IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2012-12-25

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merlin1991chem|st: !!00:32
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: he noticed that, but refused to fix it ;-)00:34
DocScrutinizer05[2012-12-24 16:00:36] <DocScrutinizer05> chem|st: you fixed that version thingie?00:35
DocScrutinizer05[2012-12-24 16:01:35] <DocScrutinizer05> chem|st: also you published the rollout on tmo?00:36
DocScrutinizer05[2012-12-24 17:51:26] <chem|st> DocScrutinizer05: no version thingy I did not fix, yes on tmo00:36
DocScrutinizer05[2012-12-24 17:51:48] <chem|st> it is only the version info shown on update screen00:36
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: you probably could hexedit it on repo server00:38
merlin1991don't have access ;)00:38
merlin1991also I'd have to adjust various md5 sums in various places00:38
merlin1991well I know the places, but still :D00:39
DocScrutinizer05that hurts00:39
merlin1991but I wouldn't trust apt, if there weren't at least a md5 check00:39
keriodammit chem|st00:40
merlin1991I mean yeah download this modem firmware in $package, I totally trust you that it's fine00:40
DocScrutinizer05or rather, we can push a version S5.1, to fix the S5 HAM message ;-P00:40
keriomerlin1991: technically apt also checks for gpg signatures00:40
merlin1991that's easier :D00:40
keriobut of course nokia is nokia00:40
merlin1991kerio: that's another thing, it still doesn't help if I trust the source but still have nfc about the transport channel / integrity of the transmitted data00:41
kerioi said *also*00:41
merlin1991and I said not so important ;)00:41
keriobesides, it would be hard to botch a transmission without botching a signature00:41
kerioit'd have to be a pretty lucky botch00:41
merlin1991the signature is only on the relases file00:41
keriowell, it's the file with the MD5s00:41
merlin1991which in turn only has the md5 hashes of the packages files00:41
merlin1991the package file has the md5s for the .debs00:42
merlin1991well it's still sane enough00:42
kerioit's hashes all the way down!00:42
merlin1991since apt will go foobar if you pad a pacakges file in order to get an md5 collision00:42
DocScrutinizer05hash the world00:42
* DocScrutinizer05 wonders which file will contain its own hash in the end ;-P00:43
kerioDocScrutinizer05: a big enough file will be a fixed-point for a hash function00:44
keriono, wait, wtf am i saying00:44
kerionot necessarily00:44
DocScrutinizer05sounds like a nice math problem: find the file that contains its own md5 hash00:44
DocScrutinizer05nah, actually it's boring00:45
keriowhat do you mean "contains"?00:45
DocScrutinizer05yeah, if I would mean, 'consists of' it was challenging00:46
DocScrutinizer05'contains, anywhere, among lots of filler cruft' though is boring00:46
DocScrutinizer05since you simply add random stuff at end of file, until grep `md5sum file` file returns success00:48
DocScrutinizer05and you know this algo will barf up a solution eventually00:49
* merlin1991 gotta find out if apt can do "ftp continue" on packages downloads00:49
merlin1991or rather pdiff downloads00:49
DocScrutinizer05does it even use ftp?00:50
DocScrutinizer05isn't it more like http?00:51
DocScrutinizer05or does that depend on the repo name, or whatever00:51
infobot[xmess] the X Multi Emulator Superior System,, or ask me about xmame00:52
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keriomerlin1991: pdiff downloads?01:27
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: it supports different transports01:28
merlin1991ftp http and some others01:28
merlin1991kerio: I meant downloads of the package diff files --> pdiff01:28
keriopdiffs are small01:28
kerioi'm not even sure it's worth resuming their download01:29
merlin1991depends on the repo01:29
merlin1991and yes it is if you are doing some embeded crazy system that happens to run into fuck loads of roaming01:29
kerioif you're roaming, it's not worth downloading anything :301:29
merlin1991sometimes you have to01:30
merlin1991because only your equipment is roaming but not oyu01:30
DocScrutinizer05OTA upgrade on spy equipment? ;-P01:34
merlin1991that would be more fun01:36
merlin1991but generally ota upgrade on roaming01:36
merlin1991happens I might run into a use case for that @ work01:36
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merlin1991libc testing is fun :/02:38
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merlin1991and booting a different kernel, yay02:46
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merlin1991kerio: there should be new -testing fun in testing-testing04:03
* merlin1991 currently tests himself04:04
* LaoLang_cool is calling for a upgrade for stable!~~04:05
merlin1991there has been one yesterday04:07
merlin1991hm I foobared my device04:08
merlin1991nah freemangordon has trapped me with the ppoll kernel :D04:14
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LaoLang_cooloh yeah!04:57
LaoLang_coolwill update :)04:57
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* amiconn wonders about the current cssu-thumb status10:38
amiconnWill it install properly on top of cssu testing now?10:38
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kerioamiconn: nope, not yet10:50
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chem|stmerlin1991: tinymail is missing a debian/control file and microb-engine hangs with some jsasm stuff
chem|stdo I need to generate the control file?13:43
chem|stmight it be that I have to use the control.maemo-fremantle?13:45
chem|stthe verions showing scare me off13:47
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freemangordonchem|st: yes, you need to copy or symlink it14:09
chem|stfreemangordon: ok what about microb14:13
freemangordonchem|st: I *think* i've seen that14:14
freemangordonchem|st: are you sure you pull the latest version from gitorious?14:15
chem|stfreemangordon: I merged master14:15
freemangordonalso you need to rm .gitignore;git glean -df;git reset --hard HEAD before building14:16
chem|stgoogle tells about alot of build bugs mozilla had but all links I click has nothing or holds a link to some mystique workaround14:17
freemangordonchem|st: your SB is broken somehow14:17
freemangordonit could be that qemu does not like your kernel or gods know what14:17
chem|stfreemangordon: yes after installing dependencies for libxml214:18
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chem|stbefore that everything was fine14:18
freemangordonmerlin1991: ping14:18
freemangordonchem|st: can't you just setup another SB target?14:18
chem|stmicrob is at Date:   Tue Sep 4 18:15:12 2012 +0100 that seems about right14:19
chem|sttinymail is building fine it seems14:20
chem|sthaving another target for modest...14:20
freemangordonhowever, I am starting to preapre the new -thumb14:20
freemangordonhmm, how to get that?14:21
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freemangordonmerlin1991: ping14:46
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freemangordonmerlin1991: ping15:40
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chem|stfreemangordon: pinging all time long wont help16:17
chem|stfreemangordon: ping and tell what you need instead of random pings!16:17
chem|stfreemangordon: microb still denies same error16:17
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freemangordonchem|st: NFC what's the problem with microb, if you wish I can build it for you18:29
freemangordonchem|st: I am pinging several times for the simple reason that previous one could get unnoticed in the backscroll18:30
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merlin1991freemangordon: pong18:49
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merlin1991freemangordon: I get all pings, because the channel is highlighted if there was a highlight in it :)18:49
merlin1991and I ususally read all backscroll :)18:50
merlin1991arcean: did you try the new testing-testing already?18:50
arceanno :)18:50
arceanI'll poke HAM a little18:50
merlin1991I tried it here, but I'd like to have at least one tester :D18:51
arceansure, its booting now18:51
merlin1991so fast? o_O18:52
arceanhehe, my n900 was booting :P18:52
merlin1991ido you use another phone nowadays?18:54
arceanit depends, sometimes I use N9/50 sometimes N900 :)18:55
merlin1991btw freemangordon it would be really great if you throw your question behind the ping next time so that I can at least answer in an async fashion18:57
Sicelohmm, a new Stable is available. kewl18:57
freemangordonmerlin1991: what version of h-d is in -testing. on which commit?19:00
freemangordonthe same goes for PA19:00
freemangordonmerlin1991: also, you did not push mp-freamntle-...19:00
merlin1991146-2 and it's not in testing yet, I pushed it to the hidden testing repo to see if anything goes immediatly wrong19:01
merlin1991will push to after at least arcean has tried installing it19:01
freemangordonmerlin1991: I was thinking if it is a good idea to have a "next" branch on gitorious, with master branch equal to what is in the wild19:02
merlin1991or we could just tag the commits that got released19:02
freemangordonmerlin1991: so you will push all of the changes arcean did during the last week?19:02
freemangordonafaik it needs Qt to be fixed too19:03
arceanfreemangordon: no19:03
merlin1991freemangordon: I only pushed the fun from the merge request19:03
arceanmerlin1991: installed and rebooting now19:03
merlin1991the new stuff isn't in yet19:03
freemangordonmerlin1991: aah, so Qt fixes are only in arcean's clone? good19:04
freemangordon(in h-d)19:04
freemangordonwhat about PA?19:04
freemangordonhmm, scratch that19:04
merlin1991the new stuff by pali had something else to be tested, hence not in19:05
freemangordonPA in -thumb is higher version than one in -testing19:05
merlin1991what's in there?19:05
freemangordonmerlin1991: no, it is ok19:05
freemangordonI pushed PA in -thumb before it went in -testing19:05
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freemangordonit was before last released -testing, no changes since then (excluding Pali's) so everything is fine19:08
merlin1991bah gitorious is b0rked, I can't unwatch anything19:11
freemangordonhmm, why libmatchbox2 is build with -O0?19:15
freemangordonor I am missing something19:15
merlin1991ask arcean, but afaik that is still from nokia19:16
keriofreemangordon: wtf, thumby ke-recv?19:18
kerioisn't it a very small binary and a bunch of shell scripts?19:18
freemangordonit is, so?19:18
freemangordonarcean: mb-wm-client-window.c:68:26: error: variable 'rw_class' set but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]19:20
arceanwith 02?19:22
freemangordonarcean: my bad, -O2 is missing in rules, it comes from somewhere else19:23
freemangordonso it is fine19:23
freemangordonbut gcc4.7.2 complains abut ^^^19:23
freemangordoni'll disable the warning, just pointed that in case there is a problem in the code19:24
merlin1991arcean: so how did the update run?19:28
arceanso far, everything is ok19:28
merlin1991btw what was that bit about less glitchy tasknav -> portrait app transition in the h-d merge request (I never noticed glitches myself :D)19:29
freemangordongcc wants me to put parentheses, any idea?19:29
arceanmerlin1991: downgrade h-d, rotate the task nav to portrait and launch for eg Calculator :)19:30
merlin1991arcean: easier, open the S device and try :D19:31
kerioooh, epic version jump on h-d?19:31
arceanlucky you :D19:31
arceanfreemangordon: to be honest I have no idea :P19:31
arceanmaybe int position = (!(cclient->priv->flags & MBWMCompMgrClutterClientDontPosition) | force);19:32
freemangordonwell, I changed it too  (!(cclient->priv->flags & MBWMCompMgrClutterClientDontPosition)) | force;19:33
freemangordonwill see :D19:33
arceanthat's clutter thing, so yes, you'll see :D19:33
arceanfreemangordon: remember to install the new libmatchbox's packages and then to rebuild h-d19:35
freemangordonarcean: thanks, that's what I am doing. apt-get upgrade :D19:35
merlin1991arcean: so everything fine? I'll push to the maemo repos then19:37
arceanmerlin1991: ok :)19:38
freemangordonarcean: is libmatchbox statically linked in h-d?19:41
freemangordonWTF is  matchbox-window-manager then? matchbox 1?19:42
keriowhy is libmatchbox statically linked?19:42
merlin1991freemangordon: yep19:42
freemangordonmerlin1991: thanks19:43
merlin1991matchbox-window-manager is from matchbox 119:43
freemangordonok, rebooting, lets see if i guess it right :D19:43
merlin1991then there is matchbox-window-manager-2 which is part of the libmatchbox2 sources but not used on maemo19:43
merlin1991nfc what it contains19:43
freemangordonwell, it boots :D:D:D19:44
merlin1991freemangordon: I pushed the new mp to gitorious19:45
freemangordonmerlin1991: great. unfortunately i won;t be able to push the new -thumb today, will try for tomorrow19:45
merlin1991and I'm currently pushing everything to maemo.org19:45
merlin1991but that takes time :D19:45
freemangordonyeah :(19:45
merlin1991thinking about it I probably should have pushed from my server19:45
merlin1991a tad more upload there :D19:46
merlin1991(and the files are already there)19:46
freemangordonhmm, actually.... -thumb users will receive the correct packages with the new -testing :D19:47
freemangordonmerlin1991: correct?19:48
merlin1991if they update before you push your mp19:48
merlin1991yay I managed to upload 4 tar.gz archives by now19:49
freemangordoni'll post on tmo19:49
merlin1991this connection here is seriously slow19:49
keriofreemangordon: so far so good19:54
keriobooted, up to hildon-desktop19:55
freemangordonoh, no I have to do PA too :(19:55
freemangordon-testing version is higher than -thumb, why is that?19:58
freemangordonmerlin1991: ^^^?19:58
merlin1991I'm looking into it atm19:58
freemangordonhmm, is it in -devel19:59
freemangordonmy bad, sorry for the noise19:59
keriofreemangordon: pin cssu-testing at 600 to check what really needs to be upgraded19:59
freemangordonbut still, on gitorious it is 0.9.15-1maemo44+0m5+0cssu2, apt-cache shows 0.9.15-1maemo44+0m5+0cssu3 available20:00
freemangordonsomeone did not commit the changes :D20:00
merlin1991testing is 0.9.15-1maemo44+0m5+0cssu120:00
merlin1991either pali or luf is at fault :D20:01
freemangordonyep :D20:01
freemangordonI bet on Pali20:01
freemangordonkerio: i'll simply disable -devel. this is my "production" device after all :D20:02
merlin1991hm is the repo cron juob super slow today?20:02
freemangordonmerlin1991: pray it works at all ;)20:02
merlin1991damn it I want to reboot andd play some games :D20:03
keriomerlin1991: redeclipse.net20:06
keriokickass opensource multiplatform FPS20:06
keriofreemangordon: does the domain thing pali made work, to give priority to cssu-thumb?20:07
freemangordonkerio: I don;t want -thumb to take priority over -testing20:07
keriowell, right now it does20:07
kerioin theory20:07
keriocheck /usr/share/hildon-application-manager/domains/community-ssu-domains.xexp20:08
keriofreemangordon: well, did you get the prompt to upgrade to the latest testing in your thumby device?20:08
freemangordonlemme check20:08
kerioin the past days20:08
freemangordonin the past month :D20:09
keriowhat the FUCK is ham doing20:09
kerioi don't get it20:09
freemangordonkerio: it is designed to be that way20:09
kerioyou shouldn't be able to move to a lesser repo20:09
keriono, packages have a trust level or some weird bullshit like that20:09
kerioand you can't go down a trust level, in theory20:09
merlin1991cronjob runs (slow)20:13
merlin1991btw arcean don't get confused when you get another update for your n900, I've put the mp in testing-testing intentionally at version 6.9 so I can fix things there if somehting is wrong without breaking the new T7 version number20:14
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freemangordonmerlin1991: BTW did you test chldspin with "correct" kernel?20:25
merlin1991yes, coudln't get it to blow in my face20:26
merlin1991but you kernel-cssu had me question my sanity20:27
merlin1991(when omap1 stopped to boot)20:27
merlin1991something in you package removed the normal kernel modules20:28
keriomerlin1991: it shouldn't happen, they're in separate packages20:29
keriothe omap1 modules are in kernel-modules20:29
merlin1991I didn't check what it was exactly, but after reinstalling kernel-modules (which in turn removed kernel-cssu and kernel-cssu-modules) omap1 booted again20:29
freemangordonmerlin1991: aah, but yes, of cource, CSSU Replaces: kernel20:29
kerioConflicts:, too?20:30
freemangordonso omap gets uninstalled20:31
kerioi thought HAM couldn't deal with that20:31
freemangordonkerio: HAM?20:35
freemangordonI am sure merlin had used apt to install KCSSU20:35
kerioyeah but kernel-cssu is supposed to be installable by HAM20:36
merlin1991I used dpkg :D20:36
kerioand i thought that it just shat itself if it encountered a conflict20:36
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merlin1991kerio: also the package in question is nowhere close to any ham20:39
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DocScrutinizer05seems you guys having real xmess fun, eh?20:55
freemangordonmerlin1991: seems glibc is missing from -testing ;)21:10
merlin1991no way21:11
merlin1991oh shit21:11
freemangordoni've tried to upgrade to T7, HAM said it is :)21:11
merlin1991I'll fix it in 15 min21:15
merlin1991hm I do have the libc6 package in the folder though21:30
merlin1991(which I uploaded from)21:30
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DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: we could think if we might be able to test rollouts on a secondary URL, before delivering to the masses ;-)22:52
DocScrutinizer05dman, I rarely seen maemo at large as busy as during last 48h22:53
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: I DID test it on a secondary url22:56
merlin1991it worked fine there22:56
merlin1991seems the repo has something to block libc from getting imported22:57
merlin1991the reupload didn't help either22:57
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* DocScrutinizer05 hears panic mode22:59
merlin1991nah I'll post a link on tmo and will try to get hold of X-Fade and friends23:00
* merlin1991 guesses the *fix* will be applied to the repos somewhere in feb :/23:00
merlin1991but nothing I can do :(23:00
keriomerlin1991: libc6-thumb, that diverts away every file from libc623:01
DocScrutinizer05roll a T7.1 that doesn't need libc6?23:01
kerioer, libc6-cssu23:01
merlin1991kerio: you'd need a kernel :D23:01
merlin1991ah yeah that could work23:01
keriomerlin1991: not thumby23:01
kerioNO IT COULDN'T23:01
merlin1991well probably 7.123:01
merlin1991kerio: nah it isn't as bad as other maemo *workarounds*23:02
DocScrutinizer05like MP23:02
merlin1991(see busybox power, mp, ...)23:02
keriothis is libc23:02
keriowe do not fuck around with libc23:03
DocScrutinizer05hear hear23:03
tadziks/kernel/kernel-power/ or something?23:03
merlin1991tadzik: next kernel power will have the stuff inside for it to work23:03
kerioneeds a kernel23:03
tadzikmerlin1991: "needs kernel" is a little obvious :)23:03
merlin1991untill then it still works in the current b0rked way23:04
merlin1991might have worded that needs kernel differently :D23:04
* merlin1991 builds new mp23:06
DocScrutinizer05please word this in an unambiguous way, like "the problem in ppoll()... will be fixed completely *only* with matching support in kernel. Unless you use KP52 or newer this patch will not fix the ppoll() problem"23:06
* merlin1991 also curses the $idiot who decided to put some restrictions on a SSU repo23:06
keriomerlin1991: are you sure you didn't just botch it?23:07
merlin1991kerio: I checked the hashsums by hand23:07
merlin1991then uploaded a 2nd time23:07
merlin1991and it still didn't get imported23:07
merlin1991ALSO it imported fine on my repo23:07
DocScrutinizer05what's the log?23:08
merlin1991there is no log23:08
merlin1991I have a blackbox folder I scp files to23:08
merlin1991and then cross fingers23:08
DocScrutinizer05there used to be a webpage where you could watch the build log or sth23:08
merlin1991no builder for cssu ;)23:09
DocScrutinizer05when da fuck will you get some admin permissions on that shite?23:10
kerio"site", doc23:10
kerioyour german pronounciation is really awkward at times23:10
DocScrutinizer05oops, -e, err -h23:10
merlin1991kerio: you didn't complain about mine yet :D23:11
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merlin1991somebody gotta patch ark so that ctrl+q quits again23:19
kerioKDE, ladies and gentlemen23:20
merlin1991kerio: I'm on kde here23:22
merlin1991and I expect stuff to quit on ctrl+q by default23:22
merlin1991because the thing is, the main window even has that shortcut23:23
merlin1991only the content view windows don't do that23:23
merlin1991hm something for pali:
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* merlin1991 shakes his fists @ the repo control sw23:30
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* merlin1991 just realized he promised something some time ago23:31
merlin1991uh oh23:31
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: way too much information now ;)23:32
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