IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2012-09-19

freemangordontadzik: you should be asked to confirm the kernel flash, are you sure it does not sit there?00:00
tadzikfreemangordon: does it ask for a backup then?00:00
tadzikI'm past that00:00
tadzikoh yes00:00
tadzik"system update suceeded"00:00
tadzikpowering off00:00
DocScrutinizer05tadzik: get cpu load applet!00:01
tadzikone for status bar?00:01
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: is it ok?00:01
tadzikis it CPU heavy? :P00:01
DocScrutinizer05no, not that I knew of00:01
freemangordonisn't it python?00:01
DocScrutinizer05dbus-scripting is python, several pkgs are python00:02
tadzikfreemangordon: ok, seems to work :)00:02
freemangordontadzik: good :)00:03
tadzikI'll do the remaining updates, it seems that the thumb-friendly qtmobility's waiting htere00:03
DocScrutinizer05lemme put it this way: with onyl cpu-applet and WLAN "active", my N900 still idles 5 days00:03
freemangordontadzik: no00:03
tadzikhm, I saw them in the ham update list00:03
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ok, maybe i am just mad, but the tought that a script is resident in memory makes me sick00:04
DocScrutinizer05 23:15:34 up 172 days, 11 min, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0000:04
freemangordontadzik: wat for it to update00:04
DocScrutinizer05^^^has cpu applet00:04
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ok, ok00:04
freemangordontadzik: you should not have any more updates visible in ham00:05
freemangordon(system updates)00:05
tadzikfreemangordon: I don't have anything, at least in FAM00:05
DocScrutinizer05now I unlocked screen00:05
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DocScrutinizer05infobot: wb00:06
infobotIt's great to be back!00:06
freemangordonmerlin1991: do me a favor and PURGE FAM FROM THE REPOS00:06
tadzikis it that bad?00:06
freemangordonno, but you should not use it for system upgrades00:07
tadzikoh, I'm not00:07
tadzikI waited patiently for HAM00:07
freemangordonaah, ok00:07
freemangordonHAM and FAM have different catalogs though00:07
freemangordontadzik: do you find any difference?00:08
DocScrutinizer05honestly cpu load applet and simple brightness are the 2 most essential things on my device00:08
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: maybe i will give it a try...00:08
freemangordonafter you install -thumb on your primary device :P00:08
DocScrutinizer05might ahppen faster than you think00:09
freemangordonI know00:09
freemangordonthat was one of those semi-jokes ;)00:09
tadzikfreemangordon: I don't see any, honestly00:09
kerioDocScrutinizer05: heh, really?00:10
DocScrutinizer05after all I'm not THAT busted when my phone refuses to work, and I at least got a clue what to scrutinize00:10
Flyserwill -thumb be merged into -testing eventually?00:10
keriohave we converted you? :D00:10
tadzikmaybe windows switching is a bit faster00:10
freemangordontadzik: start microb00:10
tadzikI tried it already00:10
freemangordonand open FB if you have an account00:10
tadzikbut I use Opera usually00:10
DocScrutinizer05Flyser: unlikely, though nothing is impossible00:10
tadziknah, I don't use FB00:10
tadzikmay try github though :)00:10
Flyserwhy is it unlikely? introduces too many bugs?00:11
DocScrutinizer05introduces too many packages to test00:11
DocScrutinizer05actually I'm not anticipating any bugs00:12
tadzikyeah, github runs pretty smoothly on microb00:12
DocScrutinizer05but that's (this time actually) a question of ideology00:12
freemangordontadzik: I bet you'll revert to microb :P00:12
tadzikand it doesn't seem to be swapping at all00:12
DocScrutinizer05or rather policy00:12
tadzikfreemangordon: well, I appreciate the reduced bandwidth in Opera, I usually go cheap when buying internet plans for my phone00:13
tadzikplus company loyalty etc ;)00:13
freemangordonaaah, ok00:13
freemangordontadzik: you work for opera?00:14
freemangordonhmm, tadzik is a singer :D00:14
tadzikactually I'm after music school ;)00:14
tadzikbut never studies singing itself00:14
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tadzikwow, 3 tabs open and it's still all in RAM00:17
tadzikdoesn't seem to be chocking much00:17
tadzikokay, I'm convinced it's pure magic00:18
tadzikfreemangordon++, good job :)00:18
tadzikhm, are conversations also running on microb-engine?00:21
freemangordontadzik: yes00:22
tadzikha, that's a huge win00:22
freemangordontadzik: BTW I may try to build opera-thumb00:22
freemangordontadzik: yes00:22
tadzikis it buildable? I mean, I don't think the source is available00:22
freemangordonhmm, isn't it OSS?00:22
tadzikI'm quite sure it's not00:23
freemangordonwell, I can give you instructions how to build it then :P00:23
tadzikhm, I could maybe give it a try00:23
freemangordonyeah, gcc 4.7.2 and thumb2 makes all the difference00:24
tadzikI'll ask cow-orkers tomorrow00:24
freemangordonyou see how microb is affected, I suspect opera will benefit at least that much00:24
freemangordontadzik: BTW how big is opera? the executable/libs.00:25
tadzikI don't know, I'm not working on the browser itself00:26
peetahfreemangordon: sorry for juming in the conversation, but did zeq and yourself succeeded in building firefox for thumb2 ?00:26
freemangordonI mean installed on n90000:26
tadziklemee see00:26
freemangordonpeetah: yes00:26
peetahis it available in CSSU thumb ?00:27
freemangordonpeetah: though it is still far from microb in terms of performance00:28
tadzikfreemangordon: it's about 11 MB00:28
peetahI guess so, but I'm ok with FF 14 on CSSU-T so I guess I will appreciate the improvements brought by thumb200:28
freemangordontadzik: thumb2 compiled should be about 7.5 - 800:29
freemangordonpeetah: don't know. give it a try (if you have -thumb installed) and report how it is compared to FF1400:29
* freemangordon goes for sleep00:30
peetahthe only thing that hold me back right now is the support for uboot00:30
freemangordonpeetah: what do you mean00:30
DocScrutinizer05conversations use browser as rendering frontend, but I guess what makes convo suck is something completely different00:31
peetahfrom what i read, installing thumb2 will reflash the thumb kernel, and I'll have to install u-boot again and find a uboot friendly thumb2 kernel00:31
freemangordonpeetah: you can choose between KP and kernel-cssu, both provide boot images00:31
tadzikwell, uboot + kernel-power is not trivial00:32
freemangordonif you have KP>51 no kernel will be flashed00:32
tadzikin my experience, at least00:32
freemangordontadzik: why? you just need to install bootimg and run uboot-update script00:32
freemangordonanyway, I am afk00:32
DocScrutinizer05'just' ;-P00:32
tadzikIt "just" didn't work last time I tried :P00:33
tadzikgood knight freemangordon00:33
peetahI have KP51r100:34
peetahhow is KP>51 changing the way kernel-cssu is installed ?00:36
Flyserpeetah: kernel-cssu will not be installed, if kp51r1 is installed00:36
peetahany reason for that ?00:37
Flyserkp51r1 contains all the necessary thumb patches00:37
peetahwoohooooo, thumb2 migration it is then !00:38
tadzikcome, we have cookies00:39
FlyserI am kinda tempted too. the microb and firefox improvements sound very good00:39
kerioit's not firefox though, it's fennec :)00:39
keriofreemangordon: update fennec plskthx00:39
Flyserkerio: whats the difference?00:40
kerioFlyser: the icon is much less pretty00:40
Flyser... yeah ...00:40
Flyserfreemangordon started to optimize the SmartReflex voltage levels of kernel-power. Last time I checked he finished 800 or 850MHz, does anyone happen to know how far he got?00:46
Flyser(last time I checked was a few months back, so I am *really* outdated on this one)00:50
keriogaaaah, compiling gcc is awful01:01
Skrywhy are you doing that? :o01:06
kerioto get the latest and greatest01:08
Skrythen you should be compiling llvm/clang :)01:11
Skryjust kidding01:11
kerioSkry: heathen01:12
keriohehe, i'm getting so many warnings here01:12
keriosomehow i doubt this will work01:13
keriogoddammit i hate not having a more updated gcc01:13
Skrywhat version are you compiling?01:13
kerionah, the problems are with mame01:14
kerioi'm trying to compile it with a better compiler01:14
keriobut gcc 4.7 is probably too advanced for it01:14
keriooh goddammit, there's no gcc46 in the brew repository, only gcc4501:15
SkryI assume you're building mame for maemo01:15
kerioos x01:15
keriomame on the n900 will never work properly, it's useless01:16
keriomame is *heavily* cpu-based01:16
Skryso you're compiling gcc 4.7 for osx to compile mame with up-to-date compiler.. have you tried googling for "gcc 4.7 for os x" ? :)01:18
peetahbefore I jump, is there any incompatibilities between backupmenu and thumb2 ?01:24
peetahtoo late...01:37
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peetahfreemangordon: after cssu thumb installation, I installed firefox 17.0a1 with a fresh ~/.mozilla/fennec, but it segfaulted after "content loaded" :(02:15
dafoxkerio: why do you say mame will not work on n900? Wouldn't it depend on what gamesystem you're trying to emulate?02:18
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keriodafox: i'll rephrase: mame won't work with good games without slowdowns/frameskipping on the n90002:25
dafoxI think you'll need to rephrase that a bit more, there are lots of good old games ;)02:26
dafoxI used to have emame on my old phone (p800), which worked wonderfully for lots of old classics02:27
Skryimo n900 screen is too small to actually enjoy gaming02:30
Skry..and after saying that, I realized I actually own nokia n-gage.02:31
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dafoxSkry: thats why we have tv-out :D
Skrysure, still would prefer doing that on a pc with 42" hd screen and decent gamepad though :)02:40
Skrypff, emulating n900 with qemu. too slow.02:44
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freemangordonpeetah: you need libqtm1209:00
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fw190morning all09:16
fw190freemangordon: when I try to install bootimage with cssu kernel HAM doesn't allow to do that09:16
fw190any hints how to solve this?09:16
keriofw190: install a fake package that provides kernel-feature-errata-430973-workaround09:18
kerioand make sure you never ever ever ever ever boot with a kernel that's not thumb-enabled09:18
fw190I could only use bootimage for uboot with kp 5009:18
kerio(i assume you're on cssu-thumb)09:18
fw190well I did it twice ;)09:18
kerioyou shouldn't, it's undefined behaviour09:19
fw190I'm on thumb but from time to time I like to test what Nemomobile looks like09:19
kerioprograms may behave strangely before they crash09:19
keriowhat does it look like?09:19
fw190well with thumb and stock kernel it doesn't boot even09:19
fw190well no wit looks much better09:19
fw190with the new ui09:19
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keriofw190: anyway, it's a dependency problem09:20
kerioall the thumb packages depend on kernel-feature-errata-430973-workaround09:20
fw190ah ok09:20
keriowhich is provided by kernel-power-flasher or kernel-cssu-flasher09:20
fw190so where from shoul I get this errata09:20
fw190and how to install it09:20
kerioit's not a "thing"09:20
fw190so I can have palis uboot09:20
keriomake a fake package09:21
fw190uhhhh now you are demanding huge things from a end user ;)09:21
DocScrutinizer05the problem is uBoot comes with kernel. AIUI this isn't a thumb kernel, so uBoot isn't compatible with thumb userland09:22
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: the problem is that there's no way to tell apt "i'm only ever going to boot this OS with a thumb-enable kernel, so act as if the dependency is met"09:23
kerioyou know, without making an actual package09:23
DocScrutinizer05how would you guarantee you never boot with uBoot standard kernel?09:24
fw190I remeber that a few kp ago I compiled a power kernel with uboot on the device itself and had Kp wit uboot all in one09:24
fw190there was a tutorial somewhere on tmo for this09:24
fw190would it be possible with the lates thing09:24
kerioDocScrutinizer05: by... never booting with it?09:24
keriofw190: you're using uboot, you're not an end user anymore09:24
DocScrutinizer05fw190: probably09:24
infoboti guess pali is
fw190kerio: pali wrote what to do when I like an moron booted stock one ;)09:25
keriothere were some prebuilt .debs outside of the repos09:25
fw190he wrote what to do to always have booting the kp not the stock one09:25
freemangordonfw190: I missed what is your problem with installing -bootimg09:25
keriofreemangordon: the usual, unmet deps09:25
fw190freemangorson: it doesnt instal froom HAM09:26
freemangordonkerio: should not be09:26
keriofw190: can you open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install kernel-cssu?09:26
keriofreemangordon: he's using uboot09:26
freemangordonfw190: but why?09:26
kerioor something09:26
keriofw190: er, sorry09:26
fw190doesn't say09:26
keriosudo apt-get install kernel-cssu-bootimg09:26
freemangordonfw190: what is in the problems tab?09:26
freemangordonkerio: wait a minute09:26
fw190it's written in Polsih: something like it can not be installed09:26
keriofreemangordon: he wants to use uboot with cssu-thumb09:27
freemangordonkerio: yes, i understand that09:27
freemangordonfw190: and what is the reason it cannot be installed09:27
freemangordontadzik: hi09:28
keriofw190: can you pastebin the output of "apt-get install kernel-cssu-bootimg"? don't confirm anything if it asks for a confirmation09:28
fw190hmmm My N900 is now a modem with qt hotspot so I don't know if I can apt-get someting09:28
fw190will try and report09:29
fw190one more thing09:29
kerioyou don't need internet for it09:29
kerioapt already knows how the dependencies wor09:29
fw190I don't have palis uboot now installed09:29
fw190should I have it to test or it is not recomended09:29
freemangordonfw190: you need pali's uboot for all of the KP flavours, most probably that is why you cannot install -bootimg09:30
kerioyeah, the -bootimg depends on multiboot-kernel-power09:30
fw190freemangordon: when I last tried it I had palis uboot09:30
fw190funny thing09:31
kerioand that pulls in multiboot09:31
keriowhich is awful09:31
fw190without ubbot it installed09:31
fw190without problems09:31
keriofw190: ask Pali where's the uboot+kp51 build he ha09:31
kerioi know he has one09:31
freemangordonfw190: well, you have some dependency problem, run the command kerio posted and we'll see it09:31
fw190freemangordon: I just did and it installed without uboot on board09:32
fw190without problems09:32
keriohmm... free space on the rootfs?09:33
kerioalso, do you have multiboot installed?09:33
fw190I do not use multiboot09:34
keriooh well09:34
fw190jus have backupmenu09:34
fw190now I have the uboot image09:35
fw190and uboot on board09:35
fw190but how to check it on reboot I will have the option for kernel power?09:35
Skryfw190: can you install/have you installed uboot from ?09:35
fw190so I don't end up like an idiot with brick for the third time ;)09:36
fw190I have the latest uboot from op from Pali09:36
freemangordonfw190: you'd better read u-boot thread or ask Pali, it was too long aglo I was playing with u-boot09:37
Skryfw190: I can send you the combined uboot+cssu kernel image if I find it on my hdd so you can flash it, if you want09:38
Skryor you can do it by yourself from whatever kernel you want09:38
fw190it installed ok.09:39
fw190I will post the output09:39
fw190there are some errors09:39
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fw190here is the output whle instaling boot image09:45
Skryit's just complaining about missing kernel for bootmenu entry09:48
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fw190_skry: thanks09:52
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fw190_I removed the entry for kp5009:53
fw190_and just did a reboot09:53
fw190_and everything works ok09:53
Skrycongrats :)09:53
fw190_but the funny thing is that even after reflash and on CSSU T I was unable to install uboot bootimage on latest kp from devel or for cssu kernel using HAM09:54
fw190_from command line it went well09:54
fw190_without problem09:54
fw190_except informatinal complaines09:54
Skryproblems like that are quite common09:57
SkryI never liked debian package management, add HAM to that and things happen or not.09:59
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fw190_skry: thanks for the info10:03
fw190_and thanks to all for helping me out ;)10:03
Skrytime get some sleep10:06
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kerioSkry: the debian package management isn't meant to do stuff like that10:47
keriofor a reason :)10:47
keriopackages for bootloaders mostly only install the utilities to install the bootloader10:47
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peetahfreemangordon: ok thanks I'll install it later in the day and let you know how it feels compared to FF1410:58
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peetahfreemangordon: libqtm12 package is already installed on my n90011:37
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fw190freemangordon: with the latest thum and transitions set to 10 the N900 is fast as lightning12:41
fw190just like I would have a new phone A.D. 201212:41
tadzikwhat are "transitions set to 10?"12:43
fw190tadzik: there is an app12:43
fw190to set the transitions12:44
fw190i changed every value to 1012:44
fw190so now it doesn't take that much to do things12:44
fw190and it feels faster12:44
tadzikI installed some "OMG Fastest transitions for N900" from tmo, and it is actually a lot faster12:45
tadzikit just removes all the eye-candy for the sake of responsiveness12:45
fw190there is an app in the repo so you can tweak it as you wish12:45
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Lava_Crofttadzik: the 'Smooth' transitions?12:55
Lava_CroftThe 'smooth' transitions you can find on TMO are actually the best I have come across over the years12:55
tadzikI use those from
Lava_CroftI used those before, but i really love the animations12:58
Lava_Croftthose Smooth ones really are smooth :)12:58
tadzikbut are they equally fast?12:58
tadzikI don't care much for the jumping icons :)12:58
marcdeopthanks for the link, I'm gonna try it13:00
Lava_Crofttadzik: no, they are slower13:02
Lava_CroftBut thats what i mean, i dont like the istant transitions:)13:02
Lava_CroftIf you want speed, stick to what you are using now13:02
marcdeopthe transitions are indeed smooth13:04
marcdeopgood :)13:04
Lava_Croftyeah, it amazed me13:04
Skryokay that video got me interested13:15
Skrythat looks.. smooth.13:15
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tadzik~seen freemangordon15:00
tadzikinfobot: help15:00
infobotfreemangordon <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 4h 23m 50s ago, saying: 'cityLights: what is written in th "problems" tab in application mamanger?'.15:00
tadzikah, ok15:01
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freemangordontadzik: are you ready with opera-thumb.deb? :P18:18
tadzikfreemangordon: not yet :)18:18
tadzikmind if I PM you?18:18
freemangordonbut,but.. you had almost 18 hours18:19
freemangordontadzik: no18:19
marcdeophey guys, I've been out of touch from maemo for a few months18:24
marcdeopdo you know if there's been any work in idle imap support?18:24
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freemangordonis it the same in -testing?20:03
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freemangordonluf: did you manage to fix bluex build?20:37
lufNot yet and I see the BT name bug since last phone reboot :(20:46
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lufStrange it survived 3 or 4 reboots. After that I installed backupmenu and after reboot I get the weird BT name.20:57
freemangordoncould be something related to boot order?21:01
lufNo idea.21:01
luffreemangordon: Didn't you write that you're able to compile bluez?21:02
freemangordononly with gcc 4.2.1 if I don;t do reconfigure21:03
freemangordonhmm, and anly the one in the repos (iirc)21:03
freemangordonnot yours21:03
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lufI can reproduce the strange name behavior :D And I can survive with right name ...21:21
freemangordonluf: you're my hero21:21
freemangordonnow you only need to fix the packaging :P :D:D:D21:21
freemangordonluf: what happens?21:21
lufNo I'm not. And I think I'm unable to fix autoconf mess :(21:22
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_ade_freemangordon: how about a wiki page for gcc 4.7 / thumb2 in scratchbox?21:22
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_ade_my last attempt resulted in some strange compiler warning for a simple test program21:22
_ade_and the resulting (thumb2) was bigger then the 4.2 compiled version..21:22
freemangordon_ade_: it is a very good idea, unfortunately I was short of spare time21:23
_ade_who isn't ;-)21:24
freemangordon_ade_: btw I don't know how to start a wiki page :D21:24
_ade_I just made one for the replacement clock.21:24
luffreemangordon: you're bad guy :D21:24
freemangordonluf: I was joking about autoconf, I will look at it when I have some spare time21:24
luffreemangordon: Yes you don21:25
lufdon't have spare time :D21:25
lufSo when I enable BT and reboot the BT name persist. When I never enable BT during uptime and reboot the BT name was lost (empty) and it leads to strange name when enable BT.21:26
lufI have to try what about enable BT, disable BT, reboot21:26
freemangordon_ade_: could you make an empty page, I will fill it's contents21:28
_ade_freemangordon: sure21:29
_ade_what would be the best title?21:30
luffreemangordon: just empty page? I hope _ade_ can help more ...21:30
freemangordonluf: don't think so21:30
_ade_I will to the spellingcheck :-)21:30
freemangordon_ade_: "CSSU-thumb toolchain setup"?21:31
freemangordonluf: ^^^ ?21:31
_ade_sound good to me21:31
freemangordoncan wiki page title be edited?21:32
luf_ade_: every help is good21:32
luffreemangordon: what are you asking me for?21:32
freemangordonthe name21:32
_ade_freemangordon: never tried, but I suppose it can be changed21:32
freemangordonany better idea?21:32
freemangordonluf: ^^^21:32
luffreemangordon: You can remove the page and copy to another in worst case ;)21:32
lufI'm sorry I'm one of the worst in naming ...21:33
_ade_I will post the wiki link over here later21:33
freemangordon_ade_: "CSSU-thumb toolchain setup(gcc4.7.2-linaro)"21:34
freemangordon_ade_: ok21:34
freemangordonI will try to do it tomorrow21:34
luffreemangordon: have you read what I wrote about BT name? It's funny.21:34
freemangordonluf: yes21:34
_ade_freemangordon: ok21:35
freemangordonluf: it seems you're missing some initialization21:36
DocScrutinizer05huh? make ampty wiki page??? WUT?21:36
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: not funny21:37
kerioluf: does the bug appear if you keep bt on?21:37
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I have NFC where to even start21:37
freemangordon_ade_: thanks21:38
keriomy xchat doesn't want to open that D:21:38
Lava_Croftlinks like that only work in proper irc clients21:39
kerioLava_Croft: fu21:39
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: see the "There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page." ?21:39
DocScrutinizer05see it's actually links under it?21:39
luffreemangordon: I didn't write the code :)21:41
lufkerio: I don't understand you question (I'm sorry my wife come back so we have to discuss a lot of things).21:48
keriothe BT name bug21:49
lufboot + enable BT + reboot = ok BT name21:49
keriodoes it appear if you always keep bluetooth on?21:49
lufboot + reboot = empty BT name21:49
lufI'm trying boot + enable BT + disable BT + reboot21:49
lufkerio: I have disabled BT by default after boot.21:50
keriohuh, why? :c21:51
lufkerio: the bug is for bluze-4.99 (while maemo bluez is 4.60 ;) )21:51
lufkerio: because of battery and I use BT rarely when I'm driving ...21:51
kerioluf: no carkit? D:21:52
keriobut aren't you the dude of the carkit?21:52
lufYes I'm ;)21:52
lufShit. So if BT is disabled when firing reboot the BT name after reboot is empty. WTF where is the name stored? It doesn't get it from /etc/bluetooth/main.conf or /var/lib/bluetooth/<BT id>/config :(21:53
kerioi bet it's something silly21:55
keriolike cal21:55
lufwhat is cal?21:55
kerioit's a land of happiness and magic21:56
kerioalso /dev/mtd121:56
lufGreat so it's easy. Just to find the way into the mirror :D21:57
DocScrutinizer05BS, BT name isn't in CAL22:01
lufDocS: WTF is CAL?22:01
kerioi said "i bet"22:02
DocScrutinizer05if there's no separate BT names et (NFC if there's even such thing), then it uses /etc/hostname afaik22:02
infobotcal is, like, a calendar. try $(cal 1752)22:02
keriono, it doesn't use /etc/hostname22:02
DocScrutinizer05luf: /dev/mtd1 aka "config"22:03
lufDocS: thanks.22:04
lufShit the magic is more dark than I think ...22:05
lufIt's enough to change /var/lib/bluetooth/<BT id>/config: mode on and the name appears ... So it depends if the BT device is on during kernel module or something like that.22:06
luf(appears after reboot)22:06
luf* during loading kernel module ...22:07
lufIt's big bull ....22:07
DocScrutinizer05luf: here you are:22:09
DocScrutinizer05t900:~# grep -r IroN999 /etc /var /home/user/ 2>/dev/null22:09
DocScrutinizer05/var/lib/bluetooth/A8:7E:33:CD:E5:2B/config:name IroN99922:09
lufI know but it's ignored if you have mode off (in same file) when you fire reboot.22:11
lufI'm working with bluez-4.99 on N900 ;)22:11
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DocScrutinizer05if BT is off, so how would BT name matter... And to whom even?22:12
lufYou want to specify BT name each time you reboot? Don't be silly.22:12
lufPlease DocS read the history (last hour or so) at first.22:13
lufI appreciate you want help me but this doesn't help me.22:14
DocScrutinizer05well, sorry I won't study last hour of backscroll22:17
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DocScrutinizer05I just tell you there's three locations for device name: cat var/lib/bluetooth/*/config; cat /etc/hostname; gconftool -g /apps/modest/device_name22:19
DocScrutinizer05that's it, do with it whatever you like22:19
lufok, thanks22:20
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DocScrutinizer05of course also in /home/user/.modest/local_folders/*/*/*/*/*/*22:21
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lufWhat is modest for?22:22
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lufWhy it contains BT name in gconf?22:24
DocScrutinizer05I said device name22:24
DocScrutinizer05no, don't wait ;-D22:25
lufFor sure it's BT name. My device (hostname) is another.22:25
DocScrutinizer05[2012-09-19 20:53:45] <luf> Shit. So if BT is disabled when firing reboot the BT name after reboot is empty. WTF where is the name stored? It doesn't get it from /etc/bluetooth/main.conf or /var/lib/bluetooth/<BT id>/config :(<<  honestly, doesn't make sense to me. The BT name is stored in var/lib/bluetooth/*/config, only there and nowhere else22:29
DocScrutinizer05And I'm really sorry I dared to ask how there can be a BT name when BT is off, since - again sorry - I'm too simple to see where from I would get BT name value when BT is off22:30
DocScrutinizer05of course BT name is empty when BT is off (unless you talk about /var/lib/bluetooth/<BT id>/config)22:31
lufBT device not bluetoothd daemon. And when I activate BT device the BT is empty => get it from driver not from config.22:32
DocScrutinizer05(btw I actually *did* read backscroll, before I first answered)22:32
lufbluze-4.60 takes value from config all the time. It doesn't matter if BT device is on or off.22:32
DocScrutinizer05so where's the problem?22:33
DocScrutinizer05you got a bug in some of your BT stack when it doesn't manage to set up BT name according to /var/lib/bluetooth/<BT id>/config22:34
DocScrutinizer05I never seen that though22:34
lufbluez-4.99 when BT mode off during boot - there is empty value in BT name (in settings). When I enable BT device it put some mess into BT name (chip name) from driver. That's the problem.22:35
lufDocScrutinizer05: there are even reports on TMO or bugzilla with bluez-4.60.22:35
DocScrutinizer05:shrug:, IO've never experienced that22:36
freemangordonluf: so forward-port the patch that reads the name from gconf and you should be ok22:36
luffreemangordon: the name is in config too but it doesn't take it into account :(22:37
freemangordonluf: iirc you can get the name of the device by a dbus call22:38
freemangordonlemme try to find that code for you22:38
lufNever mind. I'll try debug the bluetoothd (I know how to "fix it") do I can compare these two situation.22:39
luffreemangordon: Yes, it's empty when no dbus call due to no device activation during boot.22:39
lufI remember I tried go deeper into the problem 3 month ago.22:39
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: name from gconf???22:40
DocScrutinizer05which one?22:40
lufToday I can reproduce wrong and right result so I'm one step further :)22:40
kerioi thought there was just *one* device name, and you set it in the bluetooth settings panel22:40
DocScrutinizer05kerio: until you set /etc/hostname, or device name in modest22:42
kerio/etc/hostname is unrelated i think22:42
kerioi didn't know modest also knew how to set the device name22:42
lufkerio: you're right.22:42
DocScrutinizer05kerio: modest has *his own* device name22:42
DocScrutinizer05just like system has /etc/hostname22:43
DocScrutinizer05kerio: probably you could even argue xchat has another instance of device name, though it's called server name there iirc22:43
DocScrutinizer05kerio: and yes, the name in var/lib/bluetooth/*/config will be set via the settings/BT dialog only22:44
DocScrutinizer05(modulo niche cases like reflashing or reste-to-factory)22:45
lufGood the problem is in initialization for sure :D22:46
lufBT disabled + boot + BT name empty + enable BT + BT name like RCM2048XY Initial configuration + reboot + BT name back to the correct value :)22:46
DocScrutinizer05luf: how T F so you "enable BT"?22:46
lufClick on time or icons -> enable BT (or you can use System -> Settings -> Bluetooth -> (un)check Enabled)22:47
DocScrutinizer05since I guess the hildon settings dialog will read out the name from var/lib/bluetooth/*/config, fill it in as initial text to the textedit box, and on "save" initializes BT stack with whatever is in that textbox (besides writing it also back to var/lib/bluetooth/*/config)22:48
lufYou're wrong.22:48
lufThe dialog settings get it from DBUS call :D22:48
freemangordonstring Name [readwrite]22:49
DocScrutinizer05so where from does DBUS get it then? IOW whom is settings->BT *asking* for the name?22:49
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: what I see in the code:22:49
DocScrutinizer05yaknow, each dbus msg has a destination22:50
freemangordonir tries "read_pretty_host_name"22:50
lufbluetoothd to be precise22:50
freemangordonand after that (af the above fails) "read_local_name"22:50
DocScrutinizer05makes sense22:50
luffreemangordon: it doesn't work neither to set pretty_host_name in bluez.22:51
freemangordonread_local_name gets it from /var/lib.../config22:51
freemangordonluf: gimme some time to see who calls that22:51
luffreemangordon: No it doesn't in case of "initialization problem"22:51
freemangordonadaptername_probe() is that22:51
DocScrutinizer05still my question: what's dbus destination when settings->BT is the sender?22:51
freemangordonluf: maybe it waits for a kernel event22:52
freemangordon(which never comes as we use an old kernel)22:52
DocScrutinizer05good shot22:52
freemangordonluf: handle_inotify_cb :P22:52
freemangordonguess who :D22:53
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: realy now?22:53
luffreemangordon: I think about it ... but why it works then when the BT is enabled during boot.22:53
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luffreemangordon: ? kp50 is too old? Does KP51 implement it?22:53
lufI think about some BT changes in kernel ...22:54
freemangordonI can bet it registers inotify_cb, and enumerates already enabled devices22:54
freemangordonat least I will do it that way :D22:54
luffreemangordon: this sound reasonable ...22:54
freemangordonluf: lets find how the old bluez does it22:54
lufDoes KP51 implement inotify_cb ?22:55
freemangordonluf: does not matter22:55
lufold one is dead.22:55
lufIt works even with the name very different way.22:55
luffreemangordon: why it doesn't matter?22:55
freemangordonluf: come on, gimme 5 more minutes :P22:55
luf4:48 ...22:56
luf4:34 ...22:56
lufWe're very good here. We can even take 60 minutes in 40 minutes :D22:56
freemangordonlike my new watch? he is "rocket" :P22:57
infobotfreemangordon meant: like my new watch? it is "rocket" :P22:57
luf:D So 5 minutes left ...22:57
DocScrutinizer05no, he said "5 *more*..."23:00
lufDocs: He had -10 mintues ;)23:00
DocScrutinizer05actually he had 5 now23:00
DocScrutinizer05luf, my abstract virual debugging shows it's obviously the kernel driver or some daemon that gets loaded only when BT gets enabled23:02
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: no23:02
freemangordonbluetooth enables (loads, whatever) the adapter in question and waiths a callback event23:02
freemangordonthat event never comes as the kernel does not support inotify23:03
DocScrutinizer05still :nod:23:03
freemangordon(in bt driver at least)23:03
DocScrutinizer05while during boot it does udev-events-playback-late or whatever the script is named23:03
freemangordonadapter named ir read from configuration file on "adapter up" event23:04
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: could be, NFC23:04
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: but I believe that on bootup already enabled adapters are enumerated and initialized23:04
freemangordonAIUI old bluez sets device properties on "adapter enable" dbus call23:05
freemangordonluf: ^^^23:05
DocScrutinizer05here you are: (4 lines spam!)23:06
DocScrutinizer05Sep 19 22:16:24 t900 kernel: [29803.526702] hci_h4p hci_h4p: firmware: requesting bcmfw.bin23:06
DocScrutinizer05Sep 19 22:16:24 t900 bluetoothd[909]: HCI dev 0 up23:06
DocScrutinizer05Sep 19 22:16:24 t900 bluetoothd[909]: Starting security manager 023:06
DocScrutinizer05Sep 19 22:16:24 t900 bluetoothd[909]: Adapter /org/bluez/909/hci0 has been enabled23:06
DocScrutinizer05(this device is 10 min ahead of time)23:06
lufShit it isn't so easy ...23:06
DocScrutinizer05but those are the 4 lines in syslog, when you enable BT23:06
freemangordon4.99 waits for "/org/bluez/909/hci0 has been enabled" inotify23:06
freemangordonluf: what is not easy?23:07
lufWhen I debugged it (shit I removed the syslog one week ago). It tried to initialize correct name and after that it gets the wrong one. I was unable to find the source.23:08
lufBut it sounds very good what you're saying free.23:08
DocScrutinizer05and that's dbus (systembus):23:09
DocScrutinizer05signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=(null destination) serial=84 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameOwnerChanged23:09
DocScrutinizer05   string ""23:09
DocScrutinizer05   string ":1.541"23:09
DocScrutinizer05   string ""23:09
lufI'm sorry I'm upgrading VIO so I'm not so responsible as I want.23:09
DocScrutinizer05method call sender=:1.541 -> dest=org.freedesktop.DBus serial=426 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=ReleaseName23:09
DocScrutinizer05   string ""23:09
DocScrutinizer05oops, more lines than it looked like23:09
freemangordoninotify_add_watch(inot_fd, MACHINE_INFO_DIR, mask)23:10
freemangordon#define MACHINE_INFO_DIR "/etc/"23:10
freemangordon#define MACHINE_INFO_FILE "machine-info"23:10
lufIt's the pretty name ...23:10
lufIf I remember it right. But it doesn't work neither.23:10
DocScrutinizer05no fsckng such file here, I *bet*23:10
freemangordonluf: try echo luf > /etc/machine-info23:11
freemangordonwhile BT enabled without name23:11
luffreemangordon: ^^^23:11
freemangordonluf: I know23:11
freemangordonplease try it, to see if the name will appear23:11
freemangordon"luf" name I mean23:12
DocScrutinizer05nah froblshnarz23:12
lufYou don't trust me ... :)D23:12
freemangordonluf: elaborate please23:13
DocScrutinizer05dafaq, inotify_add_watch(inot_fd, MACHINE_INFO_DIR, mask)  --  now I realize what they're doing23:13
lufIn progress ... N900 doesn't boot in one sec ...23:14
lufBut you don't trust me. It hurts :D :D23:14
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: and what did you realize?23:14
DocScrutinizer05>><freemangordon> while BT enabled without name<<23:14
freemangordonluf: you're a big boy, you can stand a little pain :P23:15
DocScrutinizer05those donkeyballsuckers use /etc/ for a dynamic file23:15
freemangordoncalled machine-info :P23:15
freemangordonor not?23:15
DocScrutinizer05looks like23:15
freemangordonluf: could you just touch /etc/fmg?23:16
freemangordoninstead of machine-info23:16
freemangordon(not sure it will work though, didn;t read the whole code)23:16
freemangordonbut, but.. then we miss some daemon.23:17
freemangordonur it is udev to do that?23:18
lufYou're right that you don't trust me.23:18
DocScrutinizer05you ate the code23:18
freemangordonluf: I know23:18
DocScrutinizer05without sharing more than 3 small lines23:18
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: someone should touch a file in /etc on BT adapter up23:19
freemangordonit is not a part of bluez aiui23:19
freemangordonluf: what happened?23:19
luffreemangordon: but do you dive into 4.99 code to take a look how they initialize it (not machine-info - it's ugly workaround).23:20
luffreemangordon: what you expected.23:20
freemangordoninitialize what?23:20
freemangordonadapter name?23:20
lufBT when the BT device is off during boot.23:21
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DocScrutinizer05someone should s§inotify_add_watch(inot_fd, MACHINE_INFO_DIR, mask) §dbus-wait-signal("path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameOwnerChanged", 'string ""') §23:21
freemangordoni looked into the code, that is why I posted inotify_cb here23:21
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: no23:21
freemangordongimme 5 more minutes :D:D:D23:21
luffreemangordon: 4.99 or 4.60 ?23:22
freemangordonit is totally different in 4.53 (that is wht I have here)23:22
lufWhere do you have 4.53? There is no bluez for win XP ... :D23:23
freemangordonfrom repository.maemo.org23:23
DocScrutinizer05Sep 19 22:16:24 t900 kernel: [29803.526702] hci_h4p hci_h4p: firmware: requesting bcmfw.bin23:24
lufI'm going to switch to another machine ... There is 4.60 in maemo ...23:24
DocScrutinizer05set inotify on bcmfw.bin23:24
lufI'll be offline for few minutes ...23:24
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DocScrutinizer05I'm afk for a few beers23:24
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: waaaait, lets see how is that supposed to work with newer kernels :)23:25
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DocScrutinizer05should I guess? udev writing there23:25
DocScrutinizer05I'm guessing all the time23:26
freemangordonstill NFC23:26
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DocScrutinizer05since evil freemangordon eats all the code all alone23:26
freemangordonthis is the commit that does the shit23:27
DocScrutinizer05ohfsck, that's too nasty23:27
freemangordondoc will like that one:23:27
freemangordon"This file is part of systemd's hostnamed functionality:"23:27
DocScrutinizer05see? I said "udev"23:28
freemangordonnoo, it is systemd :P23:28
DocScrutinizer05udev sufered poettering treatment23:28
freemangordonbut it still makes no sense to me23:29
DocScrutinizer05"embrace and suffocate"23:29
freemangordonwhat will happen (on desktop) when I pull my usb BT adapter?23:29
freemangordonwhat in /etc will chage?23:29
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ^^^?23:29
DocScrutinizer05oooh makes perfect sense to me, it's poettering. Only poettering can think of "let's write to /etc/ to signal an event to $random_process"23:29
infobot'sth is poettering' means it acts invasive, possessive, destructive, and generally in an egocentric exacerbating negative way. ``this cancer is extremely poettering''23:30
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: anyway, who the hell writes in /etc?23:30
freemangordonkernel? i doubt23:31
freemangordonWT is that?23:31
luffreemangordon: inotifi is only for the file ...23:31
freemangordonluf: hmm, did you check if bluez provides some udev/systemd rules?23:31
freemangordonluf: inotify if for the whole /etc23:32
DocScrutinizer05inotify-watch and inotify-monitor are commands23:32
lufShit. As I expected it's not reboot persistent. If the file exists it ignores the file :D That's what I tested few month ago.23:33
DocScrutinizer05luf: you understand inotify?23:33
DocScrutinizer05[2012-09-19 22:13:56] <DocScrutinizer05> dafaq, inotify_add_watch(inot_fd, MACHINE_INFO_DIR, mask)  --  now I realize what they're doing23:33
freemangordonluf: yes, you need someone to touch a file in /etc after bluetoothd is started23:33
lufI know.23:33
lufI just want a proof.23:34
lufBTW maybe I see my problem ...23:34
freemangordontouch /etc/fmg_proof23:34
lufThe problem in code ...23:34
freemangordonwe don't want machine-info in /etc23:34
freemangordonluf: what is the problem?23:35
DocScrutinizer05figue /me going mad ;-P23:35
lufI'm trying to search if I'm not wrong ...23:35
lufDo you see:23:36
luf/* And disable the name change now */23:36
lufadapter_set_allow_name_changes(adapter, FALSE);23:36
DocScrutinizer05halebop:~ # ls -l /etc/machine-id23:36
DocScrutinizer05-r--r--r-- 1 root root 33 Nov 10  2011 /etc/machine-id23:36
freemangordonluf: that happens in case you have /etc/machine-info23:36
DocScrutinizer05well, seems old enough?23:36
freemangordonluf: and that disables name updates using dbus call23:36
freemangordonluf: remove your /etc/machine-info and touch /etc/fmg_proof23:37
lufYes. And it enable name updates otherwise. And that is the problem.23:37
freemangordonluf: there is this udev rule:23:38
freemangordonACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="bluetooth", RUN+="/usr/local/sbin/bluetoothd --udev"23:38
DocScrutinizer05not *monitor23:40
lufWhat does the action mean?23:41
lufBTW it was enough to remove the machine-info file ...23:41
freemangordonluf: yes23:43
freemangordonany change in /etc will lead to name re-read23:43
freemangordoneven touch /etc should do it23:44
freemangordonreading /var/lib/... is a backup23:45
freemangordonthis is intended to work with exising /etc/machine-info23:45
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: hey, with inotifywatch we could easily find out about all commands and libs used in early boot, before /opt available :-D23:46
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luffreemangordon: but backup where another name change is allowed.23:47
freemangordonluf: yes yes. and we should not have /etc/machine-info anyway23:48
freemangordonthe question remains - who TF touches /etc23:48
freemangordonanyway, I will have to wakeup really early tomorrow23:49
freemangordonso I am kleaving23:49
freemangordonnight, wish you luck with finding how exactly udev touches /etc :D23:49
DocScrutinizer05on desktop?23:50
* DocScrutinizer05 ponders mkfifo23:51
freemangordonI mean - when a BT adapter is enableds23:51
lufIt uses another way for sure.23:51
DocScrutinizer05or even a stale nfs-link ;-P23:51
lufgood nigth.23:51
freemangordonluf: though I thing we can safely revert
freemangordon(or the patch in bluez tree)23:52
luffreemangordon: not true. There are more changes ... It's not so simple/23:54
freemangordonwell, the simple task was for me (to find what/how happens) :P23:55
freemangordonnight, really23:55

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