IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2015-03-21

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* freemangordon is waiting for openssl0.9.8zf to finish building :)18:20
* merlin1991 just double checked the list of github repos and created the missing ones18:38
merlin1991I actually only wanted to replace all my git urls in one go over my cssu-testing build folder18:38
merlin1991but there were a few no such repository errors upon git-fetch :D18:39
freemangordonhmm, I should've tagged it, will do it now18:39
freemangordonwait, why github doesn;t show the tags? I tagged it, pushed and nothing, but I can see the tag in gitk ?!?18:42
merlin1991push --tags?18:42
freemangordonI pushed with git gui, will try ^^^18:42
merlin1991heh git gui, last time I touched that was some years ago :D18:43
freemangordonit appeared now, wtf18:43
merlin1991I wonder if my git push --mirror of qt-x11-maemo will ever finish :D18:44
merlin1991I should have done it from my server ...18:45
freemangordonfeel free to test :P18:45
merlin1991hm I have to change my gtk theme18:47
merlin1991I thought a dark theme would be cool18:47
merlin1991I'm starting to hate it18:47
freemangordonmerlin1991: ubuntu?18:47
freemangordonthere are nice themes for ubuntu and gnome-session-flashback (might work in unity as well, didn't try) that have the same look and feel as dark theme, but with different colors, unfortunately can;t remember where did I get those from :)18:50
freemangordonI guess those will work in debian18:50
merlin1991yeah, I just switched back to light base theme18:51
merlin1991+ terminus font18:51
merlin1991because tbh18:52
merlin1991the only gui applications I have in use are quassel and firefox :D18:52
freemangordoncan't remember if I downloaded it from that site, but you'll get the idea18:53
freemangordonI guess there is ppa for ubuntu :P18:54
merlin1991hm looks good18:54
freemangordonyep. and works good18:54
merlin1991nah it's something to drop in $HOME/.themes :D18:54
merlin1991I recently switched from awesome to i3 I have to say I like it more, but I had to compile a newer version + backport patches from the newest version so it really worked for me :D18:55
merlin1991the debian version ofc was from the stone age, but current upstream can't be compiled on debian because it lacks a newer version of the x11 keyboard lib :D18:56
merlin1991and I didn't want to start patching X1118:56
merlin1991so I ended up picking the newest release of i3 before they switched lib and backported anything else I needed18:56
freemangordonI use clearlooks-phoenix window theme and radiance-blue gtk theme and my laptop looks perfect18:57
freemangordonremembers me of my old windows xp :D18:57
merlin1991heh now I'm on ambiance red19:00
merlin1991gotta say I like it19:00
merlin1991and qt finished pushing19:01
freemangordonred?!? my eyes start to bleed when I see something red on my desktop :)19:02
freemangordonxes: :)19:03
merlin1991dunno why it's called red, it has almost no red in it ...19:03
freemangordonanyway, I am afk19:03
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merlin1991wtf building ke-recv fails big time19:22
merlin1991something is foobar with the include dirs19:22
* merlin1991 forgot he built glibc not so long ago and edited the gcc spec file ...19:26
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merlin1991freemangordon: should I put feedservice-plugin-fb-common in the relase or is there no point?20:07
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merlin1991also whatabout mce?20:28
merlin1991Pali: regarding telepathy-gabble all that google code is for which google service?20:32
Paliin telepathy-gabble there is fix for jabber libjingle when server sent udp port 0 to use (like google jabber server)20:54
Palimerlin1991: and there is another patch in telepathy-gabble which will *not* drop some multichat room jabber messages20:55
merlin1991btw I can't compile pulseaudio-policy-enforcement21:06
merlin1991it fails with AC_LTDL_ENABLE_INSTALL21:06 error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LTDL_ENABLE_INSTALL21:06
freemangordonmerlin1991: no point in including feedservice-plugin-fb-common21:08
Palimerlin1991: it compiled fine in my scratchbox21:09
freemangordonI think mce should be ok21:10
merlin1991I'm betting it is realtead to libtools versions :/21:10
Palialso it is official maemo5 version from SDK with small patch21:10
merlin1991yeah it just doesn't build here :/21:10
merlin1991fsckd maemo with 3 versions of autotools and 2 versions of libtool21:10
merlin1991shit never builds21:10
freemangordonmerlin1991: fix you SB :P21:10
merlin1991freemangordon: depending on the package I need different versions of autotools / libtool :/21:11
freemangordonmerlin1991: what?21:12
freemangordonnever needed such stuff for -thumb21:12
merlin1991you never built all of cssu ;)21:12
freemangordonyeah, sure21:12
merlin1991but we have ie libltdl3 and libltdl721:12
merlin1991you can only have one installed at a time and the offer different macros ...21:13
merlin1991I knew it21:14
merlin1991libltdl3 has that AC_LTDL_ENABLE_INSTALL macro21:14
* merlin1991 headdesks for the 1k time about fsckd autotools usage in maemo21:15
merlin1991HOLY SHIT21:15
merlin1991pulseaudio-policy-... depends on libltdl721:15
merlin1991even though it uses a macro that is only in 321:15
freemangordonhmm, what libc6 is in cssu-devel? something new?21:16
merlin1991ghost fix21:17
* freemangordon upgrades both libc6 and openssl, lets pray :)21:17
merlin1991Pali: can you pastebin me your /usr/share/aclocal/ltdl.m4 and dpkg -l | grep libltdl21:18
merlin1991from your scratchbox ofcourse21:18
keriogogo fmg21:18
Paliok, going to start scratchbox VM :-)21:18
merlin1991what was the local folder again where one could drop in .m4 files to add shit to autotools?21:20
keriou wot m421:21
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merlin1991okay AC_LTDL_ENABLE_INSTALL was replaced by _LT_ENABLE_INSTALL as far as it seems21:31
merlin1991I still wonder though how pali could compile ...21:32
freemangordonmerlin1991: different autotools version?21:32
freemangordonor different SB version21:33
merlin1991okay I install libltdl3-dev and told dpkg-buildpackage fuck the dependencies (in other words be happy with 3 intead of 7) and it built fine21:41
merlin1991now I'll start patching for libltdl7, yay21:42
merlin1991Pali:  yours doesn't define AC_LT_ENABLE_INSTALL either, can you give a build a quick try?21:55
Paligit clone --depth=1 && cd pulseaudio-policy-enforcement && fakeroot debian/rules clean; git clean -fdx; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -I.git -us -uc -sa21:59
Palipackages are generated without any erros or other problems21:59
Paliboth dsc/tar and deb21:59
Palimerlin1991: see
merlin1991yeah, hm can't do it here though22:07
merlin1991can you check if grep -r AC_LTDL_ENABLE_INSTALL /usr/share/aclocal finds anything?22:07
merlin1991also if you have ACLOCAL_PATH set22:09
Paligrep AC_LTDL_ENABLE_INSTALL --> nothing22:14
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Paligrep ACLOCAL_PATH --> nothing (even in pulseaudio-policy-enforcement tree)22:16
merlin1991ACLOCAL_PATH is an env22:16
merlin1991heh it builds inside my sb vm too22:17
Paliok, problem solved :-)22:18
Paliturning VM off22:18
merlin1991the only difference I could spot is a different autoreconf22:18
merlin1991I'll go digging a bit more22:18
merlin1991thanks for the helpü22:18
merlin1991btw it's a 2 liner patch to get it build with latest auto* tools that we have in maemo22:18
merlin1991found it22:24
bencohwill it still work on a fresh/regular sb install ?22:26
bencohor should we update the ltdl package maybe ?22:26
bencoh(and/or sb root)22:26
merlin1991this means the maemo build vm has a special libltdl.m4 file placed in an override dir that is user specific configuration22:27
merlin1991in other words it simply hides issues22:27
merlin1991neither the scratchbox packages nor the ltdl package are owners of that file22:27
merlin1991it's a simple I'll fix this > stomp local override thing22:28
merlin1991in other words, we should actually fix the pulse pacakge to work correctly22:28
merlin1991since libltdl7 does not have the macros anymore it should use the new ones22:28
merlin1991hm wait the actual file is part of scratchbox-toolchain-cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7 which is linked in the scratchbox22:30
bencoh21:26 < bencoh> (and/or sb root)22:31
bencohis pulse the only package failing without it ?22:32
merlin1991so far the first that failed with this specific problem22:32
merlin1991it is bad style anyways to require libltdl7-dev in build depends and at the same time use macros that are supplied by scratchbox from a m4 file that is from an older version of libltdl!22:33
merlin1991hm funky I do have the same setup on my local machine, including that link to the folder in the scratchbox toolchain22:35
merlin1991but it still isn't picked up22:35
bencohI had a mix of different ltdl/libtool versions at some point as well (to build different packages)22:36
bencohsame goes for autoconf/automake22:36
merlin1991ah I know why my setup is different22:40
merlin1991I have autoreconf from within the scratchbox target, the sb vm uses autoreconf from scratchbox22:41
merlin1991hm it actually is scratchbox-core version22:42
merlin1991the scratchbox-core on the sb vm provides /scratchbox/tools/bin/autoreconf which in turn has all the hax22:43
merlin1991and my scratchbox-core doesn't provide that :/22:43
merlin19911.0.17 vs 1.0.2722:45
merlin1991and that binary is gone forever :D22:45
merlin1991ah well I'll patch the pulse package, it is insane that the build depends on some specific autotools binary that is injected by the scratchbox22:46
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merlin1991heh now it stopped building in the vm22:57
merlin1991`gl_FUNC_ARGZ' required but not defined22:57
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merlin1991okay yeah maemo is fucked up regarding libtool23:08
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bencohregarding autoconf as well23:08
bencohnot sure it's maemo's fault though23:08
merlin1991the libltld7-dev package ships a libltl.m4 file that depends on argz.m423:09
merlin1991but that argz.m4 is only part of newer libtools thatn what you have available23:09
merlin1991so building in  turn only works with the injected autotools that hack around all that23:09
merlin1991because if I patch the to use libltdl7 macros it fails in the vm23:10
merlin1991It works here locally because ages ago I copied the argz.m4 form my host system into scratchbox23:10
merlin1991because a lot of stuff in cssu needs that if I'm not running the injection stuff23:10
merlin1991now what todo, write a warning regarding requires scatchbox-core version XX or patch for libltd7 and write something about requires argz.m4?23:12
merlin1991or patch for libltd7, package a argz-dev package with just argz.m4 and once and for all have everything build immediately?23:13
bencohis the newer ltdl7 package that has argz.m4 incompatible with the current one ?23:14
bencoh(or is it in ltdl>7 ?)23:14
merlin1991ah sorry I guess I hit some level of confusion now23:14
bencohor does argz.m4 only come within a newer libtool (not ltdl) ?23:14
merlin1991maemo by default las ltdl>=7, that ltdl in turn requires argz.m4 which only comes with newer libtool maemo does not have23:15
merlin1991it only works in the vm because there scratchbox injects a different autotools chain that uses a different ltdl.m423:15
merlin1991hence bypassing whatever the ltdl package ships23:16
merlin1991hm I just realised23:17
merlin1991I'm thinking about all the wrong solutions, I should just patch libtool so that it includes argz.m4!23:18
merlin1991in essence "backporting" that to our version23:18
bencohif it should be shipped with libtool, yes23:19
merlin1991I should write an email to maemo-developer about that so people can google it in the future23:20
merlin1991I've ran into those problems a few times now and finally know why23:20
bencohreviving maemo-developers sounds like an awesome idea :)23:21
bencoh(even though people should be able to grep the chan logs anyway ... a mailing list is cool)23:21
merlin1991well it does have emails like 2 a year :D23:21
merlin1991tbh I wouldn't want to read through all the backlog I generated while investigating this23:21
bencohmerlin1991: archives stopped 2 years ago23:22
bencohhaha, right23:22
merlin1991hm then it was probably maemo-users that had some traffic last year23:22
merlin1991I remember reading something23:22
merlin1991and if the list is dead, I'll kick some people so that it starts living again :D23:25
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