IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2012-06-11

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Estel_freemangordon,  You've opened thumb season. Whats now, for "normal" testers like me?01:15
Estel_i.e. should we get involved now, or not yet?01:15
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freemangordonEstel_: seems -mp package is missing, otherwise it should be ready for "normal" testers02:10
freemangordonwill try to upload it tomorrow02:10
merlin1991doc is going to love this:
freemangordonmerlin1991: yeah02:39
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Estel_no problem, I can ask when busybox-power will be included in CSSU02:52
Estel_he will get so berseker, that he wont even notice other posts02:52
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Lava_Crofteh what14:10
Lava_Croftoperator name widget in cssu?14:11
Lava_Croftoh boy....14:14
chem|stLava_Croft: not realy...14:19
Lava_Crofti shouldn't have spoken14:19
Lava_Croftim happy that the N9 i got a few weeks ago makes me stand a bit further from cssu drama:)14:19
Lava_Croftmy bad to even mention anything14:19
chem|stLava_Croft: it isn't the operator name widget like the program one from extras14:21
Lava_Crofti know14:21
Lava_Croftbut to be very honest, im kind of on the side of "why include extra programs"14:22
Lava_Croftbut like i said, i don't use my N900 as my main device at the moment14:22
Lava_Croftso my judgement on this isnt exactly a good one (if it could ever be;)14:22
Lava_Croftoverall im just happy that CSSU is still moving14:22
Lava_Croft(i must say that the N9 certainly is no N900 :\)14:24
chem|stwell screw it for stable!14:28
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Lava_CroftI cant just let testing stand there out in the rain14:33
chem|stno I mean that cbs widget thing is good for testing nothing else14:36
Lava_Croftoh, yeah14:37
chem|stand cbs is just useless anyway... easteregg is rotten14:37
chem|stthe top3 providers in europe do not make use of it14:38
chem|stwell telefónica uses it...14:39
Lava_Crofti just wondered why it was even included14:40
chem|stMohammadAG: why was it included?14:40
Lava_Croftbut i havent really been following CSSU stuff thats been happening :|14:40
Lava_Croftits tricky enough to follow all the harmattan stuff that goes around14:40
Lava_Crofti should stop working and just browse TMO and IRC all day14:41
MohammadAGchem|st: Ask merlin199114:41
MohammadAGAfaik it was stable according to him14:41
chem|stMohammadAG: the question is not if it is stable the question is why it is in cssu14:42
chem|stmerlin1991: ^^14:42
Lava_Croftno offense taken to it, really14:42
Lava_Croftbut i am curious14:42
Lava_Crofti can imagine a certain person going mental over it14:42
MohammadAGchem|st: It doesn't introduce regressions and doesn't show CBS by default?14:42
MohammadAGIts just an open source operator widget replacement14:43
chem|stMohammadAG: it does...14:43
MohammadAGFirst or second part?14:43
chem|stit forces to not have a custom widget14:43
chem|stand I do not have cbs available14:44
MohammadAGIt doesn't?14:44
Lava_Croftim also not very fond of how it pollutes the settings screen14:44
Lava_Croftwith its icon14:44
chem|stMohammadAG: my provider screwed it years ago so did others14:45
Lava_Croftbut, it seems latest CSSU works fine14:45
Lava_Croftmy testing these days never exceeds playing an icecast stream in OMP, and that still works!14:45
MohammadAGIt doesnt do anything to prevent a custom widget14:45
MohammadAGI'm proud of where OMP got14:46
chem|stit is on one hand another entry in my settings, with functions I never use and on the other it sacrifices the custom operator name widget I used 2 years now14:46
MohammadAGThe custom operator widget probably dies dirty moving14:46
chem|stcssu brakes the name widget14:47
MohammadAGReinstall it14:47
chem|ston cssu upgrade it asked me to unsinstall14:47
Lava_Croftthats my problem, kind of14:47
Lava_Crofti didnt have any widget for it installed14:47
Lava_Croftyet now it did14:47
MohammadAGStab whoever decided to conflict it14:47
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: any plans to add some kind of confirmation/selection screen for packages like this?14:47
Lava_Croftin future cssu releases14:48
chem|stAND it uses the same name14:48
Lava_Croftso you could for example add stuff like OMP14:48
MohammadAGThe same name as the stock widget14:48
Lava_Croftor is such stuff hardly possible with current systems14:48
chem|stthe one from extras, not the package name14:48
MohammadAGI'm pretty sure that's incorrect chem|st14:48
MohammadAGwhat's the package name14:49
chem|stit reads operator name widget in settings instead of custom op name widget14:49
chem|stthe package name has an additional cbs...14:49
MohammadAGAnd how the fuck is that the same14:49
chem|stit is missleading, as it is not custom nor name14:50
chem|stit is just cbs with logging of the same...14:50
chem|stMohammadAG: do I see package names in my settings?14:50
chem|stMohammadAG: you misunderstood14:51
chem|stthe settings read operator name widget & custom operator name widget14:51
chem|stirritating enough to call both widget...14:52
MohammadAGThe problem is?14:52
chem|stwhy does it need to uninstall the latter, and why do I have no choice?14:53
Lava_Croftthat actually might be part of the 'testing' side14:53
Lava_Croftthat its installed without really asking you14:53
MohammadAGThat's the problem of whoever wrote debian/control14:53
Lava_Crofti just would like a solution for such things, but who doesnt, i reckon14:53
MohammadAGSo ask jonwil14:53
chem|stwhy is it in cssu anyway?14:54
chem|stthat's the point14:54
chem|stif it is so smooth and stable why isn't it just in extras like anything else14:55
Lava_Croftlet's not forget to mention that the actual work that goes into it is not undervalued14:55
chem|stit is not replacing anything?!14:55
MohammadAGCause It cant be in extras14:55
MohammadAGIt is14:55
MohammadAGIt's like modified h-d14:56
DocScrutinizer05cbs-widget is a 100% candidate for cssu-optional14:56
Lava_Croftthe CBS widget is in stock maemo5?14:56
Lava_Croft(i never saw one in here)14:56
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: +114:56
Lava_CroftDocScrutinizer05: yes14:56
RaimuI have to admit to me "it pollutes my settings menu" is not a good reason for anything, but the other reasons are considerable.14:56
Lava_CroftRaimu: i think it is14:56
chem|stMohammadAG: so why is there a custom operator name widget then?14:56
Lava_Croftthere wasnt an icon for it before, but now there is14:57
Lava_Croftand it adds zero functionality for me14:57
MohammadAGThe operator name widget is stock14:57
MohammadAGIt doesn't allow changing text14:57
merlin1991gotta love the rage14:58
Lava_Croftno rage over here, just curiosity :)14:58
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Lava_Croftanyone raging over CSSU should have its head examined14:58
merlin1991also the "other" name widgets are done the bad way (TM) which shouldn't be in extras if some sense was applied14:58
RaimuPeople take their hobbies passionately. It's nothing new to mankind.14:58
merlin1991also yeah optional is  a point but no option curently14:59
Lava_Croftill just ask it one more time, because im a bit thick14:59
Lava_Croftthis operate name widget icon is present in stock maemo5?14:59
Lava_Croftsince im almost 100% sure i never ever saw it before14:59
Lava_Croftin the 2+ years im using this n900014:59
Lava_Crofter n900*14:59
MohammadAGchem|st: Your point?14:59
MohammadAGThat package does dirty stuff14:59
MohammadAGThe same as m-h-d15:00
merlin1991Lava_Croft: the icon is new15:00
Lava_Croftmerlin1991: but the functionality itself was there all along, just inaccesible?15:00
merlin1991also I think there is a gconf key to set a custom name somewhere15:00
Lava_Croftah, thats what i meant then15:00
merlin1991Lava_Croft: the functionality is all new15:00
chem|stmerlin1991: why is it needed in cssu?15:00
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Lava_Croftwell, then i guess my own feelings about not liking this extra stuff in my settings screen are justified:)15:00
Lava_Croftbut its fairly minor:)15:01
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RaimuCell broadcast reading is something that most Nokia phones have had a discrete option for selecting pretty much always.15:01
merlin1991Raimu: we have a patched stock lib to actually enable it15:01
merlin1991+ a gui to use it15:01
Lava_Croftim bad at math, but the math i do when looking at CSSU as a whole and this extra icon in the settings screen15:01
Lava_Crofti guess i can live with that15:01
merlin1991before that the complete feature was impossible15:01
Lava_Croftbut some cssu-optional would indeed be a great thing15:01
Raimumerlin1991: Yep, I recall. I tested the apparatus.15:02
chem|stmerlin1991: so the cssu part is the patched lib! for what reason is the gui in cssu?15:02
DocScrutinizer05the libsms though is clean for CSSU core15:02
DocScrutinizer05I already took the blame for not noticing that fact15:02
DocScrutinizer05(which is it introduces dependency collisions)15:02
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DocScrutinizer05MohammadAG: nope, the widget isn't like m-h-d15:02
DocScrutinizer05a system can operate without any such widget15:02
DocScrutinizer05it couldn't work without any h-d15:02
DocScrutinizer05for the lib the opposite rationale applies15:02
DocScrutinizer05plus the libsms doesn't actually change anything except fix stuff15:02
merlin1991chem|st: because the gui can not live in extras since it depends on cssu stuff and stuff in extras can't do that15:02
DocScrutinizer05Lava_Croft: there's a solution, I pushed it and merlin1991 and me already specified the design15:02
DocScrutinizer05the fuck, am I connected via GPRS now???15:03
Lava_CroftDocScrutinizer05: not just because of this icon, but because of all the other packages that could reach an audience via this cssu-optional15:03
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: the widget is 100% like m-h-d15:03
Lava_Croftthat would  be great15:03
merlin1991in the sense that the package replaces a .so form another package15:03
DocScrutinizer05ca. 50 posts in 2 seconds15:03
chem|stmerlin1991: just because of that fact I am forced to have it?15:03
merlin1991chem|st: currently there is no way to properly do "optional" inside cssu15:04
merlin1991though i'm working on that15:04
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: nope, the .so is not the widget15:08
DocScrutinizer05or is it?15:09
DocScrutinizer05anyway, it clearly is optional, as optional as e.g. screen orientation lock15:09
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: the so is the widget ;)15:10
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DocScrutinizer05pfffooooh, already expected another poststorm15:10 is the widget?15:10
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merlin1991ah wait that's the cp widget15:12 is the real one15:12
Lava_Croftwauw nice name15:13
Lava_Crofthome-item is really good15:13
merlin1991anyway I agree we should split it into 2 packages15:15
merlin1991will see to that aswell15:15
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DocScrutinizer05regarding 100% look&feel compatibility we shouldn't add a setting button to menu (the cluttering argument is valid). Regarding 100% OS compatibility it should at least try to not fsckup custom-operator-widget.15:17
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DocScrutinizer05(damn reconnects!)15:18
DocScrutinizer05anyway it being a .so doesn't already qualify it for cssu-core15:19
DocScrutinizer05regarding 100% look&feel compatibility we shouldn't add a setting button to menu (the cluttering argument is valid). Regarding 100% OS compatibility it should at least try to not fsckup custom-operator-widget.15:19
merlin1991I could care less about custom-operator-I'm-a-dirty-hack-widget but making the ui optinal fixes this as a sideeffect15:19
DocScrutinizer05we need to think about our policy and POV regarding those "dirty hacks" though. After all they got invented becuase there's been no CSSU-extras15:22
DocScrutinizer05so basically instead of bewildering those devels we should try to embrace15:23
DocScrutinizer05no reason to frown at dirty hacks that did on humble level what cssu does in a large scale15:25
DocScrutinizer05may we agree on: belongs into cssu-core. cbs-widget as well as any cleaned version of custom-oper-widget belong into cssu-extras and should migrate to there as soon as possible. And cbs-widget won't go into S until it's optional15:29
DocScrutinizer05aah chanlog tells me you already agreed :-D15:33
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lufmerlin+Ã+Ã1 ping20:07
lufmerlin1991: ping20:08
lufI hope I meet merlin1991 some day. It seems he doesn't look into archive or use some proxy bouncer.20:12
luf_freemangordon: What do you mean about curl. Keep it with same dependency or can I add krb and/or ldap dependency?20:13
lufEither krb or ldap lib has to be installed additional.20:14
lufWhat is cssu policy? :)20:15
_freemangordonluf: I am not sure I understand your question, but every piece of SF culr depends on, should be in CSSU if newer version is needed20:15
infobot_freemangordon meant: luf: I am not sure I understand your question, but every piece of SW culr depends on, should be in CSSU if newer version is needed20:15
_freemangordonCSSU must not depend on external repo20:16
lufAnd can be this libraries included into cssu? It's system libraries.20:17
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freemangordonthat is the exact purpose of CSSU20:17
freemangordonsystem libs replacement/upgrade20:18
lufI use kerberos in several places and it's pitty that default curl is without krb support.20:18
freemangordonhmm, and who will benefit if krb support is enabled?20:19
freemangordonis there any SW to use that?20:19
lufI don't know if I want to do krb/ldap upgrade :) I only want to use it in libcurl3 as dependency => it has to be included in cssu (or libcurl3 without krb/ldap support).20:19
freemangordonsounds like a candidate for cssu-extras repo to be20:20
freemangordonbut if libcurl3 depends on it, then there is no option but to include those in cssu as well20:20
freemangordonluf: it seems that these days merlin1991 is active in the evening, just hang on here, he will answer20:23
lufI can't find if something use krb. For sure it's in extras.20:24
freemangordonluf: is it a different source package?20:25
lufThe last option is to have non-krb+non-ldap libcurl3 in cssu and krb+ldap libcurl3 in extras :)20:25
freemangordonhmm, that sounds sane20:25
lufcurl is still the same it depends what I put into configure options (and into dependency).20:26
freemangordonI see20:26
lufNext option is to try to link the krb+ldap static into curl.20:27
freemangordonluf: but what is the benefit?20:32
freemangordonwho will use it?20:32
lufI don't want to lie with dependency :D20:32
lufAt least me :D20:32
freemangordonluf: but you have all the knowledge to build your own package :P20:44
freemangordonPali: ping20:45
luffreemangordon: Unfortunately you're right :)20:50
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fw190freemangordon: ping21:01
fw190see do you want me to flash and start from zero or you want to inwestigate what is wrong?21:02
fw190ps. is there a channel for thumb or I should ask here?21:06
lufmerlin1991: ping21:07
freemangordonfw190: better investigate first21:11
fw190already started flashing21:11
freemangordonfw190: could you gimme the output of uname -a21:11
fw190the phone was unusable21:12
freemangordonnot critical though21:12
fw190but I will install it again21:12
fw190in a moment21:12
freemangordonfw190: after installation?21:12
freemangordondid it flash kernel-cssu?21:12
fw190well the apps were closing21:13
freemangordonfw190: ^^^21:13
fw190hildon  wasnt working as it should21:13
fw190got disconnected21:13
Raimufreemangordon: I take it the thumb mp that emerged today just provides the things I've already installed, right?21:13
freemangordonRaimu: yep21:14
RaimuEverything has been working so far.21:14
freemangordonit is just hildon-home which is newer21:14
freemangordon(aligned to CSSU-Tv4)21:14
fw190freemangordon: I will install the thumb on a clean system and report here how things are21:16
fw190give me 15 minutes ;)21:16
freemangordonfw190: ok, don't forget to install latest CSSU-testing prior to installing -thumb21:20
fw190freemangordon: ok just had the ltest nokia update no time for T after reboot21:20
fw190ok just had the latest nokia update now time for T after reboot21:21
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freemangordonluf: did you clone CSSU curl?21:36
freemangordonluf: I think the best way to merge new curl in CSSU is to:21:37
freemangordon1. clone CSSU repo21:37
freemangordon2. fetch remote repo (wheezy or whatever)21:37
freemangordon3. apply your debian/* stuff changer21:38
freemangordon4. request a merge back to CSSU21:38
freemangordonthat way we won't lose commit history21:38
lufI already clone the curl. And prepared curl-
freemangordonluf: I dont see any clones of
freemangordonand you'd bwetter stay with the version that is in extras-devel, it is at least partially tested21:39
lufI mean clone to my notebook. Maybe I use wrong words. I know cvs and svn but not git.21:40
lufYou mean that version from wheezy is not tested? :)21:42
lufBTW I'm testing it now for two days.21:43
lufIt's few I know but ...21:43
amiconnHmm, is 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo4 okay for installation or is there something that I should wait for before upgrading (from 3.1)?21:43
freemangordonluf, I mean the version you'd based the one in extras-devel21:44
freemangordonthe same should be included in CSSU, at least for now21:44
lufI'm including it into devel, am I?21:45
freemangordonluf: WHAT?21:45
lufI prepare it better for cssu and later updates.21:46
freemangordonyou are going to put a new version in extras-devel?21:46
lufThere is no cssu-devel?21:46
freemangordonthere is21:46
lufSo I'll put it into cssu-devel.21:46
freemangordonluf, you can't, that should be done by me or merlin199121:47
freemangordonand we will want source code on gitorious first (in CSSU repo)21:47
lufYes. Ok you or merlin1991 will put the curl into cssu-devel. So what's the problem?21:47
freemangordonwhere is the source code21:47
lufIt's fully tested by debian developers. And maemo is debian at all.21:47
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freemangordonit don't work like that21:48
amiconn"Not enough power" <- Eh, what? Battery is >50%...21:48
freemangordonluf: git is easy to be used, just a several commands21:48
freemangordonsee my steps in backscroll, that is how it should happen according to me21:49
lufOk then say me how new version of curl can be used?21:49
lufgit is just series of step which lead to the same ;) Put the source into version control.21:49
freemangordonluf: but you have the history21:50
freemangordoni.e. it is better to have history in the CSSU repo whenever possible21:50
lufI'm talking about 7.25 and 7.26.21:50
freemangordonno, I am talking about 7.18.2-8maemo6+0m5+0cssu0 and 7.2521:51
lufIt's nearly no history. I tried it with 7.25 so I do more changes than necessery.21:51
freemangordonthe commits between those 2 version should be in CSSU repo on gitorious21:52
freemangordonluf: maybe I am missing something, what do you propose?21:52
freemangordoni.e. what steps21:52
lufI don't get the idea what you want and why.21:53
lufI get 7.26.0 - change the build files regarding to maemo and compile.21:53
amiconnHmm, the screen contents during upgrade scared me a bit... but it seems to have worked21:54
lufAll changes are in curl repositroy.21:54
lufWhy to duplicate the repository with all commits?21:54
amiconnExcept for my usual complaint - cssu upgrade *always* forgets to re-enable bluetooth21:54
freemangordonluf: the idea is to have the history between what is now installed with CSSU (7.18.2-8maemo6+0m5+0cssu0) and the next that will be installed (7.25-whatever-cssu-package-will-be-called)21:54
lufBTW 7.18.2-8maemo6+0m5+0cssu0 - has no specific patches related to maemo - or I don't see them.21:55
lufI will be away for 30 minutes ...21:55
freemangordonluf: because that is the procedure so far, while merlin1991 may agree on an exception21:55
freemangordonluf: ok21:55
* amiconn wonders where he can find this operator name widget21:56
amiconnThe update listed it as "to be installed", but "add widget" doesn't offer it21:56
fw190freemangordon: something is wrong- did a clean reflash, emmc + rootfs, instaled latest mameo and latest T then thumb and now when I try tu launch the terminal it hangs the system21:57
freemangordonfw190: which kernel does it boot?21:57
tadzikamiconn: it's in the settings21:57
jon-khashould uname -a still show after installation of cssu-thumb?21:57
tadzikit's not really a widget, and not really about the name21:57
freemangordonjon-kha: no, it should be
amiconnAh, thanks. In this case the naming is confusion21:58
jon-khaok, for some reason installation didn't flash the kernel21:58
fw190freemangordon: uname -r shows omap121:58
fw190freemangordon: now x term worked I could do uname -r21:59
freemangordonfw190: WTF? then it is clear why you have the problems. Could you don apt-get install kernel-cssu kernel-cssu-modules kernel-cssu-flasher21:59
infobotfreemangordon meant: fw190: WTF? then it is clear why you have the problems. Could you do apt-get install kernel-cssu kernel-cssu-modules kernel-cssu-flasher21:59
fw190and it stopped working22:00
fw190stuck again22:00
fw190ps. while instaling it dodnt tell me that new kernel will be isntalled22:00
freemangordonfw190: well, flash cssu kernel if you can22:01
freemangordonsomething is wring with the dependencies, need merlin1991 to appear to help me22:01
fw190how to do that? launching HAM or x term makes the system stuck22:02
freemangordonhmm, that is bad. re-flash :(22:02
freemangordonrootfs only22:02
freemangordonand wait until I found what is the problem22:03
amiconnHmm, no cell broadcast at T-Mobile Germany -> widget is useless22:04
fw190freemangordon: no problem I will try to run HAM once again or use x term after rebbot- if this fails I will reflash22:06
luffreemangordon: can you be more specific what git command do you mean with: fetch remote repo (wheezy or whatever)22:23
lufI think I get it :)22:32
freemangordonluf: wait for merlin1991 to appear, I think he will explain it better than me22:34
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chem|stamiconn: we discussed that earlier, we agreed that it should be optional and not base, the replacement of the name-item on the other hand is23:06
amiconnI saw that, and I'm not complaining. Just noting that it's useless for me - it doesn't bother me23:07
chem|stamiconn: for most it is useless, some geeky providers send useful info over cell broadcast23:08
chem|stfor germany, O2 uses it to notify the phones that they are in their homezone23:08
chem|stfor all others it is service without income - not interesting23:09
amiconnO2 is the only provider in germany using cell broadcast at all. D2 and T-Mobile abandoned it, and e plus never supported it in the first place23:09
chem|stthat sounds familiar... be careful with that site you have this from, some articles are very outdated23:11
amiconnWikipedia (except the e plus info)23:15
chem|stapplies for wikipedia too ;)23:16
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