USA).08:46
ShadowJKtekojo, you're actually starting to see some of it in .fi too.. certain tariffs, and certain devices, are getting harder to find unbundled :)08:47
tekojoThat sucks08:47
tekojoUsually it is easy to do the math of 24*random number > device price08:48
ShadowJKLike, before Nokia came out with the Nokia CS-15, it was actually kind hard to purchase a non-crappy 3g usb modem separately08:48
GeneralAntillestekojo, in the US there's no difference.08:48
GeneralAntillesUnless you're an iPhone user (in which case you pay double for data)08:48
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Stskeepsat least the iphone helped to get sane data plans08:50
GeneralAntillesDidn't change anything in the US.08:50
GeneralAntillesAnyway, in summary, I think Nokia's squandering an opportunity here (surprise, surprise) and it's going to end up hurting the brand.08:51
Stskeepsthat said, the only operator customization i had in .dk wasn't evil as such, then again, i didn't know how it was without customization08:52
GeneralAntillesUgh, 2 AM08:53
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ShadowJKStskeeps, well if anyone tries to take away *my* N900 there'll be a bloodbath ;-)09:06
* ShadowJK suspects N900 rehab programs would be messy09:07
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StskeepsShadowJK: probably much in spirit with that video09:13
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JaffaMorning, all11:35
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burchrmorn Jaffa11:55
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burchrI second that notion12:55
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MisterNwhen will downloads be finally available?14:38
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ShadowJKhey, dead-tree computer magazine arrived in mail yesterday. It has mention of a company setting up a team of 40 devs to make apps for MeeGo :-)15:19
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robstaShadowJK: details!15:20
ShadowJKnot that exciting15:21
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ShadowJK(I mean there weren't any details of what they were planning to do or what they have done in the past or anything like that=15:37
robstaShadowJK: name, location, link?15:39
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poutsiShadowJK, which mag?15:56
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poutsithanks, gotta check it out15:58
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koupsaShadowJK: Orange work on meego too16:10
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firegnuwill meego released in the end of this month?16:55
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milliamsfiregnu: The code is supposed to be yes. Whether or not that's a working distro is another matter.16:58
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Corsacas said elsewhere, seems available (though empty)17:20
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slaineAt last, after about 10 months of effort, I've gotten some feedback from someone in Intel. Trying not to put the rant dial up to 1118:17
RST38hslaine: Out of morbid curiosity, WHAT did you want the Intel to respond you about?18:19
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Corsacthe pentium bug18:21
RST38hf00f? =)18:21
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slaineEarly last year I was enquiring about how to become a Moblin OSV (i.e. package and sell Moblin as part of our overal products)18:22
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slaineI've been flat out ignored or bounced around18:22
RST38hslaine: Oh, that...Isn't it all GPLed?18:23
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slaineYes, but funny how Novel, Dell etc. seemed to be able to ship customized versions before the GPL'd code was available.18:23
slaineor rather, at the same time18:23
Yanhaimoblin isn't all gpled I think18:23
Yanhaiit seems double licensed18:24
RST38hslaine: AFAIK you can do whatever you want to GPLed stuff18:24
slaineyeah, but I wasn't about to base our companies OS future on a platform with no publicly available roadmap18:24
RST38hslaine: If you actually want Intel to have ...mhmm... closer relationships with you, then arjan or some other OTC guy is the right point of contact18:24
slaineThere's only so much they're allowed to reveal18:25
slaineI've had several excellent discussions with the Intel engineers18:25
RST38hslaine: They do not have to reveal anything. They have to refer your company to their manager, up the chain18:26
RST38hWho will consider if you are big enough to be worth having sex with and, if decision is positive, will refer you to Intel Legal18:26
slaineyes and that's what I did18:26
slaineand eventually got a reply last night18:27
RST38hSee, it is a managerial decision of whether they will spend resources on you or not18:27
Yanhaii think it's also because moblin has been under big change these months18:27
slaineyes, we're a very small fish. so chances are nobody was bothered to follow up on things18:28
Yanhaiso they can't answer you before themselves have a clear roadmap18:28
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slaineThis goes back to when 2.0 was in Alpha18:28
RST38hslaine: There are multiple factors contributing to the decision, not just your size18:28
RST38hslaine: Your prospects in terms of products sold and markets conquered also matter18:28
RST38hslaine: So, remember that when you make a pitch ;)18:29
Yanhaiand also your target device, i think.18:29
slaineRST38h: thanks18:29
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megabastsomeone has already worked with gmenu-tree here?18:46
megabastI need to retrieve icon's path with gmenu tree...18:47
slaineAfter several edits, the responses rant dial was down below 4 I'd say18:47
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slainesigh, there goes another member of the moblin community18:53
slaineshedding users/devs awfully fast.18:53
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wazd_e63Hello mi-go :)19:01
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wilbur626i have n900 i me19:12
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wilbur626meego runs a tad slow, anyone have any advice ?19:12
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CosmoHillthere is a meego release?19:19
tripzeroprobably not yet19:20
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toefrazi've heard that they are going to try to get the repository for the source online by the end of the month...19:23
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CosmoHill[17:12]  <wilbur626> meego runs a tad slow, anyone have any advice ?19:25
CosmoHillthat's what'[s confused me19:25
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toefrazhe may be a developer with access the source now. i'm just guessing though19:28
toefrazaccess to the*19:29
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sivangre all19:36
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koupsamlfoster: are you here?20:55
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koupsaany translater?20:56
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tripzero"N900 is a natural tool for Nokia to drive MeeGo support for our designs and for the ARM CPU architecture in general."21:10
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tripzero"That said, please do not take this yet as a commitment to fully productise MeeGo on N900."21:11
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GeneralAntillestripzero, i.e., absolutely no new information. ;)21:15
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polacbut at least some hope to run meego on n90021:21
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GeneralAntillesThere was always hope21:22
GeneralAntillesThis doesn't really help us at all21:22
GeneralAntillesIt doesn't get us the Ovi Store21:22
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GeneralAntillesIt doesn't get us Ovi Maps with navigation21:22
GeneralAntillesit doesn't get us any of Nokia's differentiation21:22
GeneralAntillesHell, it really doesn't get us much farther than Mer gets us now.21:22
GeneralAntillesWhich without some more people to write statusbar applets and control panels isn't very far at all.21:23
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polacgood points.21:24
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GeneralAntillespolac, keep expectations low and you wont be disappointed. ;)21:24
GeneralAntillesand you never know, you may be pleasantly surprised!21:24
* CosmoHill would like to give meego a try on his laptop21:25
polacmaybe this way then: at least some hope to run meego before first actual device on my n90021:25
GeneralAntillespolac, no more or less than there was before the announcement. ;)21:26
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GeneralAntillesMeeGo seems open enough and the N900 is open enough that that's a reasonably easy thing for the community to achieve.21:26
GeneralAntillesIt's not yet clear what it actually means, though.21:26
GeneralAntillesThe reference UIs are the worrying part.21:26
GeneralAntillesMeeGo seems to enforce less platform consistency (top to bottom) than would be ideal.21:27
polacokay, so you do not get excited too easily. i get that. :)21:28
ml-mobileI think the expectation that hardware vendors would supply most of the UI is tempering that21:28
microlithand why am I typing on my phone when VNC is open21:29
GeneralAntillesEvening, javispedro, by the way.21:30
polacGeneralAntilles, btw. Is it possible that I remember you from the times I playd with my new n77021:30
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javispedroevening GAN.21:30
GeneralAntillespolac, very.21:30
javispedroand everyone :)21:30
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RST38hmoo javis21:32
polacGeneralAntilles, I believe that you helped me back  then with something important. :) I have been away for sometime. meego brought me back. :)21:32
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polacyour opinion: would it be easier to change my desktop distro to rh or suse considering meego developing. i mean because rpm and obs and what else technologies that come from those distros.21:36
GeneralAntillesThe tooling should be abstracting that all away21:38
* GeneralAntilles is the wrong person to ask, though.21:39
polacso, let's be patient and wait for more info.21:40
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Cosmo[PB]die bitch21:49
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