IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2013-01-03

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jonwil~seen pali03:02
infobotpali <~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 5d 13h 41m 58s ago, saying: 'freemangordon, do you know state of portrait keyboard?'.03:02
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merlin1991hm not exactly the channel I meant :P04:48
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* merlin1991 currently sets up a qemu-kvm x86 image to test some theories regarding compiling05:39
merlin1991great fun!05:39
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merlin1991freemangordon: how on earth did you build microb-engine08:34
merlin1991I tried to build it on a clean git clone on x86 and even there it failed08:35
freemangordonmerlin1991: by using vmware image09:28
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freemangordonjonwil: ^^^10:34
jonwilhi pali10:34
Palijonwil, hi10:34
jonwilI have been working with HEAD of
jonwiland I have some things to say regarding some changes I made10:35
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jonwilIs there a reason you need to specifically listen to Phone.Net.operator_name_change?10:37
jonwilYou should not be listening to that directly as the code behind connui_cell_net_status_register listens for you10:38
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jonwilThis patch10:50
jonwilcontains the changes I have in my local copy of operator-name-cbs-widget10:50
jonwilWithout these changes I get an incorrect operator name on my N90010:50
jonwilWith these changes I get the correct operator name10:50
jonwilI would like to discuss these changes so we can find out whether my reasoning as to why they need to be made is correct or if not, what the correct change is so that I get the right operator name but others also get the correct operator name (e.g. those who roam to other operators)10:51
jonwilhmmm, guess no-one wants to talk about my changes... :P10:54
freemangordonjonwil: this is IRC after all, give Pali some time :P10:56
Palijonwil, if It fixing your bug, commit changes to git10:58
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Paliand push new deb package to cssu-devel for testing10:58
merlin1991freemangordon: any idea what's different from the vmware image to a regular scratchbox installation?10:59
PaliI added that dbus signal because more times I got "empty string" as operator name10:59
merlin1991freemangordon: do you still have a copy of the virgin image?10:59
merlin1991can you upload it to the server ?11:00
freemangordonand iirc thedead1441 has it online11:00
freemangordonthe fuck :D11:00
merlin1991I'll ask him then11:00
Palijonwil, if I get "empty string" as operator name again I will add that dbus signal but name will be readed only if operator name will b empty11:00
jonwilI suspect the reason you saw the empty strings is because of the typo where you had priv->operator_name = g_strdup(state->operator_name); instead of priv->operator_name = g_strdup(operator);11:00
jonwili.e. it was pulling state->operator_name (which was empty) instead of operator (which was not empty)11:01
jonwilAs for pushing to git, my Gentoo box is having issues right now and wont boot up so I cant push. I do have a .deb file on my phone that matches HEAD plus that patch though.11:04
luffreemangordon: I have vcs for osso-gnomevfs-extra :)11:05
lufI have to check if it's the latest but I think so based on debian/changelog11:05
jonwilI can make the .deb I have available to anyone who wants it (or to anyone who can upload it to cssu-devel)11:07
lufjonwil: for cssu-devel import is needed _armel.changes and all files mentioned there (with the right checksum)11:08
jonwilhmmm ok11:08
jonwilis there someone here who can help by putting the patches into GIT and building for me since my build env is down?11:08
lufjonwil why such terrible namelog (no function or define)? Why don't log it into syslog?11:11
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lufjonwil: the last thing in patch: namelog after namelog ? Why can't you join this two namelogs?11:13
Paliluf, there is gconf key for enabling logs11:13
Paliluf, for debugging is was easier to have two log files11:14
lufsyslog.conf isn't enough? come on. But I see there are namelog used  already in the cbms so it should be ok - but I hate this work. Just to copy X times the same instead of define or some function call.11:15
merlin1991freemangordon: I answered nicolai for now11:16
lufjonwil: please fix the last namelog direclty after namelog and I can compile and put it info cssu-devel.11:16
merlin1991btw freemangordon on that vmware image your scratchbox there, does it have all the cssu packages installed or only the latest build deps?11:19
merlin1991because that's one thing I didn't try, building on a virgin target, without newer cssu packages11:19
Palimerlin1991, I have patch for dsme & upstart. when you call sudo poweroff it will tell it to dsme for clean shutdown11:27
Palisimilar patch as for reboot11:27
Palibut now I added patch for dsmetool for adding parameter -p for poweroff11:27
merlin1991hm we should leave poweroff as is11:28
jon_yPali: hey, I have a 1-line patch to get the kernel building for newer toolchain11:28
Palimerlin1991, patch is for telinit11:28
Palisame as for rebooting11:29
Paliit is funny that busybox poweroff on maemo calling telinit 011:29
merlin1991well put the patch somewhere so I can look at it more closely, atm I'm not really sure I'm not talking utter bs11:29
merlin1991btw any idea what the shut down button in the power key menu does?11:30
Palicalling some dsme dbus method11:31
jon_ybinutils more strict now11:31
merlin1991does that still work with the old toolchain aswell?11:31
jon_yI think binutils ignores unknown pseudo ops11:32
Palimerlin1991, here is first patch for dsme:
jon_ylet me post the whole file, you can compile it to test11:32
Palimerlin1991, and here is second patch:
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freemangordonmerlin1991: powerkeymenu does mce callback via dbus11:35
freemangordon(for poweroff)11:35
Palijon_y, why is that patch needed?11:35
freemangordonluf: check zlib on gitorious, "your" patch is the way to go, toldya I was lucky with libpng :D11:35
jon_ybinutils was erroring out on the smc line11:36
jon_ywell, gas was11:36
Palijon_y, ok, it is upstream patch?11:36
Palior did you write it?11:36
freemangordonluf: I backported another NEON patch in zlib, that one is decreasing compression time by ~18% ;)11:36
jon_ymy patch11:36
jon_ygas says "this processor does not support smc extensions"11:36
infoboti guess gas is so much cheaper in the US anyway it wont make any difference11:37
jon_ygnu assembler11:37
PaliGNU assembler11:37
freemangordonaah, ok11:37
lufI told you that your patch will help.11:37
luffreemangordon: How you measure such big speedup?11:38
freemangordonjon_y: IIRC you can pass some command line option instead of modifying the code11:38
jon_yis it?11:39
jon_yok, I just checked with older binutils, bad :(11:39
freemangordonluf: with zpipe < $BIGFILE > /dev/null11:39
freemangordonjon_y: AFAIK that modification is upstreamed11:39
luffreemangordon: ok.11:39
jon_yunknown pseudo-op: `.arch_extension'11:40
jon_yfreemangordon: oh, how do they deal with old binutils?11:40
freemangordonjon_y: not using smc11:40
jon_ythey encode .dword directly?11:41
jon_yok, that's fine too, I have no idea what the opcode is11:41
jon_yPali: fix it in kp53 pls :)11:41
freemangordonsomething "0xEEADBEEF", check in uboot or kernel-power11:42
Palijon_y, kp52 was not released :-)11:42
PaliI will look at it11:42
jon_yPali: thanks11:42
Palinow I'm fixing ipv6 support :-)11:42
merlin1991luf and freemangordon if you guys keep backporting real *speed* patches maemo will get too fast!11:42
jon_yPali: can you also enable the vlan module?11:43
lufmerlin1991: feel free to put there some sleep into the code :D11:43
jonwilluf: try this new patch11:43
freemangordonmerlin1991: don;t worry, we'll integrate something eating 50% of the CPU all the time11:43
Paliseems that ipv6 support for wifi over icd2 is working without problem11:43
jonwilshould be the right now one11:43
freemangordonto not break "the user experience" :D11:43
merlin1991sleep("over 9000"); //this stuff is way to fast we can't pass the speed of light on arm11:43
Paliseems that dhcpv6 and radvd detection working11:43
jon_ymerlin1991: speed up loops :)11:43
infobotmerlin1991 meant: sleep("over 9000"); //this stuff is way too fast we can't pass the speed of light on arm11:44
jonwilif someone can help me get that last patch into Git and compile a package for cssu-devel that would be great11:44
jon_yPali: also, any plans to include fcam drivers as part of the kp build?11:44
lufjonwil: I'll do it (hopefully in next hour or today)11:44
* jon_y found out new custom kernels will bootloop on cssu-thumb11:45
Palijon_y, no time & I do not using fcam...11:45
lufjonwil: please give me also patch for debian/changelog11:45
jon_yPali: ok, do at least the vlan module, thanks11:45
merlin1991jon_y: well ou do need the thumb patches, otherwise you're in for a bazillion sigills :D11:45
Palijon_y is it CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q?11:45
jon_yyes that11:45
Paliok, going to enable it11:45
jon_ymerlin1991: well, it was KP51r1 and some newer patches11:46
merlin1991btw freemangordon did you seperate the thumb patches cleanly into git commits?11:46
jonwilI cant edit debian/changelog myself because my linux box is down11:46
freemangordonmerlin1991: yep, I had upstreaming in mind when I did them11:47
lufjonwil: so what should I put there?11:47
jonwilotherwise I would edit the changelog and push to Git myself11:47
merlin1991jon_y: so you'll probably will need just this:
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jonwilChangelog items should be:11:48
jon_yfreemangordon: it's not in Pali's git repo?11:49
freemangordonjon_y: it is11:49
freemangordonbut I made the orginal patches in kernel-cssu11:49
PaliI will merge kp52 into cssu-kernel when kp52 will be in extras-devel11:49
jon_yok, I'm using pali's git tree in garage11:49
jonwil* Add logging to update_widget to log how it determines which names to use11:49
Palibtw, is extras-devel still in read-only mode?11:50
Paliand when will be wiki working????11:50
merlin1991Pali: extras devel works11:50
merlin1991but only via ssh/dput11:50
freemangordonjon_y: depending on the kernel version you may also need
Palimerlin1991, I using dput11:50
merlin1991wiki is technically ready, but nokia didn't swap the dns entries yet11:50
Paliso extras-devel was migrated?11:50
Paliextras dns was updated?11:51
jonwil* do not listen to operator_name_change as connui_cell_net_status_register does that for you11:51
merlin1991Pali: nope to both, but afaik extras-* never went read only11:51
jonwil* Correct typo in calculation of operator name11:51
merlin1991I could be wrong though11:51
jon_yfreemangordon: actually, I already have all 3 patches11:52
Palie.g I do not want to see that some my packages was dissapear11:52
jonwil* Use service provider name when service_provider_name_type is != 1)11:52
jon_yPali: since you're working on ipv6, any ideas if the n900 know about 6-4 tunnels?11:52
lufjonwil: I also don't know your credentials (name/mail).11:53
Palijon_y, I reused diablo packages (+ one closed source for icd2)11:53
Paliand one shell script creating some 6-4 tunnel11:53
lufPali:  Is version for operator-name-cbs-widget 3.2.1-0maemo1+0cssu1 ok?11:54
jon_ynice, will it be part of the kp install?11:54
Palibut I do not know if that closed icd module using it or not11:54
Paliluf, why both maemo and cssu?11:54
lufJust cssu?11:55
PaliI think that we had some decision that cssu suffix is not for our upstream packages...11:55
lufPali: Ah ok. So 3.2.1 is ok?11:56
Pali(e.g packages which have upstream on gitorious)11:56
Pali3.2 is last version, so 3.2.1 should be ok11:56
Palimerlin1991, where is info about cssu packages versioning?11:57
merlin1991and you are right11:57
Palisome packages have cssu suffix11:57
Palisome not11:57
merlin1991when our gitorious is upstream we have no cssu suffix11:57
Palisome has unstable distro11:57
Palisome has stable11:57
Palisome has fremantle...11:57
merlin1991well that is just due to the inconsistance in the source we're working with :/11:57
Palisome has debian version suffix (version-1)11:57
merlin1991nobody ever bothered to move that properly around11:58
lufIt was my mistake. I never wrote new package for cssu ;)11:58
Palimaybe someboty should write proper (wiki) page about versioning...11:58
Palijonwil, btw, in diablo there is (open) binary rtsol which ask for M and O bits and then icd decide if dhcpv6 client is needed or not11:59
jonwilyes what about this binary?12:00
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Palibut there is bug (in icd maybe?) that if only O bit is set it will not update dhcpv6 config file12:00
Paliand it trying to get also address (not only dns)12:00
Paliand then dhcp client will timeout...12:01
PaliI will fix it12:01
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jonwilIs there a reason you are mentioning this to me specifically? Something you want me to look at?12:01
Paliyou asked about ipv612:02
freemangordonthe fuck, somehow I managed to break my SB :(12:04
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luffreemangordon: zlib?12:04
jonwilI dont remember asking about ipv6 but maybe it was a while back12:04
freemangordonluf: no12:04
freemangordoninstall: `debian/libnss3-dev/DEBIAN' exists but is not a directory12:04
freemangordondh_gencontrol: command returned error code 25612:04
freemangordonI got this error with some packages12:04
lufPali: may I insert into changelog as maintainter you or jonwil?12:05
jonwilwhat does changelog currently say as maintainer?12:05
lufjonwil: ^^^12:06
jonwilGo ahead and put me if you like, I dont mind either way12:08
Paliluf, just add entry to changelog12:08
jonwilleave maintainer as-is I guess12:09
Palimerlin1991, did you looked at dsme+upstart patches?12:09
lufPali: sure I mess something in my head. :D12:09
merlin1991Pali: yep, they look fine12:10
Palimerlin1991, ok can you create dsme git repo on gitorious cssu?12:12
lufI push it to gitorious ...12:12
PaliI used upstream dsme repo and cut it in fremantle version12:12
merlin1991where's upstream dmse?12:12
jonwilok, so does anyone have anything they want me to reverse engineer? Would this closed-source bit being used for IPv6 be worth reverse engineering?12:13
Palijonwil, I needed to RE libicd-network-ipv6, but now I hacked it with shell scripts...12:14
Paliso now it is not needed12:14
Paliit working12:14
jonwillibicd-network-ipv6 comes from where?12:14
Palimerlin1991, here is upstream meego repo:
PaliI found here last fremantle version and I commited some fremantle changes12:15
kerioohai Pali12:15
Palijonwil, diablo SSU repository and was pushed to extras-devel by me12:15
keriojonwil: libicd-network-ipv6 is in extras-devel non-free12:15
Paliqgil allowed it12:15
Pali(there was meeting about it)12:16
jonwilok, so it was a closed-binary in diablo and was originally uploaded to extras-devel for use with Fremantle but is now no longer necessary because of whats been done?12:16
kerioPali: is there a way to reliably detect if there's a kernel attached to the flashed uboot?12:16
Palijonwil, yes but it is still needed12:16
Palithere was some problem with connections in that library12:17
Palibut I fixed that problem with shell scripts12:17
Paliso RE modification is not needed12:17
Palibecause seems it working12:17
Palikerio, yes12:17
Palikerio, attached kernel must be at specified address12:17
Paliso look at that offset12:17
kerioPali: could you add that check to u-boot-update-bootmenu, or would you add it if someone gave you the patch?12:18
Paliand check if there is something or not (only 0x00 or 0xFF)12:18
jonwilone of these days I hope we end up with clones of various ICD and related closed blobs12:18
jonwilor replacements12:18
Palijonwil, when I will have time I will look at netcfg12:19
jonwilnetcfg is?12:19
Paliit sounds like good replacement12:19
kerioPali: right now, u-boot-update-bootmenu only tries to find the kernel version string, and if that fails, it just adds a generic "boot from attached kernel" entry12:19
Palinetcfg is configuration tool for arch linux12:19
jonwilmain problem with icd is not finding replacement, its understanding what the closed blobs expose to the world12:19
Palijonwil, it is set of bash scripts which configuring networks12:19
lufPali, jonwil: where can I get libconnui-dev ? (Unmet build dependencies: libconnui-dev and apt-get install can't find it)12:19
Paliluf, in cssu gitorious should be12:20
freemangordonluf: in CSSU repo12:20
lufUgh. ok.12:20
Palijonwil, that arch netcfg is modular bash system and writing new module is easy12:20
jonwilMain problem with replacing icd is understanding how other parts of the system talk to icd and its related bits12:21
jonwillots of bits of code (including lots of bits of closed code) talk to the ICD things in various ways12:21
jonwiland finding out how those bits talk is something I have been working on as much as possible12:22
Palijonwil, 3rd apps should talk to icd only via libconic and that library is open source12:22
freemangordonguys, what about taking a break from RE stuff and finish/polish what is already in CSSU?12:22
Paliso 3rd apps should not be problem12:23
freemangordonjust a proposition ofc12:24
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jonwilPlenty of closed source blobs talk to ICD via ways not fully understood12:25
jonwilbut yeah I think I might go back and continue to reverse engineer that stuff12:25
Palibetter for RE is clockd or iphbd12:26
Palior system-ui daemon12:26
Palihm, somewhere on irc is list of all closed daemons12:27
freemangordonyeah, clockd or systemui should be relatively easy to RE12:27
Paliand iphbd should be too12:27
freemangordonboth have x86 binaries and are some 20-30 KB12:27
Palibecause iphbd daemon was merged to meego dsme12:27
Paliand that is open source12:27
Paliso I think that they moved full source code to dsme module or file12:27
Palineed to look into dsme git history12:28
jonwilWe dont need to reverse engineer entire icd daemon, we just need to reverse engineer the dbus/gconf/etc interfaces it exposes to the outside world that other parts of the system rely on12:28
jonwilso that a replacement of icd2 will not break those closed blobs12:28
Palithey (nokia) also added conflicts: and replaces: into debian/control to dsme package12:28
lufjonwil: please install and check prior I import it into cssu-devel
freemangordonfeel free to benchmark/test :D12:32
luffreemangordon: next round of libpng recompilation is waiting for us :)12:33
Palimerlin1991, dsme and upstart patches commited12:33
freemangordonluf: wait, why recompile?12:33
freemangordonisn;t it using system zlib?12:34
luffreemangordon: due to static linking?12:34
freemangordonhmm, is it statically linked? I doubt, but lemme check12:34
jonwilok, testing that .deb now to make sure it displays the correct name12:34
luffreemangordon: In -dev it is.12:34
freemangordonluf: we'd better fix it to use zlib .so12:35
jonwilluf: seems to work12:35
jonwilso go ahead and push to cssu-devel12:35
luffreemangordon: And someone can use statically linked libpng (e.g. browser)12:35
freemangordonluf: aah, yes, APNG12:35
freemangordonluf: I will add APNG patch to libpng12:36
luffreemangordon: So I think we want to recompile libpng just in case ;)12:36
lufAnd apng is good reason ;)12:36
freemangordonluf: why do you think libpng is statically linked to zlib?12:36
lufjonwil: done. Please announce it on TMO12:38
luffreemangordon: Because of libpng12-dev.install: libpng12.a12:39
Paliluf, if you have scratchbox up, can you compile dsme & upstart from git?12:40
lufPali: I'll leave for a lunch and need to do something prior lunch. So not now. I'll see if I have time after lunch.12:41
jonwilI dont know right tmo thread to post in...12:42
jonwilPali, can you see if running the new 3.2.1 connui-home-cellular gives you any specific issues?12:43
Palijonwil, I will test if it working, but I had problems in Prague (and I'm not here yet)12:44
jonwilIf you get issues, don't just go making changes, please talk to me first (via IRC or via email) with some logs and together we can figure out just whats going on :)12:45
jonwilluf: posted12:48
lufjonwil: thanks12:48
Palimerlin1991, I'm preparing OSS replacement packages for initrd-tools and getbootstate12:49
Paliwhat do you think, can it be hosted on gitorious in cssu?12:50
Palinow getbootstate is in bzr (not in git!) on launchpad12:50
Palibut I can convert repo to git12:50
Palijonwil, testing and now operator name is ok12:53
jonwilok, thats good so far12:53
jonwilif you get problems later, lets get some logs and see whats up12:53
jonwilbtw, it looks like the Fremantle version of dsme isn't in the dsme git repo...12:55
Palijonwil, look at cssu git12:59
PaliI found last fremantle version in git tree12:59
Paliand then I commited versions from dsc packages12:59
jonwilbtw, I suspect this commit (or commits near it) are where iphb stuff was merged with dsme13:01
jonwilone would need to reverse engineer libiphb0 and iphbd as of 0.0.17+0m5 possibly using later stuff from dsme repo as a guide13:05
jonwilif one wanted open copies of Fremantle iphb stuff13:05
jonwiliphbd does not come as x86 binary13:06
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luffreemangordon: can you please test ?13:10
freemangordonjonwil: sure, but it is 16k binary13:10
luffreemangordon: don't enable fake devices13:11
freemangordonyeah, saw it13:11
freemangordoncan't test now, when I am back home13:12
freemangordonBTW what do you expect ti hapen?13:12
luffreemangordon: Just in case you're as curious as me :) I don't test in directly (just through dbus-send).13:12
jonwilit sounds like what Nokia did is that at some point between Fremantle and that commit mentioned above, they merged iphbd into DSME13:12
freemangordonluf: BTW what stops you from testing it yourself?13:13
luffreemangordon: it should list your paired devices (all not just that which supports obexFTP) and maybe it can work at all. No idea more ...13:13
luffreemangordon: time nad hildon change ... (if you can share I'll be glad)13:13
lufNow is the lunch time ...13:13
freemangordonhehe. it is lunch time here too, bbl ;)13:14
Palijonwil, libiphb is open, see: c7d7345279a0da1f16805510cbbb4281fadf2a3f13:15
jonwilso that matches Fremantle libiphb?13:15
jonwilif so, great13:15
jonwilthats one less thing to RE13:15
keriojonwil: testing connui-home-cellular13:18
jonwilok, great13:18
jonwilthe libiphb I see in that repo seems to be newer version than Fremantle13:18
jonwilI dont see Fremantle libiphb anywhere13:19
keriojonwil: installed, i'll try to figure out if everything works13:20
kerioso far, everything good13:20
jonwilok, so there is no code for ipbhd or libiphb out there that matches Fremantle that I can see. Which means we need to reverse engineer the library and daemon if we want to make changes to them :)13:21
jonwilAlthough I dont know if there is any reason to need to change that daemon13:21
Palijonwil we have header files of fremantle version13:23
Palilook if header files are same13:23
Paliand if yes, then new harmattan version could be compatible13:24
jonwilwell if we decided we cared, cloning libiphb and iphbd wouldn't be that hard for someone with ARM skills :)13:25
jonwilor x86 skills in the case of libiphb which has an x86 version13:25
jonwilok, oldest libiphb.h in meego libiphb repo is different to maemo libiphb.h13:26
jonwilmaemo libiphb.h defines some dbus interfaces (makes sense, maemo iphbd is separate daemon with dbus interface, somewhere along the line before making code available in meego  repos nokia makes it part of dsme)13:27
jonwilhence we need to reverse engineer both lib and daemon if we want to change it13:28
jonwilnot that I know much about what iphbd does or why one might care about changing it...13:29
jonwilso yeah if I do any more reverse engineering it will be on the things needed by icd and its plugins :)13:31
jonwili.e. so that icd and friends can be replaced...13:32
Palijonwil, or you can look at clockd daemon13:33
PaliI really want to see NTP support in clockd13:33
Paliclockd has very good documentation13:33
Paliwith all dbus interfaces13:34
jonwilyeah I know13:34
PaliIf somebody rewrite/clone/RE clockd I will add missing NTP support13:34
kerioPali: do we know how big the nolo header is?13:38
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Palikerio, what do you mean under "nolo header"?13:38
kerio/dev/mtd3 doesn't just contain u-boot13:39
keriothere's a header, afaik13:39
keriothe offsets are slightly different13:39
Palikerio, some code about nolo header is in 0xFFFF in dump supprot13:39
Pali(reverse flash)13:39
Palicode which deleting nolo header13:39
Paliso you can look at it13:40
Palikerio, see src/local.c13:41
Palithere is table nanddump_n900[]13:42
Paliwith nolo offsets13:42
Palifor each mtd part there is offset and length13:43
jonwilbtw, I think reason clockd/libtime needs to exist (and needs to be closed) is because clockd interacts with the cellular services daemon to handle receiving time from cellular network13:43
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kerioyep, 2048 is also what i'm seeing from od's output13:43
kerio0 75 3 and then zeros until offset 204813:43
Palijonwil, in one of your dbus header I found that dbus interface for time from cellular13:43
Palikerio, can you test if that table for n900 is correct?13:44
Palialso if you have time you can test 0xFFFF if working :-)13:44
jonwilyeah its Phone.Net.network_time_info_change'13:44
jonwiland Phone.Net is documented (although from what I have seen, I dont think it was intentional that the documentation was made public)13:45
jonwilbut since it IS public, I intend to use it :)(13:46
kerioPali: the xloader/nolo split seems to be correct13:47
keriothe initfs split is meaningless13:48
keriothe kernel one also seems to be correct13:48
kerioand ubifs don't care, ubifs don't give a fuck, so 0 offset is correct there13:48
Paliyou can test also local dump to one fiasco image (to MyDocs)13:49
Palior get/change R&D flags via USB13:49
kerioi'm trying to write a sensible check for the existance of an attached kernel in a flashed uboot13:50
jonwilso yeah there is clockd and also libtime13:50
jonwilbut is libclockcore any relation to all this?13:50
jonwilhmmm, no, clockcore is library used by clock app13:51
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jonwilso by clock-ui13:52
jonwiland is therefore not related to clockd13:52
jonwiland not a target if one is reverse engineering clockd functionality13:52
jonwilooh good, libcityinfo has a -dev package :)13:53
jonwilso basically the targets for reverse engineering would be /usr/bin/clockd, /usr/bin/rclockd and /usr/lib/
jonwilif I had the x86 binaries for those 3 things handy I would take a look13:55
jonwilbut I dont because of my dev box being down13:55
kerioPali: can you check that you have a whole lot of nothing before address 264192 and then something, in your /dev/mtd3?13:56
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jonwilok, I found the x86 binaries I need14:00
kerioPali: ok, i think i got it - for uboot to recognize an attached image, it has to start at address 0x40800 in /dev/mtd3 and it has to start with 0x2705195614:02
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kerioso if that string is not there, we can be sure that there's no kernel attached - even if it were, uboot wouldn't be able to use it with a simple "run attachboot"14:03
kerionow... how do i check that in busyboxsh?14:04
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kerioPali: ah crap, i would need root privs for it14:09
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kerioPali: would it be ok to ship a sudoers file with a very specific command or two?14:18
kerioi need "/usr/bin/dd if=/dev/mtd3ro bs=1 skip=262144 count=4"14:18
Palikerio, what about to create bootmenu.src which will add attached entry only if there is kernel image?14:19
Palie.g. not do that in shell, but in uboot14:19
keriono, wait14:19
Palibootmenu.src is uboot script14:19
Pali(regular uboot script)14:20
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Paliso what about wrting uboot script which check that in uboot?14:20
Palinot in linux?14:20
keriohm, i don't know much about uboot scripting14:20
Paliuboot using hush14:20
Palithere is also simple "test" command14:21
kerioPali: how do you do the fancy stuff with osso-product-info and zimage-get-version, though?14:21
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Paliosso-product-info working as normal user14:21
Paliand zimage-get-version only as root14:21
kerioPali: you should ship a sudoers for that, too14:22
Paliso if you call u-boot-udate-bootmenu as root it will read kernel version14:22
Paliand if not then there will not be kernel version string in name14:22
Palibut what do you trying to do? hide attached kernel when uboot is without kernel?14:22
kerioi know, it's silly14:23
Paliso as I wrote that should be done in uboot14:23
Paliso as uboot script14:23
Paliproblem is that you can load via 0xFFFF or flasher your own uboot14:23
Paliwithout flashing14:23
Paliand hiding attached kernel is bad then14:23
keriois the bootmenu_0 entry always executed by default?14:24
keriohow would we know what should be ran as default?14:25
kerioif you flash a different uboot, you'll have to rerun u-boot-update-bootmenu14:26
keriowhich is still fairly sensible14:26
kerio(or manually type run attachboot)14:26
Palihm, really it is not easy, because attached kernel is in bootmenu_014:27
Paliand removing it will need to reorder menu...14:28
kerioPali: unless the user specified a different default!14:28
Palithen you need it reorder again14:29
Palinot easy14:29
kerioPali: btw, those calls should be with a full path14:29
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kerioPali: i'm still not sure how to manipulate strings of unprintable bytes in ash/busybox14:39
Palikerio, hard or not possible14:40
Palibecause our version of busybox is useless14:40
PaliI used more hacks in locale-resolver-config package14:40
Palilook at it, it is in extras14:40
kerioPali: can you tell me what's the first line of the output of sudo dd if=/dev/mtd3ro bs=1 skip=$(( 0x40800 )) count=4 | /usr/bin/od -H14:42
Palinot now14:43
keriojonwil: do you use uboot?14:43
Pali0000000 5619052714:50
Pali4+0 records in14:50
Pali4+0 records out14:50
Palikerio ^^^14:50
kerioPali: try with -h14:51
kerioit's like backwards14:51
keriobut meh, i'll deal with it14:51
Pali0000000     0527    561914:51
Pali4+0 records in14:51
Pali4+0 records out14:51
keriomeh, -H is close enough14:52
kerioPali: *should* u-boot-update-bootmenu be runnable by the user?14:59
PaliI think yes15:00
keriothen we need both commands in a sudoers file15:00
kerioi'll send you a patch manually if it's ok - i don't even have a gitorious account15:00
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jonwilno I dont use uboot15:13
jonwilbtw, I am currently trying to identify the names of as many functions in clockd as possible15:14
jonwilbased on the info in the docs15:14
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kerioPali: it appears to work! :D15:15
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kerioPali: you'll also need to /usr/sbin/update-sudoers in postinst and postrm15:29
kerioand find a way to mark /etc/sudoers.d/u-boot-tools.sudoers as *not* a config file15:29
kerioso it gets properly deleted on the normal remove15:30
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freemangordonAPNG patch applies cleanly, trying to build microb with system libpng/zlib15:49
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luffreemangordon: nice16:05
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freemangordonmicrob-engine-dbg/usr/lib/debug//usr/lib/microb-engine/ No space left on device16:16
freemangordondh_strip: command returned error code 25616:16
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gregoajonwil: connui-home-cellular 3.2.1 shows the wrong name for me: 3.2.1 shows "A1", 3.1.1 shows "bob". background: "bob" is a budget brand of "A1", so the network is technically from "A1" but still "bob" is the actual provider16:33
jonwilWhat does the stock Nokia widget display?16:34
jonwilA1 or bob?16:34
jonwil"bob" I assume16:34
jonwilI was looking for an answer from gregoa :)16:38
merlin1991well it is an austrian provider and I have it aswell :)16:38
* kerio shakes his fist at MVNOs16:39
jonwilso does the new 3.2.1 display "A116:39
jonwilfor you also?16:39
merlin1991I didn't try the new one yet16:39
gregoajonwil: yup, it was always "bob" before this thingie was changed in cssu, since then it changes from version to version :/16:40
kerioenable the logging16:40
merlin1991btw gregoa where in austria do you live?16:42
gregoamerlin1991: innsbruck16:42
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jonwilgregoa (or anyone else with the same operator) please run this command16:56
jonwildbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="" /com/nokia/phone/SIM Phone.Sim.get_service_provider_name16:56
jonwiland give me the results16:56
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jonwilok, gregoa, can you run this17:02
jonwildbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="" /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.get_registration_status17:02
jonwilwhat about this one17:08
jonwildbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="" /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.get_operator_name byte:0 uint32:1 uint32:23217:08
jonwilRun it a few times changing the byte:0 to byte:1 and etvc17:08
jonwilso 0 then 1 and on up to 417:08
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luffreemangordon: do you need some SAN attached to the N900? :D17:26
jonwilI think the only way I can understand whats going on is for someone on this "bob" operator and who is running the stock widget to collect a dbus-monitor dump of what happens when they connect to this operator (e.g. switching from airplane mode into regular mode)17:26
kerioPali: did you receive the patch?17:27
jonwilThat will explain just which dbus bit is resulting in the "bob" string being passed to the widget17:27
Palikerio, I have link17:27
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Palikerio, "unmarking" as config file for deb package can be done by removing it from debian/<package>/DEBIAN/conffiles after dh_gencontrol17:29
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keriooh, it's dh_gencontrol that automatically adds files in /etc/ to conffiles?17:30
infobotPali meant: kerio, "unmarking" as config file for deb package can be done by removing it from debian/<package>/DEBIAN/conffiles after dh_installdeb17:32
Palidh_installdeb creating that conffiles17:32
kerioi thought it was just "automatic" in a deeper sense17:32
Palisee manpage17:32
Palidh_installdeb >>> In v3 compatibility mode and higher, all files in the etc/ directory in a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program, so there is no need to list them manually here. <<<17:33
Paliwe using compatibility 517:33
keriobut they can be removed at some point, i see17:34
kerioi'm also looking for a better way to do the check for the magic string17:36
merlin1991jonwil: system or user bus?17:38
jonwilsystem bus17:38
jonwilwhich IIRC means you need extra stuff in the dbus configs to make that logging possible17:39
Palirun as root17:39
gregoajonwil: (sorry, I was shopping):
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luffreemangordon: ping18:45
DocScrutinizer05(([2013-01-03 10:28:14] <merlin1991> hm we should leave poweroff as is)) absolutely! don't mess with semantics of basic system functions unless pretty good reason to fix a severe bug, and even then it's often better to keep the bug as is and rather offer an alternative way18:45
jonwilok, so from reading that log I see that operator_name_change is called with the operator name "bob" and operator_name_type NETWORK_EONS_FULL_OPER_NAME18:45
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jonwilthis signal should result in operator_name_change_cb in being called18:46
jonwilthat then fills in the relevant fields in the struct network_state and calls the network status callback18:47
luffreemangordon: BTW maybe I'm not able to get the osso-gnomevfs-extra working :(18:48
jonwilmerlin1991, are you using the stock nokia operator name widget?18:48
merlin1991that log is from a vanilla pr1.3.118:49
jonwilwhat I need next is for someone (anyone) with this "bob" operator to install the latest version of the custom operator name widget, then remove any copies of /home/user/opername.log, then reboot (or power off then back on) the phone, then pastebin or send me the full opername.log as it is18:50
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merlin1991gregoa: can you do that ^^ ?18:58
gregoajonwil, merlin1991: will do18:59
luffreemangordon: so just the patch for osso-gnomevfs-extra doesn't work.19:04
gregoajonwil: cbsms.log: and opername.log: (with connui-home-cellular 3.2.1 after a reboot)19:09
jonwil ok, thats what I needed to see19:10
jonwilFrom reading the code and what I have seen through dbus, it looks like state->operator_name should be "bob"19:10
jonwilbut its not, its an empty string19:11
gregoasounds reasonable19:13
jonwilI am stumped as to why its presumably sending the operator_name_changed signal with the value "bob" yet its not passing "bob" into widget_net_status_cb19:17
jonwilaha, I think whats happening is this:19:27
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freemangordonPali: ping19:32
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merlin1991jonwil: I'm still waiting :D19:34
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keriohm, i found a minor bug in the portrait messaging CSS19:51
jonwilso what I think is happening is this:19:51
keriothe time is sometimes displayed right at the right of the text instead of being on the far right19:51
Palifreemangordon, pong19:53
Palikerio, I think I saw it too, but I really do not know how to debug css19:54
Palikerio, ask some web developer :-)19:54
jonwil1.libconnui_cell creates the network_state structure and fills in operator_name with blank string19:59
jonwil2.libconnui_cell recieves one of the signals it has registered for (one that isnt operator_name_change)19:59
jonwilhmmm wait no19:59
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jonwilI think I know whats going on, not 100% sure how to fix it though.20:06
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freemangordonPali: I received an "improved" version of messaging-ui html/css (didn;t check what exactly)20:38
freemangordondo you want to look at it? here
freemangordonkerio: if you wish test that, to see if it solves what you reported ^^^20:39
keriofreemangordon: fucking DOS line endings? :S20:44
freemangordonkerio: NFC, toldya, I received that from tmo user knarf via PM20:45
keriobtw, why the hell did we add yet another package that changes the files from another package instead of changing the original package?20:50
merlin1991because the original css is part of the closed package20:54
merlin1991we can't do it directly20:54
kerio"closed package"?20:54
kerioi thought we had permission to redistribute stuff20:54
Paliwe have full css files in git repo20:57
Palinot patches20:57
Palikerio, merlin1991, freemangordon: I cannot update that zip file21:00
Palineed PK compat. v6.3 (can do v4.6)21:00
kerioyou also need to convert the line endings21:00
kerioPali: will give you a tarball, one sec21:01
kerioPal2013-01-03T21:13:23  <freemangordon> aah, where is luf :(21:02
PaliI'm going to update ipv6 packages to extras-devel...21:14
Palido you know something special where is ipv6 disabled?21:14
kerioPali: i think it's disabled by default in microb21:14
Palinow I'm enabling ipv6 support in icd2 and microb21:15
keriohow are you enabling it?21:15
Paliand adding ipv6 lines in /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf21:15
Palienabling in /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf and mdns4 to mdns in /etc/nsswitch.conf21:16
keriohow will you be able to configure the ipv6 stuff though?21:16
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keriothe UI is still closed :(21:16
Palikerio, here is postinst file:
Palikerio, configuring static ipv6 address need gconf :-(21:18
keriountil someone rewrites the configuration UI21:18
keriohopefully also adding proper support for multiple APNs, and for the configuration of DUMMY and USB21:18
Paliby default it using RA and/or dhcpv6 (wide) client21:18
keriowhat's RA?21:18
Palirouter advertisment21:19
Paliit will check for M and O bits21:19
Paliif none is set then it using stateless configuration21:19
Paliif O is set then it assign stateless ipv6 address and using dhcpv6 client for dns server21:20
Paliand if did not receive RA or receive M bit, then it spawning dhcpv6 client for getting address and also dns21:21
Paliping DocScrutinizer0521:45
PaliDocScrutinizer05, do you know where is ipv6 support disabled in maemo5?21:45
Paliwhere could be also enabled?21:46
DocScrutinizer05sorry, no idea21:46
kerio#maemo-ssu - dragging a kicking and screaming fremantle into the modern age, one step at a time21:49
freemangordonmerlin1991: do you know if fixed libxml2 is in cssu-devel?22:01
freemangordon(zlib fixed libxml2)22:01
freemangordonmerlin1991: I plan to put libpng, zlib and microb-engine in cssu-devel, I need to know if I should put libxml2 too22:02
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DocScrutinizer05^^^ that's not yet the ultimate check, which more was with a regex checking for [13579bdf] as last digit of an addr22:33
DocScrutinizer05oops echan22:34
keriofreemangordon: your tklock seems a bit too eager to lock the screen22:35
kerioi have to unlock it to receive a call and i have to unlock it at the end22:35
freemangordonkerio: hmm, I am having about 20-40 calls per day, never seen that22:36
kerioto be fair, i kinda like it22:37
freemangordonkerio: are you sure it is tklock to blame? as it acts on dbus signals22:44
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luffreemangordon: fixed libxml2 is in cssu-devel (also announced on TMO)22:48
freemangordonluf: microb works with libpng+neon+apng+zlib :)22:49
luffreemangordon: good.22:49
freemangordon(latest versions)22:49
freemangordonluf: going to put zlib, libpng and microb-engine too22:50
luffreemangordon: please check in zlib package that it contains Break: libxml (<2.7.7) in debian/control.22:50
freemangordonluf: hmm, ok22:50
lufI mean zlib1g package22:50
lufBreaks: libxml2 (< 2.6.32.dfsg-5maemo4+0m5+0cssu1)22:50
freemangordonBreaks: libxml2 (< 2.6.32.dfsg-5maemo4+0m5+0cssu1)22:51
freemangordonConflicts: zlib1 (<= 1:1.0.4-7), zlib1g-udeb22:51
lufI'm sorry this line.22:51
lufIt's ok. Thanks. I was not sure if I included it.22:51
freemangordon^^^ is what I have here22:51
freemangordonbut it is not 2.7.722:51
lufIt's ok like it is. 2.7.7 is my mistake.22:52
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freemangordonluf: but will libxml2 in cssu-devel work with older zlib?22:54
freemangordonhmm, wait, it should work, ain't?22:54
freemangordonok, zlib is in cssu-devel22:56
Palifreemangordon, "Breaks: libxml2 (< 2.6.32.dfsg-5maemo4+0m5+0cssu1)" is not good line22:56
Paliuse "<<" or "<="22:56
lufPali: why?22:56
Palithere was some change in debian what '<' means22:57
Paliby some version of dpkg/debhelper it is << and by other <=22:57
luf2.6.32.dfsg-5maemo4+0m5+0cssu1 is the first ok version so in that case << (but I think I used <)22:57
lufPali: ok, thanks.22:57
Paliluf, I got this problem when I compiled package only on ubuntu22:57
Paliit worked fine22:58
Palibut when I pushed it to extras for maemo it not worked22:58
Palibecause maemo understood that '<' not as ubuntu22:58
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freemangordonmerlin1991: ping23:03
freemangordonmerlin1991: some problem in cssu-devel repo while importing zlib23:03
freemangordonluf: hmm, seems I have to raise libpng version :(23:04
freemangordonok, libpng is in the repo23:10
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freemangordonarcean: what is the status of h-d, I saw you commit a lot of stuff in the last few days23:15
luffreemangordon: It's ok to raise libpng version as added APNG ;)23:20
freemangordonluf: already done, package is in cssu-devel23:21
freemangordonfeel free to test it :P23:21
luffreemangordon: I'll test it tomorrow. Today I want to go through gnomevfs-extra bt listing ...23:27
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freemangordonluf: fingers crossed, though it won;t be an easy task23:31
luffreemangordon: the problem is that I never used dbus message reading with such low level function.23:32
luffreemangordon: it seems easy to list them.23:33
freemangordonwell, dbus API is not that complicated, I am sure you'll figure it out23:33
luffreemangordon: I hope so :) But just it takes me longer time.23:33
freemangordonluf: keep in mind that ListDevices returns all devices, not just paired ;)23:33
luffreemangordon: it's not a problem in firs round ;)23:34
freemangordonso you'll have to do "GetProperties" for every device in the list, and check if it is paired23:34
freemangordonok, but put it in todo23:34
lufSure I need GetProperties to also check if the device support obexFTP ;)23:35
freemangordonluf BTW are you sure there is no such code somewhere over the inet?23:35
freemangordondid you google enough? :D23:36
freemangordoneven if it needs porting, it will be easier than write it from scratch23:36
freemangordonluf: BTW - please, create a project on gitorious (in your repo) and commit in small chunks. I bet you will want a code review at some point, massive commits are harder to be reviewed23:38
luffreemangordon: it's cssu related.23:38
lufWhy should I create separate project for it?23:39
freemangordonluf: because merlin1991 is MIA right now23:39
freemangordonand we don;t ave such project in CSSU23:39
lufWhat is MIA?23:39
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, mi is More Information; saying something "doesn't work" means absolutely nothing, because there are so many millions of ways in which a computer can fail; someone saying "X doesn't work" is really saying nothing, but if they "X says no screens were found", that at least gives the people on #debian a clue as to the area where the problem is.  Even better, tell us what hardware you're using, what version of X, what ...23:39
infobotfrom memory, mia is missing in action23:39
lufI have local git repo (I imported the nokia'a CVS) ;)23:40
lufI mean version control system ;)23:41
freemangordonluf: my point is that this plugin is so deeply burried in the hierarchy, that it will be virtually impossible to catch a memleak, buffer overflow or invalid pointer dereference. Having the code commited will help us to catch those(if exist) much more easily23:42
freemangordon*commited in small chunks23:43
luffreemangordon: I have list of devices :D23:43
freemangordonluf:  good23:43
freemangordonno, great :D23:43
lufJust the names are terrible but step by step ...23:43
freemangordonluf: have in mind that ossofilemanager expects the address in the form of obex://[XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX]23:44
lufI know. But I hope it should display something more readable ;)23:44
freemangordonso having BT MAC as name is expected23:44
freemangordonwell, I guess device name is easy to get23:45
luffreemangordon: Also in GetProperties23:51
arceanfreemangordon: I'm just improving h-d :P23:54
arceanmaybe during the weekend I'll upload new Qt to cssu-devel23:54
freemangordonarcean: so no more bugs? we can put it in cssu-devel then23:59

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