IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2010-02-25

bobbydso who here is from the moblin side? or is everyone maemoified?00:00
bobbyd(not that I should be talking of sides of course :) )00:00
mwichmannthe sides fell off the truck00:00
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jeremiahI thought we were all for one and one for all?00:01
lbtyeah, all the good stuff fell out .... debs....00:01
lcuktimeless, it helps both you and the beginners to discuss things.  i found a load of bugs and duplications by talking with zach about different aspects we were starting documenting00:01
ahynes1bobbyd: I guess I'm both now00:01
bobbydwhat's moblin been used for int he past? linux netbooks?00:02
slaine_bobbyd: me I guess00:02
Claymostly netbooks right now00:02
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, Summer of Code student.00:02
timeless_mbpin my domain, zach = zach@realm:mozilla.org00:02
slaine_some unreleased MIDs and SmartPhones too00:03
timeless_mbpi'm not saying they aren't useless00:03
timeless_mbpi'm saying that unguided, they're harmful00:03
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ahynes1there was a good post recently on loading moblin image on a memory stick, soI started running moblin that way00:04
timeless_mbpanyone doing documentation needs to have very direct(*) supervision00:04
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* slaine_ waves a ahynes1 00:04
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* ahynes1 waves @ slaine_00:06
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ahynes1slaine_ : I owe you a follow up email00:07
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slaine_indeed, I've been waiting patiently for one00:07
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slaine_and from qgil for that matter00:07
ahynes1(when I get some time)00:07
qgilslaine_: huh?00:07
slaine_you wondered why my crappy site didn't have comments and I offered to blog post any comments00:08
slaine_However, as a group, I think we've all moved past those conversations now anyway00:09
ahynes1Yeah, I think so00:09
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CosmoHillbtw how is Qt pronouced?00:13
CosmoHillI pronouce it Qu-Tea00:14
slaine_as do I00:14
slaine_I also hear lots of people say it that way00:14
th0br0righ, g2g.00:14
th0br0 << the logs .00:15
lcukbut dont trust me00:15
slaine_time for sleeps00:15
lcukcall into #qt00:15
slaine_catch you all tomorrow00:15
th0br0yeah. see you00:15
CosmoHillbye bye00:15
ahynes1take care00:15
qgilCosmoHill: Qt guys say "cute" as it's said in English00:15
MaulkinTrolltech said it was "cute"00:16
MaulkinThough I always say cue-tea.00:16
CosmoHill"I'm learning cute" "you poof"00:16
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lbtah CosmoHill is english00:16
* GeneralAntilles could cue some tea.00:16
Maulkinmmm... tea00:17
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GeneralAntilleslbt, what, with his £500 car and all.00:17
lbtheh missed that00:17
HydroxideMaulkin: stop stalking me Neil ;-)00:17
HydroxideMaulkin: in other words, hi00:17
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* qgil hesitates giving a last shot to Talk before going to sleep00:18
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GeneralAntilleslbt, well, we always suspected there was something wrong with Quim. ;)00:22
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Stskeeps3am visits to tmo just shows he is as deepily addicted to the community as we are :)00:23
X-FadeStskeeps: Or the kids wake him up ;)00:24
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, sounds like beatings are required.00:24
tekojoGood night!00:25
lbtnight tekojo00:25
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, for kids who wake their parents up early in the morning. :P00:25
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WutzaraHi all, i heard that meego will use the UI from moblin but for application-development Qt is that right?00:29
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* timeless_mbp doesn't think so :)00:31
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thiago_homeWutzara: I don't think it's decided00:37
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Wutzarathiago_home: ah ok. It's strange because Moblin UI use clutter and mx - which are pure C/Glib. And i want to develop a plugin for the toolbar so im a little bit confused about the change to Qt ;)00:39
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*** wizkoder has joined #meego00:41 the deb vs rpm debate over?00:41
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CosmoHillxxiao: yes00:43
CosmoHillmultiple times too i think00:43
ShadowJKlet's just say yes so it doesn't start again00:43
xxiaoso i guess there will be a deb-based meego from a different community then :)00:44
CosmoHillyou could probably do a script that will convert rpm to deb00:44
HydroxideCosmoHill: it exists. it's called 'alien'00:44
CosmoHilloh yeah00:44
xxiaoHydroxide, alien does not really always work though00:45
Hydroxidexxiao: I was about to say, the results of such an automated conversion (in either direction) rarely integrate well00:45
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xxiaoit must have something to do with novell/opensuse, now i don't believe meego is going to take deb, but i hope there will be a deb-meego, like what n900 guys have now00:46
HydroxideIIRC they're still planning to sue deb for harmattan aka what was going to be called maemo 6 before the rebranding00:47
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Hydroxidebut the major version following that is supposed to switch to rpm to converge with moblin. (note, I have no inside info and don't work for any relevant company. this is just my understanding of public statements)00:47
Hydroxides/sue deb/use deb/ (much to the probable relief of ian murdock's former wife! :P)00:48
xxiaoit's not really about rpm/deb, it's about the upstream source, which one is popular, and if there is a company or community(debian) behind all these.00:48
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xxiaoanyway i do not want to have another debate, just want to check quick00:48
Hydroxidexxiao: right, I mean they aren't going to likely make the switch away from a debian base on the nokia side until after harmattan00:48
HydroxideI don't want to get into the debate either, since I know it won't do any good00:49
Hydroxidejust stating my understanding of the facts00:49
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xxiaounderstood :)00:49
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CosmoHillpoke me if needed01:07
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tripzerowhere's the place to talk about libdui stuff?01:48
tripzeronice :)01:49
tripzeroi just haven't seen much talk about dev'ing with it in this channel yet01:49
CosmoHillGeneralAntilles: is there still much going on in #meego-meeting ?01:51
lcukno it finished01:52
tripzerodoesn't look like it01:52
CosmoHillT somebody said it was the end and i left01:53
Blicetripzero: there's a #meego-devel , but I don't think its very active yet due to there being no code.01:53
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CosmoHilljust talk in here01:54
CosmoHillwait there is a devel?01:54
CosmoHilli think we only have hello.cpp01:54
tripzeroum, there's a bunch of harmattan stuff on gitorious now01:55
tripzeroso technically, one should be able to start writing apps01:55
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tripzeroGot my duiWidget actions to work02:10
tripzeroapparently you can't have actions on a DuiLabel, but if you create widget then add your label and actions, it works02:11
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timeless_mbpcould someone change so that when you're logged in, it says who you are instead of just 'my account'?02:13
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tripzerofile a bug?02:16
* timeless_mbp decides tripzero is serious02:17
tripzeronot sure if any of the web guys are in here02:17
lcuktimeless, i bet 50 comments before such a modification is allowed02:19
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lcukif at all02:19
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timeless_mbplcuk: given that bugzilla is currently restricted access02:20
timeless_mbpi don't think i have to worry about that many comments :)02:21
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* timeless_mbp tries to find an account name02:21
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timeless_mbptripzero: bug filed :)02:25
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* timeless_mbp ponders filing bug 1002:26
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lcuktimeless, why are bugs closed?02:26
lcukor restricted02:26
lcukwhats the url02:27
timeless_mbpi'm not an admin02:27
timeless_mbpBug #1 does not exist.02:27
timeless_mbpwell, that's why i couldn't count it02:27
timeless_mbpthere are only 2 bugs in the database02:28
timeless_mbpin case you're wondering, Bug #2 does not exist. (either)02:28
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* timeless_mbp chuckles02:33
timeless_mbpcould someone please review ?02:34
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CosmoHillbugzilla should be up by next week02:41
lcuktimeless, "`wget`; echo lol"02:42
lcuki know they like exact steps02:42
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lcukbut how in gods name would a person know the difference between the suggested change02:43
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lcuk# For example, instead of paraphrasing commands by saying:02:43
lcuk"suspend the system or put system to S3"02:43
lcukwe prefer to see the following exact commands as steps to reproduce the bug:02:43
lcuk# % echo mem >/sys/power/state02:43
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lcukthats the example they specify on the page you mentioned02:44
timeless_mbpnormal users can't / don't stick a system into S302:44
timeless_mbpthe only users who put a system into S3 are the ones who would actually be using 'echo mem > /sys/power/state'02:44
timeless_mbpthe problem, is that those stupid users are likely to file the bug in the form 'put system to S3'02:45
timeless_mbpbut yeah, it's not a good example for average users02:45
lcukive filed bugs in the past that say "computer would not resume from standby"02:45
timeless_mbpfind a better example02:45
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timeless_mbplcuk: arguably that's not a good set of steps to reproduce02:45
lcukof course not02:45
lcukand its also not the best example for bugzilla instructions either02:46
timeless_mbpthe point of the little bit is to get people to describe what they actually did02:46
timeless_mbpnot what they generally did02:46
timeless_mbpfind a better example02:46
timeless_mbpbut it's ~3am, so don't make me find it02:46
timeless_mbpthere's a reason i asked people to look at it02:46
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ShadowJKI thought echo blah > /sys/blah for S3 suspend bypassed all the magic scripts in userspace that ensure a smooth ride? :-)02:51
tripzero pm-suspend?02:52
timeless_mbpShadowJK: dunno, but maybe that's what caused the bug :)02:52
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ShadowJKon my desktop I always used suspend02:55
ShadowJKwhich fires off the magic scripts too02:55
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arjan_afkShadowJK: use pm-suspend03:17
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qgilhi from the commuter train Leppavaara - Helsini center  :)06:25
qgilgasp, "Helsinki" good morning06:25
jsa_Good morning06:26
qgilthe first thing I will do when reaching the office will be to blog a summary of the (very productive) website yesterday06:26
qgilhow are things going on #meego? hottest topics? anything I can help clarifying still?06:27
qgil" website *meeting* yesterday" I mean06:28
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qgil(perhaps it's not such a good idea to log here right after my breakfast, with part of my brain still booting up)  :)06:29
jsa_It's been rather quiet since midnight(Finnish) here06:30
qgiljsa_ sounds like "progress" to me  ;)06:30
jsa_Indeed :)06:30
jsa_Someone was asking about libdui, and where to talk about it / developing with it06:31
qgilyou can get in touch with the developers at
qgilAs an application developer, I would wait before putting my time there, though06:34
qgilbut whoever is interested in the open development of these libraries please go on, try therm out, meet the developers etc06:35
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qgil(thinking out loud:)06:40
qgil(a "problem" here and now can be that the current developers around MeeGo and even Maemo or Moblin06:41
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qgilare in a noticeable percentage 'old school'06:41
qgilexpecting apps with button, widgets etc06:42
qgilrunning in native environment06:42
qgilmobile development trends are moving fast away from that06:42
qgilinto simpler apps either very graphical with own UI paradigms and styling06:43
qgilor really simple with a couple of use cases to address06:43
qgilthat can be covered simply with e.g. a Web Runtime app06:43
qgilso thing like libdui look now like very important to everybody06:44
qgilwhen in fact 90% of developers perhaps don't need to go there and never will06:45
suryasansI don't think we need another linux OS for mobile platform, sorry.06:46
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qgilsuryasans: ok, which one would you pick, then?06:48
suryasansubuntu based OD, I think.06:48
suryasansOops, Ubuntu distribution06:49
qgilsuryasans and what happens to mobile use cases are secondary there and would imply different technology choices or pushing specific patches still not in mainline components etc?06:50
qgilin practice, Ubuntu mostly integrates from Debian and ads little platform development on its own06:51
qgilthat is two levels of integration before you start your 'mobile integration" as a downstream of Ubuntu06:52
suryasansCanonical as the promoter of Linux is already well known.06:53
mook01ubuntu has quite good community support for the end user06:53
qgilbut MeeGo handles a lot op upstream development, and for the crucial components for mobile use cases we are actually upstream, or very near from upstream06:53
qgilCanonical and Ubunt06:54
qgilsorry, let me enter the bujilding  :)06:55
suryasansBut, we must support the most established player than creating the new one.06:56
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qgilwhat does "most established player"?06:57
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Myrttiso we need to allow 6-12mo or even longer lag for fixing specific hardware problems and get patches through? problem with ubuntu is that is is quite far from upstream from hardware vendors viewpoint06:58
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suryasansLinux distrubition is too fragmented, most of them is the spun off from another. I think we can use Ubuntu as the base for mobile Linux.06:59
qgil_hi from my (Ubuntu!) laptop :)06:59
qgil_Alright, Ubuntu has a nice bran (popularity) and they have an impressive community06:59
qgil_still, this doesn't help you if you want to develop a mobile platform with plenty of "own" developers07:00
suryasansMaintenance is the key. Don't build another one for your own ego.07:00
Myrtti(and don't get me wrong, I love Ubuntu and defend it with my life and health)07:00
qgil_MeeGo is basically made by components that are maintained upstream + own components07:01
qgil_the maintenance of the own components is on our shouldders no matter what is the distro07:01
qgil_the maintenance of the upstream part has two sides:07:01
qgil_some upstream components are maintained by someone else completely, so no big different integrating them in MeeGo or in Ubuntu07:01
qgil_some upstream components have already heavy involvement of Intel and/or Nokia, so no big difference there either07:02
qgil_this is why I was asking what "established player" means07:03
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qgil_Ubuntu is very visible from a user and Linux desktop fan point of view07:03
qgil_but have no doubt that Intel or Nokia (alone, leave alone combined) are much more established in Linux and freedesktop *development*07:03
qgil_which is the primary mission of MeeGo07:03
suryasansIt is better we merged MeeGo to Ubuntu linux distribution.07:04
qgil_suryasans: do you know what Canonical thinks about this?07:04
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Myrttimark hangs here, has anyone asked him? :-D07:05
suryasansIntel  and Nokia are another technology partner for Canonical. Technically, it's possible to do that.07:06
qgil_and what if MeeGo needs primary attention to be a mainstream mobile platform, instead of being "another technology partner" for an otherwise "small" organization?07:07
suryasansUbuntu is the first company who has dedicated for end user.07:07
qgil_do not underestimate the challenge of pushing a moblie agenda in a "desktop" grounded context07:07
suryasansOops, canonical07:08
qgil_look the GNOME Mobile initiative inside GNOME07:08
qgil_I guess the Plasma/Netbook guys at KDE are in a similar situation07:08
qgil_imagine that a mobile agenda in a desktop-centri distro would bring changes or unstability in components that otherwise would be just fine and stable e.g. your UI toolkit07:09
suryasansThat is why we must unified it under Ubuntu distrbution. A well known distribution better than creating multiple distrbution.07:09
qgil_either you spend a lot of energy convincing the "desktop guys"07:09
qgil_or you have to start forking to let everybody run forward07:09
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qgil_but by forking you are starting to loose the benefits of being under a common umbrella07:09
suryasansLook at this page there is ubuntu mobile edition.
suryasansEven Ubuntu desktop version for ARM.
qgil_suryasans: yeah, I know07:11
qgil_do you know what technologies are they using to put up all that together?07:12
suryasansUnified interface could bring another chanche to make linux more favourable.07:12
qgil_do you think Ubuntu Mobile would be there without the work of Maemo and Moblin?07:12
suryasansYes, I think07:13
qgil_I'm talking in concrete terms: technologies developed by Intel and Nokia07:13
suryasansToo many possibilites in Linux.07:13
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qgil_but c'man Maemo and Moblin came before Ubuntu Mobile07:14
qgil_Ubuntu Mobile first used Nokia's Hildon, then OpenedHand/Intel's Clutter...07:14
qgil_not to dismiss the work Ubuntu does!!07:14
suryasansYes, Intel and Nokia can push their own agenda, but with Canonical they can do that too.07:14
koupsapoor meego... users only see ubuntu and discut about deb vs rpm. long live meego07:14
qgil_I'm a very happy Ubuntu user, having collaborated with Canonical since before Ubuntu even existed07:15
qgil_suryasans: there is a difference. Intel and Nokia push their agenda with own developers working in concrete packages07:15
suryasansSo, under one name is better, as ubuntu mobile,07:15
qgil_Ubuntu mostly integrated. They have some developers, but mostly integrate the work others have done07:15
qgil_which is a huge task, don't get me wrong07:16
suryasansand people is more familiar with one interface.07:16
DocScrutinizerubuntu:  and isn't it the mere truth?!07:16
qgil_which "people", mobile users?07:16
arjan_afksuryasans: not everything needs to be one distro07:16
arjan_afksuryasans: and that's good ...07:16
arjan_afkto each their own07:16
arjan_afktheir own market, their own focus etc etc07:16
suryasansYes, but people will be confused. This is Linux, and that is linux too.07:16
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Myrttioh come on.07:17
koupsaarjan_afk +107:17
arjan_suryasans: by that reasoning ubuntu should not have existed, they shuold have used red hat instead07:17
mook01thing is there is no current ubuntu distro suitable for phones, one that is designed to use mainly (multi-)touch input and copes with the small screen (and resolution) size well07:17
mook01let's hope meego will help solve this problem07:17
qgil_so how many mobile users are familiar with Ubuntu Mobile? (or Ubuntu vanilla, even)07:17
Myrttimost people wouldn't care if their computer ran on mice, cheese and crayons07:17
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sivangmorning all07:18
arjan_suryasans: it's very simple.. either meego is better, and then others can borrow07:18
arjan_or it's not better, and then it does not matter ;)07:18
sivangAre there meeting minutes from last night's meeting?07:18
sivangI was about to attend it but was ill so missed it :/07:18
qgil_arjan_: yeah, at the end this is it07:18
suryasansSymbian is successful as mobile OS because many vendors are supporting it.07:18
Myrttiit doesn't matter to them if it runs on ms, apple, linux or cheesecakes either07:18
arjan_not to be bad about it, but ubuntu is a project that focuses on integration, not so much tech development07:19
arjan_intel and nokia both do a lot of tech development07:19
arjan_and have been doing integration too07:19
sivangwe should focus on intergration07:19
arjan_so meego gets a lot of tech development AND integration now07:19
suryasansAbd android has fate like that. Meego is just another Linux distribution.07:19
sivangthat what'll make us good competitors to iPhone os.07:19
arjan_suryasans: meego is just another linux distribution. one with a LOT of developers behind it07:19
arjan_look at all the upstream work intel and nokia both do07:20
sivangso, I didn't get any notifs from the Wiki, has anybody put meeting minutes somehwere?07:20
mook01the move to put moblin and maemo is a great strategic move to counter android07:20
qgil_suryasans: are you saying Android won't catch up as Linux mobile platform because of Ubuntu?07:20
arjan_which means meego has a really good chance to get really good integration driving good tech development07:20
mook01it will open meego up for much more platform, ie. developers07:20
suryasansBut, meego must be handle by Canonical. Canonical has been proved to familiarize Linux to people.07:20
mook01right now we only have a single expensive phone with maemo07:21
arjan_suryasans: I fail to follow your logic07:21
arjan_suryasans: why must that be ?07:21
qgil_suryasans: just curious, what is your involvement in Linux / free software projects?07:21
sivangwhat's the connection between MeeGo and Canonical ?07:21
sivang(sorry to have dropped into the conversation like this)07:21
mook01both are based on debian07:21
arjan_mook01: eh?07:22
sivangmook01: but MeeGo uses RPM07:22
sivangmook01: and OBS07:22
arjan_sivang: meego and canonical both are linux distributions07:22
sivangso how come?07:22
Myrttiarjan_: eh?07:22
arjan_sivang: and I'm sure that canonical will borrow a lot of the meego technology from us07:22
sivangarjan_: Canonical is a name of a company07:22
arjan_and that's fine07:22
mook01i still have the hope they don't switch  to moblin rpms ;)07:22
sivangmook01: who Canonical LTD ?07:22
arjan_mook01: packaging formats are like giftwrap ;)07:23
arjan_you can argue for hours and hours about it07:23
arjan_but at the end of the day, it's all about the present inside, not the giftwrap07:23
sivangright, after reading throughly the rationale behind RPMS, and knowing the current wonderful state of yum07:23
sivangthere's no ral difference between .debs and .rpms07:23
arjan_sivang: what makes you think meego is using yum??07:23
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arjan_but yeah the technical "just the format" does not really make a difference07:23
qgil_is this evolving into a packaging debate? alright, see you later - I'll go write the minutes of the website meeting yesterday  :)07:23
sivangarjan_: there's not a question, I can make it use yum if I want.07:23
sivangqgil_: Thanks Quim!07:24
arjan_this is not about packaging. that's boring and done ;)07:24
sivangqgil_: have you discussed the working groups ?07:24
sivangthos damn flus...07:24
sivangI coughed like a swine yesterday so wasn't able to attend.07:24
qgil_sivang: we discussed - for the impatient there must be a log somewhere (I need to find it too)  :907:25
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sivangqgil_: if you need help in secertarying, let me know :-p07:25
mook01wasn't the first version of meego (aka maemo 6) still supposed to be deb?07:25
sivangmook01: AFAIK first version of MeeGo is not Maemo 607:25
sivangmook01: is this written somewhere?07:26
mook01people who are used to ubuntu (being the most popular distro  currently) will be able to jump on meego much easier if there are tools like apt-get etc.07:26
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* qgil_ or someone must convert in a wiki page mook01 07:27
sivangmook01: there is more community development outside ubuntu , e.g. there are tons of apps that come as RPM and still don't have debs years after.07:27
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qgil_one question: how many Ubuntu users are out there?07:27
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sivangqgil_: lots07:28
sivangqgil_: you want this as a bullet wiki page?07:28
sivangqgil_: I can do that.07:28
qgil_sivang: appreciated07:28
* sivang is on to it07:29
qgil_"lots" is not helpful  :)07:29
koupsamook01 does not worry you will have just to click for install any app .deb or .rpm.07:29
mook01somewhat indicative07:29
sivangqgil_: true :-) gartner probably have the rigth numbers07:29
sivangqgil_: should I start a FAQ entry on the wiki ?07:29
suryasansGo to distrowatch to see the distribution marketshare.07:29
th0br0woah, you're still around qgil_!07:29
mook01what i mean is, the more similar meego is to ubuntu the more people can take advantage of the community support07:30
qgil_th0br0: bo "still" but "already"07:30
th0br0ah ok qgil_ :)07:30
mook01i found the ubuntuforums very useful for solving all those little problems07:30
* arjan_ found the ubuntu forums mostly have all the same question, very little answers07:30
mook01better than support forums of any other distro i tried07:30
koupsaarjan_ +107:31
qgil_mook01: that page doesn't give any meaningful number07:31
mook01well, i'm talking about the "normal" end user07:31
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mook01non techie one07:31
sivangarjan_: ++07:31
mook01they do have the same questions07:31
qgil_mook01: the whole ubuntuforums, as useful as they are for desktop users, are basically useless for the users of a MeeGo based platform07:32
qgil_and I'm not talking about rpms07:32
mook01but they get their answers too07:32
mook01which is one reason why it is so popular07:32
arjan__desktop != phone07:32
qgil_but about form factor, UI toolkit, apps... the things all users hit07:32
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qgil_mook01: the "normal" end user probably has never put their hands in any Linux distro07:33
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qgil_anyway, my point is07:33
qgil_take the number of Ubuntu users (or the distro of your choice)07:33
qgil_and then think of the numbers of the Harmattan device + whatever Intel/Atom partners have in mind07:34
qgil_we don'0t know these numbers07:34
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qgil_but believe me that it won't take long to match and probably pass them07:34
* arjan__ suspects the biggest linux user today is wireless access points ;)07:34
qgil_and this is only for Nokia/Intel and for this year07:35
arjan__qgil_: that's likely true even if you add them up rather than just pick one distro07:35
qgil_add more partners and add a couple of years more07:35
qgil_of course all this is only "plans"07:35
qgil_but are the plans of Intel and Nokia nonetheless07:35
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koupsagood night all..  rpm vs deb is not a problem and i prefer  a short optimized distr instead of ubuntu whos made a ugly coffe07:36
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MiXu-In my opinion, what's under the hood in fremantle is a mess. So it might actually be a good thing that they're changing to moblin core.07:37
qgil_MiXu-: do you mentioning an example?07:37
arjan__MiXu-: this "changing to moblin" isn't as much changing as converging07:37
mook01can't give you accurate numbers, but check this:|suse%2C+redhat|fedora%2C+maemo|meego|moblin&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=007:37
arjan__MiXu-: maemo and moblin share about 80% of the common core already07:37
arjan__MiXu-: and the other 20% was relatively simple to converge07:38
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mook01it shows number of search requests for the distros, which should indicate relative user numbers07:38
arjan__(either it was a block that one of the two did not have, or it was where there was a clear better solution)07:38
sivangI just hope we don't get into the stressful mode of community as Ubuntu has.07:39
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sivangI felt much better getting to know Maemo community and I hope MeeGo will be similar. Predicted release cycles are nice, but you have to cut back features if you don't want to kill your developers, mainatian stability07:40
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sivangand be able to promote true community invovlement.07:40
qgil_mook01: thanks that is an interesting link07:40
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sivangUbuntu are slightly falling from there over the last 3 years..07:40
mook01feel free to add mint, debian etc. ;)07:40
sivangso 9.10 was a big disappointment for me in terms of stability. I prefer checking emails on N900 then on Evo on 9.1007:41
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qgil_mook01: let me put it in the real MeeGo context:|meego|moblin%2C+android%2C+iphone%2C+symbian&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=007:41
sivangIt just doesn't work.07:41
sivangIs there any part of meego/maeme that uses network-manger?07:41
qgil_sivang: I'd expect
arjan__sivang: a few months ago nokia and intel announced already to work together on connman07:42
qgil_MiXu-: no concrete examples?07:42
arjan__so yes meego uses connman07:42
sivangqgil_: yay, anything but network manager that preents you from connecting just right when you are in a meeting and trying to demonstrate your web app07:43
arjan__sivang: hehe07:43
mook01iphone is pushed by apples marketing dep07:43
qgil_mook01: so what?07:43
* sivang is pleased to see Nokia are dedicated to promoting Linux as a whole.07:43
mook01maemo on the other hand was not, because for nokia it is still somewhat in test mode07:44
sivangI keep getting mroe and more evidence for that :-)07:44
mook01just trying to explain the iphone curve07:44
sivangmook01: iPhone succeeds due to that, but also because it is superbly polished.07:44
sivanganybody have an iPhone here?07:44
qgil_mook01: you said those curves reflect users, and I kind of agree with that07:45
MiXu-qgil_: Well, take a look at the memory leaks and slowdowns on N900. That's pretty concrete. :)07:45
qgil_although it's not that true since there are plenty more Symbian users, but still the Internet relevance is much lower07:45
qgil_so you see how these numbers act  :)07:45
suryasansUbuntu is better because there are 13,5 million who use Ubuntu and its derivatives.07:45
sivangmook01: N900 is an amazing first time attempt to release it as it is made :)07:45
sivangsuryasans: still so many bugs are left unanswered07:46
sivangsuryasans: and so manh usability issues are unaddressed.07:46
qgil_MiXu-: that is not concrete  :)  where are the components originating those leaks?07:46
mook01"more it's not necessarily "better", but it means good support07:46
qgil_are they going to be substitued by Moblin comopnents?07:46
qgil_do you know whether Moblin components are leak-free?07:46
arjan__qgil_: they're likely all the same components anyway ;07:46
MiXu-No, I don't know.07:46
suryasansDell uses it as official preinstalled linux distribution.07:47
qgil_MiXu-: so for anything coming from Hildon there is no Moblin substitute coming07:47
arjan__suryasans: it seems you're repeating yourself a little in the last 5 minutes ;)07:47
sivangI don't really believe and leak free componenets, it's the memory management that has to be smart ;)07:47
qgil_and for anything under Hildon, the chances of Moblin and Maemo using basically the same technologies are high07:47
arjan__sivang: fixing leaks is important. which means having good tools to find leaks ;)07:47
MiXu-qgil_: Isn't hildon gonna be dropped anyway and replaced with directui?07:47
arjan__and Qt is actually very nice07:47
sivangarjan__: there are :)07:47
sivangvalgrind ?07:48
qgil_MiXu-: is dui a Moblin component?07:48
mook01minor leaks become apparent very fast when there is not much RAM ;)07:48
arjan__valgrind, memprof, etc07:48
jsa_suaryasans: So ubuntu has 13,5 million users? Nokia sells more smartphones in a quarter.07:48
mook01n900 has 256mb, dell netbooks have 1-2GB07:48
sivangjsa_: :)07:48
suryasansYeah, most of them are Symbian.07:48
MiXu-qgil_: I don't know. But dui is not something that I'd say is "under the hood".07:48
qgil_leaks become more evident in a small ARM device than in your PC/laptop distro07:48
qgil_MiXu-: dui comes from the Maemo/Nokia team as well07:49
sivangqgil_: do you think the response here is reasonable? I haven't tested on iPhone the same situation but my hunch is that this is handled gracefully07:49
MiXu-Yeah, I know they're developing it but wasn't sure whether Nokia built it from scratch07:49
povbotBug 9089: Upgrading Maemo itself (nokia official recommended upgrade) failed with "no enough space" on target device.07:49
qgil_I just wanted to dig in your sentence: "In my opinion, what's under the hood in fremantle is a mess. So it might actually be a good thing that they're changing to moblin core."07:49
jsa_suryasans: Yes, but which brand do you think is more capable of bringing linux to mainstream, Nokia or Ubuntu?07:49
sivangjsa_: Nokia07:50
* arjan__ likes his n900 ;)07:50
suryasansUbuntu, because it is not nokia.07:50
arjan__work (intel) had me try a few phones.. couldn't stand the others07:50
mook01nokia, but only if they do the marketing right ;)07:50
MiXu-qgil_: Yes. But dui has nothing to do with fremantle. :)07:50
qgil_MiXu-: nor with Moblin. btw
sivangNokia turned Israel to a Nokia country, not because of marketing, because of device quality07:50
suryasansNokia is only a hardware vendor. Android will tronch Nokia.07:50
sivangeverybody knows Nokia boxes are toughest on the planet07:50
suryasansI'm using Nokia Symbian smartphone.07:51
arjan__sivang: they Just Work07:51
villemvtroll invasion?07:51
sivangarjan__: and that07:51
MiXu-I love my N900 as well. I'm not bashing the product. I'm just saying, having worked on fremantle that it's not all that pretty :)07:51
arjan__villemv: seems so07:51
suryasansIt is better to unified Meego and Ubuntu, to be avaiable for other hardware vendors.07:51
sivangMiXu-: I can assure you that we we dealth with importing packages from debian into ubuntu in october 2004, it was not pretty as well :-)07:52
knowkeyahas we're chatting about phones, has anyone tried/owned the 5800?  thoughts?07:52
sivangsuryasans: Ubuntu has too much overhead in humane counter huiristics, I wouldn't want that to drain my N900 battery07:52
sivangspeaking about msg buses, too many deamons etc07:52
suryasansMot people is familiar with Windows because every OEM is preinstalled the same package of windows.07:52
MiXu-knowkeyah: It was ok when it was released. Haven't tried it since, so can't say how it compares to modern stuff.07:52
mook01n900 drop test: - oh yes he did! :)07:53
sivangknowkeyah: cool music machine, very very robust and *tough*07:53
sivangthe only device that managed to eat some off nokia share in Israel is iPhone mainly due to its durability (not tough as a 5800, but tough enough) and uber polished OS, touch response and UI design.07:54
sivangwe have to do something about turning control in Maemo. Like port it from S60 off the N97 Mini, it is superb there.07:55
MiXu-sivang: Ok. So maybe the ugliness is something that just belongs in the process ;)07:55
sivangMiXu-: not to mention security review......Geesh I don't want to recall that.07:56
knowkeyah"modern stuff", heh :)  it's not that* old.  i just put an order for the Nav Edition (the only difference i can tell is that there is a car mount and car charger, do you know any different, if you have that edition where you are?), and i picked it up because the pricepoint seemed right, US$249 here.  i also won't be carrying a data plan at first and you can still do a few things with it apparently, i've read quite a few07:56
qgil_has anybody kept the URL where yesterday's website IRC meeting log can be found?07:57
MiXu-knowkeyah: Well it was released in 2008 H2 as far as I remember. I guess it depends on the definition whether it's old or not :)07:57
knowkeyahsivang, well, i can tell you that nokia has about a 6% market share stateside and i believe it is* because of marketing that they are not doing better (yes, in addition to the conflicting systems cdma/gsm and the ridiculous tethering that occurs when you sign up for a contract and phone here)07:58
MiXu-But the good thing about mature products is that they work :D07:58
sivangknowkeyah: USA?07:58
knowkeyahMiXu-, ok, the Navigation Edition came out in Nov 09, but the hardware and all else is the same i guess ?  so you have a point..07:59
knowkeyahsivang, right07:59
sivangMiXu-: right so wasupplicant works, network-manager on top of it no so much :)07:59
qgil_thanks eggonlea !07:59
sivangknowkeyah: we've reached a heaven here. All is GSM , and MOC made pretty strict rules to let you move with your number from one operator to another, abiding them to strict rules of tranparency08:01
MiXu-knowkeyah: The 'remakes' usually come with minor software and 'looks' polishments :)08:01
MiXu-So it's basically the same08:01
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qgil_impressed by the (autogenerated?)
sivangqgil_: wow nice, autogenerated??08:04
qgil_sivang: I think so, there was a boot with some commands08:04
qgil_like #topic etc, that tekojo was using as chair or the meeting08:05
qgil_I see08:05
sivangohh nice08:05
MyrttiUbuntu uses the same thing08:05
Myrttiit's impressive08:05
qgil_actually it is08:05
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Myrttioh, well, ubuntu uses a different one but it's nice nonetheless08:05
sivanghmm iwiki login is doing me the hell again..08:06
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MyrttiI seriously want to amputate my head right now. Waking up to a splitting headache an hour before the alarm to face a stressful day isn't ideal08:07
sivangMyrtti: drink some galons of water08:07
sivangMyrtti: that'll solve that and calm you down, you're dyhadrated08:07
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sivangMyrtti: not coffee, water.08:07
Myrttiyeah, that's probably it, I was down with a stomach bug last week and I'm notoriously bad in hydrating myself08:07
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* Tm_T huggles Myrtti08:08
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Myrttisivang: I've given up coffee almost totally after my gallbladder thing. It was nice to visit NRC with a gallstone attack underway08:08
MyrttiI laughed at it at the A&E later that day08:08
knowkeyahsivang, where is 'here'?  i'm guessing somewhere in eur, so i know, i know :)  endless numbers of us whine incessantly about the control the telecom comps wield and no standards are made in the direction because they all have powerful lobbyists in washington who buy influence.  bah. :/08:08
knowkeyahMiXu-, yes, i was familiar with the cosmetic change (color scheme) but was wondering about any software differences.  guess i'll find out as soon as the delivery truck arrives.. :)08:09
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sivangknowkeyah: Israel, so a bit like EU but not really :)08:09
knowkeyahah, how much of the market does nokia have there?08:09
sivangknowkeyah: let me fetch the numbers08:10
knowkeyahi was disappointed to learn that they are closing their two flagship stores here (in NYC and Chicago), their only bricks-and-mortar presences here as far as i know (they're also closing the London and have relocated the Rio de Janeiro, so perhaps something else is afoot)08:11
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mook01perhaps they just don't want to fight the iphone in the US08:12
sivangknowkeyah: hmmmm odd08:12
sivanginterestingly enough, when googling I found -08:12
sivangcheckpoint is 2 minutes walk from my apartment :)08:13
MiXu-knowkeyah: Probably no major stuff.08:13
MiXu-But it's a nice solid phone. The best selling Nokia ever, I think.08:13
MiXu-Or was it the best selling nokia smartphone. Can't remember.08:13
sivangknowkeyah: well, so Nokia was the leader for many years, but I read now that in 2008 Smasung sold 280,000 out of 1M sold in the cuountry08:14
sivangknowkeyah: so they became 2nd place08:14
knowkeyahi believe you're right, the products are good, but the problem nokia has stateside from my limited experience and from some extensive reading of u.s. product reviews revolve around poor oral and written support.08:14
knowkeyahby the oral support, i mean there is no one here who is familiar firsthand with the product to take calls or receive you to answer questions (other than the aforementioned flagship stores which are closing)08:15
sivangknowkeyah: ah we have specilazed support in each operator,08:15
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sivangknowkeyah: and Nokia have EuroComm that are highly trained on the operational technical aspect of every single model ever to come out08:16
sivangknowkeyah: we also have this for experimenation and fun -
sivangwhich come to think of it, a bit comes as a surprise that Samsung surpassed them with saled.08:17
knowkeyahso all inquiries are routed to the philippines where nokia maintains it's call center and i just i had a laborious 1.5 hour session with them over the phone trying to get some answers to the most basic questions--they were courteous, earnest, just not well versed.  they'd to look everything up and put me on hold for 10 minutes at a stretch (i was fooling around online which made it barely tolerable :))08:17
sivangNo other vendor has this sort of facilities here.08:17
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knowkeyahsivang, they need to do that here! :)08:17
sivangknowkeyah: ask them! :)08:18
sivangknowkeyah: they are well established here08:18
sivangknowkeyah: but israeli folks don't mind if the printed manual is missing - they'd just learn to use it to fullest on the fly08:18
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sivangknowkeyah: that's very different from US mentality I suppose08:19
sivangI think I'll go visit there today :)08:19
sivangI've never been to the innovatino center.08:19
knowkeyahthe other thing is the written documention, i've read a number of complaints about the manuals which don't cover all the features, selling* features, for their products.  and i've experienced the same.08:19
knowkeyahsivang, yeah, i don't mind that either, but some people don't want to fool around, they just want it to work..08:20
sivangknowkeyah: well, from my experience , "self explantory UI" is a good definition for the interfaces of the Nokia device..UNlike Motoroal or samsung from experinece! :-)08:20
knowkeyah..or have a good guide which explains how something works.  or they may just ignore the features because they don't know about them and there's no documentation covering them.08:20
sivangand in N97 Mini, everything like jumps into your face so you can't miss it.08:21
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sivangNokia was the first ever device company to start a market here, so I guess it is only natural.08:22
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sivangthey have saved our basketball hall from becoming wreckage :)
sivangknowkeyah: ^^08:24
sivangknowkeyah: that's my 'hood, ir is right across the street08:25
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knowkeyahthe nokia arena, heh.  yes, there's no such marketing effort here.  too bad, because i think it could pay off.  nokia is shortsighted if they are indeed pulling out all physical presence entirely..08:30
knowkeyahthe problem is that people here do not realize the value of buying an unlocked phone for certain* usages.  they end up paying for the "free" or subsized phones through their data plan-contracts several times over..08:32
qgil_I'm also looking forward to see how the marketing departments from Intel, Nokia and more to come will work marketing MeeGo08:32
sivangknowkeyah: if you like Nokia want want that, why don't you write them?08:33
qgil_these are powerful houses when pointing to the right directions08:33
sivangqgil_: true08:33
sivangknowkeyah: but I don't think they do anything out of shortsightness08:33
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sivangknowkeyah: seriously now. I am working with them now on a daily basis almost, and I can tell you they are open to suggestions, they are keen to learn where they think you could benefit them and are very responsive.08:34
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sivangah, a firefox developer in DA HOUSE! ;)08:34
sivangwhat a nice cloak08:35
knowkeyahwell, it's evident that by putting their call center in the philippines (about which many* u.s. nokia users have complained) and by closing their flagship stores they are counting the dimes rather than taking a long view approach.08:35
arjan__knowkeyah: this isn't a nokia complain channel though ;)08:36
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knowkeyahregarding writing them, i actually thought about that, but i'll wait for the phone to arrive and use it first i believe :)08:36
* arjan__ goes back to coding meego features ;-)08:36
sivangknowkeyah: hehe, so now who's shortsighted? ;-D08:36
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sivangarjan__: what sort of features?08:36
knowkeyahah, sorry, it was more of a wishlist08:36
* knowkeyah gets off his soapbox08:36
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sivangarjan__: do you have the sources?08:37
arjan__sivang: right now I'm trying to code something that will make life a lot easier for the translation community08:37
arjan__sivang: I work for Intel on moblin/meego08:37
sivangarjan__: ah lucky you!08:37
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arjan__(I do a lot of work on power management, fast boot, but also many other pieces of the os; I'm sort of an architect in that sense)08:37
knowkeyahMiXu-, regarding your best-selling observation, certainly there is still sustained interest-
sivangarjan__: there's nice work by Carlos from Canonical on rosetta for augmenting gettext, seen that?08:38
Corsacali1234: 250 builds attempted, 19 failures08:38
arjan__sivang: not yet08:38
arjan__Corsac: not too bad08:38
sivangarjan__: do check, Carlos put his heart and soul into that.08:38
sivangarjan__: I set next to him in MOntreal watching that08:38
sivangarjan__: I didn't know what was more tiring, to watch him do it, or try help him with testing and qa :)08:39
sivangarjan__: and he's happy to help as well, if he is not overly busy08:39
arjan__can you describe in a sentence or two what it does ?08:39
sivangarjan__: nobody can descrive in a sentence or two what any component of launchpad does :-p08:40
sivangarjan__: what's your email?08:40
sivangarjan__: expect a mail , I'll fetch you some info, could you email me with the set of problems you are trying to solve?08:40
sivangarjan__: launchpad is a devil's beast :-)08:40
arjan__I'm not solving problems; more like experimenting with some tooling08:41
sivangarjan__: good, you in the right stage.08:41
sivangarjan__: so you're not sold yet :)08:41
sivangarjan__: (in the sense it is *huge*)08:41
arjan__I have this idea, but I first need to see if I can get the various pieces of technology needed for it developed08:41
arjan__and that's the fun part ;)08:41
* arjan__ likes doing funky technology08:42
arjan__(like the 5 second boot stuff, that was fun to do)08:42
sivangarjan__: oh yeah, that was cool, can I get it to boot Fremantle on the N900 ?08:43
* arjan__ spends a lot of time making meego boot fast ;)08:43
arjan__but not fremantle quite08:44
sivangarjan__: can we port this work ?08:44
* arjan__ likes his n900 as a phone .. don't want to destroy it by hacking08:44
sivangarjan__: what does it involve?08:44
arjan__sivang: it's changes all over the map unfortunately08:44
sivangarjan__: you can backup and reflash if all else fails :)08:44
arjan__there isn't such a thing as a fastboot patch08:44
sivangah I see08:44
arjan__it's lots of things everywhere08:44
sivangarjan__: what did you do with init/upstrea ?08:44
Stskeepsarjan__: i have done really mean things to my n900 so far, not destroyed it :P08:44
sivangit is UNBREAKABLE :)08:45
arjan__like the beginning of this week I spend 2 days fixing some bug in tracker/tumbler that costed 2 seconds boot time08:45
arjan__sivang: we use init, not yet upstart; upstart would make it boot slower08:45
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sivangseriosuly now, it sustained 2 major falls now without a scratch08:45
arjan__Stskeeps: but it's my only phone, I don't have a land line08:45
sivangarjan__: right, my feeling as well re upstart08:45
arjan__Stskeeps: and while Intel gave me also some non-nokia phone to test and such.. I can't stand using it ;)08:45
sivangarjan__: upstrea is making my life miserable on 9.10 when I do Plone development08:45
RST38hMoo all, Stskeeps, arjan08:46
sivangRST38h: what about me ? :)08:46
* RST38h moos at sivang with passion08:46
* openstandards has just reading the old log from someone who thought ubuntu could basically do a better job than nokia/intel...thats seriously amusing08:47
sivangah, now I feel special!08:47
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sivangarjan__: given the tooling in place, we could enable TTW translations08:48
RST38hAnd Ubuntu cannot, for some reason?08:48
sivangarjan__: automtically merged intot he build process, all the bits are there08:48
Stskeepsarjan__: yeah.. i nuked my fs the other day by accident. getting a n900 exclusively for devel now08:48
sivangarjan__: it even has plugin arch to replace deb with another packaging system, IIRC08:48
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sivangarjan__: but that'd you;d have to talk to Carlos08:48
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sivangarjan__: since it is all open soure now, you could take it , mangle it and run your own web translation server08:49
openstandardsRST38h, cos nokia know their devices and nokia do more things to do with freedesktop standards such as dbus work and telepathy08:49
RST38hBut does it mean Ubuntu can't do a thing?08:49
openstandardskey parts that have ended up in ubuntu desktops anyway08:49
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sivangRST38h: he mentioned "better job"08:50
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RST38hWell, there are many factors that contribute to a better job, so I would not say that Ubuntu isn't worth a shit right away08:50
* sivang scrambles at MW syntax for headlines08:50
sivang= ..... = ?08:51
sivanglike in moin, yes?08:51
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* sivang ends up editing another page just to steal syntax08:51
openstandardsRST38h, that i understand which is why i didn't say that, ofcourse them using telepathy for empathy will help get rid of some bugs in the framework and various other frameworks08:52
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openstandardssuch as gstreamer08:52
sivangzalan: Ishtan Hosta08:52
openstandardsRST38h, a lot of ubuntu users forget how much work nokia does with linux is what i was implying08:53
RST38hOr never knew to begin with08:53
openstandardsyeah exactly08:54
sivangright, that's a big problem08:54
sivangpeople get the impression that Ubuntu started the Linux world.08:54
sivangand alos forget about the guys from rpath08:55
* arjan__ has many friends in rpath ;)08:55
sivangarjan__: I met Michal and the other guy, that started the fedora project08:55
openstandardsthats one distro i've never tried08:55
sivangarjan__: in UDS paris08:55
arjan__sivang: Michael Johnson used to be my manager08:55
arjan__he's a great guy08:56
sivangarjan__: he is!08:56
sivangarjan__: you are so lucky to have worked with him.08:56
sivangarjan__: they came to teach us some of their vast pacakging work and experience08:56
sivangarjan__: and Erik? know him ?08:56
sivangarjan__: Erik S. Troan08:56
arjan__yeah I know Eric08:56
openstandardsdo you think we'll ever have a grid overlay on the platform so we can position things properly08:57
sivangarjan__: they both were invited to paris since then Ubuntu started co-operating with Intel, Max from intel was there as well08:57
arjan__sivang: sounds like we know a bunch of people in common :)08:59
sivangarjan__: you know Max?09:00
sivangarjan__: I forgot his last name, he is a former Israeli09:00
arjan__of course09:00
arjan__he used to be our ubuntu contact person09:00
sivangarjan__: after breaking my teeth for like the whole week, I met him and he asked if I Knew hebrew09:00
arjan__I think he moved to some other thing lately though09:00
sivangarjan__: so we started talking hebrew and my muscles started to releieve ! :)(09:00
sivangarjan__: he has? that's a shame09:00
sivangarjan__: he looked as if he knew exactly what to do to push things with Ubnutu09:01
jacquesdupontdhey guys09:01
sivangarjan__: have you been to the haifa R&D ?09:01
arjan__nope not yet09:01
arjan__most of the time our israel cpu guys come to me ;)09:01
sivangarjan__: where Dothan was created? :)09:01
sivangarjan__: hehe09:02
sivangarjan__: good for them09:02
jacquesdupontdi m gonna go crazy i still didn't received my touch screen i can't get further for making my tablet09:02
sivangI need to get a real laptop, HP Compaq mini 311c stops my creativity and productivness09:03
sivangor get a Nokia netbook, the kbd and touchpad are superb09:03
sivangsuch a shame , that on such a wonderful platfrom like the 311c HP put such a lousy kbd touchpad combi.09:04
sivangI took it because it supports Cuda09:04
sivangand can be oerated with UDA of nvidia09:04
arjan__cuda on a laptop?09:05
arjan__or even netbook09:05
arjan__that is .. interesting concept09:05
sivangfarout isn't it?09:05
sivangit is an ION09:05
arjan__I wouldn't think you'd use a netbook for heavy cuda able compute tasks09:05
arjan__but maybe you do09:05
sivangbut drivers for linnux are good as non existant last time I checked09:05
sivangarjan__: the GPU is a monster09:05
sivangarjan__: Atom is a midget ;)09:05
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sivangso, you catch the drift...09:05
sivangand the GPU is mostly idle09:06
arjan__yeah.. it's a bit unbalanced system in that sense :)09:06
sivangthey stopped selling it here after I bought it09:06
sivangand was the only Cuda/ION based machine HP Comapq have marketted here.09:06
sivangI need to mangle the input driver in linux to have the touchpad auto-lock when the keyboard is used09:06
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sivangarjan__: what's the state of GMA4500 support in Linux ?09:07
arjan__4500 ?09:07
arjan__works fine09:07
sivangprop. driver?09:07
arjan__4500 ?09:07
sivangubuntu hardware manger finds it and love it?09:07
arjan__gma500 is the powervr one09:07
sivangah right09:07
arjan__4500 is the 965 generation09:07
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muepfor 4500, you probably don't even need the hardware manager program09:08
sivangthere's a GMA4500 machine I am going to get as a real laptop09:08
sivangmuep: mainline ?09:08
arjan__for 4500.. all you need is new enough bits09:08
sivangokay, great.09:08
muepAFAIK the manager is just for getting proprietary drivers09:08
sivangyes, that's why I asked if it is mainline and open09:09
sivangso I'll go get some food, see you guys later09:09
* sivang will finished the Maemo 6 / MeeGo relatiunoshyip doc when he gets proper lkeyboard09:09
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Corsacarjan__: though there are like 1000+ packages to build so I have quite some more to do :)09:19
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arjan__Corsac: you don't have to tell me it takes a while to build the whole thing ;)09:20
Corsacyeah but I hope you don't build it on a core2duo?09:20
Corsacwith a 5400rpm hard drive09:20
arjan__no we have a farm of nehalem boxes :)09:21
CorsacI'm surprised you dont use amd cpus :)09:21
arjan__for some magic reason it's easier to get core i7's than AMD :)09:21
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Corsachmhm, why is glibc trying to use zsh?09:25
Corsacis $SHELL passed to the underlying processes?09:25
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timeless_mbpCorsac: environment variables are typically inherited ...09:33
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villemvyou should use /bin/sh to run scripts09:41
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villemv(instead of using "current shell", which may be totally unable to run any scripts)09:41
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Corsactimeless_mbp: but I would have expected a build system like mock to cleanup the environment09:58
Corsacvillemv: and I do use /bin/sh, what's not is the glibc build09:58
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Corsacwhich I find a bit weird09:58
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* timeless_mbp shrugs09:59
Corsacin the end, it worked though09:59
CorsacINFO: Done(sources/glibc-2.9-5.1.moblin2.src.rpm) Config(moblin) 53 minutes 53 seconds09:59
villemvCorsac: sounds like a packaging mistake...09:59
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slaine_morning all10:19
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slaine_hmmm, coffee10:34
tybolltyeah, that's a good idea10:34
niqtno cappucino10:34
tybolltcoffee is like saying programming, it can be in sh, perl or C10:35
tybolltit can be cappucino, machiato, au lait, turkish or just plain ol cup of joe10:36
Myrttitea ♥10:36
* leinir sips tea "Mmm... PG-tips" :)10:36
slaine_tybollt: yeah, but unlike programming, it's all good ;)10:37
BliceToday I'm happy. Fixed a CSS problem I've had for like a month :]10:37
MiXu-At the office it means 'cup of joe', or one of those coffe-like liquids that you get from those machines.10:37
crashanddieslaine_: nope, starbucks and generally american coffee is horrendous10:37
MiXu-Starbucks isn10:37
AVeeNo it isn't, anything poluted with milk is wrong for starters...10:37
MiXu-isn't bad10:37
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Myrtticrashanddie: the Finnish coffees aren't too good either10:37
slaine_I'm drinking an americano made from starbucks coffee10:38
jkuslaine_, I'm not sure if you tasted the stuff you normally get in e.g. Helsinki...10:38
jkuMyrtti, exactly :)10:38
slaine_jku, not been there10:38
Stskeepsi always have to kick a severe caffeine addiction after my helsinki visits10:38
MiXu-Finnish "office poison" gets your stomach going :D10:38
Myrttithat's a whole another chapter10:38
crashanddieyeah, americans who have never left the country aren't allowed to say if coffee is "always good"... They probably haven't tasted proper coffee10:38
BliceI've been drinking jamaica blue mountain lately10:38
jkushow off10:39
Myrttimy mum threw away a package of Parisian blend because it tasted horrible to her ;________;10:39
BliceI also own a coffee roaster, so I roast my own  beans.10:39
MiXu-I have this Moka pot. <310:39
MyrttiI've got two :-D10:39
MiXu-Me too actually10:39
crashanddieBlice: you roast your own beans?10:39
Myrttione here in Finland, a pink Typhoon and one proper one back at home in UK10:40
slaine_Hmmmm, coffee10:40
mzanettilol! Everytime I stop by on this channel you guys are talking about coffee... Perhaps the first MeeGo device should include a coffee machine to-go!10:40
Blicecrashanddie: Yep... Can't trust other roasters.10:40
BliceA lot of them burn their beans (Starbucks...)10:40
crashanddieBlice: no... i meant... _your_ beans10:41
crashanddiethat must hurt10:41
crysazthat reminds me: I should make some10:41
crashanddieIRC, the only place where everyone is an expert about everything10:41
Myrttibut I've given up drinking coffee almost totally, my blood pressure and stomach can't take it anymore10:41
Corsacwhy is there gnome-panel in moblin?10:41
MiXu-I've cut my consumption to 2-3 cups a day10:42
tybolltMyrtti: finish coffee is ok!10:42
Myrttitybollt: it's shite!10:42
Blicecrashanddie: linux developers, the only people who are experts about everything10:42
tybolltMyrtti: I will have no FUD campaign against finish coffee! ;-)10:42
crashanddieBlice: my boss is far from a linux dev, yet he's always right about everything]10:42
MyrttiBlice: I was about to say I don't know anything and then I remembered I don't really develop anything apart from my email filters10:42
Myrttiand knitting socks10:42
tybolltcrashanddie: that's implied by the word "boss" mate.10:43
BliceI don't know how to knit. It is on my things-to-learn list though10:43
Corsacyou develop “knitting socks”?10:43
Corsacdo they have hands then?10:43
crashanddieBlice: we actually have a form in all of our offices worldwide, where we write down the date, person who heard and reason of when the boss said he was wrong (he has to admit it)10:43
BliceI'm assuming he isn't a project manager10:43
tybolltMyrtti: anyway buy some of that jamaican blue stuff... that's the best I had thus far.10:43
crashanddiewhen we reach 10 worldwide, he buys dinner10:43
Blicea projact manager that knows anything about anything is extremily rare10:43
Blicetybollt: That's what I'm drinking. It's amazing :010:44
crashanddieBlice: it's rare for a project manager to have anyone under them10:44
tybolltBlice: It's amazingly expesnive10:44
Corsactybollt: blue mountain?10:44
MyrttiI like my Aussie Blue Mountain blend shampoo and conditioner...10:45
crashanddieBlice: project manager really only means: "I'm too shit on the technical side, and can't cut it as a salesman, nor can I manage people directly, what else besides Project Manager can I be?"10:45
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villemvcrashanddie: I thought that was marketing?10:45
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tybolltCorsac: beleve that is the name yeah10:45
villemv(according to some old dilbert wisdom)10:45
crysazcrashanddie: you can be QA dude10:45
tybolltMyrtti: that's... awkward - coffee scented shampoo? >:)10:46
Myrttitybollt: eucalyptus10:46
Myrttithat price makes me weep10:46
Myrttithey're about 10€ in finland10:47
crashanddiecrysaz: I wasn't talking about myself, thank you very much ;)10:47
tybolltthat's funny, reminds me of Koalas... those cute fuzzy little teddybears... that aren't so fricken innocent they all had us believe :)10:47
crashanddiecrysaz: note the quotes10:47
crysazcrashanddie: ouh. I was playing along. didn't mean you should :)10:48
crashanddieAs much as I respect the guys in QA for going through with the testing of our products10:48
crashanddieI wouldn't be in their shoes for one day10:49
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crashanddiewoudln't want10:49
crashanddieengrish fail10:49
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Bliceenough talking about knitting socks and shampoo, people will think meego is girly10:50
Stskeepsand why can't it be? :P10:50
leinirWhat's so wrong with girly? :)10:50
tybolltanyway I have been looking for that coffe that is shit out by monkeys in borneo or something... supposed to be even better than jamaican blue mountain10:51
tybolltbut never found it10:51
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tybolltBlice: I'll have you know, son, my meego will be so tainted by hello kitty, girly will be the understatement of a lifetime :P10:51
leinir <-- there you go, Blice ;)10:51
crashanddietybollt: QI much?10:52
crashanddieanyway, time for sushi, later10:52
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gouverneurBlice: it isnt, what a show stopper ;-)11:18
gouverneurtybollt: where do you live? I got my own plant in Togo... BUT 2 days ago my machine drowned the floor, waiting now for gaskets and drinking co2go from the bakery :(11:20
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tybolltgouverneur: your own plant of what?11:21
gouverneurtybollt: coffee11:21
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tybollttogo, that'd be africa... AFAIU Africa grow a lot of Robusta beans... not interested. :-(11:22
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gouverneurtybollt: no its arabica11:26
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rzrhi, will meego target only omap4 or 3+ ?11:34
rzri guess this has been asked zillion times11:34
slaine_no details, only speculation11:36
Stskeepsrzr: currently, armv5te it looks like11:39
Stskeepsno certain public info11:39
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suryasansThis is a lesson from Windows Mobile.
suryasansMicrosoft seems to have learned from Windows Mobile's heritage, and it is really reflected in their decision to disallow skinning by third parties. In the past, allowing hardware manufacturers to create new skins and user experiences atop the platform ultimately proved to be a double-edged sword. On one side, manufacturers like HTC were able to greatly enhance Windows Mobile functionality with skins like TouchFLO 3D and HTC Sense, as well as third party11:50
suryasansArguably, this is the biggest departure of Phone 7 Series from Windows Mobile. No longer will manufacturers be able to differentiate themselves with both software and hardware. Instead, they will have to adhere to a common template of minimum hardware requirements.11:50
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gouverneurwho cares?12:08
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Myrttigouverneur: were you here when he ranted about "MeeGo is shite, we should just work on Ubuntu" thing?12:10
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gouverneurMyrtti: nope... but MeeGo is nothing yet, at least for me, and still, this name kind of bothers me12:11
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benbrownThe name's not great, but I'm more concerned with how well it works rather than what it's called12:12
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sivanghow do I creat a new blog post in my champion blog?12:37
sivangI can't find where to enter the blog admin web ui12:38
sivangfrom the forum login12:38
sivanganybody care to handhold? :)12:38
sivangoh well, that's airnt a nokia channel12:39
* sivang tries to join #nokia12:39
timeless_mbpsivang: fwiw, i never blogged as a champion :)12:40
sivangtimeless_mbp: hehe12:41
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sivangtimeless_mbp: but how do I login and post? :)12:41
sivangtimeless_mbp: why not BTW?12:41
timeless_mbpno interest12:43
sivangtimeless_mbp: I see. ANyway, you have an idea who the blog interface can be reached?12:44
timeless_mbpi think the first time i logged in was fairly near the end so i could get an n810 for a friend (my entry reward)12:44
timeless_mbpnope :)12:44
sivangtimeless_mbp: okay. How you anyway? How's your part of the world?12:44
sivangtimeless_mbp: Do you know if in San Fran there'd a Nokia based development sprint ?12:44
timeless_mbp'development sprint'?12:45
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* timeless_mbp knows virtually nothing about nokia in sf12:45
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slaine_Where new maemo releases made available for previous generation hardware ?12:46
slaine_Or, where you locked into updates only for a particular os release ?12:46
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Myrttithere is a 2008HE for 770, but it wasn't totally usable12:47
Myrttisome glitches were present12:47
Myrtti(HE for hackers edition)12:47
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slaine_did they ever sort video playback on the 770 ?12:47
Stskeepsslaine_: N800 has OS2007 and OS2008, N810 had OS2008 and Diablo, i think12:48
Stskeepsdepending on who you ask12:48
slaine_I seem to recall that it was just that little bit underpowered for smooth video playback12:48
slaine_Stskeeps: what's Diablo, Maemo5 ?12:48
bvaHi guys; I missed the meeting yesterday but I would love to join in Forum and Wiki. Can I add myself in the list?12:49
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* Stskeeps should read the logs from last night's meeting13:28
* w00t also13:28
* bva started but gave up after 3 lines :s13:28
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niqthi search link to pdf posted in the meeting13:33
niqton maemo-daemons13:33
tekojobva please add yourself to the wiki page :)13:34
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tekojoall participation is welcome13:34
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bvaand the forum?13:34
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* bva added himself to the list (Wiki part) of the meeting13:38
bvatekojo: whats your username in the page?13:38
bvayou did'nt volunteer?
tekojoI didn't put myself in the streams specifically, I'll just be around there everywhere13:40
tekojoI work for Nokia, so I get to do this full time :)13:40
bvalucky you :)13:40
bvadoesn't nokia need a noob like me?13:41
tekojobut I should add myself there in what I'm most interested in13:41
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bvaIm good at serving coffee :)13:41
bvaanyway getting food brb13:41
tekojobva :D13:41
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X-Fadebva: Serving coffee in a globally distributed community is quite a challenge :)13:42
X-FadeHmm just missed.13:42
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VDVsxhere's my coffee !!!13:48
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crashanddieX-Fade: HTCPCP to the rescue14:06
X-Fadecrashanddie: Sure, but does that also fetch the supplies etc?14:07
bvacrashanddie: Should I use the alcohol parameter whisky extensively?14:10
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bvado you know more of those "easter eggs"?14:15
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crashanddiethere's a few extra14:24
bvais there a painintheassboss one?14:25
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bvawe will run out by the end of September this year. :D14:26
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tekojoping townxelliot14:27
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crashanddie (this one is good),
crashanddiethose are the only ones I can remember/google off hand14:28
crashanddiethere's a bunch more14:28
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bvaI like the last one :D14:39
bvaif he draws the signals --> watch error14:39
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Stskeepswhat kernel is in use in moblin at the moment btw?15:02
inzvillemv, going for the "most useless reply of the week"?15:05
villemvpretty much15:05
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Stskeepser, version15:05
damien_lStskeeps: 2.6.3315:06
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qgilcan you connect to
qgilI was thinking that it was a silent morning in MeeGo mailing lists, but perhaps it's the server down...15:09
X-Fadeqgil: No. waiting.15:09
GeneralAntillesMe too.15:10
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qgilhave you received an email from me at meego-community about Events?15:10
X-Fadeqgil: No.15:10
qgilah yes, forgot that one GeneralAntilles  :)15:10
GeneralAntillesNothing since about 8 PM local yesterday.15:10
X-Fadeqgil: I guess we will have to wait until the admin wakes up.15:11
GeneralAntillesIt's going to be nice having admins in two faraway timezones once we have admins in two faraway timezones. ;)15:11
tekojomailed mshaver just a while back when I realised it's down15:11
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yeah, that will help.15:11
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: At least 16 hours of support ;)15:12
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: x-fade for european dayshift, intel for european nightshift? ;)15:12
X-FadeNeed someone from the Brisbane office then ;)15:12
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GeneralAntillesWe need a troll admin to level things out.15:12
GeneralAntillesI nominate crashanddie. ;)15:12
X-FadeNo, that is a really troll, not a Troll ;)15:13
qgilMeeGo will have time based releases and (simplifying) vendors planning to use MeeGo will define their products and their work around the features expected in a release.15:14
qgilThis means that we need to have a roadmap showing committed features for a specific release, and a way to see the specifications agreed about a feature and eventually the current development status.15:14
qgilokia teams use a (commercial) tool for this. Not an option in MeeGo. There is but I have but afaik is integral part of Launchpad.15:14
qgilDo you have any recommendation? Any experience with an online tool serving this purpose?15:14
qgil(that was my email sent to meego-community a while ago)  ;)15:14
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GeneralAntillesUm, bugzilla?15:15
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Stskeepsmy first thought is trac, even though it is not really sane15:15
GeneralAntillesOr it that too specific?15:15
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X-FadeHmm don't know of anything that detailed.15:15
qgilGeneralAntilles: bugzilla doesn't allow to edit a first post, so things get complicated15:15
X-Fadeqgil: If that is the only problem, that can be 'fixed'.15:16
X-Fadeqgil: But I guess that feature tracking is a lot more.15:16
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clintcanHi there.15:18
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X-FadeExample of feature:
qgilX-Fade: nice one and actually I think someone had mentioned it already...15:19
qgilyou can also vote features and handle them before being committed15:20
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X-Fadeqgil: It is a bit of brainstorm added ;)15:20
qgilyes, I remember someone recommending it somewhere while we were discussing Brainstorm for MeeGo15:20
* w00t finally caught up on everything except last night's meeting15:21
X-FadeLooks interesting at least.15:21
Stskeepsw00t: MWKN really needs to exist for MeeGo ÆP15:21
w00tStskeeps: more like, for my entire life15:21
w00tI know I have issues when it takes me a full morning to catch up on a day's absense15:22
X-Fadeqgil: This way you can also track feature requests, so bugzilla doesn't need to host them.15:22
qgilsounds definitely good15:22
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* qgil goes to read15:23
X-FadeCan't find what it runs on though.15:23
Stskeepsor the source?15:25
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w00tI'm sure fate was discussed by some KDE people some months ago..15:25
Stskeepsah, found it15:25
X-FadeWas looking on ohloh ;)15:26
qgilso... is it the frontend of a Novell-only engine, or can you get the whole fate & openfate?15:26
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X-FadeYes, basically.15:27
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w00tX-Fade: yes to *which*?15:27
X-FadeLooks like tied into Novell things like Hermes.15:27
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qgilare you sure this really exists?15:28
qgilI can't find Fate or OpenFate in Wikipedia...  ;)15:28
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X-Fadeqgil: The code is there.15:28
joppuDoes the MeeGo user interface allow themeing? Are the desktop and mobile user interface completely seperate?15:28
X-Fadeqgil: But doesn't seem to be running on it's own.15:29
qgilThere is a language there where they use "OpenFate" as "frontend of Fate", but it's unclear what the Fate is15:30
Stskeepsqgil: it was mentioned a frontend to novells15:30
Stskeeps's linux business system15:30
FunkyPenguinqgil, Fate is/was Novell/SUSE's old feature tracker15:31
FunkyPenguinOpenFate was the result of opening it up15:31
X-FadeOr open is there result of the name-> openSuse.15:32
X-FadeAnyway, it seems to be a ruby app.15:33
qgilFunkyPenguin: thanks! so with openFate available you don't need any additional "engine" underneath?15:33
FunkyPenguinX-Fade, no open as in not a closed app, and accessible to all memebers of the community :)15:33
X-FadeFunkyPenguin: Ah ;)15:33
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FunkyPenguinqgil, um not 100% sure - im trying to get someone from the Open Fate team to pop in and answer your questions15:34
FunkyPenguineither that or you could pop into #opensuse-project and ask in there15:34
X-FadeCode looks clean at least.15:35
qgilFunkyPenguin: appreciated, I was looking the git log, they are actually working on it   :)15:35
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* Stskeeps ponders when tsg meetings start15:40
rzrif it matters : quake3 also on nexus :
tekojoStskeeps tsg?15:42
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Stskeepstekojo: technical steering sgroup,15:42
Stskeeps(as noted in
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FunkyPenguinqgil, glad you got some answers :)15:49
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hrwsomeone has a log from #meego-meeting?15:51
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I'd love to get something meaningful out of them. . . .15:52
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: well, it was more in term of getting TSG meetings set up so they can rubberstamp things on a regular basis to get things running15:52
Stskeepsas witnessed by reggie's problem15:53
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Stskeepsat least the roles are slowly starting to pop out into the open15:54
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GeneralAntillesHey, look at that! I can't edit the wiki . . . again.15:57
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qgilFunkyPenguin: that was fast, thanks for the connections15:58
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FunkyPenguinqgil, always glad to help out :)16:00
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bvahrw: You can find it on the wiki ->
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CosmoHillseems interesting16:42
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madianI have a question16:44
madianwhat about my new n90016:44
* CosmoHill shurgs16:45
Stskeepsit still keeps on working16:45
CosmoHillthere are other people with N900s or thinking of buying them16:45
madianwill it be supported16:46
CosmoHillyou mean, will meego run on the nokia n900?16:46
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Stskeepsmadian: might be educational16:47
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slaine_Was Harmattan going to run on the n900 ?16:47
Stskeepsslaine_: no official promise16:47
slaine_like previous os releases so16:48
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CosmoHillthere is some stuff about the n900 on there16:48
bvalol Stskeeps -> "For those too damn lazy to read the whole post, please read: You're in good hands. Stop worrying. Your N900 won't break when Maemo6 or MeeGo comes out, or be less useful. If you want details, read the post."16:49
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Stskeeps'lo gcobb16:50
gcobbHi keepsie16:51
Stskeepshow goes?16:51
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GeneralAntillesHey-ho, gcobb.16:52
gcobbmailing list seems a bit quiet today -- or is it just me?16:52
RST38hbva: Just to clarify: are we allowed visits by the Red Cross inspectors?16:52
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GeneralAntillesgcobb, it's down.16:52
gcobbI guess my moans yesterday broke it16:52
CosmoHillStskeeps: i like your sig " distmaster & Mer lead developer, Join the MeeGo project!, I am not worried about the future of the N900 and neither should you be"16:53
Stskeepsgcobb: it's obviously censorship to bring down community affecting anything ;)16:53
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, no whining or we turn off the mail server!16:54
madianthanks Stskeeps16:54
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: you know, that would actually be useful at times16:54
Stskeepsjust to calm people down a bit16:54
GeneralAntillesand incite the conspiracy theorists.16:55
GeneralAntillesEngadget practices that.16:55
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GeneralAntilles"Hey, you don't want to stop bitching about us injecting the iPhone into every story? We'll just turn the comments off, then!"16:56
bergieregarding that, it seems MeeGo is the new iPhone on Planet Maemo... post about it and be certain about thumbs down :-P16:58
tybolltCosmoHill: As to what stskeeps said himself the other day... he's paid not to worry ;-P16:58
tybolltI can readily state that - you pay me and I'll not worry about $concern16:59
Stskeepstybollt: nah, as i said, i didn't write it on paid time and it reflects my own opinions17:00
CosmoHillthe Iphone allowing you to do whatever you want*17:00
CosmoHill*As long as apple will let you17:00
CosmoHillif your app has sexual connect, an innuendo or just a really pretty interface it will be removed17:01
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tybolltPlease, this is a Maemo channel, can we atleast whine about Maemo-compatible devices? ;)17:02
bergieCosmoHill: like ?17:02
tybolltehr yes17:02
tybolltmy bad17:02
tybolltwrong channel, sorry ;)17:02
bergiewell, all of that App Store stuff proves that MeeGo also needs an open, peer-reviewed "app store", like maemo downloads is17:02
bergieotherwise, who knows how Ovi approval policies are for instance17:03
RST38hmaemo downloads is no app store17:03
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RST38hBut yes, Meego needs a bunch of public repos and a web site on top17:04
tybolltthere is an ovi store17:04
tybolltthat's appstore17:04
tybolltbut it is - last I tried - very fail :)17:04
bergieRST38h: Maemo Downloads provides an "app store"-like experience, even though there is obviously no concept of "buying"17:05
CosmoHillbergie: hehe17:05
X-FadeAnd appinstaller runs on top of that.17:05
X-FadeWhich is more like a on device app store would work.17:06
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arjan__bergie: yes we need some sort of app store like thing, and that is also in the plan, absolutely17:09
arjan__(and frankly, technically an "appstore" is only hard in the part where it is about payments and such, the rest is mostly glueing existing technology together in a nice UI)17:09
* GeneralAntilles is out for the weekend.17:09
GeneralAntillesLater, folks.17:09
bergiearjan__: and to comply with the open source nature of the community, I think the crowdsourced approval process we have for is pretty good17:10
arjan__oh yeah needs to be like that, you won't hear me argue against that ;)17:10
bergiedamn, I wrote a long email about SSO to meego-community but the lists appear to be down17:11
arjan__btw moblin had something similar to that as well17:11
arjan__just not as mature in process17:11
arjan__the hard part of this is having someone be a really good 'editor'17:11
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arjan__so that the user experience is that the user sees all "good" apps first, and not a bunch of "crappy" ones17:12
arjan__(and yes, what is good and what is crappy is not an easy thing)17:12
bergiearjan__: that is the point of crowdsourcing the process, you don't need to burden editors17:12
bergiein my view the apps in Downloads are of better quality than the ones in Ovi Store, though some of the games in Ovi are pretty nice17:12
arjan__the editor/whatever thing is hard, because also on the one hand the desire is to have high quality stuff, and on the other hand the desire is to be inclusive and accept almost all submissions17:13
arjan__and those two are sort of in conflict, and create a mess if you're not careful17:13
CosmoHillhi arjan__, why do you have a long tail?17:14
arjan__crowdsourcing + good ranking system can help out there17:14
X-Fadearjan__: But that is where we use the voting part.17:14
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X-FadeAnd it does scale a lot better than 3 guys at apple ;)17:14
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arjan_X-Fade: yup.. and then it becomes a matter of presenting things well in the UI17:14
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X-FadeWe opted for giving enthusiasts access to a more unstable repository, so they get early access and can comment on the issues.17:15
jkua pro writer doing the app introductions can also do wonders to usability...17:16
X-FadeThey are then happy because they have the latest and greatest ;)17:16
X-Fadejku: Yes. Copy writing is an art.17:16
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X-Fadejku: Developers write descriptions like: Xbarf clone for Maemo.17:17
bergie...which, again, is one of the reasons why we need to remember that non-developers can also be contributors17:18
jkuX-Fade, yes -- I just had that experience when I looked at the syncevolution support page which we intend to link to from the UI...17:18
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jkufour words in the first sentence that a typical user would not know17:18
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Corsacali1234: some failed build logs look like just packaging mistakes17:23
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Corsacali1234: not really related to anything else17:23
Corsacarjan_: is moblin rebuilt entirely from time to time?17:23
Corsacjava-gcj just failed, and among the error, there is:17:24
Corsacerror: File must begin with "/": %py_sitedir/*17:24
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Corsacwhich looks like an error in the specfile17:24
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* Jaffa got into an argument with a developer that "A notification area" wasn't a good description for a package called "Notification Area (System Tray)" since it was intended to be user visible:
tybolltI was annoyed by that too17:26
tybolltJaffa: you go after him :-)17:26
daumasJaffa: Could be because the Maemo packaging policy is very limited in scope. :)17:26
arjan_Corsac: yes17:27
arjan_Corsac: obs rebuilds it entirely17:27
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arjan_obs builds each package in its minimal buildroot though17:28
arjan_and we know we have some issues where things fail if you give some packages a richer BR17:28
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Corsacarjan_: I build from mock which, afaics, builds a new chroot for each package17:29
Jaffadaumas: Appealing to the letter of the rules rather than following the spirit is pretty petty on something which is intended to improve the user experience and general wonderfulness of Maemo ;-)17:30
Corsacand in java-gcj case it doesn't look like dependencies problem17:30
Corsacor build-conflict missing17:30
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Corsacarjan_: I think ali1234 put his failed logs somewhere, I'll do the same in the end, in case you're interested17:31
arjan_we are interested, but I have to admit it is not the highest priority right now17:31
arjan_one of the things might be differences in the minimal package set17:31
Corsacyeah, fair enough17:31
arjan_mock might have a slightly different set than we use17:31
arjan_anaz can give the list we use17:31
Stskeepsthe prjconf?17:32
CorsacI should look at obs to install it on my laptop and remove the login check, but I'm too short on time these days17:32
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arjan_Stskeeps: yeah17:33
Corsac395 build-attempted, 27 failed17:33
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Corsackdelibs, brrr17:34
arjan_iirc qt needs kdelibs17:35
hrwarjan_: no, kdelibs needs qt17:35
arjan_hrw: it's the definition of a build loop ;)_17:35
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Corsacif qt needs kdelibs, that looks like the perfect candidate to be dropped!17:36
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anaZwe dont have kdelibs17:37
arjan_hmm maybe it was kdefilesystem I was thinking of17:37
anaZthat comes from phonon17:37
anaZnot directly from qt17:37
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CorsacanaZ: at least there's a kdelibs src.rpm in the moblin repository17:38
anaZbut this is gone now17:38
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anaZwhat repo?17:38
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* arjan_ wanders to the office17:39
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anaZand btw, we never try to use mock, if you want to build things, use build17:39
anaZthat is 2.117:39
anaZtoo old17:39
Corsacyeah well, meego repository is gone17:39
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Corsacmaybe I should have tried trunk/ though17:39
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anaZhmm, I think someone is moving things around17:39
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anaZarjan: do you know where the trunk was moved to?17:40
Corsac doesnt look too old but I guess it won't be updated anymore?17:41
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anaZCorsac: things are being cleaned up and moved to the final destination17:42
anaZbut that is recent enough17:43
anaZstill considered moblin though17:43
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ali1234Corsac, arjan_afk: failure logs are at - but they're mostly the same as what slaine_ already reported17:57
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daumasAny word on when the MeeGo lists will be back up?18:13
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slaine_anaZ: any sign of that updated OBS moblin config ?18:22
Hydroxidesorry, that was entirely the wrong channel18:24
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slaine_ali1234: That a2ps one was a weird one alright18:31
slaine_iirc, I could build it on my moblin netbook. But, if I copied that FS image to my desktop PC and chroot'd into it, it failed as per your logs18:32
CorsacINFO: Done(sources/kdelibs4-4.2.2-12.15.moblin2.src.rpm) Config(moblin) 61 minutes 49 seconds18:34
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Corsactoo bad it's unneeded :)18:35
slaine_Did your a2ps rpm rebuild ?18:35
CorsacI think so, let me check18:35
slaine_can you paste up your makefile again18:36
slaine_what host your running that build on18:36
slaine_os I meant18:36
Corsacdebian sid, but inside a chroot18:37
Corsac too18:37
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slaine_Corsac: cheers, I'll modify my scripts to use that mock command line rather than the rpmbuild command18:41
Corsacslaine_: anaZ recommended to use “build”18:42
Corsacbut I don't exactly know what it is, and mock is available in debian :)18:43
slaine_Corsac: yes, he did. Himself and Arjan suggested that the last time I reported these problems last year18:45
slaine_But build doesn't work either, with many of the same packaging problems18:45
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Corsacyeah, I don't think most of the problems lie in the build tool, though it's nice to use the “official” tool when possible18:46
Corsacit's just that looking for “build” isn't exactly easy :)18:47
slaine_Corsac: that number of failed is the same number I had last year btw18:47
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slaine_Corsac, You can get build and the configs from here,
slaine_anaZ suggested last night that the config was out of date, but I'd guess that it's the same one as used for 2.118:49
anaZhmm, thought it was on the wiki18:49
anaZlet me look18:49
slaine_great, thanks18:49
Corsachmhm, nice, osc is in debian18:50
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Corsacwow, there's nasm in moblin18:53
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slaine_anaZ: any joy ?19:13
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anaZslaine_:  trying to attach it to wiki19:21
anaZit seems attachments are disabled19:21
arjanCorsac: why not ?19:22
CorsacanaZ: ?19:22
arjanCorsac: ffmpeg and co use it if you want it to19:22
anaZCorsac:  this is old19:22
Corsacarjan: I do use it, so I find that nice :)19:22
arjanwe also have yasm19:22
arjanfor the same type of reason19:23
Corsacare there usually available for end-users or only as a build-deps?19:23
dnearyslaine_, Hi there19:23
slaine_Hi dneary19:23
dnearyslaine_, In fairness to Dawn (the community manager listed in the wiki), she starts on March 1st19:24
dnearySo she hasn't had a chance not to get to know everyone yet ;)19:24
slaine_anaZ, could you paste to pastebin ?19:24
slaine_dneary, that would explain why I'd never heard of her :)19:24
slaine_foods up, bbs19:24
dnearyShe has some blogger cred19:24
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ahynes1From what I've read of Dawn, she seems to have major blogger cred and will be a great addition (when she starts)19:38
Stskeepsshe already has a lot of cred for showing up here and in meetings, too :)19:39
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lcuklol Stskeeps i dont think absence was really an option :D19:46
* w00t waves at lcuk19:46
VDVsxStskeeps, she was in yesterday meeting ?19:46
lcukhiya w00t \o19:46
w00tabstinence is always an option19:46
w00ter, absense :/19:46
StskeepsVDVsx: idling and listening19:46
VDVsxah, ok, didn't noticed :)19:46
* w00t is obviously not totally here19:46
lcukw00t, when are you ever19:46
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slaine_Awe man, we need to have a "Hitler finds out about MeeGo" video19:47
StskeepsRPM vs DEB edition?19:47
aukeplease don't ;)19:47
zaheermVDVsx, you practice abstinence?19:48
slaine_it would so rock, you know it19:48
w00t"anyone who uses fedora, please leave the room."19:48
* VDVsx loves the ovi maps hitler video19:48
VDVsxzaheerm, humm ?19:48
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tripzeroVDVsx, link?19:48
w00tdaumas: ;)19:48
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anaZis there a meego hitler spoof yet?19:48
zaheerms/VDVsx/w00t/ :)19:48
w00tspeaking of fedora, I shoved fedora onto my blank vaio hdd before sending it in for repair19:48
w00tI'm wondering how hard that'll make them wtf19:49
slaine_anaZ: no, I was suggesting that we should have one though19:49
slaine_thanks for the paste19:49
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slaine_I'll give it a whirl now19:49
Stskeeps"fedora on your laptop voids your warranty"19:49
w00tStskeeps: hahah :P19:49
* slaine_ <3 fedora19:50
w00ti still have the original hdd, i just don't want -them- to have it and ruin all my data19:50
w00tso, they can wipe the fedora hdd for all I care19:50
dnearyStskeeps, She's been in meetings? I didn't see her last night19:50
dnearyslaine_, I can see it now - "Springtime in MeeGo"19:50
daumasw00t: That'll be interesting. HP once argued with me that a system shipped with Windows ME was out of warranty when I put 98SE on it.19:51
slaine_ahynes1: thanks for the email19:51
w00tdaumas: *boggle*19:51
Stskeepsdneary: log.02-24-2010:[20:55:29]-!- DawnFoster [~Adium@] has joined #meego-meeting19:51
w00tthat doesn't really surprise me though, HP (at least in my few years of dealing with them) weren't fun19:51
Stskeepslog.02-24-2010:[23:20:10]-!- DawnFoster [~Adium@] has left #meego-meeting []19:51
daumasMe either. I still have to deal with them for enterprise hardware now and it's just as bad!19:52
dnearyStskeeps, She didn't say much :)19:53
tripzerois there any word about ovi-nav coming to the n900/maemo/meego?19:54
slaine_she was too intimidated by your presence dneary19:54
w00tdneary: generally though, observing when you're new to a community isn't that silly an idea19:54
Stskeepsdneary: yeah, but she didnt start yet, probably just learning19:54
dnearyslaine_, That's understandable19:54
dnearyw00t, Absolutely19:54
dnearyIntroductions might have been nice :)19:54
* VDVsx requests the meego video :D19:54
slaine_nod, we all get week in the knees when you join the channel19:54
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slaine_anaZ: is that for trunk or 2.1 ?19:55
slaine_I'm guessing trunk as it's looking for xz-libs which isn't in 2.119:56
anaZslaine_:  trunk19:56
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anaZyou want 2.1?19:57
slaine_for now19:57
anaZwhat issue are you having with old config?19:57
anaZmd5 errors?19:57
slaine_src rpms fail to build19:57
anaZtry adding19:58
anaZPreinstall: nss-softokn-freebl19:58
slaine_the most typical reason being /usr/share/info/dir19:58
anaZwell, that is already fixed19:58
slaine_being installed but not packaged by the spec19:58
anaZand you should not build as root19:58
anaZare you building as root?19:58
slaine_yes, /sbin and /usr/sbin in the path trigger that19:58
slaine_but this was using the build command19:58
anaZusing build you should not have those issues19:59
Corsac(afaik I don't build as root since I give mock --unpriv)19:59
slaine_well, I do19:59
anaZbecause it does not build as root19:59
anaZwell, fix the specs :)19:59
slaine_I tried that last year19:59
anaZin trunk it should be ok19:59
slaine_was told they're autogenerated19:59
slaine_via spec builder20:00
anaZbecause we have spec20:00
slaine_tried to get spec builder, but it wasn't available yet20:00
slaine_there's a long list here, I could keep going :)20:00
anaZslaine_:  what exactly are you tryingto do anyways?20:00
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slaine_rebuild the distro without the sse3 gcc flags20:00
slaine_'cause I want to use Moblin Foundation on existing hardware20:01
slaine_I have about 16,000 bedside terminals and set top boxes20:01
slaine_the majority are celerons or pentium m's20:01
slaine_there's also a load of Via C3-2's20:02
* slaine_ shudders20:02
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slaine_Our new devices are based on Atom + 945, which is great, but I need to be able to provide upgrades to my existing customers20:03
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slaine_the plan was to rebuild all the src.rpm's with more generic gcc options and use mic2 to create an install for testing20:04
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Stskeepslists of still down? but its already morning in US :P20:09
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tripzerostill down...20:10
tripzeroand i'm still trying to ignore the fact that it's morning20:10
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CorsacERROR: Exception(sources/kernel- Config(moblin-2.1-i386) 86 minutes 23 seconds20:10
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* CosmoHill needs MySQL help :(20:16
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Corsacmpf, the only common stuff between 2.1 and trunk which I've already built is kde-filesystem20:36
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anaZwhich should be dropped from Trunk anyways20:38
anaZI thought I did20:39
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slaine_ali1234: I get the same build error against a2ps using the OBS build script20:55
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Stskeepswoo. lists are up!21:03
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ambyhi all21:18
Stskeepsevening amby21:18
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ambyjust checking in before having the best pizza in Milano. Was there no activity on meego-community maillist today?21:21
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dvalfreamby: AFAIK, lists where having a problem, which is solved now21:22
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ambyAnyone can explain me the original idea behin the maemo workstream system?21:27
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Stskeepsamby: let others know what you do, cos it is difficult to have transparency otherwise21:29
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ambyas I see from bergie's post it does not handle the actions, just the publishing part, right?21:30
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Stskeepswe pioneered it a bit in Mer - we were a lot of contributors spread across many timezones. workstreaming was a way to let your team be aware what you do21:32
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* CosmoHill recompiles php21:32
Stskeepsworkstreaming would avoid the silence atm for instance - a lot of work is being done but noone knows what21:32
Stskeepseven if it is non-NDA work21:33
Stskeepsit helps people's awareness21:34
ambyi c. I was thinking in both mgmt and awareness part, I'll check for option to include this req.21:34
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Stskeepsit is very valuable but should be easy to produce21:35
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ambygotta go now, Stskeeps cheers21:36
Stskeepsin Mer we had a bot taking ".log" which psted to mailing list21:37
leinirIt'd be interesting to get a similar bot which posts to and twitter as well...21:38
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leinirwith some appropriate auto-tagging/grouping and tinyurling21:39
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slaine_anaZ: Is there a way to tell what the env is like for the OBS build user ?21:42
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anaZnot sure what you mean21:43
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slaine_i.e. if the /sbin and /usr/sbin are in abuilder's PATH21:44
slaine_to account for some of the failures21:44
slaine_also, once built, how do I get rpm out of "/home/abuild/rpmbuild..." :)21:46
anaZecho $PATH? :)21:46
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slaine_so can I get a shell ?21:46
CosmoHilloo, geeky stuff21:46
anaZslaine_:  right a script that fetches those out21:46
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slaine_I guess what I'm asking is, where's the chroot stored :)21:46
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anaZ  /var/tmp/build-root AFAIK21:48
anaZbut you can chnage that21:48
anaZby defining some variables21:48
slaine_yay, it's there21:49
daumasslaine_: with koji, it's easy. koji list-groups dist-foo-build ;)21:49
slaine_thanks anaZ21:49
slaine_sorry for being a pest21:49
anaZis that now the Koji vs. OBS discussion? :)21:49
Corsaca2ps succeeded again21:50
Corsac(in trunk)21:50
slaine_wonder was changes made to the spec files ;)21:51
slaine_zsh was one that failed for me in my moblin/chroot scripts that I made21:51
slaine_worked with build21:51
anaZtoo much effort to run on "obsolete" hardware :D21:51
slaine_a2ps not though21:51
slaine_yeah, I know21:51
slaine_that's what we went with Fedora in the end21:52
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slaine_but if I can get this working I might reverse that decision :)21:52
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* slaine__ blinks21:55
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* CosmoHill pokes slaine__'s tail21:56
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slaine_now look what you did21:57
* CosmoHill pokes slaine__'s tail one more time21:58
slaine_that won't work unfortunately21:58
slaine_some @#*& has that registered already21:59
Myrttier, no?21:59
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CosmoHillslaine_: it's not registered22:10
slaine_Hmm, it was at one point22:10
CosmoHill958.02s user 90.55s system 98% cpu 17:45.14 total22:10
Myrttinot anymore :-)22:10
CosmoHillpoor server22:10
slaine_I'll see if I can get it22:10
CosmoHillchange your nick to it to start off22:11
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slainehow do I get nickserv to register it though22:12
Myrtti/msg nickserv help group22:12
thiago_homegroup registration needs to go through a webpage22:12
thiago_homeand wait for freenode to act22:13
Myrttithiago_home: nickserv, not chanserv22:13
CosmoHilldo one nick and add others later22:13
thiago_homeoh, nick grouping22:13
thiago_homeoops :-)22:13
slaineMyrtti: cool, thanks22:13
slaineI'm me again22:13
* slaine does a little dance22:14
slaineGuys, I can't say how chuffed I am, thanks a million22:15
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slaineI've been using slaine_ on freenode for years, lol22:15
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CosmoHillmmm, 7177 tests22:17
CosmoHillit's one of the times where I'd like a faster server22:17
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lcukok slaine, now you can go and pick up all the discarded _ from around the network22:18
slaineyes sir22:18
* slaine bows head and wanders off22:18
lcukso you seriously never tried to register yourself properly22:19
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CosmoHillI was registed within 5 mins22:19
CosmoHillthen again i was an op within 622:19
slaineanaZ, it seems that /etc/profile has sbin and usr/sbin for non-root users in there22:20
slainelcuk: Of course I did, best I could get at the time was slaine_22:20
lcukb/me nods22:20
slaineI tried a few times, but it was still claimed and eventually I just got used to the tail22:20
lcukim still using temporary nick oto22:21
CosmoHillslaine: i think i once has an if statment22:21
CosmoHillso if the user was root or not they had different paths22:21
slainethat's a questionable position to be in22:21
* slaine ducks22:21
slaineCosmoHill: there is an if statement there, but it's the same paths with orders reversed22:22
slaineAnd that's coming from the moblin setup rpm22:23
slainelol, it also has this22:23
slaineexport CFLAGS="-O2 -g -march=core2 -msse3 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse"22:24
slaineit's getting late and I've to put the kids to bed.22:24
CosmoHillthat is how they limited moblin22:24
slaineI'll be back later22:24
CosmoHillthrow them!22:24
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thiago_homeslaine: you want another s in that sse322:35
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ShadowJKhow does the gcc syntax work? does -march=core2 not include -mssse3 ?22:36
thiago_homeit does22:36
RST38huse both22:36
RST38hwon't harm22:36
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ShadowJKI guess using sse for floating point isn't default on 32 bit x86 though?22:40
arjanShadowJK: not on normal 32 bit x86; the ABI is still pass parameters on the x87 stack22:42
arjanit's messy22:42
arjanbut at least for inside-the-function stuff, using sse is faster22:42
arjan(since you can address the registers direct, rather than only being able to address the top of stack like x87 does)22:42
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CosmoHillcos i didn't accidentally break my web server >.>22:53
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slaineAh, it's all becoming clearer now I've referred to my moblin install23:30
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congerrodoes somebody know how they want to manage paid applications?23:31
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thiago_homecongerro: per device23:35
thiago_homethe Nokia devices will use the Ovi Store23:35
daumascongerro: its still being discussed.23:36
slaineThe /etc/profile has the paths setup with /sbin /usr/sbin and /usr/local/sbin etc. BUT for some reason my users path doesn't have it23:37
thiago_homeslaine: isn't that expected?23:37
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slaineI'm confused as to why it's not based on what's in the /etc/profile23:38
slaineif uid = 0 then /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin else /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /sbin fi23:39
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congerrothiago, daumas: thx23:43
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anaZslaine:  moblin 2.1?23:50
slaineyup, my netbook distro of choice :)23:51
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anaZand you are checking from gnome terminal?23:51
slaineI'd use 2.2 if you relased it23:51
anaZthat is a known bug23:51
slaineWhere's it getting the PATH from then ?23:51
anaZuxlaunch probably23:52
anaZbut it does not use profile23:52
anaZthat is the bug23:52
slaineit's not treating it as a login session then I assume, or wasn't23:53
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slaineI'm still confused as to how your obs setup works then if sbin /usr/sbin is supposed to be in the path23:55
anaZit runs as user?23:55
slaineand that causes a large portion of the errors23:55
anaZthats the key23:56
slaineyeah, but /etc/proflle sets up sbin etc for a normal user23:56
anaZactually, we fixed most of those when we decided to add /sbin23:56
anaZ /usr/sbin23:56
slainethat was obviously post 2.123:57
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slainebut my netbootk here and my obs rpms are 2.1 and they have /sbin /usr/sbin in the path for normal users23:57
slaine(well, except for the uxlaunch bug you mentioned)23:57
slaineabuild user doesn't go via uxlaunch, so it just gets what's in /etc/profile23:58
anaZbecause most of those rpms are originally from 2.023:58
anaZthey were never rebuilt23:58
anaZ2.1 is based on 2.023:58
anaZi have never thought a path variable would cause so much confusion :)23:59
slaineindeed, it took a while to track down the path being the cause of the src.rpm builds failing23:59

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