IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2012-09-17

lufIt's started using dbus so it too hard for me to say when it's started.00:01
lufI'll try to optify it and give it a try.00:01
freemangordonluf: where is obexd now?00:02
freemangordonI mean stock00:02
lufDo you know some package which is optified so I can take an inspiration?00:02
lufIt's directory so it should be optified easily (I hope).00:03
freemangordonluf: you'd better keep it there00:03
kerioluf: it's also 192Kb00:03
kerioluf: not worth optifying00:03
lufkerio: where you get it?00:05
keriodu -hsx /usr/lib/obex00:05
lufkerio: Ok. Sorry I tested it wrongly in sb00:06
lufI don't understand. I may optify 14kB with rtcom-eventlogger-async and not obexd* (192 + 120 KB - server + client)00:07
freemangordonluf: why you should optify 14k?00:08
freemangordonseems I missed the party :)00:08
luf(20:04:46) freemangordon: merlin1991: do you plan to push new -T with fixed obexd sevrice?00:08
luf(20:05:10) merlin1991: if luf optifies the rtcom-eventlogger-async, then yes00:08
freemangordonmerlin1991: come on00:08
lufbecause of this?00:08
freemangordonyeah, i see :D00:08
merlin1991luf: otherwise I'll fix it in the far futre00:08
merlin1991since it's a simple apt-get to get -async up and running00:09
freemangordonmerlin1991: why the hell we want to save 14k in /root?00:09
merlin1991ask doc00:09
lufSo what?00:09
freemangordonno, I am asking you00:09
merlin1991I would have just added the dependency00:09
freemangordonthen just add the dependency :)00:09
freemangordonmeh, curl uses some 100k more00:10
lufSo what are the rules for optifying things?00:10
freemangordonif the binary is > 500k IIRC00:10
freemangordonaccording to maemo packaging rules00:11
freemangordonlemme try to find it00:11
lufNo problem. Don't waste your time. This is enough for me.00:11
freemangordon"n Xterminal, run df -h | grep -e rootfs -e mmcblk0p2 before and after you install the package being tested, and see how much the usage of each partition changes. If more than, say, 300 kb (0.3 MB) are added to usage of rootfs, it's too much and the package needs to be optified"00:13
freemangordonthat is for uploading to extras, so I don't see why we should put a way lower limit for system packages00:14
lufSo it's enough to break it down to several packages with dependecies :D Like obexd + obexd-client + ...00:14
kerioluf: try not to move away from the nokia packaging00:14
keriounless it's *really* dumb00:14
lufkerio: I use the same way as nokia ;)00:15
freemangordonmerlin1991: sorry to pester, but according to extras QA checklist one should optify if the binary is > 300k00:16
freemangordonAIUI a system package using about 350k in case of obexd and dependencies should stay in rootfs.00:17
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freemangordoncryptonite: you're back?00:21
cryptoniteyes i am00:21
freemangordonhow did it go?00:21
cryptoniteeverything went as it should be00:21
freemangordonyou reflashed? :P00:22
cryptoniteno problem at all00:22
freemangordondoes it feels faster?00:22
cryptonitehavent tried much just the new fennec which was crawling00:23
cryptonitebut the difference in ram usage is huge00:23
freemangordonyes, it is00:23
freemangordonabout maybe 20-30 MB so far, more to come00:24
cryptonitei think mine  is bigger is it possible?00:25
freemangordonwell, it depends on the use case00:25
freemangordonand actually I am guessing, noone has measured the real banafit yet00:26
cryptoniteactually before reboot i had surfed and so anyway still the difference is huge00:26
cryptonitewhat about the cssu kernel is it better than the power?00:27
keriocryptonite: exactly the same00:27
freemangordonit is the same00:28
cryptoniteso how was your day guys?00:28
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: did you do the comparison00:30
luffreemangordon: DocS tooks his 5 bananas per day to be fit ;)00:31
freemangordonwhich reminds me...00:31
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: why the hell we need a 14k library optified?00:31
DocScrutinizer05why not?00:31
luf... 14k dbus daemon ...00:32
DocScrutinizer05I really expect me to read that?00:32
freemangordonno, only the part for optification00:32
kerioDocScrutinizer05: the extras guidelines tell people to optify when over 300kb00:32
infobotoptification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the systeminit *and* partitioning is FUBAR,,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish they looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 dot3"00:33
kerioDocScrutinizer05: do *you* want to test all corner cases related to moving a system daemon on /opt?00:33
freemangordon"specially for applications requiring more than 500 KB"00:33
freemangordonthat is even more relaxed00:34
DocScrutinizer05doc's general rule: if it's not needed during early boot, not called/opened more frequently than 10/s and >>than a symlink, then optify the sucker00:34
freemangordonand I wonder why luf should waste his time optifying some 14k lib instead chasing the reported bugs, etc00:35
DocScrutinizer05kerio: no, that's what the devel is supposed to do. After all he knows his daemon00:35
kerioDocScrutinizer05: it's obexd00:35
lufkerio: one by one.00:35
keriothe daemon that blues the teeth00:35
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: doc's general rule? come on00:36
kerioluf: haters gonna hate00:36
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: maybe because luf has higher demands on quality of own work00:36
cryptonitekeep up the good job00:36
cryptoniteam out00:36
lufkerio: free is asking about rtcom-eventlogger-async.00:37
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freemangordonkerio: yes00:37
kerioluf: how big is it?00:37
keriothe whole thing00:37
lufDocScrutinizer05: Sometimes you're arguing well and sometimes I think you're crazy.00:37
kerio...we probably spent more data talking about it right now00:37
DocScrutinizer05luf: wtf? what's wrong with optification? (except it's just a bandaid)00:38
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: the problem is that right now there is package sitting in th repo00:38
DocScrutinizer05luf: and if you know your stuff you are pretty aware of it being optify-able or not00:38
freemangordonit's just not pulled as there is missing dependency in -mp00:39
freemangordonoptified or not, the dependency will still be missing00:39
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: so what?00:39
DocScrutinizer05how's that related?00:39
freemangordonnow, you have packaging rules, ok?00:40
freemangordonaccording to them , that lib could live happily in rootfs00:40
lufI'll keep it as it is now. I just fix the dependency.00:41
freemangordonwhy the hell you insist on optification, and "why not" is not an argument in my book00:41
DocScrutinizer05you purposely left out the one word "specially"00:41
DocScrutinizer05I'm insisting on it being a good idea00:41
freemangordondoc, the size there is 500k, no way "specially" applies to 14k00:42
DocScrutinizer05and arguing against it is just defending lazyiness00:42
lufI think I can ask here to get some advise. But I'm more confused than few hours ago.00:42
freemangordonluf: yeah, sounds sane to me. just coordinate that with merlin1991.00:42
freemangordon(keeping as it is)00:43
DocScrutinizer05I actually could hardly bother less about 14k in rootfs00:43
kerioluf: are they 14k worth of bytes, or do they actually occupy 14k when compressed by ubifs?00:43
DocScrutinizer05but arguing it's *allowed* to live there so we won't bother to optify, c'mom that's lame00:43
freemangordonkerio: the binary is 14k00:43
kerioDocScrutinizer05: "it's 14k so i cba to optify it"00:44
kerioDocScrutinizer05: "it's 14k so i literally can't find the strength to operate a keyboard to optify it without seriously pondering about suicide"00:44
DocScrutinizer05it's hard to tell if it causes trouble, so I prefer to not optify, OK'ish00:45
DocScrutinizer05as a general best practice we should assume everything needs optification and we find reasons why in some special cases it's wiser to not optify00:47
kerioeh, sounds fair00:47
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: noone's arguing on that, it is just some of that "special cases"00:48
DocScrutinizer05then OK, not worth any further discussion00:48
freemangordonluf: BTW who calls that lib, obexd?00:48
luffreemangordon: don't call it lib. It's dbus daemon. And yes it's called (using dbus) from obexd to get the call history.00:49
kerioluf: can't you make obexd use something else?00:50
keriolike, without a daemon00:50
freemangordonbecause if a part of BT stack needs it, there is just no way to move it to /opt as IIRC BT is active on the very early stage of the boot process00:50
freemangordonluf: ok, my bad00:50
freemangordon(the lib think :) )00:50
* kerio goes to sleep00:50
lufkerio: obexd is written to use async backend.00:51
freemangordonkerio: no, as it will stay in memory even if not needed00:51
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: aiui it's a dbus service, this starts the daemon on first dbus msg addressed to the service - iirc00:52
luffreemangordon: now it stay in memory too after first call. I think about self exit after several minutes without usage but it should make strange errors so I don't want to do it in 0.1 version :)00:53
DocScrutinizer05until then there's nothing opening the daemon program binary, and nothing eats up space in RAM00:53
freemangordonluf: AIUI if noone calls it it just stays in flash :)00:53
freemangordoni.e if noone uses PBAP (or whatever the fancy name was)00:54
luffreemangordon: you're right.00:54
lufPBAP or IrMC BT profile ...00:54
DocScrutinizer05that's why I suggested it could get optified00:54
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: no, BT is activated very early00:55
freemangordonand devices get reconnected00:55
DocScrutinizer05yes, BT is. But not this service00:55
DocScrutinizer05unless obexd connects before /opt is mounted (hard to believe)00:55
freemangordonwhen I reboot with HF I got nokia tune (the welcome video) sound on TB HF00:55
DocScrutinizer05err, BT00:56
DocScrutinizer05sorry, DBUS is started early00:56
freemangordonbluetooth handsfree00:56
luffreemangordon: but obexd is running under user so I think it starts late enough.00:56
DocScrutinizer05BT is probably not started before /opt mount00:56
luffreemangordon: but it doesn't need obexd.00:56
lufIt's using bluez daemon bluetoothd00:57
freemangordonluf: but imagine you reboot the device while connected to your carcit00:57
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: (nokia tune) good point. OK, I draw back00:57
freemangordonbluez stack will try to reconnect the devices which were active before the reboot00:58
freemangordonand AIUI will call obexd once there is a connection00:58
luffreemangordon: Hmm maybe it fails :) I can test it sometimes.00:58
freemangordonluf: fails? who?00:59
DocScrutinizer05we should set up some tool to trace early boot and see what gets touched so mustn't get optified00:59
luffreemangordon: BT profiles which are provided by obexd00:59
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: /etc/event.d and co are like spaghetti01:00
lufBecause when you kill the obexd it isn't started again. You have to start it manually.01:00
freemangordonluf: dsmetool is your friend01:00
DocScrutinizer05:nod: that's why I said 2trace"01:00
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DocScrutinizer05:nod: to dsmetool too01:01
freemangordonluf: it will take care if something goes south with a process01:01
freemangordonluf: stock obexd does not restart when got killed?01:02
DocScrutinizer05 2641 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/lib/obex/obexd --nodaemon --noplugin=mas --symlinks --root .obex-root --root-setup /usr/bin/obex-root-setup --capability !/usr/bin/gen-obex-capability.sh01:03
luffreemangordon: no. I have to start it manually. It's dbus service and I have no clue what starts it.01:03
lufHi pinochio.01:05
pinochioHi luf01:06
DocScrutinizer05luf: dbus starts it01:06
DocScrutinizer05luf: though I thought dbus should restart it just like it starts it on first time, whenever some msg is addressed TO the service01:07
lufDocS: yes but what calls org.openobex ? :)01:08
DocScrutinizer05dunno, obexd?01:08
lufpinochio: have you add the parameter --debug='*' into the service file?01:08
DocScrutinizer05oooops, I messed up your daemon with the obexd process01:08
lufDocScrutinizer05: :D :D01:09
DocScrutinizer05I guess obexd gets started by upstart01:09
lufDocScrutinizer05: make a bet? :D01:10
DocScrutinizer05nope, since my find been faster than you01:10
pinochioShould I copy and paste the '*' too?01:10
lufpinochio: sure01:11
freemangordonhmm, if it is dbus service, there is just no way to not be started on call01:11
freemangordonluf: seems noone calls it :D01:12
luffreemangordon: to much no in the sentence :D01:12
DocScrutinizer05hmm /usr/bin/obex-root-setup01:12
freemangordonluf: and you're just wasting precious root space :P01:12
freemangordongrepping for obex in /etc gives nothing01:13
luffreemangordon: Good so we can just remove whole packages ...01:13
luffreemangordon: it's started first time something calls dbus org.openobex (/usr/share/dbus-1/services/obexd.service)01:14
freemangordonluf: it will be hard to trace who calls that :(01:14
freemangordoni'll ask google01:14
lufDocScrutinizer05: It just prepare some links for browsing ...01:14
freemangordonin early boot?01:15
DocScrutinizer05as soon as dbus is started?01:15
DocScrutinizer05no problem01:15
freemangordonyeah, something in /etc/event.d depending on dbus should do the job01:16
DocScrutinizer05straight task01:17
freemangordonluf: it is the same service used to send the files?01:17
freemangordon*is it01:17
luffreemangordon: sure it is.01:17
freemangordonhmm, lemme find my BT dongle01:18
lufobexd implements FTP profile ;)01:18
freemangordonhmm, nothing on the system bus when sending a file to ny PC01:20
luffreemangordon: sure.01:21
luffreemangordon: dbus is used to start obexd. Then it register profiles into bluetoothd directly.01:21
lufLet's try to kill obexd and rerun the sending file test ...01:22
freemangordonbut but.. why is dbus used then?01:22
freemangordonluf: ok01:22
luffreemangordon: ask me :D01:22
luffreemangordon: I have no clue. It's the way the original package used ...01:22
DocScrutinizer05I think it will do dbus when starting BT, when pairing devices etc01:23
DocScrutinizer05"ooh, a PC! OOOH it can do obex! let's start obexd"?01:24
DocScrutinizer05but then, WTF is my obexd running on my device right now?01:24
DocScrutinizer05wait, I at least got BT enabled01:24
freemangordonsending complete, no obexd running :)01:25
DocScrutinizer05nope, not even that (thanks to what some user claims is a bug: BT disabled after PR uddate)01:25
luffreemangordon: good next proove we don't need obexd.01:26
freemangordonI cannot browse ftp from my PC01:26
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: could you start dbus-mon, disable BT, re-enable it, connect to your BT dongle?01:27
freemangordonluf: how to start it again?01:27
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: did that, nothing01:27
luffreemangordon: I do it manually.01:27
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: system & session bus?01:27
freemangordonyes, but how?01:27
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: only system01:27
lufcat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/obexd.service01:27
lufall after Exec= ;)01:28
DocScrutinizer05I agree it belongs to system, but does Nokia know that?01:28
luffreemangordon: run it under user not root01:28
DocScrutinizer05LOL, so it actually pretty well might be session bus01:29
freemangordonluf: "usb: Replied with an error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown, The name com.meego.usb_moded was not provided by any .service files"01:29
luffreemangordon: N900 -> PC doesn't use obexd ...01:29
freemangordonthat's in syslog01:29
freemangordonluf: yeah, seems so01:30
lufI know. Nothing interesting.01:30
luffreemangordon: PC -> N900 is using obexd ;)01:30
lufIt's the reason why obexd-client exists01:30
freemangordonok, ok, I was joking about rootfs space :D01:32
DocScrutinizer05I doubt on N900 there'll ever be a service com.meego.*01:32
lufDocS: It's from patch used in obexd-0.18 I think.01:34
freemangordonopen(/home/user/.obex-root/xutils-dev_7.4+4_armel.deb): Permission denied (13)01:34
freemangordon xutils-dev_7.4+4_armel.deb is the file I sent01:34
freemangordonmaybe I should reboot01:35
freemangordonluf: btw what will happen if I try to update the contacts from my PC?01:36
DocScrutinizer05luf: it indicates there's sth fishy01:36
freemangordonthe funny thing is that it asks me for phone model :D01:36
luffreemangordon: sure. Bluez doesn't support the AT command for Manufacturer and phone model ...01:42
lufDocScrutinizer05: I'm wrong.01:42
freemangordonluf: I cannot browse by using FTP01:42
luffreemangordon: what OS do you have?01:42
freemangordonthe problem is with the ppermissions01:43
DocScrutinizer05luf: hm?01:43
luffreemangordon: strange, didn't you started obexd under root?01:43
lufIt works for me (Fedora).01:44
freemangordoni restarted the phone01:44
pinochioI added it, what's now?01:44
DocScrutinizer05pinochio: ??01:44
lufBut if you created /home/user/.obex-root/ as root you can have problem as user.01:44
lufpinochio: restart the phone01:45
freemangordonluf: dr-xr-x---    2 user     users        4096 Dec 14  2011 .obex-root01:45
pinochioI did it01:45
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: LOL01:45
lufpinochio: have you started syslog?01:45
lufpinochio: or is syslog running?01:45
luffreemangordon: It's ok.01:46
pinochiolog: How to start syslog?01:46
lufWhy you want put it directly in ftp root?01:46
lufLet's try under data directory.01:46
freemangordonluf: i can;t see anything in01:46
DocScrutinizer05I don't think anything's supposed to get written iinto ~user/.obexd01:47
DocScrutinizer05I don't think anything's supposed to get written iinto ~user/.obex-root01:47
lufpinochio: you already sent me syslog file So why can't you reproduce it once again?01:47
DocScrutinizer05it just holds symlinks to better places for writing stuff01:47
freemangordoni know01:47
freemangordonbut don;t see them01:47
luffreemangordon: strange01:48
DocScrutinizer05luf: nobody starts syslog01:48
DocScrutinizer05pinochio: syslog gets started on every boot, once yu installed the syslog pkg01:49
DocScrutinizer05pinochio: cat /var/log7syslog01:49
DocScrutinizer05pinochio: cat /var/log/syslog01:49
lufDocScrutinizer05: I do :)01:50
pinochioluf: I did it but there is not much. Just one verse01:50
lufYou should make the connection with GO 950.01:51
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# ls  ~user/.obex-root/01:51
DocScrutinizer05Audio clips  Camera  Data  Documents  Images  Memory card  Video clips01:51
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: same here, just not visible from the PC01:51
DocScrutinizer05you shouldn't try to save files there01:52
freemangordonwell, that is what happens when I try to copy a file from my desktop01:52
DocScrutinizer05sth's fishy01:52
freemangordoncould be my desktop BT stack is buggy01:53
DocScrutinizer05could be the meego obex stack is missing some maemo patches01:53
DocScrutinizer05just handwaving01:54
DocScrutinizer05though: "com.meego..."01:54
freemangordonwell, on the other hand I don;t see anything in logs from obexd when trying to browse01:54
lufDocScrutinizer05: come on ...01:55
DocScrutinizer05luf: just thinking aloud01:56
freemangordonhmm, i re-paired and it is ok now01:56
freemangordonafter all it was my desktop01:56
freemangordonactualy deleted the device and readded it01:56
freemangordononly re-pair didn't work01:57
lufShit I always forgot the basic like re-pair ...01:57
DocScrutinizer05luf: at very least this com.meego... dbus method call is cruft01:57
freemangordonluf: nice job01:57
lufDocS: it comes from 002_pcsuite_io_signal.patch01:57
lufIt's needed for pcsuite ...01:57
DocScrutinizer05then I doubt it will work like this on maemo01:58
lufBut it has some additional signal handling from meego. Who cares?01:58
lufDocS: Have you taken look into the patch?01:58
DocScrutinizer05I'm just telling what I think about freemangordon's syslog entry01:59
freemangordonluf: what will hapen if I try to browse the contacts?01:59
lufLet's try.01:59
luffreemangordon: I have no clue what SW are you using.01:59
freemangordonIVT blusoleil02:00
freemangordonIVT bluesoleil02:00
luffreemangordon: I don't have win for very long time :)02:00
freemangordonok, lets try02:01
lufLet's try to browse the contacs02:01
freemangordonlucky you :)02:01
lufYou can't see call history while you don't have rtcom-eventlogger-async installed.02:01
lufDocScrutinizer05: My fault it seems that the meego staff comes from obexd upstream ;)02:02
luffreemangordon: do you see contacts?02:03
luffreemangordon: can you also try pcsuite?02:03
lufpinochio: are you here around? :)02:04
freemangordonno, it wants me to install some stuff on my device :D02:04
DocScrutinizer05luf: could the cruft codelines just get deleted/commented/ifdef'ed?02:04
freemangordonlets see if i have pcsuite installed02:04
lufDocScrutinizer05: why?02:05
DocScrutinizer05well, at very least because they fill syslog and spam dbus with useless and scary stuff that looks ugly and fishy02:05
freemangordonnor pcsuite neither ovisuite here :D02:05
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: it spits that only on startup02:05
pinochioluf: yes, I send the new log on the forum02:06
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: not a thing to worry about02:06
freemangordonluf: will try to install pcsuite tomorrow and do some tests02:07
lufpinochio: it doesn't use BT profiles like PBAP or IrMC at all :(02:08
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: my basic intention behind such request is: look at the code, understand why it's there and what it's supposed to do, then either fix it since it's needed in maemo too but slightly tweaked, or while you're already at it, comment it out or delete since you understood it's useless02:08
DocScrutinizer05the main purpose is code quality02:08
DocScrutinizer05not some concern about a logline in syslog02:09
lufpinochio: It seems it can't work with N900 right now. I'm sorry.02:09
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: while I agree in general, it is better to have all of the bits working properly before doing a cleanup02:09
lufpinochio: can you try something else?02:09
DocScrutinizer05while I think that's basically the same thing02:09
pinochioluf: I sent a new log02:10
DocScrutinizer05btw nobody ever does code cleanup02:10
DocScrutinizer05once it works, don't touch it ;-P02:10
lufDocScrutinizer05: I can't test it myself as I don't have pcsuite ...02:10
freemangordonluf: I will test it with pcsuite, just not now :)02:11
DocScrutinizer05luf: that's why I thought it's an opportunity you might want to use, to have a look at this particular code segment, since that syslog line indicates there's something that might need review02:12
lufpinochio: still no obexd line in the syslog file.02:12
freemangordonneed to have some sleep, my daughter will be for the first time in school tomorrow02:12
freemangordonnight guys02:12
luffreemangordon: good night.02:12
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: n802:12
luffreemangordon: I was in same situation 14 days ago :D02:13
freemangordonyeah, it will be fun :D02:13
pinochioluf: That's it. I have noticed it.02:13
lufpinochio: have you tried to connect to GO 950 and synchronize the contacts?02:14
pinochioluf: No. I'll try it now.02:16
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pinochioluf: it dissconected me.02:24
lufpinochio: np02:26
pinochioluf: I'm going to sent a log from the TomTom GO 95002:26
lufpinochio: good02:27
lufpinochio: still no obexd ...02:33
lufpinochio: can you try something else?02:33
pinochioluf: i added this =debug '*' and didn't killall obexd before. but the registry is changed in obexd.service02:37
lufpinochio: ps -axf | grep obex02:40
lufpinochio: what does it return?02:41
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lufpinochio: add --debug='*'? into /usr/share/dbus-1/services/obexd.service (Exec=...) then reboot the phone02:44
lufpinochio: then test the GO 95002:44
pinochiof built-in commands.  ~ $ ps -axf | grep obex 1556 user 8720 S /usr/lib/obex/obexd --nodaemon --debug=* --symlinks - 4199 user 2088 S grep obex ~ $02:44
lufpinochio: it's ok. obexd is now verbose to the syslog.02:45
lufLet's try the GO950 once again.02:45
lufpinochio: The next what I'm interested in is: ls /var/lib/bluetooth/02:47
lufpinochio: There should be listed you BT id of your phone02:48
lufpinochio: cat /var/lib/bluetooth/<you BT id in form AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL>/names02:48
lufpinochio: this list all paired devices02:49
lufpinochio: sdptool browse <BT id of your GO 950>02:49
lufthis list all supported BT profiles on GO 95002:50
pinochioAB:7D:39:DC:4F:9E   maemo-callerid-none02:52
lufpinochio: I need only the result of last command.02:53
lufpinochio: cat /var/lib/bluetooth/AB:7D:39:0C:4F:9E/names02:53
lufpinochio: choose you GO950 and run: sdptool browse <BT id of your GO 950>02:53
infobotluf meant: pinochio: choose your GO950 and run: sdptool browse <BT id of your GO 950>02:54
pinochio~ $ ls /var/lib/bluetooth/  AB:7B:39:DC:4F:9E   maemo-callerid-none02:55
lufpinochio: cat /var/lib/bluetooth/AB:7D:39:0C:4F:9E/names02:56
lufpinochio: my mistake02:57
lufpinochio: cat /var/lib/bluetooth/AB:7D:39:DC:4F:9E/names02:57
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lufpinochio: I want to go sleep. here is 2:00 am :)03:06
pinochio~ $ ls /var/lib/bluetooth/ A8:7B:39:DC:4F:9E maemo-callerid-none ~ $ cat /var/lib/bluetooth/AB:7B:39:DC:4F:9E/name cat: can't open '/var/lib/bluetooth/AB:7B:39:DC:4F:9E/name': No such file or directory ~ $ ccat /var/lib/bluetooth/A8:7B:39:DC:4F:9E/names -sh: ccat: not found ~ $03:07
lufpinochio: it seems like you didn't pair N900 with the GO 950. Bye tmorrow.03:12
pinochioYes winscp help mi 1C:4B:D6:0C:CF:C7 xxxx-PC 00:21:3E:A4:DE:3F TomTom GO03:12
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pinochioThere is, WinSCP help me, the path was wrong. /var/lib/bluetooth/A8:7B:39:DC:4F:9E Result 1C:4B:D6:0C:CF:C7 xxxx-PC 00:21:3E:A4:DE:3F TomTom GO03:20
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pinochio  ~ $ sdptool browse 00:21:3E:A4:DE:3F Browsing 00:21:3E:A4:DE:3F ... Service Name: SDP Server Service Description: Bluetooth service discovery server Service Provider: BlueZ Service RecHandle: 0x0 Service Class ID List: "SDP Server" (0x1000) Protocol Descriptor List: "L2CAP" (0x0100) PSM: 1 Version: 0x0001 Language Base Attr List: code_ISO639: 0x656e encoding: 0x6a base_offset: 0x100  Service Name: Public Browse Group Root Servi03:57
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DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# ls -l /var/lib/bluetooth/*/names04:13
DocScrutinizer05-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 649 2012-06-11 17:58 /var/lib/bluetooth/EC:9B:5B:01:E9:F2/names04:13
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# cat /var/lib/bluetooth/*/names|grep Logi04:15
DocScrutinizer0500:1F:20:15:DA:DF Logitech MX Revolution Mouse04:15
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DocScrutinizer05 sdptool browse $(cat /var/lib/bluetooth/*/names|grep Logi|cut -d " " -f 1)04:18
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chem|stvacation over :/11:35
keriogood, so you can do a cssu-S release! :D11:37
chem|stkerio: probably not this week but next (more quarantine doesn't hurt though)11:40
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keriomerlin1991: are you sure you're only grabbing the latest version of packages?12:01
keriowtf, how many packages only have one version? :s12:01
merlin1991kerio: reprepro can only handle 1 version per package, so I'm 100% sure I'm grabbing only the latest versions12:02
kerioi see12:03
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freemangordonis it Pali to add this?12:38
luffreemangordon: may I be in hurry with fixing dependencies due to thumb test release? Or it's too late also?12:45
freemangordonluf: no hurry, it is the same from -thumb as with -testing (if I got your question right)12:45
freemangordonBut I ca easily add the missing dependency to -mp12:46
freemangordonI don;t even need you to change anything12:46
freemangordonluf: bwt I installe it manually, apt-get said 86k will be used, any clue?12:46
merlin1991well it stores all the stuff in /var/lib/dpkg aswell12:51
merlin1991freemangordon: the 2 changes that upstart/system services have:
freemangordonhmm, yes, correct12:52
merlin1991I'm not really sure how this could make the device unbootable12:53
freemangordonmerlin1991: it overwrites /etc/defaut/mount-opts12:54
luffreemangordon: /usr/share/doc ?12:54
merlin1991freemangordon: well because that entry in /etc... is part of the pkg12:55
freemangordonmerlin1991: anyway I think we'll need Pali for that12:55
merlin1991if a user wants to adjust a package controled file he'll have to add a dpkg diversion on it so the new package does not touch "his" file12:55
freemangordonwe'll need console driver enabled on boot12:56
freemangordonto see what breaks12:56
freemangordonany easy way to have it inserted (without manually modifying starup scripts)?12:57
merlin1991though techincally dpkg / apt shuld not overwrite files in /etc if the old one got changed12:57
freemangordonit asks12:57
kerioit asks if you don't use HAM12:58
kerioif you do, it asks and HAM answers "yep"12:59
merlin1991kerio: oddly it does not do that for transistions.ini12:59
freemangordonkerio: read the thread, the guy is using apt-get12:59
keriomerlin1991: it's not about files in /etc, it's about config files vs files in the package13:00
merlin1991yep but files in /etc are *config* files accrodign to apt13:00
merlin1991or dpkg13:01
kerioare you sure it's blindly that? :o13:01
merlin1991just like transistions.ini is a config file because the packaging explecitely states so13:01
kerioi see13:01
freemangordonwell, lets hope the guy manages to enable fb console driver13:09
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DocScrutinizer05chem|st: wb14:08
DocScrutinizer05@all: moo14:09
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: o/14:09
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: like kerio I thought a cssu-s release was pending, but merlin1991 pointed me to S-changelog which shows a release for beginning of this month, so I wonder if we actually _have_ anything for a new release14:11
kerioยต, Doc14:12
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: yes we do14:12
chem|stwe recognized a versioning issue or better said a FAIL in which source was pulled and committed14:13
keriomerlin1991: i can has other light repos14:18
merlin1991nah :D14:19
merlin1991anyway which one would even make sense?14:19
keriojust because14:20
merlin1991would not work14:20
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merlin1991well compare it to the mp the mp is even worse :D14:26
merlin1991see xD14:26
chem|stmerlin1991: you still cannot delete stuff?14:29
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DocScrutinizer05apt-cache show mp-fremantle-community-pr ;-P15:01
DocScrutinizer05now _that's_ madness15:01
merlin1991it's what you get here: ;)15:02
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# apt-cache show mp-fremantle-community-pr|wc -l15:02
merlin1991I'd have to handcraft another tiny packge to allow a cssu-testing-light15:02
DocScrutinizer05apt-cache show mp-fremantle-community-pr|grep Version:15:03
* DocScrutinizer05 feels like "polizeiliches fuehrungzeugnis" - nothing will ever be forgotten15:04
DocScrutinizer05wc -c 25241915:05
merlin1991well at least here you can go there and ask them to remove entires that are smallish issues after like a year15:05
DocScrutinizer05a few more revisions and the pkg description file is larger than the fiasco image ;-P15:06
* DocScrutinizer05 figues dependency db and thinks "poor apt"15:07
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keriomerlin1991: dude, i don't know why but i keep redownloading the Packages file18:35
kerioare you running reprepro every 10 minutes?18:36
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DocScrutinizer05what's with worldclock btw?
DocScrutinizer05supposed to become optional-alternative afaik18:50
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DocScrutinizer05 genfstab.awk ::
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keriohey DocScrutinizer0519:05
keriohave you read this?19:05
DocScrutinizer05fair enough19:10
DocScrutinizer05(minus e*_'s usual biased bitching)19:10
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kerioFeel free to PM me or ping Estel_ @ #mer.19:15
DocScrutinizer05it's amazing how he continues his crusade against CSSU and the way of consens building that he obviously isn't used to or able to participate in a sensible manner. And even more so, since none of the allies he tries to make is really supporting his POV19:17
DocScrutinizer05most funny detail is his constant bitching about mainainer role which in a FOSS project really isn't what he seems to think it is. He's a bit CSSR hierarchy socialized in that regard it seems19:19
DocScrutinizer05FOSS projects usually have no "boss" or even hierarchy in the way he supposes19:20
DocScrutinizer05it's exactly same approach he took with council, with IRC maintenance, with just everything: "who's the boss here, i wanna talk to your boss!"19:22
DocScrutinizer05"the eastern block"19:22
kerioyeah, yeah19:22
kerioi'm young, but i do know a bit of history19:22
DocScrutinizer05once he thought he became "boss of council" he went apeshit19:23
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DocScrutinizer05and if *he* is not boss, there MUST be somebody else - and he's going to talk to that guy and let him know19:24
DocScrutinizer05"WUT? IRC *has no boss*??? IMPOSSIBLE"19:25
kerioof course IRC has a boss19:26
DocScrutinizer05"if there's no boss on that channel, we need to change that!!"19:26
kerioi doubt the ops in #staff care much about maemo, though19:26
DocScrutinizer05that's what I told him several times19:26
DocScrutinizer05he doesn't get it19:27
DocScrutinizer05anyway, have to run19:27
DocScrutinizer05and shouldn't talk about him at all19:27
DocScrutinizer05((<kerio> Feel free to PM me or ping Estel_ @ #mer.)) poor stskeeps19:28
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keriomerlin1991: does your webserver put out caching info for static files?19:38
merlin1991kerio: hm nfc actually19:39
merlin1991but the file was last generated 5 am today19:39
kerioi wonder if it's gzip that borks the dates19:39
keriohmm, it could actually be19:40
keriono, wait, it makes no sense19:41
kerioit would make the file newer, not older19:41
merlin1991hm odd I just tried with apt-get and indeed it keeps redownloading19:42
* merlin1991 digs into lighttpd server config19:42
merlin1991uh oh, lighttpd neither sends last-modified nor expire19:50
keriois the content-type set?19:50
merlin1991application/octet-stream :/19:51
keriook, it's not :)19:51
kerioadd some mime types19:51
kerioPackages -> text/plain, maybe19:52
kerioor, easier, add application/octet-stream as the default mime type19:52
merlin1991hm /etc/mime.types only maps extensions19:56
keriodo you have binary files with no extension?19:57
keriowell tough shit19:58
keriothen your only option is to specify the mime type for every single Packages file19:58
merlin1991and how would I go about that?19:58
kerioi can't remember, it's been a while since i configured lighttpd19:58
kerioeventually i just set the default mime type to text/plain19:59
keriomerlin1991: mind you, setting the default mime type to application/octet-stream would probably also work20:01
merlin1991no lighttpd has a "feature" not to send the last modified for octet-stream20:04
kerioare you sure it's that and not for unset mime types?20:11
merlin1991I swapped the default mime-type to text/plain20:20
* merlin1991 hopes he doesn't have any binary files without extension in the webserver20:21
kerioit's a repository, it shouldn't be touched by human hands20:22
merlin1991kerio: that very same lighttpd runs several vhosts20:22
keriowell, sucks for them20:23
merlin1991but all of them are MINE :/20:23
keriowhy the hell would you have a binary file without an extension?20:23
keriomaybe binaries?20:24
merlin1991fuck this20:25
merlin1991tar.gz is now text/plain20:25
kerioon the plus side, apt-get didn't download new stuff20:26
merlin1991dafuq not even .gz is defined in /etc/mime.types20:26
* merlin1991 headdesks20:27
* merlin1991 added some compression mime-types to the lighttpd config20:33
merlin1991hopefully enough20:33
merlin1991interestingly though .7z is part of /etc/mime.types20:34
kerio.7z isn't a straight compression20:35
merlin1991yeah true .7z is just a container20:36
merlin1991but ie .tgz is part of the list aswell20:42
keriothat argument is stupid, but .tgz is also not just a straight compression20:43
merlin1991isn't .tgz used in place of .tar.gz?20:45
keriobut the extension of foo.tar.gz is just .gz20:50
kerioi dunno lol20:55
DocScrutinizer05mime type: conversation/funny20:58
* DocScrutinizer05 frowns at his T500 not blasting away with max fan speed20:59
DocScrutinizer05it's been one of the worst ideas ever to adopt that silly braindead "extensions" concept from dos/windows world in *nix21:10
* DocScrutinizer05 laughs at >>FILE(1) BSD General Commands Manual <<21:12
DocScrutinizer05halebop:~ # file --version21:13
kerioi've got file-5.0321:13
DocScrutinizer05seems like it's some years already21:13
kerioYou can obtain the original author's latest version by anonymous FTP on in the directory /pub/file/file-X.YZ.tar.gz21:14
kerioThis manual page, and particularly this section, is too long. << listed under BUGS21:15
DocScrutinizer05file-4.26 2008-08-3021:15
DocScrutinizer05me does some extrapolations21:16
* DocScrutinizer05 concludes file-1.0 must have appeared ~197021:16
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kerioplease fix maemo-launcher so that it doesn't fuck up the old maemo-launcher when it launches22:32
kerioyo dawg22:32
freemangordonkerio: what are the new and the old maemo-launchers?22:35
keriolike, if you launch maemo-launcher22:46
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freemangordonkerio: you are supposed to launch maemo-invoker, not maemo-launcher23:01
kerioi know, but mistakenly launching maemo-launcher makes half of your applications unusable23:02
keriounless you keep it running23:02
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freemangordonand you consider that a valid bug? lets fix then mistakenly launching rm -rf / wipes your rootfs. come on23:07
keriofreemangordon: two maemo-launcher instances being able to coexist without complaining is a bug23:08
freemangordonkerio: you are not supposed to start maemo-launcher by hand23:09
keriofreemangordon: and it's not supposed to blindly overwrite the old instance23:09
freemangordonwhy do you think that?23:11
freemangordonit could be made that way by design23:11
keriofreemangordon: ok, then it shoudln't be supposed to blindly overwrite the old instance23:11
freemangordonluf: ping23:30
freemangordonluf: it seems that wooden head has the same problem as mine yesterday, for some reason stupid BT stack on windoze refuses to refresh FTP once there was an error.23:33
freemangordonI managed to put it in that state by trying to browse FTP while obexd was not running :D23:34
freemangordonbut by any means it is not a problem of obexd23:34
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luffreemangordon: pong23:52
freemangordonluf: read the backscroll23:53
lufWho knows. I'll try to put in into the TODO.23:53
freemangordonluf: what?23:53
freemangordonluf: the next few lines after my second bing23:53
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keriodeepy: have you made the backupmenu backup?23:54
deepyIt's the same people isn't it?23:54
lufMaybe there is a problem in bluez or obexd.23:54
keriochem|st: *cssu-s poke*23:54
keriodeepy: does it hang after booting?23:54
luffreemangordon: I don't see you first ping :D23:54
keriowhat is it doing?23:54
deepykerio: I can videotape it for you :)23:54
keriojust describe it23:54
freemangordonluf: makes no sense, as AIUI obexd should at least log something23:54
freemangordonluf: well, my last ping23:55
keriocan you access backupmenu?23:55
deepyI can't remember, give me a sec23:55
keriodoes that work?23:55
freemangordon23:28 <freemangordon> luf: ping23:55
freemangordonafter that23:55
deepyBooting from nand, yadda ytadda23:55
deepyscreen went black23:55
deepywhite dots and of course it boots now23:55
deepyI swear it did this for 10 minutes23:55
deepythe table was vibrating the entire time23:56
keriocan't reproduce, WONTFIX23:56
lufStrange I see only 22:11 and then 22:30 ...23:56
deepyOperating System successfully updated!23:56
keriodeepy: yay!23:56
lufYeah I red it. But I want to trace more (bluetoothd debug + hcidump). Sometimes when I have some spere time :D23:56
freemangordonaah, ok23:57
keriodeepy: hm, try rebooting23:57
keriodeepy: also try not to get your n900 in a situation where it doesn't boot and it can't load backupmenu *and* the battery is depleted23:57
keriothere's an emergency charge mode, but it won't charge the battery enough to flash, only to boot23:57
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freemangordonsorry, I have missed the party, what went wrong with deepy's device?23:58
keriofreemangordon: he claims he had a bootloop after installing cssu-S23:58
deepyAfter stable install, reboot loop for many minutes23:58
freemangordondeepy: which kernel?23:58
keriobut then it worked when launching it from bootmenu23:58
freemangordonWTF is that?23:58
deepykerio: on the third try23:58
keriofreemangordon: the thing with the menu during boot23:58
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keriono, the "keep kbd slider open while booting"23:59
keriothe one you use to launch backupmenu23:59
freemangordonaah, Pali's one23:59
freemangordonkerio: I don't have BM :P23:59
freemangordonI have a developer device ;)23:59
keriodon't be ridiculous23:59
freemangordon(well, second device)23:59
kerioit's incredibly useful, especially for your main phone23:59

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