IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2013-01-04

arceanI've changed a lot of things related to the screen rotation, so most probably there are new bugs :D00:01
freemangordonarcean: well, put it in -devel then00:01
arceanyeah, but Qt should be the first00:02
freemangordonwell, ok00:02
arceanI'll try to do this on Saturday/Sunday00:03
DocScrutinizer05~seen merlin199100:09
infobotmerlin1991 is currently on #maemo #harmattan #maemo-ssu. Has said a total of 215 messages. Is idling for 3h 15m 3s, last said: 'we can't do it directly'.00:09
DocScrutinizer053h is not even "missing"00:09
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: i said "right now"00:10
DocScrutinizer05that's "afk"00:10
freemangordoncould be00:10
DocScrutinizer05~seen qwazix00:11
infobotqwazix <~qwazix@Maemo/community/council/qwazix> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 13d 1h 39m 52s ago, saying: 'sounds cool.'.00:11
DocScrutinizer05I wonder how he managed to make lagrange ZNC drop his login00:17
lufmerlin1991: please create git repo in cssu for osso-gnomevfs-extra00:18
luffreemangordon: what about bluez-4.99? Is is still ok for you?00:18
* DocScrutinizer05 could try to check which channels qwazix is still on, by looking at ZNC logs. But I'm not BOFH00:18
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jonwilok, I think Gentoo box has decided to come back to life. And I have a solution for the problem being discussed last night by gregoa04:15
jonwilAt least I think I do04:15
jonwilnow I just need to remember how to use git :)04:27
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jonwilok, gregoa, I should have a .deb file for you to test soon :)04:45
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gregoajonwil: that sounds very promising, and I'm happy to test04:46
jonwilok, firstly I will test it myself and see what I get sent by the code in various ways and see if the fix does what I think it should on my end04:51
jonwilthen I will give you a .deb to test04:51
jonwilthen if it fixes your end, I will update the changelog and stuff and push to git (and once someone with access shows up) to cssu-devel :)04:51
jonwilgregoa, try this please05:00
jonwilinstall that .deb file with dpkg -i05:00
jonwilthen reboot the phone05:00
jonwilthen send or pastebin opername.log05:00
jonwiloh wait delete opername.log before you reboot05:01
gregoajonwil: installing ...05:01
jonwilif it works, great, I will figure out how to update Git :)05:02
jonwiland the changelog05:02
jonwiland stuff :)05:02
jonwiland make a 3.2.2 version :)05:02
jonwildoes it work?05:03
gregoa... rebooting ...05:03
gregoastill 'A1' (on an almost empty screen). let's wait05:05
jonwilok, get me the opername.log file then05:05
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gregoajonwil: ← here your are. sorry for not reporting better news, and thanks for all your efforts!05:07
jonwilok, the good news is that from that log, it IS picking up the name "bob"05:08
jonwilbut for some reason its then choosing to use the name "A1" anyway05:09
jonwilBack to the stock widget for a bit more reverse engineering I go :)05:09
gregoajonwil: :) thanks again!05:09
jonwilok, I am building another build, will test it myself then hand it to you if it works for me05:15
jonwilok, download this and try it please05:32
jonwilsame thing abefore05:32
jonwilas before05:32
jonwilinstall it, remove opername.log, reboot05:32
jonwiland pastebin the opername.log you get so I can verify that its doing what I think it should be05:33
gregoajonwil: ... rebooting ...05:40
jonwilso yeah assuming this does what I think it will, there should be one more build for you to install05:40
gregoasounds fine but I guess we have to defer to next round to tomorrow :)05:41
jonwildoes it work?05:42
gregoaATM I see no operator at all -- so yes there's some change :)05:43
gregoajonwil: yeah! 'bob' appeared!05:43
jonwilok, send me the opername.log05:43
gregoajonwil: ; looks like it works now! cool & thanks!05:45
jonwilok, so thats good05:46
jonwilI will update Git and make a 3.2.2 build for people to play with05:46
gregoajonwil: sounds good. and thanks again, I really appreciate your efforts in improving this stuff!05:47
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jonwillets hope others using the widget get the intended results too05:48
gregoayup; kerio is a good candidate for testing, he previously also had problems with the op-name (on roaming)05:49
jonwilkerio: ping05:51
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jonwilWho has access to upload new things to community-devel?06:43
jonwilI have a new version for
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lufjonwil: as I wrote I need also _armel.changes file.07:55
jonwilI posted all files here07:58
jonwilthat should be what is needed to handle upload to cssu-devel07:58
jonwilif there are any missing files, tell me and I will grab them off my box for you08:00
lufjonwil: now I see all files I need. I'll upload in 10 minutes08:01
jonwilok, thanks08:01
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lufjonwil: new connui-home-cellular is now in cssu-devel08:11
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kerioluf: will test09:39
freemangordonhmm, what is the big idea? priv->operator_state_name = g_strdup("NULL");09:39
freemangordonwhat kind of ugly hack is that?09:40
freemangordoninsttead of improving, it seems to me that code quality of cbs-widget(or whatever the name) is getting worse :(09:41
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merlin1991I go to sleep early once and suddenly everyone needs somehting from me09:46
freemangordonmerlin1991: you sleep?09:47
merlin1991at times09:47
freemangordonmerlin1991: zlib got stuck in cssu-devel09:47
freemangordonincoming folder09:47
merlin1991let me see09:48
* merlin1991 hates UDebs09:49
keriofreemangordon: so fic it!09:50
freemangordonkerio: no, i'll ask jonwil09:50
freemangordoni have tklock bug to fix09:50
freemangordonkerio: BTW I still cannot get it how you managed to do what you've reportd for tklock09:51
freemangordondid you check syslog for weird stuff?09:51
merlin1991freemangordon: repo is fixed09:52
freemangordonzlib is in or I have to reupload it?09:52
freemangordonmerlin1991: ^^^09:52
freemangordonok, thanks09:52
merlin1991btw if the package is right all you have todo is to touch the .changes file09:53
freemangordonI know09:53
merlin1991the error was, that the repo was not configured to include udebs09:53
freemangordonmerlin1991: BTW, in case you've missed it, I compiled microb with system zlib and libpng, works like a charm :). latest zlib and libpng ofc09:53
lufmerlin1991: sleep ... is it some new app for N900 from you? :D09:53
freemangordonluf: do we have BT ftp browsing already? :P09:54
luffreemangordon: sure all the time :D09:55
freemangordongreat :D09:55
merlin1991I still heaven't gotten a vmware image though09:56
merlin1991need to find out WHY microb fails to compile under my "normal" setup09:57
freemangordonmerlin1991: so if everything remains ok, we'll be able to close all bugs against libpng :)09:57
freemangordonmerlin1991: going to upload it, just tell me where09:57
merlin1991only that we can't close them ;)09:57
merlin1991freemangordon: drop it in your home09:58
freemangordonmerlin1991: (once the new update is out)09:58
merlin1991also it would be great if you could do a build of the version for stable for chemist09:58
freemangordonof what?09:59
merlin1991microb-engine ofc :)09:59
freemangordonI need to setup SB first09:59
merlin1991err how did you build without having sb setup ?10:00
freemangordonI have packages from -testing installed in armel target ;)10:00
freemangordonwill have to setup a new target for stable10:01
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* merlin1991 still wants to know WHY fmg can build and he can't10:01
keriomerlin1991: because he's better than you!10:03
freemangordonmerlin1991: SB image is copying in ~fmg/SB, will take a while though ;)10:07
freemangordonseems my upload speed sux10:08
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lufmerlin1991: what about the new git repo for osso-gnomevfs-extra ?10:36
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merlin1991luf: coming right up10:54
jonwilI think with the changes I made earlier today, all the issues with connui-home-cellular should be resolved10:55
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merlin1991did you push them to git? I'm interested what it was :D10:55
jonwilyes all the changes I made to connui-home-cellular are in both git and the community-devel repo10:57
jonwilLets hope everyone gets the correct operator name now and there is no need for a 1.2.3 :)10:59
jonwilI mean 3.2.310:59
merlin19911 2 3 would be way more awesome ;)10:59
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jonwilok, so now that I finished work on connui-home-cellular, what should I target next? :)11:13
jonwilMaybe I will go back to the investigation of clockd that I started yesterday11:13
jonwilor go back to looking at icd...11:16
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luffreemangordon: I pushed osso-gnomevfs-extra into cssu gitorious11:22
lufAgain N900 crash/reboot (this time during ssh login)11:41
lufyes the same reason as the last one ...11:46
lufpali: ping11:46
Paliluf, pong11:47
lufpali: kp52 kernel oops. how cen I report it (what is your preferred wy)?11:48
Paliluf, can you send me oops log?11:48
Palior do you know when it oopsing?11:48
Palijonwil, something usefull for RE could be USB widget (switch between PCSuite and Mass storage)11:49
PaliI really hate that idea that you need to unplug usb cable and plug it again for switching mode11:49
lufright now and few days ago (I upgraded kp to the latest from tmo)11:50
lufI used PCSuite and ssh from notebook to N90011:50
luf(pwd request)11:50
Palisame here, but for some reason I needed to switch to usb mass storage (ssh via usb network is not enought...)11:51
Paliand I see that it is possible to add mass storage mode to g_nokia driver11:52
Paliso no switch11:52
Palibut that change must be adopted to that stupid closed nokia widget...11:52
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Paliluf, use this tool for extracting oops from mtd partition:
kerioit's preinstalled, isn't it?11:54
keriohm, maybe not11:54
lufpali: how to use?11:55
lufI see.11:55
kerioluf: sp-oops-extract /dev/mtd2ro11:55
Paliyou can also create dump of mtd, transfer to pc and extract via that tool on pc11:56
Pali(if you do not want to install it to n900 rootfs)11:56
jonwilI think the details of how the usb widget works are understood, its just a matter of someone with the UI skills cloning it11:56
jonwilI mean writing a new one/replacement11:56
jonwilIf there are unknown questions about how the widget works, those I can reverse engineer I guess :)11:57
lufYou can see all four or five crashes (the same backtrace for all)11:57
lufpali: ^^^11:57
jon_yPali: about your kp garage git repo, do you just dump the "debian" dir into the vanilla kernel source tree?11:57
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Palijonwil, I do not know what usb widget doing for switching to mode11:58
Paliit calling via sudo some shell script? or setting some HAL property?11:58
jonwilok, I will find out what its doing11:58
jon_y3g modem switch?11:58
jon_ydoes it involve 3G USB dongles?11:59
jon_ysorry, I picked up on the "switching to mode" part11:59
jonwilit use dbus11:59
keriothe same as ke-recv-test p/m i think12:00
kerioapparently there's also a "charging mode" in ke-recv12:00
Palijon_y, see:
keriothat could be useful to switch back to12:00
Palisteps how to compile12:00
jon_yPali: OK12:00
jonwilit also uses HAL to watch USB12:01
jonwilor so12:01
jonwilorg/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1d6b_2_musb_hdrc specifically12:01
Palijonwil, write that info to some file12:01
jonwildon't have anywhere to write it12:02
jonwilif wiki was working I would write it there12:02
jonwilIts also calling libhal_manager_find_device_string_match(blah,"button.type","usb.cable",blah) or so12:03
jonwilso basically its using libhal (open and documented) to monitor/deal with USB stuff12:04
jonwilthen ke_recv (also open) to actually switch modes12:05
jonwilits also doing /bin/ls /dev/ttyGS* somewhere for some reason12:06
Paliwhat is ttyGS*?12:06
jonwilno idea12:06
jonwilits also doing /usr/sbin/osso-usb-mass-storage-is-used.sh12:06
kerioPali: g_serial12:06
Paliah, yes, g_nokia have g_serial included12:07
Pali(and export here pnatd daemon for modem)12:07
jonwiloh and it does /bin/grep /proc/modules -e %s too12:08
jonwilwith g_nokia and g_file_storage as the values passed in12:08
jonwilseems like g_file_storage is module for mass storage12:09
jonwiland g_nokia is module for pcsuite12:09
jonwilalso reference to /tmp/.current_usb_mode12:10
kerioPali: is g_nokia open?12:10
Palikerio, yes, all kernel drivers are open12:11
kerioso why didn't you (or someone else) merge g_nokia and g_file_storage already?12:11
Palikerio, I wrote that I see that it is possible12:11
Palibut possible on 2.6.3x kernels...12:11
Palidriver g_nokia is modular12:11
Palibut driver g_filestorage is monolitic12:12
Palig_filestorage was replaced in new kernel with g_masssttorage which is modular12:12
jonwilif it wasn't so hard to reverse engineer gtk apps with no x86 binary I would just reverse engineer entire USB widget12:12
jonwilbut I hope the info I have provided helps someone else come up with a new widget12:12
Paliso first we need to backport massstorage code to 2.6.2812:12
kerioPali: i see12:13
Paliand then add massstorage code to g_nokia12:13
Palijonwil, I will look at that widget12:13
PaliI wrote more 2 buttons widgets :-)12:14
jonwilok, so what should I look at next?12:14
Paliclockd :-)12:14
Paliand libtime12:14
jonwilok, maybe I will go back to clockd or icd stuff then :)12:14
Palijonwil, and I have git tree for mce where I tried to patch upstream meego mce for fremantle12:15
jonwilif I clone clockd, is it ok to completly ignore all the debugging and syslog stuff when cloning it? Would make things easier :)12:15
Paliif you want I can give you my tree and you can try mce :-)12:15
jonwili.e. pretend that the -d option to clockd doesn't exist12:15
Palijonwil, you can ignore debugging & syslog, but add some log to code12:15
Pali(e.g time is changing, ...)12:16
jonwilhow far did you get with mce?12:16
PaliI copied code from diablo mce to harmattan12:16
Palicode which was removed12:16
Palibut it is still in uncompilable state12:16
jonwilI think open MCE things are too far changed from Fremantle MCE to get something usable on Fremantle12:17
Palimissing systemui dev packages12:17
jonwilI tried before with various of the MCE plugins and got nowhere12:17
Palibut freemangordon RE some systemui parts, so then it I try it again12:17
jonwilreally need RE guru to handle MCE12:17
jonwilI am not RE gutu12:17
jonwilso I cant do MCE12:17
jonwilclockd I can do12:18
Paliok, look at clockd :-)12:18
jonwilicd (figuring out externals needed to replace it) I can also probably do12:18
jonwilbut yeah I will look into those later :)12:18
Palikerio, I found usb_eject function in ke-recv12:18
Paliso that function umounting mounted usb device (in host mode)12:19
Paliso need to add some button somewhere for calling it12:19
jonwilok, so I will see what I can do about clockd (I dont think we need libtime, just clockd)12:23
jonwiland also the icd2 stuff12:23
Palijonwil, libtime seems to be only dbus handler12:24
Palithis can be generated :-)12:24
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jonwilno libtime does more than just dbus12:26
Palijonwil, look also on:
jonwilthere is old maemo bug report asking for open libtime which was (of course) rejected12:32
jonwilbut yeah if I am cloning clockd, cloning libtime looks doable too12:32
jonwilhardest part with both is making build system/debian package info/etc, not actual code12:34
PaliI can create debian package without problem12:35
Palijonwil, just add files which needs to be installed to git12:36
jonwilwhat about builf system?12:36
Paliand create proper debian directory12:36
Palisimple Makefile12:36
Palior do you really need autotools?12:37
Palior write shell script which compile your binaries12:37
jonwilyeah makefie will do or now12:38
Palijonwil, clock synchronization from GPS, see
povbotBug 2750: Support clock synchronization by GPS12:41
Palifunny that it was fixed 2008-11-2612:41
Palibut for harmattan...12:41
Paliusign NTP is here:
povbotBug 472: Support clock synchronization by NTP12:42
jonwilI will simply clone clockd as-is and get someone else to figure it out12:42
jonwili.e. do the rest of the work12:43
freemangordonjonwil: please, cleanup the cbs-widget code first12:43
Palijonwil, on my todo list is NTP support for clockd :-)12:43
freemangordonit is a mess now12:43
jonwilcleaning up code is not something I am any good at... :P12:44
freemangordonjonwil: also, why is priv->operator_state_name = g_strdup("NULL"); needed?12:44
freemangordonwhy not simply NULL?12:44
jonwilbecause you cant pass NULL to free or strcmp...12:44
jonwilif you think you can make cbs-widget code better please do12:45
freemangordonjonwil: I am sure I can make it better, but that is not the point12:45
jonwilbecause I dont think my skillset will allow me to do it :P12:45
tadzikis there a reason why NULL and not just ""?12:45
freemangordonit is madness to allocate memory just to make free and strcmp happy12:45
freemangordonjust do if(p) free(p)12:46
Paliyou can call free(NULL)12:46
freemangordonand there is g_strcmp (or similar) function dealing with NULL input parameters12:46
freemangordonthat one too12:46
Palifree(NULL) it doing nothing12:46
Palistrcmp must be non NULL12:47
Pali(no idea if g_strcmp can be)12:47
freemangordoniirc strncmp is dealing with NULL, but could be wrong12:47
Palithere is no info what happen if strdup get NULL12:48
tadzikCompares str1 and str2 like strcmp(). Handles NULL gracefully by sorting it before non-NULL strings. Comparing two NULL pointers returns 0.12:48
tadzikthat's g_strcmp012:48
keriofree(NULL) is specified, it MUST be the same as a no-op12:48
kerioin any compliant libc12:49
PaliC functions strcmp and strncmp cannot be called with NULL12:49
tadzikthere's always g_free, which does exactly the same12:49
freemangordontadzik: but you should use g_strdup12:49
tadzikuse where?12:49
freemangordonoh, wait12:50
freemangordonit IS used12:50
freemangordong_free that is12:50
tadziksounds reasonable12:50
tadzikyeah, looking at the file it should be ok for it to be NULL, as long as it switches to g_strfoo stuff12:51
Palijonwil, for clock/time here is full lists of bugs:
jonwilso yeah my plan right now is to produce 1:1 clone of clockd and libtime12:52
jonwilif anyone wants more than that, they can do it themselves :)12:53
jonwilsame if anyone wants to make cbs-widget better :P12:53
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freemangordonjonwil: what? why you take it as offence?12:53
freemangordoncome on. :(12:54
jonwilI dont take it as offense, I just dont have the skills to do really good code12:54
jonwilmy code is always messy12:54
jonwilso if someone wants to clean it up, feel free but dont expect me to do it :)12:54
freemangordonjonwil: and it will always be like that if you don't try :P12:54
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jonwilI prefer writing useful code than writing clean code or well-commented code :P14:07
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keriocode that's not clean or well-commented isn't really useful for long14:31
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Paliif somebody has scratchbox loaded: need to build new version of packages from git: profiled, dsme, upstart15:03
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keriooh, zlib is in cssu-devel already, neat15:22
jonwilkerio: you were having problens with the cbs widget before, can you test if the newest version gives you any problems?15:22
keriojonwil: i've been testing the newest version since this morning15:23
kerioso far, no problems15:23
jonwilso thats version 3.2.2?15:24
jonwilok, great15:24
keriomy problem has been fixed for a while though15:27
kerioand it was *weird*15:27
jonwilthe point was to make sure that the new code changes I made didn't case people who had problems before to have problems again15:28
lufkerio: also new libpng ...15:30
kerioluf: do those two have to match? i still have the thumby libpng15:30
lufkerio. No it's not necessarry. But with the newest version freemangordon also recompile browser to use system libpng and zlib instead of it's own.15:32
lufkerio: as usual I forgot the package name :D15:33
keriomicrob-engine probably15:40
keriohm, nope15:40
kerioat least, it's not in cssu-devel yet15:41
freemangordonyep, it is still not in -devel15:42
freemangordonkerio: BTW i'll compile thumby version of all this15:42
luffreemangordon: where is it? :)15:42
freemangordonluf: on my PC :P15:42
freemangordonremember, zlib was stuck in incoming last night ;)15:43
luffreemangordon: URL, IP + username + pwd? :D15:46
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jonwilonce the wiki is working again someone should go through and annotate things that are worth cloning vs those that aren't (for example, the benefit to cloning clockd is much bigger than that of cloning, say, foreca-weather-applet)16:12
jonwilthat wiki page also will need updates for things that have been recently cloned like libcal16:14
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jonwiland there are some third party items who's authors would rather we didn't clone them (I for one wouldn't feel comfortable being connected to a reverse-engineering of, say, telepathy-spirit :)16:23
freemangordonjonwil:  what's that responsoble of?16:25
jonwilThats the skype plugin :)16:27
jonwiland I know the Skype people are very active in going after those who try to reverse engineer their protocols :)16:27
kerioi wouldn't feel comfortable using telepathy-spirit16:32
keriothat's why i uninstalled it16:32
keriosadly, i still have to keep the skype-ui-* shit16:33
jonwilI use Skype on my N900 (text only, no voice/video) to talk to a few people I know who are easiest to reach via Skype16:33
jonwilI figure that the Skype I already have on my N900 is a lot less likely to install all kinds of crap I dont want than the Windows version of Skype that I dont have on my desktop PC :)16:34
keriosrsly though, why does rtcom-notification-ui depend on skype-ui-l10n-mr0? :(16:36
jonwilbecause rtcom-notification-ui handles skype status display16:38
keriowhat's so fucking special about skype?16:38
jonwilit happens to be a very popular VoIP solution16:39
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kerioyeah but the actual skype plugin is *a plugin*16:39
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freemangordonjonwil: skype people? last known about them is that M$ bought Skype. So you will RE M$ protocol :P16:42
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luffreemangordon: I got it :) Now I'm able to read device properties ...22:11
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