IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2013-06-19

chem|stcssu-s 6.1...00:07
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freemangordonPali: I have e2fsprogs builded, wanna push to -devel, any objections?00:21
freemangordontested on my devel device, /home was not clean, seems to be fixed after i enable check on boot00:22
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Palifreemangordon: ok00:38
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freemangordonmerlin1991: what about a meeting next week (for example)?01:05
freemangordonPali: did you fix vte's distribution?01:06
Palifreemangordon: merlin1991 fixed it01:07
freemangordonPali: ok01:07
freemangordonmerlin1991: there is stuck vte debs in -devel incoming01:08
Paliremove them01:08
arceanmerlin1991: regarding
arceanmerlin1991: its been since hmm forever :P01:12
freemangordonarcean: oh, hi, I thought we have lost you. going to edit my post :)01:12
arceansometimes something goes foobar when h-d gets killed01:12
arceanfreemangordon: hi, I have exams and other stuff :P01:13
freemangordonarcean: BTW I think I know where the root of my "transition issue" tasknav problem lies01:14
freemangordonarcean: do you remember removing a call to tasknav code on home/application rotation?01:14
arceanhmm, no :P01:14
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freemangordonarcean: it seems like when tasknav is in background, it gets rotated, but not the thumbnails01:15
arceanfirst of all, I'd try to revert
freemangordonand that rotation starts to happen when it is put in foreground01:16
freemangordonsometimes that is01:16
freemangordonarcean: oh, exactly what I talk about :D01:17
freemangordonarcean: I'll revert that tomorrow and will test to see if the issue is still there01:18
freemangordoniirc it is me to add those 2 functions (hd_task_navigator_rotate and hd_task_navigator_update_orientation)01:19
arceanok, let me know if it'll reappear01:19
freemangordonI guess I've put the outside of that if() for a reason01:19
freemangordonarcean: ok01:20
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arceanoh crap, I am able to reproduce it01:23
freemangordonarcean: BTW I think there is one more think to consider. when rotating in background, the "fly" effect should be skipped01:24
freemangordonI am sure I add such code, lemme try to find it01:26
freemangordonshit, can;t find it in master :(01:29
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arceanI'll take a look tomorrow01:32
freemangordonarcean: ok, thanks01:32
freemangordonchem|st: what? new -stable? nice :)01:34
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merlin1991freemangordon: only tinymail and cssu enabler (gpg keys)05:35
merlin1991also metting, sure I'll be in germany starting this thursday untill sunday, after that we can do something05:36
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chem|stfreemangordon: only the gpg update and tinymail... at 34° at my desk not even that much fun...13:06
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Drathiris any possibility to check n900 temp sensors?14:36
merlin1991there is only a temp sensor that is nowehre near the cpu14:42
merlin1991so not much of a point in reading that14:42
sixwheeledbeastas above it's more a battery temp really14:48
Drathiroh i see, but is any easy easy method to cat this values? or isnt possible to watch it from os?15:03
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merlin1991guys, the local newspaper predicted doomsday for sunday:
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DocScrutinizer05wtf is that?16:44
DocScrutinizer05dead flies per square-mile and day?16:44
DocScrutinizer05depending on wind direction16:45
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Drathirmerlin1991: what mean that red line?18:34
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Sc0rpiusif I'm using CSSU-thumb am I not able to get the modest GMail update? :(18:51
PaliSc0rpius: ask freemangordon18:57
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merlin1991Drathir: it the forcast for temperature in ° Celsius21:38
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lastaiddid anything break with maemo? unable to get gmail mails, have problems with skype ...22:58
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