IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2013-07-24

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_ade_Pali: I have updated all files in community-ssu/clock-ui for date support00:02
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* DocScrutinizer05 feels pretty scared about that PA-meddling. PA, evil as is, is a *CORE* component to a phone. And I dunno why it needs messing with such sensitive parameters like max-ram or whatever. Particularly the values I seen flying around here looked extremely nonsensical16:49
DocScrutinizer05you clearly don't want meckabytes of RAM assigned to audiocard buffers - it would at best introduce up to 12s (or more) of lag, at 44ksps16:51
DocScrutinizer05for one meg of buffer16:51
DocScrutinizer05and it's not like we had unused RAM to waste that otherwise would rot16:52
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DocScrutinizer05psycho_oreos: (re alarm audio playback) when selecting a ringtone (or alarm, too?) the GUI and backend converts from the original audio file to a "work-file" somewhere in maybe ~user/.local/alarm1.wav. It's that file that gets played, not the original file you told it to use for the sound17:02
DocScrutinizer05this conversion happens only once, on setting the alarm tone. Later on it doesn't notice any changes in original file, not even when original file gets deleted17:03
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Pali~seen merlin199119:55
infobotmerlin1991 is currently on #maemo (1d 5h 56m 3s) #harmattan (1d 5h 56m 3s) #maemo-ssu (1d 5h 56m 3s), last said: '*saw*'.19:55
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Paliin cssu gitorious repos we have unreleased packages: bluez, calendar-backend, clock-ui, getbootstate, hildon-im-vkbrenderer3, hildon-input-method-plugins, libconnui-dev20:00
Paligetbootstate is my and I'm working on it20:01
Paliclock-ui will be pushed for testing to cssu-devel after ade push all changes to gitorious20:01
PaliI think that libconnui-dev is only used for building operator name widget aplet20:02
Paliand for calendar-backend we have merge request!20:02
Paliso which changes are in other unreleased packages? specialy: bluez, hildon-im-vkbrenderer3 and hildon-input-method-plugins20:03
Palimerlin1991, freemangordon, ^^^20:03
Pali~seen luf20:03
infobotluf <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 25d 19h 2m 54s ago, saying: 'So some johnnies :D'.20:03
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Paliand again question: OMP in CSSU?21:53
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SiceloPali: replacing stock media player completely?22:04
Palifor CSSU-Devel yes22:04
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