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freemangordon | merlin1991: I am going to enable booster-qt in maemo-launcher, any objections? | 23:08 |
freemangordon | with that enabled, worldclock startup time is reduced by ~1sec | 23:09 |
freemangordon | the other qt apps that use launcher will have a similar reduction of startup times | 23:10 |
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bencoh | freemangordon: wait, does it work with hildon-desktop and other non-qt apps ? | 23:37 |
freemangordon | bencoh: could you rephrase, I don;t get your question | 23:54 |
freemangordon | bencoh: it does not remove support, just add support for qt application build with maemo-launcher support | 23:57 |
freemangordon | so far it is worldclock only, but I plan to add support for calculator-ui as well | 23:57 |
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