IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2012-08-05

jon_ybtw, does making frame buffer built in cause a big code size increase?00:00
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kerioinclude *all* the modules! _ò/00:25
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: thanks for checking this over a long time and providing the proof for me :)00:45
keriomeh, now the full charge is 1500mAh, according to bq27k00:52
kerioit's definetely NOT00:52
kerioit's 1200 at best00:52
keriowhoops, wrong window00:53
keriofreemangordon: is the fix already in cssu-thumb?00:55
kerioor will it be soon?00:55
merlin1991kerio: whatcha talking about?00:56
keriothe pselect bug00:56
merlin1991kerio: currently every klernel has the bug00:57
kerioi should've provided a bit more context, i was reading the scrollback00:57
kerioaww :c00:57
merlin1991since even if the bug is fixed in the kernel libc isn't recompiled00:57
keriowell, cssu-thumb already has an updated glibc00:57
merlin1991libc has to be compiled with kernel headers with a the fix in order for everything to work00:57
merlin1991kerio: that's only due to the newer gcc used to build the thumb stuff00:57
kerioi see00:58
merlin1991iirc it's only libstdc++ that is updated in -thumb, though I might be wrong00:58
DocScrutinizer05while ! ./ | grep -q 'VDQ:1'; do echo 'Please charge battery! Use fastcharger!'; sleep 60; done; echo -e '\n\nNow stopping bme and discharging battery to lower limit.\nYou will not want to draw extreme power to speed that up too much, since it will spoil calibration.\n\nCharging will resume automatically once battery got discharged, please keep fastcharger connected!'; stop bme; sleep 30; while ./ | grep -q 'EDV1:00:59
DocScrutinizer050'; do ./|grep 'TTF:'; sleep 10; done; ./; echo '************* RESUMING CHARGING *************'; start bme; sleep 10; stop bme; sleep 2; start bme; echo 'Please let device charge completely now to complete learning cycle!'00:59
kerioDocScrutinizer05: that would require leaving the n900 plugged in at all times01:00
DocScrutinizer05kerio: just testing ^^^this now, since I need a learning cycle anyway01:01
DocScrutinizer05kerio: yes, so what?01:01
keriowell, i kinda have to use it01:01
kerioand go to the beach and stuff01:01
DocScrutinizer05sure thing, and when it reaches EDV1 you run for charger01:02
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keriobut it says "please keep fastcharger connected"!01:03
merlin1991kerio: "beach", where do you live?01:05
keriomerlin1991: rome, but i'm at my holiday house01:05
keriostill italy, but near the sea01:05
DocScrutinizer05kerio: this "script" is for lazy people that like to calibrate overnight01:06
kerioi see01:06
merlin1991kerio: dang I should have known that earlier, I was in rome a year ago01:06
merlin1991I still heaven't met a single soul of this channel personally which I find kinda sad personally01:07
DocScrutinizer05kerio: ideally you should find your N900 in perfect condition, charged and calibrated, when you awake in the morning01:07
kerioi could do that01:07
keriomerlin1991: well, a year ago i wasn't this involved with the n900 community01:07
kerioi still had my old one, with a broken usb port01:08
DocScrutinizer05only precondition: make screen backlight stay always on and level501:08
kerio(my only phone, i couldn't risk bricking it by doing silly stuff)01:08
kerioDocScrutinizer05: hm, why?01:08
kerioalso, won't bme turn it off?01:08
DocScrutinizer05otherwise it doesn't discharge in one night01:08
kerio(the backlight)01:08
kerioi see01:08
keriowell i can just turn it screen-side down01:08
kerioshould the cell radio be on?01:08
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: what do you think of a kind of cssu get together some day?01:08
DocScrutinizer05nice idea, though I'm afraid somebody will beat me up (or I feel the urge to do that to somebody ;-P)01:09
keriocssu cage match between doc and estel!01:09
keriothe one that survives decides the future of cssu01:10
DocScrutinizer05kerio: nope, future of CSSU got already decided on01:10
DocScrutinizer05always been01:10
keriobut i wanted to see a cage match :c01:10
kerioot: hmm, apparently an "iphonehigh" stream only takes like 28kb/s01:11
merlin1991kerio: as long as estel does not have critical mass for all of his ideas inside the cssu team, cssu will stay almost as business as usual01:11
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: would you like to verify :01:11
DocScrutinizer05while ! ./ | grep -q 'VDQ:1'; do echo 'Please charge battery! Use fastcharger!'; sleep 60; done; echo -e '\n\nNow stopping bme and discharging battery to lower limit.\nYou will not want to draw extreme power to speed that up too much, since it will spoil calibration.\n\nCharging will resume automatically once battery got discharged, please keep fastcharger connected!'; stop bme; sleep 30; while ./ | grep -q 'EDV1:01:11
DocScrutinizer050'; do ./|grep 'TTF:'; sleep 10; done; ./; echo '************* RESUMING CHARGING *************'; start bme; sleep 10; stop bme; sleep 2; start bme; echo 'Please let device charge completely now to complete learning cycle!'01:11
keriohe would have critical mass if he killed everyone else :D01:11
kerioDocScrutinizer05: i'm actually going to try01:12
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: 0.75 L of white wine say I don't want to :D01:12
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: c&p ;-P01:12
kerioDocScrutinizer05: shellscript or gtfo01:12
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: no n900 here, and since you're the black magic master of shellscripts in here I'm not so sure if I can find any errors by simply reading through it :D01:13
DocScrutinizer05well, wait a while, I'll prolly publish 'proper scriptie' tomorrow01:15
keriobut i'm going to sleep right now!01:15
kerioactually, the battery is almost empty right now01:15
kerioand i don't know if there's enough time for it to charge, discharge and charge again01:15
kerio(it's only got 9 hours and a half, or something like that01:16
keriowill it be enough?01:17
keriohm, what does it mean to screw up the calibration?01:19
kerioisn't power consumption tracked accurately01:19
DocScrutinizer05kerio: here you are:
kerioi'm probably not going to use it right now, though01:20
keriothere's not enough time!01:21
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DocScrutinizer05I could've had a piss during the time I prepared that one specially for you01:21
kerioyou could've peed at the same time01:22
keriodon't blame me for your lack of multitasking01:22
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: do you think 9 hours are enough for an almost-charge, a discharge with no extra consumption and another charge?01:23
kerioalso, won't the phone reboot once you restart bme?01:23
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DocScrutinizer05you need extra consumption to drain it 'fast'ish01:23
DocScrutinizer05like backlight on01:24
kerioaww, this dude i'm watching botched a star in super mario 64 and now he's 35 seconds over the WR :c01:24
DocScrutinizer05TTF: 65535 minutes TTE: 168 minutes01:24
DocScrutinizer05TTF: 65535 minutes TTE: 165 minutes01:24
kerioDocScrutinizer05: won't bme reset the phone because of the voltage?01:26
DocScrutinizer05so if anybody likes to do a review:  much appreciated01:26
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK_: ^^^01:26
kerioDocScrutinizer05: reset the backlight brightness01:26
keriowhenever you start/stop bme01:27
kerioDocScrutinizer05: perhaps it's better to use to charge afterwards?01:27
keriobme is a fickle bitch01:28
DocScrutinizer05for now I wanna know if it works at all (pissed it ;-D)01:28
kerioin theory, it works01:28
DocScrutinizer05IOW I wrote it down from top of my head, not even checked it twicce01:28
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DocScrutinizer05and I'm not completely sure if I picked the correct "triggers" in grep 'trigger'01:29
DocScrutinizer05neither I'm sure if it is semantically correct beyond mere syntax check in mcedit01:30
DocScrutinizer05for all I know it *should* work and even catch EDV before device shuts down, and restart charging01:30
DocScrutinizer05I'm not entirely sure if all that results in a valid learning cycle though01:31
DocScrutinizer05again, it should. For all I recall about that stuff01:32
kerioDocScrutinizer05: well, it would be better to i2cget the values you want01:34
keriobut the process is sensible01:34
kerioare you sure that stopping bme will halt any kind of charging?01:35
DocScrutinizer05no, it's best unix practice to reuse existing tools/filters01:35
DocScrutinizer05kerio: yes01:35
kerioand grep the hell out of everything? ew01:35
DocScrutinizer05kerio: I had to create some CPU load to discharge battery anyway ;-P01:36
keriowhy does using a lot of power screw up the calibration, btw?01:36
DocScrutinizer05battery goes down too quickly01:36
DocScrutinizer05it needs several seconds at the edge between EDV1 and total brownout01:37
kerioyeah but there's plenty of time between EDV1 and actual brownout01:37
keriothere's a lot less time between EDV1 and bme rebooting01:37
DocScrutinizer05you'd be amazed01:37
keriobut there's no problem if you use :)01:37
DocScrutinizer05also about your capacity of otherwise good cells when discharged at 1C01:37
keriomeh, when i calibrate i enable offline mode, shut down everything and leave the screen on at low brightness01:38
kerio(once i get close to 3200mV01:38
DocScrutinizer05(bme / i'm using neither, since we DIScharge ;-P01:38
keriough, mismatched parenthesis)01:38
kerioi meant afterwards01:38
kerioanyway, going to sleep01:39
keriocya guys01:39
DocScrutinizer05going to have a shower01:39
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ShadowJK_DocScrutinizer; charging completely after discharge is not necessary07:37
ShadowJK_and you probably want to grep for TTE07:38
ShadowJK_oh, they're on same line07:38
ShadowJK_kerio; I calibrate at a "normal" load, something like 300mA when reaching 3248mV07:39
ShadowJK_Against that calibration, lighter loads will run longer, and heavier loads might suddenly jump from 10% to 6% at the end07:40
ShadowJK_depending on how good/worn the battery is07:40
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kerioShadowJK_: hm09:54
keriowon't 300mA for 15s make bme shut down the phone, though?09:54
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DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK_: right, last message is BS12:17
DocScrutinizer05kerio: bme won't do anything, it's stopped12:18
DocScrutinizer05kerio: and while mine made some funny noise on starting it again after finishing calib cycle at EDV1, it still started charging right away and did NOT shut down, as you can see in
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: hm14:09
keriostill, charge21 is cooler14:10
DocScrutinizer05cooler than what?14:10
keriothan bme14:10
DocScrutinizer05one thing's for sure, YOU are lame! ;-) otherwise you'd rename (or symlink) to bme if you like it so much14:11
kerioi'm waiting for pali to release the userland for his charging module14:11
DocScrutinizer05I'm not interested in what you're waiting for14:12
kerioyou're mean :(14:12
* DocScrutinizer05 heads out for another coffee, since IRC once again has negativism as an answer to contribution14:12
kerioanyway, i suppose that enabling bme *right after* edv1 turns on would make it work14:13
DocScrutinizer05dafaq it does, I tested it14:13
kerioyou tested it once14:13
DocScrutinizer05and you?14:13
keriostill 0, will probably test it this night14:14
DocScrutinizer05btw what makes you think I tested that all *once*? :-o14:14
keriotwice? thrice?14:15
DocScrutinizer05I'm fuzzing with bq27200, bq24150 and bme since, err >2 years now14:15
kerioi meant that script14:15
DocScrutinizer05oh yeah, my very first script I wrote in my life14:15
DocScrutinizer05"did you use THAT VERY '1' for your last time you calculated '1+1=2'?"14:16
DocScrutinizer05kerio: look, I'm "the master of charging and boostmode", and I wrote that script off top of my head and it worked instantly on first shot, not even a typo, just a nonsensical final echo "BS message"14:22
DocScrutinizer05and I tested it and it worked14:22
DocScrutinizer05what else got you to critisize?14:22
DocScrutinizer05kerio: since I wrote that whole script just for you:14:25
DocScrutinizer05[2012-08-04 23:31:47] <kerio> no, i'm talking about bq2720014:25
DocScrutinizer05[2012-08-04 23:31:55] <kerio> here's a guide14:25
DocScrutinizer05I thought I'd get a tad better words than "meh, bme is lame!"14:25
DocScrutinizer05if you're too lame to tell me you want to use it for, then oh my not me to blame14:27
DocScrutinizer05I'd write same script for in same time, and it works same way14:27
DocScrutinizer05btw you should check for most recent version before using it14:41
* DocScrutinizer05 still shakes head about how and why bme would shut down device rather than starting to charge immediately, when started at low battery and charger plugged in14:43
DocScrutinizer05would probably result in really nasty deadlock when plugging in a shutdown device with flat battery, as bme on getting started would immediately shut it down again, thus stopping charging before it began14:45
BCMMhas transitions.ini moved or something? my /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini has forcerotation = 0 but i still need to lock landscape mode to stop it rotating things like camera-ui14:46
BCMM... naturally, i can't reproduce this behaviour now taht i've typed it in to IRC14:47
DocScrutinizer05forcedrotation is not allow-gui-rotate14:47
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: ?14:47
DocScrutinizer05frankly camera-ui down't need any forcing to rotate14:47
BCMMforcedrotation rotates apps that don't mark their windows as rotatable, unless they are on hte blacklist, right?14:47
DocScrutinizer05something like that14:48
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: wait, camera-ui (cssu version) rotates of its own accord?14:48
DocScrutinizer05camera in cssu-t is nikocam that probably does mark window as rotating14:48
BCMMwhy would it do that?14:48
BCMMalso, fcamera has had the same problem14:49
DocScrutinizer05because it's written like that14:49
DocScrutinizer05so what was your question?14:49
DocScrutinizer05why forcedrotation=0 doesn't stop apps from rotating? because it's not defined to do that14:49
BCMMi *think* that non-rotating apps have been (intermitently) rotating as if forced14:50
BCMMincluding apps that are on my blacklist14:50
DocScrutinizer05well, I don't use blacklist since I hate rotation14:50
DocScrutinizer05I use gui-can-rotate=0 (or similar)14:51
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: what's that do? landscape lock?14:51
DocScrutinizer05so for details you better ask somebody else14:51
DocScrutinizer05yes, basically landscape lock14:51
BCMMalso, my tile_font entry doesn't seem to be honoured, so I was wondering if it didn't like my transitions.ini in general14:51
DocScrutinizer05quite possible, transitions.ini has changed a bit14:52
BCMMwell i'll start again from the default version and edit again i guess14:52
DocScrutinizer05good plan14:52
DocScrutinizer05also see changelog and faq and features wiki14:52
BCMMis that what transitions.ini.dpkg-dist in the same directory is?14:52
merlin1991BCMM: start with as a base14:53
BCMMhmm. then what is the dpk or apt command to restore default configs?14:53
BCMMmerlin1991: ah, thanks. will do!14:54
BCMMuh, if that's from git, won't it be for a potentially newer version that what i have?14:54
merlin1991nope, there have been no changes to it in ages14:54
BCMMmerlin1991: is it actually maintained?14:55
BCMMcause i've had a way to trigger a hildon-desktop crash for ages14:55
merlin1991well arcean still hacks on hildon-desktop, but there were no changes on the transistion.ini since quite some time14:55
merlin1991BCMM: and where is the friggin bug report about that?14:55
merlin1991those are things we'd like to know :D14:56
BCMMmerlin1991: i'll look it up14:56
BCMMmerlin1991: it may not have helped that somebody else had already posted it, but really vaguely14:56
BCMMnot quite vaguely enough for it to be sensible to make a new bug instead of commenting14:56
* merlin1991 did go over *all* bugs against cssu at some point in time, but does not remember a vague bug about h-d crashing14:57
povbotBug 12266: hildon-desktop crashes when switching from fullscreen application to notification14:57
BCMMi believe that the title is inaccurate as explained by my comment14:57
BCMMit dates back to MHD before there was a CSSU version of HD14:58
merlin1991hm atm firefox is not showing the page :/14:58
keriomerlin1991: expired ssl cert14:59
merlin1991kerio: nah that ain't the problem, silly firefox took 2 minutes to load the page14:59
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BCMMmerlin1991: basically, when you have set gconf key /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/ctrl_backspace_in_tasknav to make ctrl-backspace work like alt-tab, then you try to use that with a notification window up (e.g. sms), HD crashes every time14:59
merlin1991how the fuck did that bug get past me15:01
DocScrutinizer05hah, nice15:01
DocScrutinizer05never ran into it, while I too use ctrl-bs like that15:02
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: did you just manage to reproduce it?15:02
* merlin1991 blames bugzilla15:02
DocScrutinizer05never occured to me to use it while notifier shows15:02
DocScrutinizer05not yet tried15:02
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: heh, you need to get a mobile provider who spams SMS with special offers and stuff then.15:02
DocScrutinizer05BCMM: which type of notifier are we talking about? the temporary one, or the multiline interactive one?15:03
BCMMi'm often multi-window browsing with notification i don't want to deal with yet up15:03
merlin1991oh, I know why15:03
merlin1991it's files as severity enhancement15:03
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: i don't know what you mean by hte latter15:03
infobotmerlin1991 meant: it's filed as severity enhancement15:03
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: but i mean the sort of thing you get for an sms15:03
DocScrutinizer05as WUT?15:03
kerionot crashing is definetely an enhancement15:04
BCMMwhere the top left button lights up and there is a "window" on the switcher15:04
DocScrutinizer05hmm, my last sms just left a blinking white square upper left15:04
BCMMuh, i just tried to reproduce it and it didn't crash...15:04
BCMMthat's a first15:04
BCMMsorry, maybe it got quitely fixed15:04
DocScrutinizer05I'll try to reproduce it15:05
BCMMthis time it just "alt-tabbed" between the real windows i had open and ignored the notification15:05
* DocScrutinizer05 sends sms to self :-/15:05
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: woah, i'm stupid, i've been asking my network for my allowance15:05
DocScrutinizer05ok, so I won't send that sms15:05
BCMMdidn't occur to me to text self15:05
BCMMi haven't tested it in a while since i'm just in hte habit of not using alt-tab when there is an "active" task-switch button15:06
BCMMbut this is the first time it hasn't killed HD15:06
BCMMjust rebooting in case having restarted h-d to apply transitions made a difference15:07
BCMMit really isn't crashing for SMS notifications any more. sorry.15:10
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merlin1991BCMM: I'll try it when I get back home, but if nobody can reproduce it anymore I'll close the bug report as "works for me"15:11
BCMMi wonder how long i've been being careful about alt-tab for for no reason...15:13
BCMMi'll just test with some other notifications15:13
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: shall I close ticket?15:14
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: wait a bit15:14
merlin1991it might be that it works sometimes15:14
DocScrutinizer05BCMM: could you post a comment according to "WFM now"?15:14
merlin1991I hate bugs like #12631 the original reporter provided a lot of information, I traced down the problem, we fixed it and now when it's time to confirm the "fixed" he isn't around anymore15:15
DocScrutinizer05"closing since OP not around. Reopen if due"15:15
merlin1991hm I wonder if I've put anybody on 1260115:16
DocScrutinizer05what's wrong with povbot?15:16
DocScrutinizer05bug 1263115:16
povbotBug MonoDevelop app broken after update cssu15:16
merlin1991bug like #1263115:17
merlin1991bug like 1263115:17
merlin1991seems it only triggers on bug $x15:17
DocScrutinizer05bugs 1234515:17
merlin1991bug 1234515:17
povbotBug Miniature's i18n is missing15:17
DocScrutinizer05bug #1234515:17
merlin1991oh not even with #15:17
DocScrutinizer05bug #1234815:17
povbotBug Miniature for MeeGo CE doesn't show TextField15:17
DocScrutinizer05povbot is semi-intelligent15:18
povbotDocScrutinizer05: Error: "is" is not a valid command.15:18
DocScrutinizer05only SEMI ;-)15:18
DocScrutinizer05bug #1234515:19
DocScrutinizer05ooh that long?15:19
DocScrutinizer05bug #1234615:19
povbotBug Miniature needs a proper repository15:19
DocScrutinizer05anyway needs " bug "15:19
DocScrutinizer05" bugs " obviously doesn't work15:19
DocScrutinizer05back to 1263115:20
DocScrutinizer05LOLWUT? * Assertion at mini-arm.c:2881, condition `thumb_supported' not met15:22
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: that was because mono loaded the osso-gnome-vfs lib (which was thumb) but realized by itself that it can not run thumb on our kernel15:23
merlin1991which in turn made the assert fail15:23
DocScrutinizer05mono is great, isn't it (me heads out puking a bit)15:24
kerioDocScrutinizer05: was your n900 in offline mode when you did the calibration with your script?15:31
kerioalso, is it intended for the notification led to turn on like during flatbat recovery?15:36
kerio(nothing in the userland side handling the charging)15:37
DocScrutinizer05will go away in short time15:38
kerioi see15:38
DocScrutinizer05though I admit I could handle that closer15:38
DocScrutinizer05the script been an initial proof of concept that 'just worked'15:39
keriowhat turns that led on, btw?15:39
DocScrutinizer05since you requested a script *immediately* "ptherwise won't happen"15:39
DocScrutinizer05bq24150 chip will enable steady amber (under certain circumstances)15:40
kerioi request a bugatti veyron immediately!15:40
kerioand i'm still not convinced that turning on bme won't make my phone shutdown (because bme is stupid)15:41
kerio(and my battery is kinda awful)15:41
kerioanyway, TTE: 166 minutes15:41
DocScrutinizer05[2012-08-05 13:43:34] * DocScrutinizer05 still shakes head about how and why bme would shut down device rather than starting to charge immediately, when started at low battery and charger plugged in15:41
DocScrutinizer05[2012-08-05 13:45:16] <DocScrutinizer05> would probably result in really nasty deadlock when plugging in a shutdown device with flat battery, as bme on getting started would immediately shut it down again, thus stopping charging before it began15:41
keriohold on, "would probably"?15:42
kerioisn't flatbat recovery made *because* that situation would arise?15:42
DocScrutinizer05flatbat emergency charging made for bme even starting eventually15:43
DocScrutinizer05not to cure bme shutting down device15:43
DocScrutinizer05which would definitely lead to a bootloop15:44
kerioyeah but in theory flatbat emergency charging would bring the battery up to a level where bme won't complain15:44
DocScrutinizer05flatbat emergency charging would bring the battery up to a level where system can start15:45
DocScrutinizer05that's way below the level where bme complains15:45
* DocScrutinizer05 has delusions of an UPS built by kerio, that when mains returns shuts down PC since "power been away before"15:47
kerioit's the only way to be sure!15:47
DocScrutinizer05bme is a C*H*A*R*G*E*R15:47
DocScrutinizer05when started it begins to *charge*, not shuts down system15:48
keriohmm, perhaps it's hald-addon-bme that does stuff like that?15:48
keriothere's definetely *something* that shuts down the system gracefully when the battery is too low15:48
DocScrutinizer05NOBODY does stuff like that15:48
DocScrutinizer05since it would result in every single N900 deadlocked in bootloop15:49
DocScrutinizer05kerio: whatever shuts down system when battery too low ONLY does that when NOT IN CHARGING MODE15:49
DocScrutinizer05otherwise low battery was fatal15:50
DocScrutinizer05every single time15:50
DocScrutinizer05logic, watson, mere logic!15:50
DocScrutinizer05btw the steady amber gets reset by bq24150 watchdog eventually15:53
DocScrutinizer05or by Vbat >> Vbat-end for emergency charge15:53
DocScrutinizer05since emergency charge stops at iirc 3.7V and we shut down bme (which causes emergency charge and amber initially) at only 100% charged battery which is ~4.2V and thus >> 3.7V15:55
keriohmm... not really, i started the script when the battery was already more than halfway discharged15:57
keriobut bq27k reports "discharging"15:57
kerio(amber light still on)15:57
DocScrutinizer05kerio: umm, charging battery is only needed for setting VDQ:116:22
BCMMmerlin1991, DocScrutinizer05: managed to reproduce the bug this time16:23
DocScrutinizer05if your bq27200 already started a learning cycle (VDQ:1), it's not necessary to charge prior to discharging until EDV1:116:24
BCMMi have the calander and two browser windows open, and an email notification16:24
kerioyeah, but the emergency charge won't stop due to high voltage16:24
DocScrutinizer05BCMM: then maybe attach proper detailed(!) "how to reproduce" to ticket16:24
BCMMand when i press ctrl-backspace, h-d dies every time when i release ctrl16:24
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: my comment on the bug basically is that16:24
BCMMit's always worked for me before today16:25
DocScrutinizer05kerio: DADAAADADAAA you spotted a flaw in my script16:25
DocScrutinizer05kerio: even worse: the charging by emergency-charge my invalidate the learning-cycle16:25
DocScrutinizer05kerio: thanks!16:26
BCMMhuh, h-d isn't respawning16:27
BCMMi thought the watchdog was supposed to trigger a reboot, not just leave me with no WM16:28
DocScrutinizer05kerio: bq24150 will stop emergency charging anyway after ~30min, but you need to keep device power consumption above charging current delivered by bq24150 during that time, otherwise battery gets intermittent discharge (or rather charge) that will invalidate the whole learning cycle16:28
DocScrutinizer05BCMM: err, yes16:28
DocScrutinizer05until dsme decides it respawned too fast too often, when cssu should open a xterm rather than rebooting device hard16:29
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DocScrutinizer05err, fuzzy as always. DSME supposed to restart H-D several times16:30
BCMMwhat's the use opening an xterm if there is no WM and some other window just ends up in front?16:30
DocScrutinizer05until finally DSME reboots (stock) resp opens xterm (CSSU)16:30
kerioDocScrutinizer05: whew, apparently backlight at level 5 + crappy 3g reception is enough to consume more than the emergency charge can provide :D16:31
DocScrutinizer05since there's no WM you usually can't start new apps after xterm start, so xterm window should be on top16:31
BCMMDocScrutinizer05: yep, can reproduce the crash now. i have an email notification up, and any attempt to use the task switcher crashes h-d16:32
BCMMmy comment on the bug is the best i cna do for steps to reproduce, no idea why it failed earlier16:32
kerioBCMM: not enough windows open, maybe?16:34
BCMMkerio: i can do it with just one, or none16:36
BCMMwith none, it crashes on starting the switcher, not on exiting16:36
BCMMi don't knnow if it makes a difference that it's a multiple email notification16:36
merlin1991BCMM: I'll get arcean on it when I get a hold of him16:47
DocScrutinizer05kerio: could yu please post result of "which i2cget"?16:50
BCMMmerlin1991: thx16:50
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: you? ^^^16:51
kerioDocScrutinizer05: ""16:51
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: no n900 here till tonight16:51
keriothe output of "sudo which i2cget" is "/usr/sbin/i2cget"16:51
DocScrutinizer05umm, thanks to both16:51
kerioit's installed with bnf16:51
kerioi think16:51
kerioor something16:52
merlin1991kerio: you can check the package with "dpkg-query -S /usr/sbin/i2cget"16:52
keriohm, no it's not bnf16:52
keriomerlin1991: ty16:52
kerioanyway, DocScrutinizer05++16:54
keriothe script still worked16:54
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: meanwhile you might want to download fixed version16:54
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keriowhat did you fix?16:54
kerioi downloaded it two hours ago or something16:55
DocScrutinizer05reset bq24150 to stop emergency charging16:55
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keriolink again plskthx16:55
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kerioanyway, the package is i2c-tools16:55
kerio(for i2cget and i2cset)16:56
DocScrutinizer05patched again, please redownload ;-)16:57
kerioDocScrutinizer05: there's still no pali-like brightness restore :c16:59
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DocScrutinizer05there is joerg brightness restore16:59
DocScrutinizer05but commented out16:59
keriorestarting mce is carpet bombing!16:59
kerioresetting the brightness level is like sniping17:01
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: now it occurs to me - how did you manage to start the script *after* plugging in charger and still have VDQ:1 ?17:04
keriono, i started it before :)17:05
DocScrutinizer05well, I hope the new command I inserted to disable charger chip will fix the issue reliably17:07
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DocScrutinizer05you might want to recheck massively edited
kerioDocScrutinizer05: hmm, how do you completely stop the charging *before* the user has plugged in the wallcharger?17:26
keriowon't the flatbat recovery start, if the user connects the wallcharger after you reset bq24k?17:27
DocScrutinizer05I hope to achieve that ny sending "disable" command to bq2415017:27
keriowill bme reenable it correctly afterwards?17:27
kerioShadowJK_: ping17:27
DocScrutinizer05I'm not sure if chip won't enter reset with charging enabled nevertheless, after 32s watchdog times out17:27
ShadowJK_I would expect it to reset after either 32s or 32m17:28
DocScrutinizer05any I2C command enters 32s mode17:29
DocScrutinizer05I probably should check for VDQ:1 during discharge, and abort and quit when VDQ:017:31
DocScrutinizer05I as well could keep bq24150 from resetting, by tickling watchdog ;-)17:32
DocScrutinizer05said, done17:32
* ShadowJK_ checks results of charging at 55017:33
DocScrutinizer05kerio: ShadowJK_please recheck
kerioi like how i've suddenly become a battery chip expert17:35
kerioDocScrutinizer05: still the carpet bombing thing, huh17:36
ShadowJK_9075 seconds to full at 550. 6657 at 95017:36
DocScrutinizer05I send /usr/sbin/i2cset -y 2 0x6b 0x01 0xcc   every 10s now17:36
DocScrutinizer05according to ShadowJK_'s script which I ruthlessly use to save me from reading datasheet, this disables charger17:37
* kerio can't find any obvious problems17:37
kerioapart from the fact that you're spamming the i2c bus17:37
DocScrutinizer05that's what it's made for17:38
DocScrutinizer05:shrug: again17:38
DocScrutinizer05  # Disable charger for configuration:17:38
DocScrutinizer05  i2cset -y 2 0x6b 0x01 0xcc # No limit, 3.4V weak threshold, enable term, charger disable17:38
DocScrutinizer05(C) ShadowJK_17:38
DocScrutinizer05I'm way too lazy to bit-AND the shit myself17:39
DocScrutinizer05from that datasheet17:39
ShadowJK_enable termination charger disable, no input carge current limit, 3.4V weak battery threshold17:40
DocScrutinizer05sounds sane enough for the intended purpose17:41
DocScrutinizer05actually a funny problem to disable emergency charging17:42
DocScrutinizer05not really something you usually want to accomplish17:42
DocScrutinizer05not even a documented function afaik17:43
DocScrutinizer05since it's quite a pathological state for charger chip17:44
ShadowJK_you just do it like bme, set disable charger bit. then tickle watchdog17:46
DocScrutinizer05hmm, when exactly is bme doing that?17:50
DocScrutinizer05and for what purpose?17:50
ShadowJK_when charger is unplugged17:51
DocScrutinizer05duh, it should STFU then17:51
ShadowJK_before determining rate of charge after plugging in17:51
DocScrutinizer05mhm, that's sane, yes17:51
ShadowJK_If you don't atleast tickle wd you get the orange bright led immediately when user plugs in charger too17:52
DocScrutinizer05:nod: that is what I'm about to fix17:52
DocScrutinizer05well, so I suppose I could sent watchdog tickle instead/in-addition to the 10s each 0xcc17:54
DocScrutinizer05aka i2cset -y 2 0x6b 0x01 0xcc # No limit, 3.4V weak threshold, enable term, charger disable17:54
DocScrutinizer05not sure though if watchdog is supposed to kick in when constant I2Cset comand to config register happens17:55
* DocScrutinizer05 frowns17:55
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: by the way, are you sure that not advising for offline mode is a good idea?18:30
keriowhat if a call comes in?18:30
DocScrutinizer05so what? then a call comes in18:31
DocScrutinizer05how's that different from you being on the road?18:31
keriovoltage drop and stuff18:31
kerioi meant during the discharge part, where we leave the n900 almost empty18:31
DocScrutinizer05still meh18:31
DocScrutinizer05what desaster could happen?18:32
keriophone shuts down before calibration ends D:18:33
DocScrutinizer05but you're free to go offline if you're that concerned18:37
kerioDocScrutinizer05: instead of doing nothing or resetting the brightness by restarting mce, your script could lock the screen18:44
jonwilyeah, trigger the same thing as the lock flick button does18:44
DocScrutinizer05I frankly like it the way it is18:48
DocScrutinizer05for charging the backlight off makes sense anyway, and mce restarts creates that uebercool fade in effect on screen18:49
DocScrutinizer05why bother about even more different methods?18:50
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kerioso there's a visual indication of the charging happening19:03
kerio(blinking amber led/solid green led)19:03
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DocScrutinizer05you're free to imlement it19:20
DocScrutinizer05but there won't as according to my recommendations you've set backlight to always-on & level5, mind you?19:21
keriowell, it's just an extra line of dbus something19:21
kerioDocScrutinizer05: yes, the backlight is always-on and level 519:21
keriobut it still turns off if you lock the screen :)19:21
kerioi mean, manually19:21
* DocScrutinizer05 shrugs19:22
DocScrutinizer05restarting mce seems to cure all that19:23
keriono, i mean19:23
keriowith everything working properly, and with the status area applet set to level 5 and always on, you can still lock the screen with the slide button or the power key19:24
DocScrutinizer05why would I do that?19:24
kerioyou could do that programmatically once the calibration ends19:25
kerioand the charging starts19:25
DocScrutinizer05what for?19:25
keriobecause why not19:25
keriodbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/mce/request string:"locked"19:25
kerioit's a script you're meant to run before going to sleep anyway19:25
DocScrutinizer05I'm not going to sleep, I'm going out for dinner now ;-P19:27
keriowithout your phone? :O19:27
DocScrutinizer05honestly, why remove some sort of 'logging' indicator by overriding it to a faked 'normal' behaviour?19:27
* DocScrutinizer05 starts to wonder where from kerio gets all those random assumptions19:28
DocScrutinizer05for example what makes you think I'd leave home without my phone?19:29
DocScrutinizer05honestly, what makes you say that? I can't see anything I mentioned that would suggest I'd do19:31
keriowell, you said "i'm not going to sleep, i'm going out for dinner" as if to imply that you were going to run your script to calibrate bq27k while you were going out for dinner19:32
DocScrutinizer05I already run that once, no need to do that again ;-)19:36
DocScrutinizer05after all it's a low-risk deployment that doesn't need triple check prior to each rollout19:37
DocScrutinizer05esp with a few silly edits that are just c&p19:37
DocScrutinizer05I'm self confident that it 'just works'19:38
DocScrutinizer05and if it doesn't, you'll tell me ;-P19:38
DocScrutinizer05btw you forgot to hit the thanks button over at tmo19:39
kerioi also forgot to make a tmo account19:39
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DocScrutinizer05that explains this19:39
keriohi infobot ^_^19:39
DocScrutinizer05wb infobot19:39
infobotthanks, kerio19:39
infobot- Uptime for infobot -19:40
infobotNow: 1m 48s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux19:40
infobot1: 59d 8h 41m 19s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Sun Nov 14 18:39:57 201019:40
infobot2: 57d 3h 9m 23s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Fri Jun 26 20:39:27 200919:40
infobot3: 36d 20h 47m 14s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Tue Aug  4 17:38:59 200919:40
DocScrutinizer05tim busy19:40
keriook, registered19:43
keriook, thanked19:45
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DocScrutinizer05haha, nice comment applicable to pushing leet stuff into cssu while it's not at all needed there:20:06
DocScrutinizer05sanshiro's reply:20:06
DocScrutinizer05Fanboy insecurities on full display: s/he needs other people (everybody if possible) to like what s/he likes. IF not, s/he goes on the offensive.20:06
DocScrutinizer05When you grow up, you will be able to use/buy things and enjoy them without such worries.20:06
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