IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2012-11-17

don_falcone@FMG: what's the timezone of the channel? The log link you send me is in the future *g*00:01
DocScrutinizer05arcean: should I delete gtkrc.cache when I edit gtkrc?00:02
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: 30 pixel are 78/800mm00:04
DocScrutinizer05~78 / 80000:04
freemangordondon_falcone: UTC+200:04
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: oh00:05
DocScrutinizer05err * 3000:05
DocScrutinizer05~78 / 800 * 3000:05
freemangordonyeah, you'right00:05
DocScrutinizer05still not it00:05
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freemangordonwe want at least 10mm00:05
DocScrutinizer05so make that 15000:06
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: that should be fixed in gtk, not in the theme00:06
DocScrutinizer05I'd test it if I knew what to do with the cache file00:06
freemangordonwhat about those with custom themes?00:06
freemangordonafaik you should rebuild it00:07
freemangordonbut don;t ask me how00:07
DocScrutinizer05gcc I guess00:07
freemangordonnoo, hildon-something00:07
freemangordonor gtk-something00:07
freemangordonon the device00:07
DocScrutinizer05yeah, on device. For openmoko we needed gcc to build some gtk stuff on device00:08
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ^^^00:08
DocScrutinizer05(([2012-11-16 23:06:49] <freemangordon> DocScrutinizer05: that should be fixed in gtk, not in the theme)) so you suggest to remove the whole parameter from gtk?00:09
DocScrutinizer05since if you don't, theme will override00:10
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freemangordonno, I suggest to check it and if it is below 150 lets say, to use 15000:10
freemangordonwe cannot fix every theme out there00:10
DocScrutinizer05why not?00:10
DocScrutinizer05I fix that crap with a sed oneliner00:10
freemangordonbecause there are hundreds of themes00:11
freemangordonthats an ugly hack00:11
DocScrutinizer05I don't see fucking up gtk to fix broken themes00:11
freemangordonuglier than mine :)00:11
freemangordon#if defined MAEMO_CHANGES :P00:11
freemangordonanyway, i am going to sleep. for real this time00:12
DocScrutinizer05I'm going to have a shower and then dinner, this time for real00:12
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: just one more thing00:12
DocScrutinizer05click on a file in filemanager, but do it in lower right corner ;-)00:13
DocScrutinizer05it's all there, we just need to "enable" it00:13
DocScrutinizer05should be sth like a 10 char 'patch'00:14
freemangordonyeah, seems so00:14
DocScrutinizer05o/ :D00:15
freemangordonI gues it won't be that hard00:15
freemangordonwell, make that 10 lines00:15
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: test the new testing!06:25
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keriohi iDont! ^_^18:25
iDonthey kerio :)18:25
iDonthow are you today?18:25
kerioall's going well18:26
kerioitaly's rugby team lost against the all blacks, but that was expected18:26
keriokind of a bad loss though :(18:26
iDontI must say I'm not much into rugby ;)18:27
kerioit's the only sport i sometimes follow, and new zealand is still new zealand18:27
kerioeven when they kick your ass18:27
iDontif it changes anything, I'm not into any kind of sport actually. I used to do team handball, but I've quit doing that many years ago18:30
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DocScrutinizer05>> Where I refer to "the code" in these notes, unless otherwise specified, I mean the source code to various versions of mce as published online in various places<< GOLDEN19:02
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DocScrutinizer05anyway all hail to jonwil19:06
keriowith regards to what?19:07
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DocScrutinizer05so what?20:21
DocScrutinizer05so all hail to jonwil20:21
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freemangordonmerlin1991: did post on TMO asking for some GTK developer to help?20:34
freemangordons/did/did you/20:34
infobotfreemangordon meant: merlin1991: did you post on TMO asking for some GTK developer to help?20:34
freemangordonor on mailinglist, wherever20:35
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