IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2012-10-08

Paligoing offline now, bye all00:06
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romaxahmm interesting, by some reason my N900 cannot catch satelites in maps applications00:08
DocScrutinizer05romaxa: use
kerioi wonder if i can warez the sygic navigator00:12
kerioi doubt there's *one* dude that downloaded it00:12
romaxaDocScrutinizer05: what happened with internal real GPS device?00:14
DocScrutinizer05romaxa: hmm? supl is for real AGPS via real GPS device00:15
romaxaDocScrutinizer05: ah, ok I see00:15
DocScrutinizer05only that is known to have hit the sack00:15 has been working lately for me again00:15
DocScrutinizer05or should I say it bite the dust00:15
ShadowJK_no wait00:16
ShadowJK_I had it set to google lol00:16
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK_: prolly same as it ever was: 3 of the 45 servers still work - the others... not00:16
ShadowJK_Yeah maybe00:17
DocScrutinizer05we really should roll out a improver app that asks user "should I fix this shit? should I clean that mess?"00:17
ShadowJK_Oh btw, I was in a to me unfamiliar city a few weeks ago, and there was a street that the Maps app didn't have... But, when I wiped the cities directory, Maps started downloading from the map server instead, and the new street was included00:17
ShadowJK_too bad there's no way to make it "check if there's newer data online"00:18
DocScrutinizer05design flaw in OSM?00:18
ShadowJK_Oh sorry, I was talking about Nokia/Ovi Maps00:19
ShadowJK_Well the preloaded apps are probably meant for data-averse users, and from that point of view it makes sense00:19
DocScrutinizer05not sure I agree00:20
ShadowJK_Amusingly it still finds things when you search, it's just that the search result is in middle of nowhere00:20
ShadowJK_or looks like that, because it doesn't draw the street00:20
ShadowJK_but the search is done online00:20
ShadowJK_The number one reason people try to preload maps is because they don't have proper data subscribtion00:21
DocScrutinizer05design flaw failwale00:21
keriopreloading maps makes it faster, too00:21
DocScrutinizer05also there's probably no diff tween preloaded and cached tiles00:21
DocScrutinizer05so if cache never expires, that's pretty bad00:22
ShadowJK_These were the maps that were shipped preloaded with the device in 200900:23
DocScrutinizer05I guess at Nokia simply nobody considered that problem00:23
DocScrutinizer05"new streets??? are you kidding? how long do you think any user will use that device?"00:25
ShadowJK_Nah, they seem to "get that", or atleast some Nokia person commented on apple's claim that their maps are "99.9% complete", by saying that by the time their mapping cars have uploaded their data and customer has downloaded new map, theirs have gone from 100 to 85%, or 50% in india00:27
DocScrutinizer05"new nokia bl-5j battery with higher capacity? let's call the hw guys if they already planned something .... see? no problem with BSI, there'll never be any other than this very bl-5j we built bme for"00:27
ShadowJK_Actually, bme is reporting design capacity of 1400-something for the new higher capacity Nokia BL-5J00:28
merlin1991btw on harm the nokia (ovi) maps do have a cache age, and it updates tiles00:28
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK_: ooooh00:28
ShadowJK_I didn't check whether it otherwise behaves sanely, because I stop bme soon after boot anyways.. :P00:30
* ShadowJK_ added it to his cluttered graph: 00:31
ShadowJK_Roughly third best on this graph, ignoring mugen2400:
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ShadowJK_My japod is somewhere at 180 cycles now. Last capacity measurement at 178 cycles, 1412mAh. Was around 1460 new.00:35
ShadowJK_New BL-5J 1473mAh, but the test conditions aren't exactly the same00:36
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DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK_: could you prope BSI resistance?01:24
DocScrutinizer05and post value of `bsi-read` ?01:25
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ShadowJK_I don't know of bsi-read?01:28
freemangordonShadowJK_: it is pre-installed01:29
ShadowJK_remind me tomorrow anyway01:29
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# bsi-read01:29
DocScrutinizer05raw BSI ADC reading: 46901:29
DocScrutinizer05BSI: 101401:29
DocScrutinizer05('old' bl-5j)01:30
freemangordonhmm, looks like i cannot remember the formula01:31
DocScrutinizer05* dunnowhichfactor01:32
DocScrutinizer05~1014 / 0.7701:33
freemangordon1000 * (10000 * voltage / 1705);01:34
DocScrutinizer05~1014 * 1.301:34
DocScrutinizer05~1014 * 1.2801:34
DocScrutinizer05sth along that line, iirc01:34
freemangordonthe fuck01:36
freemangordonyeah, should be raw value01:37
DocScrutinizer05that's BSI!01:37
DocScrutinizer05not voltage01:38
freemangordonit is voltage01:38
DocScrutinizer05I couldn't care less01:39
freemangordonaah, I am stupid01:39
freemangordon~1280 * (1200 * 468)/(1024 - 468)01:40
freemangordonhere it is01:40
DocScrutinizer05now is this kabala or what?01:40
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DocScrutinizer05nfc what all this is supposed to tell me01:43
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ShadowJK_raw bsi adc reading 498, bsi 1136, raw battery level 705, battery level 413401:49
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lufJust for record and discussion or when someone want to help. Are you sure that PulseAudio on N900 supports A2DP Sources over BT?02:41
lufI tried N900 + bluez-4.99 with Notebook + bluez-4.98 +Audio Source and N900 in pactl list reports in Card just:02:42
lufa2dp: High Fidelity Playback (A2DP) (sinks: 1, sources: 0, priority. 10)02:42
lufhsp: Telephony Duplex (HSP/HFP) (sinks: 1, sources: 1, priority. 20)02:42
lufoff: Off (sinks: 0, sources: 0, priority. 0)02:42
lufWhen I play sound from N900 to my notebook I see also: a2dp_source: High Fidelity Redord (A2DP) (sinks: 0, sources: 1, priority. 10)02:44
lufSo the question is if the patch or some successtor patch is included in maemo PA:
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DocScrutinizer05OK, FFS. WLAN scan causes BT HP dropout04:14
DocScrutinizer05every 5 minutes04:15
DocScrutinizer05muhaha, N900 changed to local WLAN just this moment. I knew it would be now, since last dropout been 5min ago04:17
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SpacedOutGood luck working around that one.  That's why I have the auto WLAN scan disabled.  Same problem here Motorolla S305 bluetooth headset.  Now if someone could figure out why they drop in hands free mode on a voice call when WLAN is off (and stays there), I would like to hear about it.  It stops sending/receiving audio completely, not the wlan scanning couple of seconds of glitchy audio then back to normal.04:49
SpacedOutDocScrutinizer05: I also get the bluetooth dropout glitchey audio when leaving the access point signal range and it tries to scan for the signal again.04:52
DocScrutinizer05iwlist scan spoils the party04:56
* DocScrutinizer05 blames friggin coexistence04:57
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kerioor lack thereof07:33
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SpacedOutNo kidding, I learned a while ago it doesn't work to do VoIP over WLAN talking with a bluetooth headset.08:32
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merlin1991this university pcs suck ass, trying to compile pyhton3 I actually managed to have the build process stoped thanks to "cannot allocate memorey"16:09
merlin1991also tpyo day :D16:09
merlin1991omfg some idiot sysadmin decided to configure this systems to run without swap16:14
* merlin1991 headdesks16:14
lufmerlin1991: It's very fast :D to OOM ...16:15
merlin1991well every 20 to 60 secs the whole desktop freezes and greys out16:16
lufOOM killer do the nice random job :D16:17
merlin1991I just enjoyed a freeze from the time I wrote my last msg till now16:20
lufYou know. The winter is coming :D Nearly everything freeze in so cold weather.16:25
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luf0086-bluetooth-Remove-reference-to-audio_source_state.patch - it seems N900 doesn't support BT Audio Source from another device :) I'm investigating more.16:37
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lufSo I'm sure. pulseaudio on N900 doesn't recognize Audio Source via BT :) So without patching PA we can't hear sound on N900 which comes from another BT device.16:54
freemangordontoldya :P16:58
luffreemangordon: idu (I don't understand) :D16:59
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Paliping romaxa_zzz19:46
freemangordonPali: where are u-boot configs stored? in /etc19:47
Paliin include/configs19:47
Palifreemangordon, ah which configs?19:48
freemangordonon the device19:48
freemangordon.item files19:48
freemangordonor whatever the name was19:48
Paliif you mean bootmenu item file, they are in /etc/bootmenu.d19:48
freemangordonhmm, nothing here19:49
Paliyes, default uboot has no config file19:49
freemangordonno /etc/bootmenu.d, i flashed recently19:49
freemangordonbut those on eMMC are intact19:49
Palikernels are installing needed configs19:49
Palion eMMC is generated script19:49
freemangordonPali: I know, i will try to boot ubuntu 12.10 with 3.5.419:49
kerioluf: how do i disable the nonworking audio stuff in bluez 4.99?19:49
keriobtw, everything else works fine19:50
Paliok, just create correct item file and run u-boot-update-bootmenu19:50
freemangordonPali: so, there is no way to restore it. damn :(19:50
keriofreemangordon: restore them from your multiple BM backups19:51
freemangordonPali: sorry, what was the command to generate uboot image from xImage?19:51
kerioi'm sure you have them19:51
freemangordonkerio: on my second device?19:51
Palifreemangordon, mkimage19:51
Palifrom zImage19:51
freemangordonyeah, zimage19:52
keriobecause if you care about your data, you make backups19:52
kerioif you don't make backups, you don't care about your data19:52
Palisee u-boot-update-bootmenu for mkimage params19:52
freemangordonhmm, no mkimage here, wtf?19:54
freemangordonthe fuck, it ios in extras-devel :(19:56
lufkerio: I'm sorry I'm too lazy to search it in archive once again what problem do you have with bluez-4.99 audio?19:58
kerioluf: for instance, by default it claims to be an audio sink19:59
kerioand it can't be19:59
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kerioluf: also, can we enable the "input" module by default?19:59
kerioidea for CSSU: include extkbd19:59
lufkerio: I don't want to disable. I want to support it ;)20:00
lufWhat is input module?20:00
kerioluf: HID devices, like keyboards and mouses20:00
lufthere is hidd daemon in bluez-test20:01
lufis it this or something else?20:01
freemangordonluf: you should not need hidd20:01
freemangordonit is input plugin20:01
lufOk, let me check.20:01
kerioluf: in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf there's the "input" plugin listed under DisabledPlugins20:01
kerioremove that from the configuration file and it works20:01
kerio(you need a bit more support to choose keyboard layouts, for instance)20:02
kerio(but that's more userland)20:02
lufAhh you want to change defaults ...20:02
lufNo problem.20:02
freemangordonluf: there is20:02
freemangordonit is disabled in stock20:02
lufLet's change the main.conf as you want (Disable sink and enable input) ;)20:02
kerioyes, let us do that!20:03
kerioand by us i mean you :320:03
luffreemangordon: kerio is testing bluez-4.9920:03
kerioright now the only change i made to the config files is that i undisabled the input plugin20:03
kerioi might try to disable the audio sink in audio.conf20:03
kerioso bluez doesn't LIE TO EVERYONE'S FACE20:03
keriobluez: YOU LIAR20:04
lufkerio: come on I'm not even in beta phase so please help me with testing and feel free to change the config. We'll make the default from testing ...20:04
keriofreemangordon: what happens if you enable the "input" module without extkbd/extmou?20:04
lufkerio: I don't want to disable sink as I want to make it work.20:05
kerioluf: you better come up with some kind of UI to allow/deny connections too20:05
lufkerio: let's test. It's just plugin like another daemon. It does nearly nothing while only listening.20:05
lufkerio: I'm sorry I'm not UI dev.20:06
kerioi mean, if you connect a keyboard to it20:06
lufkerio: feel free to try ;) I have no clue.20:06
lufkerio: and for sure you're good tester of bluez.20:06
kerioi'd rather ask the extkbd dude20:07
keriofreemangordon: question!20:07
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luffreemangordon: why there is problem in enabling bt input or any other plugins - properly tested? It's eating some memory but when not used it can't harm.20:26
kerioluf: the issue is that the keyboards you connect aren't properly configured, without a tiny extra piece of software20:33
lufSo the input plugin should be disabled by default and enable in extkbd post inst trigger (or how is called).20:34
keriothat's what happens now :)20:36
kerioi wonder if you can just keep it enabled without too many issues20:36
lufkerio: user's confusion when connect kbd without extkbd?20:38
kerioyeah :c20:38
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luffreemangordon: ping21:00
freemangordonluf: pong21:00
lufHave you compiled pulseaudio?21:00
lufAnd no problems? Nothing special needed?21:02
lufI don't get the meanings of IIRC :)21:03
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infobotmethinks iirc is "if I recall correctly"21:04
lufok, thanks.21:04
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lufJust for fun: The fix from commit 8169a6a6c9 exppects A2DP source to be implemented but we do not need it for fremantle.21:29
lufSo why people want A2DP sink in fremantle when they don't need it? :)21:29
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keriowait, what?21:43
luf... one commit log in pulseaudio in fremantle21:44
merlin1991luf: because they can ;)21:49
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kerioluf: do we really want to make audio sink work, btw?22:01
keriofreemangordon: is there a way to get a "<keyboardname> connected" and a "<keyboardname> disconnected" message?22:01
lufkerio: Why not? You have more choices how to handle audio stream. E.g you want N900 as HF for your computer ;)22:02
kerioluf: because it's hardly useful, really22:03
lufI know user which say this about N900 itself ;) BTW You're not and will not be forced to use it.22:05
kerioeeh, that's fair22:07
Palikerio, a lot of (or maybe all) bluetooth headset cannot be used with two hosts at same time (with channel mixing)22:08
kerioi doubt there's enough bandwidth, though :s22:08
Paliso there is no way how to connect notebook and n900 to one bluetooth headset22:08
kerioif you want to do laptop-n900-bt headset22:08
kerio(is there?)22:08
Paliproblem is that I want to use headset for voice/gsm calls (with n900)22:09
tadzikarpuh-oh, uboot wants to remove some cssu stuff now22:09
Palikerio, so the only way is to use hsp profile22:09
tadzikarpor maybe that's thumb222:09
tadzikarpfreemangordon: ping22:09
keriotadzikarp: make sure you know what you're doing22:10
Palikerio, so using laptop as headset server is not good22:10
tadzikarpkerio: I know, I did it before, just never on thumb222:10
keriotadzikarp: you MUST use a thumb2-enabled kernel22:10
Palin900 has good support for autoswitch between hsp and a2dp22:10
keriono, wait22:10
tadzikarpI guess that's a no-go for uboot now22:10
Paliso is better for headset bluetooth server22:10
infobotThe key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED",  "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.22:10
keriotadzikarp: nah, it's still ok22:11
keriobut packages will depend on the "kernel-feature-something-errata" package22:11
kerioand uboot doesn't provide that22:11
kerioyou can install a dummy package that provides it, so apt will be happy22:11
keriobut you still have to make absolutely sure to use a thumb2-enabled kernel22:11
tadzikarpuboot is pretty sensitive about using the stock kernel22:12
tadzikarpI'd rather not break my maemo22:12
kerioyeah but if you use the stock kernel SHIT WILL BLOW UP22:12
kerioso tell uboot to boot with KP51 or KPCSSU22:13
tadzikarpthing is uboot conflicts with kernel-power. I should have the -bootimg installed though22:13
tadzikarpat which point I no longer satisfy the "know what you're doing" dependency22:14
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kerioask Pali about how you're supposed to fix the packages22:14
tadziklast time I was asking here about why precisely uboot wants stock kernel everyone yelled at me :)22:14
kerioit doesn't22:15
tadzikbut it has the stock kernel sort of embedded in it, am I wrong?22:15
Palitazdik, are you using my uboot build or same from maemo-extras repo?22:15
tadzikPali: no, only stuff from repos22:15
tadzikno hard feelings, it's just convenient :)22:16
keriotadzik: having the stock kernel in a payload doesn't force you to boot from it22:16
Palitadzik, so then I cannot help you...22:16
kerioin fact, uboot's whole point is to boot with weird kernels22:16
tadzikPali: yours is the one that supports bootmenu and stuff?22:16
Palifrom talk.maemo.org22:16
tadzikthing is, if I screw up this bootmenu thing I'll boot from stock kernel and stuff will fuck up because of thumb222:17
tadzikwhich'll probably leave me with reflash22:17
tadzikis that right?22:17
kerionah, at worst you're left with the reflash of the kernel22:22
kerioas in, you'll reflash kernel-cssu22:22
kerioor kernel-power :)22:22
tadzikbut will I have a bootable system?22:22
tadzik(now backupmenu hangs the device. Gah)22:22
tadzikPali: I just install your stuff with dpkg -i, no magic?22:24
Palitadzik, yes only dpkg -i22:25
Palibut before uninstall other uboot versions22:25
Paliif you want to boot other kernels, you need to install bootimg packages22:25
tadzikI don't have uboot right now22:25
tadzikand kernel-power-bootimg seems to be installed22:26
tadzikPali: okay, stuff Just Works :) Thank you!22:34
Paliok :-)22:34
tadzikeh. Is it normal that my phone shows one "black" bootmenu, and then another "white" bootmenu? :F22:51
kerioyou racist22:52
tadzikwell, I must say "only the black one actually does something useful" ;)22:52
lufyou racist :D22:53
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