IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2015-03-22

bencohyay :)00:01
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xesfreemangordon: well done!02:31
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freemangordonmerlin1991: I think it is relatively safe o include openssl in the next -testing11:37
freemangordonif there is something broken, I doubt we'll catch it while the package is in -devel. so far I tested everything I can think about and there seems to be no problem - https, email (imap tls), ssh, supl.11:39
bencohmaybe we should nm all the binaries and grep for affected symbols11:40
bencohmight help catching potential issues11:40
bencohbut the main problem here is things will probably "work" but we might end up with invalid reads/writes at some point11:41
freemangordonbencoh: symbols should be there, it is supposed to be the same ABI11:48
bencohyeah but some structures differ11:49
freemangordonbut you won;t catch that with nm11:49
bencohsome of which might be instantiated from the app and passed to functions11:49
bencohno, but you can grep on the functions which are passed those struct/struct*11:49
freemangordonI doubt there is a transparent structures to be used in applications11:49
freemangordonif an application uses such, then I'll call it buggy11:50
freemangordoneven if it malloc's it11:50
bencohthere are structures defined in headers11:50
freemangordonbencoh: but feel free to do ^^^ if you think it is possible11:51
bencohthey're not private/opaque :)11:51
bencohso, I dont know11:51
bencohhm, headers look bloated in openssl :D11:52
keriolet's just move to libressl11:55
keriowe only need to recompile everything11:55
bencohthere are things we cant rebuild :(11:56
bencohmost most datatype changes reported in say "99 symbols affected" (basically every symbole, more or less)12:00
bencohthat means nm+grep wont work12:03
freemangordonbencoh: look at the correct version, 0.9.8 that is12:03
kerioyeah i mean12:05
keriowe're going 0.9.8n to 0.9.8zf12:05
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bencohfreemangordon: yeah that's what I'm checking :)12:07
bencohlooks like za reverts datatype issues introduced in y12:07
bencohso we're left with issues introduced in p12:08
bencohwhich might be solved just by keeping the old PQ_64BIT behaviour12:09
bencohI wouldnt be surprised if debian did that for us12:09
kerioi like how openssl has shit like "is_probably_safari"12:10
bencohkerio: then what about PQ_64BIT_IS_BIGNUM (bignum was 20bytes ... 160bits) ? ;p12:11
freemangordonbencoh: could you check the patches?12:12
freemangordonhmm, debian has patches up to 0.9.8o :(12:15
freemangordonI guess it is because of the p breaking ABI12:15
bencohis this patch what I think ?
bencohreminds me of an (in)famous debian patch12:16
bencohI think someone had a look at it before, but ...12:16
bencohfreemangordon: hm probably yeah12:16
bencohthey keep backporting changes in squeeze-lts12:17
bencohwhy not use squeeze-lts as upstream for openssl ?12:17
freemangordonbecause the newest patch there is 9 months old12:18
freemangordonhmm, where did you get that from?12:19
freemangordonI mean - where is the source repo?12:19
bencohI didnt get it - yet12:19
bencohand ... google cant find the packages12:20
bencohgoogle hasnt indexed it12:21
freemangordonwe'd rather fix the ABI breakage (if any)12:23
bencohthe valgrind.patch is still in debian, so I guess (hope ? :D) it's not the infamous 2008ish debianssl bg12:23
bencohfreemangordon: there our best bet is probably defining PQ_64BIT_IS_BIGNUM to 1 and PQ_64BIT_IS_INTEGER to 012:24
bencoh(and maybe the other two PQ_64BIT constants)12:24
freemangordonbencoh: look at pqueue/pq_compat.h12:27
freemangordonand it seems defined in SB12:29
freemangordon~/workspace/cssu/openssl/git/openssl-0.9.8zf] > grep -r THIRTY *12:29
bencohoh ?12:29
freemangordoncrypto/opensslconf.h:#define THIRTY_TWO_BIT12:29
bencohnice, we might be safe then12:30
freemangordonI'll put some garbage in that header, to make sure this is really defained12:30
bencohhm we need to make sure it's used everywhere12:31
freemangordon../../include/openssl/pq_compat.h:113:2: error: #error "# if (defined(THIRTY_TWO_BIT) && !defined(BN_LLONG)) || defined(SIXTEEN_BIT) || defined(EIGHT_BIT) *IS NOT* defined, we are busted :("12:35
freemangordonmake[3]: *** [pqueue.o] Error 112:35
bencohokay, that's the only place PQ_64BIT is defined, so we should be safe12:35
bencohoh ?12:35
bencohhmm right, we're 32b but we have long long support on arm12:36
freemangordonthat one should be fixed. I guess12:38
freemangordonhowever, I gtg, will look at it later12:38
bencohthat means we give up on long long optim ... well, if those didnt exist before 0.9.8p, we wont miss anything12:39
freemangordonwell, we can try to wrap12:41
freemangordonthose are just a couple of functions anyway12:42
bencohfunny thing is ... I cant find those changes in openssl git (git log between tags) :/12:43
bencohdunno what they did there12:43
freemangordoncheck on github, they have "file history"12:44
freemangordonhmm, wait, isn;t that pq shit internal?12:46
bencohno, it's reflected in public structures12:46
bencohdtls1_/ssl3_ stuff12:47
freemangordonhmm, yeah12:47
bencohssl3_record_st has seq_num for instance12:47
bencohright ;)12:47
freemangordonok, we can wrap it12:48
freemangordonor maybe not12:48
freemangordonwait... do we really need to fix that?12:49
freemangordonthe new structure is smaller than the old one12:49
freemangordonmerlin1991: Pali: ^^^12:50
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freemangordonmaybe someone should ask on #openssl12:52
freemangordonor whateer the channel is12:52
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* freemangordon is afk12:53
PaliI really do not know :-(12:53
freemangordonPali: noone knows, that is why we investigate :)12:53
freemangordonbencoh: could you check what sizeof(those 2 structs) gives with old and with new openssl?12:58
bencohI'm checking diffs between (current cssu) openssl-0.9.8n and zf, and ...12:58
bencohdiff -w -u crypto/pqueue/pq_compat.h ../openssl-cssu/openssl-0.9.8zf/crypto/pqueue/pq_compat.h12:58
bencohreturns nothing12:58
bencohI feel like I missed something at some point12:59
bencohor says shit12:59
freemangordonkeep it mind that it might say shit, becuse of the missing arch specific stuff13:01
bencohit might just be that13:01
freemangordonthat is why the real test should be comparing the sizeof structs, just to be sure13:01
freemangordonbut I don;t have time now13:02
freemangordonbuy, bbl13:02
bencohshould I just compile a oneliner against the headers ?13:02
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bencohI should have disabled the checks in debian/rules ... it's taking ages13:55
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bencohlooks good14:10
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Paliwhy is git read-tree so sloooow?14:34
Paliprobably it removes all inodes information from .git/index...14:35
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Palionly two structs?15:22
Palithis is not too much15:23
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bencohsome structs might be missing in this test, but at least it covers the pq64 thing, and a few others16:08
freemangordonbencoh: yes, looks good17:07
freemangordonexcept that x509_cinf_st thingie17:08
bencohyeah, dunno where that comes from17:08
freemangordonbencoh: does headers differ?17:12
freemangordonit is crypto/x509/x509.h17:12
bencohhmm right, looks like they added ASN1_ENCODING enc17:15
bencohcouldnt see it in git log :)17:15
bencohand hm_fragment_st has unsigned char *reassembly17:16
freemangordonbencoh: anyway X509_CINF structure should not be allocated with malloc, there is X509_CINF *X509_CINF_new(); function17:18
bencohhmm, so we should be fine17:18
bencohhm_fragment doesnt seem to be used in any public function (?!)17:19
freemangordonI don't see it used at all, weird17:22
freemangordonit is hw_fragment17:22
freemangordonyep, seems like internal struct17:23
freemangordonbencoh: seems the ABI is the same17:23
bencohhm_* not hw_*17:24
freemangordonyeah, a typo17:24
bencohbut ... yeah, everything's fine in the end17:24
bencohI guess I just worried too much :)17:24
freemangordonno, it is ok, better be on the safe side with such a critical library17:25
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keriofreemangordon: do i yolo upgrade19:13
kerioare there some reported breakages19:14
freemangordonkerio: nothing broken so far19:15
kerioalright i found a packaging problem already19:15
kerioopenssl doesn't depend on libssl0.9.8 >= 0.9.8zf19:15
freemangordonI even managed to connect to FB with QWebView19:15
freemangordonsure, why it should depend on that particular varion?19:15
keriobecause... it's openssl 0.9.8zf19:16
freemangordonbut, ABI is 0.9.819:16
freemangordonnot 0.9.8zf19:16
keriofreemangordon: there's a new busybox-power apparently19:17
freemangordonkerio: I have only 2 hands, still19:18
freemangordonand 24hours per day19:18
freemangordondeffinitely, openssl is of higher priority19:18
freemangordonthose are legs, not hands19:19
keriomh, who uploaded libc6 +cssu3?19:21
freemangordonmerlin1991, afaik19:22
keriowhy was a non-thumb libc6 in your repo19:22
merlin1991kerio: +cssu3 is in -devel not in -thumb19:23
kerio+cssu2 is in -thumb19:23
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freemangordonkerio: because thumb-compiled seemed to bring ptoblems20:09
freemangordonso I increased the version, ARM-compiled it and put it in the repo20:09
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freemangordonPali: did you backout linux-n900 on github?20:43
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Palifreemangordon: week ago...
freemangordonPali: ok20:55
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