IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2015-05-01

xesfreemangordon: probably also OMP could use booster-qt.. right?00:08
freemangordonbut even if without qt booster it will start faster if maemo-launcher support is added00:09
bencohfreemangordon: I thought hildon-desktop failed to start (?)00:11
xesabout calculator-ui: is there a setting somewhere to disable the screenshot appearing while the app is loading? (to avoid start pressing "fake" buttons)00:11
freemangordonxes: no00:12
freemangordonbencoh: that was with modifications00:12
freemangordonwith "stoc" qt-booster everything runs fime00:12
bencoh"stock", as in "empty module" ?00:13
freemangordonbut enabling the booster-qt links maemo-launcher with qt libs00:13
freemangordonand that speeds things a bit :)00:13
bencohokay, so it's a bit faster when no other qt app is already running00:14
freemangordoneven if another qt app is already running00:14
bencohmeaning you wont gain anything if, let's say, OMP is running and you launch worldclock00:14
bencohwhy, if you only link against it and dont init anything from the lib ?00:14
freemangordonas symbols are already resolved00:15
bencohoh true00:15
bencohhm wait, arent they resolved globally by ?00:15
freemangordonI think it is a bit more complicated00:16
xesmore or less like with a prelink?00:16
freemangordonas it is not only the symbol resolution, remember need to fix the addresses as well00:17
freemangordonxes: yep, something like that00:19
freemangordonthough it does more stuff, mostly in gtk - it calls xxx_get_type functions for a whole lot of gtk object classes00:20
freemangordonand also initializes cairo and pango00:21
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bencohdo we still aim for a non-stub qt booster ?00:22
bencoh(with real qt chunks inside ?)00:23
freemangordonI guess it will speed thung even more, but not sure it is achievable. at least not easy :)00:23
freemangordonthe problem is that qapplication is meant to be created only once in an application00:24
xesanyway, it's great and should give a nice kick to many apps00:25
freemangordonmaybe we should see wat applanucherd does00:25
bencohyeah, I was reading maemo-applauncherd (marmistrz's port of applauncherd) earlier today00:27
bencohxes: this applauncherd, but not the qml part00:27
bencoh(at least, not yet :)00:27
bencohI dont really like the sound of it :(00:29
xeshe is the creator of oculo.... ...00:32
freemangordonbencoh: re non-stub booster
freemangordonI guess we can't oversmart Nokia... though, who knows :)00:35
bencohfreemangordon: you mean ... "The booster provides the application with the key libraries already present in the process, but no other initialisations are done in the booster." ?01:38
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freemangordonbencoh: exactly :)09:23
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freemangordonclock-ui should have never been put in cssu. OMG, what a mess :(12:31
keriowat appen12:32
freemangordonthe source code is like spaghetti12:33
freemangordonI am trying to fix it up, but it is fubar12:33
freemangordonofc it will take 4 seconds to load, it does too much unneeded stuff on init12:35
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