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Estel_ | because he wouldn't know what to do with bitcoins | 10:55 |
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chem|st | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=88851 | 13:48 |
chem|st | can someone take care please | 13:48 |
kerio | chem|st: cssu-stable is installable | 13:59 |
kerio | as long as you install a mirror | 13:59 |
kerio | (it still has the old-style enabler, right?) | 13:59 |
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merlin1991 | yes | 14:12 |
kerio | so cssu-stable users have an inconsistent domain information for a lot of system package | 14:15 |
kerio | so why bother | 14:16 |
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merlin1991 | Pali: do you remember why I've put calendar-backend onto gitorious? | 15:27 |
Pali | no :-) | 15:27 |
Pali | there is no commit? | 15:28 |
merlin1991 | therea re no patches int there from us | 15:28 |
Pali | maybe unreleased nokia commits? | 15:28 |
Pali | http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-ssu-irclog/%23maemo-ssu.2012-10-30.log.html#t2012-10-30T09:26:42 | 15:30 |
Pali | for thumb support | 15:31 |
Pali | calendar-backend (0.8-6+0m5+0cssu1+thumb1) | 15:31 |
merlin1991 | ah okay, I got a mail about a patch re ical export in the calendar-backend :) | 15:31 |
merlin1991 | we might see patches in the near future :) | 15:31 |
Pali | there is thumb branch already: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/calendar-backend/commits/thumb-testing | 15:32 |
freemangordon | iirc calendar-backend is there because of thumb | 15:32 |
Pali | merlin1991, freemangordon look at: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/microb-engine/merge_requests/1 | 15:33 |
Pali | (destructive merge request) | 15:33 |
Pali | (and ignore gitorious diff --> not working) | 15:34 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: that merge-request is for you, I don't trust myself making any decisions there | 15:34 |
freemangordon | Pali: what we risk? | 15:34 |
Pali | freemangordon, this is not merge but linearize git history | 15:34 |
freemangordon | I know | 15:35 |
Pali | clone both repositories and make sure that there was nothing deleted | 15:35 |
freemangordon | Is there a chance something to get lost? | 15:35 |
Pali | run diff between both repos and look if it is ok | 15:35 |
freemangordon | source code I mean | 15:35 |
Pali | I think that I rebased everything | 15:36 |
freemangordon | ok | 15:36 |
Pali | but because it is destructive rewrite chance could be there... | 15:36 |
Pali | you can backup old repository to hdd | 15:36 |
Pali | and if we found some problem in 10 months we can look there | 15:36 |
Pali | I have backup of it too | 15:36 |
Pali | merlin1991, also of old alarmd tree | 15:37 |
merlin1991 | Pali: throw the alarmd backup also on the server, just in case | 15:37 |
Pali | freemangordon, bug in systemui alarm (both nokia and RE version): I have CP-408 cover on my n900. And alarm sound event is played only for 1-2 seconds when cover is closed | 15:42 |
Pali | seesm like some proximity sensor problem | 15:42 |
Pali | freemangordon, also after 2 secons event is closed | 15:43 |
Pali | do you know where can be problem? I'd like to see alarm visible until I click on some button on screen (not to automatically disappear) | 15:44 |
kerio | Pali: what do you think of my idea of disabling HAM's domain thing? | 15:49 |
Pali | kerio, why? | 15:49 |
kerio | do you reckon that it's a decision that should be made by all the cssu devs? | 15:50 |
kerio | Pali: because it's something that we fucked up already anyway | 15:50 |
kerio | the current cssu-stable users don't have a consistent domain information | 15:50 |
kerio | and it causes more troubles than it's worth | 15:50 |
Pali | kerio, ham domains can be deleted only by releasing new version of ham and then installing cssu will needs updated ham from cssu | 15:51 |
kerio | yes | 15:51 |
Pali | or by upgrading package hildon-application-manager-* which can be updated only by SSU repo by nokia | 15:52 |
Pali | without installing updated HAM | 15:52 |
kerio | hm, we could actually make nokia update HAM | 15:52 |
kerio | we could use the excuse of the key troubles | 15:52 |
kerio | "so it won't happen again" | 15:52 |
Pali | kerio, I'm against removing domain | 15:52 |
Pali | this is good protestion for updating system packages | 15:53 |
Pali | *protection | 15:53 |
Pali | you know that somebody pushed to extras-devel some system package which broke maemo system | 15:53 |
kerio | which? | 15:53 |
Pali | but due to lower extras priority (and non extras-devel domain) ham not shown that update | 15:54 |
kerio | it's kinda easy to prevent something like that, once we control the repos | 15:54 |
jonwil | IMO we should completly ban any package in extras-* that has the same name (or would override) a system package | 15:54 |
Pali | so you want to disable free extras-devel repo? | 15:54 |
kerio | ...i didn't say that | 15:55 |
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kerio | just prevent the upload of packages in a certain list | 15:55 |
kerio | aka packages from nokia ssu, nokia apps or community(-testing) | 15:55 |
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Pali | why to create something new if ham domains are already implemented in each n900? | 15:55 |
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jonwil | Did we hear anything further from Nokia on whether they can solve the repo signature issue with that MaemoSW key? | 15:57 |
kerio | Pali: it's about having less cruft in HAM | 15:58 |
kerio | and less issues for the users, if, for instance, repo.m.o is down and they want to use mirrors | 15:58 |
kerio | jonwil: nokia has the private key of that keypair, so they have to decide to use it | 15:58 |
Pali | jonwil, nokia sent us mail and somebody said that council or hifo should answer to it | 15:58 |
Pali | but nobody answer yet | 15:58 |
jonwil | ok | 15:58 |
kerio | i think that we decided that either MentalistTraceur or DocScrutinizer will send it | 15:59 |
Pali | DocScrutinizer05, why nobody sent email to nokia about gpg key? | 15:59 |
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Pali | we got mail 4 days ago | 15:59 |
* jonwil is still stuck for things to reverse engineer | 16:01 | |
kerio | Pali: btw, it's kinda easy to delete domain informations for installed packages | 16:01 |
kerio | they're a handful of files, we could do that in the enabler | 16:01 |
jonwil | After I did libdevlock the other day, I have run out of things to try :) | 16:01 |
kerio | if we decided to do so | 16:01 |
Pali | kerio, if we delete domain support there is not protection for disabling updating system packages from extras-devel | 16:03 |
kerio | apart for the fact that we'll be controlling extras-devel :) | 16:03 |
Pali | kerio, so you want to disable pushing package to extras-devel without some voting? | 16:03 |
kerio | no, i want to disable pushing packages to extras-devel that are in the list of packages from nokia ssu/nokia apps/community(-testing) | 16:04 |
Pali | kerio, and how you want to do that? | 16:04 |
kerio | idk, i don't know how repo.m.o is organized | 16:04 |
Pali | so you did not implemented it and also you have no idea how to implement it... | 16:05 |
kerio | it doesn't seem difficult to delete all the packages in a certain list of names | 16:05 |
Pali | so then we stay with current working implementation | 16:05 |
kerio | and to consider names from that list as invalid | 16:05 |
kerio | also, the fact that you can push a package called "hildon-application-manager" to extras-devel is truly fucked up | 16:06 |
kerio | i really hope it's not actually true | 16:06 |
Pali | if you (or somebody else) implement that blacklisting in all repositories, then we can start talking about removing domains from HAM | 16:06 |
Pali | before that there is no other protection, so we need ham domains | 16:07 |
kerio | also, which are the packages in extras-devel that are also in nokia* or community*? | 16:08 |
kerio | there was something with libcurl iirc | 16:09 |
kerio | yep, libcurl3 is in nokia<extras-devel<community-testing | 16:09 |
jonwil | so we just modify the repos to not allow any package that is also in nokia* or community* (there is no legit reason for such packages in extras* IMO) | 16:11 |
chem|st | kerio: which part of "can someone take care please" didn't you understand | 16:12 |
kerio | chem|st: take care of what? the second post begins with "never mind . sorry figured out" | 16:13 |
Pali | merlin1991, these gtk commits from *official* nokia git tree was not released as part of PR.1.3. What do you think to include them to CSSU? | 16:13 |
Pali | https://maemo.gitorious.org/hildon/gtk/commit/d4e748cf42ce36741469b059992b2ae82a14216e | 16:13 |
Pali | https://maemo.gitorious.org/hildon/gtk/commit/a466fc8511813cf1978f345a1179e4a849b9e7e1 | 16:13 |
Pali | https://maemo.gitorious.org/hildon/gtk/commit/dc9e57556d36547baec34b69f13fce1c994a2f32 | 16:13 |
Pali | * Fixes: NB#136782 - Task launcher shows standard icon instead of application icon | 16:14 |
Pali | * Fixes: NB#175659 - One of the account is always highlighted in VoIP and IM accounts selection | 16:14 |
Pali | I can confirm bug NB#175659 on my n900 | 16:14 |
Pali | and I can confirm bug NB#136782 too | 16:14 |
Pali | (when installing new application) | 16:15 |
kerio | oh god, NB#136782 is so annoying | 16:15 |
chem|st | kerio: now... not 5 hours agao... | 16:15 |
kerio | chem|st: it was there as soon as i clicked that link | 16:15 |
chem|st | at least I posted it here when there was no | 16:15 |
chem|st | so it took him 10minutes | 16:15 |
kerio | in fact, you wrote at 12:48 CET, and the dude said that he fixed the problem at 12:49 CET | 16:16 |
chem|st | would be nice if some people look out for tmo these days | 16:16 |
Pali | merlin1991, also in cssu we do not have full git history of gtk, so I will import our cssu patches on top of nokia git tree | 16:16 |
Pali | freemangordon, look at gtk ^^^ | 16:16 |
* jonwil suspects there is very little worth reverse engineering that he is actually capable of trying... | 16:17 | |
chem|st | kerio: you started telling me what to tell... that is not what I needed to hear | 16:18 |
kerio | jonwil: reverse-engineer hex-rays' servers :P | 16:19 |
jonwil | maybe I will play with libsms-utils | 16:27 |
jonwil | or hildon-plugins-notify-sv | 16:28 |
Pali | jonwil, better some hildon part as sms/cellular | 16:30 |
Pali | hildon code can be reused on some other system too, but nokia specific sms/cellular not | 16:30 |
jonwil | well hildon-plugins-notify-sv is not exactly generically reusable either | 16:31 |
Pali | jonwil, also if somebody want to reuse your re work, it will be only on some more open platform and nokia specific hw interfaces will be useless | 16:32 |
Pali | hildon-* something is for hildon desktop which is hw independent | 16:32 |
jonwil | Its got a decoder binary (nsv-decoder-service) that is used to convert MP3 to wav for tones | 16:32 |
jonwil | so ringtone etc | 16:32 |
jonwil | which is using gstreamer to do work | 16:33 |
Pali | any hildon code could be usefull for cordia or other project | 16:33 |
jonwil | it seems tied to Nokia specific stuff like libplayback | 16:34 |
jonwil | also libsms-utils isn't tied to the HW | 16:34 |
jonwil | its a generic utility library for SMS maniuplation | 16:34 |
jonwil | and my interest in libsms-utils is being able to call it from other places | 16:35 |
Pali | btw, there is better alternative ofono. I bet that nobody will use any of sms/csd/sscd/other_nokia_stupid_cellular_stuff | 16:36 |
jonwil | I would if I was working on Maemo and not on something using ofono | 16:36 |
Pali | jonwil, any audio application using libplayback on maemo | 16:37 |
jonwil | i.e. my interest in CSD and nokia telephony is because ofono is not an option for users of Fremantle and never will be | 16:37 |
kerio | jonwil: ooh, libplayback pls | 16:37 |
Pali | I do not see reason to RE some maemo cellular/network stuff | 16:37 |
jonwil | I already looked into how libplayback works before | 16:37 |
jonwil | but couldn't really figure it all out | 16:37 |
Pali | jonwil, better to remove all nokia dependences on cssd, replace it with ofono and install other open source applications which working with ofono | 16:38 |
Pali | telepathy-ring is working for sms and voice calls | 16:38 |
Pali | so you need only some telepathy client | 16:38 |
jonwil | Pali, that will never happen for reasons that have been discussed penty of times before | 16:38 |
Pali | and there are more OSS telepathy clients (gtk and qt too) | 16:39 |
jonwil | If you are going down that road you will need a new dialer app (written from scratch), a new messaging app (also written from scratch) and a bunch of other stuff | 16:39 |
Pali | why? | 16:39 |
jonwil | and if you go that way you may as well just install Meego/Mer/Nemo/whatever | 16:39 |
jonwil | you might not need new apps if there are apps that already talk to ofono | 16:40 |
Pali | and why to talk to ofono? | 16:40 |
jonwil | and to telepathy on top of ofono | 16:40 |
Pali | there is telepathy ofono plugin | 16:40 |
jonwil | yes that I know | 16:40 |
Pali | so you need to talk only yo telepathy | 16:40 |
jonwil | but there are plenty of parts of the N900 system that talk to csd directly | 16:40 |
jonwil | including the dialer app | 16:40 |
Pali | jonwil, do you have list? | 16:40 |
jonwil | and messaging app | 16:40 |
jonwil | I dont have list | 16:41 |
jonwil | but its a fairly substantial one | 16:41 |
jonwil | libconnui for one thing | 16:41 |
Pali | both dialer and messaging can be replaced by oss telepathy application | 16:41 |
jonwil | and libconnui-cellular | 16:41 |
Pali | connui is for network connection, yes? | 16:41 |
jonwil | in fact most of connui-* talks to csd | 16:41 |
jonwil | connui is connectivity UI widgets | 16:41 |
Pali | again this can be replaced by some network manager | 16:41 |
Pali | we have more oss network managers | 16:42 |
jonwil | you could replace this stuff it you wanted | 16:42 |
Pali | and also there are scripts which can create 3G data connection | 16:42 |
jonwil | but as I said if you did replace all this stuff you may as well just use Mer/Nemo/whatever | 16:42 |
Pali | also there are more backends for network managers | 16:42 |
Pali | and creting simple UI which show possible network connection in Gtk or Gt is easy | 16:42 |
jonwil | if you replaced this stuff, getting it to be feature-complete vis a vis the stock Nokia bits would be nearly impossible | 16:43 |
Pali | jonwil, why? | 16:43 |
Pali | write list what is needed to be done | 16:43 |
Pali | you will see that you have a lot of alternatives for current nokia closed apps | 16:44 |
Pali | you only need: telepathy client (which handle IM, SMS, calls), network manager (wifi, gsm, 3g) and lib which add fake dbus icd2/conic glue | 16:45 |
Pali | and some GUI application for your new network manager | 16:46 |
Pali | notthing more | 16:46 |
Pali | of course some 3rd app stop working because it could use some nokia closed api, but that application is not present in maemo system, so can be removed or fixed | 16:46 |
Pali | doing this ^^^^ is a lot of easier as doing some RE on nokia closed libs | 16:47 |
Pali | jonwil, so what is problematic? | 16:47 |
Pali | you already have icd2 dbus calls, so creating fake daemon/lib will be easy too... | 16:48 |
jonwil | doing some checks now to see just what talks to CSD | 16:48 |
Pali | jonwil, is something else (except icd, network, network/connection gui and cellular services) talking to CSD? | 16:49 |
jonwil | yes I am sure of it, checking now | 16:49 |
Pali | I think that DSME | 16:50 |
Pali | but this can be fixed too (or simply ignored) | 16:50 |
Pali | MCE too (for offline mode) but can be ignored too | 16:50 |
Pali | systemui modechange maybe too (for offline mode) but this can be RE if needed (or ignored and offline mode will be dropped from systemiu menu) | 16:51 |
jonwil | Are we talking about CSD replacement in the context of CSSU as a possible target? | 16:55 |
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Pali | jonwil, of cource not | 16:55 |
Pali | cellular/connui parts will not be touched in cssu | 16:56 |
jonwil | so there is no point in replacing it at all really | 16:56 |
jonwil | since 99% of people are happy with CSD as-is | 16:56 |
jonwil | I too am happy with CSD as-is | 16:56 |
Pali | jonwil, so then there is no reason to RE csd/icd/connui | 16:57 |
jonwil | but I do want to be able to talk to various parts of CSD from code I write for various reasons | 16:57 |
jonwil | which is why I want to reverse engineer CSD | 16:57 |
jonwil | so I can talk to it | 16:57 |
Pali | jonwil, we can start thinking about creating new project which replace ofono | 16:57 |
Pali | *cssd with ofono | 16:57 |
jonwil | We could except that I dont want to replace CSD | 16:57 |
Pali | like bme replacement project | 16:57 |
jonwil | I want to talk to what we have now | 16:57 |
Pali | and why you need it? | 16:58 |
kerio | well, it wouldn't be a full RE, right? | 16:58 |
kerio | you just need to figure out some hooks | 16:58 |
jonwil | no, I am not talking about cloning it | 16:58 |
jonwil | just about figuring out DBUS calls | 16:58 |
jonwil | and library calls | 16:58 |
jonwil | and stuff | 16:58 |
jonwil | as for things that talk directly to CSD, the list includes: | 16:58 |
jonwil | ActiveSync | 16:58 |
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Pali | ActiveSync is being dropped by google... :-) | 16:59 |
jonwil | Google may be dropping it but I bet there are N900 owners who use it to talk to any number of mailservers that still DO support it | 17:00 |
jonwil | including many different versions of Exchange | 17:00 |
Pali | I never used it... but ok | 17:01 |
Pali | merlin1991, freemangordon: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/gtk/merge_requests/2 | 17:01 |
jonwil | BME replacement is a good thing since it is functionally complete when compared to the old BME | 17:02 |
jonwil | well functionally complete enough that nothing who uses BME will break | 17:02 |
jonwil | tone generator daemon needs CSD | 17:03 |
kerio | jonwil: is there nothing open that uses CSD? | 17:03 |
jonwil | getting to that, still looking at who uses it | 17:03 |
jonwil | QT libs need it (libqtsysteminfo specifically) | 17:05 |
Pali | tone generator is OSS | 17:05 |
Pali | is libqtsysteminfo open? | 17:06 |
jonwil | I think it is | 17:06 |
jonwil | adressbook SIM backend uses it (definatly closed source) | 17:09 |
jonwil | cherry (whatever that is) uses it | 17:10 |
jonwil | "device" control panel uses it | 17:10 |
kerio | oh, should CSSU ship a cherry with a high version, to nullify MyNokia? | 17:10 |
jonwil | notification UI uses CSD | 17:12 |
jonwil | ICD GPRS plugin uses it obviously | 17:13 |
jonwil | nokia maps uses it | 17:16 |
jonwil | pulseaudio closed bins use it | 17:19 |
jonwil | and no I dont know why they do :P | 17:19 |
Pali | addressbook SIM backend can be replaced by ofono backend | 17:20 |
Pali | cherry... please to shred -u <all_files_from_cherry_package> to fix cherry problem | 17:21 |
jonwil | systemui devlock plugin uses CSD | 17:21 |
Pali | device control panel - hm this can be problematic | 17:21 |
jonwil | as does systemui emergency plugin | 17:21 |
Pali | I alredy wrote that sysemui, dsme and mce using csd for offline mode | 17:21 |
Pali | notification UI using CSD?? WTF? | 17:22 |
Pali | this is pointless | 17:22 |
Pali | nokia maps CSD? for what? maybe only for some GPS... | 17:23 |
jonwil | it uses it to query CSD for things related to call status | 17:23 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: do you reckon CSSU should ship a neutered cherry? | 17:23 |
Pali | pulseaudio it using for incomming calls | 17:23 |
Pali | and tell bluez headset AT comment | 17:23 |
Pali | *commands | 17:23 |
jonwil | nokia maps needs it for signal strength display | 17:24 |
Pali | ah, I see | 17:24 |
Pali | it not using status menu | 17:24 |
jonwil | telepathy-ring of course needs CSD | 17:24 |
jonwil | rtcom-call-ui uses it for SIM security among other things | 17:26 |
jonwil | also registration status, modem state and some others | 17:26 |
jonwil | including also USSD | 17:27 |
jonwil | libcodelockui | 17:29 |
jonwil | connui we mentioned | 17:30 |
jonwil | osso-abook | 17:32 |
Pali | osso-abook? | 17:33 |
Pali | for SIM contact access? | 17:33 |
jonwil | for IMSI among other things | 17:34 |
jonwil | GPS daemon needs it | 17:34 |
Pali | ah, yes it show your telephone number in "my details" | 17:34 |
Pali | it is not GPS daemon but location | 17:35 |
jonwil | bluetooth daemon needs it | 17:35 |
Pali | and location damon show also position from cell tower | 17:35 |
jonwil | bluetoothd | 17:35 |
Pali | bluetooth has module for AT modem | 17:35 |
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Pali | and it understand AT commands like battery capacity or signal and ask it CSD (and BME) | 17:36 |
Pali | there is ofono bluetooth module (in upstream) which doing same what our csd module | 17:36 |
jonwil | ssc daemon needs it | 17:37 |
Pali | ok :-) | 17:37 |
jonwil | clockd also needs it for cell network time | 17:42 |
jonwil | so thats about it for what I can find that uses CSD | 17:46 |
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luf | freemangordon: had you tested osso-gnomevfs-extra again? Or it still doesn't work for you? | 19:49 |
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freemangordon | Pali: libcal pushed, feel free to debianize it :). ooh it is missing (c) too, maybe I should add | 21:36 |
Pali | ok | 21:36 |
freemangordon | Pali: what CAL stands for? (i forgot :) ) | 21:40 |
freemangordon | Pali: nevermind i'll google | 21:41 |
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freemangordon | Pali: licensing added | 21:47 |
Pali | ok | 21:57 |
Pali | freemangordon, did you found what CAL means? | 21:57 |
freemangordon | CALibration data | 21:57 |
freemangordon | I think | 21:57 |
kerio | huh, what will happen if i uninstall osso-systemui-devlock? | 22:03 |
kerio | it appears to not be depended upon by anything | 22:03 |
freemangordon | kerio: bootloop? | 22:04 |
kerio | >it appears to not be depended upon by anything | 22:04 |
freemangordon | what about ,ce? | 22:04 |
freemangordon | *mce | 22:04 |
kerio | i dunno | 22:04 |
kerio | i think that those plugins are just loaded if they're there | 22:05 |
freemangordon | mce and systemui are like spaghetti | 22:05 |
freemangordon | kerio: try it | 22:05 |
kerio | moved the .so away, rebooting | 22:05 |
freemangordon | why reboot, just killall systemui | 22:06 |
kerio | and it boots | 22:06 |
kerio | :D | 22:06 |
freemangordon | nice | 22:06 |
kerio | the "lock device" button just doesn't work | 22:07 |
freemangordon | kerio: I guess devlock is the one you set device lock code | 22:07 |
freemangordon | yep | 22:07 |
kerio | i couldn't remove the libraries for it | 22:07 |
freemangordon | what? | 22:07 |
kerio | libdevlock1 and libdevlock-bin | 22:07 |
freemangordon | who depends on that? | 22:08 |
kerio | stuff like the settings applet, i assume | 22:08 |
freemangordon | it should be easy to remove them | 22:08 |
kerio | oh, mce depends on it | 22:08 |
freemangordon | toldya :D | 22:08 |
kerio | but the systemui plugin can be removed | 22:09 |
freemangordon | if you say so | 22:09 |
kerio | and i assume that it means that nothing's actually going to ask for it | 22:09 |
kerio | so you can't lock your device | 22:10 |
Pali | freemangordon: Configuration Access Library | 22:10 |
Pali | see /usr/lib/pkgconfig/cal.pc | 22:10 |
freemangordon | Pali: ok, i'll fix the licensing (I put CALibration there) | 22:11 |
Pali | CAl = Configuration Access Library | 22:11 |
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kerio | oh boy, the powerkey menu doesn't show up | 22:12 |
freemangordon | Pali: fixed | 22:13 |
Pali | ok | 22:13 |
freemangordon | kerio: hmm, that shouldn't happen | 22:13 |
freemangordon | kerio: anything in syslog? | 22:14 |
Pali | freemangordon, see bug in systemui alarm: http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-ssu-irclog/latest.log.html#t2013-01-29T15:42:32 | 22:15 |
kerio | freemangordon: no | 22:15 |
freemangordon | Pali: proximity is not used | 22:16 |
kerio | freemangordon: what the balls, it worked before | 22:16 |
freemangordon | only accelerometer | 22:16 |
Pali | freemangordon, so how can it be fixed? | 22:16 |
freemangordon | Pali: NFC, any magnet around? | 22:16 |
Pali | why magnet? | 22:16 |
freemangordon | no idea, just asking | 22:17 |
freemangordon | Pali: could you build alarm-ui with traces and test it? | 22:17 |
Pali | I think that problem is: when alarm event occure, it turn on screen and that closed case click somewhere on screen... | 22:18 |
freemangordon | could be | 22:18 |
freemangordon | ooh, i see | 22:18 |
kerio | freemangordon: hahaha i see | 22:18 |
freemangordon | we can use proximity | 22:18 |
kerio | it thinks that the device is locked | 22:18 |
freemangordon | kerio: toldya :P | 22:18 |
kerio | wrong dependencies, then | 22:19 |
kerio | now i don't know how to fix it, though | 22:19 |
kerio | ok, restarting mce fixed it | 22:20 |
freemangordon | kerio: remove that button from xml | 22:21 |
freemangordon | Pali: i would have sweared that alarm-ui has function traces, obviously this is not the csae :( | 22:21 |
Pali | freemangordon, current systemui xml file does not handle state when user has activated some other profile (not silent or general) | 22:21 |
Pali | can you add option to show "silent" profile when some other is activated? | 22:22 |
kerio | Pali: and then back to general? | 22:23 |
kerio | or what? | 22:23 |
Pali | kerio, if silent profile is active you have "general" button, if general profile is active you have silenet button | 22:23 |
Pali | and if other profile is active you have *no* profile button | 22:24 |
freemangordon | Pali: I don;t think it is that easy. this is one of the hardcoded things in powerkeymenu | 22:24 |
kerio | shouldn't the button when silent then show the previous profile? | 22:24 |
freemangordon | no | 22:24 |
freemangordon | it should show all the possibilities | 22:24 |
Pali | and this could be fixed "if non silent profile is active show silent button" | 22:24 |
freemangordon | Pali: that is ugly | 22:24 |
Pali | freemangordon, you can have a lot of profiles | 22:24 |
Pali | all are visible in hildon status menu plugin | 22:25 |
kerio | if the profile is silent, show "general", else show "silent" | 22:25 |
freemangordon | I guess we can show a list or something | 22:25 |
Pali | but you do not want to see *all* profiles in systemui | 22:25 |
freemangordon | Pali: why? | 22:25 |
Pali | because I and more people too do not want to see all 20 confgured profiles in systemui | 22:25 |
freemangordon | we can either iterate (with timeout) or show a list(menu) | 22:26 |
Pali | there is no space for 20-30 buttons in systemui | 22:26 |
Pali | systemui menu is good for switching between silent and non silent profile | 22:26 |
freemangordon | Pali: but what is this non0silent profile? | 22:26 |
kerio | "general", surely | 22:27 |
Pali | if ( strcmp(profile,"silent") != 0 ) printf("This profile '%s' is not silent\n", profile); | 22:28 |
Pali | kerio, not only general :-) | 22:28 |
kerio | yeah but you'll want to switch *to* general from silent | 22:28 |
kerio | freemangordon: where should the bug be filed? | 22:29 |
kerio | against mce? | 22:29 |
freemangordon | Pali: it does not work like that | 22:30 |
Pali | you are watching for file change | 22:31 |
Pali | right? | 22:31 |
kerio | freemangordon: why not? surely there's some logic behind which button to display | 22:31 |
Pali | kerio, there is configuration: if file XYZ contains silent show this button | 22:31 |
kerio | change the logic for the display of the "silent" button from "profile is general" to "profile is not silent" | 22:32 |
Pali | also there configuration: if file XYZ contains "general" show another button | 22:32 |
Pali | kerio, look at config file: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/osso-systemui-powerkeymenu/blobs/master/systemui.xml | 22:32 |
freemangordon | yep | 22:33 |
freemangordon | so you need an entry for every button | 22:33 |
freemangordon | unless we extend the functionality | 22:33 |
Pali | extend the functionality | 22:35 |
freemangordon | hmm, wait | 22:35 |
Pali | there is visible="general" | 22:35 |
Pali | add key for example nonvisible and config it as nonvisible="general" | 22:36 |
freemangordon | Pali: ok will, do it. after you fix my BME battery applet :P | 22:37 |
Pali | and what is needed to fix? | 22:38 |
Pali | (btw, last version reporting bars from bme if bme or replacement is running) | 22:38 |
freemangordon | aah, tolgya, bars thingie | 22:38 |
Pali | just apt-get upgrade | 22:38 |
freemangordon | well, I removed it, so it should be apt-get install :) | 22:39 |
kerio | Pali: also the horrendous amount of time it takes to start | 22:39 |
kerio | Pali: and the fact that it uses "design capacity" which is less than useless | 22:39 |
Pali | kerio, I did not see any benchmarks about start time | 22:39 |
kerio | freemangordon: you removed the battery applet? :o | 22:39 |
freemangordon | kerio: I think we already discussed that, ain't? | 22:39 |
Pali | kerio, and also I did not see wiki page for design capacity discussion | 22:40 |
freemangordon | kerio: with BME it was useless on my daily device | 22:40 |
freemangordon | hehe | 22:40 |
freemangordon | kerio: so I downgraded to stock | 22:40 |
kerio | freemangordon: so you need to upgrade :) | 22:41 |
kerio | hrmpf, how am i supposed to get network access inside scratchbox? | 22:43 |
kerio | oh, it was a resolv.conf problem | 22:43 |
freemangordon | lol, kerio has SB?!? | 22:44 |
kerio | freemangordon: what's the path to bme? | 22:55 |
kerio | /usr/sbin/bme_RX-51? | 22:55 |
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kerio | ~mirrors | 23:02 |
infobot | rumour has it, mirror is http://maemo-archive.wedrop.it/ http://maemo.merlin1991.at/apt-mirror/ http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1315143#post1315143 | 23:02 |
kerio | for fuck's sake, why isn't this doing what i want | 23:20 |
kerio | the design should be updated from rx51 only if it's equal to zero | 23:22 |
freemangordon | kerio: because it does what it has been told to do :D | 23:31 |
kerio | indeed | 23:31 |
kerio | system() returns the return value of the process, right? | 23:33 |
tadzik | yeah | 23:33 |
kerio | and it runs shit through a shell | 23:33 |
kerio | so "test" should be available | 23:33 |
tadzik | unless it's a bash builtin of some sort | 23:34 |
tadzik | and you're running through... sh maybe? | 23:34 |
kerio | busybox has test, srsly | 23:34 |
tadzik | system() executes a command specified in command by calling /bin/sh -c | 23:34 |
tadzik | or so man says | 23:35 |
kerio | this isn't fucking believable | 23:38 |
kerio | hold on, bme_replacement is inverted or some shit | 23:39 |
kerio | hm, i see | 23:41 |
kerio | Pali: is there a way to figure out the CI flag from hal? | 23:42 |
Pali | no | 23:42 |
kerio | it doesn't export registers? | 23:43 |
kerio | :( | 23:43 |
Pali | you can try to read some time | 23:43 |
Pali | or current capacity | 23:43 |
Pali | or percentage | 23:43 |
Pali | kernel driver does not export these values if battery is not calibrated | 23:43 |
Pali | so HAL cannot tell it to you too | 23:43 |
kerio | oh, i see | 23:43 |
kerio | i assume that libhal_device_get_property_int will return 0 for the missing values | 23:45 |
kerio | freemangordon: it was doing exactly what it was told to do :D | 23:46 |
kerio | ok, i has sensible values now | 23:47 |
kerio | and a faster start | 23:47 |
kerio | Estel_: interested? | 23:48 |
kerio | Estel_: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1405219/status-area-applet-battery_1.0-3%2Bkerio0_armel.deb | 23:49 |
kerio | https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1405219/status-area-applet-battery_1.0-3%2Bkerio0.tar.gz is the source | 23:51 |
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kerio | Pali: it appears that you weren't quite wrong, it's still quite a lot slower to start than the stock applet | 23:57 |
kerio | but it's noticeably faster than the version that calls dpkg | 23:57 |
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