IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2016-03-14

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enycsulu's debian jessie chroot creation instructions... can't seem to recompile pulseaudio12:56
enycchecking for library containing cap_init... no12:56
enycconfigure: error: *** sys/capability.h not found.  Use --without-caps to disable capabilities support.12:57
enycin a  qemu  jessie-armhf  chroot  with  build-dep for  pulseautio installed, including libcap-dev12:57
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kerioenyc: --without-caps14:01
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enychrrm, i wouldn't expect to need to change anything16:05
enyci was expecting to be able to rebuild a debian armhf package on fully functional chroot without needing to change anything16:05
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freemangordonmerlin1991: ping19:06
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luf_I'm not successfull in building glibc from wheezy. No idea why. Keep trying.20:56
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