IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2013-04-24

DocScrutinizer05Pali: :-((00:00
Paliupdated 18.12.2012 15:4300:00
freemangordonmerlin1991: lets use 10 more minutes for -S. Not for packages, but still to have some discussion00:00
merlin1991so what's up with -S ?00:01
freemangordonthe problem as I see it is -S is effectively unmaintained, IDK if it is because of the problems with the repos or something else00:01
DocScrutinizer05Pali: we might tackle Nokia guy Pekka directly, *maybe* he can do *something* for us to salvage ssu repo00:01
PaliDocScrutinizer05, if you have time, try00:02
DocScrutinizer05eventually, yes00:02
freemangordonmerlin1991: last update was ... umm. 5 months ago?00:02
DocScrutinizer05I need to discuss it with a few peers first00:02
DocScrutinizer05pestering Pekka is not generally a brilliant approach00:02
DocScrutinizer05Pali: maybe you can find another hook/link to matti in EX(!)t-Accenture00:03
freemangordonmerlin1991: so? what do you think, is it because of the repo problems?00:04
DocScrutinizer05good news every other day00:04
merlin1991freemangordon: repos00:04
* DocScrutinizer05 sighs and notices he missed to get a new bottle of Absolut, since weeks00:05
merlin1991chemist is still around, I got hold of him the other day when I uploaded (again) the testing packages, but he still has a problem with his account, but that shold be fixed soon00:05
freemangordonok. though I am afraid that if there is no new -S in 1-2-3 weeks, there will be no users left to update :)00:05
freemangordonmerlin1991: when do we plan new -T for? the same for the next meeting.00:06
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freemangordonmerlin1991: I am asking because I want to do new -thumb before the new -T, so users won't be forced to upgrade twice00:08
freemangordonesp GTK00:08
infobotnow there's a purty toolkit or fugly in the worst way00:08
merlin1991I'll start working on it this weekend, but I expect it to land next wekk00:08
infobotmerlin1991 meant: I'll start working on it this weekend, but I expect it to land next week00:09
freemangordonPali: I guess we should discuss the kernel stuff in the meanwhile.00:10
freemangordonmerlin1991: what about meeting?00:10
freemangordonafter the next -T?00:10
merlin1991makes sense00:10
luffreemangordon: I fix it as you wish but I make a point to my todo to fix shlibs for libpng and zlib / revert that commit in libxml for cssu-devel after the -T00:10
luffreemangordon: are you ok with it?00:11
freemangordonluf: not sure I get it00:12
freemangordonrevert what commit?00:12
freemangordonluf: iiuc, new -T will go out with libxml2 which is on gitorious now, and you'll change shlibs in libpng and libxml2. After the new -T you'lle revert that commit(libxml2 one). correct?00:16
luffreemangordon: Correct. Keep it as is now for new -T.00:17
freemangordonluf: zlib also needs Conflicts:00:18
lufI'll keep also shlibs till new -T00:18
freemangordonoh, it is there00:18
lufzlib already has the Conflicts ...00:18
freemangordonyep, sorry00:18
lufI'll do all changes (shlibs + revert) after new -T00:19
freemangordonok, if that does not bring problems, why not00:19
lufIt's tested as is ...00:19
freemangordonluf: not sure it is tested, don;t forget HAM00:20
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freemangordonluf: in the meanwhile I'll try to remember why I did it that way00:21
lufI hope merlin1991 will try it before publishing new -T :)00:21
merlin1991luf: thats what -t-t is for :)00:22
luffreemangordon: from MPOV don't waste your time with just packaging ...00:22
lufmerlin1991: :D00:23
merlin1991my todo has quite some stuff now00:23
lufOk. I'm leaving now. #3 and #4 is for next meeting ...00:23
merlin1991investigate stable upload, investigate libc import, investigate installing of -t, build new -t00:24
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Palimerlin1991, DocScrutinizer05: if you do not have time for maemo package interface, can you give some admin rights for package web interface?00:31
PaliI'd like to see kernel-power in extras-testing and extras00:31
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DocScrutinizer05(re ssu repo gpg key) SUBJECT: "RE: N900 repository GPG key renewal issue" body: "... Samu and Mikko will take care of this from now on .Br ,Kari "08:28
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: is that good news?10:17
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DocScrutinizer05better than "accenture closed and nobody answering pali's mail anymore"10:30
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keriofreemangordon: confirmed that backupmenu doesn't work for me16:17
kerio(i upgraded initrd-progs from cssu-devel, iirc)16:19
Raimukerio, I have that red glitch too and I recall pulling initrd-progs in from c-d.16:35
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freemangordonmerlin1991: what is the planned version for the netx -T?17:36
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freemangordonshit, cannot build gtk with latest libpixman :(21:00
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freemangordonstupid qemu21:02
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freemangordonuh, it is not pixman. libpng?21:03
freemangordonyep, it is libpng21:06
freemangordonPali: merlin1991: what to do ^^^?21:06
PaliI found color problem in text2screen21:07
Palitrying to fix it21:07
freemangordonPali: yes, we know (the problems) :P21:08
Paliit looks like original text2screen needs color arguments in rgb56521:08
Paliand new text2screen needs in rgb88821:08
Paliand then new text2screen convert rgb888 to rgb565 and fill it to framebuffer21:08
freemangordonPali: my question was - I am unable to build gtk with latest libpng, because of the NEON optimizations causing qemu to bail out21:09
freemangordonPali: you pixman to convert21:09
Palifreemangordon, what crash? gcc??21:09
freemangordonPali: (question continued)... How to workaround that?21:09
freemangordonno, gtk-update-icon-cache21:09
freemangordonbot in ARMEL and THUMB targets21:10
Palion device?21:10
freemangordonin SB21:10
Paliand why you need gtk-update-icon-cache in SB?21:10
freemangordonPali: gtk build needs it21:11
Palifor compilation gtk? I bet you do not need icon cache for compiling gtk library or applications which using gtk21:13
freemangordonPali: it needs it for the build-in icons AIUI21:13
Palireally try to disable it21:14
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freemangordonPali: how, there is no configure switch for that. And that generation results in a .h file, so I guess that step can't be skipped21:20
freemangordonPali: I think the only solution is to upgrade qemu21:21
Palinow I do not understand21:21
Paliwhat is gtk-update-icon-cach?21:21
Paliarmel binary in gtk package?21:21
Palicalled by who? and when?21:21
Paliby which package/configure/...?21:21
freemangordonit is build and the called to generate some .h file21:21
freemangordonPali: will be back in 10 minutes, will explain21:22
Paliand why it crashing? because it is linked with library which using NEON instructions?21:22
Paliand is needed only for generating one file?21:23
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Paliyou can compile i386 version and use some SBOX env to overwrite it21:23
Palior you can generate that file somewhere and disable generation at compile time21:24
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freemangordonPali: why so complicated? downgrading to stock makes compilation work, but that's not the point21:59
freemangordonPali: is there a wiki on gitorious?22:01
Paliyes, there is wifi on gitorious22:01
freemangordonPali: well, I'll just make a note in the project description that for compilation one should use stock libpng22:03
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freemangordonmerlin1991: why modest will be included in next -T?22:58
freemangordonPali: ^^^?22:59
Paligoing to look on gitorious22:59
freemangordonPali: there are changes, but it has not passed through -devel AFAIK22:59
Palithere are 3 commits taken from PR1.3 modest (but which was not in included into CSSU)23:00
Paliand next 3 trivial commits23:01
freemangordonPali: ok, but who tested that?23:01
keriofreemangordon: nokia, duh :P23:01
Paliit is not in -devel yet?23:01
Palimerlin1991: ping23:01
freemangordonPali: why is needed?23:03
Paliit is normal (in some RFC too?) that texts like: Original message, From, To, Cc is not translated23:04
Paliand also date is in some RFC format23:04
Pali(not translated)23:04
Palimaybe RFC2822 (?)23:04
freemangordonok, got it :)23:04
freemangordonPali: could you build that and push in -devel?23:05
PaliI have started scratchbox, so now I can :-)23:05
freemangordonPali: the fix in gtk is for missing icons in app manager for newly installed apps, ain;t?23:06
Paliyes and also that in accounts dialog is some line always selected23:07
freemangordonPali: osso-xterm is not in -devel too23:07
freemangordonalong with vte23:07
Paliboth fixes comes from nokia gtk tree (but was not included in pr1.3)23:07
freemangordonPali: yeah, I wanted to be sure I got it right23:08
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freemangordonPali: tomorow I'll try to build microb-engine, mind to share the git repo again?23:08
freemangordonhmm, how to apply that to my local clone?23:09
freemangordon(sorry, forgot)23:09
freemangordonPali: got to run, pleas upload modest, osso-xterm, vte and whatever is missing in -devel, we must have some testing before pushing to -T IMO23:11
Palifreemangordon, you cannot apply it to your clone23:12
Paliyou must clone my repo23:12
Paliit has rewritten history, so you cannot merge it23:12
freemangordonPali: that is why I asked for the address :)23:13
freemangordonPali: that one ?23:13
* freemangordon is afk23:14
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Palifreemangordon, I cannot compile modest, there is not debian/control23:16
Paliit looks like you removed it by one commit23:16
freemangordonPali: symlink it ;)23:18
freemangordonthere are a couple of debian/control.xxxxx files23:19
freemangordonsymlink control->control.fremantle :P23:19
Paliwhy you removed it?23:19
Palican I add symlink to git?23:20
freemangordonPali: it is not supposed to be there, this is git repo, not a source package23:21
Palisymlink is supported by git23:21
freemangordonPali: just symlink locally, don;t push to gitorious23:21
Paliok, but why?23:21
freemangordonbecause there are several supported platforms23:21
freemangordonthere is no default23:22
freemangordonIMO. and that is why i've removed the symlink23:22
Palion freamantle cssu is fremantle default23:22
freemangordonPali: I think we are modest upstream ;)23:22
Palino, upstream is modest without gtk23:23
infobotPali meant: no, upstream is modest without hildon23:23
Palifreemangordon, look:
freemangordonwell modest in hildon then. honestly I don;t see a reason that symlink to stay on gitorious23:23
Palimodest 5.0: remove all hildon/maemo code23:24
Pali* use webkit by default23:24
freemangordonPali: check debian/control, there are dependencies to libhildon ;)23:25
freemangordonPali: latest commit is an year old23:26
PaliBlob history: Wednesday March 03 201023:27
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freemangordonPali: well, if you insist, provide default debian/control. but I still think this is not a good idea :P23:31
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PaliI builded modest23:32
Paligoing to push it23:32
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Palilibvte pushed23:46
freemangordoneven cooler :D23:46
kerio0 K23:47
freemangordonPali: I hope you'll announce that on TMO so guinea pigs to test23:47
freemangordonerrm... users, users :D23:47
Paliah, no vte is freezed in /srv/apt/cssu-devel/incoming/ on merlin server23:50
Palimerlin1991: ping23:50
Palifreemangordon, anything else to compile?23:52
Paliosso-xterm was pushed to23:52

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