IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2012-09-11

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* merlin1991 uploads 569Mb of stuff13:49
merlin1991or in other words the -testing update is incoming13:49
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keriofreemangordon: start compiling 280Mb of stuff13:51
merlin1991fsckd changelog14:01
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merlin1991Pali: ping14:26
Palimerlin1991, pong14:26
merlin1991for the osso-wlan eap fix, did we have a bugreport?14:26
PaliI do not know but, patch is correct for me14:26
Palilast param for exec functions must be NULL14:28
merlin1991yeah I trust you, I was only asking because I'm currently writing the changelog and I'd like to reference the bug # if there is one14:28
Paliwhat about operator name widget fixes?14:30
merlin1991I built it from git14:30
merlin1991will be included14:30
Palimerlin1991, do you have permission for extras repository?14:33
merlin1991still not working14:34
merlin1991hm 3rd attempt to upload the qt4 sources, why does my connection have to drop all the time today? WHY?14:51
kerioPali: btw, i still haven't found any reference to mmcblk0p2 in ke-recv14:59
kerioso i think it's something else that enables the mass storage mode15:00
Palikerio, mass storage mode is enabled by script osso-usb-mass-storage-enable.sh15:05
Palike-recv call it for mmc device15:06
Palinow I'm trying to find where is hardcoded mmc device partittion15:06
kerioto be fair i didn't look too much into it, i just grepped the ke-recv source for mmcblk15:07
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Paliseems that ke-recv export all mmc devices when mass storage mode is enabled15:12
Paliand if some partition cannot be umounted then is not exported15:12
Paliso is this enought?15:12
keriowait, no15:12
keriodoes it try to umount the whole of mmcblk1?15:12
Palisee syslog15:14
kerioi don't have it installed D:15:14
Paliso install it15:14
keriowhat do i have to install?15:14
Paliapt-cache search syslog15:15
Palisome ksyslogd or syslogd or similar package15:15
Palishould be15:15
merlin1991mp should arrive soonish15:19
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merlin1991freemangordon: ^^15:24
keriooh god, sysklogd fills /var/log with crap15:24
merlin1991I copied the busybox depends from the pr mp but there's stuff missing15:32
merlin1991arf typo, ofc15:39
DocScrutinizer05kerio: fool, that's what /var/log/ is meant for15:46
DocScrutinizer05and it's not 'crap'15:46
kerioi don't need to log every time i open and close the slide15:46
DocScrutinizer05then learn to config syslog15:47
DocScrutinizer05tbh I don't care what you *think* *you15:47
DocScrutinizer05** neeed15:47
kerioi don't wanna D:15:47
Skryput /var/log to tmpfs and set maximum logsize to something you see appropriate15:47
DocScrutinizer05Skry: no use in suggesting good advice to renitent trolls15:48
kerionah, it's small enough to be reinstallable whenever i actually need to log stuff15:48
DocScrutinizer05actually ver/log/syslog is small enough so I don't care15:49
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o merlin199115:53
*** merlin1991 changes topic to "Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo5.1; (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo4.1"15:54
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DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: unfortunate you didn't allow prior testing of testing15:54
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: I gather copying of repo wasn't that simple15:55
DocScrutinizer05btw why Tmaemo5.1 ?15:55
* DocScrutinizer05 checks changelog to learn about 5.015:56
keriooh typos15:56
merlin1991when rearanging the busybox dependencies I managed to make a fail paste which fsckd 2 dependencies15:56
keriomerlin1991: hmm, was the fix for the extra logging applied?15:56
DocScrutinizer05anyway changelog has no 5.115:56
DocScrutinizer05ohh it has15:56
merlin1991scrolling helps ;)15:57
DocScrutinizer05ok, I'll immediately run a BM and then isntall update15:58
merlin1991also see:
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merlin1991Pali: many thanks for the xterm patches, FINALLY I can set the text colour15:59
lufmerlin1991: curl also fixes the problem with some ciphers15:59
lufThere is also bug for it ...16:00
merlin1991luf: if you find the bugnumber fell free to add that to the changelog16:00
lufSo I can feel free to correct some typo also. Ok.16:01
merlin1991ofc, it's a wiki :)16:01
povbotBug 10233: curl does not support certificates with a SHA-2 signature.16:01
lufAre we able also to close the bug?16:01
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DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: please edit 793 to include more verbose explanation what exactly to do, in which sequence. You know about DAUs ;-)16:12
DocScrutinizer05sth like >>in HAM there will show up (among others): "CSSU-T 5 system update" and "opername-2.0". Either select "opername-2.0" *first* and install it, only *then* install CSSU-T. Or select "update all" option in HAM, which will automatically update opername-2.0 first...<<16:14
DocScrutinizer05(if that's^^^ correct. Otherwise adapt. Consider typeset bold)16:15
PaliI think update all should work16:15
Paliif you did not installed operator name widget, then everything is OK16:16
DocScrutinizer05I think so too, since opername probably is before T16:16
Paliand if you installed it (e.g. via old cssu version) then you cannot update metapackage until you update operator name widget to new version (or you will uninstall it)16:16
Paliand if HAM can solve dependency graph (like apt-get) then all is OK16:17
Palisomebody wihtout cssu-devel/thumb should try what happends16:17
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keriooh so now operator-name-cbs-widget isn't actually in the metapackage anymore?16:21
Palikerio, is transitional package and can be removed16:22
kerioi see16:22
* kerio currently waiting for fmg to give him the go16:23
* kerio will do a BM backup in the meantime16:23
kerio*mean time16:23
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DocScrutinizer05dammit no, cbsms is after maemo-T16:24
DocScrutinizer05when I click "update all"16:24
DocScrutinizer05do I need to update cssu-enabler? I think I kicked it after installation16:27
DocScrutinizer05I don't plan to roll back cssu-t installation16:27
kerioDocScrutinizer05: it used to be uninstallable, not sure if that's changed16:28
Palinew enabler is needed for new HAM16:28
DocScrutinizer05ooh, ok16:29
Palinow gpg keys and cssu repositories are properly installed into maemo system16:29
DocScrutinizer05so let's see how that works on *update*16:29
Paliand new ham rejected on my n900 to install anything from cssu repositories without new enabler16:29
kerioPali: so the new cssu enabler enables the domain change in HAM?16:30
kerioor whatevs16:30
Palicssu repositories have correct domain settings in ham16:30
keriooh, they're installed as "system repositories" now? neat16:31
Palias "trusted"16:31
keriothe ones you can't modify, right? i see16:31
keriodo i have to run community-ssu-enabler again then?16:31
Palipackages from trusted repositories cannot be updated to version from non trusted (by ham)16:32
Palibefore -enabler script hacked ham to ignore it and then installed cssu16:32
Palinow this hack was removed16:32
merlin1991kerio: nope just installing the new version is enough16:32
Palino, you do not need to run -enabler script again16:33
Paliyou only need to update enabler package, nothing more16:33
merlin1991btw DocScrutinizer05 we do have an uninstaller now :)16:33
DocScrutinizer05I know16:33
DocScrutinizer05[2012-09-11 15:27:38] <DocScrutinizer05> I don't plan to roll back cssu-t installation16:33
DocScrutinizer05so will I have to (and be allowed to) uninstall enabler after update, again?16:34
kerioPali: hm, won't this cause duplications in the repo list?16:35
keriothe .install adds a custom repo16:35
merlin1991have to no, allowed to no again16:36
PaliDocScrutinizer05, enabler can be uninstalled if you install cssu16:36
merlin1991*uninstall cssu*16:37
DocScrutinizer05I hope I'm at least allowed to nuke the icon off my desktop and menu16:37
Palikerio, no, duplicites are removed16:37
kerioPali: neat16:37
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: there should be no icon whatsoever16:37
keriois the repo removed when community-ssu-enabler is removed?16:37
DocScrutinizer05then I guess I have completely wrong idea about what's cssu-enabler16:37
Paliit is removed when you uninstall package enabler16:38
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: cssu enabler contains the system files for repo url and gpg keys + the script to bootstrap the initial cssu installation16:38
Palicssu-enabler package which install gpg keys + domains to system and contains script which install or uninstall cssu16:38
DocScrutinizer05and wtf is started via icon click on initial cssu installation then?16:38
merlin1991the script, but if your device is not fsckd you should have no icon16:39
DocScrutinizer05I'm not sure I get it16:39
Paliit install CSSU metapackage16:39
Paliafter installing cssu metapackage postinst will remove icon16:40
Palialso when enabler is updated it check if metapackage is installed and remove icon too16:40
DocScrutinizer05do you say the script started by icon is the enabler script but installing (aka updating) cssu-enabler will *not* create the icon to start it?16:41
Paliit will unpack icon from enabler package16:41
Palibut postinst will delete it16:41
DocScrutinizer05we'll see16:42
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: why don't you try it out before you go on a rant about a possible problem? :D16:42
merlin1991also I did update here and no icon anywhere16:42
PaliI tested it more times and it worked16:43
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: the important part in the enabler postinst:
DocScrutinizer05anyway, seems update went smoothly16:46
DocScrutinizer05and no icon16:46
DocScrutinizer05(at least not obvious so far)16:46
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: "update all" first asked my about confirmation for installing cssu-t update16:48
DocScrutinizer05I concluded it would also try to *install* it first16:49
DocScrutinizer05and aborted to first install opername manually16:49
merlin1991tbh I have nfc how update all  works, thus *should*16:49
merlin1991in theory if it does the dependency check with the other udpates in mind it should run16:49
DocScrutinizer05I had no mood to try what happens once I run into half-installed cssu-t that detects conflicts then. Since you also don't mention what will be the recoil and symptoms of such a conflict16:50
keriohuh... what?16:51
DocScrutinizer05so we leave that for DAUs now16:51
keriowhy is 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo4-thumb16 a greater version than 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo5.116:51
jon_y16 > 5?16:51
jon_yt > T?16:52
keriomerlin1991: that's what apt-cache policy tells me16:52
jon_yascii tables116:52
keriojon_y: try again16:52
freemangordoncould be because it is - not +16:52
jon_yah wait16:52
keriofreemangordon: have you done magic to my apt16:52
jon_y4-thumb16 vs 5.116:53
freemangordonkerio: tpt only? i was thinking it is cast on the whole device :S16:53
DocScrutinizer05straight silly compare was "-">"."?16:54
kerioDocScrutinizer05: it's still 4 vs 516:54
keriobefore that16:54
DocScrutinizer05ooh yeah16:54
freemangordonmerlin1991: is -1Tmaemo5 correct? isn'n +1Tmaemo5 better?16:54
merlin1991hm dpkg --compare-versions 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo4-thumb16 lt 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo5.1 has an exit code of 116:55
merlin1991freemangordon: the -1 is part of the nokia version16:55
merlin1991we'd have to add the + before the T16:55
freemangordonaah, yeah16:55
merlin1991though I need to check how that goes against the current version16:55
DocScrutinizer05honestly you want to update a thumb version to a plain T version?16:55
merlin1991btw adding the + doesn't either16:56
merlin1991fsckd version compare16:56
freemangordontry without .116:56
kerioDocScrutinizer05: there's no reason it shouldn't work :)16:56
merlin1991freemangordon: still fsckd16:56
DocScrutinizer05kerio: sure, the update will work flawlessly16:56
DocScrutinizer05just your system is fscked after that16:57
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: why?16:57
DocScrutinizer05hmm, indeed16:57
freemangordonit will be slower and with less free RAM, but fsckd?16:57
DocScrutinizer05it's just de-thumbified, not fucked16:57
DocScrutinizer05until you get something into -thumb that's *needed* to make those parts work that aren't dethumbified16:58
DocScrutinizer05like enabling of thumb-patch in kernel during init16:58
kerionah, the workaround is enabled by default16:58
keriowhich is weird, but convenient16:59
DocScrutinizer05haha, maybe on your kernel16:59
kerioit's Pali's kernel!16:59
DocScrutinizer05no, it's your kernel16:59
freemangordonkerio: it's Titan's kernel :P16:59
merlin1991anyway kerio just wait for freemangordon todo his update :)16:59
keriohm, i wonder if HAM will prompt the update16:59
freemangordonmerlin1991: we should fix that version bullshit17:00
DocScrutinizer05and no matter if system fscked or just de-thumbified, it's insane to roll back stuff to a basically lesser version17:00
freemangordonmaybe not now, but still17:00
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: :nod:17:01
DocScrutinizer05just to update to the new thumb version a few days later17:01
kerioa few *days*? D:17:01
kerioomg i gotta update17:01
freemangordonkerio: what was that noise then?17:01
kerionah, just kidding17:01
freemangordonyeah, verry funny17:02
DocScrutinizer05he's practicing trolling a lot lately17:02
kerioHAM doesn't prompt the update either, anyway17:02
keriodpkg versions are silly17:02
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: and he's getting better17:02
merlin1991freemangordon: well personally I'd drop the nokia part in our version string, to simplify the whole thing, but I don't know if there aren't some mp-fremantle-* version comparisons in place somewhere17:02
freemangordonmerlin1991: well, we'd better keep what is for -T and invent something new for -thumb17:03
merlin1991use +thumbX instead?17:04
freemangordoninstead what?17:04
merlin1991instead of -thumbX17:04
kerioif you do that, people won't be able to update17:04
keriobecause -thumbX will be greater than +thumbX17:04
merlin1991because the +whatever is compared differently17:04
DocScrutinizer05doesn't it work pretty nice right now, NOT "up"dating -thumb to lesser T version17:04
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: no, the ideas is new -T to be with higher version of latest -thumb17:05
keriothe weird thing is that it works fine with other packages17:05
freemangordonin some critical fix needs to be distributed and I am unable to do it17:05
merlin1991freemangordon: to be more exact 5+whatever is bigger than 5 but never bigger than 6 for dpkg17:05
freemangordons/in/in case/17:05
infobotfreemangordon meant: in case some critical fix needs to be distributed and I am unable to do it17:05
kerioright now, apt is prompting me to update qt and obexd17:05
DocScrutinizer05and no matter if system fscked or just de-thumbified, it's insane to roll back stuff to a basically lesser version17:06
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: the is why I issued a warning ont TMO "do not update to new -testing" :D17:06
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: a -T update would never roll back to a lower version only to a version without thumb17:07
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: that's why all the dependencies in our mp are >=17:07
DocScrutinizer05well, another way to handle that. Probably you want to replace cssu-t repo by cssu-thumb repo17:07
kerioDocScrutinizer05: completely replace? ouch17:07
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: again, we invent that in case I got hit by a bus17:07
keriostill doesn't solve the "critical bugfix" thing, tho17:08
DocScrutinizer05and no matter if system fscked or just de-thumbified, it's insane to roll back stuff to a basically lesser version17:08
kerioDocScrutinizer05: it's not a fucking lesser version if it doesn't have a critical bug17:08
DocScrutinizer05where "lesser" means "not thumbified"17:08
DocScrutinizer05kerio: eh??17:08
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: kerio talks about the case where there is an update for $package in -T which is arm but has some nasty bug fixed17:09
DocScrutinizer05so what?17:09
DocScrutinizer05I'm talking about the 'normal' case17:09
freemangordonhmm, DocScrutinizer05 assumes -thumb an advantage? WTF, I FEEL constrained. wHAT DATE IS TODAY, i NEED THAT MARKED IN RED IN MY CALENDAR :p17:09
freemangordonsorry for the caps17:10
keriofreemangordon: you should've used +thumbY, but you haven't - how are you going to fix this?17:11
keriowhile still maintaining the ability to update from HAM for the non-techy users17:11
DocScrutinizer05I'm just waiting for the release that actually fucks up thumb systems, due to replacing something with a version that doesn't provide some mandatory thumb support or simply is so much bigger in size that it crashes in update on thumb systems17:11
kerioDocScrutinizer05: wat?17:12
DocScrutinizer05ooh, btw, what will settings-aboutCSSU tell? XP17:13
kerioflavour: testing, right now17:13
DocScrutinizer05ooh, for -thumb? *BAD*17:14
kerioit is testing!17:14
DocScrutinizer05no it's not17:14
keriofreemangordon: ooh, other packages have a +cssu or +0cssu i think, so the issue wouldn't come up17:14
kerioit does come up for hildon-desktop, for instance, which has no +foo in the version17:16
kerio1:2.2.142-21.1-thumb1 is greater than 1:2.2.142-2217:16
DocScrutinizer05I'm not going to support dumbass users by telling them "no matter what settings_About-CSSU shows! If you *ever* installed cssu-thumb, I can't help since that's not a proper cssu-t install, it has a lot of different binaries"17:16
keriofreemangordon: this is going to be painful to fix, i'm afraid :c17:16
kerioDocScrutinizer05: Version: 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo4-thumb16; Flavor: Testing17:17
* kerio files a bug for the wrong spelling of "Flavour"17:17
DocScrutinizer05kerio: FUCK YOUr FLAVOUR!17:17
keriofreemangordon: the supposed way to fix all these kinds of version mismatches is to increase the epoch17:18
keriobut you'd have to get merlin1991 to do that for -testing as well :s17:18
kerioDocScrutinizer05: <317:19
merlin1991kerio: actually if the spelling in the widget is wrong it is a valid bug report17:19
kerioDocScrutinizer05: see? :D17:19
DocScrutinizer05no, we won't mess with testing to accomodate -thumb requirements17:19
DocScrutinizer05kerio: stop trolling17:19
DocScrutinizer05you're extremely antagonizing17:20
merlin1991also kerio the spelling is right17:20
kerionot in en_GB :)17:21
DocScrutinizer05I thought thumb repo got invented to decouple from trsting repo17:21
DocScrutinizer05kerio: stop trolling17:21
kerioDocScrutinizer05: no, -thumb is supposed to match -testing17:21
DocScrutinizer05what a BS statement is that?17:21
kerioit's supposed to be functionally equivalent to cssu-testing17:22
DocScrutinizer05so what?17:22
DocScrutinizer05~dict decouple17:22
infobotDictionary 'decouple' (4): regard as unconnected; "you must dissociate these two events!"; "decouple our foreign policy from ideology"   ;; reduce or eliminate the coupling of (one circuit or part to another) ;; eliminate airborne shock waves from (an explosive) ;; disconnect or separate; "uncouple the hounds"  .17:22
keriothey're very connected, though17:22
DocScrutinizer05they are alternative17:23
DocScrutinizer05not complementary17:23
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: -thumb is supposed to follow -testing17:24
DocScrutinizer05you *can't* hope to pick _some_ essential bugfix updates from cssu-t repo while keeping other stuff on -thumb "level", whenever a new CSSU-T rolls out17:25
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: yes, you can17:25
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: exactly, so why do you need cssu-t repo then? yeah the bus, BS17:25
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: also, not everything is recompiled afaik17:25
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: because development happens in -T17:26
freemangordonkerio: exactly17:26
DocScrutinizer05that's your probelm then, increase epoch of your -thumb stuff to avoid downgrading to cssu-t on new rev17:26
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: but that is intended behaviour17:27
freemangordonit is not done by mistake17:27
keriofreemangordon: otoh, the weird versioning thing is a mistake :c17:27
DocScrutinizer05shall I post it *again*??17:27
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: no need17:27
freemangordonkerio: yes, but we will fix that somehow17:28
DocScrutinizer05oh well, I simply don't care about that  -thumb stuff, too weird17:28
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: but your reasoning is not necessarily valid for everyone17:28
DocScrutinizer05no concept how to maintain17:28
DocScrutinizer05so do whatever you like, on -thumb17:29
kerionow look who's antagonizing17:29
freemangordonand that is why newer -T is supposed to have bigger version when out. because I am not the best debian maintainer around and could easily screw something17:30
DocScrutinizer05just please save me from comments like "Then we need to increase epoch on all stuff in -testing" or similar nonsense17:30
kerioDocScrutinizer05: no, i said that you'd have to do that to use the standard fix for this kind of thing17:31
freemangordonwhen did I say that?17:31
DocScrutinizer05kerio did17:31
kerionotice the... conditional tense?17:31
kerioconditional form?17:31
freemangordonbut kerio can do nothing in -thumb, i miss your point17:31
DocScrutinizer05stfu kerio17:31
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: calm down, ok?17:32
DocScrutinizer05my point? we just updated testing and are discussing -thumb since 1h now17:32
DocScrutinizer05no feedback whatsoever about testing update form any of you17:32
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I wouldn't update my primary device while at work17:33
kerioi only have one n900 :c17:33
DocScrutinizer05so you got my point now?17:33
DocScrutinizer05if not I don't mind either17:33
DocScrutinizer05cya peeps17:33
kerioDocScrutinizer05: oh i'm sorry, i didn't know me and freemangordon were the only ones in here who can test the new -T release17:35
DocScrutinizer05I'm temped to kick you for continued trolling despite warnings17:35
* Lava_Croft whistles a familiar tune17:36
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: kicking everyone out of the channel wouldn't make CSSU better or more tested. Though it is your right being the chanop17:36
Lava_Croftfreemangordon recognized the tune!17:36
Lava_Croftand fast too!17:36
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: you try to join kerio's trollig efforts? That will still not cause me kicking *everybody*17:37
* freemangordon kicks himself on his way home, bbl17:37
Lava_Croftone day DocScrutinizer05 is all about how we should be friendly since we all like hacking our lovely n90017:38
Lava_Croftthe next day he is all about kicking folks17:38
DocScrutinizer05I didn't know kerio was "folks"17:39
Lava_Croftyou already basically mentioned two17:39
DocScrutinizer05check your definition of "basically"17:39
Lava_Croftbut im smart enough to know that having any kind of discussion with you when you are in this mood is fruitless17:39
Lava_Crofttake a hike, get some fresh air17:39
Lava_Croftit will do you good!17:39
Lava_Croft(unless you live in some big city with shit air quality)17:40
DocScrutinizer05I tried that when kerio thought he needs to highlight me17:40
DocScrutinizer05with further trolling nonsense17:40
Lava_Croftignore hilights for a while17:40
Lava_Croftand dont make em beep17:40
Lava_Croftanyhow, you get the point17:41
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Lava_Croftand im fairly certain kerio got it:)17:41
kerioyeah, i'll just shut up when ops with PMS are around17:41
* Lava_Croft sighs17:41
Lava_Croftsilly child17:41
Lava_CroftI basically defended you for a little bit, but you waste no time in proving me wrong17:42
Lava_CroftI should have known better17:42
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Paliplease test patched ke-recv which adds support for configuring usbnetwork (by default all disabled)18:26
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merlin1991Pali: you need one more thing taken care of in the script18:45
merlin1991dnsmasq shouldn't give a gateway ip if nat is disabled18:46
kerioPali: put it in -devel18:58
PaliI do not want to start qemu18:58
Paliscripts was not tested yet18:58
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DocScrutinizer05Pali: >>/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING ! -o lo -j MASQUERADE<< ??  "!" really? not "1"?19:13
DocScrutinizer05Pali:  -D, --delete chain rulenum19:13
DocScrutinizer05Pali: I'm no expert, but looks like a typo19:14
Palicorrect is also: -D chain rule-specification19:15
DocScrutinizer05ooh I see19:15
DocScrutinizer05should've finished manpage all way down first :-)19:15
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DocScrutinizer05[!] -o, --out-interface name19:16
Palimaybe we can limit masquerading only for usb019:16
Palibut we can use usbnetwork for 1) connect N900 to PC with NAT or 2) connect PC to N90019:18
Palialso more iptables rules for security should be added19:18
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Palibut n900 has disabled iptables, so is without firewall by default...19:19
Paliso additional rules depends on users...19:19
keriois there no kernel support or it's just the userland missing?19:19
Palikerio, missing iptables package (is only in extras) and I do not know if iptables is enabled in default kernel19:20
Palikernel-power has it included19:20
PaliDocScrutinizer05, I pushed package iptables-persistent from ubuntu which run iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/<some_file> if exists19:21
Paliso confguration is now possible with one config file19:21
Pali(or two for ipv6)19:21
DocScrutinizer05no iptables in stock kernel afaik19:22
kerioi think it's probably one of the things worth including if CSSU eventually decides to do a kernel update19:22
DocScrutinizer05sidenote: if [ $? != 0 ]; then ##  better use [$? -ne 0] since it's basically numeric, but I see it's already like that in original script19:22
DocScrutinizer05another sidenote:  if [ "$USBNETWORK_DNSMASQ" = "1" ]; then ### better use a function call, like >> if config-set USBNETWORK_DNSMASQ; then <<19:25
DocScrutinizer05config-set(){ if [ "$1" = "1" -o "$1" = "true" -o "$1" = "yes" -o "$1" = "y"]; then return 0; fi; return 1}19:29
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keriowhy does community-testing hold so many past versions of packages?20:19
keriosame goes for the extras repos20:19
amiconnHmm, new cssu-t20:23
* amiconn wonders whether it has the fix for this %$&/§"% operator name widget20:24
amiconnHmm, no offline mode + reboot?20:27
amiconnIs this expected?20:28
kerioamiconn: the new operator name widget worksforme20:34
kerioand i had problems with the older version20:34
amiconnThe old version had a fairly big bug. Unfortunately I can't even verify right now - the bug only hit me when roaming20:36
kerioyep, same bug i was affected by20:36
Paliroaming is fixed20:36
kerioit's kinda easy for me though, i have to go roaming when in 2g20:36
PaliI fixed problem when operator name was empty and when not changed in roaming20:37
Palialso added handler for dbus signal "operator changed"20:37
kerioPali: there's a weird log line that's not disabled, which makes me a sad panda :(20:39
kerioPali: "service provider name match"20:39
Paliwhere is written?20:40
Paliok, I see20:41
Palikerio, fixed:
DocScrutinizer05damn, sure we already fixed that, and kerio should know damn well21:26
kerioi always said it wasn't fixed yet!21:26
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: yes, fixed opername applet in new CSSU, see changelog!21:27
DocScrutinizer05kerio: you've actually been asked to test the fix iirc21:28
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: reboot happened here, please see
kerioDocScrutinizer05: i don't have a working toolchain, i'd need binaries to do that21:29
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amiconnHmm, "About CSSU" still says Tmaemo4.1, even after manual reboot21:36
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: you're supposed to install opername applet first, then both cssu-t and cssu enabler21:37
DocScrutinizer05in HAM21:37
amiconnham offered both opername applet and cssu enabler, I chose "update all" as usual21:37
merlin1991cssu-t is enough it will pull in the enabler update aswell21:37
merlin1991amiconn: ham is stupid, do hte opername applet first :D21:38
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: thanks for confirming it doesn't work21:38
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: please again edit #79321:38
amiconnNow there are "no updates available"21:39
DocScrutinizer05since everybody would just pick "update all"21:39
amiconnWhy are dependencies on maemo f**ed up like that?21:39
DocScrutinizer05Nokia invented mega-MP21:40
gregoathe dependencies are fine, it seems that HAM is silly21:40
keriothat's an understatement :)21:40
DocScrutinizer05no, actually dependencies are lazy/sloppy21:40
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: edited21:40
merlin1991amiconn: because ham uses apt worker and udate all is just a nice way to say do those all in single steps21:41
DocScrutinizer05Nokia decided to just go "screwit, it's all in MP anyway, so why get *real* dependencies right?"21:41
merlin1991which will fail if the cssu update goes first21:41
gregoawell, "aptitude dist-upgrade" did what I expected it to do (i.e. remove the opername package all by itself. in one run.)21:41
* amiconn does not understand why Nokia tried to reinvent the wheel (but made it worse) instead of just relying on apt and one of the numerous existing front-ends (maybe with a custom touch ui)21:44
keriobecause fukken Elop21:44
kerioor something like that21:44
amiconnThat was way before Elop21:44
kerioi know :)21:44
kerioproper dependencies are actually kinda hard to maintain21:44
kerioand i think they wanted to control the updates released to the users21:45
kerionokia phones are upgraded in bulk21:45
gregoaapt worker updating packages one by one is a different question than dependencies21:45
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wmaronenumerous existing front-ends?21:47
keriowmarone: synaptic21:47
DocScrutinizer05btw prepare for shitstorm, as most users simply will click "update all2 nevertheless, when they get notification [!]21:47
wmaronekerio: OH ok, I thought you meant GUI21:47
wmaroneas in the entire UI, not package manager21:48
kerioDocScrutinizer05: well, it upgrades fine if you do "Update all" twice, doesn't it?21:48
amiconnkerio: Nope, at least not here21:48
keriomeh, at least it's testing and not stable21:48
DocScrutinizer05meh, at least meh21:49
* DocScrutinizer05 prepares for nightshift21:49
RST38hNightshift where21:49
DocScrutinizer05and on friggin tmo21:52
amiconnWhy is this ham thing so darn slow?21:52
kerioamiconn: because fukken Elop, or something like that :P21:52
DocScrutinizer05because it's building dependencies21:52
DocScrutinizer05something other fap apps don't21:52
amiconnapt-get dist-upgrade would be faster, wouldn't it?21:52
kerioamiconn: eeh, never properly worked for me21:53
kerio(on maemo)21:53
RST38hYou are still trolling tmo?21:53
DocScrutinizer05the question is: why does it still fsck up when there's a conflict that can get solved by simply installing in right sequence?21:53
amiconnNot necessarily on maemo, but on debian with similarly specced hardware21:53
kerioamiconn: it's not a matter of hardware :)21:53
kerioand yeah, apt-get is much faster21:53
amiconnSeems it's finally  upgrading cssu properly21:54
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: apt-get dist-upgrade is *DEPRECATED*21:54
DocScrutinizer05known to fuck up system21:54
amiconn[20:53:39] <amiconn> Not necessarily on maemo, but on debian with similarly specced hardware21:54
kerioactually i think it's kinda deprecated on debian too21:54
kerioyou're supposed to use aptitude for big updates that apt-get can't get through21:55
kerio(or apt-get install manually)21:55
gregoadebian changed recommendations from apt-get to aptitude and back to apt-get, because at different points in time one or the other was slightly more intellignet21:55
amiconnFor Debian 5.0 -> 6.0 they *recommend* using apt-get instead of aptitude21:55
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DocScrutinizer05on maemo all intelligence is doomed to fail21:56
DocScrutinizer05thanks Nokia and their inventions21:56
keriobecause of the bigass metapackage?21:56
amiconnNot entirely automatic dist-upgrade though, but several steps. First a plain 'upgrade', then install current kernel+udev, reboot, and only then a dist-upgrade21:56
merlin1991hm I did dist-upgrade from 5 to 621:57
merlin1991worked fine21:57
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: what was the pkg name of hte fsckd ovi sms msg shit?21:57
DocScrutinizer05fine! did you also evaluate it?21:57
* amiconn usually follows their upgrade instructions21:57
DocScrutinizer05OOOONOES infobot ;-(21:57
Palifedora will have offline updates :D21:58
Palithanks lennart!21:58
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* amiconn wonders why ham temporarily forgot all its catalogs21:59
amiconnRestarting ham fixed that21:59
* kerio looks at amiconn21:59
Paliwhere is infobot?21:59
kerioamiconn: is this really the first time you used HAM?21:59
merlin1991Pali: I tried you u-boot the other day and whilst it worked fine to boot the nemo image on my sd card, the attached kernel didn't boot maemo anymore22:00
merlin1991afaik it should have the p1.3 kernel attached?22:00
Paliu-boot-flasher has attached pr1.3 kernel22:00
amiconnAh, and the usual bt-disabled-after-cssu-update :\22:00
* DocScrutinizer05 dances a jig for his new magic revive powers22:00
merlin1991Pali: any idea why it would refuse to boot maemo then?22:00
Palino idea, I did not have any problems...22:01
Palimerlin1991, try to use framebuffer kernel22:01
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DocScrutinizer05infobot: wb22:01
merlin1991Pali: does the pkg with the various kernels contain that?22:01
PaliI think yes22:02
Paliit is only tar.gz22:02
merlin1991anything I can look for especially?22:02
Palitry boot framebuffer kernel and see where it failing...22:03
* DocScrutinizer05 blames modules22:05
merlin1991first I need to find my sd card :D so I know which device I tried it on :D22:05
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: it is a stock kernel on a device with only stock kernel modules22:05
DocScrutinizer05strange then22:05
merlin1991now where was that u-boot thread again D:22:06
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: we *might* have postponed cssu-t update by 24h or more, to allow all users to update opername first22:12
DocScrutinizer05now I think we should have a story at hand about how to recover22:12
merlin1991Pali: it fails to mount the root fs cannot open "ubi0:rootfs erorr -1922:13
PaliI need more messages22:13
merlin1991how can I keep it from shutting down so fast after the kernel panic?22:13
DocScrutinizer05>>ovi sms msg shit?<< notmynokia22:13
Palimerlin1991, enable R&D mode + disable watchdogs22:14
Palimerlin1991, I think somebody already wrote problem that rootfs cannot be mounted22:14
infobotsomebody said jrtools was
DocScrutinizer05^f cherry22:15
merlin1991Pali: what is the disable watchdog argument for flasher?22:15
Pali$ flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-omap-wd22:15
DocScrutinizer05flasher --set-rd-flags22:16
DocScrutinizer05will show a list22:16
Palimerlin1991, can you upload your parsed /proc/atags (booted without u-boot)22:16
DocScrutinizer05no-omap-wd  no-ext-wd no-lifeguard-reset22:16
merlin1991I'll get them together with the framebuffer msgs22:17
DocScrutinizer05omap-wd is hw-wd on omap, ext-wd is on GAIA, lifeguard is basically dsme, aiui22:17
Paliyes, correct22:18
merlin1991is it a comma seperated list?22:18
DocScrutinizer05or maybe not even GAIA but bb5?22:18
DocScrutinizer05yep, afaik22:18
PaliDocScrutinizer05, in kernel are only: CONFIG_OMAP_WATCHDOG=m CONFIG_TWL4030_WATCHDOG=m22:19
DocScrutinizer05at least I recently noticed the bb5 can reset omap and  of course omap can reset bb522:19
DocScrutinizer05I guess you can't disable bb5 wd22:20
DocScrutinizer05just shut down cmt completely22:20
DocScrutinizer05or maybe it's not even used in fremantle22:21
merlin1991Pali: I guess I could test on my other devices aswell to see if it is a hw specific thing22:21
Palimerlin1991, ok22:21
Palimerlin1991, also provide atags, see thread:
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: amiconn: what's the proper recovery path from updating cssu-t5 first conflicts?22:23
amiconnIt seems that one just needs to update again. This didn't work for me first time because of ham hiccup22:24
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: install oper name, do update22:25
Paliand then remove operator name22:25
DocScrutinizer05[2012-09-11 20:39:02] <amiconn> Now there are "no updates available"22:25
PaliHAM will show update after 2-3 minutes after clicking on button22:25
DocScrutinizer05[2012-09-11 20:48:27] <kerio> DocScrutinizer05: well, it upgrades fine if you do "Update all" twice, doesn't it?  [2012-09-11 20:48:38] <amiconn> kerio: Nope, at least not here22:26
amiconn[20:59:10] -*- amiconn wonders why ham temporarily forgot all its catalogs22:26
amiconn[20:59:22] <amiconn> Restarting ham fixed that22:26
merlin1991amiconn: when apt-worker is still busy when you hit the catalouges button then you get an emtpy list after a timeout22:27
Paliproblem is that after each operation ham will parse all package lists and this take a lot of time22:27
DocScrutinizer05ok, so the recommendation is: quit ham, start ham, do update opername, quit ham, start ham, do cssu-t update22:27
Palisecond problem is with apt-worker22:27
merlin1991just run xterm in the background with top, when you see that apt-worker isn't hogging the cpu anymore you should be able to get the list22:27
Paliif apt worked crash or fail, HAM stop working...22:27
merlin1991fsckd battery for the rtc22:28
Paliif apt-worker freeze then HAM not working after starting again too22:28
DocScrutinizer05ok, so the recommendation is: quit ham, wait 5 min, start ham, do update opername, quit ham, wait 5 min, start ham, do cssu-t update22:28
Paliit is possible to charge rtc battery?22:28
merlin1991I really need a set of those batteries, I'm getting tired of setting the time over and over again22:28
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: the wait 5 min is after start ham22:28
Palimerlin1991, use operator time22:28
merlin1991Pali: operator does not provide time :/22:29
merlin1991and ntp needs at least some kind of proper date in order to work22:29
Paliuse gps for time :D22:29
merlin1991i have nothing installed that does that22:29
DocScrutinizer05a-gps needs time to work22:29
merlin1991though it would be the next best option22:29
PaliDocScrutinizer05, how agps working?22:30
DocScrutinizer05+-10min maybe22:30
Paliit is only SW solution?22:30
keriomerlin1991: find a way to install ntpdate22:30
Palior needs also some HW?22:30
DocScrutinizer05basically yes22:30
merlin1991Pali: do you need just a cat /proc/atags or do I need to run your funky binary?22:30
merlin1991kerio: like I said, ntp needs at least some sort of right date22:30
Palimerlin1991, /proc/atags is binary22:30
keriothat's why i said ntpdate22:30
Paliso if you can send me unmodified binary, it is ok22:30
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: ntp has an option to override the "less than a hour" restriction22:31
DocScrutinizer05and also ntpd now is the official replacement for ntpdate22:31
Pali$ cat file | xxd22:32
Pali$ uuencode -m file file22:32
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: I'm using rdate (which talks ntp) but when your own date is wayyyy too wrong then it fails when calculating the timing difference to the ntp server22:32
DocScrutinizer05xxd: no binary22:32
Palior something else...22:32
kerioDocScrutinizer05: i thought that the option that made ntpd work like ntpdate wasn't in maemo ntpd22:32
merlin1991Pali: I still have the atags binary around22:33
PaliDocScrutinizer05, xxd is used by vim22:33
Paliconvert current file to binary22:33
Pali:%!xxd -r22:33
Paliconvert current hexdump back22:33
Palimerlin1991, or check if atags are still same as your reported:
Paliand which is problematic22:36
Palimerlin1991, can you try to boot rescue os via u-boot and copy atags from rescue os?22:36
merlin1991Pali: atags are still the same, they only differ in BOOTREASON (pwr key vs sw reset)22:37
PaliI will write bootmenu item for rescue os22:37
merlin1991my errors are here:
DocScrutinizer05inde3ed friggin opennntpd doesn't know -g22:38
DocScrutinizer05I'm pretty sure I got ntpdate on T900, wonder where from22:39
Palimerlin1991, here is rescue os item file for u-boot:
Palirescue os not using ubifs rootfs, so it should boot22:43
merlin1991Pali: where should I drop the rescuefs files?22:43
Paliinternal or external mmc22:43
Palimydocs is ok22:43
merlin1991the other n900 booted fine with u-boot22:44
Palijust update file names, filesystem and mmc partittion in config file22:44
Paliwhich HW rev is OK and which incorrect?22:44
DocScrutinizer05dman, tmo users are not thanks-happy on [Announce] CSSU Testing thread22:46
merlin19912101 is ok22:46
DocScrutinizer05ooooh, hv-rev incompatibilities? :-)22:46
DocScrutinizer05prolly due to different nand types on different hw-revs22:47
merlin1991arf now my n900 is silly22:49
merlin19912104 fails22:50
keriomerlin1991: oh noes D:22:50
* kerio has a 210422:50
merlin1991hm I also have a revision 2204 device here, I'll try how that one does22:51
merlin1991ewww I'll have to reflash this one beforehand22:53
Paliseems that your error is same as somebody reported22:58
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kerioPali: regarding different hw revs? or regarding 2104?23:02
Palisomebody reported same problem as merlin23:02
merlin1991Pali: where on Mydocs do I have to drop the kernel image, inside bootmenu.img.d?23:05
Palimerlin1991, drop it where you want23:07
Palijust adjust path in config file23:07
Paliin config file must be full path without leading '/'23:07
merlin1991err the question is does it assume the bootmenu.img.d path by default or not?23:07
Palido not use this bootmenu.img.d23:08
merlin1991what is it? :D23:08
Palithis is for autogenerated files23:08
merlin1991and why does it contain the stock and the fb kernel, and how the fuck do their item files work then?23:08
Paliand I forgot that you need to generate uimage and uinitrd from rescue os files23:09
merlin1991... how?23:09
Paliu-boot can load only signed images with its types23:09
Palimerlin1991, or better, drop these files in /boot/23:09
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Paliand remove FSTYPE and MMC drive lines23:09
Paliu-boot-update-bootmenu will then sign it23:10
Paliand generate files to bootmenu.img.d23:10
Palipost on TMO was edited23:11
Paliu-boot binary which is flashed to nand contains u-boot binary and attached pr1.3 kernel23:12
Paliso nolo load both to RAM and start first image (u-boot). u-boot then find kernel and can boot it23:13
DocScrutinizer05no real news23:13
Palithen uboot load script file bootmenu.cmd from MyDocs and execute it (if exists)23:13
Palithis script is generated by u-boot-update-bootmenu and contains additional entries for other kernels/OSs23:14
Paliu-boot-update-bootmenu will parse config files and if ITEM_DEVICE is not specified it copy file from /boot to MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d and sign it23:15
merlin1991hm how do I get the atags out of there?23:15
Paliin rescue os you can enable usb networking23:15
Paliand login via telnet23:16
Palialso you can mount MyDocs23:16
Palicat /proc/atags > ... mydocs...23:16
merlin1991no I can't same error as when I boot pr kernel from u-boot23:16
Paliand via usb mass storage you can copy file out23:16
DocScrutinizer05dafaq, /me needs some breakfast23:17
DocScrutinizer05*before* nightshift23:17
Palimerlin1991, is rescue os working from u-boot?23:17
merlin1991yes it booted23:17
merlin1991hm I have usb networking up, but no ssh server?23:18
keriomerlin1991: why are you doing this in rescue-os?23:19
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Palibecause if atags are fsck then only rescue os can show it23:19
kerioi see23:19
Palibecause in atags are stored mtd layout (for maemo)23:19
Palibut upstream kernel has hardcoded mtd layout23:19
Paliand does not depends on atags23:19
Paliok, now I'm going offline23:20
keriowhere are the atags written?23:20
kerioaww :(23:20
merlin1991hm I can telent in but nothing happens when I type on the telnet console23:20
keriono, i mean23:20
keriowhere does the kernel get those?23:20
Palifrom RAM23:20
kerioi see23:20
Palibootloader will store atags to RAM to well known address23:21
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DocScrutinizer05damn, how can pali vanish the very 30s you need him?23:23
kerioDocScrutinizer05: haha23:23
kerioalso no, it's a bb-p problem23:23
DocScrutinizer05isn't bb-p the latest hottest shit around?23:24
keriothe only issue is updating bb-p itself23:24
kerionot sure why it's related to cssu, that one23:24
DocScrutinizer05toldya don't mess with system shell23:24
keriounless that dude also upgraded busybox-power at teh same time23:25
kerioDocScrutinizer05: if i told you that with a proper replacement for the busybox package there would be no such problem, would you tell me to stop trolling?23:25
kerioright now the packaging for bb-p is a kludge23:25
DocScrutinizer05I'd tell you "read chanlog, it's exactly what I suggested for a clean solution of this mess"23:26
DocScrutinizer05ooh, actually not23:26
DocScrutinizer05since the "proper replacement" actually is an independent installation of bb-p on /opt23:27
lufkerio: stop trolling :D :D23:27
kerioi meant a conflicts+provides for "busybox", but yeah23:27
DocScrutinizer05the problem now is that bb-p actually replaces bb23:28
DocScrutinizer05without any sane rationale why we can't do better23:28
keriothe problem is that it doesn't actually replace it, but it uses preinst/postinst scripts to kludge itself in23:29
DocScrutinizer05so cssu-t bb update obviously is prone to run into trouble23:29
kerioand it also does a weird thing with the symlinks to the busybox functions23:29
keriobb-p provides stuff like bzip223:29
keriobut it doesn't actually make the link if you have it installed already23:30
kerioi have no fscking idea of what happens if you install bzip2 *after* busybox-power23:30
merlin1991kerio: nothing special, the bzip2 binary replaces the bb-power symlink23:31
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: we had a discussion with the bb-power maintainer about this some time ago23:31
merlin1991users of bb-power have to reinstall bb-power in order to get it back23:31
merlin1991but there is no way we can go around this due to the hacky postinst replacing of busybox bb-power does23:31
keriomerlin1991: actually, a dpkg diversion with an exception for the busybox-power package itself would work much better23:32
DocScrutinizer05yep, but we got new problems23:32
kerioit wouldn't help for the extra symlinks though23:32
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DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: we honestly should go for some 5 betatesters, from a non-public repo, before rolling out new cssu releases23:40
DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't know which potential betatester would've noticed the bb-p problem, but generally it's for sure worth the 30min additional effort on your side23:41
kerioDocScrutinizer05: honestly i still can't figure out why he had that problem23:42
DocScrutinizer05and we could've simply rolled out opername today and postponed cssu-t for 48h23:42
DocScrutinizer05kerio: I guess new cssu.enabler's uninstall function tried to detect (and actually detected) modified files (here: for bb-p) and tried to do some diff to allow rollback/unnstall23:43
amiconn...which would not have helped when post-poning updates due to limited internet access23:43
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: sure23:44
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: your guess is bs23:44
DocScrutinizer05ok, granted23:44
DocScrutinizer05been wild handwaving23:44
kerioDocScrutinizer05: it could've been the ke-recv update, actually23:44
* amiconn usually never updates when travelling, with two main reasons23:44
merlin1991the facts are: we updated the pkg busybox which contains /bin/busybox, so dpkg removed /bin/busybox (which at this time actually is the bb-power binary) and replaced it with our slightly patched binary23:45
amiconn(1) No PC available, should a recovery become available. (2) Volume cap on mobile data23:45
merlin1991thus all the symlinks which point to "applets" inside bb-power don't work anymore because there is a reduced busybox now in place23:45
amiconnHmm, no infobot...23:46
keriomerlin1991: not pager or diff though23:46
DocScrutinizer05damn, diff symlink should be standard bb23:46
kerioDocScrutinizer05: was that guy even using HAM?23:46
merlin1991standard bb does not have diff23:46
DocScrutinizer05~pet amiconn23:46
* infobot reaches over and pets amiconn on the head, saying "There, there! It'll all be ok!"23:46
keriomerlin1991: wat23:47
keriohow the fuck can it be a UNIX system without diff23:47
amiconneh? infobot being lazy then?23:47
merlin1991kerio: in case you do have "diff" avaiable you should check where it actually comes from23:47
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: \23:47
merlin1991kerio: we're missing patch aswell23:47
kerioPackage diff is a virtual package provided by: busybox23:47
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: infobot doesn't do regex23:48
kerioi don't even23:48
amiconnHmm, but there used to be a bot doing that...23:48
merlin1991kerio:  so what? if you have extras enabled you'll always get that, even if you still have stock bb installed23:48
kerio...i don't even23:48
keriois there no diff in the sdk tools repo? :c23:48
merlin1991hm funky busybox does have diff in the provides list23:49
keriomeh, nvm, it would uninstall busybox23:49
DocScrutinizer05amiconn: and even if it did, you "matched for .  while you wrote ,23:49
kerioanyway yeah, diff comes from bb-p23:49
kerioso... i dunno lol23:49
merlin1991I guess we should fix that, since busybox does not provide diff at all23:49
* merlin1991 just checked on a device with stock pr 1.323:49
DocScrutinizer05so, I dunno who the fuck is using diff then23:49
kerioDocScrutinizer05: apt23:49
DocScrutinizer05so why didn't we see similar crap since PR1.0?23:51
kerioDocScrutinizer05: that dude was using apt23:52
DocScrutinizer05either diff been in bb-basic since all times (or provided as separate binary by Nokia-MP), or it never got used by apt before23:52
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: never used23:52
kerioit doesn't *use* it, unless you ask for it when there's a conflicting configuration file23:52
merlin1991it is not part of stock busybox23:52
DocScrutinizer05weird shit23:53
kerioDocScrutinizer05: ok, so it appears that it's not a busybox-power problem23:53
gregoasince when and why would apt use diff?23:53
keriogregoa: it doesn't use diff internally23:53
gregoaah, conffile handling. well that's dpkg and not apt :)23:53
kerio"this configuration file was changed, and there's an update, y to install the new one, n to keep the old, d to show a diff"23:53
DocScrutinizer05I just can't figure nobody used that option when he ran into conflicts so far23:54
merlin1991hm neither apt nor dpkg depend on diff23:54
merlin1991(according to the dpkg database)23:54
gregoaor they have diffutils-gnu installed (and $PATH adjusted)23:54
DocScrutinizer05failwale then23:54
kerioDocScrutinizer05: maybe the latest ke-recv update is the first that had a common cause of conflicts23:54
DocScrutinizer05open a ticket23:55
kerionamely, /etc/default/mmc-mount if you had kernel-power installed23:55
DocScrutinizer05kerio: nah!23:55
DocScrutinizer05there are dozen of users messing with their scripts and shit23:55
DocScrutinizer05whatnot else23:56
keriothose are *never*23:56
keriothose are *never* modified by packages23:56
kerionothing ships (or should ship, at least) files or configuration files inside /home/user/23:56
DocScrutinizer05ooh? not even when updating bash2->bash3->bash4 ?23:56
gregoain debian /usr/bin/diff is in diffutils which is an essential package, so no need for an explicit dependency. - no idea about dpkg + diff in maemo23:56
kerioDocScrutinizer05: bash3 has a "bash-setup" script that does that if you want to23:57
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kerioanyway, .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile are not tracked by dpkg in any way23:57
DocScrutinizer05open a ticket23:57
kerioshould the next busybox update by cssu include diff?23:58
DocScrutinizer05if only to close as won't-fix23:58
DocScrutinizer05we can discuss this on the ticket23:58
DocScrutinizer05obviously it's a sleeping bug23:59
DocScrutinizer05since beginning of times23:59
DocScrutinizer05either dpkg is fsckd, or dependencies and bb-b are fsckd23:59

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