IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2012-10-07

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lufkerio: ping11:26
kerioi think the issue is that something changed in rfcomm11:26
kerio(the program)11:26
lufkerio: don't shake your fist ;)11:26
lufkerio: Do you have debug logs?11:27
keriobut disabling bluetooth-dun recreates the problem, even with the current bluez11:27
kerioso i guess it's just isync that's stupid11:27
keriobluetooth-dun runs "rfcomm -S -- listen -1 1 /usr/bin/pnatd {}"11:28
lufPlease can you give me 2 bluetoothd logs? One with bluez-4.60 and one with bluez-4.99?11:28
keriothe issue is not that, everything works on the n900 side11:29
kerioapart for bluetooth-dun, probably11:29
kerioluf: where's the bluez documentation?11:31
kerioi can't find it11:32
lufWhat documentation do you expect?11:33
kerioa man page or something11:33
keriooh god, bluetooth-dun is fscked-up11:34
kerioevery time you have sdptool del `sdptool browse local | grep Dial-Up -A 1 -m 1 | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3` in an initscript, you're doing it wrong11:34
kerioi don't get it, how is this supposed to work? :s11:37
kerioluf: i'll be ready to run some tests in 5 mins or so11:38
kerioluf: my body is ready11:53
lufkerio: It seems that pre start and post stop in /etc/event.d/bluetooth-dun isn't necessary with 4.9911:53
kerioreally? neat11:53
lufsdptool search --bdaddr local11:54
keriohold on, wait11:54
keriohow would you add DUN to the services?11:54
lufIt's part of bluez-4.9911:55
keriothat makes no sense, why would a desktop computer have DUN?11:55
keriothis is the same bluez that runs on desktops, right?11:56
kerio*installing bluez4.99*11:57
lufIt depends on configuration options.11:57
lufI used --enable-dund11:58
lufalso --enable-pand11:58
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kerioyeah but what does dund do?11:58
keriooh nvm, i see, you still have to run rfcomm11:59
keriohrmpf, i can't get it to sync12:00
keriook, this is seriously weird12:01
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lufMMNT. Maybe I forgot to package dund :) into bluez packages.12:02
kerioyep, DUN (proper DUN, that is) doesn't work12:04
luf:) The same with pand ...12:04
keriowhat does dund do, btw?12:05
keriowait for a connection, feed it to pnatd?12:05
lufDialup Networking?12:05
keriobut how?12:05
keriothe way the bluetooth-dun package does it is by waiting (with rfcomm) for a connection and then feeding the connection to pnatd12:06
keriowhich is the thing that talks to the n900's phone12:06
lufHmmm I put the dund into -test package ...12:09
keriohrmpf, lost connection12:10
kerionvm, you still haven't answered12:10
kerioluf: does dund eventually call pnatd?12:10
keriooh i see, you need dund -s -p -A -E pnatd12:12
kerioor something :)12:12
lufdund is calling by default: static char *pppd = "/usr/sbin/pppd";12:13
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kerioluf: that's useless12:13
kerioluf: there's no pppd in maemo :)12:14
lufI see. but you missed -d in front of pnatd.12:14
keriohm, right12:15
keriohow does dund talk to "pppd"?12:15
keriobecause it's not going to be talking to pppd12:15
kerioluf: i mean, i don't think pnatd can be used as a drop-in replacement for pppd12:18
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lufI think it should be enough to remove "sdptool add --channel 1 DUN" and whole post-stop from /etc/event.d/bluetooth-dun12:22
keriopre-start too, right?12:23
kerioi'm getting DUN on channel 1 by default12:23
kerioluf: nope12:25
kerioi've got rfcomm listening on 1, sdptool browse local tells me that dial-up networking is on rfcomm channel 112:26
keriobut i can't DUN12:26
keriomaybe that channel is "claimed" by bluetoothd that expects dund to be running?12:26
kerioluf: btw, claiming to provide a bunch of services that don't actually work is stupid12:28
lufkerio: right. I'll investigate it and try to fix it also.12:30
kerioalright, got it working on channel 212:30
keriowith rfcomm12:30
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kerioluf: i think the easiest way is to recompile without dund12:31
keriobecause i think that it causes the problem12:31
lufkerio: the easiest for sure ...12:31
kerioi realize that dund is The Right Way12:32
keriobut The Right Way also implies you have a working pppd configuration12:32
kerioin our case, we'll probably have to tell pppd to talk to pnatd12:32
kerioso we'd have bluetoothd-dund-pppd-pnatd, which is somewhat silly12:32
lufGive me some time please.12:32
kerioif we can get dund to talk directly to pnatd however...12:37
lufI see it :)12:38
lufIt's in pnat plugin ant it try to find /usr/bin/phonet-at12:38
lufIf you enable the debug you'll see12:39
luferror("Unable to spawn pnatd: %s", err->message);12:39
lufDBG("pnatd started for %s with pid %d", client->tty_name, pid);12:39
lufSo what? Can you enable the debug ;)12:39
lufcd /usr/bin; ln -s pnatd phonet-at12:40
lufthis should fix the problem ;) and also disabling the bluetooth-dun.12:41
keriohow do i enable debug?12:43
keriodo i need syslogd?12:43
lufYes you need syslogd; vi /etc/event.d/bluetoothd - add -d '*' (bluez-4.99)12:44
lufBTW if you want to start sysklogd manually (I do it). Let's vi /etc/event.d/sysklogd and comment out the start line.12:44
kerioanyway, even with the symlink it doesn't seem to work :(12:45
kerioi definetely got it to work with rfcomm, on a different channel, so at worst we can just do that as usual12:45
lufI have to configure it here ...12:47
kerioluf: :(12:47
keriowhat kind of authorization?12:47
lufHave you paired the devices?12:48
kerioalso, look at the times12:48
kerioit's almost instant12:49
lufCan you please re-pair the devices while bluetooth-dun is stopped?12:50
lufI think it's ok to not provide DUN too all but just to authorized clients.12:51
kerionope, doesn't work12:52
keriostill DUN client disconnected while waiting for authorization12:52
kerioi wonder, do i have to enable the network modules?12:53
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keriomeh, i'm bored12:55
kerioi'm restoring12:55
kerioluf: anyway, we reduced the problem from "isync doesn't work" to "bluetooth DUN doesn't work" which is much easier to deal with12:57
lufkerio: yes. thanks for that.12:58
lufkerio: can you also get some logs from mac side?13:02
lufI'm curious if it refuse the auth (so I can disable it on N900 side).13:03
kerionothing regarding authentication13:08
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lufkerio: FYI I reproduced it here.14:01
kerioDUN not working?14:01
lufYes. The same log entry.14:01
freemangordonluf: are you ok with ARM assembler/instructions/etc?14:03
luffreemangordon: What do you mean with ok? I don't know ARM assembler/...14:04
freemangordonyeah, that is what i asked14:04
lufI even don't know assembler at all. It's always to low for me.14:05
infobotluf meant: I even don't know assembler at all. It's always too low for me.14:05
luffreemangordon: what's up?14:07
freemangordonluf: I write a piece of assembler code and need someone to review it14:08
lufHave you tested bluez-4.99 ?14:09
luffreemangordon: ^^14:09
freemangordonso far jacekowski helped a lot, but unfortunately he is not available right now, so I am searching for someone else14:09
freemangordonluf: no14:09
freemangordonu-boot is next in the list :D14:09
luffreemangordon: ok :D14:09
kerioluf: what does audio sink need to be working properly?14:10
keriopulseaudio configuration?14:10
lufkerio: No idea. there is some policy in N900 too.14:11
lufkerio: it's on my todo.14:13
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kent_autisticarcean: ping15:58
DocScrutinizer05please keep in mind: , update if you got something to contribute16:08
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lufkerio: I fixed dun in bluez-4.99.18:43
keriowhat was wrong?18:43
lufIt tried open /dev/rfcomm<num> only once and then returns.18:45
kerioinstead of?18:45
lufIt should tries it more times. The implementation was using some timeouts (async calls). But it needs sync calls.18:45
keriothat sounds flaky18:47
kerioalso, what about dund?18:47
lufIt's not used.18:47
kerioi see18:48
lufThe benefit is that phonet-at (pnatd) is running only when requested (not all the time)18:48
keriooh so you still need bluetooth-dun?18:49
keriobut not the start/stop scripts18:49
lufNo you don't need it.18:49
keriooh, i see, it uses the pnat plugin18:50
lufbluetooth-dun is replaced by pnat plugin ...18:50
keriowhich change did you make?18:50
lufkerio: what?18:50
kerioto fix dun18:50
keriowas it a patch from a future version?18:50
lufThe patch isn18:51
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lufI don't finish it yet. I have working version now. I have to create the patch and upload bluez to ...18:52
kerioi see18:52
lufOh and the second problem was that it was disconnection on errno == EACCESS (what is also file not found in this situation).18:54
kerioi see18:55
kerioso what's the fix? just wait a bit and try again for n times?18:56
lufYes. It's used also in rfcomm reference code.18:56
lufIt calls ioctl for creating /dev/rfcomm<num> and then it tries to open it. The ioctl is non-blocking call.18:57
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lufreference is bluez: tools/rfcomm.c: static void cmd_listen(...)19:01
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lufAnd of course I need to linn phonet-at to pnatd. But I'll change the PNATD define to pnatd so it doesn't need symlink in that case.19:08
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lufkerio: I was wrong. The only benefit is not having bluetooth-dun package and rfcomm process running all the time.19:15
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kerioi figured :)19:15
lufOk. I minimalized the patch and the only problem was async -> sync while waiting for open /dev/rfcomm<num>.19:26
kerioneat :D19:32
keriois there a bug in bluez?19:32
keriolike, a known bug19:32
lufI don't think so. I checked it once more but as it was removed from the code (same as maemo6 plugin). The reason was: unmaintained.19:34
lufI'm talking about master head of bluez (not 4.99).19:35
keriohm, i see19:37
kerioso it's a bug in the pnat plugin19:37
lufYes from my point of view.19:38
kerioalright, what about PAN and audio sink now?19:43
keriodo they work? how well do they work?19:43
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lufWhat problem is with PAN?19:47
lufI haven't test it.19:47
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kerioi thought it wasn't working with bluez 4.6019:50
kerio(also, you'd need pand)19:50
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lufpand is in bluez-test package. If someone knows how to setup it automagicaly we can create bluez-pand package ...20:26
lufkerio: I uploaded new bluez packages to the _you_know_whos_ server :)20:30
lufIf you want to test it.20:30
kerioi don't know who20:32
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kerioluf: also ugh, i'm currently reavering a wifi network20:36
lufkerio: :D The same place as last time. I even don't change version info.20:37
kerioluf: i don't remember the last time tho20:37
kerioi could read the logs20:37
kerioor you could say it again20:38
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lufkerio: There is also 223_pnat_plugin.patch in source subdir so you can take a look what changed ;)20:41
keriohow do you enable/disable bluez plugins, btw?20:41
keriois there a way to do so while it's running?20:42
lufNo idea. Why are you asking?20:42
keriowell, what if i want to temporarily disable DUN for some reason?20:42
lufI don't understand why you want it. But I don't know :)20:43
keriodoes that bluez have the correct pnatd?20:44
kerioalso i wonder if leaving bluetooth-dun enabled will break stuff20:44
keriobtw, the fact that it lies about being an audio sink is a bug in my book20:45
lufkerio: I didn't test. You're welcome to do it. I never use such functionality so I don't know how to configure it.20:46
lufkerio: you can disable plugins in config file.20:46
kerioi see20:46
luf[General] DisablePlugins (at least)20:46
lufand also cli option --noplugin (same as obexd).20:49
lufBut I'm not able to successfully restart bluetoothd (at least I'm no able to use Advanced Interface Switched to enable/disable BT).20:50
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romaxaPali: ping20:52
Paliromaxa pong20:52
romaxaPali: is it your email pali.rohar...?20:53
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PaliI'm reading mail and searching for packages in my scrachbox20:53
lufkerio: what should break that you have one more independent service enabled?20:54
romaxaPali: which scratchbox install instructions I should use for Cssu?20:54
romaxaPali: - is this right one or do I need something else?20:54
Paliluf, freemangordon, merlin1991, see ^^^20:55
PaliI think yes20:55
freemangordonromaxa: this is the right one, though you should add CSSU repos and upgrade20:55
Palibut it was 2 years ago when I installed scrachbox in qemu...20:56
freemangordonromaxa: assuming you dont aim cssu-thumb20:56
freemangordonromaxa: in CSSU repos there is upgrade for Qt (to 4.7.4)20:56
freemangordonromaxa: what are you trying to build?20:57
romaxaPali: freemangordon: I flashed latest pr1.3, and installed cssu update according to instructions20:57
PaliI'm using this ubuntu image:
freemangordonromaxa: which one? -testing or stable?20:57
romaxafreemangordon: stable20:57
DocScrutinizer05romaxa: hey, hi! :-)20:58
freemangordonromaxa: well, then add:20:59
romaxaDocScrutinizer05: hi,20:59
freemangordondeb fremantle free non-free20:59
freemangordondeb-src fremantle free20:59
romaxafreemangordon: ok, let me proceed with manual sbox installation for fr. target20:59
freemangordonto your /etc/atp/sources.list and do apt-get update/ fakeroot apt-get upgrade21:00
* romaxa finally said "Nokia bye bye" :)21:00
Paliromaxa, mail with packages was sent21:00
freemangordonPali: I give up on onenand :(21:02
Palifreemangordon, ok, we have working uboot - and this we need21:02
freemangordontry to find someone from TI/Nokia to help, otherwise we're stuck21:02
freemangordonPali: well, yes, but it will be good if we can access flash from u-boot21:03
romaxaPali: libjpeg62-dev - ? are you sure it is missing in maemo SDK?21:03
PaliI will check it again21:03
romaxaPali: browser-neteal-dev should be available too.. at least sources for that are open21:03
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romaxalibclockcore-dev - this is also looks strange21:04
lufBTW I don't find thmub problem with nokia's virtuals on the page.21:04
Paliromaxa, browser-neteal-dev I found in svn repo on garage (which you updated)21:04
freemangordonapt-cache show libjpeg62-dev gives result21:04
Palilibjpeg is here:
freemangordonromaxa: BTW microb-engine on garage is missing a couple of patches21:05
Paliit is in non-free section (so this was reason why I did not see it)21:05
freemangordoncompared to source in maemo repos21:05
romaxafreemangordon: hmm which patches missing?21:07
Palihm, there is no download link for libclockcore-dev21:07
kerioluf: ok, it works21:07
lufI'm going away from my computer. I'll be back in hour or two ...21:08
romaxafreemangordon: oh so you are using another clone of microb-engine21:09
freemangordonromaxa: we got the sopurces from garage21:10
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freemangordonsvn2git or something :)21:10
romaxafreemangordon: yep, I see21:10
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kerioluf: hm, syncing is weirder now21:10
kerioi bet syncevolution is causing problems21:11
freemangordonromaxa: but it turned out that they differ from the source in repo21:11
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romaxahmmm played with almost 4 years old browser on N900, and it is not as bad... \o/21:13
kerioluf: yep, disabling syncevolution made it work flawlessly right after rebooting21:14
kerioluf: i has a working bluez 4.99 :D21:14
freemangordonromaxa: you won't believe how fast it is when thumb-compiled with gcc4.7.2 :D21:14
romaxacouple of algorithms on compositor manager need to be updated... it should reach 60fps with that21:15
romaxafreemangordon: yep21:15
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freemangordonwell, it is pretty fast, only js is slow as hell21:15
freemangordon(compared to fennec)21:15
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romaxafreemangordon: yep... it should be actually possible to switch whole this stuff to latest engine...21:16
romaxafreemangordon: at least most of important API's still there21:16
freemangordonromaxa: not sure it is so easy, looking at the number of patches in debian/patches21:16
Palihow many maemo specfied patches has microb-engine?21:17
romaxafreemangordon: actually it is not so horrible as it looks like21:17
freemangordonromaxa: well, for someone who wrote that patches and knows the code,... maybe :P21:18
romaxafreemangordon: there are couple of important API's patches, rest is hacks for optimizations et.c.21:18
kerioluf: how do we make this into a shippable package? D:21:19
freemangordonromaxa: yeah, and those optimisations are what makes microb what it is, it makes no sense to have m-c 17 if it uses 128 MB of RAM :)21:20
freemangordonromaxa: TBH if I have some spare time I will try to backport js engine from fennec to microb21:21
freemangordonit will make huuuge difference21:21
kerioyay optimizations21:23
romaxafreemangordon: most of optimizations should this or that way already in m-c21:23
keriowrite a thumby jit21:23
freemangordonkerio: there is, but not in microb-engine21:23
kerioto be fair usually JITs make a memory-speed tradeoff21:23
keriowhich would be awful, on the n90021:23
Paliisnt thumbee for jit?21:24
romaxaweird fakeroot apt-get install maemo-sdk-debug has failed21:24
freemangordonPali: it is, but noone outside TI knows how it works AFAIK21:24
romaxa/var/lib/dpkg/info/hal.postinst: line 55: /usr/bin/getent: No such file or directory21:24
freemangordonromaxa: I don;t know if maemo-sdk-debug is really needed21:25
romaxaPali: what do you have in sources list for fremantle sdk?21:26
freemangordonPali: and IIRC thumbee is deprecated on armv7-a in farov of thumb2 :P21:26
kerioluf: ugh, i forgot to uninstall bluetooth-dun21:27
Paliwait, I need to power on qemu machine again :-)21:27
kerioso maybe this test went well because it was installed? idk21:27
Palifreemangordon, if you have scrachbox open, can you look at it?21:27
freemangordonPali: ok21:27
freemangordonignore community-testing and community thumb :)21:28
freemangordonand maybe maemo-extras21:29
keriono! don't ignore them!21:29
keriothey're good!21:29
freemangordonkerio: thay are, but that is not the point21:29
kerioluf: every time something screws with the syncing, i have to do a full sync and it takes aaaaaaaaaaaages :(21:30
freemangordonhmm, now I have u-boot, maybe I should try panzersmthng's ubuntu21:31
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Paliromaxa, here is my sources.lists for non cssu:
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romaxahmm /scratchbox/tools/bin/chown: invalid user: `messagebus:messagebus, gconf installation.... I guess I saw it somewere... but don't remember... do I need to start some session before working in fremantle SDK env?21:39
freemangordoniirc you need to log out and back in21:39
freemangordonromaxa: ^^^21:40
romaxafreemangordon: log in-out did not help...21:42
romaxasbox log-out/in21:42
freemangordonromaxa: naah, user log out21:42
romaxaalso did not help21:46
romaxaneed to figure out what should install messagebus:messagebus user21:46
romaxaprobably some dbus21:46
freemangordonromaxa: did you install nokia-binaries?21:46
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freemangordonor was i nokia-apps?21:47
romaxafreemangordon: hmm I added repository21:47
romaxabut did not install nokia-apps21:47
freemangordonhmm, lemme check21:47
freemangordonyeah, that step is after maemo-sdk-debug installation21:48
romaxafreemangordon: oh, rtfm...21:48
romaxainstalling it now21:48
kerioluf: ok, confirmed working21:51
keriobluetooth-dun is useless but not harmful21:51
kerioa2dp works21:52
keriobt kbd works21:53
Paliluf, it is possible to 1) connect bluetooth headset to n900 and 2) connect n900 (as bluetooth headset) to notebook?21:53
PaliI'd like to mix sound from n900 and notebook to one bluetooth headset, it is possible?21:54
kerioPali: in theory, yes21:54
kerioalthough i'm not sure if there's enough bandwidth21:54
PaliI can do it with my notebook21:54
Paliwith pulseaudio module loopback21:54
Palibut problem is that for phone call I need hsf profile (mic+output)21:55
kerioconnect headset to n900, find a way to make audio sink work properly (and possibly with some volume regulation, although it's easier to do that on the pc side)21:55
keriooh yeah, hsf sucks21:55
keriomono audio with a crappy codec21:55
Palibut for phone call is ok21:55
Paliand n900 doing autoswitch between hsf & a2dp21:55
Palibut ubuntu pulseaudio not :-(21:56
Paliso for this I need to set up n900 as bluetooth a2dp headset21:56
freemangordonPali: iirc it is in /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf21:57
freemangordonyou can disable hsp/hfp21:57
Palifreemangordon, now this is working: notebook is connected to bluetooth headset via a2dp and is configured as hfp and a2dp server21:58
PaliI can connect n900 to notebook and it is working21:58
Palibut problem is with mic...21:58
Paliif headset is connected to notebook, I cannot configure autoswitch between a2dp and hfp (becuase I do not know when to do it)21:59
Paliso I need to connect bluetooth headset to n900 (and n900 will do needed autoswitch), but for some reason I cannot configure n900 as a2dp server22:00
freemangordonPali: me neither, maybe luf can help :)22:00
PaliI enabled add needed options (same as on notebook), connection seems be ok, but n900 does not play any sound from notebook...22:01
Paliok, I will ask luf, when will be here22:01
freemangordonPali: hmm, I think it is missing PA config22:01
Palifreemangordon, config is here22:01
Palibut I think problem is in some policy22:02
freemangordonwell, the same22:02
Paliwe know that policy is in alsa, in pulseaudio, in alsaped, in prolog, in dres, ....22:02
freemangordonand iirc you are PA prolog policy master :P22:02
PaliI think I should write to qwerty12, I fixed bug with headset button in correct place :-)22:06
Palibtw, where is qwerty12?22:09
lufkerio: what do you mean with "how do we make this into a shippable package?" ?22:09
kerioluf: i had to edit a configuration file that's not in the bluez package22:10
keriothe obexd dbus service22:10
Palikerio, what about update that package?22:11
lufkerio: It's already in the newest obexd package ;)22:12
keriothe disabling of syncevolution? :o22:12
lufAnd allowing of MAP profile ;) See the URL.22:12
kerioi see22:13
lufPali: I know nothing about PA :(22:14
Palithen I ask MAG22:14
kerioluf: is only obexd updated there?22:14
Paliromaxa, is scratchbox working?22:15
kerioobexd/rtcom-eventlogger-async/librtcom-eventlogger-* i mean22:15
keriohrmpf, there's no easy way to upgrade from a directory of .debs, is there22:16
romaxaPali: not yet, trying to go with script now22:17
merlin1991kerio: if it's just new versions?22:17
merlin1991dpkg -i * :D22:17
keriomerlin1991: it's also packages that aren't installed22:17
lufkerio: rtcom... just dependency to "autoinstall" rtcom-eventlogger-async ...22:18
DocScrutinizer05((* romaxa finally said "Nokia bye bye" :) ))  so you're joining CSSU now, to do "the right thing" ? :-)22:18
lufSo it's enough to upgrade just obexd (for you).22:18
kerioluf: k22:18
lufBut if you don't have rtcom-eventlogger-async even installed I suggest apt-get install rtcom-kerio: eventlogger-async22:19
keriothere's a package called rtcom-kerio? :O22:20
keriois it really important to install rtcom-eventlogger-async and evolution-data-server-addressbook?22:25
kerioi don't have a carkit22:25
lufkerio: it isn't important for you. But you already have the eds :D22:26
lufPali: do you know ?22:37
Paliluf, you can read log - I configured my notebook as a2dp server, so working as bluetooth headset22:38
PaliI see that in that link, author using same configuration22:39
Paliso nothing new for me22:39
romaxaPali: ok, got it working22:48
romaxaPali: do I need CSSU stable repository as well?22:49
Paliin cssu is updated microb engine22:49
Palifreemangordon, are you still here?22:50
freemangordonPali: afaik cssu-stable is still on stock microb22:50
romaxais it something like fremantle free  ?22:50
freemangordonromaxa: yes22:51
Palino, without stable suffix22:51
romaxaPali: btw, I see tablet-browser-view-dev in repository22:51
romaxaSetting up tablet-browser-view-dev (2.2.6-1.15+0m5)22:51
freemangordonromaxa: but if you want to work on microb you should enable -testing repositories and use the source code from there22:52
romaxa fremantle/4bc37c7c77ebe90177c050b805a8dc79/nokia-binaries tablet-browser-view-dev 2.2.6-1.15+0m522:52
Palimaybe my scratchbox is broken...22:52
PaliI'm happy that my scratchbox can still compile ke-recv & modest :-)22:53
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merlin1991romaxa: btw check you DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS22:58
merlin1991if you used the installer and not the manual method you'll have "thumb" in there22:58
merlin1991which is bad :D22:58
romaxamerlin1991: ok22:58
Paliromaxa, see:
RST38hMoo, romaxa23:03
romaxaPali: ok, done, thanks23:03
romaxaPali: interesting, gtkadi package is available in sources but dev package not in binary23:04
Paliromaxa, there are more packages in SDK repo with source code only (without binary deb packages)23:04
Paliseems like nokia sdk/repository devs forgot to upload it23:05
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romaxaPali: why noone built all these sources and put in sdk -dev package?23:20
Paliromaxa, because only nokia has access to sdk repo23:21
romaxaPali: probably make sense to make some 3-rd party sdk repo with missing package23:22
Palimerlin1991, what do you think ? ^^^23:24
Palifreemangordon, maybe I have code which disable n900 led in uboot23:29
Palibut my n900 is charging now...23:29
merlin1991well I can set i up, but I'm not going to build all that stuff, keep in mind it should be done with a clean sb without extras-anything or cssu23:29
Palifreemangordon, code is simple: u8 state = 0xff; i2c_write(0x32, 0x3d, 1, &state, 1);23:30
romaxajust build gtkadi, comapp, libmaemosec-certman-applet | -dev packages from sources23:31
merlin1991some dependency of osso-pdf-viewer is also missing23:31
merlin1991aka has to be built from source23:31
Palimerlin1991 - comapp23:32
Palialso missing swi prolog23:32
merlin1991hm I should diff the sources.gz and the packages.gz from the sdk repos23:34
merlin1991and then have fun :/23:34
* merlin1991 puts it on his todo23:35
romaxaPali: so what was the bug about portrait?23:41
romaxaPali: give me a ling23:41
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Palimerlin1991, do we have some info/bug about mce signal vs hildon property window resized for portrait mode?23:42
romaxaPali: oh, finally compiled tablet-browser-ui23:49
Paliromaxa, I found email where I wrote about that mce signal problem23:49
PaliI will resent it23:49
romaxaPali: so there are no bug about it?23:50
PaliI do not know if is reported23:50
Palimerlin1991, do you know?23:50
freemangordonromaxa: tablet-browser-ui ?!?23:53
Palifreemangordon, bug in autorotate23:53
Paliit listen to mce23:53
Paliinstead resize window23:53
freemangordonromaxa: the problem is that microb listens for mce instead of gtk wesized event23:53
keriomicrob is stupid as shit23:54
freemangordonkerio: shht23:54
kerioit doesn't even work properly with a mouse!23:56
kerioactually, it doesn't *work* with a mouse23:56
freemangordonPali: iirc it is reported on bugtracker, but can't remember if there is a description how to simulate it23:56
freemangordonkerio: it was never meant to work with a mouse23:57
keriowho cares23:57
kerioit's an X11 program that doesn't do shit if you use it with a mouse23:57
kerioit's stupid23:57
freemangordonPali: but the easiest way to reproduce it is to open microb, go to task navigator, rotate to portrait and click on microb thumbnail23:57
arceanmaybe this?
povbotBug 12412: microb odd rotation behaviour23:58

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